cheerfullycatholic · 8 months
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“Have courage, dear heart, for there is nothing to be afraid of”
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“The kingdom of God is within you” and in images rarely seen in the Western media, members of the Iraqi Christian community marked Palm Sunday.
Just last month, Al Jazeera reported how Christians celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Deir Mar Mikhael (Monastery of Saint Michael) in Mosul, for the first time in more than 20 years!
The residents of Mosul have lived with insecurity since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. In June 2014, the city was taken by IS, which held it till July 2017.
As one resident told Al-Jazeera; “After 2003, as Christians, we used to stay at home for long periods and deliberately not go to churches and monasteries because of the bad security conditions and threats to Christians.”
When ISIL controlled Mosul, many churches and monasteries were destroyed and many are still damaged, but are undergoing reconstruction and are being assisted by fellow Christians through organisations like Aid to the Church in Need.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
The Vatican finance trial was marked last week by two very different days of testimony. One centered on fiscal data about Vatican investment projects, and the other was more like the stuff of soap operas – testimony focused on personality conflicts, conspiracy theories, and an emotional statement from Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who stood in the courtroom to accuse a witness of pursuing a vendetta against him. While the court considered the ins-and-outs of complicated financial agreements which cost the Holy See hundreds of millions of euros, it also heard a series of often-outlandish accusations leveled between some of the figures involved in the trial. In short, hearings on Jan. 12 and 13 were two very different days in the courtroom. And The Pillar knows that some readers prefer the facts about the money, while others want a Bravo-style showdown – Watch what happens! So we've decided to let you choose your own Vatican trial coverage. Whether you chose the high drama of Friday, or the financial testimony from Thursday – or even both – the Vatican financial trial remains ongoing.
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televeronl · 8 days
Bilan triennal du conseil national des Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires au Bénin
Le Conseil annuel national des Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires (OPM) se poursuit à Porto-Novo avec des moments clés de réflexion et de bilan. Ce mercredi matin, plusieurs interventions majeures ont marqué les débats, notamment les rapports triennaux des différentes branches des OPM, qui font état des progrès et des défis rencontrés dans l’œuvre missionnaire au Bénin. Lors de son intervention,…
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an-onyx-void · 4 months
Pope Francis allegedly used derogatory term for gay people
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wrcl · 9 months
Nunca se deve dialogar com o diabo, é importante guardar o coração
Mariangela Jaguraba - Vatican News
O Papa Francisco introduziu um ciclo de catequeses sobre o tema "Vícios e virtudes. Guardar o coração", na Audiência Geral desta quarta-feira (27/12), realizada na Sala Paulo VI.
Francisco partiu do "início da Bíblia, onde o livro do Gênesis, com a narrativa dos progenitores, apresenta a dinâmica do mal e da tentação". "No quadro idílico representado pelo Jardim do Éden, aparece um personagem que se torna o símbolo da tentação: a serpente. Este personagem que seduz. A serpente é um animal insidioso: ela se move lentamente, rastejando pelo chão, e às vezes não se percebe nem mesmo a sua presença, é silencioso, pois consegue se mimetizar bem com o ambiente. Sobretudo por isso é perigosa", frisou o Papa.
Presunção da Onipotência
"Ao começar a dialogar com Adão e Eva demonstra também uma dialética refinada. Começa como se faz nas fofocas maldosas, com uma pergunta maliciosa: "É verdade que Deus vos proibiu comer do fruto de toda árvore do jardim?". A frase é falsa: Deus, na realidade, ofereceu ao homem e à mulher todos os frutos do jardim, exceto os de uma árvore específica: a árvore do conhecimento do bem e do mal", disse ainda Francisco, acrescentando:
Esta proibição não pretende proibir ao homem o uso da razão, como às vezes é mal interpretada, mas é uma medida de sabedoria. Como se dissesse: reconheça o limite, não se sinta dono de tudo, porque o orgulho é o início de todos os males.
“Portanto, Deus coloca os progenitores como senhores e guardiões da criação, mas quer preservá-los da presunção da onipotência, de se tornarem senhores do bem e do mal. Que é uma tentação. Uma tentação ruim até mesmo agora. Esta é a armadilha mais perigosa para o coração humano!”
"Como sabemos, Adão e Eva não conseguiram resistir à tentação da serpente. A ideia de um Deus não tão bom, que queria mantê-los submissos, insinuou-se em suas mentes: daí o colapso de tudo", sublinhou o Pontífice.
"Com estas narrativas, a Bíblia nos explica que o mal não começa no homem de uma forma clamorosa, quando um ato já é concreto, mas muito antes, quando se começa a entreter-se com ele, a acalmá-lo na imaginação e nos pensamentos, terminando por ser enredado por suas lisonjas. O assassinato de Abel não começou com uma pedra atirada, mas com o rancor que Caim infelizmente guardava, fazendo com que ele se tornasse um monstro dentro de si. Também neste caso, as recomendações de Deus são inúteis", disse ainda o Papa.
Não dialogar com o diabo
A seguir, o Santo Padre disse que "com o diabo não se dialoga. Nunca! Não se deve discutir, nunca. Jesus nunca dialogou com o diabo. O expulsou. E no deserto com as tentações não respondeu com diálogo, simplesmente respondeu com as palavras da Sagrada Escritura. Com a palavra de Deus".
“Fiquem atentos! O diabo é um sedutor. Nunca dialogar com ele porque ele é mais esperto do que nós, e nos fará pagar. Quando vem uma tentação, não dialogar nunca, mas fechar a porta, fechar a janela, fechar o coração e assim nos defendemos dessa sedução, porque o diabo é astuto, é inteligente.”
Procurou tentar Jesus usando até mesmo citações bíblicas! Ele se tornou um grande teólogo lá. Com o diabo não se dialoga e com a tentação não devemos nos entreter. Não se dialoga. Quando vem a tentação fechemos a porta. Guardemos o coração.
Francisco disse ainda que "é preciso ser custódios do próprio coração e por isso, não dialogamos com o diabo". Segundo ele, esta "é a recomendação que encontramos em vários Padres, nos santos, guardar o coração. Devemos pedir essa graça de aprender a guardar o coração. Isso é sabedoria". "Que o Senhor nos ajude neste trabalho. Quem guarda o seu coração guarda um tesouro. Irmãos e irmãs, aprendamos a guardar o coração", concluiu.
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spokanefavs · 1 year
The Vatican is rejecting the Doctrine of Discovery and Rebecca Tallent says Indigenous people are saying 'at last'
"After 571 years, on March 30 the Vatican finally rejected its “Doctrine of Discovery.” The doctrine sanctioned the conquest, colonization and exploitation of non-Christian people and territories.
The sound from the Americas at the announcement was a collective “at last” by Indigenous people who for generations had demanded reversal of the 1452 papal bulls.
The doctrine was fully developed by a series of 15th century papal bulls and creating the doctrine was responsible of the seizure of lands, enslavement, and exploitation of Indigenous people for more than 500 years."
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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Well, someone just cost himself a role in Scream 7.
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adribosch-fan · 1 year
Francisco y la ultraderecha: el Papa se pone a sí mismo en el punto de mira de la izquierda
El pontífice viene defendiendo cosas que la izquierda tacha de «ultraderecha» Hay declaraciones del Papa Francisco que resultan incomprensibles, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta quién las está pronunciando. La crítica de Francisco a la «ultraderecha» y a la «derecha» El 31 de marzo, el medio argentino C5N publicó una entrevista del periodista izquierdista Gustavo Sylvestre con el Papa Francisco. El…
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gardeniahungma · 2 years
Vatican Supports and Upholds The Dignity of Women and Girls
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cathnews · 2 years
Vatican holds thermal shirt drive for Ukraine
Vatican holds thermal shirt drive for Ukraine
The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Service of Charity is holding a thermal shirt drive to help people in Ukraine, who are facing an energy emergency amid the war. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the pope’s almoner, says the charity office is “already stocking up” on thermal shirts for men, women and children. He is encouraging others to join the thermal shirt initiative by bringing or shipping them to…
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cheerfullycatholic · 6 months
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totallyhussein-blog · 2 years
Pope Francis calls for international solidarity with Turkey and Syria
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The Catholic News Service has reported that Pope Francis has urged all people to be in solidarity with the regions of Turkey and Syria struck by two powerful earthquakes early Feb. 6 and that are “in part already martyred by a long war.”
Pope Francis prayed for the thousands of dead and wounded at his general audience Feb. 8 and expressed his closeness to the victims, their families “and all who suffer from this devastating calamity.” The pope also thanked aid workers responding to the crisis.
Hundreds of foreign engineers, medical personnel and rescue workers have been sent to Turkey and Syria to search for people trapped under wreckage and aid the thousands without shelter in freezing winter conditions.
“Let us pray together so that these our brothers and sisters can go forth in the face of this tragedy, and let us ask Our Lady to protect them,” Pope Francis said. He then led the recitation of the Hail Mary with the thousands of visitors and pilgrims gathered for his general audience.
A variety of Catholic charitable and aid organizations are part of the relief efforts. Caritas Internationalis, the umbrella organization of national Catholic charities, immediately launched a fundraising campaign and a request for donations of winter clothing especially for infants and young children. The charity has been active in Turkey since 1991 and in Syria since 2011, primarily providing aid to refugees.
Aid to the Church in Need, a pontifical foundation that provides aid to Catholic communities worldwide, is supporting reparation projects in Aleppo, Syria, to allow people to return to their homes. The charity said an estimated 7,500 people slept in Aleppo’s churches, convents and other locations the night of Feb. 7. 
Jesuit Father Tony O’Riordan arrived in Aleppo, Syria, Feb. 7 to lead Jesuit Refugee Service’s response to the crisis. In a statement, he said JRS’ priority is to reopen its health clinic in Aleppo and help protect people against the cold. The Jesuits have also opened their building in Aziziyé to host people without shelter.
The Middle East Council of Churches is calling for aid to be sent to the region, and for sanctions to be lifted on Syria to allow for access of relief materials.
The Catholic Near East Welfare Association launched an emergency campaign to shelter survivors and provide bedding, food, medicines, nursing formula, diapers and clothing to more than 2,000 families for three months in the Aleppo and Hama areas of northern Syria.
Catholic Relief Services, the overseas aid agency of the Catholic Church in the United States, was collecting funds to assist its local partners, Caritas Turkey and Caritas Syria, particularly in Aleppo and Lattakia, Syria, where extensive damage has been reported.
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isabelle-primrose · 7 months
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Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of Pope Alexander VI by Frank Cadogan Cowper circa 1910
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televeronl · 9 days
Porto-Novo accueille le Conseil annuel national des Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires
La capitale béninoise, Porto-Novo, est cette année l’hôte du Conseil annuel national des Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires (OPM), un événement d’importance pour l’Église catholique du Bénin. Ce rendez-vous, convoqué par la Direction nationale des OPM, a débuté le 16 septembre 2024 sous le thème évocateur : « Aller et inviter tout le monde aux banquets ». Cette thématique met en lumière…
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lotuslate · 1 year
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“When a living person goes in here, both the body and the soul, they cannot return, unable to get out for all of eternity.”
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