joelscruff · 1 year
ummm hi this is so random i just needed to tell someone about this cause no one i know likes pedro
so i was watching s1 narcos and javi was wearing this fkn white half sleeved shirt and they knew what they were fucking doing and i’m dying he’s so fkn hot what do i do!!, if i was interning for him and he walked in the room wearing that oh my fkn god i would be dead sorry for this rant
soaked (javier peña x f!reader) 18+
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so as usual what was meant to be a little drabble became a full-fledged fic. what is wrong with me????? this outfit is truly insane though and i couldn't stop thinking about it getting wet 👀 i hope you enjoy xo (and thank you anon for the inspo and for telling me what episode this lovely shirt was in!) summary: it's hard being an intern for a man who won't even look at you, but maybe there's something else to it that you don't see. rating: 18+ explicit warnings: smut, blowjobs, deepthroating, protected p in v sex, praise kink, dirty talk, size kink (javi has a big dick), biting, probably bad spanish (blame google) word count: 6k (this was supposed to be a drabble!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!) ao3
You're pretty sure you're going to quit your job.
You've been an intern at the DEA for about a month now, in charge of extremely mundane things like pouring coffee and organizing paperwork. No one really talks to you other than Steve Murphy, one of the agents you're assigned to, and even then he's too busy to really give you much attention. It's lonely and boring, and part of you thinks you might have quit already, if it wasn't for...
"Morning, asshole," Javier Peña enters the office with long strides, tossing a stack of papers toward your (very tiny) desk. You can't help but stare at him, swallowing nervously as you assess the plain white shirt he's wearing, loosely tucked into his tight jeans and accentuating his strong, tan arms. How does he always look so good? His hair is messy, brown curls tangled and sticking up in places like he's just rolled out of bed, and he probably has. The faint scent of whisky that follows him tells you all you need to know about how he spent his evening.
You're worried for only half a second that he's talking to you, but you realize his gaze is directed toward Steve, who simply shrugs.
"You didn't have to come," he replies with a laugh, "You coulda said no."
"To your fucking wife? Please." Javier sits down in his chair with force, leaning back to immediately put his long legs up on his desk and reach for a cigarette from his pocket, "She was excited about it, you dick."
Steve just laughs again, turning back to his work, "You did the right thing, man. I don't know what else to say."
You wish you understood the story, knew what they were playfully ribbing each other about, but for the past month you've been on the outside of their relationship. Steve gives you reassuring smiles and some small talk every now and then but it's not enough to feel like you actually belong there, not to mention that Javier has only spoken to you once. Even now, as you rise from your chair to pour some fresh coffee into his mug, he doesn't even look at you.
"You owe me," he says to Steve, lighting up his cig, "Pendejo."
As you pour his coffee you can't help but notice the way the collar of his shirt rides low enough for you to see his collarbones, see the light dusting of hair smattered across his dark skin. There's a few droplets of sweat here and there, and you resist the urge to lean forward and press your tongue to each one.
"I'll have some more too, sweetheart," Steve says behind you, and your thoughts scatter as you pull back from Javier's mug to go re-fill Steve's. You're aware of the way Steve's eyes trail to your breasts, hidden only by a thin layer of blue fabric; it makes you self conscious and also a bit confused. Steve has never looked at you that way before, "That's a nice blouse," he says to you with a smile, eyes going back up to your face, "My wife has one similar to that."
"Thank you," you say quietly, finishing filling up his mug and wanting to go back over to your desk as soon as possible; you don't like the idea of a married man ogling you.
"Isn't this a nice blouse, Javi?" Steve continues, and you freeze.
What is Steve doing? Is he trying to get you insulted? You turn slightly to look at Javier, coffee pot trembling slightly in your hand when you see that he's got an irritated expression painting his face, mouth downturned in a stern frown.
"Thin ice, Steve," Javier replies and takes another drag from his cigarette, his eyes set firmly on Steve's face, not even bothering to even look at the blouse in question.
"What? It's nice," Steve seems to be feigning innocence, yet again another inside joke you're not apart of. Except this time it's at your expense and you're not sure how that makes you feel. Suddenly Steve reaches up and takes a ruffle of your blouse near your arm between his fingers, "Really soft, too."
"Steve," Javier repeats, eyes dark, "Thin. Ice."
You look from Javier to Steve and back to Javier, absolutely bewildered. It's like things are being said but you can't hear them, have no idea what kind of secret language they're speaking. You pull away from Steve a bit, feeling uncomfortable.
"I'm gonna go put this back," you say quietly, referring to the coffee pot.
"Of course, sweetheart, I won't keep you," Steve gives you a wink and you know something is off. From what you've gathered so far from your time here, Steve loves his wife, has a picture of her on his desk right in front of him that you always catch him looking at. You've only been here a month but you swear he's mentioned her every single day, if not to you then to Javier, if not to Javier then to another intern or agent. So why is he suddenly being flirtatious with you?
You leave the room and return the coffee pot, staring at the aged tiles on the wall in front of you and feeling a lump form in your throat. You really do hate it here, you don't know why you've stayed as long as you have.
Yes you do, you idiot.
It's raining outside by the time your work day ends and you feel yourself deflate as you walk out the front doors of the DEA; you'd been hoping for the hot weather to continue so you could go for a run and distract yourself from this weird and uncomfortable day, decide whether or not you're going to just quit already. It's like the heavy rainfall is mocking you.
You feel much too depressed to walk home so you go back inside the building and make your way back to the office to call a taxi. Steve passes you in the hallway and slows down, puts his hand up to stop you.
"Hey, I'm sorry for this morning," he says, eyes kind and gentle, "That was inappropriate, I shouldn't have touched your blouse."
You're not sure what to say, giving him a small shrug, "It's, uh, okay. I was just..." you shake your head, "Yeah, never mind, it's okay."
"You're wondering why I did it." he states, frowning, and you almost laugh at his immediate assessment of the situation; deflecting a DEA agent? Not the smartest idea.
"Well, yeah," you shrug, "It was kinda weird. You're usually, um... very respectful so-"
He winces, "I know, I'm sorry. It was just me trying to get on Peña's nerves," he shuffles awkwardly in front of you, shifting the weight from his left leg to his right and back again, "He'd kill me if he knew I was telling you this, but I owe him."
You look at him in total confusion, shaking your head, "I don't understand."
He chuckles, shaking his head, "I know, I'm just trying to figure out how to word it," he bites his lip and then seems to resign himself to something, "Javier... he likes you."
You stare.
"My wife and I, we kind of wrangled him into having dinner with us last night. They were talking, she was askin' him about women, if he'd been on any dates, typical questions," he laughs at the memory, "He said no and she asked if he had his eye on anyone. He said no again, but I know this guy like the back of my hand, I can read him like a book. I knew that second no was a goddamn lie."
Your heart is pounding in your chest but your thoughts are muddled, unable to draw a clear conclusion from what Steve is telling you. You continue to just stand there wordlessly, listening.
"A few drinks later - well, more than a few - I asked him who he had his eye on. You wouldn't believe how easy it was to get it out of him, he just smiled, took a drag of his cig..." Steve acts this out, bringing his cigarette-less fingers to his lips and pretending to take a puff, eyes heavy-lidded and bleary, "And said your name."
You can't believe what you're hearing, there's no way it's true, no way he's telling you about something that actually happened. Your heart continues to pound relentlessly, staring at Steve like he's speaking another language, a million wordless questions flying back and forth in your mind at top speed.
"She's the most beautiful creature I ever saw," he quotes, voice slurred and gravelly, "She's sunshine incarnate."
"But he doesn't even look at me!" you blurt out, eyes wide.
Steve drops his hand and laughs again, shaking his head, "Sweetheart, he looks at you all the time. You're just looking away when he does it."
This revelation hits you hard, makes your breath catch in your throat. Is this actually true? Or is this some sick inside joke they're playing to get you to finally put in your notice, one of their private little games that you're not a part of. On principle it's the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard; the man has spoken to you once, only once, and it was on your first day. He'd introduced himself, shook your hand, and that was that.
"What do you mean you're doing this because you owe him?" you ask, shaking the thoughts away, "Isn't this just humiliating him?"
Steve smiles again, slightly smug, "I see the way you look at him too, you know. I'm not blind," he looks at his watch then and makes a face, "Listen, I gotta go, but if you're heading back to the office, he's still there."
"But, Steve, I-"
"Trust me," he gives you one of his reassuring smiles, "He needs - scratch that - wants someone like you, someone... stable."
You don't think being on the verge of quitting a paid internship would be considered stable, but you understand what he means. You may have only been here a short time but Javier's reputation is widely known around the office, something you've found yourself sympathizing with instead of villainizing him like others do. You know his history with women is pretty bleak relationship wise.
Steve begins to walk away from you, leaving you standing there speechless, "You better hurry before he leaves," he calls. He picks up his pace but you're still able to hear him as he mutters, "and that's my good deed done," then saunters down the hall and disappears around the corner.
The office you share with Javier and Steve is the only one still lit on your floor, meaning everyone else has already gone home. You know that Javier likes to stay late sometimes, work on the case alone and look at things from different angles in solitude. You feel nervous as you approach the door, not wanting to bother him. But regardless of whether what Steve said is true, you still need to call a taxi.
You turn the knob and walk inside, trying to be as quiet and slow as possible. Your efforts are pointless though, as Javier looks up from his work and sees you immediately, his eyebrows going up in surprise.
"It's raining," you say softly, awkwardly, "I need to call a cab."
"Right," he nods to you and then returns to his work without an afterthought, writing something down on a piece of paper.
You stand there for a few moments just looking at him, watching his face, trying to find any indication of affection behind those focused eyes, his serious brow. He looks the same as always, lost in thought, scribbling away, handsome as he does it. The white shirt certainly isn't helping; he's unbuttoned it more now, his chest exposed and sunglasses hanging from a button near his pocket. He's so effortlessly gorgeous, it makes you ache.
He must sense you still standing there, not making any move to walk to your desk and pick up the phone. He looks up at you again, brow furrowed, "Do you need something?"
You shake your head quickly, cheeks burning, "N-no, sorry," you shuffle over to your desk and sit down in your chair, doing everything you can to avoid looking over at him again. You think about what Steve said, how Javier is always looking at you but only when you're not aware. You wonder if he's doing it right now.
You reach for the phone, unable to stop your hands from shaking slightly. You're almost sure you feel his gaze on you now, boring into you and watching every move you make, eyes deep and brown and calculating, always calculating. Assessing. What does he make of you? If what Steve said is true, what does he see when he looks at you?
Sunshine incarnate.
You can't help but smile at the words, dialing the number for the taxi slowly as your brain repeats them over and over. Had he really said that about you? And meant it? Your thoughts are so jumbled that you accidentally press the wrong button and have to start over, hanging up the phone quickly before picking it up again.
Just as you go to press the first number, a hand comes down and stops you, brushing against your fingers in a tender and gentle way. You freeze, staring at the hand, knowing it's his, knowing that if he wasn't looking at you before, he certainly is now.
"Why don't I just give you a ride, cariño?" he asks quietly, voice slightly rough around the edges, "I'm heading home now anyway."
You will yourself to look up, eyes capturing his immediately and getting lost in their depths, big and brown and soft and searching. Your lips part but no words come out. You force yourself to give him a nod, repressing the urge to jump up and kiss his mouth, envelop him, hold him close and look even deeper into those soulful eyes.
You stand shakily and walk to the door, feeling his eyes on your back as he follows behind you. The walk down to the main doors of the building is completely silent, save for the clicking of your heels against the linoleum and his heavy masculine breaths at your side. It's still raining once you get outside, and you can't help but make a face.
"Not a fan of the rain?" he asks you a bit loudly over the pelting of water against the concrete, a smile tugging at his lips.
"It's not my favorite," you admit, wincing, "Where are you parked?"
"You stay here where it's dry, I'll pull it up front."
You watch him dart out from under the eaves of the building, rain immediately soaking his white shirt without apology. You watch with wide eyes as his back becomes visible from the downpour, skin a pinkish brown beneath the suddenly translucent material. You catch sight of two dimples near his lower back before he disappears from eyesight.
You swallow, trying to pretend you don't feel yourself begin to throb within the confines of your underwear, a wetness pooling between your legs that has nothing to do with the rain.
Only a few moments later he's pulling up front, waving at you from behind the car window. You dash forward and feel the rain soak your hair, your skin, your blouse. There was nothing about rain in the forecast this morning so you hadn't thought to bring a jacket with you; you're now regretting that decision greatly.
The passenger side door is already unlocked and you slip inside gratefully, slamming it behind you and exhaling loudly. The rain continues to pelt the windows, the roof, a steady and repetitive sound as you look down at yourself to assess the damage. At least you chose a blue blouse and not a white one, although you can faintly see the shape of your nipples poking through the fabric. A bit self conscious, you cross your arms and huddle forward in the seat.
"Should heat up soon," Javier says beside you, quiet like he'd been in the office, "Seatbelt."
You glance over at him for only a second but regret it instantly, immediately noticing the way the rain has completely soaked his white shirt, exposing the taut and firm muscle beneath, his wide pecs, dark nipples, his flat stomach and belly button, the trail of hair that leads down to...
You grip the seatbelt in your hands and turn your attention to clicking it into place, feeling yourself throb even more. God, he's so fucking hot. You can't blame all the women he's slept with for wanting to get in his pants, he's a fucking Adonis. You take a few deep breaths as he pulls away from the building, focusing on the small bursts of heat that are beginning to radiate from the vents in front of you. You rub your hands together, momentarily forgetting that he could probably see your breasts through your blouse if he looked over.
But that's just it...you never know when he's looking at you. And part of you wonders what would be so bad about him seeing you like this.
You drive together in silence for a few moments, an undeniable tension building and building the longer you both sit there without speaking. Every so often you can't help but let your eyes trail back over to his body, eyeing the way his wet shirt clings to his skin, beginning to slowly dry in small patches from the car heater. You can vaguely make out the shape of a scar on his abdomen and you find yourself wanting to reach out and trace your finger along the length of it, ask him how he got it, kiss it better.
"I feel you watching me, querida," he murmurs, eyes on the road.
Your eyes widen and you sit back in your seat stiffly, "S-sorry."
In your peripheral vision you see him smile, thumbing the steering wheel, "You're always watching me, aren't you?"
You don't know what to say, swallowing tightly around the lump you feel building in your throat. Is he about to call you out? Tell you to stop?
"That's okay, I'm always watching you too," he says it quietly like it's a secret, taking a heavy breath as he continues, "But you know that now, don't you? Steve's a little shit."
You can't help but laugh, which makes him grin wider. He looks over at you and you meet his gaze, feeling shy when his eyes drop to your chest and back up again.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you," he murmurs, eyes back on the road, "I'll be real gentle, I promise."
You stare at him, slightly confused. It's only a moment later that it dawns on you: you never told him your address.
"Where are we going?" you ask quietly, voice shaking slightly in anticipation.
He gives you another side glance, smiling kindly at you, "I think you already know, cariño."
No more than twenty minutes later he has you laid out on his bed completely bare, his mouth pressed firmly against your wet core as you writhe and moan under his touch. His palms are pressed flush against your stomach, holding you to the mattress, never releasing you even when you start shaking uncontrollably from your orgasm. He just keeps going, sucking on your clit and fingering your throbbing hole, nose buried in the patch of hair on your mound.
"Javi, Javi, Javi," you repeat over and over again, thrashing in his sheets, fisting the duvet. He'd told you as soon as he had you in his bed that he didn't want you calling him Javier anymore, and you'd had absolutely no problem with amending your vocabulary.
He hums, giving your clit one last hard suck and making you almost scream with overstimulation, body heaving up off the mattress as he finally pulls away from your core and looks up at you with those big brown eyes.
"That's it, querida, feels so good, doesn't it?" he breathes, crawling back up and pressing kisses against your skin as you come down from the pleasure, heart pounding in your chest, "Your little pussy needed me so bad, didn't she?"
"Yes," you whimper, voice weak, unable to say anything else as he continues to kiss along your breasts, your neck, your cheeks. His mustache is soft and welcoming against your skin, tickling every inch of it in the best way possible as he worships you.
You can't believe you're even here, lying in his bed, lights dim as the rain continues to pelt the windows and drench the city while Javier drenches you. He's still wearing the white shirt, still damp and tucked into his jeans. You reach forward and pull at his belt, fingers trembling.
"Oh, cariño," he coos, kissing the corner of your mouth hungrily, "Want my cock now, do you? Thought that might have been too much for you."
You shake your head quickly, feeling tears sting in your eyes at the thought of him not giving you what you want, "Please," you whisper, voice breaking, "Please, Javi. I need it so bad."
"You do," he agrees, hands trailing upward to squeeze your breasts, thumbing your hard nipples, "You need to get fucked, knew it from the moment I met you. Knew it had to be me to do it."
"Why didn't you say anything?" you ask, voice breathless as he begins to undo his belt, "Why didn't you talk to me?"
"Because you're so pretty, hermosa, so pure," he tosses his belt to the ground and reaches for the hem of his shirt, yanking it over his head. Your eyes fall to his bare chest, his stomach, so much clearer now than they'd been through the wet fabric. He's absolutely perfect, and you feel yourself salivate as you reach up to palm the soft skin of his belly, feeling the hair under your fingertips, tracing the scar you'd seen earlier. He grabs your hand gently, squeezes it, "I knew if I talked to you, you'd end up right here. In my bed."
"And that would be a bad thing?" you whisper, eyes searching his, "This is bad?"
He shakes his head quickly, unbuttoning his jeans, "No, querida, this isn't bad. This is what you need, I know that now," he unzips himself and your jaw goes slack when you see that he isn't wearing any underwear, his cock completely bare and on display beneath the denim. He pulls himself out, showing you how long and thick he is, cut and curved, leaking from the tip. Some of it drips onto your tummy and you both watch it dribble down your skin, dipping into your belly button, "You need it," he whispers, "Knew it when you started looking at me like that."
"Like what?" you breathe, still staring at his large cock, wondering how it'll possibly fit inside you without splitting you in half.
"Like the way you're looking at my cock right now," he says softly, shuffling forward a bit on the bed, "Now, sit up, okay? Give it a kiss."
You don't need telling twice, scrambling amongst the sheets and crouching forward to envelop the head of his cock inside your mouth, warm and sticky on your tongue. You close your eyes, feeling them almost roll back in your head as you suck gently and swallow down his precome, tickling the back of your throat.
"Gonna see how much you can take, okay?" he says quietly above you, and you feel his hands in your hair, stroking your scalp reassuringly, "You can stop if it's too much."
You slowly move forward to take a few more inches, eyes still closed, only opening again when you feel his hands grip your hair tighter. You look up then, eyes lidded and heavy, and he's looking down at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Such a pretty mouth," he murmurs, thumbing the base of your neck, "Just made to have my cock in there, huh?"
You nod slowly, breathing through your nose and pushing yourself further, wanting to take as much of him as you possibly can. You get about three quarters down and feel the tip prod the back of your throat. You still, inhaling deeply and feeling tears well in your eyes, silently begging yourself not to gag.
"Just a little more, querida," he whispers, stroking your hair, "You can do it, I know you can."
With his soothing encouragement you slowly take the rest of him, not stopping until your nose is buried in his pubic hair. You inhale again and your senses are overwhelmed by his masculine, sweaty, musky scent. It's heaven. You open your eyes and look up at him, tears welling over and spilling down your cheeks.
"Oh, baby," he says, biting back a moan, "That's so good, knew you could do it," he feels you trembling on his cock, throat closing around the head, and he carefully slides you off.
You start coughing immediately, drool running down your chin in long ropes. You'd feel embarrassed but he's smiling at you, leaning down to press kisses to your forehead.
"You did so good," he praises, wiping your chin with his thumb and kissing your lips tenderly, tasting himself on your tongue, "Took all of it so well, querida."
"I can do it again," you say quickly through another cough, voice rough, "Just gimme a second."
He smiles wider and shakes his head, "I know you can, but you don't need to, not tonight. Just wanted to see if you could take the whole thing in that pretty mouth," he thumbs your lips and you immediately capture it between them, sucking his thumb feverishly. He groans slightly, watching it disappear, "and now that I know you can... we need to see how well it fits inside that perfect little pussy, hm? Think it'll fit?"
You nod immediately, releasing his thumb with a pop, "I'll make it fit."
He groans again, getting off the bed and pulling his jeans down his legs, "That's what I like to hear, baby." He pulls open his bedside table and grabs a condom, tossing it over to you, "Now put that on my dick, cariño, gotta be safe."
You shuffle to the edge of the bed, ripping the condom open with your teeth and sliding it down his length. You feel his eyes on you now; you'd never been able to feel it before, had no idea he'd even been looking at you, and now it's like his gaze is burning your skin. You lean forward and press one more kiss to the head of his cock, smirking when it twitches.
"Come here, hermosa," he mutters, taking your hand and carefully pulling you off the bed. You both stand there naked in front of each other as he leans down to kiss you tenderly, hand trailing up to press flush against your back. He's so beyond everything you could have ever hoped for; you still can't believe this is actually happening, "Stay there for a second," he whispers.
You watch as he gets on the bed and sits at the top, back leaning against the headboard. His cock stands stiff and inviting beneath him as he splays his legs out and opens his arms.
"Sit on my cock, querida," he breathes, and without any hesitation you climb into his lap, legs shaking as you grip his shoulders and hover above him, "Nice and slow," he whispers, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, "That's it."
The tip of his cock breaches your entrance and you keen at the sensation, still shaking slightly as you slowly ease yourself down on him. You're so wet, his length slipping inside easily at first, but once you get about halfway down your hips stutter and you whimper.
"You got it, baby," he breathes, thumbs splayed across your belly, "Not much more," he pushes inside a bit further and you cry out in ecstasy, burying your face in his shoulder. His hands move to your back, holding you tightly against him as he continues to fill you, not stopping until he bottoms out, "There," he murmurs, rubbing circles into the skin of your back, "That's all of it, cariño. Did so good, taking it so well for me."
You sit like that for a few moments, him whispering praises in your ear and rubbing your skin soothingly. He's so thick inside you, you've never felt so full. After a few more moments he carefully grips your hips and slowly begins to move you on his cock, up and down, watching your expression and reveling in the whines emitting from your throat.
"That's it," he says, brow furrowed as he keeps his eyes on your face, "That's what a real cock feels like, querida, and it's the only one you're gonna get from now on." Your face scrunches up in pleasure and you find yourself hiding in his shoulder again, wrapping your arms around him and starting to move your hips to match his pace.
"Javi," you whimper, feeling the head of his cock pushing against the deepest part of you every time you brace down, "So big inside me, Javi."
"I know, cariño," he murmurs, soothing you again with a gentle rub to your back, "Filling you up so good, huh?"
You hum and let yourself go, nose pressed into the dip of his collarbone as you still on his cock and let him go back to working you up and down, murmuring in your ear about how good you feel, what a perfect girl you are, how you'll never fuck anyone else but him for the rest of your life. And you want to believe it's true.
"Work won't be the same anymore," you say against his skin, voice muffled.
"Christ, baby, you're thinking about work?" he taps on your neck and you pull back to look at him, shivering as he continues to fuck you relentlessly as he speaks to you, "Don't think about work right now, querida, not when I've got my cock buried inside you."
"I want you to start fucking me at work," you say suddenly, brow furrowing in pleasure as he hits the deepest part of you again, "In secret, please."
He stills for a second, surprise appearing on his face before he smiles, starts fucking you again with even more fervor, grunting with very thrust.
"Of course I will, baby," he says, pressing his forehead against yours, gripping your hips tighter and fucking you fast and hard, so much so that you feel yourself writhe off the bed again, fingers clasping around nothing as you moan loudly, "I told you, ever since I met you I knew you needed this, needed my cock," he kisses you then, wet and hot, and you feel the tension in your belly start to build, "Gonna give it to you every chance I get from now on, I promise."
You whimper at his words, fucking yourself down on him as hard as you can and letting out cries of pure bliss as he begins to hit your favorite spot over and over, so impossibly deep inside you that you think maybe he will split you open. He rises off the bed with you a bit, holding you tight to him as he wildly bucks into you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Gonna come, hermosa," he whispers in your ear, breath hot and sticky against your skin, "Give me one more, get that pussy all wet for me," you let out an inhuman sound and feel yourself involuntarily bite into his shoulder, making him groan.
"I'm sorry," you moan, pulling back and seeing the crescent shaped mark in his flesh.
"For what?" he groans, and you feel his thumb start to prod your clit, rubbing it furiously, "Do it again, baby, mark me up, make me yours," you feel your orgasm overtake you at the words, fingernails digging into his back as you writhe and cry in his arms. Without hesitation you bite down on him again, not hard enough to break the skin but enough that there will most certainly be a mark there tomorrow.
He groans at the sensation, pulling you impossibly closer and stilling inside you as he pumps the condom full of his spend, twitching inside you at every pulse. He doesn't pull out right away, just lays still within you while you pant against his shoulder, eyeing the purple mark beginning to bloom on his skin.
"I bit you," you say, eyes wide.
He shifts slightly beneath you, cock still filling you up as he chuckles, "Yes, you did."
"I'm sor-"
He puts a hand up, shaking his head, "Don't apologize, cariño, I like it."
You nod slowly and carefully pull yourself off his cock, already missing the full sensation of having him deep inside you. You lay back on the bed beside him, eyes closed as he disposes of the condom and then settles himself tightly against your side, spooning you and pressing gentle kisses to the back of your neck.
"Did you mean what you said?" you ask quietly, eyes still closed as you feel yourself begin to drift off in his embrace, "Will you really fuck me at work?"
He laughs, gorgeous and perfect in your ear, "Yes, mi sol, I meant it."
Javi takes you home early the next morning so you can change your clothes, not wanting Steve to know about what happened last night, as much as it would probably tickle him to know he had a hand in it. He waits for you outside, listening to the radio in his car and squinting against the bright sun, fingers tapping against the base of the window absentmindedly. After a few moments you come back out, wearing a yellow blouse this time in honor of your new nickname. He smiles radiantly at you and you know you made a good choice.
You both manage to keep Steve completely in the dark for the first part of the day; Javi goes back to ignoring you the way he usually does, which you have to admit makes you feel a little bad. But it's all water under the bridge when he follows you to the women's bathroom around noon and locks you inside one of the stalls with him. A few seconds later his cock is hitting the back of your throat as he proves to you that he wasn't lying.
"What's that?" Steve says in the late afternoon, only about an hour until you can go home. You look up from your desk but he isn't talking to you, his gaze fixed on Javi.
"What?" Javi replies, brow furrowing as he looks down at himself, "Got a bug on me or something?"
"No, you have a bite mark on your shoulder," Steve says matter-of-factly, and you feel your cheeks go hot, eyes widening as you stare at Javier and watch him figure out what to say.
He just shrugs coolly, "Yeah, slept with this wild bonita last night, she wanted to mark me," he looks back down at his work, "Your wife ever do shit like that, Murphy?"
Steve sighs deeply, leaning back in his chair, "No, she doesn't."
"Thought so," Javi smirks, still not looking up from his paperwork, and you watch as Steve twists his mouth into a scowl, shaking his head.
A few seconds later Steve's looking over at you, giving you a small look of what you can only describe as sympathy, "Sorry," he mouths, shrugging dejectedly, "My bad."
You give him a smile in return, shaking your head, unable to help the rush you feel at not getting caught.
"It's okay," you mouth back, "I'll get over it."
You know Javi is watching you this time.
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thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it and here's my kofi if you'd like to leave a tip (entirely optional of course but much appreciated).
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silentmoths · 4 months
A lick and a promise
Its been *squints* Seven months since i cooked.
god damn its been seven whole ass months CRIES
Boothill got me so fkn good i cant even BEGIN to explain why he's such a comfort character for me ok he just IS.
Boothill x Reader (fem but it's really only mentioned in regards to anatomy.)
Enemies to Lovers (kinda?), Smut, Hurt/comfort (kinda?), Oral sex, fingering, boothill is a gd kendoll (sorry boothill genatalia nation i just...wanted to write this like he was a ken doll LEAVE ME-)
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The first time you run into the Galaxy Ranger known as Boothill, you’re not sure what to make of him.
You were just an unsuspecting casualty, the pilot, nothing more. Flying ships for the IPC had to beat minimum wage, right? This was your first real gig with them, something a little more secure.
If you managed to make it off pier point without having a gun aimed at you that is.
A…cowboy. You’d heard about them, of course, but seeing one in this day and age was almost unheard of unless you travelled to planets far out in the west, ones untouched by the IPC and their ‘modernizations’.
Yet this cowboy also seemed to be touched by said modernizations, considering almost all of him was made of metal. Hell, all of him might be synthetic, nanotechnology was a terrifying thing, it could eat away the organic and replace it with the inorganic, mimicking skin and its blemishes, hair and all its different shades, like the curtain of black and white you see before you. 
“Han’s where I can fudgin’ see em.” He warns quietly, pistol pointed directly between your eyes. You do as he asks, why wouldn’t you? You weren’t being paid enough to put your life on the line for…whatever the hell you were carrying, you didn’t know, the IPC didn’t enforce ledger-checks- You tell the cowboy as much when he asks.
“Yeah that tracks.” he mutters with a roll of his visible eye. “Lookit’ you, still wet behind the darned ears.” 
“D-do I get a pardon i-if I told you it was my first day on the job?” you manage to squeak out, a terrible habit really, opening your mouth in times you should really stay silent…but the cowboy cracks a grin, a very sharp-toothed grin.
“Ah heck, really?” He chuckles, shaking his head as he spins his pistol in his hand and tucks it away into its holster. “Look I aint’ got no beef with ya. ya ‘ aint even wearin’ an IPC uniform-” “C-contract work.” You cut in with your explanation, only scolding yourself after the fact for, once again, interrupting the one with the gun. “The IPC really gettin that desperate, huh?” He snorts, his robotic fingers flexing as he himself goes to check the ledger, it was obvious he’d done this a few times…perhaps thats why the IPC had started hiring a third party, someone new for him to kill.
And yet he doesn’t kill you. 
He ties you up, sure, but he’s not an entire ass about it, he even apologises when he pulls the rope a little too tight and you squint.
“S’a formality.” He mumbles as he ties the knot tight “y’understand.”
“I guess…Just…thanks for not killing me I guess, Mr.Cowboy.” You shrug, perhaps you were still in a little bit of shock, perhaps you were coping with humour and ‘funny’ comments…perhaps, inside, you wanted to cry because of course of all the times to be held at gunpoint it was your first day working for the IPC.
“Name’s Boothill.” He corrects. Boothill, huh? You’d read about that…some eons old name for gunslinging cowboys who should have been dead. 
After you had been discovered, set free, and promptly fired, you decide to look up this ‘Boothill’ character; you find little other than his bounty…whoever he was, he kept himself pretty closed off…made sense for a galaxy ranger.
The second time you encounter Boothill, you’re working on a satellite array. It’s a shit job, it was freezing cold out here, and the welding masks given to you and your coworkers by your bosses were cheap, low quality, offering little protection from the welding torch and its bright, concentrated glare.
After your firing from pier point, no other freighting company was willing to take you on, and in a desperate attempt to get some damned food into your belly, you’d taken this job on some far out meteorite, repairing this shitty, run down satellite so the IPC could extend their reach further.
If the bosses had bothered to do a background check, they would have seen the unfortunate mark next to your name.
’Banned from all positions within IPC jurisdiction’ 
But considering the shit pay, shit hours, and shit accommodation? The old hand’s out here didn’t really care much for the ‘official’ rules; so long as you weren’t being actively hunted.
There was no sun out here, so every few hours there was a mandatory UV break, in which you all got to return to the little sleeping pods that were nothing but glorified transport containers with a wall sectioning off one third to make a bathroom; just to sit beneath a UV bulb. 
Whoever had lived in this one before you had stuck up a picture of a beach on the wall you had to stare at beneath the lamp, and faintly, you wonder if they ever made it there- or had they just keeled over dead from overwork? That seemed more likely, considering nothing had been cleaned out of your pod when you’d arrived. 
As you bask in your shitty, simulated sun, an explosion wracks the entire facility, sending you toppling to the floor as the world spins, cracks apart, opens like the gnashing teeth of some horrific space creature.
Was it a space creature? Had the meteorite collided with something it shouldn’t have? You didn’t want to find out, but you sure as fuck weren’t about to stay here and probably die once the oxygen field around the place sputtered out. The emergency guide tape’s you’d been forced to watch are nothing to help against the real thing, a real emergency. There are sirens blaring, the stark white light’s had all died, replaced by that infuriatingly anxiety inducing red as you struggle to put your space suit on. 
Just make it to a shuttle, they weren’t far, thats all you had to do.
It’s a mantra you tell yourself as the ceiling above you begins to crack and crumble, your time here was up. 
As you wrench open the door to your pod, you collide with someone. Considering you yourself looked like a glorified marshmallow in the emergency suit, you certainly weren't expecting the person you collided with to be as…hard as they were, solid like steel to the point you’re sent toppling back and unceremoniously onto your back, like a turtle.
A familiar pistol is pointed at your helmet.
No fucking way.
Boothill stands there, grin on his face and a gun in yours as he looks you up and down before howling with laughter. “Now what in the hay is that?” he wheezes as you struggle, only to stop when you push the visor of your helmet up, revealing a face he recalls. “No fudgin’ way-”
“You again!” You screech, flailing your limbs as you attempt to stand in this…ungainly suit. “What the fuck are you doing here now!?”
“I could ask you the same mother forkin’ question!” He barks back, yet despite it all, he withdraws the pistol and even shows some mercy, reaching down to pull you back onto your feet “the fork you doin here?” 
“Well, someone got me fired from my last job!” you snark at him “and now it looks like I'm out of another, what did you do!?” “Blew up tha’ satellite!” He chuckles as if he’d just won at an arcade game and not caused millions of credits in damages. You open your mouth to…you don’t even know- Shout? Scold a wanted criminal? Beg for mercy? When the world tilts again, the sound of rock cracking and metal creaking fills your senses; resulting in you simply screaming out of fear. 
This was it, this was where you died. On a rock, in the middle of space, blown to smithereens by a cowboy. Except, the cowboy reaches down, and for a moment you think he’s going to kill you, just to stop the screaming. Instead, he grabs your arm and yanks you upright without a word, tugging you along behind him like you weighed nothing in this stupid marshmallow safety suit. (perhaps, to a cyborg, you didn’t weigh anything.)
Boothill cares little for the smoke and the flames, and you are just a leaf in his wind, guided through it all with scary precision until there is suddenly nothing and you realise what he’d just done.
This fucking cowboy galaxy ranger had just leaped off of the edge of the meteorite, dragging you along with him. 
Correction; this is how you die, once you left the gravitational field, you’d just be stuck…floating in the void of space forever…no one would ever find your body-
Before your thought can finish, you crash into something hard, a ship, you realise, you had fallen into the open loading hatch of a ship, unlike boothill who landed on his feet, you’re simply a pile on the floor.
You hear the cowboy laugh as he turns to look at you, and you thank the fact that you’re face down from keeping your likely red, teary face from his scrutiny. 
“Y’alright down there?” He asks.
“Peachy.” you mutter back, your muscles ached, but the adrenaline was already beginning to wane, suddenly the suit felt…heavy, impossibly heavy as you listen to the sound of the ship’s hatch closing. “Why’d you save me?”
Boothill thinks on it for a moment. Why had he saved you? It wasn’t really his M.O, saving people, especially when they worked for the IPC…he supposes a part of him felt a little bad… you hadn’t been working for them directly last time…and because of his stunt, you’d lost that job and had resorted to working for them in this backwater shithole of an array. 
“Eh, Y’aint worth killin.” he responds after a moment “S’not like you’re the mother fudger I’m looking for anyways.” 
Something about the way he says it…stings. Not worth killing? 
Slowly you sit up, a terribly ungraceful affair in this stupid space suit as you pull the helmet off entirely and toss it to the floor, there was no point hiding the tears anymore. 
“Wh- hey now! What’s got in yer’ boot?” Boothill balks at your teary face “what’s tha’ matter?”
You hate how stupid you must look, crying, red in the face…embarrassing really. But after the scare you’d just had, you don’t have the forwithall to keep your composure anymore.
“Whats the matter?” you mutter, staring at the cold, metal floor of the ship “what’s the matter is that you have single handedly managed to lose me not one, but TWO JOBS!” 
You don’t mean to shout, really, you should be thanking him for saving your life. 
“I’m BANNED from working for the IPC!” you cry “I wasn’t even meant to be working here! But where else am I meant to go!? EVERY job is somehow overseen by some division of the IPC, I can’t work anywhere else! Now you say I’m not even worth killing!?”
Boothill stares, the gears turning as he simply takes the emotional vitriol thrown his way. It had been…a long time since he’d found himself faced with this kind of problem.
“Aw shirt…” he mutters, realising his words had only worsened the situation. He takes a knee, pulling his hat off as he watches, he sees the way you’re shaking, your fingers flexing; he might be ‘old fashioned’, but he could recognize a panic attack. “C’mere, let's get this great forkin marshmallow suit off ya.” 
You don’t even have the faculties to push him away as cold, robotic fingers begin tugging away at the velcro, the zippers and the straps. Breathing was getting harder, everything ached. Only once the galaxy ranger had pulled you free of the confines of that damned suit could you expand your chest properly. Too small, you realised, the suit you’d been given was way too small.
“Easy, easy, easy.” Boothill mutters as he sits you down “jus’ breathe.” 
Easy for him to say, did a cybernetic cowboy even need to breathe?
He could see the struggle, but what the hell was he meant to do about it? It wasn’t wrong..the IPC had their fingers in so many pies… finding a job untouched by them? That’s like finding a needle in a haystack. 
It wasn’t often Boothill felt…guilty. But somehow…you’d managed it.
“Aw c’mon, don’t gimme the waterworks.” he sighs “Look…ah’ll admit I forked up your job prospects, I’ll fudgin’ take that responsibility… will ya at least lemme see if I can help?”
“What can you do!?” You cry at him “If the IPC catches wind that I’ve somehow been caught up with you again-”
“Lemme take ya to a planet the IPC don’t care ‘bout.” He cuts in suddenly, an idea forming in his mind. “Been there plenty, they’re good folk, they’ll help ya.. Ya just…gotta trust me.” A planet untouched by the IPC? That seemed like a pipe dream…
“Impossible.” you mutter “any planet the IPC finds, it conquers.”
Boothill grins, that same toothy grin you remember from your first encounter with him. “I know, right? But this one? This one’s special.”
Eyama II was a small planet with little in the way of resources the IPC wanted or needed, a dwarf planet no less, nothing but a speck of dust floating through their air filters. It was a self-sufficient, homely type place…if he was being honest with himself, it’s where he would want to retire if he ever saw his goal through…living the simple life he used to know before the IPC had ripped it from him. 
He knows it’s not the most…elegant solution, but he knew some fine folk there, some fine folk who might just be willing to help the poor outcast he’d created. -
It’s a long trip. It had to be if it was out of the IPC’s gaze…but that did mean a long trip with Boothill.
In a tiny two person at most ship.
You didn’t really know what to expect, if he’d just tie you up and put you in the corner…but as it turns out…he’s somewhat hospitable… ok more than somewhat.
After you’d calmed enough to be reasoned with, he’d handed you a bottle of nondescript nature. Without much thinking, you’d taken a swig, eyes widening at the distinctly alcoholic taste. It wasn't anything strong like whiskey, but it was enough of a shock.
“Malt juice.” He clarifies as he takes a seat at the helm, setting the warp drive “figured it’d help calm ya nerves.” You blink down at the bottle before slowly taking another, more temperate sip.
It…wasn’t bad…actually it was pretty good. It burned your throat just enough to keep you in the present.
You both talk…small things, you ask him how he knew of this planet, and tells you about all the planets he’d visited that weren’t under the IPC’s thumb, how all of them were nice, simple places.
He tells you that he thinks you’d like Eymaya II, he thinks everyone would like Eymaya II. It had rolling hills and green valley’s. The people were mostly farmers, ranchers, common folk just going through the motions to get by, but not in the same nihilistic sort of way most did. Good, honest living, as he says.
Part of you wonders if there ever was a time this ranger worked a good honest life, if this whole…cowboy thing was a facade, or if it was real, remnants of a past he couldn’t return to. You’re not sure if it’s his conversation, the malt juice, or both, but you eventually begin to open up, about your home life, about your terrible habit of cutting into conversations when you were nervous, all of it. 
And when you begin to fall asleep? Your head nodding slowly where you sat, you feel a cold, metal hand rest on your shoulder.
“C’mon, you need ta’ rest.” He tells you, guiding you to the cot that looked seldom, if at all used.
For a wanted criminal who had put you out of two jobs and nearly killed you both times…he was surprisingly kind.
He wasn’t wrong about this planet. It was beautiful, the air was fresher than you could ever recall, living in the city.
Apparently, the look on your face says as much. Boothill chuckles, tilting his head softly as he watches you take it all in. “Told ya ye’d like it.” He hums, something in his mechanical chest whirring with..pride perhaps? Satisfaction? He wasn’t entirely sure, but seeing a face that, so far, all he’d seen from was fear and upset finally show…wonder…it felt good. He wanted to see it more, perhaps even a smile one day. 
He takes you to the inn, sets you up with Jodie, an elderly woman who had been around the block quite a few times, she didn’t put up with Boothill’s antics, more like…a curmudgeonly aunt at first as she barks at him for not calling in sooner, only for it all to melt away into an almost familial warmth as the cowboy explains himself, explains you.
“now child I know you did not lose this poor thing not one but TWO jobs!” She scolds, hands on her hips. 
There is a lick of satisfaction as you watch boothill shrink beneath the innkeeper’s rage. 
“Donchu’ worry hon, we’ll getcha set up here, somewhere this block for brains can’t accidentally getchu fired. Only thing that’ll do that around here is laziness…you aint lazy, are you?” she asks, turning to you and squinting her beady, aged eyes at you, making you stiffen up as well.
“N-no ma'am!” you bark instantly “I-I promise to work hard and earn my keep!”
This atleast, seems to settle her some, and before you know it, you have a hot meal and an ice cold drink in front of you, and you want to cry again.
You actually feel…somewhat sad when boothill has to leave…anxiety twisting in your gut… would you really be okay here? Would you survive? 
But he pats you on the shoulder and grins, and something about it is…comforting.
Something about it made you want to try.
It’s five years until you see Boothill again.
Jodie had grown too old to continue running the inn, and somehow, against all odds, it was you who had taken over. The entire place was yours, and you were happy. 
Not a day goes by where you don’t wonder how you ended up here, but then you recall, the enigmatic cyborg cowboy who had hijacked your ship, and then blown up a satellite array.
Somehow, your outlook on him had turned from disdain to…a strange sort of affection. The frigid anger had melted away, and what replaced it was a sense of…thankfullnes for what he’d done for you. Working here, away from the almost all-encompassing reach of the IPC had opened your eyes to just how…corporate everything felt, and how it so desperately wasn't you. 
It’s a late evening, you’re closing up for the night, the bar had emptied of all it’s usual late-staying regulars, and those who had rooms rented for the evening had already retired. 
You’re polishing a few glasses when the door swings open.
“Well now, there’s a face I ain’t seen in a forkin long time.” 
The voice is familiar, and has you turning, a small smile tugging at your lip. A mixture of feelings racing through your chest.
“Well well, come to let me collect your bounty, Sir?” you snicker, placing the glass you’d just polished beneath the malt juice tap to pour him a glass.
Boothill laughs, sauntering in with the swagger you remember as he drops into the stool closest to you. “How’ve you been, Boothill?” you ask him, setting the glass in front of him and waving away his credits. You owed him one drink, atleast, “what’ve you been up to?”
The galaxy ranger snorts, throwing some of his long hair over his shoulder “How long ya’ got there, sweetheart? S’gonna be a long story.”
“I own the place now, and we’re closed, so all the time in the world.” you hum, deciding to pour yourself a glass as well after locking the door. “Shoot, really? What happened to ol’ jodie?” He asks, voice tinged with legitimate concern as you drop into the barstool beside him.
“She’s fine, she’s fine..just old is all.” You assure him, finding a little comfort in the relief that washes over his features.
“Ah, fork don't scare a guy like that.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair “thought Jodie had up n’ left us.”
“Nah, she’s got a while on her yet.” you snort, taking a sip of your drink.
The conversations run long into the night, catching up, listening to the thing’s he’d done, places he’d seen…IPC operations he’d torn apart at the seams. He listens to you too, as you tell him about how things have been here, catching him up on anyone he asked about. It was like talking to an old friend. You weren't sure…what boothill was to you…a friend? An acquaintance? It was…complicated. 
More malt juice enters your systems, you ask if it actually has an affect on him.
“You know…being a cyborg and all..” you mumble, feeling a distinct warm dusting to your cheeks as the malt settles. 
Instead of responding with words, the galaxy ranger reaches out and takes your hand into his. He feels…
“You tell me, darlin.” He chuckles after a moment, watching you though half-lidded eyes. You barely even notice, more curious about how the alcohol affected him. Without even thinking, you run your fingers along his exposed arm; you weren’t going crazy, he was warm, almost humanly so. 
Your fingers continue to wander without much thought until they brush along his jawline; the sudden transition from steel to skin is what finally snaps you out of your own thoughts, pulling back with a squeak.
“O-Oh aeons I’m sorry!” you fluster at his face, his eyes are wide and his mouth slightly ajar. “I-I got carried away I’m-”
His hand reaches out again, clasping yours and pulling it back towards his face as he rests his cheek into your palm.
“Don't.” He murmurs, softly, softer than you’d heard him before. “Keep goin…please.”
A realisation settles across your mind.
“You…you can’t feel most touch…can you?” 
He doesn't look you in the eye, but he does sigh, only burying closer to your warm palm, worn after years of working hard…but still human.
“S’not that I can’t feel…I can…but..s’mtimes it’s so forkin dull I might as well not…but..my face is…”
“One of the few places you can feel.” You finish the sentence for him, feeling a pang of sympathy. You didn’t know how long Boothill had been like this, but you could wager long enough that he was more desperate for a kind touch than he probably even realised.
“Yeh…” he mutters, his lips turning down into a frown “sorry…ah know it’s probably-”
“Shut up.” you mutter, turning to face him fully, your other hand coming to rest on the other cheek as you watch this man, this gunslinging galaxy ranger, falter. His eyes widen before he shuts them entirely, leaning into it, starved of this type of affection.
“F’ya don’t stop this bullshirt m’gonna think you might have some feelin’s for me, darlin’..”
You didn’t know if thats what it was…but you didn’t want to stop either, a part of you wanting to sate you own selfish curiosity…another part wanting to do this for him.
“It must be a lonely existence, living like you do.” the murmur leaves your lips before you even notice you’d spoken out loud, thumbs stroking over his cheek bones. Boothill stares at you in silence for a long moment, his gaze calculating, probing. 
“I thought ya’ hated my forkin guts…” He mutters.
“Perhaps once, for a little bit, I did.” You admit “But then you brought me here, and I’ve never been happier..”
A beat passes, then another, and another. Boothill stares at you, the feel of your hands on his face something he wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
And then he leans forward, lips crash together and the taste of Malt juice and perhaps a little bit of oil is on your tongue.
You don’t pull back, if anything, you lean into it shamelessly. 
Robotic hands grip your waist as your own finally shift from his face to wrap around his shoulders. At some point his hat goes flying off elsewhere, but neither of you care; too strung tight, too wound up to care.
His teeth are as sharp as they look, but he’s careful with them as he nips at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue over the little beat of blood he manages to draw.
“Shirt-” He mutters against your lips, his eyes shut tight, you can hear his inner mechanics whirring, like a mechanical heart about to rabbit from his chest “fudge, if you don’t stop me now darlin I’m gonna keep taking-”
“Then take.” you mutter back at him, tangling your hands into his surprisingly silky hair and yanking. “Take what you want.”
“Oh trust me, I would but..” Boothill’s growl trails off, and for a moment he looks…embarrassed. You can’t for the life of you figure out why until he steps closer, your knee brushing between his legs- oh.
“Flat as a forkin’ brass tack.” he mumbles. 
You’re not sure why, it might just be the curse of your horrible humour, but your attempt at not giggling only sets you off into laughter that you attempt to muffle into his shoulder.
“Ey, watchu laughin at?” you expect boothill to be…mad at your outburst, but you can hear the amusement in his voice, feel the tremble of his own laughter “t’aint funny.”
“It kinda is.” you snicker out, pulling back to look him in the face. He looks a little sheepish, but thankfully, mostly just amused. “It’s okay…we’ll figure something out..”
His toothy grin settles back into a dangerous little smirk as the moment passes again, the kind of smirk that makes your belly twist a little. “Oh yeah, I got some other tricks up my sleeves.” 
Without much more to say, you find yourself being lifted, thrown over the cowboy’s shoulder- as you open your mouth to say something, you’re interrupted with a harsh slap to your ass, resulting in nothing but a squeak.
“Where’s yer room?” He snickers as you glare at him. 
You consider not telling him, being a brat, but the charming smile he returns to you is… yeah it does something stupid that goes right to your crotch. 
“Upstairs…first door on the left.” you mutter, flustering at the way his grin widens. 
If you didn’t know better you’d almost describe Boothill as practically skipping up the stairs, the angle for you however was a little trepidatious, and you find yourself clinging to him for a little more stability, right up until he carefully tosses you down onto the plush of your bed, landing with a soft thud.
He’s back on you, and your hands are back on him without him needing to ask; you can see the relief it brings, the way his eyelids flutter and his brow pinches as your fingers glide across his cheek, down his chest and along his arms, still warm, you note…
His lips return too, his own hands untucking your shirt just to get under it, metal fingers gliding over the smooth of your belly, up the your sides as he groans into your mouth. You wonder how much he can actually feel, if it was still dull, or if the alcohol had heightened his mechanical touch sensors somehow. You didn’t care, he looked happy, legitimately happy, like a dog being scratched behind the ears as you indulge him. 
His lips move from yours and he begins to nip and taste elsewhere, his nose brushing against your own as he leans in, nuzzling at your cheek, nipping at your jaw, revelling in the little sounds of pleasure he pulls out of you, especially when his wandering hands wrap behind your back and find the clasp of your bra, it comes undone with a surprisingly expert tug and you moan softly at it. 
(Who could blame you? You’d been wearing the damn thing all day.) 
You wished there was something you could do for him, something to pleasure him like he was doing for you, but you forced yourself to be content with touching him, running your hands through his hair, scratching at his scalp and tugging at the soft strands; running your thumbs over his cheeks, tracing the shells of his ears.
Boothill however, seemed just as hellbent on touching you, but he had far more room to move, to explore, to play. 
Metal thumbs find your nipples, embarrassingly hard and sensitive after being trapped in the confines of your bra all day, and you moan as he rolls them both, back and forth in a slow, methodical rhythm that leaves your breath light, and your stomach twisting in knots. 
Pointed teeth find your throat, nibbling and worshipping every inch of skin they could catch. You’d have to wear a scarf tomorrow if he kept that up, lest the regulars at the bar notice the strange bruising… but you don’t stop him; you were all in on…whatever this was now. 
A metal hand pulls away long enough to pop the buttons on your shirt, leaving the plane of your torso open and exposed to his gaze, nothing short of hungry as he stares down at you. 
“Fudge…” he mutters, his voice husky “That’s a nice view…” 
“Tease.” you huff.
“Tease? Oh ah’ll show you tease.” He snickers, his mouth returning to your skin, working lower, biting at the junction of neck and shoulder, nibbling along your collarbone before the cowboy shifts further, his tongue darting out to lap at one nipple whilst a hand works the other.
You gasp and moan, a hand quickly coming to muffle your cries, cheeks alight with embarrassment at the sudden outburst. Boothill only chuckles, his eyes trained to your face as he lays, settling between your legs as he rests atop you to continue his work, but at least he doesnt pull your hand away, too engrossed on what he could feel opposed to what he could see and hear. 
He switches breasts while his free hand trails down, over the soft plane of your belly and to your belt, unbuckling it with ease and sending the strap of leather flying across the room before those fingers return, popping the button of your work jeans and dragging the fly down. You groan softly in appreciation at the relief it brings, only to feel those metal fingers working the waistband down.
Just what was he planning? you wonder internally as he gives your nipple one last, harsh suck before releasing it, making you keen beneath your hand. 
“Feelin good, darlin?” he whispers. He sure sounded like he was feeling good as he nuzzles against your skin, nipping at your stomach and trailing lower, hands gripping at your jeans, pulling them and your underwear away in one swoop, leaving you open, exposed, and embarrassingly wet. “Y’sure look it..” he adds with a low whistle “aint that a sight.”
“B-boothill-” You mumble, an attempt at closing your legs out of embarrassment only sandwiching his head betwixt your thighs. He grins at you; it’s such an endearingly handsome thing, it makes you feel like this wasn’t a first time thing between you both, like he knew you, like he was comfortable with you, which only added to the heat in your belly.
“Aw don’t go gettin all fudgin’ coy on me now.” he snickers “After all those drinks’ ya’ gave me downstairs, I’m still kinda thirsty.” 
His metal hands part your measly human thighs with shameful ease as he leans in close; you squeal when you feel his hot tongue lave down your inner thigh, warm breath so achingly close to your cunt it was maddening.
But it seemed Boothill was just as desperate as you were, his mouth attaching to your cunt after only a moment, taking in your squeal as his teeth gently roll your clit, the added danger only serving to make you wetter. 
“F-fuck! Boothill-!” you moan out, forsaking keeping yourself silent as your own hands scramble across the sheets, searching for something, anything to ground yourself as his tongue laps at your folds with fever; they eventually find and settle in his hair before giving it a tug.
Boothill groans, the sting is only arbitrary, but he loves it, he loves being able to feel something. The warm plush of your thighs around his ears, the heat of your cunt as he sucks on your clit, only made sweeter by your cries. He’d missed this, he’d missed this a lot..
“Y’aint seen nothin’ yet, darlin.” He growls low and loving against your thigh in the brief moment of reprieve he gives you. You stare down at him with hooded eyes,your knees already trembling from his vicious onslaught; he nips the soft, sensitive flesh of your thigh with a cheeky smirk, holding up a pair of fingers, watching your face as he slowly drags them through your wet folds, collecting your slick; you gulp. “Like a’ said, I got a few fun lil’ tricks up my sleeves.” His mouth returns, lapping and pulling you right back into the overwhelming, wonderful pleasure as a slick metal finger circles your entrance, slow, methodical, torturous. You nearly sob with relief when he finally presses the digit inside, the metal actually making it easier. He hums his approval at how easily his finger is sucked in, pumping it slowly in and out, in and out; taking things at his pace- perfect.
After a little while, you feel that finger beginning to probe, to prod and search for your G-spot, and before long he finds it, signalled by a loud gasp and a sharp tug at his hair, only pulling his mouth closer, his tongue working away at your clit like he wasn’t driving you absolutely mad with pleasure.
Once he’d found the spot, he retreats, slowly adding the second finger and beginning the cycle again, stretching you, filling you stupidly well; it was an absolute tragedy that he didn’t have a dick…at this point you were so stupidly horny, you would have climbed on top of him just for a chance to ride him.
(somewhere in the back of your mind, the saying ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ reverberates) 
As you’re right at the height, right at the edge, he suddenly stops, his fingers cease their movements and he pulls his head away, resting his chin on your naval as he stares up at you with such a stupidly loving look that it makes your heart twist; his chin was absolutely drenched in your slick, but he looked so very content.
But you weren’t.
“B-boothillllll-” you whimper, tugging at his hair again, why had he stopped!? Now of all times? You could feel his metal fingers pressed against your G-spot, but unmoving, they did little to pleasure you. You clench around them, but that too, yields little results.
“Sorry sweetheart, just wanted to see your face when I did it.” He chuckles, his smile twitching up in the corner.
“D-do whAT-” your question cuts off abruptly when the fingers inside you suddenly burst to life with vibrations, the strength of which you’d never experienced before. Your body coils and you nearly scream as he rams those fingers into your G-spot, stars exploding behind your eyes whilst pleasure cuts through your belly like glass. 
“That.” He hums, satisfied as he returns that sinful mouth of his to your clit, adding another layer of pleasure. His fingers were harsh and rough, crooking into your G-spot one second, and then splaying out the next, dragging rough and harsh against your walls; his tongue however was soft, gentle, slowly and carefully rolling circles around your poor little nub. You were going to go crazy, he was going to drive you insane and you were absolutely letting him. Your body reacts on its own, thighs squeezing hard around his head, spine arched upward; your hips prevented from bucking thanks to one of his arms, wrapped solidly around your thigh and holding you down to the sheets, forcing you to lay there and take it.
You knew the walls here were decently soundproof, but even you began to question if they could muffle out your cries, made worse when Boothill suddenly sits up, pulling you up along with him, practically folding you in half as he continues to feast on your pussy like he hadn’t eaten in centuries, his vibrating fingers plunging somehow deeper.
At first you struggle for air with the new position, your knees almost at your chest, but then he switches the angle of his fingers and aeons-, you didn’t think it could get worse than this. But the pleasure this new angle brings, it’s new, its terrifying and you don’t quite know how to articulate that to the galaxy ranger causing it all. Your hands scramble clawing and tugging at any part of him you could get ahold of, his name falling from your lips along with incoherent babble, desperation and worry all balling into one feeling you couldn’t describe as he continues to piston those fingers into you, hitting your G-spot with such accuracy, the flame in your gut turning from a high heat to a near-volcanic overload as you jerk and struggle.
The final straw is when you crack open an eye, catching sight of him, staring back at you with such…love, such unbridled affection.
You scream his name as you cum, harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. Your faintly feel yourself make an absolute mess of his face, arms, your back and the sheets below you as your world turns white.
A soft, damp cloth carefully rubbing over your skin slowly pulls you back into reality, rousing you from the soft and gauzy subspace of post-orgasmic bliss. You try to shift, to sit up…to…something- but a hand carefully manoeuvres you to lay back down on a thankfully, dry patch of sheets.
“Easy, darlin’” Boothill’s familiar southern drawl hushes you down “Nearly done.”
You crack an eye to find him carefully cleaning you off with said damp towel. Methodical but careful. You’re trembling from the exertion, but boothill looks absolutely fine, the bastard. 
In fact, he looks better than fine. A smile plastered on his stupid face as he works away, wiping sweat and other…fluids, off of you. 
When he was done with that, he wraps you in a clean sheet and lifts you, sitting you down on the trunk at the end of your bed, just so he could change the set you’d obliterated with your unexpectedly rough orgasm. You sit there, watching him, half asleep and pleasantly dozy before he pulls you back into bed, pulling you into his side. A glass of water is pressed against your lips as he encourages a few sips into you. 
You spend the night sleeping with him curled around you; the quiet whirr of his mechanical body providing a pleasing, soft white noise while hands stroke through your hair.
“Do you have to go so soon?” You ask as he reaches for his hat.
He’d been here a week, and it had been…for lack of a better word; wonderful. 
But all good things had to come to an end you supposed. The look on his face was enough to tell you what you didn’t want to hear.
“I gotta. I ain’t done yet.” He tells you quietly, despite this, he holds out a hand, a silent request for you to walk with him…the inn and the bar would be fine for a little while.
“I’d ask ya t’come with me, but that’d be the biggest forkin mistake I could ever make.” the cowboy admits. He wanted you to, he’d never felt so content as he had in this week, but bringing you meant putting you in danger…aeons know he’d done that enough already.
“Will you…at least come and visit me?” 
Boothill snorts as they meander their way towards his ship “O’course I will.”
“How often?”
“S’often as I forkin can.” 
You both stop beside the ship, it had a few more dings and dents than you remember, but it was still in surprisingly good condition.
“Well…” you mumble “at least you know you’ll always have a room at the inn while I still run it.”
“Y’mean yer’ room?” He snickers. “I forkin hope you intend on running the place as long as possible, I pulled in a good favor from jodie to get ya yer’ start ‘ere.”
You smile at him. Boothill thanks every aeon in existence that his cybernetic eyes had a camera function, so he could save that face and look back on it when he was drifting through the universe.
Slowly, he pulls his hat from his head, holding it to his chest as he leans down to press his lips to yours, one last time for the road.
“I’ll be back as soon and as often as I forkin can…y’hear?” He murmurs, you nod; fighting away the sting behind your eyes as you step back.
“I hear…and…Boothill?” you ask as he turns around to step onto his ship, looking at you over his shoulder. 
“Thank you.”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e @moraxsthrone @mysnowmanandmebaby @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @pvbbyb0y Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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riding Aaron after work
Smut below the cut
warnings: Porn without plot (Minors DNI or fkn else), PIV sex, dom Aaron, degradation, cream pie, fucking from behind, rough sex kinda
written very quickly as it came to me when I was procrastinating sorry for any spelling error
Word count: short
"Oh, Aaron, fuck, yes" you said in time with bounces on his cock.
After a long, tiring day in the BAU doing paper work, you were grateful that Aaron followed you home most days. Because currently you lay on the floor of your living room, riding your unit chief's cock as he meets you halfway with his upward thrusts. The sound you your wet pussy squelching and skin slapping filled the room along with both of your desperate moans as you chased each other's highs.
"Jesus Chist, do you hear how wet you are for me sweetheart?" He gripped your hips, holding you in place as he thrust up, hard. One, two, three, four times his hips slammed into yours as his cock assaulted the sensitive inner walls of your pussy, sending waves of heat and pleasure through your body, down to your toes and up to your cheeks that stained red. "Do you like being my good little slut? Huh? Just wanna make daddy feel good, is that it?”
He flipped you both over before grabbing your ankles and turning you to lay face down on the carpet and your hips raised in the air just enough to give him access to the most intimate part of you.
He ran his hands all over your bottom and the backs on your thighs. He was kissing your ass cheeks as his right hand found your dripping pussy and that then wound back to give it a smack. You cried out as he said "Answer me,"
"Yes, fuck yes" He suddenly thrust his full length, filling her up from behind.
He began a deep and punishing rhythm, eliciting pornographic moans from you as his cock hit your cervix and the deeper spot beyond, causing you you seize around him and cry out. “Gonna let daddy use this sweet little pussy how I want it?”
"Ah! Oh my god, yes.” You said through panting breath “Just wanna be your little slut, daddy, yes"
You were drowning in pleasure as his cock abused your pussy, his grunting and groaning the soundtrack to your orgasm.
"Is my good little slut gonna come all over my cock, huh?" said hotch as his hand snuck around your hip and in between your legs to rub circles around your clit, which broke the dam.
Your pussy clamped down on him as you cried out. Feeling your whole body contract as he filled you up with his hot seed while holding your hip with a grip sure to leave bruises.
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
RWR Rewatch Faves!
The Frogfather
Chapter 4 Episode 12 Recap Let Gooooo!
Roman: I love this because I’ve learned there’s ancient frog mythology
Roman: It’s Freek Mythology
Youngblood: Wow
Butler: I don’t know if we’ll have enough spaghetti
Roman: Who’s Spaghetti?
YB: It’s.. it’s food Roman
Tenpenny: Reston is a get away, I don’t have to be the frogfather there
YB: It’s very diverse in Reston
Roman: and It’s probably because of the great schools, we big smart
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Tenpenny: ok kids why don’t you grab the frog bedtime book ‘Sleeping With The Fishes’
DM: There’s a large bulge under the sheets
Roman & YB: *lose it*
DM: you disgusting heathens
YB: I’m so sorry!
Roman: we are 5!
*find a horse fly head in the sheets*
Roman: *ooc* THIS IS AMAZING *in character * I mean OH MY GODDD
Tenpenny: I’m gonna beat their fkn a$$es
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Roman: *lands perfectly silently on the roof of the greenhouse*
Roman: I had no idea music could move you like this
YB: it can!
Roman: this is the most beautiful gang meet up I’ve ever seen
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Roman: this is such a tender moment
Roman: I just realized this doesn’t add up with the horse head in the bed
*Krocket APPEARS*
Roman: your Kermit impression has gotten worse?
Roman: OHHHHH oh my gosh
YB: oh yeah I crushed his windpipe
*lilypadton joins the battle*
Krocket: LilyPadton you sweet dumb nerd HAHAHA
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*krocket grows giant*
Roman: Youngblood I think I’d rather take on a mother and her growing ferns than whatever is going on here
YB: I’m gonna stab him in the heart, but ya know, just to warn him not to kill him
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Roman: LilyPadton you got this?
LilyPadton: ok sorry about this *bites Krocket’s tongue*
Quil: *off stage* No.
*all laugh*
*YB casts vicious mockery again*
YB: oh where do I start? You green perverted nasty ass uncomfortable ugly ass amphibian ass wet webbed feet Sesame Street wannabe tattle looking like a tadpole BITCH
*lilypadton covering his ears hearing all that* LMAO
Roman: the tongue is back baby *rolls a 3* I DONT WANNA GO BACK
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YB: *dancing* so where’s the brother?
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
can you do headcanons for nebula with a strap?? i’m obsessed with your hcs for my fav gays
nsfw nebula, darcy, sharon (individual)
hehe finally ima have fun❕ minors dni and enjoy gays🩶 also i did darcy and sharon bc i'm a whore nd they don't have nsfw hcs😊
she obviously didn't know what it was at first
and honestly she's a bit weary at first
she hates men why would she try to be like that
but the first time you do it she's completely smitten
she'd go slow at first bc it's a new things but she'd immediately be obsessed
she goes fast and rough
she pushes you're tummy bulge
and she lets out loud grunts and a mix of degradation and praise
"you looks so fkn beautiful" "my filthy/slutty girl"
she'd think it's so hot if you turn into a mess and i mean like you're sentences are incoherent and you're hair is wild and voice is hoarse
shed definitely love a blowjob
like the fact of you getting on your knees for her makes her beyond horny
she'd also push you're head down so your nose is against her pelvis
since she's like techy she'd make it like an attachment so she could feel everything (squealing when i wrote that)
but she'd definitely be obsessed with you
and bend you over in any hidden area
darcy lewis
darcy is a bottom
i said it once ima say it again
she also loves that strap
just seeing it around your waist gets her wet beyond belief
her fav would be when you kinda js use her
like when you use one hand to grab her wrists and the other to make a makeshift pony tail out of her hair
she screams very loud
mommy mommy mommy
she has a mommy kink
she calls you mommy and melts at your words
she also says stuff like
'tell me you love me mommy' 'do i look pretty' 'am i doing a good job'
but when she's top she's lowk rough
she loves when you listen to her and when her big bad gf gets all submissive for her
she likes getting spanked bye
sharon carter
i'll be ass up anytime for ms carter
but she would definitely love to hit it from the back
shes definitely daddy
shes also really rough in bed
and loves hair pulling, spanking and bondage
like she loves marking you too
tying you up and listen to your whimpers while she leaves love bites all over you're body
she teases you a lot too
she leave a vibrater tied to you for as long as you can handle
only to push you over your limits
and she'll punish you for sure
if you've been misbehaving she'll make you cock warm her while she's on a meeting
but seeing you desperate makes her heart warm
not in like a sadist way
and while she is one
but when you whimper and silently beg for her to make you feel good her heart explodes with love
she'll want to hold you and make you feel good forever
sharons also a horny fck for you
shell rub your ass on her and make you grind into her
shes obsessed with you
a/n uhm anyways... idk who that was i should stick to fluff but ugh ik i alr did nsfw hcs but nebs darcy and sharon just do things to me❕
bye guys be whores and love you stay safe❕🩶
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 9 months
Went to buy a dildo but got fucked instead
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Hello everyone,
I already have several dildos but I wanted a really big black one. On the way home from work, there is a sex store that I usually go to. There is a parking lot with a section of it blocked off from view of the street by another building. The day when I decided to get my big black dildo there was a homeless man in the section that was blocked off, presumably sleeping. I walked in, grabbed the dildo, some lube, and some cheap slutty outfits and left. When I got to the parking lot I heard the homeless guy yell at me, “Hey is that dildo for you or for your girlfriend?”
I said, “of course it’s for me!, i like men, im not a dike!”
He proceeded to yell back at me, “that’s pretty big!”
I yelled back, “I know, but my holes can handle it!”
I walked over to the guy to show him how big it was, this is a 10 inch dildo as wide as my arm, and he was surprised.
Frankly I'm always horny, and I was already thinking about using it as soon as I got home, and I was feeling slutty as all hell.
“Do you want to help me break it in?”
“Of course!” The homeless guy said.
I started opening the box and taking off my panties from under my skirt. I rubbed some lube on it and bent over doggy style next to the dude. I could hear the dude moaning and breathing heavy just touching me. My heart started to pound as I anticipated which hole he was going to choose.
  He started rubbing the tip on my soaking wet pussy, but then worked the dildo into my ass, he got the whole head in me. He started slow and then started ramming the dildo into my ass. After a couple minutes he stops and I could tell he was rubbing his cock. I turn around and I see his pants are fully off and his hard cock is out.  I looked at him and he looked at me. His dick wasn’t very big, but it was hard as steel nonetheless. He smelled horrible but I was already dick drunk from what he did to me so I started sucking. I wasn’t very good at giving him a blowjob because he smelled and tasted horrible, so he quickly turned me around and started fucking me in the ass. He was fucking me senseless. You could tell that he hadn’t gotten his nut off in a while. It felt like his cock kept getting bigger and bigger as he fucked me. After fucking me for 20 mins I felt him starting to slow with longer strokes. He fell onto the pavement and said to me “ride me,” so I stuck his cock back inside my ass and started squatting on his cock. After a couple mins I turned around so he could see my ass and kept riding him like that. Within 30 second of me doing that he moaned louder and louder until he grabbed my hips and made me sit balls deep on his cock. He came and came inside my thirsty body. After that, my cunt was so fkn deprived that I laid back, spead my legs wide open and forced that big black dildo into my pussy.
I slammed it in and out fiercely, until I orgasmed and squirted all over the guy, and the pavement.
I put on my panties, grabbed my dildo and drove off.
One of the nastiest things I have done (in awhile).
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
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possibly a bubbles fic? he's so cute and doesn't get as much love as the other two boys :33
I agree he's such a cutie and he definitely deserves some affection, not only is he an absolute legend and a cat lover he's also fkn hilarious majority of the times I've laughed at the park after dark podcasts it's been because of what Bubbles has said lol.
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You're in Bubbles’ shed sat on the bottom bunk, it's slightly small and cramped and there's a 10 week old tabby kitten innocently clambering on your lap as well as a black and white one mewing loudly on his toilet seat and an adult male white cat asleep in an Amazon box he's using as a cat bed, you find it funnily adorable you're surrounded by so many cats and as a cat lover yourself it makes your heart warm for him all the more you're kissing him and running your hands gently up his blue and red chequered shirt he's got on. The coke bottle glasses he's wearing are nudging up against your forehead each time you kiss him tenderly. You can tell how nervous he is as he's quite tense and you know apart from the girl he dated at the vet years ago who he shared a joint with it's been a long time since he's done anything with a girl, you want him completely relaxed and at ease as well as lavish him with all the affection he so desperately deserves because he's simply adorable, he's also very intelligent and has the best dry humour that never fails to make you laugh.
“Bubbles,” you whisper against his soft lips.
“Hmm?” He mumbles as a reply.
“Are you OK honey?” You ask delicately.
“Yes I'm great” Bubbles replies with an air of fake bravado.
“Good, relax and let me take care of you” you whisper sensually in his ear and you begin undoing the button on his trousers as the black and white cute kitten jumps on his lap, you smile and giggle at this as it's mildly bad timing and its almost as if the kitten knew it. Bubbles picks the kitten up and puts him outside the shed where you can hear Ricky shouting about something in the distance. He shuts the door sits down and you pick up where you left off undoing the buttons on his trousers, he's breathing steadily but as you reach your hand in you're greeted by his plump erection cloaked underneath powder blue boxer shorts you grip it with your hand and gently tease it, he closes his eyes and lets out a content sigh. You pull his boxers down and his hardened cock that's moist with precum is standing freely between his legs, you slowly rub up and down as his eyes close and he's relishing the feel of your soft hand on his dick, you remove your trousers and panties putting them in the corner of the bunk, stand up mounting him and you sink your cunt down onto his needy cock, he lets out a pleased groan and his eyes flutter behind the bulbous cartoonish looking glasses.
You rock up and down slowly letting yourself take your time feeling him stretch you out and his cock delightfully caressing your inner walls hitting that sweet spot that makes you moan. He lets out sensual moans, his hand gripping onto the blanket underneath. You kiss him passionately as you lift yourself up and down on him each time you come back down landing on his length he lets out a whiny whimper against your lips and it feels orgasmic between your legs. You look down at him as he's looking up at you through his glasses with infatuated hazel eyes he looks so tender and beautiful. You go faster and he moans even louder against you as his face is buried in your chest while you hold the back of his head holding him close and letting out breathy moans of your own. Despite how much your thighs are slightly aching from keeping up the speed you don't care because you're sending him to heaven with your soaking wet warmth that's gliding up and down on his cock.
“Oh Bubbles” you whisper in a languid whine.
“(Your name)” he moans back as he gingerly kisses your collar bone. And you can tell by how much his thigh muscles are tensing underneath yours he's close so close to coming, his breathing quickens and he gazes up at you like you're everything to him in that moment, his eyes screw shut holding you close as you sloppily bounce feeling his hardened flesh hitting your G spot even more and he pants and lets out a muffled quivering “ohhhh” into your chest and you know that cry means he's come inside you. His breathing is still quite heavy and you give him a sweet kiss as you climb off him your legs slightly burning and feeling the sticky mess he left between your legs, you look around for something to deal with it and he kindly passes you some toilet paper, pulls his trousers up and collapses back on his mattress to relax his body and get his strength back, your pussy having completely drained him of all energy. Once you're cleaned up you snuggle up to him for cuddles and to watch a documentary about alien abductions.
#Bubbles #trailer park boys #nsfw #smut #fem reader #sex #kissing #romance #cats #bubbles x reader #x reader
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ovaruling · 2 years
covid has officially sapped the life out of me lol. i tested negative a while ago but like. my whole family recovered totally fine and i am still sitting here in a pulp coughing more often than i’m breathing and getting exhausted just standing up and entirely unable to think critically/creatively or solve a problem. and my pain level is fkn blinding
like literally went from working out every day, feeling some very real improvements in my energy and stamina and chronic pain and inflammation levels, getting up early and getting a lot of tasks done, ready to even try to go back to school maybe—to this
i know it’s my Many Physiological Problems and my autoimmune disease-burdened body and i already knew i was higher risk for long covid but cmon please don’t ruin my life when i was already only hanging on by a shred the strength of wet one-ply tissue :(
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grimdestination · 1 year
I’m not too sure how anyone feels about COD MW Oc’s but I made one and I’m pretty proud of it, just thought Tumblr might wanna see
But here’s Sammy Jones (Sammy is not short for Samuel and he hates being called that)
He’s a transgender man who works with TF 141 and specializes in air warfare and is pretty good at Sniping too. He originally requested to be part of the main ‘ground group’ as in Soap and Ghost who are at the mainline but his smaller stature and less muscular body made him better for sniping from the air.
Because of that he made his call sign Corvid sense he’s ‘Eyes in the sky’ as he calls it. Idk much of the timeline of MW 2 yet I just got into the fandom pretty recently and I’m trying to watch videos about the timeline but I think what I do wanna have in his past is him being part of the original Shadow company from Graves and he separated off after the whole shit show that was capturing Alejandro.
Sammy has some tattoos on his left arm: one dedicated to his Sister who was KIA her name was Katie Jones (Think I might have her die during the Shadow Company’s fall with Graves but idk yet) one as a slight tribal one (under the paw) and the paw from the cat in his childhood names Frankie. The fire one at the bottom represents the mission that scarred his face
Sammy isn’t very self conscious about his scar but he may have scared a few people here and there so he prefers to wear a mask not for his sake but for others. He does have a harder time eating solid food and the right side of his mask is usually kinda wet from his scar damaging his cheek so much. That part embarrasses him but he know he can’t do Jack shit about it so he just tries and forget about it.
And just as a fun little tease to Sammy’s first design is the last one lol definitely got a upgrade (it’s so bad even though I just drew his old design 💀)
Sammy is HEAVILY based off myself, his piercings, eye color (dark blue with central heterochromia) medium length brown hair and his tattoo is based off of my fur baby that passed. I I totally wanted to keep the prosthetic of him but I thought it would ober complicate his looks and overall decided against putting it into the new drawing of him and changed up his call sigh—
The amount of pictures and references I had to use for this fkn drawing is unreal 💀
So first post to Tumblr kinda weird sense I’ve been on her for a while but oh well.. hope anyone enjoys this mess of a character
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 14x18 Absence
“This can’t be good” “true that” “huh” “that can’t be good” “thanks’ “he’s using a vpn” “if he blew her up, can’t he heal anything at this point?” “goddammit. Fkn roaches man” “wait what?” “I mean he’s telling at telling lies, but if he vaporized her ass, how would they ever know?” “I mean his battery was almost dead so…” “He could still be there” “what’s around back?” “that’s a rusty ass fridge. Holy shit” “very neatly pruned bushes” “it’s so square” “what is that? What kind of candy is that? A snickers?” “snickers are good’ “what the hell” “she just pulled that bandage out of nowhere. Happens to be the perfect size” “why are we turning down the healing? (A) Bandages cost money (2) shit’s painful so let him do it?” “why is Cas thinking about that shit?” “yup” “sounds like lawyer speak. It wasn’t bad. It was just the absence of good” “they’re not going to question the spellwork not even a little bit?” “fuck that chair” “I’ll just sit on this table’ “that chair wasn’t bad. It was absent of good’” “what a room” “just a man in a jacket at a kids’ playground” “so if he did bring Mary back, what makes you think that you could trust him ever again?” “would you really notice a dent in the floor? I certainly wouldn’t” “mmhmm” “home” “the fuck is that painting? Oh yeah we’re at Rowena’s. Still doesn’t match the color scheme, though, but red hair kinda” “way to rationalize it all” “that’s not good” “that’s an inconvenient requirement” “at least Rowenas’ not dead” “hello Dean one one” “the fuck are we doing here. I know what’s going on, but it’s a weird place to break. I guess it was a commercial” “is she going to be miniature sized?” “how’d they find the body?” “can they redo the spell? They have the body now” “well. Oh not done yet” “won’t know until you ask” “two sets of years. That’s funny’ “big drink before a hunter funeral? There we go” “don’t need to burn the fkn picture damn” “they must have actually fired her this time they’re going full on montage” “Why are you throwing the picture away? Jesus” “that’s a lot of fuel of very wet logs”
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chaoticfandomthot · 8 months
Ep 17 mouse thoughts
- very glad for the reminder of who the guy is
- what is it with moms and poisoning their kids..
- what but then the guy saved him??
- is it like an organization to collect people with the gene???? The hell???
- ah fuck fuck fuck
- ba reum please the more you stress the more suspicious you look
- okay so this HAS to be organized crime using the people identified as having rhe psychopath gene
- is OZ the name of the organization? Then is the comment about the kid naming his cat after the lion in the wizard of OZ an important clue or like a foreshadowing type thing?
- ooooh nice going mu chi
- i wish i knew enough about the wizard of OZ to try and read more into it
- i really feel like doc daniel is full of shit
- also i feel like he did care even a little bit?
- also you better have a great hiding place for that white board babes cause this is dangerous af
- is it not kim joon sung OR is the medical guy in on it- nvm he wouldn't have told mu chi
- those medications are suspicious also i fkn knew that doctor was weird as shit
- oh ba reum is approaching expiration date
- i don't understand how the guy never did any test following the brain transfer? Like yes okay he was arrogant but also like for science he should've wanted more observation? Unless he knew and just didnt care
- glad he's pushing her away but also.. idk..
- Mu chi's about to put everything together.. choi pd also figured smthg out.. if they work together they'll figure it out..
- how is protecting ba reum helping possible victims? Damn these OZ guys are scarily effective
- damn ba reum alright smart af
- he's scary good but they're very organized organized crime damn
- oh it's the moss kid he probably killed
- so was the kid also pinged as having the gene? Did he have the genius gene or did he have the psychopath gene but very good acting? Would explain the not giving a fuck about the rabbit
- ah! The kid was yo han!! Called it!!! Explains why he was followed
- he'll take the dreamcatcher. Yep.. oh? No?
- ah.. he should have..
- what kind of cheap ass outdoors wall paint can be removed by wet wipes????
- this concept of 'killers can never do anything nice or it makes them not killers' is pissing me off...
- the metaphorical noose is tightening around ba reum's neck
- fuuuuuuuuuck ba reum ah......
- lab rats??? In middle school???
- oh ba reum... oh my baby boy.. oh no no no no..
0 notes
taegularities · 2 years
rid my dear if you’re not too busy, and still open for some drabbles, I have a request. All these amc on ry has me feeling soft and gushy, so my request is ry!tae and a!oc on their wedding night 🥹❤️🥰💍💐👀
Tumblr media
fic: ruin you and ruined pairing: taehyung x reader (a!oc) genre: established relationship; pure fluff and smut warnings: confessions and a lot of love :(, they're simps for each other, bit of teasing, wedding talk; explicit sexual content: fingering, oral (f.), doggy and missionary <3, spit stuff, brief masturbation, biting (surprise), dom and big dick!tae (surprise pt2.), one pussy slap, he likes her ass, praising, so many petnames, he's actually SOOO fkn sweet :(, unprotected sex (condoms are cool), manhandling, multiple orgasms, lmk if i forgot smth <3 wc: 3k (u don't understand how much i miss them ok) a/n: i've not been feeling so well lately, so i was gonna say no to this request – but this ask stirred something in me, and now i miss them even more :') it's far from perfect, but i hope u still like it hehe i even made a banner !! :D lmk what u think <3 a/n2: the drabble belongs to my ruin you series (linked above), but if u'd like to read it as a standalone, that's totally possible, too! those are just newlyweds very very much in love 🥺
ask my character! (no drabble requests anymore, please!) <3
The sly smirk he shoots down to your awaiting body will never not feel new to you.
He towers above you, veined hands under his neck. His fingers slowly work at the buttons that yet keep his skin hidden, and your blood boils. Your heart vibrates. Your eyes dart back and forth between his gaze and his ring finger, now decorated with eternity.
With his shirt down and the melanin popping, he hastily removes his slacks; danger fills his words when his knees hit the mattress and he says, “You looked so gorgeous today.” You hold your breath, shifting back on the bed. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”
“Liar. You were too busy admiring the castle grounds and the fairy lights.”
Your back hits the headboard of the bed, but you don’t remain in the position for long. His strong grip settles around your already bare thighs, pulling you down the bed until you’re flat underneath him.
Drawing closer, he breathes against your skin, hands crawling up from your legs to your tummy and then to your breasts. He’s an enchantment, every single time… and despite the years you spent together, tangled up in your room, you don’t know how your heart will handle his unending affection.
You’re officially his now, aren’t you? Officially officially.
“You loved the lights and the flowers just as much, though, didn’t you?” he asks whenever his lips aren’t kissing down your neck and shoulders.
“I did…” you mumble, focusing on breathing, “didn’t expect anything else from us.”
“It was your idea.”
“No regrets.”
“No,” he places a hand on your cheek, brushing back your hair, “fuck no. Never any regrets.”
Taehyung is impatient today – and that says a lot, considering how he’s still moving slowly, carefully. The hour-long pleasure that usually keeps you awake at night falls away this time; his mouth journeys down your body and to your panties right away.
Wet kisses call goosebumps to the surface of your skin; he moans when you do. His fingers tug at the straps of your bra, pulling it down and freeing your perked nipples. The gust of wind through the open window makes you shiver.
“Today was really fucking long,” you murmur, whimpering when he bites your sides. “Fuck, I—”
“Yes. Yeah, what is it?”
“Can you hurry up?”
“You’re flattering me,” he laughs, hands on your hips as his face settles between your spread legs. “On our first day as a married couple, too.”
“Me telling you to hurry up is flattery to you?”
“Is it not?” He plays around the hem of your panties, and when his fingertips graze the spot near your clit, you almost shut your legs close. “You think hearing you beg for dick isn’t flattery?”
“Not begging…” you insist, though the both of you know just how fast he affects your mind. “Just—”
He slaps your pussy with a layer still inbetween; you yelp, looking down at him with furrowed eyebrows as he says, “I missed this.”
“It’s just been two days.”
“So? I miss you all the damn time.”
“‘Kay,” he only voices before he buries his nose and mouth in your panties.
He inhales, lips toying with the fabric. Then, his tongue darts out, and you feel it subtly, slowly; your body reacts, and that’s all he wants.
Looking up at you, he finds your eyes closed in delight and lust. He dives in again – and this time, he flattens his tongue over your pussy, the material of your panties harsh against the wet muscle. You squirm, groaning, and your hands rush to his dark hair.
It’s still somewhat hard from the gel his tresses got styled with, but when you look at him, the damn loose strands send you into an endless spiral of craze.
His movements become more urgent; soon, he’s making out with your clothed cunt, nails digging into your legs and hips, and you squirm in his grip. Your reaction sends blood straight from his head to his cock, and when impatience wins once and for all, his face shoots up.
Your limbs are shivering already, your nipples impossibly hard. And with the look you wear, he can’t help but feel his underwear tighten. Nearly ripping your panties off of you, he throws them on the ground before finding his way back home between your thighs.
He doesn’t take a moment or two to prepare you for what’s to come; instead, he pushes your legs back immediately, starting to eat you out like a man starved. His tongue and lips feel soft against your pussy, and he keeps changing the pace.
From fast flicks to slow kisses, he doesn’t leave a spot of you untouched. His mouth glistens from your slick – you can see it even from here – and his hair tickles your pelvis. Nether lips spread, he brings a finger to your entrance, and when he teases it with circling motions, you shut your legs around his ears again.
“Fuck,” he says when he emerges anew for a breath of air. “One more time and I’ll leave you high and dry on your wedding night.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
He smirks. “I wouldn’t, you’re right,” the shake and tilt of his head remind you of the devil; he will eat you alive, you know it, “but don’t you wanna come as many times as possible, baby?”
“Now th–that you say it…” you breathe out when he soothes the crescent moons his nails dug into your skin. “But hurry. Please.”
“‘Yeah, babe.” Taehyung’s finger pushes in between your walls, and your eyes roll back at the pleasant intrusion. “No need to worry at all.”
And then, he’s tongueing at your clit. Drawing patterns, watching you leak, his fingers drenched in arousal to their knuckles. He fucks into you slowly at first before he increases his pace, and with the tension already present in your tummy since dinner, you let go with a snap.
“Ohhhh, you— you fucking demon, I—” is all you manage.
He licks you through your high; you feel the smile against your skin. You might’ve remarked something snarky if he wasn’t robbing every little piece of your sanity.
Cautiously, he watches your expression, a deep crease between your eyebrows that relaxes bit by bit. You look drowsy, kind of hazy – the way you always do when an orgasm shakes your body.
“Baby,” he whispers innocently, and you almost scoff; though your reaction dies immediately when he adds, “Turn around.”
Taehyung laughs, kissing your cheek, your nose, your forehead before he teases, “You really can’t think anymore, can you?” You let out a small snicker, shaking your head no. “Turn around for me.”
You attempt your best to do a 180, and his hands aid you, flipping you over before he lifts your hips. Balancing your body on your underarms, you throw the hair out of your face, and when you glance back a few seconds later, he’s… fully naked.
Pumping his cock.
Hissing, biting his lip. His jaw is clenched and sharp – you want it to cut you open.
You push your body back, wiggling your ass, but Taehyung’s free hand stops you in your tracks when he grabs a handful of your bum and squeezes hard. You let out a quiet vocal, and he says, “You wanna play with my sanity like that?”
“It’s what I’ll be doing the rest of my life, babe.”
“Good one,” he says, albeit not without a tsk and a roll of his eyes. You don’t see his pupils anymore – but you’re sure he did just that.
You feel the mattress shift when he moves closer; his cock rests between your ass cheeks, moving slowly. Leaking precum sticks hot against your skin, and he leans forwards until his chest almost touches your back.
“Here,” he voices, bringing his fingers to your mouth. “Need a good image of what you can do.”
You want to tell him that he knows exactly what you can do – pictures of his eyes rolled back, his cock throbbing in your mouth, your own eyes watering flash across your mind. The way he grunts and groans when he comes in your throat, his voice as deep as the ocean.
Words die on your tongue when he pushes the digits he fucked you with between your lips. It’s the same as always for you, neutral; your arousal awakens nothing in you. But you know he likes your fragrance, your taste, that it drives him crazy to feel you around him anyhow.
Like now.
You swirl your tongue around his fingers, bobbing your head back and forth, eyelids shut as he moans. You imagine that he’s thrown his head back; feel how rockhard he is for you.
His cock shifts down and prods your entrance – you think he’ll push in when you expect it the least. But instead, he removes his fingers from your mouth and says, “Spit on it.”
Offering his palm, he breathes in deeply again, and you land a blob of spit on his hand before it vanishes from your sight. Craning your neck again, you watch as he spreads it around his dick; veins pulsate along his curved length, and you drool at the size, at the sheer delicacy that’ll ruin you all night.
And then, he moves on the bed again, and you avert your gaze, preparing your body for what’s to come.
Wet and filthy, his cock slides in. A loud mewl of his name falls out of you, and your upper body threatens to drop. He fills you up slowly, knowing you need a moment to adjust to him; and once he’s sheathed himself entirely inside you, he asks, “All good, my love?”
“I’m okay,” you assure, your head spinning, “go ahead. Please.”
And so he does.
Starts fucking into you gently, his hips moving in circles. He watches the way his cock keeps disappearing inside you; listens to the sounds that tumble out of you constantly; sees it when you grab the sheets above your head.
“Can I go—”
“Yeah,” you say, already aware of what he’s going to ask, “harder… faster.”
“Okay. Okay, shit.” He pauses, taking the moment to ram into you hard. “Are you even real? Gonna break the bed, I sw— swear.”
He would. It’s not like he has never torn up the pillows in your bedroom. But if he does it here, the hotel staff might complain, so he better practice control tonight.
Even if you don’t want him to.
Taehyung used to tell you how his biggest flex in bed was composure. How he always knew what he was doing, every move calculated – and how all of this broke once he met you. You’re a fog, he always says. You don’t allow a clear mind… don’t allow calculations.
And you notice it in the way his hips snap against yours; the way he forgets the world around him. You jolt forwards, your legs giving in. But the weakness of your limbs doesn’t discourage him; instead, he falls onto you, careful to not crush you under his weight.
Flat on your tummy, you’re caged between the bed and him, raising your arms higher. And before you know it, his hands have wandered from your waist to your wrists, pinning them down on each side of the pillow.
His cock, impossibly solid and wet, fucks you insane – your thoughts are scattered when the curve of it hits an especially sensitive patch inside you.
And he… not even he can believe that you’re real. His thrusts push your ass upwards, both your bodies sweaty; he loves how you feel wrapped around his thick cock. So he lunges in harder.
You nearly scream, “Taehyung—” Your heart thumps wildly, and his teeth nibble at the shell of your ear, his breathing shallow and irregular against you. “Taehyung, fuck, I…”
“Talk to me. Talk to me, sweetheart.”
“I love you… so— so fucking much.”
You do.
You do, right?
And suddenly… something seems to change in the atmosphere.
Your words trigger something in his heart. Something deeply anchored, yet easy to grasp. The wild hammering of his hips calms down, and the firm grip around your wrists loosens.
“Baby,” he whispers, and you hum, feeble in his presence. “I’m sorry, but… can you— can you turn around again?” You hum again, and he adds, “Wanna see you.”
So you do.
Slowly, with sugar and honey in your eyes. No matter how lewd your actions, your eyes are always deep and dreamy. He thinks he sees your soul through them – shiny and bright, like no one else’s ever.
God, he’s in love with you.
There can’t be a day without you anymore. By the laws of fate and love, there can’t be.
With the tip of his member spreading your pussy again, one of his hands wanders to the nape of your neck. His fingers bury in your hair, his lips grazing yours. He looks at you like he’s seeing you for the very first time – sighs along with you when his dick has vanished inside you again.
And then, before he starts moving once more, he admits, “I love you, too. I love you so much, it hurts.”
It hurts.
Every moment without him. You hate being dependent on people – but Taehyung has a hold on your heart that will keep suffocating you in the most delightful way. If that’s the silent ache love and eternal fondness bring, you don’t ever want your heart to stop bleeding.
Your moans, your whimpers, the crying out of each other’s names continue. The yearning, despite the closeness, doesn’t end. But his ministrations are slower now, his eyes lost in you. He doesn’t stop looking at you.
Only fucks you deeper, his pelvis brushing against your clit, untying the second knot that forms in your stomach. And he says, “I can’t… I cannot believe this.”
“What, baby?” you whisper, pushing the stray hair behind his ears.
“That this is happening…” You know immediately what he means. Not sex. Not intimate moments. You’ve had so many of those. But. “My wife. Aren’t you? My—” A sharp breath falls out of his mouth. “My baby, right? My wife.”
You might tear up… here and now. Your eyes are already welling up, glassier than his – and when he buries his face in your neck, kissing your flesh, you throw your head back. Eyelids flutter shut. The one tear priorly attempting to escape rolls out of your eyes and down your temples.
And when the contact of your skins keeps toying with your clit, you let go again at one particularly effective thrust. His name is all you seem to know – the rest of human language doesn’t make any sense anymore. Your voice breaks, your arms around him so tight that your muscles hurt.
Your husband.
Kim Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung – a man you’ll keep forever. His thoughts, his smile, his touch. A future with him and mini hims.
“Fuck, I’m gonna…” he manages, but you barely understand. “I love you. Love you. You feel so good, f—”
You press your lips together, still keening – and when he muffles his sounds against your clavicles, you know he’s close, too. He moves inside you once. Twice. And half a minute later, he’s spilling inside you, his seed hot and plenty.
A palm of yours slides down his body, to the firm muscles of his ass. He raises his head, madness in his eyes; his hair is dishevelled, in urgent need of a wash. But you think he’s prettiest like that.
Drowning in you. Unaware of his surroundings.
Taehyung is in love with you, and you will keep repeating it to yourself until you understand this fact’s reality one day.
“You’re perfect,” he then says.
His cock softens, the sheets damp from your sweat and filth – but right now, you couldn’t care less. His eyes pull you in too much, hypnotising; who could care about anything other than him?
“You are,” you tell him, and he smiles. Pecks your nose, and then stares at you with a blush dusting his cheeks. “And today was perfect, too.”
“It was, yeah? I’m happy if you’re happy, then.”
“You know what I loved the most?”
“Mmh… Slow dancing.”
Your eyes blow wide along with your mouth, and you tilt your head in the pretty way he adores as you say, “How did you know?”
“I saw it the moment we started. I knew you loved it,” he pauses, licks his lips, and you look at his mole for a moment, “but also because it was my favourite part, too.”
You nod slowly, pulling him into you a bit more. “We should slow dance more often, I think.”
“We’ll do anything you like, okay? We have all the time in the world now.”
Once again, you nod, and your eyes shimmer with purity. You’re indescribable – a wonder of nature. One of Monet’s paintings, right out of his mind, personified.
Taehyung never questions where you were all his life. Never thinks you should’ve crossed paths before. Because recalling his past, he doesn’t reckon he would’ve gotten into your heart this deep with the personality he used to wear.
Love had its time – and when the first tries failed, you appeared with a halo over your head.
It’s perfect. Every moment, every kiss, every fight and every piece of you – perfect.
The corners of his lips drop, his eyes suddenly sober. Worry creeps up your heart, and for a second, you fear he might slip back into the anxious moods that used to plague him. So you ask, “What’s wrong?”
But in reality… he and his heart are calm. Pleasant waves of tenderness swim in his eyes. And then…
Then he says, “You’re the love of my life.”
Your heart stops for a moment.
You take a deep breath; your waterline dampens again.
And he continues, “Don’t you ever dare to leave, okay?”
As if anything was easier than that. A request so obvious that you don’t even need to think twice before you promise, “I’d be an idiot if I did.”
That’s what you vowed at your wedding today. That you’d keep the beats of your hearts synchronised. That you’d never let him feel the absence of your warmth. And that you’d keep your fingers tangled with his.
That you’ve fallen for him once – and that you’ll keep falling for him forever.
please lmk what u think and reblog if u liked it 🥺 !!
472 notes · View notes
x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 8 months
My fwb wanted to hook up today for lunch, but I had to pass.
I am so tired, sleepy and so very sore.
My jaw is fkn sore, my legs are fkn sore, my ass hole is fkn hella sore, and my pussy is so very fuckn sore.
Plus my pussy is loose and leaking juices. I can't tell if I'm supper wet from this weekends gangbang, or am I still leaking cum from this weekends gangbang. Maybe both.
But I can't show up like this . Lol 👅
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
Truthfully I can barely walk right now.
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femdomlieeh · 3 years
Cheek (m)
Bratty sub!Mingi ✧ Dom!F!Reader
WC—5.4 ✧ k
WARNING—69 ✧ oral sex ✧ face-sitting ✧ begging ✧ teasing ✧ stripping ✧ praise ✧ minnie being the cutest fkn boy out there ✧ light degradation ✧ light hair pulling ✧ competition (Woosan) ✧ mommy kink (mami) ✧ baby boy kink
THEMES—smut ✧ fluff ✧ relationship au ✧ jealousy
[A/N.] first shit i ever posted on wp lmao
not edited so kinda messy ngl
M.LISTS—ateez ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
For a very long time I'd known that femdom is my cup of tea. Something else I'd known for a long time was that the thought of my boyfriend, Mingi, calling me Mami is one of the main factors of my wet dreams.
As I was driving the car home from a date, the only thing on my mind was how sexy he looked when he put his head on my lap in front of everyone in the café when he saw the waiter eyeing him up and down as an act of showing that he belongs to me.
I wanted him.
But I didn't just want him.
I wanted him in a way I'd never had him before.
I wanted him to call me Mami.
He liked it when I called him Babyboy so it shouldn't be too weird to call me Mami. Right?
I blurted out what I had wanted to say for too long: "I have a mommy kink."
He turned his head to me and looked at me, grinning as if I were joking. After a few seconds of not getting a similar reaction back his mouth gaped out of shock.
"Or to be more specific, I like being called Mami," I said in an attempt to get him out of his trance.
When he'd done enough thinking, which was five long seconds, he replied in the brattiest voice ever, "You're not my mother."
Of course it hurt that we weren't into the same kink...but all relationships have their flaws. At least we had femdom in common.
If he were dominant there'd be a problem.
And he didn't leave me for it, nor did he act weird around me.
But something that changed was that he got bratty.
He started using my kink against me! Like when I would accidentally walk into a table or drop my plate of precious food, he'd sarcastically say "Good job, Mami," and start applauding.
He'd always been my good boy so I wasn't sure how to react at first, but soon turned to punishments.
He liked it.
He liked it a lot.
He turned into a bad boy, but at least we found more common kinks that way. Mommy still wasn't one of them and that would always be in the back of my mind.
As long as I pleased him I was pleased. It didn't matter if he called me Mami or not.
___'s pov
"How does it feel?" I ask him enthusiastically.
"I'm excited since you've told me so many stories about them and it's a bigger step in our relationship," he says with a small, shaking voice.
He's nervous.
Knocking is heard from the entrance door of the apartment, which signals that they've arrived. Thus I move my feet towards the large door and open it, revealing the three people we've been expecting.
"San, you're even cuter than before!" I squeal out when I notice that his hair color is different from the last time I saw him, lilac and blue.
Last time I saw him he had bleached hair, but I'm assuming that was just to prepare for the ocean blue.
He throws himself at me in a needy hug and whines out "___-ie, I've missed you sooo much."
San is a very touchy person and that's one of his best traits - according to me - but it can be a less good one in a situation where you're in a relationship and your partner isn't aware that the guy acts like that around all his best friends.
Therefore Mingi stands there awkwardly and breathes quicker at the view of a stranger, who is an attractive boy, latch onto his girlfriend.
Suddenly I can hear San sniffling, which is weird until I hear him utter "I missed your smell! You smell like something I can't describe: like memories, like home, like ___."
I squeeze my arms extra hard for a moment just to be a little more dramatic when I state that I missed him more.
Letting go of him, I turn my gaze to behind him and go in for another awaited hug.
"Wooyoung!" I say with a big smile on my face when I see his eye-smile.
"___! Missed you," he says with a muffled voice from him burying his face in my neck.
He usually is louder and more jumpy, but he's very shy around new people.
My boyfriend turns his gaze to the ground, finding his feet more interesting than the scene in front of him.
I repeat the same process and pull away from the hug to go to the next person.
When I turn to the last friend I immediately get tackled into a hug.
"Why didn't you bring me in your suitcase?" Lisa whines.
"I missed you too," I say with a pout of guilt as I look down at her.
"If you missed me you would've brought me with you!" she fake wails as if it's my fault that's it's illegal to bring a human inside a suitcase.
"ANYWAY, meet my boyfriend! Mingi, meet San, Wooyoung and Lisa," I ignore her plaints and drag Mingi to my side so their attention's on him.
"H-Hi..." he stammers with insecurity as visible as a melon in a pumpkin patch.
"Hello," the oldest boy says loudly as he reaches out to shake his hand.
The tense boy next to me takes the other's hand and shakes it, probably wetting it with sweat.
"___-ie has told us a lot about you," Wooyoung says with a friendly smile.
"Why did you steal ___-ie from us?" the remaining girl asks as she crosses her arms, with an angry look.
"I-" my boyfriend tries to form a sentence and looks at me when he fails.
"I was just joking," she says with a smile this time and winks playfully.
He smiles a little as he gets calmer.
"I was kidding on the square," she says quietly for herself.
MG's pov.
"Now I understand why she got with you! Like, you're cool, bro," Lisa laughs and high-fives me while I'm blushing slightly with pride because of the compliment, but also at the mention of my lover.
During the past hours me and my girlfriend's best friends have bonded and I'm now comfortable enough to hang out with the three of them without her.
But being one hour without her gets very boring since she's the funniest person ever, but we have to wait because she's cooking food and we don't want to eat burnt chicken nuggets.
"How does the TV work?" San asks me, since it's my TV.
We're in my apartment since ___ didn't want me to be able to escape, in case I got embarrassed around her friends — which I'd very likely do after 10 minutes at her place. She describes me as an antisocial cutie.
"I don't know," I reply, feeling a little dumb for not knowing how to use my own TV. But in my defence I only use the TV when me and her watch Netflix together.
"Forget what I said about you being cool before," Lisa says, obviously joking...I think.
"___-ie!" Wooyoung calls out.
"No," she replies monotonously from the kitchen.
"PLEASEEE, WE NEED YOUR HELP, MAMI," the oldest out of the male guests yells with a nice tone.
That action got me in a state of shock for a few seconds.
Why did he call her Mami?
Soon she shows up and asks tiredly "What do you want help with?"
Slowly a bad feeling creeps inside me.
She's not afraid to say what she wants, so why doesn't she tell him off? Why am I thinking this? It's not as if it matters or anything. She should at least raise her voice a little, right? But why does she need to do that if it doesn't matter? Wait... What if he's her other baby boy?!
By the time I stop thinking, she's already helped with the TV and Wooyoung is looking through Netflix.
"Can you please get me a blanket, Mamiii?" the devil on Earth, also known as San, asks my girlfriend with a cute voice on purpose and makes grabby hands at her.
I look at her, expecting something I'm not sure of...
...And then she's gone.
Yes! She just left him hanging! Fuck ye-
My thoughts get interrupted when I see her...
...with a fluffy, red blanket in her hand.
"Thanks, Mamiii," he exaggerates the title once again, making my face turn red in anger.
"Don't interrupt me again, folks, or else you'll eat air," she warned before she went back to cooking the food that might or might not be ruined already.
I try to act like nothing happened when Wooyoung put on RuPaul's Drag Race.
But it's very hard.
My thoughts keep racing so I decide that I should confront that shitbag.
"Why did you call her Mami?" I ask bluntly, not caring about sounding rude.
"___? Oh, well, I always do that when I want her to do me-"
I clench my fists. This fucker-
"-a favour and it works! She loves being called that so," he explains with no regret or guilt in his voice.
"But you prolly know that already..." the short girl says and winks at me.
"We also say it when she's being protective of us and acting like a mom," Wooyoung suddenly adds, making me even more shocked.
"Which is, like, all the time."
He calls her Mami too! Wooyoung?! I thought he was the most innocent out of them...
For the rest of the night I am in a bad mood. I don't like it when they call my girlfriend Mami
Mingi's been ignoring me for the past days and I don't know why. But I do know that I hate it. He's usually very affectionate, so it feels weird in a very bad way when he isn't.
Thank God, he replied to one of my texts. It was the one where I asked if we could meet up. He responded, saying he wanted to meet up at his place.
I didn't know what to expect so I put on a nice outfit, which consists of a skirt with a zipper that goes all the way down to the edge and an oversized T-shirt. My make up was done by Lisa since she's talented and I really want to look good since I miss my baby. She also drove me there since I was hoping that I'd spend the night.
And that's how I ended up in front of this familiar door.
I knock gently, waiting for him to open it. If we weren't having problems right now I'd just open the door without knocking nor waiting for him to open the door, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that anymore...
Hearing no footsteps concerns me. Is he gonna ignore my existence this way too...?
When I realize that he might've not heard me I just go for the door handle and walk in.
"Mingi?" I say out loud, waiting for him to show up.
With no response this time I get a little worried.
"Minnie? Baby?" I call out his nicknames, hoping it'll show him I came to solve our problems, not argue.
"Here," I hear his beautiful deep voice coming from the living room.
After I hang up my jacket and take off my shoes I slowly follow his voice.
Walking into the living room I didn't expect to see the sight I'm met by.
There he is. My boyfriend, Mingi, laying on his stomach on the L-shaped sofa, facing the TV...
Plump butt, godly thighs, muscular back, honey smooth and colored skin...all on display for me.
Confused about why he's naked when we were supposed to talk, I ask him with a light tone "What happened? Why are you...naked?"
He turns his face to me, putting his cheek on the armrest of the sofa and whines with a pout, "I hurt myself!"
My protective nature kicks in and I get worried and ask him where he hurt himself.
He turns around onto his back exposing yet another surprise.
That surprise being his throbbing, red dick up in the air.
He whines out louder "I walked into a table."
The view of my boyfriend laying naked with a red, untouched hard-on and pout for the most innocent reason is one of the sexiest things I've seen in my whole life...and is also making me unconsciously clench.
I'm not sure what to say since I wasn't expecting to see him in this state, so I stay quiet.
If I was shocked before, I'm speechless when I hear the next sentence coming from his delicate lips...
"Can you kiss it better? Please, Mami, it really hurts so, so much," he asks, still with the pout as if he's an innocent church-boy and not a kinky masochist.
For some people this might sound like just a very kinky sentence, but for me it sounds like the gates to the heaven of sins have opened.
This flips me from worried-about-our-relationship mode to sexy mode.
I don't need to give him an answer, I simply walk over and look down at him.
"My safeword is disco. What's your safeword?"
"Disco too," he answered.
He feels small and submissive compared to my height and powerful aura.
Crouching down to the same level as his cock, I look at him and see him staring at me while breathing audibly. Smirking, I bring my face closer to his member and stop a few centimeters away from it.
"Where exactly did you hurt yourself, Minnie?" I ask him teasingly, making him groan.
"Everywhere, Mami. Everywhere. Kiss me everywhere, please," he begs, though he's sexually frustrated he keeps the cute tone.
"Please, Ma-" I interrupt him from his begging by squeezing his cock lightly.
He wants to be a good boy for me, punishment not even being on his mind.
Turning my gaze to him I can see his eyes glistening with curiosity, mouth slightly agape from where his sentence stopped, and hear his breathing growing a little louder at the unexpected touch. His dick is warm and pulsing from the resistment he's been surviving the past minutes...or hours.
I place a small kiss on his tip and hear a small, flustered whine escape his mouth.
He must've denied himself for a long time before I arrived if he's this sensitive.
"Waited for me instead of touching yourself? What a good boy you are," I say proudly before I start placing light kisses all over his dick, making it, if possible, even redder than before.
"I'm Mami's good boy," he barely lets out, having a hard time speaking. He wants to be claimed by me. He wants me to know that he's dedicating himself to me. He wants me to know that the only one he could see himself with is me.
The kisses are light yet full of power. They are so small yet they make him high on ecstasy.
With satisfaction visible in my eyes I start nibbling slightly, making him groan louder and instinctively close his eyes.
After a few seconds he opens them again and asks for another request "Mami, can you sit on my face?"
He wants to please me too. My baby isn't completely selfish.
"I don't want you to sit on the carpet," he says in the same made up innocent voice he's been using during the whole not-so-innocent evening.
"Why not?" I ask him, to get on his nerves a little bit more than I already have.
"Your knees will get red. The carpet's so uncomfortable. A-And you told me my cheeks are the softest cheeks in the world so you should sit here, Mami," he argues cutely and points at his face, showing me where I should sit.
How can he look so innocent in a moment that's everything but that?
"My Babyboy," I say and kiss his button nose, making him flash his beautiful smile.
I want to sit there, until I remember the fact that he ignored me for these past two days. So I decide that teasing him is what he deserves. Therefore I stand up and sit...
...on his chest, not his face.
Close yet far.
Hearing him complaining behind me motivates me to start sucking him, that'll maybe shut him up.
But no.
It doesn't.
Instead he lets out more moans, showing that I'm pleasing him is also his way of trying to make me wetter since he knows my weakness is his pleasure.
I twirl my tongue around the tip and get a high-pitched moan in return.
I love it.
His tip is his most sensitive part and he doesn't know if he should be happy or complaining that I know it.
With a smile I suck the tip harder and the moans leaving his mouth go straight to my core.
When I start sucking harder, he brings his hands to my thighs and rubs them gently up and down. That's OK until his fingers find their way to the edge of my skirt, slowly and sneakily trying to pull it up my legs.
"What are you doing?" I ask fast, sending vibrations that makes his dick twitch.
Grunts of pleasure is heard from the boy under me, yet he miraculously finds a way to talk.
"Mami, you smell so good. Can I taste? Pleaseee? I'm hungry, I haven't eaten for so long," he says in between low moans.
How can he care so much about my pleasure in a moment when he's so pleased?
"A good boy who asks so nicely deserves to be rewarded," I reply to his plead.
His face lights up at the thought of getting to please me; it's been his wish to do this for a while now.
It's usually me who gets to please him and not the other way around, but I've told him so many times that his pleasure is my pleasure.
With smooth hands he touches me from the ankles beside his head up to the thighs that are hidden under the material of my skirt. He enjoys it so much. Getting to feel my thighs under my skirt. It feels like he's doing something dangerous; being in contact with something nobody else can see, something no one else touches...
He feels like a bad boy.
Confidence and curiosity makes him tug the damned skirt and jerk it upwards until he can see the ivy blue panties with a big dark patch covering the entrance to paradise.
His Mami is wet for him.
I move my pussy further back until I can feel his hot breath on it through my panties. As soon as its arrives close enough to him, he happily puts the fabric to the side, so he can get to my wetness, and starts kissing it.
He kisses it smoothly and slowly, showing how much he appreciates it, since he rarely gets to do it this way.
Unlike him, I go rough.
Sucking his member harder and lower and hollowing my cheeks causes him to groan, sending wonderful vibrations to me.
He keeps whining and turning me on more so I start deepthroating my boy.
Because he earned it.
In return he chants my name sinfully and dives his silky tongue inside me, trying to retreat the sex drug I keep giving him.
Though it makes me gag, I go deeper.
Because his moans are so addicting. He has this specific type of moan that sounds like a mixture between a sad whine and a virgin getting fucked for the first time.
He licks deeper, though his moans are getting louder and making it harder for him to focus, he really wants me to cum first.
For a whole hour he's been trying to restrain himself from touching himself at the thought of what we were going to do tonight. He couldn't keep himself from thinking about it; it wasn't his fault that his girlfriend was the sexiest woman he's ever met and that the thought of pleasing her and showing her a new side of him was so hot!
The thought alone was enough to make his cock red.
But what we're doing together right now is nowhere near his fantasy...
This was way better than he ever could've dreamed of and he's really creative and has a huge imagination, which says a lot.
To actually experience this was so much harder.
He's been restricting himself from cumming since before my tongue met his sensitive skin. Here he is now, laying with the back of his head on the sofa and his face between my thighs, doing his best to send me over the edge.
Suddenly my skirt that was curled up on my thighs sinks down and barricades his head, not letting the cold oxygen from the room get in, which makes him even hotter. His hair is sticking to his forehead and his hands are cupping my ass, because he loves the thickness.
I can sense that he's on the verge of cumming and I want him to cum, he deserves it.
"Baby, cum for me," I say against his skin, blowing on it to make it cooler.
"Wanna wait for you, Mami," he moves his lips against me softly.
"But, Baby, you've been waiting for me for so long. You've been treating me like the queen I am. You deserve to cum," I encourage him.
"Do it, Babyboy. Your cum is my pleasure," I whisper against him and bite lightly.
All this praise is too much for him, he can't hold it in anymore so he finally lets go. The white liquid spurts out of him in strings and land on his abs. I lick it up and hear him groan tiredly.
Looking back I see that my skirt has surrounded him and I can't see his face when he licks me so I stand up.
With his tongue out in the air he looks disappointed and confused, "B-But, Mami...I-I didn't get my dessert."
I smirk at his cuteness and bring my hand to hold his cheek softly, "Be patient, Babyboy."
He's a little impatient now.
Or maybe that should be rephrased to desperate for my cum.
"You're gonna get it soon," I chuckle lightly at his eagerness.
When my hand leaves his cheek and my steps take me a few meters away from him, he gets confused again, but keeps quiet.
He's listening to his Mami.
I turn to him and watch his longing face as he lays there beautifully, looking like an angel, yet like a sinner.
Without breaking eye contact I drop my panties and his mouth opens more than before.
I'm putting a spell on him.
I'm like an enchantress, having power over his mind, body and soul.
He's like a puppet with the strings I have the control of...
...except he's aware of it.
And he loves it.
Walking over to him with my mighty aura makes him gulp, he has no idea of what I have in store.
But he really wants to see me drop more garments.
This time I sit on his chest with my front facing him, making him gulp again with anticipation and look down...
"I just wanted to see your pretty face when I ride it," I say innocently, looking at him and witnessing him getting redder.
He lifts his gaze to my face and locks eyes with me when I suddenly knot my oversized shirt, since I don't want it to cover his handsome face like the skirt did. This exposes my abdomen, which makes him even more excited.
"Show me! Show me, Mami," he begs with his needy voice.
"Let's see if your tongue is worth it, Baby," I reply, making him feel small, but determined at the same time.
There's no chance he's not witnessing a strip tease and my golden body.
He goes back to kissing my folds, keeping our eyes locked, wanting to see my reaction to everything he does.
He explores my body and desires, since he usually doesn't get the opportunity.
I love it.
When he's being affectionate and can make sex romantic by showing he loves and appreciates my body.
Soon he starts using his tongue, stimulating me, but I stay silent with a straight face, showing that this isn't the best trick out there. When his face falls a little, I start touching his hair to get it out of his face while still looking at him to motivate him.
He licks between my folds and a stray groan escapes my mouth. That's a clue to keep it going, which he catches, making more groans leave me.
I grind on his face which forms a confident smile on it, making him go deeper and damn that feels great.
This is oddly good for being his first time eating me out.
A surprised moan escapes my lips when his tongue accidentally comes in contact with my clit.
He notices it, he's been keeping track of what makes my body react and what doesn't. When he realizes that the clit is one of the g-spots on the female body, he mentally slaps himself for not thinking of that.
Kisses are peppered on my sensitive bundle of nerves, sending shivers down my spine that makes me arch my back.
Smiling at my reaction, he starts licking it, leaving either a suck or a kiss after every lick.
He's going crazy down there.
Is he on ecstacy?
He doesn't do drugs of any kind.
Is he getting paid?
There's no amount of money that can make up for this kind of treatment.
No, he's simply aware of my worth.
"Good boy," I praise him and watch as his smile grows even bigger when I zip down my skirt and toss it away in a random corner of the room.
He puts his hands on my knees, that are on each side of his head, in an innocent matter...until he moves them up my thighs and stops at my ass, kneading each stretch marked cheek in each hand.
"Hey! No touchy-tou-" I get interrupted by my lover's magic hands pushing me into his face deeper and make me moan louder than before.
With loud moans escaping my mouth uncontrollably I grab a fistful of his wet hair. He likes it, it's rough and shows that I fucking love what he's doing.
"So desperate to see Mami naked?" I ask him as teasingly as possible when I'm grunting.
He responds by vibrating mhm repeatedly against my clit, making me pull his hair harder.
As I grab the edges of my shirt, I see his eyes full of lust. When I pull it up and throw it away he gets disappointed.
I'm wearing a lace bralette.
A wine red one because fuck matching underwear.
He wants to see more.
But he still thinks I'm sexy and purrs against me.
With the desire to make me cum and show my all for him, he puts his cute lips on my clit and suckles the harshest he can.
His craziness down there makes me scream out loud, "Good, Babyboy. Make Mami proud."
As he keeps on pleasuring me, I decide he should get something back.
He has earned it.
The sound of me unclipping my bra makes his doe eyes twinkle with penchant.
He takes one of his hands away from my butt and puts two fingers inside me to pleasure me even further to the edge.
The other hand he brings up to cup my right boob with.
I'm on the verge of cumming.
He notices and starts pinching my nipple.
How does he already know what he's doing?
I can't hold it anymore and release my juice.
Looking down below me I'm met by his face of accomplishment and pride.
He licks everything up as if it, in fact, were dessert.
"Thank you, Mami," he says and breathes loudly.
I move away from him and lay back against the cushions.
"Don't leave me, Mami," he whines lightly at the lack of contact.
He moves towards me and puts his head between my boobs.
As he's laying and relaxing with his eyes closed, I play with his hair.
Maybe I went a little too rough on his cute hair...
I put on Netflix on the TV and look through shows to find something we can watch.
We've seen almost everything already.
But there's one show I never grow tired of: RuPaul's Drag Race.
I've seen all seasons but rewatching them is still entertaining.
He suddenly puts his chin up on my left tit to look at me and hurts me in the process.
"Ouch, that hurts, stop," I tell him.
He immediately moves his chin to the middle of my chest instead and apologizes "Sowy, Mami."
No praise makes him pout.
So he starts licking my left nipple lightly while pinching the other.
I take his chin between my fingers and bring him away from my skin and up to face me.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask seriously and look into his eyes.
"Doing what, Mami? You? Well, because I love you," he plays unaware.
"C'mon! Since when do you call me Mami, hm?" I ask, still keeping eye-contact.
He looks away.
"Look at me and tell me the truth," I demand him.
He sighs and prepares to admit it.
"I-I don't like it when San calls you Mami..."
"Baby, I've told you you're my baby boy. My only baby boy! Okey?" I tell him, sad that he's insecure.
"But you gave him the last taco and you LOVE food!" he argues with emphasis on love.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to change yourself so you can prove that you're better than other boys. You hear me? You're my only lover and I love you more than I love myself," I say and kiss his forehead.
He nods and looks down.
He's still insecure.
I sigh.
Ding! I get an idea.
I gently push him away from me and start walking towards the blankets.
Suddenly I hear the annoying radar ringtone that means someone's calling my phone.
I pick it up and see it's San. Why would he call me at this time?
"San? What's up?" I say tiredly.
"I'm eating waffles with chicken," I hear Wooyoung's voice mimicking San's.
Ohhhhhh, he's trying to prank me or something.
"I just called to say that I took your bra," he says very convincingly.
How long has he been practicing that voice?
"Because watching Drag Race has inspired me to become a drag queen, thank you. Have fun watching me win season 12," he says, still with his San-wannabe voice.
"Okey, Sannie. Byeee," I say and giggle at him.
"Wait, don't you want your bra ba-"
I end the phone call and grab the blanket to finally go back to my boyfriend.
With the soft blanket covering me I turn back to him on the sofa and am met by him crying.
I hurry and sit down next to him, "What's wrong?"
Through tears he says, "You don't wanna know."
That makes me confused and offended, "Why wouldn't I wanna know what's hurting my Baby?"
"Because I'm not your only baby and because I'm annoying with my feelings," he wails out.
"How many times do I have to explain you're my only one? And why would you think that your feelings are annoying, Baby?" I ask him, genuinely confused about where those thoughts came from.
He starts laughing hysterically.
Full of sarcasm.
"SanNIE," he tries to make his voice sound like yours.
"Here, get the last taco! Here get the taco between my legs while you're at it!"
"He's my friend since kindergart-"
Before I can finish my sentence he interrupts me with a cracking voice, "Right after I make love to you you go back to him!"
"Baby, I just went to bring a blanket and he randomly happened to call me," I say and dry his tears.
His eyes won't look into mine.
He's still upset.
"Why would he call you this late?"
"Because it was Wooyoung. He wanted to prank me so I guess San left his phone unprotected for once. But I pranked him back by acting like I believed him. That's why I said Sannie instead of his name."
"I still think he likes you!"
"Baby..." I smile widely.
"What?" he says, slightly annoyed at my expression.
"You do know they're in a relationship together, right? Or did I forget to mention that?"
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
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❝ Shoot it up, shoot it up 빨간 향기가 타올라 날 구속해 뭐가 있는지 수사할 게 ready 출발하면 뛰어 가빠지는 우리 racing ❞
( Shoot it up, shoot it up The scarlet scent burns up and restrains me Let me investigate what's in there ready Run when we get started, we become breathless racing )
—song mingi; 2021
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Hey could you please do a dom remus, dom james and sub Fem!reader, with pet play and the use of kitty instead of "daddy".
Scenario: remus is dating the reader but james likes the reader to and james catches them fkn and he ask to join.
Btw i love your content so much! Pls never stop.
This was oddly specific but I also loved it??? Thanks for all of your patience love xXx
James Potter x Fem!reader x Remus Lupin
Warning : Sub!reader, Unprotected sex, Voyerism, Praise kink, teensy innocense kink, i don’t remember if I put degradation, pet play, pet names
Word count : 1730
James was cocky, some would consider him arrogant.
You however, found it enticing.
You’re just kind of self destructive that way, I suppose.
Remus was different from James, he was quiet and analytical. When he did have something to say it left a mark. Remus had you memorized, he knew every trigger, every touch, and every desire in that pretty little head of yours and both of you always enjoyed his intuition.
As James flew across his broom stick, dodging every bludger with ease, Remus’s intuition was telling him that you were extremely horny. You were on the best seat in the house, Remus’s lap and every time James would catch the quaffle in his very capable hands, you’d clench your thighs a little. Remus placed his lips at the shell of your ear, his hot breath and tone of voice making you shiver.
“When were you going to tell me about your little crush, poppet?”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t lie to me, you know that gets you punished. Besides, I can feel how needy my girl is, don’t you want me to take care of that for you?”
“Yes please.”
“Alright, if we leave now we should have enough time before everyone gets back, maybe even longer cause it looks like Gryffindor is going to win so there’ll be a party in the common room tonight. We’d have the dorm to ourselves Puppy, how does that sound?”
“Please Remmy, I want it so bad. I want you so bad.”
“Let’s go, we’ve wasted enough time now.”
James’ eager eyes scanned the room for his favourite girl, but you were nowhere to be seen. The euphoria of winning had worn off, and all he could do was politely brush people off as he searched. He felt bad that he felt this way, but he couldn’t exactly help feeling it anyhow.
To avoid all the bothersome people he decided to just call it a night and dream of the girl he couldn’t have.
Remus’s girl.
He trudged up the stairs, reminiscing of the time you placed your hand on his shoulder, he didn’t know he was such a fan of physical touch until you showed him. None of the marauders were really cuddly, but you seemed to thrive off of it and he was happy to oblige. At least that was something.
He was so lost in his own thoughts, but something he heard stopped him from the routine habit of opening the door without question. He recognized the cute pitch your voice took, but this time you were moaning, a lot.
And he would have left you alone but he heard his name, so he figured he had a right to listen, right?
“Please Remmy, want your fingers.”
“You don’t want my fingers, you want James’ fingers.”
“I- I want both- still like you too.”
“Greedy girl, one cock isn’t enough for you huh?”
“He’s so pretty, want him so bad”
“Poor dear, James isn’t here so it looks like my girl can’t get what she wants.”
James knew he was confident, but he didn’t realize he was confident enough to burst through the door, not even phased by your naked figure rutting against Remus’s thigh.
“Nice of you to join us James, I was hoping you’d overhear.”
“Yeah? Then I’m glad I did.”
“Puppy, why don’t you greet our guest the way I taught you, hmm?”
“Okay kitty.”
You climbed off of Remus to settle in front of James on your knees.
“She calls you kitty?”
“It’s like her version of Daddy, I find it endearing.”
“It’s cute” he squats down to fondle the pendant on the collar you were wearing. He’d never seen you wear anything like that before. It read the property of R.L.. “So, you’re Remus’s puppy huh?”
“Yes sir.”
“Would you mind being my puppy for a bit?”
“No sir, wanna be your puppy for more than a bit.”
He patted your head and rose to his full height.
“Good girl, what’s your safe word?”
“Red, or I can snap.”
“Why would you snap?”
“In case your cock was in my mouth sir.”
“You should let her suck your cock first, she takes it well.”
It took a lot for you to not clench your thighs together. James studied your eager face and smirked at your instant compliance.
“Alright Pup, get to it. Let’s see if Remus knows what he’s talking about.”
All James wanted to do was eat you out until you couldn’t cum anymore, but he had never met someone so submissive before. It was fun to test the waters, and he would be sure to reward you later. You greedily swallowed his cock, his length wouldn’t deter you, since you were already used to Remus. James’ moans and soft grunts were feeding you into moving at a faster pace. You didn’t even notice the tears streaming down your face, but James did.
“Remus, you certainly do know what you’re talking about. Looks like you’ve trained her well. Are there any boundaries you have that I should know?”
“What’s mine is yours, just try not to mark her up too much.”
“That’s a shame, she’d be a pretty little thing to mark up, but she is yours. I can respect that.”
You were whining now while they talked as if you weren’t even there. Looks like they both knew how to direct conversation to make you impossibly needy, oh well.
James grabbed your hair to pull you off of him.
“Why don’t we show kitty how quick I can make you cum? I heard you wanted my fingers.”
“Please, want them so bad.”
“You also said I’m pretty.”
“You are pretty Jamie, wanna kiss.”
He helped you to your feet and cupped the side of your face gently.
Kissing James Potter was much different than kissing Remus. Remus could tease you endlessly about how desperate you were, but his kiss destroyed all pretenses. Remus was fire. James wasn’t cold, but it filled you with a different kind of warmth. His lips were soft, a complete juxtaposition to the way he was holding you. When he pulled away you sighed in contentment.
“Okay, get your ass on the bed.”
Well, his words were less put together than his lips were. But his command didn’t have you complaining.
You climbed on the bed in front of Remus as he enjoyed the show from the head board. You made sure to arch your back the way Remus liked, your cunt on full display. You figured James liked it too considering the way he muttered fuck under his breath as he squeezed your ass. Remus loved the anticipation dripping from your face.
“My pretty puppy, you look ansty. Are you sure you can handle James fingers. I think it might be too much for you.”
“No Kitty, I can take it please.”
“It’s not me you should be asking.”
“Remus she’s been such a good girl don’t tease her. Don’t worry baby, if you’re good you can cum as much as you want, maybe more.”
You looked at Remus with wide eyes, while he barked a laugh.
“Don’t look at me like that pup, you wanted this now you’re gonna take it.”
You wanted to jolt with the electricity that flew when James finally touched your clit, but Remus had trained you better than that, so you stayed planted only letting out a quiet whimper.
“Yeah Y/N, Kitty says you’ve got to take it.”
With that he pushed a finger inside your cunt while rubbing quick little circles with his thumb.
“You’re so wet baby” He was interrupted by your moaning when he pushed a second finger inside. “Taking my fingers so well. I want you to cum before I give you my cock, think you can manage that?”
“Oh she’ll just have to, besides, she loves being a little cum bunny, don’t you darling?”
“Love it so much Kitty, wanna be good, please let me.”
“Nothing is stopping you, go ahead and make a mess on Jamie's fingers.”
Your mouth fell open as James worked you through your orgasm, once he pulled out you were able to catch your breath again. He flipped you on your back and you were smiling at an upside down Remus.
“Fuck you’re precious aren’t you?” He bent down to give you an upside down kiss and grinned at you in your giggly state “James, you better hurry up and fuck her or else I’m kicking you out and I will.”
James took a glance at your now furrowed eyebrows.
“You’re confusing her Remus. Oh Bunny, Kitty was just teasing. Is your brain getting a little fuzzy?”
“A little Jamie, don’t want you to go. Can you please fuck me now?”
“Well since you asked so nicely.”
He pushed in inch by inch and he had this curve that rubbed perfectly against your walls.
He fulfilled your request with much happiness, snapping his hips into your like that’s all he was meant to do. You went to grip along his back, but he pinned your hands above your head, continuing his ruthless pace.
“Sorry Bunny, if I can’t mark you, you don’t get to mark me, understood?”
You nodded pitifully, barely even able to do that. You were completely absorbed in the pleasure James was giving you. You didn’t even realize you had squeezed your eyes shut until James reprimanded you.
“I can feel your thighs shaking love, keep your eyes on Remus. I want your kitty to watch your face as you fall apart on my cock.”
“What is it, puppy?”
“Wanna cum.”
“Go ahead and cum pretty girl, you’ve earned it.”
James was quick to stimulate your clit with his thumb again and just when you arched your back at the arrival of your orgasm James was filling you with his own. Slowing down significantly as he worked you both through the remnants of your climax he made sure to capture your lips on his own.
“James, I think you called me Kitty more than Y/N did.”
You frowned at that.
“You don’t need to be jealous Jamie, you can be my kitty too.”
Remus swept some of the hair out of your face, admiring your fucked out expression.
It was only fair that someone as spectacular as you got to be shared.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @midnightgremlin @weasleyposts @bluemoonyblurbs @emmaev @agalandhermarvelobsession
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tsukidrama · 3 years
Past Tense
ᴀɴɴɪᴇ ʟᴇᴏɴʜᴀʀᴅᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ — ᴇᴠɪʟ! ᴀɴɴɪᴇ ᴀᴜ
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢѕ: ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ᴀɴɢѕᴛ, ғɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ / ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ, ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
being on duty to watch Annie’s crystal is, 99.99% of the time, very boring. after four long years, that 00.01% comes on the day of the Rumbling.
Ao3 | Wattpad | art
written 23 march 2021, reposted in dec
note: happy birthday Annie! i gotta post something for my baby on her day. this was written in 2019 days after she woke up. all we had was the cough, gasp and i needed to get my fkn feelings out. i was so scared when she didn’t get out of that crystal until the final arc that she would be a final villain. and i knew that i was going to continue to stan no matter what, so i wrote this shit as a way to come to terms with the fact that she might be evil. I WAS SO HAPPY TO BE PROVEN WRONG. ANNIE LEONHARDT SAVIOR OF HUMANITY!!
word count: 2.9k
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deafening crashes fill your ears, and showers of dirt fall from between the boards holding up the ceiling as everything around you shakes. you stumble, and nearly fall to your knees. you lose the grip on the teapot you're holding, and fling it away from you as boiling tea splashes across the back of your hand. you hear a voice that sounds like it’s coming from right behind you.
“To all the Subjects of Ymir:” it says.
you turn around despite the fact that you know you’re alone. deep underground, five basement levels down a dozen slippery staircases and a terrifyingly dark hallway, you know that you are more than alone. seldom did anyone besides you make the long journey down to the caverns in which Annie’s crystal is kept - both due to the cramped mine-like tunnels and for the war prisoner who sits frozen in time at the end of the hallway.
you glance at the door, and begin to move towards it, on your way to check on Annie’s crystal.
before you take more than a step forward, your surroundings begin to melt around you. you whirl around, kicking up sand with your boots. you find yourself in a strange twilight. thousands of other people stand around you, all looking as thrown off and confused as you feel.
the voice resumes. “My name is Eren Yeager. I’m using the power of the Founding Titan to address all of Ymir’s subjects. The hardening of all the walls present on Paradis Island has come undone and all titans entrapped within them have started marching.”
gasping and murmurs fill the air, but Eren continues volumes above everyone else. brilliant light from the branching and interlocked, treelike formation high above casts shadows on the faces of those around you. the shadows pull and disfigure the faces, only makes everything seem more distorted and nightmarish.
“My objective is to protect the people of Paradis, the place where I was born and raised. However, the world wishes for the annihilation of the people of Paradis. The hatred that has been swelling up for so long will certainly not end. Until not just the Paradisians, but all of Ymir’s subjects have been eliminated.”
the twilight world begins to flicker, and you can once again see the packed dirt walls of the underground prison, yet in a strangely immaterial way as if you’re looking through a wavering curtain.
“I reject this wish. The wall titans shall trample all Earth outside of this island underfoot until all life existing there has been exterminated from this world.”
you blink, and you’re back where you had been. the dungeon is even darker than it normally is, with your eyes not having adjusted back to the dim firelight. for a moment, you stand still and catch your breath, shaking off your burned hand.
an audible splash echoes from underneath the crack of the door, and horror flashes through your mind as you realize which direction it’s coming from, and as you realize the implications that undoing all titan hardening would have.
you run across the room, and push the door to the break room open as quietly as you can manage. coughs echo down the hallway, and wet slapping turns into sloshing footsteps as the noises draw closer to you. it is dark enough that you cannot see her until she’s close enough to be illuminated by the only lantern in the hallway.
unfortunately, your plan to be stealthy fails altogether when you loudly gasp. Annie is covered in slime, and the expression on her face is nearly unrecognizable, but seeing her upright and moving with her bright eyes open is more than you can handle.
“Annie,” you stammer, “you’re out.”
Annie looks to you, and you can only watch helplessly as she wrongly interprets your reaction negatively. those beautiful eyes fill with rage so palatable that it hits you like a blow. your knees buckle, and you manage to catch yourself before you fall. you stumble back blindly, and knock one of the chairs away from the break table.
Annie lunges towards you, and a flash of silver catches in the firelight. one of your hands reaches for the chair behind you, and you use the back of it to block the left hook that she hurls at you. her ring carves a deep gouge into the wood, and so quickly that it’s nearly in the same motion, Annie brings her foot up on the seat to snap the chair clean apart. the wood splinters as it cracks, and debris flies in every direction.
“stop!” you cry out, trying hard to dodge her. one of the legs of the chair falls beside you, and you grab it and throw it end-over-end in front of you. Annie deflects it with her right hand, and throws another hook at you with her left.
this time, she hits her mark. pain radiates from your cheek as the blade on the ring slices into it. blood covers both Annie’s fist and your cheek, dripping down your neck.
you scream, grabbing your cheek and rolling underneath the table. Annie catches you on the other side, jumping atop you and pinning one of your arms above your head. she takes half a second to focus on swinging a leg over you, and you seize the opportunity to snatch her wrist with your free hand to rip the ring off completely. you cut your finger in the process, but quickly throw the ring across the room before she can do more damage with it.
Annie lunges as she pins your other arm above your head. you fight, kicking your legs hard enough that you nearly manage to shake her. instead, you knock over another chair and push the table away.
you scream again when she twists your arm, and you flinch and shudder in pain. Annie scoots closer to you, and wraps her hands around your throat. with both hands she begins to squeeze, and though she’s weak, it’s enough to restrict your airway.
you can’t breathe, and though you try to fight back, you’re quickly losing strength. her thumb presses down into your windpipe, and you try to choke out some kind of desperate plea. anything to make her understand.
Annie slams your head into the floor, eyes wild and tears streaming down her face as she starts choking you harder and more aggressively.
the edges of your vision go black, and you’re stuck underneath her looking up into her eyes - eyes that you haven’t seen in four years. you desperately look for the girl you used to know in those blue irises. as familiar as they are, behind them you can only find a dead-eyed stranger.
tears start falling from your eyes as well. four years of sleepless nights, and spending all your days alone catch up with you. all the hours you’ve spent with her sitting motionless, pouring out your heart, and it ends like this?
before the crystal, you were there for her. you held her while she cried, and foolishly thought that by letting you stay with her, it meant she trusted you. that facade was shattered long ago, but something in your heart breaks as it dawns on you that maybe nothing that happened between the two of you mattered.
none of the late nights you spent pressed up against her, breathing in the smell of her hair. none of the affectionate words whispered between you in the throes of passion, or the gentle kisses. not the times she lagged behind everyone else just so that she could hold your hand, and not the times when she pulled you away from everyone and everything just to spend time with you.
you weep openly, and in a last-ditch attempt to save yourself, you lift a hand up to Annie's cheek.
it works, and something in her eyes softens. Annie's grip loosens, just enough for you to get your fingers between your neck and her hands. you pry them away as you gasp for air, and try to push her off of you. you shove her aside, but her legs tighten around your waist so that she doesn’t fully fall.
Annie punches you in the nose and lunges back to wrap her hands around your neck again, though you do notice that she isn’t squeezing as hard as she was before.
it’s enough that you can speak.
“Annie please” you choke out, “i’m on your side.”
Annie's grip shifts, and her expression cracks. a sob wracks through her chest as her hands begin to shake. you struggle underneath her, much harder now as you try to rip her fingers away.
“i want to help, please. i want to help you.”
at your words, Annie’s grip loosens, and finally you break free from her. you shove her away with as much force as you can, and skitter backwards until your back hits the wall. she lands on her side but quickly sits back up, glaring. her face crumples as she hugs her knees.
“you’re lying” she whispers, tears running down her cheeks.
“no,” you tell her, “i’m not going to stop you. i don’t know why you did what you’ve done, but i couldn’t bear to put you in more pain than you’ve already been through”
Annie looks away.
“what’s going on?” she asks.
“i have no idea. i’m just as in the dark as you are right now.”
“you’re lying”
“Annie, please! you know me, i wouldn’t lie to you. what do you need?”
her eyes scan the room, roving over her surroundings like a cornered animal. “how do i get out of here?”
“take a right out of this room and follow the hall. a left and then you’ll reach the door leading to the staircase. ten flights of steps until you hit ground level.”
Annie’s gaze shifts back to you. “anything i should be worried about?”
“soldiers, but nothing you can’t handle, i’m sure.”
Annie continues to glare at you, and you struggle to tell if she’s angry or just thinking.
you almost laugh, but through your bruised windpipe, it comes out as a wheeze.
“will you follow me?” she asks after a few seconds.
you shake your head. “no. you don’t have to worry about that.”
Annie tries to stand up, but slips on the melted crystal goop and lands splat on her ass.
“careful!” you exclaim, and crawl across the room to her, “are you okay?” you rise up to your feet, and you offer her your hand.
unsurprisingly, she ignores you, and winces as she rises to her knees. she opts to stay on the floor.
“you know,” you say, “even just a year or two ago i would have gone with you.” you let your hand fall back to your side.
Annie scowls, and looks away again.
your heart falls, but you move on. time is ticking. “how long will it take you to get out?” you ask.
her scowl remains, but Annie begrudgingly answers. “thirty minutes, tops”
“take these” you fumble at your belt, scrabbling for the ring of keys hooked to your belt.
“they’ll know you helped”
you scoff, and wipe at the stream of blood that flows from your nostril. “then hit me again. the table’s already across the room and that chair is smashed. we can say you snuck up on me.”
her eyes narrow, and ice flows through your veins as she shoots you a look.
“no.” Annie says evenly.
“then i’ll say i passed out when you choked me. my neck is going to bruise and they’ll definitely believe that i lost a fight looking like this.”
Annie narrows her eyes further at the jab.
suddenly, you feel tears spilling from your eyes, and you press your hand to your mouth to muffle your sobs.
“please just hurry,” you tell her, voice breaking, “someone is going to come and check down here sooner or later, and i want you out of here before they do”
finally, Annie breaks her silence. “why are you doing this for me?”
“nothing that’s happened changes how much i cared about you” you say, and offer her your hand again.
she stares at it. “did you say cared? past tense?”
“you don’t have the right, Annie. not after everything that’s happened. it’s been 4 years of hell”
finally, she takes your hand and lets you pull her to her feet. your arms wrap around her, and she feels bonier than you remembered her being. your bare skin against hers lights up your nerves just as it did four years ago. you resist the urge to touch her more freely, and let go of her hand.
“yeah. you say that a lot.” she finally murmurs into your shoulder.
your face softens. “you could hear me,” you whisper “while you were in there?”
“it was the only thing that i held on to”
you clutch her tighter to your chest, and feel her arms finally wrap around you to return your embrace.
“did you know when i was there?” you ask.
Annie sighs. “i could feel you when you spoke to me. i could feel you touching me, but it was muffled. it’s not exactly the same as feeling, but i knew you were there”
at first you don’t know what to say. you think of the countless hours you spent chattering on to her about your life, your feelings, and what was going on inside the walls (and then later, outside the walls as well). you think of the books you read aloud to her, and the songs you sang to her.
your voice trembles when you speak. “do you remember the things i told you?”
Annie is silent for a long time, but finally nods. tears stain your skin where she presses her face into you.
“every word” she whispers.
you lean back, and place a hand on each of her shoulders. “then you know i’m on your side”
“you have to understand. it’s a whole different world for Eldians outside of the walls. i did what i had to do,” she gushes, and looks at you with something in her eyes that begs you to just agree with her.
yet even still, you can’t. “no, i don’t. i’ve tried for four years to understand.”
Annie looks like she’s about to burst into tears. “but?” she asks.
“there isn’t a ‘but’” you say.
tears fall from her eyes again as she looks down to avoid your gaze. she breathes in shakily. “then why do you want to help me?”
her crying triggers you to do the same, and you choke on a sob when you answer her. “because i loved you, Annie”
“again with the past tense.” she scoffs, and angrily wipes away the tears from her cheeks.
“what do you want from me? you know where i stand. i’ve never regretted joking the scouts”
Annie looks back up at you, and that unfamiliar rage is back behind her expression. “i should kill you.” she says darkly, voice low.
you tilt your chin up at her defiantly. “then what are you waiting for?”
as quickly as it appeared, the terrifying look on her face is gone. now, she looks empty, almost broken.
“maybe you weren’t the only one who was in love.” she says.
you swallow hard, and you feel your throat constrict and burn. “past tense?”
she shakes her head. “not always.”
you feel tears prick your eyes, and silently beg that Annie will say more.
“i should kill you” she repeats. all emotion leaves her face, and her eyes are dead.
you don’t say anything this time.
Annie takes a step closer to you, and you can’t help but flinch, and back up until you hit the wall again.
“relax, i’m not going to touch you,” Annie tells you.
she crosses the room, and picks up her ring from where it landed on the ground after you threw it. she inspects it closely, and then wipes it on her sleeve.
“I want you to come with me.” Annie says, with her back turned to you.
your heart skips a beat. “what?” you ask, shocked.
she doesn’t elaborate more. she slides the ring back on her finger, and tucks the ring’s blade back into the band.
“why?” you ask, more forcefully this time.
Annie pulls open the drawers in the break room’s kitchenette, shuffling through their contents until she pulls out two knives. cheese knives, but sharp and effective blades nonetheless.
“i didn’t lie to you about the way i felt. just everything else,” she says eventually, and offers one of the knives to you.
“that still isn’t great.” you scoff, but you take the knife from her regardless.
“i’m sorry. i couldn’t tell you. it wasn’t fair and you have every right to be pissed at me.” she says.
“pissed is an understatement.”
Annie rolls her eyes. “yeah, maybe so. fine. but you’ve told me that you know what we had is real.” she says, “and you know that i didn’t lie to you, i’ve heard you say it”
you nod, and know that she is right.
Annie’s eyes are still dead, but your heart twinges as she offers you her hand, and you feel yourself falling back into patterns that you thought were long forgotten.
“give me a chance to tell you what i never could. i’ll leave, but only if you come with me”
you swallow, and though your throat stings, something within you that you thought had long since withered and died, once again springs to life. you take her hand, and find yourself answering before you even have time to think
“where are we going?”
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