ravenquingvax · 2 years
~Inquisitor Valdren of Clan Lavellan~
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Kind, open minded, just wants everyone to be friends, ready to drop a fool, tired of everything going wrong all the time.
Can't decide between Josephine and Iron Bull. 😔
Love my tired lil rogue boy, I just wish that his hair could be longer... 💔
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valdrenduskstrider · 5 years
Commander Valdren Duskstrider
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 Basic Information
Name: Valdren Duskstrider
Title: Commander of the Dark Phoenix Regiment
Race: Ren’dorei
Class: Umbral Spellblade
Age: 377
Eye Color: Luminous Blue
Height: 6’3”
Body Shape: Muscular
Birthplace: Goldenmist Village, Eversong Woods
Residence: Stormbreaker Castle, Silverpine | Telogrus Rift
 Additional Information
House Name: Duskstrider
Nickname: V, Val
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motto: “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.”
Personality: ENTJ-T
Known Languages: Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Zandali, Demonic
Occupation: Alliance Special Operations Commander
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
 Character Description
Valdren Duskstrider, a denizen of Telogrus, is a ren’dorei that makes no attempt to hide from the world what he has become as he regularly summons forth shadows that congeal and dance about his form before being abruptly dismissed with little more than a thought. He walks with his head held high, the seemingly unending strife he has been forced to endure in recent decades failing to anchor his pride and confidence. Following his infusion with the malevolent void, his once lightly tanned skinned has taken on a dark and dusky hue. Cold and captivating eyes are no longer an iridescent emerald, but instead a luminous blue. Raven black hair has become a midnight blue that cascades down around a handsome oval face defined by high cheekbones, a strong jawline, a moderate amount of stubble, and a deep scar that runs vertically over his right eye, from his brow down to his cheek. From the ends of his locks, void energy coalesces into tendrils that act as an open warning to all that this elf is not one to be trifled with.
Valdren stands slightly taller than the average ren’dorei with a body that has been honed to the pinnacle of perfection. Broad muscled shoulders give way to a sculpted chest that sits above row after row of neatly stacked abs. Strong arms are corded with thick muscles. Intricate runic tattoos that glow vibrantly when the magic contained within is activated cover his chiseled form. The taut skin of his back ripples with the muscles that lay beneath and a phoenix that rises from the ashes is inked upon flesh. The body of this ren’dorei is a weapon, and the strength of his torso is mirrored in his glutes, thighs, and calves. A battlefield veteran who has been involved in numerous war campaigns, Valdren bears many reminders in the form of scars, ranging from healed over small cuts and scratches to the occasional long and deep lacerations, several of which tell stories of near-death experiences.
 If it was not already obvious that this was a man that spent nearly every waking moment working to prepare himself for the next threat to his people or Azeroth as a whole, there would be no questioning by any who looked upon him dressed for battle. Heavily enchanted leather armor, dyed a dark blue to openly display his newfound allegiance to the Alliance, has been reinforced with forged and tempered azerite, providing him with ample protection without hindering his ability to swiftly navigate through the field of battle. Should he need to engage in combat, his preferred weapons of choice would be the pair of flawlessly forged curved swords traditionally found sheathed at his hips. While these sharpened blades are his favored, the ancient Quel’dorei bow strapped across his back, the pair of revolvers, or the multitude of spells that rest at the tip of his tongue can prove just as deadly, should any be so foolish to cross him.
Despite the seemingly endless threats to peace, Valdren occasionally finds the time for a respite from the field of battle, and it is during these moments that one might find him in a more casual attire that offers limited protection. Make no mistake that although he may be seemingly unarmed he is no less dangerous for he is ever vigilant and prepared to face off against any who would have the gall to attack him.
Vengeance and Wrath,  Runed Blades of Retribution
(Twin swords) Description Coming Soon™
Tempest, Twilight’s Storm
Quel’dorei bow) Description Coming Soon™
Description Coming Soon™
Conjured Weapons
Description Coming Soon™
Description Coming Soon™
Dark Phoenix Amulet
Description Coming Soon™
Alliance Commander Insignia
Description Coming Soon™
Dark Phoenix Regiment Insignia
Description Coming Soon™
Titansteel Band of Lightning
Description Coming Soon™
 Azure Ring of Arcane protection
Description Coming Soon™
 Common Items
Water canteen
Coin pouch
Steel wire
Vials of Potions
Vial of acid
Flint and Steel
A Tome or Two
Father: Merillan Duskstrider (Deceased)
Mother: Kelaena Duskstrider (Deceased)
Brother: Lorleron Duskstrider (Deceased)
Sister: Sylowyn Duskstrider
Spouse: None
Children: None that are legitimate
Current Affiliations
The Alliance
7th Legion
 Past Affiliations
The Sunfury
The Scryers
The Shattered Sun Offensive
The Horde
OOC Information
First and foremost, I require that any who engage in roleplay with me be 18 or older. This is non-negotiable. 
I will not be held liable for my character’s actions. As far as I’m concerned, roleplay is storytelling. My character’s actions, beliefs, goals, morals, etc. are not my own. In-character drama is great, but I have a zero-tolerance policy for any out of character drama. 
I have a preference for mature and adult-oriented role-play. Dark themes are welcomed and encouraged. My only restriction is that it needs to make sense with my character. If you have an idea that you would like to run by me, please do not hesitate to send me a private message so that we can discuss it.
Out of Character, I’m probably one of the nicest guys you’ll meet and I’m always looking for more friends. Please feel free to message me to chat any time! There is no reason to be shy!
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So basically, this OC is my DnD character. His name is Valdren and he’s a sorcerer of noble lineage. He was raised on wealth and all that crap. But he doesn’t care for it. So whenhe got shipped off to magic school he was happy for a little while then he got tired of tbe rules there. So he left. He’s always wanted adventure and doesn’t want to be defined by who his parents were.
okay so i'm gonna try really hard i hope im helpful.
Valdren being the adventure seeker often finds himself surrounded by people rejected by most societies, basically the poor, and other people who reject strict rules in society like gender nonconformists.
at first being friends with outcasts felt like a big middle finger to the idea that he was from money and had to be prim and proper and continue a line of distinguished rich folks. but as he got to know them he realized the outcasts can be some of the kindest, most truthful people and so he plans to help them in any ways he can, money, magic or if they want, he takes them along with him on an adventure
he does love his magic which makes him learn different forms/styles of magic on his travels and becomes a better sorcerer because of it.
i think he'd be charming and draw a lot of attention even without the money, which can lead to both fun and a lot of problems
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twizzlekins · 6 years
Day 26: Superstition
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A Ys’arial blurb
Moonlight filtered in through translucent indigo curtains, billowing the elegant cloth as it obscured the true colors of the fireworks display in the distance. A display that was quite distracting, at least for a young Ys'arial who had already grown restless from her usual nightly lessons in the arcane, etiquette, politics and on and on so it seemed to her, as it would be for most children. She would much rather be out in the fresh night air with her friends enjoying the show. Instead, she was stuck on her estate and left to doodle with her new red ink and wonder which haunted souls were being warded off. “I believe you are not listening to me Ys'arial, is that at all possible? And do not write in red ink for Elune's sake, you'll anger the spirits.” Ys'arial jolted in her chair at the sound of her governess' voice, her face flushing a deep purple at being chastised.  “I'm listening” she muttered, adding an afterthought in an inaudible tone. “A future lady speaks with a elegant tone when addressing someone, and maintains proper posture at all times. Your mother shall have a fit if she sees such self-neglect...”
Ys'arial tuned her out. After all she had the same reminders with every lesson, every night. She did make an effort to fix her posture and pretend she was listening, a skill that was already quite developed despite being only nine years old. “For a city that's full of tomes and runes, there sure are a lot of superstitions.” she thought. The more popular ones revolved around shopkeepers and spirits, and of course everyone knew about astromancy. Her own family had a personal astromancer for such readings. Ys'arial believed most of these superstitions as much as the next person, especially with the recent troll attacks. She'd heard some of the city guards talking about “testing the borders” of Eldarath and a place called Shal... “no Shandaral, that was it” she remembered. As she wrote more notes, she wondered if that was what the fireworks were for, and why her governess was so on edge. Maybe Valdren and Vyun'thala had heard things in the city, she'd ask when she saw them next.
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My fuchsiablood, Dizzez Valdren!
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lanuevavoz · 6 years
Neutralizado supuesto alzamiento de la GNB en Caracas (VIDEO)
Neutralizado supuesto alzamiento de la GNB en Caracas (VIDEO)
El lunes 21 de enero presuntos miembros de la tropa profesional de la Guardia Nacional (GNB) tomaron las instalaciones del comando de San José en Cotiza, en el centro de Caracas.
En un video difundido a través de las redes un funcionario identificado como como el sargento mayor de tecera Valdren Figueroa, aseveró que el cuerpo profesional desconoce y se subleva a Nicolás Maduro.
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Go big or go home. And I, Valdren D’Aero, sorcerer and ball of chaos am not going back to be a stuffy noble with a bunch of rules.
i understand
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twizzlekins · 6 years
Day 4: Trust
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A Ys’arial blurb
Trust is as dangerous as it is rewarding. All those that live and perhaps even, those that are un-living, must play this game every night. Below are two excerpts from the Diary of Lady Miri'nal. Once a cherished gift for a life lived before the Sundering, it is now a Well-soaked, battered relic; protected by powerful curses and under guard of its equally cursed owner.
ENTRY: Despite my faith in our beloved Lady and our new god, I still do not trust this "legion" Something so hideous has no worth of being trusted regardless of the noble task it works towards. Many of the demons who now guard the palace, our quarters included, have seen the light and are as wholeheartedly dedicated to our Queen as we Highborne. As much as they displease my senses, I must admit they are very ept guards. The felhounds that roam make me nervous, though they are not permitted to harm us. Still, with so many vanishing as of late, it would be prudent to order one of the felguard to accompany me on the way to the Highborne's District. I wish to speak with Valdren. He is currently on duty at the walls. He still disappears from time to time, but no longer writes about what he sees. We bicker often and he has resorted once more to calling my life here a gilded cage. He knows I will remain devoted to my Queen and Xorial, but he prepares for our departure anyway. I humor his delusions out of care for him, but he is a fool. Our Light of Lights knows all and will guide us to paradise. She has never led us astray before, we must simply trust in her. To serve is the birthright of all Highborne.
ENTRY: Nights have passed. Not nearly enough. Perhaps there will never be enough. I can still remember the concerned inquiries the guard that found me that night as you burned away. The cries of my own attendants upon my safe return from “a traitorous kidnapper” A promise. I promised you. To endure. I am alive. Everything will be as it should. Perfection. The glory of Azshara shines brighter than ever. Yes, perfection. Everything will be perfect. But we know better, don't we, my dearest Valdren? Failure fades eventually. Surely everything will be fine in the end. It has to be. Everything that has happened cannot be for nothing. She continues this path, she would not do so if the promised paradise was not far off. She has never led us wrong before, we must continue to trust in her wisdom now.
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twizzlekins · 6 years
Day 16: Gossip
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Malicious or not, the denizens of Azeroth and any world are all prone to gossip. Sometimes harmless, other times malevolent, gossip is as much a part of our lives as breathing. Below are three excerpts from the Diary of Lady Miri'nal. Once a cherished gift for a life lived before the Sundering, it is now a Well-soaked, battered relic; protected by powerful curses and under guard of its equally cursed owner.
ENTRY: I am still beyond words, still in awe. We have finally arrived in Zin-Azshari and it is a wonder of the world itself. My rooms within the handmaidens’ quarter alone are breathtaking. As I must always be prepared to tend to the Queen and Xorial has joined the ranks of the court arcanists, our new life together will be hectic but glorious. I cannot wait to befriend the other women who act as fellow handmaidens, though I do not think I will like Lady Vashj overmuch. I have already heard some of the lesser, non noble handmaidens whisper about how she dyes her hair. Still, she is as noble born as I,so I shall outwardly play nice as is fitting. Valdren and I fought before parting ways. Xorial wished him to be slain, but I would not allow it. I am angry at them both. I must watch my temper. The Queen, rightly so, expects to be surrounded with nothing less than perfection. I swear on my life that I will not disgrace my Lady, nor my family by failing in this blessed opportunity.
ENTRY: There has been a great deal of commotion within the palace and the city these past few weeks. A few groups of arcanists were selected by the Queen for some project or other. One group heads south towards the warm, humid regions, another travels far north. The third heads west to seek a location for a new Temple of Elune. Neither direction sounds amusing. What is amusing however, is the fact that all involved apparently believe that this is a great honor. Please, what a jest. They are being sent away from Zin-Azshari. Away from our Light of Lights. I, like the rest of us higher tiered and worthy Highborne, have made much comment about the disgrace of it all. Still, perhaps it would be prudent to sneak a servant loyal to House Miri’nal into each group. It would not do to let such riffraff curry any favor and this is a perfect opportunity to use the latest court gossip.
ENTRY: There was a grand festival in honor of our beloved Queen tonight. I myself was trusted to oversee the preparations and ensure that everything would be perfect, worthy of the Light of a Thousand Moons. While all shall be allowed to attend; the tournaments were for the nobles and Highborne only, since everyone knows a lowborn would only embarrass themselves. I was mildly impressed with the archery contest, nor was I alone. One of the palace arcanists could not take his eyes off one of the archers. I must try to remember to learn her name, Shaalia or something along those lines. While it was rude of him, I can make use of this bit of gossip. Our Vision of Perfection showed her eternal benevolence and had servants going around with exquisite wine from the royal cellars. It was wonderful, we really must have another soon. Our Queen deserves to be revered so.
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twizzlekins · 6 years
Day 7: Bored
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A Ys’arial blurb:
It would seem that boredom is a timeless and unwanted hobby of any sentient creature. Countless are the ways we seek to relive ourselves of such a dull state. Below are two excerpts from the Diary of Lady Miri'nal. Once a cherished gift for a life lived before the Sundering, it is now a Well-soaked, battered relic; protected by powerful curses and under guard of its equally cursed owner. 
ENTRY: Tonight was wonderful fun. I was supposed to be learning how to sew, but I was too full of energy to focus and it is such a boring task. Mother was out attending to the needs of the city and wouldn’t let me go with her. She says that I need to learn to control myself. She says it isn’t proper to clap excitedly or giggle when one receives praise. I don’t see why, it is the first that our people have started calling me Small Lady Miri’nal and I’m excited. While she was away I snuck into her rooms and played dress up. I pretended I was a proper princess, like Azshara. Then one of the servants caught me and I thought I was going to get a scolding, but she gathered some of the others and pretended to be  trolls. I vanquished them with my magic and saved the city. I led them in a victory parade throughout the mansion halls. Mother came home and saw us. She must have been overcome with pride, because she stared in silence for a moment before leaving for her rooms.
ENTRY: I cannot believe I still have this silly journal after all these years. At any rate it will give me something amusing to do. Both Xorial and I have been excelling with our lessons, and our courtship is going quite well. Our coming of age ceremonies are drawing near. I will soon be getting the facial tattoos. I had a design chosen, the icon from Queen Azshara's banner. All who see me shall be reminded of their duty to her. Only one eye shall be marked though, fashions are changing and many of the Highborne are not getting tattoos at all.. Mother says I have grown into a proper member of our caste. I am joyful, for bringing proper respect and power to House Miri’nal will aid me in my wish to be called to the Eternal Court. To be so close to our Light of Lights, to step where she steps and be recognized by all as the heiress of Eldarath is a dream I have long nursed. As for Vyun’thala and Valdren, well they are flaws in my path of perfection. Vyun’thala is so worthless, always trying to turn attention away from me and onto herself, flirting with our instructors, like some common trollop. Valdren has fallen from grace and has been disowned by his family. We still speak though. I tell him of Vyun’thala, Xorial and all he misses, but he gets so sullen when I do.
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twizzlekins · 6 years
Day 21: Dawn
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Dawn, the start of a new day. A new age. There is always a dawn, but there is always a dusk that precedes it. No matter the straights a being finds itself in, this is a universal truth. Below are two excerpts from the Diary of Lady Miri'nal. Once a cherished gift for a life lived before the Sundering, it is now a Well-soaked, battered relic; protected by powerful curses and under guard of its equally cursed owner.
ENTRY: Everything is in chaos. The world outside, my thoughts, even the palace is less than perfect. The Queen shall be displeased. Nothing makes sense. Stay. Flee. Perhaps my mind really has shattered. I am packing, once more heeding my Valdren's wish to flee. My head aches so much. Whatever it was that struck the palace has made everything so much worse. That wretched Vashj has just left for the Queen's side after having dismissed Iri'kira from her duties as a handmaiden. The unfortunate woman sits there in an unreachable state of mind, the blood still running down her face from where she hit a tables edge. I must be lucky that I only struck a column and have escaped marring. Or have I not?
So much confusion and panic and yet I can see clearly. Enough to know that I have been wrong about much. There is nothing here now. Father, Mother, the people of Eldarath and Valdren are dead; and Xorial, my poor mate, is lost to me forever. Lost to the influence of this Sargeras as are so many of our people. Am I lost as well? Have I always been?  I must be wrong. There is still our Queen. All of this chaos must simply be an effect of our god coming through the portal. How can I even think of fleeing now? No. There is no denying it, Valdren was right. I must not think about what awaits outside and oh; I am too late. The Queen has called for us. All attention will be on Her and her intended. I can decide what to do then, after she dismisses us. I promised Valdren I would endure no matter what. I believe dawn approaches, and with it I shall let my confusion burn away.
ENTRY: --The last quarter of the battered journal is a mess of empty, water damaged pages.--
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twizzlekins · 7 years
Diary Entry 4 (Childhood)
This summer has been miserable, I want to go home. I finally met Xorial. His family is hosting us at their estate, and all they ever do is try to curry favor with Mother and Father. Xorial is no fun, all he ever wants to do is show off and shoot arrows at targets all night. I have made a new friend though, with one of the lower tiered courtiers of the region. Her name is Vyun’thala. She’s learning magic as well and is almost as good as I am.
 It is nice to have a new friend, even if she is a lower class than myself. Tonight we’re at the archery range for a lesson. Mother says I should use this chance to try to make friends with Xorial. I didn’t want to, but both Mother and Father gave me that look again. I tried to shoot a bow, and the arrow went really high and got stuck in a tree. There was another boy there, named Valdren and he laughed at me. I pushed him down and set his shoes on fire. I am confined to the grounds for the time being.
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revecroir-blog · 13 years
Ethereal Forest, for yesterday's similarly-named story update on Valenth. I'm really starting to get a hang of mixing now, I think; this has the...erm, earfeel I've been aiming to reach with my music for all this time. :D
time to go through and start updating songs again, lol
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revecroir-blog · 13 years
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So how about that mirajin, huh? :D
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