#Valenthyne Farfalla
dapurinthos · 5 months
new padawan holopic day is the jedi temple version of school picture day. everyone agrees that the species with hair have it the worst because it's taken the day after they get that haircut. masters trade them like pokémon cards (i'll send you valenthyne farfalla, loden greatstorm, and oliviah zeveron in exchange for tarre vizsla).
depa billaba's collection is legendary. she has forty-seven imagecaster pucks filled with them, each one holding about four hundred (each holopic is approximately 15 seconds long and an imagecaster holds 100 minutes). she has more padawan holopics than there are current members of the order.
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milfglupshitto · 2 years
please answer with more regard to instinct than accuracy, and reblog to increase the sample size!
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short-wooloo · 26 days
Paraphrasing @pagecommando here
"The first darth bane book was published in 2006 and Bane is just a Big Chungus Slytherin Harry Potter Fanfic set in Star Wars. I have no idea why these are so well regarded by a subset of the fandom."
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ao3feed-obikin · 2 years
Title of Jen'ari
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45698209 by Theo_Lannister What if, in an alternate Univsere, the Chosen Siblings were born earlier? During the Republics' darkest hour, the Force had Avanika and Anakin Skywalker created. Not as children born to a slave, but to Lady Shmi of Clan Skywalker, House Serenno. The siblings have spent their entire lives living in the Sith Fiefdom of Greater Sero, gaining reputation and infamy across the entire Sith Empire as two of the most eligible young people in the Galaxy. Both, stubbornly, remain unmarried, however. But when their grandfather, Count Dooku of Serenno, forces them to spy under the guise of going to an annual Sith Festival, they may get more than they bargained for. Because there are two people at the festival who are very much *not* Sith, and yet they're drawn nonetheless --- It's 1012 BBY Baby! Holy Sith Empire and Jedi Lords abound, oh my! It's a historical regency AU of Two There Must Be, my fem!Anakin/Sibling fic i got going. The previous fic is not required reading, they're fully separate plots that just happen to have the same characters. Words: 6532, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Dynasty of the Force Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi vs. Sith (Comic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Original Sith Character(s), Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Shmi Skywalker, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Kas'im (Star Wars), Valenthyne Farfalla, Hoth | Rohlan, Mace Windu, Yoda (Star Wars) Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Courtship, Sith Culture & Traditions (Star Wars), Sith Empire (Star Wars), Sith Politics (Star Wars), Jedi-Sith War | New Sith Wars: 2000-1000 BBY (Star Wars), Grandparent Dooku (Star Wars), Force-Sensitive Shmi Skywalker, Shmi is Dooku's Daughter, Avanika is Anakin's older brother read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45698209
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Star Wars Alien Species - Bothan
The industrial world of Bothawui is the birthplace of the Bothans, along with various colony worlds throughout The Mid Rim territories.
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Their race evolved on the world of Bothawui which was located in the Mid Rim and were known to have developed the technology to travel through the stars millennia ago whereupon they became long standing members of the galactic community. The Bothans were noted for being long time members of the Galactic Republic. In the millennia prior to the Great Sith War, the rapid expansion of hyperspace lanes led to a period of exploration. This saw the Bothans found their first colony of Kothlis along with a growing influence in the Galactic Senate. This era also saw the rapid growth of the Bothan Spynet where their agents were sent to newly discovered worlds that saw Bothawui becoming a hub for information. They were noted for being ever loyal allies to the Galactic Republic. However, Republic support was withdrawn from the long-standing allies as a result of the Treaty of Coruscant. The Bothans were said to have mastered the art of intelligence gathering as far back as 300 BBY, and began exploiting it for personal gain. A hundred years later, they made contact with the Dressellians; they recognized that species' potential and departed in order to allow them to evolve without interference.
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Whilst a longtime member and supporter of the Republic, the Bothans remained neutral during the period known as the Clone Wars. In this time, the Bothan Senator Polo Se'lab abstained from politically charged votes leading up to the conflict. Though not playing one side against the other, the Bothans served each one in a professional but not exclusive manner. Their reasoning for helping both the Separatists and Republic was the belief that furnishing each side with intelligence would hasten the end of the war. This stance on neutrality did not stop both the Confederacy and Republic from courting Bothan aid to their respective side, though this only increased their stance of supporting neither faction in the Clone Wars.
Although Bothawui remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans maintained a small defense force to protect the planet, along with Bothan colonies and economic interests. Aside from a figurehead governor and a small garrison of stormtroopers, there was little Imperial presence. Both Imperial and Rebel Alliance intelligence, by a mutual, unspoken agreement, decided to let the planet serve as neutral ground, where they could engage in their clandestine activities without risking open conflict. Bothan soldiers and officers were trained at the oft-mocked Bothan Martial Academy.
During the search for the new Death Star, two dozen Bothans sacrificed their lives in order to attain the technical specifications for the space station. Furthermore, they learnt that the Emperor himself intended to inspect the Death Star II, which paved the way for a Rebel attack at the unfinished weapon around Endor.
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Despite official neutrality, the Bothan Spynet played a significant role in military operations throughout the war. Bothan spies acquired top secret codes for the first Death Star and delivered them to rogue Imperial Moff Kalast, who in turn handed them over to the Rebellion. Hundreds of Bothans would be personally slaughtered by Emperor Palpatine for their treachery, most notably during the 501st Legion's retaliatory attack on the Rebel base on the surface of Yavin 4, killing 3 Bothan Rebel leaders. Later, under the leadership of Koth Melan, spies provided information to the Rebel Alliance, and were crucial in securing the plans to the second Death Star.
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After the Empire subjugated the Bothan worlds, Alliance General Bob Hudsol organized many Bothans into a resistance movement that eventually overthrew the Imperial garrison. As Bothan involvement in the New Republic increased, so did Bothan military advancement. From 4.5 ABY to 8 ABY, the New Republic Defense Fleet maintained a Bothan-only Bothan Combat Response Element as a quick response force, giving early experience to many future Bothan officers of the New Republic. By 25 ABY, Bothans such as Traest Kre'fey held high ranking posts in the New Republic military, and Bothan engineers had developed several warships, such as the Bothan Assault Cruiser.
When the Second Galactic Civil War began in 40 ABY, the Bothan government joined the Corellians. The Bothans began to build small, fast but durable frigates to aid the war effort and transport. Mon Calamari Admiral and Chief of Staff Cha Niathal stated that the Bothans had theorized a new fleet tactic: smaller, faster ships instead of heavily armed but inherently slow Star Destroyers.
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Bothan culture was guided by the philosophy and principles set forth in the ancient text known as The Way, written by Golm Fervse'dra. In this "Bothan Way", the pursuit of power and influence was paramount. Thus, individual Bothans put their own political and economic success above all other concerns, and as a species, Bothans put their own advancement ahead of other intergalactic interests, though many did side with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil war. The volume of backstabbing, subtle character assassination and political maneuvering in Bothan society was dizzying, and resulted in many species stereotyping Bothans as untrustworthy. In fact, most Bothans are habitually paranoid, believing that anyone who's not working with them, is working against them.
In times of crisis, the focus of Bothan society shifted to a survivalist state known as "ar'krai". When engaged in ar'krai, all fit Bothans volunteered to defend their species from impending annihilation. The last calling of ar'krai was during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion after the death of Borsk Fey'lya and the practical defeat of the New Republic.
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Immediate Bothan families were organized into large clans, which were the most important social unit in Bothan society; family and clan loyalty were equally important as power accumulation. Clan association was denoted as the last component in a Bothan name. For example, the name Girov Dza'tey would mean that Girov was his given name, Dza his family name, and that he was of the Atey clan.
The Bothan Council, a representative body of selective Bothan clans, was the primary governmental body of the Bothan people. Renamed the "Combined Clans" during the New Republic era, the body was still commonly referred to as the Council. At the height of the Galactic Civil War, the council comprised representatives from 608 registered clans. A constant flow of new clans petitioned for membership with the numbers soaring during crises like the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. At the head of the Council was the First Secretary, who led the council from their headquarters in Merchant's Square in the capital of Drev'starn.
Beginning with the Clone Wars and continuing after the fall of the Galactic Republic, the Council absorbed many of the Bothan political bodies, such as the Bothan Independent Treasury, seeing them as wasteful, corrupt and inefficient. Highly centralized, the Bothan Council governed all social, political, economic and security issues of Bothan life.
The Bothan Diplomatic Corps was one of the few government organizations to survive the culling, and was in fact expanded. The Diplomatic Corp operated as a branch of the Bothan government, and held the responsibility of furthering Bothan ideals through diplomacy. Its agents met with the leaders of other worlds, forged treaties, and represented Bothawui in the New Republic, to ensure that Bothan ends were served in any alliance.
Although Bothan Space have been prominent members of the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance that replaced it, Bothawui joined the Confederation in 40 ABY after the assassination of several Bothan citizens on Coruscant by the order of Jacen Solo, and the revelation of a Galactic Alliance plot to invade Bothan Space.
Pers'lya was a Bothan Supreme Chancellor circa 12,000 BBY.
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Bothans are covered with fur that ripples in response to their emotional state. They have tapered ears, and both male and female Bothans sport beards.
The Bothans were able to interbreed with the other species, as exemplified by the Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla. Such hybrids somewhat resembled baseline humans with haunches, hooves, fur, pointed ears and a long tail.
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They average about 1.6 meters or 5.2 feet tall and averages at 55 kilograms or 121.2 pounds in weight.
Bothans age at the following stages:
1 - 11 Child
12 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 45 Adult
46 - 65 Middle Age
66 - 84 Old
Examples of Names: Borsk Fey'lya, Karka Kre'fey, Koth Melan, Tav Breil'lya, Tereb Ab'lon.
Languages: Bothese was the spoken language of the Bothans. The language was also known as Bothan. Botha was the written form of the Bothan language. The alphabet was also adopted by the Dressellians for their language. Wrendui was a subtle body language of the Bothans. Their fur shifted in response to their emotional state by way of gentle ripplings. Bothan spies used many secretive forms to communicate.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 4 years
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Valenthyne Farfalla was a half-Bothan Jedi Master and Jedi Lord who served in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. A persuasive man with aristocratic tastes, Farfalla often fell into arguments with Lord Hoth over the direction of the Army’s campaigns. He was an incredibly honorable Jedi, well-versed in the use of the Force. Farfalla wielded a yellow lightsaber.
Source: The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
First Appearance: Jedi vs. Sith 4 (2001)
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strangeshipper · 5 years
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Star Wars :: Drew Karpyshyn, Darth Bane: Rule of two :: Valenthyne Farfalla
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sananaryon · 7 years
Star Wars Netflix series concept
So there’s been some talk in the fandom about a possible Old Republic era based series made by Netflix. Of course, it’d be hard to make a story that wouldn’t be awesome based on the Old Republic, but I want to throw my hat into the ring.
First, let each season tell the stories of a different part of the era. First season can be the conflicts between the Hundred-Year Darkness and the Great Hyperspace War. The Freedon Nadd Uprising, the Beast Wars of Onderon, etc. Season 2 is then about the fall of Exar Kun and the Great Sith War. Season 3 can be Revan’s story (unless we want to make that a movie, which we absolutely do), as well as possibly Zayne Carrick’s problems during the Mandalorian Wars. Possibly can a fourth season be about the events of SWTOR, preferably from the POV of the Hero of Tython and Barsen’thor.
Second, I propose a sort of connecting tissue between the seasons, a narrative element, if you will. Some time after the new movies or during the Rise of the Sith era, a Jedi master seeks to learn of the order’s past, and each season starts with them finding and activating holocrons that relay the story:
I am what remains of Odan-Urr. I will tell you the story of the Hundred-Year Darkness, the conflicts to follow, and the Great Hyperspace War.
I am Nomi Sunrider. I saw the fall of Exar Kun, and lived through the Great Sith War. I will tell you of these events, if you so desire.
I am Bastilla Shan (or Zayne Carrick). I redeemed the fallen Jedi Revan, and I shall tell you his story, and the story of the wars to follow.
I am <Insert name here>, Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order. I fought along side my fellow masters in the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the Eternal Conflict. I can tell these stories, so that the order may learn from them.
(Possible bonus: I am Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla. I served with the great lord Hoth in the last days of the New Sith Wars. If you so desire, I will relay the story of this conflict.)
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Given how ridiculously ornate but also medieval the star wars galaxy seems to visually be at the end of the New Sith Wars (at least in the Jedi vs Sith comics) I feel perfectly fine with imagining my Kine-Rists of the time looking like the characters from Monstress.
I mean we have Jedi like Valenthyne Farfalla who looks like a monarch (suppose it makes sense as he was a Jedi Lord) with his... interesting looking flagship the Fairwind. Even the Sith Lord Githany and many others carry physical swords, spears, bows and arrows in addition to or in place of a lightsaber or blaster, further showing how things seem to have devolved a lot over a thousand years of non-stop warfare (ever wonder why tech doesn’t seem to change much in star wars? yeah it’s because of all these wars that never end but I digress)
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So yeah I am going to imagine my Kine-Rists sitting pretty on Alderaan looking like Maika Halfwolf while judging these false Sith and Jedi for bringing the galaxy to the brink of ruin again.
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sabersourcing · 4 years
Lirondo Lightsaber (Half-Bothan Jedi) | Lightsaber Profile
Lirondo Lightsaber (Half-Bothan Jedi) | Lightsaber Profile
The Lirondo lightsaber is a single-bladed green lightsaber wielded by Jedi Knight Lirondo in Star Wars Legends. Lirondo is an Old Republic era male Half-Bothan Jedi Knight. He serves the Jedi Order and is the Chief Lieutenant of Jedi Master and Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla during the New Sith Wars. RELATED LIGHTSABER SELLERS affiliate linksIf you purchase an item through these links,…
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blackkatmagic · 5 years
I'm pretty sure if you go back far enough in Yoda's (disaster) lineage Valenthyne Farfalla will pop up at some point cause even if that guy did wear an armour it was polished gold studded with glittery gems, his ship had a unicorn for its figure head and he still ruled aff. Maybe instead of consular, sentinel and guardian the Jedi should have been sorted into wild-space hobo, secretly scary serene person and flirty drama fop. None of whom one should cross, though.
I am fully on board with this new sorting metric. This is my canon now.
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alexeishostakoff · 4 years
eliza has too many wips: the musical
an answer to this
for brevity’s sake i am not listing every single wip in my google docs; only the ones that i am currently working on or think i’ll pick up again sometime soon. most of them will probably never see the light of day. it’s sorted by fandom but i’m 95% sure it’s mostly star wars
formatted as fic title, main pairing, word count, quick summary
and suddenly i’m yelling strike me. strike anywhere, valenthyne farfalla/hoth, 0, pretty much following canon and just making it a little gay so basically frenemies who are also lovers
does everything go away?, mace windu & luminara unduli, 0, nonlinear examination of their sibling relationship up to their deaths
can we love nature for what it really is: predatory?, mace windu centric, mace windu & depa billaba, mace windu/ponds, 400, mace falls on haruun kal au
here i am leaving you clues, unrequited luke skywalker/han solo, 200, hanahaki disease au
there’s smashed glass glittering everywhere like stars, jon antilles/quinlan vos, 0, post order 66 au
we are all just trying to be holy, depa billaba & anakin skywalker, 2.3k, depa trains anakin au
what is alive and what isn’t and what should we do about it?, depa billaba & darth vader, 0, post order 66 depa lives and confronts vader au
we laugh and it pits the world against us, padme amidala & obi-wan kenobi, 200, their friendship over the years
i loved my friend. he went away from me. there’s nothing more to say, bruce wayne/harvey dent, 4.7k, a comprehensive examination of their relationship over the years
in the end, the panther calls you home, nakia centric, nakia & erik killmonger, nakia & ramonda, nakia & okoye, nakia & m’baku, 90, post snap au with nakia becoming the black panther
i really fucked it up this time, hermes/may castellan, 400, just an overview of their relationship
see the day, azula centric, azula & zuko, 300, requested songfic, azula helps overthrow ozai
this is not harmless. you are not breathing, booker & joe, 600, joe confronts booker post canon
just you and me and all these graves, johanna mason & gale hawthorne, 200, becoming friends and dealing with guilt post canon
gallows, 700, top secret
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rugessnome · 5 years
Hego Damask: let! Wat! Tambour! listen to schranz!
Rugess Nome: ...
Nute Gunray: ...
Count Dooku: ...
Cosinga Palpatine: ...
Kinman Doriana: ...
Vidar Kim: ...
Mak Plain: ...
Greedo: (at least it's not j i z z lol)
Qymaen jai Sheelal: ...
Larsh Hill: ...
San Hill: ...no one's stopping him?
Yoda: ...
Bastila Shan: ...
Valenthyne Farfalla: ...
Wat Tambour: H a r d t e c h n o SCHRANZ m i x 10 HOURS
11-4D: ...
Caar Damask: ...
Sifo-Dyas: ...
the entire Order of the Canted Circle: ...
3 Maladians: ...
Darth Plagueis: I literally cannot tell that metallic banging and your music apart.
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ao3feed-obikin · 2 years
Title of Jen'ari
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45696955 by Theo_Lannister What if, in an alternate Univsere, the Chosen Siblings were born earlier? During the Republics darkest hour, the Force had Avanika and Anakin Skywalker created. Not as children born to a slave, but to Lady Shmi of Clan Skywalker, House Serenno. The siblings have spent their entire lives living in the Sith Fiefdom of Greater Sero, gaining reputation and infamy across the entire Sith Empire as two of the most eligible young people in the Galaxy. Both, stubbornly, remain unmarried, however. But when their grandfather, Count Dooku of Serenno, forces them to spy under the guise of going to an annual Sith Festival, they may get more than they bargained for. Because there are two people at the festival who are very much *not* Sith, and yet they're drawn nonethless   --- It's 1012 BBY Baby! Holy Sith Empire and Jedi Lords abound, oh my! It's a historical regency AU of Two There Must Be, my fem!Anakin/Sibling fic i got going. Words: 6535, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Dynasty of the Force Fandoms: Star Wars Legends: Jedi vs. Sith (Comic), Star Wars Legends: Darth Bane Trilogy - Drew Karpyshyn, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Knight Errant (Comic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Original Sith Character(s), Avanika Skywalker, Kas'im (Star Wars), Skere Kaan, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Kerra Holt, Valenthyne Farfalla, Hoth | Rohlan, Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Sith Culture & Traditions (Star Wars), Sith Anakin Skywalker, Force-Sensitive Shmi Skywalker, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Prince Anakin Skywalker, Grandparent Dooku (Star Wars), Alternate Universe, Not Canon Compliant, Sith Empire (Star Wars), Jedi-Sith War | New Sith Wars: 2000-1000 BBY (Star Wars), Planet Serenno (Star Wars), Planet Dromund Kaas (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Regency, Traditions, Courting Rituals, Sith Politics (Star Wars), Female Anakin Skywalker, Kinda, If You Squint - Freeform, Star Destroyer Porn read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45696955
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lemusegallery · 3 years
Three years have passed since their fateful encounter with the Jedi Strike Force led by the Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla, alongside Jedi Weapons Master Sarro Xaj, Rasta L'su among them. During that fight Bane was nearly killed by his Force Lightning, which almost turned him into a black husk of a corpse.
But thanks to Zannah's cunning and manipulation, the Sith were now in hiding. Which allowed them to reagther their strength. As well as the knowledge they could collect so that in the near the future, both the Jedi Order and it's fledgling Republic fall to the might of the Reborn Sith he himself had initiated since the aftermath of Ruusan.
The two dark lords have installed themselves on the Outer Rim Planet of Ciutric, so they could pose as enterprisers in the public. But in the shadows they would train and hone their respective powers of the Dark Side as well as for their inevitable confrontation.
So Bane woke up earlier in the morning and he stood at the backyard of his mansion and activated his curved hilt lightsaber to initate his sequences of his prefered style, the 5th form of Lightsaber Combat known as the Djem So varitant. As he swung his blade into the air, Bane was chanting the Sith Code to himself as he worked on his performance.
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ao3feed-bazechirrut · 8 years
Rogue Two
Read it on the Ao3 at: http://ift.tt/2k8sK9D
by Narina, NyeLung
It should have ended on Scarif. Instead something awakened the Force and our heroes find themselves transported through time. K-2SO realizes that the Force isn't unfallible and tries to get accustomed with being in a human body that is surprisingly soft and vulnerable, while everyone else tries to make sense of their situation and Krennic realizes that all he's done has been for nothing. Tough choices have to be made and old grudges must be buried if they want to survive in an era of full out war between Sith and Jedi.
Words: 324, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Paradoxaverse
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus, K-2SO, Bodhi Rook, Orson Krennic, Theron Shan, Lord Scourge, Lord Hoth, Valenthyne Farfalla, Darth Bane
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus, Bodhi Rook/K-2SO
Additional Tags: Force mistakes, humanised K-2SO, annoying immortals, Bane era, Chirrut is a little shit, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, With A Twist, Time Travel
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