#Venus sextile Uranus
astrolocherry · 1 year
Venus-Uranus aspects Venus conjunct Uranus, Venus sextile Uranus, Venus square Uranus, Venus trine Uranus, Venus opposite Uranus
Venus-Uranus aspects can produce attractions to people who appear to be completely different to themselves. This aspect can create odd pairings. There can be trouble making sense of their natural attractions.
These can fail to match the images of expectation constructed by the planets and signs of reason and formality that also exist in the birth chart. The mind operates at distance from the heart. The heart beats to its own drum. The head can’t make sense of the attraction.
Relationship blockages occur when they remain beheld to external opinion with too much emphasis on what other people think. And it’s why they’ll attract the types that can demonstrate them out their self-restraint. Part of the lesson is relinquishing the need for control and just letting it happen. There’s usually a weird vibe to this personality that is subconsciously seeking someone to be comfortable with.
Never so much a lowering or raising of standards - the style, demonstration, and personal presentation that catches this eye is more of a surprise. The truly satisfied Venus-Uranus individuals disregard what others think. They only care about what they think. And if they think they love you, they see value in of those qualities that others reduce as strange shortcomings.
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS AND NOTES PART 18 (aspects edition part 2)✨🧚🏽‍♀️
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✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The art above is not mine!!! It was made by “taysmitten” on Instagram!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨❤️ Having the aspect Venus square Ascendent can represent having problems picking an aesthetic. Or you might have trouble expressing the aesthetic that you want.👚👕 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
❤️ Having the aspect Moon conjunction Uranus can represent having a weird, tense, awkward, or uncomfortable relationship with your mother that progressively gets better….or worse.👩‍👦✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
❤️ Having the aspect sun square Uranus can represent not liking the parts of your personality or individuality that are weird, unique, or rebellious. You also might have a rocky relationship with politics.This placement can also represent being LGBTQ+🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💕.
❤️ Having the aspect moon trine Jupiter can make someone more feminine than masculine. It also can be an indicator of big breast🍒.
❤️ Having the aspect moon trine Saturn can represent your mom disciplining you more than your father. Your mother probably wasn’t really that strict either. This placement can also represent having parents to that had a decent relationship. Like, even in your parents weren’t necessarily together they were still decent to each other for the most part.👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽
❤️ Having the aspect moon square Mercury can represent having trouble understanding or communicating your emotions. Or you might feel like when you do communicate or express your emotions people don’t really understand. This placement can also represent having siblings who don’t see your mother in the best lighting.👩‍👦‍👦
❤️ Having the aspect moon sextile Pluto can represent seeing or trying to see the best in bad people. It can also represent being attracted to people who are jealous, possessive, obsessive, and intense. These people were also probably twilight fans and were probably team Edward.🧛🏽‍♀️🐺❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨❤️ Having the aspect Venus sextile Uranus can represent either having a more unique, weird, or rebellious style. or being attracted to people with that style. You also might not value money that much. This placement is also and LGBTQ+ indicator.🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💕.
❤️ Having the aspect mars trine Neptune can make someone feel like they have a very strong or powerful spiritual connection that could’ve start from a young age.👶🏽👻
❤️ Having the aspect Jupiter opposition Pluto can make someone feel like they have bad luck🍀.This can also represent having beliefs or morals that go against society or people in your community. You also might have problems with the police of justice system. This placement can also represent being LGBTQ+🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💕.
❤️ Having the aspect Saturn trine Neptune can represent having a father or a father figure who you felt emotionally or spiritually comfortable with.👨‍👧
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog (and if your reblog pls use at least one hashtag), comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support! Bye!✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨💕💕💕 💕✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
venus sextile uranus
some sweet surprise foreshadows the very much upcoming jupiter-uranus conjunction so pay attention and express gratitude at every opportunity. focus on the good things you have, not the good things you don't have.
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martian-astro · 4 months
As someone who has Venus sextile uranus, if I could represent Venus - uranus aspects in one picture, it would be this
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Now, it doesn't mean that you're actually gay, lesbian or bisexual but there's absolutely no fucking way that you haven't SERIOUSLY questioned your sexuality atleast once. I have like 50 friends with Venus uranus aspects and none of them are straight.
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growwithmeastrology · 6 months
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Thursday, March 28th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Scorpio ♏️🌊
We continue to experience the broody vibes of the Scorpio Moon and we kick off the day with this energy in a trine to Saturn in Pisces. This can bring out the sensitive side in us and may have some wanting to reach out or interact with those that we feel can help us with advice or complex relationship issues. Now, with Mercury in the pre retrograde phase which is just a few days away, I advise to be mindful about who you let back into your life. Mercury retrograde tends to bring up nostalgia or longing for what once was. With that said, it’s really important to pay attention to what shows up when we’re in between eclipses but I remain. Use discernment so that you’re not repeating old or outdated cycles with people or situations.
Venus in Pisces is also in a sextile with Uranus in Taurus which can bring in the unexpected. This energy is feminine and therefore receptive further supporting everything I just said but also allows for beautiful and creative ideas. You may experience “aha” moments or you could just be out for a jog and run straight into someone or something that’s meant to show up at this time. If this energy comes in the form of thoughts, write them down. Feel into the energy of it before taking action. You’ll know what to do based on how it makes you feel.
The energies are quite interesting today and have a serendipitous feel to them. Nostalgia is tricky. Do your best to approach things without the rose colored glasses on.
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
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bitesize-astrology · 6 months
Creative Investing
Thursday - March 28, 2024
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There are two things I invest my money and resources into: Astrology software, books and the like, and technology such as my computer and associated peripherals. These two areas are pools of creative energy that I must dip into multiple times per day in order to turn my work into an "art."
And the more I invest in these areas the more my "art" takes on a life I never considered. It's a beautiful thing to build and see its beauty.
A sextile between Venus in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus invites you to do the same today, to invest in those things that give your creative expression the ability to access greater heights. Invest more time and resources into the platforms, structures and processes that give your creativity a "stage."
Target your energy into places where you see how it is paying off.
And I hear some of you saying, "but I'm not a creative person, I'm not an artist or singer." Creativity isn't confined to the arts, and is desperately needed in industry, manufacturing and production. Creative approaches solutions and infrastructure are needed just as much as a clever logo or slick marketing campaign.
Aim or "target" your energy today into those things that give your creativity voice and just see how much it helps you feel grounded AND growing.
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piscesscake · 10 months
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venus sextile uranus
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Lisa Madison Beer Kehlani
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bouquetface · 2 months
Astro Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE natal chart.
Mars Aspect Asc.
- Acting independently. Respecting independence in others. Dislike copycat & weak behaviours.
- Entrepreneurship indicator. Leadership positions in work and relationships. You take charge.
- Having more enemies than friends. People have strong reactions to you. Lust or Hate. You bring out competition in others.
- You have to fight throughout your life. People sub consciously want to fight/challenge you.
- Strong body. Athletic body. A fire in you. Passionate and driven person.
- Be cautious of relationships where people want to tame you. People want submission from you. They both like and dislike your independent fiery nature. Be cautious of violent partners. Seen way too many with mars ascendant conjunctions deal with violent partners.
- Competitive person. May enjoy physical hobbies. May actually enjoy verbal altercations. Fan of watching a ports or likes playing sports. MMA fan.
- Prone to acne. Prone to accidents - cuts, burning self, etc. May have to go through a surgery. Cosmetic or needed. Mars can cause “cuts” to your body.
Accuracy influenced by houses & signs.
Venus Aspect Asc.
- Dimples. Pleasant person. Enjoy taking care of yourself (shower routines, self care routines, skincare routines, etc.)
- Will lie to keep peace and appear polite. Fake smile. Fake “thank you”. Fake “Good luck”.
- It’s not talked about enough but you can be very envious of others. Wondering why someone else got the compliment and you didn’t. Fake “happy for you”. You can be envious of other’s beauty without seeing your own.
- And others can be envious of you. Literally had a grown man tell me as a teen that only reason I got my driver’s license the first try is because of how I dressed. He had literally never seen me drive. People just assume you only got things because of your appearance.
- Having admirers. Yet, if afflicted in natal, you probably don’t get approached. For ex: Strong Mars or Scorpio placement aspects makes you appear intimidating. Perception of you changes drastically to stuck up bitch instead of cute girl.
- Two types of venus asc people: Fashion loving or Comfort loving. Depends on entire chart.
- Often, love specific brands. Have an eye for style. Appreciate good marketing.
- Hiding true feelings behind a smile. Feeling the need to hide negative feelings to keep the peace.
- Generally popular. Charming. Polite. Good at making others feel comfortable.
Accuracy influenced by house & sign.
Uranus Aspect Mars.
- Unpredictable anger. Quick & easily angered. Irresponsible and reckless when angry. Quick to act on anger. The kind of person to reveal the truth when angry. Uncontrolled anger.
- Have to fight for freedom. Rebellious.
- If you don’t have scorpio placements, you likely dislike merging with groups and partners. You maintain independence and individuality. Trendsetter not a follower.
- Initial response to commitment is to run. May be due to bad experiences in witnessing or being in relationships.
- May have grown up in an unstable environment and/or unpredictable parents. Constant change is your normal.
Accuracy influenced by houses & sign.
Venus Aspect Jupiter.
- Good fortune. Wealth indicator. However, overindulge can be a problem. Generally, always have money when needed despite spending carelessly.
- Good humour. Social. Popular. Love of life.
- Finding yourself very lucky throughout life. House & sign can tell you more. If opposition or square, this can be people perceiving you as lucky. People refusing to see/understand your hardships.
- Having to go through many relationships before finding the right one. May love love.
- Having strong beliefs toward love/relationships. Strong beliefs in spirituality or religion.
- Exotic looks. Attracted to exotic looks. Attracted to learning about foreign cultures or religions. Attracted to foreign people, places and travel.
- Partners tend to have something big amount them. Ex: Physically a tall or big person, big families, big social circles, big in business, etc.
- You or partner can have unfair expectations. “It’s okay when i do ___ but you can’t that”. Ex: Spending
- Possible problem: lazy when it comes to anything that is not self serving. Enjoy comfort and luxury.
Accuracy influenced be entire house and sign.
Moon Aspect Asc.
- Very reactive to your environment. Sensitive. Moodiness.
- At an older age, often develop a routine. They become very attached to their routine. Feeling out of control when things don’t go according the plan/routine.
- However, depending on signs and house, may be very adaptable.
- People may see you as gullible/naive. May encounter people who try to take advantage of your perceived innocence. Especially in youth.
- Youthful appearance. Full cheeks. Full lips. Big watery eyes. Expressive features - difficulty hiding the feelings.
- Difficulty being vulnerable. Fear of being seen in a negative way. Deeply affected by outsider opinions.
- Protective of loved ones (siblings, parents, lovers, friends). If harshly aspected, people may feel suffocated.
- You make people comfortable. Big sister energy. Animal lover.
- You look so much like your mom. Your Mom deeply affects how you feel about yourself. Your mom can be controlling. Your mom is a big part of your life or she wishes to be. If negatively aspected, your mom sub consciously wants to live through you.
Accuracy influenced by house and sign.
Mercury Aspect Venus
- Appreciation for literature. May like to collect things like novels.
- Your words put people at ease. You can phrase harsh truths in a pleasant way. If not afflicted, you may dislike arguments and debate. Lying or staying silent to avoid a fight.
- If not afflicted, a nice voice - singing or speaking. Nice handwriting too.
Accuracy influenced by house and sign.
Sun Aspect Pluto
- Psychoanalyzing yourself and others.
- Will experience traumatic situations. High chance of encountering narcissistic personalities (in friends, romance or family)
- People will view them as the villain in their stories. You may identify with villains in stories. Female rage. Questioning whether you are the villain. Feeling gaslit by the lovers, family, etc.
- Gravitate towards dark experiences and people. A conscious effort must be made to avoid the dangers & darker side of life.
- Powerful people. Gain or are born with power/status. This intimidates others. Your presence provokes negative reaction.
Accuracy influenced by house and signs.
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vivmaek · 10 months
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This was originally going to be another roast. But tbh, my heart has been feeling heavy the past few months. I'm sure some of you can relate, especially with all the events currently occurring in our world. So, I decided to focus on what I love most about certain placements in an effort to spread a little positivity.
✿ Aries Moons stand up and fight for the people they care about. They won’t let their friends be belittled within their presence, they have your back. They’re the first to speak out on injustice and will take action to make things right. 
❀ People who have Gemini in the 8th house ask questions that matter. They invoke deep thoughts within other people and are unafraid to explore topics that are uncomfortable or taboo. 
✿ Those who have a Moon Sextile Venus aspect know how to make others feel loved. They pay attention to their loved ones, and give each and every one of them the special attention that they deserve. These people are relationship builders. 
❀ Libra Venus, how does it feel to be god's favorite? These types invoke good feelings in other people. They’re so sweet and have hearts of gold. Good friends and romantic companionships are easy for them to find because their affection comes from a place of authenticity. 
✿ People with Saturn in the 7th house wait for what's right for them. They take their commitments seriously and don’t play around with people's feelings. They respect their romantic partners. Their firm boundaries lead to successful relationships. 
❀ Walking earth angels have a Sun trine Neptune aspect. They have a divine presence and they don’t get tied up within their own ego. People look to them for spiritual guidance. They uplift the souls of others. 
✿ Aquarius Mercurys aren’t afraid to evoke controversy. Sometimes this is needed in the world. If there's an elephant in the room, they’ll point out the obvious. They formulate their own unique thoughts, and are not easily influenced. 
❀ People who have their Moon placed within the 4th house know how to make a home. As someone who was raised by a person with this placement, I truly reaped the benefits of this. They keep family traditions alive, or even start new ones. They understand the importance of family and act as the glue that holds everything together. 
✿ Those who have a Uranus trine Ascendant aspect make life more interesting. Without them, the world would be a boring place. There is no one like them, and they cannot be replaced. Their quirky nature is endearing. They are such a breath of fresh air. 
❀ Taurus Mercurys are so level headed that it has a calming effect upon the people who surround them. They take things slow and are not quick to jump to conclusions. Within group projects or endeavors, they are at the heart of it. People can depend on them. 
✿ People who have Uranus in the 10th house prove to others that you can lead an unconventional life and still find success. They don’t follow the rules, and don’t rely on tradition for stability. They inspire others through their free spirit. 
❀ When someone has a Venus sextile Saturn aspect within their birth chart, they make relationships that last a lifetime. These people are loyal friends and they know how to maintain the longevity of a relationship. They show up for people when needed and they never make a promise that they can’t keep. 
✿ People with a Gemini Venus teach other people how to have fun within relationships. They love innocently and there are no strings attached. They make their friends and loved ones feel like a kid again when in their presence. Their lighthearted approach to love is comedic, they live life as if it were a rom-com. 
❀ Cancer 1st housers are quiet leaders. They approach life with a healthy level of confidence. As a leader, they still treat their subordinates with the respect they deserve. They don’t forget about the little people, and are attentive to people who are struggling. 
✿ A Saturn trine Neptune aspect allows the native to grow significantly when faced with opposition and challenge. They understand the importance of spiritual lessons, and go out of their way to right their wrongs. They don’t lose sight of what they’re working towards, and won’t lose their sense of morality once they achieve success. 
❀ Libra Moons remind people how important it is to incorporate pleasure into life. Working hard means nothing if you don’t stop and appreciate the benefits you’ve gained. Having an appreciation for the little things doesn't mean they’re materialistic. 
✿ Uranus 7th houses maintain independence within relationships and don’t lose sight of who they are. They are not going to change who they are just so a relationship can function. They march to the beat of their own drum, you can dance to the music or move along. 
❀ People with a Mercury trine Ascendant aspect bring humor into this world. Of course, they’re incredibly smart and their academic skills are impressive. However, they still don’t take themselves too seriously and are full of witty remarks. They share the best memes and are always in the know. 
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suniverseastro · 1 year
Mars in the 2nd house is very possessive
Moon Aquarius is easy to sympathize with those around, although they may have many bad qualities, they will often be ignored by people because of their support in the team. Some in this group when they don't like someone and hate openly can easily recognize their feelings, these people can play bad tricks like using crowds, councils to bully
Here are some of the positions that I don't like very much, doesn't mean they will all be the same and I hate everyone with this aspect, it just brings some difficulties and disadvantages, takes a lot of time time to recognize and transform it:
1. Moon Square/Opposite Pluto: often emotionally volatile and explosive, has difficulty controlling anger, may experience more bad luck with women
2. Moon square / Opposite Uranus: actually this is one of the most horrible corners for me because as far as I know and actually it means about their separation from the mother physically or mentally
3. Venus square/opposite Mars: causes sexual attraction but often changes partners too quickly and gets nowhere
4. Mars Libra: passive in problem solving. The house in this position plays an important role, like the one who moves the pieces tactically. I think it is necessary to add other angles to strengthen this position, especially Pluto to increase ambition and determination.
5. Venus Gemini: often emotional, easy to play emotional roller coaster with others, unpredictable, interesting, but for me this is not a very good position in love, they easily find it difficult. hard to find the right person
6. Moon square/Opposite Saturn: often encounters problems in childhood such as abandonment, working in a difficult, deprived environment, shouldering responsibility, loneliness; They have quite a lot of psychological damage, rarely share, confide, and find it difficult to open their hearts to others. When they learn to be less strict with themselves and learn to accept and love themselves, the door in their souls will lead them to the good things that are waiting for them on the other side of their hearts.
7. Venus square/opposite Uranus: feel less interested in wanting a relationship Some positions I like:
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Moon trine/sextile Pluto: I once wished to have this aspect because it gives the ability to read other people's psyches and understand emotions deeply and they themselves also have a protective covering for their minds. mine
Sun trine/sextile Pluto: have their own privilege in society, they can be people whose image others consider as an authority and important figure, admire; Their passion is strong and they will try to do it
Mercury conjunct/ trine/ sextile Neptune: they have acumen, speciality and development in language, can know 2 or more languages, have artistic abilities, their voices are quite cute
Venus trine/sextile Mars: they easily radiate sexual attraction to other people (regardless of gender), which makes it easier for them to have relationships
Ascendant trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury: usually curious, cheerful, child-like eager people, they often have an active, playful appearance.
Ascendant trine/sextile/conjunct Sun: confident, shine, positive energy
Moon in Sagittarius/9th: very active, cheerful, likable, open and optimistic, they respect others and different cultures and religions
Mercury in Gemini: funny people, lots of topics to talk to, easy to talk to anyone, except people they don't like
Mercury conjunct/trine/sextile Pluto: their voice has charm, weight, usually straight to the point, analytical, inquisitive and rarely afraid of knowledge and reason
Moon sextile Venus: cute girls and boys, graceful words, pleasant, non-aggressive, cohesive and peaceful
(a position can't say who you are, everything will change, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse) try to take a deep breath and try to feel the peaceful moment in the present
Thank you everyone for inspiring me to write articles on this topic. Thank you for your love for me; love you all. Wishing you all good health, peace and luck ⭐
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pallastrology · 11 months
🍄 astro notes 🍄
venus biquintile pluto is a really interesting aspect. the biquintile is usually associated with creativity and the development of artistic ability, and with venus being involved, there is even more potential and a genuine love for art. the native will find happiness and connection through their creative pursuits. with pluto on the other end of the aspect, something interesting happens. there can be a tendency towards obsession; they are more dedicated and more patient, with a strong work ethic and a desire to find meaning through their art, and it can bring them real catharsis. they may discover and nurture repressed parts of themselves through their art, and overall, there is a bit of a darker theme to this otherwise light and bright placement.
moon square pluto is often given a really negative spin online; i’ve seen everything from emotionally out of control to “will abuse their children”! this just isn’t a helpful way to interpret harsh aspects. my experience with this placement is that big emotions are very frightening, often because of the native’s early experiences. they seek to “control” their emotions, which can make them quite vulnerable to impulsive or addictive behaviours. they often have a deep relationship with mother figures, and with their children, which yes, at their worst, can become enmeshed and intense. but at their best, these relationships are intimate and founded on mutual trust, long lasting and able to weather the harshest storms.
venus-saturn aspects are all about delayed gratification. the native has to grow into their loving, creative, social side, and they usually have to "grow through what they go through"; depending on the aspect, they may just feel a little different, or have no interest in relationships, or they may grow up lonely or isolated, or deal with unhealthy relationships. they have to do a lot of self-work to develop self-love and nurture the soft, creative side of themselves, before they can really feel at home around other people. but when they reach that point, they can build beautiful, devoted and ultimately very healthy connections with others, that allow all involved to really thrive.
pluto conjunct ascendant natives have a really intense gaze. i think that usually we only think of the eyes when they think of the pluto stare, but to me it goes a lot further than that; especially with the conjunction, pluto-ascendant people look with their whole body. they have the intense eye contact, sure, but they tend to also have a hard mouth and slightly furrowed brow, a certain tension in their jaws and necks. they look like a cat about to pounce in a way, you can almost see that electrical energy under their skin.
in astrology, the sextile and trine are considered to be harmonious aspects; they denote an easy, well-blended connection between the two planets involved. the sextile is steadier, and more prone to stagnation, which can look like complacency or even entitlement; the trine is more dynamic, meaning in a way, it's easier to bring out the positives of the aspect.
lilith in the tenth house is a placement that is very vulnerable when it comes to social media. nowadays, it's so normalised to post everything that it's almost radical to stay away from it, and with lilith in the tenth house, it's easy to feel validated and vindicated through what they post. unfortuntely they are easy targets for online abuse and can actually feed into and "bait" this kind of harmful interaction when hurting and angry. lilith in the tenth house needs to learn to find healthy outlets and become more reflective, less reactive.
uranus conjunct ascendant natives are bright, almost electrified. they can be prone to sudden epiphanies that show up in strange moments; sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night with a sudden realisation, for example. they can be chaotic, but when given space to breathe, they are brilliant, both in that they are clever and reflective with the energy to pull off everything they think up, and that they seem to sparkle. there is a clarity to their voice, their eyes, like they glow from within.
venus square the north node natives really struggle with being uncomfortable. they tend to be somewhat sensitive, and are irresistibly drawn to the beautiful, the soft and smooth. they just want to be comfortable, but this can lead to the native avoiding or dropping anything uncomfortable. if they want to grow and feel fuller in themselves, they will have to learn to thrive in challenging situations, without going too far in the opposite direction and not being able to listen to their instincts or enjoy anything in life.
libra suns with mercury in scorpio are an interesting mix, because they have the reflective sensitivity of libra and the stark and often quite brutal language of scorpio. they are often quite gifted writers, with a talent for the existential and deeply emotional. they aren’t as talkative as you’d expect a libra sun to be, and they are generally more somber, but with a dry, dark sense of humour and a disarming straightforwardness to them.
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letters-to-me · 1 year
astro observations | pt. 1
Hi!🤍 This is my first post with astrology observations. I am not a professional astrologer, but I have been interested in astrology for several years.
Note: These are just my observations, you don't have to agree or identify with them. Do not take everything seriously. English is my second language so forgive me for mistakes and typos. do not copy, steal, rewrite my work, or repost on other social medias
Sun square Uranus creates highly individualistic and unconventional individuals who may appear selfish and eccentric. These people have a strong desire to showcase their uniqueness and serve as examples for others. They struggle with accepting authority and often resort to rebellious behavior to draw attention to themselves. A classmate of mine from primary school has this aspect and used to rebel against teachers to impress his friends. He also bullied the weaker ones. Moon sextile Mercury this aspect gives really good memory. People with this aspect are often very intelligent. These people are interested in their origin and roots. Mercury sextile Uranus gives the ability to discover and invent new things. These people like new technologies. They often need to exchanges ideas and opinions with others. They have novel way of thinking and they like to argue about opinions. Jupiter in 11th house people are really lucky when it comes to friends, groups. Others find it easy to befriend them. Even their open enemies are relatively respectful and have shown mercy. They usually have a lot of close friends. People with the Moon in Virgo feel that anything they do is not good enough for their standards and will always find something to complain or nag about. Virgo moons tend to get upset if certain things aren’t perfect. I also noticed Virgo moons can have severe bitch energy. Libra moons may avoid conflicts and confontation. People with Moon in Libra, that I know, love to be the centre of attention and are keen to express their opinions. Most of them can be people pleasers. Scorpio venus are incredibly receptive and observant. They can come off as very passionate but may also get attached very easily as well as being obsessive. It’s like a 'ride or die' placement. I’ve never met a person with Venus in Scorpio that didn’t obsess over their partner. Scorpio venuses smell bullshit from a mile away and are not afraid to tell you what’s up. Venus square Neptune people day dream a lot and idealize people. Venus square Neptune makes people have rose-coloured glasses. They are too forgiving. Mars in the 11th house may find it difficult to make and keep friends. There may occur competition amongst friends. These people also have a habit of distancing themselves too much and ghosting other people. Venus opposite Pluto natives tend to attract people who are obsessive, attached and controlling. There may be insecurities in relationships, such as an obsessive fear that your partner may cheat on you or leave you. You may feel tempted to control your partner. "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." – Napoleon Bonaparte who had this aspect.
I hope you enjoyed it. Wish you all the best and have a wonderful Thursday!!!🤍
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vampirae · 10 months
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Sagittarius placements (particularly the big 3)
Moon in 9th/12th house
Moon in aspect to Jupiter/Neptune
Jupiter/Neptune/Uranus in 4th house
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
venus sextile uranus
make a small - but not dramatic - alteration to your appearance or that of the space you're in. it will allow new energy to flow in, without being too overwhelming.
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trolagygirl2022 · 8 months
Family Synastry
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7th house synastry: The planet and house person can collaborate and support each other with their endeavors. Family members (especially siblings) can go through ups and downs. Since the 7th house can also rule over enemies, you can feel angry or at odds with your family members one minute, and the next minute it's all good!
Saturn 4th house: The Saturn person supports the houser and brings structure and balance to their life. Typically, the Saturn is the parents/older relatives and the houser is the child/younger (I have this synastry with both of my parents). At best, the Saturn person disciplines the 4th houser but at worst, the 4th houser can feel restricted.
8th house synastry: Relatives with this placement can feel like they understand eachother. (Especially if it's with Mercury, Venus Moon and Sun). The house person creates an open space for the planet person to feel comfortable. If it's with Mercury for example, the Mercury person feels like the house person lets them express themselves with no judgement (me and my sister have this).
Sun first house: The Sun person is protective over the house person and feels responsible over the house person. The Sun person helps the house person feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. This placement can be more common with older relatives/parents (the Sun) and younger ones/kids (house person).
Venus sextile Moon: The Venus person feels secure with the Moon person. They can bond over certain interests, such as the arts for example. This placement is quite intuitive, the Moon person knows the Venus one well and they feel quite comfortable and at ease with one another.
Uranus 5th house: This brings fun with both parties, but it's more eclectic. The Uranus person brings a unique and silly side and the 5th house person appreciates that. This dynamic can be a bit unpredictable at times, but is still as fun and spontaneous!
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
Mini Astro Notes pt. 4 - Aspects Edition
[Btw, Libra season is making me contemplate if I was a little harsh here or not. 😂 So caution.]
🌌 Planets that aspect your midheaven [conjunction, opposition, trine, or square] can be visible in your interactions with the public. E.g, Venus square MC - your beauty can capture the eyes of the public. Or Uranus opposition MC - you have cool & interesting relationship with the public.
🌌  You are most likely to make the best of friends with people who share the same Sun-Moon aspect as you. E.g, Sun square Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun square Moon people. Sun opposite Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun opposite Moon people.
🌌  If you have planets that square your Sun, it could mean you contradict yourself a lot when it comes to conveying the traits of that planet. E.g, Sun square Mars - you contradict the way you should show your anger or even move your body (with any physical training/movements). Or Sun square Neptune - you contradict the ways to express your dreams, fantasies and even intuition, so you could be prone to being withdrawn about speaking those stuff, or just question yourself when it comes to your intuition and subconscious.
🌌  Any planets you have that conjunct your ascendant are planets that you feel and how you may want your life to shape up as well. And these are planets that are with you daily. E.g, Pluto conjunct ASC - you could feel power, occultism, and transformation daily, so that can be how you live your life as well, and you could want that kind of life as well (a powerful and transformational one). Or Saturn conjunct ASC - you could feel like maintaining patience, self-control, discipline and responsibility are important to you, and that's pretty how much live life and want your life to shape up; with structure through patience being the story of your life.
🌌  Planets that conjunct or trine your Venus are planets that benefit your relationships for the long run and ones that make relationships an amazing union for you. E.g, Venus conjunct Mercury - communication and expressing your views & opinions are what make a relationship last for you. Or Venus trine Moon - emotional security, receptivity, and being nurturing/nurtured really make you feel loved and give you a sense of stability, which you need.
🌌  If you have planets that square Jupiter, those planets could be planets you either hide or struggle showing off, and so they may be small or just generally don't grow large. (Jupiter rules success, pride and expansion. A square aspect is an aspect of some tension and takes discipline to run smoothly. Having planets that square Jupiter would thus mean it would take time for you take pride in the energy of that planet.) E.g, Venus square Jupiter - you find it hard to show off your love/romantic connections like that. Or Mars square Jupiter - you probably don't like to show off your body like that, and perhaps you have a petite body and could even seem young. The only way this works out is you consciously practicing that pride, until it becomes a norm, then you end up loving the showing off.
🌌  Planets you have that positively your Sun [conjunction, trine, sextile and semisextile] are ones you should use tap into to get to your higher self (the self that's confident and has the ability to reach their goals and live their best life). E.g, Sun conjunct Uranus - tap into your individuality, uniqueness and the changes you want to make in the world to get to your higher self. Or Sun sextile Mars - tap into your willpower, aggression and anger to get your higher self.
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