#Gatling Sentry
at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Day 7
...back? We're back? We are? Okay, good. good. Finally.
Welcome back, viewers! We took a wrong turn in FTL and ended up very far outside of transmission range with Super Earth, and it took us the better part of the last 48 hours to find our way back. Very sorry about that. We'll try to catch up on the news now.
Day 6 of the Galactic War was a solemn loss on the bot front, as the Helldivers were unable to protect Vernen Wells from the Automaton invasion. Who knows how harshly the war effort will be impacted by the loss of recruits training there? Unfortunately, we were among the many who did not even notice the simultaneous attack of Varylia 5 in the Trigon sector, leading to a near-completely unopposed takeover of the planet by Automaton forces. 
Indeed, even High Command seemed to be working against their own best interests, having sent out personal orders to eradicate over two dozen Hunters, leading troops to land on less tactically valuable planets in the East rather than Vernen Wells, where they belonged. On the other hand, SEAF forces in Terminid territory managed to completely cleanse Fenrir III this time, rescuing the day from being a total loss. Let's hope another undiscovered nest doesn't spring up, though.
And now onto the current day. With the factories back at home churning out bullets, there must be an excess, as the personal orders of the day are to score at least one hundred confirmed kills using the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry. While incapable of penetrating heavy armor, this automated bullet hose near-instantaneously tears apart anything short of it.
As for the matter of territory, a swarm of bugs has found its way onto Turing in the Umlaut sector and is spreading across the surface now. SEAF forces are already quelling the infestation as I speak! Back on Vernen Wells, what little ground we have left is slowly receding as SEAF troops struggle to maintain control. Reinforcements cannot come soon enough!
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
scout how do i get into tf2. i want to play but i'm intimidated
u can choose one of the 9 guys, and theyre all fun to play.
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first guy is the fastest and jumps twice, but has low health. he has a strong shotgun as his primary that can kill people from full health in 2 shots if youre close enough and aim well enough
second guy is kinda slow and has a rocket launcher, which does a lot of damage (but not enough to kill anyone in a single hit like other FPS games, unless you get a crit), and hes got a lot of health
third guy is my favorite one and is one of the more mechanically complex. u can do a lot, but for now think of it as area denial. not very much range, but high output and leaves them on fire
fourth guy is like junkrat: he launches grenades that explode on impact with a target, but if they hit a wall or the ground they wait out their natural timer before exploding. he can also leave bombs that he can detonate at any time. hes also pretty slow but has more health.
fifth guy has the most health and the strongest gun, but is also the slowest and one of the easier guys to pick off from a distance. hes got a big gatling machine gun
sixth guy specializes in utilities. he can deny an area by putting down a sentry that fires automatically and be upgraded twice (faster firing + rockets with levels 2 and 3). he's not great in 1v1s but he can hold is own if you play smart.
7th guy is the main healer. you point at a guy and click on him to heal, but after youve connected to him you dont need to keep looking at him the whole time; as long as youre within a certain distance and you keep holding down the mouse button you'll keep healing. he also passively regenerates health slowly, but as the worst offensive options in the game
8th guy is broken. you can instantly kill anyone from any distance as long as you click on their head. not super great in close combat but has optional weapons that can enhance his survival rate when he's rushed down
9th guy goes invisible, can disguise as enemy teammates to fool them, and can instantly kill anyone with a backstab, but he's also easy to kill and has poor defensive options if he's caught out by himself.
the game is free to download, and once you do i suggest queuing for casual selecting any maps that look good
i suggest Harvest, Badlands, Sawmill, and Viaduct for King of the Hill
i suggest Badwater, Upward, Frontier, Snowycoast, and Borneo for payload
i suggest Turbine, 2Fort, Double Cross, and Landfall for Capture the Flag
go have fun. dont worry about being bad. just play and find joy in any way you can.
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ax3olotl · 2 months
gatling sentry is like a wife to me
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bunnygirlheart · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, and then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers 🤍
oh sorry i forgot abt this
uhm,, suppose its kind of a cheat 2 just say 'my friends' 5 times huh
welllllll, bunnies, girls, duh
... this got super long after this line so uh
games, ive been playin modded fallout 3 a lot lately and havin a great time, my character has purple hair and like. a laser shotgun? (the metal blaster from the pitt) and a sweet cybernetic eye that gives her night vision and thermal imaging? so cool. She's also got a big ol sentry bot w/ a gatling laser that kinda murders things before I get a chance to actually do it myself which tbh is fine by me?? hehe
I kinda wanna start another game though where insteada robots and lasers i get animals and swords ? that also could be really cool? although . seems pretty hard to go melee i suspect w/ fwe making everything so lethal,, but hey i feel it might be fun to try and i can always tone down the settings if it doesnt work out.
Other than fallout 3 I play mtg like . all the time, and right now ive been playin w/ some monoblue list thats popular in standard atm just 'cuz mtga is hard and i already had most of the cards for that? and my other more fun deck is my oni-cult anvil thing ive been messing with pretty much since the card released? mechanized warfare came out w/ the latest set and its Nice. Also I have a couple mishras and dragon engines but i havent managed to meld yet. Still solid cards on their own though I dropped a mishra on a board where i had two anvils running for a while and abt a million 1/1s so i just swung out w/ em and drained my opponents life to nothing? realllll nice. (they had too many creatures of their own for me to actually be attacking before then so i just . accumulated lil dudes to keep the ground gummed up a while, which was working well enough)
Other than those decks .. I do play my anax deck in historic brawl pretty regularly, and I mean mechanized warfare was a good upgrade there as well, for obvious reasons. Monored would Love to do 1 more damage with everything! Also put phyrexian dragon engine in there too, 'cuz like . yay card draw, yay 3 mana 2/2 doublestrike? ... come to think im not sure i have ox of agonas in there, maybe I should add that one too,, oh one more recent upgrade wasnt from the new set but i only recently crafted a copy of fable of the mirror breaker, so I put that in as well.
oh uhm . when i can actually look at myself without feelin sorta bad is pretty good? like . i shaved recently and after a while of neglecting that it feels Loads better to see my reflection yknow? so uh. when i look . softer . i guess. is nice. ... I really need hormone meds huh?
i was gonna say my friends bc like . obviously? but that still is a cheat answer bc duh of course my friends make me happy? love yall! so instead I'll mention,, i finally started reading gideon the ninth recently? and? its really good so far? ive only read like two chapters but im havin a good time w/ it. Totally gotta keep reading soon.
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heroineimages · 4 years
Halfling Commandos!
So in a folder on my old hard drive, I found Hero Forge designs for a handful of halfling lady soldiers with modern-ish armor and weapons. Apparently I was designing little character classes like out of a squad-based tactical game or something. For the heck of it, I went ahead and revised and expanded them. In reverse alphabetical order:
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Squad leader Lilibeth “Grey Templar” Cotton, leading her little lady soldiers in a raid against a greedy human corporate army. I’d guess she’s probably a support unit of some kind. She’s about average in terms of damage and armor, buffing her allies instead. Pistol, automatic rifle, and medium armor. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13224369/
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Elite sniper Kune “Magpie” Noakesburrow, getting into position to drop a crooked dwarf bureaucrat. Minimal armor, but excellent detection and long-ranged damage. Sniper rifle, pistol, and light battle armor. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D12371055/
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Forward reconnaissance scout Dina “Blue Falcon” Townsend, putting her spyglass away after reporting the ogre army’s latest movements. Medium scout unit with excellent speed and detection rating. Medium battle armor, spyglass (since Hero Forge doesn’t have binoculars), pistol, and sniper rifle. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13216489/
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Heavy gunner Sabrina “Orc Eater” Boulderhill, about to lay down heavy suppressive fire on hobgoblin insurgents. Good armor and damage with excellent suppression capabilities. Heavy armor, heavy Gatling gun, pistol, and automatic rifle. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D12405023/
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Battlefield medic Belladonna “Bone-Saws” Underfoot, rushing to evac a wounded trooper under heavy orcish bombardment. Heals, buffs, and evacs wounded allies. Heavy armor for when working under fire. Carries a med-kit, pistol, and automatic rifle. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13215621/
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Infiltrator Victoria “Blue Ghost” Maggot, creeping up on high-elf sentries. Stealthy character with high detection. Wears light body armor under her coat. Carries pistol with silencer for quiet attacks and automatic rifle for when silence is no longer beneficial. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13221435/
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Combat engineer Moschia “Gremlin” Stumbletoe, prepping a spot for a new artillery emplacement. Minimal offensive capabilities, but excels at fixing vehicles, setting up allied emplacements, and undermining enemy defenses. Wrench, tool box, tool harness, pistol, shotgun, and sapping/entrenching spade. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13214915/
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Demolitionist Lily “Bouncing Betty” Townsend, about to lob a grenade into a passing human personnel-carrier. High-damage/low-armor character with lots of area-of-effect attacks. Light battle armor, pistol, rifle, grenades, and “bag of tricks.” https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13214244/
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Heavy-assault trooper Wenna “Paladin” Harfoot, preparing to draw Drow snipers’ attention while her squaddies flank the enemy position. Tanky character with good ranged and melee damgae. Heavy armor, pistol, and rifle with bayonet. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13222301/
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Anti-vehicle trooper Salvia “Firecracker” Langham, prepping to ambush a goblin armor convoy. Heavy defense, average attack against infantry, high attack against vehicles. Heavy armor, pistol, shotgun, and rocket-propelled-grenade launcher. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D12370553/
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
Stay Safe Part Eight: Savior At High Noon
Fandom: The Mandalorian [Star Wars]
Pairing: Eventual Mandalorian [Din Djarin]/Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: You kids ready for a firefight? I'm talkin' Yojimbo, bringing a knife to a gun fight levels of firefight. Enjoy!
Tag List: @wrestlingfae @huliabitch @toxiicpop @helplessly-nonstop @culturalrebel @renegademustelid @sinnamon-bunn @literal-fand0m-trash @fioccodineveautunnale @hxldmxdxwn @lizajane3 @thewaythisis @nellyneko @absurdthirst @kylolover96 @crownofmanga @talesfromtheguild @robbinholland @lukesrighthand @hoodedbirdie @lackofhonor @thyestean-feast @oh-no-who-am-i
Part One: Should Have Known Better
Part Two: Tranquil Turmoil
Part Three: Vibroblade Mettle
Part Four: Reaching Out
Part Five: Dark Past
Part Six: Go Alone
Part Seven: Like A Ghost
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains graphic depictions of gore. Stay safe!]
You walked through the night and on into the next day, only stopping briefly for short breaks or to halfheartedly gnaw at a tasteless ration bar. You hadn't actually meant to go for so long without a proper rest, but it was as though your legs had a mind of their own. You just kept putting one foot in front of the other, studiously avoiding the thoughts that threatened your fragile emotional state.
When you finally arrived at the city gates as the sun was setting, you were momentarily confused to see two stormtroopers posted there. Oh, right. That message mentioned something like this.
"Chain code." One of them ordered as you approached, his scanner already out.
"Uh." Your voice rasped dryly and you winced, clearing your throat. "Um, let me…" You wearily dug through several of your pouches before you finally located the battered card, holding it out to the trooper. He scanned it silently, held it up to the light, and then handed it back with a nod. 
"Don't cause any trouble, drifter." His modulated voice sent a sad little tremor of familiarity through your body. You trudged past the sentries, feeling exhaustion burn at your eyes. Maker, you could use a nap. What time was it? 
Slogging your way through the sand, you waved to a few people you did recognize, well on your way to sleeping wherever you stopped next. The sheer number of stormtroopers around was something that you knew you ought to find concerning, but at the moment you couldn't muster up the ability to care.
Aside from that, this was normal. This was what you knew, comfortable in its familiarity. The clunky droids, the sand in your boots, the whirring grind of hoverskiff engines.
You finally landed beneath a rare unoccupied overhang in an alley, your small pack clutched to your chest as you curled up on your side in the sand. 
This was what you had wanted to return to when all of this started out, you reminded yourself sternly while you wrapped up in your cloak. Stability. Safety. Work. 
Why did your chest ache so much?
Your shoulders heaved as you sucked in a breath, the pack you held seeming too heavy. The child hadn't been heavy at all. Negligible, even. You wondered where they would go after all of this was sorted out, whether the Mandalorian would come back regularly once the Guild was reinstated and his record was expunged.
The galaxy would keep on spinning, despite your weary ruminations.
I'll never see him again, will I? Him or the child.
Overhead, the stars began to reveal themselves one after another as night descended upon the small city, and you slowly lost the fight with the tears that you had been holding back since you left the cockpit.
This is the Way. 
A dull rumble roused you from your uneasy slumber, and you briefly feared that there was a storm coming. The beaming sunlight seemed to contraindicate that notion, though. You squinted upwards, trying to gauge the time. It would appear that you had slept through the night; if you had to guess, you would say it was nearly noon.
Your stomach growled and you sat up slowly, digging around in your pack for the bar that you had forsaken the day prior.
A black ship roared by overhead and your eyes widened, certain that-- 
What the hell was that?! You pinched the skin of your inner arm, then swore loudly at the pain. Several more rumbles echoed through the streets, and now you could dimly pick up the rattle of automatic blaster fire. Armed conflicts were not unheard of, but never on a scale like this. It sounded like a full-blown invasion!
You scrambled to your feet, your pack abandoned on the ground. After a moment of hesitation where you thought better of whatever it was that you planned on doing, you set off running towards the commotion. 
The ruckus seemed to be moving steadily in the direction of the town cantina. Your own path took you parallel to the main thoroughfare and after a few moments, you caught a fleeting glimpse of the IG unit zipping past. 
You skidded to a stop, then changed direction to emerge out onto the main road. It was IG-11, the spindly droid astride a speeder bike taking out stormtroopers left and right. "IG!" You yelled, waving your arms to get its attention.
The droid didn't pause in its fire even as it greeted you, eyes rotating to catch any and all encroaching threats. "There has been a change in the plan." IG-11 said calmly. "Kuiil has been terminated. I would advise you to pick up a weapon and assist me in defending the child."
Kuiil has been terminated. Your heart broke, but you barely had time to register the grief. "You have the baby?!" You gasped, noticing the pack around the droid's torso as you did. 
"Of course. I have been programmed to protect."
You rushed to yank free one of the plastoid armor sections from a fallen stormtrooper, ending up with the whole sleeve shucked off in your hands. It was no beskar, but hopefully it would help. You had seen the Mandalorian defend his head by simply shifting his shoulder. If you used that same technique, you might be able to get away with lugging less armor along. 
You pulled the armor up over your shoulder, the black body-sleeve gripping your bare arm tightly. A standard-issue blaster settled into your hands, clunky and unfamiliar but you would make it work. You had no real choice in the matter. You nodded stiffly up at the IG unit, who revved the speeder bike. "I cannot wait for you. It is imperative that I make my way forward with haste." The droid informed you.
"I get it. You go on, I'll follow." You replied, reaching out for one indulgent second to cup the baby's cheek. They were simply watching silently from the satchel, those huge eyes looking slightly dazed. A bruise darkened the skin over their left eye. "Take care of them. Please."
"Of course." IG-11 sped off in a cloud of dust and you squared your shoulders. 
Well. You couldn't say that a plan not going properly was anything new. 
You trailed along after the capable droid, striding across the sandy streets with renewed purpose. Few stormtroopers escaped IG-11's blaster shots and if they did, your own soon finished them off. Every pull of the trigger was pragmatic, removed from you but still holding weight. You refused to dwell on the carnage at this moment. Later, there would be time. Just like for Kuiil. Time to grieve, time to process...
You checked your ammunition and kept moving, your eyes scanning the sand clouds ahead. You were approaching the town square, the locale of the cantina which served as the hub for the Guild on Nevarro. Blaster shots lit up the dust, red lines crisscrossing again and again. It sounded like the fighting was at its thickest here. 
You forced your legs to keep carrying you forward when an explosion rippled through the air like thunder, refusing to be immobilized by your fear (no matter how much you wished you could be!). Your shaky fingers shoved a new canister of blaster gas into your pilfered rifle as you peered around the corner of the closest structure, trying to make sense of the chaotic scene in front of you through the haze of dust and smoke.
Stormtroopers scattered to and fro, their ranks disjointed. You kept to the edge of the square, doing your best to avoid the fray that raged in the center. Not exactly a difficult task, seeing as the only person everyone had it out for was an achingly familiar, deafeningly loud instrument of death clad in highly-reflective armor. 
The Mandalorian had an entire E-web gun in his hands, holding it like some kind of battering ram. How he even managed to lift it was a mystery in and of itself! The stand for it stood nearby, forlorn and empty. The old cantina looked like it had taken the brunt of the assault from the weapon before it had been...commandeered. 
The armored man widened his stance and you were just close enough to hear him scream, "Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu!", his voice raw with fury. The E-web repeater spun up like a gatling gun, chewing through the stormtroopers with a vengeance. The Mandalorian didn't stop shouting in Mando'a, beskar plate sending out spark showers from all the haphazard shots aimed his way. His boots stomped rhythmically against the ground, shoulders squared and head tilted downwards as he swung the gun in a wide semi-circle.
You caught a brief glimpse of Cara in the cantina doorway, her borrowed Bren drum-fed blaster pounding away at the stormtroopers. Over her head was an older man dual-wielding a set of pistols, his deadly accurate shots booming loudly through the automatic rattle. 
You raised your own rifle, settling the stock against your shoulder and carefully leading your targets. If there had been one thing you learned on Sorgan, it was to be cautiously aggressive. You aimed for knees, exploiting the weakest area in the trooper armor to topple them quickly and leave them floundering in the sand.
So thorough was your focus, you nearly missed the man swathed in black. 
His cape billowed out behind him, a void in the sandy chaos. He was clearly a leader of some sort, the way he carried himself and the fact that he moved through the battlefield with no helmet enough to give you pause. You lined your rifle up almost on instinct to take a shot at his unprotected head, flinching when he stopped moving and you lost your bead on him. By the time you had relocated your target, a stormtrooper had posted up alongside him. You swore, about to adjust downwards to deal with the trooper first.
Your attention was snagged on the way by the commander's service blaster raising. You followed the line of his shot with your eyes, realizing where it was headed a second before he fired. 
Your mind scrambled for a solution and you cried, "Aru'e!", though you knew there was no way he could even hear you. Enemy ahead!
You saw the Mandalorian's helmet jerk up at the word and he stopped dead, staring directly at you while the E-web chewed uselessly through a section of masonry off to the left. You could feel it, even through the glossy black of his visor; he heard you, he saw you. He knew you were there. 
His shoulders slumped, defeated. 
"Nari!" You screamed, making a shoving gesture, move! But he didn't. It was like he was rooted in place.
The commander's bolt cracked into the Mandalorian's helmet at close range, the ringing blow staggering the beskar-wearing man instead of dispersing over the armor. 
And as the Mandalorian struggled to turn, slicing a wide and clumsy circle back with the E-web, the commander lowered his blaster to aim for the power supply still attached to the vacant tripod. 
With a simple pull of the trigger the entire tripod exploded forcefully, black shrapnel flying outwards in a deadly haze. You couldn't help your distressed cry as the Mandalorian was pitched violently back from the fiery blast. 
Once he hit the ground, he didn't move. 
Get up, you begged mentally. Please get up. Please don't be dead. Please. Your vision blurred with tears, grief threatening to swallow you whole as he continued to just...lay there, his flight suit smoking slightly. Then…
Then, you gritted your teeth.
"Cara!" You yelled, straining to be heard over the cacophony of gunfire. The woman started visibly, glancing around until her eyes landed on you. "Cover me!" You requested, drawing your old knife.
She tapped her ear and nodded to indicate that she understood. Then, she let out a war whoop, her auto rifle throwing slugs over your head to take out your pursuers. Meanwhile, you took the path of most resistance and least distance. 
Dodge. Jump. Roll. Onto stomach. Back up. Kick shin. Knife, knife, done. Keep moving! 
Several blaster bolts whined by your face, throwing up clouds of sand to your left with a loud pank! You hurriedly raised your shielded arm to protect your head.
Off the barrel. Good! Jump. Knife to the neck. Too close. Behind the crate! Rifle to the head, pull one two, done. Keep moving! 
You weren't sure if you were imagining Cara coaching you through these skirmishes, but you could hear her voice yelling instructions and suggesting movements all the same just like on Sorgan, pick up your fucking feet rookie! 
A stormtrooper's plastoid was made for taking blaster energy. It was not made for the blunt force trauma you inflicted with the spine of your heavy old knife or the stock of the rifle. White shards flew every time you struck, and every strike was a new opening for Cara to take advantage of.
Two shots grazed your shielded arm, distributing over the plastoid with a crackle of wasted effort. You barely noticed, your eyes fixed on the shimmering beskar of the Mandalorian. It gleamed and twinkled in the desert sun like a mirage; the sheer volume of the material alone was worth a king's ransom, but the real prize you were after was the man wearing it. 
I'm going to save you.
Something clipped your side and your stride faltered, the impact making you stumble and almost fall. You didn't have time for pain at that point, shoving it down to deal with later, the adrenaline will hold the pain! Your heated advance had clearly been noted, but now the IG unit was also running interference for you, tipping the odds even further in your favor. You slung your blaster around by its tote strap and gathered yourself for one last burst of speed, your legs burning as you forced yourself to outrun the scattered gunfire trained on you.
I have to make it. 
Skidding to a halt beside the Mandalorian's body, you hurriedly sheathed your knife, dug your fists in beneath his shoulders and ripped him backwards with all your might. His cape aided you in your adrenaline-fueled struggle, ensuring that the edges of his beskar wouldn't catch on the sand. You stayed half-crouched, using his armor as a shield while you slowly, slowly dragged him back to the cantina. 
You hadn't had the time to ruminate on whether he was alive or not, so hellbent to just get him off the battlefield that you almost missed him slamming his gauntlet against his hip like he was chambering a round. 
Flames poured out of the thrower on his forearm, engulfing two troopers that you hadn't spotted on your left. "Thanks!" You gasped.
"W-What are you--" His speech was labored, barely-there. "T-T-old y-y' to st-stay s--afe..."
"As you can see I'm doing great at listening to you!" You nearly lost your grip, straining to move him quicker before screaming in frustrated panic, "Why the fuck do you wear so much fucking armor?!"
"Be quiet!" You yelled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
Cara was suddenly beside you, the shadowy doorway of the cantina a looming sanctuary over your head. The shock trooper grabbed one of the Mandalorian's arms, taking some of his weight to help you haul him deeper into the cantina.
"Stay with me buddy!" Dune encouraged him, "We're gonna' get you out of here!"
"This is our only path out, can you clear it?" That older man asked the IG unit, gesturing frantically at one of the ventilation grates. You recognized his voice from the message you had heard, the one that had sent the Mandalorian into a silent fury, but you were drawing a blank on his name. Karga, possibly?
"Certainly." The droid replied cordially, bending down in front of the indicated grate. A small cutting torch flared to life in its hand and it began what promised to be the somewhat arduous process of searing through the thick grating.
"And you! I don't know what the hell you were thinking, running out there like that!" The older man turned to scold you. "Nobody's worth that loyalty, you hear me?!" He paused, then continued, "aside from...well, maybe one or two people." He stuck his hand out. "Greef Karga, chairman of the Bounty Hunter's Guild on Nevarro."
You clumsily shook the pro-offered hand, still moving the Mandalorian. "Wish we could have met under better circumstances." 
"Too true!" He agreed, shaking his head. "What a mess you made of things, Mando. You and that baby are a menace."
"I'm n-not gonna' make it," the Mandalorian coughed when you and Cara managed to prop him up against a ruined table. "Go-"
"Shut up, you'll be fine! You just got your bell...rung." Dune's sure tone faded and when you looked over, you realized her hand was brick red with blood from where she had cupped the back of his neck. Glancing down, you found out to your horror that your own palms were liberally streaked with the substance as well. Fear raked its claws down your spine and you saw your hands start to tremble even harder.
"Leave m-e." The armored man pleaded, his voice rasping.
"I'm gonna' need to take this thing off." Cara reached urgently for the side of his helmet.
His gauntlet slammed shut on her wrist, hard enough that she winced visibly. "No. Y' leave me. Y' make sure the child is safe." He fumbled at his neck, tearing loose a small pendant that was shaped like the skull of a strange beast. "H-Here. When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them th--at."
Your confusion was probably plastered on your face (Mandalorian covert?), but Cara nodded like she understood. 
"You tell 'em…" He paused, wheezing stridor rattling loudly in his chest. "Y' tell 'em it's fr-from...D-Din Djarin..." His name, his name. You felt sick with the realization, your eyes going wide in shock. "You tell 'em the Foundling was in my pr-protection, and they'll help you." He instructed, pressing the pendant into your hand.
"We can make it." Cara assured him, glancing worriedly at you for confirmation. 
You were already moving to haul his arm up over your shoulder again. "C'mon, let's go!" You encouraged, his dead weight dragging hard at your back.
"I'm not gonna' m-ake it, n' you know it." The Mandalorian wheezed. His hand covered your own, rolling your fingers into a fist around the pendant. 
Flames abruptly poured through the cantina door, forcing both you and Cara to duck down against the armored man. When you raised your head again, the cantina was ablaze. "They're trying to burn us out, Imp fucks!" Cara snarled, her hand clenching down on one of the Mandalorian's pauldrons. "Can't that droid cut through the grate any faster?!" She shouted at Karga.
"You're more than welcome to assist it, with the torch that you don't have!" Greef retorted.
"Y' protect the child. I can h-hold them back long enough to help you escape," the Mandalorian panted. "Let me die a w--arrior's death." 
"We're not leaving you!" Cara insisted.
You echoed her sentiment softer, pushing your forehead against his. "Can you see me?" You whispered, staring through his visor.
"Y-Yeah." He gasped after a momentary pause. 
"I'm not leaving you alone in the dark." You heard his breath hitch with a sob and you bit your lip, quelling your own tears. "I'm right here with you." You drew your thumb down your chest, and then tapped your chin. I promise. "I'm here."
A second gout of fire roared into the cantina, nearer this time. Bottles of liquor began to explode nearby from the heat, various amber browns and neon blue spotchka feeding the flames. "Why won't y'...you're going t'...p-lease-"
"I said, I'm with you." You shook your head, trying vainly to imbue your next words with some sort of apologetic tone, "this is the Way."
"This i-is the W-ay." He echoed brokenly. His hand grasped at your arm, clinging for dear life despite imploring you to leave.
There was the sharp clatter of durasteel. You heard Cara start swearing a blue streak, which prompted you to glance behind you. The horrifying sight of a flame trooper was what met your eyes, the stripes on their armor turned blood red in the smokey haze of the cantina. They leveled their flamethrower and you realized that the child, the child was between you and the stormtrooper. 
You lunged for them just as the trooper pressed down on the trigger, knowing in your mind that there was no plausible way you would be able to save them. Hell, even yourself, or Cara, or the Mandalorian. You were all in the blast zone. 
It was futile. But you still moved. 
Your hands outstretched to pick up the child. The heat alone stole your breath. Maybe you could toss them, get them out of harm's way--
The flamethrower blast roiled and seethed forward, but then...it just stopped in midair. Hovering, a massive fireball, a miniature sun. When you saw the child's arms extended out in front of it, somehow you knew that they were what held it at bay.
Their tiny hand made a gesture, a simple motion of the wrist and the fireball soared backwards, engulfing the unsuspecting flametrooper. With a blast of backdraft, the trooper's fuel tank exploded and rocketed the body back out through the cantina door.
The child sat down heavily, then slumped to the side, their eyes rolling shut.
A loud clang echoed through the boiling room. It appeared that the IG unit had managed to get through the grate, the robot finally kicking it out of the way. 
"We're through! Come on, let's go!" Karga urged.
IG-11 clattered forwards over the flaming debris, carefully scooping up the child's limp form before you could shake off your shock. "Escape and protect the child. I will administer aid to the Mandalorian, and they shall assist me." The IG unit instructed calmly, metal pincers safely depositing the unconscious baby in Cara's waiting arms.
You tugged free the piece of fabric she appeared to have been using to cover her tattoo, rushing to tie it around your head. "Keep them safe, please." You implored her, running a hand over the unconscious child's head. You tucked the Mandalorian's pendant into their robes as an afterthought.
Cara's eyes went steely and she leaned in, forehead hitting yours as she demanded in her best trooper voice, "promise me you'll bring him. Drag him if you have to."
"You have my word." The IG unit answered for the both of you. You nodded in agreement, watching Cara and Greef flee through the destroyed grate before you pulled the cloth down over your eyes. Effectively blinded, you knelt in the sand and groped forward until you found the beskar-wearing man's arm.
"Y' have to go." The Mandalorian begged desperately, weakly shoving at your chest in an attempt to push you towards the grate. "P-lease…"
"We must remove his helmet if we are to save him." IG-11 stated.
You heard the sound of a blaster priming. "Try it n' I'll kill you. Blow your goddamn neural harness to Endor. I-It is. Forbidden." The armored man seethed through his teeth. "No living thing has seen me without this helmet si-since I--" He had to stop, a wet cough interrupting his speech. "-since I swore the Cr--eed."
"I am not a living thing." The robot pointed out pragmatically. "And they have covered their eyes. Out of respect for your traditions, I hypothesize." 
"We need to take care of you. Please." You found the hand that held the blaster and you wrapped your shaking fingers around it tightly. Now that your audience was gone the panic surged through your body, threatening to send you into hysterics at any moment while you clung to the last shreds of your composure. "Please." You begged frantically. I don't want you to die. "The kid needs you." 
I need you. I love you. I'm so sorry.
You felt him yield at the same time that you heard IG-11 move, the reformed bounty droid tugging at the beskar helmet. "I require assistance." It stated after a momentary struggle. "The surface is deceptively smooth."
You ran your hands over the Mandalorian's arm, working your way up to the base of his neck and resting just beneath the edge of his helm. You knew you were running out of time. Even now the flames grew hotter and hotter on your back, the air around you becoming unbearable with smoke. "Here, put your fingers on the edges instead. I can't actually be the one to take it off, so hold it like this."
You guided IG's less-certain metal claws to a better spot to grab, making sure that it wouldn't slip. The Mandalorian's shoulders tensed weakly, like he was waiting to be attacked. 
With a firm tug and that muffled hiss of air, the helmet came off. In the moment, it was no thing of gravitas. Clinical need overrode even the Creed he kept so close to his heart and here you were, blind and all business while you fended off your terror. 
He reached up shakily to brush his knuckles against the cloth you had covered your eyes with, a silent admission of trust. "You cryin'?" His voice still sounded so foreign without the modulator, husky but clear, soft. 
"Don't worry about that right now." You moved on autopilot to support the back of his head, grimacing when you felt your fingers card through matted hair and immediately grow slick with blood. "Maker, okay, alright." You muttered, nausea making your stomach pitch as you gingerly maneuvered his head to the side so IG-11 could perform whatever interventions it had in mind.
"Can't really feel my legs." The man admitted hoarsely. "Fingers are...tingling. What I can feel hurts like a--h-ah, dammit." He struggled to inhale, another wet cough choking him.
There was a soft ping. "This is a bacta spray. It will heal you in a matter of hours." IG-11 informed him.
You felt the armored man flinch when the bacta hit the open wound on the side of his head, hissing in a breath through his teeth.
"You have suffered damage to your central processing unit." The IG said bluntly.
"You...mean my brain." The Mandalorian murmured slowly after a beat. 
"That was a joke. It is meant to put you at ease." 
In spite of the peril that loomed, you were thrilled to hear a pained snort of amusement. Leather-clad fingers twined with your own. "Helmet." He pleaded. 
"Can we put his helmet back on? Are we all set?" You asked IG-11, squeezing the Mandalorian's hand in an attempt to comfort him.
"Better to do so. These open flames will not aid in the bacta absorption or ease of respiration." The robot replied. 
You felt around for the helm, burning your fingertips on the contoured surface before you managed to get it over the Mandalorian's face once again. You were startled when he clumsily cupped your jaw and pressed his helm to the cloth that covered your eyes. "I could kiss you, little mudhorn." He rasped through his modulator, clearly delirious on a combination of pain and strong drugs. 
"I would advise that you attempt such activities at a later time." The IG unit intoned. 
The Mandalorian then allowed you and the bounty droid to haul him upright, his fingers fighting with the cloth over your eyes before you helped him shove it up out of the way. His heated armor seared at your skin even through your clothes, but the pain was a background worry compared to your relief. 
He was alive. Staggering, stumbling, most of his weight resting on either you or the spindly droid, but alive. 
As you made your way through the tunnels beneath the city, his steps became more sure. "Damn, that bacta's got some kick to it." He remarked, shaking his head and rolling his shoulders out. "Hits like a blurrg to the gut."
"I would advise against strenuous activities while you heal." The droid droned.
"I'd love to oblige you," The Mandalorian retorted sarcastically, "but I don't think I'll have the luxury." His hand rested on the top of your head, fingers buried in your hair. 
When you finally caught up with Cara and Greef, the former soldier met the three of you with a grin of relief. "They'll have to try harder than that to keep you down!" She crowed, thumping a fist into the Mandalorian's shoulder.
The Mandalorian's response was a wry, "I'd rather they didn't." 
Now reunited, the group of you traversed ahead. Despite being a little turned around, the Mandalorian quickly latched onto the correct path to the aforementioned covert. Progress grew more expedient as his body absorbed the bacta properly, the hunter soon able to walk unaided. 
Your rushed exodus came to an abrupt halt, however, when you stumbled upon a pile of beskar armor. 
The Mandalorian stopped dead in his tracks, and then sank to one knee. Shaking hands reached out and plucked a helmet from the pile, his thumb rubbing against the black sharding left over from where the visor had shattered.
Everyone huddled together in silence, not really wanting to interrupt the clearly-grieving man, but knowing too well that the Imperials would be overrunning the tunnels shortly.
"We should go." Cara finally murmured. You put a gentle hand on his shoulder between his cowling and pauldron, squeezing to let him know that you were there.
"You go. Take the ship." The armored man replied brokenly. "I...I can't leave it this way." You felt his shoulder tense up under your touch and you instinctively braced for impact. "Did you know about this?" He breathed, the inquiry directed at Karga. "Is this the work of your bounty hunters?" The title sounded like a curse, dripping with hatred.
"Of course not!" Greef protested. "When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended. The hunters just...melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries, not zealots!"
"Did you do this?!" The Mandalorian raged, shaking your hand off as he lunged upright and turned on the Guild leader. "Did you?!" 
"It was not his fault." said a stern female voice. Another Mandalorian emerged from a side tunnel, her majestic bronze helm adorned with small horn-like protrusions. She wore a cuirass beneath her armor that had a luxurious pelt around the neck (possibly nexu?), giving her the illusion of sporting a thick mane. 
You did your best not to gawk, though you had the feeling you were unsuccessful. She carried herself almost like Cara, but more refined, almost regal.
"We revealed ourselves. We knew what would happen if we left the covert." Leather-gloved hands reached into the pile and reverently picked up a breastplate, which she proceeded to deposit onto an already-loaded hoverskiff. "The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter." She gestured down at the armor. "This...is what resulted." Her voice was soft with grief.
"Did any survive?" The Mandalorian rasped desperately.
"I hope so. Some may have escaped off-world."
The Mandalorian looked down at the pile and then jerked his helmet back up. "Come with us." He implored.
"No." She replied disdainfully, almost as if she was scolding him for even daring to suggest such a thing. "I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains." She then turned on her heel, beckoning for the group to follow her into the side room. 
As the others trailed along behind her, you dallied just outside the doorway. With a hand pressed to your side, you took a shaky inhale. It was beginning to hurt to breathe, but only just. Like the adrenaline was dulling the pain. You didn't want to actually look at the wound for fear that it was worse than you thought, so you carefully shifted your cloak to hang over your side. 
There. Out of sight, out of mind.
Part Nine
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robotapologist · 4 years
I get that once you change his body you can't put hats on him but I cannot get into the headspace of someone who doesn't jump at the chance to oufit Codsworth in a the beefiest rig available
Stick that boy in a sentry body with a gatling laser and a cryojet. It's still him underneath, offering you lemonade and shaking his head ruefully at the sight of his companion wandering around naked, inhaling buffout pills like fucking tictacs
The difference is now this posh little gentleman is robotswole
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nishaapologist · 4 years
perhaps somewhat appropriately, the New Sarah Lyons Playthrough(tm) is somehow going even more tragically off the rails than the first, partly because i’m in survival mode, and this is suffering. you’d think that doing a few settlement quests for preston would take 20 minutes tops, but instead i somehow found myself getting attacked by like fifty ghouls in Jamaica Plains and got, like, every limb crippled twice. then i found ada on my way to taffington boathouse and thought hey! i’ll help her out!
i forgot about the SERVOBOTS
okay so at first i didn’t realise this was going to be a Problem(tm) because i’m dumb, but soon it became a problem when every corner saw even more robots who WILDLY OUTGUNNED ME chasing after me!!! EVERY CORNER!!! EVERY RANDOM EVENT THAT COULD HAVE BEEN WAS MORE FUCKING ROBOTS ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
but sarah would never let this get her down. so we continue. we get to taffington boathouse. we get to covenant. we get to the slog and kill an alpha deathclaw, no biggie. we go to dunwich borers and we don’t open the chained door directly to hell and instead we go out the way we came. okay! it’s all figuring itself out!
then a group of raiders jumpscare the heck outta me (and i nearly die), and then i get jumped by those SERVOBOTS (and i DO DIE. OHKO’D, EVEN)
me: okay it could be worse future me: why did you say these things
we get lost in downtown boston shortly after (not for the first time!) but we make it home. okay. fine. we’re okay. i decide that before i go to bed i’m just gonna REALLY REALLY QUICKLY. go and clear out outpost zimonja. REALLY quickly. ten minutes! not long!
this is the part where i meet regi blattaria, and die
this is the part where i meet regi blattaria, and die
this is the part where i meet regi blattaria! AND DIE
THIS DUDE AND HIS GATLING GUN KILLED ME THREE TIMES i COULD not best this asshole. but i wanted that gatling laser SO BAD. i wanted it SO BADLY!!! and i recruited knights and i saved in different locations and i tried different guns and i could! not! make! this man! die! i got trapped between him and RUST DEVILS AND A RADSCORPION??? WHY.
but i got him. i got him and i went to the outpost and all was well.
until it wasnt.
A SENTRY BOT (unaffiliated, in it for the chaos)
Y’ALL I RAN!!!!!!!!! I RAN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honest to god every step i took was just DOGGED BY ROBOTS i could not get AWAY FROM THEM FAST ENOUGH. every five MINUTES was an assaultron killing preston or my damn dog and OBLITERATING ME??? HELLO??????????????
i completed like three settlement quests in all this time. three. what the fuck, todd,
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sepublic · 4 years
Xian Weapons
Force Blaster- A cylindrical cannon, it was created after analyzing and reverse-engineering the Force Sphere phenomenon that occurred within Chutes. Force Blasters recreate the conditions of a Chute within their cylindrical forms, before weaponizing the electro-magnetic energy to create a miniaturized Force Sphere that is fired at targets. These Force Spheres possess powerful pulls, pulling in anything they pass by or through; Metal is particularly subsceptible to their attraction. Once inside the Force Sphere, any materials quickly fold up and compress, imploding whatever was caught within and vaporizing it in an energy blast. Against objects too large and durable to fully absorb, a Force Sphere will collide with it, tearing off portions of the target and causing it to implode before detonating, leaving a scorched crater where it struck.
Rail Gun- Rail Guns come in a wide variety of sizes, but most are hand-held weapons meant to be held in one hand. A battery stores energy and sends it travelling through a pair of ridged tongs, before the energy concentrates into a small sphere within the curved ends of the tongs. The energy-sphere shoots forth a deadly beam, causing it to dissipate as a target is struck. The larger a Rail Gun, the longer it takes for shots to charge and fire. Consequently, hand-held Rail Guns are very fast and responsive weapons, but still require a brief second of cool-down before re-firing. Handheld varieties have some popularity within gladiator matches in Zakaz, and are the most prolific of Xian weapons.
Disk Launcher- Razor-edged disks are loaded into specialized launchers. These launchers use electro-magnetic force to rapidly rotate a disk and launch it forward, turning the disk into a spinning buzzsaw whose edges then heat up to enhance cutting ability. After being launched and slicing through an enemy or missing them, the launcher can call back the disk using its electro-magnetic force. The spinning disk in turn boomerangs back, tethered by an electro-magnet core within, and neatly slots back into the launcher. Disk Launchers already function as lethal ranged weapons with a boomerang functionality, but a user can use them for melee combat as well, spinning the disk within the launcher and keeping it in place as a lethal buzzsaw.
Trydahk Pods- These space-warping storage units were named after their creator Trydahk, the leader of the Nynrah Ghosts. Trydahk Pods are circular spheres, a little bit bigger than a bowling ball, and consist of multiple plates that make up the hollow sphere’s surface. When activated, the pieces of the Trydahk Pod will separate and surround whatever the user wants to contain. Once in position, the fragments will course their space-warping energy throughout one another and begin to close in, shrinking the very space surrounding the object they are wrapping around. To the unobserved eye, it as if the object is being shrunken down into a smaller size before the pieces finally fit back together and lock in, recreating the Trydahk Pod. Trydahk Pods can store things much larger than them by manipulating space, and are invaluable both for storage reasons, but also as bombs that can be deployed and release any manner of dangerous threats. If a Trydahk Pod is sufficiently damaged while containing something, it will fall apart as the space within it bursts and releases the contained contents. Countless Trydahk Pods have been used to store invaluable artifacts, data, and other precious things within the Archives.
Nektann- These turrets come in two forms; Mobile or Immobile. Immobile Nektanns consisted of dome-shaped platforms built into the ground, with a hole in the center ringed by spikes and blades that face upwards. Upon detecting an intruder, the Nektann builds up energy and shoots it out in the formed an arced beam that travels towards the target, striking it. Due to the curved shape of its beams, this allows Nektanns to bypass various obstacles and barriers by utilizing a 3-D path towards enemies. Mobile Nektanns are sphere-shaped and move on four, claw-tipped legs surrounding their bodies. They fire laser-beams from an eye on their surface, and when damaged, will deploy a small swarm of nano-machines that will set to work repairing the Nektann by sealing gaps, reattaching limbs, covering weak points, smoothing out dented armor, and so forth. While Immobile Nektanns are typically deployed as guards and sentries around key locations, Mobile Nektanns are utilized as shock troopers in combat.
Gatling Cannon- These large, silver-barreled cannons are able to hold up to six explosive rocket-rounds. Upon being fired, these rockets are fired in quick, rapid succession as the barrel rotates, obliterating anything in its path before rapidly reloading once all shots have been unleashed. Gatling Cannons are incredibly heavy-duty, powerful weapons normally found affixed to larger machines and structures.
Nynrah Ghost Blaster- Named after their infamous creators, the Nynrah Ghost Blaster was designed after the capture of the Dark Hunter Thok, whose unusual wraith-like properties were studied, analyzed, and replicated before he eventually escaped. The Nynrah Ghost Blaster operates on the same principle as beings like Thok, or the Kraata to a lesser extent; It has a battery cell that contains a Life energy ‘spirit’ of sorts that when fired, strikes a target. Upon hitting its target, this energy-wraith promptly possesses it, enabling the user to control what they have shot through a complex interface that is able to analyze their intent and transmit it to the energy wraith. Although useless on mundane tools and solid objects, the Nynrah Ghost Blaster truly shines when used on complex machinery; The energy-wraith it stores is able to interact with and control the machine it possesses, enabling the user to essentially hack into any form of machinery they encounter without needing to physically touch it or even understand how it works. The Nynrah Ghost Blaster can hijack and control the likes of Vahki, although it is useless against Exo-Toa, not quite able to replicate the energies and wavelength of a Kraata. When used against someone with cybernetic limbs, it can possess the robotic limbs and turn them against the owner.
Zamor Launcher- Zamor Launchers consist of a specialized launcher that is compatible only with its ammunition, the crystalline Zamor Spheres, and vice-versa. Zamor Spheres are hollow spheres made up of a malleable, programmable crystal that can form holes in their surface to store contents, and act as natural conductors that can capture and preserve forms of energy. Fire, electricity, explosive energy, and so forth can be properly contained within a Zamor Sphere. Upon striking something, a Zamor Sphere will form an opening directly into the surface of its target and release its contents in a pressurized, concentrated explosion that is funneled into a precise pillar of destruction. These concentrated explosions are able to pierce heavy armor, able to more precisely wield the explosive power of a regular grenade and thus making the Zamor Sphere far more lethal. The Zamor Spheres work even more brilliantly in conjunction with their intended launchers; A launcher will locate and track down a target, recognizing and analyzing it before transmitting the information of that target into the Zamor Sphere. Once the Zamor Sphere is launched, it will fly through the air; Once it is close enough to the designated target, an opening will form pointing directly at them, sending forth a pillar of released energy at a victim. If the Zamor Sphere strikes them directly, then it functions as it normally would without a launcher to guide it. Due to Zamor Launchers’ powerful precision, they are able to almost eliminate the need for any basic aiming skills used in ranged weaponry. On their own, Zamor Spheres are a more reliable containment unit for non-solids and forms of energy than a Trydahk Pod.
Destructor- These are bipedal, hunched-over robots with digitigrade legs and spindly arms for grabbing onto targets. Their bodies mainly consist of a large, mechanical syringe, as well as jet-boosters in the back to enable powerful, rapid jumps towards targets. Upon reaching a target, the Destructor will pierce them with its sharpened needle, before injecting a lethal micro-bomb into the target. Once the bomb is deployed, the Destructor flees in the brief seconds it takes for the bomb to detonate, tearing apart a victim from the inside out. The Destructor was developed as a direct response to powerful forms of armor that protected weaker insides, and is invaluable in killing rogue bioweapons of impenetrable hides. Destructors utilized by the Nynrah Ghosts are sometimes given trackers instead of bombs, to keep track of the movements of a creature they are monitoring.
Twilight Blade- These thin, sharpened blades have every square-inch of their surfaces covered in complex light-panels. Beneath these panels is a powerful computer program that analyzes the light in the area and how it reflects off of the Twilight Blade; Depending on the user’s setting, the program will then guide the light panels into either bending and distorting any light that strikes them, rendering the Twilight Blade itself totally invisible; Or instead have them reflect all light that hits them directly into the eyes of an opponent, blinding them and giving the wielder an opportunity to strike. Due to the incredibly complex and precise nature of its use and programming, the Twilight Blade is a select and rare product.
Hagah Plasma Cannon- Sporting a distinctive yellow-and-purple coloring, this large cannon (created and distributed by the Hagah Co.) has a deployable stand, that turns the weapon into a manned turret; The Hagah Plasma Cannon is also able to retract its stand for use as a handheld weapon for particularly large and powerful owners. Upon being aimed, its laser-scope will focus in on a target, and the Hagah Plasma Cannon fires at the flick of its handles’ switches. Briefly it will charge a powerful, super-heated round of plasma before shooting it forth as a thin, narrow beam. Upon hitting a target, the plasma detonates as a slowly-building sphere of pure, concentrated plasma that directly eats away and burns at whatever is in its vicinity. Things struck by the Hagah Plasma Cannon are left with perfectly sphere-shaped openings where everything caught within the blast radius has been totally incinerated and vaporized. The Hagah Plasma Cannon is able to slowly but surely burn through any form of defense and impenetrable armor, and is incredibly expensive as a result.
Scouter Drone- These small, silver bipedal robots are equipped with rotos on their backs and have swiveling heads, each tipped with a pair of laser-cannons. Mostly used for reconnaissance, these Scouter Drones will fly overhead, utilizing enhanced eyesight and audio sensors to record data before relaying it back to their commanders. Their thin, spindly legs assist in the process of landing and taking off, as well as moving forward on land, and their laser-cannons act as a diminutive yet adequate form of defense. When flying overhead, they can also utilize searchlights to better enhance their vision and point out potential targets to others.
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betterbemeta · 5 years
the robot i most often build has the assaultron head laser and high speed legs/superior pathing, the sentry body with missiles, and gatling lasers. I have never known a single thing to withstand them. 
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mrninjapineapple · 6 years
Meet my OC - Charlotte “Scav” Murphy
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Name meaning: She is called “Scav” because she is adept at scavenging for valuable junk, spare parts, and anything she needs.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’ 10” (70 inches)
Weight: 9st 3lb (129 pounds)
Relationship: Never had friends or anything more since leaving home.
Full bio under the cut!
Charlotte Murphy began life in the large town of Quincy, living with her maternal grandmother, Mama Murphy. Having been orphaned at an early age, she was raised from a young child by Mama Murphy in her top floor room of the Quincy Apartments, safe behind the fortifications of Quincy’s wall. She earned her nickname of “Scav” early on when she developed a childish propensity for scavenging, raiding her neighbour’s trash to find any junk and spare parts to adorn her room (also earning her the lasting rivalry of Marcy Long). As she grew older, she donned her trademark hooded scavenging outfit and began to venture out into nearby locations to scavenge, bringing back spare parts from abandoned factories, scrap metal from local junkyards, and selling any excess at the nearby Atom Cats’ Garage. She had even managed to find a Pip-Boy from the ruins of Vault 88, taking it from the raiders who had fortified the old vault into an outpost.
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Learning how to tinker with technology from the local handyman, Sturges, Scav fixes up the Pip Boy and decides to learn what she can from the other professionals around Quincy. Sturges, having received multiple suits of power armour from the Atom Cats to repair and modify, teaches her the intricacies of power armour maintenance and how to combine the disparate junk pieces into worthwhile objects such as turrets, generators, and weapon modifications. Jun Long, despite his wife’s annoyance at Scav, taught her about chems and their varying effects, even teaching her how to combine them to create new chems. She went around Quincy, learning all she could – science and hacking from Dr Rosenthal, lockpicking from Gwen Davies, rudimentary firearms training from Hawthorne etc. – but her most important lesson by far was from Mama Murphy herself as she taught her how to control the gift she had passed down to her; the Sight. These lessons would always push Scav to focus on the visions in her mind and form coherent images, often leading her to small discoveries whilst scavenging as she had seen the location of a valuable object in her mind.
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Life was difficult at times but for the most part, it was carefree for Scav, her studious nature serving her well and her scavenging beginning to bring new prosperity to Quincy. But the Commonwealth does not allow idyll for long. Scav returned to Quincy from a long scavenging session, having sold her excess scrap and junk to the Atom Cats, to find Mama Murphy collapsed on the floor of her apartment. She rushed to the old woman’s side and saw that her eyes were red-rimmed and wide, pupils darting to the shadowed recesses of the room. An empty Jet inhaler beside her, she waved away Scav’s concerns, telling her that a large vision overwhelmed her and that she was okay. Over the next few weeks however, she became noticeably withdrawn, sitting in her chair for days at a time and foregoing sleep in favour of chems, desperately trying to see the vision again. Scav caught snippets of words in the old woman’s dreams – “Gunner” and “Minutemen” amongst them – but could see nothing in the Sight herself. Mama Murphy was always the more experienced one.
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Finally deciding that Mama Murphy’s isolation had gone on for too long, Scav confronted her, asking for details on the big vision she was so desperately trying to see again and was surprised when the old woman broke down in tears. She cryptically mentioned that something is coming to Quincy, something that will have an impact on the entire Commonwealth, and that if she stays, Scav will be caught in the chaos and won’t survive. She implored Scav to leave Quincy, telling her that if she left for Diamond City on her own, it was the only future she saw in which she survived. With no other recourse, Scav followed the advice and left everything behind. Her home, her friends, and the only family she had ever known. After all, Mama Murphy had never been wrong about a vision before. Sometimes, Scav wished she was.
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On her journey to Diamond City, Scav skirted the edges of Neponset Park, where her parents tragically lost their lives when she was just a child. The place sent a shiver up her spine even though Mama Murphy had been scarce with the details. Maybe that was for the best. She reached Diamond City without incident – just as Mama Murphy had predicted – and within a week, word reached her of the Quincy Massacre, the only survivors a handful of Minutemen and a small group of settlers. She reached out for details, asking around the local citizens for news of an old woman travelling with the survivors, but found nothing. Hoping that Mama Murphy was right that she would survive the attack, Scav set out to begin scavenging anew, journeying the Commonwealth and asking traders or any settlers she passed of news of the Quincy survivors. She learned nothing but her love of scavenging, once only restricted to the region around Quincy, had now flourished to the entirety of the Commonwealth. By utilising the skills she had learned back at Quincy, she was able to scavenge and trade to settlements to survive.
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Her scavenging led her to danger however, when an abandoned town turned out to be occupied by super mutants. Caught on their territory, Scav ran for her life, using her agility to great effect in evading the mutants. Eventually, she found herself trapped in a ruined house, cornered and without escape, and used her final moments to think of Mama Murphy and hope that wherever she was, she was safe and happy. But her life was far from over. Gunfire pierced the air and a large figure barrelled into the super mutant inching towards her position. After the dust had cleared, Scav found herself face to stomach with the largest man she had ever seen. In a deep, booming African accent, he introduced himself as Tank and led her out to meet her other saviours, the mercenary group known as the Misfits. As she looked upon their leader, Grizz, the Sight flooded her mind with images and she knew she was destined to join their group. Telling them about her abilities of foresight and extrasensory scavenging, Grizz saw something in her and welcomed her to the Misfits.
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Ditching her hooded scavenging outfit in favour of a new set of armour, she found her place amongst the Misfits, bringing them back parts and items they needed from her scavenging missions and getting them in (and out) of hard to reach areas. She also used the Sight on occasion to affect the outcome of a mission and would always tip the balance in the Misfits’ favour. The Misfits themselves became something she never thought she would truly have – a family – with Tank becoming the brother she never had, protecting her fiercely. After Quincy, she knew she would never have a true home again, instead content to roam the Commonwealth scavenging. She was glad to be proven wrong.
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On a routine scavenging mission to an old junkyard, she came across an old sentry bot damaged almost beyond repair. Almost. Using her knowledge of robotics and programming, she managed to fix the bot and to her surprise, found that it had been pre-loaded with the personality chip from a housebot Mr Handy unit. As it asked her whether she would like it to clean the junkyard, she decided to keep the odd personality as a quirk of her new companion, whom she christened Mr Winkles and painted bright pink, to the annoyance of some of the other Misfits. To compensate, she added twin gatling lasers, cluster bomb pods, and enhanced targeting software allowing Mr Winkles to target hostiles from a significant distance.
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She has given up hope of ever finding Mama Murphy and the other Quincy survivors, unaware that they now reside within the fortified confines of Sanctuary, far to the northwest. But with Mr Winkles and the Misfits behind her, Scav has found her place in the Commonwealth and for the first time in her life, is truly happy. Utilising the Sight passed down to her and her scavenging abilities, she has become a crucial part of the mercenary group and would give her life for any of the others, knowing that they would do the same for her.
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thewilliamambervein · 6 years
So I have settled into the "I will never be a ranger or a writer for Power Rangers" after this trip to PMC. I am a fan who doesn't really have what it takes or even fully understands how hard it is.
But I have altered my idea of a adaption to Kyuranger into a history of Power Rangers shows, because we need another one of those. Essentially the idea that it is set in the very far future of Power Rangers still is a main component but instead of there being rangers fighting back, there are none. The main character would be this techy nerd who knows a lot about Power Rangers and works with a rebellion against the evil would be ruler. The leader of this rebellion would want the techy to try and make new Power Rangers, but he can't. So the rebellion leader would try and find Power Rangers weapons or morphers and trun them into weapons that regular people can use. The main character would be against this, still trying to make new rangers but also because he is certain he could fix them and use them to revive the legends he remembers.
For example the rebellion leader would want to turn the remaining power in the Golden Ranger Power Staff into something like a gatling laser while the main character would want to recharge it, which would take time and might draw attention. It could actually have some audience participation for what costumes would be used in fight scenes.
Either they would have to have to make ranger sentries or revive old ranger powers. The only end goal would be if they stopped making Power Rangers or if Hasbro told me to stop. I don't see why they would though, since I would avoid using footage as much as possible and it would be more about the characters and events around them.
I don't have a good name or even a set or even other actors for this. Much like other projects I have in mind, I won't be able to make it happen. Still a cool idea though.
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formshunter412 · 3 years
Fallout 4 Donate Items
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Fallout 4 How To Donate Items
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Fallout 4 How To Donate Items
Mar 5, 2016
Fallout 4 – the game that has many systems. You are able to use them all easily but only if you play on PC. For this you need to type some things into the developer console of this game. If you want to get some necessary items or make tweaks in the game playing by cheating, use the console commands for Fallout 4.
How Can You Enter the Commands in Fallout 4?
You should open the screen of the developer console if you want to use the commands of Fallout 4. You can do it without any difficulties, simply tap a tilde key (~) on American English keyboard, or a grave key (`) on the British one. It's located on the upper left side just above your Esc key.
If by donate you mean give an item to an NPC like Preston or a companion or one of your settlers in one of your settlements just ask to trade then add the item from your inventory to theirs once you are done swapping items and before you close out the trade window highlight their new items & tell them to equip the items Xbox one its the Y button then close out window.
The Commonwealth in Fallout 4 can be a loner's paradise, but there's something to be said about the interpersonal enrichment you get from having a partner you can trust and depend on.
View Philippines entertainment news and videos for the latest movie, music, TV and celebrity headlines on Inquirer.net.
Ruins are weak and silly in a lot of places, namely due to the technical limitations Bethesda faced when making Fallout 3. Fallout 4 shows us what a decent urban city can look like in a Fallout game, but Takoma Park was an amazing vertical slice and feels like one of the most complete areas in Fallout 3.
For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How do you donate items?'
Remember that it doesn't matter at all whether your caps lock key is pressed or not when you type any console command. You will understand that a lot of commands have the section that will look like (ID of the item) (#). You do not have to type () and #, you must type the item's name you need and then on the place of # an amount of items you want.
Fallout 4 - Cheats and Console Commands
General Commands
tgm - God mode.
tcl - Walk through walls.
tfc - Activates free camera.
tfc 1 - Same as above, but freezes all animations.
tm - Toggles menus and UI on and off.
csb – Resets blood and damage effects.
tmm 1 - Show all markers on map.
unlock - Unlock selected door / terminal.
fov (first-person FOV) (third-person FOV) - Change the FOV.
set timescale to (number) - Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16.
setgs fJumpHeightMin (number) – The higher the number the higher you jump.
coc (cell id) – Teleports the player to an area. Example: coc RedRocketExt.
coc qasmoke – This teleports you to a room full of boxes that contain every single item in the game. Used to find item IDs.
coc prewartvstudio - The funny easter-egg.
Quests Commands
completeallobjectives (ID) - Complete all current objectives in a quest.
resetquest (ID) – Reset a quest.
completequest (ID) - Complete a quest.
caqs - This completes every step of the primary quest, effectively completing the game for you.
help (Quest Name) 0 - Searches quest ID. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll.
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Character & NPC Manipulation
tai - Toggle all NPC AI on/off.
tcai - Toggle NPC combat AI on/off.
kill - Kill selected target.
killall - Kill all NPCs in immediate area.
player.modav (skill name) (number) – Increase a skill. Example (player.modav strength 10) will boost your strength by 10 points.
player.setav speedmult (number) – Increase your movement speed.
player.setav carryweight (number) – Increase your carry weight.
player.setlevel (number) – Increase your level to the number input.
resurrect (ID) – Resurrect enemy with the ID inputted.
setscale (1-10) – Increase the size of your target.
Item Manipulation
player.additem (ID) (number) - Add an item to your inventory.
player.placeatme (ID) (number) - Spawn an item or NPC nearby.
Fallout 4 - ID Codes
Below are the required ID Codes to input and use with the above console commands. Note: Just replace the 'xx' with 01-06 until you get a match.
Weapon Codes
Alien Blaster - 000FF995
Anchor - 00144A6C
Artillery Smoke Grenade - 0012E2CA
Assault Rifle - 0000463F
Assaultron Laser - 000DD4B1
Baseball Bat - 0008E736
Baseball Grenade - 00107BD6
Behemoth Bolder - 000662A7
Behemoth Bolder - 0014BBDA
Bloodbug Blood Spray - 00031FB8
Board - 0005C250
Bomb - 0014245D
Bottlecap Mine - 0010771F
Boxing Glove - 0016498F
Broadsider - 000FD11B
Chinese Officer Sword - 00147BE4
Combat Knife - 000913CA
Combat Rifle - 000DF42E
Combat Shotgun - 0014831C
Cryo Mine - 0010C669
Cryogenic Grenade - 000FF21D
Cryolator - 00171B2B
Deathclaw Gauntlet - 000D8576
Deliverer - 000DC8E7
Double-Barrel Shotgun - 00062AA4
Double-Barrel Shotgun - 0005DF30
Double-Barrel Shotgun - 00092217
Institute EM Pulse Grenade - 0018325E
Pulse Grenade - 000FF21F
Fat Man - 000BD56F
Mini Nuke - 000E6B2E
Fire Hydrant Bat - 000DF621
Flamer - 000E5881
Flare Gun - 001025AC
Fragmentation Grenade - 000EEBED
Fragmentation Mine - 000E56C2
Fusion Core Ejector - 000865E9
Fusion Core Ejector - 000897FF
Gamma Gun - 000DDB7C
GasTrap Dummy - 000001F6
Gatling Laser - 000E27BC
Gauss Rifle - 000D1EB0
Grognak’s Axe - 00183FCD
HalluciGen Gas Grenade - 000E98E5
Handmade Gun - 0014831D
Homing Beacon - 00065DEC
Hunting Rifle - 0005BBA4
Hunting Rifle - 0004F46A
Institute - 0005A665
Institute - 001633CC
Institute Beacon - 00174F8F
Junk Jet - 000E942B
Knife - 00062AA3
Knuckles - 0005524B
Larva Spit - 0003175B
Laser - 0005BBA6
Laser - 0009983B
Laser Gun - 00148B48
Laser Musket - 0001DACF
Lead Pipe - 000FC9C3
LibertyPrime Laser - 00110414
Machete - 00033FE0
Minigun - 00064B87
Minigun - 001299A6
Minigun - 0001F669
Missile Launcher - 0003F6F8
Molotov Cocktail - 0010C3C6
Mortar - 00063B73
Mortar - 00063B72
Mortar - 0005DE31
Nuka Grenade - 000E5750
Nuke - 00065DF2
Nuke Mine - 0010A340
Pincher - 000EDCEB
Pincher - 000EDCEA
Pincher - 00092A60
Pipe - 00024F55
Pipe Bolt-Action - 0014831A
Pipe Revolver - 0005BBA7
Pipe Revolver - 0014831B
Pipe Wrench - 000D83BF
Plasma Grenade - 0010A33D
Plasma - 00100AE9
Plasma Mine - 0010A342
Baton - 0008C14D
Pool Cue - 000FA3E8
Power Fist - 0011B336
Preston’s Laser Musket - 00062AA6
Protectron Head Laser - 00144FAD
Protectron Head Laser - 00144FAA
Protectron Head Laser - 000E07C4
Pulse Mine - 0010A344
Railway Rifle - 000FE268
Revolutionary Sword - 00143AB5
Ripper - 000FA2F6
Rolling Pin - 00142FAB
Saw - 001AD8CA
Saw - 00148B42
Saw - 000EDCED
Saw - 000EDCEC
Saw - 00092A61
Sentry Bot Left Minigun - 000B0F56
Sentry Bot Right Minigun - 000CFB49
Sentry Bot Left Rocket Launcher - 000CFB4D
Sentry Bot Right Rocket Launcher - 000B0F58
Shishkebab - 000FA2FB
Sledgehammer - 0005DF2E
Sledgehammer - 000E7AB9
Sonic Attack - 000FC3EC
Spit Attack - 0009F24D
Submachine Gun - 0015B043
Super Sledge - 000FF964
Switchblade - 000FDC81
Synth Relay Grenade - 000589F2
Syringer - 0014D09E
Test Grenade launcher - 000CA0B0
Tire Iron - 00185D25
Vertibird Signal Grenade - 00056917
Walking Cane - 000FDC7D
Unique Weapon Codes
Deathclaw Gauntlets - 000D8576
2076 World Series Baseball Bat - 000E9A43
Grognak’s Axe - 00183FCD
Shishkebab - 000FA2FB
Deliverer - 000DC8E7
Junk Jet - 000E942B
HalluciGen Gas Grenade - 000E98E5
Homing Beacon - 00065DEC
Institute Beacon - 00174F8F
Broadsider - 000FD11B
Railway Rifle - 000FE268
Old Faithful - 001f61e2
Kellogg’s Pistol - 000ce97d
Righteous Authority - 00225963
Cryolator - 00198a16
Alien Blaster Pistol - 000ff995
Revolutionary Sword - 00143AB5
Chinese Officer’s Sword - 00147BE4
Ripper - 000FA2F6
Ammunition Codes
.38 Round - 0004CE87
.44 Round - 0009221C
.45 Round - 0001F66A
.50 Caliber - 0001F279
308 Round - 0001F66B
5.56 Round - 0001F278
5mm Round - 0001F66C
10mm Round - 0001F276
Shotgun Shell - 0001F673
Railway Spike - 000FE269
2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge - 0018ABDF
Plasma Cartridge - 0001DBB7
Cryo Cell - 0018ABE2
Fusion Cell - 000C1897
Fusion Cell - 00245D69
Flamer Fuel - 000CAC78
Alien Blaster Round - 001025AA
Gamma Round - 000DF279
Cannonball - 000FD11C
Missile - 000CABA3
Mini Nuke - 000E6B2E
Armor / Clothing Codes
Power Armor Fusion Core - 00075fe4
Agatha’s Dress - 000F15CF
Airship Captain’s Hat - 0013AEF5
Army Fatigues - 00023431
Army Helmet - 00023432
Assault Gas Mask - 0007239E
Athletic Outfit - 000AF0E4
Atom Cats Jacket and Jeans - 0014BF53
Baseball Cap - 00144F04
Baseball Uniform - 00144F03
Bathrobe - 0014A349
Battered Fedora - 000E5086
Beaded Blazer - 0004D6AE
Black Institute Lab Coat - 001B350D
Black Vest and Slacks - 000FC100
Black-Rim Glasses - 00125891
Blue Bandana - 0017E917
Blue Batting Helmet - 000F6D8C
Blue Institute Division Head Coat - 001B34FA
Blue Institute Lab Coat - 001A5CFD
Bomber Jacket - 000E1AF6
BOS Hood - 000E1A39
BOS Officer Uniform - 00134294
BOS Uniform - 000DEDEB
Bowler Hat - 000FC104
Brotherhood Fatigues - 00169523
Brotherhood of Steel Uniform - 00148B86
Brown Flight Helmet - 000D4166
Cabot's Lab Coat - 001E8CAB
Cage Armor - 000B2D8E
Cait’s Bandolier - 001921D8
Captain Ironsides’ Hat - 000F6D85
Casual Outfit - 001410EC
Casual Outfit - 00174D2F
Chain Dog Collar - 0018B210
Checkered Shirt and Slacks - 0013D65E
Chef Hat - 000F6D88
Child of Atom Long Rags - 000E6F18
Child Uniform - 0016BFFE
Clean Black Suit - 001BDDF8
Clean Blue Suit - 001BDDF9
Clean Grey Suit - 001BDDFA
Clean Striped Suit - 001BDDFB
Clean Tan Suit - 00151E34
Cleanroom Suit - 00115AEC
Coast Guard Hat - 000F6D87
Colonial Duster - 0001F17B
Combat Armor Chest Piece - 0011D3C3
Combat Armor Helmet - 0011E2C8
Combat Armor Left Arm - 0011D3C7
Combat Armor Left Leg - 0011D3C5
Combat Armor Right Arm - 0011D3C6
Combat Armor Right Leg - 0011D3C4
Corset - 001921D6
Courser Uniform - 0012A332
Covenant Security Armor - 00156C0D
Covert Sweater Vest - 0009AC97
Crumpled Fedora - 000A28D8
Damaged Hazmat Suit - 0018B214
DB Tech Varsity Uniform - 001641F8
DC Guard Heavy Helmet - 000AF0F7
DC Guard Helm - 000AF0F6
DC Guard Left Arm Armor - 000AF0F1
DC Guard Left Forearm - 000AF0EB
DC Guard Left Shoulder - 000AF0EA
DC Guard Right Arm Armor - 000AF0F2
DC Guard Right Forearm - 000AF0EC
DC Guard Right Shoulder - 000AF0ED
DC Guard Umpire’s Pads - 000AF0EE
Dirty Army Fatigues - 0019CBB3
Dirty Army Helmet - 0019CBB1
Dirty Black Institute Lab Coat - 001B350C
Dirty Black Suit - 001BDE04
Dirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat - 001B3502
Dirty Blue Institute Lab Coat - 001ACD0C
Dirty Blue Suit - 001BDE05
Dirty Fedora - 001223CD
Dirty Green Institute Division Head Coat - 001B3504
Dirty Green Institute Lab Coat - 001ACD0A
Dirty Grey Suit - 001BDE06
Dirty Institute Division Head Coat - 001ACD06
Dirty Institute Jumper - 001AB214
Dirty Institute Lab Coat - 001ACD08
Dirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat - 001B3506
Dirty Postman Uniform - 00146177
Dirty Striped Suit - 001BDE07
Dirty Tan Suit - 00151E30
Dirty Trench Coat - 001223CB
Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat - 001B3508
Dirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat - 001B350B
Dog Armor - 001C32C8
Dog Collar - 00034602
Drifter Outfit - 000B2D8D
Engineer’s Armor - 000DEDE7
Explorer Outfit - 000732AC
Eyeglasses - 001C4BE8
Faded Trench Coat - 000E2E2C
Faded Trench Coat - 0010C3CA
Faded Visor - 0012571C
Farmhand Clothes - 000E5084
Fashionable Glasses - 000FD9AA
Father’s Lab Coat - 0014FBD0
Fatigues - 001153D9
Feathered Dress - 001B5F1B
Field Scribe’s Armor - 000E370E
Field Scribe’s Hat - 000E3710
Flannel Shirt and Jeans - 00117EB9
Flannel Shirt and Jeans - 001346B7
Flight Helmet - 000E1AF8
Flowery Dress - 00156D02
Formal Hat - 000FC396
Gas Mask - 000787D8
Gas Mask with Goggles - 001184C1
Grandpa Savoldi’s Hat - 00122246
Gray Knit Cap - 000F6D84
Greaser Jacket and Jeans - 0014BF50
Green Hood - 000787EC
Green Institute Division Head Coat - 001B34FC
Green Institute Lab Coat - 001A5CFB
Green Rag Hat - 000B3F4D
Green Shirt and Combat Boots - 001942D6
Grognak Costume - 001828CC
Gunner’s Camo Bandana - 0017E922
Gunner’s Green Bandana - 0017E923
Hard Hat - 000F6D86
Harness - 0008158D
Hazmat Suit - 000CEAC4
Heavy Dog Armor - 001C32C7
Helmeted Cage Armor - 000B2D8F
Helmeted Spike Armor - 000DDB81
Hooded Cleanroom Suit - 00115AEB
Hooded Rags - 000B3F4E
Institute Division Head Coat - 001236AD
Institute Jumper - 0011E7B8
Institute Lab Coat - 0011E7B9
Jangles Bandana - 0017E91C
Kellogg’s Outfit - 001153DB
Kid’s Baseball Cap - 00167A74
Kid’s Dress - 001561D8
Kid’s Pajamas - 0015DBA6
Kid’s Shirt and Jeans - 00167A75
Lab Coat - 00178B68
Laundered Blue Dress - 0014D08F
Laundered Green Dress - 000EECF5
Laundered loungewear - 0004A51F
Laundered loungewear - 000E6288
Leather Chest Piece - 0007B9C6
Leather Coat - 000732B5
Leather Left Arm - 0007B9C7
Leather Left Leg - 0007B9C4
Leather Right Arm - 0007B9C3
Leather Right Leg - 0007B9C5
Leopard Print Bandana - 0017E91B
Letterman’s Jacket and Jeans - 001574C7
Liam’s Glasses - 001B5B26
Light Dog Armor - 001B5ACC
Long Johns - 00019568
Longshoreman Outfit - 001536F4
Lorenzo’s Crown - 001467F5
Lorenzo’s Suit - 00169BBA
MacCready’s Duster - 000D415A
Mascot Head - 0011E46D
Maxson's battlecoat - 001FE1A6
Mechanic Jumpsuit - 0005E76C
Mechanic Jumpsuit - 001C26B9
Medical Goggles - 000E4501
Metal Chest Piece - 000536C4
Metal Helmet - 000787D3
Metal Left Arm - 0004B933
Metal Left Leg - 000536C2
Metal Right Arm - 000536C1
Metal Right Leg - 000536C3
Military Cap - 0016892E
Military Fatigues - 0016892C
Militia Hat - 000E517D
Mining Helmet - 001240F1
Minuteman Hat - 000316D4
Minuteman Outfit - 000E517B
Minutemen General’s Hat - 001C2216
Minutemen General’s Uniform - 001C2214
Nat’s Dress - 001833C0
Newsboy Cap - 000A740E
Nucleostrictive Torso Armor - 001C0382
Orange Institute Division Head Coat - 001B34FD
Padded Blue Jacket - 000A740B
Pastor’s Vestments - 001467A4
Patched Suit - 000A28D7
Patched Three-Piece Suit - 000A36BE
Patrolman Sunglasses - 001738AA
Pompador Wig - 0004A521
Pompadour Wig - 00165602
Postman Uniform - 00146174
Press Cap - 000A81AF
Quinlan’s Armor - 00136335
Radstag Hide Outfit - 00034595
Raider Chest Piece - 0018E415
Raider Leathers - 0018E3F7
Raider Left Arm - 0018E411
Raider Left Leg - 0018E40F
Raider Power Armor Chest Piece - 00140C57
Raider Power Armor Helm - 00140C54
Raider Power Armor Left Arm - 00140C52
Raider Power Armor Left Leg - 00140C55
Raider Power Armor Right Arm - 00140C53
Raider Power Armor Right Leg - 00140C56
Raider Right Arm - 0018E413
Raider Right Leg - 0018E40D
Railroad Armored Coat - 0013BCD1
Railroad Armored Coat Mk I - 001BBCB5
Railroad Armored Coat Mk II - 001BBCB6
Railroad Armored Coat Mk III - 001BBCB7
Railroad Armored Coat Mk IV - 001BBCB8
Railroad Armored Coat Mk V - 001BBCB9
Ratty Skirt - 001B828C
Red Bandana - 0009C05B
Red Dress - 000FD9A8
Red Flight Helmet - 0004322C
Red Frock Coat - 00116806
Red Leather Trench Coat - 0009F252
Reginald’s Suit - 000F15D0
Rex’s Suit - 000F15D2
Road Goggles - 000A81B0
Road Leathers - 0004A53B
Road Leathers - 000AF0E2
Road Leathers - 000BB16F
Sack Hood - 0018E417
Sack Hood with Hoses - 0018E419
Sack Hood with Straps - 0018E41B
Scavenger Outfit - 000732AE
Science Scribe’s Armor - 000E44FF
Sea Captain’s Hat - 000F6D89
Security Helmet - 00156C0B
Sequin Dress - 0011A27B
Silver Shroud Costume - 0002F525
Silver Shroud Costume - 000DED27
Silver Shroud Costume - 000DED28
Silver Shroud Costume - 000DED29
Silver Shroud Costume - 000E1A25
Silver Shroud Costume - 0014E58B
Silver Shroud Hat - 0014E58E
Skull Bandana - 0017E91D
Spike Armor - 000DDB80
Squire’s Uniform - 0003FB9F
Stars and Stripes Bandana - 0017E925
Street Urchin Rags - 00167A76
Striped Bandana - 0017E924
Submariner Hat - 00118865
Submariner Uniform - 00118864
Summer Shorts - 0014941A
Sunglasses - 0004A520
Sunglasses - 000E628A
Surgical Mask - 000787DA
Surveyor Outfit - 000B3F4C
Suspenders and Slacks - 000FC102
Sweater Vest and Slacks - 000DFFC5
Synth Chest Piece - 000187974
Synth Field Helmet - 0018796A
Synth Helmet - 000187976
Synth Left Arm - 0018796C
Synth Left Leg - 000187972
Synth Right Arm - 0018796E
Synth Right Leg - 000187970
Synth Uniform - 0012B91D
Synth Uniform - 0018AC6E
T-45 Chest Piece - 00154AC2
T-45 Helm - 00154ABF
T-45 Left Arm - 00154ABD
T-45 Left Leg - 00154AC0
T-45 Right Arm - 00154ABE
T-45 Right Leg - 00154AC1
T-51 Chest Piece - 00140C51
T-51 Helm - 00140C4E
T-51 Left Arm - 00140C4C
T-51 Left Leg - 00140C4F
T-51 Right Arm - 00140C4D
T-51 Right Leg - 00140C50
T-60 Chest Piece - 00140C42
T-60 Helm - 00140C4A
T-60 Left Arm - 00140C3D
T-60 Left Leg - 00140C49
T-60 Right Arm - 00140C45
T-60 Right Leg - 00140C3F
Tattered Field Jacket - 000732B1
Tattered Rags - 0011609B
Teagan’s Armor - 00136166
Tinker Headgear - 001832F5
Traveling Leather Coat - 000732B9
Tricorn Hat - 00116808
Triggerman Bowler - 001BA8DA
Trilby Hat - 000A36C0
T-Shirt and Slacks - 0014B019
Tuxedo - 000FC395
Undershirt & Jeans - 000FFC21
Ushanka Hat - 000F6D83
Utility Coveralls - 00039A66
Vault 101 Jumpsuit - 000976B3
Vault 111 Jumpsuit - 0001EED7
Vault 111 Jumpsuit - 00050781
Vault 111 Jumpsuit New - 000976B7
Vault 114 Jumpsuit - 000976B5
Vault 81 Jumpsuit - 001103A4
Vault 81 Security Armor - 00154F10
Vault-Tec Lab Coat - 00068CF3
Vault-Tec Security Armor - 000821B4
Vault-Tec Security Helmet - 000821B6
Wedding Ring - 0007C70C
Wedding Ring - 0008925C
Welding Goggles - 000787D9
Welding Helmet - 000DEDE9
Winter Jacket and Jeans - 00117EB7
Worn Fedora - 000E2E2E
Worn Fedora - 0010C3CC
Wraparound Goggles - 000536C5
Wrapped Cap - 000787DB
X-01 Helm - 00154AC5
X-01 Left Arm - 00154AC3
X-01 Left Leg - 00154AC6
X-01 Right Arm - 00154AC4
X-01 Right Leg - 00154AC7
X-01 Torso - 00154AC8
Yellow Fedora - 000DF457
Yellow Flight Helmet - 00042565
Yellow Institute Division Head Coat - 001B34FE
Yellow Institute Lab Coat - 001B350A
Yellow Trench Coat - 000DF455
Zeke’s Jacket and Jeans - 0014A0DC
Vanity / Junk Item Codes
Economy Wonderglue - 0006C5AE
Bowling Ball - 000DF265
Championship Bowling Ball - 0014DD34
Deathclaw Hide - 00034604
Gilded Grasshopper - 00147D5E
Bag of Cement - 00098148
Military-Grade Circuit Board - 00154AD2
Teapot - 00192697
Brahmin Skull - 00059B0C
Spine - 000347ED
Rib Cage and Spine - 000347E6
Rib Cage - 00188C98
Blood Sac - 00028A63
Cigarette Carton 0005821C
Undamaged Cigarettes 000E376E
Rum Bottle 0014A138
Wine Bottle 000DEDED
Whiskey Bottle 000DEDE1
Vodka Bottle 000DEDE0
Bourbon Bottle 000DEDDF
Whiskey 000DF032
Vodka 000DF031
Bourbon 000DEDD9
Amontillado Bottle 001BEAEE
Pre-War Lamp 00078309
Jawless Brahmin Skull 00188B3E
Wonderglue 00059B25
Sealed Wonderglue 000E3784
Shovel 000822CB
Hoe 000AF88F
Kitchen Scale 000AF8EF
MiniNuke Stabilizer Fins 0017A774
Mr. Handy Fuel 000B91FF
Saw 00173F02
Gas Canister 00059B33
Stew Pot 00059A7A
Kickball 000822D3
Basketball 000DF264
Deflated Kickball 0002D9AC
Unfilled Kickball 0002D9AB
Life Preserver 00141DF2
Bread Box 00046A86
Sealed Boston Bugle 00140D84
Cutting Fluid 000657FB
Cooking Oil 00061FA7
Baseball Glove 00059A77
Signed Catcher’s Mitt 0004BAEA
Undamaged Baseball Glove 000E3766
Youth League Glove 0014DD1A
Makeshift Battery 001AAD69
Glass Pitcher 00059AD1
Giddyup Buttercup 00163A12
Typewriter 00059B20
Carlisle Typewriter 001C88E7
High-Powered Magnet 001AB88D
Jangles the Moon Monkey 00147B03
Comfy Pillow 00060EC8
Silver Shroud Costume 0003450A
Vase 000B1647
Large Plate 000488DC
Large Serving Plate 000488DB
Large Dinner Plate 000488DA
Skull 000347E1
Rib Cage and Pelvis 000347E7
Left Arm Bones 000347E9
Right Arm Bones 000347E8
Left Leg Bones 000347E5
Right Leg Bones 000347E4
Pelvis Bones 00188C9D
Duct Tape 0004D1F2
Pack of Duct Tape 001C7F1F
Trifold American Flag 00059B2E
Undamaged American Flag 000FCE31
Anchorage Veteran’s Flag 0014DD36
Mop 00059AEE
Mass Fusion Executive ID 0014FD7D
Airport Employee ID Card 00082C07
Vault 75 Admin Access Card 001A58A6
Vault 75 Lab Access Card 001A58A2
Jamaica Plain Mayor’s ID 0005E54A
Jamaica Plain Janitor’s ID 0014DE03
Blast Radius Board Game 0006B165
Yardstick 00059B3E
Chessboard 00059AB4
Test Tube Rack 000EAFBE
Broom 0005238F
Rack 00059AFF
Cutting Board 00059ABC
Wooden Spoon 000FFE09
Clean Broom 000E376A
Giddyup Buttercup Body 00163A16
Giddyup Buttercup Head 00163A13
Restored Desk Fan 000F15BF
Toy Truck 0015E8F6
New Toy Truck 0015E8F7
Yellow Paint 0001D95B
Oil Canister 001AB5ED
Turpentine 00059B1E
Screwdriver 0004D1F4
Hack Saw 00173F01
Tongs 001A0B15
Blowtorch 0011DA0F
Fumigus Blowtorch 001C7F2B
MiniNuke Beryllium Cap 0017A778
Bunsen Burner 000EC8B8
Wrench 0004D1F7
Combination Wrench 0004D1F6
Ladle 00059B11
Metal Bucket 00059A80
Cooking Pan 00059AEC
Enamel Bucket 0006D140
Empty Paint Can 00059B3A
Connecting Rod 000E1FF7
Tube Flange 000E1FF6
Unused Enamel Bucket 000E3776
Untarnished Metal Bucket 000E377E
Covered Sauce Pan 0003D3A8
Sauce Pan 0003D3A6
Frying Pan 0003D3A5
Tea Kettle 00020199
Clean Tea Kettle 00020196
Toaster 00059B1A
Toaster 00059B19
Clean Umbrella 000BA2FD
Umbrella 000BA2F8
Giddyup Buttercup Back Leg 00163A15
Silver Locket 00059B34
Silver Bowl 00060EDB
Annika’s Locket 00101048
Antique Silver Locket 0014DE00
Locket 00199043
Plunger 00059AFB
Thermal Coupler 00022265
Bloatfly Gland 0002C59E
Stingwing Barb 000628EF
League Bowling Pin 000DF267
Bowling Pin 000DF266
Championship Bowling Pin 0014DD32
Baseball Base 00059A78
Home Plate 0001A4BA
Toy Alien 00059B2B
Feather Duster 00196AB9
Hairbrush 00060ECC
Baby Rattle 00059A75
Plastic Bowl 00060ED9
Plastic Plate 00059AFA
Cafeteria Tray 00059A82
Dog Bowl 00059A7E
Plastic Pumpkin 000A8AB1
Cat Bowl 00101CB9
Clean Dog Bowl 000E3772
Cue Ball 00059AFC
One Ball 0018E4DA
Two Ball 00059AFD
Three Ball 0018E4DC
Four Ball 0018E4D5
Five Ball 0018E4DE
Six Ball 0018E4E0
Seven Ball 0018E4E2
Eight Ball 00059AFE
Nine Ball 0018E4E5
Ten Ball 0018E4E7
Eleven Ball 0018E4E9
Twelve Ball 0018E4EB
Thirteen Ball 0018E4ED
Fourteen Ball 0018E4EF
Fifteen Ball 0018E4F1
Pack of Cigarettes 0005821A
Preserved Cigarette Pack 000E3770
Overdue Book 000FE257
Boston Bugle 0001A4B9
Late Edition Newspaper 000FCDC8
Rolled Boston Bugle 000286F5
Delivered Boston Bugle 0014DD94
Folded Boston Bugle 0014DD4A
Blue Paint 0001D95A
Paint Can 00059B3B
Used Oil Can 0004B273
Aluminum Oil Can 000FCE33
Oil Can 001C7F23
MiniNuke Detonator Shell 0017A776
Medical Liquid Nitrogen Dispenser 00060EA2
Dampening Coil 00022266
Lantern 00096A21
Small Baby Bottle 001A89A0
Large Baby Bottle 001A899B
Baby Bottle 0009B4BA
Magnifying Glass 0011DA13
Nuka Cola Bottle 0004835A
Beer Bottle 000211DD
Empty Milk Bottle 0003B55B
Cracked Glass Bowl 00023C38
Glass Bowl 00023C36
Gwinnett Brew Bottle 0011EA9B
Liquor Bottle 000DF221
Pint Glass 0011EB44
Gwinnett Pilsner Bottle 0011EAA0
Gwinnett Ale Bottle 0011EA9E
Gwinnett Pale Ale Bottle 0011EA9D
Gwinnett Lager Bottle 0011EA9C
White Bottle 000DF223
Gwinnett Stout Bottle 0011EA9F
Burgundy Bottle 000DF24D
Brown Bottle 000DF222
Glass Rounded Vase 000488CC
Glass Bud Vase 000488BC
Glass Vaulted Vase 000488BA
Glass Flared Vase 000488B9
Glass Barrel Vase 000488B8
Glass Barrel Teal Vase 0005E1B6
Glass Bud Teal Vase 0005E1B5
Glass Vaulted Teal Vase 0005E1B4
Glass Flared Teal Vase 0005E1B3
Glass Rounded Teal Vase 0005E1B2
Glass Barrel Red Vase 0005E1B1
Glass Bud Red Vase 0005E1B0
Glass Vaulted Red Vase 0005E1AF
Glass Flared Red Vase 0005E1AE
Glass Rounded Red Vase 0005E1AD
Camera 00059A83
Undamaged Camera 000E376C
Reporter’s Camera 0014DD48
ProSnap Camera 001C7F28
Silver Pocket Watch 00060E7D
Antique Pocket Watch 0014DDFC
Desk Fan 0001F905
Office Desk Fan 00192D5D
Gold Watch 00060E7C
Microscope 00059AEB
Giddyup Buttercup Front Leg 00163A14
Fishing Rod 00059B36
Pip-Boy 0001EE7C
Antique Globe 0001D975
Clean Globe 001A7DA5
Classroom Globe 0014DD40
Signed Baseball 0004BAE8
Baseball 00059A76
Collectible Baseball 000E3764
Youth League Baseball 0014DD17
New Power Cables 00091FD2
Power Relay Coil 00091FDE
Straw Pillow 00060EC7
Fusion Pulse Charge 00059ACD
Telephone 00059B15
Hot Plate 00059ADB
Ceramic Bowl 00023C32
Cracked Bowl 00023C34
Red Plate 00165327
White Plate 00165326
Bowl 00140B1A
Ashtray 0008E370
Yellow Plate 00165328
Teacup 00192699
Yellow-Trimmed Plate 0015CDF7
Clean Red Plate 0015CDF6
Clean White Plate 0015CDF5
Unused Ashtray 000E3762
Dirty Ashtray 0008E371
Empty Floral Barrel Vase 00061AFE
Empty Floral Bud Vase 00061AFD
Empty Floral Vaulted Vase 00061AFB
Empty Floral Flared Vase 00061AF3
Empty Floral Rounded Vase 00061AF0
Empty Willow Barrel Vase 00061AE1
Empty Willow Bud Vase 00061AE0
Empty Willow Vaulted Vase 00061ADF
Empty Willow Flared Vase 00061ADE
Empty Willow Rounded Vase 00061AD0
Empty Teal Barrel Vase 00061ABC
Empty Teal Bud Vase 00061ABB
Empty Teal Vaulted Vase 00061AB6
Empty Teal Flared Vase 00061AB5
Empty Teal Rounded Vase 00061AB1
Clean Bowl 00140B31
Warwick Pump Part 0005927E
Clean Umbrella Stand 000BA3F8
Umbrella Stand 000BA3F7
Colonial Vase 0014DDFB
Dawnshire Vase 0014DDF7
New Floral Barrel Vase 000AC91B
New Willow Barrel Vase 000AC91A
New Teal Barrel Vase 000AC918
New Floral Bud Vase 000AC917
New Willow Bud Vase 000AC916
New Teal Bud Vase 000AC915
New Floral Vaulted Vase 000AC914
New Willow Vaulted Vase 000AC913
New Teal Vaulted Vase 000AC909
New Floral Flared Vase 000AC8EE
New Willow Flared Vase 000AC8ED
New Teal Flared Vase 000AC8EC
New Floral Rounded Vase 000AC8EA
New Willow Rounded Vase 000AC8E8
New Teal Rounded Vase 000AC8E6
Floral Barrel Vase 000AC8E3
Empty Floral Bud Vase 00061AFD
Empty Floral Vaulted Vase 00061AFB
Empty Floral Flared Vase 00061AF3
Empty Floral Rounded Vase 00061AF0
Empty Willow Barrel Vase 00061AE1
Empty Willow Bud Vase 00061AE0
Empty Willow Vaulted Vase 00061ADF
Empty Willow Flared Vase 00061ADE
Empty Willow Rounded Vase 00061AD0
Empty Teal Barrel Vase 00061ABC
Empty Teal Bud Vase 00061ABB
Empty Teal Vaulted Vase 00061AB6
Empty Teal Flared Vase 00061AB5
Empty Teal Rounded Vase 00061AB1
Clean Bowl 00140B31
Warwick Pump Part 0005927E
Clean Umbrella Stand 000BA3F8
Umbrella Stand 000BA3F7
Colonial Vase 0014DDFB
Dawnshire Vase 0014DDF7
New Floral Barrel Vase 000AC91B
New Willow Barrel Vase 000AC91A
New Teal Barrel Vase 000AC918
New Floral Bud Vase 000AC917
New Willow Bud Vase 000AC916
New Teal Bud Vase 000AC915
New Floral Vaulted Vase 000AC914
New Willow Vaulted Vase 000AC913
New Teal Vaulted Vase 000AC909
New Floral Flared Vase 000AC8EE
New Willow Flared Vase 000AC8ED
New Teal Flared Vase 000AC8EC
New Floral Rounded Vase 000AC8EA
New Willow Rounded Vase 000AC8E8
New Teal Rounded Vase 000AC8E6
Floral Barrel Vase 000AC8E3
Floral Bud Vase 000AC8E1
Floral Vaulted Vase 000AC8E0
Floral Flared Vase 000AC8D9
Floral Rounded Vase 000AC8CF
Teal Barrel Vase 000AC8CD
Teal Bud Vase 000AC8CC
Teal Vaulted Vase 000AC8CA
Teal Flared Vase 000AC8C8
Teal Rounded Vase 000AC8C6
Willow Barrel Vase 000AC8C2
Willow Bud Vase 000AC8C1
Willow Vaulted Vase 000AC8C0
Willow Flared Vase 000AC8BF
Willow Rounded Vase 000AC8BE
Warwick Pump Piece 0005927A
Small Plate 000488DF
Small Serving Plate 000488DE
Small Dinner Plate 000488DD
Deathclaw Hand 0002EF67
Cracked Deathclaw Egg 0014F6AC
Pristine Deathclaw Egg 00190AE4
Tissue Sample 000EB2B0
Left Foot Bones 000347EB
Right Foot Bones 000347EA
Left Hand Bones 000347E3
Right Hand Bones 000347E2
Tibia 00188C9C
Skull Cap Bone 00188CA2
Skull Fragment 00188CA1
Human Jaw 00188CA0
Skull Eye Socket 00188C9F
Skull Faceplate 00188C9E
Broken Tibia 00188C9B
Broken Femur 00188C9A
Femur 00188C99
Shem Drowne’s Skull 00147D5D
Chalk 00140D98
Military Grade Duct Tape 00060E78
Piezonucleic Liner 0002CC42
Military Ammo Bag 00060E77
Industrial Oil Canister 001AB5EE
Aluminum Canister 00176054
TV Dinner Tray 00059B2C
Surgical Tray 00059AD8
Coolant Cap 000E1FF0
Cake Pan 0001A333
Clean Coffee Tin 00020191
Clean Cake Pan 0001A32F
Coffee Tin 00020194
Vegetable Starch 000657FE
Anti Freeze Bottle 00060E73
Suprathaw Antifreeze 001C7F31
Reactor Coolant 0017BE8B
Coolant 000C437F
Ichor Sac 00028A62
Gold Bar 00100E1E
Copper Bar 00100E19
Ball-Peen Hammer 0004D1F3
Hammer 001A4AB0
Claw Hammer 001A0B14
Blacksmith Hammer 001A0B13
Masonry Hammer 001A0B12
Silver Submachine Gun Prop 0008BB31
Tack Hammer 001A0B11
Paintbrush 00060ECF
Wooden Block – I & D 00059B1D
Wooden Block – N & S 00197503
Wooden Block – B & Y 00197502
Wooden Block – V & F 00197501
Sensor Module 001ACC8E
Rat Poison 00060ED8
Ring Stand 000EC8B3
Tin Can 0001F90A
Scalpel 00059B43
Table Knife 00059AE1
Dog Tags 00060EBF
Table Spoon 00060E96
Dinner Fork 00060E93
Dinner Plate 00060E90
Can 0001F909
Collander 0011DA11
HalluciGen Gas Canister 000E69AF
Surgical Scalpel 000C9ADA
Bandage Scissors 000C9AD7
Paladin Brandis’ Holotag 000B1DBB
Scribe Faris’ Holotag 000B1DBA
Knight Astlin’s Holotag 000B1DB9
Knight Varham’s Holotag 000B1DB8
Gear 000E1FF9
Torque Rod End 000E1FF8
Knight Rylan’s Holotag 000BDCDD
Initiate Clarke’s Holotag 000BDA4E
Danse’s Holotags 000D10AB
Brotherhood of Steel Holotag 000BDA4F
Empty Can 0016D8C9
Antique Table Knife 00140B2F
Fork 00140B29
Plate 00140B27
Unrusted Tin Can 000F15BB
Reflex Capacitor 000C30E0
Haptic Drive 000C30DF
Flux Sensor 000C30DE
Aluminum Tray 0016D8CA
Small Covered Sauce Pan 0003D3AB
Small Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3AA
Small Sauce Pan 0003D3A9
Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3A7
Ruptured HalluciGen Gas Canister 0016D041
Clothes Hanger 001BE890
Battered Clipboard 0001F92F
Silver Table Spoon 00060E95
Silver Table Knife 00060E8D
Silver Fork 00060E8B
Silver Plate 00060E91
Toy Car 00059B1C
New Toy Car 000FCE2F
Derby-Winning Toy Car 0014DD23
Globe 001A7DA6
Handcuffs 00059B3F
Pepper Mill 00020189
Clean Pepper Mill 00020184
Bonesaw 00059B40
Extinguisher 0001F8F9
Spatula 00059B0F
Radscorpion Stinger 000628ED
Empty Blood Sac 00028A64
Bloodbug Proboscis 00028668
Shopping Basket 00090E5E
Coffee Pot 000211CC
Untarnished Coffee Pot 0019930E
Luxobrew Coffee Pot 001C7F1B
Scissors 00059B44
Clothing Iron 00059ADE
Fancy Hairbrush 00060ECD
Silver Hairbrush 0014DDFF
Hubcap 0007E941
Bone Cutter 000C9ADE
Toothpaste 00199A88
Giddyup Buttercup Toy Parts 00031AAF
Enhanced Targeting Card 000E7E71
NX-42 Guidance Chip 0004E3A2
Charge Card 00084AAC
Toothbrush 00060ECE
Pen 00140D99
Plastic Knife 00060E94
Plastic Spoon 00059B10
Plastic Fork 00059ACB
Wilson Atomatoys ID Card 0002A6FF
General Atomics ID Card 00046D13
Empty Blood Pack 0014242A
Courser Chip 0006D0E8
Synth Component 000CFF74
IV Bag 00142428
Reporter’s Pen 0014DDAF
Empty Coolant 000C4380
Salt Shaker 0002018A
Clean Salt Shaker 00020183
Cigar Box 0005821E
Box of San Francisco Sunlights 00159F0D
Tabletop Picture Frame 001A8E0B
Small Picture Frame 001A89A3
Desktop Picture Frame 001A89A2
Picture Frame 0014DE02
Wooden Picture Frame 0014DE01
Cigarette 00059AB5
Lit Cigarette 0008E36D
Signal Interceptor Plans 0003FC16
Subway Token 00059AEA
Cigar 0008E36F
Folder 00140AF0
Signed Baseball Card 0004BAE9
Stogie 00159F0A
Burnt Unstoppables Comic 00132979
Burnt Grognak Comic 00132977
Burnt Manta-Man Comic 00132974
Slocum’s BuzzBites Recipe 00051388
Napkin 00027F90
Burnt Fashion Magazine 001956A0
Burnt Lifestyle Magazine 0019569F
Burnt Trade Magazine 0019569E
Lit Stogie 00159F09
San Francisco Sunlights 00154AB2
San Francisco Sunlights 0014586C
Lit Cigar 0008E36E 00140D83
Detective Case File 001BD154
Flip Lighter 00058224
Unused Flip Lighter 000E377C
Soap 0019945F
MiniNuke Hemisphere Core 0017A772
Teddy Bear 00059B14
Pencil 00059AF8
Reporter’s Pencil 0014DDBD
Gold Plated Flip Lighter 00060E88
Light Bulb 0005A0D3
Research Test Tube 00059B16
Shot Glass 00059B0A
Beaker 00059B17
Test Tube 000EAFC1
Tall Flask 000EC8AB
Large Beaker 00176053
Chemistry Jar 00176052
Thin Beaker 00176051
Drinking Glass 00140B22
Flask 000EC8AD
Graduated Cylinder 00176050
Lab Bottle 0017604F
Clean Drinking Glass 00140B24
Adjustable Wrench 0004D1F5
Biometric Scanner 00154AD3
Prototype Biometric Scanner 0014DDFA
High-Powered Microscope 001C61C3
Crystal Liquor Decanter 00060E82
Cooking Pot 00059ABA
Vacuum Tube 00060AA3
Shadeless Table Lamp 0007830B
Broken Lamp 0007830A
Shadeless Lamp 0003F8C2
Yellow Table Lamp 0003F8C1
Blue Table Lamp 0003F8C0
Fuse 00059ACC
Broken Light Bulb 000342BA
Beaker Stand 000EC8B6
Pre-War Money 00059B02
Cotton Yarn 00060EC0
Dishrag 000A4920
Flight Data Recorder 0013A3E0
Coffee Cup 000211C4
Clean Coffee Cup 00171947
Saucer 0019269B
Deep Range Transmitter 00086874
Wooden Solider Toy 00191E93
Prevent 0004E700
Mole Rat Teeth 00034603
Upper Skull 000347EC
Capless Skull 00188CA3
Oven Mitt 00060E7B
Unscorched Oven Mitt 000FE270
Toy Rocketship 00059B2A
Cauterizer 00166B2D
Recorder 0013FF87
Tri Tool 00166B34
Sensor 00166B31
Alarm Clock - 00059B27
Wakemaster Alarm Clock - 001C9E92
Ear Examiner - 0013FF44
Applicator - 00166B2C
Aluminum Can - 0001F908
Spanner - 00166B32
Injector - 00166B2E
Tweezers - 0013FF41
Tray - 0019DFF3
Bag of Fertilizer - 0005A0D9
Abraxo Cleaner - 00059A71
Undamaged Abraxo Cleaner - 000E3760
Abraxo Cleaner Industrial Grade - 001C9E96
Consumable Item Codes
Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese - 0002fbe4
Bloatfly Meat - 000330f4
Bloatfly Steak - 0004a151
Bloodbug Meat - 00074d0d
Bloodbug Steak - 0004693f
Bloodleaf - 001c25ee
Brahmin Meat - 0004a13f
Brahmin Steak - 0004695a
Brain Fungus - 001c0fc2
Bubblegum 000330f6
Canned Dog Food - 000bea58
Carrot - 000f742e
Carrot Flower - 001c4013
Cat Meat - 000939b8
Cooked Softshell Meat - 00046942
Corn - 000330f8
Cram - 000330ee
Crispy Squirrel Bits - 000330fa
Dandy Boy Apples - 0002fbf7
Deathclaw Egg - 00046939
Deathclaw Egg omelette - 0004693c
Deathclaw Meat - 00074d0e
Deathclaw Souffle - 001a71e7
Deathclaw Steak - 00101293
Deathclaw Wellingham - 001a71e7
Dog Steak - 00046940
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes - 000330b4
Fern Flower - 000e34e9
Fresh Carrot - 001994aa
Fresh Corn - 001994a9
Fresh Melon - 001994ab
Food Paste - 00047648
Glowing Fungus - 001c0fc3
Gourd - 000ef24d
Gourd Blossom - 001c4011
Grilled Radroach - 0019797d
Synthetic Gorilla Meat - 0016ca4f
Grilled Radstag - 00046952
Gum Drops - 000330fc
Hubflower - 001c3fdc
Iguana Bits - 000330fd
Iguana-on-a-stick - 000330fe
Iguana Soup - 00102157
InstaMash - 000366b9
Melon - 000fafeb
Mirelurk Cake - 0004a152
Mirelurk Egg - 0023e9d4
Mirelurk Egg omelette - 0004693e
Mirelurk Meat - 000330ff
Mirelurk Steak - 00046941
Mirelurk Queen Steak - 0021c00c
Mirelurk Softshell Steak - 00046942
Moldy Food - 001a6397
Mole Rat Chunks - 00046943
Mole Rat Meat - 00033101
Mole Rat Steak - 00046943
Mongrel Dog Meat - 000330fb
Mutant Hound Chops - 0021188e
Mutant Hound Meat - 00146156
Mutfruit - 00033102
Mutt Chops - 00046940
Noodle Cup - 00017c73
Perfectly Preserved Pie - 001a6396
Beans Pork n' Beans - 000330f0
Potato Crisps - 000330f1
Potted Meat - 0016d8c8
Preserved InstaMash - 000e377a
Queen mirelurk meat - 0020d3de
Radroach Meat - 00033106
Radroach Steak - 0019797d
Radscorpion Egg - 0004693b
Radscorpion Egg omelette - 0004693d
Radscorpion Meat - 00074d10
Radscorpion Steak - 00046950
Radstag Meat - 0004a14f
Radstag Steak - 00046952
Radstag Stew - 0004696a
Razorgrain - 000e0043
Ribeye Steak - 0004695a
Roasted Mirelurk Meat - 0004696d
Salisbury Steak - 000366ba
Silt Bean - 001be2ab
Softshell Mirelurk - 00033100
Squirrel Bits - 000366bc
Squirrel On a Stick - 00102157
Squirrel Stew - 00036927
Stingwing Filet - 00046945
Stingwing Meat - 00074d0f
Sugar Bombs - 000330f2
Sweetroll - 000366be
Tarberry - 000d981d
Tasty Deathclaw Omelette - 001b5cc4
Tato - 0009dcc4
Tato Flower - 001c400d
Vegetable Soup - 0004a3b9
Wild Mutfruit - 001C400E
Yao Guai Meat - 00047660
Yao Guai Ribs - 00046955
Yao Guai Steak - 00046955
Yao Guai Roast - 0004696d
Yum Yum Deviled Eggs - 000366bd
Beer - 0011ea93
Blood Pack - 00052409
Bobrov's Best Moonshine - 00050c28
Bourbon - 000366c4
Deezer's Lemonade - 000e9284
Dirty Water - 000366bf
Drugged Water - 000a4944
Glowing Blood Pack - 00058ab4
Gwinnett Ale - 000f932c
Gwinnett Brew - 000f932d
Gwinnett Lager - 000f932b
Gwinnett Pale - 000f9329
Gwinnett Pilsner - 000f932a
Gwinnett Stout - 00022792
Ice cold Gwinnett Ale - 00178b17
Ice cold Gwinnett Brew - 00178b18
Ice cold Gwinnett Lager - 00178b19
Ice cold Gwinnett Pale - 00178b1a
Ice cold Gwinnett Pilsner - 00178b1b
Ice cold Gwinnett Stout - 00178b1c
Ice cold Beer - 00178b1d
Ice cold Nuka Cola - 00178b23
Ice cold Nuka Cherry - 00178b24
Ice cold Nuka Cola Quantum - 00178b25
Institute Water - 0021681d
Irradiated Blood - 000e2f68
Nuka Cherry - 00048360
Nuka Cola - 0004835d
Nuka Cola Quantum - 0004835f
Purified Water - 000366c0
Refreshing Beverage - 00058ab8
Rum - 00145857
Vodka - 000366c3
Wine - 000366c2
Whiskey - 000366c1
Addictol - 000459c5
Berry Mentats - 000518bb
Buffjet - 00058aa3
Buffout - 00033778
Bufftats - 00058aa5
Calmex - 00058aa7
Daddy-O - 00156d0b
Day Tripper - 00150729
Fury - 000628ca
Grape Mentats - 0010129a
Jets - 000366c5
Jet Fuel - 000518d0
Med-X - 00033779
Mentats - 0003377b
Mysterious Serum - 000ec4f7
Oranges Mentats - 000518c5
Overdrive - 00058aad
Psycho - 0003377d
Psychobuff - 00058aac
Psycho Jet - 00058aa8
Psychotats - 00058aaa
Rad-X - 00024057
RadAway - 00023742
Stimpak - 00023736
Ultra Jet - 00101299
Vault 81 Cure - 00055f10
X-Cell - 001506f4
Radscorpion Venom - 00058b0c
Stealth Boy - 0004f4a6
Crop Item Codes
Carrot - 000F742E
Corn - 000330F8
Gourd - 000EF24D
Melon - 000FAFEB
Mutfruit - 00033102
Razorgrain - 000E0043
Tato - 0009DCC4
Crafting Material Item Codes
Steel - 000731A4
Wood - 000731A3
Rubber - 00106D98
Concrete - 00106D99
Plastic - 0006907F
Aluminum - 0006907A
Circuitry - 0006907B
Copper - 0006907C
Crystal - 0006907D
Fiber Optics - 00069087
Gears - 0006907E
Glass - 00069085
Lead - 000AEC63
Screw - 00069081
Spring - 00069082
Acid - 001BF72D
Adhesive - 001BF72E
Ballistic Fiber - 000AEC5B
Antiseptic - 001BF72F
Asbestos - 000AEC5C
Bone - 000AEC5D
Ceramic - 000AEC5E
Cloth - 000AEC5F
Cork - 000AEC60
Fertilizer - 001BF730
Fiberglass - 000AEC61
Gold - 000AEC62
Nuclear Material - 00069086
Oil - 001BF732
Silver - 000AEC66
Leather - 000AEC64
Shipment Item Codes
Shipment of Steel – 100 – 001EC131
Shipment of Steel – 50 – 001EC132
Shipment of Acid – 25 – 001EC133
Shipment of Adhesive – 50 – 001EC134
Shipment of Adhesive – 25 – 001EC135
Shipment of Aluminum – 50 – 001EC136
Shipment of Aluminum – 25 – 001EC137
Shipment of Ballistic Fiber – 25 – 001EC138
Shipment of Antiseptic – 25 – 001EC139
Shipment of Aspestos – 25 – 001EC13A
Shipment of Ceramic – 25 – 001EC13B
Shipment of Circuitry – 25 – 001EC13C
Shipment of Circuitry – 50 – 001EC13D
Shipment of Cloth – 25 – 001EC13E
Shipment of Concrete – 50 – 001EC13F
Shipment of Copper – 25 – 001EC140
Shipment of Cork – 25 – 001EC141
Shipment of Crystals – 25 – 001EC142
Shipment of Fertilizer – 25 – 001EC143
Shipment of Fiberglass – 25 – 001EC144
Shipment of Fiber Optics – 25 – 001EC145
Shipment of Gears – 25 – 001EC146
Shipment of Glass – 25 – 001EC147
Shipment of Gold – 25 – 001EC148
Shipment of Lead – 25 – 001EC149
Shipment of Leather – 25 – 001EC14A
Shipment of Nuclear Material – 25 – 001EC14B
Shipment of Oil – 25 – 001EC14C
Shipment of Plastic – 25 – 001EC14D
Shipment of Rubber – 25 – 001EC14E
Shipment of Screws – 25 – 001EC14F
Shipment of Silver – 25 – 001EC150
Shipment of Springs – 25 – 001EC151
Shipment of Wood – 50 – 001EC152
Shipment of Wood – 100 – 001EC153
All Bobblehead Codes
Perception Bobblehead – 00178B5D
Unarmed Bobblehead – 00178B64
Strength Bobblehead – 00178B63
Speech Bobblehead – 00178B62
Sneak Bobblehead – 00178B61
Small Guns Bobblehead – 00178B60
Science Bobblehead – 00178B5F
Repair Bobblehead – 00178B5E
Melee Bobblehead – 00178B5C
Medicine Bobblehead – 00178B5B
Luck Bobblehead – 00178B5A
Intelligence Bobblehead – 00178B58
Endurance Bobblehead – 00178B55
Charisma Bobblehead – 00178B54
Big Guns Bobblehead – 00178B53
Barter Bobblehead – 00178B52
Agility Bobblehead – 00178B51
Lock Picking Bobblehead – 00178B59
Explosive Bobblehead – 00178B57
Energy Weapons Bobblehead – 00178B56
All Companion Codes
Tumblr media
Cait – 00079305
Codsworth – 0001CA7D
Curie – 00102249
Deacon – 00050976
Dogmeat – 0001D162
John Hancock – 00022615
Nick Valentine – 00002F25
Paladin Danse – 0005DE4D
Piper – 00002F1F
Preston Garvey – 0001A4D7
Robert MacCready – 0002A8A7
Strong – 0003F2BB
X6-88 – 000E210A
All Dogmeat Item Codes
Dog Armor – 001C32C8
Light Dog Armor – 001B5ACC
Heavy Dog Armor – 001C32C7
Dog Collar – 00034602
Chain Dog Collar – 0018B210
Red Bandana – 0009C05B
Blue Bandana – 0017E917
Gunner’s Camo Bandana – 0017E922
Gunner’s Green Bandana – 0017E923
Leopard Print Bandana – 0017E91B
Jangles Bandana – 0017E91C
Skull Bandana – 0017E91D
Stars and Stripes Bandana – 0017E925
Striped Bandana – 0017E924
All Strong Item Codes
Super Mutant Arm Guards – 001B3A03
Super Mutant Arm Guards – 00248FD6
Super Mutant Aviator Cap – 00248FDE
Super Mutant Bladed Helmet – 00248FDD
Super Mutant Cage Helmet – 00248FDF
Super Mutant Chains – 00248FE4
Super Mutant Chest Harness – 00248FE3
Super Mutant Cowl Armor – 001B3A07
Super Mutant Cowl Armor – 00248FD8
Super Mutant Heavy Armor – 00248FDB
Super Mutant Helmet – 00248FDC
Super Mutant Leg Armor – 00248FDA
Super Mutant Leg Guards – 001B3A05
Super Mutant Leg Guards – 00248FD7
Super Mutant Shoulder Rags – 00248FE1
Super Mutant Waistcloth – 00248FE0
Super Mutant Wrist Wraps – 00248FE2
All Pip-Boy Mini Game Codes
Atomic Command – 0006167B
Grognak & The Ruby Ruins – 000727FA
Pipfall – 00072802
Red Menace – 000E5082
Zeta Invaders – 00072803
Automatron Characters
Note: Just replace the 'xx' with 01-06 until you get a match.
Ada – xx00FD5A – xx01472F
Ahab – xx010F5F
Jezebel – xx008ACF
The Mechanist – xx0008B2 – xx00097C
The Sole Survivor – xx000007 – xx000014
Tin Man – xx0EFBBB – xx0EFBAA
Automatron Robots & Computers
Assaultron – 000DF64A
Duelbot – xx007837 – xx007844
Eyebot – 000EFBB4
Eyebot Peepers – 000BB1F9
Eyebot Sonya – 000C895F
Eyebot Sonya Mk.II – 0014D172
Eyebot Ol’ Rusty – 000EF3F5
Eyebot Sparks – 00001DAC
Protectron – 00106b09
Protectron Basilisk – xx00e6ba
Protectron Buddy – 000F12B0
Protectron Devil – xx00109c
Protectron First Mate – 000A1601
Protectron Golem – xx00e6bb
Protectron Guardian – 00121d50
Protectron Fire Brigadier – 001E61E0
Protectron Medical – 001E61E3
Protectron Police – 001E61E4
Protectron Scourge – xx00244c
Protectron Takahashi – 00002CDA
Protectron Tin Man – 000EFBBB
Protectron Utility – 001D77A0
Protectron Watcher – 00121D4F
Robobrain Jezebel – xx008ACF
Sentry Bot – 000AE0BB
Sentry Bot Annihilator – 00216357
Sentry Bot Annihilator Mk.II – 00216358
Sentry Bot Gus – 0018448D
Sentry Bot Gunner – 0022CDF4
Sentry Bot Gunner Annihilator Mk.II – 0022CDF6
Sentry Bot Gunner Sentry Bot – 0022CDF3
Sentry Bot Ironsides – 0003ADC4
Sentry Bot Sarge – 0012C046
Sentry Bot Siege Breaker – 000CFB4A
Sentry Bot Active Combat Prototype Mk.IV – 00000A26
Sentry Bot Inactive Combat Protoype Mk.IV – 001091EF
Swarmbot – xx00101d
Tankbot – xx00104b
Automatron Consumables
Robot Repair Kit – 02004F12
Automatron Armor & Apparel
Assaultron helmet – xx00864A
Eyebot helmet – xx00864C
Mechanist’s Armor – xx008BC1
Mechanist’s Helmet – xx008BC3
Sentry Bot Helmet – xx00864E
Tesla T-60 Armor – xx00c579
Robot Armor Standard
Robot chest piece – xx00863F
Robot right leg xx008646
Robot left leg xx008648
Robot right arm xx008642
Robot left arm xx008644
Robot Armor Sturdy
Sturdy robot chest piece – xx00863F
Sturdy robot right leg – xx008646
Sturdy robot left leg – xx008648
Sturdy robot right arm – xx008642
Sturdy robot left arm – xx008644
Fallout 4 Donate Items For Sale
Robot Armor Heavy
Heavy robot chest piece – xx00863F
Heavy robot right leg – xx008646
Heavy robot left leg – xx008648
Heavy robot right arm – xx008642
Heavy robot left arm – xx008644
Automatron Holodisks & Notes
Automatron – xx007B20
Chief scientist’s holotape – xx008B44
Drawing of the Mechanist – xx00417B
Facilities director’s holotape – xx008B43
Jackson’s holotape – xx010134
Jezebel interview – xx011070
The Last Straw – xx00A2D3
Lead engineer’s holotape – xx008B42
Mechanist holotape – xx010A56 – xx010A57 – xx010A58
Mechanist’s log – xx009FE1
Scavenger’s journal – xx0109D2
Work order 09-241 – xx008B62
Zoe’s diary – xx0009D3
Automatron Misc Item Codes
Beacon Amplifier – xx002622
Beacon Oscillator – xx000890
Burnt Technical Manual – xx00841F
Eyebot Pod Schematics – xx0109BC
Jezebel’s Head – xx008AD4
Radar Beacon – xx000883
Robot Workbench Schematics 0000254A – xx01133D
Spotlight Schematics – xx0109BB
Automatron Weapons
Assaultron blade – xx008B8E
Mr. Handy buzzsaw – xx0020F8
Protectron’s Gaze – xx001f06
Salvaged assaultron head – xx0100B7
Tesla rifle – xx003E07
Automatron World Objects
Eyebot pod – xx003ECA
Robot workbench – xx001f16
Automatron Passwords & Terminal Keys
Forfeiture Terminal Password – xx00FEAC
Medical Terminal Password – xx00d5E0
RB-2851 Master Control Password – xx001D29
RobCo Sales and Service Center Password – xx008B66
Wasteland Workshop Cages
Cat cage – xx00081d
Dog cage – xx000813
Mole rat cage – xx000837
Mutant hound cage – xx000c80
Feral ghoul cage – xx000833
Gorilla cage – xx000878
Gunner cage – xx00081a
Insect cage – xx000844
Raider cage – xx000810
Super mutant cage – xx00080e
Tumblr media
Brahmin cage – xx000818
Deathclaw cage – xx000817
Mirelurk cage – xx000808
Radscorpion cage – xx00082d
Radstag cage – xx00082e
Yao guai cage – xx000805
Far Harbor Armor & Apparel
Acadia's Shield - xx00cc05
Atom’s Bulwark - xx022601
Black Fisherman’s Overalls - xx0570d3
Brown Fisherman’s Overalls - xx0570da
Chase’s Uniform - xx048234
Coastal Armor - xx04fa88
The Captain’s Hat - xx04b9b3
The Dapper Gent - xx05159b
Fisherman’s Outfit - xx00914e
Fisherman’s Overalls - xx00914
Green Fisherman’s Overalls - xx0570d4
Grey Fisherman’s Overalls - xx0570d9
High Confessor’s Helm - xx0391e8
High Confessor’s Robes - xx0391e6
Hunter’s Long Coat - xx046027
Hunter’s Pelt Outfit - xx04e698
Inquisitor’s Cowl - xx0247c5
Legend of the Harbor - xx04b9b1
Lobster Trap Helmet - xx04fa89
Marine Wetsuit - xx03a556
Marine Wetsuit Tactical Helmet - xx03a557
Pirate Hat - xx04262b
Robes of Atom’s Devoted - xx0247c8
Vault 118 Jumpsuit - xx043331
Wool Fisherman’s Cap - xx00914c
Trapper Armor:
Chest Piece - xx00ee79
Leathers - xx00ea36
Right Leg - xx00ea78
Left Leg - xx00ee77
Right Arm - xx00ee76
Left Arm - xx00ee75
Trapper Heavy Armor:
Chest Piece - xx00f04e
Right Leg - xx00f04d
Left Leg - xx00f04c
Right Arm - xx00f04b
Left Arm - xx00f04a
Zealot’s Marine Armor:
Chest Piece - xx009e5b
Right Leg - xx009e5a
Left Leg - xx009e59
Right Arm - xx009e57
Left Arm - xx009e56
Assault Marine Armor:
Chest Piece - xx009e5b
Right Leg - xx009e5a
Left Leg - xx009e59
Right Arm - xx009e57
Left Arm - xx009e56
Helmet - xx009e58
Inquisitor’s Marine Armor:
Chest Piece - xx009e5b
Right Leg - xx009e5a
Left Leg - xx009e59
Right Arm - xx009e57
Left Arm - xx009e56
Far Harbor Weapons
Bear Trap - xx054072
Bleeding Bear Trap - xx0540f7
Bloodletter - xx009582
Caltrops - xx05406e
Harpoon Gun - xx010b81
Lever Action Rifle - xx02c8b0
Lucky Eddy - xx0442cb
Meat Hook - xx2c8b0
Pole Hook - xx009582
Poisoned Caltrops - xx0540ed
Radium Rifle - xx025fc4
Far Harbor Ammunition
45-70 Caliber - xx02C8B1
45-70 Caliber - xx04D39C
Harpoon - xx010B80
Far Harbor Consumables
Aster - xx013384
Blight - xx00A2B3
Chicken Thigh - xx056A4A
Chicken Noodle Soup - xx05715B
Wolf Meat - xx0140F9
Gulper Innards - xx04D2E7
Gulper Slurry - xx04D2E8
Ice Cold Vim - xx054281
Ice Cold Vim Captain's Blend - xx054282
Ice Cold Vim Quartz - xx054284
Ice Cold Vim Refresh - xx054286
Vim - xx08833
Vim Captain's Blend - xx088A6
Vim Quartz - xx088A8
Vim Refresh - xx088AA
Contraptions Builders (Manufacturing)
Builder (Basic) - xx000a36
Weapon Forge - xx000a50
Pyrotechnics Mill - xx000abe
Food Processor - xx000aa5
Energy Weapons Forge - xx000a69
Heavy Weapons Forge - xx000a6a
Contraptions Fireworks
Firework Mortar - xx063b73
Mortar Shell (Ammo) - xx063b71
Emergency Flare Shell (Ammo) - xx00092b
Weather Change Shell – Clear (Ammo) - xx000900
Weather Change Shell – Rain (Ammo) - xx000901
Weather Change Shell – Radstorm (Ammo) - xx000906
Contraptions Paintballs
Ammo for the Paintball Gun Turret!
Blue Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d92
Green Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d95
Red Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d96
Orange Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d97
Glow Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d98
White Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d99
Yellow Paintball (Ammo) - xx000d9a
Contraptions Logic Gates
AND Logic Gate - xx000893
NAND Logic Gate - xx000899
NOR Logic Gate - xx00089a
NOT Logic Gate - xx00089b
OR Logic Gate - xx00089c
XNOR Logic Gate - xx000d26
XOR Logic Gate - xx00099c
Contraptions Misc
Steel Ball - xx000977
Pillory - xx000aad
Vault-Tec Workshop Armor and Clothing
Legend of Vault 88 – xx001afd
Vault 88 dirty – xx0042b2
Vault 88 clean – xx0042ae
Vault-Tec Workshop Misc
Buy Fallout Items
Vault 88 Pip-Boy – xx004bd3
Vault-Tec control board – xx004825
Vault-Tec control board: East sector – xx0050f0
Vault-Tec control board: North sector – xx0050ef
Vault-Tec control board: North-East sector – xx0050f1
Nuka World Weapons
Aeternus – xx04EC35
Cherry Thirst Zapper – xx020207
Cherry Thirst Zapper – xx020208
Cherry Thirst Zapper – xx044C65
Cherry Thirst Zapper – xx044C66
Commie Whacker – xx052926
Handmade Rifle – xx0496EA
Handmade Rifle – xx033B60
Nuka Quantum Grenade – xx040CDE
Nuka-Nuke Launcher – xx04E494
Quantum Thirst Zapper – xx020209
Quantum Thirst Zapper – xx02020A
Quantum Thirst Zapper – xx044C67
Quantum Thirst Zapper – xx044C68
Thirst Zapper – xx07BC8
Western Revolver – xx0415B3
Nuka World Armor and Clothing
Black Cowboy Hat – xx042323
Black Prospector's Hat – xx00417DF
Bottle and Cappy Shirt & Jeans – xx029C0F
Bottle and Cappy Orange Shirt & Jeans – xx044DA5
Bottle and Cappy Red Shirt & Jeans – xx044DA6
Cappy Glasses – xx013A47
Cappy Jacket & Jeans – xx044DA8
Cappy Shirt & Jeans – xx029C12
Cowboy Hat – xx042322
Cowhide Western Outfit – xx029C0B
Disciples Armored Skirt – xx03B554
Disciples Banded Helmet – xx026BB7
Disciples Hood – xx003B557
Disciples Metal Chest Piece – xx026BB8
Disciples Metal Left Arm – xx026BC1
Disciples Metal Right Arm – xx026BBF
Disciples Metal Left Leg – xx026BBC
Disciples Metal Right Leg – xx026BBA
Disciples Spiked Helmet – xx026BB6
Disciples Spiked Left Arm – xx026BC0
Disciples Spiked Right Arm – xx026BBE
Disciples Spiked Left Leg – xx026BBB
Disciples Spike Right Leg – xx026BB9
Disciples Strapped Chest Piece – xx026BAB
Disciples Strapped Left Arm – xx03B559
Disciples Strapped Right Arm – xx03B558
Disciples Strapped Left Leg – xx03B556
Disciples Strapped Right Leg – xx03B555
Oswald's Top Hat – xx03470D
Nuka-Girl Rocket Suit – xx04307A
Nuka-World Shirt & Jeans – xx029C11
Nuka-World Jumpsuit – xx03578E
Nuka-World Geyser Jacket & Jeans – xx044Da4
Nuka-World Geyser Shirt & Jeans – xx044DA3
Operators Armored Dress – xx039568
Operators Armored Skirt – xx039562
Operators Glasses – xx02873E
Operators Goggles – xx02873D
Operators Belted Chest Piece – xx028743
Operators Chest Piece – xx03BA8E
Operators Left Arm – xx03b8AA
Operators Right Arm – xx03B8AB
Operators Left Leg – xx02873F
Operators Right Leg – xx028741
Orange Shirt Western Outfit – xx029C0A
Pack Elephant Helmet – xx027705
Pack Helmet – xx027419
Pack Horned Helm – xx02770E
Pack Jaguar Helm – xx027706
Pack Masked Helm – xx02770C
Pack Moose Helm – xx02740F
Prospector's Hat – xx04231F
Spacesuit Costume – xx00D2AE
Spacesuit Costume Helmet – xx0296B8
Western Outfit – xx029C09
Western Outfit with Chaps – xx029C09
Western Duster – xx042325
Nuka World Ammunition
7.62mm – xx037897
7.62mm – xx0496EB
Nuka-Cherry Ammo – xx032F5E
Nuka-Cola Quantum Ammo – xx032F5F
Nuka-Nuke Ammo – xx01b039
Squirt of Water – xx04COE4
Weaponized Nuke-Cherry Ammo – xx00A6C9
Weaponized Nuka-Cola Ammo – xx02BDC2
Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum Ammo – xx00A6C6
Nuka World Consumables
Ant Meat – xx0138EE
Bloodworm Meat – xx0138C3
Cave Cricket Meat – xx0138C4
Cave Cricket Gland – xx026189
Cotton Candy Bites – xx02689A
Crispy Cave Cricket – xx04CBBD
Flying Ant Meat – xx0138C5
Fever Blossom – xx01CD23
Funnel Cake – xx02689B
Gatorclaw Meat – xx04AA17
Gatorclaw Steak – xx04AA1C
Ghoulrilla Meat – xx0518
Gazelle Meat – xx04B419
Gazelle Steak – xx04CB49
Grilled Nukalurk Meat – xx04AA1D
Grilled Queen Nukalurk Meat – xx04AA24
Nukalurk Meat – xx04AA1E
Queen Nukalurk Meat – xx04AA23
Rad-Rat Meat – xx013F87
Rad-Rat Steak – xx04C0E3
Roasted Bloodworm Meat – xx04CBBF
Synthetic Gorilla Meat – 0016CA4F
Ice Cold Nuka-Berry – xx0502A9
Ice Cold Nuka-Buzz – xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cherry – 00178B24
Ice Cold Nuka-Cide – xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Dark – xx02EDA9
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quartz – xx02EDAF
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Orange – xx02EDAD
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Victory – xx02EDB0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Wild – xx02EDB1
Ice Cold Nuka-Cooler – xx0502D5
Ice Cold Nuka-Fancy – xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Grape – xx02EDAB
Ice Cold Nuka-Love – xx0502C6
Ice Cold Nuka-Power – xx0502C9
Ice Cold Nuka-Punch – xx0502CC
Ice Cold Nuka-Ray – xx0502CF
Ice Cold Nuka-Rush – xx0502d2
Ice Cold Nuka-Sunrise – xx0502D8
Ice Cold Nuka-Twin – xx0502DB
Ice Cold Nuka-Void – xx0502DE
Ice Cold Nuka-Xtreme – xx0502e1
Nuka-Berry – xx030EFD
Nuka-Bombdrop – xx03B8B4
Nuka-Buzz – xx030F02
Nuka-Cherry – 00048360
Nuka-Cide – xx030EF6
Nuka-Cooler – xx030EFA
Nuka-Cola Dark – xx024536
Nuka-Cola Quartz – xx024538
Nuka-Cola Orange – xx02453A
Nuka-Cola Victory – xx024544
Nuka-Cola Wild – xx02453D
Nuka-Fancy – xx030F01
Nuka-Free – xx042C39
Nuka-Fruti – xx03B8B3
Nuka-Grape – xx024534
Nuka-Hearty – xx042C3D
Nuka-Lixir – xx042C41
Nuka-Love – xx030EFC
Nuka-Power – xx030EFE
Nuka-Punch – xx030EF7
Nuka-Ray – xx03B8B2
Nuka-Rush – xx030EF8
Nuka-Sunrise – xx042C43
Nuka-Twin – xx030F00
Nuka-Void – xx030EFB
Nuka-Xtreme – xx030EF9
Smooth Operator – xx023E61
Nuka-Cade Ticket – xx019998
Nuka-Cade Roll – xx01998A
Nuka World Nuka-Cola Recipes
Fallout 4 How To Donate Items
Nuka-Berry recipe – xx04431c
Nuka-Bombdrop recipe – xx044320
Nuka-Cide recipe – xx04430c
Nuka-Cooler recipe – xx044318
Nuka-Frutti recipe – xx044323
Nuka-Hearty recipe – xx044328
Nuka-Lixir recipe – xx044326
Nuka-Love recipe – xx044314
Nuka-Power recipe – xx04431e
Nuka-Punch recipe – xx04430e
Nuka-Ray recipe – xx04431a
Nuka-Rush recipe – xx044310
Nuka-Sunrise recipe – xx044324
Nuka-Void recipe – xx044316
Nuka-Xtreme recipe – xx044312
Note: Just replace the 'xx' with 01-06 until you get a match.
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thatbloodycountess · 7 years
Home: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Thunder and Lightning
 This is a longer chapter. Ideas have been pouring out of me, hence the constant posting of new chapters. I hope you enjoy it!
 2,101 words
 Vicious storm clouds shrouded the sky above Duscae, thunder rumbling so loud that it frightened human and beast alike. They managed to reach Wiz’s just before the storm hit and took the opportunity to have a meal. Noctis’ headaches still lingered and they didn’t know where the Imperials took the Regalia. All of them were still reeling from Ardyn’s revelation in the crater.
 Celes is his daughter.
 The Chancellor offered no further details, aside from referring to her as a “poor excuse”. While Gladio didn’t trust anything the man said or did, even he had to quell his suspicions about Celes after that. He couldn’t imagine being tormented by his father. Clarus Amicitia was a good man and loved his family deeply. He would’ve never intentionally harmed his children. He could handle a behemoth but would break if he saw Iris cry. Prompto had been unusually silent, even after they arrived at the chocobo post. The animals usually lifted his spirits but not this time. He perused the gift shop to keep himself busy but it was easy to see that it wasn’t working.
 Ignis sat at their table in the café reading the paper with a cup of Ebony. Nifelheim continued to be front page news, which made it a bit easier to find out where they were headed. It seemed they had quieted down after the Archean’s disappearance. The nearby radio pretty much confirmed the information. Gentiana paid them a visit urging them to seek out the Fulgarian, who was the source of the storm. Hopefully they wouldn’t run into the Chancellor this time.
  Prompto shook the chocobo snow globe and watched as the artificial snow fell around the scene inside before returning it to the shelf. Normally, being around the chocobos would lift his spirits but he couldn’t shake the sadness that seeped into his bones.
 “Even if she is a poor excuse for one…”
 He knew what it was like to not be wanted. He lived his entire life with it and he hated to hear that another person lived with it too. Now, she was probably locked up somewhere being subjected to horrible treatment and there wasn’t anything any of them could do about it. Well…not yet anyway. His phone buzzed from his pocket. Prompto found a text from Noctis.
 “We’re heading out.”
 Prompto headed for the exit of the gift shop but a display at the register caught his eye. The round wooden display was covered with keychains. There were chocobos, cactuar, carbuncle, and moogles in neat rows. Prompto quickly purchased one of the moogle keychains and left the shop to rejoin the others.
  Gentiana’s words reverberated in Noctis’ head as they entered the wilderness to complete Ramuh’s trial. Rain pounded the area, soaking all of them through and through. The muddy terrain made traversing the area difficult and slowed them down but they persisted. Thunder rumbled overhead, threatening to send the Fulgarian’s fury down upon them. With each stone pillar found, Gentiana words guided them to another. Aside from the beasts indigenous to the area, they ran into little opposition.
 Gladio stopped them before they turned the corner around one of the large cliffs surrounding them. He peered around the rock wall and gave the signal that all was well. Noctis led the way into the narrow pass, spotting what he hoped was the final stone pillar amongst thick vines and brush. He approached the pillar and pressed his palm to it. Purple lightning emitted from the pillar and filled the prince’s body. Noctis’ eyes glowed red as he withstood the impact. He felt the Fulgarian’s power pour into every part of him before the lightning dissipating. The red glow faded shortly after, returning his eyes to their usual blue. The covenant complete, he turned to his friends as the storm clouds receded revealing the light of day once more.
 With that task complete, they could now focus on getting the Regalia back. They took the most direct route to the road to get their bearings. Ignis suspected that the vehicle was likely at one of the newly established Imperial bases in the region. It was easily reachable on foot and not too far from their current location. They began their trek across Duscae towards the base, eliminating any beasts they came across. Noctis’ headaches had subsided much to his relief, allowing him to focus on the task at hand.
 They reached the base as dusk approached. A watchtower stood a few hundred feet away from the base. It was made of wood, not meal, leading them to believe that either hunters or ENERGIS staff built the tower and that the Imperials hadn’t gotten around to destroying it just yet. The tower was tall enough to allow them to see over the walls of the base to get an idea of what they were in for. Naturally, the place was swarming with MTs and other Magitek machinery. Sitting in a more secluded part of the base under heavy guard was the Regalia.
 Ignis suggested they utilize the nearby haven to rest and formulate their plan. They would sneak into the base under the cover of darkness. That would be the easy part. Ignis would have to craft their strategy once inside. There was immense risk to start but they didn’t have any choice if they wanted to recover the Regalia. One false move and they would be overrun as they would be outnumbered. But Ignis Scientia didn’t earn his moniker as The Strategist for nothing. With a partial plan established, they waited patiently for nightfall.
  Ignis led the way towards the base, finding a hole in a chain link fence. They crept through the hole and hurried as quickly and quietly as they could, taking refuge behind a group of wooden crates. Noctis moved to strike but Ignis silently raised his hand to stop him. The prince complied as his advisor quickly surveyed the area. There were a few large tanker trucks in the area that would provide decent cover.
 He crouched down. “We need to clear these soldiers before we can proceed.”
 “Leave it to me.”
 Noctis disappeared in a haze of blue light, reappearing just before he plunged the blade of his sword into the back of an unsuspecting MTs neck. The solider collapsed in a heap as he took cover behind the closest truck. He looked to Ignis, who signaled the location of another in a nearby guard post. Noctis nodded and eliminated the MT near him as soon as its back was turned, catching a glimpse of the tower. He warped to the tower and took the sentry out before he could be spotted and immediately crouched down. There were four more soldiers patrolling that area alone. He signaled to Ignis that he would take care of it. He monitored their movements for a few moments. The attack had to be flawless in its execution. All four needed to be destroyed before they could sound the alarms.
 He warped off the tower and decapitated the first and went after the second before the body could hit the ground. His blade sliced through the torso of the second and he immediately took out the third. The fourth had its back turned, making it easy to kill with a simple blade through the skull. He quickly rejoined the others and proceeded further into the base. Ignis spotted another guard post with a sentry on duty. Noctis warped to it and quickly took out the MT. He waited until the others moved further in, concealing themselves behind another tanker truck. Ignis moved to the rear and peered around the large fuel tank to stay in eyeshot of Noctis.
 He surveyed the area, spotting the Regalia surrounded by just four MTs and immediately suspected a trap. They couldn’t just leave it. He quietly told Gladio and Prompto to be ready before signaling Noctis to go ahead and strike. Noctis warped from the guard post and destroyed the first MT. The alarms immediately went off as more MTs stormed the area. To make matters worse, a Magitek armored unit appeared and quickly opened fire.
 “Noct!” Ignis shouted, pointing at a Gatling gun posted on a tower high off the ground.
 The strategist fired off a round of Sagefire to cover Noctis as he warped to the tower. Prompto whipped out his autocrossbow and fired a spray of bolts at the enemy with Gladio focusing on the armored unit. Noctis turned the heavy artillery on the armored unit first, the bullets quickly piercing its defenses. Gladio swung at one of its legs doing significant damage but the blow didn’t bring it down. The armor fired a barrage of missiles at Ignis and Prompto but they managed to dodge at the last minute. Noctis didn’t relent in his attack, turning the bullets into the leg that Gladio swung at just moments before. It erupted into flames, bringing the marauder down to one knee.
 Ignis used Sagefire once more to eliminate another cluster of MTs but cursed when more swooped in to take their place. They were being overrun and it was only a matter of time before they exhausted themselves. Noctis could see the writing on the wall from his vantage point and made a split decision. His eyes glowed red as he felt his power well up in his chest. Storm clouds moved in overhead with lightning that lit up the night sky. A towering figure, that of an old man, appeared before them and scooped up the prince in his grasp. With one wave of his staff, he brought the lightning down upon the MTs and the armored unit destroying them in a single blow. Ramuh set Noctis down onto the ground before vanishing as quickly as he appeared. Noctis fell to one knee to collect himself as the dust settled. Prompto’s eyes widened as a tall and imposing man heading their way. Dressed mostly in white, aside from a mechanical left arm, with platinum blonde hair his gaze was locked on the Prince of Lucis.
 And he didn’t look pleased to see him.
 “Noctis…it’s been far too long.”
 The prince whirled around to find Ravus Nox Fleuret approaching them. The metal fingers of his left arm flexed as he withdrew his sword.  
 “I see you’ve achieved the Fulgarian’s blessing…with ignorance as to the consequences.”
 He raised his blade to attack Noctis but Gladio intervened with his great sword but Ravus was at least a head taller and physically stronger than the shield. He knocked him back against the driver’s side of the Regalia as if he were nothing.
 “A shield that can protect nothing. Useless.” Ravus sneered.
 Gladio got to his feet and went to strike again, only to be met with the Ravus’ blade to his throat. Ignis took a step but then immediately thought better of it. Noctis tapped into his inherit power, his weapons materializing around him.
 “And what about you?” he retorted. “Pledging your loyalty to the very people hunting your sister down?!”
 “That’s enough!”
 Ardyn sauntered up to the group as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Despite the Chancellor’s presence, Ravus kept his blade at Gladio’s throat.
 “What do you want now?” Noctis demanded.
 “Absolutely nothing.” he answered. “I’ve sent the army away and have no intention of asking for anything in return. See what a nice guy I am?”
 “We don’t need anything from you.” Gladio glared at him.
 He ignored the shield’s comment. “It seems we both have business with the elemental mistress. I do wish you safe travels, Your Majesty.”
 Ravus withdrew his blade and left without another word.
 “Where is Celes?” Prompto demanded.
 Ardyn merely regarded the gunner with a chuckle before departing.
   Ignis paid close attention to how the Regalia ran as they headed back towards Lestallum. Everything sounded fine meaning that the vehicle wasn’t tampered with. Gladio was still very much enraged over the encounter with Ravus while Noctis simply stared out his side of the vehicle. Prompto tried to busy himself with going through the photos on his camera.
 Upon returning to the Leville, they found a hysterical Iris waiting for them. While they were away, Nifelheim soldiers appeared and detained them. Upon hearing that they were from Insomnia, due to an accidental slip of the tongue from Talcott, they interrogated them about Noctis. They tried to convince them they didn’t know where the prince was but things quickly turned violent. Jared stepped in to defend Iris and Talcott but ended up losing his life.
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i had another idea for an ow fusion but it didn’t fit in the shippy set
d.va + bastion, including the meka
so like... nothing really happens to d.va’s physical appearance, except that her body is now integrated into the meka itself. (also, glowing blue/red eyes.) d.vastion doesn’t recognise any physical difference between the meka and d.va’s body. the guns are replaced by bastion’s gatling gun. configuration changes still work - configuration: sentry has the defence matrix up for extra annoyance factor, and configuration: tank is basically the same but with the mind and reflexes of a top pro gamer controlling it.
the only issue is that d.vastion can’t actually “get out of the meka”. they have to defuse in a case where d.va would normally eject, and they can’t use the self-destruct because that would be fatal to them.
also they speak in d.va’s voice but when they swear the swear words are replaced by beeping. stream chat think it’s hilarious. 
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falloutlores · 3 years
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The Sentry bot :-
The sentry bot had become a standard piece of military equipment by at least 2063, The sentry bot's purpose is to engage the enemy at range with a variety of weapons, including miniguns, Gatling lasers, rocket launchers, and even back-mounted cluster grenade launchers.
It's commonly considered to be one of the most dangerous robots ever created and RobCo Industries' finest fighting robot.
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