at-liberty-news · 3 months
Major Order Status: Days 31 + 32
After a brutal and efficient blitz campaign to retake Vernen Wells, Helldivers have saved the lives of 4311 citizens trapped in Super Citizen Anne's Hospital for Very Sick Children, including very many very sick children. Despite SEAF intelligence indicating that Terminid and Automaton numbers would drop across the board, this was one of the hardest-fought battles yet, and enemy forces now swarm across the surface of every planet they contest.
The children saved are now being transported to another hospital, Super Citizen Mary's Hospital for Tragically Ill Youths, where their care has been crowdfunded by many citizens inspired by the Helldivers' victory. Even though Super Earth goes out of its way to wage war with every other faction it can find, it forces its citizens to bear the weight. Additionally, many children have reportedly signed an MOD Form 11, a form that indicates an adolescent's desire to enlist when they become of age. Here's hoping this war doesn't last that long.
After securing Vernen Wells, High Command noticed the Automatons on Marfark had begun transporting the explosive materials necessary to create the MD-17 Anti-Tank mines off-world. With less than 24 estimated hours to stop them, more than half of all deployed Helldivers across the galaxy dived onto Marfark's surface in an endless barrage, desperate to secure it in due time. Despite the Diver's herculean efforts, the bots managed to move the majority of the cache away from the planet to some new, unknown location.
High Command has internally marked the entire major order as a failure, disregarding the thousands of lives saved. Lacking the necessary resources, Super Earth is shuttering all MD-17 Anti-Tank Mine factories and reassigning all workers to new, equally dangerous jobs.
Despite how much territory must still be reclaimed from the bots, High Command is already shifting focus back to the Terminids with a new major order. Unveiling the "Hive Breaker" drill, a nuclear device based on the designs of the tectonic drills used to destroy Meridia, Helldivers are to deploy them on every planet in the Mirin and Draco sectors. The device can supposedly strike at the heart of a planet's hives, killing millions of larvae before they can grow into the dangerous warriors we see on the surface. Officials hope it will be the last time these sectors must be taken, citing the toll on troopers and ammunition it costs to keep the bugs at bay and how desperately this space is needed.
That's all we have for you right now, but we still have plenty in the works, and we should have a more detailed report on how the Hive Breaker functions within the coming days! 
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8feet · 5 months
[Ep.0] 🚀 BEFORE, SUPER EARTH... THERE WAS MARS • Surviving Mars (Difficu...
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delgadomkt · 2 years
Mato Grosso investe na produção de mel da agricultura familiar
Empaer e Seaf fomentam produção de mel na agricultura familiar em Chapada dos Guimarães. Caixas de abelha, assistência técnica e sustentabilidade do meio ambiente têm favorecido a cadeia produtiva na comunidade Gleba Monjolo. Agricultores familiares de Chapada dos Guimarães (distante 67 km de Cuiabá) destacam o resultado positivo na produção de mel após apoio do Governo de Mato Grosso. Após…
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the-cactus-taco · 1 month
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Seaf is here! That’s right, They got a new look, and a new name! They still go by core frisk too
And use them with the main three! Tall….
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Has Tinkerer ever done the Typical Slugcat Behaviour that is constantly backflipping while a God-like machine of unfathomable size info-dumps about their recent hyperfixation?
nah she sproingo boingo seal style
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can't hear well when backflipping so just like a player first encountering dialogue in the game she's got to listen
after she gets to know Fish good and they become friends n all that she stops sproingo boingo for the sake of curling around him to listen while also scoring some cuddles (since he is almost always sitting down his puppet on the floor or when he goes to speak for longer time he comes down. similar to Moon after ending of Riv campaign)
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moonlightcookie · 3 months
wait 2024 is already half over and ppl are Still being dumb about seamoon? ppl really still believe seaf is just obsessed w moonlight and is a shit person bc of it? ik cr fans are famous for no reading comprehension but sometimes i feel like it must be nice to be so comfortably stupid
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
Anyways the dating sim isn't that bad nobody I see as aro is there and I can blindly stumble my way around everything's cool
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Potato-size metallic nodules strewn across the Pacific Ocean seafloor produce oxygen in complete darkness and without any help from living organisms, new research reveals. The discovery of this deep-sea oxygen, dubbed "dark oxygen," is the first time scientists have ever observed oxygen being generated without the involvement of organisms and challenges what we know about the emergence of life on Earth, researchers say.
Continue Reading.
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Day 7
...back? We're back? We are? Okay, good. good. Finally.
Welcome back, viewers! We took a wrong turn in FTL and ended up very far outside of transmission range with Super Earth, and it took us the better part of the last 48 hours to find our way back. Very sorry about that. We'll try to catch up on the news now.
Day 6 of the Galactic War was a solemn loss on the bot front, as the Helldivers were unable to protect Vernen Wells from the Automaton invasion. Who knows how harshly the war effort will be impacted by the loss of recruits training there? Unfortunately, we were among the many who did not even notice the simultaneous attack of Varylia 5 in the Trigon sector, leading to a near-completely unopposed takeover of the planet by Automaton forces. 
Indeed, even High Command seemed to be working against their own best interests, having sent out personal orders to eradicate over two dozen Hunters, leading troops to land on less tactically valuable planets in the East rather than Vernen Wells, where they belonged. On the other hand, SEAF forces in Terminid territory managed to completely cleanse Fenrir III this time, rescuing the day from being a total loss. Let's hope another undiscovered nest doesn't spring up, though.
And now onto the current day. With the factories back at home churning out bullets, there must be an excess, as the personal orders of the day are to score at least one hundred confirmed kills using the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry. While incapable of penetrating heavy armor, this automated bullet hose near-instantaneously tears apart anything short of it.
As for the matter of territory, a swarm of bugs has found its way onto Turing in the Umlaut sector and is spreading across the surface now. SEAF forces are already quelling the infestation as I speak! Back on Vernen Wells, what little ground we have left is slowly receding as SEAF troops struggle to maintain control. Reinforcements cannot come soon enough!
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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lemon-slushie · 9 months
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The Contract
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The following contract is made between and entered into by The Helldivers Division of the Super Earth Armed Forces (hereby referred to as "the Enlister") and the individual who has successfully completed their preliminary Helldiver training as set forth in Exhibit A of the Super Earth Armed Forces Recruitment and Retention Manual part 27/B-10264 (hereby referred to as "the Enlisted"). The following contract is entered into willingly, and the Enlisted confirms that they have authority to enter into such an agreement at this time, being of sound mind and body, of legal age, and of Citizenship Grade E or above.
1.1 The Enlisted shall perform the Services outlined in Appendix A in accordance with the operational directives identified by (i) Super Earth High Command (ii) the President of Super Earth (iii) the Democratic Council of Super Earth (iv) accredited employees of the Ministries of Super Earth (v) accredited representatives of the parties aforementioned in clauses 1.1.i - 1.1.v, (vi) accredited representatives of those representatives (hereby referred to as "the Authorized Command Structure"). The Authorized Command Structure may, at any point, with no prior notice, make amendments to the schedule of services outlined in Appendix A. A copy of Appendix A may, if required, be obtained by the Enlisted through contacting the relevant authorities in the SEAF Administrative Corps, with a hard copy of the Appendix to be delivered to the requesting Enlisted within 5-10 business years.
1.2 The Services performed by the Enlisted for the Enlister shall include, but are not limited to active combat operations (which may include, but shall not be limited to raids, deployments, invasions, sorties, forays, assaults, blitzes, incursions, onslaughts, liberations, razings, flattenings, and nukings), non-combat operations (which may include but shall not be limited to parades, interviews, signings and appearances, executions (both summary and otherwise), interplanetary transportation, including the escort of civilian or Democratic vessels, and any activities deemed necessary in the pursuit of the aims identified by (i) The Enlister, and (ii) The Authorized Command Structure. In order to enable full and complete enactment of these Services, the Enlisted is hereby authorized to employ lethal force, non-lethal force, non-lethal non-force, and lethal non-force, to be employed at the discretion of the Enlisted. The Enlisted may not subcontract in whole or in part any of the duties requested of them by the Enlister.
1.3 The Services shall be performed by the Enlisted at locations identified by (i) The Enlister (ii) The Authorized Command Structure. In order to enable the completion of the Services in an efficient and timely manner, the Enlisted will be entrusted with the command of a Class 6 "Super Destroyer" Series Crewed Interplanetary Combat Vessel (hereby referred to as "The Super Destroyer") Upon the Termination of the Contract of the Enlisted (refer to Section 5, TERMINATION), command of this Super Destroyer will be transferred to the next eligible Enlisted in the order designated by (i) the serving Ship Master, (ii) The Enlister, (iii) the Authorized Command Structure, (iv) Accredited representatives of the parties listed in clauses 1.3.i - 1.3.iii. The heirs, successors, and assigns of The Enlisted have no right, claim or interest in the ownership or command of the Super Destroyer. Should the actions of the Enlisted result in loss, damages, or impediments to the Super Destroyer, requiring ameliorative or restorative action, the cost of such repairs shall be subtracted from the Martyrdom Payment due to the heirs or successors of the Enlisted (refer to Section 2 COMPENSATION).
1.4 The Enlisted will be responsible for the purchasing, maintenance, replacement, and improvement of the equipment used for the provision of services. If the contract of the Enlisted is terminated due to the conditions outlined in Clause 5.1 (absence of pulse), the equipment purchased, maintained, replaced, and improved by the Enlisted shall stay with Destroyer, and shall be made available to the next Helldiver to command the vessel.
2.1 For the performance of the services outlined within the schedule set forth in Appendix A, the Helldiver shall receive monetary compensation for the services rendered. The compensation shall vary in line with the services performed. The Enlister reserves the right to, at any time and with no prior notice, make amendments to the schedule of payments.
2.2 The Enlister acknowledges that the position of the Enlisted ("Helldiver") is classified by the Super Earth Ministry of Employment as an "Exceptionally Patriotic Duty". Accordingly, upon commencement of the delivery of services, the immediate family members of the Enlisted (defined as parents, siblings, heirs, and successors) shall receive 4.5 citizenship points, to be allocated at the recipients’ discretion. This compensation shall be non-transferable, and may not be exchanged for a cash equivalent.
2.3 In the event of the non-continuation of the 'alive' status of the Enlisted in the course of the rendition of services, a Martyrdom Payment shall be made to the immediate family members of the Enlisted (defined as parents, siblings, heirs, and successors) minus any dispensations outlined in Section 1.3.
3.1 In the course of the rendition of services, the Enlisted is likely to become exposed to information of strategic importance (including but not limited to maps, mission briefings, internal procedural documentation, details of products, prices, and seasonal discounts). The Enlister and Enlisted agree that any and all privileged information (collectively "CLASSIFIED MATERIALS") viewed by the Enlisted (i) shall be maintained in the strictest secrecy by the Enlisted, with all reasonable efforts made to avoid the transfer, leakage, dissemination, publication, conveyance, and/or seepage of Classified Materials, and (ii) shall be provided in formats which are traceable to the Enlisted in the event of transfer, leakage, dissemination, publication, conveyance, and/or seepage. The Enlisted agrees to return any and all data, documents, directories, manuals, maps, and notes pertaining to “CLASSIFIED MATERIALS” upon (i) termination of this contract, (ii) request by the Enlister.
3.2 Any information made known to the Enlisted outside of operational parameters which is not considered customarily known to the general citizenry and/or which was not known to the Enlisted prior to the commencement of this agreement shall, for the purposes of clarity, be considered "CONTROLLED CLASSIFIED MATERIALS". For the access of "CONTROLLED CLASSIFIED MATERIALS" explicit, advance written consent must be obtained by the Enlisted.
3.3 To read these terms and conditions in full shall be considered a breach of Clause 3.2.
4.1 Unless otherwise stated, the Enlisted shall be solely and exclusively responsible for any and all damages, harm, liability, loss, costs, expenses, craters, atrocities, and crimes (civil, uncivil, war) caused, created, or generated during the course of the rendition of services. The Enlisted hereby indemnifies (i) The Enlister, and (ii) the Authorized Command Structure, including but not limited to any employees, representatives, heirs, and successors against any costs, challenges, losses, damages, or expenses (without limitation) arising from or relating in any way to the rendition of services by the Enlisted.
4.2 Any damage sustained by the Enlisted, whether reputational or corporeal (including but not limited to incineration, evisceration, spinal separation, vaporization, crushing, freezing, burning, decapitation, paper cuts, explosion, contusion, removal of arms and/or limbs, addition of arms and/or limbs, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and/or death) shall not be considered the responsibility of the Enlister.
4.3 The Enlisted shall not hold the Enlister in whole or in part responsible for whether they return in whole or in part.
This agreement will be governed by the laws of Super Earth, and shall be terminated in the event that:
(i) The Enlisted is mortally wounded, such that medical attention shall not be physically or financially justifiable.
(ii) The Enlisted expresses seditious, dangerous, or Traitorous thoughts, opinions, actions or sentiments.
(iii) By the Enlister, for any reason. Notice of the cause for termination is not required. The provisions of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 shall survive termination.
6.1 The Enlisted consents to personal information (including but not limited to Biometric, Patriotic, and Demographic data) to be collected and processed by (i) the Enlister (ii) The Authorized Command Structure (iii) Appropriate agents of the Super Earth Armed Forces and Democratic Council.
6.2 The Enlisted consents to personal samples (including but not limited to flesh, bone, and blood) to be collected and processed by (i) the Enlister (ii) The Authorized Command Structure (iii) Appropriate agents of the Super Earth Armed Forces and Democratic Council.
6.3 The Enlisted provides unequivocal and irrevocable consent to the use of experimental weaponries, technologies, and narcotics.
6.4 The Contract shall be considered binding upon being read, in whole or in part.
(For the purpose of the elimination of doubt, the Enlisted spending 1 second within 15 meters of a copy of the contract shall be interpreted as the contract being read.)
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wealmostaneckbeard · 6 months
Helldivers 2: Backstories implied by Armor Sets
Note: These are just the sets that I've unlocked, reblog with your own, also I may have gotten the names wrong
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You are here to inspire your fellow helldivers not through empty words but through deeds and actions! It really helps that your armor doesn't let you die easily, which is great for morale. Not great for your survivors guilt however.
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You are a survivor (SEAF or civilian colonist) that the helldivers picked up during a mission. They gave you some body armor they had in reserves and now you are a conscript. You weren't allowed to wear a helldiver uniform without having gone through training first. Everyone gives you shit for that even though you survived terminids or automatons.
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You're a popsicle political dissident who got unthawed to earn a pardon by fighting enemies of Super Earth. Or you are a history nerd whom democracy officers watch closely. This armor set should really be worn if super earth itself is threatened, as old equipment (and people) is drawn from museum displays.
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You are a frontier doctor who got caught up in the war. Honestly, not much has changed. Back when terminids were being farmed, you were patching up mauled farmers, now it's soldiers. And the bots use conventional weapons so their victims look the same as someone who had an accident or an "accident."
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You used to use explosives to excavate irrigation canals, now you're using explosives to destroy enemies. You always take a moment to appreciate a lovely landscape. Then you start to fantasize about flattening the landscape and replacing it with suburbs.
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helldivers-2 · 2 months
Breaking: Orbital Cannons now stand across Automaton territories, firing on our fleet and seeking to challenge our aerial superiority.
The Orbital Cannons have targeted SEAF air forces, extending extraction times. However, we have identified a vulnerability.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
I like to think some of the scav kits that fish cares for have started to refer to him as metal dad when speaking to other scavs, which could be a funny revelation when he starts to pick up on scavenger language.
Also imagine a scav from a different tribe tries to eat one of fishes neurons and gets curb stomped by a bunch of the now adult scavs yelling "no eat metal dad!"
awgh gmsklmkdmklb the second he figures out the noise/motion meaning parental figure he's gon go into such "What." mode... unresponsive for an hour as he tries to figure out why's he a dad suddenly now (← emotionally idiotic man, bless his rarefaction cells)
oh but i LOVE the idea of them protecting him like that!!! Hell yes, he takes care of them n dang it they will repay the favor n that's That. they find a neuron outside of the can (stolen by some creature n then abandoned) and carefully gently collect it and bring it back home,,,
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moonlightcookie · 1 year
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my seamoon album has finally surpassed my bumbleberry album......
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incorrectinfinity · 2 years
That page set took. So long.
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