#Vic's response
victoriantreecat · 2 months
I am becoming increasing aware that there is a good portion of the RA fandom that's also in the Life/Hermit fandom and I am very happy about that, cause those are the only two fandoms I'm in LOL
SAMEEE I've slowly been collecting folks and secretly grinning to myself
I think I might reveal my au I've been thinking of soon...
Maybe we should make some kind of collective just cuz we all have this specific interest intersection
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hikiclawd · 9 months
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HELLO.. VECTORSHADE. THATS SUCH. A CUTE NAME FOR THEM. and uhm thank you for reminding me i haven't posted these actually . ^_^_^^^
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as you can see im normal about them too. /s
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ardentinwoe · 26 days
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Goth girl on vacation, Mr. mansplain manipulate manwhore, and Florida woman.
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svtskneecaps · 5 months
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chococookiez · 5 months
ptv pic dump number 2 except it's just really silly goofy pics i got
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ft. crowd shenanigans cause HELP
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
victim probably keeps him alive for the sake of the plan, but still makes him suffer.
oh absolutely! the workers do take pity on him, but they're very scared of victim at the same time so they try not to interfere enough that victim would notice.
i do think victim is kind of frustrated by the fact that he goes basically unresponsive and starts getting bored of him after a while but for a bit they're having a lot of fun taking everything out on him
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angelsdean · 1 year
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dean's mind immediately going from "weird dreams" to GAY......ok projection boy.
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shevictorious · 9 months
has anyone heard of the current drama between simone biles' husband ? because imagine being married to an all-time gold medal olympic gymnast and then think you're the catch. i just call him simone biles' husband when i see him on the tv screen.
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starmagnets · 5 months
Fylass: Hello, hello! You seem to be part of the same tournament, I must ask, how are you feeling? Good?
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“nice to meet you and good luck in the tournament!”
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victoriantreecat · 1 month
Hey!!! You asked me the name of a poem a little while ago, and I only just now found it again. It's called "2 years later" by William Butler Yeats, and here's the full version:
"Has no one said those daring Kind eyes should be more learn'd? Or warned you how despairing The moths are when they are burned? I could have warned you; but you are young, So we speak a different tongue. O you will take whatever's offered And dream that all the worlds a friend, Suffer as your mother suffered, Be as broken in the end. But I am old and you are young, And I speak a barbarous tongue."
Ohhh that's a good one, I like it a lot.
Thanks so much!! <3
(I'm probably gonna memorize it somewhat- "I could have warned you; but you are young, So we speak a different tongue." Is a banger line)
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darcyolsson · 1 year
another thing about tmi that kind of caught me off guard me while rereading is not only that jace genuinely is severely mentally ill but also that it's portrayed SO casually. everyone's just like "oh jace doesnt eat for days whenever he feels bad and he intentionally hurts himself all the time and he doesn't sleep and he has trauma flashbacks and a compulsive need for order and cleanliness and he has very violent intrusive thoughts and he tries to kill himself every 3 weeks or so hes soooooo edgy 🙄 anyway moving on"
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cve-th3mvsic · 2 months
Another development Rubes and I came up with.
Julie (Edwyn's stepsister) is polyamorus, and has two love interests. A boyfriend and a girlfriend.
Archer (Edwyn's stepbrother) has a love interest/boyfriend.
Marshall gets a boyfriend.
Rowan gets a really sick character arc I'm hella excited to write, and a new boyfriend too. DW.
And I'm actually writing about Edwyn's dad and step mum when they were in their early 20's. Edwyn's dad is slowly becoming a favorite of mine.
And I'm also planning a book for when Edwyn is ten, possibly narrated by Marshall.
ohmygosh vic oc update guys !!
yoo polyamory !!
also do we like julie.. i forgot if we like julie or not. i forgot which characters that we hate.. do remind me
ohmygosh boyfriend
ohmygosh another boyfriend
is the sick character arc a /pos? also yooooo boyfriends all arounddd
ohmygosh parents lore, yes.
i love that.
(i’m still in bed and barely mentally awoken, so my responses don’t really seem as hype probably, i’m js waking up sjdjdisoan)
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widowshill · 8 months
*slams my fist on a desk* #31 (flowers) for R&V i beg
Victoria had long since given up on the appearance of propriety –– weddings, she had come to find out, were so much planning and paperwork –– and lay stretched out now across his lap with legs dangling and memo pad to the sky.
"Oh, lilacs I think ... white lilies, perhaps."
"Those are funeral flowers, Roger."
His little fiancée shot him a disapproving glance, and he returned a fond, if amused smile. "So much the better to take you across the threshold of the family tomb."
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
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Questionable Images 1/2 - The Question #13 (1988)
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ch0sene · 7 months
that line the narrator has about shadows of durge's battle instincts remaining with them... many thoughts head full [vic waking up with cantrips that align with the enchantment specialty. vic unconsciously probing for information in manipulative, unkind ways. vic using the tadpole connection to read more than others are willing to share, and when they call her out, realising that she doesn't know why she did it and moreover doesn't like that she did it.]
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
You are an amazing writer and I love your confidence with everything. Megafandoms (especially discourse-heavy ones) can be so weird and stupid sometimes and you always manage to come out of it with nuance and a kind attitude despite all of the BS that often gets aimed at people who write darkfic. I feel like it makes the fandom environment a more open space to talk about stuff freely. You're both unapologetic and delightful about your own tastes and take on the dark themes with care which I appreciate a ton. Being able to both have fun and be thoughtful and not fall into the thing where people accidentally do fandom bigotry.
Ty, I definitely try to balance those things so that means a lot!
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