#Vicar of Dibley
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frosteee · 4 months
[There is a knock on Kurt's door. Kurt and Rogue head over to answer it.] Kurt, holding the doorknob: Enter if you're sexy and love Jesus! Rogue: [giggling] Kurt: [giggling] [Kurt opens the door. Logan stands in the doorway, unamused.] Logan: Evenin', elf.
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partywithponies · 9 months
I have this clip saved to my computer as "normal reaction to seeing keeley hawes.mp4".
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richardarmitagefanpage · 10 months
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louk419 · 8 months
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Jan 21, 2024 -- It's Global Hug Day 🫂 Squeeze the ones you love ❤️
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I finally watched The Handsome Stranger (Vicar of Dibley). I'm unable to break the RA addiction. The episode actually made me unwell, imagining if true love could be that pure and easy. Damn it Geraldine and Harry are so adorable and relationship goals...
G is convinced she's going to hate this townie tosser and then she sees his sweet face and thinks whoops
their first conversation is about books that's just dreamy and H likes Birdsong and G likes Jane Austen
they're both so forward with their flirting but also light-hearted
H thinks vicars are sexy but doesn't know G is the vicar which is perfect
first date = dinner
they deceive each other about their jobs but it just enhances the date
G gets straight down on her knees and begs God when she gets home because she wants H so bad
H can't stop coming back to the door to see her again and tell her it was lovely and he hangs there looking at her like she's his world
G sets out the rules for no kisses until date 3 and they're open and and joking and clearly saying they like each other
they're both so elated by their relationship that everything around them looks wonderful
G spots H walking in the distance and sprints to be able to catch up and be with him
second date = holding hands on a village walk
third date = H turning up at G's house while she's watching Sense and Sensibility
they talk about how romantic the end of Sense and Sensibility is
H really cheats the date system so that he can tell G he's owed a kiss
the soft goodbye kiss at the door causes bodily shut down
they both smile constantly in each other's company and when they part ways they keep smiling to themselves
H is nervous about proposing and had to discuss it with his sister and worried if it was too soon and he's so innocently pleased when it appears the answer is yes
the Sense and Sensibility parallels as G fears H is engaged to someone else and then makes the improbable sound when she finds out otherwise
G runs off screaming when she realises H wants to marry her which is extremely valid
H says I loved you as soon as I laid eyes on you and we're absolutely meant to be together and we will always be happy
The other episode may well make me sob inconsolably.
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ami-ven · 7 months
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Happy 26th Wedding Anniversary, Alice & Hugo Horton!
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 4 months
Disembodied Souls
Characters: Harry Kennedy x OC Iara Chepi (Guale Native American)
Lyn's Writing Event - Week 3 - Day 18
Part 1.
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May 18th: Week 3: Indigenous
Characters: Harry Kennedy x OC Guale Iara Chepi  (ghost lady of the water)
Fandom: Richard Armitage – Harry Kennedy – Vicar of Dibley
The characters of Harry Kennedy and Geraldine Granger were created for television by Paul Mayhew-Archer and Richard Curtis
Word Count: 2k
Location: Savannah, GA – river valley  (modern times)
Warnings: dreams, hallucinations, out of body, consciousness altering, ghosts, anxiety, panic attack, disorientation, kissing,
            Harry and Geraldine had arrived in the US without much incident. The Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia  was vast and took some getting used to for Geraldine. Harry was doting and casual as they strode through customs and made it to the rental car. Harry offered to drive, and Geraldine insisted she wanted to learn.
“Harry, I think if I’m going to be here, I should learn something.” Geraldine said.
Harry chuckled, “I just think it might be better if we hired someone to drive us to Savannah”
Geraldine looked at him perturbed, “Do you want to drive?” she queried standing at the rental counter. Harry shrugged and looked at Geraldine with fondness, “No love, I don’t really, but I will if you want me to.” Geraldine smiled, and they kissed in front of the clerk. Geraldine smiled back at the clerk, “Yes, we will need a car, please, thank you.” The clerk finished their reservation and directed them out into a parking lot. Geraldine took the keys and paperwork and Harry walked her out. They walked up the stalls looking for the one marked Kennedy, and placed their bags in the trunk of the car. Geraldine started the car, adjusting the seat and looking at all the gadgets in the dash.
“Oh my, there is a lot here to distract oneself isn’t there. She looked at the smooth paneled screen in the middle of the console, “Oh look Harry you can watch telly on this its so big, my lord.” Harry smiled in a chuckle, “I think we can use it for navigation.” He turned it on, and searched the menu, plugging in the host hotels coordinates. Geraldine had set the keys down in the cup holder and pushed the “start” button by the steering wheel. The engine fired up and she pulled out hesitantly out of the stall.
25 minutes later, they were on the round about highway system in Atlanta, heading southeast towards Savannah. The GPS read out that they would reach their destination in about 4 hours. Geraldine let out a big sigh, “Boy they certainly make a girl travel don’t they?”  Harry nodded, “Yes 4 hours plus the flight, we will have traveled nearly 24 hours since we left home. It will be nice to get some fresh air and a good rest. Good thing we flew in early.” Harry checked the itinerary on his phone, “Your meetings start at 9 am tomorrow.” Geraldine rolled her eyes, “Well at least we can find some dinner on the way,”
They stopped for a bite and made it to their hotel by 10 pm local time. There bodies were worn down and they both crashed in their clothes, flopping down on top of the covers as soon as they entered the room.
The next morning Geraldine roused and kissed Harry on the cheek, “Wakey wakey, sleepy head.” Harry groaned and rolled over, “Oh gosh, did we sleep like this all night?” he asked. Geraldine looked at him, “Yeah we did.” Harry stretched and started taking off his jacket, shirt and pants. Geraldine was already dressed and ready. Harry looked at her, “What time is it?” He looked at his watch, realizing he hadn’t shifted it yet, and looked to the nightstand clock. It was 830 am.
Geraldine yawned a bit, and kissed him, “I’m going to grab a spot of breakfast, are you joining me?” she said, looking at him in his shorts, and winking.
Harry looked down at himself, “Best not. I will catch up with you at lunch though, ya?”
Geraldine, “Fair enough. See you then, love you.” Harry blew her a kiss and headed for the shower.
After an adequate shower and a change of clothes, Harry headed out of the hotel for a stroll. He had heard there was a lovely park along the river nearby, so he started walking. About a block away is a very large colonial cemetery, Harry walked along its edge, humming a tune that he didn’t know. It was mid-morning, and the sun lit up the place in vibrance. Harry kept walking despite the gates being open for tourists.
Harry continued through the bustle of the city and towards his destination, Emmet Park, a brilliant stroll through large Oak trees, where Spanish moss hung in ominous drafts across the long lateral branches. The park was sparse of people and Harry happily strolled through it. Stopping by one of the large oaks, to rest a bit. He closed his eyes a mere second and fell straight asleep, his head tucking into his chest, his long legs crossed and outstretched, not quite blocking the pathway for others.
Harry looked like a temperance painting propped against the trunk of the tree. The sun went behind the clouds and the moss seemed to grow deeper and grey in the paling of the light. The moss grew closer to him, surrounding him, Harry was dreaming already. Or was he?
Harry saw a lone figure near the edge of the water. She rose from the riverbed, water soaking her clothes, but not sheeting off. She had dark black hair, and hollow eyes. She walked slowly through the park, towards Harry’s sleeping form by the towering old oak. Harry fell deeper into sleep, and his body slumped against the ground to his side. His form flattening the patch of grass he was on. The woman approached him, in her shroud of garments, it matched her greying skin, and Harry could see her, even though his body was asleep. Harry started to panic a bit. How could he be looking at himself, he thought. How was he out of his body?
The sky was billowing white, and the trees were bright green, and the moss was growing, the ominous feeling crept into Harry’s consciousness, making him shudder. Harry’s body still lay slumped on the ground. Passersby gave him no notice. And Harry couldn’t feel his chest, he touched his chest, and he couldn’t feel his heart. But his mind was alive with worry and panic.
He tried to breathe, but he couldn’t feel his breath. He closed his eyes to gather his wits, but that didn’t change what he was feeling, or how he was floating above the scene watching it play out. The woman touched down to the earth, and slowly approached Harry’s limp body. She leaned down, brushing her lips against his, and Harry watched, absolutely horrified and intrigued in the same moment. The moments ticked by, as she moved closer to Harry’s body, and laid against it, rolling him over onto his back. Her dampness wearing a stain against his trousers and shirt. She moaned against him, in a way that wasn’t unnatural to Harry’s boyish ears. It just seemed misplaced in this moment.
She pressed herself further into him, and Harry shuddered as she entered his body, a coarse light opened up from his heart center, and the spectre poured inside him. The light flashed close and left his body intact, although a bit damp.
Harry’s eyes on the ground shot open, and someone was touching Harry’s chest, but it wasn’t Harry. The spectre, the woman was inside Harry’s body now. Their souls were switched, Harry, mouthed the word no, as he was unable to speak. Unable to gasp, unable to pound on his chest and wake himself up from this nightmare. The figure below, that was himself, touched his chest, and smoothed out his shirt, then smiled beguilingly and looked up towards Harry at the branch of the tree. The eyes weren’t Harry’s they flashed a dark grey then to black, then back to brilliant blue, within an instant.
Harry watched himself stand up, stretch and start to walk away, but where was he/she going?
Harry started to panic feeling his grip slipping away as his body walked away from him. Then he felt a pull to this new form he was in, it passed through the air like a wind and swept him along, several feet above his now strolling body. He was still connected, an instant of elation swept over him. He could still get back in, if he could figure out how. Now as an incorporeal entity himself thoughts Geraldine’s discussion about the afterlife and souls sprang up, as his new softened form was being more or less dragged down the street by an unseen tether of consciousness.
The Spectre strutted down the street, smiling at various people on the sidewalk, and winking at quite a few people too. Harry cringed to see that, and kept his gaze firm, trying to deduce how to get back into himself. The Spectre heads back in the direction of the hotel, and enters the lobby. Geraldine is in the lobby on a break, looking for Harry. The Spectre sees a large woman looking at Harry expectantly and reacts in a normal fashion, opening Harry’s arms to her. Geraldine hugs Harry appreciatively. And the Spectre whispers into Geraldine’s ear, but Harry cannot hear it from his place above them. He watches Geraldine stiffen, and then look at Harry disapprovingly. Harry puts his non-existent hand to his nonexistent face in wonder.
Geraldine steps away from Harry, trying to smile, “Harry, we can’t. I still have more meetings to go to, maybe later, you cad,” that gorgeous smile of hers ringing through. Harry melted from above, he really loved that lady. The Spectre must have said something graphic, he wished he knew what it was.
Geraldine took Harry by the hand and led him to lunch. Geraldine watched as Harry looked at the food with such eagerness, and watched everyone around them, eating slowly and savoring bites. “Harry, are you sure you are alright?” Geraldine asked.
The Spectre looked at her, “yeah, yes, I think the fresh air made me, more hungry”, he responded. Harry could hear that from above and realized that the Spectre must have been without a vessel for sometime and was now reveling in being able to do human things again.
Harry thought to himself, “I guess that is kind of sweet, although disrespectful to take someone’s body like this.”
The group finished lunch, Geraldine gave Harry a brisk kiss, and then headed for a conference room. The Specter, putting her hand in Harry’s pocket found a key card, looked at it puzzled and decided to wander around the hotel a bit. Harry floating above her/him, them, tried to think how to get them to talk to him. How could he communicate to them. Could he lure them to a mirror or a room or something?
“Think, Harry think. There has got to be a way to get their attention”
The Spectre looked up at the ceiling then, locking eyes with Harry, and grinning devilishly, the eyes shifting again to black. Harry shuddered, knowingly. The Spectre found a staircase and walked up it, opening doors and walking through corridors calmly. Harry of course followed without preamble. Harry tried to think if there was a way to talk to it through his mind, presuming that his body still had some grasp of that. Figuring it was the thought that brought about the response, he was hopeful, and told the Spectre to use the card to get into the room down the hall. Harry noticed they were on the correct floor for his and Geraldine’s room.
The Spectre nodded and removed the key card from Harry’s pants pocket, Harry though hard to indicate to hold it up along the door handle. The door clicked and the Spectre turned the handle slowly, entering the room. The Spectre looked around, as if expecting to see someone else in there. Harry kind of chagrinned, the Spectre set the key card down on the dresser and stood facing the mirror. Harry was hovering above it, and somehow, he felt the ability to just shift down to the floor, near it at least.
(part 2 in the new week)
Taglist: @scariusaquarius
@enchantzz @sweetestgbye @middleearthpixie @legolasbadass @lathalea @riepu10 @evenstaredits @amylupotter
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whitestnoise · 8 months
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The Vicar of Dibley 1x2 - Songs of Praise
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alberta-sunrise · 1 year
Just need the ground to swallow me up now… 😫
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kiralou02 · 9 months
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I love old British comedies…
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frosteee · 4 months
A new vicar arrives...
[As a downpour rages over the tiny village of Dibley, Kurt Wagner bangs on the door of the Head of the Dibley Parish Council, David Horton, almost invisible under his raincoat.] Kurt: Hallo? Hallo, could you hurry? It's raining very hard now, please! [Horton opens the door] Kurt: Hallo, guten Abend! David Honderson - uh, Horsey! Horton: Horton. Kurt: Horton! Could you take these [hands over his bags] while I... [He heads outside to pick up the rest of his bags and say goodbye to the taxi driver before heading back into Councillor Horton's hallway.] Kurt, shaking hands: Hello, I'm Kurt, I believe you're expecting me. [David Horton notices Kurt's hand, and a terrible realisation dawns.] [Kurt goes to take his coat off, his back turned.] Horton: No, I'm expecting our new vicar. Unless of course, you are the new vicar and they've landed us with a mutant [laughs desperately] as some sort of insane joke. [Laughs more] Kurt, turning round: Oh...dear. Horton, recoiling: OH - my God! Kurt: You were expecting an old codger - cane, cataracts, non-X-rated chromosones. Horton: Yes, that sort of thing. Kurt: And instead you got a dashing rogue with a regular cut and rippling abs. Kurt: Oh, and a tail. [Councillor David Horton is too horrified to speak.] Kurt: Well, don't worry, it'll be alright. You look like you need a stiff drink. So do I. Komm, mein freund.
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havithreatendub4 · 10 months
Dawn French talking to Chris Evans about the time that Johnny Depp appeared in #The Vicar Of Dibley for Comic Relief #interview
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louk419 · 6 months
Richard does weddings so well 🤵🏻‍♂️👰🏻‍♀️ it's a shame he hasn't gotten married more often on screen. 🥂
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy 58th Birthday, Geraldine Granger!
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