#Vicey's Charas
freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 8
Part 7
Honestly my favorite sentence in this entire project is the last one in the first paragraph
Anyways here’s a beatdown
TW: Room-destructive beatdown, demon, post-beating exhaustion, non-graphic wounds (wounds are less like lacerations and more like dents)
The movement was effortless, almost graceful. With every swing of his arm, Jeff slammed Aidel into the walls, the floor, the ceiling. Every time he hit the dirt, he left a bastard-shaped hole in his wake, and Jeff loved it.
He wasn’t satisfied until he had used the boy to break every piece of furniture to bits. Panting heavily, he finally coaxed his ropes to bring the boy closer. He held Aidel suspended in the air in front of him, eyebrows furrowed as he admired his battered handiwork. 
Aidel was beyond squirming now, panting as he was finally allowed to recover. His head hung limp, as did the rest of his body. Jeff grabbed a fistful of that black hair and yanked it back to get a nice, long look at the pained exhaustion on his face.
“Let’s not dally, Callahan,” Gildenhos called out. “Restrain him.”
Jeff huffed. “He is restrained. But if you insist.”
Not bothering to use his ropes, he engulfed Aidel’s face in his hand. He turned, slamming the back of Aidel’s head into the ground, making the boy’s entire body jolt. He waited to hear a groan of pain and watch those red eyes open. Only then did he lift his hand away, raking his claws deeply into the boy’s face as he did. “Oops.”
The “wounds” left as Jeff lifted his hand away were more like dents than anything. Deep, angry scores were left in Aidel’s face, but his skin hadn’t broken just yet. The boy hissed lowly, but turned a heavy glare towards the demon standing above him.
Jeff wasn’t impressed, huffing as he put a foot onto the boy’s chest. “You’re going to die, you little brat,” he spat, baring his fangs at Aidel. “It’s over. I have the upper hand.”
Aidel laughed, smiling teasingly tilting his head. “Do you?”
As Jeff furrowed eyebrows, Aidel’s chest heaved beneath him. For one second, he could see the boy leaning up beneath his foot, blowing towards his face. A gust strong as a hurricane blasted into his face, bowling him head over heels into the air. The winds engulfed him, burning every inch of his body they could reach, and he screamed as he was overwhelmed.
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
Hello Again (Superhero AU)
Our Superhero AU went from really lighthearted to very, very sad...
TW: parental death mention, murder mention, broken friendship
Derek squealed and jumped. He turned around to see who had spoken, but nobody was there. “I- Selena?”
“You never had to be all quiet, you know?”
Another frightened squeal erupted from Derek as he turned back around. There she was. Selena Mavis, in the flesh. The girl he had been avoiding for almost three years now. He hadn’t planned on changing that anytime soon, but…
“So how was your date?” she asked, crossing her arms. “I hear you and Cora are still going steady. Was the movie great?”
Gulping, Derek clapped his hands together. “Uh– Yeah,” he said, a little louder than he meant to. “Saw it in IMAX. Great film.”
The look on her face made him wish that he still knew her as well as he used to. “Good,” she whispered. “Good.”
They sat for a few moments, staring at each other. Derek waited a few agonizing moments before clearing his throat and stepping back. “Uh– I should be getting home now– It was nice seeing you–”
“Don’t,” Selena said, holding her hand up. “Don’t do that, like we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow like old times. We both know that’s not going to happen.”
Lowering his head, Derek turned away so he wouldn’t have to face her head on. “Look… Selena,” he mumbled. “Why are you here? We… We don’t–”
“Don’t what?” she laughed humorlessly. “Hang out? I noticed. Believe me.
“So why?” she asked. “Why did you start avoiding me? I… I thought we were friends.”
“I–” Derek groaned, running his hands over his face. “Maybe,” he said. “I don’t know, maybe I was scared. Really, really scared.”
“Scared of what?” Selena asked. “Of who? Me?”
Derek’s stare was piercing. “... Yeah,” he finally said. “I think it’s safe to say that I am.”
Her face fell. Somehow, she hadn’t been expecting that. Maybe she wanted him to lie, or to say nothing…
“Why are you surprised?” Derek scoffed. He gestured around at the empty alleyway. “Look what you’ve done. Look what you did back then!”
Selena looked away. “... I’m a different person, now-”
“You killed people, Selena!” Derek practically yelled, struggling to keep his voice down as he stepped unconsciously closer to her. “You killed so many people! Do you fucking understand that?”
Shutting her eyes, Selena took a deep breath. William had said Derek was avoiding the news and all that, she remembered, there was no way he would know how dangerous it was for her to lose control. 
“That’s… of course I do,” she muttered, kicking at a rock. 
“Do you?” Derek asked quietly, moving to try and catch her gaze. “Selena - they’re gone. Gone, gone. No matter what they did to you…”
“You know how much that shit hurt me.” Selena’s voice trembled as she shut her eyes. “They fucking deserved it.”
She finally looked back up at Derek. He looked like he didn’t know whether to be scared, or furious, or just… sad. 
“No, Selena. The people that bullied you when we were younger did not deserve to die. None of them.”
Her teeth clenched, and she put a hand to her forehead. It felt wet - it wasn’t raining. She was getting too emotional, she was getting too close to the edge.
“You even killed a mother,” Derek said quietly. “You… I can’t believe you-”
“That kid was safer elsewhere!” Selena yelled, stepping forward. Reaching a tense arm up, she pointed out at the city. “No mom like that, that bully, ever deserves to be around a kid! Never!”
“She grew up, Selena!” Derek shouted back, throwing his arms out to the sides. “This isn’t like a recess fight, you killed her for something that happened years ago!”
“And now it’ll never happen again,” she hissed. “Not from her, and not from any of the other ones.”
“Half of them grew out of it, Selena! At least! You killed people for things they stopped doing, and never did again!”
“That doesn’t mean the hurt goes away! That doesn’t mean they get away with it, they can always go back!”
“So, what, you killed them? Killed them so they never have a chance to redeem themselves!?”
“They already had their chances! What about me, huh!? How about how my life ended up from what they did! They don’t say ‘sorry,’ and they get a nice life and I don’t!? They-”
Selena was cut off. A gust of wind slammed into her like a sledgehammer, and she flew backwards until she rolled to a stop on the ground.
With a groan, she rolled back to her front, pushing herself up with one arm as she wrapped the other around her torso. She definitely had bruises from the concrete, and she would have to be checked over for more.
She lifted her head, her vision beginning to clear as she saw somebody land next to Derek, someone with long blonde hair, touching his arm softly, murmuring to him. Fuck.
Cora turned around, her eyes landing on Selena. Her eyes turned from that ice and cobalt blue to a full glowing white, and she lifted her hands towards the crumpled figure on the ground. “Don’t come any closer,” she warned. “I won’t let you hurt him.”
A hiss escaped Selena’s teeth as she bared them at Cora. “I would never. Harm. Him.”
“Tell that to Jeff.”
Selena grit her teeth. She could feel them growing sharp. She didn’t care. “Jeff is different,” she growled. “Jeff tricked me, he led me on for years. Derek is-”
“What?” Cora said flatly, stepping closer to her. “Your friend? Someone you trust? You treated everybody like shit and threw them away when they came to help you. You thought you would act differently around Derek?”
“Yes!” Selena shrieked, getting up to her hands and knees. It was starting to rain, droplets falling over her face and hair, mingling with the blank ink down the side of her face. “He’s my friend, he cares, he-”
“You attacked him in his own home!”
“I attacked Will!” Selena screamed, sitting up as she clenched her fists. “I attacked Will, he was there, he’s dangerous, I couldn’t-!”
The two looked at Derek. His chest was heaving, and he had his hands clutched to his hair. “Just- STOP!” he shouted again, shutting his eyes. He shook his head violently before he looked at Selena again, pointing at her. 
“You-” he swallowed. “We are not friends. Not anymore. Not after you turned your back on everything we were.”
Selena’s heart dropped in her chest. The rain was pouring harder, now, drenching them all and making it hard to hear.
“... Come on,” Cora said quietly, putting a hand onto Derek’s shoulder. “Let’s go home.”
“... Hey…” Selena looked up. She saw her hand reach out to them as they began to turn away, but she couldn’t feel anything but the rain. “Hey, we’re not done-”
“You’ve done enough!” Cora snapped, glaring over her shoulder at the girl. “You’ve hurt him enough! Now go away!”
Selena could only watch numbly as they walked away, Cora covering Derek with her jacket to shield him from the rain. Selena’s own coat was getting soaked, the ends laying on the ground as she knelt there.
“... I…” She couldn’t tell whether or not it was the rain taking her body over with the cold, or the creature taking her body over with the madness again. “... What about me?”
Trembling, she lowered her head to the ground, holding it between her hands like it would explode. She stared wide-eyed at the concrete, propped up on her elbows. The only warmth she could feel now were her tears.
“... He hurt me,” she whispered. “What about me?”
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just-a-few-prompts · 4 years
25, 22, and 9
9.) Current WIP
oh god I still have to write Derek’s date
he’s so pure
I have never been on an actual date despite having several boyfriends
what the hell do people do on dates I need to make a poll aaaaaaaaaaaaH
22.) Who is/are your favorite pairings to write?
Mmmmmm with my own characters? If you see my VIcey’s Chara Masterpost on @drabblesofrapture , there’s a guy named William there. He is not originally from Rapture. Neither is Toni! For like several years I’ve been daydreaming of different AUs of how they get together, because I was getting sick of making Toni pine desperately for Derek (they were from the same series, and he never ends up loving her the same way). So that’s technically my favorite pairing, and I love writing little angsty snippets of them in AUs.
That being said I’ve got some crackship fics I gotta post there and it’ll be great!
25.) Favorite part of writing
The action. The emotions. The fear.
When I was young, I read a lot. I read a lot about kids going through some pretty angsty fantastical worlds. I learned so much from reading a variety of things; wit, how people might react in certain situations. It really saved me as a kid who was bullied pretty much the entirety of elementary and middle school and really refrained from talking to people in high school. I only talk to one friend from high school now, and have very few close friends despite being in several communities.
What got me through all of that - the loneliness, the wondering - was introspection. Not always by wondering what I would do in a situation, but by putting characters in that situation.
So, I dedicate my time to the description of feelings and tension. I don’t just want the reader to see.I want the reader to feel. I want to give a vivid experience into the worlds of fear, of pain, of happiness, of strain, and of pure, pure wonder. No matter how vicious the view, I want the character’s experience to be clear, as if the reader lived their life. In the moments of description, of held breath, tight chests, and shaky hands reached out to careful, steady ones, I want the reader to be there.
I love writing so that the reader can experience the characters as if it were their own memories. It’s how I survived, and I can’t be the only one who loves fiction and fantasies this way, these deep daydreams. Even if others don’t do the same, I want to share it, just an inch. It’s a wonderful feeling.
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 7
Part 6
TW: Acidic smoke/Chemical burns, gun violence, demons, blood, them mfers be fighting + with magic to boot
“Keep your filth off of me!” Aidel snarled as a spike of smoke spiked towards Jeff. They were in the thick of combat now, flying and swinging around the room. Between Jeff’s blood and Aidel’s smoke, none of the minors could get a shot in - everything between them was a blur. Every few seconds a desk would splinter, or a filing cabinet would get smashed in. Gildenhos had ordered them to put their guns away. Jeff was fighting, Jeff could handle it.
He stabbed a rope outwards, but it slammed into the wall. Aidel had flown out of the way, responding by whipping a tendril of smoke into the demon. Jeff growled as the smoke burned his skin - was it acid or heat? They had never gotten a full analysis of his powers. It was making things difficult.
"Shouldn't have trusted- you-!" he snarled, his voice distorted now that it had no Glamour. He stabbed his ropes into the ceiling, then swung. His claws were extended to catch Aidel mid-air,but Jeff found his hands embedded in the dirt of the ceiling.
“Oh, never,” Aidel mocked him, holding his hands out. His smoke slashed against Jeff’s bare back, making the demon hiss in pain. Aidel’s teeth grit into each other as he grinned, sending more tendrils to wrap around Jeff’s torso.
He never got the chance - Jeff tensed as he saw the smoke coming, and ropes exploded around him to cover him like a bowl against the ceiling. The smoke made his blood hiss as it began to bubble, but Jeff was getting used to the feeling.
Aidel had to turn his attention away - one of the minors had ignored the order to put their gun away, firing at him. He sniffed as he waved the bullet off-course with a small gust from his palm. Hadn’t they noticed how useless those guns were by now? It wasn’t like any of them had hit him, they only hit Je-
Distracted once again. His eyes widened as a black, wet-sounding rope shot out just a hair’s breadth from his nose. Jerking back, he redirected the winds to hurl towards Jeff once more. 
The demon was lunging from the ceiling when he looked back, one arm creating a shield of blood that blocked the smoke from touching his skin directly. Smart, Aidel could admit, but the air was decidedly his domain. All it took was a slight redirection, and the gales slammed straight down onto the edge of Jeff’s makeshift defense. The impact made Jeff flip off-course, slamming face-first into an overturned desk.
With a triumphant laugh, Aidel turned to the pile of hellspawn surrounding his prize. So much of the girl’s blood had been wasted, now, soaking into the ground. He could only hope that the ungodly amount of blood her system produced would be enough for the summoning.
Taking care of the minors would be easy enough. He used a single tendril to strike at the minor that had shot at him, heavily burning their arms so they couldn’t even hold the gun, let alone fire it. The shout of pain left a grin on the corner of his lips.
The tendril became a cloud, almost hand-like as it darted towards the group of minors. Burning Selena would be fine, as long as her blood wasn’t tainted. She didn’t need to be intact.
A blue, transparent bubble phased into existence around the group, making his smoke whisk harmlessly over the surface - and over them. He growled to himself as he scanned to see which one had done it. A familiar red scarf showed itself dully against the blue; it was that paranoid vampire boy, staring wide-eyed back at him as he cradled the girl. 
Aidel sniffed. Of course it would be the boy who almost ruined everything that decided to be one last hurdle.
Rolling his eyes, he lifted one hand, beginning to curl the cloud over the shield. There was a hissing sound as the boy flinched. Good - the shield could be connected physically to the boy’s pain. If he could make it just painful enough-
He ripped his hand back with a hiss, swiping his other hand across to blow away the fire another demon had summoned. No - not just a demon. It was one of the girl’s siblings. The Greed dragon - he’d lit the smoke on fire with a single breath, his cool, steady gaze burning silently into Aidel.
His teeth grit hard against each other. Great. A Patron, healers, shields. All the things he didn’t want to deal with. This was supposed to be easy.
Oh, and there was the other damned demon.
A black rope wrapped around Aidel’s torso, dragging him down with a steel grip. He started to wave his hand, but he was tackled-midair into the wall, creating a crater that shook the room.
“Got you,” Jeff hissed before wrapping Aidel’s hands to his sides with more ropes. As Aidel squirmed from the impact, coughing to regain his breath, Jeff stepped back, lifting him out from the rubble. He wrapped the ropes around his hand, gripping them tightly in his fist.
Gildenhos only slightly tilted his head towards the minor that approached him, running up from the hallway. “I trust you’ve informed my father about what’s going on?”
“Yes, sir!” The minor nodded. “He’s very wrapped up trying to get away from the crowd, sir. They’re trying to get Belial into position as we speak. Do I need to go back and tell him to hurry?”
“No,” he replied, turning completely forward with a nod. “There’s no hurry. Jeff has the situation handled.”
Part 8
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 6
Part 5
We are getting closer to the part where I got stuck...
TW: Lots of blood, blood loss, knife mention, demon mention (don’t worry, the minors mean minor demons, not actual minors)
Selena was now lying where Jeff and Gildenhos had stood, breathing hard. There was a minor healing her, then another, and another. They kept appearing in flashes of flames, stumbling in confusion as orders were barked at them. She couldn’t tell what was going on.
A few seconds later, there was a yelp as somebody was teleported in who had been lying down. Pages flipped wildly as they dropped their book. With a groan, he sat up. “What the-”
“Comfort her. She needs healing,” Gildenhos said quickly before disappearing again.
“... What…” Derek suddenly caught the scent of blood, and his breath hitched in his throat as he looked around. There was a group of minors here, maybe seven, clamoring over… somebody. When he lifted his hand, he realized he recognized that spaded tail laying on the floor.
“Oh, my god-” He scrambled over to her head, hands already glowing with healing magic. “Oh my god, what happened!?”
She could barely focus, head lolling back and forth. One of the healers grabbed his wrist and placed it on her shoulder. “She’s lost a lot of blood,” they said quickly. “I think somebody was trying to use it in a ceremony. She needs to heal, a lot.”
A small whine from Selena drew his attention then, and he looked her over to try and figure out what was going on. He saw one of the minors holding the blade still in her stomach, the massive amount of blood soaking her front. Her eyelids were fluttering, so he carefully lifted her head and placed it on his lap. “It’s okay, Selena, just stay awake,” he murmured, shaking her a bit. At the small whimper, he nodded, going back to healing her. “There you go… everything’ll be fine. It’ll be fine.”
A crash to his side made him jump in surprise, and his gaze jerked over to the room behind him.
Part 7
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 2
Part 1
The journey into Rapture CONTINUES with some more MAGIC FANTASY WHUMP
TW; Stabbing, Ceremonial blood ritual hinted at, Demon mention, Gun/Bullets mention
"Yes, of course. I know." Jeff nodded as he replied to a minor demon. He was taking complaints in the Den, arms crossed as he walked into one of the office rooms with the group. "I don't mean to brush you off - I do understand your concerns, but we've already-”
A huge crash suddenly drew everybody's attention, and a couple of minors shouted in surprise, jumping back. The light on the ceiling was swinging, and Jeff felt several ropes and ribbons already creeping out from his back. He narrowed his eyes at the cracked desk, and the two figures on top of it. One of them had purple skin - was it Belial? No, this one had black hair. And the other-
"Jeff!" Selena pushed herself up from the desk, holding an arm to her stomach. Her eyes were wide, her chest heaving. She started to get up, trying to crawl towards him. "Je-"
She didn't get the chance to finish her plea. With a grunt, she was flung hard into the ground, where she hit her back with a cry of pain. Her arm was wrenched away from her stomach on impact, and Jeff saw it. She was bleeding, and an ornate handle was sticking out of her stomach.
He could feel his scleras turning black as he turned to the other figure, who was standing up and brushing themselves off. "You!"
Red eyes met Jeff’s as Aidel adjusted his jacket. With a soft 'tch,' he lifted his hands.
"Open fire!" Jeff shouted, shooting a rope towards Aidel as well, but it was too late. With a flick of his hands, Aidel summoned a dark purple fog around him that swirled into a sphere. Jeff was pushed back by the force of the wind, and everything was blown off of the desks in the room. The wind was already going fast enough that the liquid of Jeff's rope was being sucked away by the shield. He shouted, retracting the rope and clutching his hand to his chest.
The minors that could were shooting at Aidel, but the sphere didn't show any signs of relenting. The wind seemed to catch the bullets, diverting them away. Selena was still on the ground, trying to regain her bearings. She was trying to sit up, but she couldn't. The knife was slipped into her abdomen - if she moved it any more, she'd injure herself. 
“Selena, stay still!" Jeff tried to run to her, but a tendril of smoke whipped out from the sphere. It slammed into his stomach like a car, sending him flying into the wall. He fell to the floor, hitting his shoulder on the ground with a shout of pain. He coughed as he sat up, looking back at the scene between the desks. Another tendril wrapped around Selena's torso, yanking her into an opening in the sphere. All he could glimpse was Aidel's wicked grin as the hole closed, silencing Selena's scream. 
Part 2
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt 5
Part 4
I separated this drabble into chapter after chapter to be able to drag it out when I wrote it; I lost the chapter titles, but thankfully not the ability to switch POVs cleanly.
TW: lady whump, big stomach wound (stab wound with the knife in it gets knocked to become a bigger wound), LOTS of blood splash, gun violence, fists to the face
The change was sudden. One second, she was suspended in the air, losing more blood than she thought she ever could. In the next second, she was falling, four legs underneath her instead of the floor. Her blood covered their bodies in a sickening splash, and she let out a small cry.
Aidel noticed that she was down, and as he struggled with the other, he drove his knee into the handle of the dagger. It tore a larger wound in her stomach, and she couldn't help but shriek out in pain.
"You fucking bastard-!" Jeff punched Aidel across the face, and the male grunted as the other minor demons began to shoot at them. A few stray bullets hit Jeff, but he didn't care, straddling Aidel and slamming his fists into his face. Ribbons exploded from his wounds to wrap into messy bandages around his torso. Aidel was struggling to retaliate, stuck blocking his face against the assault.
Selena could barely tell what was going on, struggling to sit up. Faintly, she could hear Gildenhos ordering the minors to hold their fire. A pair of hands hooked under her shoulders, and she was pulled away with a soft whimper of fear.
With a snarl, Aidel thrust his fists forward into Jeff’s neck, trying to break his windpipe. The impact only made him falter backwards, clutching his throat, but it was enough. In another push, Aidel had summoned more smoke, using it to throw the demon off. He panted heavily, gripping his arms as he rolled to his side.
“You…” he growled as he stood. Tendrils of smoke exploded from his back, red blotches burning angrily against the purple. His arms shook from effort as he flexed them by his ribs, and his eyes were ablaze with fury. “You will not interrupt again!”
Jeff grit his teeth, his fangs erupting as he dropped his Glamour. Gone were the red eyes, the dress shirt and vest. Now, his skin was grey, and he had no shirt. In its place was a piece of brown leather armor that covered the left side of his chest, padded with white fur. His horns, smooth and bull-like, burned into place on either side of his skull and curved into tips that ended just below his eyes. The mad flare of his eye glow disappeared under a brown, mask-like cover rimmed with gold that covered his eyes completely. As black ropes erupted from his back to rival Aidel’s display of force, a deep, animalistic roar erupted from his throat. He was ready.
Part 6
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
The Empress’s Pawn (Superhero AU)
Hey kiddos, been awhile since we’ve posted. Anyway have yet another scene from our superhero au lol. -Mod Dusty
CW: prison setting, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, betrayal
The hallway seemed to stretch out infinitely before Roxanne. From above her came the constant buzz from the harshly glowing lights, a sound that invaded each thought that raced through her mind. Off-white brick walls stared down at her from either side, occasionally interrupted by doors or another hallway branching off from this one. The numerous branching paths made the whole place seem like a maze; a design choice intentionally made to confuse any possible intruders or escapees, making it easy for them to become lost and later captured by the guard patrol. While Jeff’s facility overall was very impressive, the prison block where Roxanne now found herself in had to be her least favorite place within its walls.
The thud of her boots echoed loudly down the corridor as she walked, her cape billowing behind her. One arm clutched a folder full of documents tightly to her chest while the other was raised to her face to wipe a bit of sweat away from around the edges of her mask. It felt rather silly to have to wear her suit around the facility, especially when it caused her inconveniences; such as her cape becoming caught in doors or getting snagged on various things. In hindsight, maybe the cape wasn’t a great idea for her new hero persona. Wardrobe malfunctions aside, bearing with it was far better than risking the exposure of her identity. 
She kept her pace quick, her footsteps keeping a steady beat. Her gaze was locked dead ahead of her, not even giving a second glance to the few guards and staff members whom she passed along the way. Their waves and friendly greetings went unexpectedly unanswered, leading to many raised eyebrows and double takes. She stopped for nothing. Two guards stood in the middle of the hallway casually talking to each other and she briskly stepped around them without missing a beat. No hellos, no wishing anyone a wonderful day, she just kept walking. She had places to be today.
After a series of twists and turns down the labyrinthine complex of corridors and a lengthy security checkpoint, Roxanne eventually came before a huge steel door with a sign above it which read “MAXIMUM SECURITY CELL BLOCK.” On either side of the door were guards carrying heavy assault rifles and dressed in high-tech suits of armor; armor modeled directly after the former Hero Killer’s suit. They both snapped to attention as she approached, most likely former henchmen of her father. She simply held up a hand to put them at ease and pulled out her keycard to insert in the reader on the door’s right side. A pneumatic hiss emitted from the door as it suddenly lurched open an inch before slowly sliding the rest of the way open. She waited for the door to open completely and for the guards to give her the go-ahead before she finally stepped through. 
The cell block was a long hall with a high, arched ceiling. The walls were lined with -you guessed it- cells! In lieu of the traditional metal bars, the cell doors were made of reinforced plexiglass, allowing the villains imprisoned within to be fully visible to the guards. Many of the prisoners leered at Roxanne as she passed, getting right up against the glass and making obscene gestures at her and shouting their usual empty threats. 
Like everyone else, she completely ignored them. Occasionally she’d shoot them the cold glare her father had taught her -that would usually shut them up immediately- but not today. She kept walking until she reached the end of the hall where she came before another large steel door. This door was much bigger and thicker than the first door, resembling that of a vault door. Six guards stood in front of this door, all wearing the same high tech armor as the guards at the entrance to the cell block. However, these guards had been outfitted with advanced rifles specially designed for super powered individuals, all sporting the trademark Collinsworth logo. As Roxanne approached, all six guards moved to block her path.
The first guard held out his hand towards her. “You’re not authorized past this point, Ms. Witch.”
“Dude, it’s Mrs. Witch now!” another guard corrected. “Didn’t you know she got married to that Angel guy recently?”
“Gary, what have I said about your mouth and keeping it shut?” The first guard scolded, turning around to shoot what Roxanne assumed to be a scathing look at his comrade. She couldn’t really tell because of the helmets.
Gary cast his gaze at the floor and let his arms hang dejectedly at his sides. The guard next to him patted his shoulder consolingly.
“Like I said, you can’t be here.”
Roxanne stared indifferently at him as she fished around in the folder she was holding. With a flourish, she pulled a document out of it and presented it to the guard standing before her. “I am here to interrogate the prisoner on authorization of my father, the King.” she stated in a professional tone.
The guard snatched the document away from her. He clicked the visor on his helmet open so he could scrutinize the document more clearly, eyes landing on the King’s forged signature at the bottom.
“Alright,” he said, closing his visor and handing the document back to Roxanne. “It checks out, head on in. Just be careful in there kid.”
The guard motioned to the guard closest to the door who proceeded to input a code on the keypad next to it. A red light above the door began to flash and there was a loud buzz, followed by the sound of metal sliding against metal as several huge locks were unlocked. The latch was undone next, and the door slowly slid open in a dramatic fashion. Roxanne waited until the door was fully open before going in, but even then she found herself hesitating. Her hands tightened into fists, crushing the cardboard folder underneath her fingertips. Mustering her courage, she took a deep breath and marched through the doorway. Once she was in, she tried not to jump when she heard the door slam shut behind her and all the locks clicked back into place. She was alone now.
The room was essentially a concrete cube, where in the center stood another cube made of glass tinted so heavily that it could not be seen through. There were cameras in every corner of the room, all pointed at the glass cube in the center. The cube had a control console on the side facing the door. Steeling herself with another deep breath, Roxanne strode toward the console, setting the crumpled folder on the dash. She pressed a button on the console which caused the tint of the glass to lighten until it was once again transparent. The glass cube was actually another cell. Inside was a cot, a toilet, a sink complete with a vanity, a small desk with a chair, and a bookshelf. A tall, slim woman sat hunched over on the cot, her face obscured by her long, blonde hair, now matted and ratty by weeks of improper care. Pale blue eyes stared up at Roxanne through tangled strands. Chapped lips pulled back into a sinisterly sweet smile.
“Hello darling,” she cooed. “Come to pay your dear old auntie a visit?”
“Adelaide,” Roxanne said bluntly. “You’re looking well.”
Adelaide just hummed, clutching a split end between her thumb and forefinger and holding it up to eye level before letting it fall limply across her chest. “I’ve looked better. The conditions of this place are absolutely dreadful.”
“Not up to your ostentatiously high standards, hm?” Roxanne asked, tilting her head to the side.
“No, not at all,” Adelaide replied, scowling at the hero. She suddenly stood up from her cot and strode over to the vanity at the end of her cell, studying the reflection of herself and Roxanne in the mirror. “My offer is still open, you know. If you can break me out of this place, that is.”
“Oh? You mean the offer to sell my life away to you as your servant for eternity?”
“Oh darling, must you always think so little of me,” Adelaide sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She turned around and began walking to the window. “The offer to rule Rapture by my side.” Her smile widened and she clenched her fist, shaking it as she spoke. “I’ve taught you so well that the two of us working together would be unstoppable! Think of what you could do with that power! Your friends have made powerful enemies, you could make sure those malefactors never harm them ever again.”
Roxanne was silent for a moment. Adelaide’s smug grin strengthened as she saw the gears turning in the girl’s head. However, a smile began to spread across Roxanne’s face and she raised a hand to her mouth as she started giggling. She soon lost control and was doubled over laughing, both arms holding her stomach as she struggled to regain composure. Adelaide’s nostrils flared as the sneer dropped from her face, her eye twitching slightly at the pure disrespect being thrown at her. 
“You must be joking auntie!” Roxanne managed to squeak out as she wiped a tear from her eye, a couple more giggles escaping her lips. “I remember how inspired I used to get whenever you gave me those grand speeches. Pandering to all my hopes and dreams, manipulating me. It’s quite amusing how easily I used to fall for that.”
“I haven’t the slightest clue of what you mean darling,” Adelaide said, feigning ignorance.
“Sure.” Roxanne turned away from her, crossing her arms and peering at her from over her shoulder. “That’s all you do: manipulate others.You promise them fantastic things so long as they can do something for you, and once their purpose has been used up, you cast them aside.” She turned her back on her completely now. “There’s not a single person in your life that you haven’t done it to. The heroes you face, your henchmen, father-” she threw a piercing gaze at Adelaide “-even me.” 
“Well…” Adelaide paused for a moment, raising a hand to her chin. She let out a short sigh. “Yes, I have manipulated others. How else do you think all my henchmen have remained so loyal to me?”
“Well, most of them,” Roxanne interrupted with a smirk.
Her eyes narrowed. “Yes, most of them.”
“The point is,” Adelaide continued, “manipulation is the only way I’ve managed to survive all these years by myself. It’s the only way you can get anywhere in this ugly world; someone very close to me taught me that a long time ago.” She moved closer to the glass, gently pressing her hand against it. Her other hand brushed the hair away from her face to show Roxanne her caring expression. “But I would never do such an awful thing to you.”
Roxanne raised an eyebrow at her, turning again so that she was once again facing her. “I have only ever wanted to protect you from all the cruelness that runs rampant in the world. I took you under my wing, I taught you how to control your powers and furthermore how to use them. I taught you everything I know so that the things that happened to me will never happen to you.” Their eyes locked. “Do you know why I did all that, darling? Do you know why I want to protect you?”
The girl moved closer to the glass as well. “Why?”
“Because we’re the same,” Adelaide said, smiling sweetly at her. “Both of us were betrayed by someone close to us and then abandoned. Your own mother left you to waste away in that orphanage, much like how my husband left me to rot in a ditch.” She tilted her head. “I’ve always loved you Roxanne, you’re like a daughter to me.”
There was a long pause between the two. Roxanne stood there, her expression unreadable for a moment. Slowly, she raised her hand to the glass, placing it exactly where Adelaide’s was. There was a lump in her throat, and her lip began to tremble as her eyes started to well up with tears. Her whole arm tensed like she was struggling to hold herself up. Adelaide had to hide her smugness as she watched the poor girl melt like putty in her hands.
“Is that so?” Roxanne seethed, her brow furrowing. She pushed herself away from the glass, taking a step back from the cell. She breathed in, swallowing the lump in her throat. She tilted her head down and gave Adelaide a furious, yet determined glare. “Is that why you threatened to kill me if my father did not comply with your wishes? Is that what you call love?”
Adelaide looked as if she had just been struck in the face. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape as her hand limply fell away from the glass. She took a step back in shock. “I-”
“That’s right, father told me all about your little game,” she said. “You probably used me as leverage against Angel as well, hm?”
“You never really cared about me, did you auntie?” she continued, cutting her off. She had waited so long for this moment; all the anger, all the hurt, all the betrayal coming to a boiling point inside of her. She wouldn’t let herself be interrupted now, she would get this out in the open right now. “You didn’t teach me how to hone my powers so that I could protect myself, you just wanted to weaponize me. You thought that since we have the same powers, then we’d have the same weaknesses as well; weaknesses that you planned to exploit should the need arise.” Her shoulders started to relax, focusing all the anger in her body into her voice, making every word drip with venom. “That’s not love. You never loved me.” She crossed her arms, glaring straight into the villain’s soul. “All these years, I was just another pawn to you, is that right?”
Adelaide’s jaw was practically touching the floor now. Her already pale skin seemed to become whiter still and she took another step back. She brought her hand to her mouth to close it and kept it there for a beat. She closed her eyes, and her countenance suddenly began to change. A smile grew across her face as a malicious laugh began to rise up from her chest. Her eyes shot back up to Roxanne, fixing her with an icy stare. 
“Oh darling… of course you were.” The facade was gone now, her true evil beginning to shine forth. She strode back to the glass window, hips swaying from side to side. “Of course you were!” she laughed. “You really thought I ever gave a damn about an insignificant little mortal cur like you? You were always a means to an end for me.” She tapped a finger against her cheek. “Although, originally the plan was for you to help me take over Rapture. Unfortunately, that idiot Malcolm had to get involved so I had to change the plan; change your purpose.”
Roxanne was completely taken aback. She had already found out that these had been Adelaide’s true intentions, she just didn’t think that she would be so upfront about it. Perhaps there was even a part of her that wanted to still believe that Adelaide truly cared for her, that even treating her as a tool was just another facade.
“I’d say that I’m surprised that it took you this long to find out, but I’m not really. You always were a naive little girl,” Adelaide scoffed, placing her hands on her hips and shifting her weight into one leg. “No matter how hard I tried, I never could train the stupidity out of you.”
The girl flinched as Adelaide threw her head back, letting loose another maniacal laugh. “Honestly, you’re almost as dumb as that little devil girl! All your moronic blabbering over the years, rambling about how you and your ‘daddy’ are going to change the world! And now you run around with your little boy-toy playing hero like a couple of children!”
“He is not my boy-toy,” Roxanne snapped.
Another laugh. “Oh that’s right! He’s your husband now, isn’t he? Honestly darling, you could do so much better.” She chuckled, waving a hand at Roxanne as she started walking the perimeter of the cell. “At least he’s smarter than you, he knew better than to meddle in my affairs.”
She finished her lap of the cell while Roxanne sat in stunned silence, finally coming to a stop in front of her once more. “That’s all besides the point though. You’ll never be able to change the world, no matter who you pair yourself with and especially not by yourself. You’re not a hero, you’re nothing.”
Roxanne could’ve sworn that her heart stopped beating. She couldn’t feel it, she couldn’t feel anything right now. Her body just felt hollow, like her heart had just been completely scooped out and stomped on. 
“You betrayed me,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice from shaking.”
“Betrayed you?!” Adelaide guffawed. “Darling, betrayal only works if it’s by someone you love.”
“...I did love you,” Roxanne sniffed, looking down at the cold, concrete floor. “Or at least I thought I did, and I thought you did too…”
“That was your own mistake,” Adelaide snorted derisively. She crossed her arms behind her back and began to pace. “You want to know what I always hated most about you?”
The lump was back, throbbing up inside Roxanne’s throat.
“The way you insisted on calling me auntie,” She shivered, her face scrunching up in disgust. “That always made my skin crawl. And to think that I even said you were like a daughter to me just a couple minutes ago.” Her index finger stuck out to point at her open mouth as she mocked a gagging noise. “It was so difficult to make that sound convincing. You’re just so desperate for a family, aren’t you? I suppose it makes sense, a little runt like you being abandoned at birth.”
She couldn’t swallow the lump, it was too big. She bit her lip to keep it from trembling. Hold it in, she had to hold it in.
  “That’s why you cling to Malcolm so tightly, calling him ‘daddy’ and father. Well let me tell you something.” She walked over to the glass wall again, pressing her body against it. “I am not your auntie, and Malcolm is not your father; he never was, and he never will be.”
She bit down harder. Her lip was bleeding now. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. Not now, not in front of her. Please-
“You’re more of a pet to him really,” Adelaide went on. “A pet to him and a tool to me. That’s all you’ve ever been. And now I assume you’ll continue your sick little found family fantasy with that boy-toy of yours too, hm?” A vicious sneer was painted on her face as she watched the little girl trembling before her slowly break down.
Roxane sniffed a couple times, letting out a long, shaky exhale.
“Awww, did I hurt your feelings, darling,” she purred maliciously.
“No,” she replied after a long pause. It was a lie, but she wasn’t going to let Adelaide have the last laugh in this. “I’m just sad that you’ve become such a bitter old woman.”
Immediately, her countenance became twisted with rage. “What did you say?”
“You heard me,” Roxanne said, managing to fake a soft, derisive laugh. “You never got your happily ever after. You thought you were at the top of the world, that you could rule everything, but now the mighty Empress has been defeated.” She forced a cocky grin. “You had a husband, a family, but you lost it all. You’re mad that I have everything that you never had.” She took a few steps towards the cell, leaning in to make eye contact with the now infuriated villain. “He left you to rot in a ditch, and now I -the only person who has ever cared for you- will leave you to rot in this cell.”
Adelaide’s brow furrowed, pale blue eyes flaring with rage. “You little-”
“I’ve come up with a new name for you too, something far better than auntie,” she added. “I quite like the ring of ‘miserable old hag,’ don’t you?” She let out a small giggle. “Goodbye, darling.”
Adelaide opened her mouth to scream at Roxanne, but she quickly slapped the button on the console to shut the intercom off. She then quickly slammed her fist on the other button, causing the glass to darken until Adelaide was no longer visible through it. She was alone again, alone in this big, empty room.
She stood there for a few moments, hand still resting on the console. The taste of blood coming from her lip finally hit her, causing her to slowly raise a hand to her mouth to wipe it away. Adelaide’s words came back to her, echoing loudly in her mind, invading every corner of her head. It pounded in her ears until she couldn’t take it. The lump came back once more and she tried to bite her lip again to hold it back but quickly had to let go, wincing from the pain. There was no holding it back now. Despair spread to every space in her body, filling her with a cold and empty feeling. It sapped her strength completely, causing her to double over and her legs to buckle underneath the weight of her body and sorrow. She fell to her knees as heavy, violent sobs wracked her frame. Tears streamed freely down her face like rivers, smearing the eyeshadow she used to fill in the empty spaces between her eyes and mask. She buried her face in her hands as she tried in vain to muffled her wails. Her body leaned against the console, trying to keep herself from falling to the floor. 
She was so lost in her own sorrow that she didn’t even notice when the door opened behind her so that the guards could check on them. Their inquiries on what had happened didn’t even register in her mind. She barely even recognized Malcolm and Johnathan when they eventually arrived to escort her from the cell, continuing to cry the entire way. 
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
I just want to talk (Superhero AU)
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The manager of the place - Cindy, Selena was sure of it, she would never forget the managers that made her life hell - hesitated for a moment. 
Selena cocked back the hammer of the gun, holding up towards the woman’s face. “C’mon, Cindy, it’s gotta look real, here!” she chided, her stance slack as she held a hand out. “Juuuust long enough to get on the news.”
A splash behind her drew her attention. A civilian was getting up from the table, trying to be stealthy, looked like. They’d knocked over their soda cup, spilling it all over the floor.
Moments passed, tense as they could be. Selena eventually shrugged, gesturing with her head towards the door. “Yeah. Everybody else, out. I don’t care.”
The patrons of the shop didn’t waste a second of time, scurrying out of the door like scared insects. Who would want to be in the same restaurant as the worst serial killer in Rapture?
Not that she wanted anybody to die today. She just wanted to talk.
When she looked back at the register, Cindy had already gotten it open, holding her hands up. Selena raised an eyebrow, earning an awkward cough in response. 
“U-Uhm… Did you… want me to put the money in a bag?” Cindy asked, probably desperately waiting to hear police sirens at any second.
Rolling her eyes, Selena uncocked the gun, holding it up towards the ceiling. “Yeah, sure, do whatever,” she said as she turned around to lean back onto the counter. “I’ll get the money back to ya within the week, Robby’ll understand. He’s a good boss, still, right?”
Not wanting to disagree, Cindy let out a nervous laugh before hurrying to grab a bag from the counter, stuffing cash and coins into it as fast as she could.
Police sirens finally filled the air a few minutes later. Selena could hear Cindy sighing in relief behind her. The both of them had been standing silently the whole time, Selena waving her gun around as her tail lazed just above the floor. She’d learned not to try for small talk with these stunts; people tended to be more afraid when she was talking. They didn’t want to upset her. 
Made sense. It also made her more determined for this to work, though.
Multiple officers jumped out of their squad cars, guns immediately trained on Selena. “Put the gun down or we will open fire!” shouted one of them through a megaphone. 
Selena couldn’t help but snort, shoving the gun into the waistband of her pants. “Come on, guys!” she called out. “I’ve done this like three times this week! Get the picture already!”
“Put the gun down on the ground!”
Groaning, Selena looked boredly at the officers. “Seriously? C’mon, get the drill - I hold up a place, you call the news. The NEWS, I want to be on the news. Can’t we just skip straight to that point yet?”
Some of the officers exchanged glances and quick words with each other. “... A negotiator will be here shortly to discuss the release of the hostage!” one of the officers finally said.
Deep breath. Deeeeep breaths, Selena had to remind herself, careful not to make any sudden movements. They might think she was changing and shoot at her, again, and she did not want to deal with that again.
She began to open her mouth again when a shadow descended behind the officers, and a loud thud broke the asphalt. The officers turned around in fright, pointing their guns, but they relaxed when the two figures stood up.
“Angel! Ghoul!” The cops nodded gratefully to the intrusion. “Please help, it’s… it’s her again.”
Selena let out a scoff, rolling her eyes. They wouldn’t even say her name? Pathetic.
“We understand. Please put your guns away - we’ll handle the situation,” Angel said, weaving between the officers into the sandwich shop. 
“Yeah, we got this!” Ghoul said, waving to the cops. Selena couldn’t tell anymore whether it was a genuine action or a practiced habit to show off his bare chest. Probably both. “Go save some cats from trees or something!”
“That’s the fire department that does that, Ghoul,” Selena called out, leaning her elbows onto the counter. “Police don’t have ladders for that shit.”
“But they can climb!” Ghoul did finger guns at her as they approached, a big smile on his face. Goofy as ever. She missed when they’d joke around, but only a pause in her tail’s movement would ever betray that. 
Well, to anybody but Angel, of course.
He crossed his arms as he stood in front of Selena, the pair almost towering over her. “You can’t keep doing this, Selena,” Angel said quietly, shaking his head. “This isn’t going to work - it’s not going to make him talk to you.”
Selena began to snarl out a reply, but she clenched her teeth to hold her tongue. Pointing to a door, she snapped at Cindy instead. “Restroom. Now. Stay there.”
Frantic footsteps pattered through the shop as Selena stared down the superheroes in front of her, waiting for the door to shut. Once it did, she bared her teeth at them. “It fucking will, Johnny!” she hissed. “Eventually, he’s gonna realize the only way to get me to stop is if he talks to me again!”
“Selena…” Angel sighed, his shoulders falling slack as his head fell forward in disappointment. “Look… I don’t think he will. Derek quit being a superhero for good. He’s not coming back.”
“He doesn’t have to be a superhero!” Selena cried out, almost too loud. The cops were trying to preoccupy themselves, trying not to obviously eavesdrop. They didn’t want to offend her. Too much risk. “He doesn’t have to be the Red Scarf again, he just has to come here as Derek! And he can-”
“And you never get far enough in the scheme to even say that,” Angel pointed out. No - Johnathan. Johnathan and Takeo stood in front of her, trying to be her friends again. 
If only that were enough to make her stop hurting so god damn much.
“Come on, Selena, why don’t we think of something else?” Ghoul - Takeo - spoke up, smile lines crinkling around the edges of his mask. “Like a plane stunt or something, you know? A giant statue that says ‘call me’?”
“Something that doesn’t involve holding people hostage and getting shot at by police,” John said bluntly, crossing his arms. “You know that Derek doesn’t like these kinds of situations.”
Letting out a huff, Selena crossed her own arms, looking away. “Didn’t bother him none when we went out patrolling,” she muttered. “All those years he lied to me.”
“He didn’t lie to you,” John insisted, holding his hands out. “You two did a lot of good. You really did.”
Selena clenched her teeth, her hands flying up to cover her ears. “I don’t fucking hear you,” she seethed, “shut UP.”
Takeo stepped up again, still smiling that stupid, dumb goofy smile. Fake smile. “You guys took out tons of criminals, man!” he agreed, reaching out to clap a hand onto her shoulder. “I mean, I know it was small, but it kept you guys safe from the big guys, like Adela-”
“I don’t NEED safe!” Selena exploded, slamming her fist into the counter. It felt like she breathed fire, warmth on her lips as she spat out her next words. “Didn’t I prove enough of that as Vice!? Didn’t I show everybody I don’t need the fucking coddling!?”
Takeo jumped back, holding his hands up. “Whoa, hey-”
“WHAT!?” she screeched as she whipped back around to Johnathan, grimacing.
“... You’re bleeding,” he said softly, pointing loosely at her face. “Your teeth…”
“Your face,” Takeo said, pointing with both hands. “I think you need to chill.”
She growled, bringing a hand up to her cheek. “I don’t need t- ow…”
When she pulled her hand back, she saw the dark red on her palm. She brought her hand back to her mouth, and now she felt it; fangs. Huge, sharp fangs that didn’t fit into her mouth as it was, tearing into her lips as she pulled them back. Her hand instinctively went back to wipe sweat from her brow, but when she lowered her hand again, the liquid on it wasn’t sweat. It was black.
No, no, no no no…
Whirling around, Selena put a hand over her mouth, trying to concentrate. It didn’t help that she was getting a little nauseated, terrified of the idea of doing that again-
Takeo reached out to her, but Johnathan pulled his hand away, shaking his head. Selena had recovered from being Vice on her own, and John knew that she had to deal with these moments as they came. She had to keep Vice inside, and the fear and concentration he sensed from her told him it wasn’t an easy job. The last thing they would need is a sudden startle from an unexpected touch.
A few moments later, Selena turned back around, looking exhausted as she panted heavily. One hand was on her chest, blood was dripping down her chin, but the leaking black liquid on her forehead was gone.
Johnathan waited for her to catch her breath before stepping closer. “... What can we do to help you, Selena?” he asked quietly. “This… It…” He shook his head, at a complete loss of words.
“... I know,” she mumbled as she slumped back onto the counter. “... I know it won’t work, he won’t come this way.” After a pause, she seemed to deflate, her shoulders sagging as she dropped her gaze to the floor. “... He never comes, anyways.”
Takeo moved forward to catch Selena in a hug as she started to fall over, and he helped hold her up. His usual humor was gone as he frowned, wrapping his arms around her. As she started crying into his chest, John discreetly handed him some napkins so he could wipe off the tears.
“He never had to stop talking to me,” Selena whimpered through her sobs, holding onto Takeo’s arms. “He can stop being a superhero, but he didn’t have to stop talking to me. I thought… I thought he was my friend.”
Johnathan and Takeo exchanged a glance before looking back down, not knowing what to say. Derek had been her friend, but they didn’t know what happened either. They could only sit with her and wait, hoping Derek would break his silence one day.
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
ok so about the character dates
Y’all cut it so close with my characters, the winner is Derek
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Meanwhile with Dusty’s characters there was absolutely no competition at all, y’all all wanna date Roxanne
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So we’ll be getting those all created for ya soon, freshen up and get yer feels ready, we gon’ be makin’ some READER INSERT FLUFF
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
A Date with Derek, pt. 1 (The part where he picks you up from your place)
It's exactly 7:30 when you get the knock on your door. You walk up and open it, and you see Derek standing there with one hand rubbing the back of his neck, and the other holding a bouquet of roses. It's pretty cold outside, though you know the cold doesn't bother him; he looks more like he's dressed for fall than winter, black skinny jeans, his high-top red converse, and a crimson-red coat lined with white fur. Was that real fur?
You're gently knocked out of your thoughts as Derek holds the flowers out to you. "Uh - These are for you," he said. "I-If you need one, we can get a vase on the way, um- I don't know if you have one already-"
Smiling, you take the bouquet and thank him happily. The roses smelled quite nice. You compliment how nice he looks as you turn to go inside. The small pink tinge of his cheeks as he stammers out a "thank you" is quite cute.
When he doesn't come inside, you turn and beckon him to wait inside. No need to stand in the hallway - you've got to put the roses into water before you both leave.
Pressing his lips together, he nods to you, quietly closing your door behind him as you step into the kitchen. He waits politely in the entryway, looking around at the decorations and furniture you have around. Derek seems nervous - you're pretty glad you're not the only one that is. A date with a coven's Sire is a pretty big deal, but an even bigger deal is that you're going on a date with Derek Alvar, probably the sweetest vampire in Rapture.
After you put the roses in a vase, drying off your hands, you smile at him as you walk back to the door. You hold your hand out to him as you ask if he’s ready to go. 
He stiffens up, blubbering for a moment before he presses his lips together to compose himself. Nodding, he carefully slips his hand into yours, his skin cool to the touch. It’s comfortable.
“So, um…” Derek brings a loose fist to his lips as you lock your door with your free hand. “I’ve never, uh… I have to be truthful, I’ve never gone on a date before.” His red eyes are glowing slightly as they look to you, as if he were a guilty puppy. “If, uh… If it’s alright with you, we could… uhm, I thought we could visit Fauste’s, and then… go from there?”
Fauste’s, that expensive little bakery uptown? You’d heard they made pretty good cupcakes. You grin and nod at him, telling him it’s a great idea. It’s a little adventure for the night.
“Right! Right,” he said, his shoulders lowering a bit. The smile he gives you is more relaxed as he begins to walk with you down the street.
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
Mod Dusty here. Following up Vicey’s post about the Among Us AU with a scene that I wrote for it. It’s not a continuation of her scene (sorry) but it does contain the same characters!
First time posting one of my written works here so I hope y’all like it!
CW: graphic depiction of violence, blood, mentions of weaponry
“IT WAS HIM!” Takeo roared, his arm raised to point at Johnathan at the other side of the round cafeteria table. “THE BASTARD KILLED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!”
“You’re a terrible liar, Takeo. Only you are capable of such a grisly crime,” Johnathan responded immediately, his voice steady and calm.
“Takeo... how could you?” Roxanne managed to croak out in a shaky voice. She stood close by Johnathan with tears in her eyes, practically hugging the boy’s side. She broke down into a fit of heavy sobbing, burying her face in John’s shoulder.
Takeo’s lips pulled back in a snarl to reveal his pointed teeth. “THAT’S FUCKIN’ BULLSHIT, YOU WEREN’T EVEN-”
He was cut off by Jeff slamming his hands down on the table to get everyone’s attention. “That’s enough, we’re not going to solve anything by just yelling at each other.”
“Who even died?” Selena interjected with a confused look.
“Take a look around the bloody table you nitwit,” Oliver spat. “Notice anyone missing?”
Selena took a second to scan the other seven crewmates sitting around the table. “Jazzy?”
“And the last horse crosses the bloody finish line,” Oliver scoffed with a sarcastic slow clap.
Jeff just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Of all the people to be stuck in space with. “Listen we don’t have much time. Let’s just let both sides tell the story from the beginning. Johnathan?”
He had been comforting Roxanne, one arm wrapped around her slender frame while the other softly petted her raven hair. Once Jeff addressed him, he looked up and gave a small nod. He let go of Roxanne, whose sobs had now died down into quiet sniffles, and turned to address the others. “It happened right before the O2 was sabotaged. Roxanne and I were walking into the reactor room to do our assigned tasks. As the alarms went off, there was a gunshot and we saw Jazzy drop dead in the doorway to the reactor with Takeo standing just inside the room.”
“It was so awful…” Roxanne murmured. “The blood... her head…” She buried her face into her hands as she broke down sobbing again.”
“That’s not what happened!” Takeo insisted, slamming his fist on the table. “We were coming out of the reactor and that emo SHIT STAIN slaughtered her like a goddamn ANIMAL!”
“John and Roxy both said they saw you do it though,” Selena pointed out. “Sounds kinda sus if you ask me-” “SHE WASN’T EVEN FUCKING THERE!” Takeo shouted once more, pointing an accusing finger at Roxanne, causing the poor girl to cry even louder. ‘SHE’S LYING, I’LL BET SHE’S AN IMPOSTER TOO!”
“You leave her the Hell out of this!” Johnathan said defensively, a hint of anger slipping into his voice.
“Enough!” Jeff said sternly, raising his voice to be heard above the chaos. He leaned over the table, propping himself up on his elbows and lacing his fingers together as his eyes flitted between the two parties. “Did anyone else happen to see Roxanne anywhere else on the ship?”
There was a collective shaking of heads from the other crewmates. “The two lovebirds seem to like sticking together so it checks out,” Melissa said nonchalantly.
“I’m sorry Takeo, but it’s two against one,” Jeff said as he pulled out his tablet to vote. The others followed suit and Takeo could feel his heart sink as the small beep sounds came rolling in. He looked around the table desperately, trying to find one kind face to defend him.
“Guys come on! I loved Jazzy, she was my fiance for Christ’s sake! I would never do anything to harm her I swear!” He looked around at them but all faces were solemnly turned away from him. His eyes landed on Derek who was looking down indecisively at his tablet. “Derek c’mon bro! We did wires together earlier, remember? I watched you clear out those asteroids!”
Derek looked down, not daring to meet Takeo’s gaze. “I... I don’t know. All the evidence seems to point to you-”
Derek flinched at Takeo’s rage and pressed the skip button in the voting options on his tablet. Selena patted the poor boy’s shaking shoulders while Jeff glared daggers at Takeo. No one said a word, the only sound being that of Roxanne’s weeping. Everyone had voted now except for the hulking ghoul himself. Takeo’s anger subsided and he just scanned their faces hopelessly one last time as he slowly lowered himself onto one of the seats around the table and looked down at the tablet in his hands.
“I’m comin’ home, Jazzy,” he murmured to himself as his trembling hand pressed the “skip vote” button. There was nothing more he could do, it was over for him.
The words flashed in white on the screens of their tablets as Takeo’s frozen corpse drifted out into the empty vacuum of space. The remaining seven crewmates sat around the meeting table in quiet reflection, none of them wanting to look out the window as Takeo became a tiny spec, drifting farther and farther away from the ship. Jeff looked around at the rest of the crew before standing up, drawing all eyes to him. “Ok listen up, if Takeo was an imposter then that means there’s still one left on the ship. I want you all to just continue doing your tasks and stay sharp. Let’s try to get this ship up and running before the imposter has a chance to strike again.”
They all nodded and started getting up to leave. Roxanne clung to Johnathan as they both stood up; she was still crying quite a bit. Johnathan looked over at Jeff as he tried to comfort her. “You go ahead, I’m going to take her to medbay for a bit so she can calm down.”
Jeff just nodded, but he narrowed his eyes at the two as they left. He dreaded to think about it, but he couldn’t deny the possibility that Takeo had been right. The girl did look pretty shaken up though, so it would probably be best to just let them be for a bit.
When the two finally walked into medbay, Johnathan brought Roxanne over to one of the beds to sit down while he went to peek outside the doorway to make sure no one had followed them. Roxanne just sat there hunched over on the bed with her face buried in her hands. However, as she carried on, her sniveling started to change into something else entirely; it quickly became apparent that she was giggling. It kept twisting into something more sinister until she finally couldn’t contain it and threw her head back to let loose a torrent of uncontrollable maniacal cackling. Johnathan began chuckling in a similar manner, his deep voice resonating ominously in his chest. The room was filled with their sounds of twisted and insane delight.
“That was almost too easy,” Johnathan said with a contemptuously smug grin. “Those damn idiots will believe anything; they’re even willing to condemn an innocent man to death over a hastily cobbled-together alibi.”
“Oh darling, it was wonderful! I can’t believe they even bought that I was with you!” Roxanne cackled. She mocked a look of helplessness and began fake crying. “I saw it happen... it... it was awful!” Her crying quickly devolved back into that sinister giggle.
“We’ll make quick work of those fools for sure,” Johnathan said as he strode over to the bed Roxanne was sitting on. He bent down slightly so their faces were about level and she put her hands on his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss. After that, she stared dreamily into his eyes for a few moments and smiled.
“Oh, what a lovely pair we make darling.”
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
Airplane Phenomenon
Feat. Jeff (canon) and Selena (canon)
“You are not making me get on that thing.”
“You were already on it!” “Yeah, and I QUIT!”
Jeff groaned, putting his face in his hands. He and Selena were standing in the middle of a gate at the airport, garnering a fair amount of concerned looks from the others who were boarding. “Selena, please.”
“No!” she shouted in response, pointing at the airplane outside. “It’s loud, it’s crowded, and it’s scary! I’m not going on it!”
“Yo-” he cut himself off, closing his eyes and holding his hands up. “You were doing very well. Up until we boarded the plane, you were so excited.”
Selena made a noise of distress as she remembered. Yes, up until they had boarded the plane, Selena had been ecstatic to go on this trip. The second she stepped onto the plane, however, she was incredibly nervous. The feeling only grew as they neared the center of the plane. She faintly remembered Jeff asking if she was alright. The next thing she knew, she was curled up in the chair she’d been sitting in while waiting for the plane, hyperventilating in a cold sweat. By the time Jeff was able to get around all the people boarding, she had more or less recovered, fending off worried travel agents.
“Look, it…” she trailed off, frowning as she rubbed her arm. “It just… it doesn’t feel safe, okay? Something isn’t alright. I don’t like it.”
Jeff’s silence came at no surprise. She sighed again as she looked back at him. “Look, I know it’s dumb, it’s all… Jeff??”
She looked around and saw him at the desk of the gates, arguing with the agent. The poor guy was definitely human. She hurried over. “This plane needs to be kept on the ground,” she heard.
“Look, sir, the threat you are concerned about is nonexistent,” the agent said, holding his hands up. As he saw Selena approach, he gestured towards her. “Is this the girl?”
“Yes,” Jeff said as he leaned back. He nodded to Selena, who furrowed her eyebrows. “Tell him.”
The agent looked unamused as Selena blinked, looking between the men as if they’d grown chicken heads. “Ma’am, are you a psychic?”
“H-” her gaze snapped over to him. “Wh-What?”
“Are you a verified psychic?”
“I… no?” she said, looking between them again. “What’s going on?”
With an exasperated sigh, the agent shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir, but if she’s not a verified psychic, I can’t register her intuition as a reason to ground the flight.”
“No, but by law it has to be investigated,” Jeff insisted, jamming his pointer finger into the desk. “Get everybody off of that plane right now, or I will be making a direct call to your supervisors about how you ignored an intuition from a direct daughter of Satan himself.”
The agent paused, glancing towards Selena and her spaded tail. “She… doesn’t look like-”
“Do you want to test that right now?” Jeff asked, pullingo ut his phone. “Get everybody off of that plane, and get them off now, so that I may initiate my investigation.”
The agent paused, shifting side to side. After a few moments, he relented, picking up the P.A. “All passengers of flight E286, please return to the gate. Again, all passengers of flight E286, please return to the gate.”
After a few minutes (and a lot of disgruntled passengers) Jeff and Selena were able to sit themselves next to the entrance of the bridge. Jeff feigned concern as the agents explained what had happened over the intercom, but Selena actually was concerned. “Why are we doing his?”
“You’ll see,” Jeff said as he crossed his arms. “You just let me know when it happens again.”
“I want to leave,” she mumbled as she noticed the other passengers glaring at the two of them. Those ones had been the passengers that saw her panic beforehand.
“I know, love. Just trust me,” he reassured her.
With a nod, she leaned back in her chair, trying to keep her tail from fluffing up.
Within a half hour, the airport staff had determined there to be no threat on the plane. The mechanisms were all working correctly, there was nothing unusual about the cargo. Sharp looks were given to Jeff and Selena as the staff announced that they would be boarding again shortly.
Selena squirmed in her seat. They had moved from their original spots to a seat right next to the gate. “Jeff…”
“I know, love,” he murmured as he leaned his head forward. “You just let me know if everything is alright.”
“But I don’t want to get on the plane.”
“Shh… everything will be fine, love. Just wait.”
But everything was not fine. It was exactly not that. As each passenger passed by them, Selena felt her stomach sink further. Soon she had broken into a cold sweat, watching a group of people walk into the entrance.
“It’ll be alright, love,” he murmured as he opened an eye. When he got a good look at her, he gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry.”
She couldn’t help it. The feeling was getting worse. Her hands were shaking as she reached out to clutch his shirt. She didn’t want to get on that flight, they had to get out, all those people, they shouldn’t get on, they couldn’t get on, they can’t --
She was back in her seat again, clutching her head and curled up into a ball. She thought she heard a shout, but she wasn’t sure.
Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms around her, holding her and rocking her back and forth. “There we go, love… It’s fine, you did good… you did good…”
It took a few minutes for her to finally calm down. When she leaned into Jeff, he patted her shoulder. “There we go. It went away, didn’t it?”
Selena furrowed her eyebrows, looking back towards the plane. She expected another panic attack, or at least fear, but there was nothing. “... I…”
“It’s gone,” Jeff confirmed with a grin. “See? I told you, everything will be fine.”
She didn’t get it, furrowing her eyebrows as she stared a the plane. “What happened?”
He just shrugged. “The threat was handled. WIthout a threat, the flight is safe.”
Earlier, when Selena had disappeared into her shadow, Jeff had immediately jumped into action. Black ribbons shot out of his hands and latched onto the person who was walking through the gate. The stranger shouted in surprise, then cried out and struggled as Jeff held their carry-on away from them. “No- Let go of me! What do you think you’re doing!?”
“What’s in your case?” Jeff asked as he brought it over to him. Calling out to the agent at the desk, he asked, “Young man, do you have a scry-vision stone?”
The agent looked flustered as he adjusted his tie. “Ah - yes, but sir -”
“Bring it here,” Jeff insisted, studying the case carefully as the agent rummaged through a drawer at the desk. He made sure not to jostle the case as he turned it over with his ribbons.
“Get this stuff off of me!” the man shouted, tugging at the ribbons to try and rip them off. “What is this stuff!?”
“My blood,” Jeff said simply. The agent handed him the stone, which he unceremoniously placed on top of the suitcase. As the enchantment did its work, the shell of the suitcase seemed to peel back, showing the contents inside. The agents gasped as they saw the contents of the case. Rather than anything like toiletries, inside the case was an intricate mess of what looked to be needle-like shards of shimmering, white-hot glass.
“What is that!?” the agent cried out, cringing away with a hand on his chest. “Is that stone broken!?”
“Not at all. It’s doing its job,” Jeff explained. He carefully laid his finger over one of the shards. “This is a spell. A thin sheet of metal is placed in a dark container. Over time, in the darkness, the metal is enchanted to attract itself. It shrinks into shards, and grows hot, until-” He splayed his fingers out with a small flick. “It explodes.
“It’s a very complicated spell, and it certainly can’t be performed on accident.” He shot a glare towards the struggling man, who was now ferocious and shouting as he tried to get away. “This man has some explaining to do.”
Selena blinked as Jeff explained what happened. “... So I stopped a terrorist from planting a magical bomb on a plane?”
Jeff thought to himself for a moment, then shrugged. “If you had to strip it down to the basics… pretty much, yes.”
“But I didn’t even see the guy!” she pointed out. “And I’m not a psychic, how would I know?”
He shook his head. “It’s a phenomenon amongst supernaturals. When boarding a plane, they sometimes become scared, frightfully so. It’ll get to the point where they won’t even get onto the plane.” Leaning back and putting his hands behind his head, he said, “It’s called the Greydant effect, after the first supernatural that this happened to.”
She leaned back in her chair, bewildered. “I’ve never heard of that. That’s weird.”
“It is,” Jeff agreed as he stood up. “It’s very rare. We’re lucky you experienced it.” 
“... hm.” Selena glanced at the plane again, processing the information.
“Althought,” Jef put a hand in his pocket, stroking his chin with his free hand. “The Greydant effect is most well-known for occuring in toddlers.”
Selena gawked a bit before scowling and hitting his arm as he laughed. “I’m not a baby!”
“Alright, alright, that’s a tad bit of a lie,” Jeff admitted. “Toddlers are among the main demographic, though. The Greydant effect happens most often to people who are unsure or unaware of their full powers.”
She paused, squinting. “Is that… me?”
“Most likely, yes,” Jeff said as he leaned over to pick up their bags. He slung his laptop bag over his shoulder, then held her backpack out to her. “I’ve rebooked us onto another flight just to be safe. You ready?”
He had caught her mid-thought as she took the bag, and she squinted a bit. “Yeah… cool.”
“Good,” he said as he walked off, waving for her to follow. “Come on. Let’s get a bite to eat, first.”
“Awh - can’t we eat on the plane?” Selena asked as she scrambled after him.
“More flexibility of price in the airport. Not to mention more choice. Can’t get your McDonald’s milkshake on a plane, can you?”
“... Fair.”
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt 3
Part 2
Things are kicking up and the blood is coming OUT
TW: Bleeding, S/O betrayal, magic ritual
"Well, darling, this is a lot more trouble than I was expecting, but I don't think it'll be much of a problem in the end." Aidel chuckled as he spun Selena around. They were kept floating inside the shield, part of Aiden's powers. She could feel the wind still, but it was more of a strong breeze inside the sphere.
Once, she could have thought of this as romantic. Now, though, it was only the eye of the storm. Desperately, she shoved at him and hit him as much as she could. "Let go-!"
"Sure." Aidel laughed - he actually laughed - as he held her away from him. He began to mutter under his breath - she couldn't understand the words. Selena felt a tugging on her limbs before he let go of her entirely... but she didn't fall. Her legs snapped together and straight, as if they were bound, and her arms splayed out to her sides. She hung in the air, tilted slightly downwards as if she had been nailed to an angled ceiling. A bright purple glow was emanating from below her, and she looked down to see a huge circular ring underneath her with runes in the edges. A seal. One to keep her immobilized.
Her mind was racing as she tried to figure out how to break the seal. She couldn't use her shadows; it was too bright, and she couldn't move. The only hope was if somebody else broke it, but nobody could get past that sphere, or Aidel would already be dead. Her breathing suddenly caught in her throat when she felt another pull, this time in her wound, and saw something moving. Aidel was continuing to chant, not to keep up the seal, but for something else. Slowly, a ball of blood was starting to form in front of her, swirling as it gathered more from a trail leading to her stomach. She could feel the blood as it leaked out from the wound, wrapping around the blade, leaving her body...
A strangled cry escaped her lips as she tried to pull away, but the seal kept her steady. There wasn't any escape, and all she could do was scream.
Part 4
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 1
I have been encouraged and so this shall be shared
This is part of the written universe of my Rapture project, more info can be found on the sideblog @drabblesofrapture (identifiable by the glorious Groink icon).
TW; S/O betrayal, stabbing, Hans from Frozen level shit (you know the scene), lady whump
And then a cold metal blade was stabbed through her stomach. She gasped as her hands gripped tighter onto his jacket, and her eyes widened. Selena breathed shakily, a small whimper escaping her as he smiled softly to her.
Shushing her quietly, Aidel used his free hand to cradle her head, bringing her to press her cheek against his chest. As he stroked her hair, the pain began to settle in, and her face contorted. She gritted her teeth, scrunching her eyes shut. “Oh, god...”
“Shh... It's alright. It's nothing personal.” He reassured her, letting go of the knife to tilt her chin up. At the sight of her trying to open her eyes to look at him, he grinned in amusement, tilting his head. “Really, it's not. I hope you understand. But, I must say... I never really did love you.”
The pain in her stomach was joined by a pressure on her heart. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It was then that she started to cry. Black tears pricked at her eyes.
"Hmph." Without another word, he pushed her back, lifting his hands to cast a spell. He opened his mouth, but a snarl came out as he noticed her beginning to fall through her shadow. "Oh no, you don't-"
Selena gasped in surprise as Aidel snatched her up by the collar, lifting her out of her shadow. She yelped, gripping his sleeve with one hand and trying to keep the knife in place with the other. "Nice try, sweetheart," He chuckled, wagging a finger in the air. "But you're not leaving."
"... You..." Selena grit her teeth together, her clutch on his sleeve tightening. "Then you... too..."
Aidel furrowed his eyebrows, but his eyes widened as he looked down. Now he was sinking through his own shadow. He started to let go of her, trying to lift his legs, but it was too late. They were already falling.
Part 2
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
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