#Rapture Cora
terrorpenned · 1 year
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juliasdowntonstuff · 6 months
Chapter 44
read it on ao3 here
Cora could not even ask who he was talking to before the two young children were already skipping towards her, quickly running past him and heading in her direction.
Robert watched it all happen with a benign smile on his face. That, however, faded quickly when he saw his grandchildren enter and come closer at such speed. They were clearly very excited to see their granny; they had not seen her since New Year's, after all. He assumed they would greet her like they always did — rapturously with a hug, and he did not quite trust them not to unknowingly hurt her in the process. "Careful, children! Granny is very, very sick," Robert rushed to say calmly, authority in his voice, just before they had reached her bedside.
He must have had the right hunch, because they suddenly walked slower and kept some distance when they finally greeted them, saying "Hello Granny, hello Donk" in near-perfect unison.
"Hello, my darlings. What a nice surprise!" Cora replied tiredly, while still beaming brightly at her eldest grandchildren and son-in-law. She had missed them terribly in the weeks that had passed since she had left Downton to undergo her treatment, but she had not wanted them to see her when she was in such bad shape before. It would not have been fair on them to witness her illness any more than they necessarily had to. The poor young children had already had to face so much in their still short lives, both losing one of their parents on the days they were born.
As Tom approached with long strides, he asked: "I do hope it is okay that I brought them along? Only they asked repeatedly to see you and we could not say no any longer."
He came to a halt next to Cora's bed and pulled up another chair to sit down opposite his father-in-law, an uncertain smile on his face. He still was not sure if he was entirely welcome here, despite Robert assuring him that he certainly was, just the day before in fact.
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kelyon · 1 year
Would there be one more snippet left for me? *Looks at you with puppy eyes*
What can I say? Your pixelated sunglasses have bewitched me.
The mask was more or less a dragon, with horns and fangs and long pointed ears. It seemed to be made of the same scaled leather as the coat, but worked over with glass beads of bits of gold thread. The mask had a long, pointed nose, but left the eyes and mouth uncovered. 
How effective a disguise would this actually be? How effective did it need to be? The goal was to see Miss French again, without rousing Cora’s ire. As the carriage made its way through the city streets, Gold contemplated his own intentions. Would it be enough to merely see Miss French? Would he be able to determine her welfare from sight alone? Would he know from a simple conversation? Did he dare to ask her for more?
He licked his lips as his mind went back to the night he had spent with her. That closet of a room, filled with broken furniture and lit with candle-stubs. Her body like a delicate flame, pale and lovely and wavering as he touched her--as he brought her pleasure she had never sought before. Belle was a light, flickering in an ocean of darkness, drawing him in like a lure, a beacon. Her goodness, her sincerity--the honesty of her nature--Belle alone felt real, in a house that was built on pretense. 
Could he possibly leave her alone, after the rapture of being in her presence? Could a man in the desert walk away from an oasis?
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
Hello Again (Superhero AU)
Our Superhero AU went from really lighthearted to very, very sad...
TW: parental death mention, murder mention, broken friendship
Derek squealed and jumped. He turned around to see who had spoken, but nobody was there. “I- Selena?”
“You never had to be all quiet, you know?”
Another frightened squeal erupted from Derek as he turned back around. There she was. Selena Mavis, in the flesh. The girl he had been avoiding for almost three years now. He hadn’t planned on changing that anytime soon, but…
“So how was your date?” she asked, crossing her arms. “I hear you and Cora are still going steady. Was the movie great?”
Gulping, Derek clapped his hands together. “Uh– Yeah,” he said, a little louder than he meant to. “Saw it in IMAX. Great film.”
The look on her face made him wish that he still knew her as well as he used to. “Good,” she whispered. “Good.”
They sat for a few moments, staring at each other. Derek waited a few agonizing moments before clearing his throat and stepping back. “Uh– I should be getting home now– It was nice seeing you–”
“Don’t,” Selena said, holding her hand up. “Don’t do that, like we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow like old times. We both know that’s not going to happen.”
Lowering his head, Derek turned away so he wouldn’t have to face her head on. “Look… Selena,” he mumbled. “Why are you here? We… We don’t–”
“Don’t what?” she laughed humorlessly. “Hang out? I noticed. Believe me.
“So why?” she asked. “Why did you start avoiding me? I… I thought we were friends.”
“I–” Derek groaned, running his hands over his face. “Maybe,” he said. “I don’t know, maybe I was scared. Really, really scared.”
“Scared of what?” Selena asked. “Of who? Me?”
Derek’s stare was piercing. “... Yeah,” he finally said. “I think it’s safe to say that I am.”
Her face fell. Somehow, she hadn’t been expecting that. Maybe she wanted him to lie, or to say nothing…
“Why are you surprised?” Derek scoffed. He gestured around at the empty alleyway. “Look what you’ve done. Look what you did back then!”
Selena looked away. “... I’m a different person, now-”
“You killed people, Selena!” Derek practically yelled, struggling to keep his voice down as he stepped unconsciously closer to her. “You killed so many people! Do you fucking understand that?”
Shutting her eyes, Selena took a deep breath. William had said Derek was avoiding the news and all that, she remembered, there was no way he would know how dangerous it was for her to lose control. 
“That’s… of course I do,” she muttered, kicking at a rock. 
“Do you?” Derek asked quietly, moving to try and catch her gaze. “Selena - they’re gone. Gone, gone. No matter what they did to you…”
“You know how much that shit hurt me.” Selena’s voice trembled as she shut her eyes. “They fucking deserved it.”
She finally looked back up at Derek. He looked like he didn’t know whether to be scared, or furious, or just… sad. 
“No, Selena. The people that bullied you when we were younger did not deserve to die. None of them.”
Her teeth clenched, and she put a hand to her forehead. It felt wet - it wasn’t raining. She was getting too emotional, she was getting too close to the edge.
“You even killed a mother,” Derek said quietly. “You… I can’t believe you-”
“That kid was safer elsewhere!” Selena yelled, stepping forward. Reaching a tense arm up, she pointed out at the city. “No mom like that, that bully, ever deserves to be around a kid! Never!”
“She grew up, Selena!” Derek shouted back, throwing his arms out to the sides. “This isn’t like a recess fight, you killed her for something that happened years ago!”
“And now it’ll never happen again,” she hissed. “Not from her, and not from any of the other ones.”
“Half of them grew out of it, Selena! At least! You killed people for things they stopped doing, and never did again!”
“That doesn’t mean the hurt goes away! That doesn’t mean they get away with it, they can always go back!”
“So, what, you killed them? Killed them so they never have a chance to redeem themselves!?”
“They already had their chances! What about me, huh!? How about how my life ended up from what they did! They don’t say ‘sorry,’ and they get a nice life and I don’t!? They-”
Selena was cut off. A gust of wind slammed into her like a sledgehammer, and she flew backwards until she rolled to a stop on the ground.
With a groan, she rolled back to her front, pushing herself up with one arm as she wrapped the other around her torso. She definitely had bruises from the concrete, and she would have to be checked over for more.
She lifted her head, her vision beginning to clear as she saw somebody land next to Derek, someone with long blonde hair, touching his arm softly, murmuring to him. Fuck.
Cora turned around, her eyes landing on Selena. Her eyes turned from that ice and cobalt blue to a full glowing white, and she lifted her hands towards the crumpled figure on the ground. “Don’t come any closer,” she warned. “I won’t let you hurt him.”
A hiss escaped Selena’s teeth as she bared them at Cora. “I would never. Harm. Him.”
“Tell that to Jeff.”
Selena grit her teeth. She could feel them growing sharp. She didn’t care. “Jeff is different,” she growled. “Jeff tricked me, he led me on for years. Derek is-”
“What?” Cora said flatly, stepping closer to her. “Your friend? Someone you trust? You treated everybody like shit and threw them away when they came to help you. You thought you would act differently around Derek?”
“Yes!” Selena shrieked, getting up to her hands and knees. It was starting to rain, droplets falling over her face and hair, mingling with the blank ink down the side of her face. “He’s my friend, he cares, he-”
“You attacked him in his own home!”
“I attacked Will!” Selena screamed, sitting up as she clenched her fists. “I attacked Will, he was there, he’s dangerous, I couldn’t-!”
The two looked at Derek. His chest was heaving, and he had his hands clutched to his hair. “Just- STOP!” he shouted again, shutting his eyes. He shook his head violently before he looked at Selena again, pointing at her. 
“You-” he swallowed. “We are not friends. Not anymore. Not after you turned your back on everything we were.”
Selena’s heart dropped in her chest. The rain was pouring harder, now, drenching them all and making it hard to hear.
“... Come on,” Cora said quietly, putting a hand onto Derek’s shoulder. “Let’s go home.”
“... Hey…” Selena looked up. She saw her hand reach out to them as they began to turn away, but she couldn’t feel anything but the rain. “Hey, we’re not done-”
“You’ve done enough!” Cora snapped, glaring over her shoulder at the girl. “You’ve hurt him enough! Now go away!”
Selena could only watch numbly as they walked away, Cora covering Derek with her jacket to shield him from the rain. Selena’s own coat was getting soaked, the ends laying on the ground as she knelt there.
“... I…” She couldn’t tell whether or not it was the rain taking her body over with the cold, or the creature taking her body over with the madness again. “... What about me?”
Trembling, she lowered her head to the ground, holding it between her hands like it would explode. She stared wide-eyed at the concrete, propped up on her elbows. The only warmth she could feel now were her tears.
“... He hurt me,” she whispered. “What about me?”
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ohmightydevviepuu · 2 years
writers month prompts
day ten: kiss (a continuation of heat and echo)
(follow the complete story, try / cry / why? (just a dream) as it posts daily or on AO3)
– “You chose her,” Cora intoned. “And the consequences of that decision.” (2B canon divergence wherein Emma and Killian deal with the consequences.)
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She watches him, the words suspended between them; the tide washes out---her hand unfurls, the sparks vanish, the thought unspoken:
To be the Savior.
To have a soul.
Each, in its own way, a curse.
(Broken shards, pieces that fit together.)
Her gaze is the flicker of a candle ---soft, but bright---but what he feels is the blue at its center, where the fire burns hottest.
(How can he continue to bear the darkness, without her light? How has he lived all of these years without it?)
“I’m sorry,” she says. “Even after everything I did to you, you came back for me, today in the hallway. No one’s ever done that for me before.”
(And it’s such a small thing on the scale of what they have done to each other, but---)
(Her love, whomever he was, whatever his voice sounded like, certainly had not.)
(Neither had her family.)
“I wasn’t wrong about you, and I’m sorry. I guess I can say that here, in my dream. That’s what this is, right?”
He opens his mouth to speak---his usual refrain, his instinct to push back---Aye, Swan, it’s just a dream---the words are swallowed by her lips on his, and every nerve is afire; it is more than a spark, it is a conflagration of pure and perfect potential energy seeking kindling to feed its flame. He gives in, opening with a growl, with a hunger, that should frighten her as it frightens him but she just winds her arms around his neck and draws him closer.
(Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est.)
(Life is more than merely staying alive.)
The feeling of wanting her close is more than a need, it is a compulsion.
He can no more stop kissing her than he can stop breathing.
But the tide has rushed back in.
Not a tide, a ripcurrent---a rapture of the deep---his emotions this time, not hers---
(Never mind that she can feel them as if they are her own)
---and doused the spark, the flame, the fire. And he cannot handle it.
“This---isn’t---real,” he gasps, pulling himself away, putting distance between them, breathing heavily in a way that has nothing to do with his injuries and everything to do with the way the air has vacated his body and left his heart broken and betrayed but still beating in time with Emma’s.
(This isn’t real. It can’t be.)
@spartanguard​ @optomisticgirl​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @thisonesatellite​ @katie-dub​ @shireness-says​ @kmomof4​ @mariakov81​ @stahlop​
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Ardently Chapter Two || (WDW Pride and Prejudice AU)
Summary: During the Michaelmas ball held at Meryton House, Prudence and Lucia make new acquaintances in the form of sensible and witty, Mr. Frantzich, and his sullen friend, Mr. Seavey. All is not as it appears, and one is left desiring more.
Pairings: Daniel Seavey x OFC, Jonah Marais x OFC
Word count: 2,412
A/N: I kind of wish I’d spent some more time describing the ball itself, but I was more focused on developing the characters and their interactions. Next time.
Lively music swelled and swirled through the Great Hall at Meryton House. The ball’s attendees were in high spirits as the evening’s events progressed with great rapture and delight. Among the party’s guests, were the Abbott family; of which the matriarch bustled about on quick feet, chatting with any and all who would hear of her intentions to make known her girls to Netherfield’s accomplished visitor. Many of Meryton’s women shared Mrs. Abbott’s ideals and made known their own plans, though these did very little deter the woman who had every confidence her own Lucia and Prudence were well ahead of the other young ladies in regards to proper prospects.
Anna, Meg, and middle sister, Cora had taken leave of their mother as quickly as possible, with the two youngest out enjoying themselves among the crowd of their neighbours and friends already dancing. A joyous occasion Michaelmas was.
Prudence, for all she enjoyed her solitude, rather loved the turnout of the night. She sat nestled between her sister, Lucia, and dear friend, Zachary Herron, surveying the crowd of dancers and loiterers. A warm pink dusted the apples of Prudence’s cheeks, a soft giggle spilling forth of her lips as she touched her forehead quickly to Zachary’s in a moment of shared secret.
A dear girl of twenty-one and a dreamer in her own right, Prudence Abbott was a rare beauty to behold. Delicate features framed a beautiful face set with warm eyes, soft cheeks, and a gentle smile. Her dark hair she often wore pulled back in a loose bun, or left to cascade in waves around her shoulders when alone.
A lover of books and knowledge, Prudence often found that passing time amid people such as her mother and her friends, left more to be desired than it gave. She found conversation stirred greater between individuals like Zachary, or the characters in her novels, than with people she spent time on a regular basis. That’s not to say she didn’t enjoy her family, but simply that she often found their company lacking when all of their focus was on the romance of society and not also it’s logic.
She turned to Lucia beside her, once allowing herself a moment to breathe, and pointed out, “Now, if every every man in the room does not end the evening with you, then I am no judge of beauty.”
Lucia, a year older at twenty-two, had fair skin and bright eyes. Softer spoken than Prudence, her gentle manner appeared more socially acceptable, though Lucia wasn’t one for small talk or large crowds. She, like her family, did enjoy the occasional ball and mingle, but much preferred simple pleasures and meeting one-on-one rather than stuffed together on principle. She attended for the sake of her mother, and for Prudence, and saw no problem with either.
“Really, Prue,” Lucia clucked. She searched the assembly, a fond smile given to her younger sisters, and turned to Prudence with a laugh. “Or men.”
“No, they are far too easy to judge.”
“They’re not all bad.”
“Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience.”
“One of these days, Prue, someone will catch your eye and then you’ll have to watch your tongue.”
“Our Prue attempt to hold back unsolicited opinions in the presence of potential love? She couldn’t!” Zachary giggled over Prudence’s right shoulder, having returned to the conversation at hand with his imagination running wild at the thought of Prudence ever finding a time to bide her manners.
The music died out, all dancing and conversation ceased as the doors to the hall opened once more, revealing three figures ushered in by the party’s host, Mr. Herron. For a moment, no one moved, no one breathed, the air stood still as stone while all eyes fixed on the new arrivals.
Prudence leaned over to whisper in Zachary’s ear, “So, which one of the painted peacocks is our Mr. Frantzich?” she asked, having set eyes on the trio where they stood in the entranceway.
Zachary hummed. He was a young man of twenty-three, the oldest child and only son of his parents, still yet to consider securing his own match among the young women of society. As much a dreamer as Prudence or Lucia, he simply hadn’t tried, much to the dismay of his father. His honey-blond hair usually shaggy against his head, was combed back and tied off with a ribbon at the base of his skull. He gestured politely toward the evening’s newest companions. “Well, he’s on the right, and on the left is his brother.”
A tall fellow, Mr. Frantzich appeared to tower effortlessly over his brother, though their difference in height didn’t seem too great. Maybe, Prudence thought, it was the manner in which he carried himself. His friend, on the other hand, appeared much shorter, but truly was closer in height. And that, Prudence knew, definitely was in the other man’s attitude.
“And the person with the quizzical brow?” Prudence pressed on.
Together the three of them walked a pace meant to instil awe among Meryton’s patrons, scanning the masses quickly but giving no other indication of their own intentions for the room.
“That is his good friend, Mr. Seavey.”
“He looks miserable, poor soul.”
“Miserable, he may be, but poor, he most certainly is not.”
“Tell me.”
“£10,000 a year,” Zachary confessed, “and he owns half of Derbyshire.”
“The miserable half?” teased Prudence, and Zachary snorted.
As they drew close, Mr. Seavey turned to his right where Prudence and Zachary stood with Lucia. Respectfully, they bowed and curtsied as accustomed by their station, though it was not returned. Upon standing, Prudence’s eyes rose to meet that of Mr. Seavey’s; near enough to notice the deep ocean blue settled in his irises, a breathtaking colour amid such stoicism, and her breath hitched. Despite the fact that Mr. Seavey neither returned her curtsy with a bow of his own nor spoke a word of greeting to her, Prudence found herself quite intrigued by the man.
Having made their way down the line of guests, the festivities resumed and Prudence was left to ruminate on the information afforded her by her dear friend. No doubt her mother would be by soon to sweep the girls up and show them off to Mr. Frantzich as soon as possible, she’d be lucky if she could avoid such trouble. But such luck was not on her side that evening as Mrs. Abbott sashayed her way through swirling skirts to pull her daughters along.
“Mama, is this really necessary?” Prudence tried to refuse, and held Lucia’s hand for dear life as they were pulled away in a single-file train toward the unsuspecting gentleman.
“Hush, now. Oh, Cora, come.” Mrs. Abbott pulled her daughters in a row next to her, allowed room for Zachary to join behind them with Mr. Abbott as well, and offered up a too-polite smile.
“Mr. Frantzich, my oldest son you know,” Mr. Herron introduced, “Mrs. Abbott, Miss Lucia Abbott, Prudence and Miss Cora Abbott.”
Curtsies were offered as introductions made, and Mrs. Abbott couldn’t help taking up conversation as if she were given formal invitation to remain at their sides for the evening. As was her way, she launched right into her plan for the young gentleman with a dazzling smile and not a moment wasted. “It is a pleasure,” she said. “I have two others, but they’re already dancing.”
“I’m delighted to make your acquaintance,” Mr. Frantzich offered, a dimpled smile accompanied his soft tone of voice.
Mr. Herron continued, “And may I introduce Mr. Seavey of Pemberley in Derbyshire.”
Up close, Prudence added to the list in her head of Mr.Seavey’s character. He was miserable, silent, and broody. He didn’t smile or bow or make any indication that he was enjoying his time in Meryton, in fact, it was difficult to decipher anything about him. His friend, Mr. Frantzich, seemed eager to enjoy the night and a little awkward at best, but Prudence could forgive that slight indiscretion for the way he was looking at Lucia.
They’d since moved off to the side with Mr. Frantzich in their company as a break from dancing occurred, and light conversation was made in favour of shouting over the din of music.
“How do you like it here in Hertfordshire, Mr. Frantzich?” Lucia asked, smiling. Prudence couldn’t recall the last time she’d seen her sister open up in such a manner, inviting pleasant conversation with someone else who on the surface so far, was so like her.
“Very much,” he replied. An awkward pause followed, though his eyes remained trained on the young lady’s face. His hands fidgeted nervously.
“The library at Netherfield, I’ve heard, is one of the finest in the country.” Prudence would rescue them both for the sake of their own anxieties.
“Yes, it fills me with guilt. I’m not a very good reader, you see.” Mr. Frantzich hung his head low momentarily before continuing on excitedly. “I prefer being out of doors. I mean, I can read, of course.” At that Lucia smiled. “And I’m not suggesting you can’t read out of doors, of course.”
“I wish I read more,” she confessed, “but there always seems to be so many other things to do.”
Mr. Frantzich agreed easily, “Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.”
Love and pride swelled in Prudence’s heart, watching her sister accept Mr. Frantzich’s request to dance once the band began playing again. A slower tune filled the room, Prudence approached Mr. Seavey where he stood off to the side with the younger Mr. Frantzich (superior looking sort of man, who for all Prudence could figure out, seemed to detest the very event he was attending).
Stepping between the two men as the moment allowed, Prudence offered Mr. Seavey a kind smile and asked, “Do you dance, Mr. Seavey?”
“Not if I can help it,” was his curt reply. And Prudence added that, too, onto her list of things against Mr. Seavey’s character that made him the most unusual man she’d ever met.
Walking along the back of the chorus of dancers, Prudence wondered how someone so attractive in stature could be so unattractive in personality. Why, she’d never met someone so completely dull, she couldn’t understand why Mr. Seavey bothered appearing at the ball that evening if he wouldn’t find enjoyment in it. Well, whatever the case, at least Lucia had found someone with whom she could pass the time as the evening progressed. Prudence would worry about herself later.
Zachary, who’d been looking for Prudence just as well, held out his hands to draw the young woman into a hug as she approached. The atmosphere around both quickly warming in each other’s presence. “Oh, my Prue! I didn’t know you were coming to see me. What’s the matter?”
“Zachary, why must it be so hard to find someone who can share in my thoughts the way Lucia seems to have done with Mr. Frantzich? Or as I have with you, dear friend?” Prudence lamented woefully.
“Not here. Come.” Zachary led her by the hand away from the crowd, under the steps. “Now, tell me, what has happened?”
“It’s Mr. Seavey. He―”
Above them, Mr. Frantzich’s voice rang out at the splendour of the moment; the ball, the guests, the music, the dancing, and the companionship. “I’ve never seen so many pretty girls in my life.”
Mr. Seavey disagreed. “You were dancing with the only handsome girl in the room.”
“She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. But her sister, Prudence, is very agreeable.”
“Perfectly tolerable, I dare say, but not handsome enough to tempt me. You’d better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles. You’re wasting your time with me.”
Zachary laid a comforting hand on Prudence’s cheek. “Count your blessings, Prue. If he liked you, you’d have to talk to him.”
“Precisely,” she sighed. “As it is, I wouldn’t dance with him for all of Derbyshire, let alone the miserable half.”
The night drawn to a close; the Abbott sisters flirted with the best of them and made introductions and acquaintances of Mr. Frantzich and Mr. Seavey. Lucia and Prudence retired to their room upon returning home, changed into their nightgowns, and crawled into bed.
Prudence’s eyes shifted about the room, unable to focus on a single point as her mind raced and replayed the evening’s events. She fidgeted restlessly next to Lucia, thinking of Mr. Seavey and his eyes of ocean blue. . .how vibrant a colour they were for one so trapped within the confines of his own harsh opinion on life. She wondered what had he to experience that could’ve left him as jaded as he seemed on the surface.
“Mr. Frantzich is just what a young man ought to be,” Lucia’s sweet voice broke the warm silence surrounding them. “Sensible, good humoured. . .”
“Handsome, conveniently rich,” Prudence cut in with a giggle.
“You know perfectly well I do not believe marriage should be driven by a lot of money.”
“I agree entirely. Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I will end up an old maid.”
“Do you really believe he liked me, Prue?”
Prudence may not have been a great judge of character, but she knew Lucia. “Lucy, he danced with you most of the night and stared at you for the rest of it. But I give you leave to like him. You’ve liked many a stupider person. Now, you’re a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know. All the world is good and agreeable in your eyes.”
Lucia shook her head adamantly. “No, not his friend. Oh, I still can’t believe what he said about you.” Though shy, Lucia loved Prudence fiercely. While less prone to exhibiting outward affections, she’d make it well known if she must, how she truly felt of anyone whose fault with Prudence breached the bounds of normal social interactions.
“Mr. Seavey?” Prudence hummed. His eyes flashed once in her mind. “I could more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine. But no matter, I doubt we shall ever speak again.”
Outside the fortress of their room, crickets sang the song of late night. The moon cast a silvery glow on the land below it, and Longbourn Estate drifted into a peaceful slumber filled with dreams of romance and challenge and the wonder of things uncertain.
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Ardently Taglist: @chilling-seavey
If you’d like to be tagged, feel free to send an ask or DM or add a comment when you reblog letting me know. (:
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Give me any 4 headcanons for Cora!
:) Mix of headcanons and originating AUs
1.) Cora had NO personality in her original form. She was just Derek's girlfriend who happened to be medically trained because I had no actual doctors... and that was literally all that I knew about her!
This is actually the reason she is in Jaren's Puppy! I have no other doctor characters :,)
2.) Cora's current personality actually comes from my Rapture project! The one on @drabblesofrapture . Derek is now in his own story there, separate from Jaren's Puppy. Originally, the way I implemented her and William was to make her William's bored, annoyed girlfriend. I do have a drabble for this, if you're willing to see this. William is a very flashy man in that AU, and Cora is exactly like she is in Jaren's Puppy; annoyed, bored, and sick of her coven leader's shit after an entire century of dealing with said shit.
3.) The relationship between Cora and David being friendly and somewhat close has been unexpected, but I can work with it. I don't think Cora would ever let it progress any further than friendship, though.
4.) You know what, speaking of that, Cora probably hasn't delved into any sort of dating relationship. Ever. She doesn't want to waste any time catering to "some idiot" when she has important medical work to do, and she has never found herself attracted to anyone in the coven.
To be fair, everyone in the coven is certainly an idiot in her eyes, but she also hasn't seen any healthy relationships play out in this coven. Maybe in the village she grew up in, but... these are vampires, not humans. Surely there's a difference, and whatever that difference is, she thinks it's what makes the couples in the coven so miserable.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
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Happy birthday, @onceuponaprincessworld​ ! You are a lovely presence in this fandom, making beautiful picsets often for no other reason than your love for a particular fic. You have supported me and encouraged me personally as a writer, as you often do for so many. I hope your day is wonderful!
As I was contemplating your fic, I was inspired by this song by Grace Potter that plays at the end of Tangled. Tallahassee, of course, is one episode with massive Tangled vibes. A line in this song reminded me of Killian’s line in that episode that everything they need is right in front of them. So here is an alternate ending to that episode. I tried to make sure the character of these two is still intact, especially at this point in their relationship, but I did take dramatic liberty with the plot and dialogue of the episode. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: There is a treasure in this room that you need but don’t want. Find it, and the way out will be revealed to you.
Rating: G
Words: 2,700
Also on Ao3 and part of my Fandom Birthday Playlist
Tagging the usuals :@snowbellewells​​ @jennjenn615​​ @kday426​​ @let-it-raines​​ @teamhook​​@kmomof4​​ @bethacaciakay​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @thislassishooked​​ @tiganasummertree​​@whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @snidgetsafan​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​​ @winterbaby89​​​ @distant-rose​​​@shireness-says​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​ @optomisticgirl​​​ @spartanguard​​​ @branlovestowrite​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​ @stahlop​
It's so easy to make believe,
It seems you're livin' in a dream
Don't you see that what you need
Is standing in front of you?
Everything we need is right in front of us. Emma grinds her teeth at the thought of the pirate’s words. She’s surprisingly gotten over the shock that he’s Captain freakin Hook and has gone straight to complete irritation. Tying that bandage with his damn teeth. Seriously, this guy is so full of it she’s surprised his shoulders can support the weight of his head. She huffs when she sees him lift a gold coin and smell it with a rapturous expression.
“How long do you think giant knock-out powder lasts?” she snaps.
“I’ve no clue,” he replies casually.
“That’s my rush,” she clarifies through gritted teeth.
“Ah, right you are,” he agrees brightly, tossing the coin aside. She’s honestly surprised that he agreed with her so easily.
What happens next is a chaotic blur. Emma sees the tripwire a moment too late, and then the floor is falling beneath their feet. The drop isn’t a long one, but piles of coins, mounds of jewels, and gold knick knacks of all shapes and sizes rain down with them. Her shoulder colliding with the floor doesn’t hurt quite so much as the metal pelting her from above. A hand grasps her other shoulder, and cool metal brushes her bare skin where her shirt has ridden up. Her eyes fly open as the muscular chest pressed against hers registers.
“You okay, love?” Hook asks, his brow creased with surprising concern.
Emma blinks and scrambles backwards, rubbing at her sore shoulder. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Hook groans as he struggles to his feet, massaging his own arm and rolling his shoulders. He looks up at the hole above them with a grimace. “I evidently triggered a booby trap.”
“Ya think?” Emma snaps.
Hook offers his hand to help her up, but she slaps it away. He frowns, his blue eyes turning thunderous. “So this is my fault.”
“Well for a pirate you’re not very good at sneaking into a treasure room.”
“Maybe I would have been more observant if someone wasn’t nagging me to hurry up.”
“You’re not taking any of this seriously!” she’s practically shouting now, her fists clenched tightly.
“Oh believe me, lass,” he retorts, stalking towards her in a predatory way, “I know how serious the situation is. Breaking trust with Cora isn’t something a man takes lightly.”
Emma refuses to back down, even when he comes chest to chest with her. She lifts her chin to meet his gaze. “Or maybe you’re playing us.”
He shakes his head, and Emma almost swears that she sees hurt in his eyes. “You still don’t trust me.”
Before Emma can reply, the ground beneath them begins to shake. More treasure sprinkles down into the hole they are in. Emma reaches out instinctively to steady herself, grasping Hook by his biceps. Very toned biceps, actually -
Get a grip, Emma! Now’s not the time!
Hook’s hands come up to steady her as well, and he leans forward and says in a low voice, “It’s the giant.”
Emma glances up at Hook, and she isn’t sure if her pounding heart is from fear or the amazing bright blue eyes staring back at her. She swallows, then whispers, “Should we try and hide?”
The pounding stops, and a shadow falls over them. Hook presses his eyes closed and sighs. “Too late.”
“Humans after treasure again? After all these years?” a voice above them roars.
Emma turns and tilts her head. She is surprised by two things. One, the giant she had thrown the sleeping powder at earlier isn’t the fearsome monster she had assumed he was. Now that she can really look at his face, he seems more like an ordinary man who just happens to be extremely large. If she isn’t mistaken, that even seems like loneliness and sorrow in his eyes. Two feelings she is much too familiar with.
The second thing that surprises her is the protective posture Hook is assuming, wrapping his right arm around her and pulling her a hair closer while lifting his hook in front of her. Completely unnecessary, of course, but . . . huh. He really is an old-school gentleman.
Emma pushes her way out of Hook’s loose embrace, despite the warnings he hisses at her under his breath. She locks her gaze with the giant above them, hoping she hasn’t read him wrong.
“Look, we’re not here to hurt you -”
“Oh, so knocking me out earlier was what? An accident?”
Emma shakes her head. “Sorry about that -”
“What are you doing?” Hook mutters behind her, but she waves at him to be quiet.
“We heard that you weren’t exactly friendly, so we thought that sleeping powder was our only option. We heard wrong, didn’t we?”
The giant narrows his eyes. “No, you heard correctly, and don’t try to charm your way out of this. I fell for that once. I won’t do it again.”
Emma searches his face carefully. “Humans betrayed you, didn’t they? That’s what really happened here, isn’t it?”
“Victors are the ones who get to tell the stories.”
“Exactly!” Emma agrees. “The war, it wasn’t the giant’s who were the bad guys, it was the humans. They invaded. And now . . . “ she bites her bottom lip as she looks into the giant’s eyes again, “you’re all alone.”
The giant’s face goes soft for a moment, but then his jaw clenches. “I’m still not gonna trust another human.”
“Listen, the way I see it, we could have killed you before when we used the powder, but we didn’t. Aren’t you wondering why?”
“I’m listening . . . “ the giant mutters hesitantly.
“It’s because we’re only here for one thing. We’re just looking for a magic compass. That’s it. We put you to sleep, we get the compass, we’re out of here. That was it. I swear.”
“What do you need it for?”
Emma takes a deep breath and answers with complete sincerity. “To get home to my son. He’s in another realm, and I only just got him back. This compass is my only chance. Please, help us.”
The giant looks at her for a long, silent moment, then he turns away from the hole. Emma glances at Hook, who regards her with an arched brow. Only a moment later, the giant is back.
“Catch,” he tells her, tossing something into the hole. Emma reaches up and grins when a golden compass falls into her open palms.
“You’re amazing,” Killian whispers over her shoulder, “bloody brilliant, lass.”
She turns towards Hook, unable to keep the broad grin off her face. She’s surprised to see his own lips turn up into a genuine smile, his gaze upon her and not the ornate compass in her hand. Flustered, she quickly turns away from him to look back up at the giant.
“Thank you! So, so much! Now could you, um, get us out of this hole?”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible.”
Emma frowns. Had she read him wrong this whole time? She’d been so sure . . .
“Why ever the bloody hell not?” Hook cries out next to her.
“Hook,” she whispers in a warning tone.
“I would if I could, believe me,” the giant explains, “but this trap was enchanted years ago, before I was even born, by an enchantress. The only way out is to solve the riddle.”
Hook groans beside her. “What riddle?”
“There is a treasure in this room that you need but don’t want. Figure out what it is, and the way out will reveal itself to you.”
“Are you serious?” Emma rubs at her temple.
“Afraid so,” the giant sighs, “but I’ll bring you some dinner in the meantime.”
Emma frowns up at him. “Thanks. I know it isn’t your fault.”
The giant gives her a sad smile in return. “My name is Anton, by the way.”
“Emma Swan,” she tells him.
“Captain Killian Jones.”
Emma turns her head towards her companion in surprise. He’s even bowing to the giant, the drama queen. She had honestly forgotten that he had given them another name - Killian Jones. His real name. Not Hook.
It suits him, actually.
Emma tosses aside a string of pearls as she curses under her breath. On the other side of the room, Hook matches her frustration with colorful language of his own. Her jaw clenches so hard her ears almost pop and anger surges through her. She mindlessly grabs a velvet pouch of jewels and hurls it against the rocky walls of their prison.
“We’ll find a way out of here, Swan, I’m sure of it,” Killian tries to encourage her, but he doesn’t sound all that convincing.
“I told Mulan to chop the beanstalk down if we weren’t back by sundown.”
Hook shakes his head, his eyes blinking. “You what?”
Emma rubs her face wearily. “Don’t act so surprised, you’re a pirate. I had to protect Mary Margaret. One of us has to get home.”
Killian’s eyes look thunderous. It’s surprising how often in the last half hour she’s thought of him by his given name.
“I thought we already had this conversation.”
Emma tilts her head. “It really bothers you that I don’t trust you?” What the hell did he expect?!
“What the bloody hell did I expect?” he asks rhetorically, his entire body deflating.
Emma’s jaw drops. Either he seriously has mind reading powers, or -
“Anyone hungry down there?”
They both look up at Anton, who’s grinning down at them. Yeah, definitely not a flesh eating monster. She and Killian affirm that they could indeed use some sustenance, and Anton sends a bucket down on a rope. When Emma grasps it, a thought comes to her. She finds Hooks eyes on her, and he shrugs as if to say, “it’s worth a shot.”
Emma sets the bucket on the ground, and then Killian springs with surprising agility onto the rope Anton is still holding. Yet before he has climbed even a foot up the rope, a pulse of magic emanates from it and he’s sent flying backwards. Anton can’t help a small chuckle as Hook groans and struggles to his feet.
“I should have warned you not to try that,” the giant laughs.
“I’m glad you find it so entertaining, mate,” Hook growls.
Emma shakes her head as she reaches down to help Killian up. “Thanks for the food, Anton,” she calls over her shoulder.
“Wish I could do more,” he tells them as he pulls up the rope, “but enjoy the meal.”
“You don’t hesitate to take risks, do you?” Emma asks Hook as she kneels down next to the bucket of food.
“Well,” he says amiably, “as you said, I am a pirate.”
Emma nods as she takes out thick ham sandwiches, grapes, wedges of cheese, and two jugs of ale. “Yeah, I guess a cautious man wouldn’t make it on . . . what do you call it? The high seas?”
Killian raised a brow at her as he tossed a grape into his mouth. “You don’t know much about piracy, do you?”
Emma settled onto the cold stone floor with a sandwich clutched in her hand. “Nope. Just what I’ve seen in movies.”
He tilts his head at her in a way that reminds her of a curious puppy. “Movies? What are those?” He so sincere, so completely clueless when he asks, that it’s almost endearing.
“It’s like . . . a play, but the people aren’t actually there. They take . . . pictures that move and project it on a huge screen.”
Killian’s eyes widen. “Incredible, and they say your land has no magic!”
Emma can’t help but smile at his awe over something that to her is so commonplace. They fall into an easy silence as they eat and drink. Emma polishes off her sandwich, and after a swig of ale, her gaze drifts once again to the tattoo just peeking out of his shirt cuff.
“Tell me about the tattoo.”
He startles, and she isn’t sure if it’s from the question itself or the silence she has broken. His jaw clenches as he looks down at his wrist, and she knows he won’t answer. Again.
“You loved her, didn’t you?” she says softly.
Killian simply nods.
“And she’s the reason you need to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin?”
He sighs. “Aye, but I don’t really wish to relive that pain at the present.”
“I get that.” Emma munches a few grapes. “Besides, it’s not like you’re the only one with an ax to grind with that guy. I can fill in the blanks, believe me.”
Killian chuckles sardonically at that, and they both fall silent again.
“You know I can’t let you kill him though, right?” Emma adds. “I mean, as the sheriff I have to uphold law and order and all that.”
He studies her so intently, that she as to look away. “You weren’t always on the right side of the law. Were you, Swan?”
Emma’s head snaps up at that. “How do you do that?”
He shrugs. “I may be a pirate, but I’m not stupid. Orphans don’t get the easiest lot in life. I would wager that you did what you had to in order to survive.”
Emma narrows her eyes at him. “I get the feeling this isn’t just something you picked up from a bunch of lost boys.”
Killian rubs at the back of his neck and a light blush stains his cheeks. “Well, perhaps I’ve seen it in the mirror as well.” He shrugs and laughs as if it’s of no consequence, a casual air she knows from personal experience is a defense mechanism.
“Oh,” is all she can manage to say.
They finish off the rest of the food and the ale. They really should get back to figuring out that damn riddle, but she feels drowsy from the meal. She pulls her knees up to her chest and studies Hook’s profile. She bites down on her lip before breaking the silence once again.
“I admit, I have been in love.”
He turns to her, eyes widening slightly in surprise. A small smile lifts his lips, but it isn’t teasing or self-satisfying. It’s just understanding. “I assumed as much.”
Emma sighs and rests her chin on her knees. “It’s hard for me to love. It was even hard at first with Henry. I see my parents- they want me to love them, but it’s hard. I need to try I guess.”
She glances at Killian, and his eyes are piercing in their intensity, but this time she doesn’t look away. He’s an orphan too, and it makes her feel as if perhaps he understands. He’s a pirate, he’s done things that she’s sure are horrific. She knows she can’t fully trust him, at least not yet, but that doesn’t mean he was wrong before. They do make quite the team, and he really does seem to have an uncanny ability to read her.
“They need to be patient,” he finally says, voice low and warm. “Maybe what you need is not someone begging you to love them, but someone who will wait patiently until you’re ready.”
Emma feels a gasp lodge itself in her throat as his words sink deep and take root. The air feels charged, but not with the sexual attraction she’s felt earlier. Before she can analyze it, the room rumbles beneath their feet, the walls shake, and a crack runs down the length of one wall with a loud clap like thunder. Dust and debris rain around them, but when it clears, light pours through a cavernous hole in the far wall. They both scramble to their feet, laughing with joy.
“What?” Emma asks. “How?”
“I don’t know,” Killian laughs, “but don’t question it, love.”
With the compass clutched in her hand, Emma races out into the sunlight on Killian’s heels. What happened in the cave has her mind whirling with so many questions, the main one surrounding the riddle they had unknowingly solved. What treasure did she need even though she didn’t want it? Or was it Hook’s treasure?
She pushes all of those thoughts aside as they scramble to descend the beanstalk. Sundown isn’t far away . . .
She's a girl with the best intentions
He's a man of his own invention
She looked out of the window
He walked out the door
But she followed him
And he said, "What'cha lookin' for?"
62 notes · View notes
tothemattresses · 5 years
2020 Reading Challenge - E-Book Edition!
According to Amazon, I have exactly 294 e-books currently sitting in my Kindle library. 
Granted, some of these books have been read and are being saved for a second (or third, or fourth) re-read, but when it comes down to it, that number is around 40 books, give or take. 
Which means I still have over 250 books that need to be read. 
And it’s not like I haven’t tried! There are plenty of titles that, when opened up, will go to the last place I left off - that being chapter 5, or maybe chapter 10. But sometimes life gets in the way. Or a sudden interest in another author. Or a new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. But whatever the reason may be, it’s over 250 books that haven’t been read. Challenge accepted! 
For 2020, I commit to not buying any new books to add to my Kindle library (checking out books from the library is ok, because you’ve gotta support your local library!), and instead focus on the books I already have. So no addition of 99 cent books, or Kindle Unlimited books, or books that are suddenly 75% off. Only the books that I currently have. 
As the reading commences, and after the book is finished, I’ll update my list to indicate what has been completed, along with the date purchased, and a short review (or a reason I just couldn’t finish it at all). 
Below is the list for future reference - and to clarify my what my favorite genre is. Spoiler: it’s romance novels. 
Here we go!
Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 535 Easy(ish) Steps – Kelly Williams Brown
An Affair with Mr. Kennedy (Gentlemen of Scotland Yard) – Jillian Stone
All About Love (Cynster Book 6) – Stephanie Laurens
All Afternoon with a Scandalous Marquess: A Lords of Vice Novel – Alexandra Hawkins
Almost a Scandal: A Reckless Brides Novel (The Reckless Brides Book 1) – Elizabeth Essex
Alpha – Jasinda Wilder
A Duke’s Guide to Seducing His Bride (Chase Family Series- The Jewels Book 4) – Lauren Royal
The American Heiress: A Novel – Daisy Goodwin
When an Earl Meets a Girl (Chase Family Series- The Jewels Book 1) – Lauren Royal
The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year – Andy Cohen
Angel in a Devil's Arms: The Palace of Rogues – Julie Anne Long
Angel in Scarlet: A Bound and Determined Novel – Lavinia Kent
Anything He Wants & Castaway – Sara Fawkes
The Astronaut Wives Club – Lily Koppel
At Any Price: A Billionaire Virgin Auction Romance (Gaming the System Book 1) – Brenna Aubrey
At Any Turn: A Billionaire Romance (Gaming the System Book 2) – Brenna Aubrey
At Your Pleasure – Meredith Duran
The Awakening of Ivy Leavold (Markham Hall Book 1) – Sierra Simone
Badd Motherf*cker (The Badd Brothers Book 1) – Jasinda Wilder
Bare Ass in Love (Hard, Fast, and Forever Book 1) – Sasha Burke
Because of Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgertons Prequel (Rokesbys Series Book 1) – Julia Quinn
The Bed and the Bachelor (Byrons of Braebourne Book 5) – Tracy Anne Warren
Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1) – Aleatha Romig
Beware That Girl – Teresa Toten
Beyond Scandal and Desire: A Sins for All Seasons Novel – Lorraine Heath
The Big Bad Office Wolf (Kings of the Tower Book 1) – May Sage
Bittersweet (True North Book 1) – Sarina Bowen
Blame It on Bath: The Truth About the Duke – Caroline Linden
Bound by Your Touch – Meredith Duran
The Bride (Lairds' Fiancees Book 1) – Julie Garwood
Bridget Jones's Diary: A Novel – Helen Fielding
Burn (The Breathless Trilogy Book 3) – Maya Banks
Burning Offer (Trevor's Harem Book 1) – Aubrey Parker
Captivated by You (Crossfire, Book 4) – Sylvia Day
Captive of Sin – Anna Campbell
Cash: A Power Players Stand-Alone Novel – Cassia Leo
Catch a Wave: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson – Peter Ames Carlin
Catching Sin (Las Vegas Sin Book 2) – J. Saman
Catholicism For Dummies – John Trigilio
A Certain Age: A Novel – Beatriz Williams
Chasing Lady Amelia: Keeping Up with the Cavendishes – Maya Rodale
Checkmate: This is War (Travis & Viola, #1) (Checkmate Duet) – Kennedy Fox
Claiming the Courtesan (Avon Romantic Treasures) – Anna Campbell
Collide: Book One in the Collide Series – Gail McHugh
The Controversial Princess (The Smoke & Mirrors Duology Book 1) – Jodi Ellen Malpas
Crave: A Billionaire Bachelors Club Novel (Billionaire Bachelors Club Series Book 1) – Monica Murphy
Dating You / Hating You – Christina Lauren
Deal with the Devil (Forge Trilogy Book 1) – Meghan March
Desperate Duchesses – Eloisa James
Desperate to Touch (Hard to Love Book 2) – W. Winters
Destiny – Sally Beauman
Devil's Daughter: The Ravenels meet The Wallflowers – Lisa Kleypas
Dirty Sexy Inked (A Dirty Sexy Novel Book 2) – Carly Phillips
Dirty Sexy Saint (A Dirty Sexy Novel Book 1) – Carly Phillips
Double Down: Game Change 2012 – Mark Halperin
The Duchess Diaries: The Bridal Pleasures Series – Jillian Hunter
The Duchess Hunt (House of Trent Book 1) – Jennifer Haymore
The Duke and I (Bridgertons Book 1) – Julia Quinn
The Duke Is Mine (Fairy Tales Book 3) – Eloisa James
Duke of Scandal (Moonlight Square, Book 1) – Galen Foley
The Duke of Shadows – Meredith Duran
Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane Book 10) – Elizabeth Hoyt
The Duke's Holiday (The Regency Romp Trilogy Book 1) – Maggie Fenton
Dusk with a Dangerous Duke: A Lords of Vice Novel – Alexandra Hawkins
Edenbrooke: A Proper Romance – Julianne Donaldson
Elite (Elite Doms of Washington Book 1) – Elizabeth SaFleur
Entwined with You (Crossfire, Book 3) – Sylvia Day
Everything Is Perfect When You're a Liar – Kelly Oxford
The Fall of Legend (Legend Trilogy Book 1) – Meghan March
The Fight for Forever (Legend Trilogy Book 3) – Meghan March
A Fine Imitation: A Novel – Amber Brock
The Fix Up – Kendall Ryan
Flowers from the Storm – Laura Kinsale
For Everly – Raine Thomas
For the Earl's Pleasure – Anne Mallory
For the Record – K.A. Linde
Gabriel's Inferno (Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy Book 1) – Sylvain Reynard
Gabriel's Rapture (Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy Book 2) – Sylvain Reynard
Gabriel's Redemption (Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy Book 3) – Sylvain Reynard
Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 1) – Carly Phillips
A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin: The Debutante Files (The Debutante Files Series Book 1) – Sophie Jordan
Good Girl: A Rockstar Romance (Wicked Book 1) – Piper Lawson
The Good Luck Charm – Helena Hunting
Grayson's Vow – Mia Sheridan
Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian (Fifty Shades of Grey Series Book 4) – E.L. James
Hard As Stone: Heart of Stone Series #8 – K.M. Scott
Hard to Love – W. Winters
The Hardest Fall – Ella Maise
Hating The Boss – Natalie Wrye
The Heir (Windham Book 1) – Grace Burrowes
Heiress in Love: A Ministry of Marriage Novel (The Ministry of Marriage Book 1) – Christina Brooke
Heiress Without A Cause (Muses of Mayfair Book 1) – Sara Ramsey
Hello Stranger: The Ravenels, Book 4 – Lisa Kleypas
Her Forbidden Love Match (A Willow Cove Novel, #1) – Theresa Paolo
Her Husband's Harlot (Mayhem in Mayfair Book 1) – Grace Callaway
Hidden Gabriel: Formerly Winter Peril (Hidden Alphas Book 1) – Victoria Pinder
Highland Surrender – Tracy Brogan
Highlander Betrayed (Guardians of the Targe Book 1) – Lauren Wittig
His Favorite Mistress: A Novel (The Mistress Trilogy Book 3) – Tracy Anne Warren
His Virgin: A First Time Romance (His and Hers Book 1) – Vivian Wood
Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling – Bret Hart
Hollywood Dirt – Alessandra Torre
Hollywood on Tap (Sweet Salvation Brewery) – Avery Flynn
The Hotel – Lola Darling
House of Scarlett (Legend Trilogy Book 2) – Meghan March
How a Lady Weds a Rogue: A Falcon Club Novel – Katharine Ashe
How to Marry a Duke Vicky Dreiling
How to Ravish a Rake – Vicky Dreiling
How to Seduce a Scoundrel – Vicky Dreiling
If He's Wicked (Wherlocke Book 1) – Hannah Howell
The Imperfectionists: A Novel – Tom Rachman
In the Arms of a Marquess (Rogues of the Sea Book 3) – Katherine Ashe
In the Unlikely Event – L.J. Shen
In Total Surrender – Anne Mallory
An Irresistible Temptation (The Cavallo Brothers Book 2) – Elsa Winckler
It Had to Be You (Chicago Stars Book 1) – Susan Elizabeth Philips
It Happened One Midnight: Pennyroyal Green Series – Julie Anne Long
It Started with a Scandal: Pennyroyal Green Series – Julie Anne Long
It's Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You're Single – Sara Eckel
Just Roll With It (A Perfect Dish Book 4) – Tawdra Kandle
Kaleidoscope Hearts (A brother's best friend romance) – Claire Contreras
The Kingmaker (All the King's Men Duet Book 1) – Kennedy Ryan
Lady of Desire (Knight Miscellany Book 4) – Gaelen Foley
The Last Arrow (The Medieval Trilogy Book 3) – Marsha Canham
The Last Summer – Judith Kinghorn
Lead by Example: 50 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Results – John Baldoni
The Legend of Lyon Redmond: Pennyroyal Green Series – Julie Anne Long
Legend (The REAL series Book 6) – Katy Evans
Let's Do It: A Journey's End Novel – Ann Christopher
Life with My Sister Madonna – Christopher Ciccone
Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season Book 1) – Helen Hardt
Lord of Scoundrels – Loretta Chase
Losing It – Cora Carmack
Lost Without You (The Debt Book 1) – Molly O’Keefe
A Loving Scoundrel: A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family Book 7) – Johanna Lindsey
Luck Is No Lady (Fallen Ladies Book 1) – Amy Sandas
Lucky (Elite Doms of Washington Book 4) – Elizabeth SaFleur
A Mackenzie Clan Gathering (Mackenzies Series) – Jennifer Ashley
Mad About the Earl: A Ministry of Marriage Novel (The Ministry of Marriage Book 2) – Christina Brooker
Maid for the Billionaire (Book 1) (Legacy Collection) – Ruth Cardello
A Man Above Reproach – Evelyn Pryce
Manwhore (The Manwhore Series Book 1) – Katy Evans
Marriage For One – Ella Maise
Masques of Gold (Casablanca Classics Book 0) – Robert Gellis
Melt For Him (Fighting Fire Book 2) – Lauren Blakely
Midnight Angel (Stokehursts Book 1) – Lisa Kleypas
Midnight Pleasures With a Scoundrel (Scoundrels of St. James Book 4) – Lorraine Heath
Mine (The REAL series Book 2) – Katy Evans
Mine Till Midnight (Hathaways Book 1) – Lisa Kleypas
Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (Beau Monde Book 1) – Samantha Grace
More Than Charming (Book 3 Dashing Nobles Series) – JoMarie DeGioia
The Most to Lose (The Redeemed series Book 1) – Laura Landon
Mr. Corporate (The Mister Series Book 3) – JA Huss
Mr Imperfect: Lost Boys #1 – Karina Bliss
Mr. Mysterious (The Mister Series Book 4) – JA Huss
Mr. Romantic (The Mister Series Book 2) – JA Huss
My Lady, My Lord: A Twist Series Novel – Katherine Ashe
My Notorious Gentleman (Inferno Club Book 6) – Gaelen Foley
My Reckless Surrender – Anna Campbell
My Ruthless Prince (Inferno Club Book 4) – Gaelen Foley
My Scandalous Viscount (Inferno Club Book 5) – Gaelen Foley
The Nearness of You – Iris Morland
Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid (Kellington Book 1) – Maureen Driscoll
Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished: The Third Rule of Scoundrels (Rules of Scoundrels Book 3) – Sarah MacLean
No Mistress of Mine: An American Heiress in London – Laura Lee Guhrke
A Notorious Countess Confesses: Pennyroyal Green Series – Julie Anne Long
Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane Book 2) – Elizabeth Hoyt
Once a Soldier (Rogues Redeemed Book 1) – Mary Jo Putney
Once More, My Darling Rogue (Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James Book 2) – Lorraine Heath
One Last Time – Corinne Michaels
One Night in London: The Truth About the Duke – Caroline Linden
One Taste (The "One" Series Book 1) – K.A. Berg
One with You (Crossfire Series Book 5) – Sylvia Day
Only With Your Love (Vallerands Book 2) – Lisa Kleypas
The Paris Wife: A Novel – Paula McLain
Party Animals: A Hollywood Tale of Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll Starring the Fabulous Allan Carr – Robert Hofler
Perfect (Elite Doms of Washington Book 3) – Elizabeth SaFleur
The Phantom of the Opera – Gaston Leroux
The Pleasure of Your Kiss – Teresa Medeiros
Prince of Dreams (Stokehursts Book 2) – Lisa Kleypas
Princes at War: The Bitter Battle Inside Britain's Royal Family in the Darkest Days of WWII – Deborah Cadbury
The Princess and the Peer (The Princess Brides series Book 1) – Tracy Anne Warren
Princess Charming: A Legendary Lovers Novel – Nicole Jordan
Pulse: Book Two in the Collide Series – Gail McHugh
A Rake's Midnight Kiss (Sons of Sin Book 2) – Anna Campbell
Reason to Wed (The Distinguished Rogues Book 7) – Heather Boyd
The Rebel Queen (The Rebel Queen Duet Book 2) – Jeana E. Mann
Refining Felicity (The School for Manners Series Book 1) – M.C. Beaton
Reflected in You (Crossfire, Book 2) – Sylvia Day
The Revenge of Lord Eberlin (The Secrets of Hadley Green) – Julia London
Ripped (The REAL series Book 5) – Katy Evans
Rock Me (Bodyguard Bad Boys Book 1) – Carly Phillips
Rogue (The REAL series Book 4) – Katy Evans
The Royal Arrangement (The Rebel Queen Duet Book 1) – Jeana E. Mann
Royally Bad (Bad Boy Royals Book 1) – Nora Flite
The Rule Book (Rule Breakers 1) – Jennifer Blackwood
The Scandal in Kissing an Heir: At the Kingsborough Ball – Sophie Barnes
Scandal Wears Satin (The Dressmakers Series Book 2) – Loretta Chase
A Scoundrel by Moonlight (Sons of Sin Book 4) – Anna Campbell
Seduced By A Scoundrel – Olivia Drake
The Seduction of Lady X – Julia London
The Seduction of Lord Stone (Dashing Widows) – Anna Campbell
Shattered With You (Stark Security Book 1) – J. Kenner
The Shoemaker's Wife: A Novel – Adriana Trigiani
Shutdown Player: Game On in Seattle (Seattle Sockeyes Book 7) – Jami Davenport
Signed (The Agency Series) – Marni Mann
A Single Glance (Irresistible Attraction Book 1) W. Winters
A Single Kiss (Irresistible Attraction Book 2) – W. Winters
A Single Touch (Irresistible Attraction Book 3) – W. Winters
The Six Wives of Henry VIII – Alison Weir
The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy (A Sleeping Beauty Novel) – A.N. Roquelaure
The Soldier (Windham Book 2) – Grace Burrowes
The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (Mackenzies Series Book 8) – Jennifer Ashley
The Studying Hours: How to Date a Douchebag – Sara Ney
Suddenly You – Lisa Kleypas
Summer Heat: A Storm Inside Novel (The Wild Pitch Series Book 1) – Alexis Anne
A Summer Seduction (Legend of St. Dwynwen Book 2) – Candace Camp
Tangled Beauty (Tangled, Book 1) – K.L. Middleton
Tank (Blue-Collar Billionaires Book 1) – M. Malone
Tempt the Devil – Anna Campbell
Tempted to Kiss (Hard to Love Book 3) – W. Winters
That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor – Anne Sebba
Thief of Shadows (Maiden Lane Book 4) – Elizabeth Hoyt
This Man (A This Man Novel Book 1) – Jodi Ellen Malpas
This Side of Paradise – F. Scott Fitzgerald
Three Nights of Sin – Anne Mallory
Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood – William J. Mann
To Beguile a Beast (Legend of the Four Soldiers series Book 3) – Elizabeth Hoyt
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
To Seduce a Sinner (Legend of the Four Soldiers series Book 2) – Elizabeth Hoyt
To Taste Temptation (Legend of the Four Soldiers series Book 1) – Elizabeth Hoyt
Too Distracting (The Lewis Cousins Book 3) – Bethany Lopez
Too Wicked to Kiss (Scoundrels & Secrets Book 1) – Erica Ridley
The Trouble With Being a Duke: At the Kingsborough Ball – Sophie Barnes
The Trouble with Dukes (Windham Brides Book 1) – Grace Burrowes
Troubles (Beekman Hills) – K.C. Enders
Truth or Beard: Enemies to Lovers Small Town Romantic Comedy (Winston Brothers Book 1) – Penny Reid
Twilight with the Infamous Earl: A Lords of Vice Novel – Alexandra Hawkins
Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Easy Steps – Chris Jericho
Untouchable (Elite Doms of Washington Book 2) – Elizabeth SaFleur
Untouched – Anna Campbell
Victoria Victorious: The Story of Queen Victoria (Queens of England Book 3) – Jean Plaidy
The Viscount's Wicked Ways – Anne Mallory
Wallbanger (The Cocktail Series Book 1) – Alice Clayton
The Way to a Duke's Heart: The Truth About the Duke – Caroline Linden
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals – Gillian Gill
Well Hung (Big Rock Book 3) – Lauren Blakely
What a Duke Dares (Sons of Sin Book 3) – Anna Campbell
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers – Richard N. Bolles
When a Duke Loves a Woman: A Sins for All Seasons Novel – Lorraine Heath
When the Duke Found Love (The Wylder Sisters Book 3) – Isabella Bradford
Where Good Girls Go to Die: A Second Chance Romance (The Good Girls Series Book 1) – Holly Renee
Wicked Becomes You – Meredith Duran
Wicked in Your Arms: Forgotten Princesses – Sophie Jordan
Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane Book 1) – Elizabeth Hoyt
Written on Your Skin – Meredith Duran
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innerpostmentality · 6 years
Sometimes Beginnings Start With Goodbye
This is a TRR AU fan fic inspired by the Choices book series The Royal Romance All rights and many thanks are given to Pixelberry Studios for the use of their characters. This fic is written for my friend @tornbetween2loves who is celebrating her birthday soon and requested the prompt “let me love you” for Drake X MC where MC accepts Liam’s proposal. She requested some angsty heartbreak. There is more story here. There will be at least two parts. I haven’t decided if I’m brave enough for this paddling pool. Angst is hard for me. Rating: M - Mature themes, Erotica                               Word count: 3300 ish Warnings: adult intimacy, serious illness, addiction, depression   Tagging: @tornbetween2loves @gardeningourmet @kennaxval @stopforamoment @bobasheebaby @cora-nova @indiacater @hopefulmoonobject @drakewalkerwhipped Please let me know if you want to be tagged for this. Thanks!
   Giselle rolled over and found herself facing her husband’s bright Mediterranean blue eyes in the filtered dawn light. Her eyes locked with his as she traced her finger gently over his smile til he playfully snapped it in his mouth and sucked on it pressing the tip of his tongue against the pad of her finger and drawing circles on it like he did another part of her body in the middle of the night. She sighed in pleasure and pulled it out of his mouth with a soft pop. Large hands pulled her tight against him his mouth finding hers as he rolled her on top of him.
 His hard length was pressed against her stomach and she reached down finding the tip wet with the slick pearl of his desire. She watched his eyes half close with his pleasure as she deftly smoothed his offering all around his so sensitive ridge with the pad of her thumb. 
“Giselle, my Queen, you will make short work of me doing that.” he gasped.
She chuckled low and murmured as she firmly slid her hand all the way to his base pressing her fingers gently between his balls, “Nothing, could ever, make short work of you my King.” 
 He growled and with unspoken coordination lifted her just enough that she could direct his tip into her soaking hot passage. Her moan joined his as she stretched around him rolling her hips and contracting her walls. His thumb found her swollen clit gently, gently stroking it as he thrust up into her.
 It was the third day of their one year anniversary honeymoon. They were both so sensitive and sore at this point in what had been a marathon of lovemaking even undergarments chaffed them; and still a look, a kiss, a touch and their need to join was upon them both. Liam was gasping beneath her and her head was thrown back little grunts of pleasure heralding the closeness of her release. He cried out arching up deeply in her in his ecstasy spraying his seed in her cervix even as her own rapture crested pulling him even deeper. They kissed, collapsed and clinging to each other. And Liam’s phone rang.
 It wasn’t just any ring. It was Bastien’s ring. Liam groaned reaching for his phone. “Bastien?”  “Your, your Majesty we have taken Drake to the hospital.”
Giselle heard the catch in Bastien’s voice over the phone. Heard Liam’s breath catch even as he pulled her even tighter against him.  “Bastien, what happened?”  “We don’t know Sir. He was found unconscious in his quarters.” “We’re coming home.”  Liam hung up and rolled from the bed pulling on his robe even as he called Mara’s number.                                            ******************************
Two hours later they were in the air headed for Rabat Morocco where they would land to refuel. Barbados only a warm memory.
 Giselle held Liam’s hand as she looked out the window at the seemingly never ending Atlantic beneath her. His other hand held his phone desperately wanting it to ring with news that Drake would be okay. 
Her eyes closed and she drifted back to that night. The night Liam proposed and she got to say yes to the love of her life. Getting back to her room in a happy daze. Finding the note from Drake slipped beneath her door. ‘We need to talk about us. Meet me on the balcony.’  The New York City sky alight with its two hundred and sixty seven skyscrapers obliterating the night and dimming the stars was a spectacular backdrop for romance or breaking a heart.
 She hadn’t thought, still euphoric about her engagement. And she had gone to him still tousled from making love to Liam on top of the Statue of Liberty, Liam’s passion bites a rosy chain descending down her collar bones blatantly visible, she hadn’t thought to cover them. Didn’t even realize they were there it was so unusual for her always considerate, proper king to do anything that would leave casual evidence of his passion. But that night at some primal level Liam was claiming her taking her against the glass of the observation deck slamming into her hard enough she would have bruises from the railing she was braced against, marking her.
 At some level perhaps she was proud of those marks. She would be shocked in the morning and carefully cover them. But that night as she stood before Drake confessing his love to her they combined with the heavy multicarat engagement ring sparkling on her finger to twist the knife she’d never intended to put in his heart. She never intended to hurt him. She did love him. But for her it was always like a brother. 
 He’d been drinking. Drake was always drinking. She saw his eyes go wide as he saw her. “I,” his eyes dropped, “I just wanted you to know. I just hoped…” He closed his eyes struggling. A low whisper she barely heard. But she heard. “I just wanted you to let me love you. I needed you to know. I do, I love you Tyler.”
 He shook his head. Tangled his hands through his perpetually unruly hair and turned away from her wiping his face. “Damnit. Just, congrats. Forget I said anything. Please. Liam’s the very best. You too. Thanks for coming out here. Not leaving me just here.”
 She walked up to him and hugged him pressing her face to the center of his back. Her voice as gentle as she could make it. “Drake you know I love you. But I love you like a brother. You’re the big brother I never had. You deserve someone who loves you with all their passion as well as their heart. I never, never ever wanted to hurt you Drake.”
 He turned in her arms and she saw the tears in his dark eyes. “It’s okay Tyler. Really. For the best, really.” His arms wrapped around her for an instant holding her with desperate strength as he kissed the top of her head and she heard him sob before he let her go and turned away again.
  She looked at him and then left knowing in that moment she had broken him and couldn’t make it better.
Groaning in distress in her sleep her emotions raw with the memory, Liam gently rubbed her back to soothe her. She turned and grabbed Liam’s hand kissing it, clinging to it before blinking awake. “Any word?” “No, but it would have to be a radio call. We’re a couple of hours out of Morocco.” Head down, despair was etched all over her husband.
“Li, have you gotten any rest?”
He shook his head.
“Come, Love. The best thing we can do right now is to get some sleep so we will be in shape to deal with whatever we find when we get there.”   He let her lead him to the back cabin where there was a bedroom.  She turned the bed down and slipped off her shoes arranging the pillows on her side of the bed so she could sit up. Then she went and started undressing Liam who had just been sitting there with his head in his hands. He looked at her but didn’t stop her. There was a lost little boy look in his eyes that broke her heart. He took her hand closing his eyes and kissing it. “Not too long. And wake me if we hear anything.” 
She nodded before settling herself into her pillows pulling up a cute but mindless collection game on her phone. She lifted her left arm to him, “Come here Li. Hold me.” He rolled to her wrapping his arms around her laying his head against her waist. Kissing her side. “Thank you Love.” She stroked the silk of his sandy blond head and felt him slowly relax. 
 It had been a tough year for them. The world was becoming so unstable with the power balance of major nations shifting like quicksand. Liam was doing everything possible to ensure that in the midst of it all Cordonia remained solvent. He’d literally spent more time travelling to summits and in meetings with foreign leaders than he had spent at home. Giselle had been trying to adapt to her queenly duties as well as cover as much of Liam’s local social duties as possible.  And then there was the press. She was their darling. They just wanted her to be pregnant. And the speculation was not always kind. It had been a year after all.
 The truth was in their first year of marriage they had more hours of sexting than sex. For the first three months she had left her implant in place, both of them agreeing to have a little adjustment time with just the two of them. Then she had the implant removed and the doctor advised her that it might take some time for her fertility to return.
Then the trips seemed to snowball. Economies all over the world were wobbling. And the disasters. The previous year’s flooding in Portavira were followed by a serious avalanche in Lythikos and record breaking freezes that threatened the apple orchards in central Cordonia.
 Her eyes drifted down to the mussy sandy head nuzzled against her side and she knew if she had to make the choice all over again she would have made the same one. Liam was snoring softly still holding her tightly as she stroked gently down his back. 
 Thinking over the past months she could see where Drake had been spiraling. He was Liam’s best friend. Honestly, Liam was closer to Drake than Leo. They were the same age a few weeks apart and they had grown up together. At the lowest points in Liam’s life Drake had been there for him. She had been the only thing that had ever come close to coming between them. Even then, she found out later, they had talked. They talked and agreed that they both would support each other whoever she chose. And she knew that was Liam’s intention. But the world intervened. And they both had failed their friend.
  Drake had taken to avoiding her when Liam was away. She rationalized that space from the person who broke your heart was necessary for healing a broken heart. And also it helped ensure there was no chance for any scandalous speculation with her and Liam separated so much, it seemed the proper thing to do. But Drake wasn’t just avoiding her. He was also not going to see Bertrand and Savana and Bartie. He wasn’t hanging out with Maxwell. The volunteer work helping repair houses for the poor and elderly, helping with disaster relief, giving horseback riding and care lessons to some of the local schools and children’s clubs had become a thing of the past. He may not have had an official job but in the past he was always productive and always working on some project or other. She realized that it was a gradual thing; but it was like he had retreated from all the activities that kept him engaged. And they hadn’t noticed.
When they had noticed his absence they had shrugged it off, it was Drake being Drake, he never liked parties, he was probably off fishing or something. She knew in her heart that they should have intervened; she should have intervened months ago. And now all she could do was pray that it wasn’t too late.
                         ************************************************ The petite woman in the white coat walked up to him extending her hand. “Mr. Walker?” “No Dr., I’m Bastien Lykel, head of the King’s Guard. I’m, I’m his friend.” “I see. Mr. Lykel do you know if Mr. Walker has immediate family available or how to get in contact with them?” “Yes Dr., I’ve already contacted them. His mother is in the states and won’t be here for a day or two. His sister is in her second trimester and has had some complications so can’t be here until probably around noon tomorrow. His best friends, King Liam and Queen Giselle are on their way back from Barbados. I expect them in the next eight or so hours.” Bastien looked at her closely, automatically assessing. Mid-thirties, no nonsense, smart, her badge read ‘Dr. Marissa Ardes Head of Critical Care’, very smart he mentally amended. “Mr. Lykel I’ve been treating your friend. And I was hoping to get some information about him. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?” “Of course.” Bastien nodded feeling profound dizzying relief rush through him. In the three hours since they had brought Drake in by ambulance no one had talked to him and all his questions were simply answered with ‘they were trying to stabilize him and the doctor would be speaking with him as soon as they could.’ The doctor wouldn’t be asking him questions if Drake was dead. So he took what felt like the first breath in the last four hours. “Thank you. Just to confirm a few things. Mr. Walker is twenty-nine?” 
Bastien’s eyes widened at the realization it had been over twenty years since his friend’s death and his surrogate fatherhood to Jackson Walker’s son started. “Yes, Dr. Ardes.” “Do you know of any allergies to medication we need to be aware of?” 
“No, Dr. Ardes.” “Do you know when Mr. Walker started drinking?”
“Eighteen or Nineteen? I believe. He went to university in the States and when he returned he was drinking socially.”
“Do you know when Mr. Walker started drinking heavily?”
Bastien wanted to deny it. But he knew it was true. Especially this last year. “I believe it escalated over the last year.” “Do you know of any mental illness, depression, anxiety, severe phobias Mr. Walker may suffer from.” Bastien shook his head, “No. But I know his mother suffered from some depression. Fairly severe depression I believe.” She nodded. “Has he been ill? Cold, Flu, anything like that?” “I’m sorry. I don’t know. I hadn’t seen him in a couple of days.” “Were you the one that found him unconscious?”   He nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose to try to keep his composure. He’d had a query from the hay delivery man who was looking for Mr. Walker to sign for the feed for the horses. Bastien had called and when he didn’t get an answer he’d left a message and signed for the feed. He hadn’t thought about it for several hours when he realized that he never had gotten a reply from Drake and went looking for him. When his Jeep was still there and all the horses were there he’d gone to his room. The door wasn’t locked so he’d gone inside and found him collapsed in the bathroom. He was lying like a puppet with cut strings in his own vomit, feces, and urine. Bastien thought he was dead. He called 911. When he touched him he was clammy cold. Upon their arrival the paramedics found Bastien holding him weeping. They pulled him away from Drake and found the thready pulse and immediately started an IV. “Mr. Lykel?” Bastien was pulled from the horror by the doctor’s gentle voice. He registered that her tone had changed and he realized he was weeping. “I found him.” “Mr. Lykel can I get you something to drink? Some water or tea or coffee?” He looked at her and realized she was now caring for him. He cleared his throat. “Water would be good.”
She walked over to an unmanned information desk and rummaged around behind it for a moment before returning with a small bottle of water for him which she opened and handed to him watching him sip before she sat back down looking in his eyes. She had very dark blue eyes he realized, not brown like he thought at first.  “Mr. Lykel we are going to be taking excellent care of Mr. Walker. I want you to know that. But his family and friends, well you will have to look out for yourselves and each other. Mr. Walker now has a professional team dedicated to getting him well. Do you understand sir? Is there someone you can call or we might call for you?” He nodded and looked at her. “I thought he was dead.” He rubbed his eyes, “I’ll call someone.” He just had no idea who. She nodded. “He is a very ill young man. I cannot go into details without the family’s permission. But you did an excellent job getting him here to us. I just have a few more questions if you feel able?”
“Yes Dr.” “Do you have any idea how long Mr. Walker was unconscious before you found him?” Bastien’s eyes were burning. He took a deep breath. “I don’t know. At least several hours I think. He was supposed to sign for a delivery and they called me. When he didn’t answer I left a message and signed for it myself. Later… hours later I realized that I hadn’t gotten a reply. Drake sometimes goes hiking or fishing or riding. Not in cell phone range. So that’s what I thought. But then I saw his Jeep still there and started really looking for him. That’s when I found him.” She nodded. “So Mr. Walker was fairly active before this happened?” Bastien nodded. “Do you know of any recent injuries he may have sustained? I saw in his record that eighteen months or so ago he suffered a gunshot wound in his shoulder and a sword wound that required stitches? Anything more recent than that?” “Not that I.. No, I saw him limping a week ago? He didn’t mention anything. Not that he would. Maybe check his right leg?” She nodded. “Thank you Mr.Lykel. Do you have any questions? I am very limited in what I can tell you at this time. I do apologize.” He looked at her with his deep gray eyes and she saw the eyes of a father looking at her. “Is he going to make it?”
Her gaze never wavered from his as she considered her reply. “Sir, I’ve been a doctor for over a decade. And I’ve seen a lot of people live that I thought wouldn’t make it. And I’ve seen a lot of people die that I would’ve sworn were going to be fine. We humans are notoriously terrible test subjects simply because so terribly much of our well being has to do with our outlook, our support system, our personal desire to live or die.
 Looking strictly at his charts I would say he’s 50/50 at this point. But he’s here with excellent care so I’ll give him 60/40. And I know he’s got you and the King and Queen so I could put it around 70/30. He is young and was active so I’ll give him 80/20.” She lifted a brow as she studied him.
“But…?  Doctor I’ve been a royal guard for over two decades. I know a condition even when it’s not spoken. What aren’t you telling me?”
“Quite simply Mr. Lykel, we have to figure out why Mr. Walker doesn’t want to live.”
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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Tamara was unhappy, and everybody knew it. 
Upper management had reassigned her to sports, an entirely different gig than she had been originally hired for, and now they were squabbling with her over vacation time and other HR issues. She was six months into her gig, and had done some incredible work during that time, but she was becoming increasingly frustrated with Calvin. One particular habit she found intolerable was how he’d blurt out “You’re fired!”, Donald Trump-style, if you made any kind of mistake. It was like a nervous tic, a non-joke he deployed multiple times an hour, while hunched over his computer and snickering to himself. Then one afternoon he said it yet again, when it was only the three of us in the newsroom, and Tamara stood up from her computer chair and cleared her throat.
“You know what, Calvin? That’s inappropriate. I’ve been meaning to say something for months, but saying things like that creates a totally toxic work environment. Do you understand that? You actually have the power to fire us, we’re your employees, so making jokes like that … it’s just not funny,” she said.
“Well, it’s not like I mean it for real,” Calvin said, horrified. “You know that.”
“Whether you mean it or don’t mean it, it’s inappropriate. That’s not how you should be speaking to your reporters. We look to you for guidance, we don’t need you tearing us down.”
“I didn’t know, I was just quoting…”
“Yeah, you should know better, though. You’re the editor. And hearing you say ‘you’re fired’ over and over, do you know how that makes me feel? Like shit.”
My back was turned to Tamara, but I could hear the trembling emotion in her voice. This had been a long time coming. I struggled with the urge to spin and face them, but instead sat motionless while they squared off.
“If I had any idea you were so offended by it, I would’ve …”
“I shouldn’t have to tell you when things are offensive. It’s about being professional. And it’s not professional to make jokes about taking away somebody’s livelihood. That’s cruel. Do you get that? Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
“Of course. I’ll stop right away. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
There were little squabbles like this, but for the most part the Star was running smooth. The stories were light and predictable going into December, as we prepared our Year in Review issue. I interviewed Santa Claus, Nelson Brewing Company released a new pale ale, and one of the schools unveiled a mural in collaboration with the Sinixt. Tamara had become my primary ally, especially when it came to dealing with management drama, and a few times we hung out after work to gossip and strategize about the future. I wanted her to stick around. It was nice having some feminine energy in the newsroom, and it was hugely beneficial to be able to routinely get her perspective on everything from whether a particular bathing suit photo was suitable for print or whether our handling of a sexual assault story headline was sensitive enough or not. 
Tamara had done a lot of traveling, and had experience from a diverse array of jobs, and she put that knowledge to good use in her copy-editing. On the weekends Tamara would work with her dog Tana, her companion on her many outdoor adventures. She would come back with pictures, some that ended up in the Star (and above), of the various summits and vistas she’d discovered. She made me feel like a sedentary slug in comparison.
“You just let him have it, eh?” I asked, once we were alone in the newsroom. “I’ve never seen you so angry like that.”
“It’s been building up for a long time. He’s been really negatively affecting my mental health and I’m so sick of it. It’s not right.”
“Deep down inside I was like ‘go, Tamara! Preach!’”
She smiled. “Thanks, Will. I think it made me feel better, having you in the room. Just having your support, even if you didn’t say anything.”
“In my head I was like a little cheerleader,” I said, waving imaginary pom-poms. “Let’s go, Tamara! Let’s go!”
“I’ve just worked in so many male dominated industries and I’ve dealt with so many men like Calvin throughout my career, and I’m just done. I’m not putting up with anymore shitty, abusive behaviour. I’m going to speak out, every time. Because they need to be held accountable.”
Regardless of how everyone was getting along with Calvin, we’d actually really gelled as a team following the municipal election. Production days were smoother, Greg was starting to take more hours, and we were reliably covering each of our beats. I took colourful photos at rehearsals for the local pantomime, and splashed them on the cover. There was a lot of laughter, a lot of newsroom banter, a lot of YouTube videos. There were some controversies, though, such as when we accidentally published a letter to the editor with virulent anti-Muslim rhetoric, and repeatedly Calvin found himself having closed-door meetings with members of the community incensed with him. I admired how he never dodged blame, always took the responsibility head on. The guy knew how to deliver a mea culpa. I think he could feel the tide turning on him in Nelson, and he knew pretty soon he was going to have to make a decision.
Before things could escalate any further, Calvin dropped the news: he’d taken a different gig across the province. His wife didn’t feel at home in Nelson and hated that it was far away from the rest of their family. They quickly packed up their house and put in Calvin’s two-week notice, with his wife leaving ahead. At first I was relieved at the news, even jubilant, but then I felt a bit sad as well. Though he was my favourite punching bag, and Paisley had to listen to me vent about him nearly every day, a genuine affection had developed between us. On his final night in town, he asked if I could help him move his last few pieces of furniture into the back of his truck. His house was in Fairview, within sight of the bridge, and seemed barely lived in. He stood in his driveway wearing a puffy leather jacket, looking morose, and squinted at the white evening sky.
“I feel like I just moved into this place,” he said. “I’m getting too old to be moving this much, you know?”
“It’s exhausting. That’s why I’m trying to stay put.”
“You should. You actually fit in around here, with all the weirdos and hippies.”
“I’m feeling like I can really build something here.”
“I believe that. The paper’s lucky to have you, now you just need to learn how to play nice with the Carpenters.”
“And remember: not every hill is worth dying on.”
Afterwards he drove us slowly around town, at one point parking to gaze up at the skeleton of the halfway-constructed Nelson Commons project. Eventually we headed to the Hume Hotel for a cheeseburger and a beer at Mike’s Place. I watched him slaughter his meal, sucking ketchup off his fingers, while we reminisced about all the stories we’d worked on together. He took long, healthy pulls from his beer and unleashed a rapturous belch. He seemed relieved to be leaving, but also scared. He’d been working as a journalist for over two decades, but things were evolving fast. Was there still a place for him in this industry? Would he end up finding the editor position he craved? Would he find some community where he belonged, where he could live long-term? I thought back to what George Binns had said, about how Nelson embraces some people and ejects others—was I seeing that happen in front of my eyes? And if I was still here, did that mean I’d been chosen to stay?
“We should get another beer,” Calvin said. “Do you want another beer? On me?”
“I’m in for one more.”
“Good man,” he said. “Who wants to drink alone?”
“Not me. If I go home shit-faced, though, I’ll hear about it from Paisley. She hates that.”
He grinned. “I like Paisley. You really lucked out there. She’s way over your head.”
“I think so.”
“So do the things she says, listen to the things she says, even if you disagree and even if you think she’s in the wrong, just do it. It’s not about your pride, it’s about the relationship. Does that make sense? In my relationship, it’s always been about learning when to swallow your pride and just let the other person win,” he said. “I know that’s not in your nature, though.”
“I’m as subtle as a hippopotamus, you mean?”
He laughed, wiping beer foam from his mouth with the back of his hand. “If I can make a marriage work, so can you. And I can tell she really loves you. Have you talked about kids?”
I nodded. “We even have a name picked out, for if we have a daughter.”
“What if you have a son?”
“We’re pretty convinced we’re going to have a daughter. I’ve always dreamed I’m going to have a daughter one day.”
“So what’s the name?”
I sipped my beer. “Cora.”
Calvin smiled, nodded. “Well, here’s to Cora then.”
We clinked glasses.
After another half an hour, I waved off the suggestion for another drink and stood up. My house was only a few blocks uphill, so I could walk. Calvin stood too, and came around the table to offer me a solid handshake. He blinked into my face and grimaced, well aware that this was probably the last time we’d see each other. I felt a strange mix of emotions, but mostly gratitude. We’d worked together for less than a year, but I knew I’d remember him for a long time.
“Thank you for everything, Calvin,” I said. “I mean that.”
“Take care of yourself, buddy.”
The Kootenay Goon
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violettesiren · 6 years
“Speak, daughter, speak; art speaking now?”
“Seek, mother, seek; art seeking thou
Thy dear-loved Cora?”
“Daughter sweet,
I bend unto the earth my ear
To catch the sound of coming feet;
I listen long but only hear
The deep, dark waters running clear.”
“Oh! my great mother, now the heat
Of thy strong heart in thickened beat
Hath reached thy Cora in her gloom,
Is’t well with thee, my Mother—tell?”
“Is’t well with thee, my daughter?”
Or ill I know not; I through fate
Queen of a wide unmeasured tomb
Know not if it be love or hate
That holds me fast, but I am bound
For ever! What if I am found
Of thee, my mother, still the bars
Are round me, and the girdling night
Hath passed within my soul.  The stars
Have risen on me, but the light
Hath gone for ever.”
“Daughter, tell,
Doth thy dark lord, the King of Hell,
Still love thee?”
“Oh, too well, too well
He loves! he binds with unwrought chain.
I was not born to be thy mate,
Aïdes! nor the Queen of pain:
I was thy daughter Cora, vowed
To gladness in thy world above,
I loved the daffodil, love
All lovely, free and gentle things
Beloved of thee.  A sound of wings
Is with me in captivity,
Of birds, and bees, with her that sings
The shrill Cicala, ever gay
In noon’s white heat.”
“But, daughter, say
Dost love Aïdes?”
“Now, too bold
Thy question, mother; this be told,
I leave him not for love, for gold;
One lot we share, one life we know,
The Lord is he of wealth and rest,
As well as king of death and pain;
He folds me to a kingly breast,
He yields to me a rich domain.
I leave him not for aught above,
For any God’s unsteadfast love
Or fairest mortal-form below;
Thou hast left heaven for earth; and thou
For thy poor Cora’s sake, self-driven,
Hast fled its sunny heights in scorn
And hate, of Zeus unforgiven!
Do mortals love thee?”
“Daughter, yea.
They call me their great mother. Corn
And wine I give them when they pray;
Their love for me their little day
Of life lasts out; perchance they knew
It was not love for them that drew
Me down to wander where the vine
Is sweet to me, and breath of kine.
Art listening now, my Cora dear?
Art listening now, my child,—art near?
Oh, that thy kiss upon my cheek
Were warm! thy little hand in mine
Once more! Yet, let me hear thee speak,
And tell me of that garden rare,
And of thy flowers, dark, fiery, sweet,
That never breathe the upper air.”
“Oh, mother, they are fair, are fair;
Large-leaved are they, large-blossomed, frail,
And beautiful. No vexing gale
Comes ever nigh them; fed with fire
They kindle in a torch-like flame
Half ecstasy, half tender shame
Of bloom that must so soon expire.
But, mother, tell me of the wet,
Cool primrose! of the lilac-bough
And its warm gust of rapture, met
In summer days!—art listening yet?”
“Art near me, O my Cora, now?”
Demeter and Cora By Dora Greenwell
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opticallyaddicted · 7 years
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David Seidman: The Ghost Girls
For his second Arch Enemy solo exhibition, The Ghost Girls brings together an anthology of female-driven stories from the past 150 years, each one self-contained within a single piece by the Philadelphia-based dark fantasy painter and illustrator. David Seidman’s inspiration for this new collection is slightly different than some of his previous work. While in the past David has drawn inspiration and reference from the truly supernatural, like in his 2016 solo show, Rapture, The Ghost Girls is a collection of strange tales that took place in the real world, from Cora The Medium, to the Fox Sisters and their role in influencing the birth of modern day spiritualism, to the show’s title piece, The Ghost Girl: Bottom Image a true story about a female workforce working in a factory for self-laminating radium based paint. At first, the women relished in the fact that their teeth, lips and even clothes would glow, but the radium was actually slowly poisoning them to the point that their bones would become brittle.  These women fought tirelessly in courts against corporations that disregarded employee safety in exchange for better profits, and their efforts continue to protect workers today.
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strawberry-boogie · 7 years
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Brooklyn White
If someone would’ve asked me earlier this year if I was a Mary J. Blige fan, I would’ve said yes. No doubt. I’ll be 23 years old this fall, so although I wasn’t exactly allowed to jam secular music, I snuck around and I liked what I heard. Therefore, it’s safe to say that I grew up to her sounds. From peeping performances of “Real Love” on video channels, to having vivid memories of Mary expressing the depth of human emotion in a closet, to hearing “Be Without You” EVERYWHERE in middle school, I definitely have had my fair share of Blige and I’ve enjoyed it in full. Or so I thought. 
Truthfully, I didn’t understand much about Mary or the messages she’s shared until a few months ago. I knew that she’d been in a tumultuous relationship with K-Ci Hailey of Jodeci in the early 1990s and I also knew that love, specifically the dark side of it, was a central theme in her work. But, it wasn’t real to me yet. Sure, I liked the sound (Mary hits those notes and the beats are bops), I enjoyed the various looks she’s given over the years, and I was into her narrative on a surface level, but it took me going through my own personal hell and being reborn and researching her life to truly feel the agony and the ecstasy of Mary J. Blige.
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(Bare Mary)
Blige was born in the Bronx, New York in early 1971 to a musically gifted mother, Cora, and a physically abusive father. Music was always important to the family though - Blige’s Vietnam-vet father, Thomas, was a funk musician. Thomas left the family when Mary was 4, but she has shared that he would pop back into the picture periodically. My findings revealed that the Blige women moved to Savannah, Georgia for a time, but I am unsure of the exact time period. Cora and her two young daughters then relocated to Yonkers, but unfortunately, they were constantly faced with the mistreatment of others, as well as various other forms of violence. Blige has described how while living in the projects, she would hear women yelling and running from their partners and her family would be chased by people wielding weapons. Mary also began being sexually abused by a caretaker at age 5.
As most artists and dreamers do, Mary soon found a beautiful escape from the horrors of her reality. She began singing in a Pentecostal church (a denomination known for it’s high energy services and heavenly music) and was inspired by the soulful voices of Chaka Khan, Anita Baker, and Milira. Although the music remained in her heart, Blige stopped frequenting church, dropped out of school, and began drinking and using drugs. She was a talented hairdresser, so she also spent her time doing her friends’s hair in her mother’s home. Blige soon caught wind of an opportunity to do karaoke at a nearby mall and went in to drop her rendition of Anita Baker’s smash hit, “Caught Up In The Rapture”. The performance was recorded and eventually found it’s way in the hands of Andre Harrell, the CEO of Uptown Records. Just like that, music had once again saved Mary J’s life.
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(Shots of a young Mary)
Now affiliated with Uptown Records, Mary was given the opportunity to sing background vocals for popular acts until she began focusing solely on her debut body of work. In 1991, she was assigned to rising producer Sean “Puffy” Combs and they began crafting a sound that would define Blige and change R&B forever. ‘What’s the 411?’, a reference to Blige’s time as a 4-1-1 operator, combined her smooth, strong mezzo-soprano vocals with hip-hop inspired, new jack swing beats and experimented with the look and sound of what a female R&B vocalist was supposed to be like. 
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(Combs and Blige, exact date unknown) 
Produced primarily by Combs, ‘What’s the 411?’ was released in the summer of 1992 to great reviews from Entertainment Weekly, All Music, and The Rolling Stone Album Guide. Critics praised the blending of genres, Blige’s voice, and her fly, no bullshit attitude, and the project was certified 3x platinum after selling 3 million copies. Singles included: “You Remind Me”, “Real Love”, “Reminisce”, “Sweet Thing” (a cover of Blige’s childhood inspiration, Chaka Khan’s, 1975 cut) and “Love No Limit”. The stunning debut hit the top of Billboard’s Hip Hop/R&B chart, rose to #6 on the Top 200 list, and certainly solidified Blige as a starlet to watch. A remix version of the project was released, but was not as successful, even though the “Reminisce” remix with C.L. Smooth is my jam.
(Blige performing the “Reminisce” remix for Uptown Unplugged in 1993; Dave Hollister stood in for C.L.)
Around this time, Mary also began a romance with Cedric “KCi” Hailey, a singer who also has roots in the Pentecostal church and was signed to Uptown Records in 1991 (as a member of Jodeci). He was featured on Mary’s debut, sharing vocals on the emotional ballad, “I Don’t Want To Do Anything” and stories of the duo’s fiery affair has allegedly been content for a few of Blige’s recordings. Mary remained relatively quiet about the situation in interviews, but she has discussed the final straw. Apparently, Hailey gave her a ring, and then denied their engagement on a television show in London. Blige was shown the footage of his denial on air and reveals how hurt she was by his behavior. (FOUL!!!!) She kept the creativity alive through it all though and began recording her sophomore effort, ‘My Life’ in the winter of 1993.
‘My Life’, with it’s raw feeling, use of old school soul samples, and serious subject matter, was a “call for help” according to Blige.  Shockingly, she didn’t think people would be receptive of it initially. But as fate would have it, the LP, released in late 1994, was not only understood, but well received. Scarred by the events of life, the R&B diva had turned to drugs and drinking again, but was inspired by the support of her fans to begin healing. As someone who has dealt with drugs, experienced sexual abuse, and chosen cruel partners out of self-hate, I comprehend the rockiness of the healing process. It takes time, and sometimes, it’s an ongoing process. You do good, you fuck up, you clean up, you do good, you fuck up...it goes on and on until you become who you want to be. I say this because Blige did not sober up immediately - it took her years to find her strength and love herself the way she needed to be loved. Even after winning her first Grammy for “I’ll Be There For You/You’re All I Need”, Blige continued to stumble. But she never gave up.  
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(Blige on the cover on cover of EBONY in January 1998)
Project after project, including 97′s ‘Share My World’, 99′s ‘Mary’, and 2001′s super successful release, ‘No More Drama’, chronicled this process and gave listeners a look into the soul of a superstar. No hateration in this dancery, bitch. Blige’s life began to get better when she started a romance in 2000, with her now soon-to-be-ex, Kendu Isaacs. In the beginning, the couple seemed to be a match made in heaven and Mary has spoken on how she strongly she felt for her first husband. After 16 years though, Blige filed for divorce, stating irreconcilable differences. I now know that cheating is at the heart of the split and I can’t help but wonder what the hell Isaacs is thinking. Spousal support? What? How do you dog MARY JANE BLIGE and then get to HER bag? Mind blowing. 
On the more positive side, during their union, Blige gave up drugs and alcohol for good, modified her diet, and gave the world ‘Love & Life’, ‘The Breakthrough’, ‘Growing Pains’, ‘Stronger With Each Tear’, ‘My Life II’, ‘A Mary Christmas, and ‘The London Sessions’. She also co-headlined a tour with Jay-Z in 2008 to support their respective 2007 releases. It remains the best selling male/female hip-hop/r&b tour of all time, grossing over 30 million dollars. Blige also won 8 of her 9 Grammy awards during this time period. 
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(Blige at the 2017 BET Awards)
In 2017, the media has focused heavily on her divorce from Isaacs (I scrolled through pages trying to find older news that spoke on the good points of their relationship), but that’s how it be. I got a few cosmic clues that Mary J Blige’s story was worth looking into and sharing, the first coming from my mom. When all of the news started to break about Mary’s split, my mom told me to (in so many words) to humanize Blige. “She’s our sister”, my mom said. Facts, Pastor Lewis. She is our sister, and we gotta love her and lift her up. My friend Don, who is kiiiiinda responsible for my most recent MJB spin, also helped me realize a few things about Blige. He showed me “U + Me”, a single from her latest offering, ‘Strength of a Woman’ and a light bulb went off. The stories of violence, the broken relationship with self, the deep desire for real love...I finally understood it and could enjoy it as someone with a past and bright future. I can say that I’m now a true fan because I know that we are reflections of one another. Our agony and ecstasy has become one.
Congratulations to Mary J. Blige for releasing her debut project on this day in 1992. Keep going Mary, I’m behind you. 
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londontheatre · 8 years
While 2016 provided London with some fabulous new productions, 2017 looks to continue with another exciting year for West End theatre. Many theatregoers will be looking forward to the Broadway exports – An American in Paris and 42nd Street.
Here are a few productions that will be opening in London during 2017. There will, of course, be many more exciting productions, established and new, to get along to see in London’s West End and Off-West End venues.
The Glass Menagerie at the Duke of York’s Theatre – opens 26th January 2017 This new musical comedy has brought together the writing talents of Gary Barlow and Tim Firth who grew up in the same village in the North of England and have been friends for 25 years. The Girls originally opened at The Grand Theatre in Leeds and The Lowry Theatre, Salford where it received standing ovations at every performance. Time is the longest distance between two places. Following a multi Tony Award-nominated run on Broadway, Oliver and Tony Award-winning director John Tiffany (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two, Let the Right One In, Black Watch) revives his visionary staging of Tennessee Williams’ heart-rending masterpiece about a family struggling to survive on hopes and dreams.
A domineering mother. A daughter lost in a world of her own. A son desperate to leave. Former Southern Belle Amanda Wingfield, played by Tony Award-winning Broadway icon Cherry Jones, enlists the help of son Tom (Michael Esper) to find a husband for her fragile daughter Laura (Kate O’Flynn). But will the long-awaited ‘gentleman caller’ (Brian J. Smith) fulfil or shatter the family’s delicate dreams?
Sex With Strangers at the Hampstead Theatre opens with 27 Jan 2017 ‘Look, I’m giving you another chance to show the world how talented you are. Take it. It’s worth the risk’
Olivia, an attractive and talented but underappreciated mid-career writer, is unexpectedly trapped overnight in a secluded, snowed-in B&B with Ethan, an equally attractive and wildly successful young blogger.
Her latest novel is an unsung masterpiece; his blog is being made into a movie. She prefers books; he prefers eBooks. She is anonymous; he has half a million Twitter followers. But opposites soon attract passionately as each realise they want more of what the other has. But the closer they get, the more they must confront the murky side of ambition, success and Wi-Fi…
Laura Eason’s smart comedy is a multifaceted love story packed with hidden ambitions, soaring desires and secret agendas.
Peter DuBois reunites with Emilia Fox following sell-out hit Rapture, Blister, Burn in 2014. His other directing credits include All New People (West End) and Becky Shaw (Almeida).
The Girls at the Phoenix Theatre – opens 28th January 2017 The Girls is the true story of the Yorkshire Calendar Girls – a group of ordinary ladies who achieved something extraordinary.
This new musical comedy has brought together the writing talents of Gary Barlow and Tim Firth who grew up in the same village in the North of England and have been friends for 25 years. The Girls originally opened at The Grand Theatre in Leeds and The Lowry Theatre, Salford where it received standing ovations at every performance.
The ‘Girls’ will be played by Debbie Chazen as Ruth, Sophie-Louse Dann as Celia, Michele Dotrice as Jessie, Claire Machin as Cora, Claire Moore as Chris and Joanna Riding as Annie.
Travesties at the Apollo Theatre – opens 3rd February 2017 The Menier Chocolate Factory’s current revival of Tom Stoppard’s Travesties will transfer to the West End’s Apollo Theatre, beginning performances on 3 February 2017. The revival stars Tom Hollander as Henry Carr alongside Amy Morgan as Gwendolen, Freddie Fox as Tristan Tzara, Clare Foster and Forbes Masson.
Tom Stoppard’s dazzling comedy of art, love and revolution features James Joyce, Tristan Tzara and Lenin as remembered – and misremembered – by Henry Carr, a minor British diplomat in Zurich 1917. When Gwendolen and Cecily wander in from The Importance of Being Earnest Henry’s mind wanders too. He knows he was Algernon in a production in Zurich. But who was the other one? The original production of Travesties won the Evening Standard award for Best Comedy and the Tony award for Best Play. This first London revival in over 20 years will be directed by Patrick Marber and will star Tom Hollander.
The Miser at the Garrick Theatre – opens 1st March 2017 Actor, writer, presenter, comedian and two-time Olivier award-winner Griff Rhys Jones returns to the West End alongside BAFTA and British Comedy Award-winning comedian Lee Mack, who is making his West End debut in this hilarious new adaptation by Sean Foley and Phil Porter of Moliere’s classic comedy, The Miser opening at the Garrick Theatre from 1 March 2017.
Griff Rhys Jones has most recently been seen on stage as Fagin in Cameron Mackintosh’s Oliver, and previously in Feydeau’s An Absolute Turkey.
Lee Mack is best known for his television and stand-up work. He is team captain on popular BBC panel show Would I Lie To You and a regular host on Have I Got News For You, Nevermind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.
Stepping Out at the Vaudeville Theatre – opens 1st March 2017 Amanda Holden heads a phenomenal cast in this wonderfully funny and heart-warming comedy which charts the lives of seven women and one man attempting to tap their troubles away at a weekly dancing class. Initially all thumbs and left feet, the group is just getting to grip with the basics when they are asked to take part in a charity gala…
Over the course of several months we meet the group, and all of them have a story to tell, There’s haughty Vera, mouthy Maxine and uptight Andy; bubbly Sylvia and shy Dorothy; eager Lynne and cheerful Rose and, of course, Geoffrey. At the piano is the dour Mrs Fraser and spurring them all on, the ever-patient Mavis.
Directed by triple Olivier Award winner Maria Friedman, the stellar cast also includes Angela Griffin, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Tamzin Outhwaite and Nicola Stephenson.
An American in Paris at the Dominion Theatre – opens 4th March 2017 Acclaimed as “a perfect integration of dance, romance and classic Gershwin” (The New York Times), An American In Paris is the award-winning, thrillingly staged and astonishingly danced Broadway musical featuring some of the greatest music and lyrics ever written.
Jerry Mulligan is an American GI striving to make it as a painter in a city suddenly bursting with hope and possibility. Following a chance encounter with a beautiful young dancer named Lise, the streets of Paris become the backdrop to a sensuous, modern romance of art, friendship and love in the aftermath of war.
Performed by a company of over 50 actors, dancers and musicians, and directed and choreographed by Olivier and Tony® Award-winner Christopher Wheeldon, this stunning re-imagining of the Oscar® winning film played a sold out, world premiere engagement at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris before transferring triumphantly to Broadway, where it became the most awarded musical of the year.
This “breathtakingly beautiful staging of the MGM musical” (The Independent), features many of George and Ira Gershwin’s most popular and timeless songs, including I Got Rhythm, ’S Wonderful and They Can’t Take That Away From Me, together with George Gershwin’s sublime compositions Concerto in F and An American in Paris.
42nd Street at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane – opens 20th March 2017 Broadway’s biggest show on the West End’s biggest stage 42nd STREET is the song and dance, American dream fable of Broadway. Young Peggy Sawyer is fresh off the bus from small-town America and just another face in the chorus line on Broadway’s newest show. But when the leading lady gets injured, Peggy might just have the shot at stardom she’s always dreamed of…
Broadway’s Biggest Show featuring the iconic songs 42nd Street, We’re In The Money, Lullaby of Broadway, Shuffle Off To Buffalo, Dames, I Only Have Eyes For You. 42nd STREET arrives on the West End’s biggest stage, Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Spring 2017.
Grammy Award winner Sheena Easton joins an all singing, high-kicking cast as Dorothy Brock with Tom Lister as Julian Marsh and Clare Halse as Peggy Sawyer.
BU21 (Trafalgar Studios, 4th January – 18th February 2017) Following its award nominated, sell-out run at Theatre503, Stuart Slade’s BU21 follows six Londoners in the aftermath of a fictitious terrorist attack, based on real testimonies gathered from a variety of terrorist incidents including the 7/7 bombings, 9/11, the Paris attacks and the 2013 Westgate shopping mall attack.
Compagnie XY’s It’s Not Yet Midnight… (Roundhouse, 10th – 23rd April 2017) French Compagnie XY, one of the leading contemporary circus companies in the world, will return to London for the UK premiere of their spectacular new show. With 20 acrobats onstage, this poetic and jaw-dropping spectacle embraces the fleeting, exhilarating moment of euphoria, the state of weightlessness and then the inevitable fall that is part of the daily life of an acrobat.
Dirty Great Love Story (Arts Theatre, 18th January – 18th March 2017) Fringe First Award-winning Dirty Great Love Story will make its anticipated West End debut at the Arts Theatre. This brilliant new production, written by Richard March and Katie Bonna, combines drama and poetry, rhythm and rhyme in this laugh-a-minute exploration of modern romance.
La Ronde (The Bunker, 11th February – 11th March 2017) Collaborative Artists will open Season Two at The Bunker with a bold reimagining of Arthur Schnitzler’s infamous classic La Ronde in a new adaption by Max Gill. La Ronde features a stellar cast, including Lauren Samuels, Alex Vlahos, Leemore Marret Jr and Amanda Wilkin, as it embraces life’s game of chance as fate decides the cast’s roles every night and throughout the play. With over three thousand different versions of the show, what will your story be?
What are YOU looking forward to seeing in 2017?
Book tickets for productions in London’s West End
  http://ift.tt/2hJFl3x LondonTheatre1.com
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