#Rapture charas
iobartach · 11 months
Character Info Sheet
name ; Miguel O'Hara
name meaning ; Spanish form of Michael, meaning 'who is like God.' Potential associations with the archangel of the same, but I don't really dabble in that with my take.
 alias/es ; Numerous. 🥴Some faves include S-Man, Harbinger of Thor, Man of Tomorrow, Miggy, Blue Panther. Feel free to invent your own! Just don't call him Mike
one  picture you like best of your chara: Gotta be this one! It's captivated me for a long time now! 👀
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three h/cs you've never told anyone: M'kayyyy, let's see now! Focusing on my main verse, but could carry over to other verses;
Even though he's a chronic workaholic, when he has the chance, he ventures out into Nueva York, swinging between the buildings, and diving off of the tallest skyscrapers, using it as his way of exercising. It almost seems like he enjoys the feeling of freefalling... But he'd never openly admit it.
It's possible I've said some version of this to someone at some point (whew!) , but; he does crave physical contact! He's just... not yet at the point of linking the two together, held back by thoughts like does he deserve it? and who'd embrace a freak like him? But the tl;dr is, he internalises a lot! He wouldn't openly reveal he's been having such thoughts unless he's close with / trust the person that may ask.
Somewhat tangentially related to the above [since haha... I've had mixed feelings over ATSV's usage of what looked like Rapture :') ], but he still maintains an interest in science, and his previous work as a geneticist! Though it has taken a backseat in light of his shifting priorities and responsibilities, he is more prone to revisiting his old material on/after enduring some bad day(s), where he felt and acted more like a spider than a man. Potentially hunting for a remedy that may alleviate or worsen his symptoms.
three things your character likes doing in their free time ;
...Assuming he gets any free time 🥺 he'd maybe ;
Read a new research paper, which scratches his itch for gaining new knowledge / Offer his help to any Spiders in need of it / Continues scanning dimensions for other Miguels, having never learnt his lesson 🤫
eight people your character likes / loves ; Have fun figuring out. 😉 But nah, he's still in the grip of grieving for the loss of Gabriella, his foster daughter, but let's say there are plots & verses afoot where this big lug is gradually - over a long span of time - learning to open up and let people back in.
Collectively all ship partners, children, and OC friend connections ;
Pass on this for now! Mostly because I'm not really a shipper, but the connections my Miguel has with other characters is a steadily growing list! Someday I might add a proper page for this, but ty to all <3 Feel free to holler at me if you'd be interested in this too!
two things your character regrets: O-only two? :') Welll--
That he didn't get to see his abusive stepfather grow old and decrepit, having died relatively young.
And for deceiving himself with the notion that replacing a deceased variant of himself could have led to anything other than disaster, no matter how desperate he was for a happier life.
 two phobias your character has ; Hmm been stewing on a couple, not so much phobias as more... irrational? fears? Things he dislikes? Probs needs more cooking, but for now, let's go with;
Water! Showers? Baths? That's grand. Tussling with an anomaly that sees 'em take a tumble into a pool or a larger body of water? Wouldn't be his favourite experience, but he'd bear with it. Remains so-so around water, due to nearly drowning as a kid. Cheers, Kron
He's also... going through it, by which I mean, as he's getting older, he's coming to the realisation that he's inherited a lot more than a surname and some genes from either of the men he had as father figures in his life. The tendency to shout, the explosive outbursts, the zero tolerance for compromise... Yeah... something was rotten in him well before the accident that made him half-spider.
Tagged by: @themckaytriarchy (cheers!) Tagging: As always, you! Steal it! Tell us about your muse too! :)
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dimobserver · 1 year
I was tagged in this song tag game by @aomitois, thank you! ^^
Rules:  Set your music to shuffle and write down each song you get for  the “thirteen scenes”. Tag whoever and as many people as you’d like! Or  if you’d prefer, just write down the first thirteen songs you get from  your shuffling! Anyways here we go!
Title Scene: Yasashii Suisei- YOASOBI
 (the lyrics somehow fit with what happens from the car scene later on)
Waking Up Scene: Piano Dorobou- amazarashi
waking up in a bleak reality
Falling in Love Scene: Lost in Paradise- ALI ft AKLO
not much about falling in love itself, but it’s still about fighting for one’s happiness, so i guess this counts?
First Date Scene: Injection- Rise Against
a continuation, but this might be too intense; quite a desperate first date and they fall fast
Fight Scene: Rapture- Panorama Panama Town
if there’s a fight there, i feel like it’s about a difference in their worldviews
Tragic Death Scene: Kono Machi de Ikiteiru- amazarashi
it may be a tragic death, but whoever died must have been content with their life- unless it’s the killer who is?
Mental Breakdown Scene: Enemy- Imagine Dragons
maybe the main character is the one responsible and this all takes a dark turn
Series Monologue Scene: We Will Not Go Quietly- Sixx:AM
a decision has been made and their new lover joins them
Flashback Scene: Train Wreck- James Arthur
this would really fit as a title, with how the plot is developing;
apparently going against the world isn’t going that great
Driving Scene: Nandemonaiya- RADWIMPS
i guess it will be this kind of emotional driving scene that might end up in goodbyes?
Kissing Scene: Ostatni Romantyczny Zachód Słońca- szymonmówi
both incredibly fitting and unsettling
plot-twist: instead of sad goodbyes it gets an even darker turn and we get a creepy final goodbye
Party Scene: Anta e- amazarashi
はやく 涙拭けよ 笑い飛ばそう 僕らの過去 
Wipe your tears, and let's laugh away our pasts
行くあても帰る場所もないから 頭の中に僕の居場所を作った2 そこで笑っている父や母や恋人が かつての面影だと気付いて途方にくれる
I’ve got nowhere to go and nowhere to come home to,
so I made a place for myself inside my own head.
And in there, my father, mother, and lover are all smiling,
but I didn’t know what to do, when I realized they were only shadows of the past.
so they went partying
Ending Scene: Vent’anni- Maneskin
my guess is the main chara moves on, has a sudden redemption that shouldn’t have suddenly happened during a timeskip and becomes a better person; manages to get away with everything and just lives freely
That was fun, i definitely didn’t expect it to turn out this way xD
surprisingly all of the songs that showed first when on shuffle are ones i haven’t listened to for a while too
tagging: @p0l-anka, @1-800-i-ship-it, @shinonomebrainworms, if you’d like to ^^ also anyone who sees this and feels like joining
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lecterwill · 2 years
Reasons why marijuana should not be legalized
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Ongoing years have seen significant changes in social mentalities towards marijuana for clinical and sporting use. Possible issues with the endorsement, creation, agreement, course of organisation, and negative wellbeing impacts of clinical and sporting marijuana are audited. Clinical marijuana ought to be dependent upon a similar thorough endorsement process as different drugs recommended by doctors. Sanctioning sporting marijuana might have negative general wellbeing impacts.
Ongoing years have seen a social change in perspectives towards marijuana. At the time of this composition, clinical marijuana is legal in 20 states and the Area of Columbia; sporting marijuana is presently legitimate in Washington and Colorado. A significant and developing writing report sanctioned marijuana might unfavourably affect individual and general wellbeing.
Marijuana and hemp are individuals from the cannabis family and contain synthetic compounds with shifting levels of psychoactive properties. While marijuana initiates serious psychoactive impacts, hemp is falling short on that. Weed, charas and cannabis are known to cause drug, rapture, brief loss of faculties and an entertaining way of behaving. The Worldwide Arrangement of Sicknesses and the Demonstrative and Measurable Manual of Mental Issues assign cannabis as a drug, with perceived reliance problems. Around 9% of individuals who attempt it eventually become junkies. Its withdrawal side effects are touchiness, resting troubles, dysphoria, and so on. For the people who attempt to stop, backslide rates are a high 71% at half a year. The Opiate Medications and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, disallowed development or creation of cannabis plants by anyone, while saving these privileges with focal and state legislatures in the event that they wish to do as such, by making rules later. It is claimed that the NDPS was a consequence of an extreme global strain following the UN's Single Show on Opiate Medications, 1961.
There is a worldwide influx of legitimization of cannabis, in view of its therapeutic properties and business utilities. Floated by progress in the West (Uruguay, a few US states, Canada), cannabis allies are pushing for legitimization in India. In the US, the utilisation of marijuana (a more habit-forming subordinate) for restorative objects is lawful in various states, though its utilisation for sporting reasons has likewise been sanctioned in certain states. Canada has sanctioned its need for sporting as well as restorative purposes. Europe perceives the utilisation of marijuana for sporting purposes as a wrongdoing, yet its utilisation for clinical designs is allowed in numerous nations.
Does it have demonstrated restorative advantages? One of the proposed signs of cannabis is in the control of sickness and retching. However, concentrates on showing that there is no measurably huge advantage of cannabis subsidiaries over accessible medications. Oddly, not many case reports have depicted a condition known as cannabinoid hyperemesis (over the top retching) disorder in marijuana junkies. With respect to hunger invigorating activities of cannabis, we have more compelling medications that are effectively accessible. Cannabis is viable to torment the executives, yet more fragile and less protected than narcotics are supported. A review showed gainful impacts of cannabis in a little level of a very uncommon type of epilepsy and numerous sclerosis. In any case, most examinations aren't planned as expected to offer any decisive proof. Obviously, the examinations have detailed an expanded gamble of unfavourable impacts when cannabis was utilised.
There is no decent proof that cannabis is gainful when utilised in illnesses, for example, Crohn's sickness, rest jumble, glaucoma, and so on. Additionally, there is no information to help its utilisation in oncology practice beyond clinical tests — cannabis subsidiaries are known to have immunosuppressives that can advance malignant growth. In rundown, its restorative advantages aren't major areas of strength for so introduced by the defenders of authorization — more secure and powerful options are accessible on the lookout. Some contend that cannabis has been essential for Indian practice and our progenitors involved it for millennia. The ascent in the future from 32 years in 1947 to 68 years in 2018 demonstrates we are living longer than our precursors. The US FDA has supported cannabis as a treatment for only one sickness — an extremely uncommon type of epilepsy.
Do you know the legitimization of marijuana as of late in spots, for example, Amsterdam, Canada has prompted an expansion in paces of violations, and the passing rate too? These nations are progressively seeing that in the attire of Marijuana, the young are driven towards weaknesses. They are understanding that just to escape from ordinary stressors of life, many individuals are overpowering towards the utilisation of Marijuana. Likewise, it is being seen that this sanctioning of marijuana has sat idle however making a destruction in the social and emotional wellness of the social orders.
In a general public of literates, the peril presented by marijuana and other such medications can devastatingly affect the nation's wellbeing, and particularly the more youthful age. Imagine a scenario in which this destructive medication is legitimised in a nation like India. See the impacts beneath
Impact of Sanctioning Marijuana in India: In a Look
Marijuana overdose can demonstrate lethal with smoking 10,000 joints in around 15 minutes
Marijuana is habit-forming in nature, somewhat lesser than caffeine.
Marijuana drugs impede memory and decision making abilities.
The medication unfavourably influences one's well being in spite of the demonstrated restorative use for the beyond millennia.
In the event that marijuana is made lawful, teens and youthful grown-ups will utilise it often because of its simple accessibility.
Condemning medications, for example, marijuana legitimises our profound quality as it will remove the privileges of freedom over our bodies providing away the capacity to the public authority.
However marijuana can encourage you, quiet, and smooth yet can never envision how hazardous those sentiments may be and can hurt your life.
The legitimization of Marijuana in India would be mistaken whenever contrasted with nicotine and liquor, the two greatest executioners. Marijuana influences both the brain and the spirit making a misleading joy not in that frame of mind of one's own hand clearing a way to other psychological wellness issues like schizophrenia, bipolar confusion, psychosis in weak people.
It is additionally seen that spots, where marijuana is effectively given, are the locations of egregious crimes. Other than this, marijuana has turned into the doorway to substance misuse history for the overwhelming majority youngsters.
Keep in mind, Marijuana fixation isn't only terrible for your well being yet additionally lays an adverse consequence on the existence of friends and family. You reserve the privilege to eat numerous doughnuts, pizzas, confections, and cheeseburgers and on the off chance that even, you feel life is useless or purposeless or you're having personal disturbances, you can go taking drugs and treatment as well. There is nobody to stop you. Be that as it may, For what reason do you pick Marijuana for it? Think!
We should Foster a Sans marijuana Society
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We have had comparative contemplations when we legitimized cigarette smoking. Yet, the adverse aftermath is playing right out before our eyes now. Thus we should make a stride towards having a general public where joy is gotten from companionship and humor, social bonding's and communications, charity and philanthropy, experiences and sports and accept that misleading delights of Marijuana will negatively affect the soundness of individuals. We should make our twenty to thirty year old's better make a promise for a sans marijuana society.
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 2
Part 1
The journey into Rapture CONTINUES with some more MAGIC FANTASY WHUMP
TW; Stabbing, Ceremonial blood ritual hinted at, Demon mention, Gun/Bullets mention
"Yes, of course. I know." Jeff nodded as he replied to a minor demon. He was taking complaints in the Den, arms crossed as he walked into one of the office rooms with the group. "I don't mean to brush you off - I do understand your concerns, but we've already-”
A huge crash suddenly drew everybody's attention, and a couple of minors shouted in surprise, jumping back. The light on the ceiling was swinging, and Jeff felt several ropes and ribbons already creeping out from his back. He narrowed his eyes at the cracked desk, and the two figures on top of it. One of them had purple skin - was it Belial? No, this one had black hair. And the other-
"Jeff!" Selena pushed herself up from the desk, holding an arm to her stomach. Her eyes were wide, her chest heaving. She started to get up, trying to crawl towards him. "Je-"
She didn't get the chance to finish her plea. With a grunt, she was flung hard into the ground, where she hit her back with a cry of pain. Her arm was wrenched away from her stomach on impact, and Jeff saw it. She was bleeding, and an ornate handle was sticking out of her stomach.
He could feel his scleras turning black as he turned to the other figure, who was standing up and brushing themselves off. "You!"
Red eyes met Jeff’s as Aidel adjusted his jacket. With a soft 'tch,' he lifted his hands.
"Open fire!" Jeff shouted, shooting a rope towards Aidel as well, but it was too late. With a flick of his hands, Aidel summoned a dark purple fog around him that swirled into a sphere. Jeff was pushed back by the force of the wind, and everything was blown off of the desks in the room. The wind was already going fast enough that the liquid of Jeff's rope was being sucked away by the shield. He shouted, retracting the rope and clutching his hand to his chest.
The minors that could were shooting at Aidel, but the sphere didn't show any signs of relenting. The wind seemed to catch the bullets, diverting them away. Selena was still on the ground, trying to regain her bearings. She was trying to sit up, but she couldn't. The knife was slipped into her abdomen - if she moved it any more, she'd injure herself. 
“Selena, stay still!" Jeff tried to run to her, but a tendril of smoke whipped out from the sphere. It slammed into his stomach like a car, sending him flying into the wall. He fell to the floor, hitting his shoulder on the ground with a shout of pain. He coughed as he sat up, looking back at the scene between the desks. Another tendril wrapped around Selena's torso, yanking her into an opening in the sphere. All he could glimpse was Aidel's wicked grin as the hole closed, silencing Selena's scream. 
Part 2
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
Mod Dusty here. Following up Vicey’s post about the Among Us AU with a scene that I wrote for it. It’s not a continuation of her scene (sorry) but it does contain the same characters!
First time posting one of my written works here so I hope y’all like it!
CW: graphic depiction of violence, blood, mentions of weaponry
“IT WAS HIM!” Takeo roared, his arm raised to point at Johnathan at the other side of the round cafeteria table. “THE BASTARD KILLED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!”
“You’re a terrible liar, Takeo. Only you are capable of such a grisly crime,” Johnathan responded immediately, his voice steady and calm.
“Takeo... how could you?” Roxanne managed to croak out in a shaky voice. She stood close by Johnathan with tears in her eyes, practically hugging the boy’s side. She broke down into a fit of heavy sobbing, burying her face in John’s shoulder.
Takeo’s lips pulled back in a snarl to reveal his pointed teeth. “THAT’S FUCKIN’ BULLSHIT, YOU WEREN’T EVEN-”
He was cut off by Jeff slamming his hands down on the table to get everyone’s attention. “That’s enough, we’re not going to solve anything by just yelling at each other.”
“Who even died?” Selena interjected with a confused look.
“Take a look around the bloody table you nitwit,” Oliver spat. “Notice anyone missing?”
Selena took a second to scan the other seven crewmates sitting around the table. “Jazzy?”
“And the last horse crosses the bloody finish line,” Oliver scoffed with a sarcastic slow clap.
Jeff just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Of all the people to be stuck in space with. “Listen we don’t have much time. Let’s just let both sides tell the story from the beginning. Johnathan?”
He had been comforting Roxanne, one arm wrapped around her slender frame while the other softly petted her raven hair. Once Jeff addressed him, he looked up and gave a small nod. He let go of Roxanne, whose sobs had now died down into quiet sniffles, and turned to address the others. “It happened right before the O2 was sabotaged. Roxanne and I were walking into the reactor room to do our assigned tasks. As the alarms went off, there was a gunshot and we saw Jazzy drop dead in the doorway to the reactor with Takeo standing just inside the room.”
“It was so awful…” Roxanne murmured. “The blood... her head…” She buried her face into her hands as she broke down sobbing again.”
“That’s not what happened!” Takeo insisted, slamming his fist on the table. “We were coming out of the reactor and that emo SHIT STAIN slaughtered her like a goddamn ANIMAL!”
“John and Roxy both said they saw you do it though,” Selena pointed out. “Sounds kinda sus if you ask me-” “SHE WASN’T EVEN FUCKING THERE!” Takeo shouted once more, pointing an accusing finger at Roxanne, causing the poor girl to cry even louder. ‘SHE’S LYING, I’LL BET SHE’S AN IMPOSTER TOO!”
“You leave her the Hell out of this!” Johnathan said defensively, a hint of anger slipping into his voice.
“Enough!” Jeff said sternly, raising his voice to be heard above the chaos. He leaned over the table, propping himself up on his elbows and lacing his fingers together as his eyes flitted between the two parties. “Did anyone else happen to see Roxanne anywhere else on the ship?”
There was a collective shaking of heads from the other crewmates. “The two lovebirds seem to like sticking together so it checks out,” Melissa said nonchalantly.
“I’m sorry Takeo, but it’s two against one,” Jeff said as he pulled out his tablet to vote. The others followed suit and Takeo could feel his heart sink as the small beep sounds came rolling in. He looked around the table desperately, trying to find one kind face to defend him.
“Guys come on! I loved Jazzy, she was my fiance for Christ’s sake! I would never do anything to harm her I swear!” He looked around at them but all faces were solemnly turned away from him. His eyes landed on Derek who was looking down indecisively at his tablet. “Derek c’mon bro! We did wires together earlier, remember? I watched you clear out those asteroids!”
Derek looked down, not daring to meet Takeo’s gaze. “I... I don’t know. All the evidence seems to point to you-”
Derek flinched at Takeo’s rage and pressed the skip button in the voting options on his tablet. Selena patted the poor boy’s shaking shoulders while Jeff glared daggers at Takeo. No one said a word, the only sound being that of Roxanne’s weeping. Everyone had voted now except for the hulking ghoul himself. Takeo’s anger subsided and he just scanned their faces hopelessly one last time as he slowly lowered himself onto one of the seats around the table and looked down at the tablet in his hands.
“I’m comin’ home, Jazzy,” he murmured to himself as his trembling hand pressed the “skip vote” button. There was nothing more he could do, it was over for him.
The words flashed in white on the screens of their tablets as Takeo’s frozen corpse drifted out into the empty vacuum of space. The remaining seven crewmates sat around the meeting table in quiet reflection, none of them wanting to look out the window as Takeo became a tiny spec, drifting farther and farther away from the ship. Jeff looked around at the rest of the crew before standing up, drawing all eyes to him. “Ok listen up, if Takeo was an imposter then that means there’s still one left on the ship. I want you all to just continue doing your tasks and stay sharp. Let’s try to get this ship up and running before the imposter has a chance to strike again.”
They all nodded and started getting up to leave. Roxanne clung to Johnathan as they both stood up; she was still crying quite a bit. Johnathan looked over at Jeff as he tried to comfort her. “You go ahead, I’m going to take her to medbay for a bit so she can calm down.”
Jeff just nodded, but he narrowed his eyes at the two as they left. He dreaded to think about it, but he couldn’t deny the possibility that Takeo had been right. The girl did look pretty shaken up though, so it would probably be best to just let them be for a bit.
When the two finally walked into medbay, Johnathan brought Roxanne over to one of the beds to sit down while he went to peek outside the doorway to make sure no one had followed them. Roxanne just sat there hunched over on the bed with her face buried in her hands. However, as she carried on, her sniveling started to change into something else entirely; it quickly became apparent that she was giggling. It kept twisting into something more sinister until she finally couldn’t contain it and threw her head back to let loose a torrent of uncontrollable maniacal cackling. Johnathan began chuckling in a similar manner, his deep voice resonating ominously in his chest. The room was filled with their sounds of twisted and insane delight.
“That was almost too easy,” Johnathan said with a contemptuously smug grin. “Those damn idiots will believe anything; they’re even willing to condemn an innocent man to death over a hastily cobbled-together alibi.”
“Oh darling, it was wonderful! I can’t believe they even bought that I was with you!” Roxanne cackled. She mocked a look of helplessness and began fake crying. “I saw it happen... it... it was awful!” Her crying quickly devolved back into that sinister giggle.
“We’ll make quick work of those fools for sure,” Johnathan said as he strode over to the bed Roxanne was sitting on. He bent down slightly so their faces were about level and she put her hands on his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss. After that, she stared dreamily into his eyes for a few moments and smiled.
“Oh, what a lovely pair we make darling.”
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wynonadustman · 3 years
First Kiss
So yeah, I’m a writer, I write things lol
Have this little scene I wrote on impulse earlier today. Both characters are my own and from a project I’m working on with friends which can be found @drabblesofrapture . Go check out all the cool stuff we’ve been working on!
alright here’s the fluff
“May I kiss you, Johnathan?”
Roxanne looked up at him expectantly. Did she really just say that? Oh my god did she really just say that?! She had no idea how it happened, it just slipped out! They were just having a perfectly normal date so far. They were sitting on a park bench and she had been just looking at him. She couldn’t help it, he just looked so damn pretty; lost in his own contemplation, his body framed perfectly by the sunlight coming in through the leaves in the trees. All she wanted to do in that moment was pull him close and hold him and-
She suddenly became aware that Johnathan was staring at her too in stupefied silence. His mouth hung slightly open, like he was at a loss for words. Those soft, grey eyes connected with hers and she immediately felt a warmness rising up in her cheeks. Her shoulders practically shot up to her ears. She quickly shrank away from him, averting her gaze.
“I- sorry…” she squeaked, holding her hands up defensively. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It was a rather silly question anyway-”
Her eyes widened and she jerked her head back up to look at him in disbelief. He smiled kindly at her, his eyes connecting with hers once more. My god he was so pretty. “P-pardon?”
“Yes,” he repeated. “Yes, you may kiss me.”
“...alright,” she murmured. There was a moment’s pause between the two, both staring deeply into each other’s eyes. She slowly raised a hand up to his face, tenderly brushing the snow-white bangs out of his face. She then brought her hand back to cup his cheek, watching as he ever so slightly nuzzled further into her palm. Slowly, she began leaning towards him and he began leaning in a moment after. They leaned closer to each other for what felt like an eternity. Their faces froze just mere centimeters from each other, eyes still locked. Roxanne finally closed the distance. Her eyes fell shut and their lips finally met.
It lasted only a moment, their lips only briefly brushing against each other. She could feel how Johnathan fell into it though. She could hear the shuffling as he turned his body towards her, his hand resting on her thigh and slowly moving up to her waist. Their faces were still so close, his breath blowing gently against her lips. She finally let her eyes open, seeing John’s open just a moment after. 
They finally pulled away, both giggling awkwardly. They smiled at each other and looked away as their cheeks began turning red. She withdrew her hand from his face and he quickly took it with his own, thumb slowly caressing the back of her hand. Roxanne felt like she should say something, but what do you say in this situation? Thanks, that was great? No, that was way too formal.
  “Roxanne?” he asked in a low tone, almost a whisper.
“Hm?” she purred, looking up at him once more.
“M-may I kiss you… too?”
She giggled at how endearing his timidness was, even after they had just kissed. She noticed how he flinched at the laugh, like he had said something wrong, and put her hands on his shoulders to put him at ease. He immediately relaxed under her touch. “Yes, darling, you may kiss me.”
There was a bit less hesitation this time. She draped her arms loosely around his neck and he moved his hand up to her waist again, carefully pulling her closer. The kiss started out as just a soft press of their lips, but then Johnathan leaned into it and Roxanne felt her cheeks burn bright red. Her arms tightened around him, pulling him in as close as possible. She let out a soft hum, letting herself melt into the kiss. Melting into the warmth. Melting into him. The kiss lasted a few moments longer than the first, but it felt like they held each other like that forever; she wished it could have lasted that long as well. 
Johnathan pulled away from her suddenly and she let out a small noise of protest. Her eyes shot open and she stared at him, blinking confusedly. There was a nervous smile between his red cheeks. He was looking away from her and rubbing the back of his neck. 
“W-we should probably get going now,” he stammered. “People are starting to stare…”
Roxanne looked around and noticed that someone was indeed staring: a man in a suit standing several feet away, looking at them with a raised brow. She shot to her feet as Johnathan began to slowly get up, grabbing his hand and quickly trotting off, face down to hide her embarrassment. She couldn’t help but smile though, it was a very wonderful first kiss.
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seraphiism · 2 years
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𓆩 ღ 𓆪 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡; ( 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 )
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chara : belial fandom : granblue fantasy quote cr : persona series a/n : end of the seven deadly sins series with belial!
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such a tragic thing, the absence of benevolence in a being that is meant to accompany those to the other side of the river. in the blood of an angel resides lower deities and altruism, but belial knows nothing of this. ( & he is not supposed to, you remind yourself. because he was birthed from false origins, nurtured with spite and hatred and inferiority. )
"why are you doing this?"
the taste of iron melts on your tongue, overwhelms your senses with a bittersweet longing for something that could be yours. your body is worn, bruised from the burdens of war and chaos and conflict and all that remains in between, and how wondrously beautiful you are to belial in this very moment in time.
the world could end so easily-- it would take so little to let this game continue, to let everything crash and burn and know that the quiet that rings in the air is the signal of death and joyful endings.
the world could end so easily by his hand ; because he is the harbinger of this, the fallen angel. but it doesn't.
you question him anyway, feel the blood trail down your cheek as he smears it across your skin, adorns your face further with brutality.
"doing what?"
he knows very well what you mean, knows he has sabotaged his own plan.
"you could have it all and you know it." your voice strains, breaks under the pressure of it all. you do not know if you are relieved, alive in a time where you should not be. "you could have the world, belial."
your limbs ache, lungs screaming for oxygen as your chest heaves in tired protest. you come to a stand, ignore the way the pain roots itself in the marrow of your bones. he waits before you, watches you struggle-- your legs give out, threaten collapse, but he is quick to catch you. he holds you closer than he should and he does not let go. he has no intention to, after all, and you are both well aware of this.
crimson sinks into your soul, stares at you harder than it should. frenzied is the nature of humanity in the nearing of its end, but there is no rapture, no ending in sight, yet your heart burns and aches, feels like it might unravel when he has it in his grasp.
"easy, kitten." he murmurs, loosens his grip only the slightest bit. "it's not fair if you tire yourself out without me, hm?"
( AND HE'LL CALL IT APATHY, call it indifference. speak of lies that render himself to be a villain nonetheless, make excuses that it was simply out of convenience that he did not bring ruin to everything and everyone, but you know. you know that somewhere in the heart of this angel, maybe there is something real in the love he knows so little of. )
"liar." you whisper, feel your voice and yourself break a little more. "you're such a damn liar."
belial smiles, and perhaps you can see the remnants of virtue that linger in his soul. he kisses you, gentle, mumbles words of genuine ardor against your bloodied lips.
"the world is meaningless if you're not in it."
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pennypenartwork · 2 years
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I was playing my favourite game: BioShock, and I had a sudden thought. Imagine if the Underground was something like Rapture. I made this AU.
Disclaimer: UnderShock is NOT BioShock. It is inspired by the design and underwater concept. Frisk finds herself in rapture. With a talking flowers help, she tries to find her way back to the surface. However, the more she explores the underwater world, she makes new friends. Frisk is inspired by 'Little Sisters' and 'Big Sisters'. The first monster Frisk meets is Toriel. It has been a long time since she has seen a human. The ruins - a place where 'Little Sisters and Brothers' are raised in. Toriel is the caretaker. Frisk leaves the ruins and meets the skeleton brothers. Papyrus is training to be a 'Big Brother'. Sans explains 'Big sisters and Brothers' were needed to protect certain LS and LB who are able to harvest determination. But there hasn't been anyone with that power in a long time. Undyne is the 'last Big Sister' and the one 'training' Papyrus. She later reveals she never had a LS or LB to protect when they go to harvest determination. She vows to protect Frisk as they're the first child to have the power in years.
Muffet, like normal, is protective of her spiders. She believes Frisk doesn't like Spiders but this isn't true. Meeting Alphys, Frisk finally learns why LS/LB can harvest determination. Determination gave some of the monsters their abilies and powers, why is why it was dangerous for LS/LB to harvest alone. They hope Determination can free them from underwater. Jazz Mettaton. Before Frisk woke up in Rapture, there where two others that was able to harvest Determination. The first human child; Chara and Asriel. The two eventually tries Determination - Chara becomes sick and Asirel instead of becoming sick, becomes Flowery.
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icharchivist · 3 years
Update from the Dark Rapture (Hard) anon. I died and checked Tumblr to see you answered the ask I sent, read it and went "Oh shit" and checked it and every left.
There's a lot of gimmicks to Faasan to get before entering in it and it's not for nothing the whole gimmick doc on the wiki is 4 pages long. It's a mess. It's genuinely a mess.
if you want to enter it again, 1) use Spartan as your main class with Clarity, Dispel and Hardened Shield as subskills, or you can replace dispel with Gravity (needed for Faasan's body)
2) make sure every member of your team, even in the back, are of different species. at 25% Faasan wipe out your charas if you have for exemple, two humans. If you can focus on characters who have shield, veil, reincarnation, healing or clarity, you will at least further your surviving. (my light team for faasan was Noa/Fif/V!Aglovale with backline Mishra/Xmas!Lily)
3) note that this doesn't apply to Wind since the best team for Wind include Yurius and Seofon in it. Wind serves as the debuffer of the team and therefore Seofon serves to feed Yurius's Charge Bar for the debuffs. At 25% Wind mustn't move anymore.
4) Don't move unless you have a Phalanx on you
5) focalize your grid on high HP weapons on Omega grid or Garrison on Primal grids (Garrison makes your defense better when your HP are low).
6) ^re this, be sure to go with either a double omega summon (ex: Lumi 140% as your main, Lumi 140% as the one you borrow from friend, if you go in light) or a double primal summon (same thing but if you run primal say, with Zeus for Light). It'll multiply your HP and considering how hard Faasan hits when you enter the raid, it's recommanded to have at least 40k HP
7) Your summons should include 3 max uncapped Carbuncles to protect you (Light if you run Light, Dark if you run Dark, but if you run elemental, use the carbuncle of the elements you need protection against. ex: if you run wind, put fire carbuncle in your team). The 4th summon should be one that gives you a lot of HP at once (max uncapped Lucifer is recommended).
8) not that i think it's something you may do but since i have him in all of my regular teams and i know someone who was crazy enough to go in a bubs with him: DO NOT use Belial's summon in this raid at all, do not have him equiped, this guy removes you 30% of your HP as a sub summon do NOT trust him on HL, his sweet supplemental damage isn't worth it there and will get you killed
9) you will get better luck and better HP and attack if you put all of your plus mark on your grid and summons before entering the raid. Personally i had to remove all the plus mark from my others teams (esp since i have them a lot on my fire weapon/summons and on Belial) to put it all on everything in my Faasan grid specifically.
10) Speaking of, you can drop the Seraphic weapon for this grid. Seraphic only amplify the attacks against an enemy that is weak to your element, and Faasan is Null, so the special skill of the Seraphic doesn't work and will drag you down. You may want to have your opus with you in your grid however. Fitting to fight Faasan with his own weapons. On the other hand, depending on your grid you may want to see to have a Cosmic weapon in it: Cosmic multiply the HP of any weapons of the same particularity as the Cosmic weapon. (ex: Cosmic sword will multiply all the HP of all of the swords of your grid. I went in my light one with 8 swords in my Light Grid, the cosmic saved my life).
And that's just BEFORE ENTERING THE RAID stuff you need to know (or what my friends call it, "The Vibe Check")
then you need to either be carried by your friends or know about some of the triggers and special gimmicks that are going to make your game difficult. Have the wiki opened, try to decypher it.
Honestly even i am not an expert on it and i can only tell you well, what the Vibe Check was with my friends, and hopefully it can give you some pointers......... or make you realize how scary Faasan actually is.
I wish you luck if you intend to try him again, but don't forget: cower in fear, he will not forgive any vice. Devote yourself, your fate is overwritten. and of course, Give praise, for he has no equal.
Good luck
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kitsune-og · 3 years
top five video games 💛
oof this is gonna be hard... I have to make sure these are games I've played not watch a certain loud man or [redacted] play.
5: Bioshock Infinite. I honestly cannot get over this game. I played it a long time ago and would have played it more of not for the fact that my Mac refuses to run the game because of some update bullshit. But either way, this game still holds a place in my heart. I love Booker and Elizabeth, I love their story and the gameplay itself. It's so brutal but also just so goddamn sad. The environments are also just so beautiful, I love walking around Columbia and finding all of its secrets. And the DLCs (which I haven't gotten to play) of the game look so amazing! Rapture looks so beautiful and I love the way it links Elizabeth to the original game with the little sisters.
4: Red Dead Redemption 2. The hype behind this game is almost unparalleled to any other game I've played (mostly bc I haven't played RE8 yet). My friend and I used to talk about this game non stop so once I got a ps4 I knew what I had to have as soon as I could; RDR2. I adore the story of the game and how it's a prequel to the first game (which I haven't actually played lol oop). Not to mention the graphics oh my god the game is just so goddamn pretty. The way the weather changes and goes from rain to clear skies to snow!!! Everything is just so goddamn pretty (and so is Arthur lol I love him sm).
3: Undertale. An absolute classic game that I think most people have played by now and if not, you probably know of it. The story of Undertale is so incredible, the soundtrack and even the little sprites. Everything all just comes together in such a delightful little game that has so much replay-ability, even once you've done all of the routes. And not to mention the spinoffs. Even though it's become a meme now, it's still a great game and cringe culture is dead anyway so I will happily talk about how much I love it. In fact, I love it so much that I made cosplays for both myself and Luna (as Frisk and Chara) and I will definitely be doing more cosplays.
2: The Walking Dead series by Telltale. These games... just !!! I cannot deal with just how goddamn amazing the story is. I adore Clem so fucking much and watching her journey is so moving. It's heartwarming, it's awfully sad, it's fucked up. Clem is the greatest character among a cluster of great characters with so much heart. I never expected to a) fall in love with a story about The fucking Walking Dead or b) cry over said story, but I did just that. And I continue to every time I replay the games. This is also a game that I have cosplayed from and I have so much fun every time.
And coming in at number 1, we have Night In the Woods. I don't think I can quite explain just why I love this game so much, but if you've played it yourself you probably understand. The game is full of heart and great characters that go through so much. I connected with Mae immediately, and I adore all of her friends. Her journey of coming back to her home city after being away for so long and seeing what has changed is so beautiful. Plus all the fun mini games make this game top tier. Playing guitar with friends and practicing new songs at home is so much fun (even tho I suck at rhythm games) and the fact that you can play games on her computer? *chefs kiss*
Okay that was an essay of a post lol I just love video games. Anyway, honourable mentions are The Wolf Among Us, Dream Daddy and Coming Out On Top, Donut County, Willowbrook Stables and House Flipper.
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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chapmankit · 3 years
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Out yet. The bag, created by the Japanese artist of the same name, was a hit in white with a multicolored logo and now will be offered in black. If she has told truth, it is, indeed, a powerful engine of “assault on slavery,” such as these Northern fanatics have made for the “last twenty years.” The number against whom she offends, in the editor’s opinion, seems to increase the turpitude of her crime. Eurovision 2017: What time is it on TV? Latest odds, finalists and running order for tonight's finalWe also look back bikes btt usadas to 1998 when Dana International triumphed in Birmingham18:30, 13 MAY 2017Updated18:31, 13 MAY 2017What's OnGet What's On updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailEurovision fans are getting ready for three nights of kitsch Europop, overblown ballads, quirky performances, dazzling costumes, tactical voting and the usual sarcastic commentary that mocks the entire event as a pile of camp nonsense.So what exactly can we expect at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017?Does the UK stand any chance of winning again?To many, the UK entry seems more a formality than something done with any serious attempt of bringing Eurovision back to Britain.Can you remember the year Eurovision was in Birmingham? But could that ever happen again?Here's our guide to the Eurovision Song Contest 2017.Where is the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 being held?(Photo: AP)It papuci de casa din pasla will take place at the International Exhibition Centre in Kiev, Ukraine, after Ukraine won the 2016 contest in Stockholm with Jamala and her song 1944.When is the Eurovision Song Contest 2017? Semi final 1 took place on Tuesday, May 9.
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just-a-few-prompts · 4 years
25, 22, and 9
9.) Current WIP
oh god I still have to write Derek’s date
he’s so pure
I have never been on an actual date despite having several boyfriends
what the hell do people do on dates I need to make a poll aaaaaaaaaaaaH
22.) Who is/are your favorite pairings to write?
Mmmmmm with my own characters? If you see my VIcey’s Chara Masterpost on @drabblesofrapture , there’s a guy named William there. He is not originally from Rapture. Neither is Toni! For like several years I’ve been daydreaming of different AUs of how they get together, because I was getting sick of making Toni pine desperately for Derek (they were from the same series, and he never ends up loving her the same way). So that’s technically my favorite pairing, and I love writing little angsty snippets of them in AUs.
That being said I’ve got some crackship fics I gotta post there and it’ll be great!
25.) Favorite part of writing
The action. The emotions. The fear.
When I was young, I read a lot. I read a lot about kids going through some pretty angsty fantastical worlds. I learned so much from reading a variety of things; wit, how people might react in certain situations. It really saved me as a kid who was bullied pretty much the entirety of elementary and middle school and really refrained from talking to people in high school. I only talk to one friend from high school now, and have very few close friends despite being in several communities.
What got me through all of that - the loneliness, the wondering - was introspection. Not always by wondering what I would do in a situation, but by putting characters in that situation.
So, I dedicate my time to the description of feelings and tension. I don’t just want the reader to see.I want the reader to feel. I want to give a vivid experience into the worlds of fear, of pain, of happiness, of strain, and of pure, pure wonder. No matter how vicious the view, I want the character’s experience to be clear, as if the reader lived their life. In the moments of description, of held breath, tight chests, and shaky hands reached out to careful, steady ones, I want the reader to be there.
I love writing so that the reader can experience the characters as if it were their own memories. It’s how I survived, and I can’t be the only one who loves fiction and fantasies this way, these deep daydreams. Even if others don’t do the same, I want to share it, just an inch. It’s a wonderful feeling.
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freefallingup13 · 3 years
Naive Princess pt. 8
Part 7
Honestly my favorite sentence in this entire project is the last one in the first paragraph
Anyways here’s a beatdown
TW: Room-destructive beatdown, demon, post-beating exhaustion, non-graphic wounds (wounds are less like lacerations and more like dents)
The movement was effortless, almost graceful. With every swing of his arm, Jeff slammed Aidel into the walls, the floor, the ceiling. Every time he hit the dirt, he left a bastard-shaped hole in his wake, and Jeff loved it.
He wasn’t satisfied until he had used the boy to break every piece of furniture to bits. Panting heavily, he finally coaxed his ropes to bring the boy closer. He held Aidel suspended in the air in front of him, eyebrows furrowed as he admired his battered handiwork. 
Aidel was beyond squirming now, panting as he was finally allowed to recover. His head hung limp, as did the rest of his body. Jeff grabbed a fistful of that black hair and yanked it back to get a nice, long look at the pained exhaustion on his face.
“Let’s not dally, Callahan,” Gildenhos called out. “Restrain him.”
Jeff huffed. “He is restrained. But if you insist.”
Not bothering to use his ropes, he engulfed Aidel’s face in his hand. He turned, slamming the back of Aidel’s head into the ground, making the boy’s entire body jolt. He waited to hear a groan of pain and watch those red eyes open. Only then did he lift his hand away, raking his claws deeply into the boy’s face as he did. “Oops.”
The “wounds” left as Jeff lifted his hand away were more like dents than anything. Deep, angry scores were left in Aidel’s face, but his skin hadn’t broken just yet. The boy hissed lowly, but turned a heavy glare towards the demon standing above him.
Jeff wasn’t impressed, huffing as he put a foot onto the boy’s chest. “You’re going to die, you little brat,” he spat, baring his fangs at Aidel. “It’s over. I have the upper hand.”
Aidel laughed, smiling teasingly tilting his head. “Do you?”
As Jeff furrowed eyebrows, Aidel’s chest heaved beneath him. For one second, he could see the boy leaning up beneath his foot, blowing towards his face. A gust strong as a hurricane blasted into his face, bowling him head over heels into the air. The winds engulfed him, burning every inch of his body they could reach, and he screamed as he was overwhelmed.
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drabblesofrapture · 4 years
Ayo, Mod Vicey again. Did we do an Among Us AU? The answer is HELL yeah, we went HAM on the Among Us AU.
There’s only three scenes and headcanons, but they’re worth sharing. Can you guess the imposters this round?
CW: Murder, blood, gunshot, character death
Selena peered into Electrical, squinting into the darkness. “Man… Why don’t we have lights in here, Ollie? Isn’t Electrical a place where you WANNA have lights?”
Scoffing and striding forward, he waved his hand dismissively. “No. Corporate decided it’s too much of a ‘fire hazard’ to have any more electronic equipment in here.”
Wires were strewn about the floor; Selena found herself staring at them, treading carefully to avoid tripping. “... Er… isn’t it ALREADY a safety hazard?”
“Oh, no fucking shit, ya bloody genius!” Oliver snapped as he turned around the corner. “I swear, I keep telling Corporate how to fix this damned ship, and they keep ignoring me! Like I don’t know what I’m doing! I only graduated top of my class, I’m only an ENGINEER, I-“
The gunshot was what made Selena finally look up, jumping back. Her ankle caught on one of the wires, and she yelped as she fell over backwards. As she swore out loud, reaching down to untangle her boot from the mess, she swore to herself that she could hear an unfamiliar metal creak.
It was a few moments before she was finally able to stand up. She brushed herself off, then slowly crept towards the corner. “... Uh… Ollie?” she called out. “Are you there?... Hello?”
Then she looked down, screaming and falling over again.
White suit and little crown attachment bloodied, Oliver’s body was splayed across the floor. He’d taken a shot to the head - there was a clean bullet hole in the plastic visor, and red liquid was seeping out from underneath his helmet.
Scrambling, Selena ripped her backpack from her back, digging blindly for the megaphone-like device connected to the intercom. As she yanked it out, she nearly dropped it again, having to catch it three times before she was able to grip at the handle, pressing the button.
With a white flash, the entire crew was teleported to the cafeteria, some of them with their hands raised, having been interrupted in the middle of doing tasks.
Groaning, Jeff was the first to speak, taking his helmet off and putting a hand to his face. “Selena- I was literally on the LAST step of starting the reactor-“
“What?” He snapped.
Selena scrambled to take off her helmet, throwing it across the room. “I said, OLLIE! Is FUCKING DEAD!” she screamed, throwing her hands in the air. “We were in electrical- and I tripped- and he was talking- and there was a gunshot- and then I tripped- and then-“
“Jesus, Selena, slow down!” Derek said, holding his hands up. “So, he’s dead in electrical?”
Jeff sighed, looking at Derek. “Did you see anybody else enter on the cameras?”
Derek frowned, shaking his head. “I didn’t see anyone enter electrical besides Selena and Oliver.”
“But he FUCKING DIED!” Selena cried out, grabbing her backpack. “Somebody shot him right cold in the fuckin’ FACE, mid-SENTENCE! Look, it wasn’t ME!” She tipped her backpack over, shaking out the contents. Oreos, granola bars, her megaphone, and her task list fell out, along with a few pieces of crumpled up paper. Besides the rubber band and paper clip that seemed to have no use at all, nothing out of the ordinary came from the backpack. “I don’t even HAVE a gun!”
Johnathan sighed, taking his helmet off and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, Roxanne and I didn’t do it,” he said. “We were in O2, and Navigation. We cleared the filter and stabilized steering.”
“I’ve forgotten the reactor code, so I’ll probably have to start over,” Jeff muttered. “Derek and I were on cameras for a while.”
“Jazzy and I were in Med Bay,” Takeo said confidently, giving them all a thumbs up. “I watched her scan, and I was inspecting samples. You know. Waiting. Doing things.”
Jazzy snorted, leaning and propping her head up onto the table. “I’m ‘things.’”
“Oh god-“ Takeo’s face was red under his visor as he leaned back, eyes wide. “Jazzy, NO-“
“So nobody else was in electrical?” Jeff asked, furrowing his eyebrows.”
“There HAD to be!” Selena shouted, throwing her hands into the air. “I heard a door and everything!”
“... What?” Derek asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “... Selena… there’s only one door into Electrical. What do you mean you heard a door?”
“Metal!” she shouted, putting her hands onto the table. “Something metal! I heard it open and everything!”
“There’s… There’s no other door…” he muttered, putting a hand to his chin.
The group looked at Selena for a while as she stammered, trying to make sense of what she’d heard. All of a sudden, Takeo snapped his fingers. “Hey, hold on!” He said. “What about the vents!?”
“The vents?” Jazzy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah!” He said, looking at her. “We noticed that, right? That the vents are big enough to fit a person?”
“We don’t have the tools to open those vent doors, Takeo,” John said boredly. “Come on.”
“No, no!” Takeo stood up, pointing at John. “The imposters! They can SHAPESHIFT, remember? What if they can- like- shapeshift into the tool they need to open the vents? Then they could go in at any time, and they could close it too! Nobody would know!”
“Hon, that’s…” Jazzy trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows. She sat up, her ears perking up with her. “... That’s… That’s actually not a bad idea.”
“Yeah!” Takeo said, pumping a fist into the air. “And guess where we also saw a vent door, babe?”
Jazzy’s eyes widened. “In… In electrical. Around the corner.”
Selena slammed her hand against the table. “That’s where Ollie died! Takeo, you’re a genius!”
“Wait, wait…” Roxanne held her hands up, looking concerned. “Does… Does that mean they’re in the vents? We have to be careful of the vents?”
The thrill of discovery turned to the quiet fear of it. The group looked at each other with wide eyes as the fact sank in. The vents. The Imposters could go anywhere they wanted undetected, as long as they used the vents.
The buzzer sounded. The allotted meeting time was over. Back to tasks.
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan Current Progress Part 3
I started playing the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game during its recent Fire Chocobo event. Since then, I’ve managed to do a lot of things in the game. Here’s a list of my current progress.
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Before that, let me start by saying the reason why I started playing the Japanese version of FFRK. It’s the same reason why I’m also playing the English version. The answer is Genesis Rhapsodos from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Currently, he’s my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. He’s in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, so that’s why I’m also here. 
Current Team
My current team consists of the following characters:
Genesis Rhapsodos
Auron from Final Fantasy X
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
They have the following Soul Breaks:
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Limit Break Over Flow, Light of Rapture
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Flash Tech Soul Break+ (this is known as Glint+ Soul Break in the English version of the game), Epic of Heroes
Flash Tech Soul Break, Epic of Destruction
Ultra Soul Break, Apocalypse Genesis
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Sync, Bushido: Shooting Star
Awakening, Blazing Fate
Flash+, Emblaze
Chain Soul Break, Incendiary Trap
Flash+, Morning Fortune      
Burst Soul Break, Spark of Change
Unique Soul Break, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Ultra Soul Break, Divine Veil Grimoire
Flash, Purifying Grimoire
Glint+, Magika Amuletum
Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album
They’re usually equipped with the following abilities though I readily change them if necessary. For instance, I could equip the appropriate char (a.k.a whoever can use it) with an ability that lowers the enemy’s Defense if the boss likes to buff said stat.
Genesis - 6-star Spellblade abilities Inferno Assault and Blastspell Strike
Auron - 6-star Samurai ability Frostfire Carnage and 5-star Samurai ability Iai Hellfire
Balthier - 6-star Machinist ability Burnt Offering and 5-star Machinist ability Flame Offering
Tyro - 4-star Support ability Wrath and 5-star Support ability Entrust
Elarra - 5-star Bard ability Warrior’s Hymn and 6-star Dancer ability Passionate Salsa
I’ve got a few other chars leveled, and I sometimes use them depending on the situation. For instance, if I feel like a fight requires 2 healers, I could opt to replace Tyro with Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII since I have her Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure. 
The one constant is that my fave never leaves my party. He’s just always there no matter what. Everyone else could get replaced or removed, but he’ll always be part of my team.
Completed Content
So far, I’ve been able to complete or finish the following content in Final Fantasy Record Keeper:
3-star Magicites (Level 250) and 4-star Magicites (Level 300)
Managed to complete all of these fights within 30 seconds (sub-30) and using my current team.
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Nightmare Dungeons
Quests here range from level 110 to 180 or thereabouts.
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Dreams Dungeons Level 180 and Dreams Dungeons Level 260
Fights in Dreams Dungeons get much easier if you use a party with full realm synergy. This means using, say, a team full of Final Fantasy VII charas to tackle the Final Fantasy VII Dreams Dungeons. It’s still possible to complete these fights with off-realm chars though it’ll naturally be harder.
Being really new to the game, I didn’t have a lot of relics yet. There was no way I could form a party with full realm synergy for all the Final Fantasy games from I to XV, Tactics, Type-0, and even the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Core realm. The only exception to that is Final Fantasy VII since that’s where my fave is from and I have most of his relics. I’ve also been throwing all the Realm / Elemental x 11 Tickets I get on the Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner so most of the rest of the Soul Breaks I currently have are from this realm.
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Even now, at the time I’m writing this post, this is still the truth. FFVII is still the realm where I have the most relics and I still can’t form a full party of chars with realm synergy for any other realm. Heck, I can’t even do it with FFVII, not if I actually want to survive a battle because I need Elarra’s Glint+ which gives everyone Protect, Shell, and Haste.
Anyway, in the very beginning, I could only manage the very first level of the Dreams Dungeons. What I did was bring Genesis, Tyro, and Elarra alongside 2 in-realm chars to these battles. More often than not, these in-realm chars were all at Level 1. Even now, I still have a lot of charas that have yet to be leveled to 99. Much later, I tried dropping Tyro and bringing in a third in-realm char. Since that worked out well enough, that’s what I continued to do.
Dreams Dungeons Level 350
So far, I’ve only managed to master or complete the Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XII Level 350 Dreams Dungeons. The FFVII clear was only to be expected since it’s still the realm where I have the most relics, not to mention the one where my fave is from. My current clear time is 21.80 seconds. 
I’m also really fond of the FFVII Dreams fights because it features Genesis. Sure, it does mean I have to fight him. Still, I do like seeing him. Well, I always like seeing him. LOL.
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Anyway, as for the Final Fantasy XII Dreams fight, I thought I could manage this since I have some of Balthier’s relics, so he can support Genesis via his fire Chain and by lowering the enemy’s fire resistance (also known as Imperil). Also, I actually have Penelo’s healing Awakening as well as Gabranth’s Chain Soul Break though it’s for the dark element. 
I included these 2 in the party for more realm synergy. Penelo helped a bit since she could equip Passionate Salsa and her Awakening gave me more healing though her Mind stat is lower than Elarra’s since I haven’t really spent much to increase it or her other stats. I don’t really want to invest too much into her yet since I only have her Awakening. Heck, I’m only really using her because she’s synergy in this fight.
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Gabranth wasn’t really helpful in this fight. I’m glad I have his Chain since dark is my next strongest element though it’s nowhere near my fire team in terms of power. But it’s useless in this fight since I’m basically running my fire team. 
I’m really glad I managed to win. Now I’m also thinking of trying the Final Fantasy X fight since I do have Auron though I don’t have any other FFX char built. Maybe I could try this battle with a full off-realm team. Well, full off-realm except for Auron a.k.a maybe I could just bring my usual team.
Torment Dungeons Level 240 and Torment Dungeons Level 280
Torment Dungeons are also much easier to tackle with full realm synergy though they’re still harder than Dreams Dungeons. Thankfully, my Genesis and Elarra team plus 3 in-realm chars setup still works here. Well, so far, at least. I’ve only done a few of these since I don’t really have a lot of time at the moment. Hopefully, I can finish the rest of these quests soon.
Hero Ability, Creation Laceration or Genesis Slash
Hero Abilities (HA) are unique and can only be used by the char they belong to. In order to get a Hero Ability, you need 100 Sapphires. In order to get Sapphires, you need 250 Anima Lens+. In order to get Anima Lens+, you need to pull on banners. You get a few of these Lenses every time you pull on a banner. There are also a few quests that can give these Lenses as rewards. Naturally, these quests have fights that are really hard to beat, especially for newer players who don’t have a lot of relics yet.
In short, you basically need to jump through a lot of hoops before you can get even 1 Hero Ability. What a hassle, huh? I wouldn’t want to bother with this nonsense, especially since that would mean having to tackle such hard content, but my fave has a Hero Ability. Obviously, that means I want it and must have it. Easier said than done, of course.
I knew it would take me a while to get Genesis’s Hero Ability so I just had to be patient. Thankfully, that time has finally come. Finally, after what feels like forever, I was able to obtain the 250 Anima Lens+ I needed to buy 100 Sapphires. As soon as I had the Sapphires, I immediately went to get my fave’s Hero Ability.
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Genesis’s Hero Ability is called Creation Laceration or Genesis Slash. It’s a Spellblade-type ability that deals physical fire damage. I love it. Of course, I love it. The animation’s nice too. It’s really freaking awesome. Then again, I just love everything he does, so, yeah, super biased here. LOL. 
Still, I do wish this dealt fire and non-elemental damage or even just fire and another element just so he isn’t locked to pure fire. I mean dark should totally work for him since he has access to and can use 6-star Darkness-type abilities. A fire and non-elemental Hero Ability would be preferable though since that’d make it easier for me to use him in battles that resist or absorb fire. 
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Sigh. Ah, well. Doesn’t really matter anyway. I mean, it does, but it’s also not gonna stop me from using him. However, I am hoping that he can get a second Sync too as well as a second Hero Ability. Maybe he could get a dark-type Sync with a dark-type HA. Other chars have gotten a second Sync and HA so I want him to get one as well. Yeah, yeah, it’s unlikely, but, hey, let me dream, okay? 
Anyway, when I first got Genesis’s Hero Ability, it was at rank 1 with 2 uses. It took me a bit of time, but I’m pleased to say that I finally managed to max rank it to 5. I can only be glad HAs don’t require a lot of Crystals unlike the 6-star abilities that you can get with Rubies. They still require a bit, but definitely not as much as the Ruby abilities.
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Genesis Record Board
Record Boards are yet another way to further increase the stats of a character. Unlocking tiles on this Board requires 6-star Motes, which can’t be farmed. These can be obtained as rewards in certain difficult quests and missions.
I could only get these Motes a few at a time so I couldn’t unlock all the tiles on Genesis’s Record Board at once. Well, I could if I waited until I had all the Motes I needed in order to do that. 
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But I didn’t want to wait even more than I already had to do. I was so excited to complete his Record Board already, so every time I got some 6-star Motes, I hurriedly went to try and unlock as many tiles as I could.
It took me a while, but, at long last, I finally had enough Motes to completely finish Genesis’s Record Board. Hell yes! So happy! Now I can freely work on the Record Boards of my other chars. I’m focusing on the Boards of my current team so they can keep on supporting and helping my fave. For instance, I readily unlocked the tiles that gave Elarra more Mind to increase her healing output.  
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Completing quests in the Dreams and Torment Dungeons give Rubies as part of their rewards. I readily used these Rubies to buy much-needed 6-star abilities so I could stop having to rely on 5-star ones which deal subpar damage compared to their counterparts.
As can be expected, the very first Ruby ability I bought was Inferno Assault, closely followed by Blastspell Strike. It was only after I got these 2 for my fave that I looked at the other abilities I could acquire. So far, I’ve purchased the following abilities:
Passionate Salsa for Elarra
Burnt Offering for Balthier
Frostfire Carnage for Auron
Demon’s Cross and Taboo Raid for Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII) although Genesis can use these as well
I could buy more, but I’m still considering which ones to get. Certainly wouldn’t want to run out of Rubies because I ended up wasting them on abilities that may not be that useful or helpful based on my currently available relics.
At the moment, I’m more focused on increasing the ranks of the abilities that I already have. This includes ones that aren’t 6-stars but are still useful like Lifesiphon and Entrust. A lot of my abilities are stuck at rank 3 because I need way too many Crystals and other materials in order to further increase their ranks. This means a lot, and I mean a lot, of farming. As in we’re talking days and even weeks of farming. Not looking forward to this at all.
I wish I didn’t have to max rank my abilities, but it’s definitely a good idea to do so. Long fights could require you to have as many skill uses as possible. Heck, even then it might not be enough, especially if you’re up against an enemy that likes to reduce the number of skills you have left. There are also some Soul Breaks that let you deal more damage or heal more depending on the rank of your abilities.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Daily Free Draw
Each day, FFRK lets you do one free draw. You can only get 1 item from this pull, and it’s almost always useless trash. It’s possible to get 5-star or higher rarity items here, but it’s very, very rare.
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Rem's Guise (Type-0), a 5-star rarity, Light Armor-type relic showed up on one of my daily free draws. This gave me Rem Tokimiya’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Burst Soul Break, Siphon Delta. It deals white magic holy and dark attacks. In this account, this is my first relic for Rem, so this doesn’t exactly make her usable.  
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5-Star Ice Magicite Dungeon
Mateus is the name of the boss of the 5-star Ice Magicite Dungeon. He is the very first 5-star I was able to defeat. Not that surprising since fire is the element where I have the most relics. Currently, he’s still the only 5-star I can beat. Hopefully, I can defeat the others soon. 
For now, gonna have to settle for fighting Mateus over and over again since clearing Magicite Dungeons once per day gives 6-star Motes as rewards. There’s also some weekly rewards for doing that. Thankfully, I can auto the 5-star Ice Magicite Dungeon since otherwise I would have to do like 10 fights manually.
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My first victory against Mateus was way over 30 seconds. Next time I tried the fight with my winning team, I ended up losing. Each time I tried the fight, I kept tweaking my party, trying to lower my clear time and make my runs more consistent. I’d move the positions of my chars around, I’d change the Record Materia they’re equipped with, I’d switch their abilities around or equip them with something else, etc.
As time passed, my team grew stronger as I managed to increase their stats and get them more abilities and better weapons and the like. For instance, before I didn’t even have Frostfire Carnage so Auron had to make do with Iai Hellfire.
Now my best clear time is 22.60 seconds.
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My current setup is:
Level 50 of 50 Final Fantasy VII Sword Artifact, moderate ice resist Accessory
Rank 3 Burnt Offering and Flame Offering
Aside from his Chain Soul Break, I’ve also equipped him with his Default Soul Break so he won’t end up recasting said Chain since my party can beat Mateus before the end of the initial cast of Incendiary Trap
Mako Might Record Materia so he can activate his fire Chain Soul Break on the first turn. Well, to be more precise, on his second turn since he ends being the one to call on my Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal
Current Attack is 674
Level 45 of 50 fire Katana Artifact, Level 25 of 25 Armor that gives him more fire damage (it’s Genesis’s Dirge of Cerberus outfit which gave me his Ultra Soul Break; now you know why it’s been max leveled), moderate ice resist Accessory
Rank 2 Armor Break because Mateus likes to buff his Defense and Rank 3 Frostfire Carnage
Aside from his Sync, he’s also equipped with his Awakening though only his Sync gets used. By then, the fight’s nearly over so he doesn’t really get to do much
Record Materia that increases damage when using a Katana
Current Attack is 848
Level 50 of 50 fire Sword Artifact, Level 25 of 25 Armor that gives +34 Attack, Accessory that gives +30 Attack 
Rank 5 Genesis Slash and Rank 4 Inferno Assault
He’s equipped with everything though he only gets to use his Flash+ and Sync. He’ll activate his Flash+ on his very first turn then spam his HA which breaks the damage cap until he gets enough gauges to cast his Sync
Record Materia that increases damage if you’re hitting the enemy’s weakness
Current Attack is 1033
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Whichever Armor and Weapon he can equip, minor resistance to all elements Accessory
Rank 1 Carbuncle which gives the party Reflect so they can avoid some of Mateus’s attacks and Rank 4 Warrior’s Hymn so he can buff Genesis’s and Auron’s attacks
He’s only equipped with Divine Veil Grimoire although it isn’t really needed since I’m borrowing the Fabula Guardian Roaming Warrior which gives DVG’s effects minus the Protect, Shell, and Haste
Record Materia that lets him start the fight with Haste so he’ll be the one to cast Fabula Guardian 
Level 50 of 50 holy Dagger Artifact, Level 25 of 25 Armor that increases her Mind by 44, major ice resist Accessory
Rank 4 Valigarmanda to hopefully let her get more gauges so she can cast her Ultra as often as possible and Rank 3 Passionate Salsa
She’s equipped with her Glint+ which she casts on her first turn. She’ll then cast her Ultra pretty much right after Mateus damages the entire party, so it’s just in time to heal everyone 
Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia so she can cast her Ultra on her second turn
Current Mind is 962
Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon  
The Final Fantasy VII D450 or Level 450 Torment Dungeon is the first one I was able to master. Just like with Mateus, this one also required a lot of tweaking and tries in order to get a more consistent and fast run.
In the beginning, I kept switching between Aerith or Aeris Gainsborough and Angeal Hewley (from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core). I had 0 relics for Aeris while I only had Angeal’s Ultra Soul Break, Idle Rage. So I couldn’t really rely on them for anything other than to dispel Jenova’s (the boss of the FFVII D450 fight) buffs. Much later, acquiring Aerith’s Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure, cemented her place on my party because this heals everyone and gives them Last Stand.
Now, my best clear time is 23.87 seconds.
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My current setup is:
Cloud Strife
Level 40 of 40 Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Sword (this is the one that gave me my fave’s Limit Break Over Flow; since I ended up with multiple copies of this relic, I fused them to further increase its stats), FFVII Armor that gives +16 Attack, Accessory that gives +30 Attack 
Rank 3 Tornado Strike and Raging Quadstrike
Cloud’s equipped with the only relics I have for him - Glint+, Jenova Cell Power, Ultra Soul Break, Ultra Cross Slash, and Ultra Soul Break, Darkpetal Bloom; in this fight, he only gets to use the first 2 
Record Materia that increases damage when equipped with a Sword
Current Attack under realm synergy is 922
Level 50 of 50 Final Fantasy VII Realm Sword Artifact, FFVII Armor that gives +59 Attack, FFVII Accessory that gives +45 Attack 
Rank 5 Genesis Slash and Rank 4 Inferno Assault
He’s equipped with all the relics I have for him though he only really gets to use his Flash+ and Sync in this fight; sometimes, depending on how the battle goes, he also gets to use his Limit Break Over Flow
Record Materia that increases damage if you’re hitting the enemy’s weakness
Current Attack under realm synergy is 1296
Level 1 Final Fantasy VII Rod weapon that gives +161 Mind, FFVII Armor for additional Defense and Resistance, Accessory that gives +700 HP 
Rank 5 Dispel and Rank 3 Curada
Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure 
Mako Might Record Materia so she can use her Ultra right away and give everyone Last Stand
Current Mind under realm synergy is 478
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Level 50 of 50 holy Dagger Artifact, Armor that gives +44 Mind, major resistance to poison Accessory
Rank 4 Warrior’s Hymn and Rank 4 Valigarmanda
Glint+, Magika Amuletum, and Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album
Ace Striker Record Materia
Current Mind is 962
Level 45 of 50 dark Katana Artifact, Level 25 of 25 Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Armor (a.k.a my fave’s Dirge of Cerberus outfit) that gives +40 Attack, Accessory that gives +30 Attack
Rank 3 Taboo Raid and Demon’s Cross
Sync Soul Break, Demonic Lord
Record Materia that increases damage when equipped with a Katana
Current Attack under realm synergy is 889
Cloud casts the FFVII Realm Chain while Genesis calls on my FFVII Historia Crystal. Elarra starts with her Glint+ before spamming Warrior’s Hymn to buff the Attack of my DPS. She’ll cast her Ultra as soon as she can. Aerith starts with her Ultra before spamming Dispel. My DPS spams their abilities until they can cast their Soul Breaks.
Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal
Since I didn’t have a decent Magicite deck yet, I had to rely on Historia Crystals as an alternative. Of course, I chose the Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal since it’s the one that benefits Genesis the most.
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To level up these Crystals, you needed Rat’s Tails. They also gain Exp after every battle, but the amount is so minuscule that it hardly makes a difference. The most reliable way to level them up is via Rat’s Tails. Naturally, Rat’s Tails can’t be farmed and you can only get a few at a time by completing quests in the Dreams and Torments Dungeons.
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As such, it took a long time for me to fully level up my FFVII Historia Crystal. Now, I’m super pleased to say that it’s finally at level 99. Unfortunately, its Historia Links are still not 100%. The most I have is 90%. Definitely working on getting at least 5 chars to 100% so I can max my Historia Links.
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pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account
7 notes · View notes
lynxgriffin · 4 years
I love how you portrayed Chara in DOTFP and Chara Origins! If I may ask, what inspired you to go that way with them?
Thank you very much, glad that it worked for you! :D 
I was honestly just trying to think of decent story reasons why a kid like Chara would end up hating humanity so much that they’d do what they did. From there, drew inspiration from (unfortunately) real-world situations, namely of kids raised in rapture theology/premillennial dispensationalism households. 
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