#Victoria Fan
alaffy · 2 years
Nancy Drew, Ep.1x07 – The Tale of the Fallen Sea Queen
The episode starts off with a recap of what we know so far about the two murders and how they could be linked. It seems the common theme is the Hudson’s.  Also, this is Ace’s episode on the hot seat, except that it seems like it’s going to last more then one episode.  Nancy witnesses him talking on the phone and it’s suspicious (of course, we know who he’s talking to).  
Nick comes in and Nancy kisses him.  However, it’s clear to Nancy that something is wrong when he’s less then…he’s just kind going through the motions.  Anyway, he has the coins; they plan on sending the coins and the toxicology report about Tiffany to the FBI agent (once Nancy gets it back).  We also find out that Celia couldn’t have killed Lucy herself as she was in Argentina at the time of Lucy’s death.  Doesn’t mean she couldn’t have hired a hitman.  
Victoria comes running in, having a panic attack.  She’s been seeing spirits and dark forces coming from the harbor.  Victoria realizes that it’s because of the coins. She tells the others to put the coins in a box and throw them into the sea.  George wonders if her mother has been drinking.  Victoria looks outside and doesn’t see the spirits.  However, when she turns back around, they are clearly behind the group.  
And…now we’re getting into Ghostbusters territory.  Nick takes the coins away; hopefully to put them in some box to block them from the spirits.  Bess asks Nancy if they can get Owen to give them the original box, but he just so happens to be out of the country.  Ace, meanwhile, has been checking the internet.  Apparently, the coins signal is more amplified because of the new moon and these coins are a good way to “make a call” to the other side.  Nancy says she needs to get the coins from Nick and talk to Victoria.
As she’s about to leave, she gets a call from Carson.  He wants to start family dinners again, which Nancy agrees to.  We also find out that Ryan is working for Celia.  He needs to return the favor as she is the one who gave Ryan Nancy’s bailout money.  
Nancy goes to see Nick and, yeah, there’s problems; as they aren’t communicating.  Nick says it’s on Nancy’s side, which it is as she doesn’t always tell him what’s going on; but then says that he’s ready to take the coins to the FBI.  Like ready to go now.  And I don’t know if this is a slip in the writing or if this is supposed to show Nick isn’t listening to her either because she literally said they also need to get Tiffany’s toxicology report before they go.  Anyway, she asks if they can hold on the coins for a little longer.  She then calls George to see if she knows where Victoria is.
Victoria has been arrested for public intoxication.  George is upset (which I understand).  Victoria tells her that this is the only way she doesn’t see the spirits (which I also understand).  Nancy goes up to the desk to find out, in fact, Victoria has not been arrested. Victoria wants to be arrested, as the police building is (ironically) the least haunted building in the town. However, the police just called George to get her mother.  
Nancy makes a deal with Victoria.  They will get rid of the coins, they just need Victoria to help use the coins to talk to Lucy first.  Which the Victoria is not happy with.  George says she doesn’t want to do this either, but solving Lucy’s murder may help them solve Tiffany’s murder and get them off the suspect list.  Victoria says they also need a object Lucy touched the night she died.  Gee, I wonder what item that could be?  And they would have to do that tonight.  
Back at The Claw, Nancy asks her friend, who has the crown and the hair, to send them back to her. He promises to get them there that night.  Victoria asks Nancy how Lucy has been contacting her.  As Lucy has only spoken to Nancy through electronics, that’s what they will have to use.  And they have to be quick so as not to release evil forces.  
Meanwhile, Ace has been trying to get into a system.  As somebody who’s worked in libraries for several years now, I totally can relate to the fact that the group thinks Ace hacked into the library digital database when all he had to do is use a library card.  They watch the video from the night Lucy was crowned Queen in order to figure out some questions to ask her.  So, we see Lucy get crowned and then another girl walks up to her.  She whispers something in her ear, that clearly upsets Lucy.  The girls name is Candice Weaver and she still lives in the town.  
Just then, Ace gets an email from Nick.  It turns out Laura has had a bunch of posters created that say her sister was murdered and that the police aren’t doing their jobs.  Then, she put them up all over town.  Nancy wonders how pissed the Chief will be.  Speak of the devil, Ace gets a text from the Chief asking if Ace knew about the posters.  Meanwhile, Laura is talking to Nick.  She asks if Nick has found any information on the USB.  He lies and says he hasn’t, but he’ll let her know when he’s gone through it.
Nancy and George visit Candice.  Nancy is pretending she’s writing an article about the Sea Queen and mentions the video. She asks Candice what she said to Lucy. Candice said that she told Lucy there were rumors of how she had gotten close…she’s slut shaming.  She’s basically saying Lucy screwed her way into being queen.  And, my God woman, you peaked at 18; that’s not something to be proud of.  But we do get some interesting information.  So, Candice had to fulfill at least one of the duties of Sea Queen, because Lucy and her brother had gone MIA. No one knows where they went.  Also, Lucy’s mother and brother moved away a few weeks after Lucy’s death and no one’s heard from the since.  But the photo they’re looking at isn’t in the library collection.  Turns out that the photograph wasn’t used as Lucy was found dead the next day and so some silly ribbon cutting was never published. Furthermore, the register should have more Sea Queen photos that they’ve never used.  
Laura meets up with Ace, who is upset she didn’t tell him about the posters.  He also makes it clear that she doesn’t trust him, even though their on the same side.  After all, why doesn’t she tell him why Tiffany doesn’t want her sister involved, how she was able to find the USB,…why she sued Tiffany a few years ago.  Laura says she sued Tiffany because Tiffany controlled her inheritance until Laura turned 25 and she sued her to get the money sooner.  
Nick calls Nancy over to his place.  Nick remembered that Nancy had wondered if Celia had paid someone to kill Lucy. Nick decided to look through Tiffany’s records and found that the Hudson’s did pay someone a large some of money two days after Lucy’s death.  And that person was Carson Drew.  Honestly, at this point I’m kind of hoping he is somehow involved, otherwise they are pushing this red herring way to far. Anyway, to make matters worse, it’s coming from a shell company; not the direct payroll that he would normally be paid from. Nick tries to get Nancy to admit there’s something suspicious about this, but she deflects as she needs to go to the Register.  Nick says he’s coming to. 
And then we have a scene that makes no sense.  So, Carson was looking for Laura.  He’s there on Celia’s behalf to try to get Laura to settle Tiffany’s estate out of court. Uh, Carson literally is the one who said that Tiffany’s autopsy is inconclusive, why would Laura agree to those terms?  Laura says no and leaves.  Ace, who was with Laura, asks Carson that, if Tiffany was found to be murdered, who would get the money.  Carson says that would be Laura.  Is Carson allowed to tell Ace that?    
Meanwhile, Nancy and Nick go to the register with the coins.  Nick tries to get Nancy to open up to him about what she’s feeling about her dad; Nancy is clearly avoiding the topic (LET HER PROCESS!). We find out that Candice lied; Lucy was at the ribbon cutting ceremony.  Then, Nick knocks over the coins and the spirits come out.  They quickly try to get the coins in the box, but can’t find the last coin.  Nancy sees it and is able to grab it in the last minute.  Nancy suggests that they get out of there (cool, just leave the staff to the mercy of the spirits you just unleashed).  
At The Claw, Bess is trying to keep Victoria relaxed.  Ace sits next to Bess and asks if she would know if she was sleeping with a murder as he thinks Laura may have killed Tiffany.  She does have a reason (money) and Ace has found a photo that is geo-tagged 10 miles from the town.  At this moment, Nancy comes in and asks if Bess found anything out about Candice; specifically why she would lie.  Turns out she’s been on Ryan’s social media a lot, pretty much liking every post.  So, maybe she had a thing for Ryan and that caused an issue with Lucy?  Oh, and Nancy doctor friend just happens to call at this moment.  Turns out Lucy was poisoned; but they don’t know what type of poison yet as it’s rare.  But, there’s bad news.  All of the evidence, the crown and the hair, has disappeared (dude doesn’t seem to upset that a bunch of evidence just upped and walked away).  So, how are they going to do the séance?
Later that day, Ace has gotten a call from McGinnis and he left (of course, the others think it’s his weed guy).  Meanwhile, Nancy is looking at the old photos; hoping to find something else they can use for the séance.  It turns out that Lucy was wearing a bracelet most of the night she died.  But Nick has seen it before, as his boss wears it around his neck (first of all, that design is so basic anybody could have a charm like that.  Secondly, will the boss turn out to be the brother?).  
Yep.  It’s the brother alright.  Well, he’s the half brother who moved back to town last year after inheriting the shop from his grandfather.  The reason why the brother and mother left is because no one wanted them in that town and because someone suddenly offered them a lot of money for their house (it’s the money Carson got, isn’t it).  Lucy also give her brother the pendent the night she died. According to the brother, she was off that night.  Her last words to her brother were, “Don’t believe what they say about me.”  Nancy tries to delicately figure out a way to ask to barrow the neckless for the night in order to find Lucy’s killer without mention ghost and séance.  She manages it, with some help from Nick, and they’re able to get the neckless.  
Back at The Claw, Bess is bringing Victoria back some food; when she discovers she’s done a runner.  Nancy goes by the police station to see if Victoria is there and is called into the Chief’s office.  And it’s blackmailing time again.  State police are going to take over Tiffany’s case and the Chief has to send over the evidence.  As far as the Chief is concerned, that means also letting them know that Nancy served Tiffany her last meal and that Nancy broke into the morgue where Tiffany’s body was kept.  The Chief tells Nancy that he believes Laura may have killed her sister and now would be the time for Nancy to say something if she knows something.  In other words, he wants to work together.  
Back at The Claw, Ace tells Nancy that he has a new theory.  Not surprisingly, she doesn’t want to hear it as she’s figured out he working for McGinnis.  Ace explains that, oh wow, well I figured he was caught hacking; but he was caught hacking into a government computer system which is a federal offence.  And, yes, McGinnis didn’t report it in return for Ace basically becoming his narc.  And the reason he didn’t say this to anyone is it would have violated the deal.  But he wants to make this up to everyone.  But Nancy doesn’t want to hear it as she can’t…trust what he has to say?  So, manslaughter, hear them out; lying to stalk possible family members, hear them out; lying to avoid jail, fuck you?  Really?  I’d say if that’s where you want to draw the line, but I can’t even figure out where the line would be in this case.  Ace promises to fix this.  
Okay, so Victoria is wasted and so everyone (excluding Ace) is going to try to contact Lucy without her. This can only go well.  So, George has come up with the idea to have Lucy talk through the flashing lights on a dragon’s head…which one of her younger sisters is carrying (Why are you bringing you sister?  Why didn’t you bring the other sister?  I’m..I’m not sure what question to ask here).  Anyway, they leave the sister in the kitchen in a circle of salt.  Then, they use the coins, the neckless, and the head to call on Lucy.  Which seems to work.  Ok, Candice did not kill Lucy; the Hudsons did/did not kill Lucy (so they must be involved, but not the actual killer); she’s haunting Nancy because of the dress; the same person who killed Lucy did not kill Tiffany; and Lucy did see who killed Tiffany.  But the there are two questions that were not asked. Did Carson kill Lucy? Did Laura kill Tiffany?  Suddenly, a dark presence comes out of the dragon head and pulls Lucy away.  They can’t call her back because the coins have melted.  As the coins are the only proof that they had that the Hudson’s are responsible for the death of the crew of the boat and evidence that Tiffany may have stumbled onto something sinister, Nick is upset.  
Nick understands that Nancy didn’t know this was going to happen, but also knows Nancy would have done it anyway.  Because Lucy is haunting her.  Nick asks about what she found in the attic and if it has something to do with her Dad. Nancy can’t answer…which, yeah I said to give her some time to process, but now she does need to come clean as she has ruined Nick’s chance of having the FBI investigate the Hudsons.   And she can’t, so Nick realizes it’s time end the relationship.  
Meanwhile, Bess kind of makes George realize that George has never really considered the toll that seeing spirits must have on Victoria.  Now, I’m not saying that George should just accept her mother getting wasted, but Victoria isn’t doing this just for the hell of it either.  Maybe there’s some way they can get Victoria some help?
While this is going on, Ace meets with Laura, who’s going for a drive.  He’s doing it to record Laura and try to get information.  He sends a text to Nancy letting her know. However, Nancy has just arrived at home and she hears the text notification from her phone and from Carson’s phone.  She sees that they both got the message; meaning Carson has been monitoring Nancy’s messaging.  Which means he must have seen her conversation with her toxicology friend and, when he was out of town, he may have been able to steal the box of evidence.  Sure enough, Nancy sees he did go to the lab.  
Cut to George’s home and…oh for God’s sake, George’s sister is talking to a possessed dragon head! This is why some things need to be left to the professionals.    And, no, it isn’t Lucy.
Meanwhile, Nick is driving along and is passed by the police.  He drives around a bend and sees a bad accident.  He immediately recognizes Laura’s car and iis concerned about Ace.
And Nancy is starting to accept the fact that her father might be connected to or did kill Lucy. So, she straight up asks her father if he killed Lucy.  I probably shouldn’t have found the ending funny, but could you imagine if he isn’t? Like he’s just created this wonderful meal in hopes to get family life on track and the first thing his daughter does is ask him is he killed someone?  Wow.  
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vickie21579 · 5 days
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fhaerieee · 9 months
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i use my skills for good trust me
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donutdrawsthings · 2 months
Out of every Classic Who serial out there, Fury From The Deep is by far the funniest serial to only survive in audio format with a few telesnaps.
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albertvictoria-art · 2 years
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Illustrations of the three princesses from the Super Mario universe to celebrate Mar10 Day. Their designs are based on their appearances in Mario Kart Tour, wearing traditional garments from different countries: Japan (Peach), Thailand (Daisy) and the Netherlands (Rosalina).
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proxythe · 1 year
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fun guys in fun shirts xd
closeups of the shirts if u cant see them:
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niccoguedes · 6 months
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Hello, thank you for the support on my BG3 fanart. 🔥❤️
Some of you asked for individual full shots of them, so I decided to make it. There's an interesting suggestion with Shadowheart and Karlarch I might do as well...
"Can I use it as wallpaper/screen cover?"
Sure. Just don't remove my signature or modify the drawing.🤘
"Can I print it on my own?"
If possible, please consider supporting me via INPRNT. If you can't, ofc, I won't hold you, go on, print it and later drop me a coffee at ko-fi, darling! You can also share some cents via paypal. Send pics as well of your achievement. For personal use only. 🔥
"Can I print it to sell, use commercially?"
No. Unless you pay me 100kUSD.
🇧🇷"Tem print?" Sim. Só me enviar comprovante de 50$ no pix: 51648094000140 e endereço de preferência para o e-mail: niccoguedes @ gmail.com . Envio no tamanho A4 com rastreio.
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mamuka20 · 3 months
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"Кровавый ангел Серас" "Blood angel Seras"
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yan-li · 9 months
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Seras Victoria
My friend wanted a good image of Seras to use as wallpaper so I made one for him UwU
Biger one in my Ko-fi
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isabelle-primrose · 4 months
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The Princess Royal's fan, 1856
Painted by the Princess Royal as a birthday gift for Queen Victoria
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cynicalstith · 3 months
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Zenless Zone Zero is almost here! So I drew wolf boi Lycaon to celebrate~ ^^
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alaffy · 2 years
Nancy Drew, Ex.1x05 – The Case of the Wayward Spirit
Yeah, the characters are growing on me a little bit more.  But, at the moment, I love Victoria.  The actress, Liza Lapira, is really great. I mean, I’m glad that Lapira ended up as part of the main cast on another show, but I would have loved to see her pop up on this show more often.  Of course, I am assuming that nothing happens to the character this season (I just read that Victoria was in one season, not what happened to the character).
Well, we’re just jumping right into it this episode.  Tiffany, who’s possessed George’s body, goes back to Tiffany’s home.  There she cuts her her/George’s finger with a razor and writes “I know” on the bathroom mirror.  Fun times.  (Bye the bye, prop department needs better flake blood.  That is clearly paint).  
The next morning, Nancy is thinking about her next steps.  Clearly Lucy wanted her to find the photo, which means Nancy needs to find out why.  She decides the only thing she can do is talk to Karen.  Apparently, Nancy is going by the Riverdale method of investigation. (You live in a small town; you literally can talk to anyone else.  Someone will know).  Of course, Nancy is thwarted by the evils of…leaving a message (Seriously, everyone screens their calls.  Leave a message).  
Ok, so George is wondering if they have any smaller band aids at the restaurant…because she woke up and her finger was all bloody.  Where’d she wake up at?  Like we saw she has a home, so why wouldn’t she fix her finger there?  Anyway, a guy comes in asking if they can cater the Hudson’s charity event, held in Tiffany’s honor, at the last minute.  Which, George says yes.  
George gets a call from Ryan, demanding to know why she was in his house list night.  Of course, George doesn’t know what he’s talking about.   That is, until he mentions a message written in blood.  George looks at her finger and quickly ends the call.  
Nancy goes to the police station to talk to Karen, who isn’t in.  Long story short, Nancy finds out that they may be opening a case into Tiffany’s death because of what her father said about the autopsy.  Nancy isn’t able to find out more, however, as she gets texts from both Ace and Bess, asking her to come to The Claw as George is acting strange.  
Nancy goes to The Claw and is told that George cut her hand while preparing food and, long story short, locked herself in her office.  Nancy tries to talk to George, but all George does is make a guttural…noise.  Nancy is able to force open the door and the three of them see George sitting on the floor.  She’s got a bunch of photos around her of herself and she’s basically scratching her face out of the picture.  
They get George out of the office and she sits at the table, staring blankly.  Nancy wonders what might be causing this; Bess realizes George may be possessed.  And, again long story short, they check George’s locker and find the mirror she was supposed to put on Tiffany’s body.  I mean, I understand why Nancy wants to be skeptical; but at this point….
Meanwhile, Nick comes into The Claw looking for Ace.  He knows that Ace and Laura are close (not sure how, but ok).  He tells Ace about how Laura broke into his loft and stole the hard drive.  Now, as the box was meant for Nick, the drive probably was as well, and Nick wants Ace to help get it back.  Nearby, George/Tiffany turns to pay attention to the conversation.  The movement makes Nick notice George is there.
Nancy and Bess come out of the back, and they all watch George get up and start to rip at a paper with Tiffany’s picture on it.  Nick wonders what’s going on and Bess tells him that George is possessed by Tiffany. Nick says that’s impossible; but as he says that he notices that George looks like she’s trying to take a ring on and off, just like Tiffany did when she was upset.  Bess shows George the mirror, but all Tiffany sees is herself. Nancy has a hunch and takes a photo of George with her phone.  She shows Tiffany and Tiffany faints, leaving George in control of her body.  
Of course, George doesn’t remember anything about it.  But then she sees the cut on her hand, and she realizes that something’s wrong.  The others tell her that she’s possessed by Tiffany, and they show her what she did to the pictures (well, Nick still doesn’t quite believe).  Anyway, Nancy suggests they take her home and, maybe, they can talk to her mom.  
We learn that George is pretty much the breadwinner of the family and has two younger, much younger, sisters. When it comes to the spiritual, George’s mom clearly has a lot of knowledge.  George’s mother, Victoria, needs George to explain everything that’s been going on.  Bess shows Victoria the picture and she asks George why Tiffany would hate her so much. George admits to the affair, which is really bad for George as it’s clear that the ghost’s anger towards George will…look, Tiffany may have found a new body and George may no longer exist soon.
But, because the plot has to move on, George’s mom and Bess will be working on a way to get Tiffany’s spirit out of George’s body.  Meanwhile, George and everyone else (including Nick) will be working the catering event.  Nancy is told to call Victoria the moment Tiffany’s spirit comes out (which probably won’t be long considering where they’re going).  I’m sure Nancy won’t take this as an opportunity to find out what happened the night Tiffany died.  
So, the dude that hired them, Owen is there to help them (and cause tension between Nancy and Nick). Also, damn dude, I know your jealous; but maybe this isn’t the time for loud noises and unnerving stares.  
Nancy follows George out into the garden to hands out hors d’oeuvres and to watch George; all while acting normal.  That is until she hears the creepy children and sees something clearly buried in the yard. She goes over to the pile and starts to pull out the pink dress; until she’s grabbed by a hand.  She pulls away and stumbles back into Karen.  Nancy looks back and the mound of dirt is gone. Nancy shows Karen the picture of Karen and Lucy together and demands to know why Karen lied.  Karen said it’s because of guilt.  They were best friends until after a party during their junior year; at which point Lucy pulled away.  Some kind of underground thing and Lucy is why Karen became a cop.  We…we’re not supposed to trust Karen, are we.
And then Owen swoops in, in a business suit.  Oh, I guess he’s rich…he’s a Hudson, isn’t he?  Oh, no, he’s a Marvin (and I think we just found where Bess is going to get her DNA sample).  
Back in the kitchen, we find out that Ace has gotten the drive, but Laura has come with it.  Laura says that Tiffany was collecting evidence to take the Hudson’s down, but then stopped talking about it.  Nick believes that Tiffany was protecting Laura that’s why she gave him the drive, but Laura counters that it was in a place that Laura would know to find it.  Ace suggests working together, but Laura makes it clear she’s only there to get the password. One more try and she’s locked out. Ace suggests to Nick they ask George; which Nick thinks is crazy (And I’m with Nick.  Not because I don’t know George is possessed, but because this can go really bad, really fast).  
Ah, so Owen is our exposition guy this episode.  Ryan meets up with Owen to talk about a deal they had.  However, Owen isn’t so sure as he checked with Ryan’s father; who tells Owen that Ryan has lost the Hudson corporation hundreds of millions of dollars; basically, Ryan’s fortune at Hudson’s.  Rayn says he’s on his way to making it back, but Owen won’t take the risk.
Meanwhile, George sees Ryan and that’s enough to make Tiffany possess her again.  Tiffany grabs a knife off a table and heads to where Ryan is, making sure she’s not seen.  But then she sees her clothes in a van and stops.  
Ace, Nick, and Nancy realize George is missing.  They call Bess, who’s bringing Victoria, and they go to look for George.  Well, Ace almost does; but he sees Laura.  She starts to dance with him (uh, there’s dancing at the party.  This isn’t some random thing) and asks what he was saying about her sister.  He tries to pretend he didn’t say anything important, but she knows he’s lying.  She wants him to tell her everything.  She may want to sit down first.  
Beth comes but without Victoria.  She runs into Lisbeth, the woman Bess was interested in a few episodes ago.  Long story short, Bess gives Lisbeth her number. Then Bess sees George has changed into one of Tiffany’s dresses and is walking around with a large knife in her hand. Bess makes some…well she says she has to go and goes running into the kitchen.  Nancy sees her and asks where Victoria is.  Bess lets her know Victoria is on the way and that George is clearly possessed.  Nancy says she’s going to text Ace to let him know and go find Tiffany to get her answers.
Tiffany is walking down the stairs towards Ryan.  Ryan runs up to her, thinking it’s George, and demands to know why she’s there. Tiffany lets him know she knows about the waitress and kisses him.  Ryan is upset because there are people there….who clearly haven’t seen a thing even though Ryan and Tiffany are right in the middle of them all.  As this is a show that has the supernatural in it, I’m going to assume that’s what’s going on.  Nancy runs up to them and tells Ryan that someone is looking for him inside; giving him a chance to escape.  Nancy then says that people are looking for Tiffany and leads her away.  
So, they go into the kitchen and, well, Nancy is trying to get Tiffany to tell her about the night she died.  Victoria has arrived and she’s getting ready to get Tiffany out of George’s body.  And Tiffany has no idea that she’s dead and in the wrong body.  Then, Nick comes in the room.  Taking a chance, Nick asks if Tiffany knows him.  This seems to be enough for Tiffany to, well she starts playing with a ring on her finger indicating that she’s upset.  And, so, Nick now Knows Tiffany is in the body.  And, Tiffany, it seems is starting to realize that something is wrong; but doesn’t accept she’s dead or murdered.
At this point, Ace and Laura run into the room.  Laura realizes that her sister is in there and tells Tiffany that they’re going to help her.  Of course, Bess says the worst thing possible and tells Laura they are banishing Tiffany’s spirit (Why not just tell her they’re helping her find peace?).  Laura tells Tiffany that she’s in the body of the woman who slept with her husband (basically, she deserves to keep the body?) and then knocks over the incense that is needed for the ritual.  Laura tells Tiffany to run, and she does; just after she grabs the knife she had put down.  Laura tries to go with her, but Ace grabs her.  
Tiffany runs down the hall and into Ryan, who manhandles her into a room.  He’s pissed because he knows if his father finds out about what happened in the garden, that Ryan will be disowned.  George is able to break free for a moment and ask for help, but then Tiffany takes control again.  Nancy and Victoria burst into the room and Victoria tells Tiffany to leave George. Ryan, not knowing what’s going on, thinks Victoria is talking to him and decides to go.  
So, everyone else comes into the room and they start the ritual.  Nancy promises to find Tiffany’s killer.  Nick promises as well and promises to stay with Tiffany until the ritual is over.  Tiffany makes Nick promise he will keep Laura safe, and he agrees.  Then, she says Dantes.  And then she is gone.
George wakes up on the floor.  At which point Victoria makes one of the best exits ever.  Nancy asks if Nick is ok.  He says he is and that he understood Tiffany’s message.  Nancy understands this means he has to go.  George asks if Nancy got what she wanted.  Nancy says she did because George didn’t die.  I don’t think George really believed her.  Bess wants George to spill her trauma, but George is like it was horrible and no.  
Nancy realizes that if ghosts work on pure emotion, that means Lucy was attached to something. Nancy looks at the picture of Karen and Lucy.  Lying on the ground, under Karen’s feet, is a poster.    
Meanwhile, Ace and Nick are able to convince Laura to give them the drive.  She trusts Ace, but it’s clear that she’s not happy with the situation (to be fair, she just lost her sister a second time).  
Nancy sees Owen and, long story short, he’s into real estate and construction.  She wants to know if he still wants to make himself useful and they leave together.  Of course, Nick and Ace see them leave and Nick is jealous.  
Ace and Nick go to The Claw. Ace is worried Laura will not forgive him.  Nick is sympathetic, but also knows they need to get into the files first.  The password is Dantes, the first book Tiffany gave Nick.  And, holy hell, there’s a lot of info.  Of course, the biggest worry is that some of the documents are signed by Owen.  Nick calls Nancy, but she declines it.  
She’s at a construction site where Owen is getting her something to dig a hole at her old high school. Um, she’s trying to unearth a time capsule.  
At the end, Bess sends a message to Lisbeth to get dinner with her.  George is depressed and traumatized.   Nancy goes through the time capsule and finds a DVD.  On the DVD, there a shot of Lucy and a young man.  The disc starts to skip back and forth and the name Ryan is heard. So, Ryan may have something to do with Lucy’s death?
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kurjat · 2 months
if you're still accepting doodle requests, how about 2 and salamander meeting?
Doodle requests always open allthough I don't promise to always fullfill them!
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I feel bad this feels so mean 😭😭😭 All the things Salamanders picking on him on are like some of my fave things about two SO. <3 I think its so cute that Twos first reaction 2 Salamander was to call him handsome & question peoples judgement on him- so as his foil, I guess Salamander could do the opposite... so... Alternate meeting for these two! Ive missed doing comics i need 2 do more...
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fhaerieee · 9 months
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brother, if you have the chance to pick me up
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vanerchest · 4 months
Poor Seras...
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albertvictoria-art · 11 months
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Today is the 10th anniversary of Lady Gaga's "ARTPOP", and I wanted to celebrate it by making an illustration inspired by several "Seashell Girl" looks that she wore during the promotion of the album.
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