#Victorian house décor
thenordroom · 29 days
This Week on The Nordroom
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A Cozy 1920s Apartment with Original Details and Wallpaper
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IKEA MÄVINN: A Vibrant Handmade Home Décor Collection
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Behr’s Color of the Year 2025 is Bold, Warm, and RED
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Plants, Art, and a Huge Bay Window in a London Apartment
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Jotun LADY Color Palette 2025: Nuances
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A Pink Swedish House with a Lovely Garden
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A Historic Swedish Country House with a Beautiful Garden
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Stained Glass Doors and Terrazzo in a London Home
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A Victorian House with a Blue deVOL Kitchen
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Light Rooms in a Renovated Historic Apartment in Stockholm
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A Charming and Cozy Midcentury Family Apartment in Sweden
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sailor-toni · 1 year
I Think My Neighbor’s Dead Son is Trying to Talk to Me?
You can also read this on A03, FF.net, or Wattpad
Wes Weston has just moved into Amity Park but there is something seriously wrong with the destroyed house next door to him. Espically at night when the wind passed through the rusted Fenton Works sign. (AU Full Ghost Danny) (Phicc Phight prompt fill for kalyke/aggressivelyclueless)
The cold summer’s air blasted itself at the nape of his neck, chilling him to the bone. It was a threat, or a command from above to stop, but Wes saw something in the old Fenton Works, and he had to know whose eyes he saw in the brief flashes of lighting.
It started last week, his father had gotten a news anchor job in a medium size city called Amity Park, which according to the aged and weathered sign, was a great place to live. Was it really that great if they had to both underline and italicize the word? To Wes the strangeness of the sign was a single for the dull dread that was to come from life in Amity Park. 
It rained almost everyday in Amity Park, and when the sun decided to show itself the harsh winds kept everyone in jackets well past winter. The buildings were a mash up of white colonial paint with tall white columns, pointed Victorian roofs, and décor that looked like it belonged in the height of the eighties. All together it created a visual disaster of a town that seemed both lost in time and missing whatever soul it had once had. In short, Wes hated it here. He wanted to go back to Oklahoma where the sunset wasn’t obstructed by something every day, and back to where his friends were. 
Worst of all was the house next to them. It was a three story townhouse with a second metal house (It was a large metal circular structure with satellite dishes and antennas on top,  and random metal poles connecting it to the house below) on top, and a dead neon sign on the side that read Fenton Works. The whole building was abandoned and dilapidated with half the windows broken and the other half bored up. 
And Wes didn’t believe in ghost, he thought the idea was stupid. The dead can’t come back and anyone who told you otherwise was trying to sell you something. But one day at school he heard some of the other students talking. 
“So, Kwan are you in?” Dash, school bully, high school football star, and future used car salesman said.
“No way dude! I’m not about to spend my free night looking for Fenton’s Ghost,” Kwan, the only one on the football team who  had enough smarts go to college, said. 
“Aw, are you scared? Is the Kwan-ster scared of an old house?” 
“I’m not scared. We just don’t know what those people were doing there. What if they left a science experiment out and it gives us all cancer?” 
“You’re being ridiculous man, they probably took everything when they left.”
“You never know dude. I mean… their own son died because of what they were hiding in the basement. They probably didn’t want to carry that reminder with them when they left.”
“But doesn't that make you more curious to check it out? My Mom’s co-worker’s second cousin’s boyfriend said she saw strange lights in the house last halloween. Maybe the Fenton kid is still there as a ghost!” 
“Well, you and the girls can go deal with that. I will be home with fresh food, a warm blanket, and the new COD game.” 
  Wes tuned the rest of their conversation out. Instead writing down what he had hearn in his notebook. He didn’t know someone had died there. He assumed it was some business that lost all their money or something. But that would explain why every night as he looked out his window he swore he felt someone staring back. 
That night as the rainstorm turned nightmarish, he pushed his chair to the window in his room overlooking the old Fenton Works. If someone lived there he could have seen right into their bedroom. What kind of person lived there? He thought. Were they cool? Did they also like video editing and video games? Or were they like Dash and took sick pleasure in shoving peoples heads into the mystery meat specials. Wes was sure he could still smell it. 
BOOM! Lighting passed between the houses, staining everything a blinding white. He ducked his head and shielded his eyes, but in the bright light there was someone across the alleyway, with neon green eyes watching him. No, observing him. No, they looked like they were trying to say something. 
“Who…” The question sat on the tip of his tongue as the eyes faded into the clap of thunder. 
A week later, Wes stood outside the Fenton Works on a gray cloudy evening, Dash and Kwan standing beside him. The muted tones of the sky turned the world around them into shades of muted gray and blues, except the sign on the front door. The orange No Trespassing sign stood out like a neon flame. 
“Are you sure they are coming?” Kwan said. He looked nervous. 
“Yes! Paulina and Star just passed the Nasty Burger, they should be here soon,” Dash said. “Hey Kid.” 
“It’s Wes.” 
“Yeah, whatever, are you sure you saw something here?” 
“Yes, it was as clear as day, there was someone watching me with these neon green flashlight eyes,” Wes began. 
“Well you better be right. If we don’t see anything I’ll pummel your ass to timbuktu and back. Got it?” 
“Got it,” Wes said. He had only mentioned it to them because he didn’t want to go alone. 
“Hey guys!” Paulina yelled. Her and Star ran up to meet them with a bag of goodies. 
“What do you got babe?” Kwan said. 
“My Mom used to go ghost hunting all the time with friends back in New York, so she let me borrow some of her stuff. We have an EVP, flashlights, motion dictators, and this radio the ghost can speak through,” Star said. 
“A ghost is going to talk to us through that little thing?” Dask asked.
“Well, kind of, the ghost will flip through the radio stations and use whatever words are being broadcasted to speak to us. According to my Mom it can be a bit buggy at times.” 
“I think it’s pretty cool,” Wes said. 
“Thanks dude! I think it's amazing. I didn’t know she had all this stuff,” Star said. 
“And what did you bring Paulina?” Kwan asked. 
“My Mom made me bring a cross, a bottle of holy water, and a knife, just in case. God, she is so annoying,” Paulina pulled out a nine inch hunting knife as she said this. 
“Holy Shit! Paulina’s packing!”
“Don’t shout it Kwan! Do you want to get the cops called on us?” Paulina shoved the knife back into her low rise jeans. 
“On that note let’s get in there, Wes you go first,” Dash said. 
“Me? Why me?”
“Cuz’, you saw the ghost first, now go before it tries to rain on us.” Dash pushed Wes forward. 
The inside of the Fenton works was worse than the outside. A pipe had burst some time ago and the carpet smelled of sour mold. There were some lights from the windows but the rest of the home was dark. Their shoes squished on the carpet, and the standing water threatened to fill their shoes. Through the groans of disgust and fake puking the teenager found their way to the staircase. The downstairs had nothing in it besides a broken stove and a fridge that had been locked shut. Dash and Kwan tried to pull on it but the lock hadn’t rusted through yet. 
The upstairs was picked clean as well. The fading sunlight showed spots on the wallpaper where pictures once hung proudly on display, but now there were brightly colored spots along the fading wall. Dash kicked open a door that was stuck and yelled for the rest. This room had everything, a bed, computer, desk, faded space posters, and action figures along the wall. 
“Woah! Do you think this is his room?” Paulina asked. 
“Whose room?” Star said. 
“The Fenton’s son, I think his name was Danny? According to the news he was messing around in his parents lab and suffered a fatal accident,” Kwan said. 
“And his parents left everything behind?” Wes said. He noticed a large window that looked directly into the building next door. 
“Maybe it was too hard. I hear some parents won’t touch anything that belonged to their kids after they pass,” Paulina brushed the dust off the computer monitor. 
“That is… understandable, but they didn’t even take his clothes with them. Apparently the kid wore briefs,” Dash was rummaging through the drawers. 
“That’s fucked up, Danny didn’t deserve this,” Kwan said. 
“Did you know him?” Wes said. 
“Yeah, we were in the third grade together. I wasn’t really friends with him, he was friends with Tucker, the nerd kid. But he was nice. I remember he did his whole show and tell about space and what it took to become an astronaut,” Kwan said. “We didn’t share a fourth grade teacher, but the school had an assembly when he died.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Dash patted his friend on the back. 
“It’s okay. I didn’t really know him too well, but I felt bad for his sister. She was in sixth grade and during the assembly all she did was cry.” 
“I would too. That’s a lot for a kid to go through,” Star said. “But maybe you can talk to Danny one more time with the radio.” The radio turned on with a loud static noise, with garbled speech mixed in as the dial moved back and forth. “DANNY IF YOU ARE HERE PLEASE LET US KNOW!” 
“Do you have to yell?” Paulina said. Wes could only hear her because he was standing next to her. 
The radio flickered between a few channels “...zzzz…Now…Yes sir!...Home…” 
“OH MY FUCKING GOD STAR!” Kwan grabbed the radio and turned down the volume. “Does it have to be that loud?” 
“Yes, we have to make sure the ghost can hear it.” 
“Star the ghost is dead, not deaf,” Dash said. “Here Wes grab the radio and let’s do it again.” 
“Why me?”
“Because you saw the ghost, maybe it left some ghost trace on you that will make the radio work better.” 
“I don’t think that’s how it works but whatever,” Wes took the radio from Kwan. “Hey Danny, are you here?” 
The radio flickered, “zzz…YES sir you are getting …. Yes … hello…zzz” 
“Omg did you hear it! He said yes! Quick, someone ask him another question!” Star began to jump with joy. 
“Danny, how old are you?” Paulina asked. 
“zzz…Now for the low price of nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine…zzz”
“Danny, how did you die?” Dash asked. 
“zzz… Supernatural … GHOST! … Home … Man … zzz” 
“What does that mean?” Dash said. 
“I don’t know. Danny, can you try again, we don’t understand?” Paulina said. 
“Zzz… Ghostly ghouls .. you are now entering … ghost! … Twilight Zone …” 
“Did you guys understand that? Paulina said. 
“Something about ghosts?” 
“Nah. Try something else, like where did he die?” Wes said. 
“Danny, where did you die?” Paulina asked the box once more. 
“Zzz… deep down below … Dad’s workshop … she opened the basement door … AHHH! ..zzz” 
“It sounds like it was in the basement?’ Wes said. 
“I don’t wanna walk through that carpet again, it’s so gross.” Star said. 
“You don't have much of a choice Star,” Dash said. 
“Here Babe, I’ll carry you,” Kwan scooped her sup in his arms. 
“Awww! Thank you Babe!” 
Paulina looked to Dash. “What?” Dash said. 
“Nothing,” Paulina rolled her eyes. 
The basement smelled of rot and decay, and like Danny’s room it was filled with stuff. Parts of the room had a strange green glow to it. It wasn't bright enough to illuminate anything, but when Wes moved his flashlight he could see it was emitting some light. 
“Okay Danny, what happened here?” Wes asked. 
“Zzz.. Zone … just turn it on and … bright lights of the city … hole deep below…zzz”
“Did you turn one of your parents' experiments on?” Star asked, her arms wrapped around Kwan’s neck. 
“Zzz.. yes.. Pain.. lights … AHHH!...zzz” 
“Omg! Kwan did you hear that?” 
“Yeah, poor Danny.” 
“Danny, why haven’t you left yet?” Wes asked the box. 
“Zzz … Mommy … Daddy … Jazz ha- … alone … zzz” 
“Oh Danny,” Paulina sounded like she was about to start crying soon. 
“Danny, your parents left. Why don’t you follow them?” Wes asked. 
“Wes! You can’t just ask a ghost that?” Star said. 
“Why not?”
“Ghosts are stuck where they die, Danny can’t leave.” 
The radio box sprung to life once again, “zzz… no! … he’s stuck in quicksand … Mommy! …zzz”
“Well can we do anything?” Wes asked Star. 
“We can help him pass on, usually you just have to find out what killed them or tell a relative some dark secret or something. My Mom was telling me that ghosts only stay behind when they have unfinished business.” 
“Okay kid, what do you want?” Dash asked. 
“Zzz… Mommy and Daddy … Jazz hands … Okay! Okay! Okay! … Love you! … zzz” 
“Uhhh kid, we don't know where your parents are, can we do something else?” Dash said. 
“Dash! Don’t be so mean,” Paulina shouted. 
“What, it’s the truth, nobody knows where the Fentons moved to. Plus I heard that the Dad was thrown in prison for child endangerment anyways. We can’t bust him out of prison,” 
The radio box flew out of Wes’s hands, the volume rising as the box did. 
“zzz… Mommy! DADDY! MOMMY! DADDY! … zzz” Junk started flying around them, slamming against the walls and trying to slam against them. 
“Oh shit! Run!” Dash shoved Wes out of the way and b-lined it to the door. Paulina grabbed Wes and they followed Kwan up the stairs. The floor rocking as they ran through the water and mold. Wes slammed the door shut behind them and kept running with the others into the night. He looked behind once to see a pair of eyes watching them.
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Irony Poisoning Chapter 2 (Chapter 1)
It would have been easy to find the Addams family house even if it didn't stand out like a necrotic thumb. The gate opened for Enid, and she knew motion sensors had nothing to do with it.
The front yard was deceptively normal if a little overgrown. Most of the grounds seemed to sprawl out behind the estate, and from the glimpse Enid could see, most of that was graves.
The house itself was magnificent. It was Victorian or something like it, with arched windows that looked like gravestones themselves. Something that might have been an octopus was watching her from the widow's walk.
The doorbell made a sound like a foghorn which summoned someone who could only be Lurch. Enid barely came up to his elbow. He allowed her inside with a polite groan. She left her umbrella in a rack full of rapiers by the door.
The Entrance Hall was grand and packed with esoteric décor, most of it taxidermied. Enid tried not to let that freak her out too much.
Morticia and Gomez Addams were waiting to greet her, but Uncle Fester beat her to it.
"So you're the roommate who couldn't stand Wednesday's toxic personality, huh?" he asked.
"I built up an immunity," said Enid.
"A pleasure to meet you," said Mr. Addams, shaking her hand with both of his, even though one was enough to engulf it.
"You too, Mr. Addams."
"Gomez, please. We're not formal here. Just stiff!" He laughed at his own joke.
"Lurch, please take Enid's things to her room," said Morticia. "I'm sure you must be tired after your trip, my dear."
"I'm fine. Can I see Wednesday?"
"Oh, the energy of youth. Do you remember Gomez?"
"My love, how could I forget?" He kissed Morticia's hand, even though it was covered by her draping sleeve.
"Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête."
"Oh, Tish, when you speak French..."
"Of course you can see her, my dear." It took Enid a moment to realize she was being addressed, because Gomez was still kissing his way up Morticia's arm. "Don't forget to wear a mask. We don't want you to get sick as well."
Without detaching her husband, Morticia gestured to a very… antique looking plague mask that was resting on one of the heads of a taxidermied tortoise. The other head was wearing a bonnet.
"Oh uh," said Enid. "Werewolves have pretty good immune systems."
"That explains it," said Uncle Fester.
"I think I'll be fine without protectio- I mean uh, a- that, but thank you, Mrs. Addams."
"Morticia, dear," she corrected gently. "As you wish. Second floor, fourth door from the right. You'll be across the hall, in Ophelia's old room. The one with the bars on the door. Dinner is at seven."
Enid made her way up the second floor. From what Wednesday and Thing (mostly Thing) had told her, the mansion contained: a living room, kitchen library, art gallery, dining room, ballroom, vaults (plural), hallways, tunnels, dungeons, ravines, bottomless pits, the "play" room, Uncle Fester's laboratory, Gomez's office, and Morticia's conservatory, in addition to the bathrooms, bedrooms and guest rooms.
She was eager to explore, but first she had to figure out exactly what Morticia meant by "under the weather." Wednesday hadn't complained after getting shot with an arrow.
Well, she had complained about literally everything else, like how Enid wouldn't let go of her, and the Sheriff kept asking repetitive questions. She hadn't complained about the arrow, or the pain, or the blood, or-
Enid took several deep breaths, making a "Shh" sound to slow down her exhalation, just like Ms. Thornhill had taught her.
Enid never would have thought Mrs. Thorn- Lauren Gates was a homicidal maniac. She looked just like everyone else. Enid used to meet her after class sometimes to discuss herbal supplements and mindfulness. She had seemed like such a nice person before she tried to kill Wednesday.
Sometimes Enid wished Eugene's bees had killed her.
"I can literally hear you breathing."
Even through the door, Wednesday sounded like her normal acerbic self, and Enid breathed easier. She knocked on the door as she pushed it open, even though that was as good an invitation as she was ever going to get from Wednesday.
Most of Wednesday's room was taken over by books, but there was also a row of dolls displayed on one of the bookshelves. Their heads were displayed on another one.
In one corner of the room was the famous steam-powered guillotine, although it looked as though it hadn't been used in a while, a cobweb caught between the blade and frame.
There was a desk, of course, and Wednesday's typewriter case, lid closed and fastened. Thing was on top of it, playing with Wednesday's new cell phone.
Wednesday was lying in a bed, but when she saw Enid, she jackknifed into a sitting position.
Enid gave a little wave and instantly regretted it. Only Thing waved back.
"What are you doing here?" Wednesday croaked. Thing skittered out of the room, whether to give them some privacy or simply avoid Wednesday's wrath, it was hard to tell.
"Oh! Oh, your mom uh, didn't tell you I was coming?"
"She invited you?"
Enid was pretty sure it was only the first word that was hissed in disgust, but she tended to catastrophize. "I could go, if you don't, you know-"
"Shut up and sit down."
Enid sat on the edge of the bed. She could feel Wednesday's knees through the waffley fabric. "Is this a hospital blanket?"
"I said shut up."
"No, don't- don't be sorry. Just be quiet for a minute."
Enid bit both her lips at once, like a double decker sandwich, just to keep her words in check.
"What did my mother say to you?" Wednesday asked eventually.
"Just that you weren't feeling well and maybe I could help."
She coughed. "How?"
"I brought Nyquil."
Wednesday sat up a little straighter. "You brought… nine quills?"
"Nyquil. It's medicine. It doesn't come in gray so I got the feeling you might not have tried it yet."
Wednesday made a face, and even that looked good on her, which was just unfair.
"Close your eyes and pinch your nose," said Enid.
"Pinch my nose?" repeated Wednesday, and it wrinkled, as if on cue.
"It will help with the taste."
Wednesday really must have been sick, because she let Enid feed her the medicine. She made another face when she swallowed. "This had better work."
"It will totally work," said Enid. "While we're waiting, I'll read to you from my blog. Xavier has been giving me all the summer camp gossip. Apparently most Outcast camps aren't as species restrictive as the lycanthropy conversion ones, so he's been swimming with Bianca. He thinks he has another shot with her, but I think she's into Yoko."
Wednesday sighed, with great gusto and even greater congestion. "At least I won't be able to hear the typos."
"Those are so not typos. They are neologistic syntactical choices used to convey tone. English is a living language, you know."
"Then perhaps it should be put out of its misery," said Wednesday, but her voice already sounded a little better.
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
Alright Season 3 lets give it up for season 3 everyone.
Cannot believe this show left me on "How do you know what you brought back it 100% pure Sam?" and I just said to myself
and then just didn't watch S3E1 for three days
Anyway. Liveblogging spn while I work tonight. We're bringing back the old days where I did this with x files if any of you remember that LMAO
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Kicking things off with a bang (and me trying to not post too many rambles about a stupid tv show, so I'm conglomerating my thoughts into big posts instead)
we have S3E1 - The Magnificent Seven
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Love this show's deep appreciation for full black contact lenses MWAH
cheffs kiss
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Sorry I know I should be focusing on the evil demon smoke going to infect whatever city this is but like. Do you guys actually genuinely have flags out the front of your houses like this for real
Like really. Do your houses really have flags like that.
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He is SO concerned
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No one is giving me practical effects like this show is and I'm living for this
I WISH there was more of a scene in australia cause god I'd work as a prop maker for a living if it was a viable career to do more horror aligned stuff here.
They've spiced up the camera work this season and it is FUN!!!!
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These two are great I hope they're gonna be regular supporting characters PLEASE
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Highly entertaining seeing Dean's superpower of "Flirt with woman successfully" actually used as a utility (bonus points because it's making him uncomfortable)
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Absolutely visceral death, but a real damn shame because these two were cool :(
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This show has no right just putting jokes like this right after a scene like THAT.
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These dickheads are far too fun to be a one off PLEASE
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Australian chanting
Alright that was a fun way to start a season. Nice recap. I get it. It'dved been a while since it last aired. I like shitty pissed off Sam a LOT.
Are you tired of being nice Sam? Don't you just want to go apeshit?
Round 2 Electric Boogaloo with S3E2 - The Kids are Alright
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Starting strong once again with a callback to Victorian worksafe ads!!
(Victorians know.)
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Love that Sam inherited NONE of the lying genes in the family
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I'm sorry you cant make the comment "as many as I can squeeze out" (EUPHAMISM) and then immediately smack me in the face with a fucking GUMBY REFERENCE?????!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off I hate this show. Fuck you dean you stupid piece of shit
GUMBY REFERENCE (how many of you know what that is LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
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Look I get it, I do, but c'mon he looks so fucking awkward getting cake while these two women are talking about the explicit details of his prior intimate experience with Lisa from 8 years ago
Like what the fuck did they DO to illicit a reaction as intense as these two women are giving
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No I will not suspend my disbelief for the running gag No I'm not taking this too literally NO i don't have a problem with interpreting jokes
The closeup of Dean's face as his brain was doing the dialup tone killed me, then immediately PANIC but don't drop the cake (SAME)
Anyway. Lisa I love you. You're amazing. Please be done justice by this show. Please.
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Need you all to know I go through hell (HAR HAR) to watch this show
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And I thought my conversations in cafes sounded unhinged to bystanders (LITERALLY had some old dude tell me and a friend we were weirdos as we minded our own business drawing horror art in a cafe hgakjrhgkagh)
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HATE that my brain just went "NOT THE SARAN WRAP SKIN" (we don't call it that. Next I'll start pronouncing things more wrong than I already do)
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Not the white DS Lite!!!!!!!!
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Remember this kid you bullied in highschool? This is them now
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Oh this show doesn't pull punches and it has some NICE shots
Anyway bye Lisa I love you I hope you come back soon :(
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the running gag of bizarre interior décor hotel room never ceases to entertain me, I'm like a small child
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ran out of room for more images on this post so. Who knows maybe I'll fuck off or I'll do a part 2 tonight we'll see
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houserulesfilm · 1 year
Mood boards
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Style: vewn, exaggerated/unrealistic perspective, victorian type/fancy décor in the house, limited color palettes in each shot depending on lighting
Characters: spooky but loose enough for humor, planning on adding super exaggerated screaming like how Ren and Courage are animated
Note super clean lines, pretty sketchy with some variations in line weight and subtle blocked shadows on the characters using the line
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samsinghhinwick · 2 years
Hinwick House for a Magical Wedding
According to Sam Singh there is no doubt that Hinwick House is one of the best and perfect wedding venues in the United Kingdom at this point. Because of the latest renovation headed by Sam Singh, the estate was restored to its original condition. If you are into a magical wedding, we highly recommend this place.
Arguably one of the most challenging tasks of planning a wedding is looking for the best wedding venue. Visiting, researching, and booking one wedding venue that fits your budget, needs, and vision for your big day takes hard work. To complicate matters even further, most often, you have yet to decide which kind f wedding venue would be suitable for you as well as your event or celebration.
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And while looking for wedding venues in Hinwick is often presented as a simple choice, this is different. Not every couple has been dreaming of their wedding since they started dating, and not each couple’s style fit into a satisfactorily wrapped box. So if you are starting on your journey to “I do” without a clue of what you need or want in a venue, don’t think you’re alone.
Why Consider Estate Wedding at Hinwick House?
Grand, stately homes are set on acres of vibrant green lawns, stunning gardens, and countless picturesque views. This historic estate wedding venue is an incredible place to change I Do. The Victorian-style mansion will give you the magical wedding you dream of.
Hinwick House is perfect for couples who love history and breathtaking outdoor scenery. And does it complement a lot of wedding day styles? Often offering elegant indoor and outdoor spaces that are ways to make the vision come to life between the architectural details and the well-kept landscaping.
If you are smiling, you may begin booking this venue today.
You may be a historic estate couple if:
You love glamorous wedding décor
You want attractive outdoor and indoor event spaces at your wedding
You love historic and antique homes
You appreciate the history
You want indoor comforts paired with outdoor backdrops
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mitchipedia · 9 months
They Spend Thousands Decorating Homes No One Will Ever Go Inside.
Sarah E. Needleman at The Wall Street Journal:
Newcomers are upending the once-fusty dollhouse scene—decking out wee abodes that could belong in the (mini) Hamptons
So far this year, Michael Hogan has spent more than $5,000 on metal bar stools, a curved sofa and other modern décor to furnish a newly built home he’ll never live in. That is because the dwelling is so small it is better suited for a resident the size of a mouse.
Hogan is among a new cohort of dollhouse devotees who are shaking up how grown-ups indulge in the classic children’s hobby. Instead of outfitting old-timey homes with old-timey décor, they are assembling contemporary miniature abodes packed with tiny versions of trendy trappings sold in stores such as IKEA and West Elm.
Some enthusiasts are “shaking up tradition by embracing artisans who use 3-D printers, design software and laser cutters.… Others prefer to stick with only classic tools such as tweezers, razorblades and glue.”
Emily Brouilette, 46, grew up in a four-floor Victorian built in the 1800s. When she got into dollhouse collecting a few years ago, she invested in an ultra-industrial domicile resembling stacked shipping containers…. Her most prized miniature purchase to date is a framed poster of her favorite band, the Rolling Stones, that measures a little more than an inch in height and width. A tiny copy of her husband’s favorite book, “Moby-Dick,” rests on a tiny night stand. “I wanted my mini house to very much reflect me and my husband living there, though mini versions of us would be kind of weird,” she says.
The photos accompanying the article are wonderful.
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theyareweird · 1 year
Beetlejuice: Barbara Maitland —Aesthetic
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Barbara Maitland's Character & Personality
Barbara is woman of simple pleasures. She prefers to spend her vacation at home instead of going to Jamaica. Barbara'a hobby was decorating her Victorian house in a quaint décor. Thus, she dislikes anyone changing her hard work, especially if it doesn't fit her style. In addition, as a housewife, Barbara hates dust. She prefers to keep her house clean and becomes irritated with cabin fever when she can't leave the house to grab what she needs to tidy up her home. Beyond this, Barbara loves children and has a motherly side towards them. Due to this, she longed to start a family of her own but failed when she was alive.
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dekorcompanys · 1 year
15 Home Decor Must-Haves For This Season
Are you looking to add some new flair to your home? Or are you just getting started on your décor journey? Either way, this list of 15 home decor like metal art, wall decoration at home, wall paintings, abstract paintings, oil paintings, nature painting home and other decoration items will have you covered. From statement pieces like metal art and modern paintings to smaller additions such as accent tables and table lamps, these items are sure to spruce up any room in no time. Read on for more must-haves for this season!
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1. Cute Candle Stands
Candle stands come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them perfect for any style or space. Whether you’re looking for something small and delicate or larger and more commanding, there are candle stands out there that are sure to fit your needs. Not only do they look great, but they also make wonderful additions to any room—especially during the winter months when light is at a premium. The Victorian Ivory & Gold Candle Stand is a great example of a perfect candle stand for the home.
2. Awesome Accent Tables
Accent tables can be used to add a touch of style or functionality to any living space. Whether it’s an end table placed beside your sofa or an eye-catching display piece in the corner of your room, accent tables are an easy way to give your home a personalized touch. Plus, they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colours and materials—so there’s something for everyone!
Read More: Perfect Home Decor Ideas for your Home
3. Terrific Table Lamps
Table lamps can instantly add warmth and sophistication to any room in your house. They’re perfect for creating cosy reading nooks or adding extra lighting without taking up too much space. And with so many styles available on the market today—from vintage-inspired designs to modern takes—you’ll find just what you need no matter what look you’re going for. The Silk Route Decorative Table Lamp is an excellent example of a perfect table lamp for any home.
4. Spectacular Showpiece for Table
Whether it’s a vintage vase, a crystal bowl or something else entirely, showpieces for tables are the perfect way to add a touch of personality to your home. They can be used to bring life and texture into any room and can also be changed out frequently if you need some variety. Plus, depending on the style you choose, they can even serve as conversation pieces for guests. Take The Jaipur Royal Elephant Family Table Decoration Showpiece for example—it’s a great addition that will bring a unique touch to any room.
5. Antique Clock Wall
Antique clocks are a beautiful addition to any home, and there’s no better way to show them off than with an antique clock wall. Installing a special wall for these timeless pieces will give your home both character and style. Plus, you’ll always be on time! Antique wall clocks can be beautifully paired with other home décor pieces, such as vintage furniture and decorative wall art.
Read More: 10 Must Have Home Decor Items
6. Modern Art Paintings
Modern art paintings can instantly add a touch of artistry to any space. Whether you choose bold and abstract artwork or something more subtle, these pieces will surely be conversation starters. They also make great gifts for family and friends that are sure to be cherished for years to come.
Colourful Graphic Tree Hand Painting exemplifies the contemporary style of modern art painting. The Bosphorus Pearl Abstract Hand-Painted Wall Painting on the other hand is perfect for those looking for something a little more abstract.
Canvas wall art is a great way to add texture and colour to any room in your home. From landscapes to abstract designs, there’s an endless variety of canvas wall art pieces for you to choose from—so take your time when selecting the perfect piece for your space.
7. Indoor Water Fixtures
Indoor water fixtures can be the perfect way to add a touch of zen and tranquillity to your home. Whether it’s a fountain or a small pool, these fixtures can create a peaceful atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. Plus, you’ll be helping to promote good health and relaxation in your home. The best way to start is to choose a design that speaks to your taste. You can also mix and match different materials to create a unique look.
Read More: Spring Home Decor Ideas to Blossom Your Home with Love
8. Marvellous Metal Art Wall Decoration
From wall sculptures to hanging pieces, metal wall art can add a unique and eye-catching touch to your home. Its bold design adds texture and dimension to any room, making it the perfect statement piece for any space.
Our Odyssey of the Ocean Bed Metal Wall Art Panel will instantly become the centrepiece of any room in your home. With its intricate design and bold colours, this wall art is sure to make a statement in any home. Other wall decorations at home can also be used. They are an easy way to spruce up any room in your home. Whether it’s a framed piece of art or a colourful mural, wall decorations will add personality and flair to any space. Plus, they’re easy to switch out whenever you feel like changing up your décor.
9. Curtains and Window Treatments
Curtains and window treatments can instantly make a space feel more inviting and cosy. From sheer to blackout curtains, there’s something for every style and taste. Curtains and window treatments in hues like light blues, greys and whites will create a calming atmosphere in any space. Whereas colours like red and orange can create a more energetic vibe. You can accessorize your window treatments with tiebacks, tassels and more.
Read More: 27 Home Decor Design Ideas- Top Trends 2022 Everyone Should Know
10. Rugs and Throw Pillows
Rugs can bring both colour and texture to any room in your home. From traditional to modern designs, rugs are the perfect way to soften up any room in no time! Throw pillows may be small but they make a huge impact on any living space. Not only do they look great but they also provide extra comfort when lounging around the house. Both these soft furnishings are easy to switch out whenever you’re looking for a change.
11. Mesmirizing Mirrors
Mirrors are a great way to add light, depth and dimension to any room in your home. Whether it’s an ornate or modern design, mirrors are an easy way to give any room a quick makeover. Depending on the placement of the mirror, it can also be used to create the illusion of more space in a room.
Decorative mirrors are another great way to add some visual interest to your home. From round and oval-shaped mirrors to ornate frames, they can instantly make any room look more spacious while adding a touch of elegance.
The Modern Metal Tube Decorative Wall Mirror is perfect for contemporary spaces.
12. Haute Home Accessories
Home accessories are the perfect way to make your space feel like home. From unique vases and knick-knacks to scented candles, there’s something out there for everyone. And with so many options on the market today, you’re sure to find just what you need to give your home that extra touch of personality.
Read More: Discover The Most Voguish Home Decor Items from The House of The Dekor Company
13. Charming Chandeliers and Lighting
Chandeliers and lighting fixtures can instantly elevate the look of any room in your home. From classic designs to modern takes, there are plenty of options to choose from to suit your style and budget. Plus, they’re an easy way to add a bit of luxury and sophistication to any space.
14. Wonderful Wallpaper
Wallpaper is the perfect way to instantly give any room of your home a unique look and feel. Whether it’s bold or subtle, there are plenty of patterns and colours for you to choose from. Wallpaper also helps to create a more cohesive and polished look in any space, making it the perfect choice for your home. You don't have to necessarily wallpaper an entire room as you can also use it to add a subtle accent or focal point.
15. Pretty Plants
House plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but they’re also great air purifiers that can help improve the quality of air in your home. From succulents and cacti to larger leafy plants, there’s something for everyone when it comes to house plants. Plants like spider plants, peace lilies and ferns are great for air purification.
Read More: Top 10 Metal Wall Decor Artifacts to enlighten your home this festive season
No matter what kind of home décor look you’re aiming for this season, these 15 must-have items will certainly help get you started on the right track! From statement pieces like metal art and modern paintings to smaller additions such as accent tables and table lamps, these items are sure to spruce up any room in no time. So get creative and have fun bringing these pieces together into one cohesive space that reflects your unique style! With these 15 must-haves at hand, it won't be long before you're enjoying a gorgeous new interior design that's all yours! Happy decorating!
Source Url- 15 Home Decor Must-Haves For This Season
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evershinewalls7 · 22 days
Timeless Charm: Rediscovering the Beauty of Vintage Wallpaper
In the world of interior design, trends come and go like the passing seasons. Yet, amidst the ever-evolving landscape of décor, there's a classic element that continues to stand the test of time: vintage wallpaper. With its unique patterns, rich history, and undeniable charm, vintage wallpaper holds a special place in the hearts of design enthusiasts and homeowners alike.
There's something undeniably captivating about the intricate designs and muted colors of vintage wallpaper. Whether it's the delicate florals of the Victorian era, the bold geometrics of the Art Deco period, or the whimsical motifs of the 1950s, each piece tells a story of its own.
One of the most enchanting aspects of vintage wallpaper is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia. For many, it conjures memories of childhood homes, grandparents' houses, or beloved vintage shops. There's a comforting familiarity to these designs, a feeling of warmth and timelessness that transcends trends.
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But vintage wallpaper isn't just about nostalgia; it's also about embracing history and preserving the past. Each roll of vintage wallpaper is a piece of living history, a tangible link to the design styles and cultural movements of bygone eras. By incorporating vintage wallpaper into modern spaces, we pay homage to the craftsmanship and creativity of those who came before us.
Moreover, vintage wallpaper offers a sense of authenticity that is often lacking in mass-produced, contemporary designs. Each imperfection tells a story, whether it's a slightly faded hue, a small tear, or a subtle variation in pattern. These imperfections only add to the character and charm of vintage wallpaper, giving it a soulfulness that can't be replicated.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, vintage wallpaper also boasts practical benefits. Many vintage patterns are made from high-quality materials that stand the test of time, offering durability and longevity that rivals their modern counterparts. Plus, the thick texture of vintage wallpaper can help to insulate walls and dampen sound, making it both functional and beautiful.
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Of course, incorporating vintage wallpaper into your home requires careful consideration and planning. While it can add warmth and character to any space, it's important to choose patterns and colors that complement your existing décor. Mixing vintage wallpaper with modern furnishings and accessories can create a striking juxtaposition that adds interest and depth to a room.
When it comes to installation, working with vintage wallpaper requires a delicate touch and attention to detail. Due to its age and fragility, vintage wallpaper may need to be handled with care during the hanging process. Hiring a professional installer who is experienced with vintage materials can help ensure a smooth and successful installation.
For those who are hesitant to commit to covering an entire room in vintage wallpaper, there are plenty of alternative ways to incorporate this timeless element into your home. Consider framing a small section of vintage wallpaper as artwork, or using it to line the back of a bookshelf or cabinet for a subtle pop of color and pattern. You could even use vintage wallpaper to create one-of-a-kind accents, such as custom lampshades or decorative trays.
In conclusion, vintage wallpaper is more than just a design choice; it's a celebration of history, craftsmanship, and timeless beauty. Whether you're drawn to the intricate florals of the Victorian era or the bold geometrics of the Art Deco period, there's a vintage wallpaper pattern to suit every style and taste. So why not embrace the charm of yesteryear and rediscover the beauty of vintage wallpaper in your own home?
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estfenrirswood · 2 months
the home of ak.c & c.n.f
Aiysha and Catalina's Home in Sune's Harbour, Fenrirswood:
Architecture: Their home in Sune’s Harbour is a charming two-story Victorian-style house, built with sturdy stone walls and a steeply pitched roof adorned with dark wooden shingles. It exudes a historical charm that blends seamlessly with the neighborhood's Viking-influenced architecture.
Entryway: A wrought-iron gate opens to a stone pathway leading up to a large wooden door, weathered by time and embellished with intricate carvings of mystical symbols and runes. Hanging baskets of vibrant flowers flank the door, adding a splash of color to the aged facade.
Garden: Despite the limited water nearby, Aiysha and Catalina have cultivated a small garden in the front yard. It features native plants and herbs, carefully tended to by Catalina’s green thumb, with paths lined by ancient-looking stones that echo the Viking heritage of the area.
Living Room:
Décor: Inside, the living room is spacious yet cozy, with exposed wooden beams on the ceiling and hardwood floors covered by plush, patterned rugs. The walls are adorned with family & photos, as well as photos of loved ones.
Fireplace: A grand stone fireplace dominates one wall, its mantle adorned with trinkets and artifacts collected over the years, including miniature ships and ancient amulets. Incense is burned here.
Family Space: The room is arranged to accommodate both relaxation and play for Leonardo and Marisol, with a large, comfortable sectional sofa and a play area filled with toys and books. Loki's dog bed rests near the fireplace, while Salem's scratching post and toys are nestled in a cozy corner.
Kitchen and Dining Area:
Layout: The kitchen is spacious, with a rustic farmhouse table at its center surrounded by mismatched wooden chairs. The countertops are cluttered with jars of herbs and magical ingredients, alongside a collection of cookbooks and family recipes passed down through generations.
Herb Garden: A small indoor herb garden thrives on the windowsill, providing fresh ingredients for Aiysha and Catalina's culinary and magical concoctions alike.
Children’s Room:
Design: Leonardo and Marisol’s room is adorned with whimsical wallpaper depicting enchanted forests and mythical creatures. Bunk beds with colorful quilts and a plethora of stuffed animals fill one corner, while a reading nook with oversized pillows and fairy tale books occupies another.
Pets’ Space:
Loki’s Domain: Loki, the black German Shepherd, has claimed a corner of the living room as his own, complete with a cushioned dog bed and a basket overflowing with toys.
Salem’s Perch: Salem, the sleek black cat, enjoys surveying the neighborhood from a window seat in the study, where he can bask in the sunlight and keep a watchful eye on the surroundings.
Trinkets and Artifacts:
Family Heirlooms: Throughout the home, shelves are adorned with family heirlooms and magical artifacts—a crystal ball passed down through generations, a set of rune stones used for divination, and framed photographs capturing moments of joy and adventure shared by Aiysha, Catalina, and their children.
Character of the Home:
Historical Charm: While the house shows signs of age, it has been lovingly maintained and updated over the centuries. Aiysha and Catalina take pride in preserving its historical integrity while infusing it with their own magical touches and modern comforts.
Architectural Style: Their home is a charming Victorian-era townhouse with a distinctive turret and bay windows, reflecting the historical architecture prevalent in Sune’s Harbour. The exterior is adorned with climbing ivy and colorful window boxes filled with flowers.
Interior Design: Inside, the home boasts high ceilings, intricate woodwork, and stained glass windows that cast colorful patterns across the floors on sunny days. The decor blends modern comfort with vintage charm, featuring plush furniture upholstered in rich fabrics, homemade/thrifted rugs, and an eclectic mix of artwork and artifacts collected from their travels.
Magical Accents: Aiysha and Catalina have integrated magical elements throughout their home, such as enchanted candles that flicker without a flame and a small, well-tended herb garden in the kitchen window sill that always blooms regardless of the season.
Pet-friendly: The home is designed to accommodate their pets—Loki the black German Shepherd and Salem the black cat—offering cozy corners, scratching posts, and comfortable beds scattered throughout. There’s also a designated area in the backyard for the pets to roam and play.
Family Heirlooms: Displayed prominently are family heirlooms passed down through generations, including a vintage mirror that is said to have once belonged to a powerful witch in their lineage, and an old spellbook with handwritten notes in the margins from ancestors long gone.
Home Office and Study: Aiysha’s home office doubles as a study for both her apothecary work and magical research. It’s filled with shelves of jars containing various herbs, potions, and spell ingredients, alongside antique books on witchcraft and alchemy.
Connection to Nature: The backyard features a small enchanted grove with a stone pathway that winds through it, leading to a serene meditation spot shaded by ancient oak trees. This is Aiysha’s favorite place to unwind and connect with nature’s energies. Catalina takes the twins out after full moons to look at the stars.
Community Involvement: Their home often serves as a gathering place for friends, fellow witches, and neighbors during festivals and celebrations, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie within Sune’s Harbour.
Security Measures: Being aware of Fenrirswood’s mystical nature, Aiysha and Catalina have installed protective charms and wards around the perimeter of their property, ensuring privacy and safety from unwanted magical intrusions.
Seasonal Decor: Throughout the year, the home undergoes seasonal transformations with decorations that change with each solstice, equinox, and Sabbat. This includes wreaths made from local herbs and flowers, and seasonal altar arrangements.
Aiysha and Catalina’s home in Sune's Harbour is not just a place to live but a sanctuary that reflects their deep connection to Fenrirswood’s rich history, their magical practices, and most importantly, their loving family life with Leonardo, Marisol, Loki, and Salem.
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umangseo · 3 months
Rediscover Charm: Historic Downtown Sedalia, Missouri's Shopping and Dining Delights.
Nestled in the heart of Missouri, Historic Downtown Sedalia offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and modernity. With its rich heritage dating back to the 19th century, this charming district invites visitors to stroll along its tree-lined streets and explore its diverse array of shops and eateries. From boutique shops to savory dining spots, here’s a glimpse into the vibrant shopping and dining experiences awaiting you in Historic Downtown Sedalia, Missouri.
Shop ‘Til You Drop:
Downtown Sedalia boasts an eclectic mix of boutiques, galleries, and specialty stores, each offering unique treasures waiting to be discovered. Antique enthusiasts can lose themselves in the vast collections of vintage finds at shops like The Sedalia Antique Mall, where every corner tells a story of bygone eras. For those seeking one-of-a-kind gifts and home décor items, places like The Eclectic Owl and Painted Tree Marketplace showcase the craftsmanship of local artisans and makers.
Art lovers won’t want to miss a visit to the Sedalia Visual Art Association Gallery, where rotating exhibits spotlight the talents of regional artists. From paintings to sculptures, there’s something to captivate every artistic palate. Meanwhile, bookworms can peruse the shelves of Reader’s World Bookstore, a beloved local institution offering a wide selection of titles for all ages and interests.
Culinary Delights Await:
After a leisurely shopping excursion, satisfy your appetite with a culinary journey through Downtown Sedalia’s diverse dining scene. From cozy cafes to upscale eateries, there’s no shortage of options to tantalize your taste buds. Start your day with a hearty breakfast at Fitters 5th Street Pub, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon fills the air. Their signature omelets and fluffy pancakes are sure to fuel you up for a day of exploration.
For a taste of authentic local flavors, head to Katy Trail Ice House, a laid-back eatery known for its mouthwatering barbecue and ice-cold brews. Situated along the historic Katy Trail, this rustic gem offers a relaxed atmosphere perfect for enjoying a leisurely meal with friends and family. Be sure to try their signature smoked ribs or brisket, paired with a side of classic mac ‘n’ cheese or tangy coleslaw.
Craving something a bit more upscale? Look no further than Ivory Grille, a fine dining establishment housed in a beautifully restored historic building. Featuring an elegant ambiance and an innovative menu highlighting seasonal ingredients, Ivory Grille promises a culinary experience like no other. Indulge in dishes like seared scallops with lemon beurre blanc or tender filet mignon accompanied by truffle mashed potatoes.
Immerse Yourself in History:
Beyond its shopping and dining offerings, Historic Downtown Sedalia invites visitors to step back in time and explore its rich history. Take a leisurely stroll along Ohio Street, where Victorian-era architecture and charming storefronts harken back to a bygone era. Don’t miss landmarks like the Pettis County Courthouse, a stunning example of Romanesque Revival architecture, or the Katy Depot, a historic train station turned museum celebrating Sedalia’s railroad heritage.
For a deeper dive into the city’s past, consider visiting the Bothwell Lodge State Historic Site, just a short drive from downtown. This sprawling estate offers guided tours of the former home of Sedalia businessman John Homer Bothwell, providing insight into life in Missouri during the early 20th century.
Plan Your Visit:
Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a dedicated shopper, Historic Downtown Sedalia offers something for everyone. Plan your visit today and discover the charm and hospitality that have made this district a beloved destination for generations. From quaint boutiques to savory dining spots, the treasures of Sedalia await your exploration.
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maybrays21 · 4 months
The Timeless Elegance of Traditional Heated Towel Rails: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving world of toilet design, sure factors stand the check of time, presenting each functionality and aesthetic appeal. Among those timeless furniture is the traditional heated towel rail. Combining conventional layout with modern comfort, conventional heated towel rails have come to be a staple in bathrooms round the sector. In this complete guide, we will explore the records, advantages, set up manner, and preservation of traditional heated towel rails, shedding light on why they continue to be a popular choice for house owners in search of both comfort and fashion.
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The History of Traditional Heated Towel Rails:
The concept of heated towel rails lines its roots again to the overdue nineteenth century once they have been to begin with added in European luxury inns and spas. Originally crafted from cast iron, those early towel rails have been designed to offer warm temperature and comfort to inn visitors whilst additionally maintaining towels dry and hygienic. Over time, heated towel rails advanced in each layout and functionality, incorporating substances like chrome, stainless steel, and brass to beautify sturdiness and aesthetics.
Benefits of Traditional Heated Towel Rails:
Warmth and Comfort: One of the primary benefits of conventional heated towel rails is their ability to offer warmth and comfort to your lavatory space. By lightly heating towels earlier than and after use, these furnishings provide a steeply-priced spa-like enjoy, in particular at some stage in chillier months.
Improved Hygiene: Heated towel rails assist to hold towels dry and unfastened from moisture, reducing the hazard of mould, mould, and bacterial increase. This now not best complements the durability of your towels however also promotes higher hygiene in your bathroom.
Space-saving Design: Heated towel rails are typically wall-mounted, making them an high-quality area-saving solution for lavatories of all sizes. Their vertical layout allows towels to be hung smartly, freeing up valuable floor and counter area.
Aesthetic Appeal: With their fashionable and timeless layout, conventional heated towel rails upload a hint of class to any lavatory décor. Whether you opt for a classic Victorian-fashion rail or a swish modern-day design, there are alternatives available to suit every taste and style choice.
Installation Process:
Installing a Towel rail requires careful making plans and consideration to make certain superior overall performance and protection. Here's a step-through-step guide to the installation manner:
Choose the Right Location: Select a appropriate area on your towel rail, preferably near the shower or bath for smooth get admission to.
Measure and Mark: Use a measuring tape and level to decide the perfect placement of the towel rail at the wall. Mark the location of the mounting brackets as a consequence.
Drill Holes: Use a drill to create holes for the mounting brackets, making sure to comply with the producer's instructions and use suitable anchors if important.
Mount the Rail: Secure the mounting brackets to the wall using screws, then attach the towel rail to the brackets consistent with the manufacturer's hints.
Connect to Power: If your towel rail is electrically heated, observe the supplied commands to connect it to the electricity supply effectively. Alternatively, if it's a hydronic version, it's going to want to be connected for your crucial heating machine by means of a certified plumber.
Maintenance Tips:
To hold your traditional heated towel rail in top condition, observe these upkeep suggestions:
Regular Cleaning: Wipe down the towel rail with a tender fabric and moderate detergent frequently to do away with dirt, dirt, and filth.
Check for Leaks: If your towel rail is hooked up in your vital heating system, check out it periodically for any signs and symptoms of leaks or corrosion, and have any issues addressed right away through a professional.
Test the Heating Element: If your towel rail is electrically heated, test the heating element periodically to make sure it's functioning efficiently. If you observe any troubles, contact a qualified electrician for upkeep.
Adjust Temperature Settings: Depending in your utilization and alternatives, regulate the temperature settings of your towel rail as had to conserve energy and hold premier comfort.
In conclusion, conventional heated towel rails offer an ideal mixture of functionality, beauty, and comfort, making them a timeless addition to any toilet. From their historic roots to their cutting-edge-day advantages, those furnishings keep to enhance the bathing revel in for house owners around the sector. Whether you are searching for to create a comfy retreat or upload a hint of luxurious for your space, a traditional heated towel rail is positive to elevate your rest room to new heights of comfort and style. So why wait? Discover the timeless elegance of conventional heated towel rails and remodel your lavatory right into a sanctuary of relaxation and indulgence.
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northeystreethouse · 5 months
Exploring the Timeless Charm of Northey Street House
Nestled amidst the serene surroundings of a quaint neighborhood, Northey Street House stands as a testament to timeless elegance and historical significance. With its distinctive architecture and rich heritage, this enchanting residence captures the essence of a bygone era while offering a glimpse into the past.
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Originally constructed in the late 19th century, Northey Street House has witnessed the evolution of its surroundings, yet it has remained a steadfast symbol of grace and sophistication. Its Victorian-style façade, characterized by intricate detailing and ornate embellishments, exudes an air of grandeur that instantly transports visitors to a bygone era. From its towering gables to its charming bay windows, every aspect of the house reflects the meticulous craftsmanship of its builders and the opulence of the Victorian era.
Stepping through the front door, visitors are greeted by a warm and inviting interior that seamlessly blends period charm with modern comforts. The spacious rooms are adorned with period furnishings, antique accents, and elegant décor, creating an atmosphere of timeless beauty and refinement. Intricate woodwork, stained glass windows, and decorative moldings are just a few of the architectural features that add to the house's allure, while plush furnishings and soft lighting enhance its cozy ambiance.
One of the highlights of Northey Street House is its rich history, which is proudly showcased throughout the property. From the original owner's family portraits to vintage artifacts and memorabilia, every corner of the house tells a story of days gone by. Visitors can embark on a journey through time as they explore the various rooms and learn about the house's fascinating past, including its role in the local community and its significance in the region's architectural heritage.
In addition to its historical significance, Northey Street House also serves as a cultural hub for the community, hosting a variety of events and activities throughout the year. From guided tours and historical lectures to art exhibitions and musical performances, there is always something exciting happening at the house. Visitors of all ages can immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere and experience the magic of Northey Street House firsthand.
Beyond its architectural beauty and cultural offerings, Northey Street House holds a special place in the hearts of those who call it home. For generations, the house has been a beloved gathering place for family and friends, where cherished memories are made and traditions are upheld. Whether celebrating special occasions or simply enjoying each other's company, residents and visitors alike are drawn to the house's timeless charm and welcoming spirit.
As the sun sets and the day draws to a close, Northey Street House takes on a magical quality, bathed in the soft glow of twilight. With its historic charm and enduring allure, it serves as a reminder of the beauty of the past and the promise of the future. Whether exploring its storied halls or simply admiring its architectural splendor from afar, Northey Street House invites visitors to step back in time and experience the timeless elegance of days gone by.
For more info:-
Northey Street House B&B
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purplepicklezipperspy · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 3D Shadow Box Diorama Victorian Room Style.
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