#Vien's future chapters
exrt7 · 1 year
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Ryder suddenly had an idea. "By the way, next week is Ivana's birthday party. I heard there will be a pas de deux. Do you want to come and dance?" Ryder suddenly bent down and extended his hand to invite Vien to dance. There was that moment. Vien felt that Ryder overlapped with what he had been like when he was 13 years old. "Haha, you really haven't changed." Vien laughed. But she didn't refuse this rather interesting proposal.
Image courtesy of  umefolklore
I hope you like it
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Capítulo 1 : Japón y su prehistoria a través de los hallazgos arqueológicos, sean bienvenidos a una nueva entrega un tanto especial, de noticias arqueología, los capítulos siguientes, serán unas noticias que sorprenderán a todos, por su riqueza, arqueológica, del país del sol naciente, dicho esto empecemos. - ¿Un espejo de bronce de 1.600 años de antigüedad?, aviso que esta serie puede descolocar a más de uno por la diferencia evolutiva que ha llevado japón, a lo largo de su historia. Este espejo, fue encontrado, en Okayama “parte occidental de la isla de Honshū, Japón”, por unos estudiantes, espero que eso me pase a mí, bueno quien sabe, tiempo al tiempo. - Esta pieza está, muy bien, trabajada, por los luminosos contornos bien definidos, data del periodo kofun(protohistoria o edad de los metales) depende de la fuente, viene una cosa u otra. “Periodo Kofun (300-552)b.c”, el túmulo se lleva excavando desde 2015. - Características generales del espejo: -Está decorado por bestias imaginarias  Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, de arqueología prehistórica y de otros periodos. - 第1章:日本と考古学の発見によるその先史時代、考古学のニュースのやや特別な新作へようこそ、次の章は、その考古学の富のために、太陽の生まれたばかりの国からのすべての人を驚かせるニュースになるでしょう、とそれは言っていますさぁ、始めよう。 - 1、600年前の銅鏡?このシリーズは、日本がその歴史を通して持っていた進化の違いのために、複数のシリーズを誤解させる可能性があることに注意してください。 この鏡は岡山の「本州の西部」で何人かの学生によって発見されました。それが私にも時々起こることを願っています。 - この作品は、非常によく機能しており、明確に定義された明るい輪郭によって、古墳時代(金属の原史時代または時代)に由来します。 「古墳時代(300-552)紀元前」、2015年から古墳が発掘されています。 - ミラーの一般的な特性: -架空の獣で飾られています あなたがそれを気に入って、将来の出版物、先史考古学および他の時代にあなたに会えることを願っています。
Chapter 1: Japan and its prehistory through archaeological finds, welcome to a somewhat special new installment of archeology news, the following chapters will be news that will surprise everyone, due to its archaeological wealth, from the country of the sun nascent, with that said let's begin. - A 1,600-year-old bronze mirror? Notice that this series can mislead more than one due to the evolutionary difference that Japan has had throughout its history. This mirror was found in Okayama "western part of the island of Honshū, Japan", by some students, I hope that happens to me, well who knows, time to time. - This piece is, very well, worked, by the luminous well-defined contours, it dates from the kofun period (protohistory or age of metals) it depends on the source, one thing or another comes from. “Kofun period (300-552) b.c”, the burial mound has been excavated since 2015. - General characteristics of the mirror: -It is decorated by imaginary beasts I hope you liked it and see you in future publications, prehistoric archeology and other periods.
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sillygoose067 · 6 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: Yes there are mentions of Kpop in here. Yes the next chapter will probably have a lot more. You know what? Deal with it. That said, feel free to send me requests, and I might write something for them in the future. Can’t really say if I have any specific criteria or people/groups, but feel free to shoot your shot!
The first thing you do when you get back home isn’t even going and telling Marie about your recent developments. You race to your room, pull out your phone, and dial your mom’s number.  
“Mummum! তুমি ভাবতে পারবে না আজকে কি হবে!(You’ll never guess what happened today!)”
“I got a boyfriend!”, you squeal through the phone.
She gasps. “তার নাম কি? ছবি পাঠাও! (What’s his name? Send me pictures!)”
You grin at her request. “Just search up Charles Leclerc”.
The line goes silent for a minute while she does this. All of the sudden, you hear her commenting on his looks and squealing at the photos. You hear her call your sister to show her, and you hear you sister talk animatedly, trying to explain to your mother that Charles Leclerc is a very famous F1 driver that drives for Ferrari. 
When you return to the living room, Marie is there sitting patiently, waiting to hear the news from you. You tell her and she begins grabbing your arms and dancing around the room. “I told you, didn't I? I knew you would finally get to experience everything you missed out!”
You take a step back and exhale. Then you come forward and embrace her tightly. “Thank you, Marie. None of this would have happened without you.”
Just as you were about to call your managers at the studio, you get a message from JYP Entertainment. 
Stray Kids have requested your presence. Please come by this Saturday. 
You make a call to Charles instead. “Hé, chérie”.
“Hé Charles. I was going to book us a day at the studio, but appels du devoir(duty calls). Je dois me rendre en Corée avant samedi. Voulez-vous m'accompagner ? Il y a des génies de la musique qui vous aideront mieux là-bas, et vous pourrez rencontrer mes collègues…(I need to get to Korea by Saturday. Would you like to accompany me? There are musical geniuses that would be a better help to you there, and you can meet my colleagues…)”
There’s a pause. You hear a rustling of papers and him tapping at his phone. “Ok. Je viens de vérifier, je suis en congé ce mois-ci, donc je peux y aller (Ok. I just checked, I have this month off, so I can go)”.
You punch the air. “Yes!”, and you hear his chuckles on the other side of the phone. Oops. Oh well. 
“On va bien s'amuser! (We’re gonna have so much fun!)”
“Avec toi comme guide, je suis sûr que nous y arriverons, ma chérie (With you as my guide, I’m sure we will sweetheart)”. 
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inhumancomicofficial · 3 months
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🇬🇧🇺🇲 Curiosities about the Hoshili
In the first part of the first chapter, a ruthless, bloodthirsty monster is shown. That is an Hoshili. More information will be provided in the future regarding these creatures; what I can tell you for now is that they are creatures full of meaning, especially in their design. This often leads them to be chimeras with parts of animals that have a specific significance.
Would you be interested in knowing what happens behind the scenes? Maybe making more posts on how certain things are constructed or the reasoning behind them. Let me know ^-^
🇮🇹 Curiosità sugli Hoshili
Nella prima parte del primo capitolo viene mostrato un mostro spietato e assetato di sangue. Quello è un Hoshili. Verranno fornite maggiori informazioni in futuro riguardo a queste creature, quello che posso dirvi per adesso è che sono creature cariche di significato, specialmente nel loro design. Questo lì porta, spesso e volentieri, ad essere chimere con parti di animali con un significato preciso.
Vi potrebbe interessare sapere cosa succede dietro le quinte? Magari fare più post su come sono costruite determinate cose o il ragionamento che vi sta dietro. Fatemi sapere^-^
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theawkwardterrier · 1 year
wip wednesday
Tagged by my most darling @walkinginland - thank you, Julia! We've reached the Fergus chapter of the multi POV thing (ft. much info dumping!), so sharing a bit of that
He clearly can't say Papa's name, but Fergus doesn't comment on that. "In a manner of speaking," he says instead. "Although that makes it sound much more luxe than it truly was. I was in the foster care system at the time, in a children's home in Inverness. McMahon's Stables offered free riding lessons to those of us there -- an outing for us, charity for them. I could speak English even then, but I refused to do so. Milord was the only one there who knew any French." Fergus still remembers clearly that first sight of his father, a giant outlined against the sky, completely undeterred by the furious clench of Fergus's jaw or the tight, obstinate cross of his arms. "Well then, laddie," Papa had said simply, and then, his accent nearly native, "Viens ici et chevauche Brutus. Tu n'as pas besoin de parler pour faire ça, et il n'y a aucune raison de ne pas t'amuser uniquement parce que tu es têtu." Fergus couldn't help his stare at that, nor actually listening to the advice. He'd ridden Brutus that day -- a far gentler beast than his name suggested -- and had attached himself to one particular riding instructor for every one of those outings after. "Milord? Why do you call him that?" Will asks. Fergus shrugs; he hadn't even realized he had. "I thought of him so then, half worshiped him. It's why I did what I did." The fact that he was able to sneak into the boot of Papa's car, Fergus still maintains, was only about a third his fault. Papa should have known better than to leave it unlocked and open for him, of course, and the carers should have been keeping a more watchful eye on their charges. But the part afterward, hiding in the garage for more than a day, listening to the people who would one day be his parents eating dinner together, teasing each other, talking through the future they were already imagining for the very beginnings of what would become his sister Faith -- that had been only on Fergus's aching self.
Tagging whoever wants it, but specifically double tagging @flyinghome-againstthewind 🥰🥰
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hi! Hoping you have a wonderful day but could you recommend me some similar fics to She Wrote A Book About Me by ohthedrarry. It's so gooood 'cause it has a petty hermione and a sad boi draco featuring their post and pre break-up.
Can't find petty!hermione but found a few sadboi!draco:
Eyes Without a Face. by drcolvr - M, one-shot - I wish I could express my feelings for the woman before me but sadly I cannot. Hermione Granger happens to be the best and the worst thing for me. She’s the one thing I can’t have and yet she’s the fire in my viens, the blood in my body and the joy in my soul.
A Happy Thought by magicalmolly - E, one-shot - Draco finds out in fifth year that Hermione can cast a patronus charm. He wants her to help him find a happy enough thought in order to cast his own. The two keep colliding in unlikely places throughout 6th year, and then after the war, searching for something to make Draco happy. OR: Draco realizes Hermione is what would've made him happy all along.
Good Girls by Story_Queen - not rated, WIP - During the summer of her rising 8th year at Hogwarts Hermione Granger received a letter stating that Hogwarts would be hosting a summer meet-up. Her, Harry, and Ron might not be friends anymore, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to see her friends. So what happens when she bumps into a familiar bleach blonde haired, gray eyed, kinda hot, classmate Draco Malfoy. And what will when they start to become friends. Will they finally accept each other for who they are, or will they go back to being enemies.
lost in yesterday by uzumakibrat - M, 13 chapters - if she had one more minute. one more hour. one more year. just one more time. if she'd saw the signs. knew what to look for. maybe...just maybe, she wouldn't be tracing the words engraved into his headstone. editing ( typos/capitalization).
Muggle Studies by LalaLumos - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy was the youngest Death Eater in Magical History. Now, Draco Malfoy was the youngest felon in Magical History. He wasn’t proud of his past, nor was he excited for his future. If he weren’t so incredibly self-preserving, he may have killed himself before he was sentenced to Azkaban. Be that as it may, here he was sitting; waiting for his new Muggle Studies liaison. He figured it was some poor soul at the Ministry who was trying to make it up the ranks with ‘good deeds.’ Ugh. He just wanted to get this shit over, so he could get back to staring at the cold brick wall in his cell- self-loathing was his new addiction. Prequel to Prisoner 050680
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lady--lioness · 2 years
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Last drawing of the year!
Traditionally, my last drawing of the year is usually for Lady Lioness, to make up for having worked constantly on Flower from another garden along the year. But this has been Flower's year, and next year this story will also be the protagonist of my days, so I've decided to end it with Amaryllis and Aaron.
This has been a good year, especially since I have achieved two key goals in my life: finishing a comic and getting published! Finishing a comic is a daunting task. It takes a lot of time, planning, a lot of willpower and effort. That is why I'm proud of myself, despite my peculiar circumstances -maternity among others- I have managed to make a story and draw it in 224 pages, which has been liked enough to get published in my country. I have no right to consider this a bad year at all! I'm happy, but I also feel a little small and overwhelmed.
Thanks to the comic I have also been able to notice an evolution in my art. It has made me very excited, because it means that despite the time passing, I don't get stuck and keep going. And it also means that over time I will evolve more and do better. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I'm excited to think what my art will be like then. Anyway, another year that I didn't finish chapter 2 of Lady Lioness. Will this be the lucky one?
Some of my goals for the next year, besides continuing Lady Lioness, are to start my 3D modeling and SketchUp online courses, which I hope will help me a lot with my future comics. I also want to finally find a coloring style that totally suits me, make a bunch of my own assets, and start working on The Silver Comb. And read a lot of comics! It's always said that the best way to learn to write stories is by reading a lot, and it's the same with comics. The more I read, the more open my mind will be and the better I will work.
Another different thing is that I want to work a little more on my physical appearance. Maternity and then work have made me neglect myself and I want to look at myself in the mirror again with joy. I want to be fitter and with prettier hair. And to contribute to this purpose, I am going to delve into a hobby that for the moment will be modest, but with which I intend to have a lot of fun: historical re-enactment! To carry out this hobby you have to be an ace at sewing and have a lot of money, but I go without pretensions, I just want to look pretty and have a good time. Perhaps in the future, when my son can have fun on his own without me fearing for his life, I can dedicate a little more time to sewing.
In short, many hopes and dreams for the future! I'm going to take it easy, because I think I've already done the most work this year :P
I'm very grateful to my husband, so wonderful, kind and supportive, my friends, who have been there for me and my rants :P and my publisher, who has been patient and encouraging, along with Arechimanga, for trusting my comic and giving me this great chance!
Happy New Year! Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your support.
¡Último dibujo del año!
Tradicionalmente, mi último dibujo del año suele ser de Lady Lioness, para compensar el haber trabajado en Flower from another garden constantemente. Pero este ha sido el año de Flower, y el año que viene también esta historia será la protagonista de mis días, así que he decidido despedir el año con Amaryllis y Aaron.
Este ha sido un buen año, sobre todo porque he conseguido dos objetivos clave en mi vida: ¡Acabar un cómic y ser publicada! Acabar un cómic es una tarea titánica. Lleva mucho tiempo, planificación, mucha fuerza de voluntad y esfuerzo. Por eso estoy orgullosa de mí misma, ya que a pesar de mis peculiares circunstancias -la maternidad entre otras- he conseguido hacer una historia y dibujarla en 224 páginas, que ha gustado lo suficiente para ser publicada a nivel nacional en mi país. ¡No tengo derecho a considerar este un mal año en absoluto! Estoy contenta, aunque me siento también algo pequeñita y apabullada. Aunque ya soy oficialmente una artista de comic profesional, soy incapaz de que se me suba a la cabeza.
Gracias al cómic he podido también notar una evolución en mi arte. Me ha hecho mucha ilusión, porque significa que a pesar del tiempo, no me quedo atascada y sigo adelante. Y también significa que a lo largo del tiempo evolucionaré más y lo haré mejor. No se qué ocurrirá en el futuro, pero me ilusiona pensar como será mi arte por entonces. En fin, otro año que no termino el capítulo 2 de Lady Lioness. ¿Será este el afortunado?
Algunos de mis objetivos para el próximo año, además de continuar Lady Lioness, es comenzar mis cursos online de modelado 3D y SketchUp, que espero que me ayuden mucho con mis comics futuros. También quiero hallar por fin un estilo de coloreado que me convenza totalmente, hacer un montón de assets propios, y empezar a trabajar en The Silver Comb. ¡Y leer muchos cómics! Siempre se dice que la mejor manera de aprender a escribir historias es leyendo mucho, y con los comics pasa igual. Cuanto más lea, mas abierta será mi mente y mejor trabajaré.
Otra cosa distinta es que quiero trabajar un poquito más en mi aspecto físico. La maternidad y luego el trabajo han hecho que me descuide y tengo ganas de volver a mirarme al espejo con alegría. Quiero estar más en forma y con el pelo más bonito. Y para contribuir a este propósito, voy a adentrarme en una afición que de momento será de forma modesta, pero con la que pretendo divertirme mucho: ¡la recreación historica! Para llevar a cabo esta afición hay que ser un as de la costura y tener mucho dinero, pero yo voy sin pretensiones, solo quiero verme guapa y pasarlo bien. Quizás en el futuro, cuando mi hijo ya pueda divertirse solo sin que yo tema por su vida, pueda dedicarme un poco más a la costura. ¡En fin, muchas esperanzas y sueños de futuro! Me lo voy a tomar con calma, porque creo que el mayor trabajo ya lo he hecho este año :P
Estoy muy agradecida a mi maravilloso marido, que siempre me ha apoyado, siempre ha sido bueno y amable. Y a mis amistades, que siempre han estado ahí para aguantar mis tonterias xD Y a mi editor, que ha sido muy paciente conmigo y me ha alentado tanto, así comoa Arechimanga, por darme esta oportunidad increíble...
¡Feliz año nuevo! Muchas gracias de corazón por vuestro apoyo.
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let-the-dream-begin · 3 years
A Family of Our Own: Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Read on AO3
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June 1754
Lallybroch was sorely lacking in hired help, and had been since the worst of the drought following all the loss of the Rising. They’d had to let go of most of the servants many years ago. All that had remained were the Donnellys, Mrs. Crook, and Rabbie, and then Mary MacNab to replace Mrs. Crook. So when Jenny announced that she was hiring a combination kitchen girl and scullery maid, Claire was not the least bit surprised. She was surprised by how old she turned out to be. 
A little blonde girl trailed behind Fergus on a Monday morning, a small bundle in her skinny little arms. Her hair was not blonde in the way Kitty’s was, in golden waves, but instead it was straight and whiter, closer to the color of straw. Rather than create a puffed cloud around her head like they did in Brianna’s hair, the stray hairs that did not remain contained in her plaits stuck straight up like a funny crown. 
“Well, hello,” Claire said warmly, little Ian on her hip, Jenny having asked her to mind him before she’d fluttered off to the kitchen. “What’s your name?”
She smiled sweetly in a way that made her cheeks swell like she was holding grapes there, dimpling around the corners of her mouth. “Good morning, Mistress.” She curtsied politely. “I’m Marsali MacKimmie.”
Ian squirmed, and Claire shifted him to her other hip. “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Claire. Though, the Redcoats think my name is Elizabeth. You’re old enough to keep a secret, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress.” She nodded fervently, seriously. “Master Fergus told me all about you and his father. I’m very good at keeping secrets.”
Claire smiled. She didn’t think Jenny would have hired someone they couldn’t trust, but she also didn’t think Jenny would have hired someone who didn’t yet reach Claire’s waist in height. 
“That’s good,” she said. “How old are you, Marsali?”
“I’m ten, Mistress. Two years older than the last bairn ye had working here.”
Claire smiled fondly, remembering little Laura Donnelly, who was surely not so little anymore. 
“I ken that because my mother said I was thirteen in the advertisement she posted in Broch Mordha, and when Master and Mistress Murray came to meet me, they kent straight away I wasna that old. They bickered, and said the last time they had help that young, they didna have to be the ones taking care of her. But I promised them that I can take care of myself. And I can, Mistress.” She added, eyes wide to stress the veracity of her statement. “I’m even braw at taking care of bairns.” She gestured at Ian, fussing in Claire’s arms again, and she put down her bundle. “May I?”
“Oh, of course.” Claire carefully handed the toddler down to Marsali, and she expertly snatched him up, settling him on her hip. 
“See?” Marsali beamed up at Claire. “I’ve a wee sister, ye see. No’ yet a year old. I ken all about nappies and feedings and such. And before Joanie I had three wee brothers who didna live to see past a year or two.”
“Oh...I’m so sorry…”
Marsali shrugged, hiking Ian up a little higher. “I prayed very hard fer a healthy baby, and God gave us Joanie. And by the time we got her, I’d had lots of practice wi’ bairns. Ye see?”
Claire smiled softly. “Yes, I can see why Ian and Jenny were so keen to hire you. You are quite qualified for the position.”
The girl shone with pride, and then Jenny bustled into the hall. “Oh! There ye are, lass. I see ye’ve met Claire, oh, and my wee son, Ian.” Jenny scooped him out of Marsali’s arms with ease. “Fergus, show her to the kitchen and take her bundle up where Mary sleeps. Mary MacNab is in the kitchen, Marsali. She’ll show ye where everything is.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Vien, little one,” Fergus called, and they were off. 
“She tells me her mother lied about her age in the advertisement?” 
“Oh, aye,” Jenny said absently as they walked through the hall into the dining room. “They’re desperate fer money, ye ken. No’ every estate has a resident faerie from the future to tell them to plant potatoes in the face of an upcoming drought.”
Claire looked pointedly at Jenny, the words I’m not a faerie dying on her lips before she could get a word in. 
“I wasna too keen on it, but Ian took pity on them. They’ve no hired help on the estate; the man works the fields alone, so the crop is small.” Jenny sat down at the table, pausing to scold the twins to stop them from toppling their chairs over. “All the sons they bore have died. The wife must stay wi’ the bairn. Their only source fer extra income is that wee lass. So here she is.”
“She’s a good girl,” Claire said. “Very smart.”
“Aye, that she is,” Jenny said with a laugh. “I dinna think she’d ha’ let Ian and I leave the property wi’out saying we’d hire her. Always needing the last word, that one.”
“Sounds like someone else I know,” Claire said pointedly, and Jenny playfully shoved her shoulder. Just then, a flash of red entered the dining room, and Claire looked up, her eyes shining to see Jamie striding toward her. 
She arched her neck and pursed her lips, and Jamie obliged her, kissing her sweetly without a second thought. “Good morning, Sassenach.”
“Good morning.” 
“Who’s that wee scrap of a thing in the kitchen?”
“That,” Claire said, watching Jamie as he sat down beside her and promptly had Brianna’s arms thrown around his neck from the chair beside him, “would be the new servant.”
Jamie’s brow furrowed, turning to kiss Brianna’s cheek and settle her back in her chair. “She’s a bairn.”
“Aye, a canny and capable bairn at that,” Jenny said with finality. “She’ll no’ be doing anything that’ll kill her.”
Jamie hmphed, popping a berry into his mouth. “Jumpy wee thing, is she no’?”
“She is?” Claire said, brow furrowing. “She didn’t seem that way at all just now.”
“No?” Jamie hummed thoughtfully. “Just about jumped ten feet in the air when she laid eyes on me.”
“Maybe ye’re just a great terrifying beast,” Jenny said wryly. “Ye’re no’ exactly warm to look at.”
“Da’s no’ scary!” Brianna cut in. “Even when I thought he was a giant, I kent he’d be a friendly giant.”
Everyone who was listening laughed, and then Mary and Marsali entered the dining room, Mary carrying bowls of porridge on a tray, and Marsali carrying a basket of bannocks. Claire did notice that Marsali eyed Jamie with apprehension, and even Ian. An alarm bell went off in her head, something uneasy churning in her stomach. What reason could a little girl have to be so open and friendly with women and so fearful of men, other than the reason that was making Claire sick to think of?
She watched Marsali carefully as she left the room behind Mary. She would keep an eye on her. She wouldn’t say anything to anybody, wouldn’t worry anybody without good reason. But she would keep an eye on her. 
Over the rest of the week, Marsali proved to be a hard worker, and a good girl. She was eager to please and desperate to be helpful in any way she could. She was thorough in her cleaning, diligent with a needle, and helpful in the kitchen. Mary MacNab spent the entire week thanking the Lord for Marsali’s presence, and Claire could see the girl swell with pride at every declaration.
She was sweet with Ian, doted on the younger Janet and Michael, and she wasn’t shy about asking to be included in the girls’ games when she was finished with her work, and Maggie, Kitty and Brianna were more than happy to welcome her. She was a perfect addition to the household, and Claire found herself smiling and staring for just a bit too long at her playing with the other girls, or at her patting Michael’s head, or feeding Ian a bite of bread. It was not that Lallybroch was darkened before, but she brought a light into the home nonetheless that shone well with the other young ones’ lights.
The only curiosity was her timidness toward Jamie and Ian, and even Fergus on occasion. She could be giggling her head off with the girls, and then Jamie would come in and ask for Brianna, and Marsali would freeze up and silence herself. Claire always looked to Jamie or to Ian in these cases, but she seemed to be the only one who noticed. She told herself that she was being paranoid, and went on with the day.
On Saturday evenings after supper, Fergus was to take Marsali home, to Balriggan as Claire learned it to be called, so she may spend Sundays with her family. He would then fetch her with the wagon on Monday morning for the week to start in again. Claire tried to gauge Marsali’s mood as she cleaned up supper, to see if she had any dread about returning home that might line up with evidence toward her suspicions. But she seemed happy as a clam, chattering on to Brianna about how happy Joanie would be to see her, how she was going to show her mother the flower pressing trick Maggie had shown her.
She seemed nothing but happy, and so Claire didn’t say anything to her but goodnight as Fergus led her out the front door.
Claire forgot all but Jamie’s mouth, Jamie’s touch, and Jamie’s scent as he kissed her languidly and fondled her breasts over her shift, pressing her deeper into the mattress. She groaned, rolling her hips and gripping the hem of his sark, tugging upward. She nipped at his lower lip, and she delighted in his sharp inhale of breath. She’d just gotten the sark over his head when a frantic knocking sounded at the door, and they froze, heads turning toward the door.
Claire kept waiting for it to stop, for whoever it was to announce themselves, but then the knocking switched to a jiggling of the handle, and Jamie jerked off of her.
“Who is it?” Claire cried, crossing to the locked door as Jamie frantically put his sark back on.
Claire looked at Jamie over her shoulder, panicked. “That’s Maggie.”
She didn’t waste another second before unlocking and opening the door, and she beheld the sight of her little niece, shaking with terror and sputtering with sobs.
“Maggie! Darling, what’s wrong?” Claire dropped to her knees and felt for a temperature, checked her body for any visible damage.
“Auntie! I’m dying! Ye have to heal me!”
Claire raked her eyes all over her small body, gripping her shoulders tight, her throat closing. “I don’t understand. What’s happened? Please, darling, what’s wrong?”
“I’m...there’s blood, Auntie! I dinna ken where it came from! I didna do anything! I’m no’ hurt! But I must be dying!”
Realization smacked Claire in the face, and all the panic drained from her body as she sighed in relief. “Alright, hold on. Take a deep breath for me, sweetheart. It’s alright.”
Maggie obeyed, her breath rattling as she breathed in and out, slow and steady like Claire had practiced with her before during moments of panic.
“Ye can save me, can’t ye?”
Claire fought the urge to laugh, knowing how serious this was for the child without any prior knowledge. “Listen to me, Maggie. You don’t need to be saved, because you’re not dying.”
“I’m...I’m no’?”
“No. Not at all.” Claire cupped her cheeks and smiled. “Where did you see the blood?”
“In the chamberpot! And then I…” Her eyes darted behind Claire, and Claire turned to see Jamie clear his throat and suddenly busy himself with the fire. “I touched...there,” she whispered. “And I felt it. But it doesna hurt. I dinna understand.”
“That’s what I thought.” Claire stood and reached for Maggie’s hand. “Come inside. I’m going to tell you exactly what’s happening to you.”
Maggie took her Auntie’s hand, her wet, shining eyes wide with wonder and unbounding trust.
“I’m truly no’ dying?”
“I promise.”
Maggie heaved a great sigh and wiped the back of her hand over her eyes. Claire sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her, and Maggie sat down, still hiccuping.
“There we go. It’s alright.” Claire rubbed soothing circles on her back. Jamie cleared his throat again, and Claire turned to see him holding out a handkerchief. Claire took it, mouthing thank you, and gave it to Maggie. “Easy now. Good girl.”
Maggie calmed her breathing and wiped her face, then: “So what is it, Auntie?”
Claire opened her mouth, then Jamie cleared his throat again, and Claire paused, rolling her eyes slightly. “Your Uncle Jamie has something to take care of in the study, doesn’t he?”
“Oh. Aye.”
Jamie went to leave, then turned and awkwardly approached the bed. “Ah...be well, lass.” He patted the top of Maggie’s head, and then he disappeared, shutting the door behind him in only his sark, not even having grabbed any trousers.
Claire bit down another urge to laugh and then turned back to Maggie. “Now. Has your mother told you anything about a woman’s monthly bleeding?”
Maggie gaped up at her, mouth hanging open. “What d’ye mean?”
Claire sighed. She’d have to have a talk with Jenny about withholding important information. And perhaps hold a reproductive health session with all the girls. Maybe she’d even do it during the week when Marsali was here. She could surely benefit from it.
“Well...what do you know about...how babies are made?”
“When ye’re married and ye pray very hard, God gives a lass a bairn.” She nodded confidently, and Claire wanted to throttle her sister.
“Well...that’s true. But there’s also...have you ever heard the word uterus?”
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rarougrougrou · 3 years
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
2. What character(s) do you find the most difficult to write for? Why?
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
8. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi chaptered stories?
12. Who is your favorite author? 
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it?
Bonjouuuur je viens te poser quelques ask tu répond à ce que tu veux of course bonne journée à toi! ✌🏼
1. Emilianne et Ysé! Pour Emilianne, c'est vraiment parce que j'ai prévu masse de trucs pour son histoire et toute la symbolique derrière son rôle, et pour Ysé, c'est vraiment un petit con qui fait n'importe quoi, donc l'écrire, et surtout le jouer dans le rp qu'on a avec felix ça me termine de rire
2. Je dirais que Celice est la plus difficile. Son rôle a été décidé tard dans l'avancement du projet, et j'essaye vraiment de lui donner un caractère qui lui est propre, j'ai constamment cette crainte qu'elle fasse trop plante verte
7. Ay'lonit, et mon futur comics sur la quête du graal. C'est un immense projet que j'avais commencé à organiser y'a plus de 2 ans, c'est mon projet le plus abouti à ce jour
8. Les grosses fics!
12. Au niveau des fanfics je suis dingue du style de narration de lila, et niveau horreur pure yvain aussi me retourne les tripes. Dans les univers fantastiques/fantasy, le style de Jonathan Scroud dans la bartimaeus trilogy. Et dans un domaine purement classique, la lecture qui m'avait le plus plus au lycée ça avait été Une vie de Maupassant
16. Le ennemies to lovers, on va dire. J'en suis pas friand, du couo voilà
34. Y'a beaucoup de scènes dans ay'lonit qui vont me déchirer quand je vais les écrire, et la dernière en date qui m'a foutu en vrac c'était le chapitre 21, qui m'a un peu échappé on va dire mdr
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exrt7 · 11 months
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"It seems you haven't regressed." "I have an excellent dance partner, so of course I can't lag behind." Ryder put one arm around Vien's waist. The two danced gracefully, which can be said to be a very professional duet dance. Ordinary spinning in circles and holding hands are very smooth. You can definitely see the tacit understanding between the two. During this time they both looked at each other and recalled past memories of balls and dancing. And have the same idea. Even now, it has grown. Neither she nor he has changed. This dance lasted about 5 minutes. At the end of the dance Vien leaned back and Ryder put his arm around her waist. Vien stroked Ryder's face with both hands. They looked at each other tenderly. A little exercise made their cheeks rosy. "It's not bad, honey." Vien complimented Ryder. "Thanks for the compliment." Ryder also smiled to accept his wife's compliment.
Image courtesy of  umefolklore
I hope you like it
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Capítulo 1 introducción: Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega, de arqueología nipona en esta ocasión vamos a presentar a uno de los arqueólogos japoneses más notables se llama Tadahiro Aizawa ¿Quién fue? Y ¿Qué aportó a la ciencia arqueológica? Dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Tadahiro Aizawa nació el 21 de junio durante la era Taisho (1912-1926), nació en el distrito de Ebana en Tokio, desde la temprana edad de los 8 años ya tenía interés por las reliquias antiguas, a los 9 años de edad sus padres se habían divorciado en los años 30. A la edad de 11 se mudó a la ciudad de Kiryu, Gunma, en 1938 a la edad de 12 años ingresó a la Escuela nocturna Shotoku Jinjo de la ciudad de Tokio durante esa fecha japón estaba en plena guerra contra china en la llamada guerra sino-japonesa, cabe destacar que la era showa empezó en 1926 y terminó en la de década de los 80. - Espero que os haya gustado esta presentación y viene de camino los capítulos 3 y 4 de la serie japón en su arqueología poco a poco lo iré trayendo que pasen una buena semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de historia y arqueología nipona. - Un cordial saludo. - 第 1 章の紹介: 日本考古学の新しい記事へようこそ考古学者、今回は最も注目すべき日本の考古学者の 1 人、彼の名前は相沢忠宏. 彼は誰だった?そして、彼は考古学に何を貢献したのでしょうか?そうは言っても、気楽に始めましょう。 - 相沢忠宏は大正時代(1912-1926)の6月21日に生まれ、東京の江花地区で生まれ、8歳の頃からすでに古代の遺物に興味を持っていました. 1930年代に離婚。 11 歳のときに群馬県桐生市に移り、1938 年に 12 歳のときに東京市の聖徳尋常夜学校に入学しました。その日、日本はいわゆる清戦争で中国と戦争をしていました。 -日本人は、昭和が1926年に始まり、1980年代に終わったことに注意する必要があります. - このプレゼンテーションと考古学における日本シリーズの第 3 章と第 4 章が進行中であることを願っています。少しずつお届けします。良い週をお過ごしください。また、日本の歴史と考古学の今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。 - 心のこもった挨拶。 - Chapter 1 introduction: Welcome archaeologists to a new installment, of Japanese archaeology, this time we are going to present one of the most notable Japanese archaeologists, his name is Tadahiro Aizawa. Who was he? And what did he contribute to archaeological science? With that said, make yourselves comfortable, let's get started. - Tadahiro Aizawa was born on June 21 during the Taisho era (1912-1926), he was born in the Ebana district of Tokyo, from the early age of 8 he already had an interest in ancient relics, at the age of 9 his parents they had divorced in the 1930s. At the age of 11 he moved to the city of Kiryu, Gunma, in 1938 at the age of 12 he entered the Shotoku Jinjo Night School in the city of Tokyo during that date Japan was at war against China in the so-called Sino War -Japanese, it should be noted that the showa era began in 1926 and ended in the 1980s. - I hope you liked this presentation and chapters 3 and 4 of the series Japan in its archeology are on the way, little by little I will bring it, have a good week and see you in future publications of Japanese history and archaeology. - A cordial greeting.
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jack-andthestalk · 6 years
Our Son, Arc II, Sunrise, Chapter 4.
Firstly a huge thank you to @missclairebelle who listened to my weird legal ramblings and made good on them, also for her shouty DM's and encouragement on this chapter, her talent is phenomenal across the board. @balfeheughlywed's feedback is so astute, and her support on this fic has been amazing and I just love the bants with her. This Arc is testing me and I was struggling to write anything for a while but I seem to have found a rhythm and that is partly thanks to @ladyviolethummingbird and @laythornmuse writing tips. So thank you!
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A horrible feeling of bubbling nausea swirled relentlessly around in my tummy. Jamie's defeated face fixed on me, waiting for a reaction. Any words that were likely to come from my mouth would be so full of venom, that I dared not open it. Not to protect Jamie, it was to stop me sharing anything of my reaction.
   "I wouldna leave you for anything Claire" Jamie's eyes beseeched mine, “I had no choice”.
  I couldn’t look, wouldn’t let myself meet his eye.
    I had inhaled his every word since he woke me an hour before. A lot of it was things I had already known from what Jenny had explained. Right up until the end, when he came to that bit I knew it was bad before he started.
  Jamie seldom cried, maybe when Willie was born? I thought absently, apart from that I couldn't think of another time. Now standing on our cold cement door step, as the sun mounted the sky, he pinched his eyes to stem tears from streaming down his face, his cheeks stained with the ones that had already escaped.
  I couldn't muster one ounce of sympathy for him, it scared me, complete detachment. My brain was protecting my heart allowing me just numbness for a moment or two.
  It gave me the chance to look at him, really look at him as if he was another person's partner. What advice would I give my friend if she had moved herself and her son from their home thousands of miles to set up a life with someone she loved deeply, the father of her child, only to arrive and have he tell you that he actually was moving hundreds of miles away to run another business?
   I knew that I would tell her to pick up whatever dignity she had left and run, run, run.
  Thoughts of Willie fleeted through my addled brain. How would I tell him? When would we leave?
  “How long?” I asked quietly.
He didn’t speak and I felt the rage boiling in me again, this time now through gritted teeth,
“how fucking long Jamie?”
  He sniffed and cleared his throat, "two years as long as it takes to finish it."
“And how long until you go?”
“Claire” he whispered imploringly.
"I need to prepare Willie," I said briskly, ignoring his plea.
“Ten weeks.”
A nod and I was on my feet, brushing myself down. ”Ok”
“Where are ye going?”
“I am not sure,” I replied distractedly looking out at the vast amount of hills and fields I could wander through.
 Jamie rose to grab me back. “Alone Jamie, leave me alone.”
Four hours later with bleak black clouds hovering over me, I found myself at the stables, watching Brian brush down a great big stallion. Methodically covering each inch of the horses back with long even strokes.
  He swung around when he heard me approach.
"Just me” I said meekly, wrapping my arms around my waist, suddenly feeling the cold.
  Brian's startled expression softened instantly and he looked at me with utter sympathy causing tears filled my eyes abruptly. "Thank god, are ye alright?"
  A nod, while I stunk my teeth into my bottom lip. “Fine”.
    “He has been out looking for ye twice lass, his temper is frayed enough, I thought he might kill someone if ye dinna return to him soon.
    I snorted, but the downturn in my lips made it appear more of a sneer, "when I do go, I won't be leaving on foot", my tone was biting, and I regretted at once using it on Brian but the regret quickly waned when I pictured them all knowing, they knew before me and did nothing. Fuck them all.
  Brian's face creased in pity, I couldn't bare it. I turned to leave again not sure of where I would go. "Claire I ken ye are hurting ..."
  My voice was brisk now "Brian if it’s all the same to you...I don't want to..."
  His hand was firm yet gentle on my shoulder as he turned me, "ye have every right" he said softly. Jamie feared it most of all that it would hurt ye, lassie, ye were his only care, I can promise ye that."
  A dense lump climbed up my throat, painfully reminding me that if I spoke it would unleash a sob instead of words. I placed the flat palm of my hand to my forehead but it was too late, tears were coming again. It was as if my eyes were so practiced at it they couldn't stop. I tried breathing in and out deeply, in the hope of bringing back some calmness. Suddenly I could feel Brian's arms folding me into him, holding me to his chest. "Ach Claire...dinna weep a leannan."
  That was all it took before big rasping sobs escaped my chest and vibrated against Brian's.
  He held me for some time before he gently guided me over to a hay bale and beckoned me to sit, handing me a tissue.
  "Claire I dinna ken how much the lad told ye, and I dinna want to make things worse, but I hate to see the two of ye hurting...and I ken Jamie is too"
He looked down at his hands shamefully, "he might even feel worse because it's his fault", sighing deeply, trying to summon up words that could make things a whole lot worse or in the vien hope it might ease some of the pain. "having my own hands soiled in this sorry affair brings me nothing but shame too." he said quietly.
  I put my hand over Brian's hand, "It's not your fault" I whispered.
  He shook his head avidly, "I should have checked the contract with him, he was under such pressure...I shouldha kent."
  I couldn't follow the jumble of words falling from his mouth.
  I turned to him now, my brows creased "From the beginning" I said firmly.
  A long intake of breath, Brian rubbed his hands nervously up and down his thighs, after tapping his fingers lightly against his thigh for a moment or two, he began to speak slow halting words, "Jamie was trying to secure a deal” hands upturned now in demonstration…he dinna say it but I kent he wanted it for our pensions", another nod and he swallowed "mine and Ellens".
  "Since my accident, the lad has been very firm in that he wanted me to retire properly, have a life outside of here, ya ken?"
  I bobbed my head receptively, suddenly needing someone to fill in the gaps that I wouldn’t allow myself to ask Jamie. A red mist had blocked any further need for information.
  "When the Dunsany's offered him the contract to buy exclusively from Lallybroch...well we thought it too good to be true", "I shouldha fucking known that spineless bastard Dougal could only bring harm on us" he hissed, throwing a piece of straw he had been playing with forcibly to the ground, standing abruptly he began pacing over and back in front of me, temper subdued enough so he could continue. "Jamie saw it as a way to secure Lallybroch's future and allow Ellen and me a healthy pension to retire on. 
  They offered us a large amount of money to secure the right to exclusively buy any stock that was bred and raised here at Lallybroch. If there was stock, they had a need of, and  we dinna have it here, the contract included provisions for Jamie to buy on their behalf, train the animal and sell it on to the Dunsany's."
  Another slight tilt of my head acknowledging my understanding. 
  Brian ran his hands along the edge of a stable door, pausing over grooves with his long fingers considering. "They drew up the contracts a few months ago, but Jamie held off on signing…it was something he was thinking on. Then the stud got that virus, the poor lad was day and night with them, trying to keep the infection at bay. He missed yer birthday on the head of it.
  "I remember," I said hoarsely.
  “He returned from his last trip to Boston, and he had decided he would sign”.
   Brian looked imploringly at me now.
  "We were still reeling from nearly losing all our livestock if it hadna been for Jamie’s quick thinking…” he trailed off, and smiled meekily at me “for the first time we realised just how vulnerable we were…" He tilted his head shyly ", and I know now that Jamie had asked ye to marry him on that trip…so the lad had his plans too."
   My heart fluttered in my chest, and fresh tears slid down my cheeks. So much hope and now it was snuffed out. Thinking of the stress, Jamie must have been under yet he flew to me in Boston proposing during it all. My thoughts must have been apparent on my face because Brian's face softened "it puts things in perspective lass, Jamie was fair desperate to see ye."
  I wiped a stray tear from my face. "That is when Jamie signed the contract," he said sorrowfully, "When he came back from Boston" Brian pressed his bottom lip into his mouth and shook his head dejectedly.
  "There was no reason to think the worst of them...it all seemed above board”.
"This trip was just to iron out the specifics, work out what stock they would need over the coming months, talk to them about what Mares were in foal, breeds, that kind of thing,"
Brian ruffled the thick black hair on top of his head, and it struck me how not only alike Jamie was to him but Willie too, absently thinking the Frasers had strong genes. "Then last night they turned around and said they wanted Jamie to oversee this big expansion at Hellwater!”
  My mind suddenly was in the drawing room watching this nightmare unfold, and I idiotically could see Geneva Dunsany, leering gleefully in a corner because she knew all along they had this trick up their sleeve.  
      Brian's foot started tapping agitatedly, "Jamie refused outright…said there was no way, and then they drew their sword." He finished bleakly.
My heart started hammering fast in my chest, I hadn't let Jamie explain earlier, he had looked at me, eyes empty and said "they have the power to shut us down if I dinna go Claire", I hadn't cared then what justifications he thought he had.
  To up and leave after I had given everything up to come to be with him. He had never been able to leave before when I needed him.
   I didn't want to hear it from Jamie, but now in the cold light of day and Brian's sad face before me, I had to learn the full truth whether I wanted to or not.
  "There were small clauses built into the contract Jamie signed; what he thought were insignificant details, they are using them against us Claire."
I opened my mouth to ask, had he not sought legal advice? could we fight these contracts?  The resignation of Brian's face somehow told me there was little hope for any of that.
     Brian sat down beside me again, putting his big hand over mine, “He has a huge talent, clever man when it comes to farming, horses, even business..but Jamie has a kind heart…he never wouldha thought that people would be capable of being so underhand.”
  "What are the clauses?" my voice sounded cold, I didn't mean it. I was trying to protect myself from something, and I wasn't even sure what.
“The Dunsany’s have exclusive rights to buy our stock, and they may take up to 180 days to decide if they want them and are entitled to the first refusal." They made it clear that if Jamie decided not to go to Hellwater, they would apply that right on every horse they look at. Even though last night they told us it would be their intention not to buy any. It means we wouldna be legally allowed to pursue another sale…for some time."
  Brian's head bent slowly, and he appeared for the first time as if he might breakdown himself. "the second clause is we canna sell within 200 miles of Hellwater Claire. They effectively can make it so we willna be able to sell our stock to anyone that could offer us a competitive price and by the time ye take in the delay they can impose on such a sale…well ye may as well close us down now.”
Brian’s head dropped and he clasped his hands together “I ken ye are angry with him and it willna help him for me to say this to ye but Ellen and I dinna want him to give into them…”
He sat up straight now, pride in his voice when he spoke again “Jamie isna an ordinary man, he was born to lead, and he saw hundreds of years of work by our kin about to be robbed by those bastards, and I knew we could argue all night, it wouldna mattered, he will sacrifice himself to help us.”
I said nothing, the stillness in the stables, grew thick.
    Brian's choked voice broke the silence, "It kills me, my son has to do this Claire…I would do anything so he mightn't have to but he willna leave us without a home or business, and we canna persuade him otherwise."
  I wiped the dust from my thighs and stood up.
   "I am so sorry a Leannan" he said quietly.
  I squeezed Brian's shoulder as he stood, pulling me to him and embracing me without another word. "We will be yer home still?” his face searching mine. I realised that they had just got used to the idea of Willie living here.
“I don’t know…Jamie doesn’t even know how often he is likely to be able to get home…and I would never go to him there…not now especially." I replied flatly.
  It was only then I heard rustling behind me that I realised Jamie stood watching me with hollow eyes, taking in the sight of my red and tear-streaked face and his father's arms around my shoulders comforting me, something I hadn't allowed him to do.
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julex93drawings · 6 years
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Un pic de un poco popular ship entre Lori y Leni. lo admito, la idea salio de ese clip del futuro capitulo que viene lol, no me resisti en dibujarlo.
Dejó a su gusto que diría Lori en este pic.
A pic of a little popular ship between Lori and Leni. I admit, the idea came out of that clip of the future chapter that comes lol, I could not resist drawing it.
I left to your liking what Lori would say in this pic.
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kenzieam · 7 years
The Return of the Viking Daughter - Chapter 3 (Ivar X OC)
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Rating: M - Mature (angst, swearing, violence, eventual domestic violence, eventual attempted assault, eventual smut)
Genre: Drama, angst
@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @my-emotional-self @bloodyivar @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @heathensisterwives @kduran04 @charliexowrite @angryschnauzer @rachiieee @ivarinleatherpants @ivars-heathen-army @neonxwitch @theheathenqueendickubus @dangerousvikings @zpandaqueen @irishhiggins @romanchronicles @didiintheblog @poopercoot @mercy1997 @kawennote09 @angelswannawearmyredshooz @iammarylastar @sparklemichele @son-of-anubis @fullpeanutkoala
*If you want to added or delete to the above list, let me know*
Holy shit everybody! Thank you so much for the support!!
Thank you @iammarylastar for your translations en francais!
My breath caught in my throat at the intensity of Ivar’s gaze, he’d always been a determined person, but in my absence he’d become an irresistible force, all too used to getting his own way, and if that failed, making his own way. He was bound and determined to make my time here as difficult as possible, and, if it wasn’t for the efforts of his father and older brothers, would be succeeding. After a long, baleful glare he turned back around and left, his broad back retreating from my vision.
“Ignore him little Red,” Bjorn said quietly, turning his head over his shoulder to speak to me. Our faces were mere inches apart and I could see the gentle expression in his eyes, framed by faint laugh lines. I mustered a smile and reached down, slapping at his side.
“Go on, donkey!”
Bjorn laughed, snapping his head sideways to bop me in the forehead, and, with a yell, whirled back into the fray, Ubbe and Hvitserk resuming their quest to unseat me.
After a few minutes I took pity on my blonde donkey and called a truce, submitting to a noogie and thorough tickling from Ubbe and Hvitserk for my weakness. A wave of nostalgia hit me hard as I heard Ragnar yell at us to ‘quiet down, you savages!’ and fell back on the couch with a sigh, breathing hard from my non-stop laughing. Ubbe plopped on one side of me and Hvitserk the other, Hvitserk flopping sideways, dropping his braided head in my lap and Ubbe reached over to flick his nose, laughing at his brother’s enraged squawk.
All too soon, Ragnar was calling everyone to the formal dining room for supper and I stood reluctantly. Ubbe and Hvitserk fell in step on either side of me and I felt Bjorn’s comforting strength behind me, and it gave me the courage to walk straight-backed to the table.
Ivar eyed me nastily, chewing sullenly on a breadstick. Torvi favoured me with a welcoming smile as she herded her children to their chairs and I was introduced to Ubbe’s wife, a quiet blonde woman named Margrethe then turned my head reluctantly towards Sigurd, who was clearing his throat importantly.
“Sera, this is my fiancé Veronique.” Sigurd gestured to the brunette woman at his side. She gave me the same appraising look Sigurd had before extended her hand limply towards me.
“Enchante,” she trilled.
“Nice to meet you,” I replied neutrally and sat down in the chair Hvitserk was holding out for me. Ragnar smiled at me from the end of the table, I’d been placed at the other end, a spot previously held by Aslaug but now for guests. I smiled back, grateful for his knowing wink as his relaxed gaze took in the tableau in front of him.
The first course was served and light conversation followed. Ivar remained stubbornly silent, and no one seemed overly eager to try and draw him out. I wasn’t sure if my presence was the reason, but Sigurd saw fit to grace us all with a list of his and Veronique’s accomplishments, I noticed she leaned frequently over, murmuring snide little comments to Sigurd in French and I rapidly grew tired of her cattiness.
As the second course wound down I found attention turning to me.
“Sera,” came Ragnar’s quiet voice, “tell us more of what you have been doing these past years.” He question was innocent, merely curious, but I felt a pang of guilt nonetheless.
I took a deep breath and began. “After we…. left, my mother took me to her family in California where we stayed until she enrolled me in an exclusive Swiss boarding school until I graduated. After that I transferred directly to Oxford. I completed my Masters in History this year, majoring in Early European, specifically ‘Viking History’. Next year I’ll begin my professorship at Columbia, at least….. that was the plan before my father died. I basically haven’t set foot on American soil since I was sixteen.”
Silence met my response. Some, like Ragnar, were smiling proudly, seemingly pleased with my accomplishments. Others looked thoughtful, while Ivar continued to scowl. In truth, I’d channeled my grief and anger into working my ass off academically, burying my sadness and loss in textbooks and papers. Only near the end of my thesis had I given serious thought to my future, and whether or not I would return to my childhood home.
Veronique was again leaning towards Sigurd, murmuring in French and I was no longer able to let her comments slide.
‘She’s lying, inflating her accomplishments, I bet she hasn’t done any of that.’
I saw red and before I could stop myself, my mouth was opening. “Je ne ments pas. J’ai compris tout ce que tu viens de dire. T’as pas entendu quand j’ai dit avoir passé 2 ans dans un internat en Suisse? Tout ce que j’ai raconte sur mon education est vrai. Tu devrais plus t’inquieter de ton mec qui me mate que de mes qualitfiactions.”
Again, silence greeted me. Everyone looked equal parts confused and wary, except for Sigurd, who’d obviously understood at least part of what I’d just said and looked furious; and Veronique, with spots of high colour on her sharp cheekbones. Without a word she stood and walked stiffly away, and with a snarl, Sigurd followed.
I turned immediately to Ragnar, mortified. “I’m sorry Ragnar, I lost my-”
“Do not apologize.” Ragnar said sharply, his vibrant eyes blazing. I fell silent, not knowing what to expect. Then his face softened into a wide, genuine smile and he laughed. “I’ve been waiting for someone to put that bitch in her place for months! What did you say?”
I exhaled in relief, heart pounding as the my adopted brothers started laughing and throwing me thumbs-up. “She told Sigurd I was lying, I told her I wasn’t, reminded her I’d studied for two years in Switzerland and was fluent in French and told her to worry more about Sigurd’s wandering eye than my qualifications.”
Bjorn pounded the table as he roared and Hvitserk saluted me with a loaded fork and a grin around a full mouth. Torvi bit her lips, fighting not to laugh and even Ivar looked to be struggling not to smile. I felt a rush of relief, but also shame. Again, my mouth opened before my brain could catch up.
“I apologize for being gone so long. I threw myself into my education so I wouldn’t hurt so bad, to distract me. I had offers from Stanford and Berkley as well but I chose Columbia hoping I’d be close enough to start seeing father and all of you again on weekends… but I was selfish and too wrapped up in my own pain to worry about anyone else’s for a long time.”
Immediately the four eldest Lothbroks stood and surrounded me, pulling me from my chair, and for a long moment I was passed back and forth like toy, from one hard embrace to the next, all four deep voices reassuring me that it was okay, not to worry, all was forgiven and welcome home. Tears fell freely from my eyes and Ragnar squeezed me tightly.
“Don’t cry,” he whispered in my ear. “We are all here now, the family is complete again. Welcome home, little one.” He held me a beat longer, then released me. I glanced at the table and saw that Ivar was gone.
“Excuse me,” I murmured, trying not to notice the smirk on my adopted brother’s faces.
I stepped quickly past one of the bedrooms as I walked towards where I expected Ivar to have gone. Sigurd and Veronique were arguing and I felt a brief moment of embarrassment for having caused it, they were talking about leaving early, and Sigurd was trying to convince her to stay. I snuck past without them noticing me and ducked out the side door. As I’d hoped, Ivar was seated on an old bench, leaning against the side of the house. This area was shaded and protected by large trees, safe from prying eyes. I’d often sit here with Ivar while he’d talked and dreamed of the future, trying to distract himself from the constant pain in his legs.
He glanced up as I approached, a half-dozen emotions rapidly crossing his face before he looked away again, dragging heavily on his cigarette with a mirthless chuckle. I sat hesitantly beside him, I’d not been immune to his moods and rages as a child, no matter how used to them I’d gotten, and he was a man now, no longer an awkward teenager.
“Boarding school,” he grunted. “Oxford. You went off and got educated, left us all here.”
“Ivar, I-”
Ivar whirled his head towards me, his supernatural eyes alight. “No,” he barked. “I get to talk right now, you listen to me, I’m not the same lovesick little puppy following you around anymore.”
I faltered, stunned silent. Lovesick little puppy? Is that how Ivar felt? Had my home life been that bad, that I’d missed this? When had Ivar started feeling this way?
Ivar continued to glare at me, brows furrowed, watching these thoughts flash in my eyes. He raised his eyebrows at me and took another drag, scoffed.
“So you didn’t know? You couldn’t look away from my asshole brother long enough to see that I would have died for you back then? That I loved you?!” His voice was rising with anger and my heart started to pound.
“And goddammit! I still would…. I still do.” His voice trailed off, his anger flaring hot but burning out almost instantly. He looked away and stubbed the cigarette out on the bench, tossed it to the side. He resumed looking forwards, ignoring me, glaring smoking holes in the tree trunk a few feet away.
I opened my mouth, closed it again. There was nothing I could think to say right now. Ivar was used to pain, used to excruciating aches in his legs, but I had been the cause of his worst agony.
“Just go.” He growled.
“Just go!” He thundered, slamming his fist down on the bench beside me, eyes burning with banked rage. He was beyond listening to me right now, it would be best to leave him be.
I dropped my head and, after a moment, nodded assent. He was silent as I stood and walked away.
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theredherosaga · 6 years
WMaH Chpt 21 (Author’s Notes)
As always, I have a lot to ramble about the new chapters xD (This will probably become public later, so this is more of a exclusivity on this begining of patreon)
First of all, sorry it took so long >.< a ton of stuff happened in my life since last chapter. I'm  not here to cry out, so let's get into the notes!
1) Keith and Ethan
I really loved to write their interactions. How Ethan went from "urgh, I hate you, you fucking mutt" to "OMG! I LOVE YOU, MAN!". They have a lot in common: both were forced to grow too fast (Keith lost his mom pretty earlier and then he had to fight a war that wasn't his. Ethan lost his whole family in one go and had to organize a resistance from scrat). Thus, it seems natural that after some initial hostility, after they talked with each other, they would become very good friends.
Well, for now, Ethan is also kinda trying to compensate for his previous mistakes by having Keith in a very highly account. Right now, if Keith said that they were having a trip to hell, Ethan wouldn't even question, he'd just follow. But he'll get over it and they'll work very well together. Just like it's not ok to think of other people as inferior, it's not that fine to think of them as demi-gods. Ethan will grow, just wait for it =3
2) Peter/Pidge
You guys have NO IDEA of how much I was just waiting for this moment to rise! xD Just to make this comparison even more clear.
In case you didn't notice, I was already making a connection between Pidge and Peter (not because their names start with the letter P, mind you). Peter selected a color of ribbon for each of their friends memories: Blue for RPR-76, Red for MCHZ-0 and Yellow for GNC-Y.  They picked up the Green ribbon for themselves AND gave a Black ribbon for Keith to tie up his hair.
The connection was already there and I'll probably explore it more in the future 83c don't forget that Peter said that coding was one of his passions.
Speaking of that...
3) Hedy Lamarr, creator of the Wi-Fi
The producers made a reference to Allan Turin on the VLD series when Pidge was rambling about the code on the Olkari fungus. I used the same principle to make a reference to Hedy Lamarr,  Austrian-born American film actress and inventor who helped creating the Wi-Fi =D Peter mentions her as " Hed Lan Amar" xD I tried to keep a similar name.
Isn't that awesome? =D
4) Firenze and Istanbul
The references I tried to use for Esidarap and Leic were, respectively, Firenze and Istanbul. The problem is that I've never been to any of those cities, I'm afraid. Thus I filled it with a lot of imagination. I hope you guys don't mind.
Like, it's pretty damn hard to keep creating new worlds, so sometimes I'll use some references, even if they are... well... more of my imagination than real.
Nede will be inspired on Cairo, by the way.
5) “Caw, caw, motherfuckers.”
I just had to say that I was imagining that phrase every single time I wrote the phoenix rising from Keith's sword xD
Anyways, we always knew our boy is special <3
Speaking of that...
6) Magic in the universe
I know that the original series wants to make Voltron be all unique and nothing else compare, blah-blah-blah, yadda yadda, but I kinda find that really unfair to the rest of the universe.
Why can't they have their own magic/science and defend themselves using that? Why wait for Voltron?
Hence, the Phoenix Sword.
Of course, since the fanfic is still inspired by VLD, Voltron will be the strongest of them all. Like, Nevaeh has only the magical sword. It's not as powerful as a giant robot. However, I really like the concept of more magic around the universe that it's not Altean or Galra.
I'll probably make more of it in the future (but Keith probably won't be the chosen one again LOL enough is enough... is it? 83c)
7) Keith = King Arthur
Keith literally took the sword out of the stone hahahaha xD
"But DZ! He's no king!" you might say.
Hum... we shall see about that 83c
7) Star wars LOL
As always, I just couldn't help myself but make as many Star Wars references as possible xD
ESPECIALLY from Rogue One, my favourite move of them all <3 <3 <3
Those quotes were prepared since I watched the movie. The title of the Chapter came later (I had other thing prepared. I just can't remember anymore what it was LOL).
It's almost a drinking game by now LOL
9) Tracer 2.0
By this time, you probably already know that I love to make references to Overwatch, even if I don't play it (and I have yet to read the whole comics). Thus, I couldn't resist but make yet another character similar to Tracer xD
"Wait, what? What do you mean by 'another'?" you might be wondering.
Well, I kinda forgot to mention (and I'm sorry for that >.<) but I had already used Tracer's concept on The Broken Pride, when I created the character Hailyn (Chpt 3, the pilot they wanted to ride Red).
For Vien, I just refined her better =3
Just some silly easter egg hahaha
I guess this is all for now, folks!
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exrt7 · 2 years
Tumblr media
"I have something to confirm, I will go back later." Camille finished speaking before waiting for Vien to ask. She transformed into a form Vien had never seen before and flew into the sky. It never occurred to Vien, however, that this was the last time she'd seen Camille recently.
Image courtesy of  umefolklore
I hope you like it
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