#Vietnamese street food pizza
prickles-the-penguin · 8 months
The few times I’d cook for a man…
Yes I wrote his name and tried drawing a lion on this meal, bánh tráng nướng. It’s really good and healthy too!
Easy to make as well. Ya need egg, rice paper, and chili oil. Toppings and fillings can be green onions, kewpie mayo, sausages, etc.
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Imma start writing and drawing stuff fr fictional folks now. You know I’m crushing if I put them in my art…if you can even call this art
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deathlygristly · 3 months
Yesterday we went to check out a new Asian food hall next to an international grocery store.
It was fun. We'll definitely go back. I got some Korean popcorn chicken from a Korean bar place, and I posted a pic of what the spousal person got from a Korean street food place. I think next time I'll get Vietnamese food, and he said he wanted to try out the Thai place.
There were a lot of people there, and it was a very ethnically diverse crowd. Which again is why I really don't get it when people insist that the American South is all white Christian Republicans. Hell, not even all the Republicans here are white - an article about the new food hall linked to some other articles about the growing diversity of the area and it included a statement from a Chinese-American woman running for the state house as a Republican.
Also I found out from that article that a theater up the highway from us runs Bollywood movies.
I will say though that the pics of the food weirded out my mother, lol. I sent her screenshots of the Wikipedia articles explaining what the food the spousal person got was, and her response to the soondae article was "Yikes!"
Then we got groceries after eating and I showed her all the cool stuff we got, like Mexican Coke without the high fructose corn syrup, Korean egg rolls, makgeolli, some naan pizza slices to try, and a rice scoop with a cat-shaped handle.
She said something about "foods I've never even heard of, and I'm in my 70s!" I was like yeah, because it's only recently that we've had such easy access to other cultures. The spousal person said yeah, the street food he had started out as struggle food, and when she was growing up South Korea was still in the struggle with the dictators and they weren't exporting their food and their culture like they are now.
Also one of the articles had a map showing the increase in diversity in our state over the last few decades. When she was growing up and when she was a young adult and even when she was my age, there wasn't the immigrant population to support international grocery stores like there is now.
Anyway, yay diversity and all kinds of foods to try! :)
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soyafoodorg · 5 months
Echance your Culinary with Vezlay Veg Chicken: Trends
In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards plant-based diets and alternative meat products. Vezlay Veg Chicken, a plant-based substitute, has gained popularity for its meat-like texture and versatility in cooking. Not only does it offer a nutritious and healthy option, but it also allows individuals to explore exciting culinary trends. In this article, we will delve into the top culinary trends involving Vezlay Veg Chicken, providing you with easy language explanations and inspiring ideas to enhance your cooking skills.
Fusion Cuisine
Fusion cuisine is a blending of different culinary traditions, creating unique and exciting flavor combinations. With Vezlay Veg Chicken, you can explore fusion dishes that bring together various cultural influences. Here are some examples:
Tex-Mex Tacos:
Combine Vezlay Veg Chicken with Mexican-inspired flavors such as cumin, chili powder, and lime juice. Serve it in a tortilla with salsa, guacamole, and fresh toppings for a delicious Tex-Mex twist.
Asian-inspired Stir-Fry:
Create a fusion stir-fry by combining Vezlay Veg Chicken with soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and vegetables like bok choy, bell peppers, and mushrooms. Serve it over rice or noodles for a satisfying meal.
Mediterranean Wraps:
Incorporate Vezlay Veg Chicken into a Mediterranean-inspired wrap with tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and fresh herbs. The combination of flavors will transport you to the sunny shores of the Mediterranean.
Indian Curry Pizza:
Top a pizza crust with Vezlay Veg Chicken cooked in a flavorful Indian curry sauce. Add vegetables like onions, bell peppers, and cilantro for a fusion of Italian and Indian cuisines.
Middle Eastern Kebabs:
Skewer Vezlay Veg Chicken pieces with colorful vegetables and grill them to perfection. Serve with pita bread, hummus, and a side of tabbouleh for a Middle Eastern-inspired feast.
Plant-Based Comfort Food
Comfort food is all about indulgence and satisfaction. Vezlay Veg Chicken can be used to create delicious and comforting plant-based versions of classic comfort foods. Here are some ideas:
Veg Chicken Pot Pie:
Make a creamy and comforting pot pie using Vezlay Veg Chicken, mixed vegetables, and a savory plant-based gravy. Top it with a flaky crust for a hearty and satisfying meal.
Vegan Buffalo Wings:
Coat Vezlay Veg Chicken in a spicy buffalo sauce made from hot sauce and vegan butter. Serve with vegan ranch dressing and celery sticks for a delicious and guilt-free indulgence.
Veg Chicken Noodle Soup:
Simmer Vezlay Veg Chicken in a flavorful vegetable broth with noodles, carrots, celery, and herbs. This comforting soup is perfect for chilly days or when you're feeling under the weather.
Plant-Based Chicken Parmesan:
Bread Vezlay Veg Chicken cutlets with breadcrumbs and vegan Parmesan cheese. Top with marinara sauce and vegan mozzarella, then bake until golden and bubbly. Serve with pasta for a satisfying Italian-inspired meal.
Vegan Chicken and Waffles:
Prepare crispy Vezlay Veg Chicken and serve it on top of fluffy vegan waffles. Drizzle with maple syrup and enjoy the perfect blend of sweet and savory.
Street Food-Inspired Creations
Street food is known for its bold flavors and creative combinations. With Vezlay Veg Chicken, you can recreate popular street food dishes in a plant-based and healthier way. Here are some street food-inspired ideas:
Veg Chicken Shawarma:
Marinate Vezlay Veg Chicken in a blend of Middle Eastern spices like cumin, coriander, and paprika. Grill or sauté it and serve it in a pita bread with tahini sauce, pickles, and fresh vegetables.
Veg Chicken Tacos:
Season Vezlay Veg Chicken with Mexican spices like chili powder, cumin, and oregano. Grill or sauté it and stuff it into tortillas with salsa, avocado, and your favorite taco toppings.
Veg Chicken Banh Mi:
Create a Vietnamese-inspired sandwich by filling a baguette with Vezlay Veg Chicken, pickled vegetables, fresh herbs, and a drizzle of sriracha or vegan mayo.
Veg Chicken Gyro:
Season Vezlay Veg Chicken with Greek-inspired flavors like garlic, lemon juice, oregano, and thyme. Serve it in a warm pita bread with tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, and onions.
Veg Chicken Satay:
Skewer Vezlay Veg Chicken and grill or bake it until cooked. Serve it with a peanut sauce for dipping, along with a side of cucumber salad or jasmine rice.
Gourmet Plant-Based Creations
Elevateyour culinary skills with gourmet plant-based creations using Vezlay Veg Chicken. These dishes are perfect for special occasions or when you want to impress your guests. Here are some gourmet ideas:
Veg Chicken Wellington:
Wrap Vezlay Veg Chicken in puff pastry along with a flavorful stuffing like mushrooms, spinach, and vegan cheese. Bake until golden brown for an elegant and delicious dish.
Veg Chicken Roulade:
Pound Vezlay Veg Chicken to flatten it, then roll it with a filling of your choice, such as roasted red peppers, vegan cheese, and herbs. Secure with toothpicks and bake until cooked through. Slice and serve with a sauce of your liking.
Veg Chicken Risotto:
Prepare a creamy risotto by cooking Arborio rice with vegetable broth, onions, garlic, and white wine. Add diced Vezlay Veg Chicken towards the end and finish with vegan butter and nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.
Veg Chicken with Mushroom Sauce:
Sauté Vezlay Veg Chicken until cooked, then serve it with a rich mushroom sauce made from sautéed mushrooms, garlic, plant-based cream, and herbs. Serve with roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes for a gourmet meal.
Veg Chicken Caesar Salad:
Create a vegan version of the classic Caesar salad by using Vezlay Veg Chicken as a protein source. Toss it with crisp romaine lettuce, vegan Caesar dressing, croutons, and vegan Parmesan cheese for a refreshing and satisfying salad.
With Vezlay Veg Chicken, the possibilities for enhancing your culinary skills are endless. Whether you're exploring fusion cuisine, recreating comfort foods, experimenting with street food-inspired dishes, or creating gourmet plant-based creations, Vezlay Veg Chicken offers a versatile and delicious alternative to traditional meat. Get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the benefits of a plant-based diet while satisfying your taste buds with these trending culinary ideas. Start your culinary journey today and let Vezlay Veg Chicken take your cooking to new heights.
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Life in Hanoi
Hanoi is different from any other city I have ever been to, and it is even distinct compared to other places I have been in Vietnam. I could post many photos and write many paragraphs but one truly cannot understand what it is like to be here without experiencing it firsthand. You have to experience the feeling of a motorbike grazing within an inch of you as you walk along the side of the road because the sidewalk has too many restaurant setups, vendors, parking, and other obstacles to navigate. To hear the sound of aunties singing karaoke in the middle of a park at night (karaoke is very popular, especially among older women who will gather in groups to sing their hearts out). To have a random dog come up and beg for your banh mi as you sit and eat on a plastic stool in an alley. To inhale smoke from a random bush that is on fire while on the way to class (true story, there are many controlled fires for cooking and trash burning but this particular unattended bush fire on my morning commute stood out). To drink Vietnamese coffee in a cafe decked out with communist decor (there’s actually a cafe chain here, Cộng Cà Phê, that’s famous for being communist-themed and it is not uncommon to see communist decor and flags in general, which can seem a little weird for Americans). To look across the street and see a goat grazing in the middle of the city. I could go on for ages listing random experiences I have had however, as I mentioned, you really have to come here and experience things for yourself to get the full picture.
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Some things aren’t that different. I have found that the human tendency to forget how to drive when it rains is universal; it happens in every city in the world. Another universal human trait is sharing love and bonding through food. I have to gotten to know some of my Vietnamese classmates recently by joining them for meals where they ensure that I am well-fed. I previously raved about some bún chả I had in a restaurant, but the best bún chả I have had so far was from a stall tucked away in an alley with seating underneath a tarp that some of my classmates took me to. Befriending locals is 100% the way to the best food in Hanoi.
While I love Vietnamese food, sometimes I do miss home and seek out western food. There are a decent amount of western food options around the city. Pizza is actually fairly popular in Vietnam. Children like to come up to me to practice English and many have told me that pizza is their favorite food. This may be due to pizza and other western food being special for them. My friend who lives here said that McDonald’s is for special occasions, as it is more expensive than local restaurants. Eating locally is definitely more economical; a banh mi for breakfast usually costs around $1USD while an “American” breakfast I had the other day was about $6USD.
Another random thing that reminded me of home was Valentine’s Day, which was celebrated the same as in the US. Last week stores sold roses, chocolates, heart balloons, and gifts, and couples went out on dates. I do not have a Valentine so the only thing that I had was a restaurant serving me a cucumber heart on that day.
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While I love Hanoi, there are some downsides that I cannot neglect to mention. The streets are very dirty and waste management is lacking so there is trash everywhere, leading to many areas smelling pretty bad. This coupled with generally poor air quality means, while masks are no longer required for COVID, it is sometimes nice to wear a mask outside. The skies are gray and foggy most of the time, especially since it has been winter. Since I am used to sunny South Carolina, it is sometimes sad to go an entire week without seeing the sun. Public transportation is lacking and infrastructure is very motorbike-centric. Owning a motorbike is necessary for anyone living here long-term, but since I am here temporarily I get by on foot or using Grab (Uber for Southeast Asia). Also, being a foreigner is a little hard. While I think the people on my street are getting used to me being around, I generally get stared at a lot. Touristy areas like the Old Quarter are the only places that are accustom to foreigners, but because of that there are many people around aggressively selling. I much prefer a quiet walk with stares over getting harassed. Although most places have fixed prices listed, there are still many places that will try to up-charge or scam foreigners. This is mostly an issue in the touristy areas as well, I have found the businesses around FTU and where I live to be honest.
Overall I have had a great experience so far and I have learned to appreciate things like seeing the sun when it does make an appearance.
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I grew up in my home state 'Delhi', the National Capital Territory of India also known as 'Dilli dil walon ki", which has some lip-smacking food. From your chatpata street food to budget-friendly to fine dining. I Will be sharing my top 5 of my favourites and not-so-known restaurants and cafes that you can visit with your family, friends and loved ones in the Delhi capital.
Lha Kitchen:
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Lha Kitchen focuses on 4
different cuisines-Tibetan, Nepalese, Bhutanese and Chinese. This place has 22 varieties of momos veg/non-veg. Other than momos they have some interesting Tibetan butter tea, mushroom Datsi and Tin Mo.
I tried their Chicken shape Which had a crispy outer layer with chicken filling inside. Make sure to enjoy spicy chutney which will make you crave more. Next, I ordered
Sandekho Momos or I should say 'Momos ki chat', was extremely flavourful and chatpata.
Location: 168,1st floor, Humayunpur, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Cost for 2: Rs 600 /-
Paul, Vasant Kunj:
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Paul has 2 outlets all over Delhi, one is in Vasant Kunj ambience mall, and the second one is in Gurgaon Ambience mall. If you want to eat and dine in an authentic European way with world-class service then Paul should be on the top list. I love eating their fish and chips, Chicken burgers, and pizza. If you are a coffee lover then don't forget to try their coffee.
Vasant kunj: UG-28A, Ambience Mall, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, Delhi 110070
Gurgaon: G-1 , Ground Floor ,Ambience Mall, Sector 24, Gurugram, Haryana 122022
Cost for 2: Rs 1400/-
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If you love Pan- Asian Cuisine along with Japanese Manga comic strips. Enjoy with Ramen, Sushi and yummy Dim Sums then this place should be on the top list of yours. By far this is the only place in Delhi I am aware of, where I have tried Veg sticky rice (and I love it that). This place has won my heart in terms of price, quality and quality.
Fun fact- this is the first place where I tried sushi for the first time, and my experience was just amazing.
My personal Recommendations are Konjee crispy lamb, Crunchy chicken dumpling,
Char siu pork belly, Tom Yum soup veg
Location: E Block Rd M27, Ground Floor, Block M, Market, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, Delhi 110048
Cost for 2: Rs 900 to 1000
CHÔ Vietnamese Kitchen & Bar
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It is a very chic and classy Vietnamese restaurant with a warm light and camping vibe. They offer some lip-smacking Dimsums, pho and fish. Honestly, everything I tasted was mind-blowing and impressive. I don't want to spill all the beans so go and experience the warm hospitality, Visually touching presentation and of course the yummylicious food. My personal Recommendation:
Firecracker chicken
Turmeric chicken chili dumplings
Chicken pho
Turmeric fried rice
Cha cha sizzling fish
Vietnamese curry chicken
Location: H 5/1, FF LHS Kalkadass Marg, Mehrauli, New Delhi
Cost for 2 : Rs 3000 with Alcohol
Colocal Chocolates
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If you have a sweet tooth then check out this last cafe with your gang. Colocal offers the finest Indian - grown cacao and has some smooth, rich chocolates in Delhi. You must have seen the famous campfire hot chocolate all over social media, And definitely, it's worth the hype. This should be on top of the list if you love love love chocolate.
(If you want some Insta worthy pictures then definitely hop on to this place)
location :
Khan market: 65, 1st Floor, Khan Market, New Delhi
Chattarpur: 100 Feet Road, The Dhan Mill Compound, Chhatarpur, New Delhi
Cost for 2: Rs 1000/-
I Hope after reading this you are craving for yummy and delicious food. If in case you are lazy and don't feel like reading then check out this video 😉
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hotelandresorts123 · 1 month
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Restaurants in Guindy Chennai
Nestled in the vibrant heart of Chennai, Lemon Tree Hotels stand out as a beacon of comfort and sophistication, providing an ideal retreat for business travelers, tourists, and locals alike. Among the many attractions of staying at Lemon Tree Hotels in Chennai is its prime location in Guindy, a bustling hub known for its blend of business, leisure, and culture. However, what truly sets Lemon Tree Hotels apart in Guindy is their exceptional dining experiences. Whether you're a guest or a visitor, the restaurants at Lemon Tree Hotels in Guindy, Chennai, promise a culinary journey that delights the senses.
A Hub for Culinary Excellence Guindy, an area renowned for its industrial and technological advancements, also boasts a rich food culture. Lemon Tree Hotels capture this essence by offering a diverse range of dining options that cater to various tastes and preferences. Whether you're in the mood for traditional South Indian fare, international cuisine, or a fusion of both, the restaurants within Lemon Tree Hotels have something for everyone.
Citrus Café: The Heart of Flavors At the core of the dining experience at Lemon Tree Hotels is the Citrus Café, a multi-cuisine restaurant that has gained a reputation for its vibrant ambiance and extensive menu. The Citrus Café is designed to provide guests with an immersive dining experience, whether it's for a hearty breakfast, a business lunch, or a relaxed dinner.
The menu at Citrus Café is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Chennai, offering a selection of local delicacies like Chettinad chicken, dosas, and idlis, all prepared with authentic ingredients and traditional techniques. For those who prefer international flavors, the café also serves a variety of global dishes, including pastas, pizzas, and salads, all made with the freshest ingredients. The live kitchen stations allow guests to interact with chefs and witness the preparation of their meals, adding a personal touch to the dining experience.
Slounge: A Place to Unwind For those looking for a more casual setting, Slounge, the in-house bar and lounge at Lemon Tree Hotels in Guindy, is the perfect spot. Slounge offers a relaxed atmosphere where guests can unwind with friends or colleagues after a long day. The menu features a range of finger foods, snacks, and appetizers that pair perfectly with the extensive selection of beverages, including cocktails, mocktails, and spirits.
The ambiance at Slounge is designed to foster relaxation, with comfortable seating, ambient lighting, and a collection of board games and a pool table for entertainment. Whether you're looking to catch up with friends over drinks or simply enjoy a quiet evening, Slounge provides a welcoming environment.
The Republic of Noodles: A Taste of Asia Another standout dining option at Lemon Tree Hotels in Guindy is the Republic of Noodles, an award-winning pan-Asian restaurant. Known for its bold flavors and artistic presentation, Republic of Noodles takes guests on a culinary journey across Southeast Asia, offering dishes inspired by the street food of Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and beyond.
The menu at Republic of Noodles is carefully curated to include a variety of appetizers, mains, and desserts that showcase the diversity of Asian cuisine. Popular dishes include Thai green curry, Vietnamese pho, and Malaysian satay, all prepared with a delicate balance of flavors and spices. The restaurant's décor, with its vibrant colors and Asian-inspired elements, adds to the authenticity of the dining experience.
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umichenginabroad · 1 month
Hi everyone! If this is your first time coming across my blog, my name is Jules, and I’ve been studying abroad in Prague for 8 weeks now. I can’t believe I’m sitting here documenting my final week in this amazing city. This international experience has truly been one of the best decisions I have ever made and has gifted me with one unforgettable summer. Now let me jump into a quick recap of my week. (Side note: sorry this blog post is delayed; I will get into the treacherous reason why in my next blog.)
After coming home from Amsterdam, I immediately locked in to study for my Linear Algebra final. It ended up going super smoothly, and I am very satisfied with my overall grade and performance in this course. All the math classes in my program collectively took a field trip to Prague’s Technical Museum on Tuesday. It was interesting to see the impact of engineering on this country’s technology and industry through the development of automobiles, aircrafts, bicycles, and ships. I am so grateful to have taken this course in such a dynamic environment with equally amazing professors and classmates!
Before leaving our host country, my friends and I had to squeeze in our last family dinners. On Tuesday night, a huge group of us grabbed dinner at a traditional Czech restaurant that was actually recommended to us by Petra (our professor from Art & Architecture in the Golden City), which I thought was a very fitting last meal. One of the things that I loved most about this study abroad experience was the friendships I have built. Thinking about going back to school and seeing them around campus makes me so excited. The following night on Wednesday, my apartment had our last dinner together at a pizza restaurant right down the street. I’m going to miss living with them so much!! And after dinner, we of course had to end things off the Prague way by going out together one last time. Shoutout to my absolute favorite, Dog Bar, for giving me and my friends some of the most unforgettable nights here. 
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Last dinners. && Final group pics.
On Thursday night after a full day of packing up, my mom and my sister arrived!! I spent the next few days showing them around my beautiful host country and giving them a taste of my life here for the past 8 weeks. Now, we’re headed to Paris, London, and Genoa to end off my unbelievably long summer traveling and living from suitcase to suitcase!!
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Fam's arrival! && Last views of Prague.
To reminisce a little, here are some top things I’m going to miss about Prague (the little details):
The sun rising at 4:30 AM and setting at 9:30 PM.
The dogs running around politely leashless next to their owners.
The $3 high quality cups of coffees. 
The public transportation speakers announcing the stop “I.P. Pavlova”.
The Thai red curry and pad thai at the restaurant below our apartment (shoutout to Madame Lyn Restaurant).
The zig zagged walk from my apartment to the CEA CAPA center. 
The feeling of coming back “home” after a weekend away in a different country. 
I want to leave you guys with a couple recommendations I have for anyone who is looking into studying abroad in Prague or just traveling here. Feel free to reach out for a more extensive list!
Venue (brunch)
Sweet and Pepper Days (brunch)
Pod Vysehradem (Czech)
U Tri Jelinku (Czech)
Bricks (Italian)
Trattoria Cicala (Italian)
Madame Lyn (Thai/Vietnamese)
Hanoi Square Restaurant (Vietnamese)
Masala Vodickova (Indian)
Big Smokers (barbecue)
Manifesto Market (food market)
Angelato Ujezd (gelato)
Cafe Du (great study spot)
Going out:
Karlovy Lazne, Epic, Duplex (three biggest clubs here)
Riegrovy Sady, Zahradni Letensky (beer gardens)
Dog Bar!!!!
Anonymous Shrinks Office (speakeasy vibe)
I’m feeling so bittersweet leaving my summer home, but every good thing must always come to an end. Prague and this entire experience will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you guys for following my study abroad journey and travel adventures!! I have loved being able to document my weeks in Europe. My last and final blog will be up next week covering a reflection of my study abroad experience and a recap of my time in Paris, London, and Genoa!
Jules Hwang
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Engineering in Prague
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newzeppelincity · 3 months
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Although the Plant district boasts only one brick-and-mortar restaurant, the culinary scene is far from lacking. In fact, it's a vibrant tapestry of flavors and aromas, thanks to the ever-present food trucks that line the streets. Food Truck Row, as it's affectionately known, is a beloved institution among the residents of Port Manteau, a testament to the city's diverse and adventurous palate. Here, you'll find a tantalizing array of cuisines from every corner of the American Union and beyond. From savory breakfast crepes to decadent late-night desserts, and everything in between, Food Truck Row caters to every craving imaginable. Whether you're in the mood for a classic Chicago deep-dish pizza, a steaming bowl of Vietnamese pho, or a spicy plate of Jamaican jerk chicken, you're sure to find it here. But Food Truck Row is more than just a collection of mobile kitchens; it's a celebration of Port Manteau's culinary talent. Every truck and food stand is owned and operated by a resident of the district, a testament to the city's commitment to fostering local entrepreneurship. The only requirement for securing a coveted parking spot on the Row is proof of residency, a rule that ensures the authenticity and community spirit of this culinary haven. Of course, there have been a few bad apples who've tried to game the system with fake addresses. But the residents of Port Manteau are a discerning bunch, quick to sniff out any imposters. Those who dare to deceive are swiftly dealt with, their trucks unceremoniously run out of town, a clear message that the Row is reserved for those who genuinely call Port Manteau home. So, whether you're a local looking for a quick and delicious bite or a visitor eager to experience the city's vibrant food culture, Food Truck Row is the place to be. Come hungry, leave happy, and savor the flavors of Port Manteau.
- jace aarons - the rock lobster.
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cooledtured · 4 months
Tasting Traditions -  A Journey Through AAPI Culinary Delights
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As May unfolds, so does the celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, a time to honor and appreciate the rich cultural diversity of AAPI communities. One of the most delightful ways to explore this heritage is through its cuisine. From the fast paced streets of Asia to the fusion kitchens of the West, AAPI food offers an array of flavors and textures that reflect centuries of tradition.
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Street Eats
In hustling Asian cities, the streets come alive with the sights and sounds of street vendors selling a variety of treats. From steaming bowls of noodle soup to savory dumplings and crispy spring rolls, street food is an integral part of AAPI culinary culture. In Thailand, Pad Thai reigns supreme, a flavorful stir-fried noodle dish packed with shrimp, tofu, peanuts, and lime. Meanwhile, in Japan, takoyaki, or octopus balls, excite foodies with their crispy exterior and tender, flavorful filling.
In Taiwan, the night markets offer a treasure trove of street eats, with foods like stinky tofu, bubble tea, and beef noodle soup. These vibrant markets are always filled with full bellies, where locals and tourists alike gather to sample a diverse array of snacks and delicacies that make up the region.
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Traditional Favorites
Beyond street food, AAPI cuisine also boasts a variety of traditional dishes that vary from region to region. In China, the cuisine is as diverse as the country itself, with regional specialties ranging from spicy Sichuan hot pot to Cantonese dim sum. Japanese cuisine, known for its emphasis on fresh ingredients and meticulous preparation, offers a variety of delights, from sushi and sashimi to warm bowls of ramen and hearty plates of katsu curry.
Meanwhile, in Korea, dishes like kimchi, bulgogi, and bibimbap showcase the bold flavors and colors of Korean cuisine. Each dish is a celebration of the country's heritage, passed down through generations and cherished by families.
Fusion Cuisine
As AAPI communities have spread across the globe, their culinary traditions have adapted to new environments and influences as well. The result is a vibrant fusion cuisine that blends the flavors and techniques of the East and West. In cities like Los Angeles and New York, chefs are putting innovative twists on classic dishes, creating culinary mashups that go against typical categories
From Korean tacos, Vietnamese banh mi burgers, sushi burritos, and Thai-inspired pizzas, fusion cuisine offers a glimpse into the creative minds of AAPI chefs. These culinary experiments push the regular boundaries and conventions while celebrating the adaptability of AAPI food culture.
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As we celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, let's take a moment to savor the rich world of flavors and traditions that define AAPI cuisine. Whether it's the comforting familiarity of a bowl of noodles or the bold flavors of a fusion creation, AAPI food offers a delicious journey through centuries of history and innovation.
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inboundremblog · 4 months
Savor the Flavors of Mountain View, CA, Restaurants You Can't Miss!
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Credit: Image by ELEVATE | Pexels
Experience Authentic Cuisine from Around the World with Mountain View, CA Restaurants
Mountain View, situated in the central hub of the iconic Silicon Valley in California, is known to enjoy the modern side of living and its diverse culture. Establishing a rich culinary landscape that celebrates the diversity of Mountain View CA restaurants will give residents and tourists plenty of dining options to satisfy their hunger and indulge in a wide array of dishes they crave!
The increasing diversity of hip joints, simple grills, and sophisticated places in the capital is a clear example of the increased number of restaurant services. Let’s discuss this more in the succeeding sections.
Where To Go in Mountain View, CA
Like many other states in the United States, Mountain View, California, has various restaurants that serve food from all over the world.
Cascal Restaurant specializes in Spanish and Latin American food, including some culinary specialties that should not be missed, such as seafood paella or empanadas.
Alexander’s Patisserie lures with delicious French-inspired baked goods, including macaroons and croissants.
Oren’s Hummus Shop offers Middle Eastern cuisine, including sabich, falafel, hummus, and other tasty options.
For pizzas, Doppio Zero brings pizza in Neapolitan style with the use of Italian ingredients in preparing the pizzas.
The trendy Xanh Restaurant serves Vietnamese food with a touch of elegance, while The Steins Beer Garden & Restaurant offers traditional American cuisine and beer.
Hangen Szechuan Restaurant is known for its spicy food, including Kung Pao Chicken and Mapo Tofu. At Amber India Restaurant, you can savor Indian food options such as Butter Chicken and Lamb Biryani.
Residents of Mountain View and lovers of good food, in particular, may continue gorging themselves in an unending list of restaurants and eateries in the city. Be it Spanish, French, Middle Eastern, or hot Szechuan taste, you will get an assuage of what you crave in this lively city.
A Foodie's Guide to Culinary Delights
Here are some suggested dos and don’ts to follow if you are a first-time visitor to Mountain View or a local who wants to discover new restaurants.
Explore Castro Street Regarding dining, Castro Street is considered in the center of Mountain View. Bordering on restaurants, cafes, and eating joints, this business street has much to choose from.
Go out for a walk and spend some time window-shopping and reading through the billboards of different restaurants to choose a place to try.
Try Global Cuisine Dining in Mountain View offers an added advantage since everyone will be privileged to taste the diverse global delicacies.
From ramen shops based on Japanese culture to curry houses with an Indian flavor, Mexican tacos, Italian pasta, etc., the city offers many cuisine types.
Do not be afraid of experimenting. Go for dishes that are entirely new to you—you never know what you will like!
Farm-to-Table Freshness Mountain View has fresh produce since it is situated in the middle of California’s agricultural land and can source most of its food from within the region all year round.
Due to the climatic conditions of this region, most of the restaurants here leverage fresh produce and have adopted the farm-to-table style of meal preparation that best characterizes the harvest season.
Choose the restaurants that work with local farmers to provide you with fresh and eco-friendly products.
Don't Forget Brunch Every day of the week is full of opportunities to eat in Mountain View, but the weekend is charming for brunches. Remember to do this early enough since several restaurants serving their brunches attract many customers.
Embrace Food Trucks Apart from typical restaurants, many mobile restaurants are commonly known as food trucks in Mountain View. These are mobile food outlets selling everything from great burgers to quality tacos and other foods on the move, making it convenient for those who want good food anytime.
Some food trucks might share their locations on social media accounts or announce special events.
Save Room for Dessert Each meal should be complete with a course of sweets, and the restaurant that bears the name of the city of Mountain View has some extra servings of desserts for you.
Indulge in sweet and yummy cakes, tempting ice cream, or creamy chocolates in any of the delicious shops in the city.
Consider Dietary Restrictions Whether you are a vegetarian or a vegan, have gluten intolerance, or have any other food issues, you won’t have any problems finding what to eat in Mountain View. You are free to request suggestions from your server or to make changes to any of the foods being served.
Make Reservations Many residents and repeat visitors consider Mountain View one of the best dining destinations, and some restaurants can reach total capacity on weekends.
It is better to make a table booking to increase the chances of getting a table at this or that place, especially if you are ordering more than four plates or table tending.
Support Local Breweries and Wineries In addition to food, Mountain View has a brewery and urban winery on its streets. If you ever find yourself in breweries, vineyards, or even restaurants where meals are accompanied by different beers and wines, do not hesitate to take the opportunity.
Ask the Locals Last but not least, do not hesitate to consult the locals for suggestions on where to go. Your hotel bellhop, the Uber driver, or even a stranger on the street may be able to recommend the best restaurants in Mountain View.
Ask the locals since they will most likely know of good spots and lesser-known restaurants you cannot find in guidebooks.
To sum it up, eating out in Mountain View, CA, is an incredible gastronomic experience that awaits you and your taste buds.
Stretching from exotic food from different parts of the world to freshly produced harvests from the local produce, it is a city that offers every type of food and drinks one may fancy.
By adopting these principles and remaining flexible when it comes to gastronomic delights, you will indeed have a great meal in this culinary heaven.
Visit https://tracyhomesales.com/mountain-view-ca-best-restaurants/ to find out more exciting information.
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prickles-the-penguin · 8 months
Another example of me cooking for a man—Rhysand from ACOTAR 🦇💜✨
Yes I tried to draw bat wings
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Hidden Gems: The Best Places to Eat in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is well-known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and charming cobblestone streets. But what many visitors may not realize is that Charleston is also a hidden gem when it comes to its food scene. From traditional Southern fare to inventive fusion cuisine, the Holy City offers a wide range of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. Here are some of the best hidden gem restaurants in Charleston. 1. The Obstinate Daughter Nestled on Sullivan's Island, The Obstinate Daughter is a cozy and charming restaurant that offers a unique blend of Southern and Italian cuisine. The menu features dishes like wood-fired pizzas, handmade pastas, and fresh seafood, all made with locally sourced ingredients. Be sure to try their famous clam pizza, a delicious combination of clams, garlic, and pecorino cheese on a crispy crust. The Obstinate Daughter also has a great selection of cocktails and craft beers to complement your meal. 2. Xiao Bao Biscuit For a taste of Asian-inspired cuisine with a Southern twist, head to Xiao Bao Biscuit. Located in a renovated gas station in downtown Charleston, this hip and eclectic restaurant serves dishes like Korean fried chicken, Vietnamese pork belly bowls, and curry rice noodles. The menu changes regularly based on seasonal ingredients, so you can always expect something new and exciting to try. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make Xiao Bao Biscuit a must-visit spot for foodies in Charleston. 3. Rodney Scott's BBQ If you're craving some authentic Southern barbecue, look no further than Rodney Scott's BBQ. Chef Rodney Scott is a James Beard Award winner known for his mouthwatering smoked pork ribs, pulled pork sandwiches, and tender brisket. The barbecue here is slow-cooked over wood-fired pits for hours, resulting in a rich and smoky flavor that is truly unforgettable. The sides, like collard greens, baked beans, and mac and cheese, are also worth trying. Rodney Scott's BBQ is a no-frills, laid-back spot that is perfect for a casual meal with friends or family. 4. Leon's Oyster Shop For a taste of the Lowcountry's fresh seafood, head to Leon's Oyster Shop. This retro-chic restaurant offers a variety of oysters, seafood platters, and Southern-style comfort food. The fried chicken sandwich and hush puppies are crowd favorites, but be sure to also try the oysters on the half shell for a true taste of Charleston. The outdoor patio and lively atmosphere make Leon's Oyster Shop a great spot for a casual lunch or dinner. 5. Fuel If you're looking for a healthy and wholesome meal, Fuel is the place to go. This laid-back cafe offers a menu of fresh salads, smoothie bowls, and wraps made with locally sourced and organic ingredients. Fuel also has a great selection of juices, smoothies, and coffee drinks to keep you energized throughout the day. The bright and airy space at Fuel is perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch while exploring Charleston. Conclusion Charleston, South Carolina may be known for its historic charm and beautiful architecture, but the city's food scene is equally impressive. From traditional Southern fare to inventive fusion cuisine, Charleston offers a wide range of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. The restaurants mentioned above are just a few of the hidden gems that make Charleston a true food lover's paradise. So next time you're in the Holy City, be sure to venture off the beaten path and explore these amazing dining spots for a true taste of Charleston. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #PLACES_TO_EAT
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chsthrive · 5 months
Hidden Gems: The Best Places to Eat in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is well-known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and charming cobblestone streets. But what many visitors may not realize is that Charleston is also a hidden gem when it comes to its food scene. From traditional Southern fare to inventive fusion cuisine, the Holy City offers a wide range of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. Here are some of the best hidden gem restaurants in Charleston. 1. The Obstinate Daughter Nestled on Sullivan's Island, The Obstinate Daughter is a cozy and charming restaurant that offers a unique blend of Southern and Italian cuisine. The menu features dishes like wood-fired pizzas, handmade pastas, and fresh seafood, all made with locally sourced ingredients. Be sure to try their famous clam pizza, a delicious combination of clams, garlic, and pecorino cheese on a crispy crust. The Obstinate Daughter also has a great selection of cocktails and craft beers to complement your meal. 2. Xiao Bao Biscuit For a taste of Asian-inspired cuisine with a Southern twist, head to Xiao Bao Biscuit. Located in a renovated gas station in downtown Charleston, this hip and eclectic restaurant serves dishes like Korean fried chicken, Vietnamese pork belly bowls, and curry rice noodles. The menu changes regularly based on seasonal ingredients, so you can always expect something new and exciting to try. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make Xiao Bao Biscuit a must-visit spot for foodies in Charleston. 3. Rodney Scott's BBQ If you're craving some authentic Southern barbecue, look no further than Rodney Scott's BBQ. Chef Rodney Scott is a James Beard Award winner known for his mouthwatering smoked pork ribs, pulled pork sandwiches, and tender brisket. The barbecue here is slow-cooked over wood-fired pits for hours, resulting in a rich and smoky flavor that is truly unforgettable. The sides, like collard greens, baked beans, and mac and cheese, are also worth trying. Rodney Scott's BBQ is a no-frills, laid-back spot that is perfect for a casual meal with friends or family. 4. Leon's Oyster Shop For a taste of the Lowcountry's fresh seafood, head to Leon's Oyster Shop. This retro-chic restaurant offers a variety of oysters, seafood platters, and Southern-style comfort food. The fried chicken sandwich and hush puppies are crowd favorites, but be sure to also try the oysters on the half shell for a true taste of Charleston. The outdoor patio and lively atmosphere make Leon's Oyster Shop a great spot for a casual lunch or dinner. 5. Fuel If you're looking for a healthy and wholesome meal, Fuel is the place to go. This laid-back cafe offers a menu of fresh salads, smoothie bowls, and wraps made with locally sourced and organic ingredients. Fuel also has a great selection of juices, smoothies, and coffee drinks to keep you energized throughout the day. The bright and airy space at Fuel is perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch while exploring Charleston. Conclusion Charleston, South Carolina may be known for its historic charm and beautiful architecture, but the city's food scene is equally impressive. From traditional Southern fare to inventive fusion cuisine, Charleston offers a wide range of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. The restaurants mentioned above are just a few of the hidden gems that make Charleston a true food lover's paradise. So next time you're in the Holy City, be sure to venture off the beaten path and explore these amazing dining spots for a true taste of Charleston. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #PLACES_TO_EAT
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15+ Best Restaurants and Cafes in Castlemaine
If you are visiting Castlemaine, VIC, for the first time or are a resident looking to try out new restaurants and cafes in Castlemaine, there are several options for you to choose from. In this post, we have rounded up some best cafes and best restaurants serving all meals from breakfast and lunch to late supper.
9 Best Restaurants in Castlemaine
Run Rabbit Run
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The Run Rabbit Run is a licensed, vegetarian-friendly restaurant and food store offering quality and fresh foods. Some of the restaurant’s signature treats are wild rabbit pie, BBQ, and the woodfire-roasted coffee ideal for breakfast and colder evenings. This restaurant is located along 24 Hargraves Street, Castlemaine, and serves breakfast, lunch, and brunch with takeout and outdoor seating options.
Bella Fresca Pizzeria
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With a focus on Italian cuisine, the Bella Fresca Pizzeria, located along 219 Barker Street, is the perfect spot for those looking to enjoy Neapolitan wood-fired pizzas and various weekly specials. Bella Fresca is child-friendly, and you can reserve a spot early if you’re visiting with your family or friends. This restaurant serves lunch and dinner with vegan and vegetarian-friendly options.
Das Kaffeehaus
Stop by the Das Kaffeehaus along 9 Walker Street, Castlemaine, and have a taste of the German, Australian, and European cuisines. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and brunch, with signature dishes such as cucumber salad, cranberry sauce, and potato salad being the most popular options. Das Kaffeehaus is vegetarian-friendly and offers outdoor seating and takeout options.
Phamily Kitchen
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Phamily Kitchen is a modern Vietnamese restaurant offering vegetarian-friendly and vegan food options. It serves lunch and dinner with the main dishes based on their signature Mum & Dad’s recipes. The restaurant focuses on fresh and flavor-driven food, reflected in its seasonal menu. Early reservation is highly recommended if you are visiting with friends or family. This restaurant is located along 188 Barker Street.
Bridge Hotel Castlemaine
Located along 21 Walker Street alongside the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens, The Bridge Hotel is a family-friendly restaurant offering quality foods, drinks, and live music. Ingredients used in the hotel are directly sourced from local farmers, plus there are special vegetarian and gluten-free diets. The restaurant is wheelchair accessible, and outdoor seating is available on booking.
Tog’s Place
If you are looking for a restaurant where you can relax and enjoy home-style food, Tog’s Place could be your ideal place. Located along 58 Lyttleton St, next to Mulberry’s Deli, this restaurant is open daily from 8.30 to 4 pm. You can have breakfast upstairs as you enjoy the incredible views of the area. This restaurant is ideal for solo treats, birthday parties, and group dinners.
Bar midland
Bar Midland is a family-run restaurant located along Shop 1/2 Templeton Street. Its carefully selected recipes and menus show that this restaurant is focused on sustainable dining. All the food and wine menus feature organically sourced ingredients produced within the State of Victoria.
Wild restaurant Castlemaine
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Wild Food and Wine is one of Castlemaine's restaurants that offers flexible dining and a great ambiance. This modern Australian restaurant is located along 26a Templeton St in a beautiful setting that was once a fire station. Every meal served in this restaurant, from the desserts to the seafood, is crafted with utmost care and culinary expertise.
Bistro LOLA
Located along 30 Hargraves St., at Theatre Royal, Bistro LOLA offers the best of European food, from pizzas, fish, and fries to vegan dieting options. This restaurant serves lunch, dinner, late-night supper, and drinks. Book your spot in advance if you are stopping by with friends or family.
Franco’s Food & Wine
If you’re looking for a taste of authentic Italian cuisine, Franco’s Food & Wine is a must-visit. Located at 24 High St, Maldon VIC 3463, this charming restaurant offers a wide selection of delectable dishes, accompanied by a fine selection of wines. From classic pasta dishes to mouthwatering pizzas, Franco’s Food & Wine will transport your taste buds straight to Italy
6 Best Cafes in Castlemaine
Now that we’ve looked at some of the best places to eat in Castlemaine let’s explore the ideal cafes where you can visit during your stay in Castlemaine for that quick bite or sweet, savory drink. The list below is in no particular order.
Frankie Espresso | Coffee Castlemaine
Frankie Espresso is one of the best Castlemaine cafes offering coffee, chai, hot chocolate, and iced choco-latte, among other beverages. If you’re craving more than just coffee or tea, this spot also offers chips, cookies, and carob. Stop by Frankie Espresso along 9 Walker Street for a lighter fare in a relaxed and serene atmosphere.
Coffee Basics – Das Kaffeehaus
Das Kaffeehaus’s Coffee Basics is one of those cafes’ where you can order coffee and snacks or full-course meals while still enjoying that quiet and intimate ambiance. Besides serving breakfast, this café also offers lunch and brunch, so you’re never late stopping by at mid-morning or lunchtime.
The Dove Café
If you’re yearning for some of the best coffee in Castlemaine, the Dove Café, located along 61 Hargraves Street, is one of the spots to visit. This café offers more than just beverage options. You can order fish tacos or the popular Greek lamb flatbread and enjoy your meal in an open yet relaxed setting.
Origini Cafe
This Italian café is located along 213 Barker St. It serves breakfast, lunch, and Dinner, making it more of a restaurant than a café. However, the serene location, calm atmosphere, and wide variety of drinks and beverages make Origini Café the go-to spot in Castlemaine. You can book the outdoor seating for a more relaxed vibe or choose the takeout option if you’re in a hurry.
Saffs Cafe
With over 15 years in the industry, Saffs Café is one of the long-serving Castlemaine cafes on this list. Whether you’re in for sweet coffee or cakes, the café aims to provide fast and professional dining services customized to the client’s unique dietary needs. Saffs Café is located along 64 Mostyn St.
Fig Cafe Castlemaine
If you’re looking for a flexible yet classy café that can accommodate you and your friends or family for dinner, the Fig Café is the place to be. It serves some delicious coffee and raisin toast besides vegan, gluten-free, and vegetarian-friendly food options. This café is located along 31 Templeton St.
Moxie Café
For a cozy and inviting café experience, Moxie Café is the place to be. Situated at 14 Hargraves St, Castlemaine VIC 3450, this café shop offers a warm atmosphere and a menu filled with delicious options. Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a light lunch, or a tempting pastry, Moxie Café has something for everyone. Don’t forget to savor a cup of their expertly brewed coffee as you relax and soak in the café’s welcoming ambiance
Blackbird Café
Another café worth checking out in Castlemaine is the Blackbird Café, located at 325 Barker Street. With its casual and laid-back vibe, this café is a perfect spot to unwind and enjoy a tasty treat. From freshly brewed coffee to an array of scrumptious pastries and sandwiches, Blackbird Café has you covered for a quick and satisfying meal. Whether you’re looking to grab a bite on the go or linger with friends, this café is a great choice.
Choose Your Favourite Spot in Castlemaine
Whether you’re looking for the best places to eat in Castlemaine or would prefer a serene, low-traffic café where you can enjoy your coffee solo or with friends, you won’t go wrong choosing any of the above options. Compare your options and choose any of the Castlemaine restaurants and cafes on this list.
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Closed Captioning Spotlight #5
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since I did once of these. 
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For those who don’t know, this is a series where I showcase YouTube channels with closed captioned videos. This special posting segment will be once in a while or once a month if I’m consistent. I’ll be showcasing my favorite channels that have at least close to a third of their released videos CC’d as a rule of thumb to myself.
The next channel I’m showcasing is:
Nino’s Home
According to the About page:
Hi, I'm Nino  Nino's Home is my new channel, I will upload new videos on this channel. Please subscribe to support me. Thank you! All the recipes and dishes I have made are referenced and learned on the internet, youtube, google... I'm not the first to make them, not the first to create a certain dish. . I just change the ingredients to make the dish suit my taste. And I just hope my video has an easy way to communicate so that you can successfully make the dishes that you like. If anything bothers you, I sincerely apologize. And the last thing I am not a professional chef. I'm just a normal person, thank you. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohnino2/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/ninoshome2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ninos-Home-105401167869371/
What definitely caught my eye was his sense of humor. If you read the captions, especially in Vietnamese or in English, you’re in for a treat.
One of the first videos I watched from the channel is
Best Street Food - Vietnamese Pizza [No-Oven]
I have made this before and it is delicious. Granted I didn’t have all of the ingredients and had to make some adjustments and burned my first one, but don’t worry. I made a second one and it was tasty. I will redeem myself soon.
Last time I checked, almost every single video has closed captioning in more than two languages. 
Their latest video as of this post is 
Chocolate Milo Pudding in 15 minutes (2 ingredients)
So what do you think?
Feel free to check out the channel and their videos. As of now, they don’t have a Patreon so watching,  and/or commenting is a way to support them. If you have the means to do so, you can buy a Super Thanks to the YouTube Creators.
And I’ll see you all in the next post. Bye everyone! Be sure to eat, to drink some water/liquids, and take a break/get some sleep!
P.S. Status of the next video transcript: need to create the Google Doc first before recreating the Tumblr post
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doanchaoc · 1 year
Vietnamese Street Food Snacks You Should not Miss!
Vietnamese Jicama Roll, Bò Bía
The little brother of the famous Vietnamese Spring Roll a.k.a Goi Cuon, Bo Bia is one of the easiest snacks to find when walking down the street of Ho Chi Minh City. This spring roll packs a unique punch of flavor and texture in comparison. With rice paper on the outside, Jicama, Beef Sausage, Dried Shrimp, fried egg, fried shallots, and multiple herbs on the inside this little roll is not to be missed.
You can find this served with a peanut dipping sauce, don’t forget to add the chili for that added heat.
Vietnamese Rice Paper Salad with Dried Beef, Bánh Tráng Trộn
The question “What is your favorite Vietnamese Food?” is a staple during our Interview process at Back of the Bike Tours. Eighty percent of the time I am given the quick and enthusiastic answer of, “Banh Trang Tron!”
Like so many other dishes in culinary history, this dish started out just trying to solve a problem. What to do with all of that scrap rice paper? Well, make a salad out of it! Using thin strips of rice paper to compose the bulk of the salad, Dried beef, Dried Shrimp, Quail egg, Vietnamese Hot Mint, Julienned Green Mango, toasted peanuts, and fried shallots are tossed together with a loose, dark, sweetened soy sauce with kumquat juice.
After being thoroughly mixed, it’s tossed into a bag with disposable chopsticks shoved inside.
This concoction is a fun texture experience and bursting with a great combination of flavors. This dish is great for accenting the strong and unique flavor of Vietnamese Dried Beef.
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Quail fried in Butter, Cút Chiên Bơ
It’s not difficult to miss the man on the street corner with a rotisserie over open flames. What might be difficult to miss is the small birds that are strung through the poles roasting over the flame. Every few minutes, the quail vendor will brush these little birdies with his own oil or butter mixture that will usually contain a dried herb and spices to add a unique flavor to each vendors quail.
These quail can be taken to a whole another level when they are deep-fried in sweet butter and served with a baguette. Fried Quail will normally come with pickles, Vietnamese Hot Mint, and Cucumber as an accompaniment to the dish.
Some might be grossed out by the serving of the quail head still attached to the neck. No worries, it has a great pop to it when you take it in one bite.
Pork and Pork Sausage Skewers, Heo Nướng - Hồ Lô Nướng
Grilled pork over an open fire! Count me in! These meat skewers are a great pre-game to hold you over before dinner.
Heo Nuong, Marinated Pork Skewers, find an excellent balance between chewy and tender. That is when the pork shoulder is purchased, then cut, and marinated for 6-8 hours in a mixture of honey and sesame seeds.
Holo Nuong, Sweet Pork Sausage balls, can’t help but leave a smile on your face when your teeth pop the roasted casing on the outside to find yourself enjoying a great balance of fat and sugar that is mixed into the sausage. Named for its resemblance of a round squash, these sweet morsels of meat are typically found in Southern Vietnam.
Don’t miss the chili sauce and pickles that are a necessity in balancing out the rich meaty flavor. Also, a nice cold beer goes quite well.
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Grilled Vietnamese Rice Paper, Banh Tráng Nướng
Hailing from the mountain area of Dalat and one of the newest to arrive in the food scene of Ho Chi Minh City, Banh Trang Nuong, has been dubbed the “Vietnamese Pizza”. Here are the basics for almost every Banh Tranh Nuong, Rice paper, open flame, egg, and cheese. Top this with anything from Dried beef, green onions, spicy chicken, or even take the desert approach and try some banana. This crispy snack is being served in little restaurants or right on the street so it isn’t hard to miss.
This post first appeared on (https://backofthebiketours.tumblr.com/post/669623503136456704/vietnamese-street-food-snacks-you-should-not-miss)
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