indriraportfolio · 3 months
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One of visual imagery for Veale
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ancientroyalblood · 10 months
The Impact of Poetry in Prose: Weaving Verses into Narratives
Prose and poetry often dance hand in hand, intertwining to create narratives that transcend the boundaries of traditional fiction. The fusion of poetic elements within prose is a captivating art form that adds depth, beauty, and a rhythmic flow to storytelling. Let’s explore how the infusion of poetry enriches narratives, imbuing them with emotional resonance and literary allure. The Harmony of…
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The wind whispered through the tall, swaying grass, painting a graceful dance of emerald waves beneath the endless cerulean sky.
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walkfromhome · 1 year
"There is polarization, and there are dualities.Earth is on the brink of a catastrophe on several levels: environmental, social,and political. Certainly, when you are in the midst of a catastrophe, it lookscentral and real. It’s hard to grasp that what you are seeing and experiencing is acosmic drama.
What you are seeing and experiencing is caused by many factors that areinteracting and playing out on Earth. These factors have roots in history, some ofwhich originate from earlier planetary conflicts in the galaxy. In this context, welook at a planet holographically in a frame of time known as the past, present,and future.
How is it possible that future energies can be accessed and graspedso that the direction of the future’s development interacts with the present? Thisinteraction can accelerate the rebalancing and healing of the planet. This isanother way of saying that you must look at planet Earth from all aspects: past,present, and future. You must see where Earth has been, where it is now, andwhere it is going. That is how you gain a unified view of Earth, which relates, ofcourse, to the unified energy field theory.
One of the great sources of sufferings on a third-dimensional planet like Earthis the feeling of being cut off from the whole — from yourself, your soul family, is the feeling of being cut off from the whole — from yourself, your soul family,or the soul group. This leads to intense disunity and encourages morepolarization and duality.
The natural state of perception in the human isholographic. You might be surprised by that. In your natural state, you can lookat another person’s energy field and see his or her past, present, and futuredevelopment. You can see a planet’s past, present, and future, and the same istrue in looking at the cosmos.
With the right lens, you can focus on the totality ofanything’s energy field.Imagine meeting someone who is contracted and confused. Without aholographic view, you might conclude that the person is of a lower spiritualvibration, but if you were able to see and experience his or her total holographicnature, then you would have a different opinion.
The great prophets were able to extend their passion and light to everyonethey met because they saw people holographically, in their true nature. Butremember, the task for you and for all the starseeds is to learn how to access this holographic vision."
"You are experiential and visual learners. Just look athow much you love your computers and smartphones. You relate to visualimagery, but this goes beyond your digital technology. This goes into the true nature of your subconscious, because the subconscious is also based on images.
The information in this lifetime and your past lifetimes is stored in your holographic memory as an image. It is not stored in a written format. The akashic records are also based on imagery. I once tried to calculate the storage of memory in the third-dimensional human brain. Your mind is multidimensional,as are holographic energy and technology. This means that at any onedimension, you can access all the dimensions.
(...) This dimension has all the tools necessary to access all the dimensional levels, and since your third-dimensional mind is one aspect of your holographic supermind, you have an infinite capacity to experience the holographic universe, your holographic self, and the holographic nature of Earth."
"Crop circles can help humanity access the holographic nature of Earth. Crop circles are based on fractal geometry, which is a system of perception of reality.The best comparison is to Picasso’s Cubism works, that incorporate divided energy fields, which are the basis of fractal geometry.
Crop circles provide information to Earth. Those who see these circles can understand the informationwhen they realize that everything can be divided into fractal junctures or symbols. What is the benefit of knowing this? The benefit is knowing that thereis a structural perceptual technique that is the basis of this reality.
Scientists are often plagued by how to explain that the solidness of objects is an illusion. For example, a table is made up of billions of molecules that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Your physical body is made up of billions of neurons, axons, and amoeba-like cells.
Someone on a deeper perceptual level would just see you as a mass ball of energy, or a luminous ball of light. The human body is inside the aura, so your true energy field surrounds your physical body. There is also a secondary energy field inside your physical body. What makes this all appear solid is explained by the principles of holographic and multidimensional fractal geometry.
One difficulty in repairing the planet and your aura is that the multidimensional fractal images of both are not readily apparent. You do not see the planet or people this way, the way Picasso did when he painted the subjects in fractals.
The fractal imagery, especially in crop circles, points out the symbols and concept of unity. One piece out of place can create an imbalance that upsets and concept of unity. One piece out of place can create an imbalance that upsets the unifying energy field.
Crop circles fit together perfectly, like an infinite puzzle that is pains takingly solved. And while you might wonder at how it all came together, it is but a reflection of this reality and of holographic energy andlight.
Circles and triangles are important images when considering holographic energy. There are many visualizations and explanations that use them. The top points of triangles represent the consciousness, and everything below that is the subconscious or unconscious. Just as the majority of an iceberg is hidden underwater, you only see a portion of yourself in this lifetime.
Blessings to you as you all move toward expanded consciousness and begin to see yourselves in your totality, which is represented by a circle.
The circle represents the interaction of the past, present, and future. If you can accept that expanded view of yourself, then you can realize that you will ascend. Then you know that you will be an ascended master in the future. In holographic healing, we also access the images of the past, the images that represent those experiences. Some of those images are traumatic. Some are based on lower consciousness."
"The noosphere continually updates itself, putting all the pieces together into unity. The noosphere must always work for unity to integrate All There Is. Part of the healing for Earth and for you focuses on unifying your past, present, andfuture. It can be difficult to unify the past if it is traumatic or disassociated from your present.This principle also applies on a planetary basis. It has been said that humanity is a relatively young species that is not far from its primitive nature. We all agree with that, especially when we see how the current cosmic Earth drama is playing out with wars and terrible conflicts. Holographic healing focuses on healing andunifying the past traumas on Earth. Now, Earth has experienced so many past unifying the past traumas on Earth. Now, Earth has experienced so many past traumas that it would take centuries to release them.
Genocides, holocausts,nuclear bombs, and destructive wars are examples of traumatic events Earth has experienced. Earth has experienced trauma in the past — for example, in the 1940s and’50s during above ground nuclear testing and the later high detonation of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere that greatly affected the etheric energy field of Earth.This means that part of your Biorelativity work needs to be about repairing the planet’s trauma.
The same principle also applies to your personal healing. Your past traumas and memories block you from healing and going into total unity. Intellectually, everyone is likely to embrace unity consciousness and the unified energy field theory that we are all one, yet when we question why everyone isn’t working in unity, we see that the reason is resistance. The nature of the resistance is always based on the fear of pain, which is part of human consciousness.
The human psyche seeks to protect itself from pain. What would cause the psyche to think of unity consciousness as painful? Look at the history of how social, political, and even religious leaders have used unity consciousness for personal gain. Think about the many possible experiences informer lifetimes when you were part of movements based on false unity consciousness.
False unity consciousness can be defined as an illusion of unity that only benefits the leader. This has occurred throughout Earth’s history in avariety of social and political experiments. Examples include fascism and Nazism. Your memories invoke hesitancy and fear, and I know that some of you had difficult past lives when you were misled and disillusioned by false promises of entering a unified energy field.
Earth has been looking for higher spiritual energies that will help her become unified. It might be difficult to grasp that a planet can be traumatized, but this is one of the reasons the guides and teachers put a healing energy for the past, present, and future around Earth. That energy is known as the ring of ascension. In holographic thinking, the past, present, and future interact. The past energy is still embedded in the lower-dimensional etheric fields of Earth. For example, some of the spirits of people who died during the destruction of World War II might be lost, confused, and unable to leave the denser layers of the fourth dimension that are more attached to Earth. These lower spirits that are still around are trying to greatly influence events now. This is just one example of lower spirits that negatively cohabitate with vulnerable people on Earth.Biorelativity is also involved in releasing Earth’s trauma, and holographichealing indicates that everything is moving toward a higher good, a higherresolution. In the future self of Earth, unity consciousness will exist in its purestform. In the future self of Earth, fifth-dimensional light will exist.
Masters and form. In the future self of Earth, fifth-dimensional light will exist. Masters and teachers will live on Earth, and it will be a new world based on higher principles. Future Earth will graduate from stage one of planetary development and enter stage two. Earth and its spiritual light mentors will learn to control earthquakes and storms and to balance the oceans so that they are less acidic. They will establish proper balance between the forests and the cities. Earth can easily support 8 billion people with the right balance. This balance will exist in the future of Earth, so we seek to bring those images to your consciousness."
(Connecting with the Arcturians 2)
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newageoffeminism · 4 years
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Hello friends! It’s Wednesday, I hope you all enjoyed today for what it was! It was so nice and warm where I am, I soaked up as much of it as I could! 
Today we will be talking about COVID-19 and how you can use the recommendations set by the CDC and WHO to show empathy in a real way. Let’s get into the reasons why the above recommendations are using empathy. 
I want to focus here on the last two visuals shown above. One depicts the essence of “being kind” during COVID-19 by checking in with your loved ones, either those working from home or essential personnel. We are all going through a life-changing experience and it is sometimes hard to remember that we are not alone in this. 
Try to find time (haha right?) to call or text your friends and family to make sure they are coping well with life. Think about asking if they have had any new hobbies pop up or what shows they have been watching. This will allow for some distraction as well as let your loved ones know you truly care about them. 
The other important aspect right now is how to keep others from getting sick. This is a huge topic right now with several recommendations on how to practice social distancing, how to properly wash your hands, the frequency of hand washing, etc. All of these actions allow you to start thinking in an empathetic way by trying to help others as much as or more than you would help yourself. 
Think about this time as a way to help others recognize this too. We are all in this together, we just have to remember that. As always thank you for reading and have a great evening!
Check the CDC and the WHO for more information (see below):
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mnemosyneerosss · 5 years
As we walk towards the shore Hold my hand and never let go As the cold breeze passes by The light of the sun shines upon your beautiful face I’m happy to see the blueish green ocean every morning Especially if you are with me. The clouds are so beautiful just like you The gushing waves were comforting you were dancing through the rhythm of the waves because you find it frisky And you spoke to me---"Love, let's stay here, forever.” In a place where the birds are flying freely In a place where the beautiful flowers bloom Where you can always see the sunflower, you loved We will travel the city as you go In this paradise where you and I belong And you smiled like the glowing sunshine And I couldn’t forget that you’re mine.
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starga2e · 4 years
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2/3------ Decks used: @moonologydotcom, and #labyrinthostarot @goldenthreadtarot RAINBOW OF PEACE – Asking for forgiveness, and forgiving someone that may owe me an apology through meditation. To tap into my #innerchild through #breathingexercise and meditative #visualimagery helps the #egodeath process by accepting apologies not in person. This will help ease my mind and body; to close the hurtful chapter and embark with the new. NUMBER 10, AUTHORITY – The career I’m crafted to pursue entails a lot of #leadership energy. The new set of skills I’m about to devote myself to pursue in 2021-2022 will give a sense of Authority in the domain. Its true power is to channel them with receptivity, wisdom and love. In parallel, the card reminds to be in the present, all senses fully engaged and open up your heart chakra, represented in the colour green in the art to be one with us and the Earth. With this, one may start to be “kind and wise in your guidance with other people”. PAGE OF CUPS / bottom deck THE DEVIL – Bits of good news or communication I’ve been waiting for should arrive. Alas, receive the news with ‘fact-checker’ process, as the Devil shows not all news I hear may be pleasing in the long run. Additional request, an accompanying #BibleVerse, THE CONDITION OF OUR MINDS: “Renew our minds” if one has a nitpicky, judgemental, overthinking, anxious, coming from a place of fear or worry mind. Romans 12:2 ** Receive your gentle guidance in troubled times today with 2TARGA2E ** #Manifesting #LOA #lawofattraction #newmoonritual #feltcutewontdelete #cancerstyle #cancerzodiac #crybabies #uniqlo #marimekko - (at Capricorn Popcorn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKatvAKH0fC/?igshid=ldqreh1srqla
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brooklynsoul61 · 4 years
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Walking through each day with gentle intention, Listening to the trees, the sky and water, change is a constant, resting in this uncertainty can help steady our minds into an open space, flexible to the many radical shifts occurring. With each sunset, there is a sunrise, count on this, it is hope. #nancyrodrigoart #selfcare #covidlife #livingwithuncertainty #naturephotography #earthporn #wintersky #artistsoninstagram #prospectpark #wintertrees #wintersunset #selfcare #calm #visualimagery #hope #keepcalmcarryon #pandemiclife #january2021 (at Prospect Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKAneJlF8CL/?igshid=amrf7f7u7g1j
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time2liveent · 7 years
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Logo Design by T2LE Graphics & Media Design . . . . #logodesign #graphicdesign #graphics #logos #visualmedia #mediadesign #flyerdesign #video #visualimagery #designer #dreamers #entrepreneur #blackowned #graphicsymbol #girlboss #visualdesign #media
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hapiart · 7 years
"Glimpse" launching this weekend in the online gallery...stay tuned for more details! #glimpse #cutcollage #visualimagery #cutcollage #foundimagery #illustration #drawing #cutglass #crystalclear #bloom #cutflowers #fashion #beauty #advertising #consumerism
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hobdya · 5 years
The Erasure of Women’s Presence and Autonomy of Choice in Fetal Photography
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The visual images presented to the mass culture when it comes to the process surrounding conceiving and carrying children have a longs history of excluding the experiences of pregnant women and their very bodies. This erasure continues to heavily contribute to the idea that (1) when a woman of any age gets pregnant, her body is not her own and (2) her body now serves as a conduit through which human life is born, regardless of the costs to even her own personal safety and life.
As Carol Stabile writes in her article “Shooting the Mother: Fetal Photography and the Politics of Disappearance,” when it comes to showing the stages of a pregnancy through photography and visual imagery, the mother is not shown as a human being whose internal organs are going through countless changes in order to adjust and go against nature by allowing a parasitic organism to live and survive in its body with no symbiotic balance (1992). Instead, women are removed from being thought of as human beings and are relegated down to being just a womb, or a safe space, for an embryo or a fetus to remain in until birth. 
Also, in order to continue to control the narrative of separating the individual woman from her reproductive organs while simultaneously giving her a motherly role without taking in consideration the lack of maternal instincts in such short time, the media helps perpetuate the idea that life begins as soon as a child is conceived as the female is “initially referred to as ‘the woman’ in the text, [yet] after eight days “she” is transformed into the “mother””(Stabile, 1992). The idea that a woman should be labeled as a ‘mother’ before she even becomes aware that she is pregnant and be forced to sacrifice her safety and wellbeing for that of a parasitic organism that isn’t a baby until much later on in the pregnancy cycle basically helps push the narrative that women’s bodies are not their own. Stabile also talks about the Time Magazine’s publication on conceiving where the photographs of the fetus, amniotic sac and placenta were celebrated as the first look into the beginning of human life itself yet the media failed to also point out that the only reason they were able to get such good photos in the first place was because the fetus was no longer a living organism and that they had manipulated the embryo itself by peeling back the placenta and such (1992).  In these photos celebrating life, the woman is never shown and her state of living as a human person, discomfort and even potential complications are not even mentioned.
In today’s day and age, women’s autonomy over their own bodies and the right to choose whether to keep or abort a pregnancy continues to be on the forefront of political and moral discussion. Photographs almost always depict fetuses as living beings housed inside the woman’s partially erased body except for the placenta as a wonder of life that starts in the first weeks of pregnancy, and these images and videos can be found literary everywhere. Imagery that continues to separate the woman from her reproductive system and puts all the focus on the embryo or fetus as the most important instead of the actual woman (who has been living and building her life as a member of society) helps to strip away the voice of women in this matter, especially when we hear of stories where women have been denied the right to receive treatments because they were with child and have died as a result.
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In the article “Fetal Galaxies: Some Questions About What We See,” Meredith Michaels points out that fetal photography not only erases the presence of the woman carrying the child once it becomes an embryo or fetus, but it has also likened the wombs of women carrying the cells and organisms that we as normal people see as clots and fissures to ethereal galaxies and solar systems (1999). Imagery of this sorts puts the early stages of conceiving on a pedestal of wonder and sanctimony  which can directly conflict with the wills of the very women whose bodies are going through this process. Instead of being a natural and very personal decision that should be made by the person who will be forever tethered to the child,  pregnancy has become a socio-political agenda setting occurrence that includes all kinds of rhetoric and opinions of people who were never meant to be involved in the first place. 
Likening the inside of women’s sexual & reproductive organs when carrying a fetus or fission of cells to the wonders of nebulas and gas clouds in outer space only creates pressure and makes it harder for women to exercise their personal right to make decisions regarding abortions or going through with their personal pregnancies, and this helps to further strip women’s “full capacity as social agents” when it comes to their own bodies.
 I had the amazing opportunity to watch my mother give birth three times to my younger siblings and I witnessed every step of her journey of becoming a mother and going through with full term pregnancies. Her struggles and discomforts and bodily changes made it aware to me that even though we prayed for a healthy baby and a successful pregnancy, her wellbeing and health was of utmost importance. I realized that the strength of bearing a child is no easy feat or task and that women of all kinds perform a true miracle when it comes to bringing new people into the world by sacrificing so much of themselves to do so. As such, women and their bodies should be given the respect and acknowledgement that they deserve when it comes to portraying the process of conception and the erasure of the female presence should be discontinued through such visual imagery.
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Executive Dysfunction in Individuals with Autism and ADHD" https://t.co/PzPXhjkoLQ via @SurveyCircle #adhd #autism #ExecutiveDysfunction #memory #AbstractReasoning #VisualImagery #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/lw16CTgyKu
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Aug 14, 2022
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The rain fell in a gentle, shimmering curtain, turning the world outside my window into a glistening mosaic of a thousand liquid diamonds.
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visualimagist · 6 years
This is Visualimagery at it's finest :)
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brooklynsoul61 · 4 years
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Today we wake up to comic relief and hope from a fly. I’m not posting any flies or memes because they’re getting all the attention right now, so I’m posting this glorious tree and a lavender sky instead. Hope comes from strange places. Yeah, I think Pence is sick, And yeah it’s possible RBG sent it, who the fuck knows anymore, everything is crazy time. So look at this tree, from @prospect_park Quiet the shit storm in your mind and be your glorious true self, own your power, Shed the shame, and walk gallantly forward your light and truth. The sun awaits you, and hope springs eternal. Jesus, from a fucking fly! #nancyrodrigoart #trees #treesunset #sunsets #flyonpence #comicrelief #2020debates #2020 #fucktrump #copingskills #selfcare #visualimagery #serenity #lavender #lavendersky #brooklyn #nature #earthporn #photography #nancyrodrigostudio (at Prospect Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGF02Esl5oP/?igshid=c0976wn278rx
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time2liveent · 7 years
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Logo Design by T2LE Graphics & Media Design . . . . #logodesign #graphicdesign #graphics #logos #visualmedia #mediadesign #flyerdesign #video #visualimagery #designer #dreamers #entrepreneur #indiebusinessowner #selfowned #womanowned #graphicsymbol #girlboss #visualdesign #mediaart
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