#Vita frun
magicinaframe-part2 · 9 months
Horror And Comedy
Here's some questions that I'm asking movie lovers at Tumblr. Can horror and comedy be combined in a movie so that each complements the other? Is this doable? Has it been done?
Many answers are that a perfectly balanced combination of horror and comedy was doable at one time, but is no longer doable. Past combinations were so unbalanced that the horror element of the movie became unimportant. For horror -- in any kind of fiction movie -- to be effective, it has to be believable.
This subject became clear in my thinking, after I watched a movie that I had never heard of, a movie called WOMAN IN WHITE (org'l title: VITA FRUN - 1962)...
The sun is moving below the horizon behind a group of buildings of an estate in a rural area of Sweden. A lone figure comes into view, walks slowly to a metal gate and closes it, while harpsichord music is faintly heard coming from one of the nearby buildings.
Inside one the buildings, a young, beautiful-looking woman, with long, blonde hair, sits playing a harpsichord. It's an unusual melody that she plays -- introspective, emotional.
Suddenly, something happens. The viewer sees a close-up of a man's eye. The beautiful-looking woman abruptly stops playing the harpsichord, slowly rises to her feet. She's wearing a white dress and she seems to be in a trance. She turns, makes her way to the door of the building, turns off the light, then walks outside into the darkness and drizzling rain, and heads off into the distance.
A new character, a man in his 40's, wearing a light-colored raincoat, follows behind the young, beautiful-looking woman, who is now moving through some woods that lead to a swamp. She enters the swamp, with the water becoming higher and higher, as she keeps moving forward. The new character also enters the swamp, some distance behind her, occasionally calling out to her; "Eva," he says, a number of times. The young, beautiful-looking woman is now completely submerged in the swamp water and the new character slowly wades out of view. As he does so, the movie's credits start up, accompanied by an orchestra playing a jazz melody.
The main strand of the plot of this 109-minute movie begins with the arrival of a new character at the estate. This starts during the sequence that's accompanied by the credits and the jazz melody.
The character's name is Roger von Schoffer who, it turns out, is the brother of the deceased, Eva. And that's not all. Roger was notified by telegram of his stepfather's death which happened shortly before his sister's death. Eva's death was called a suicide by Dr. Simon Ek, the character who followed Eva from the building into the swamp.
What drives the plot of WOMAN IN WHITE are the details of the Will of the stepfather, Vilhelm Lundberg, plus the number of characters named in the Will, characters who are living at the estate or working there. Roger joins this group of characters. He's upset, not just about his sister, but about his stepfather's Will in general. There's been friction between Roger and Eva, the stepfather, and the stepmother, Helen Lundberg, for some time.
Shortly after Roger's arrival, strange things start to occur. Wasn't the harpsichord that Eva was playing supposed to be locked up? The strange melody is suddenly heard in the evening. A figure in white is observed roaming around outside, on the grounds of the estate. From time to time, a woman's scream is heard in the distance. A mannequin in the likeness of Helen's adopted daughter, Agneta is found next to the harpsichord.
So a great deal of tenion increases, in short order. And out of the blue, a great deal of comedy is introduced. The comedy situations in the plot don't enhance the horror situations; they diminish the horror situations.
There are two aunts, Julia and Selma, who have done the cooking for the estate for many years. Their nephew, Freddy, shows up unexpectedly on Aunt Julia's birthday -- which is also the day of Eva's funeral. Freddy wants to start his own detective agency and he knows that the two aunts received money in Vilhelm Lundberg's Will. Aunt Julia wants Freddy to marry; i.e., marriage will likely convince her that Freddy is serious about his future. On and on.
Later on in the movie, a second character dies on the estate and a lady in white is responsible. How can this be possible? A ghost?
Was Eva's death a suicide?
These questions are answered, after many characters dash here and there, on the estate. It's the dashing to and fro that becomes more important than why the two characters died.
If any of this sounds interesting to you who are reading my words, LADY IN WHITE is available on DVD with English subtitles.
For the record, LADY IN WHITE is a contemporary combination comedy and drama, with horror, psychological, and thriller elements.
And it's a movie that should be thoroughly researched.
-- Drew Simels
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setsailtomorrow · 2 years
28 of course and also 72
<3! you get songs in swedish, heh
28. Naken - Klara & Jag
72. Vita frun - Annika Norlin
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Margit Carlqvist, Nils Asther, and The White Lady
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Me: I can’t pick a favourite from the Swedish half of Annika Norlin’s new album!
Me, listening to ‘Vita frun’ on repeat: ...So that was a fucking lie.
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whitewaterpaper · 3 years
Månadens Filmer: April 2021.
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Några dagar sent, men ändock så kommer här månadens skörd av filmer.
Arsenik och Gamla Spetsar (2012). 👍
Fredriksdalare som tillfälligt låg uppe på Eva Rydbergs YouTube-kanal. Trevlig liten fars om två systrar med en dödlig hobby.
Assassins (2020). 👍
Dokumentär om mordet på Kim Jong-nam, eller kanske framför allt det som framkom i utredningen efteråt och om hur två unga kvinnor blev en bricka i Nordkoreas maktspel.
East, the (2013). 👍
Thriller från den utomordentligt kompetenta duon Zal Batmanglij och Brit Marling. En privar säkerhetsfirma tar sig an att infiltrera en anarkistisk grupp och agenten som får uppdraget känner hur världen mellan gruppen och verkligheten blir allt mer otydlig.
Fantasy Island (2020).
Förväntade mig blodig splatter-skräck men fick en väldigt väl berättad skräckis. Har en fullständigt onödig twist på slutet men är bättre än recensionerna gör gällande.
Final Target ¤ Ava (2020). 👎 📺 🆓
Finns att se gratis på Viddla för oss med samverkande bibliotek.
Dramaaction om en lönnmördare som börjar tvivla på sitt jobb. Vill inte riktigt lyfta -- trots en skicklig Jessica Chastain i huvudrollen.
Gudarna Måste Vara Tokiga ¤ The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980).
Klassisk komedi som fortfarande kan vara rätt rolig. Tror inte jag sett den tidigare.
Kassören i Auschwitz ¤ Accountant of Auschwitz, the (2018). 👍
Dokumentär om fallet Oscar Gröning som en av de sista levande SS-medlemmarna ställdes inför rätta för medhjälp till mord på 300 000 personer. Dokumentären centrerar sig mycket kring den etiska debatten och Tysklands kämpande med att gå vidare.
Love and Monsters (2020).
Postapokalyptiskt drama med lätta stråk av teenegeangst. Avgjort bättre än väntat och jag gillar att monstren faktiskt inte är invanderade rymdvarelser.
Moon 44 (1990).
Inte så pjåkigt action-mysterium signerat Roland Emmerich.
Mord på Ljusa Dagen ¤ Evil Under the Sun (1982).
Mer Agatha Christie! Mer Hercule Poirot! Och som alltid när det gäller den sistnämnda är det en väldigt avancerad förklaring till vem mördaren är och hur det hela gått till.
Once Upon a Mattress (2005).
Förra månadens “Sicken Ärta!” följs upp med spelfilmsversionen av samma pjäs. Inte fullt lika vass som fredriksdals version, men ändock underhållande.
Robin Hood (1991). 👍
📜 Jag säger en del av vad som är värt att säga här.
Thunder Force (2021). 👍
Ack så skicklig Vivian Falcone är som en yngre upplaga av mamma  Melissa McCarthys rollfigur. En superhjälte film vars största behållning (förutom huvudrollsinnehaverskorna) är att det är en superhjältefilm utanför MCU och DCEU.
Tom i bollen ¤ Caddyshack (1980). 👎 🔁
Är det bara jag eller är Chevy Chase rätt överksattad? Rodney Dangerfield är nog den enda som är genuint rolig. Har sett den tidigare och mindes typ ingeting på förhand, förutom golftemat.
Troy: The Odyssey (2017). 👎
The Asylum ger sig på klassiska Odyssén i vad som bara kan kallas gisten Eka med segel.
Vita frun (1962). 👍
Intressant story, och ungefär lika bra som de övriga filmerna i Arne Mattsons filmserie. Lite besviken dock att enfaldige Freddy hängde med in i den här filmen men inte fru Hillman.
Wheels of Fire (1985). 👎
Post-apokalyptisk bilåkaraction. Vill mycket men stannar vid “Casha in i kölvattnet på Mad Max”-nivån.
Skall ni bara plocka en film ur den här listan, rekommenderas den politiska thrillern “The East” eller “Kassören från Auschwitz”.
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Stockholm Palace in Sweden is haunted by the ghost of Vita Frun, a messenger of death for the royal family. She was last seen as Princess Margaret lay dying in 1920, the flag mysteriously lowered to half mast hours before her death. This location will soon be a Place of Power in Covens! 
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jordannichole7 · 4 years
Stockholm Royal Palace
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Date: The Palace was built in 1697
History: The Stockholm Royal Palace is the royal family’s official residence in Sweden. It was built back in 1697 and is one of the largest castles in Europe. The castle began as a fortress and was built in the 13th century by Birger Jarl to protect Lake Mälaren 
Hauntings: The castle is said to be haunted by several ghosts but the two main ones are the Vita Frun (White Lady) and Grå Mannen (Grey Man). Many members of the royal staff and royal family have claimed to have seen the white lady. They say she appears dressed in a white dress, black gloves, and a veil. She is also seen carrying a keychain. When the white lady appears, it is said to signify a member of the Royal Family will die. The Grey Man, however, is believed to be the original founder of Stockholm, Birgir Jarl and apparently appears to every king at least once. 
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fadervoor · 7 years
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#tobakswifin #möhippan #white_wedding Klockfun är 13.05 och jag sitter i en gul soffa inne på Tabakalera bibblan. Jag lyssnar på musik och skriver medan den ansvariga “p-esten” bland bestar bränner mot ett område i bukhålan. Det är en “pest of burden” att vara tvångsgift med.
“Vita frun” spelar bortamatch, på en av säsongens längsta möhippor har hon bytt en krona mot livsviktiga egendomar. Om inte slott, guld och välskapta juveler så lär Hunny sig viktiga bedömningar om/i livet, döden och deras rike, hör all dess visdom.
Vita kungen är kon-ungen som “kom tillbaka” eller “kom runt” som Johnny Cash sjöng det. Hun är den som gör “sin-listan”, plockar lite namn och så… på dem som varit stygga eller onda, de som inte varit “najs”.
Hun, har kommit tillbaka till “stan”… den Walt Disney har som Vita Tingets stad.
Den “Jolly Jumper'n” är tillbaka och sitter tajt – men ingen är längre intresserad var jag köpt min “tröja”…
…den affär'n menar de flesta idag tillhöra endast de som har s.k. “vänner” att vara “rörande” med, i de nedre regionerna, likt p-sätena på en av de större sportarenorna.
De “vänner” som käkar varm smörgås när de är “toastmasters” – och inte håller ett längre tal (som Pea gör) uppå en annans brudlopp.
Hot Pockets i all ära, Billy’s och Gorby’s med – men detta att som “bil” få kladdiga märken i ett bakhåll där bak, med en uppmuntran om att man är en FIN bil…
…sådant ger en en rejält tjock “stjärtlapp” i det längre loppet, ett så knöligt säte att detta ingen alls skulle vilja ha.
Det vet man som den “anskrämliga mor” man är – både klok och förståndig, fast jag är en “ko”… ett nötkreatur som knäcker mina nötter, vid öppen eld. A “Sacred tree” they say? In my ass it is! The pine who gives pain.
Return to Innocence – Enigma: https://youtu.be/Rk_sAHh9s08
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bokstund · 7 years
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Torpa Stenhus är en av Sveriges bäst bevarade medeltidsborgar. Här hämtade Gustav Vasa sin tredje fru och det sägs att fyra spökmanifestationer huserar här: Den gråa frun, Den inmurade flickan, Torpas vita hästar och Dödgrävaren. 👻 #spöken #spökhus (på/i Torpa Stenhus)
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Elisabeth Odén, and The White Lady
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Gio Petré
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Elisabeth Odén, Nils Hallberg
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Vita frun (The White Lady) is the fourth of five “Hillman mystery” films directed by Arne Mattsson each with a colour in the title (The Lady in Black, Mannequin in Red, Rider in Blue, and The Yellow Car are the others).
Similar to The Lady in Black the mystery revolves around a the legend of vengeful female ghost who has returned to threaten members of a family who all stand to be beneficiaries, to greater or lesser degrees, of a will. What is very different this time is that the “Hillmans” don’t turn up until about 48 minutes into the film and then it’s only one of them, husband John (Karl-Arne Holmsten). There’s no sign of wife Kajsa (Annalisa Ericson) and I don’t think she even gets a mention! Sidekick Freddy (Nils Hallberg) is involved in the action pretty much from the start however, he’s there visiting his beloved aunts, and his girlfriend Sonja (Lena Granhagen) turns up eventually.
Anita Björk is back as yet another character and there are a slew of familiar Swedish faces like Gio Petré, Jan Malmsjö, Margit Carlqvist, Sif Ruud, Tor Isedal, and Hjördis Petterson (well familiar to me from various Bergman and Zetterling films) playing various potential victims and red herrings.
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Elisabet Falk
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Vita frun (The White Lady) | Arne Mattsson | 1962
Nils Asther, Sif Ruud
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