#Vivianne Lovelace
radicalbillie · 1 year
Poppy, Ominis and Vivianne talk to a Runespoor
Okay so this happens in the 6th year of a fiction I've not posted yet. It was going to be one part but it got long, and I'm typing this on my phone because computers annoy me lol. Hope you enjoy.
Poppy ran through the transfiguration courtyard. Sucking and gasping for air, she moved frantically with purpose. Trying not to let the scene she had just seen linger in her mind too much. But she knew there was someone who could help, her friend had helped her rescue beasts before.
"Viv! Viv please, I need your help!" She squealed. Finally getting a chance to catch her breath.
The Ravenclaw looked up from her book then stood from the stone bench taking in the Hufflepuffs condition.
"Poppy, what on earth is the matter? Is someone hurt- are you hurt?"
"Viv, do you still.. keep beasts?"she spoke in between huffs and gasps. "In the room?"
"Well yes bu-"
"Is there room for another? A big one?" Poppy pleaded grabbing Vivs hand.
"Well I guess so. Why what's going on?" Viv placed her book on the bench and then gave Poppy's shoulders a reassuring squeeze.
"Please, catch your breath. Tell me calmly what's happening?"
"I can't, theres no time we have to save it." The desperation was obvious, but Viv knew her friends soft spot for beasts.
She also knew her propensity to panic where they were concerned.
"Poppy if you had time to come and fetch me than theres time to give me a short explanation." Her voice seemed to cool the girls distress to a degree.
"Okay, okay... theres a Runespoor in the forest. And dead poachers everywhere- I think they were smuggling it from somewhere but, it was so unusual."
"What do you mean, unusual? "
"Its massive Viv. Bigger than any I've ever heard of. I think its scared, it curled up in a tight ball." Poppy explained, finally catching her breath.
"A great big snake?" Viv drawled more to herself than Sweeting.
Poppy saw a thinking look cross her features. then she leaned her head slightly as if considering something.
"What? Viv what is it?" Poppy asked anxiety obvious in her tone.
Vivianne wordlessly turned to her bag, and shoved her book in it, then slung it over her shoulder. "I know someone who can help."
"What? But we don't have time."
"Poppy, I'm not approaching a large dangerous predator and hoping it understands we are trying to help."
With that she grabbed Poppy's hand. "Trust me." She smiled, pulling her toward Central hall.
"Ominis?" Viv whispered as loud as she dared in the library.
"Ominis Gaunt? How could he help?" Poppy pressed.
"I know he has study hall this hour.." Viv mused.
They both jumped as a loud 'SHHHHH' came from behind a bookcase.
"I've seen you with Ominis before, are you two friends?" Poppy whispered looking about for him.
"Yes. He's a good friend. We went through some... things together last year."
"That's an understatement." They both whipped around to see the young Gaunt standing behind them, a coy smile on his face.
"Ominis we-" but he cut Viv off.
"You trying to get me in trouble miss Lovelace? " he spoke her name in a tone that made Poppy think there was some kind of an inside joke.
A thought that was confirmed when she playfully slapped his shoulder.
"Can we talk, somewhere private?" Viv said lowly, leaning in towards him.
He didnt speak, only gave a slight nod.
The trio stood in the greenhouse, underneath the tree, back beyond prying eyes and curious ears. Poppy quickly explained how she had stumbled upon the grisly scene.
"I was tracking a hippogrif fledgling. It cant fly yet, and I wanted to make sure its parents hadn't abandoned it. That's when I found the poacher camp. One of the biggest ones I've seen. But there were no poachers." She paused with an unpleasant look on her face.
"No living poachers at least. It was dreadful, like something tore through there in a rage. People... parts of them everywhere."
"Dont snakes eat their prey whole?" Viv chimed in.
"Yes. They do. It wasnt doing it for food. The poor thing, its angry. It's in a strange environment and confused. What's more is winter is coming, it wont survive the frost."
"So they smuggled it into the forest to hold there temporarily, but it managed to get loose?" Omins asked looking in Sweetings general direction.
"Yes. Now its hiding. Curled up in a tight ball in some dead roots. That's fear behavior. It wants to hide, I think it might be hurt." Her voice cracked a bit.
"It was bleeding, I could see the blood trail from where it slithered in. It was too much to be poacher blood. They must have hurt it as or, before it lashed out."
"I see... Can we contact the Ministry? " he offered.
"Theres no time for that. They havent dealt with the poacher problem over the summer, why would they care now?" She hadn't meant to shout.
Ominis flinched a bit but his features softened when he heard crying. Poppy had put her face in her hands.
"I know it's a great big snake, but it's not its fault. It didnt ask for any of this. Ominis Viv said you could help, but how?" She sniffled.
Viv wrapped her arms around her friends shoulders, and then looked to him, waiting for him to reveal a secret that was not hers to divulge.
The boy let out a long sigh.
"I can't say I disagree with your decision to come to me Viv. Oh what a mess."
Ominis stood up from the serene greenhouse bench. He had shot up like a beansprout over the summer, he had to be about 6'1 now. But he was still the same old Ominis.
"Miss Sweeting I can certainly help you. This isnt a part of myself I'm particularly proud of mind you... but I confess it does seem to be useful."
Poppy looked up to him, he had a look on his face that just made her think of a kicked puppy as he gave his confession.
"I'm a parselmouth. Everyone in my family is. In fact it was the only language father would let be spoken in our house... I don't miss it. But, I can talk to this Runespoor, let it know you mean to help."
"You can speak with snakes?" Poppy asked in a tone the boy couldn't place.
He shifted nervously. Waiting for a response of disgust or mistrust.
"Why, that's such a wonderful gift." She marveled.
He almost lost his balance. "Is it?" He squeaked.
"Yes, of course. You can speak with beasts. Well only snakes but still. To be able to talk to a creature in it's own language. To hear their words, to truly know their inner most thoughts. Ominis thats amazing." She beamed.
"W-well I-" he stuttered and then cleared his throat.
Viv tried her hardest to stifle a giggle at the growing blush over the slytherins face. Poppy reached forward and grabbed the boys hands.
"Please, help us." She implored him.
Regaining his usual composure he smiled down to her.
"Of course, miss Sweeting."
"Oh, thankyou!" She jump forward and hugged him.
Causing his composure to flutter away again. This time Viv couldn't contain herself and burst into laughter.
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vampyreblogger · 1 year
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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re-reading Tales after TDA is like taking a fuckin’ punch to the gut, cause not only George, but Julie, Jon and Vivianne Penhallow as well, which means Beatriz losing parabatai, and Marisol losing her s/o
i know we all do be scared for lightwoods being killed off, but those are a piece per series sitch, this particular book crew got decimatedddddd (。-_-。)
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A few emojis from Shadowhunter Academy
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radicalbillie · 1 year
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I love her. Wish I could draw worth a damn.
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radicalbillie · 1 year
Been writing a Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction purley for my enjoyment. Here's an excript from it, if anyone would like to read more maybe I'll get to finishing a final draft.
Ominis and Vivianne's official introduction
"Oh, hello Ominis." Vivianne stopped mid stride looking at the boy leaning against the wall.
He seemed to be listening to the string quartet which was enchanted to always fill the halls with such lovley sound. She found herself still a bit nervous near him, since the first time they had really met he had erupted at her, and she assumed Sebastian for her knowledge of the underceoft.
"Good afternoon miss Lovelace." His tone had taken a completely different air from back then.
"About the other night..." she shifted nervously, selecting each word carefully. "Sebastian only meant to show me a place where I could catch up on some spell work- since I'm so far behind the other 5th years. Truly, he didn't think you'd mind."
"Yes, he explained it all to me after we had an 'exchange'." His voice softened further. "It makes sense, and was fairly considerate; for Sebastian. It was also quite decent of you to, well however clumsily- attempt to sheild him like you did." With that the blind boy pushed himself up from the wall, and stood before her. His face turned in her general direction and his posture tall and sure.
"I would also like to apologize, for my ungentlemanly reaction. I don't believe we have ever been formally introduced." He smiled, and bowed slightly with his right hand to his chest. "I'm Ominis. Ominis Gaunt. It's a pleasure miss Lovelace." His words and his limbs drifted elegantly.
If someone told Vivianne that she had stumbled into his evil twin the other night, she would believe it. This gentleman before her was like a completely different person.
"Vivianne... uhh Lovelace. But you know that ah, my friends just call me Viv." She felt so clumsy and awkward compared to him.
"So you and Sebastian have been friends since you were first years?" She tried her best to not seem flustered.
"Indeed we have, since our sorting ceremony. It wasn't quite as 'eventful' as yours mind you."
"Ah, well I do love to make an entrance." She bluffed some confidence.
He chuckled in response, his smile and candor seeming genuine and at ease.
Clearing her throat; "So, were you expecting to be sorted into Slytherin then?"
"Most certainly. My family are directly descended from Salazar Slytherin on my father's side." He spoke the words proudly but, he seemed to shrink as he continued. "Not something I'm particularly proud of mind you. Most of my family are pure blood maniacs, obsessed with blood status. Evidently it's a family tradition." His tone was sardonic and cold at the latter bit.
"Sebastian did say you had... how did he put it. 'No love lost' for your family."
"Ha! That silver tongue devil, he always knows just what to say." The sarcasm in his voice was gone, though there was still a bite to it.
"I don't mean to pry... but am I right in thinking that your father is one Devrim Lovelace? High Inquisitor for the Ministry?"
"The very same." She smirked. She put her hands behind her back and shifted to a better posture.
"Well, spitting Gobstones, I thought I had connections." He chirped. "From a family as old as Lovelace, why would you be starting your education so late?"
Viv chuckled nervously at the question. "Ah, well..."
"Forgive my impertinence, I didn't mean to be nosy."
"No, no. It's ok. According to professor Fig I am what is referred to as a 'late bloomer'. Not common for ones magic to develop so late, but it does happen. For a long time everyone thought I was just a squib."
He could hear her voice shrinking, in volume and tone.
"Given that you're a Gaunt, I imagine I don't have to explain the general disdain for squibs in certain circles..." her shoulders slumped.
"Oh yes; I do understand." He spoke slowly, and softly. "I certainly hope none of our peers have caused any distress since your arrival miss Lo- ah, Viv." He said. "Might I pry further, and dare ask if anyone from my own House has caused you trouble?"
"Oh no. Nothing overtly antagonistic. Not since coming to Hogwarts at least." She mumbled the last bit. But he caught it.
He straightened his posture and looked where he was sure she was standing.
"Well, do let me know if I can be of any assistance as you navigate your time here."
"Oh, well-thankyou Ominis." She chirped with a grin. "I'll see you around."
He nodded. "Don't be a stranger."
He stood and listened to the click of her shoes fading away into the string music. He held his wand with both hands, the tips of his fingers twirling it thoughtfully. When he had berated Sebastian that night in the undercroft, it had grown clear to him that his best friend had become infatuated with miss Lovelace.
'She seems kind...' he thought thinking back to the times he had overheard her helping miss Zenobia and Mr. Hobhouse. Her words were sweet and her voice soothing.
"You have good taste my friend." He knotted his eyebrows in irritation.
He didn't like what he was feeling.
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radicalbillie · 1 year
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Flying around the Hogwarts grounds found something interesting. I like the little random things you can find if you get off your broom and walk about.
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radicalbillie · 1 year
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Was thinking if writing a fanfiction of her... but I'm seeing lots of people post their MCs. She would be paired with sebastian I think. If anyone would be interested.
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radicalbillie · 1 year
Going to start the final draft of her fic soon...
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Name: Vivianne Lovelace
House: Ravenclaw
Birthday: June 3rd
Wand: Elderwood, 14inches, Phoenix Feather, Swishy.
Blood Status: Pureblood, with Veela ancestry on her mother's side.
Patronus: Thestral
Bogart: Herself, possessed by the 'whispers' like Isadora seemed to be.
Best subject: Potions, she has a knack for exacting measurements and perfecting recipes.
Worst subject: Divination, she is fascinated by seers, but has no aptitude whatsoever for it. She's also not great at herbology despite her aptitude for potions (the chomping cabbages freak her out).
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vampyreblogger · 1 year
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radicalbillie · 1 year
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Vivianne Lovelace the 2nd.
Race: Human/Veela
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Elder wood 14 1/2 inches. Phoenix feather. Swishy
Birthday: June 3rd
Fanfiction to go with in the works :)
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