#Voltes 5 Anime
jrbustamante · 8 months
Let's Volt In this February with JFF 2024's Nostalgic films like Voltes V and Slam Dunk
Hello there, you may want to indulge in Nostalgic Japanese films this February. Lucky for all, it's free admission but first come, first serve. So plan ahead, arrive early to get seats.
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
Yuki Hijiri sensei Died.
I found out about it just now>The  author of “Locke the Superman”,Yiki Hijiri sensei (超人ロック, Chōjin Rokku),passed away  from pneumonia on 30 October 2022, but it has just been announced today. He was 72.
Photo below:
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Alongside Locke the Superman, he also had affiliated with Tadao Nagahama, being the character designer for all three Nagahama Robot Romance Trilogy entries (Combattler V, Voltes V, Daimos) as well as Daltanious.
Family name (in kanji): 聖
Given name (in kanji): 悠紀 Date of birth: 1949-12-21
His long running ,complicate manga series “Locke the Superman”  is something quite hard to have a match series.
“A quiet, charismatic, lonely and Mysterious immortal esper called "Locke the Superman",but often denies being so.His hair in natural green. It’s unknown where or when he was born, and if asked, Locke will say he does not remember. It is entirely possible this is true. The military seeks him to deal with,where a woman is ordering an army of psychics against him.
When he asked by Cornelia Prim in "Millennium of the Witch" which star Locke was from, he replied "Toa." However, it was just the name of the planet where he lived in before.
He has appeared at various times throughout the history of the galaxy, either as a direct influence, an indirect influence, or a simple observer”.*1
Fellas,examine thoughly his glare and his mouth.He’s Serious,Smart and Determined! Sensei Hijiri had put Great effort to make this manga!
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*1:Using his esper abilities, Locke can learn and do most things more quickly than a normal human. His power also allows him to remain eternally young, or even turn himself into a child again to be adopted by kind-hearted families. This is called "waka-gaeri". It could be said it keeps him young at heart. It is speculated he retains a youthful appearance as an excuse not to take responsibility for whatever cause he is approached for, since no one expects youths to have such responsibilities. Locke is capable of teleportation over a range of distances, including light-years, telekinesis, rapidly healing himself and others, telepathy in the short and long range, and creating barriers and "spears" of energy.
Below: Fighting General Daimos
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Below: Future Robot Daltanious
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Japanese poster for the film Locke The Superman
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My say about this:
I had watched,as a teenager,an anime based on the manga.I guess I was stunned by the intricate story and the whole way of such science fiction.All this is manga of 101 tankobon!! Rest in Peace sensei. Likely you didn’t finish it off,however you’re leaving from us having your head Up and Clear,Prideful:)
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starkwing-co · 8 months
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Uh, happy late New Year, I guess
I'm just gonna dump my holiday art from previous year, sorry about that, my mental health is in rough spot lately
All outfits except Penny were designed by myself and I'm glad how they all turned out
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manuart79 · 9 months
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thecurioustale · 7 months
The Complete History of Computational Physics
1950s Scientists:
"Gentlemen! In our quest to conquer God we want to simulate the atom! But to do it we'd need a computer capable of per-forming in excess of six calculations per second!"
"Impossible! The heat out-put alone would melt the Earth."
"What if we bombarded the computer laboratory with a steady plume of some thermally super-conductive yet safe gas, like a brominated asbestos aerosol?"
"How would we de-liver it to the machinery?"
"We could use super-magnets, nay, hyper-magnets of pure plutonium arsenide, activated by exposed 500 mega-volt leads right next to the intern's desk."
"Extraordinary, Bob! But where would get an intern?"
"You there, shoe shine boy! How would you like to earn 5 cents a year???"
"Golly gee, sir, would I ever!"
"Dick, put in another government grant re-quest for an additional 100 tons of plutonium. Dave, get down to the soda fountain and pick up a couple bricks of arsenic and one of those ice-cream novelties I like."
"Already on it!"
2010s Scientists:
"All right people, our grants are up next year and we need something to show for it."
"What don't we try to simulate an atom?"
"Didn't this laboratory already try something like that in the '50s?"
"Yeah, our predecessors spent a couple decades on it, but they failed. All they managed to do was create a Superfund site and build some kind of anti-gravity superweapon that nobody knows how to operate anymore."
"But! They didn't have the necessary processing power. We have supercomputers now! So let's get to simulating."
"Actually, we probably still don't have enough computing power for it."
"Yeah, um, atoms are tricky, especially the big ones past atomic number, oh, 2 or so."
"Well, can we maybe write a paper about how they're tricky?"
"I bet we could! We could even get our remote German postgraduate intern with the weird hair to make a really nice animation for the PowerPoint presentation."
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freakartack · 3 months
hmmmm any volt head canons
VOLTAGE TIME ok so obligatory Papa Volt retread just to get him out of the way. OK now that Papa Volt is done let's move on to the other guys.
-Doing him first because he's my favorite. Anyways 18-volt is an awesome kid because
-Like most other children in Warioware, he has kind of a lonely family situation. He's only ever talked about his mom, who is away a lot as he is able to play video games late into the night unsupervised (unlike the ever-vigilant 9-volt). So it seems like he is kind of a latchkey kid most of the time.
-As a result, he ends up sleeping over 9-volt's house a lot, and he's also kind of glommed onto 5-volt as a friend to boot ("Hi 9-Volt's Mom"). They both canonically have a passion for gardening, so I can imagine they bond over that and she gives him gardening advice and whatnot. Maybe if NINE VOLT wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty he could join in the fun but alas
-Because of his growth condition, he's gotten a lot of shit in school in the past. As such, he is extremely quick to come to the defense of kids in need; he stood up to 13-amp when she was picking on ralphie, and then extended an olive branch to 13-amp when he realized she was just a troubled kid. This also mirrors how 9-volt befriended 18-volt when no one else would, so it is kind of beautiful in this way. These are some stand-up kids!
-Is way less adventurous than 9-Volt; he went skateboarding with him exactly once and hated it
-Mains Captain Falcon in smash and says "FALCON PUNCH" out loud
-I love that her character card in g&w says "age unknown" and then immediately tells you that she grew up in the 80s
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-I also think that the rest of her wardrobe was similarly radical. I've been meaning to draw Young 5-Volt for a while so you might see her soon
-Was the apex predator of her local arcade back in the day
-Contrary to her moveset in Get It Together!, I don't think she has any supernatural powers beyond being scary as fuck. Pay no attention to the woman behind the TV
-Mains ROB in smash and kills people with him in real life
-The entirety of his retro game collection was inherited from his mother; he doesn't know what eBay is
-Has grown his adult front teeth in since Mega Microgames
-Has said "FIRE" so many times that orbulon accidentally picked up on it in smooth moves
-Mains Pikachu in smash and spams down+B the whole match
-Unlike Orbulon and the space hares, I can't even begin to speculate on what the fuck he is. I think he has an exoskeleton. I think he is ovoviviparous. I think his distant ancestors were from space and he comes from a long line of rapidly-reproducing alien animals that somehow gained sapience along the way. It is extremely hard to keep up with Fronk Lore because they are constantly dropping bombshells. Do you know he has a wife and kid
-Mains Marth
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sparviero44 · 3 months
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Donald Sutherland
Addio a Donald Sutherland, l'amato attore Oscar onorario che ha recitato in decine di film da Quella sporca dozzina a MASH alla saga Hunger Games è morto a Miami. Aveva 88 anni. Lo annuncia il figlio Kiefer sui social.
"Con il cuore pesante, vi dico che mio padre, Donald Sutherland,è morto. Personalmente lo ritengo uno degli attori più importanti della storia del cinema. Mai scoraggiato da un ruolo, buono, cattivo o brutto. Amava ciò che faceva e faceva ciò che amava, e non si può mai chiedere di più. Una vita ben vissuta".
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Nato nel 1935 da una famiglia di origini scozzesi a Saint John, una cittadina canadese nella provincia del Nuovo Brunswick, ma cresciuto ad Halifax, Donald Sutherland nella sua lunga carriera di attore ha preso parte a più di 180 film e ha vinto l'Oscar nel 2017.Il debutto nel cinema è avvenuto in un film italiano, Il castello dei morti vivi, del 1964 e diretto da Luciano Ricci e Lorenzo Sabatini.Nel 1968 appare nella nota pellicola 'Quella sporca dozzina' di Robert Aldrich ma il successo vero e proprio avviene nel 1970 con il film M.A.S.H. di Robert Altman dove interpreta il Capitano Benjamin Franklin ambientata in un ospedale da campo Usa durante la guerra in Corea.Indimenticabile la sua partecipazione, nel 1976, all'opera di Bernardo Bertolucci, Novecento accanto a Robert De Niro e Gerard Depardieu. Federico Fellini, nello stesso anno, lo vuole per interpretare Giacomo Casanova ne Il Casanova, girato completamente nel teatro 5 di Cinecittà.
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Tra le altre interpretazioni si ricordano i film Animal House del 1978 di John Landis, Terrore dallo spazio profondo di Philip Kaufman, La Cruna dell'ago del 1981 di Richard Marquand. E ancora Fuoco assassino del 1991 diretto da Ron Howard e, dello stesso anno, JFK di Oliver Stone.Altre interpretazioni per Virus letale (Outbreak) di Wolfgang Petersen, Virus di John Bruno.Con Anthony Hopkins interpreta Instinct- istinti primordiale. Diretto da Clint Eastwood in Space cowboys. In The Italian job del 2003 per il remake di Un colpo all'italiana del '69. Poi ancora ritorno a Cold Mountain, Lord of war, orgoglio e pregiudizio, An American haunting. Nel 2007 e' stato il protagonista della serie tv Dirty sexy money. Infine nel 2017 il film drammatico Elia & John, the leisure seeker di Paolo Virzi'.Si e' sposato tre volte e due dei suoi figli, Rossif e Kiefer, avuti con Shirley Douglas, hanno intrapreso la carriera di attore.
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Goodbye to Donald Sutherland, the beloved Oscar honorary actor who starred in dozens of films from The Dirty Dozen to MASH to the Hunger Games saga has died in Miami. He was 88 years old. His son Kiefer announced it on social media.
"With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, has passed away. I personally consider him one of the most important actors in the history of cinema. Never discouraged by a role, good, bad or ugly. He loved what he did and did what that he loved, and you could never ask for more.
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Born in 1935 to a family of Scottish origins in Saint John, a Canadian town in the province of New Brunswick, but raised in Halifax, Donald Sutherland in his long acting career took part in more than 180 films and won the Oscar in 2017. His debut in cinema took place in an Italian film, The Castle of the Living Dead, from 1964 and directed by Luciano Ricci and Lorenzo Sabatini. In 1968 he appeared in the well-known film 'That Dirty Dozen' by Robert Aldrich but the real success takes place in 1970 with the film M.A.S.H. by Robert Altman where he plays Captain Benjamin Franklin set in a US field hospital during the war in Korea. His participation, in 1976, in Bernardo Bertolucci's work, Novecento alongside Robert De Niro and Gerard Depardieu, was unforgettable. In the same year, Federico Fellini wanted him to play Giacomo Casanova in Il Casanova, shot entirely in theater 5 of Cinecittà.
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Other performances include the 1978 films Animal House by John Landis, Terror from Outer Space by Philip Kaufman, and The Eye of the Needle by Richard Marquand in 1981. And again Killer Fire from 1991 directed by Ron Howard and, from the same year, JFK by Oliver Stone. Other interpretations for Lethal Virus (Outbreak) by Wolfgang Petersen, Virus by John Bruno. With Anthony Hopkins he plays Instinct - primordial instincts. Directed by Clint Eastwood in Space cowboys. In The Italian job of 2003 for the remake of Un coup all'italiana of '69. Then again I return to Cold Mountain, Lord of war, pride and prejudice, An American haunting. In 2007 he was the protagonist of the TV series Dirty sexy money. Finally in 2017 the drama film Elia & John, the leisure seeker by Paolo Virzi '. He has married three times and two of his children, Rossif and Kiefer, with Shirley Douglas, have undertaken an acting career.
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duckapus · 11 months
WarioWare: Double Up!
One day, Wario discovers that there’s a popular new video game company called Hotcake Studios- so popular, in fact, that WarioWare Inc. is losing business to them! Even worse, when he gets his hands on one of their games he discovers that it has the same microgame formula as his games, and that the company is owned by none other than his Treasure Hunting rival Captain Syrup. And then to make matters even worse, when he goes to confront her about so obviously muscling in on his business, she reveals that she’s also got her own development team of colorful characters…and each one is a clear direct counterpart to one of the WarioWare Crew. Or in Wario’s words, “You’re not just bootlegging my games, you’re bootlegging my flunkies, too!”
After the whole thing nearly comes to blows, the two strike a deal; each company will make a game, both with the same set of themes(and with each set of counterparts working on the same theme. So for example, Ashley and whoever her counterpart is both make Fantasy-themed microgames), price, and release date, and at the end of the year they’ll see which game sold more copies. Loser has to become a subsidiary of the winner.
I’m not sure how exactly that would translate into a gameplay gimmick (I’m a story guy not a gameplay guy), but as far as story mode goes each level’s story would involve the WarioWare Host getting into some sort of competition with their Hotcake counterpart, some friendlier than others.
The actual counterparts are:
Wario: Captain Syrup, obviously
Mona: Vanessa, that one singer who had a rivalry with her in Touched
Jimmy T: Jenny K, a semi-famous breakdancer
Dribble and Spitz: A Wolf and Bird racecar-driving duo named Howler and Chirpz
Kat and Ana: A pair of Ninji Twins named Shuri and Ken
Orbulon: Tatanga, because why not
9-Volt: A fourth-grade gamer girl named M-Byte
18-Volt: M-Byte’s older brother G-Byte
5-Volt: M-Byte and G-Byte’s dad, K-Byte
13-Amp: A friend of M and G named 64-Bit
Fronk: a Wanderin’ Goom, just named Goom
Dr. Crygor: Rival inventor Professor Boreal
Penny: Boreal’s niece, Hailey
Mike: A singing Piranha Plant named Polly
Doris 1: A robot butler named Vincent
Ashley and Red: A bubbly Magical Girl named Sora and her shapeshifting rabbit friend Violet
Young Cricket: Goombario, who’s recently become a student of The Master
Master Mantis: The Master, from Paper Mario
Lulu: Leo, that one ninja kid with animal-based powers that Kat and Ana fought in their level of Get It Together
The eventual end result is a draw. Both games somehow sold an exactly equal number of units. While this news initially shocks and infuriates Wario and Syrup, they take it as a sign that this whole argument just isn't worth their time and resolve to just more-or-less ignore each-others gaming ventures. Meanwhile, most of their employees have actually made friends with each-other, not really caring about the competition or their bosses' bad history to begin with.
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channel-eclair · 1 month
Pokemon Horizons is so GOOOOOD- I just now finished Ep20 and loved it!
Anyways time for a whole essay on why I love this show already
I've grown up watching Ash and the Pokemon anime and I've rewatched some Pokemon animes many times (I've watched DPPT, XY, and Sun/Moon upwards of 5 times each I'd say!) and am so attached to it.. but I really think Horizons is like. The best thing to ever happen to the Pokemon anime. It is just a great SHOW in general and I love it's characters and original stories and ideas but also the way it shows the world of Pokemon it is SO GOOD
Anyways some thoughts on the recent episodes I watched (AND I GOTTA SPEED UP CUZ PART 3 JUST CAME OUT OH MY)
-The entire arc with Dot exiting the ship to help find Liko with Iono helping was so wonderful! Liko, Roy, and Dot all battling together against Spinel, but also Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly all being together was just SO GOOOOOD ITS SO GOOD THESE EPISODES WERE AMAZING!! The first part we were introduced to Liko, Roy, and occasionally Dot from her room, and saw them all grow as characters in this adventure, and HZ015 and HZ016 really felt like a defining moment of Horizons as the three team up together I LOVE IT
-HZ018 was really amazing! I loved getting a look into Friede's past and this episode made me care so much more about Pikachu and Charizard as Pokemon species and characters! Friede is really wonderful!
-HZ019 was super charming but also fun to me bcuz I made a joke to myself about "wow we learn something new about friedes past every episode, i cant wait to randomly learn hes been divorced or something". The shock I felt when I learned MURDOCK WAS THE ONE WITH A DIVORCE
-Also between HZ019 and HZ020 I really appreciate the attention given to Galar. I'm not a huge fan of SWSH (even though Legends Arceus and SV are some of my favorite games) but Journeys robbed it so much of proper anime time, I'm really glad Horizons is picking that up
My three favorite unevolved Pokemon are Litwick, Sprigatito, and Hatenna! So like.. Sprigatito as the main Pokemon, Litwicks all over HZ020, AND THE NEXT EPISODE IS CALLED "THE LONELY HATENNA" THANK U HORIZONS
I love the Rising Volt Tacklers so much. I love the airship and how we have a cozy hub area that goes across the regions- and I love how they actually show the adventure by having training or other type episodes while the Brave Olivine is on its way to a new area. The Brave Olivine gives me that same kinda comfort that say, Beach House from Steven Universe gives me and I love that
Also back on the Rising Volt Tacklers but WOW what a great cast of characters! I really appreciate when an animated show has adult characters, as I feel it opens up a lot more connection for older audiences (shout out to The Owl House and Gravity Falls for wonderful characters like Eda and Stan!). Friede is a delight, Mollie is absolutely wonderful and I love her, Murdock is so sweet, Orla is amazing, and Ludlow sure is fishing and I love him for that
Liko, Roy, and Dot also are just amazing characters! Liko is a fantastic protagonist and I honestly would say I prefer her over Ash! I find her character really amazingly written and relatable in a lot of ways! Like being socially awkward and trying to find her dream and purpose, or even smaller traits like "avoiding putting too much on her sandwich so everyone can have ingredients" LIKE YEA ME TOO I FEEL THAT LIKO 😭
I also think they fantastically handle the Pokemon variety. Journeys was "90% Kanto 10% other stuff" which really hurt the idea of all the regions together.. but Horizons KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK. The Paldea starters are the main face, our adventure is in Paldea quite often, but the airship has other gens of Pokemon from Noctowl to Metagross to Rockruff to Alcremie, and we see Pokemon like Beheeyem and Oshawott in other episodes. The variety is PERFECT to where Paldea is clearly the focus but the other regions still have a role in the anime and its so GOOD
The variety is so well done, I love Pikachu and Charizard here! I would usually be a bit bored of these two, but the variety and focus on Paldea is so amazing that these two are wonderful additions! CAPTAIN PIKACHU IS AWESOME!!!
And the story is so interesting too! Searching for the ancient adventurers Pokemon and whatever secrets Terapagos may be holding. I already resonate so much with the characters I'm so excited for their adventures! I love the Explorers too! I love Team Rocket, but I think that they can often be repetitive and mess with the flow of the show, often cutting episodes short or ruining interesting episode concepts. With a new enemy, the episodes feel a lot more COMPLETE and fluidly flowing into one another, and it's such a nice refreshing change of pace!!!
This show really is just... wonderful!
I geniunely think that even only 20 episodes in this might be my favorite Pokemon anime. I've been so slow watching it because I actually wanna just sit down and properly focus on every episode (which is hard for me but this show deserves that much attention!)
I love this, and I'm so excited to watch more!
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cephalonserotonin · 2 months
TennoLive 2024 Notes
"Tonight is going to be a night of mystery and magic…"
Beginning with Matt Chalmers and the Warframe band with a lovely Warframe musical medley! (there doesn't seem to be a clip of this but if I find/make one I'll edit this to include it!)
Video showcase of lightning cosplay's Arthur (which was so realistic I thought it was a 3D render at first)
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Raffles! This crowd is adorably enthusiastic!
The Warframe team will be at Gamescom in Germany in August and the Tokyo Game Show in September
Next year's tennocon will be July 18-19 2025
Stay tuned for future cross-platform trade news
Warframe Android build in progress
Next update: The Lotus Eaters
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A prologue-style quest which sets the stage for 1999, releasing in August Will include launch for Sevagoth Prime Access
Next next update debuting from Tokyo: The Unannounced 2024 Update
Will include launch for Caliban Deluxe
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as well as a new Warframe which Pablo calls "one of the craziest designs [he's] done" QOL features:
Caliban rework. Logging in during this update will give everyone a free Caliban!
A "favourite" tooltip in the arsenal for earmarking gear
5 new incarnons (the audience: "stug! Stug! Stug!")
Companion rework part 2
Warframe 1999
Drops with an animated short film developed by The Line!
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Höllvania Center mall relay on Earth available now to all Warframe players for a limited time.
The Warframe 1999 voice cast includes the voice acting debut of James Conlin, courtesy of Make a Wish foundation granting his wish to be a voice actor. <3
Light reworks of Nyx and Trinity
coming WINTER 2024
(Brief break for some technical difficulties and for Bingus_Prime to win a giveaway)
Live demo of the first quest of Warframe 1999
some highlights from me, though by no means comprehensive:
Warframe 1999 takes place in the year 1999 in the nation of Höllvania on an Earth "not quite like ours"
New syndicate The Hex:
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from L-R: Quincy Isaacs (protoframe for CYTE-09, new Warframe coming with Warframe 1999), Lettie Garcia (Trinity protoframe), Arthur Nightingale (Excalibur protoframe, the same Arthur playable in Whispers in the Walls), Aoi Morohoshi (Mag protoframe), Amir Beckett (Volt protoframe), Eleanor Nightingale (Nyx protoframe and Arthur's sister)
Members of the Hex will be romanceable for the Drifter through an AIM-like chatting interface
New vehicle the Atomicycle:
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Note that while the other Hex members ride their Atomicycles, Amir runs along with the Volt Speed ability, which I just really found worth mentioning
New enemy faction the Scaldra: "The nation of Höllvania has responded to the Techrot outbreak with ruthless aggression." (from the official recap). They're like if Bioshock Big Daddies also oozed a lot
Scaldra boss Major Neci Rusalka:
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also there is a tank
New Infested Adversaries the "Technocyte Coda," which are some form of the in-universe 1999 boy band On-lyne:
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Stream Party of Your Lifetime by On-lyne
See also: official TennoCon recap, official Warframe 1999 hub
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djyellur · 2 months
Introduction 👻
Hi Im rana or i sometimes go by juju or ryst and im a minor…..i draw & animate (sometimes) And I fangirl over a lot of stuff so I might be annoying about it lol and I am not creative when it comes to original characters. Oh no peekaboo and I also am a huge fan of dj sharpnel….Im awful at understanding jokes or misread stuff so sorry if I give attitude to you for no reason 😞..
If I dont like you ill just block you
I like super milk chan, rhythm heaven, Splatoon, Needy streamer overload, Madoka magica , Warioware, Tomodachi life, Animal crossing , Class of 09, nintendogs, Flipnote studio, Azumanga daioh, Good girl and bad girl, Touhou, vocaloid lost media, Pretty blood, htf, And pop team epic
I REALLY REALLG LIKE DJ YELLOW . My other favorite characters are Space dancers, Step switchers, Pearl and marina, Callie , Rin kagamine, 9- volt, Ashley (warioware) 5 volt , milk chan,Cosmic dancers, Rabbot, luka megurine, monkeys from rhythm heaven (Theyre the cutest things to evar exist) popuko amd pipmi and Nutty
Other socials
Youtube: djschoo.l
Tiktok: ryukkasanjou
Discord: djschool
Ok thats it stream this song by the way
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hollowtones · 1 year
Favorite Warioware character?
Wario is the obvious-but-implicit answer, so aside from that: 5-Volt, Mona, the Crygors, and Pyoro. Also the cab driver animals.
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zac-salazar-01 · 1 month
Hello people of tumblr
after much thinking
I decided to rewrite my original sentai and riders with some new additions
there are still 25 OCs in total and separated into two eras (Mugen and Saikyou)
Riders from the Mugen era
1 Kamen Rider Kaizoh
theme: Pirates and ancient civilizations
2 Kamen Rider Psion
theme: Telepaths and toys
3 Kamen Rider V-Wing
theme: Birds and weather conditions
4 Kamen Rider 0-X
theme: Espionage and smartphones
5 Kamen Rider Beat
theme: Angels and dances
6 Kamen Rider Zyunin
theme: Ninjas and dinosaurs
7 Kamen Rider Volt
theme: electricity, appliances and mythological beasts
8 Kamen Rider K
theme: Kaijus and soft drinks
9 Kamen Rider X-Tyle
Theme: clothing
10 Kamen Rider Eco
Theme: ecology and plants
11 Kamen Rider Appare
Theme: festivals and kabuki theater
12 Kamen Rider Punklord
Theme: kings, kingdoms, chess pieces, punk aesthetics (steampunk, solarpunk, etc.)
13 Kamen Rider Seiza
Theme: western and constellations
14 Kamen Rider Job
Theme: professions
15 Kamen Rider Author
Theme: manga and riders from the past
Riders of the Saikyou Era
16 Kamen Rider Hoshin
Theme: trademark arts, wuxia, Chinese mythology and the Investiture of the Gods tale
17 Kamen Rider Valk
Theme: norse mythology and battle royale
18 Kamen Rider Shard
Theme: gemstones and sports
19 Kamen Rider Zyte
Theme: parasites and components of the human body
20 Kamen Rider Atom
Theme: periodic table
21 Kamen Rider Shura
Theme: Hindu\Buddhist mythology
22 Kamen Rider Film
Theme: movies
23 Kamen Rider Petz
Theme: pets and animes like pokemon and digimon
24 Kamen Rider Blaze
Theme: elements, weapons, rpg classes
25 Kamen Rider Hyperion
Theme: Riders from the past, fusions and aliens
I hope y'all like it
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starkwing-co · 1 year
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#Waretober, Day 5&6: Favorite gang or duo
The rest of my 9-Volt & Fronk-related art content:
Icons made to look like high-ress, non-pixaled ones from Get It Together (planning to do all main characters eventually), somewhat inspired by the icons from Pokémon Cafe ReMix and other Pokémon puzzle games by Genius Sonority (it was James Turner's idea, actually!)
Pencil drawing of 'Hero' 9-Volt and 'Wizard' Fronk from Gold (love that it's referenced in GiT's character gallery!)
Rough draft of a big piece I was planning to release for WarioWare's 20th anniversary in the style of 'joke manga' (you know the ones, where the faces and expressions are stretched to their limit, the characters usually look super cutesy and chibified and a ton of weird crap happens, ie Animal Crossing manga) I hope I'll get around finishing it for the series anniversary some day...
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smilingperformer · 1 year
Ok so! With subtitles, here's what we know of the RVT crew, please disregard my previous post, seems I did misunderstand couple things lol
Friede and Orio are childhood friends. Orio moved to Hoenn at later point for a mechanic job?
Lucca was Friede's TEACHER. Meaning that Friede is probably closer to 20-25 years old and Lucca is probably around 40s. We can kinda deduct this from small Liko's appearance, as she looks around 5 or 6 years old in the flashback. Lucca also calls Friede a young man with a promising future. All this can deduct it's been around 5 years since then? This ofc, depends on everyone's ages and all, but Pokémon never tells this.
Captain Pikachu is Paldean. And the flashback episode takes place in its entirety in Paldea, aside from the Hoenn trip to transform Asagi to Brave Asagi. Which is when Orio joins Friede. So I think this makes Cap, Friede, Landau and Orio the founding members of The Rising Volt Tacklers, huh.
The first location in the flashback could, in some way, indicate that Landau is from the sea town in western Paldea, where the auction market exists in the games, as that was what we saw in the background I think? Also shows Larry in his gym.
Lucca is also from Kanto lol. Or at least she lived there as a teacher til they moved to Paldea after getting married. Liko was seemingly born in Paldea.
Regarding Friede and Orio being from Kanto, I guess Kantonians are no longer limited to having japanese names as so many people from Kanto in this series do not fit Kanto regarding their names ahsjgfskjfs. Roy also feels very different from what I'm used to seeing in Kanto names in the anime.
So much info. Others are focusing on how pretty and amazing narratively the episode is, while I'm just eating up all the lore bits lol.
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ecargmura · 1 year
Pokemon Horizons Episode 16 Review: Spectacular
I’m sorry, Episode 10, you just got dethroned; Episode 16 is now the best episode of Pokemon Horizons by far. The animation, the execution and the buildup to what’s to come were all handled beautifully!
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The animation was the best I’ve seen the Pokemon do. Ufotable actually helped with the in-between animation for this episode; no wonder the animation looks so crisp, especially when it comes to Pokemon movements! I think my favorite part is when Dot gets a closeup of her face as her hair flows in the wind and shows off her eyes and then Quaxly is shown with a serious look and its hair flowing in the wind as well. I think that is just flawless animation right there. 
The way things were executed were handled well. I’m amazed everything fit into the episode without it being too rushed or too underwhelming. Though, I was a bit surprised that Quaxly had been a wild Pokemon all this time; I wasn’t expecting Dot to capture it in the beginning, but I liked how the writers wanted to get it out of the way first before going into the good stuff. 
I also really liked how well the Rising Volt Tacklers worked as a team. Friede used his Charizard to go to and from different locations and he even got a battle of his own. Murdock, Orla and Mollie were doing their best to gather information about where the kids could’ve gone. Ludlow was being Ludlow. The real meat of the friendship came from the kids. All three worked well together. Dot being a clever battler but not a strong one was actually something I was expecting. She’s inexperienced, but still used her intelligence to find a way to let Liko and Roy know where she is by making Quaxly use Water Gun. Liko was struggling to get on the boat, but Roy was helping her along the way and even protected her from Beheeyem. Liko then protected Dot by being brave and challenging Magneton and Beheeyem to a battle. The RVTs are a huge cast but the way the writers are able to incorporate how to use them in an episode is seriously amazing because I know for a fact that for some animes with a huge cast, screen time is a struggle.
Liko, Roy and Dot didn’t actually defeat Spinel in battle, but the fact that they beat his Beheeyem and Magneton together was a good improvement from them. Spinel didn’t lose to novice kids, but had to retreat because he was caught off-guard by Arboliva and knew that the it would be no match for him. This is a total step up from Episode 5 where Liko beat Conia’s Golduck offscreen (No, I will not be calling her Onia). 
The buildup for what’s to come both intrigues and excites me. I actually like Spinel as a villain. He’s cunning and intelligent. The way that he’s able to piece things together and even goes out of his way to hide information from his colleagues for his own purpose makes him even more intriguing; he figured out that the pendant’s key is Liko and he hid that information as he let his colleagues berate him.
Speaking of which, the new Explorers admins all have amazing designs. I’m surprised such designs are used in a Pokemon anime because these guys look as if they could be villains in a urban fantasy Shounen anime of sorts. The way they showed up makes me want to know more about them. Their names are Onyx, Agate and Sango (Coral in Japanese). I like how they keep the gemstone/mineral theme names. It reminds me of Sailor Moon where the Black Moon Clan from Sailor Moon’s second arc were named after gemstones. Also, I’m surprised that they got Ikue Ohtani, the voice actress of Captain Pikachu, Ash’s Pikachu and Sawyer from the XY anime, to voice Sango. The way that this is her second major human character and a cute female one at that makes me intrigued for what’s to come for this character and how Ohtani will voice a villain. I can’t wait for future episodes! Out of the three new admins, I think that Agate has the most beautiful design. It’s rare to see such a design in Pokemon, from her skin tone to the trapezoid motif. It makes me want to know more about her.
The way Dot decides to tell Liko her secret of being Nidothing as a way of thanking her for everything was surprising. I thought this running gag would go until the end of the anime, but I’m glad that’s not the case. I’m wanting to see how this will affect Liko and Dot’s relationship now. Will Liko be a fangirl? Will Liko be super protective of her? I can’t wait see where this reveal will head.
My review ended being rather long. I can’t help it. There was so much to talk about; amazing episodes deserve to have long reviews. This episode had extremely positive reactions amongst the community and I can finally see why. What are your thoughts on how this episode turned out? Are you excited for what’s to come for the Rising Volt Tacklers?
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