#Von voltage
crystalninjaphoenix · 3 months
Let the Tests Begin
Switch AU
A JSE Fanfic
I may have forgotten to queue this. Which sucks because I was really excited for this one? How did I forget? I guess I'm really working on finishing Many Roads Diverge now that I'm getting close to the finish line with that one, haha. Anyway. The guys are still in IRIS. And IRIS thinks it's about time to start their plans with them. JJ is having a particularly bad time with this. And Schneep finds out that there are new tests for him to go through after his escape last time.
More of This AU | | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Read on AO3 under CrystalNinjaPhoenix
“Hello again, Dr. Parker.”
Jackie looked up as the door opened. He was sitting on the side of the bed but he quickly scrambled to his feet. It was that same man from before. What was his name? Right, Daniel. There were also two C&C guards with him. “H-hi,” Jackie said in a shaky voice. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he’d last seen these guys. There wasn’t a clock in the room. But he knew that it must be a while, as he’d fallen asleep for a bit and woken up with hunger clawing at his stomach.
“We have decided to move you to a second location,” Daniel said calmly.
“Um... why?” Jackie asked, trying not to sound too combative.
“Well this room isn’t exactly built for comfort, is it?” Daniel says, gesturing around the room. “We have a better one set up for you. If you’ll please come with us.”
Jackie hesitated. Then he nodded slowly. Maybe he could get a lay of the land while they moved him. Find out where the others are, if they’re also here. Because it was clear that IRIS wasn’t planning on telling him anything. “Okay. Um... let’s go.”
The hallway outside looked like a normal hallway in an office building, with white plaster walls and linoleum tile on the floor. It kind of threw Jackie off, honestly. If it wasn’t for the reinforced doors he might have been anywhere nondescript. The two C&C guards stood on either side of him. Jackie waited for them to grab him or something, but they didn’t. And they didn’t move, either. They just stood there in the middle of the hallway. Were they waiting for something?
Apparently they were, as another one of the doors opened up, and a pair of C&C officers appeared, dragging someone out. “—your fucking hands off me!” the person was shouting.
Jackie would know that swearing voice anywhere. “Anti?!” he gasped, rushing towards him. One of the guards grabbed him by the back of the hoodie and yanked him back.
But he’d gotten Anti’s attention, at least. He stopped struggling and looked over at Jackie, eyes wide. “J-Jackie?!”
“Are you okay?” Jackie asked.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, other than these fuckers bruising my arms up.” Anti struggled slightly, but the two C&C guards refused to let go of him. “Have you seen any of the others?!”
“N-no, but they have to be here, don’t they? If both of us are.”
While the two of them talked, Daniel gestured at the C&C guards, and they started walking down the hallway. Anti growled and started fighting back again. “Let me go! Let me—Jackie, help! We can get out of here together!”
“Wh-what about the others?” Jackie asked.
“We can find them! C’mon!” Anti tried to yank an arm free of the guard’s grip, but they were holding too tight. “Jackie!”
Jackie hesitated. But decided he couldn’t leave Anti behind. He darted forward, trying to pull Anti from the guards’ grasp—but then the other two C&C guards grabbed him from behind and yanked him back. He yelped. “Please, Dr. Parker, I thought you were smarter than that,” Daniel said. “Don’t worry. You’ll be safe and taken care of.”
“Don’t listen to their bullshit, Jackie!” Anti shouted. “Last time I was here these guys locked me in a room and did some shit to my brain!”
“The Dr. Hopkins Assessment is a perfectly safe test,” Daniel said.
Anti glared at him. He growled again, sounding almost feral, and snapped his teeth, trying to bite the C&C guards. Or maybe not actually trying to bite them. Surely Anti was smart enough to realize his teeth couldn’t pierce the C&C uniforms. But the guy he snapped at did flinch. Very slightly, but definitely flinched. So maybe Anti was just trying to intimidate them.
“Anti, please, c-calm down,” Jackie stammered, trying to avoid being dragged by the guards. “W-we need to think—”
“I’m not going to be fucked with again, Jackie!” Anti interrupted, his voice cracking with fear.
Jackie winced. “Th-they’re not going to—Well, I-I guess I don’t know anything about them, do I?” He shook his head and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Anti, listen. I-I know a lot about these guys. I... worked for them.”
“When did you do that?!”
“Shhh!” Jackie glanced at Daniel and the C&C guards. They could probably hear them no matter how quietly they talked. But the whispering gave him an illusion of security that he desperately needed as they were being dragged along. “It’s a long story. I didn’t know they’d taken you, o-or any of the other fucked up shit they do. But I do know stuff about their organization and all that.”
Anti shook his head. “I... I’ll think about those implications later. What can you tell me now?”
Jackie glanced around. “I don’t recognize this area, I think we’re in a different compound than the one I was in. But, uh, with how normal it looks we’re probably on the surface level. Maybe on a higher floor, if there are multiple floors here. M-Marvin might be here, too, but from how they talked about Schneep and JJ, they’re probably keeping them somewhere more secure.”
The C&C took them around a corner. This hallway looked the same as all the others. “So what, you think we should try to find them first?” Anti asked. “I don’t think we’ll get a chance to, to be honest!” He pulled against the guards. “They’re gonna lock us up, Jackie! We might not get another opportunity! W-we can go find the others now!”
“Please remain calm, Mr. McLoughlin,” Daniel said. “We’d hate to resort to force.”
“Oh, would you?” Anti snarled. “Jackie! Come on!”
Jackie’s mind whirled. He wanted to protest, to take this slow, but Anti was right. He didn’t know if they’d have another opportunity. He glanced down at his hand, and Anti followed his gaze. Jackie held out three fingers. Two. One—
Jackie shouted out, causing the guards to look at him in surprise. At once, the two of them pushed against the guards, struggling in unison. Anti managed to get an arm free. He tried to punch one of the guards, but they barely flinched. And Jackie didn’t even get free at all. Daniel turned back to look at the scuffle, frowning, looking almost disappointed. “Very well, then.”
One of the guards hit Anti in the side of the head. He gasped and went suddenly limp. Jackie cried out in surprise, but another guard hit him in the same place, pain bursting across his temple. He slumped, and the C&C guards dragged the both of them down the hall to a pair of doors across from each other. Daniel took out a keycard and pressed it to a reader next to each door, and the guards dragged Anti and Jackie to each one.
“N-no!” Anti shouted, flailing weakly. “Jackie! Jackie!”
“W-we’re going to get out of this!” Jackie said, trying to plant his feet on the ground and push back against the guards trying to get him into the room. “I promise!”
Then the guards overpowered him and pushed him into the room. Jackie stumbled back, landing flat on his back. He looked up to see the door already slamming shut, locking him in this new room.
Jackie got to his feet slowly and looked around. This really didn’t look too different than the room he was in before. The walls were light blue instead of the weird half-blue, half-blank-concrete they’d been in the last room. There was an alcove in the corner with a curtain hanging from the ceiling, pushed to the side to show a toilet and sink. The bed and table were bolted to the floor, and there were more blankets and an extra pillow on the bed. Other than that, it was pretty much the same, with two chairs for the table and a camera dangling from the corner of the ceiling.
But even these small differences spelled a different picture. This place was clearly more built for long-term living than the room where he’d been before. So... they really did intend to keep them here for the foreseeable future. Jackie’s throat was suddenly dry with nerves. He’d assumed that was the situation. But it was different to have that guess silently confirmed.
Jackie wandered over to the table and sat down. There was a paper plate and cup on the table. The plate had a sandwich and the cup had water. Jackie hesitated for a moment, but he was too hungry to resist. He ate and drank, quickly devouring it.
The next room over, Marvin sat up in bed, listening intently. Those shouts... were they who he thought they were? The others were here too? Or—Jackie and Marvin, at least? He’d guessed so, but—that really was them? He felt a bit hopeful, hearing them nearby. Even though that meant they were trapped here too. At least he wasn’t alone.
Jameson had no idea how long he’d been in this room. It felt like forever. He’d spent all of it stuck in his own head, thoughts swirling around all the terrible things that IRIS could do to him. He sometimes had trouble with this anxiety spiral. But his usual ways of snapping out of it couldn’t work while he was stuck in this room. He couldn’t distract himself with anything, and he couldn’t reach out to any of his friends to talk about it. He tried going to sleep but that didn’t help, either. Even when he closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths, the thoughts wouldn’t go away.
Would they experiment on him? They would, wouldn’t they? IRIS didn’t know about magicians. They would want to figure out how his powers worked. What if they tried to take his magic? That was a part of him! Though he knew he would be able to live a happy life without special powers, he wouldn’t be himself anymore. He would never be able to forget the loss of it.
At some point while he was trying to sleep, there was a strange hissing noise, sounding somewhat pneumatic, and then a thump. JJ raised his head and saw a part of the wall had slid open. Inside was an alcove with a tray on it. He sat up and walked over. Luckily this alcove was within reach of the cuff tethering him to the floor. He picked up the tray. This was... food. A square sandwich with some cheese and unknown meat inside, a handful of apple slices, And a small cup with water in it... or, he assumed it was water. There was some sort of powder mixed in that made it kind of cloudy.
There was writing on the tray beneath the food. ‘Please put the tray back in the compartment when you are done. You will not get another meal until the tray and cup are returned.’
JJ glanced at the camera. They would know if he tried anything, wouldn’t they? The only place that was free of their view was the alcove with the toilet and sink. But... that probably wasn’t a good place to eat. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ate slowly. He still wasn’t sure what meat the sandwich had. Its taste wasn’t familiar. Maybe it was something processed. The powder in the water gave it a vaguely fruity taste, in a weak, artificial way. The apple’s taste was also weak and watery. But he ate it all anyway. He’d probably need the energy. Then he put the tray and cup back in the alcove. The wall slid closed again silently, and then there was another hiss.
After a while, Jameson started to regret the food. His stomach was flipping over and over with his nerves, and the food didn’t help. Especially once he started worrying about what was in it. Didn’t Schneep say that they drugged him with food while he was here? Would Jameson notice if something was off? Was he feeling tired because he’d been awake for a while or because they really did put something in the food?! He should stay awake, just in case.
Despite his efforts to stay awake, he did doze for a bit, drifting in and out of consciousness for what must have been only minutes at a time.
Until he heard the door to the cell open, and then he immediately snapped to full wakefulness. He sat up, staring as that woman in the white coat walked in, along with two more C&C guards. One of them carried some sort of box in one hand, the size of a car battery, holding it by a handle. Jameson swallowed the lump in his throat. He pulled his knees close to his chest, curling up slightly.
The woman—the doctor—said nothing at first. She gestured at the two guards, and they continued walking forward until they reached Jameson. “Hold out your hands,” the doctor said.
Jameson hesitated. Then he slowly did so, assuming that they were going to handcuff him or something. He was correct. The guard with the box flipped open the side, pulling out a pair of plastic cuffs made out of the same material as the ankle cuff. They snapped them around Jameson’s wrists and he winced slightly as they dug into his skin. As the other guard unlocked the manacle around his ankle, JJ stared at the box. There was a plastic tether connecting the cuffs to the interior of it. Was his comparison of it to a car battery more correct than he thought? Was that box a power source for these cuffs? A power source for what?
Out of curiosity, JJ tried to conjure up some magic after the tether around his ankle was gone. Just some lights.The pain was instant—racing up his wrists from the cuffs. He gasped in pain and instinctively jerked back, trying to pull away. But of course, he couldn’t.
“Please don’t try anything, subject,” the doctor said, noticing his reaction. “Your anomalous abilities will not work. Now if you would stand up and follow me.”
Jameson took a shaking breath and stood. The two C&C guards started walking away, forcing him to follow or get dragged along by the cuff tether. He hurried after them and the doctor as they walked out the metal cell door and into the hallway.
The hallway had white walls and a concrete floor. To the left, it was lined with more metal doors. To the right, it extended for a short distance and then ended in a pair of double-doors with small circular windows in the upper half. The doctor and guards led him that way, pushing through the doors and into the room beyond.
This was an octagonal room, its white walls lined with metal tables and cabinets. Four tables took up the center, a two-by-two formation... no, they weren’t tables. They were... beds. Gurneys? Something like that. With attached leather straps.
Jameson stopped walking. He knew what this was. The panic that filled his chest at the sight of it froze him in place. Even as the guards continued walking forward, trying to pull him along, his legs wouldn’t move. They were locked to the floor. One of the guards sighed—the first sign of humanity that he’d seen from any of these guys—and doubled back, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward, dragging him over to one of the beds.
He should probably try to fight it, shouldn’t he? But he couldn’t. It was all he could do to keep breathing. Tears caused his vision to blur. Gruesome sights kept popping into his mind against his will. The guards pushed him onto the bed, pulling leather straps over his chest and legs. A sob escaped his throat. They pushed his still-bound hands towards his chest, bending his elbows, and strapped those down there as well.
The doctor from before was speaking. It took Jameson a moment to push through his panic to listen to what she was saying. “—first examination, and we are also testing to see if something can externally trigger the anomalous properties.”
Examination? So—not an operation, then? Is that what that means?
He lifted his head slightly, turning to look at her. Huh. There were other doctors in the room, too. How had he not noticed them sooner? He must have been freaking out too much. They were all milling about, many of them holding clipboards or tablets—taking notes, perhaps? He stared at the tables surrounding the edge of the room. They were empty. Or at least, all the ones that he could see were, as he turned his head back and forth. If this was an operation, then they would need tools, right? If they didn’t have them, then it wasn’t an operation, was it? He hoped he was right in that assumption. He really, really hoped he was right.
One of the doctors wheeled something over to the bed where Jameson was lying. Some sort of tall instrument, shaped like an upside-down L. There was a square light at the end of the top arm, and a computer attached to the back, complete with keyboard. The doctor typed something on it, and the instrument whirled to life, some sort of engine running. Jameson jolted in surprise—oh god please don’t let that be some sort of scifi vivisection machine—and started trembling in the restraints. The doctor slowly moved the instrument along the side of the bed. The square light turned off, then on again, sending a wave of blue light downwards. Oh. It was some sort of scanner. Jameson relaxed slightly. But not entirely.
The machine scanned him, starting at his feet and moving upwards. Jameson didn’t feel anything, but it was still very unnerving. Especially with all the doctors around staring at him as this happened. Occasionally writing something down. He tried not to look at them, but it was hard to forget they were there.
Once the scan was finished, the doctor pulled the scanner away, typing more on the computer. “Dr. Day? How does this look?”
The doctor who’d gotten Jameson from his cell walked over. Ah, so her name was Dr. Day, then? Good to know, Jameson supposed. Dr. Day stared at the computer screen. She frowned. “The quality seems to have dropped. Do another scan. Subject, please stay as still as possible while the scanner does its work.”
Again? Jameson swallowed a lump in his throat and stared blankly up at the ceiling, focusing on not moving at all. It was better than thinking about the doctors watching. But even so, his thoughts never strayed too far from them.
Dr. Day deemed the second scan good enough. She gestured for the other doctors to join her, and they all clustered around the computer on the scanner. “As you can see, the subject is healthy except for a slight iron deficiency, likely caused by a lack of meat in the diet, and the obvious throat damage. What can we tell by the scarring pattern on the neck?”
“It looks like an animal attack, one with claws,” another doctor said.
“There would be other scarring on the body if it was an animal attack, right?” A second one countered. “Animals don’t target specific areas of the body.”
“Actually, the patterns look a bit like... human scratches?” A third said. “Look, four fingers and a thumb. It matches up.”
“So it was an anomaly,” the first one said decisively. “Humans don’t have nails that sharp.”
Jameson felt more tears threatening the corners of his eyes. He squeezed them closed, trying to push them back. The way they were talking about him, like he wasn’t even here... like he wasn’t even human... He was feeling sick again.
“This is likely caused by ALTR 53815-A,” the doctor said. “A peripheral anomaly of ALTR 53815. How many of you have dealt with peripherals?” There was a moment of silence. Jameson didn’t open his eyes, but he guessed some of the doctors were silently responding. “Good. Those of you who haven’t, refer to the handbook. This subject’s anomalous properties are likely unrelated to 53815. They do not seem to be coming from a specific location in his body, but rather all over. We are unsure if he is yet worthy of ALTR status. That is what we will determine over the course of these examinations. But first, we must establish parameters. Dr. Patel, if you please.”
Jameson heard the sound of people moving around. But he didn’t open his eyes until he felt something clamp down onto his upper arm. Then his eyes flew open and he stared down at it. Some sort of metal cuff, attached via wire to a square cylinder on wheels with lots of lights and another attached computer. Another doctor was typing away on it. And then stopped. The cylinder started whirring, like there was a fan inside.
They were all staring at him. Waiting.
Jameson looked away, staring back up at the ceiling. He also waited for something to happen. But he couldn’t feel anything. Just the metal clamp pressing down on his arm, the discomfort shifting to hurt the longer it stayed on there. 
“Increase the signal,” Dr. Day said. Jameson heard more typing sounds, and the whirring from the cylinder grew louder. Still nothing happened. “Increase again.” More typing, more whirring. Still nothing.
“Dr. Day, are you sure we will see a reaction?” another doctor asked.
“Yes, the mufflers will flare in response if the anomalous properties manifest,” Dr. Day said.
The mufflers? Was that what the cuffs were called?
“Either this signal or this location does not work to trigger the properties,” Dr. Day continued. “Dr. Patel, switch to square signals. We will test this location with all signals and then switch.”
How long was this going to take? How long was he going to be stuck here, with all of these people staring at him, helpless to do anything about it?
He took a deep breath, and tried to remain calm. Tried to distance himself from this whole situation. But that was difficult to do when he could still hear them, when he could still feel the restraints digging into his skin, when his thoughts kept circling, fueled by fear.
Schneep had found that the best way to pass the time while stuck in his cell was to exercise. It kept his mind distracted and his body fit, just in case an opportunity came to escape. Though that might be harder than it was last time, now that he had to take that disabling signal into account... But he tried not to think about that.
He was in the middle of doing sit-ups when the door opened again. The handler walked in, along with four guards. Twice as many as last time, this must be important. “Hello, 1-019,” the handler said.
Schneep quickly got to his feet, hackles raised. He glanced back and forth between the guards and the doorway. “...what? What is it?”
“We need you to come with us,” the handler said.
A moment passed. Schneep narrowed his eyes. “What? You are going to let me walk with you? No injections? Nothing in the food?”
“Don’t sound so negative, 1-019.”
“‘Don’t sound so negative’?! About you fucking drugging me?!”
“All of us are equipped with disabling signals, 1-019, it is in your best interest to cooperate,” the handler said firmly.
Schneep gritted his teeth but said nothing.
“Thank you.” The handler smiled. “Now, let’s go.” Two of the guards stepped forward and grabbed Schneep by each arm. He tensed, but didn’t try to escape. Another guard unlocked the cuff around his ankle. He fought the urge to break into a run. Instead, he walked along, keeping pace with the guards as they took him out of the cell.
The hallway had white walls and a concrete floor. It was lined with metal doors—and given how the door to his own cell was metal, he was willing to bet these led to more of the same. He hoped that most of them were empty. They dragged him down the hallway and around a corner to the end towards an elevator. One short ride later, they were on a different floor, a hallway with walls, floor, and ceiling made of shining metal. There weren’t many features here. The guards and handler headed straight to a set of double-doors. They slid open when they approached, leading into a small room—an airlock of sorts, with another pair of double-doors on the other side. Here, the guards left him, turning around and leaving back through the doors they came. As soon as they were gone, the other set of doors opened up.
“Subject 1-019, please walk forward into the room,” A voice said from inside the room. An intercom, probably, judging by the echoing, slightly tinny effect.
Schneep hesitated, then walked forward.
The room beyond was wide and open, made of the same shining metal as the hallways except for one glass wall. Well, it probably wasn’t actually glass. Maybe some sort of shatterproof clear plastic. Through it, Schneep could see the handler and a couple other people in white coats. Scientists. Doctors of some kind. Schneep glared at them, and they stared right back, holding clipboards. There was a camera in each corner of the room, and the floor had a strange grid-like pattern.Like it was made of huge metal tiles.
“Welcome, 1-019,” said the handler’s voice—definitely an intercom of some kind. 
“What is this?” Schneep demanded, walking over to the window. “This is no operation!”
“Don’t worry, 1-019, there will be no more operations,” the handler said. “You are complete—or close enough. There actually may be more modifications later, depending on how well you do.” Schneep hoped his fear wasn’t visible on his face. “We are here to test your capabilities.”
“Capabilities?” Schneep repeated.
One of the grid squares on the floor slid open, and something rose up from a compartment underneath it. Schneep backed away, staring at it in shock. What was that? Some sort of robot? It had a vaguely humanoid figure, made of white plastic and metal rings at every joint. But its head was a bulky cube shape, with a single camera in the middle, and its hands were replaced by metal spheres bigger than a fist. Schneep glanced back at the window. The handler seemed to be saying something, but the intercom wasn’t on, so Schneep had no idea what it was. Until the handler leaned forward and pressed a button on a console beneath the window. “Alright, 1-019, go.”
“Go? Go do wha—” Schneep’s question was cut off when the robot sprang into action, running towards him and swinging its sphere-hand at him. He yelped and dodged to the side, feeling the air whiff past him from the force of the blow. The robot swung its other sphere-hand and Schneep ducked. It swung the first one again and Schneep bolted, running across the large room. The robot bolted after him. It wasn’t that much faster than the average person, but it moved at that same pace, not slowing or speeding like a human would. Schneep glanced back at it and started circling around as the wall got closer. The robot copied him exactly, following his every footstep.
“1-019, please take out the enemy bot,” the handler said through the intercom.
“You want me to destroy a fucking robot?!” Schneep shouted as he ran.
“These are specially designed. Their bodies almost perfectly simulate human qualities. Besides the obvious modifications to the head and—”
“Fine!” Schneep snapped. He abruptly stopped running, turning back to face the robot. It was fine. It was fine. This was just like fighting criminal thugs on the streets. Just—a bit more difficult. The robot continued at him at that same pace. Schneep braced himself, then ducked and lunged at its legs. He expected the impact to hurt, but it wasn’t too bad. The bot clattered to the ground beneath his tackle, and he grabbed onto its waist. There was a slight gap between the metal rings forming its waist joints and its plastic casing. Schneep pressed his hands there and sent a pulse of electricity through them. The robot juddered and slumped. One of its sphere-fists landed on Schneep’s back with surprising weight. He’d probably have a bruise there later.
“Thank you, 1-019,” the handler said through the intercom. “Next test. Please continue to take out the enemy bots.”
Schneep disentangled himself from the deactivated bot and stood up. Just in time to see another grid square slide open and more robots rise from beneath the floor. Three of them this time, almost identical to the first. Except for the feet, which were replaced by wheels. All three of them rushed towards Schneep, one heading straight for him while the other two curved to either side. Schneep’s eyes widened and he turned and ran, just in time to avoid the pincer maneuver the robots were trying to create. The three of them turned sharply and headed after them. Shit! They were faster than the first one!
His mind raced as he ran. They outnumbered him this time, so he had to be smart. He circled back around to the body of the deactivated bot and lifted it up, throwing it at the three bots as they got close. It crashed against two of them, knocking them to the ground. The remaining one managed to dodge and kept rushing at him. Schneep leapt out of the way at the last minute, grabbing the robot’s shoulder as it ran past. He yelped as it started dragging him along, then gritted his teeth and threw his other arm around its torso. Then he sent more electricity into it. The robot kept rolling for a moment even after it slumped forward, and he stumbled a bit as he let go. He spun around back to the other two he’d thrown the robot at—and laughed. Even though they’d managed to push away the robot body pinning them down, they couldn’t get up again! Their wheel feet kept skidding across the ground.
“A bit of a design flaw, yes?” Schneep said, looking at the window. “Now what is this all for? Why are you testing me? Why did you—wh-why did you—”
Another grid square slid open, and three more robots rose from the ground. And other grid squares rose up as well, turning into seven-feet tall pillars and three-feet tall blocks. Obstacles. “Please continue to the next test, 1-019,” the handler said. These robots were slightly different. One was bigger and had its cube-like head replaced by a sideways pyramid, the point at the front glowing blue. The other two had different hands. One’s sphere-fists were glowing orange, and the other had long bars on chains for hands—like nunchucks in ninja movies. As the two smaller bots ran towards him on wheels for feet, the big one fired a beam of blue energy from its head.
Schneep tried to back up, but he wasn’t fast enough. The beam hit him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground. “Oof!” It felt like someone threw a super-speed baseball at him. He sat up, and saw the robot with glowing spheres driving its sphere-fist towards him. He yelped and rolled to the side. The glowing sphere hit the ground right next to him. He could feel slight heat coming from it. “Are you all crazy?!” Schneep shouted. He grabbed onto that robot’s legs, trying to pulse with electricity—
The other robot swung its nunchucks at him, hitting him twice: once on his shoulder blade, once on his lower back. Schneep gasped in pain and scrambled to his feet, running before he was fully up and barely managing to dodge more blows from both the bots. Then the big robot’s pyramid started to glow, and Schneep quickly ducked behind a tall pillar to avoid the beam that followed. “Hey!” He shouted at the window. “What is this all about?! Why are you doing this?! I-I deserve answers after all this!”
The handler and other doctors didn’t respond.
The two smaller bots rushed around either side of the pillar and Schneep leapt forward—surprising himself with his ability—and ran across the room to another pillar. “You all better explain!” he yelled at the window. “Or—o-or I’ll—” His mind scrambled for a plausible threat. These guys didn’t seem to care about anything! Anything... except for results. “Or I will sabotage this test! I swear to god!”
He noticed a couple of the doctors glancing at each other uneasily. Aha! So he landed on something that could work.
The robots circled around again, forcing him to keep running. “You want me to fight these things?!” Schneep shouted as he ran. “Well I will not! Not until you tell me why you’ve done all this!”
“1-019, I will remind you that we have disabling signals at the ready,” the handler said.
Schneep laughed, making a sharp turn to avoid another beam. “So?! That will not help your test, will it?! If I am lying on the ground?!”
There was no answer.
Schneep tried to dodge another beam, but this one hit him square in the side, knocking him to the ground. The other two robots quickly caught up, one on either side of him. The one with the glowing spheres hit his chest as he tried to get up, knocking the breath out of him. The other one swung its nunchucks over and over, and Schneep curled up to protect his head as he tried to crawl away. Another heavy, heated blow hit his back. He cried out and went limp from the shock of it. One of the nunchucks swung around and hit him in the side of the head hard enough to fill his vision with stars—
“Command D-SH-6!” the handler suddenly shouted over the intercom.
The two robots slumped—but didn’t shut down like they did when he pulsed the earlier ones. They instead backed up, giving him space to breathe. He climbed to his hands and knees, blinking back tears in his eyes.
“Very well, 1-019,” the handler said, his voice shaking slightly. “What was it you wanted to know? The purpose of these tests?”
Schneep pushed himself to his knees and stared at the window, where some of the doctors looked pale and worried, others were glaring in anger, and still others were keeping their expressions carefully neutral. “The purpose of all of it!” he insisted, pushing through the pain. “The operations! The implants! A-and why—why me, of all people?! Because I was in the wrong place?!”
A moment passed. The doctors seemed to be discussing something. Then the handler activated the intercom again. “The EX Subject Initiative is designed to create new, specialized operatives to  help contain anomalies that prove difficult to deal with. Much like ALTR 53815.”
Schneep blinked. He stared at the window, silently asking the doctors to continue.
“Ideally, EX Subjects are taken from those who have had contact with ALTRs but have not been targeted—or at least, not intensely.”
Schneep laughed. “Wh-what are you saying? Distorter has wanted me dead for ages.”
“Your exposure to 53815-A is relatively light, especially in comparison to others from Mirygale,” the handler continued. “But your experience is personal. And you are also clearly capable, given your track record of vigilantism. You walking into our Operation Center in Henshilling was a fortunate coincidence. You were really the perfect EX Subject.”
Disgust curled around Schneep’s stomach, twisting his face.
“If you proceed through the various tests and training in the EX Initiative, you will be transferred to a new division of C&C, whose purpose is to contain ALTRs. To protect people who are being victimized by them. Hurt and killed and worse. Do you understand?”
“Oh yes, I understand quite a lot,” Schneep said quietly. “Quite a lot.” They wanted weapons. Living weapons. And they were willing to do terrible things to get them. They could say whatever they wanted about protecting people from anomalies, but that didn’t change what they were doing. Not at all.
“Great. We will proceed with the test, then.”
Schneep’s thoughts snapped out of their dark spiral and he instantly started moving again, dodging more attacks from the robots. His eyes scanned the room. There! He darted over to one of the blocks, leaping on top of it. Then he spun around, facing the two robots as they charged at him. He threw himself onto the one with nunchucks as soon as it got close enough, pulsing immediately. Its body jittered and then slumped. He ducked a blow from the other one, getting low to the ground and grabbing its leg. He pulsed again. And that one toppled over on top of him. It knocked the breath out of him for a moment, but he quickly pushed it off.
A beam of blue light flew past his face. Schneep grabbed the robot body again, raising it up in front of him. He staggered to his feet, trying to use it as a shield. It dulled the force of the beam a bit, but he still stumbled backwards. Still, he walked forward, ducking behind pillars occasionally. Despite the robot body supposedly “almost perfectly simulating human qualities,” it was still quite heavy. By the time he got close to the last robot, his arms were trembling slightly. He threw the deactivated bot at the big one, knocking it over. But it was still able to aim its beam at him. He dodged its attack, then rushed forward and grabbed its arm, giving it a higher voltage than the others. It smoked slightly and became limp.
Breathing heavily, Schneep stood up straight. Well... he seemed to be good at this. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.
“Thank you, 1-019. Please continue on to the next test.”
Schneep spun around as more robots appeared.
Bad. It was a bad thing.
But at least the fight would help distract him from these new revelations.
He took a deep breath and charged forward.
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 2: Switch
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix
Read Swapboys | Read Switch | Read SwitchSwap | AO3 Link
Prologue | Chapter 1 Taglist: @brokentimewatch
It's not too long before two cars pull up to the train station. Out of the first one steps a tall dark-skinned person with chin-length hair. They talk with Anti briefly, demanding an explanation but accepting that this isn't the time and leaving with Will, who Anti gives a short hug before he heads out. And out of the second one--
"Why the FACK can we not have five minutes of peace in our goddamn lives?!" Schneep looks pissed and annoyed, but he softens when he sees Bro. "Ah... good to see you again, of course, but it seems there is bad news, too."
Bro shrinks a bit at Schneep's anger but he also can't help but laugh because, same. "haha- I feel that bro..." He then looks scared and bites his lip. "Yeah... I need to find Alt... who knows what Mag is doing to him... or to one of your guys- i think... he really wanted Jameson last time, didn't he?"
Jackie sighs. "Are you okay? Anti said something about you healing really fast, but I can take a look, if you want. I've patched up this guy often enough." He vaguely gestures at Schneep.
Bro then looks back at Jackie and tries to smile, lifting up his singed shirt. "Uh- you can try, if you like. I dunno if it's like... good or not. I don't really... get checked often. Gotta keep go go going, you know? Hero work is never done..."
Dr. Parker can see the edges of the burn are a bit darker, tinged green. But the main part seems pretty much filled with healing skin, raised and pink. A bit hot to the touch but also cracking and Bro squirms uncomfortably. "Fucking shit- god i hate how it itches, jesuss!"
"Sorry," Jackie mumbles. "I didn't really bring anything to treat ichiness." He crouches to get a closer look. "...well, it's definitely healing, but there's some green... tinge here. It might be because of magic. In which case, I'm not qualified to do anything.”
Bro nods and pushes himself to sit up straighter, "S'probably the magic- green fire sucks ass, it lingers a bit longer than I would like. But thanks for checking, Doc."
"No problem," Jackie smiles. "Happy to help. If you feel up to move, we should go meet up with JJ and Marvin. I think—"
Before he can continue, Anti's phone starts to ring. Well, not ring, it's on silent, but the vibration is loud and noticeable. "Shit, sorry," he says, pulling it out. He looks at the Caller ID and frowns in confusion. Then picks it up. "What is it? Whoa!" He holds the phone away from his ear. On the other side a man is yelling. "Fucking shit, calm down! You scared the bejeezus out of me. I—what? Sam? I..." He glances at the others. "Hang on, you all keep talking." He turns to the side and listens to the call.
Bro readjusts himself after being checked on and then jumps slightly at Anti’s exclamation.
"That is probably not good," Schneep mutters. "Neither is it good that Magnificent may be in our world." He laughs. "Though I do wonder now... He has other magic, but those tricks... I wonder if..."
Jackie gives him an odd look. "I don't think we should go testing stuff like that out. We need to come up with some way to get Chase and Alt home--and Magnificent, too."
Bro looks back and studies Schneep with curiously, "Wait testing what out? You got something you think could help against Mag, Volt??"
"Heh." Schneep gives him a wan smile. "Well... a lot has changed since we got sucked into your universe. I do not... wish to discuss it too much, but I will simply say that our villain's illusions and manipulation no longer works on me." If Bro looks close, he'll notice that Schneep is playing with his hands in an odd way. Running a finger down the side of his left hand.
Bro looks excited by this and he grins, "Hey! Maybe that will work- but... I dunno- Mag's magic is... weird. I guess- I dunno much about magic though."
“How'd you get here, by the way?” Jackie asks, “Anti didn't fill in those details in the group chat. Only something about Magnificent doing shit. Do you remember anything specific? If we want to get you back home, it'd be easiest to do it the same way... probably."
Chase looks back at Jackie and nods, "Ah right- so he... he took Alt from our house, puppeted him in a super horrible way that isn't.... like him- not unless he's desperate. and he was... cuz he found this like... doorway thingy- But he needed Alt to glitch to work it. He used his magic and alt's glitches and then there was like- an explosion and i... woke up on the train tracks." He then frowns and tries to remember, "mmm... i dunno if something like that would be here... it was in some shady basement of this fucked up agency we have in our world- calls themselves Sclera."
"That's a werid name for an evil organization," Jackie says absentmindedly. "What is a shlcerla? I mean--sclera?" He sounds the word out carefully.
Schneep sighs. "Jackie, I thought you were a doctor."
"I am! That doesn't mean I know everything! Why, do you know about a sclera?"
"I do." Schneep grins smugly. "I wondered if there was a word for it in English, turns out, yes. It is the white part of your eye."
Jackie is silent for a moment. "Part of an eye... Like an iris?"
Schneep's grin fades.
Jackie turns to look at Bro. "We might have something like that here. There's this group called IRIS, they study weird shit. Anomalies. They call them ALTRs. And they... do a lot of fucked up stuff besides that." He glances at Schneep, then quickly looks away. "Maybe they'll have something to help. I think... I think I heard about them talking about other worlds..."
Bro also seems to pale, gripping slightly over his heart. "... Sclera does that too- but... with magic." He narrows his eyes and thinks, "If Iris is like Sclera then.... then yeah- that might be our best bet..." He shudders though but tries to hide it. "God- I hate places like that though- fucking freaky scientific-messed-up bullshit..."
Schneep looks at him sympathetically. He opens his mouth to say something, but--
"Fuck!" Anti shouts, drawing everyone's attention. "Okay, take Sam home and make sure they're okay, okay?! The rest of us will check on them. Yes, I'm sure! Yeah! No, stay there. Don't--don't let anything happen to you." His voice softens. "Be careful. Okay. Bye." He hangs up and spins around to look back at everyone else. "Okay. So. Chase was right. Magnificent is fighting Jameson."
Chase zips up to his feet, eyes wide, "Oh no! I hate when I'm right!" He curses and then adjusts his utility belt, pulling out his phone and looks about ready to burst into the air. "Okay where is he?? We can't- we can't let Mag get him again!"
"He's by the bus stop by his house," Anti says.
"Fuck! That's far!" Schneep curses.
"Not if I run red lights!" Jackie's head snaps towards his car, then back to Bro. "Hey, can you fly or do you need a lift?"
Bro nods and shoots into the air to hover, "I'll fly ahead! I know the look of Mag's magic by now, just point me in the right direction!"
"It's that way!" Anti points. "West and a bit south. We'll head there on our own. Remember to text us if you need to, calls might not work!"
Meanwhile, Schneep grabs Jackie and starts pulling him towards the car.
Bro nods, storing away his phone. "Right! Be careful!" He then blasts into the air and follows Anti's instructions, trying to push himself to fly as fast as he- scanning the area below for any signs of magic.
"Good luck!" Jackie calls. Then the three of them run to the car.
That was risky, JJ says.
Marvin smiles at him. "But it paid off, didn' it?" He pushes his cards back into a single deck on the dining room counter.
I suppose. JJ pauses. He somehow...drained some of my magic. I still feel...weak.
"Really? Fuckin' bastard..." Marvin mutters, then frowns. "T'at shouldn' be possible, t'ough. It should've brough' you back to the state you were in before. Did I do somet'ing wrong...?"
JJ shakes his head. You didn't do anything wrong, he reassures him. This is just... tricky.
Before Marvin can respond, there's a knock at the door. "They're here already?" Marvin says, surprised. "Okay, I'll get it." He heads into the entrance hall and opens the door.
But instead of any of his friends, Alt Brody falls into their house.
Alt was resting against the door as soon as he knocked on it- and as soon as it opens he stumbles forward, his head heavy. But, it's momentarily cleared of fog as he raises his red stained face to meet Marvin's eyes. He's still gripping his arm, magic pulsing weakly. "...m'rvin... moore...?" He slurs, confusion clear on his face. Then, he feels a wave of dizziness crash onto him that has him falling towards the ground.
"What the--?!" Marvin shoots forward and barely manages to catch Alt. He almost falls himself in the process but stays up. For now. "Jems! It's--it's t'at Anti from the other world!"
JJ rushes into the the front hall. He gasps at what he sees. What's wrong with him?!
"I don' know! Ah--a little help?" His legs are starting to go out.
JJ nods and hurries over, transfering support of Alt from Marvin to him. Living room, he signs awkwardly. Marvin nods, and the two of them move into the other room, where they set Alt down on the sofa.
There's a voice in Alt's mind. So familiar. {This is good,} it says. {Do as you would for now. But that man with the mustache...you should try to get rid of him when you have the chance. Knock him out...or worse. That'd be good, too. That would make me happy~}
Alt's eyes seem distant as something whispers in his ears, letting the others take him and move him into the living room. Even when hes out on the couch, He's still for a second, staring out ahead. Then, he shakes out this head and looks in between Marvin and Jameson. He feels really sick, his body is shaking in a way he can't really control. But... he knows these guys... right? He weakly shakes his head again and tries to stop the trembling in his corrupted arm.
"Are you alrigh', lad?" Marvin asks.
"..hngh... n-no- not... r-really..." Alt pants, feeling faint and leans back against the back of the sofa. "M-Mag... Mag did somethin' to... to m'magic... s'hurts... and I... i dunno... what's...." His eyelids flutter like he's ready to pass out again but he shakes his head to try to stay awake. "m'broth'r... i... i needa find Chase...I... I gotta s-stop Mag..."
JJ frowns. Who?
"Oh! Yes, Chase!" Marvin nods. "He was the one who isn' here, remember?"
Understanding dawns on JJ's face and he nods. Yes, he's the one Anti mentioned. Don't worry, Alt, our Anti saw him, he's fine and on his way. He uses the same name sign for Alt as the Henrik in Alt's universe: A-lightning.
"As for Magnificent, the bastard..." Marvin grumbles. "I'm sure he'll be comin' to us sooner or later. We have time to prepare."
Yes, get some rest and recover, Alt, JJ adds.
Alt seems comforted by seeing a familar sign, his chest suddenly aching for his friend. But, Hen would be in danger here... its good he's still back home. He almost wants to nod to them- he wants to relax- when he stiffens, blood starting to try to leak out of his eye again.
{Just wait here? Wait for him to come for you? No, that seems like a bad idea, doesn't it? They're trying to stop us from going after him.}
"... w-we can't j'ust wait here... w-we'll be just s-sitting ducks! We... we gotta... gotta stop him... s'mehow..." Alt's brain was fuzzy on the details- god he'd give anything to use his magic right now. He needs... he needs to get rid of this corruption.
He looks up at Jameson, head fuzzy as its assaulted with suggestions. Knock him out. Or worse. Make me happy. get rid of him. "y... you... do you know how... how to get rid'f dark magic...?" He shakily holds out his arm to Jameson, showing off the claws marks that match the ones on his own. Though, Alt's seem much more severe, pulsing with purple magic with every tremor of his muscles. JJ's are dark like stains- more just a sign of what was used to steal his magic.
JJ tries to hide his alarm at the marks on Alt's arm--and the ones on his own. We don't have to deal with black magic on a regular basis like you do, JJ says, but I'm sure I have a purification spell upstairs somewhere. I can check my book of shadows.
"T'at's a great idea," Marvin says. "We can take care of t'at, and t'en we'll talk about how to stop Magnificent."
JJ nods. He turns and starts leaving the room, heading towards the stairs.
{Go with him.} The voice comes with a bit more of a push than the last times. Some fog rolls in with the command.
Alt doesn't hesitate to push himself off the couch, the command to follow JJ filling his head with nothing else. He doesn't even look at Marvin as he stumbles after the magician.
This was good... he can get this black magic fixed... and then get rid of the magician.
"Alt...?" Marvin stares, confused, as Alt follows JJ upstairs. It's not too weird, maybe he just wants to get the magic taken care of right away, but... Was it just him, or was there something... on Alt's face? Just in case, he hurries back to the kitchen where he left the cards.
JJ glances back at Alt. Oh, you want to come? Alright, I'd be happy to show you my workroom. He smiles and continues up the stairs.
The workroom is halfway through being reorganized, with some of the books on the shelves and desks where they're supposed to be and some on stacked on the floor around the central table. And on the table itself is a black crystal sphere, nestled on a purple cushion.
Alt nods to Jameson, and looks dazedly around the house and the workroom as he's lead through.
When Alt looks at the crystal, he sees flickers of other people's faces in the reflection. They all look familiar, and yet... different. Some are wearing masks. Some are children. And there's one with a slit neck, green strings holding it closed.
Alt pauses and stares at the crystal, eyes widening slightly as he saw the visions within them. What... what was-
But none of this is important.
Oh. It didn't matter. Any concern that was trying to surface was quickly stuffed under heavy fog.
JJ goes right for the desk, sorting through the books there until he finds what he's looking for. He then skims that book, and after a few seconds, smiles triumphantly. Hand me your arm, he says, putting the open book on the desk.
It takes a second for Alt to react to Jameson, more blood slithering down his face. But, he turns and wordlessly offers his corrupted arm to him, staring intensely at his face.
JJ gently takes Alt's arm. He hesitates for a moment, glancing back at the instructions in the book. His eyes start glowing a bright blue, and that same blue light encases his hands. He carefully presses his palm against the claw marks. A cooling magic washes over the marks. It takes a couple waves, but soon the corruption of the dark magic disappears.
There we are, JJ says, letting go of Alt's arm and smiling at him.
Something... Something is wrong...
Jameson blinks. He squints at Alt's face. What is...
It's blood.
Jameson gasps and takes a step back. How did he not notice it before?!
The second the black magic is cleared, electric magic builds up around Alt and he starts to glitch again. Then, he throws out a hand and sends a wave of blue green electricity at Jameson.
Jameson lets out a little squeak--the closest to a shout he can manage right now-- and throws up a clumsy shield. Luckily, it blocks most of the electricity. What gets through isn't enough to shock him. Alt, snap out of it! he signs, backing up. He doesn't have the magic for another fight after Magnificent drained him. And he doesn't want to fight Alt! Glancing around, he rushes for the open doorway.
That familiar sign has Alt hesitating, something trying to spark in his foggy mind. But, that hesitation quickly leaves as Jameson starts to run. Alt tries to glitch in front of him, throwing out more barrages of charged magic.
Jameson skids to a halt, surprised by Alt's sudden appearance. Before he can recover or try that new teleportation spell again, Alt is throwing electric magic at him. Again he tries to conjure a shield but the magic breaks through this time. This time he manages a scream as the magic shocks across his skin.
Downstairs, Marvin's head snaps up at the sound of JJ's cry. "Jems?!" he gasps. He runs for the stairs, tightening his grip on his cane and the cards, already thinking of what combination could help. Was it Alt? Had he really seen what he thought?!
Alt doesn't hesitate again to glitch towards Jamie- and this time he attempts to grab Jameson's neck and then throw him into the wall, pressing hard against his throat. There's no recognition in his eyes as blood pools out of them. He thinks he might hear another voice- but its faint and it doesn't matter. He needs to get rid of the magician.
Jameson gasps in surprise when Alt grabs him. He pulls at his hands, trying to pry them away before something could happen--!
And he manages to push Alt away just in time. He scrambles backwards across the floor until he hits the central table. The black crystal ball is almost jostled from it's spot.
A voice comes from down the hall. "H-hang on, Jems!" Marvin shouts. He's struggling with the stairs, pushing himself faster.
Jameson nods. He ducks his head and crosses his arms. A blue dome appears around him, wavering for a second before solidifying.
Alt tsks quietly under his breath and then lashes out and throws lightning magic over and over at the shield. Trying to get it to crack-
The shield shudders with every hit, but it doesn't break. And yet JJ knows it will only be a matter of time. He feels his strength failing.
"Jems! Alt!" And then Marvin rushes forward, almost collapsing in the doorway of the room. He takes in the situation quickly--yes, he thought it was something like that.
Alt pauses in his attack to turn towards Marvin, regarding him with a slight head tilt. He's panting slightly, sweat dripping down his face and his hands trembling. His magic is being depleted really quickly so soon after getting drained by that curse. Yet, he needs to keep going. He has to.
Quickly, Marvin bends over and places three cards on the ground in a triangle formation: Five of Diamond - Six of Heart - Queen of Spade
Jameson's shield is reinforced, curving golden lines running over itse surface in a geometric pattern. He breathes easier.
Marvin hears a voice in his head. {That's not really fair, is it? Have you forgotten whose side your on? Or are you too afraid to remember?} He flinches, pushing away the accompanying fog.
At the same time, Alt hears it say something different. {A friend of ours has lost his way...so sad. He shouldn't be here. Make him leave.}
.... he lost his way? Well... Alt hated using these spells but- if they needed to convince Marvin then... Alt flares out a hand to his side, and a collection of glitches forms beside him- and then forms a wobbly electric field of magic that swirls in hues of green blue and white. Though the edges are harsher than Mag's, the colors are soothing and easy to look at. Maybe they could just lull you to sleep... make you forget all your pain, just for a second.
Marvin isn't expecting it. He looks down for a moment, fumbling with the cards--he'll need to use five or more, he's not leaving this to chance--and when he looks up again... there it is. An electric spiral hovering next to Alt. What? How... strange. But... nice. Marvin's eyes trace the spiral's motion, the ever-inward movement. His eyelids feel heavy all of a sudden.
JJ sees what's happening. "Marv--!" he tries to shout, but it breaks off into a wheezing exhale. The reinforcement around his shield stays--it will stay until the card formation is disrupted--but Marvin's other cards flutter to the floor, followed shortly by him collapsing to his knees, eyes blinking slowly...
"Sleep." Alt drones out to Marvin, watching him coldly and emotionlessly, pushing magic into his words.
He thinks he hears something slamming open from downstairs- but he's focused on his task. Nothing else matters. He doesn't even consider anything else is wrong until suddenly he's being tackled to the ground, his head hitting it hard enough for him to see spots.
"O-Oh my god, Alt!" A man in a pink mask is gasping desperately over him, looking worried. ...why...? No no wait- he's... he's important- he's so so important. Alt makes a choked noise of pain, the fog in his head hurting all of sudden. No no no its hurts- why does it hurt?
"C- Ch...!" Alt tries to choke out, shaky hand trying to grab onto his jacket.
For the others- as soon as Jameson shouted out, Bro flew past a house with bright lights flickering in different hues in the windows. He recognized the color of some of them- and it wasn't Mag... it was Alt!
He hurried down to the door of the apartment then tried to doorknob- not wanting to cause too much damage to the house. By some miracle it was open and Bro skids in and looks around, shouting out, "Alt?! ALT!!"
He sees the hues of blue and greens and doesn't hesitate to fly up the stairs- and hovers just a bit above them to see his brother trying to entrance Marvin. He yells out and tackles Alt back farther into the room- the magic bursting into pixels as the two boys crash into the bookshelves in the corner. Marvin can feel the influence leave him like he's waking up from being underwater.
Marvin gasps, starting backwards. JJ stares with wide eyes at Chase and Alt. His shield finally disappears as he stands up and scrambles over to Marvin's side. He reaches down to help him up.
"I-I... what?" Marvin shakes the image of that spiral out of his mind. "Th-t'at was—he can do t'at...?" he whispers. Then he looks up at JJ. "A-are you... alrigh'...?"
JJ smiles weakly. I should be asking you that.
"'M... fine. Physic'lly." Marvin takes JJ's hand and lets him pull him to his feet. In unison, the two of them turn and stare at Alt and Bro. "Y-you're the—the hero from the other world. Chase. Chase!" Marvin shakes his head again. "Chase, Alt's bein'—Distorter's in his head, I—oh!" And then Marvin gets back down on the ground and starts gathering up the cards. "T-try to get t'rough to him, if you can', I-I can try somet'ing!"
Bro looks back at the others and seems to relax at seeing they're both okay. "H-Hey- glad you two aren't hurt-" He then makes a face and his eyes glow with hatred as he looks down at the power that's taken over his brother. "Right... that bitch. Okay- lemme see what I can do!"
{Shhh. Shhhh.} The voice hisses in Alt's mind, like the comforting sound of rain falling. {Don't worry. You don't have to worry about anything. Shhh. Let me take care of this.}
Alt's eyes glaze over more as the voice of his friend comforts him. His hand falls back down and he lays limply on the ground, head lolling to look out past Bro. Nothing but the sound of rain blanking his mind, like what he would listen to in his headphones when sound was too much. His mind is calm and still- Even though his body is panting and shaking and trembling- he can't feel it at all.
"No No! fuck- Anti! C'mon lil bro, stay with me!" Chase whispers desperately, trying to shake Alt's shoulders.
Then, Chase hears something in his mind, too. {Oh? So where were you when your brother appeared right outside my house? Where? Why weren't you there with him? You don't care, I see. You're right not to. He doesn't care about you. He barely knows you, really, he wouldn't give two shits if you just died.}
Bro winces as the voice slithers into his head. He closes his eyes and then growls out, "No shut up! I do care- we know each other better than anyone! You're the one who doesn't care- or you wouldn't be running him ragged!"
He shakes Alt more, pleading, "Alt c'mon! Wake up!"
"Shit," Marvin curses, watching Chase and Alt. He has all his cards gathered, now he just needs to find the right ones! "H-hang on, you two! Jems, can you--I-I dunnae, help t'em?"
Distorter doesn't respond to Chase, instead continuing to speak to Alt. {Look, Anti... it's Magnificent. He's right in front of you. It's time to show him how you really feel. You're so much stronger than him, right? I believe you are.}
Alt's eyes narrow and flood with green and blue magic as Distorter makes him see Magnificent in front of him. His shoulders start to glitch, electricity building up around him. He starts to latch back onto Chase- then his arm is grabbed and-
JJ looks Alt. He doesn't have much magic left right now, but he can try. Maybe... He steps forward, up next to Chase, and grabs Alt's arm. His eyes flare blue, and frost suddenly flares from the point of contact, flashing sudden cold through Alt's system. It won't work if he's too deep in, but maybe...
It's like the gray is blown away by an icy chill, startling Alt back into his own mind with a painful jolt. He gasps, back arching as the connection breaks. He slumps back towards the floor and dazedly looks back and forth between Bro and Jameson. "..h..how did I...?" He then winces and curls his face into the ground, groaning softly. "F-Fuck..! My head...!"
Bro slumps with relief and then lifts Alt up and crushes him in a hug. "Oh thank fucking christ! God... god.... you fucking scared me Alt..." He buries his face in his brother's shoulders for a bit before letting go and helping to sit against the floor. Alt just dazedly lets him, trying to take everything in.
JJ lets go of Alt, slumping in relief. He was so glad that worked. He was so worried... But it was fine. It was all fine. It was Distorter, he explains to Alt. You remember him, right? Do you... know where you are right now, Alt? And is there... anything you need?
"I...I'm..." Alt swallows shakily and goes to hold his arms and curls up on himself. It was really hard to piece things together- but... he knows these guys. JJ and Marvin... this must be... their world. Once he thinks this though, he remembers how they got here and he gasps, looking around at the others in panic. "M-Mag-! Magnificent! He's here- he's...! He's trying to get to other universes- and-!" He then takes in the slight claw marks on Jameson's arm and he looks back at him with a pale face. "... shit- did he already...?"
"Wait what?? He already got you??" Bro asks, looking at JJ with worry. "Fuck! I flew so fast to try to stop that! Damn that slippery cat goddd im gonna skin him one of these days!"
JJ looks down at his own arm. Right... the marks. He could feel the effects, but he forgot they were visible. I'm fine, he reassured them. He did... somehow drain some of my magic, but... I'll recover with enough time and rest.
"They're righ', t'ough," Marvin says from the doorway. "We need t'stop him before that bastard does anyt'ing too big to recover from. If you're goin' to skin him, tell me so I can join." He chuckled.
Well... Jameson pauses thoughtfully. If he was trying to get to other universes, he succeeded. I don't know what we're going to stop him from now.
"Uh, how 'bout we stop him from murderin' us? Or from whatever he did to you! Or from doin' all t'at..." Marvin waves his hands around his head. "All t'at shit."
JJ chuckled, then turned serious again. You're right. I suppose I'm just a bit tired. This was a lot. He turns to Alt and Chase. Our house is warded against all sorts of nonhuman intruders. Distorter can't get in, but Magnificent might be able to. We'll be safe... briefly. Do you know of anyone else from your universe who could be here? Or is it just you two and him?
"It's just us this time," Bro sighs, "He got the jump on Alt and made him use this- weird doorway thingy! He almost got away with just Alt- god that would have been bad..."
Alt shudders and holds himself tightly, "If i was drained doing the spell... then Mag probably was too... which is why he tried to find the nearest source of magic. Then he'd... god... I... I don't know... h-he made puppets of you all once but- not even as himself... That was Distorter too... I dunno if he'd stick around for that though... and i... i dont think he'd kill you all... not yet at least. He... He likes making people useful to him. Or keeping trophies..." He grips tighter on his arms, digging his nails in. "h-he might just be trying to get to the next universe somehow... since he's experienced this one... in a way." The glitch hates that he's been around Mag long enough to know his thought pattern but... he did work with him for a long time.
Bro makes a face as he thinks and then perks up, "Oh! Yeah! I need to message the others! They were gonna be driving here! Then they uh- they mentioned someplace we can try to see might have something to help- somewhere callleedd ah fuck what was it- its like Sclera!" He scrunches his face and looks up to think. "...what do you call the colored part of your eye?"
"Iris-" Alt mutters.
"Iris! Yeah that was it!" Bro whips out his phone and sends a text to Anti. I found JJ and Alt! Mag got to JJ but hes okay- and Alt was affected by Distorter... anyways! JJ and Marvin were here so i guess we're in their house :)
Marvin and JJ stiffen. JJ looks back at him. Do you think IRIS could help?
"I... s'ppose," Marvin mutters, shuffling his card deck. "Probably. Yes. They... like t'is sort of stuff. Time and space and all t'at. So the question is jus'... which one of their places we go to t'find somet'ing helpful."
I don't think either of us are... the most qualified to answer that question, JJ says.
Meanwhile, Chase gets an answering text: Great we're reall close then. Just a few minutes and well be there.
Soon after, JJ and Marvin's phones both ding. They take them out and read the text that Anti just sent THEM.
"They're on th'way," Marvin reports.
JJ nods. Let's all head downstairs and wait for them. He turns and looks at the bookshelves Chase and Alt ran into. He frowns. You've ruined my shelves.
Marvin bursts into laughter. "Is--is t'at really your priority?"
I've spent a couple days organizing them. That one's all...ker-fobbled now.
"Did ye really jus' spell out t'at nonsense word?"
Chase looks back up and then blushes, getting to his feet, "Ah fuck! I'm sorry! I just- acted on instinct! I'm not that tired i could reorganize them if you want!"
Alt glitches to his feet and then shoves Bro towards the door. "Let's focus on the important stuff, Chase- like getting back home and stopping the evil maniac thats skulking through town?"
"...oh yeah-"
Alt shoves him more out the door, "My god you're impossible... did you take your meds today?!"
"'course I did but a lot is happening, Alt!"
Alt rolls his eyes then glitches downstairs.
Marvin giggles. Then he stops. The others couldn't hear the voice he just did. {You know fixing this won't get rid of me. We're stuck together. Embrace it now.} After a second, he shakes off the uneasy feeling and finally stands up, using his cane as support. "Yea, let's all go downstairs. We can settle the IRIS t'ing t'ere when the others arrive."
Alt finds the same space the others put him on earlier and slowly goes to curl up, holding his headphones and hiding his face behind his knees. He never thought he'd be so far away from home without his mask...
Bro watches Alt vaguely then sticks by the others, ready to help if they needed it. He wants to make sure they get down okay first- especially with JJ looking so spent.
JJ notices Chase sticking by. He smiles at him tiredly. Don't worry, I'm not actually mad. It was an emergency. And I understand the, ah, mile-a-minute effect, if you know what I mean.
"We shoul' lock you and Jems and Jackie in an empty room, see how insane you all become," Marvin mutters. "C'mon, Mr. Fantastic." He starts walking down the hallway. A bit slower than usual, but he did run up the stairs. The energy had to come from somewhere.
That's a different superhero, JJ says, following him. A fictional one.
"As far as we know! If other universes are real, perhaps all stories are, too!"
JJ smiles. He glances back at Chase to make sure he's following.
Chase laughs and then hovers over the others as they go down the stairs. “Oh yeah! Jackieboy- the one from our universe- he’s a hugeee comic nerd- gave me an earful once about my name being so close to that guy’s but I didn’t know! I didn’t read comics?? I had like… rugby to play and shit- pints to drink…”
Ah, you were one of those uni people, huh? I don't know why I'm surprised. JJ smiles again. I was a theatre major, which, I'm told, says everything about me and how I acted in uni.
"Imagine goin' to a second'ry school," Marvin says.
You mean a university?
Marvin pauses. "Well, I finished primary school, at least." JJ raises an eyebrow. "Don' give me t'at look, do you know how hard t'at was to do under my circumstances?!"
I'm very proud of you, Marvin. Sincerely.
Bro touches down to the steps once he’s sure the others are fine and then glances back at the living room. He sees his brother all curled up and his heart aches. He slowly makes his way over and sits down next to him. He waits a beat- then opens one arm to Alt’s backside but doesn’t move, waiting to see how Alt would respond.
Alt blinks up at Bro and seems to hesitate. But then he slowly adjusts so he can lay his head on Bro’s shoulder. Chase wraps a light around Alt’s back and the glitch seems to relax some.
“….I hate this.” Alt whispers weakly to Chase, trying to hide the frustrated tears wanting to leak out of his eyes. He scrubs hard at the drying blood on his face.
Chase closes his eyes and leans against Alt’s head. “I know…”
“I mean… im… im glad to see these guys again… just…” Alt shudders and curls up more. “…I know it’s good they’re not here but… I miss the others…”
“Yeah…” Bro sighs. He then presses light lips to his brother’s head, “We’ll figure it out though…”
Alt nods and hides his face against his brother’s shoulder.
Jameson and Marvin join Chase and Alt in the living room, noticing the way the two of them are acting with each other. They exchange looks, then decide not to say or do anything to interrupt the moment. "Won' be long now," Marvin says, going over to sit in his usual chair. "Jus' a few more minutes."
Frustratingly for Magnificent, he seems to have appeared in an area with few magicians or otherwise magic people. Sure, the city at large is very magical, but the west and south neighborhoods are odd dry spots. There are occasional empty houses full of spellbooks and the occasional talisman, but great amounts of magic are few... except for Jameson Jackson, of course, lessened as his magical signature is now that he's drained.
The dark magician curses as he comes up short on any other magic sources. Guess it was time to go back to what he knew- that Jameson could still prove useful to him, if he could find where he escaped to. And well- remembering the bonds between his puppet and his friends- where jj was- so would his failure crippled counterpart would be. It would be good to get rid of such weakness.
Flaring his eyes- he tries to locate that faint spark of Jameson’s magic.
It’s hard to find, but it’s there, glowing faintly… in the opposite direction he’s been walking all this time. How ironic.
Magnificent curses to himself- he'd been walking in the complete wrong way! Cheeky little magician... what a rookie mistake.
But as he stands there trying to locate it… he hears a voice. A voice that sounds like it’s coming from right next to him. “I knew I’d see you eventually.”
Mag freezes hearing that voice and whirls around, hurtling magic towards the voice. "You-!"
The attack misses, because Distorter is not at all where his voice was coming from. Now there’s laughter on Magnificent’s other side. Distorter is sitting on a house’s doorstep, watching casually. “Last time we met because of an accident, but not this time. You came here on purpose, right?” He stands up, head tilting to the side. “Couldn’t make it back home so you decided to try somewhere new? Hoping you wouldn’t fail as much here?”
Magnificent bares his teeth for a second but then stands up taller and tries to stay composed. He smirks, “A being like you couldn’t possibly understand my ambitions. You’re stuck as this- dead thing. But, I’m pushing past my limits. You’re just a speck in the grand scheme of things, cadaver.”
"It's funny how you think you're more than that. Cute, even." Distorter puts a hand on his cheek, a silent gesture of "awww." "You'll die too one day. There's no magic to stave that off forever. And even if you somehow find something that does, do you think it will change your core? Strip away my powers, I'm just a dead guy. Strip away yours and you're just a man with abandonment issues and a mean dad. There's a million of those."
Magnificent tries to keep his expression schooled, even as the demon claws at his inner most fears, his deepest feelings he's long tried to supress. He'd never admit it but yes- He's afraid to die. But, this was to that end. However, the last comments ignite rage in the mad magician as he lashes out with a wild yell and tries to grab where he sees Distorter.
Distorter doesn't move as Mag lunges at him, not even as his claws dig into his flesh. "Looks like I struck a nerve there~!" he sings. Still smiling. Always smiling.
Magnificent yells more and slams the cadaver into the ground, trying to choke him as his eyes light up with power. "Shut up! Don't you dare- dare compare me to any other lowly human! I am more- I am MAGNIFICENT!" He digs his claws in tighter and snarls, "I will not be judged by a being so consumed by sadness for a life that was obviously as meaningless as your very existence."
Distorter's grin widens. He doesn't breathe so the choking isn't bothering him, but he does need air to talk and so can't respond. Instead he reaches up, blackened nails scraping the edge of Magnificent's mask... and all of a sudden he doesn't look like himself anymore. He looks like Jackie--the one Magnificent remembers.
Magnificent's eyes widen in shock. It's instinctual- he lets go of Distorter and backs up, looking at him in confusion. But, then he snarls and teleports back, lighting his hands on fire to try to seem threatening. "No-! No I- I won't fall for your tricks, demon!"
Laughing, Distorter sits up, then stands. The movement is just a bit too fast to be natural. “It’s not a trick,” he says. “It’s a distraction.” And then he attacks—not physically. Mentally, psychic claws digging for a grip in Mag’s mind.
Magnificent looks caught off guard again then yells out as a powerful force is slammed onto his mind. He cries out and falls to his knees, gripping at his skull. Green light tries to ignite in his good eye, trying to push back the force. "N-No! You- You can't...!"
“I can’t? Then how am I doing it?” Distorter steps up to him, leaning down so their eyes are level. “Our goals aren’t really that different you know. And this is my home. It’d be so much easier if you let me show you the way.”
Mag meets distorter's eyes with hatred, snarling. "You- You overpowered when I was weak before- I-! I won't be bested by you ag-" He then pauses, the mental load slamming more against his mind as Distorter's logic tries to worm itself in. To Magnificent though, it feels like he's letting the wheels turn himself, figuring out a plan. Would it be so bad... to team up? They almost brought down their enemies together last time, but Magnificent hardly remembered himself. "... you... don't want to help me-" The dark magician breathes, though he seems unsure of that statement, narrowing his eyes at the other villain.
"Why wouldn't I want to? I don't hate you." Distorter's smile hides the half-lie. He does mildly dislike the dark magician, but he was so useful that he was willing to put up with it. "And helping you would help me, too. We could do so much together."
Magnificent's eyes are starting to slip- the pressure on his head becoming too much. Why- fight it though?
Because he didn't need anyone else! He was powerful enough on his own- he didn't need help!
Are you really going to look a gift horse in the mouth, sorcerer? You're in a foreign world- already weakened. Take what you can get.
Mag's furious expression starts to fall, face slacking. His claws loosen from his skull as he better looks Distorter in the eyes. "...we could... could do so much...together."
"Exactly." Distorter offers a hand to help pull Magnificent up. "I know where they are now, but I don't think they'll stay there for long. Your cub and that hero want to get back to their world soon, and the others have an idea to help them. We need to hurry."
For a fraction of a second, Mag hesitates. But then he lets himself get helped up and nods, blood welling up in one of his eyes. "Alright. Show me."
Distorter's grin widens. "I think I know where they're going. We can intercept them, take them off guard. Follow me."
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In my search for screenshots of kisses and curses I've got VERY lucky.
I've found THE WHOLE GAME. Not only the apk file but the obb files that contains everything needed to make it playable again (background, texture, audio etc...)
I don't have the skills to make it work, but if anyone among you know how to use Unity or has any experience in this kind of things and would like to help, please send me a message!
For now I'll leave here the most interesting things I extracted from the obb files:
- the ost
- all backgrounds + CGs
- ALL THE LINES OF DIALOGUE IN THE GAME, WITH EVERY SINGLE STORY (there are also the special Christmas/Halloween stories!!!)
Enjoy it, and if anyone know how to help and make the game playable again please send me a message :)
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I've always wanted to do that. I was just waiting for marius rerun ^^
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it would be awesome if I could get a demon yoritomo/leon/kuchen card in the future. I'm not even bothering asking donuts that because I doubt they would give me a demon Gin and Rin =/
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pinnacle-pixel · 2 years
Gilbert from Ikemen Prince and Tsugaru From Her Love In The Force are very similar
As they both call MC Little Hare/Rabbit
They both are brazenly flirts with MC
And consider themselves godlike handsome
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thepermanentrainpress · 8 months
New Music Video: "Plastic Punx" - Autogramm
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graveart · 1 year
K A T - V O N - Z O M B I E -
Here is the finished version of my Kat von Zombie Illustration! Im so happy with it and it was a lot of fun to do! Kat von D was always something like an icon for me and an endless inspiration! Shes the reason why i started drawing in this kind of style, with her everything began! 💀🤘🏻
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#graveart #katvond #katvonzombie #illustration #drawing #art #artwork #darkart #wacom #photoshop #painting #twd #thewalkingdead #zombie #undead #horrorart #tattoosrt #lineart #tattoo #highvoltagetattoo #heavymetal #metalhead #rock #sleaze #gothic #goth #altstyle #alternative #zombified #robzombie
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
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A/N: Part of the ‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: "Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree."
Tags: None
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"Looking for this?"
You turned around to find Gilbert smiling,  holding the sparkling silver star tree topper - the item you had been looking for in a cluster of boxes of ornaments. Reaching out, you attempted to grab it from his hands, only to find your wrist locked in his grip. He tugged you close to him, your body willing to his whim.
"First, a kiss." Placing your free hand on his shoulder, you stood on tiptoe and placed a quick kiss on his cool cheek. Your eyes met his; batting your lashes, your eyes glimmered with mischief, knowing full well a kiss on the cheek is not what Gilbert had in mind.
 "And now a bite," he whispered as he threaded his fingers in your hair, his mouth fastening to your neck, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin before taking a nibble. Moaning, your body melted against his, your warmth spreading to his body as you savored his biting kiss.
Quivering, your bodies parted, the ghost of his lips lingering on your skin. Mildly distracted, you had completely forgotten about the star until Gilbert placed it in your hands. "You should be the one to put it on the tree."
Holding it gingerly, you held it up to the tree. Even on tiptoe, you knew with your short height, you'd never be able to reach the top of the tree. Frustrated, you turned to Gilbert, handing the star back to him. "You have to do this, I'm too short," you said with a pout.
His laughter was light and bright like stars in the night sky. "And you think I am tall enough to reach?" You frowned, realizing your dilemma. Gilbert cupped your cheek in his hand, his thumb tracing your lips, your frown magically turning into a smile. 
"I have an idea."
Drawing his fingers to his mouth, he let out a loud whistle. He stood there proudly for a moment until Luke entered the room.
"When you have a tall challenge, you call for a tall man," he said quietly, winking at you. "Luke, I was hoping you could put the star on top of the tree."
"Sure thing, Gilbert." Luke cheerfully took the star from Gilbert and reached up towards the top branches. Even with his tall height and long arms, Luke was unable to put the star on top. "If only I was just a few inches taller."
"Papa, papa," a small voice called, the young boy emerging from his hiding place tugging on his father's dark cloak. "Can I help?"
Gilbert scooped his son into his arms. "Putting the star on top is a very special job. Do you think you can do it?"
The boy puffed up his chest, his red eyes mirroring his father's. "Yes, I know I can."
Gilbert handed his son to Luke, who placed the boy on his shoulders. He then handed him the star, which he easily placed on the top of the tree. Gilbert wrapped his arm around your waist as you watched your son, his face beaming brightly as he completed his task.
"I did it!" He clapped proudly causing everyone in the room to cheer with him. 
"He's just like you," you whispered into Gilbert's ear as you watched your son attack the tray of cookies you had set out earlier. 
"Mama made you honey cookies," the boy told Luke, handing him a bear-shaped cookie. Luke greedily searched the tray, piling all the honey cookies onto a small plate.
"We should join them before they eat all the cookies."
"Not so fast, my shining star." Holding your hand, he brought your fingers to his lips and bit your ring finger. What was once an act that brought you pain, now filled you with pleasure. The pleasure of finding love. The pleasure of building a family. The pleasure of belonging. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @devildomwritersposts @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @gilbertvonobsidian
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
since tasers can leave scars and von karma's taser in particular had an absolutely insane voltage of 600000 volts i do often wonder if phoenix and maya have matching scars from getting shocked by it
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voltage-vixen · 1 year
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
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burlveneer-music · 7 months
Moritz von Oswald - Silencio - no trio this time, just Moritz and a 16-voice choir
What are the differences and similarities between human and artificial sound, between oscillations generated by vocal cords and synthesizer voices, voltage amplified by speakers? On Silencio, his latest album for Tresor Records, Moritz von Oswald works with a 16-voice choir to explore this concept. Drawing from the ensemble works of long-standing inspirations Edgard Varèse, György Ligeti and Iannis Xenakis, von Oswald and Vocalconsort Berlin delve into the space between sounds, creating a deeply textured collection that shifts between light & ethereal and dark & dissonant. The compositions were written in von Oswald’s Berlin studio on classic synthesizers, such as the EMS VCS3 & AKS, Prophet V, Oberheim 4-Voice and the Moog Model 15. These abstract recordings were transcribed to sheet music for choir by Berlin-based Finnish composer and pianist, Jarkko Riihimäki and performed by Vocalconsort Berlin in Ölberg church in the city’s Kreuzberg district, only few metres down the road from where Dubplates & Mastering and Hard Wax opened their doors for music enthusiasts for many years so long. The recordings of the choral versions were then incorporated into the synthesized parts of the album and brought into anew electronic context; in Silencio, the focus is not on using one means to imitate the other, but to sonically discuss the tensions and harmonies between the two worlds and create a dialogue between them. Artwork by Cyprien Gaillard.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 months
Loop Back
Switch AU
A JSE Fanfic
More of the guys in IRIS, yay! :D Yay for us, I mean, obviously not them haha. Last time we mainly saw what IRIS had planned for JJ and Schneep, but what about the others? After all, they don't have any special powers, right? Why are they here? While those two recover from their own tests, Marvin takes an assessment. Then, when some guards appear to drag him off somewhere, he makes an escape attempt and finds something strange. Heheheh. Enjoy!
More of This AU | | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Read on AO3 under CrystalNinjaPhoenix
Marvin spent most of the afternoon—or, what he assumed was the afternoon—trying to think of different ways to contact Jackie and Anti. After hearing those shouts outside his door, they must be nearby. He wasn’t sure where JJ or Schneep were, though. He was sure IRIS would have taken them too, but he didn’t know anything about this place outside the room he was stuck in. They could be on the other side of this compound, through thick metal walls or high up in the air. He needed to focus on Jackie and Anti first, and then the three of them could figure something else out.
But as time passed, he found he couldn’t focus on planning. His stomach was rumbling too loud, and his thoughts devolved into repeated cycles of how hungry he was.
After what must have been a few hours, that woman from before walked in. The one in the white coat, with the curly blonde hair. She must be some sort of doctor, right? “Hello again, Mr. Moore,” she said, sitting down at the table.
Marvin, previously lying on the bed, sat up straight. “You again,” he muttered, glaring. “What do you want?”
“We are doing an assessment,” the doctor said calmly. “And I’ve also brought something for you.” She sets down a small box on the table. A fabric box... a lunch box? “Please come over to the table. So you can be in view of the interview camera.”
“...you’re lurin’ me with food?” Marvin asked, eyes narrowing.
The doctor just smiled. “Please come into view of the camera.”
Marvin sighed. He stood up, testing his legs. Luckily, after resting for so long, the fatigue had faded and he was easily able to walk over to the table and chair. “Don’ expect it t’be t’is easy all the time,” he said. “My body comes and goes. I’ll only be able to walk wit’out aid sometimes. Not all the time.”
“The date is March 1st, 2020, and we are interviewing Mr. Marvin Moore,” the doctor said, not acknowledging what Marvin just said. He threw his hands up in frustration. “Use of the Dr. Hopkins Assessment has been permitted. Mr. Moore, please eat before we proceed.”
Marvin sighed. He was annoyed, but he was also hungry. His stomach was twisting just at the thought of eating. So he grabbed the lunch box and opened it up. Inside was a sandwich made of ham and brown bread, a peeled orange, some crackers, and a small water bottle. He ate quickly, not looking directly at the doctor while she sat across from him... watching him. As soon as he was done he slid the lunch box over to her. Going through some sort of test would be preferable to this silence.
“Thank you!” the doctor said in a chipper tone, pushing the lunch box to the side. She then took out a clipboard and began writing things down. “Now we will start the Assessment. We’re going to ask you a series of questions to determine your state of mind. Keep in mind we can detect if you’re lying, so please try to answer truthfully. Are you okay with this, Mr. Moore?”
“Well I s’pose I have to be, don’ I?” Marvin muttered. “You’re not goin’ to listen t’me. Or give me my fuckin’ cards back.”
“Great!” The doctor smiled.  “Now. Is your name Marvin Moore?”
“Are you 29 years old?”
“How d’you know about t’at?!” Marvin gasped.
“We have done some research since we last spoke,” the doctor explained. “So please answer the question.”
“Y-yes... t’at’s my age,” Marvin said shakily. Maybe he shouldn’t answer these questions... but clearly these guys won’t listen to him. They would probably just continuously ask the questions until he caved.
“Are you taking the Dr. Hopkins Assessment right now?” the doctor asked.
“If t’at’s what t’is is.”
“On a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, how would you describe your current mental state?”
“Ah... low?” Marvin guessed.
“If you had to put a number to it?” she persisted.
“I don’ know. A... a t’ree? A three,” he repeated, making an effort to emphasize the TH sound, just so there wasn’t any confusion.
“Have you ever felt an attack of fear or anxiety?”
“A-ah, um—” Marvin really didn’t want to tell these IRIS guys about his mental problems.
The doctor stared at him more intensely. “Have you ever felt an attack of fear or anxiety?”
“C-can I choose not to answer?”
“Have you ever felt an attack of fear or anxiety?”
“I... w-well, hasn’ ev’ryone?” Marvin said.
The doctor nodded slowly and wrote something down. Was she agreeing with him? Or just acknowledging what he said? “Do you feel safe?”
“After bein’ kidnapped and torn away from my friends? Not t’mention bein’ kidnapped by people wh-who I know do terrible t’ings to others?” Marvin leaned close. “I don’ know what you want wit’ me and I don’ know what you’ve done wit’ my friends. I know you want to hurt us, though.”
“We do not want to hurt you, Mr. Moore,” the doctor insisted.
“No, but you’ll do stuff to hurt us anyway.” Marvin glared. “D’you really t’ink you deserve a ‘yes’ answer to that question?”
The doctor blinked. Then she looked down at the clipboard and continued. “Do you regret your decisions?”
“Uh...” Marvin leaned back again, confused. “I don’ understan’ the question. T’ere are a lot of decisions out t’ere. T’at I’ve made. I would regret some and not regret others, righ’?”
“Hmm.” The doctor wrote something down. “Do you know where you are?” 
“In IRIS?” Marvin guessed.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
“F-for... experiments?” Marvin whispered, scanning the doctor’s expression for a reaction. Maybe he could learn something? But, unfortunately, he was never that good with emotions. If the doctor felt any way about his guess, she didn't show it.
“Have you ever heard of ALTR 53815?” the doctor asked.
“No, I haven’,” Marvin insisted.
“What was the first time you came in contact with ALTR 53815?”
“Don’ fuckin’ ignore me!” Marvin shouted, his temper suddenly bursting. “I can’ tell you any’ting if you don’ tell me stuff first! What the fuck is an alter?! Is t’at what you call the people you do tests on?! Huh?!”
“How many pictures have been shown to you so far?” The doctor asked calmly.
“I jus’ said—” Marvin growled. But then he gave up, the anger suddenly draining out of him. They weren’t going to tell him anything. He had to stop trying. Any energy he put into resisting these guys would be diverted away from his efforts to escape. And it might be good for them to think he was cooperating. “I haven’ seen anyt’ing,” he sighed.
“How many sounds have been played for you?” the doctor asked.
“Haven’ heard anyt’ing, either.”
“Are you easily startled?”
“Ah... well... it depends?” Marvin said slowly, suddenly on guard. His eyes darted around the room. Were they going to throw something at his face?
“What’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt?”
Marvin couldn’t help but laugh. “You t’ink I’m jus’ gonna tell you t’at?” He shivered. “I-I don’ even know it off the top of my head.” Probably something Distorter did to him... something that he might not even remember.
That seemed to be a sufficient answer for the doctor. “Do you believe in God?” she asked.
Marvin raised an eyebrow. “Feel like t’at’s a bit of a departure from the rest of t’ese questions.”
“Please just answer it promptly,” the doctor said.
“Ah... I... guess?” Marvin said slowly. “But not... as in t’ere’s someone up t’ere who t’inks like a human... It might be closer to a force of nature. It’d probably be... very diff’rent. But t’ere has to be somet’ing.” He was speaking more to himself than to the doctor, sorting out his own feelings on the way. Yes, there had to be something, didn’t there? There had to be something... maybe...
“Do you believe in life after death?” the doctor asked, not noticing his introspection.
Marvin jumped slightly, snapping back to reality. “Um... sure?”
“Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?”
“If you truly did research on me, wouldn’ you know?” Marvin asked.
“We may know facts, but we don’t know how you feel about all this,” the doctor explained. “I’ll ask again. Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?”
Marvin nodded slowly.
“Please answer audibly for the record.”
“Y-yes,” Marvin whispered.
The doctor wrote something down, taking a long time. “Have you ever lost someone close to you?”
Marvin flinched. He didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to answer at all. But he knew she would keep asking. She—IRIS—wouldn’t let him have the smallest bit of privacy while he was in here. “...yes,” he whispered.
More writing. Then the doctor looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Moore, that concludes our assessment.”
“Great... now what?” Marvin asked. “No wait, let me guess. You’re not goin’ t’tell me.”
“We will see you again, Mr. Moore,” the doctor said, tucking the clipboard under her arm and grabbing the lunch box.
“Oh I wasn’ worried abou’ t’at,” Marvin grumbled, slumping in the chair.
“Get some rest!” the doctor said cheerfully, and walked over towards the door.
Marvin started to get up from the chair, wanting to run for the door as she started to open it. But he hesitated for too long. The door was already closing. “Damn it,” he muttered. Sighing, he continued to stand up, and walked over to the bed, sitting down again.
... what if that was the only opportunity he had? What if they weren’t going to open the door again? What if he was going to be stuck in here?
No, no, that was going too far. They had to open the door to feed him. There wasn’t any other way into the room. He could wait until then. He had to.
Sighing, Marvin lied down and tried to think of a plan.
Every muscle in Schneep’s body ached. After the tests—hours and hours of fighting robots with different abilities—he was too tired to even think about resisting as they dragged him back to the cell. He fell asleep for a brief moment, but he could tell that it wasn’t that long. Maybe only a few minutes. All he really knew was that they dropped him on the floor and the next thing he knew, he was opening his eyes, the guards were gone, and the manacle was around his ankle again.
He was able to drag himself onto the bed, but wasn’t able to move much after that. He laid there for a while, then lifted his head and glared at the camera. “I hope you are not going to wear me out all the time,” he said. “I cannot be a good...” His throat closed up. He couldn’t say the word that was on his mind. Weapon. “I-I cannot be good at tests if I am pushed to exhaustion.”
There was no answer, of course.
Schneep put his head down again, groaning. With all the advanced technology they’d stuck into his body, you would think IRIS would be able to keep him from feeling exhaustion. Though, to be honest, it felt like he’d been able to keep fighting for longer than usual... so maybe the technology could delay it, but not get rid of it. That made sense.
He could only hope that it also reduced his recovery time. He didn’t want to lay in bed whenever he wasn’t being forced to go through one of IRIS’s tests. Not when he could be using that time to try and escape.
There had to be a way out of here... sure, they’d learned from his last escape and added the manacle to tie him down, but there had to be a way. He refused to just give up and let them use him.
But for now... he had to rest.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
JJ pressed up against the wall, hugging his knees to his chest. His eyes kept flicking to the cameras in the corners. They were always watching him. There was never going to be anywhere to hide, never, never, never—
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
Everything was fine right now. They weren’t going to do anything to him.
But they were still watching.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
He rubbed his eyes, brushing away the tears in the corners. The moment his vision was clear again, his eyes glanced at the cameras again. He shuddered. Twisting around, he reached over to the bed and grabbed the pillow, throwing it at the nearest camera. It hit the wall nearby and fell to the ground. With that having failed, he grabbed the blanket of the bed and pulled it off.
The bedframe was fairly low; there wasn’t room enough for a person to squeeze underneath. But by draping the blanket off the side, he made a small tent to hide behind. JJ curled up beneath it. He felt ridiculous, like a child hiding from a monster in the closet. But it was the only way to block out the camera.
Deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
Everything is okay right now.
It won’t be okay in the future. But it’s okay right now.
Deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
The moment the door to the cell opened, Anti lunged at the gap, pushing his way out. He made it out into the hallway but was immediately grabbed from behind by one of these guards in black uniforms. “Fucking let me go!” he growled. He tried kicking at their legs, tried wriggling against their grasp, but the two guards held tight to each of his arms. There were two more as well, pointing some sort of gun towards him. Not the type that fired bullets—dart guns, maybe?
They started dragging him down the hallway. “Fuck you! Fuck off!” Anti shouted, voice trembling slightly. His eyes darted around wildly, taking in the plaster walls and linoleum tiles, looking for anything that could help. But there was nothing.
What was happening? The other times he’d been taken out of the room, that scientist-looking guy had been there to supervise him. This time, it was just the guards. Why? Did the scientist not want to risk getting hurt in some freaky fucking experiment? Were they going to fuck with his body as well as his head this time?! The thought sent panic shooting through his heart, and he didn’t stop struggling even as the guards took him down the hallways. Keep track of the turns! Right, left, right—the walls shifted to a pale blue, bordering on white, instead of the beige they were right outside the cells.
The guards reached a set of double-doors on the left side of the hallway. One of them took a keycard off their belt and pressed it to a reader at the side of the door. There was a slight click and the doors slid open. As the guards started pulling Anti inside, he tried to hook his foot around the doorframe, but they yanked him hard and easily broke his grip.
The room beyond was a nearly empty space, with the same linoleum tiles and plaster walls that are now painted pure white. The high ceiling was made of tiles, too, but not linoleum. Instead, the office vibes continued, with the ceiling looking like ones that would be found in office buildings, or maybe schools. There was a simple card table set up in the middle—the type that folds—with some sort of sheet-covered shape on it. Some more sturdy-looking tables were set up around it in a U shape, full of strange metal boxes with lights, buttons, and dials, some with attached antenna, all with wires leading from them over to the edge of the room. Anti glanced around at all this, taking it in, but his focus was turned to the last thing in the room. A chair with leather straps attached, looking like it was pulled out of a horror game taking place in some creepy hospital
 “You are not putting me in that fucking thing!” Anti shouted, voice cracking slightly. He intensified his struggles—
Smak! One of the guards hit him in the side of the head. He slumped, instantly dazed. The guards didn’t waste any time, dragging him across the ground to the chair and shoving him in. He squirmed weakly, but was still dazed. The guards easily pulled the straps over his wrists, ankles, and chest. One even went over his forehead, pulling his head into place against a headrest. Then the guards backed up, continuing to point their dart guns at him, just in case.
“Wh-what is this?” Anti demanded. “The fuck are you going to do?!” He twisted his hands back and forth, trying to worm his way beneath the leather straps, but they were extremely tight.
The guards didn’t say anything. Nothing was moving in the room beside him. He couldn’t help but think that they were all... waiting for something.
He swallowed a lump in his throat. If he could escape from this room, he could find the others and they could get out of here. He couldn’t let this opportunity get away from him! He took a deep breath, then kept struggling.
Marvin looked up as the door opened again. Huh, it hadn’t been that long since the doctor came in to do the assessment thing. But that was fine, he could try to implement his plan.
Two people in all-black gear walked into the room, their features partially hidden with cloth masks that covered the lower half of their faces. They stared at him expectantly. But he didn’t get up from the bed. The two guards glanced at each other. “Stand up,” one said.
“I can’ do t’at,” Marvin said. “Not t’at I don’ want to, I can’t.” He made sure to emphasize it.
“Try,” the second guard said.
Marvin glared at them, but did as asked, and tried to stand up. He pushed himself up, then fell down again. “T’is shoul’ be in your files abou’ me,” he said. “T’at doctor lady said it the first time she was here. ‘Muscle weakness.’ Don’ be surprised when I’m weak.”
The two guards looked at each other, unsure. They stepped away, murmuring to each other, pressing their hands to small devices in their ears. Marvin watched them, straining to hear what was going on. He couldn’t quite make it out, but it didn’t make a difference, as the guards soon stopped talking and walked over to the bed. “Try standing up again,” the first one said.
Marvin nodded. He pushed against the bed, managing to sit up, but couldn’t get any higher. 
“This isn’t some sort of trick, is it?” the second guard said, narrowing their eyes. “We can tell if you’re lying.”
“I wouldn’ lie abou’ my condition,” Marvin said. “You all shoul’ know abou’ it and how it works. I just told t’at doctor lady t’at you can’ make a schedule for t’is fatigue.”
The guards glanced at the cameras in the room. They stared at them for a while, and Marvin stared too. He wasn’t nervous. Why would he be nervous? He had nothing to be afraid of. Other than the possibility of horrible experiments happening to him.
After what felt like forever, but which was actually less than a minute, the guards turned back to Marvin. “We’ll be taking you regardless of if you can stand or not,” the first guard said.
“Fine,” Marvin snapped, folding his arms. “Do t’at.”
And they did, reaching out and grabbing him by his arms. Marvin tried to stand up straight as they pulled him upright, but the moment they lessened the pressure, he started to collapse again. The two guards gave up on keeping him up and just started dragging him across the floor and out into the hallway.
Marvin looked around. This place appeared surprisingly normal. The strangest things were the cell doors, which looked like thick metal. The hallway continued on to the left, eventually ending in a set of double doors. The guards were dragging him to the right, which eventually turned a corner. Hmm... he definitely didn’t want to go where they were taking him, but that set of double-doors looked ominous. But they didn’t seem to be locked.
As the guards approached the corner, Marvin lifted his legs into the air and slammed them down onto the ground, planting his feet firmly. The guards jolted suddenly, looking at him in surprise, and he managed to wrench an arm free, lunging and grabbing something from the first guard’s belt. Some sort of gun? But he didn’t fire it, instead slamming the end of it into the second guard’s head, causing them to let go. Then Marvin dropped it and bolted.
“Hey!” The first guard shouted. The second one shook their head in surprise and they both ran after Marvin.
He couldn’t believe he’d gotten away with that! Surely people like this would realize when he was faking being more tired than he actually was! Didn’t these WTCHR cameras have the ability to detect emotions and lies? Maybe he just got lucky and these two guards were a bit less competent than the other IRIS staff members. But even if that was true, they were almost definitely faster than him. He glanced over his shoulder—yep, they were gaining on him!
He turned back around and pushed himself to run faster, slamming through the double doors. As soon as he was through he spun around and examined them from this side. They were equipped with a deadbolt. Perfect! He slid it closed just in time for the two guards to slam into it. That should buy him some time.
This area was pretty different from the cell block he was just in. The walls and floor were made out of some sort of smooth white material. The doors were still metal, but they looked slightly different, with plaques on the front that had seemingly random numbers and letters engraved on them. The hallway continued for a short distance before ending in a pair of elevator doors.
Marvin’s eyes darted around. What could he do in here?! He needed to find where his friends were. Anti and Jackie were probably in that same cell block he was just in. He couldn’t go back now that he’d locked the door; there would probably be more guards coming from that direction. No, he had to find where JJ and Schneep were. He’d been thinking about it, and they had to be somewhere else. Schneep was one of IRIS’s experiments and JJ could be considered an anomaly, they would want both of them under tighter security than the normal humans. Maybe they were on a different floor?
He hurried down the hallway towards the elevator, trying to press the call button. But there was no sign that it was activated. It didn’t light up or ding or anything. He pressed it a couple more times, just in case, but nothing. Maybe it needed some sort of key?
Bang bang bang! Marvin spun around and saw the double doors shaking as something heavy hit it from the other side. His eyes widened. He couldn’t wait for the elevator! He had to—
What was that?
One of the doors lining the hallway opened up, and someone walked out. But... it was hard to describe it. He couldn’t quite make out the features of who opened the door. It was almost like... they were made of glass, the faintest warp in the air in the vaguest shape of a person. Marvin stared at it for a few seconds, but the strange almost-person vanished as soon as they went into the hallway. So Marvin instead rushed towards it, peering into the room beyond.
The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of the same smooth white material. But unlike the hallway outside, which was brightly lit by fluorescent lights, the room was dim. There was a circular ring light embedded in the center of the ceiling, giving off a faint blue glow, but that still left the corners in shadow. Beneath the ring light was a circular platform, and on top of that circular platform... was something strange indeed. Two small objects hovered in midair, about a foot above the surface of the platform, blue and orange light swirling around them, creating a spiral that... hurt Marvin’s head to look at. He knew it was familiar... but he didn’t know where he’d seen it before.
He closed the door of the room behind him and walked towards the platform. The running was starting to catch up to him, and he could feel the fatigue pulling at him, but it wasn’t enough to slow him down quite yet. The two hovering objects were floating at chest-height for him, rotating around each other in a lazy orbit. The strange, spiraling light was coming from both of them at the same time, strands that tie together into a larger pattern. It’s mesmerizing to look at. And maddening. Where has he seen this?!
It only took him a few seconds to walk right up to the platform. He squinted through the light, looking at the two hovering objects. They’re awfully... flat? Wait a second...
“What the fuck?!” Marvin’s eyes widened. These were his cards!
Or, not all of them. Only two. The two jokers in the deck, the cards with the strange rune on the back that he hadn’t been able to identify yet. They were floating in midair, going around and around in an endless circle, emitting this strange, spiraling light. Huh. The rune on their backs... They were an angled spiral, with an X on top. Could that be... related?
Had IRIS used these to cast some sort of spell?
No, there was no way. Marvin didn’t even know all the possible combinations for his cards. IRIS couldn’t know them when he didn’t. Maybe they... stumbled across one? While messing around with them? But what could this spell be doing? The cards had never started hovering or emitting light before! And these two were the only cards in the room, where were the rest of them? What possible spell could be cast with just these two runes?
After a moment’s hesitation, Marvin reached out to the cards, stopping just before he put his hands into the light. It wasn’t emitting any heat. Nor any cold. He couldn’t feel any strange vibrations or anything. He pulled his hand back and patted himself down. There wasn’t anything on him that he could toss into the spiral of light to test if it was safe. IRIS had apparently left his jacket and hat in the hospital after they’d abducted him. But he still had his vest.
He glanced back at the door, listening. Nobody was coming. Or at least, nobody that he could hear. He quickly unbuttoned his vest and pulled it off. He held it by the collar and dangled it over the spiraling light. Slowly, he lowered it into the swirling glow caused by the cards. Lower... lower... lower... The cloth of the vest hit one of the cards, but the card’s orbit was unaffected. It just pushed past the vest. And when the other one followed, it pushed past too, knocking the vest to the side. Marvin pulled the vest out again, looking it over. Seemed no worse for wear.
That probably meant he could touch the cards himself, right? He still wasn’t sure, but he was running out of time. The guards would be coming at any moment. And these were his cards! He had to get them back!
He hesitated for one moment more, then reached out, intending to grab one—
The spiral of light flared, and he stumbled back. Suddenly, it was all he could see, taking up the entirety of his vision no matter where he turned his head. It was even there when he closed his eyes! “H-hey!” he shouted, reaching forward again to try and disrupt the card formation—maybe if he did that, this would stop—
And then the spiral was gone.
Marvin gasped, suddenly breathing heavily, eyes darting around the room. Nothing had changed in here. The room was empty except for the platform, and the cards continued to orbit around each other, that same pattern of light coming from them, completely undisturbed by Marvin’s interference.
...but that didn’t mean that everything was the same. He patted himself down, checking for any differences, but he felt alright. He listened for noise coming from elsewhere in the facility, but couldn’t hear anything. Well... even so, he probably shouldn’t risk touching the cards again. He would need to come back with something that could knock them out of their orbit. Why did he drop that gun he grabbed from the guard?! That could have come in handy! If not for this, then for eventually fending off the guards!
Well it was too late now. There wasn’t anything helpful in this room besides the cards. He had to leave and figure out something else before the guards cornered him in here. He turned and headed back to the door, starting to push it open—
It was locked.
Frowning, Marvin looked down at the door. There was a little switch under the handle. Next to it was a tiny LED screen with “Lock” displayed on it in red letters. He flipped the switch and the screen switched to reading “Open” in green. Then he tested the door again. It opened easily this time, and he poked his head out into the hallway—
Someone was there.
Marvin ducked his head back, but—the person wasn’t a guard. And they weren’t wearing a white coat. He quickly leaned back out to get a better look at them...
This is... impossible.
That figure... that’s him.
Marvin walked out into a hallway, but after only a few steps, the other version of him faded away, the color draining from his body as he became a mere warping in the air and then disappeared. That same warping effect that he’d seen from the person who stepped out of the room in the first place—
Then, suddenly, a handful of black-wearing guards appeared around him. They didn’t teleport over here in a flash or puff of smoke, he didn’t blink and hear a snap or other sound, they were just there. Not even looking at him! They were heading for the elevator. He gasped, and immediately all the guards swiveled towards him, unmistakable surprise on their faces. And then there was a yell from behind him. Marvin spun around, just in time to get tackled by another one of the guards—from inside the room! He cried out in surprise, which quickly turned to a cry of pain as the back of his head hit the floor.
“Clever, getting into there while it was locked,” one of the guards said. “But not as clever coming out while we were here. Did you think you could sneak past?”
“Sir, he wasn’t in the room at all!” said the guard pinning him.
“He wasn’t? Then where did he come from?”
“I don’t know sir! He just appeared!”
Marvin blinked away the pain and started to struggle, but two other guards rushed over and stopped him, holding his arms securely as they lifted him up, sandwiching him between their tight grips. The one who the other called ‘sir’ rushed over to stand directly in front of him. “How did you appear?” They demanded. “And how did you get into the room in the first place? You don’t have the card for the lock!”
“I-I don’—I don’ know, someone—someone walked out—” Marvin stammered.
“I don’ know! It—It wasn’ really a person, it was—I don’ know.”
The guard’s eyes narrowed. “And how did you suddenly appear?”
“I don’ know!” Marvin repeated insistently. “T’me it looked like you all appeared out of thin air!”
The guards all exchanged glances. “Should we report this?” one of them asked.
“We’ll take him to the test room first,” the guard in charge said. “Tell the coats who come there.”
Test room?! Oh no. Oh no no no. He knew that nothing good would come of them showing up so soon after the assessment. Marvin tried to push the guards away, but they weren’t phased at all. They quickly began walking, and he soon lost his footing, ending up being dragged along the halls. 
They went through the double-doors back into the cell block area, and from there continued down a twisting pattern. Right, left, right, right—until they reached a section with pale blue walls. They then opened up another set of double doors, these ones on the side of the hall instead of at the end, and pulled him inside—
“Anti?!” Marvin’s eyes widened as he took in the room. The tables full of strange equipment—the mysterious item beneath a sheet—and Anti, strapped down to a chair. “Wh-what did they do to you?!”
“Nothing—yet. I think they were waiting for you.” Anti struggled against the leather straps. As the guards dragged Marvin closer, he could see red marks on Anti’s wrists where he’d been pulling at the restraints. He must have been doing that for a while.
“Are you okay?” Marvin asked.
“Yeah. As much as I fucking can be. You?”
“The same. But I t’ink somet’ing very strange jus’ happened to me...”
“What?!” Anti’s eyes narrowed. “What did they do to you?!”
“I don’ t’ink it was them, actually... or, uh... not... intentionally? It might’ve been a side effect of somet’ing else they were doin’.”
While they talked, one of the guards walked over to the corner of the room, and a section of the wall slid open. They reached inside and grabbed another chair with restraints, carrying it across the ground and putting it next to the one Anti was tied to. Marvin immediately knew that was meant for him. He tried to fight against the guards, but they were much stronger than him now that he didn’t have the element of surprise on his side. They easily forced him into the chair and strapped him down. 
Anti paused in his struggles, breathing heavily. Marvin couldn’t look at him directly, with his head restrained, but he could see him out of the corner of his eyes, slumping in the restraints. “Okay, we might not have much time,” Anti said. “Look, Jackie is here. He said that we’re probably on the surface level of one of their compounds, maybe a higher floor, but he’s not sure which compound.”
“I t’ink I heard you guys shoutin’ near my cell not too long ago,” Marvin said.
“Yes! W-we were moved there!” Anti tried to nod, but couldn’t quite manage it. “So we’re all in the same area. JJ and Schneep are somewhere else. H-have these guys done anything to you? Besides whatever just happened to you?”
“Um—one of them asked me some questions,” Marvin said. Another bit of the wall had slid open, and some people in white coats were coming out, starting to use the equipment on the tables. “Some sort of assessment t’ing.”
“The Dr. Hopkins Assessment?” Anti asked.
“Yes. They did t’at to you, too?”
“The last time I was here, yes. They did it twice, th-the second one fucked with my head s-somehow—” Anti took a deep, shuddering breath. “And what was the strange shit that just happened to you?”
“W-well, I tried to get away—”
“How far did you get?!” Anti asked urgently.
“Not too far. I went t’rough some doors at the end of the hall and found a white area with a lift and a bunch of metal doors. Then—I-I don’ know what happened, but one of the doors linin’ the hall opened up, and I went inside, and t’ere were two of my cards t’ere, floatin’ and glowing wit’ t’is strange spiral light t’at—I know I’ve seen before—a-and then I touched them and the spiral was in my eyes for a few seconds, a-and t’en I left the room and—and t’ere was myself out in the hall, but the other me disappeared and... and t’ese guards... appeared...” Marvin trailed off as he noticed something. Most of the people in white coats had stopped messing with the equipment and were now staring at him. Listening.
“That’s fucking weird,” Anti muttered. “I... I-I don’t know what that could’ve been. Sorry.”
“It’s alrigh’,” Marvin said softly. “I wouldn’ expect you to know.”
The people in white coats—scientists, or whatever—slowly returned their attention to their equipment.
“You think it could help us get out of here?” Anti whispered. “If you had your cards?”
“Def’nitely,” Marvin agreed.
Anti pulled at the restraints some more, wincing slightly. “I’m guessing that whatever you just saw isn’t a normal thing they do?”
“I don’ know. I’ve forgotten so much abou’ them. But... I know I’ve seen t’at spiral. And not jus’ in Jems’ crystal ball. I saw it before then. And I know it’s important.” Marvin sighed. “I jus’ don’ remember why.”
The machines on the tables began to hum. The scientists had tablets and clipboards with them, a variety of note-taking utensils. One of them gestured at a guard, who then walked over to the strange item on the central table and quickly pulled the sheet off before retreating. The scientists and other guards quickly backed away as well, all of them staying on the other side of the U made of tables.
The item on the table was a stone tablet, like something early civilizations used to keep records. It was propped up on some sort of plastic display thing, keeping it at a diagonal. There were some sort of carvings on its surface, but even when Marvin squinted at it, he couldn’t make out what they were. They weren’t sitting that far away... why couldn’t he understand what the carvings were?
“In five,” one of the scientists said. “Four...”
“Don’t worry, Marvin,” Anti whispered. 
“I’m right next to you.”
Marvin swallowed a lump in his throat. “T’ank you.”
“One... and go.”
The humming increased. Marvin tensed up, waiting for something to happen. He noticed Anti similarly tensing next to him. But... there was nothing. Nothing visible, at least. Marvin’s eyes darted around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He didn’t like all the scientists looking at them. But he was more worried about whatever the fuck was going to happen to him.
When his head started to swim, he didn’t immediately think it was because of all this. He thought it was from the stress. But as the dizzy feeling increased, quickly growing, he realized that it wasn’t normal. “A-Anti...?” he whispered. “Are you... feelin’ strange?”
“Hmm? A bit, I guess.” Anti instinctively tried to shake his head before the motion was stopped by the restraint.
“A bit?” Marvin was feeling more than ‘a bit’ strange. The heavy, blurry feeling in his head was so intense that it was hard for his eyes to focus on anything. And it was beginning to spread. There was weakness in his limbs already, but the strange feeling was making it worse. He wanted to struggle against the bonds, but all he could do was sit there limply. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw movement in Anti’s direction. So this wasn’t hitting him as bad as it was his.
“Wh-what do you fucks want to get out of this?” Anti demanded, the tremble in his voice giving away his nervousness. “Is this fun for you? You sick fucking bastards?!”
The scientists didn’t respond, and Marvin couldn’t read their faces with his vision going all wonky. He didn’t know if they were phased by Anti’s shouting.
The dizziness was starting to bring tears to his eyes. It felt like there was a heavy metal ball rolling around his head, putting pressure on the inside. His throat was clogging up with something. Some sort of... mucus, maybe? It was affecting his breathing, making it sound wet.
“M-Marvin, talk to me, h-how are you doing?” Anti asked.
Marvin didn’t answer. He tried, but all that came out were disconnected, slurred sounds. He couldn’t concentrate enough to form something coherent.
“Marvin?! Marvin!” Anti tried to turn to look at him, fighting against the leather strap. He could see tears falling down Marvin’s face, but it was hard to concentrate on that sight. That is... until the tears turned red. “M-Marvin! You’re bleeding!”
“Blndnwhhh?” Marvin mumbled, eyelids half-closed.
Anti tugged at the restraints some more. He didn’t even care that he’d already rubbed his wrists raw trying to get away before Marvin showed up. If he could just get free—If he could just get Marvin free—If he could just cause enough of a scene to maybe knock that stupid tablet away from them—Because that tablet had to be what was doing this. It and its weird fucking carvings that kept slipping out of his mind. It had to be what was messing with his head, making everything dizzy.
And that feeling, combined with the blood coming from Marvin’s eyes... It’s not identical to what Distorter did, but it was similar enough to be worrying.
“What the fuck are you guys doing to us?!” Anti blinked, fighting the dizziness that was slowly filling his mind. He had to keep concentrating! He wouldn’t be dragged down ever again!
The scientists might as well have been statues for all the response they gave.
He wasn’t sure how long they sat there, tied down, feeling the effects of whatever this stone was. It was hard to keep track of time. His awareness kept fading in and out, but even when he wasn’t fully there he fought against the water drowning his thoughts. Marvin stopped responding after a while. Even though Anti kept calling to him. He wasn’t sure if Marvin was still awake... But he had to be okay. He had to be okay. If he wasn’t... if he wasn’t...
After what felt like forever, the humming of the instruments stopped, and the guards approached, unstrapping them from the chairs. Anti turned to look at Marvin fully. He wasn’t unconscious, but he was completely limp, eyes mostly-closed. One guard lifted him up and carried him out of the room. Two more grabbed Anti, pulling him along. He tried to struggle the whole time they dragged him down the hallway, but whatever that thing was really did a number on him.
But at least he noticed which cell they carried Marvin into. It was two doors down from his own. And Jackie was across from him. This was good to know.
They dumped him on the floor and locked the door behind him. He curled up, breathing slowly. Now that he was alone again, and probably would be alone for a while, he gave up on the fight and decided to just lie there for a while. Rest. Recover a bit.
They had to get out of here soon. If this was the sort of shit IRIS had planned for them, they had to escape before it wore them down.
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 3: Switch
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix
Read Swapboys | Read Switch | Read SwitchSwap | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch Chapters Taglist: @brokentimewatch
The living room is crowded with everyone in here. There's not enough chairs for everyone, but the Switches all silently agree to let Alt and Chase have the sofa to themselves. Then, of course, Marvin has his usual chair, which leaves JJ, Anti, Schneep, and Jackie standing.
"I know everyone's tired," Jackie says, looking at Bro and Alt sympathetically, "But we might not have much time. I-I don't know how good Magnificent is at tracking, but... yeah... A-anyway, is there anything anyone needs?"
Rest, ideally, but as you said, we may not have much time, JJ says.
Alt, while glad to see the others again, hasn't moved from Bro's side. Bro looks at everyone with worry but he nods, "Yeah I... I think I'm okay."
"... i need something to eat- so I can at least glitch without passing out." Alt admits quietly. "Something fast- you're right... Mag can sense magic... he might already be on the trail to this... Iris place. If it has magic."
"We have some snacks in the kitchen," Marvin says, starting to get up.
No, I'll go get them, JJ says. You stay here. And the rest of you keep talking without me, I'll still hear you. And he turns and leaves the room.
"Sensing magic, huh?" Anti repeats. "I'm... not sure if IRIS is magical. They're more on the... techy side. But, uh... Shame that JJ just left right now, but apparently their facilities have some sort of weird... not-magic-but-sorta... aura."
"He has described it as artificial-feeling in the past," Schneep recalls. "But that might not stop Magnificent."
"So where shoul' we go?" Marvin asks.
"Well, we all know about the north one, that's probably not a good idea," Jackie says, causing all the Switches to shudder at the memory. "And I know a lot about the east one, enough to know the multiverse time-space stuff wasn't their focus. Uh, Volt, what about that one in--"
"Too small," Schneep interrupts.
"Right. That just leaves the one to the west."
“Well at least that narrows it down…” Bro agrees.
Alt grips over his chest and sighs, “That’ll be enough for Mag. He can’t sense the difference between artificial magic and true magic. Anything with power- he’ll find.”
"Well that's fucking worrying, then," Anti states, concerned. "We might have even less time than we thought. Jackie, did you hear about anything that could help get them home?"
"Um..." Jackie shifts where he stands uncomfortably.
JJ returns. He puts a handful of snack foods next to Alt: a bag of chips, a bowl of raspberries, and two granola bars. I wasn't sure what you would want so I got a couple things, he says. We have more if you need it.
Alt relaxes some and smiles at Jj, “Nah this’ll help- thanks JJ.” Alt isn’t usually big on eating in front of others- but he sees the food and realizes just how hungry he is. He had to glitch a lot… he tears unto the granola bars, trying to chew quickly.
“Wait- did Jackie… did you like- work for Iris or something?” Bro asks with a tilt of his head. “…if they’re like Sclera…”
"I--It's--it's a long story." Jackie looks away, ashamed. "I didn't know about all the, uh, immoral stuff going on with them. Just their tech. I-I thought it... might be able to help protect us from Distorter..."
"It was not a bad idea on paper," Schneep says quietly. "If you do not know about what they do, you would take what you could."
Jackie clears his throat. "Anyway. Because I was focusing on Distorter protection, I didn't know much about anything else. But I think... I think I heard they were working on something to help... travel? Maybe that could... I don't know."
"Well, it's a shot, isn' it?" Marvin says, putting some cheer in his voice.
Bro nods, no judgement at all in his expression or stance. He smiles warmly at Jackie. “Hey no worries bro- I get it. Distorter is freaky as fuck. Doing whatever it takes to try to help is really brave.”
Alt pauses in his eating- though he’s practically finished everything off. “Yeah- even if nothings there… if Mag thinks there might be… he could hurt a lot of people to get it.”
He glitches to his feet and then shakes himself off, letting his shoulders and upper arms fizzle with pixels before popping back into place. “How far away is the west branch? And… you guys don’t have to come with us- if you don’t want to. Sounds like they’re a lot of hang ups around this place…”
Jackie lets out a breath, silently relieved that the two of them didn't judge him. "No, I-I have to go. I know the general layout and signs and stuff. Besides, it's out of town, so we need to drive and JJ and I are the only ones who can... assuming you guys can't."
“Fucking hate driving,” Alt mutters, crossing his arms. “Too slow-“
Bro smiles and nudges Alt a bit, “But we can… manage. We just don’t normally need to much.”
I don't know how much use I'll be with my magic still recharging, JJ says. Perhaps I should stay. I can try another teleportation if... someone gets here.
"If you are staying, I should go to help in case of a fight," Schneep says.
"Are you sure?" Jackie asks.
"Yes." Schneep nods firmly.
"Well if you're going I feel bad if I don't go," Anti mutters.
"I'll stay wit' Jems," Marvin offers. "If somet'ing happens I can protect him." He shuffles his cards nervously.
Alt looks worriedly at Jj and Marvin, “…you’ll be safe… right? Cuz of the wards- so… yeah… yeah okay.” Alt breathes and then meets the others eyes, determination bright in the glowing green ring in his eyes. “Alright. Let’s get on it then…”
Bro hesitates and then walks over to Jj and Marvin and smiles warmly, “hey- if something.. happens. Or we manage to get ourselves back home… it was good to see you all again. Youre getting really good at using those cards, Marv!” He beams, “Take care of yourselves alright? And.. sorry for all this mess.”
"We'll be fine, don' worry," Marvin reassures them. "We have a few tricks up our sleeves now." He grins, looking almost mischievous. "T'ank you for noticing the cards, by t'way. I've been rememberin' more and more."
It was good to see you, too, JJ says, smiling. Wish it could've happened under better circumstances. Maybe another time. Good luck on getting back.
Alt smirks, “…if we can figure out how to do this without dragging danger with us… it’d be nice to chill, someday.” Alt throws his hands into his pockets and looks away, red on his cheeks. He tries to pull up his mask- but it’s not there so he just blushes more. “Thanks guys… for everything.” He mutters.
"Come on, guys!" Anti is already back in the front hall. "Your cat is trying to get out!"
Marvin gasps. "Don' let him!"
"I'm not!"
Jackie laughs. "Alright, everyone, let's head out."
Bro and Alt look up at the shout and chase laughs. He waves goodbye and follows the others. Alt lingers for a second before glitching after them.
Marvin and JJ wave goodbye back. "Good luck!" Marvin calls. "An' goodbye."
Everyone piles into the car and heads out.
Mirygale is surrounded by a field. Most of the roads heading out are highways and motorways that cut through it. But out west there's just a single winding road. It's easy to tell if someone's coming. Which is why Distorter tried "convincing" Mag to come out this way. That, and he was pretty sure they'd be trying to go to the IRIS facility over here. It was the only one left when they really thought about their options.
Even influenced, Magnificent is not gonna subject themselves to walking for miles. So- he gets the location from Distorter and manages to portal them right outside of the facility. He scans the building- trying to find a magic signature to catch onto.
Distorter laughs, delighted. "That's a handy trick you have there. Makes things a lot easier." Then he turns and looks at the facility. "Hmm... this one's different than that one up north."
The facility is actually about three buildings, none of them larger than the average house, surrounded by a high chain-link fence. It used to be an old military base before IRIS swooped in and repurposed it. Right now, it looks abandoned. There are no cars or people walking the asphalt between the buildings. But... Magnificent can feel a faint signature. Not like magic, but something similar. Like the artificial taste of a cherry candy versus the real thing. One is a mere imitation. Or is it even trying to imitate anything at all? Either way, it seems to be coming from all of the buildings. Like there's something strange about the structures themselves.
Magnificent narrows his eyes as he takes in the signatures, a sour expression on his face. “…there’s faint power coming from all of them but… it’s artificial. Strange… I believe that doorway gave off something more than this…”
"Doorway?" Distorter leans closer. As Magnificent thinks about the doorway, an image of it pops up in his mind that Distorter can see. "Hmm. Never seen something like that before. Then again, I don't get out much." He giggles. "You shouldn't bet on just one mode of transportation. What if you go to a universe without magic? I doubt they'd have one of those. You need something else. IRIS is resourceful enough to figure that 'something else' out."
"hm... yes- I suppose so..." Magnificent hums in thought.
He takes a step back and scans the fence. There's a gate some ways away, but it'd be much easier to climb over the fence. Which he does, grabbing the links and scuttling up like some sort of spider. There's barbed wire at the top but he just climbs over that, too, not minding the way it digs into his skin. "Come on. You don't have to go over, of course, but come on."
Magnificent looks at the gate and Distorter climbing and makes a face before walking forward and in a wave of static appears on the other side of the fence.
Distorter grins as he watches that happen. Teleportation again so soon? After such a large jump? Yes, Magnificent is powerful indeed. Not nearly as great as his self-chosen name would suggest, but it'll be useful. Distorter drops down from the top of the fence, landing on his feet. "Well, I'm sure there's a lot that'll be useful in here. I'll keep watch. You can check out as much as you want. When they come, I'll tell you."
Magnificent nods distantly and looks towards the buildings. "Alright." He says simply then fizzles away into static to start to rifle through the buildings. What could there be here...?
Distorter watches him go. Then he walks over and hides around the corner of one building. Normally he'd be able to hide in plain sight, but they might have... that one... with them. He can't take that chance. He's hidden from the gate here and that's good enough.
...some time passes. And then a car appears, driving down the dirt road to the facility. Distorter recognizes it immediately. {They're coming,} he tells Magnificent.
Magnificent hears the warning and narrows his eyes. {Noted. Let me know if they get in our way.} He continues his search, brushing aside things, looking for any sign of- well he wasn’t sure what he was looking for. Maybe it would give off the right magic- or maybe it’d be labeled. That would be nice.
Inside the buildings is an environment of painted white walls and keycard-locked doors. Many of them have labels--identifying them as labs of various kinds--but some do not. There are also offices full of filing cabinets and storage rooms full of boxes with strange ordinary-looking tech inside: anything from CPUs to TVs to microwaves. But every single thing gives off that strange artificial magic feeling. There are cameras everywhere, visibly dangling from the ceilings.
As Magnificent walks, tiny bursts of static fizzle over the cameras as he passes. He did not want to be watched. He tries his magic to open some of the doors-
The locked doors are surprisingly sturdly. They look like wood but that's merely a facade, they're actually metal wrapped in a wooden exterior. But surely a big enough blast will knock them in. If Magnificent is willing to try.
Meanwhile, Jackie parks the car right outside the gate and gets out of the driver's seat. "Did not anticipate a locked gate," he mutters.
"At least it's only a fence," Anti adds, getting out of the passenger side. "Remember the walls up north?"
"I don't think any of us will forget those."
Even before they’ve parked all the way, Alt glitches out of the car. He shakes himself off like a disgruntled cat.
Bro doesn’t act nearly as desperate as his brother. He carefully steps out, then studies the facility. “…it looks abandoned… is that good or bad?”
"Well, good because it means we will not have to deal with them," Schneep says, getting out of the car last. "The IRIS guards and their CC group, I mean. They would be very interested in you two. I think it is bad because... why would they clear out?"
"Do you think it's a trap?" Anti asks quietly.
"Either that, or something just as bad for our health." Schneep narrows his eyes and scans the grounds beyond the fence. "How do we get in?"
"There's a keycard scanner there." Jackie points. Next to the gate is a little black box. "That's probably our best chance. I'm betting this fence is sturdier than it looks."
Alt and Bro seem to shiver at this, Alt gripping at a scar on his wrist.
Chase frowns, “They.. wouldn’t know all of us are here though so.. maybe not a trap? Unless… Distorter or Mag did something.”
“Mag has moved fast before in these places,” Alt mutters bitterly. He then glances at the others and then back at the fence. “I mean- if we don’t want to be detected- Chase can fly over and I can glitch some of you. Shouldn’t be too hard.”
"That could work," Anti says. "Are you sure that won't, uh, drain you too much?"
"I could try to work with this." Schneep walks up to the keycard reader. "Perhaps if we short it out the gate will open."
"Or maybe it'll stay closed and an alarm will start going off," Jackie says. "I think the glitch thing is safest. If it's not too much trouble."
Alt seems a bit apprehensive but he quickly nods and then offers his hands out to the others, green glowing in his eyes. “I got it- should be quick. But uh, warning I hear it doesn’t feel… great if you’re not used to it. But uh- just link up with me.”
Bro is already vaulting over the gate, climbing up some then doing some high flying parkour move to land on the other side. Show off.
"Is fine, I'm sure it won't be the worst thing." Schneep is the first to link up with Alt. Then Jackie, then finally, after a moment of hesitation, Anti.
"Show off," Anti mutters, watching Chase's fancy flying parkour moves.
Bro just waves excitedly from the other side.
Alt rolls his eyes, “He doesn’t mean to- but yeah.” He laughs. He then channels his glitches and in a quick zip the 4 of them appear in a zip of electricity on the other side of the fence. The feeling is disorienting- but it feels more like a full body shiver, like your whole body fell asleep then woke up with a quick jolt. Though, the others can feel alt breaking into pixels for a second before he snaps back together, he quickly steps back and looks around.
"Whoa." Anti quickly pushes away from Alt. No offense, but feeling someone dissolve is very, very unpleasant for him.
"Th-that was weird..." Jackie whispers, shivering.
Schneep doesn't say anything. He looks down at his hands, though.
Inside, Magnificent bares his teeth then sends a blast of magic at the door.
The door gives way, blasted off its hinges. The resulting BANG! and clatter rings out like a gunshot.
Alt glitches in surprise at the sound of the bang. He lights up electricity and looks around, already on edge. “Fuck- did Mag beat us here??”
"What the fuck?!" Anti jumps and immediately pulls out a knife. He wishes he had time to bring his gun! Even if it has been a while since he used it. "He fucking must have, jesus christ..."
Distorter turns towards the sound, annoyed. They were trying to be subtle!
"Where did that come from?!" Schneep's head darts around, looking for any sign of Magnificent--but he sees something else instead. A face that he can't identify, which is an identity itself. He gasps. "The magic man is not the only one here. It is our bitch, too."
"Fuck!" Jackie shouts.
Alt stiffens and in a panic holds out his hand towards where Schneep is looking. “No no! fucking- Why is he here?!?”
Bro narrows his eyes and tries to see if he can tell where Schneep is looking. He builds up some power in his fingers, then shoots them off towards where Distorter is, electricity rocketing out like a bullet.
Magnificent hardly blinks as he steps through the wreckage and steps inside the room, lighting up a flame on his hand so he can see.
Magnificent has found himself in a wide room--wide as in it extends far to the left and the right, seemingly along the length of this building in particular. There are mechanical work stations going in a row across the room, robotic parts and boxes of metal bits. It looks like a place where they build cell phones. Some of these parts are giving off a stronger magical signature. Particularly some rectangular red computer chips.
Magnificent quickly looks around the room, sweeping his light across the walls to try to see the magic signatures better. He sees the chips and speeds towards them-
{They're here.}
Mag curses as he hears Distorter’s warning. {Keep them distracted! I think I found something-}
The red chips have power, but as Magnificent examines them, he sees no way for them to use it. They're just sitting there, emitting a signature. Perhaps he could drain them, but they're very small. It seems they're only a part of a whole.
Magnificent curses and then grabs the chips, as many as he can stash away in his pocket. Then he sprints to try to get through the next room- seems like they were on a timer now.
Distorter barely has time to receive Magnificent's mental message before--ZAP! Bro's electricity smacks him directly in the face, knocking him into view of the group. He spasms on the floor for a moment, then laughs and goes still. "Is that a new one? Are you actually trying now?" His head turns towards the group, grinning. "Oh? Looks like we're missing some people. You just left them behind? Ah, well." He stands, going from laying on his back to a backbend to pushing himself upright with some disturbing cracking noises. "But we have some friendly faces out there. Hello, Anti. Hello, Jackie. Hello, Aodhan."
Anti stiffens. Then immediately rage clouds his face and he lunges forward. "Get my fucking name out of your fucking mouth!" he shouts. Luckily, Jackie holds him back before he can do anything stupid.
"There is no use hiding!" Schneep says, curling his hands into fists.
"I'm not hiding now, am I?" Distorter spreads his arms wide. "Welcome everyone! So good to see you."
Bro glares and puffs out his chest, standing taller. Until Distorter back bends and he jumps back with wide eyes. “Oh what the fuck?!”
Alt’s eyes widen as Anti’s name gets spoken and then he bares his teeth, electricity crackling. “Fucker! Leave us the hell alone! Why are you even here anyways?”
"I'm here because you're here," Distorter says. "You can't just forget about me and leave!"
"Why not? You--you want to be forgotten." Jackie stutters. He's pale just looking at Distorter but holds his ground.
"Not by my friends!" Distorter's grin widens. "We are friends, aren't we, Jackie?"
Immediately, Jackie's eyes start to glaze over behind his glasses. He lets go of Anti, who stumbles forward and then looks back in shock. "Jackie," he says quietly. "Don't listen--"
Distorter laughs. "I knew it." He turns to look at Alt and Chase. "I'll handle this. You handle them."
Jackie nods slowly, a single drop of red falling from his eye, and lunges at Anti. "No!" Schneep runs for Jackie, trying to pull him back. The three of them are immediately fighting. Jackie's putting his all into fighting his friends, throwing punches and grabbing throats, but the other two are reluctant to hurt him.
Alt’s stomach drops, “Jackie-!”
Distorter turns to look at the Swaps. "You know who's inside this building?" he says. "You old friend. It's just the two of you now. You can't win that fight. Maybe I can help..."
Alt stumbles back as Distorter looks at them.
Bro scoffs and crosses his arms, “We’ve handled Mag more times then you have, ya grayscale bitch.”
Alt tries to growl at Distorter, but his hands are shaking. He’s scared- he’s scared of being so close to Distorter. Of what Mag could be doing. But, he can’t let himself get distracted by Distorter. “Where is he?”
"Hmm. Somewhere in one of these buildings," Distorter says noncommittally. "And I'll point out that quantity does not imply quality. I've won every time so far. You? Not so much. Right, Blitz? Or do you prefer Impulse? Maybe you'd be able to handle Magnificent more if you had some cat tranquilizers on hand, you know."
Alt feels his blood go cold, hearing those names. He staggers back, feeling like he got punched in the gut.
“Hey! Leave him fucking alone!” Bro yells as he tries to fire another electric shot at him. “You’ve done more than enough to him today!”
Distorter laughs and tries to dodge Bro's attack.
In the background, Schneep has managed to pin Jackie to the ground with both hands behind his back. Anti breathes heavily, but looks at Jackie. "H-he's in your head, doc! You hate this, remember? Do you remember what he did to you? Fucking months, Jackie! We were all worried about you! Rama and Michelle were worried about you!"
Jackie shudders. "Anti..." he breathes. "Aodhan... it's... i-it's hard..."
Bro's attack goes wide, and Distorter just laughs harder. "Fucking useless as always!"
"Oh you shut the fuck up!" Schneep snaps from where he is. "Do not listen to him, Chase! You are one of the strongest people I know!"
Chase snorts and grits his teeth, trying to shoot out another shot. “Alt! See if you can help Jackie or try to look for Mag! I’ll handle the gray bitch!”
Alt seems hesitant, glancing at the others. He remembers that- that JJ could shock him out of it… and Jackie didn’t like the glitches. He hurries over to the others and kneels down by Jackie. “Jackie just- sorry- I think this’ll help!” He then grabs Jackie’s shoulder and tries to send a bit of his glitches and magic under his skin.
The glitches under Jackie’s skin don’t feel- great. It’s like fizzling soda but sharp, bringing a bit of an electric jolt through his system.
Jackie's eyes immediately fly open and he gasps, jolting. "Ack! Okay I'm back I'm back! Volt, let me up!" Schneep waits for a moment before standing up, pulling Jackie with him. "Th-thanks, Alt. I guess."
Alt blushes and holds up his hands, “Fuck sorry- I just… jj shocked me out of it but with… cold- god I guess that would be more pleasant…”
At once, the group switches their attention to the conflict between Distorter and Chase.
Inside, it seems like the chips are the most powerful thing in this particular building of the facility. No matter how many doors Mag breaks open, he doesn't find anything more powerful than that.
Magnificent snarls and then tries to teleport into the next building, rushing as fast as he can to try to find something- anything that he could use!
Magnificent has teleported into a building that is just one big room, lined with lockers and...what look like weapons racks. But they don't hold guns or knives. Instead, there are weird metallic boxes and collapsible staffs, handheld devices with extending prongs and loops of black metallic rope. They are all giving off that artificial magic feeling, though more electric than the rest.
Magnificent looks around the room in confusion. Fuck- tech… his cub was better with all of then him. He tries to search around to see if the chips might work with any of these. Before quickly remembering these look like phone chip cards. Okay no fuck! Time to try the last building then- he quickly teleports to the last one, starting to feel a slight drain of his magic that has blood falling from his eyes.
This next attack takes Distorter off guard and hits him square in the chest, knocking him over. His limbs jitter for a moment before he gets back up, shoulders rolling, knees bending. He looks at Chase and growls, dropping the smile for a split second. "You know you're going to die alone," he whispers. "And you know you'll deserve it." Before he tries for a blunt mental attack--not looking for control. Just looking for pure damage.
Bro feels his blood run cold as he sees Distorter’s smile drop. But before he can brace himself there’s a mental weight so severe on his mind that he doubled over and screams, curling up as he digs fingers into his skull.
Alt screams at seeing Bro fall and then glitches to try to tackle Distorter to the floor, electricity sharp and bright around him.
Distorter is so concerned with torturing Bro that he doesn't notice Alt until it's too late. The tackle slams him to the ground, Alt's loose electricity zapping him into immobility. He screams--not in pain, but frustration.
The other three all immediately rush over, following Alt. Schneep helps him pin Distorter to the ground, grabbing his blackened wrists. He's not bothered by the proximity to Alt's zapping.
"You shut the fuck up!" Anti shouts. "You shut the fuck up! Leave him alone! Leave all of us alone!"
Alt repeatedly slams Distorter into the ground, pulling him up and down by his shirt. “TOUCH MY BROTHER AGAIN!! I’LL KILL YOU İ̵̘’̵̤͒L̶̆ͅĹ̷̳ ̵̯̃F̴̩͋U̵̙͆C̵̥̆K̵̹͆I̴̗̽NG KILL YOU!!” Alt screams, voice glitching with his body as he slams more and more electricity into Distorter- his magic reaching dangerous levels.
Jackie rushes for Bro. "What happened?!" He's instantly in doctor mode, looking for injuries but seeing none.
Bro slowly uncurls and blinks blearily out, his head absolutely killing him. His whole body feels off and heavy but- there’s no fog. “hngh- yeah yeah i- im okay…” He pushes himself up and then stares at Alt losing his shit with wide eyes. “Alt! Hey I’m okay! It’s okay!”
Both Anti and Schneep stare at Alt with wide eyes--the reaction makes sense but it's more than they were expecting. "Alt, please! Stop!" Schneep tries to push Alt away from Distorter but Alt is too furious to be stopped, and Anti doesn't want to get close to the electricity.
The last building has its power off, looking locked down. This is rooms and rooms of storage of some kind. Everything in here is either on a shelf or in a box, labelled with a series of numbers or letters and a reason why it's in here instead of being used. Most of them are labeled "failed prototype" and have an attached explanation.
Somewhere in the mess is a small, phone-sized box. And inside are three devices stacked on each other that very much resemble smart phones. They are made of white metal with a glass screen, and a single power on button at the top. This box is labelled "TRVLR - failed prototype. Lack of adequate portable power." They feel like the chips do.
Mag hurries to look around and finally stumbles across the box. His eyes widen, seeing the name and then fumbling to try to insert one of the chips into the TRVLR.
The back of the TRVLR slides open easily enough, but it looks like it already has all the parts, chip included. After all, the labelled issue with it was the power source. Perhaps it just needs a jolt. A zap.
Magnificent sees the chip there already and is confused- until he remembers how they got here in the first place. He grins and laughs to himself, already feeling the familiar spark of his cub.
He grabs the device and then teleports back out into the battle, reaching out and yanking Alt off of Distorter, quickly wrapping his arm around Alt’s neck, choking him.
Alt flails and tries to claw his way out of Mag’s arms.
“Now now Anti! We really must teach you how to manage your temper~!” Magnificent laughs sinisterly and then holds up the device. “I think it’s time we had a change of scenery, don’t you?”
"Whoa, what the fuck?!" Anti aims his knife at Magnificent. "Put him down you bitch!" He knows that a single knife is not so threatening but fuck it, he's not going to let Mag get away with that!
Distorter is very shaken from Alt's attack but still tries to lunge forward. Schneep grabs him. "I have this!" He says through gritted teeth.
"The only reason you 'have this' is because IRIS fucked your brain into pieces!" Distorter spits, venom in his voice as he struggles. Schneep flinches but won't let go. A few blue sparks fly off his hands.
Jackie gasps and stands up as well. "What is that?! What does that do?!" He points at the TRVLR.
Magnificent laughs wildly, “I can feel it- this must be it! It must be how I can get to another world~! But of course, I need help from my favorite cub~!”
Alt pales and then fights more against Mag, “No! Fucking- let me go! I just want to go home!”
“But this will let us go home, Alt! Don’t you wanna help us get back to your precious family?” Magnificent whispers smoothly. Alt hesitates.
Bro struggles up and glares at Magnificent’ “Let him go Mag! You can’t keep fucking using him like he’s a battery!”
Magnificent tilts his head to the side and smirks, “But that’s all he’s good for, isn’t he? Can’t do much but hurt others with those powers of his~ at least with me, he can serve a higher purpose!”
Alt cringes and looks away, fighting a little less, a look of regret and sorrow in his eyes.
"Oh you shut the FUCK up!" Anti snaps. "Alt is more than his powers! And he doesn't need the self-delusional bullshit that you live on to convince yourself that you're more than some sad pathetic man who doesn't have anything he cares about or anyone who cares about him!"
Distorter laughs, oddly endorsing Anti's words. Schneep zaps him again.
"You don't even know if that'll work in the first place!" Jackie adds desperately. "And you don't know how to use it! You could end up somewhere terrible!"
Magnificent turns to Anti with a murderous expression, throwing out green fire towards him in a fit of rage. “SHUT UP! You know fucking nothing you second rate failure of a father!”
He then grips Alt’s arm and builds up black magic again, digging his claws in. “I don’t care- as long as it works, I don’t care! I’ll find something more than the wasted magic here.”
Alt pleads, tears in his eyes.“No! S-Stop! I don’t want to do this again! Just let us go home!” He wants to glitch away but he could set off the machine and send Mag rampaging into another world!
“Mmm how bout we make this a bonding trip, kitten? It seems like your brother will be in good hands here!”
“No- no!! Fucking let me GO!!”
Bro looks at this with fear in his eyes. He can’t let Mag just leave him here. But- he can’t let Mag corrupt Alt either! He’s gotta think- gotta think!
The fire is unexpected. Anti barely dodges it. But it does get the end of his jacket sleeve. He hurriedly pulls it off and stomps out the fire. "Yeah?! Yeah?! Tell me something I haven't heard before you piece of shit! You got nothing on me after the shit I've been put through!"
Faintly, Distorter smiles proudly. But this isn't good. They just got here, he can't lose two great asset--friends now. Schneep's electricity is preventing him from moving, but if he concentrates... he still has a hold on Magnificent.
{Let go.} The words are accompanied by a push of fog.
Magnificent growls, pressing claws further into Alt’s skin, ready to corrupt Alt fully again.
Then, the link with Distorter rushes over his mind, everything turning into fog. His eyes widen and go hazy, and he slowly lets Alt fall to the ground.
Alt doesn’t hesitate to run, then once he’s far away, glitch back over towards the others. But he does look back at Mag with confusion, panting heavily.
The others know the signs of Distorter's influence when they see them. "What the fuck?!" Schneep gasps.
Distorter looks up at him. "Did you think I couldn't--"
Schneep shocks him again and looks at the others in alarm. "We have to get out of here!"
"There have to be more of those things somewhere in here!" Jackie says, indicating the TRVLR. He glances around the buildings, noticing the small difference in the IRIS logos painted on the side. "There!" he points. "I-I think that's the storage!"
"Gotta go either way!" Anti says. "Go go go go!"
They all break into the run. Schneep makes sure to give Distorter a big shock before he runs.
Alt stares at Mag with apprehension but Bro is quick to scoop him up and then carry him fireman style after the others. “H-Hey! Chase!”
“I can run faster than you just- c’mon!”
Magnificent tries to shake his head, trying to push past the gray. He was… doing something important.
The group get stalled at the door for a moment befoer Schneep shouts "Fuck it!" and grabs the keycard scanner, jolting it with so much electricity that it smokes. Nothing happens--but now the door is unlocked. Jackie leads the way inside, scrambling through his memories. Where would IRIS store a multiverse jumping device?! It looked like a phone--somewhere they could tuck it away easily, maybe--
The group checks a couple different doors before Anti yells out. "This it?!"
Bro sets Alt down once they’re inside and they quickly help the others search. Once Alt hears that Anti found something, he glitches over.
Everyone else rushes to him. He's found the box with the two other TRVLRs. "It says they don't have a good power source--that's why that bitch wanted Alt."
Alt looks at the device curiously- and now that they have some distance from Mag… he sends a bit of his electricity into the machine. Worse comes to worse… he’ll destroy it if Mag tries to take it.
The TRVLR's screen lights up as soon as Alt sends a jolt into it. There are three white circles arranged on a triangle against a black background. The top one has an X icon, the left one has an upwards-pointing arrow, and the right one has a gear icon. "Weird," Anti mutters. He taps the gear and it opens up a screen of technical-looking text. "Nope." Luckily, there's a handy Back icon at the bottom. "What is this?"
Jackie leans over and presses the circle with the up arrow. A pop up appears, with the words Are you sure you want to initiate jump? and a Yes and No option.
"Nooooo no no, not yet." Jackie quickly presses No. He looks at Alt and Chase. "I, uh... I think that button can... get you home. If you're ready."
"What about the top?" Schneep asks.
Anti presses the button with the X icon. The three circles disappear, now replaced by a list of letters and numbers. In the middle is U-0407019SW - Current Location.
"Oh. It's a map. Uhhh... how do we know which one is these guys's home?"
"It must be close, for them to get here so easily," Schneep says. "Perhaps the one above or below?"
Alt stares at the device as the others poke and prod at it. At least he knows now Mag would have been just as confused… Alt’s heart leaps into his throat as Jackie tells them about the jump button. He nods.
Chase squints at the numbers, “god- that’s confusing… we wouldn’t know the fucking area code of our dimension! We just get dragged places…”
“What if we chose wrong,” Alt asks quietly. “What if we really do end up somewhere worse? And we… we can’t leave Mag here- he’ll…” He swallows thickly.
"Hey," Anti says gently. "There's going to be risk with this no matter what you do. Even if you could find that weird doorway, how would you know you'd go back home using it? If you'd rather stay for a while and figure this out... It'd be fine. We'd be cool with that. But...It won't make the risk go away."
"Well, uh, if it helps, you probably shouldn't go to the ones marked with exclamation marks." Jackie points to one on the lists that has a red exclamation point in front of the code. "Those are probably marked off for a reason."
Alt narrows his eyes at the exclamation points and then nods. Okay… at least they know what to avoid. “…we need to get Mag out of here… the longer we stay- the more we put the rest of you at risk-“
Outside, Distorter gets to his feet and stretches, arching his back so far that it pops. He looks at Magnificent, who is still confused. Hmm... you know what? That was a mistake. He should've taken the opportunity to get into Alt's head while he was freaking out because of the magician. But he was distracted by the shock-induced convulsions. Well, Mag will get over the confusion. For now, Distorter heads towards the building where they ran. Even if Mag recovers and takes Alt away, he might still be able to get rid of that copy of once-him.
Magnificent clutches at his head as he’s left alone. He then blinks and through the slowly clearing fog starts to stumble towards the storage building. Right right- he was looking for something- god c’mon! Think!
Distorter can hear them talking. He walks closer--slowly, he can't just hide from them with that one there. What are they talking about? Risk?
{You don't have to go anywhere if it's too dangerous,} Alt hears the voice in his head. {Stay here, where it's safe.} It's accompanied by a gentle push.
Alt pauses, the voice slithering in his head. There’s a push but Alt quickly shakes himself out of it and whips around, wide eyes looking around for Distorter. “Fuck- he’s already here?”
Magnificent digs his claws into the doorway and leans against it, dazed eyes narrowing at the group. He sees- they have the device too. He growls, pushing himself forward. His cub was going to pay for escaping him- trying to steal his victory.
Bro hears this and spins around, sliding in front of the others and holding his arms out protectively, flashing silver blue eyes at Mag. “Don’t you fucking dare, Mag.”
"Well it's all just going to shit, isn't it?" Anti mutters. "Here." He hands the TRVLR to Alt. "You should at least hold onto it."
"He's dazed," Jackie whispers, too quiet for Mag to hear. "Because of Distorter. You might not have another chance to get him out of here." He glances back and forth between Chase and Alt. "Don't worry about us. We've dealt with our bastard before, we can do it again."
“Alright, I can grab him. Then Alt- you try whatever address feels right-“ Bro replies.
“Wait i-!” Alt holds the TRVLR close and then starts searching through the addresses with wide eyes, trying not to panic.
Distorter sees Magnificent coming. He got over that sooner than expected, actually. And he can feel the link between them straining. He can't push it too far or it'll break. Fine. He'll settle for taking care of the once-him copy. If Mag takes Alt, that one will no doubt have a crisis he can use. {Well? What are you waiting for? Don't you want to get out of here?}
Magnificent sees the device is working and he yells out in wild desperation, especially as he hears Distorter echoing in his head. He tries to push past Bro to grab at Alt. Bro quickly tries to grab him, trying to wrestle him to the floor. “Choose one, Alt! Hurry!”
"Mother fucker!" Schneep spots Distorter ducking out of sight. "Stop this! I have it, you guys, go on!" He only hesitates for a moment to look at Alt.
"Good luck. And goodbye."
Alt is trying not to panic but he meets Schneep’s eyes. He nods, “G-Goodbye Volt.”
Then Volt lunges for Distorter, who shrieks in frustration and actually runs, not wanting to enter another cycle of shocks.
"Make sure you've all got a hold of each other!" Jackie advises.
There's a number close to the current location on the list reading U-1030018ST. That has to be promising, right? It doesn't have a mark and has the same prefix as this one. That means it's probably similar, right? Their home is similar, right?
Alt hesitates but scrolls to the address and thinks it looks right- but he can’t hesitate for too much longer. He rushes to Chase, who holds out a hand for him to take while Magnificent squirms and hisses in his grasp. Alt takes Bro’s hand and then looks back at Anti and Jackie. He looks scared but- grateful. “..t-thank you guys- for everything!”
He then chooses the address and clicks the jump button, confirming yes before he can hesitate further.
The others barely have time to nod in acknowledgement before Alt presses the jump button. Then, to Alt, Bro, and Magnificent, there is a split second where they area falling--through space?--it's dark with pinpricks of light--and then they are no longer here.
Anti stares at the spot where they just were, before green light enveloped them and they disappeared without a trace. "I hope they make it," he whispers.
Jackie can only nod. Then he takes a deep breath. "Let's get Schneep and get out of here."
They both stare at the spot for a second longer before running out of the room.
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spookberry · 2 years
I'm not sure if there is any lore in MH for this, but what's the difference between being born a ghost and dying to become a ghost? Is it sad for people or is it brushed off? Just been thinkin' 'bout Danny with that.
I mean, much like with Danny Phantom, Monster High is a franchise that plays a lot with death but never really says the words. It's a franchise aimed at kids and tweens they're going to make it all as family friendly and sugar coated as they can. The real angsty backstory stuff is only ever mentioned a time or two in the diaries of more obscure dolls, it's not out on full display most the time.
So we just don't really know any of the backstories behind why the ghosts at MH are ghosts most the time. Spectra's is a known mystery, and the only ghosts I know of who are canonically born a ghost are also potentially only Part, ghost? such as Sirena or Operetta.
My personal headcanon/understanding of how death is perceived within in MH is that death is obvi a sad and often traumatizing experience, but its also something that a LOT of monsters, not just ghosts, have experienced. And pretending the real life reasons for why death is never explored aren't there, and instead leaning into the known lore that Monsters tend to hide or attempt to assimilate into human society... I kind of like the idea that death is just something they don't talk about beyond a surface level.
Some monsters are pro talking about it, of course, but that's just not the pop culture presentation of it. Instead much like how none of Veronica Von Bat's movies accurately portray the experience of being part of the Vampire Court,,, the experience of having died and continuing on in some new undead way isn't really explored beyond a surface level message of "embrace you're freaky flaws!"
And to that I'd extrapolate that born ghosts, like Sirena(if she wasnt half mer), or Operetta do experience a sense of otherness from their undead ghost peers.
There's often a push for this sense of unity at Monster High, regardless of one's monster scaritage, you will be accepted. Howerver outside of Monster High...? That's not really how it works.
In terms of Danny's accident though, I think all of the ghouls would be pretty upset on his behalf. But like,,, Ghoulia, Cleo, or Draculaura they'll sympathize, but its not something to dwell on. They've been there too, ya know? Frankie I think flat out would not understand, almost entirely cuz of their age(extra wouldn't understand cuz all that energy and voltage is what brought them To Life, how that would be painful and traumatizing to Danny just... wouldn't compute for them). Monsters like Clawdeen or Abbey? Ya know ones, that aren't immortal or undead in some way, they would see that as pretty horrific.
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funpuddle · 2 months
High Voltage by Soundchild sounds like Ludwig von koopa and Iggy koopa and I have to manually unhear that when I listen to the song because it's great it just sounds like koopalings
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you-fuckers-are-asses · 3 months
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Chapter IV - Bam Margera
Kat Von D: High Voltage Tattoo
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