raeflora · 1 year
Hi again! I would really love your opinion on something, (since you said that if I ever want you to write meta on something specific I can ask)
Do you think that most D**ir shippers are Dan fans rather than Blair l fans?
I am going forward with the rewatch and I have been reading stuff here andvon other platforms and I have noticed that most D**ir focus on what Dan feels or what Dan does for Blair, ignoring Blair's emotional and mental state at the time
Furthermore they seem to want to rid Blair from all the things that make her Blair (like her ruthlessness and scheming)
Idk... For me Blair wouldn't be Blair without the good and the bad. So it makes me wonder if these people just.... Don't like Blair very much.....
hi!! this is such a good question tysm and this is gonna be long so I hope u don't mind 🫶🏻 I think generally yes d*ir fans do seem to be more fans of dan than they are of blair, and I think there are a few reasons (that I've seen) for this. some of it comes from penn badgley fans as a lot of ppl who discovered him from you on netflix have then watched gg and like dan purely bc it's him. some of it also comes from this rehash of the idea that chuck's "bad" bc of the pilot and ignoring his development, and dan's "good" bc... he's not chuck lol.
ur right in that a lot of them don't want blair to be, well, herself. as I said in my other meta post there's a lot of focus on how blair's "better" when she's with dan. she doesn't scheme, she doesn't do anything, really, except from talk about movies and artists. they think that this watered down version of blair is her true self, even though if u watch the previous 4 and a half seasons it's obvious that's just not true. they want blair to be this girl who's content to spend her days visiting museums and waiting around for dan who she's clearly not. there's nothing wrong with her that dan needs to fix, and chuck didn't corrupt her. she can be interested in art and movies and still scheme and be mean. there's no mutual exclusivity to any of her personality traits, they can all co-exist and are what make her blair. like chuck said in s2 it's stupid to want her to be anything other than what she is.
also, ur so right again in that they ignore blair's mental state. she's obviously not in a good place in s5 and probably shouldn't jump into any relationship after her divorce. but dan pushes her into it. throughout the show she belittles him, insults him, makes fun of serena dating him, and generally just doesn't like him. while they're dating she still doesn't seem that keen on him. there's talk of how she's happier and smiling all the time with dan, but she's not. she effectively throws a tantrum being seen out with him and she can't celebrate his career, she instead undermines and upstages him. her behaviour doesn't seem like someone who's found her perfect match. it seems like someone who's in a confusing transitional period of her life and clings to the nearest man, like she did with carter in s2. if dan was this great perfect man he'd say he couldn't date her right away, let her sort herself out. but no, he forces her to be more than just friends bc, where she's so isolated from everyone else, if she loses him then she loses her only support system (the fact that she becomes so reliant on dan humphrey in the wake of her miscarriage is something for another post) so she kind of has to get into a relationship with him, even though she's not ready mentally.
in terms of liking blair, I think that most d*ir fans like their own version of blair, instead of the canon version. this might be connected to them often preferring dan, and then they just project traits onto blair that aren't hers. I don't know why they don't do this to serena btw, bc her relationship with dan is significantly more important, and she was far more willing to do "ordinary" things with him than blair. ultimately I think they want d*ir, and blair individually, to be something they're not and were never going to be. d*ir isn't sethmer or paceyjoey or whoever else they compare them to. blair isn't someone they can shape into fitting their ideas like dan does, she's her own distinct character and if they don't like her then they should admit it instead of mischaracterising her
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fuqsketti · 2 years
First time doing this , im not even sure if this is how you request something sorry if not + this is not my firts languaje sorry again . I JUST CANT GET OVER THE THOUGHT OF COMFORTING MIKE WHEN HE FEELS INSECURE AAAAAA having the biggest Mike br rn
bother || mike wheeler x reader
a/n : tysm for the request! i hope u enjoy! &
@m1ke-wheeler tysm for the request awell <3
fluff mostly, bit of angst
Mike Wheeler, a loser, and his popular girlfriend, Y/n walked hand in hand to every class each day.
It was a ritual that almost everyone at hawkins high knew.
“Bye Mikey.” Y/n chirped as she pressed a kiss to his sharp jaw, his face turning red from the affection.
Even after all this time she still gave him butterflies like no other.
“See you.” He whispered letting go of her hand as she walked into her science class.
Mike sighed that she was now gone but continued on to where he was supposed to be, Mike hated this particular class since he had no one to talk to- who would want to be friends with him? His hellfire shirt scared off any potential peers.
Mike walked over to his seat and sat down, keeping his head held low. He was aware of all the eyes on him, but he decided to ignore them. He was used to it at this point, people who knew nothing about him judging him like they did.
Y/n had always told him not to give them power, not let them see they were bothering him.
So that’s what he always did.
“Why is she even going out with that nerd?” Her heard a girl whisper, he knew it was about him.
Don’t let them bother you.
“She has Andy and Chance chasing after her, lucky bitch.” He heard another girl reply- Mike’s stomach dropped, Andy and Chance? Weren’t those basketball players? They liked
Y/n? What chance did Mike have against the two most popular boys in the school?
No no, Mike don’t freak yourself out. Y/n loves you. You and only you.
Don’t let these girls bother you.
Mike tried to reassure himself but he didn’t feel much better.
Oh well, by next period he should be better. When he finally got to see her.
When he finally got to hold Y/n by the hand and take her to her next class, that simple four minute passing period would definitely lift his spirits.
“Y’know I heard Andy was gonna ask her out.” He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard that,
“No way. She’s dating-“ Girl number two paused ‘lowering’ her voice as she spoke.
“That guy.” Mike could feel their eyes bore into him, and if he could? He’d sink into the floor.
“And? You think Andy can’t take him on? The boys a stick!” The last part was whispered he’d guessed to try and save his feelings, She didn’t do a very good job.
“Stop that’s so mean!” Girl number one said yet still cackled like it was the funniest thing she’s heard all year.
“Whatever, i’m sure Y/n will come to her senses soon enough.” Mike finally poked his head up- seeing Mandy and Georgia, Y/n’s friends and two of the most popular girls in school. They were staring right at him.
They quickly looked away when they saw him look, giggling while doing so.
Mike felt sick, sick because they were right.
He was a freak. Y/n could have anyone she wanted- why did she choose him? And to hear those mean words from her own friends?
He didn’t think he was very attractive, nor very strong. She could have someone who was everything he wasn’t at the snap of a finger.
His thoughts began to consume him, he tried not to let it bother him but it was hard because it just made sense to him, so much so he forgot to pick Y/n up from her class.
“Mike!” Y/n called to him, he turned from his locker and watched as she happily jogged up to him.
It was then he realized he had forgotten.
How could he forget something like that?Leaving her all alone? What a good boyfriend he was..
“Hey Mikey.” she chirped, leaning against the locker next to his.
“Hi.” He said blandly, turning to face her.
Odd, but she proceeded.
“So, you wanna go see ‘The Thing’ after school? Heard it’s scary.” She smiled, knowing he had said he wanted to go earlier that week.
However he shook his head quickly, unable to look her in the eyes. He was almost afraid that if she could look into his eyes she could see everything he’d heard written through his expression and he was worried she’d agree.
“Uhm, no I can’t tonight- My dad! He wants to- take me to dinner…” He rambled, again looking anywhere but her.
“Oh.” She murmured, feeling a bit dejected. But who was she to not encourage him and his dad hanging out? They’ve never had a great relationship, and If Ted wanted to try and fix it she wouldn’t get in his way.
“You wanna hangout later this week then?” She asked afterwards, trying to look into his eyes.
He avoided it.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, looking down at the floor.
“You don’t know?” She asked, realizing he was now just downright rejecting her.
He shook his head and closed his locker then finally looked her in the eyes.
“I mean, I don’t know if I can- i’ll let you know.” He quickly said, then walked away.
Without a goodbye.
“Mike-“ She went to call after him but realized it was pointless, she decided to just go to class and ignore the tears forming in her eyes.
Maybe he was just having a bad day.
It’s not like he just dumped her.
Quit being such a crybaby.
Everything was going to be okay.
A whole week later of no contact.
Y/n was going insane.
She had tried to call to him multiple times in the halls only for him to blatantly ignore her or walk the opposite way.
She’d been calling his home, only to get his mom or dead air on the other end of the phone.
She had to trap him, so he couldn’t avoid her.
She thought he was doing that classic boy thing, where they are mean to a girl until they get the girl to break up with them.
And Y/n was not having it.
She rode her bike to Mike’s house as soon as school was out.
She threw her bike on the lawn, walking up to the front door with confidence.
Then she knocked on the door and waited.
Her confidence beginning to falter as she waited for what felt like hours.
What if he just sent her home?
What if he broke up with her on the spot?
Maybe this was all just a bad idea…
Nancy opened the door.
“H-Hi, can I see Mike?” Y/n asked nervously, rocking on her feet.
“Of course.” Nancy smiled, stepping back to welcome her in. “I think he might be in his room.”
Mike however was down in his basement feeling sorry for himself, he’d wrapped himself in a big blanket and was currently cocooning himself in his little fort.
He’d been reclusive since the day he heard those two girls talking, because everything just made sense.
Y/n was too good for him.
She truly was, Mike was just waiting for the day she’d knock on his door and break up with him.
Break his heart.
“Mike!” Nancy called down the basement, Mike scowled at how loud his sister was.
Groaning and rolling over- he sometime wished his fort would turn into a gate to the upside down. So he could just escape it all.
“You’re girlfriend is here to see you!” Nancy called- Mike felt his stomach twist, here she was. She was going to break up with him.
“Tell her i’m not home!” Mike shouted back, flopping to his side and tightening his blanket around him.
If he didn’t see her, technically she couldn’t break up with him.
“Ouch.” Y/n muttered, as she looked to her boyfriends sister. Nancy offered her a sympathetic look and shrugged.
Y/n sighed
“Can I go down?“ She asked,
“Be my guest.” Nancy said then turned to whisper in her ear. “Mike’s been in a funk recently, have fun.”
Y/n swallowed her nerves and made her way down, but was confused when she didn’t see Mike right away.
He was nowhere to be seen.
“Mike?” She called out- Mike stayed silent, realizing Nancy had let her down despite what he said. He quickly moved his foot that was hanging out of the fort.
Y/n heard the shuffle and made her way towards the fort- Mike held his breath the entire time.
But to no avail, Y/n kneeled down and moved the blanket that was covering the fort like a door.
“Knock knock.” She whispered, she melted at how cute Mike looked- all wrapped up in his little blanket,
“Y-Y/n..” Mike sat up immediately after seeing his beautiful girlfriend.
He was supposed to be avoiding her,
But he’d missed her face.
“Hey.” She sighed, scooting into the fort and letting the blanket fall behind her. Now it was just them, alone in the cozy fort.
“Listen, I don’t know what I did but-“ She started, already looking uncomfortable that she had to be having this conversation.
“If you’re gonna break up with me…don’t play the long game. Get it over with please.” She quickly said her eyes beginning to gloss.
“What?” Mike asked, letting his grip on his blanket falter.
“I’m going insane trying to figure out what I did wrong.” She rambled, the tears in her eyes making mike cringe-
What a good boyfriend he was…he made her cry.
“So if you’re going to do it just- do us both a favor and do it now.” She said as her voice quivered, her hand quickly wiping the tears that had managed to fall.
“Y/n no, I don’t wanna breakup with you.” Mike sighed shakily, reaching forward for her hand.
Y/n looked up at him hopefully.
“You don’t?” She asked.
He shook his head and began to feel himself get a bit choked up.
“No-No, the opposite I wanna uhm…” He began but found himself at a loss for words.
He wanted to be with her, that’s ALL he wanted.
But he didn’t feel good enough for her, she deserved someone better than Mike.
But Mike was selfish, he knew Y/n deserved the world and more- but he wanted her all to himself. It was a constant internal battle for him.
Y/n must’ve sensed him getting lost in his thoughts, she ran her thumb along his knuckles giving him a reassuring smile.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” She asked.
“I’m sorry.” Mike whispered, looking away from her.
She moved her head so she was in his line of sight again.
“Don’t say sorry, tell me why.” She whispered back.
She saw his face finally fall, his eyes watered as he looked absolutely defeated.
“It’s just-“ He started,
“I don’t know-“ He groaned.
He caught her expectant eyes,
“I don’t know how to- say it.” He admitted.
“It’s okay, throw some words out- i’ll put them together.” She assured him.
“I don’t..” He couldn’t find the words.
“I want you to-“ He tried again.
“I don’t like how many guys…like you.” He blurted, then covered his face with his hand in embarrassment.
“You’re gorgeous and I understand that’s how it’s gonna be but-“ He continued then peaked through his hands.
“I don’t understand why you keep choosing me.” he finally admitted.
“Mike…” Y/n whispered, her heart breaking at the state her boyfriend was in.
“I’m just- Dorky.. and i’m not strong like the basketball guys, you deserve so much better than me.” He kept going, pouring his entire heart out to Y/n- He didn’t wanna cry, the lump in his throat made him sure he was going too but he didn’t want to.
His dad always taught him men don’t cry.
Beside that why would he cry? it’d only make Y/n feel worse and he was a bad enough boyfriend already.
“Mike.” She tried to stop him again, he was too lost in his head.
“Everyone knows you can do better, and sooner or later you’re gonna realize that too.”
“Mike!” She said with a loud voice making him finally look at her.
“Sorry.” He quickly whispered, wiping the few stray tears that fell.
She grabbed onto his hands, so he couldn’t wipe his tears any more,
“Who even put these things in your head?”
“People talk y’know?” He murmured, ashamed while sniffling lightly. He really hated crying in front of people, especially his girlfriend.
He couldn’t help by feel weakened by it.
“Well don’t listen to the ‘talk’, I want you. And only you.” She sighed out rubbing his knuckles.
“But why?” He asked again,
She grabbed onto his face, rubbing his cheeks as she looked at him sorrowfully.
"I...sometimes, I guess I kinda wish you could see yourself through my eyes Mike." Y/n whispered. pressing one kiss against his chin.
“You’re caring, you’re funny, you’re handsome. You make me feel like i’m floating on air.” She continued the praises, kissing his nose.
“And you ARE strong.” she then kissed his temple before moving to his ear to whisper,
“Strongest guy I know.”
“You could lose absolutely everything yet still keep going like nothing, I admire you for that.” She kissed his lips, the kiss they shared was drawn out- their lips missed each-other. Although it’s only been a week. When they pulled away their lips lingered.
“And you totally did kill like 2 demodogs so strong in that aspect too-“ she whispered her breath fanning his face as she joked- Mike was able to choke out a chuckle.
“Mike you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. Don’t let a couple of assholes ever make you feel otherwise.” She assured him then smiled.
“Okay? I love you. And ONLY you.”
“You’re stuck with me forever.”
“Mhm.” He hummed, the smile dawning on his face making the room seem to light up.
“M’ sorry. I wasn’t trying to bother-“ He tried to apologize for the past week but,
“You’re never bothering me.” She cut him off,
“Just tell me what you’re feeling next time. I don’t wanna think about losing you ever again.” She finished and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him in for the first hug they’ve had in days.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, smelling her sweet perfume.
god did he miss it.
“I love you.” He murmured, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
“I love you more.”
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I come here for words of wisdom. Every time I read a fanfic about Bakugou being a fuckboy I normally laugh it off because it sounds ridiculous in my mind, although sharing this thought with other people made me realize that some actually think he might be in the future???? So, I want your honest opinion. Not just about that, but I'd genuinely love to know your input on how Bakugou would be in his late-teens, early adulthood, before (for the sake of it) meeting X and settling. Would he sleep around? Would he try for a relationship and fail? What would fail? What would make him settle? Would he really just focus on hero work and that's it? So. Many. Questions.
Hope everything is going great for you. I haven't been on tumblr much (am I the only one noticing the insane wave of wattpad writing here??? p.o.v. and all??????) but I've been following your stuff, and as always, it's incredible. 💞💕
PLS - okay this is so nice to see bc i’ve actually been taking a break from tumblr/writing for the past month. (mental refresh u kno?) aND YESTERDAY I CAME BACK AND SCROLLED THRU MY DASH AND SAW WATTPAD STUFF JUST LIKE YOU SAID.
i was shocked. aghast. completely bewildered. pls i even caved and searched up bakugou fics just to see if everyone else is treating him like that,, and like i dont even know why i did that, because ofc i knew the answer was gonna be yes!! the answer is always yes !!! like i just saw so many fics of him as such a “ooo daddy dom badboy bakugou 🥴🥴” and like why???? bakugou is such a frickin nerd?? and thats sooooooo funny?? whY STRIP HIM OF HIS COMEDIC POTENTIAL ???
but yes yes specifically about bakugou being a fuckboy..... yeah i have no idea where the fuck they get that from. like- did we watch the same show???? sex and especially being naked are such vulnerable things at their core, and they rlly think Mr. Anti-Vulnerability is gonna be the one to sleep around??? to willingly put himself into a vulnerable situation time and time again?? no. pls. c’mon y’all. sometimes i think even todoroki would be more likely.
and just- to sleep around you have to be very comfortable showing interest in other people, over and over and over again. and i just- bakugou doesn’t even admit that his friends are his friends???? and somehow they think that suddenly he’s gonna go around telling people “hey. i like you. and by admitting that to you, i am therefore giving you a slight bit of power over me.”
i- no. he’d never. period, end of story. he would rather be fuckin’ dead. so the answer is no, as he currently is, i cannot for the life of me see why he’d ever become a fuckboy. he just doesn’t have it in him lmaoooooo
ooo but about the what makes him settle question- THANK YOU IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT IT.
okay so how i see it, is bakugou is probably totally and completely fine being alone up until his like mid 20’s. sure he thinks maybe it’d be nice to have somebody, but he works so hard that it’s always a fleeting feeling. but then he gets a little older, settles into his spot on the rankings (#3 btw, im soRRY kats but its the truth!!) and watches all his friends get into meaningful relationships. and then, a few more years down the line (think late 20’s/ early 30’s) he’ll be sitting back and being like “shit. i don’t have anybody like that. somebody who’s just for me. who’d pick me first always.”
and i think that is what he wants most of all. i mean, he’s clearly chock-full of insecurities related to that idea, and i cant imagine him ever settling without that need being fufilled. like, i think eventually he’ll probably abandon the idea of being #1 hero, but he’ll still keep that dream of being #1 somehow. so once he finds somebody that always has his back, always puts up with his shit and still loves him at the end of it?? still looks at him with stars in their eyes day after day??? pls. mans is putty and will never even dream of leaving
but that being said- i dont think he’s gonna find The One on first try. i think he’ll be aiming for that, but i cant see it working out. even when he starts seriously dating around his mid 20s, i think he’ll still be too caught up with his hero work. it’ll take him a good few years and one/two failed relationships to finally find a balance that works for him and whoever he ends up with
@i-need-air tysm for asking,,,, clearly i have a lot of thoughts and i love him sm so this was so fun!!!!!! i loved this ask ty!!!!
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beann-e · 4 years
hi I was on u-tube and saw a bakugou playlist for when he can’t sleep and I thought well , since I just hit 200 followers ( tysm;3 I love everyone who even took the time out of their day to press follow ) why not bring them this idea of y/n not being able to sleep & bakubabe lending his beautifully different services
also abt the sero line I have in here— I personally think it’d be cool if he just learned Spanish because, he has an interest in other cultures and languages but I don’t really see him being actually hispanic
also I really like writing baku bc he’s so rough with everything he says & I kin him so he’s the easiest so, I hope no one thinks I write him too much
Reader with bad mental health & bakugou lends a hand in his own way
No one cares and no one ever asks. Or at least that’s how you felt while standing here in your last period class your hands balled up in fist tightly held at your chest
Your head was pounding and body was aching you couldn’t describe why you were feeling so horrible all of a sudden but
you just were
maybe it was from all the nights you couldn’t fall aleep due to overthinking
maybe it was the way you got stuck on your phone or even your head dropped low eyes trailing over words in a book just trying to find something to take your mind off the fact that you were struggling
whatever the case was
right now in this last period class this wasn’t helping
“ look shitty woman “ you heard the boy huff “ I want to get a good score on this paired project and right now your fucking this up for me “
his anger was visibly present even if his voice was low to where only you could hear the annoyance that sat in it had everyone looking around for the culprit of the sudden change in the air
“ and I don’t like fuckups so get whatever you have going on together and let’s do this —ok? “
you shook your head and let out a soft ‘ok ‘
the fight ending quickly with bakugou staring down on you his hands on his knees face made up in anger “ you keep finding a way to fuck with me “
“ I didn’t even do anything to you “ your voice was soft and tired
his eyes squinting before sighing
“ I didn’t do anything to anyone “
“ cut this shit out right now “ he pulled you up off the ground hands in fists gripping at your shirt standing you up with his muscles alone “ get to your room — sleep off whatever the fucks going on with you “
His eyes dead set on you as you walked off everyone from the class watching as you failed to gain the strength to open the big doors that led you to your shared dorms
“ sero plea— “
“ got it hermosa “
“ really dude “
“ look it’s hot — and just cause we’re in japan doesn’t mean I can’t show off my online spanish lessons “
“ whatever “ denkis voice whined as he shook his head holding the other door open for you “ gonna get some sleep y/n ? “
you ignored the two boys head hung low as you walked to your room door
the strength appearing in your body as you opened it but, quickly dispersing when you found your bed.
Your face hitting your favorite pillow hand coming up to cradle underneath it as you sat on your knees butt high in the air tears coming out pouring into your blankets “ I won’t show — I won’t show it — I won’t get bad again “ you repeated like a chant
The light from outside disappearing as the day grew into night
several footsteps heard departing from your door when you didn’t answer the knocks . Their low calls of dinner was done , lunch was in the microwave , that you’d missed movie time , that you missed denkis attempt of asking jirou out , and todorokis miss understood question of what ‘ cuddles ‘ were when denki offered her his body to do so
“ and you assholes didn’t just think to open the door? ”
your bedroom door swinging open in a crash as the knob hit the wall behind it creating a hole
“ fucking assholes bothering me with this shit “
“ we didn’t even call you out of your room “
“ you came over to her room on your ow— “
bakugous hand moved swiftly to slam the door in their faces
“ bakubro we’ve been trying to get in there all day and your just—“
“ gonna close the door on us “ denki finished in annoyance “ seriously I just know y/n needs my charm right now “
he pouted behind the door “ it always cheers her up and I like her lau— “
“ didn’t ask to hear your fucking crush story charger base “
“ ass — kiri let’s go “
“ so no sleepy boob pics?“
bakugou stiffened hearing the purples freaks voice
“ so I came with you guys because you said she was sad and usually when girls are sad they don’t dres— “
bakugous voice was guttural as he put his forehead to the door voice loud enough for the boy to hear
“ hey — hey purple nurple “
“ I-uh — yes bakugou “
“ come here “ he could hear the small shuffle of feet to the door as he smirked softly
“ put your tiny head to the door — actually press your whole body up to the door —all the way “
“ are you trying to help me get one of y/n’s bras god —- of all people to help I never thought it’d be bakugo—“
“ hey just shh ok — you don’t want to ruin it right and make her wake up right “ he groaned inside his mind
“ she’s slept this long and through all of this— I can’t get you her bra if your loud right purple zit “
“ so so smart “
“ ok so here it is “
the room grew silent as bakugou pressed his palm as low as he could placing it on the door away from his standing body breathing in to suppress his anger so , he didn’t let out a major blast due to his mood
sighing before he felt his hand grow sweaty tiny pops coming out
“ hey bakugou —is my princess ok ? sounds like popcorn in there are her tit—“
it was quick as the door had a hole in it the newly created circle having black burn scratches on it as mineta laid burnt on the floor once purple body now black and smoke wafting off it
Bakugou squatting as he put his left hand above the hole to steady himself and his right one reaching out through it as he grimaced in pain at the stretch his fingers finally wrapping around minetas short body fingers interlocking around his neck as he looked through the new hole in the door eyes piercing into the boy he held
his voice low and dominating “ you ever come back to her room on some creep shit — and I blow your fucking brains out do you hear me “
“ y-yes sir “ mineta let out dazed “ I will stick to yao-“
“ that goes for all the girls you hear me — guys included I know your a little pervy fuck you can’t get your hands on girls underwear you’ll move on to dekus shitty tidy whities”
mineta was silent as bakugou threw him back on the floor watching as he crawled off
his body relaxing as he shook his mind burning.
head in his hands before wiping his face in exhaustion and standing up and turning to you when he felt the air in the room shift , his hands out in jazz hands and a fake smile on his face.
“ ta da “ he was met with your sitting body your pillow covering him from seeing you .
your face dropping in shock moving from his tall figure that stood inching over to the now huge hole that he was trying to hide from you
“ k-katsuki “
“ I told you about that “
“ s-sorry “
“ again I told you about that shit “ his gaze was hard on you
“ do it again and i’ll tell shitty hair to harden in the next hug he gives you — since you and that crappy puppy boy are always touching “ he mumbled
“ bakugou why are you — why does my door have a hole in it “
“ don’t worry about it “
“ h- w-how can I not worry about it my doors black“ you screamed in confusion “ it used to be brown bakugou “
“ bakugou it used to be this — bakugou — katsuki oh my gosh i’m sorry — god do you ever shut the fuck up and just be thankful “ he mocked you soon converting back to his anger ridden voice
“ and whats with this pillow take it away from you — I wanna see your fucked up face “
you sighed bringing the pillow from in front of your head his eyes having a look run through them that you couldn’t figure out but you knew it had something to do with how puffy your eyes felt . Even if they weren’t puffy or couldn’t get puffy you’d never known for a fact because it still felt like they were .
You two stared at each other as the silence grew louder him shoving his hands in his pocket before taking out the packet of pills he’d gotten for you shaking them to show you it wasn’t a weapon like Mr.Aizawa thought after finding him returning to school late and shaking him down like a police officer
his hand putting them on your desk
His other one throwing the water he found in the kitchen to your bed “ not throwing you the pills — need you to move around so you gotta come get em‘ “
your face showed no emotion as he nodded understanding the new tense and uncomfortable emotions thats were present “ ... ok — well got a green headed vegetable to go bully so “
you watched as his hands gripped the door swinging it open as you dropped your head eyes moving to the water in front of you “ why can’t I do anything right “
you cried “ why can’t the world — the days — the stars fucking align for me to feel good for once huh “
you felt even more tears prickle your eyes as your voice grew louder “ why can’t I talk to people without having this voice in the back of my mind screaming — raging like its having a party — why can’t I sit in silence without having to stand up every five seconds and move around because my body screams for attention — for movement because i’ve been sitting still for 5 seconds “
you heard the faint click of the door mouth still moving as if he were still there
“ why can’t I speak what I feel when people ask me“ you laughed shortly “ not like they do — because they can’t tell I just mask so well “
you let your face start to feel heavy and tense as you continued your crying rant into the empty room “ and most importantly why was I so bad at everything “ your eyebrows furrowed
“ why am I so bad at today ? “
“ just a day really ? “ you heard the taller males voice came out questioning
“ just today that’s what your worried about “
“ well I “
“ tch “ he shook his head before turning to face away from you his face dropping into a look he didn’t want you to see.
“ I-i’m sor— “ you knew he didn’t like you saying sorry or even using his first name you two had established that when he finally accepted your friendship or in his words
‘ you can hang around —like shitty hair but one sniff of blabber mouth and your gone ‘
“ I didn’t mean to spill to you I just — I — you can go —no one gives a shit anyways “
“ I will “
your body grew sad at his quick response
“ tell me what your most upset about “
your answer came quick as you let your brain take over “ I wake up in the middle of the night and can never fall back asleep when I do “
he moved to your door for a second time opening it to leave before pausing for a second speaking something to where you couldn’t hear much less make out
“ just knock “
he shook his head before closing the door softly to rival his usual mood.
Your body shaking when you finally realized you’d spilled out your mental thoughts to bakugou letting your body calm down before you grabbed the pills and silently thanked your friend before feeling yourself at some time finally fall asleep
It’s been days since you last felt that horrible it never stopped but you were able to hide it even more and live out your life the happiest you could
until one night you found you beating yourself up surprisingly not in real life but in your dreams
a loud gasp leaving your mouth as you sat up calming down only to bring your knees to your chest arms wrapped around them in a hug
your back moving to the wall to feel comforted after only feeling your cold hands and body wrapped around yourself
“ what I would give to have something warm “
‘warm ‘
your mind raced to bakugou trying to push the thoughts out your mind of him actually being a caring boyfriend who could help you like he did nights ago with bringing you medicine, a boyfriend who would let you snuggle into him and take all his warmt—
stop the track cause that song will never play you thought as you started to think about him again face made up in determination and focus as you tried to remember what he said that night feeling stupid when you finally remembered your quirk
the quirk that brought you pain and contributed to your mental health
your quirk allowed you to take pictures of everyone’s last moments you’d spent together with your thoughts
it was good in some aspects like right now when you could finally remember where sato helped you hide your candy bars from yourself so you wouldn’t indulge in them 2weeks ago
at the same time you can see your problem with it when the last moment you had of your mother was her kissing you goodbye before shapeshifting into a fire extinguisher and landing in your fathers hands as he screamed at you to run out of your home and get more help the last image you seeing of your father was him spraying the fire extinguisher all over the stove in hopes to calm it down before it spread but he couldn’t
it didn’t help when the pictures replayed in your mind like video home movies that you didn’t want to watch
whenever your quirk was used everything spun in your head like a movie reel the downside was it made you watch every single picture you’d taken until you found the one you were looking for
it didn’t take long before you finished your mom and dads memory and got to bakugous last moment you two spent together
you zooming in reading his lips turning up the volume on the moment as he spoke “just knock “
“ just knock ? “ you sat confused in your spot on the bed shaking off your quirk taking as long as needed to process his words only to be even more confused and just knocking on the wall twice between your two shared dorm rooms.
You never paid much attention to him being your neighbor it’s not like you needed him for anything so right now you were a bit curious in why he reminded you that you two shared walls
Eyes closing while you waited for whatever was supposed to happen
“ guess he didn’t mean it like th—“
your body softened when you heard music fill his room and overflow into yours
You heard the drums kick in as the lyrics played muffled through your wall
‘I listened to the cure
I listened to the cure
I listened to the cure
and then I cried ‘
your eyes widened before you felt your body relax against the wall eyebrows made up in content
eyes watering when you heard your two soft knocks returned on the wall behind you
you let your body go tenseness leaving as the song played moving to grab your phone with shaky hands seeing his name light up on your screen
Godzilla wannab
‘ no one gives a shit about your life right ? ‘
you cried even harder when you saw the message fit the song perfectly the words you spoke a couple days ago as if your were singing the lyrics
you looked around your room before falling on the dent he left in your wall grabbing your phone and zooming in on it to take a picture and sending it to him
Godzilla wannab
sorry your room was just so ass you needed some redecorating be thankful people tend to cry when I redecorate—just ask deku
you laughed as you seen him prepare to send a new message your heart swelling when you read it
Godzilla wannab
look this is gonna sound sus as fuck but
you bit your lip at the new message
‘ if you can’t sleep come over — your rooms cold as fuck and I know that pillow your hugging’s not doing shit ‘
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cowgrl · 4 years
what are u reading rn?
ahhh tysm for asking; i love talking books!!
i’m perpetually reading 25 books but anyway
a promised land by barack obama - well, this one needs no introduction lol. i’m listening to this on audiobook with my mom and it’s wonderful so far, but it’s like a tome and we’re only on chapter 3 so come back 7 months from now when we’ve finally finished it. if you’re going to read this physically, definitely give the audiobook a listen at some point too. it’s just so nice to hear his voice (and i love listening to authors read their own biographies/memoirs anyway)
horimiya series by hero - i’m reading vol. 3 right now and i love this manga so much! slice of life anything is instant serotonin for me <3 hori must be protected at all costs, miyamura has made me seriously reconsider my stance on man-buns (still hate the term tho), and souta is my fav! it’s got a maid-sama vibe but without the enemies-to-lovers element (which is a trope i typically i hate in 99% of media) and there’s an ova adaptation too that i haven’t watched yet but i’m excited
a very punchable face by colin jost - i am slightly embarrassed to say this but this is kind of a thirst read 😳 i mean, i do actually want to read this book but i’d be lying if i said 60% of the reason why wasn’t because i really like colin and snl (weekend update specifically). 
i may or may not have teared up when he was on late night with seth meyers because i love their friendship and i was so excited for this book to come out...i also may or may not have been pms-ing but i can’t remember so we’ll never know! anyway, it’s pretty interesting! his childhood is more intriguing than his adulthood would lead you to believe and i’m still an snl-apologist (yes they’re lame try-hards but they’re MY lame try-hards <3) so it’s nice to read the little snl stories too :-)
the island of sea women by lisa see - this was recommended to me by my favorite co-worker and i’m trying really hard to get through it but it almost put me in a reading slump. historical fiction is probably one of my least favorite genres; i’d much rather read about the real people who lived during that time period than a fictional account. obviously, there are exceptions but in general, it’s just not my cuppa. 
i’m only 100 pages in and i’m struggling so i might end up switching over to the audiobook. i will finish it eventually; i want to give my co-worker’s rec a fair shot and it’s a critical darling -- everyone seems to love this book -- so i’d feel pretty bad if i dnf’d it. i would love to learn more about the real haenyeo of jeju because i am genuinely fascinated and inspired by them! i love women’s history so i’m sure that’s why it was recommended to me. americans are taught very little about the korean war and japanese colonialism so i think it’s going to be an enlightening read for me as well once i really get into it.
how not to get shot: and other advice from white people by d.l. hughley and doug moe - a satirical take on the black experience in america featuring lots of tragic (and infuriating) real events in african-american history but hey, if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. obviously, that’s an oversimplification but it’s a satirical advice book for black people based on the illogical, ignorant, and racist arguments of white people in america; i don’t really know how to explain it beyond that. i have quite a few hughley books on my tbr but this is the first one i’ve read and it’s poignant but i’m laughing a lot too. if you think reverse racism is real you’ll hate it but at the same time you probably need to read it more than anyone 💀
yotsuba&! vol. 14 by kiyohiko azuma - MY RAMPION, MY CHAMPION, MY FAVORITE <3333 kiyohiko azuma is the king of slice of life and you can’t change my mind. this is currently the last volume so even though i checked it out a while ago, i’ve been procrastinating because i don’t want it to end 😭 (it’s still ongoing though, i just don’t want to finish vol. 14 and not have vol. 15 to start reading immediately after) 
yotsuba is an adorable, hilarious 5-year-old girl navigating the world with her dad and her neighbors and it’s just one of the cutest manga series ever created. nothing’s perfect but yotsuba&! is literally flawless - mr. azuma does not miss!
okay there are a few more that i’m reading but that’s probably enough for now! thank you so much for the ask, anon!
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spookysnicket · 5 years
Carrie White (1976) Ex-bully S/O HCs
ANON: Hi can u do a headcancon of Carrie where thier s/o was thier bully and they were like I olny bullied u to get close and talk to you please ?
(Tysm for your request! This is the first one I’ve gotten so I really hope this is along the lines of what you were hoping for! Sorry if it’s a bit long, I did my best not to get carried away (’: HCs below the cut)
  The first day of school was always the hardest. Making new friends was a challenge, and one even harder when you’re from out of state. Fortunately, it seems there’s one commonly shared interest that everyone has at your new school- hating Carrie White. It was quite literally written across the walls, and every now and then as you made your way around the halls, you’d hear someone quietly say that name and snicker. 
✨ Finding your locker, you stuffed your belongings inside and swapped them for the textbooks you needed for first period
✨ As you shut your locker door, a few harsh and hurried taps on your shoulder caused your head to turn
✨ Smiling back were two blondes- one with cloudy shoulder length curls, the other had pigtails that were topped with a red hat, adorned with assorted rainbow pins
✨ The girl with curls took a step forward and grinned, holding out a piece of gum to you and glancing at your textbook. “Going to Fromm’s?”
✨ She bounced on the tip of her toes as you accepted the gum and nodded. “Sounds good,” she took you by the arm and jerked her head, signalling you to follow. “I’m Chris, and that’s Norma.”
✨ They talked all the way to english, you were just glad that you seemed to hit it off pretty well before they left to go to their class
✨ After being greeted by Mr. Fromm, you decided to take a seat in the back of class
✨ The girl in the seat next to you seemed timid, and tensed up while you put your textbooks down
✨ You flashed her a smile when you noticed her staring at you
✨ She jumped slightly before darting her head away, bashfully threading her hair between her fingers
✨ The little of her features you could see from behind her veil of hair were stunning, and you both caught each other taking a few brief glances between Fromm’s lecture
 Later on at lunch, you noticed the same frail and nervous looking girl hurrying to get her food. As she passed your table, you both locked eyes for just a moment, before Chris threw an apple at her- causing her tray to spill its contents all over the front of her shirt. “Go eat ass, Carrie!” Chris screamed while the whole lunchroom broke out in laughter. You faked a weak huff as Carrie ran outside, cringing into herself.
✨ The next day in english Carrie didn’t look up from her desk when you walked in, her eyes were glued to a book and began anxiously darting across its pages when you sat down beside her
✨ You tried throwing an eraser at her book to get her to look at you, unfortunately it just smacked her shoulder, which made a couple kids laugh
✨ In another attempt to get her attention, you kicked her desk, causing a pencil to fall from it and roll over to you
✨ She quickly reached down to grab it, but you caught her hand under your shoe and grinned to her while your classmates snickered quietly
✨ Carrie lifted her head to you, her eyes gleamed with a somber look under a glaze of wet tears, narrowly showing through the soft strands of her bangs
✨ Something in your heart died at the sight, immediately letting your foot up and allowing her to grab the pencil and withdraw quickly to her desk- all while making you feel like a twat
✨ You couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt as she hastily excused herself and made her way out of the room, even with the approving thumbs up a few kids gave you
✨ She didn’t come back for the rest of the class
✨ On your way to lunch, you passed by Carrie’s locker- which was freshly vandalized with vile profanities
✨ The sight was almost enough to make you not notice Carrie, who was suddenly standing behind you
✨ She still had her english books, and they were clenched tightly to her chest
✨ Her face was red and puffy from the aftermath of a good cry, and her taut frame shuddered on the verge of another
✨ You opened your mouth to say something but she ran off, feet dragging and stumbling through the tears in her eyes
✨ Surveying the halls for any onlookers, you pulled your sleeve over your hand and did your best to smear each brutal word that was harshly scribbled onto her locker before racing to the bathroom
✨ Thinking of how you could apologize, you crammed yourself into a stall and pulled out your notebook
✨ You wrote a letter that contrasted everything you saw on her locker- telling Carrie that she was beautiful and that you were sorry, folding it into compressed uneven squares
 You held onto the note until the last bell chimed, scurrying about the crowded halls to find Carrie. Spotting her wispy golden rays flutter in the wind from across the schoolyard, you skipped past the last two stairs that lead to the main entrance and ran after her.
✨ Slowing your pace as you approached her, you were suddenly tongue tied
✨ You played it cool and stayed a few feet behind her while you thought of what to say
✨ When you were sure that no one else was around to see, you pushed yourself into Carrie, causing her to fumble and drop her books
✨ She groaned before letting out a hefty sigh and falling to her knees briskly to collect her things
✨ As you bent down to help and introduce yourself, she flinched and pushed your hand away. “Why’re you bein’ so mean to me? I didn’t do nothin’ to you.”
✨ “I don’t, I didn’t mean to be..mean.” You babbled without making eye contact, your hand abruptly sticking out and extending the note to her
✨ Thinking you were just playing a prank on her, Carrie hesitantly grabbed it and looked at you thoroughly; taking a moment to search your eyes for ill intent before carefully unfolding the paper
✨ You reached over and slowly picked her books up while she read, trying to sense her reaction
✨ “I just wanted to talk to you.” You mumble quietly “I’m y/n.”
✨ She slowly lowered the note and locked her gaze firmly on the pile of books you’d organized, “Well.. thank you, y/n.” She slipped the note into one of the books with a flustered smile and stood up with you
✨ “You should get outta here before someone sees us together.” She awkwardly tucked some hair under her ear and turned away with a half-hearted smirk
✨ As you watched her walk off, you practically fell over yourself shouting out to her, “Yea- hey- hey you think, maybe we could hang out sometime tomorrow?!”
✨ Carrie swiveled around startled, but swiftly nodded to you and turned away before you could see her grin, hurrying her pace
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