round--face · 1 year
❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ (From Bakugou)
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“W-Well what was I suppose to do?! Just allow the villain kill a civilian?”
She had no intention to intervene a fight, especially when the Pro’s came in for backup. The brunette understood well that as students, they need to play in the background - and not fling themselves in so recklessly. However, Ochako has witnessed plenty of events where Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugou were able to hold themselves, and defeat their mission sometimes without the large help from the Pro’s. They were so strong, and perhaps Ochako was inspired by this. Perhaps that was the difference between them and her, she wasn’t cautious enough and didn’t think through.
Pity filled her core, and if it wasn’t for a certain blonde, who knows if she would even be alive and breathing right now. Luckily for her sake, he interfered with his explosion, causing the villain to be thrown into the closest building. She was certainly lucky that she only ended up with a minor knife scratch. Brown hues followed a path to meet Ruby eyes, and on instinct she scanned his body for any injuries himself. Guilty eventually washed over her, especially if he was injured. She would take any knife wound if it meant that he was free from any infliction, especially considering he risked his life to aid her. Ochako’s tone changed to a much gentle one, reaching her hands out about to touch him.
“Are you okay Bakugou-kun? Please, let me check you for any injuries that you might not feel currently.”
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ochabowlweek · 5 years
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For this week’s Stargaze Spotlight we have Kirichako! Talk about power couple, these two radiate so much positivity they could overpower any foe. They are the personification of sunshine with a dash of perseverance. What I love most is that kirichako would really get each other on a deeper level. On the exterior, both come off as really put together but if you dig just a little deeper, you’ll find a lot of self-doubt and drive to improve. As a couple, I think they’d really have no issue with being vulnerable with each other in that way.
I started shipping these two last year, when I began working on a Kacchako/Kirikami centric fic, it seems odd because Kirichako was not a part of the story but when I had the characters interact it kinda dawned on me how similar they were and how they might have the same kinds of struggles and feelings during emotionally charged situations. How both of them might often chuck their own feelings aside just to save another person or prove to themselves that they can be a hero. But it’s obvious thus far in canon, that neither of them seem to recognize their own strength and how absolutely awesome they are. You can see that in Uraraka when she measures herself against Midoriya or during those times when Kirishima comments on his quirk not being unique or still needing to work on himself. I think a relationship between these two could be something really emotional and powerful, more so than some might assume on a surface level.
Aside from that, I just think Kirichako is just so aesthetically pleasing. They’re both cute, excitable, sporty, and just really sweet. Some of my favorite fanart of these two has been created by @debby-san (fanart by debby, posted with permission), @lorem-rosa, and @cluboflosers so definitely check them out.  
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(You can’t tell me these two aren’t perfect!!) I also recommend you check out @boomdawg’s fic Bet
It’s got a whole lot of emotion and tension packed into a small one-shot and I love it.
And remember to check out @ochabowlweek and if ya want to make lovely kirichako art or fanfic to post during the event then pls tag us! - Mod Jen (@ladym3rcury)  
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