necrotic-nephilim · 25 days
for the ask game (i'm so happy you're still doing it!)
in a bit darker version of canon, one of the antikilling batfam members actually kills someone (i'm thinking dick or tim). maybe it's an accident, maybe the're spiraling and reach a breaking point or maybe something happened that irrevocably changed their worldview. how do they feel? do they cover it up? do they continue killing? who knows about it, who helps them cover it up, who joins them? how does bruce, the rest of the family and hero community react if they find out?
for the ask game!
ugh i LOVE when characters are pushed over the edge and have to deal with the consequences of their actions. especially Dick and Tim who are just. both so dedicated to their moral codes and having them shatter. you get both versions bc i have thoughts. we'll start with Tim
there are a lot of routes you can take Tim killing someone. but i specifically would have it happen right after the Titans of Tomorrow and/or Lonely Place of Living arc, where Tim faces an evil older version of himself who's very pro-murder and has led the Titans down this dark path as Batman. because that's what Tim's afraid of becoming. he's afraid of what being Batman would do to him, and he's afraid of whether this future is inevitable or not. so to have Tim in this mindset of hypervigilance of what he's capable of and he kills someone anyway? i'd love to toy with the "is the future inevitable or can we change it" concept. i like the idea Tim's kill is Captain Boomerang, given the death of his dad and all. Tim insists up and down to Bruce that he can handle this mission, it won't be too personal for him, he's fine. and the funny thing is, he feels fine. he's compartmentalizing all his feelings pretty well. so well, in fact, he doesn't realize he's killed Boomerang with his bare hands until it's already done, and there's blood everywhere and Tim has to figure out what to do. he has to cope with the inevitability of the future he's convinced he just set into motion.
he would know, realistically, there's no hiding it. especially not from *Bruce*, who knew Tim was on this mission. someone's going to notice Boomerang is missing sooner or later no matter how well Tim cleans up this crime scene. honestly, i think he'd call Helena. he's close to her, and she's pro-murder, making her the least likely to judge him for it. what he doesn't expect is that when she shows up, she takes the blame for it. she fully looks Batman in the eye and says she murdered the guy and somehow, Bruce buys it. Tim keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. because more than just committing murder, it'd terrify Tim to get *away* with murder. to know it was just that easy, he had to call one person and it all went away. Helena doesn't even seem particularly bothered by taking claim for it, she's killed men for less and she thinks she's helping Tim with this, helping ease his conscious on the whole thing. she even tells Bruce that Tim tried to save Boomerang, that's why Tim is covered in the blood. it makes perfect sense to Bruce he doesn't think about it further. so Tim falls deeper into this spiral of knowing what he's gotten away with. and of course he doesn't open up to Helena about the Titans of Tomorrow stuff, so she has no idea how this could rattle Tim so much. why he doesn't believe her when she promises him this is just a one-off thing for him and she knows he won't do it again.
i think Tim's spiral would just keep going. it's one of those paradoxical things, where he is his own enemy. he's convinced himself he is this thing, so he's becoming it. what could've been just a one-off moment fo weakness with a man who hurt him and he got away with becomes an obsession. Tim can't stop considering how selfish it is, that he gets to kill Boomerang and yet everyone else has to live with the people who hurt them being alive. i think it'd be fun, if Tim turned to Tony Zucco, or someone similar who's hurt a member of the Batfamily. it's not a serious idea, it's a late night thought that plagues Tim. if he knows how he would do it, then he can avoid actually doing it. very "Opeidius trying not to fuck his mom" complex. but the more Tim tortures himself over it, the more he notices how easy this is for him. to plan out how he could murder just about anyone and plot a clean getaway for no one to even know there was foul play. he doesn't act on it. he refuses. but it consumes him. if he's awake, he's thinking about how he'd kill the people who hurt his family, and how easily he could get away with it.
eventually, Tim forces himself into early retirement. it's so sudden, no one expects Tim to just suddenly say he's hanging up the cape. everyone has at some point, gotten cold feet and insisted they were done with the life, but Tim. he really means it. he stops being a vigilante completely, he doesn't even like running comms. he starts to isolate himself just to be sure he won't get to close to someone to want to kill for them. no one can really get through to him and talk to him about what's going on, and it's been enough time since the Boomerang incident that no one, not even Helena, seems to put the pieces together about that being the catalyst to all of this. they want to respect his decision, but something is clearly wrong and no one can figure out what it is. they try to reach out but well. the world keeps turning. there are crises and villain attacks to deal with and eventually, it slips on everyone's mind to check on Tim because they have to save the world again.
in the end, it all comes back to that inevitability. Tim does kill again. who he kills and how he kills them doesn't even matter, and that's the worst part. he knows it doesn't matter because this was a path he set himself down bc he could never avoid it in the first place. he kills and he gets away with it, even when he's not a vigilante. he never would've ended up on this path if he hadn't seen his future self. grandfather paradox and all that. eventually, Bruce does find out. but by then it's too late, and Bruce has no real hard proof, just a suspicion he can't tell anyone else because everyone would just jump to Tim's defense. Tim has Bruce in a corner, and for once. Tim starts to kind of enjoy the game. madness spirals babey.
and of course, the Dick version
i know, with Dick, we all like to talk about that time Dick technically made the Joker's heart stop by beating him so badly. and sure, that's a fun canon moment. but it's the *Joker*, you know. i think Dick accidentally killing someone is far more fun if it's just. some henchmen. some low level villain who would've at best gotten a five year sentence for what the did. you can almost rationalize it, when it's the Joker. but when it's no one? it's just some guy? that's crunchy. that's far worse to handle. Dick wouldn't mean to do, it was the stars aligning for the worst situation. he doesn't pull his punches because he's tired and angry about something unrelated he doesn't even remember. and he just. keeps punching until some random guy is dead underneath him. and there's no bringing him back.
Dick would confess *immediately*. like, he'd firmly believe he needs to face consequences for what he did and it's the only way to rectify the situation. Bruce has taught him everybody deserves justice and Dick is sticking to those guns. he tells Bruce, he tells the Titans, hell, he even tries pretty hard to turn himself in to the police. of course no one will let him though. because it's *Dick*. they know it was an accident. they know Dick would never dream of doing that on purpose and that Dick shouldn't destroy his life for a mistake. and Dick is so torn up that no one will let him face real consequences. everyone tries to tell him stories of the people they failed to save, but to Dick, this is different. this isn't getting there too late and the bomb goes off, this is beating a man with his own fists until he felt the guy's chest cave in and still going anyway. the guilt eats Dick alive.
Dick would have a panic spiral, but very different to Tim's in the above. instead of being terrified and self isolating, Dick forces himself into overdrive. if he can't get anyone to let him face real consequences for what he did, then he has to make up for it. he has to save *every person* he can. he's overworking himself on this desperate need to be better. he knows it's unsustainable and so does everyone else, but Dick won't stop until he literally collapses. because if he had energy to kill someone, then he has to have energy to save someone.
there of course comes a breaking point. Dick stretches himself too thin and i think the culmination of it would be a long talk with Bruce. maybe Bruce opens up about the people he failed to save and they really discuss it all. Dick's guilt, his fear of himself, his anger, all of it. it's probably the closest Dick comes to therapy about all this. i do think. it's fun if some more unsavory people like Slade find out about what Dick did and try to use it as an in to manipulate Dick. pull the whole "you're no better than me, now we both know what you're capable of". and Dick has to fight that. he's stuck between a genuine support system and Slade or someone similar trying to drag him down. bc Dick knows he's not a killer, but deep down that voice inside of him is impossible to silence completely.
though i think Dick comes out stronger at the end of it, he would falter, for just a moment. he has a brief time where he almost gives in, or maybe he starts to give in. he agrees to be Slade's apprentice, unable to cope with his guilt. he's so close to killing again, but it's the light at the end of the tunnel, realizing he could never do this again. it snaps Dick out of it. he's never going to uproot the worst of the guilt from his chest but he's proven it to himself this isn't who he is. he's able to be stable again and it's all a growing moment. that said, it still haunts him. when Jason comes back from the dead, he hears whispers that Dick killed someone, and Jason holds it over his head in fights. villains know about it. maybe it even taints Dick's image, the whispers of how Nightwing beat a guy to death once. sure, he grows from it and all, but it never *quite* leaves him.
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goddessrisen · 3 months
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@blackhardtt   summoned the goddess,      041. in a quaint village square during a festival // Rod! And hello ;3;/
         pure,   unbridled   joy   tore   its   way   through   parted   lips   as   long,   dark   hair   whipped   to   and   fro   as   her   slender   body   kept   pace   with   the   other   dancers.   the   warm   light   of   the   bonfire   reflected   off   brilliant   amber,   causing   them   to   glow   unnaturally   bright.   she   paid   no   attention,   cheeks   flushed   with   exertion   as   she   continued   uninhibited.   melodic   laughter   joined   cheerful   shouts     &&       general   merriment.   'twas   not   often   the   witch   was   able   to   participate   in   such   activities,   but   she   would   enjoy   the   festivities   as   much   as   possible.
         a   large,   calloused   hand   snuck   its   way   ‘round   her   supple   waist,   pulling   her   close   as   the   music   suddenly   changed   tempo.   a   dark   brow   shot   up   in   surprise,   head   canted   to   the   side   as   she   studied   the   man   who   sought   fit   to   encroach   on   personal   space.   liquid   amber   trailed   up   the   man’s   body   before   they   met   brilliant   gold.   hyeon   frowned   up   at   the   man,   acting   as   an   affronted   woman   should,   though   she   could   not   hide   the   bemused   quirk   of   her   lips.
         ❝       is   this   how   men   like   you   greet   a   woman,   darling     ??       i   must   say,   i   am   not   impressed.       ❞           though   her   silken   words   chastised,   there   was   no   denying   the   amusement   that   colored   her   melodic   voice.   there   was   a   challenging   glint   held   within   her   amber   gaze   as   she   gracefully   followed   his   lead.   she   knew   not   who   the   man   was,   but   the   prowling   grace   with   which   he   moved   told   her   enough.
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setting prompts || accepting
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ladyintree · 11 months
i would love to hear about how you think tai and allie's first interaction post-rescue (if any) went
oh you know allie is one of my favorite tai topics! 
realistically, tai has no reason to really interact with allie at all post-rescue at all.  high school is over, and she's getting out of town as fast as possible.  she wants to move forward.  but honestly,  she would try to avoid it regardless anyway.
she will have complicated feelings about allie for the rest of her life.  i've said it before but i hate the fandom theory that tai was acting as other tai when she hurt allie,  because it devalues such a defining character moment for tai.   (  "you always win, anyway" / "why do you think i like to play?" )    she's going to do what she has to do to get what she wants,  and she's going to go too far,  and she's going to get people hurt,  and she's going to have to be left to deal with that.  after allie's hurt,  she's completely frozen in the locker room, refuses to make eye contact,  because she truly doesn't know if she meant to hurt her or not,  but the point is,  she was definitely in acting within her own agency.  and despite her own complicated feelings over what happened,  even when she's repeatedly called out on what she did to allie,  she does nothing to actually defend herself,  she only pushes it back on everyone else instead.  when she tells shauna that she didn't mean to, shauna says okay,  and tai just has to convince herself that shauna believes her, even if deep down, she knows she probably doesn't.  
if they had gone on to nationals, competed, and won like was her plan from the beginning,  i don’t think she would have considered allie much at all.  she does feel guilt for how horribly allie was hurt, but it’s more about knowing she was capable of that that fucked her up.  but they didn’t make it to nationals,  and the first night they’re stuck in the wilderness,  mari reminds her of what she did —- “i guess you did allie a favor.”  and that’s what sticks with tai forever.  that’s what forces her to face what she did for, realistically, nothing.  and it’s interesting that this happens nearly the same time they’re all talking about what they could have done wrong to put them in this situation — - and hurting allie, in exchange for the best prepared teams for nationals, only for her to crash and get stuck in the wilderness and allie to theoretically be safe back at home is exactly the kind of karma they’re discussing.  and of course tai doesn’t believe in that shit — except now mari is forcing her to think about it.  and now she can’t stop thinking about that.  
obviously at some point, they are just so far removed from what they left back in civilization.  when tai thinks about it, her focus is more on where she’s supposed to be going, not what she left behind.  she’s focused on wanting to move on with her life and how she’s missing out on college, etc.  she’s not letting herself think about allie because, again, if they’d made it to nationals, it wouldn’t have mattered in the end — she could justify it to herself by having done what she needed to do in their final year while allie still had the rest of her high school soccer career to make her own mark.  but she hurt a girl to get here, and then she ultimately ended up worse than allie, doesn’t even know if she’ll make it out with her own life, so really, what did she hurt allie for?  was it really worth it?  is this her karma?  is allie resentful, or relieved?  is she grateful for what tai did now, or is she still rightfully upset?  what is allie telling people about tai,  is this the name being made of her in her absence?  so many things going through tai’s head about it.  and also,  so many things that are becoming so far irrelevant out there because it’s hard to even really think about the people they left behind,  not knowing if they’ll ever make it back.  hardly even feeling like they’re real anymore.
and as time goes on, they get more comfortable with violence.  violence is clearly becoming their own language at the end of season 2, and they have to be comfortable with it.  in some ways — tai watching javi die when they could’ve saved him just so they can eat isn’t all that different from her taking down allie when she could’ve found other ways to actually help her,  just so she could secure their best team for finals.  and maybe tai realizes that.  and maybe what happens with javi and everyone else that dies after him helps tai justify what she did to allie on a personal level — it’s about survival and it’s about doing what they have to do to win.  “do whatever it takes to survive” is just a new level of “do what it takes to win.”  so as violence becomes second nature out there,  she can’t hold onto what what did to allie anymore.  that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still cross her mind —- if she’s capable of this violence out there, then she knows she was likely capable of that violence back there, too.  
as an adult, we see tai revert back to that same annoyance she felt for allie before the crash, mostly because of the way allie seems to thrive off of what happened to them versus the way tai has to work in overtime to bury it all.  but in the wilderness, every so often, allie crosses her mind, and she doesn’t bring it up to anyone, because she wouldn’t even know how to talk about her. wonders if her team still resents her for what she did to her, wonders if allie is okay / if she forgives her considering the circumstances, wonders if she’ll ever see her again. not to apologize, because she wouldn’t know how to do that, either, but allie is the face she sees when she thinks about home, more often than not, her own haunting.  and what she did to allie,  in a strange way,  makes her stronger out there.  and it makes her resentful as an adult,  because now she’s associated hurting allie with the inevitable, brutal violence out there — that same violence she’s trying to repress, so being face to face with allie is just worse.
so to actually answer your question now — she would avoid allie.  because if she were to see allie soon after she was rescued,  it would be so complicated and so hard for her to process that she wouldn’t even know how to respond.  even when we see her 25 years later rolling her eyes at allie at the reunion, that took years for her to really get to that place.  
but what is she supposed to say to allie after everything she just experienced?  tai does everything she can to avoid responsibility when she knows she’s done something wrong  ( even to those she loves.  she knows what happened to v.an was her fault but there’s a reason she only mentions that to someone else rather than trying to apologize to her.  )  if allie was looking for an apology,  tai would not know how to give it.  she’s done so much worse to other people at this point that it would feel silly to her, even though allie would still deserve it.  if allie was looking for some kind of friendship to mend things between them,  it would not matter to tai,  because she’s moving on   ( and, without even realizing it, she’s associating allie with so many of those worse things she’s done. )  she would just have such an uncomfortable reaction to being around allie again and it would be way too complicated to unpack,  and tai is focused on moving on,  so she won’t dwell.  she doesn’t apologize, she doesn’t tell her anything.  when she sees allie, she can only treat her like a former teammate she’ll never see again, because that’s all she needs her to be,  despite all the turmoil going on in her own head about it.  she can’t falter to allie now, after everything.  she won’t let herself.
and as an adult, we see her rolling her eyes in annoyance about allie — but to her face, she isn’t ever interacting with her directly.  mostly, she’s acting like she barely remembers her, but of course she does.  she just can’t let it matter to her anymore,  because hurting allie is the last worst thing she did before her entire life flipped upside down and turned her into something even worse.  that is her last sense of ‘normalcy’ and it led her right into what she became after that.  
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gloryundimmed · 8 months
📱for Kai (if you still take these)
My boy's got his own ringtone~
send in 📱 for five four messages my muse didn't send and one they did
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What drew you to rping the genshin characters you have now? Are there any more you're thinking about picking up?
Answered! || @theoneandonii
((Oooo good question! 🤔 It's a bit hard to say since all of my current Genshin muses are so different from each other. Hard to see any common threads weaving through all of them that would've made me go-- 👀 YOU are the Chosen One asdfkldsj XD
With that said, I think the easiest character for me to answer this for would be Xiao! I'm of the opinion that most people have a handful of Types(TM) of characters that they tend to be drawn to. It's not an end-all-be-all rule, of course, but just like everyone has their own individual taste in anything else, like clothes or ice cream flavors. Of all my current Genshin muses, Xiao is probably the one who's the most obviously my Type(TM) 😂
I'LL ADMIT IT, OKAY?? I have a thing for ✨tragic✨ characters who go through a lot of angst and suffering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT even more so, I have an even BIGGER thing for characters who struggle with control over themselves--characters who contend with some greater, darker power within them that's fighting to get out and threatens to turn them into a monster. 👀😩👌 It's the same reason why Sayaka is my favorite Puella Magi Madoka Magica character, if you're familiar with that show. X'D So, yeah: makes it easy to see why I'd gravitate to this tiny grumpy tragic bby! 🥺🙏💖
As for additional Genshin muses, well 🧍I'll admit to being veeeery tempted by Neuvillette 👀👀 (and who can really blame me for that I mean c'mon aslfdkjd) but I don't like to get too hyped for potential new muses or commit to anything until I'm able to learn about them, so 8'D we'll see what happens when he's released and I can read all his character info asfldjsdf RIP me most likely.))
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(Genuinely curious to see your top five!) :3cc Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
dakjsfkljaslkfjsa;kldfj yus! All of these are hk ones lol, which are all set in the In Defiance of Time fic series, but without further ado-
Chili's Top 5 Self Recs:
In Defiance of Time (multichapter, still in progress)
No surprises here in the number one spot is absolutely, hands down, In Defiance of Time and I'm absolutely going to use this as an excuse to gush about it! It's a time travel fic where Ghost panics after they [spoiler] and makes a desperate jump anywhere into the past, landing all the way back at the very beginning of their life before the fall of Hallownest. Through their decisions and continued attempts to run from their problems they kick off a chain of events that land NKG in the role of Tragic Secondary Antagonist and Ghost in the role of Main Antagonist and Final Boss, with Hollow taking Ghost's place as the Main Protagonist after much build up alongside an ensemble protag squad. Writing it has been a lot of fun, especially the challenge of having a story with conflict and fighting and angst and death without having any villains. I love this fic and writing it so far has been one hell of a ride, which I pretty much expected after writing chapter 2 when I figured out both why Ghost went back in time and subsequently what the ending was going to be, and realized that I was not, in fact, writing a comedy, and rewrote chapter 1 accordingly. I stick by the change in direction and themes though, learning how to face your regrets and making the choice to try and become a better person even when you feel as though you're a lost cause and that such efforts would be futile is something that hits right at my heart and in a way it kinda feels like I'm writing a story for the me from a decade ago. For that remorse filled, self-loathing, suicidally depressed, asshole who wanted to be better but had no idea how or if it was even possible that I used to be, to tell them that it's not easy, shitty things and even shittier things are still going to happen and you're going to fall back on awful habits that bring that asshole part of you back to the forefront, but you'll keep trying and you'll keep learning and you'll change, you're not doomed to be like this forever. It's a message I think I'm always going to stand by.
2. Next up is Silly Little Wyrm (multichapter, still in progress)
Set in the past, Silly Little Wyrm follows PK and WL at the time when they first meet and the events leading up to them getting married and PK subsequently becoming king. A slow burn romance between two incredibly sad disaster gods with an ending that's going to be bittersweet. I love this one, I love writing these two dorks since I'm a married dork myself, and I also love angst which this story will definitely have a lot of. I'm also having a lot of fun writing their love story since I always love reading love stories where the two leads spend time in an in between state in a nebulous "idk what we are, we're very close and I love you and we kiss but neither of us are in a state to be in a relationship rn" area and I'm excited for these two to get to that point in the story (one day :'D).
3. To Be The Hollow Knight (one-shot)
This one's a Hollow character study exploring their thoughts and feelings about being The Hollow Knight. I'm definitely really proud of this one and I reread it often ^^
4. Long Will She Reign (one-shot)
Herrah fic! Herrah fic! Herrah fic! This one follows Herrah post-Battle of the Blackwyrm and her late night thoughts and her concerns and anxieties and aaaaaaaah. Love this one, absolutely love this one. I loved crafting Herrah's character for the fic series and I love exploring her as a character with deep anxieties who's fear is often mistaken for and hidden behind a stoic demeanor.
5. Three Taps (one-shot)
Lurien and Soul Master fic set post-Battle of the Blackwyrm. This one follows these two and their different reactions to grief and trauma and how they offer cover for each other so that they can go somewhere where they can better handle that trauma rather than being stuck in public.
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round--face · 1 year
❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ (From Bakugou)
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“W-Well what was I suppose to do?! Just allow the villain kill a civilian?”
She had no intention to intervene a fight, especially when the Pro’s came in for backup. The brunette understood well that as students, they need to play in the background - and not fling themselves in so recklessly. However, Ochako has witnessed plenty of events where Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugou were able to hold themselves, and defeat their mission sometimes without the large help from the Pro’s. They were so strong, and perhaps Ochako was inspired by this. Perhaps that was the difference between them and her, she wasn’t cautious enough and didn’t think through.
Pity filled her core, and if it wasn’t for a certain blonde, who knows if she would even be alive and breathing right now. Luckily for her sake, he interfered with his explosion, causing the villain to be thrown into the closest building. She was certainly lucky that she only ended up with a minor knife scratch. Brown hues followed a path to meet Ruby eyes, and on instinct she scanned his body for any injuries himself. Guilty eventually washed over her, especially if he was injured. She would take any knife wound if it meant that he was free from any infliction, especially considering he risked his life to aid her. Ochako’s tone changed to a much gentle one, reaching her hands out about to touch him.
“Are you okay Bakugou-kun? Please, let me check you for any injuries that you might not feel currently.”
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nulltune · 1 year
drops his 8,004,918 yen that he totally didn't get from beating the reaper && going tartarus nearly every single night on the ground, right in front of her. "Ah."
unprompted,   always accepting !    @orphilos  ♡
❛   ah ... ?   ❜
what an absolutely exceedingly insanely large amount of cash !!   so much that it'd certainly leave the average person jawdropped at the amount,  unable to even begin to think of the exact number aside from an estimate of it being in the thousands.
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hakuno kishinami is far from normal however,  the doe eyes that landed on the fallen cash naturally counting up the amount  ——  confirming a grand total of 8,004,918 yen within seconds.  the arithmetic does not stop there,  for her curious mind wondered—  just how many hours of hard work would give birth to such an outrageous amount ?   the calculations are done swiftly in her mind,  and a dainty hand comes to politely press against her lips.  a subdued reaction,  perhaps,  but for such a stoic girl,  this was rather notable !   though,  that paled in comparison to minato's feat.  after all,  he'd just dropped ... 
the equivalent of what would be six  ( 6 )  years of work as a part - timer !!  
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❛   minato,  you ...  are loaded  .. !   rolling in it .. !  you got that bread .. !   and every other slang in the book !   ❜      exclaimed spoken with an awed voice,  hakuno pauses all of a sudden  —  the sense and reason returning to her  —  with a hefty breath drawn.  assuming her regular stance,  perfectly polite and calm.  she wouldn't want to be such an avaricious sort of character,  after all ...  rather than the money,  the take away from this is that—  you're amazing,  minato !!   ( and a part of her that is immensely proud of her friend nods sagely at that,  saying:  as expected,  as expected. ☆ )      ❛   however,  please take care to not drop it so recklessly.   ❜
and fin.  an ending with a nice little moral as well,  but—  hakuno kishinami is really very curious ...
❛   ... i do have some follow - up questions as well,  if you do not mind me asking ...   ❜
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byanyan · 1 year
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@brutalscaled sent:ㅤ🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
oc detailsㅤㅤ✧ * º •ㅤㅤaccepting
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ㅤbyan's never been a fan of holidays. they've never had reason to be, with no family to speak of and rarely being in a position to be able to celebrate. sure, the group home does a sad little version of holiday dinners for things like christmas, and they've been in foster homes during holidays where there were celebrations, but it's never really meant anything to them. holidays are just another day, though they do always enjoy when they come with days off or full-blown holidays from school.
if they have to choose a favourite, though... i mean, it has to be halloween. admittedly, this has everything to do with them being able to stroll up to someone's house and get free candy. look, the costumes are fun and all, and the spooky stuff is cool or whatever, but you just can't beat a bag full of free candy. not as a kid who's had to fight for every little thing they have.
...that said, they're also one of those kids who goes out and does 'halloween pranks' like tping peoples' homes or throwing eggs at them, alongside all their usual crimes that they can now get away with easier than usual just by tossing on some dumb mask. because a little chaos is almost as good as all the sweets they'll be hiding under their bed later.
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
the way i love my anons so freaking much though 😭😭🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ styria anon... monza anon... moustachierre anon... phoebe anon... fake dating anon.... you are all the BEST. that is all.
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chwedout · 2 years
nct sticker sticker
nct 127- familiar
favorite member if I have one
ok fr this started out as a joke but mork is probably my favourite sticker. he's cute and kinda pathetic and we all know how much i'm drawn to pathetic men. also i literally told some random sticker stannnie at work that mork was my bias i might as well stick with him. i also find doyoung rlly cute and i'm not immune to jaehyun unfortunately :/
favorite song(s)
STICKER MY QUEEN. my sticker agenda will never end. ok being srs for a bit i really do like 2 baddies and faster from the new album. i also really like cherry bomb, lemonade, and limitless
why I don’t stan (yet) / if I want to
honestly i don't stan because i don't want to get into another kpop group on that level. i already spend sm on my little chemical hybe boys i don't think i can handle stanning another group fhskdfhks. i'm happy to casually stan them tho and stream sticker like 20 times a day :starcry:
question for veteran fans
did you have to gaslight yourself into liking sticker or did you recognise true perfection from the start?
💌 send me a kpop group and I’ll answer:
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atsu-i · 9 months
☀️, ☄️, 🌟!
~ brain anon 🧠
oh :0
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maplesyrupsainz · 1 month
˖⁺。˚⋆˙20 weeks you say… | LN4˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: lando norris x pregnant!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, established relationship
warnings: sexual references but not major, mainly fluff with some joking/play fighting yk the vibes
summary: in which your pregnancy announcement is met with an unexpected response
a/n: chose lando coz im obsessed with him atm😭😭😭 also i think this plot suits him better lol. it's pretty short but it fits the plot best imo!
request!!!: Can I request reader and driver, maybe Carlos or lando, announce her pregnancy only for fans to put together that the baby is a result of a race win
my masterlist
fc: various blonde girls from pinterest
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, and others
yourusername we've been keeping a secret… 20 weeks and counting 🕊️
view all comments
user1 OH MY GOD
yourmother im crying again y/n!
yourusername you better stop by the time baby's here!
lilyzneimer so happy for you guys 🥹
yourusername tysm angel <3
iamrebeccad amazing news ❤️
liked by yourusername
alexandrasaintmleux congratulations ❤️
liked by yourusername
francisca.cgomes ahhh cant wait for baby to be born!
yourusername 🥹🥹🥹
user2 all the wags comments!! so cute
carlossainz55 are you sure?
yourusername 😂😂😂 yes lando is going to be a father for the 500th time
user3 hahahaha poor lando
charles_leclerc wow sending love to you both! congratulations!
liked by yourusername
oscarpiastri congratulations to my favourite couple!
yourusername thanks osc 😊
danielricciardo contrats 🎉
liked by yourusername
logansargeant wow congratulations guys
liked by yourusername
user4 20 weeks you say... 🧐
landonorris posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, and others
user5 ahh she's so gorgeous
user6 i can't believe u guys are gonna have a baby omg 😭
user7 wowwww
user8 cant wait for baby norris 🥹
lilyzneimer you better be looking after her
landonorris i am!!!
lilyzneimer good.... im watching
landonorris scary
yourmother look after my baby!
landonorris i am!!! why does no one believe me
yourmother she's carrying precious cargo
landonorris oh dont i know it 😭
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and others
landonorris anyway 🤫
view all comments
user16 r u telling us to shut up lando 🥺🥺
landonorris yes actually y/n is mad at u guys!
user18 smh coz u guys r always running ur mouth
user19 what happened? what did u guys do this time 🤔
user20 ...worked out when their baby was conceived...
user22 too far i fear
carlossainz55 me personally, i think it's funny
landonorris well...
yourusername shut up both of you
carlossainz55 sorry y/n
oscarpiastri forgive & forget 😌
user23 yup i agree with oscar! forgive us y/n
yourusername hmmm.... NO!
user25 hahahah poor y/n!
user26 it was a special race win tbf, we'd all have done the same thing y/n <3
liked by landonorris, yourusername
messages ->
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liked by lilyzneimer, landonorris, and others
yourusername lil update. we r so ready for baby now
view all comments
user27 omg she's so much bigger now
user28 what's the gender??
user29 they havent told us
user30 ur glowing y/n
liked by yourusername
user31 she liked this.. maybe she is forgiving us :)
lilyzneimer miss you in the garage babe
yourusername miss you so much! please come visit soon lol
lilyzneimer omg i will🥹🥹
mclaren we cant wait to meet little norris!
liked by yourusername, landonorris
iamrebeccad gorgeous girl
yourusername ily
user32 carlando & landoscar lives on in their wags friendships tbh
oscarpiastri lando is miserable without u, hurry up & have the baby & get back to races
yourusername what do u think im trying to do oscar? 🤨
oscarpiastri yea true. my bad
landonorris i dont like ur tone
oscarpiastri im so sorry
landonorris better
user33 LOL😭😭
time skip 🧡
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yoursister, lilyzneimer, and others
yoursister is everything ok?
landonorris i'll keep you updated, dont worry
yoursister you better
user34 she's sooo cute
user35 i cant wait for her to have the baby ahh
user36 giggling & kicking her feet she's jus a girl fr
lilyzneimer keep me updated please
landonorris 😂 will add you to the baby update group chat
lilyzneimer please do omg
carlossainz55 dont freak out
landonorris easy for you to say
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liked by yourmother, oscarpiastri, and others
landonorris first month with our daughter x
view all comments
user38 a girl omg
user39 lando a girl dad!!!
user40 awwww a beautiful daughter from winning in miami
user40 oop-my bad
user42 they deffo nickname her miami
oscarpiastri congratulations 🥂
landonorris 🧡
lilyzneimer 🥹🥹🥹🥹 so gorgeous
liked by landonorris
carlossainz55 congratulations both of you!
landonorris thanks for all ur help 🫡
carlossainz55 it's nothing :)
yourusername god i love you 🥹
landonorris i love YOU
yourusername posted a story
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and others
user44 ur not mad at us 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
user55 this is sooo funny & cute omg i love her
yoursister 😭😭stop it
yourusername hahahaha it is kind of funny tho
lilyzneimer ignoring the caption, u guys are so cute
yourusername 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
landonorris best gift i could ever ask for 😌 i love you
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fics-lovebot · 11 months
jujutsu kaisen fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
disclaimer: if you came back looking for that one fire fic and you can´t find it, it´s bc it doesn't exist anymore :( so i deleted it
LAST UPDATED: 08/08/2024
virgin!yuuji - ( @chaiiskindagross ) smut, sub!yuuji, "virigin! yuuji whines and whimpers so much, and did i mention sometimes he overstimulates himself to the point of crying?" I´M SSSOOOLLDD SDLFJSDFJHSD love it
In denial - ( @rosesaints ) smut, sub!yuuta, "he doesn’t believe that it’s real until you’re actually sinking down onto his cock" period.
until i found you - ( @shisnhou ) fluff, ASLDJHJSDKAH I LOVED THISSSSS, so so cute omg
poly / multiple versions
gojo and geto are rich besties and they coax you into a poly relationship - ( @ramonathinks ) smut
you slap their ass - ( @gojoux ) reaction. gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami, choso, toji, megumi, itadori, yuta
slut him out - ( @satoruhour ) gojo, geto, nanami and toji version. y'know what,,,idek what to say about thi- IT´S NASTY FILTHY JUST PORN, reader is a whOre (not my words), read at your own risk bc i was SHOOk
bimbo bunny - ( @merakidoll ) smut, choso, toji and nanami version, the vISUALs I GOT FROM THE NANAMI ONE LAWDDDD
break up - ( @yanderenightmare ) angst, bullying, toxicity, I KNOWW this is sukuna
wap - ( @tonycries ) smut, going in raw for the first time. i caNNOT EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE HOW GOOD THIS IS JUST PLEASEEE GO READ IT
sending them an embarrasing pic of themselves - ( @csmtmra ) text, crack, TOGE NEEDS TO CHILL LMAO
warm heart pastry - ( @cckaisen ) text, fluff, crack, first of all,,, i love yuji, second of all satoru REALLY needs help, and third of all WHY IS INUMAKI ALWAYS ON SOME SHIT??? lmaooooo
oops! - ( @gumiiiiezzzz ) text, crack, fluff, the 1st and 2nd year boys accidentally confess they like you (fellow student). THIS IS SO FUUNNAYSFJFSDF i love it, inumaki again on sum weird shi
dont scare me - ( @sweetsugarine ) text, crack, fluff, in which you text “we need to talk”. "you do understand that i have the power to annihilate all human life and torch this world, yes?" LMAOOO sukuna need some milk , this is too good
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lewisvinga · 6 months
my real reaction | charles leclerc x fem! sturniolo! reader !
summary; when the sister of the famous sturnilo quadruplets gets exposed for dating the golden boy of the grid sends the internet into chaos
fc; lani pliopa
warnings; age gap ( 6 yrs ), hate comments
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minkyungseokie @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote
note; requested !
masterlist !
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername; my real reaction to being stalked and having my relationship exposed
charles_leclerc: ahhh chérie you’re too funny 😂
yourusername: some may say i am the funniest quadruplet tysm my love 😁🥰
nicolassturniolo: HOLD YOUR HORSES MISSY yourusername
username: i love her sm
username: she’s so😭😭
christophersturniolo: y/n come home NEOWWWWWWW🤬
yourusername: no i’m warm in bed w my boyf in monaco 😇😇
matthew.sturniolo: SO THATS WHY U KEPT GOING TO MONACO??? 😟😟
nicolassturniolo: group meeting NOW. aSAP
username: did THEY NOT KNOW???
yourusername: if they did , you all would’ve found out within 1 hr of me telling them 🥸🥸
username: LMAOO
username: girl……
username: tbh she doesn’t seem like a good fit for charles, all of his gf’s have been models and she’s just an influencer😭
username: i thought the same thinggg, all she does is eat in her car and say stupid shit w her brothers 💀💀
username: she’s so unserious wtf
username: she’s so unprofessional why tf is charles dating someone like her
username: i know! i assumed he’d be w someone private and a model! not someone like y/n😭😭
yourbestfriend: so true bestie liked by yourusername !
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liked by yourusername, francisca.cgomes, and others !
charles_leclerc: my one and only love. the only woman who truly makes me happy and frankly, if you all were truly my fans then you’d be happy that i found the best woman in this universe. she never fails to leave me in tears from laughter. she never fails to make my heart flutter from a simple kiss on the cheek. she’s my whole world. je t'aime, chérie❤️❤️
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: chaaaaaa☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yourusername: i love uuuuuuu soooooooo much☹️💓💓💓💓 ur the best man itw , i couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend !!!!
charles_leclerc: i love u alwayssss❤️
nicolassturniolo: best man….. u shared a womb w 3 i’d say we’re wayyyyt cooler
yourusername: charles_leclerc don’t mind nick, he’s just annoyed i didn’t tell them earlier abt u
matthew.sturniolo: yes i am annoyed too u fake bitch yourusername
christophersturniolo: WE’RE ALL ANNOYED😒😒😒
yourusername: my real reaction when cha posted this : 🥺🥹😭 liked by charles_leclerc !
yourbestfriend: can confirm i was there she cries
username: get u a man who will defend u like charles liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername !
username: she’s scute everyone is just bitter 😕
username: y’all don’t get her like i do💯💯💯
username: besides, y/n is an ADULT, she’s probably more mature than her brothers who cares if she’s 6 yrs younger !!!!
yourusername: so true tysm bestie i am more mature than my brothers 😁😁
matthew.sturniolo: oh you bitch😒
yourusername: matthew.sturniolo keep talking or else u won’t get paddock tickets😒
username: y/n has always been HER💆‍♀️💆‍♀️
username: you can never make me hate them ‼️
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causenessus · 7 months
Dating Them. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: i got carried away and gave them all a song but i can't help myself so if u want another one, loverboy by a-wall
word count: 3105 words
summary: "what does dating them look like?"
i love them all sm <3 hopefully these all make sense!! tysm to @luvring for sending me down a deep retrograde with rex orange county whom i almost chose to link a song to for everyone but then narrowed it down to just oikawa <3 also almost put in we & us for akaashi but freaked out 💃 pls check out this post by her that inspired me!! it was so sweet
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even if my heart stops beating you're the only thing i need with me even if the earth starts shaking you're the only thing worth taking even if the sky's on fire got you here, it's alright
looks like little gifts and notes left for each other everywhere
lunches made for the other left in lockers and on desks with little love notes <3
tell me he wouldn’t end every note to you with a little " ♡ ᵕ̈ " i dare you
you both handwrite the notes because texts are for losers
unless ofc one of you is out of town and you’re separated
then there are good morning and goodnight and i miss you texts
ending with ୧⍤⃝💐 and ᴖ̈ emojis
you both are very busy people so you just try to make sure the other is taken care of and knows they’re loved until you guys see each other again <3
dates are always lovely with him but the best part of them is when you guys get to go home
when it’s late at night and one of you is between the legs of the other, laying against their chest as you both do your individual things or something together
since life is so hectic it’s nice to just have these quiet moments in each other's presence <3 all he needs is to be around you and he doesn’t need anything else
there's definitely so many intimate and domestic moments with him
getting home from games used to be one of the worst parts of playing volleyball but you’ve made him look forward to it 
he loves to call or text you on the way home <3
if you’re able to stay at his house and be there when he gets home even better !!
you’re always taking care of him, making him something to eat or cleaning him up <3
how you guys started getting interested in each other?
I think at first sight you were curious about each other but one specific interaction sealed the deal <3
akaashi for sure knows so many random facts and how things work and most of the time when bokuto says something, it’s incorrect and akaashi will correct him <3
one afternoon when you three were together, bokuto was rambling about something he thought was impossible and threw a look towards akaashi, “and i don’t want to hear a ‘well, actually’ from you, there’s no way i'm wrong. if we're building things on earth that means more stuff on it and so it's getting heavier.”
akaashi only smiled, looking at his fingers as he played with them, “yes, but everything we're making those buildings out of already existed on the earth prior to–”
bokuto groaned, hands in his hair as he bent over, “no way! you know too much akaashi, I don’t even know if that’s a good thing or not” 
you let out a small laugh at the exchange. you wanted to add something but your chest tightened with anxiety, fearing that it would reveal how you truly felt. however, it slipped from your mouth before you could stop it, “i actually like it, i think it’s really cool that you know so much, akaashi-san. i admire it.”
bokuto, still bent with his arms on his legs immediately turned his head towards you with sharp eyes and brows raised, a teasing smile on his face
akaashi, on the other hand, had turned slightly red, his lips stuck between wanting to smile and trying to play off the compliment as if it hadn’t made his heart stop for a second
you’re cheeks had also warmed, realizing that if bokuto immediately got it through his thick skull (with love ♡) there was no way akaashi hadn’t
since he’s quiet by nature, the sweetest thing for him is someone who will really listen to what he has to say and the fact that you found it interesting just topped it all off <3
sweet talk everything you say it sounds like  sweet talk to my ears
looks like seeing each other in the halls and he brightens up, the world literally getting brighter as he sees you and he can’t stop the wide smile that spreads across his face <3
i think what he really needs is someone that matches his energy. you might be a little calmer than him due to the fact that you’re not jumping up and down but you’re just as happy, a smile wide on your face, eyes wide and you’re pushing through the crowd to get to him as well
if you are able to, you always come to his matches and it makes a difference in his playing <3
ofc before dating he was just as amazing as a player but now that he gets to see you while doing what he loves, there’s so much energy and happiness that wells up in him he ends up jumping higher and being more vocal
without a doubt he’s always looking up to you in the stands before every rally
it makes your heart stir, too, whenever he makes eye contact with you and you can’t help but smile and cheer with all the love in the world whenever you both meet eyes
whenever he’s home from a match, you bet that he’s heading to you as soon as possible if you allow him to
loves to collapse on you, strong arms wrapped around your waist and he rests his head on your stomach, body between your legs
will fall asleep so fast if you run your hands through his hair, loves it if you just comb through it from the front, pushing it back as they slide to the back of his head and then move back to the front to run through the strands again
even better if you talk to him as you love on him while he’s resting on you
hugs you tighter when you praise him, letting out a small sigh as he relaxes
“you did so well today, kou. ‘m so proud of you,” you hum.
“you mean it, baby?” he mumbles, face still buried into your shirt.
“i mean it. i would never miss any of your games if i can help it for the world, love.”
the last thing he can get out is an “i love you so much" before his eyes fall shut
girl, if you want it there’s no good reason not to love if you want it
looks like keeping him company even when it’s three in the morning <3
he’ll hold you close or have you on his lap, arms wrapped around you when he’s up at night watching other team’s volleyball matches
loves to talk you through the plays as well if you have any questions
will take the time to pause the video and point out anything <3
“see what they did here? they purposely left an opening in the block for the libero to cover. it corners the spiker either way,” he spoke softly, a small smile on his face as he explains the tactic to you.
“i think i understand. you guys have done that before too, right?” you nod, eyes focused on the screen as you lean to the side, resting your head on his shoulder
he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him, “we have, pretty. i didn’t think you paid so much attention.”
“of course i do!” you pouted, tilting your head to look slightly on him. 
he met your eyes with a teasing smile, “i’m only joking, princess. i see how hard you focus, you look super cute when you do, after all.”
you buried your face into his shoulder, too red to keep looking at him
you’re definitely a part of his squad (iwa, makki, matsu) even if you’re a grade below them
if you didn't already know them, he also definitely introduced you to the group as “his girl”
from then on out, you had four scary guard dogs should you ever need them <3
he’s glad to have someone so close to him that also gets along with his friends, so he’s happy as can be when you’re all hanging out
ofc also enjoys one on one time with u as seen above
after matches, you’re always loving on him, whether he won or lost
if he won, similar to bokuto, you’re praising him the whole way, pressing kisses to his forehead as he lays on you, completely content as he rests
if he lost, there’s no words exchanged between you two until he’s ready. it’s not that words will lead to anything bad, but you know what will help him. you know that for him, he’ll recover with time. after he’s thought about it, he’ll express all his feelings and emotions to you, so you only need to wait for him to be ready. in the meantime, you’ll love on him and make sure he takes care of himself. you’ll stay with him so that he knows he’s not alone and when he’s ready, you caress his face, softly wiping his eyes whenever they tear up and listen to anything he wants to say <3
my baby here on earth showed me what my heart was worth so when it comes to be my turn could you shine it down here for her?
looks like giving you gifts everytime he sees you
probably actually started with you giving him gifts all the time first <3
def friends to lovers i can see it
when you started giving him gifts, it stirred something inside of him and his friends kept telling him that you definitely liked him back
he was still unsure tho bc we’re talking a man with a whole fan club and two other men who have nothing better to do but tease other people so how trustworthy is their advice really
but he wanted to be hopeful so he started getting you things too (credit to makki & matsu, best wingmen)
because your relationship with iwa was 100% friends to lovers, said wingmen + whatever oikawa is definitely supported you both and were trying to play cupid
makki and matsu helped iwa find out what you liked without making it obvious and since he was too nervous to ask you on his own
also tried to inconspicuously ask if you were interested in anyone in which you immediately turned red and hid your face
the two boys turned to each other with a smirk because they knew they were definitely right
they probably got you to plan a confession to iwa, swearing on their lives that iwa liked you back
(makki and co. also definitely found a way to listen to it all go down and probably even recorded it)
as soon as you guys start dating he’s all over you <3 probably beats you to buying something most of the time but you still try to buy him things as often as you can
i think he’d adore flowers from you <3 they’re some of the sweetest things you can get them
mad dog respects you as an extent of his respect of iwa
definitely lots of words of affirmation in your relationship too
after the spring high semifinals you were in his lap, letting him hide his face in the crook of your neck as his whole body shook
you rubbed the back of his head with one hand, the other placed on one of his arms which were wrapped around you,
“i just want you to know how proud i am of you, hajime. i could hear you everytime you brought up your team. you did so well. you taught them so much. you’re so observant, you’re so strong. i couldn’t be more proud of you, love.”
he tightened his hold on you, and you felt his tears on your neck. “i know. i know it hurts a lot, baby. i’m here for you,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his head.
she said i dressed in your favorite  i bought two bottles of red unless you made reservations oh look, you thought all ahead
looks like mothering his flock of children with him and taking care of him after he has taken care of the rest <3
lots of resting on each other’s shoulders throughout the day bc you both are so tired
whenever you guys are on dates, his favorite parts are always the train ride back home, he loves the gentle rocking of the train that lulls you both to sleep as you lay on each other, there’s just something so safe and intimate about it
ofc he loves doing things with you and you both try to spoil each other rotten, surprising each other with gifts and dates
some of your favorite dates to go on are just walks around outside
you guys take turns finding different locations to travel to just so that you guys can admire the beauty together
can u imagine? two pretty people walking around in pretty nature?? it’s too much <3
he loves walking in the winter at night because most of the time you guys will get to see pretty lights too!!
and if u get cold he gets to give u his jacket so two birds w/ one stone
if he’s feeling generous he’ll invite one of the children to walk with you guys while looking at christmas lights
it’s different every time
one night it was hinata, bundled warm in jackets and bouncing around between you and suga
another night it was kageyama, as calm and collected as ever but he enjoyed looking at the lights with you guys
you definitely bought him hot chocolate bc you couldn’t handle the parental love bubbling in your heart for the boy
(mama y papa?--)
but you both were def alone on christmas night when he took you out to walk in the middle of the city, where pretty lights shined at every angle and in every direction <3
he can’t help but kiss you a lot whenever he sees your pretty lips
and you love to kiss his little beauty mark below his eye <3
whenever he’s playing in games, you’re always cheering the loudest
afterwards you’re always flooding him with compliments too once you’re both home or through text message if he’s on the bus ride back
“u always notice so much during matches!! whenever u get in you always have something to tell everyone it’s so cool :000”
“and when you spiked, love, you did so good. we were all freaking out in the stands bc you had just been shut down before and you still went through with it completely!!!”
he'll smile at your energetic messages before replying with his own,
“thank u thank u <3 i can only do so well because i have my own personal cheerleader”
“I’ll see you soon, ok? we’re almost back to school, i love you so much, angel”
if his teammates hadn't drilled it into his head already how much he meant to them, your messages alone would make it worth it <3
i wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind... can i get a kiss? and can you make it last forever?
looks like dates to the milk vending machine and walking together around school <3
he’s already waiting outside your class during breaks and when lunch starts
you step through the door and jump when you see him
“tobio? how are you already here? class just ended?”
“...do you wanna go to the vending machines with me?”
“did you leave early?”
he averts his eyes immediately, trying to think of an excuse but you just sigh to yourself and start to walk, “what am i going to do with you? let’s go before class starts.”
“i wanted to see you,” he mumbles, eyes lowered to the floor and his cheeks dusted pink as he follows after you
your eyes widen at the response and you almost trip over your feet before you smile and lean closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek
“i love you too, tobio.”
he’s another boy you’re constantly fighting with to pay for things
sometimes you’re racing to the machine because you’re so desperate to buy him something but there’s no way you’re winning against him even if he gives you a headstart
you work hard to take care of him, though, and you have your ways of getting back at him even if he ends up paying at the vending machine
he’s so horrible at taking care of himself, especially with the amount of times he stays late to practice with hinata
you started to sneak milk cartons and eventually meals into his bags so that he’ll at least be fed
definitely lots of study dates between you both as well, you’re singlehandedly carrying his grades rn
but it’s worth it when you see him on the court <3
he tends to look at you before every serve, and you can feel your heart buzz whenever he makes eye contact with you
seeing him work so hard in volleyball and have so much fun, you can’t help but fall in love with him all over again, and you’ll do anything you can to help him and make sure he can achieve his dreams <3
you wanna go out, i wanna finish living you wanna get up, when i could just lay all day, with you
looks like showing up at your door whenever he feels like it either to take you out or to be at home with you <3
after the first time he insisted that he walk you home and you let him, he started visiting you more often
ofc you let him in everytime, you were glad he was the one making moves because you wanted to be around him more, you just didn’t know what to say
when you both started officially dating, you also obviously put in more effort to show that you appreciate him and love to be with him
but he’s always more than happy to be the one to come to you as long as he knows you enjoy it as much as he does
speaking of which he’d really do anything for you
if he’s not already there, you could ask him to at two in the morning and he’d be there as soon as he could <3
especially if you text him something like “i had a nightmare” or “i can’t sleep” he’s over there in a blink of an eye
“alright, princess. are we staying up or should i tire you out?”
he’s making any excuse to be close to you
he’s probably helped you in a few subjects if you were struggling with the material
ofc in exchange for kisses <3
he’s surprised when you come to his games, i feel like he’s probably not used to having a lot of people come to cheer him on and he doesn’t want to bother you about having to come to gymnasiums to watch him
but you come of your own free will and it makes him smile, he’s more than ready to crush his opponents to show off for you <3
after games, you’re throwing yourself into his arms as soon as you get to him and he’ll catch you with just as much adrenaline and excitement running through his veins at the sight of you <3
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