sodafrog13 · 8 months
things i should do: write my au beardjacket fic
things i keep not doing: writing my au beardjacket fic
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thetaoofbetty · 1 year
What's a dumb toxic trait of yours?
okay first i'm not gonna really rat myself out like that so you're gonna have to accept whatever i say it is alright?
but truly, there are hundreds of asks in my drafts i answered and forgot to post and/or it was already set to draft so i didn't post it without finishing on accident and now it's like purgatory in there.
so, uh, you know...sorry if i forgot to answer an ask. it wasn't personal, it's because i'm an idiot.
0 notes
phoward89 · 5 months
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Jealous!Coryo x Reader, Odair!Ancestor x Reader.
Series Masterlist
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. That man is a walking blood red flag waving heavily in the wind! engagement (not reader), smut, infidelity, love triangle, manipulation, stalking?, gaslighting, fluff, Head Gamemaker!Coryo, District 4 Cruise Ship Heir!Odair OC. Dark!Coriolanus, Jealous!Coriolanus, Dom!Coriolanus
This chapter has quite a few flashbacks in it since Coryo's going to be reflecting on his relationship with the reader. It's also a really long chapter.
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Chapter 5:
When you suddenly quit your job, your boss was shocked. They had no idea that you’re seeking employment elsewhere or are currently unhappy being a part of the Odair Luxury Cruises marketing family. They even pleaded with you to stay; offered to talk to their superior to see if you could be given a raise.
You turned them down.
They can't get you the same amount of money that Coriolanus can. Plus, you don't need to worry about an office romance ruining your ability to work.
You know that Odysseus assumes that you're listening to him; taking a few personal health days, even tho you're not. You wonder if he'll find out that you quit your job at his father's company or if VPs don't find out that kind of information.
“You almost done with that application, darling?” Coriolanus asked as the two of you sat in his home office. He's lounging on his leather office sofa, clad in a low rise pair of sweatpants and a tight tank, with a coffee cup dangling in his hand. His icy blue eyes are glued to you as you sit at his mahogany desk, filling out your official application for your new job.
You already had the job, but you needed to submit an application so that he could approve it and get your onboarding process started.
“Almost, Coriolanus.” You answered while scrolling thru dates to find your birthday.
“You called me Coryo all night and now we're back to this Coriolanus shit? Even after I gave you a job that I view as a very detrimental one?” He asked incredulously while sipping on his coffee. His brows were knit, in fact he was angry with the desk for blocking the view of your legs. You're wearing one of his shirts, which falls mid-thigh on you due to his height, and in his opinion it showed off your legs perfectly.
“Last night was a fluke. A one time thing for old time's sake.” You told your ex while finishing up the application and hitting send. “Besides, you've got Livia to fuck now.” You rolled the chair slightly away from the desk and stood up. “Oh, you can go approve the application now.”
“I'm not fucking Livia.” Coriolanus was quick to tell you while placing his coffee mug on the coffee table. “And I'm not moving her in with me, so stop trying to push me onto her as a way to avoid things between us.” He added, getting up from the sofa.
“There’s nothing between us, Coriolanus.” You tell him, crossing the room to the sofa.
“That's bullshit and you know it, darling.” Coriolanus spat, striding over and meeting you halfway between the leather sofa and his desk. Taking your upper arms in his large hands, he told you with such conviction, “We have so much between us. So many years and fondness between us that it's foolish of you to act like we're mere ships passing in the night when we're so much more than that.”
Patting him in the middle of the chest, you stated, “That charm of yours paired with your elegant words should give you a leg up on your opponents.” But with his silver tongue why was he at the bottom of the race? That irked you. So much so, that you told him, “I'll just have to go shift thru polls and surveys to see what the exact problem is; why you're so low ranking.”
Coriolanus' baby blues searched your eyes studiously, as if he was trying to find the solution to a riddle. Slightly shaking his head, causing his unkempt platinum curls to rustle around, he asked, moreso to himself then to you, “Why're you acting like this towards me? I thought that you love me?”
“Acting like what, Coriolanus? Like your assistant, your PR liaison, your campaign manager?” You sarcastically asked, only to sassily inform him of the simple fact that: “I’m getting a headstart on my job, Head Gamemaker Snow.” Looking over his shoulder instead of in his overwhelming beautiful baby blue eyes, you mustered up every ounce of dishonesty that you could dig out of your sweet soul and told the self preserving lie of, “Loved you, as in the past, Coriolanus. I've moved on and discovered that you're not the type of man to love or deserve it; that I just confused care and a long-term friendship as something more.”
Coriolanus tilted his head, brow raised, as he tightly smiled to mask his disappointment in your dishonesty. “My darling rose, I thought we’d never lie to each other.” His baritone was like a sharp drawn bow string, ready to snap.
The curly haired platinum blonde's call out on your lie shook you to your core. How the hell does he know you're lying? Is he that pompous, conceited, self-centered, and arrogant, or was he truly in tune with your thoughts and feelings?
Deciding that you needed to get away from the imposing golden angelic devil of a man before you cracked, you excused yourself with, “I'll let you get on with reviewing my application and beginning the hiring process. I need to get home and relax.”
“I’ll call both the salon and spa you're a regular at; let them know to expect you later today and to just send me the bill.” Coriolanus told you as you made your way to the door of his office.
Looking over your shoulder, you thanked him with, “Thank you, Coriolanus. I’ll pay you back when I can.”
“No need.” Coriolanus waved his hand dismissively. With a thin lipped smile, he gestured towards the door and told you, “Just go relax and get dolled up to be my right-hand girl.”
You nodded, a silent show of understanding, before opening the study door and walking out of the room; leaving the regal blonde all alone to process your application.
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Coriolanus Snow was not a man that was easily impressed, but your resume impressed him. It truly did. He knew that you'd be the perfect fit for running his campaign, being his PR spokesperson, and his assistant. But seeing your academic and career achievements in black and white just proved he was right.
And his benefactor Strabo Plinth told Coriolanus to either keep you holed up in a nice, but remote part of the luxury district (District 1) in one of the Capitol owned and operated spa/lodges as his mistress; he could visit from time to time, or to just toss you to the curb. Mr. Plinth felt that you had no value to Coriolanus' politician ambitions, unlike Livia Cardew, since you couldn't offer him anything *cough* money and status *cough*.
But despite Strabo Plinth's advice, Coriolanus didn't do either. Instead, after shoving his way into your life again after missing out on a month of it, he made you the most powerful person in his Senate campaign. He didn't even bother looking at the list of potential political advisors and campaign managers that Strabo had sent him.
He chose you because he trusts you; knows that you'll help him win because you understand how important winning the Senate seat is to him. You've known each other since the days you were huddled together in the basement, waiting for the bombs to pass, as small children. You grew up alongside him as his best friend, his first crush- and daresay his first love?
You know that Coriolanus’ dream ever since you were little was to become the President of Panem. So, he knows that you'll do everything possible in your power to help him achieve that goal. First step is helping him become Senator Snow.
Coriolanus can't help, but to have memories of the two of you dancing around his head. Memories that make his engagement to Livia Cardew taste like bitter ash in his mouth.
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You & Coriolanus age 7:
The war was still raging on. It's in its second year and things are getting worse instead of better. Capitol City, Panem, was under siege. It's a war zone with crumbling buildings due to bombs, the stench of death due to a variety of reasons, sickness and disease, and hunger.
Widespread hunger due to the Capitol being cut off from any and all supply chains.
But, despite this, all the school age children were still being shuffled off to the Academy (where the elite went) or charter schools to learn. Even tho the country’s at war and the District Rebels are trying to starve out the Capitol the children must still be properly educated.
Capitolite children are the future of Panem; President Ravenstill believes that they must be highly educated. Or at least that's the advice that's he's given by the Head of the War Department, one Dr. Volumnia Gaul.
One morning you're heading to school with your best friend, Coryo, and his cousin, Tigress. They're both blondes, but Coryo's 7 like you while Tigris is 10 or maybe 11- you forgot. But all 3 of you attend the Academy. Your older brother, Rein, attends the Academy too. In fact he's walking with Tigris behind you and Coryo, keeping an eye out on you two.
Coryo's holding your hand as the two of you navigate the rubble on the sidewalks. Sometimes it's so bad that you're forced to walk in the middle of the street. But streets aren't busy with traffic and cars like before the war- no, now cars are sitting idle because there's no more fuel to power them due to shortages from the siege.
Everything seems like a normal morning, or at least as normal as one can be while in the middle of a warzone, when suddenly the loud sound of sirens went off.
An air raid warning.
Bomber hovercrafts have been spotted; they are headed straight towards the Capitol.
Quickly, everyone ran to the nearest bomb shelter, being basements in buildings throughout the city. Your little ragtag group was no different.
Coryo held your hand tightly while running towards the building a few other people were going into. Rein and Tigris are quick on your tail. Coryo's long legs made him speedy and if his hand wasn't holding yours with a death grip then you'd be left behind.
But he'll never do that to you. No, he'll never leave you. That little boy with the light golden curls loves you; you're his best friend and he's determined to keep you safe. Which is why he's running and dragging you along to the nearest basement bomb shelter to ride out the incoming air raid that'll start any minute now.
Looking up into the sky, you cry, “Coryo, look the bombs are coming!”, as the bomber hovercrafts are in sight.
“Run, Y/N, the shelter’s up ahead!” Coryo screams back at you while making a mad dash to the shelter.
“Go into the shelter, now!” Your brother, Rein, orders in a loud shout. He and Tigris are right behind you and Coryo.
Coryo pushes open a side door to a building and runs downstairs, never letting go of your hand. Rein quickly pushes Tigris forward, thru the door before entering himself. And while your bestfriend leads you into the basement, where other Capitolites are hunkered down, the ground begins to shake and loud booms echo into the air.
It's the bombs.
You, Coryo, Tigris, and Rein made it inside of the shelter just in time.
But the force of the bombing makes walking down the basement stairs hard. Coryo never lets go of your hand, no even when you reach the basement. In fact, he sits huddled with you against the wall.
“We’re safe, Y/N. I got us here; I'll always keep you safe too because you're my best friend.” The boy with the light blonde curls and crystal clear blue eyes tells you while holding onto you for dear life.
Tigris is sitting next to Coryo while Rein's next to you. But your brother's not paying you and mind. No, instead he's talking to some girl next to him. Maybe he knows her from school?
But Coryo's hugging you close, determined to keep you safe and make you feel less afraid despite the fact that he too is scared of the bombs; of the unknown this war's bringing about.
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You & Coriolanus Age 13:
The war’s been over for 5 years now, but the Capitol's still a heap of rubble. Sadly, the Districts are in worse shape. That's saying a lot about how destructive the war has been.
But buildings crumbling down and crops burning up wasn't the only damage left by the war. Your family was left damaged by the death of your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, 5 years ago. He died in the woods right outside of 12, killed by rebels. Your dad died alongside his comrade, General Crassus Snow- Coriolanus’ father.
So, you both lost your father's; the main breadwinners of your families. While Coriolanus was orphaned and left with his Grandma’am and cousin, you had your mother and older brother. But, honestly, your families had similar dynamics.
If it wasn't for the neighbor, Pluribus Bell, then both the Snow and the Halvir families would've starved to death. The former nightclub owner was a part of the black market; would often help both Coryo's and your family with acquiring much needed items or a case of lima beans.
Currently, you're sitting with Coryo in his Grandma’am's rooftop garden on a late Saturday afternoon in May.
During the war Grandma'am Snow started growing cabbages to feed her family; she shared them with yours because your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, was serving under her son, General Crassus Snow, in District 12 where her son was the Commander. Even now, 5 years after the war, cabbages are still being grown and shared by the Snows. Something that you're grateful for even if you're tired of eating cabbage a thousand ways.
According to Coryo his Grandma'am always had the garden. Ever since he could remember, she's been growing roses on the rooftop. He even shared with her that his mom used to spend a lot of time in the garden with him, singing to him and tending to the Grandma’am's roses.
You envy your best friend for having small memories of his mother. You wish that you could remember your dad, but no matter how hard you try, you can't. Everything comes in little bits and pieces, just broken fragments.
Grandma'am Snow grows roses in every color imaginable. The flowers are truly beautiful. Breathtakingly so.
Coryo is as much of a botanist as Grandma'am. You told him as much after he explained everything he knew about pruning, planting, and caring for the delicate flowers.
“When I become President I'm going to create such beautiful rose gardens that the gardens of the Presidential Palace will be the envy of everyone in Panem let alone the Capitol.” The blonde boy, whose platinum curls fell around his head like a messy halo, smiles as he daydreams of the future.
“Are you going to tend the gardens? As President wouldn't you be too busy to prune roses?” You ask, curious to what Coryo's answer would be.
Your best friend always has the ‘perfect’ answer for everything. His words are always so charming; sounding so right.
“Well, then I'll just have to teach you how to care for the roses. As my First Lady you'll be able to tend to the gardens when I'm too busy to do so.”
He's been telling you for the last 4 years that he's going to make you his First Lady. You know it's impossible; that a best friend can't become First Lady. The First Lady's always married to the President. But after arguing over it a few times, you just ignore him when he talks about you being his First Lady; helping him in the Presidential Palace.
“So would I be your gardener or the First Lady, Coryo? Considering I’d be tending to every rose garden on the Presidential Palace grounds.”
Knocking his shoulder into yours, Coryo give you a lopsided grin. “We'll hire gardeners; you'll be my First Lady. Botany will be our hobby outside of politics.”
“If you say so.” You lightly laugh, shaking your head.
“I know so.” Your best friend firmly states. Rising and holding his hand out for you to take, so he can pull you up off the stone bench you're sitting on, Coryo says, “Come on, you can help me with Grandma'am’s roses.”
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You and Coriolanus Age 18 (a month before the games):
It’s dark in Coryo's bedroom, the only light being from the moon. It softly shines thru the window, but it's not bright enough to illuminate the room. No, the room’s too big for that.
But you're used to the darkness of Coryo's room. You spent a few nights a week with him; been doing so ever since the two of you started messing around 3 years ago. At first you tried to sneak back downstairs to your own apartment, on the 8th floor, but the platinum blonde with the soft halo of curls and bright blue eyes would always stop you- he always insisted that you just stay with him.
After a few times of trying and failing to leave, you decided to just stop your feeble, useless attempts to leave. To just stay the night with Coryo, snuggled with him in bed.
You're literally laying on top of Coryo, since his bed’s a twin that barely fits him, and his arms are wrapped around you. You're resting your head on his chest, absentmindedly tracing shapes on his it with your index finger.
“When I win the Plinth Prize next month I'll make sure that you have every luxury you deserve, darling.” Coryo promised, ghosting his fingertips up and down your spine.
“No, Coryo.” You shook your head. His family needed the money, not you. “You need to use that money to pay for University and to fix up your penthouse; you can't use it on me.”
“I'm going to do those things, but I’m also going to take care of you too. I promised to do so when we were children and I've never broken my word.”
“You also promised to protect me. Make me your First Lady too.” You dryly remind him of long ago childish promises. Promises that you don't expect him to keep.
But secretly you hope he keeps the promises he made because within these last 3 years you've been messing around with Coryo you've started to develop deep feelings for him. Feelings you hope he reciprocates, but are to afraid to ask about.
“I'll always protect you, darling.” He assured you. “And you're going to be my First Lady. Just you wait and see.”
“There's only one way for me to become your First Lady…” You mutter under your breath.
“Trust me, everything's going to work out.” He sweetly says while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Softly stroking your cheek with his knuckles, he declares with such vigor and confidence, “In a few short weeks I'll win the Plinth Prize, we'll be able to attend the best damn University in Panem and then we'll become President Snow and the First Lady Y/N.”
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You and Coriolanus 18 almost 19 (Day Coryo returns to the Capitol from District 12)
You knew that Coryo had left PK Base D-12 because your brother, Rein, told you when he called the other day. He said that ‘Snow’s been accepted to some Elite Officer's program, so he's gone. Also, your friend Plinth died- hanged as a traitor.’ before asking you about how you're doing. You told Rein that you're fine. You didn't tell him how you're trying to find a job in order to pay the portion of the University tuition fee that's due before the semester starts.
Your older brother’s a peacekeeper, an officer in District 12, and has a girlfriend. You can't let.him know about the struggles you and your mother are going thru. Not when he's found someone; is considering starting a life with them too. You know full well that your brother will send his entire paycheck, even take out a Capitol United Bank loan to cover your University expenses if you tell him the truth. And you can't have that.
You wonder what base Coryo was transferred to for his Elite Officer's training. You also wonder what branch he'll be picking to serve in: Air Force or Navy. You know that you can't send him a letter until you get one first, but that doesn't stop you from beginning to write to him.
You and Coryo exchange countless letters. And he tells you that he misses the Capitol, his family, and most of all you in every single one. A part of you melts at his words, but another part of you can't help, but feel that maybe he's just saying what you want to hear. You're not stupid, you're almost positive that he must've used what little money he had to bribe his way into service in District 12 because that's where she is.
His songbird; his victor.
Lucy Gray Baird.
You knew when you saw Coryo stand up and lurch forward at the Reaping Ceremony in Heavensbee Hall once the beautiful girl with big soulful brown eyes, soft raven waves, and a rainbow dress full of frills, that your best friend and sometimes lover was a goner. That he was enchanted by her, that he was going to fall in love with her.
And that instantly broke your heart. You love him and it hurt knowing that your Coryo was no longer yours, but would end up belonging to somebody else.
Someone more beautiful than you.
And when you heard Lucy Gray Baird sing, well, you couldn't fault him for falling in love with her. No, not when you knew singing was something that soothed his soul; reminded him of his mother.
You never sang around him and he never asked you too. You took music as an elective, but he didn't, so he didn't know that you could carry a tune. He never asked; you never told.
And you'll be keeping that a secret until you die now. No need to ever let him know that you like music, can sing decently.
No, not when he's enchanted by a songbird. Not when he's falling for her after just seeing her sing on tv.
You can't help, but wonder if Coryo took his songbird to wherever he was transferred too for his Elite Officer's training. You know for a fact that officers are allowed to have women. They can live with a girlfriend, fiance, or wife. It's a reward for their values service to the Capitol.
Just the thought of Coryo living with Lucy Gray breaks your heart. If he's with her, he won't have any time to write you, will he?
Probably not.
Your mother's out on a ‘date’ tonight, so you're home alone. You're sitting on the sofa, writing to Coryo when a loud knock sounds at your door. Curiously, you rise and go over to the door. And when you answer it, you find yourself standing right in front of Coryo.
He's in his dress uniform, just staring at you as if he blinks you'll disappear. Before you can even ask him how it's possible that he's standing in your doorway, he places his hands on either side of your face and hungrily kisses you. Taking your breath away.
You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him back. The kiss is all teeth clashing and frantic lips smashing together. You're both desperate for the other.
When he pulls away, letting you two catch your breaths, he presses his forehead against yours- causing his grey uniform hat to tip up a bit- and reveals in a near whisper, “I've missed you so much, my darling rose.”
Your heart was beating wildly against your ribcage upon hearing his admission. It made you happy to hear that he misses you. That as soon as he saw you, he had to kiss you.
And all you could say back was, “I missed you too.”
Peering into the apartment behind you, he asked, “You alone?”
“Yes.” You nod.
“Then let's show each other how much we missed one another, shall we?” Coryo suggested, only to sling you over his shoulder and walk inside of your apartment.
After slamming the door shut with his boot, he ran to your room, causing you to giggle and playfully smack his ass. He just chuckled and gave your ass a sharp smack before tossing you on your bed and descending on you like a touch starved man.
Your kisses were heated and sloppy. Clothes were quickly shed and flung all over the room as the two of you kissed and touched each other feverishly on your sorry excuse for a bed.
And then the platinum blonde, whose curls were replaced with a close shaved buzzcut, left a trail of open mouth kisses from your jaw, down your neck, to the valley on your breast, all the way down your stomach before stopping at the apex of your thighs. His icy eyes were smoldering with lust as the pushed your thighs open. He kissed the inside of one and then the other before bringing his face down into your cunt. His nose nuzzled your clit as he licked stripe after stripe along your wet slit. A man thirsty with an unquenchable need for your pussy sweet nectar, Cory messily lapped up your cunt.
Your whines and mewls spurred him on, but he knew that he wouldn't last long (due to a lack of sex since, believe it or not, Lucy Gray was a bit of a tease when it came to fucking him) and he needed to feel your pussy clenching his cock, cumming around him before he loses himself and cums. So, before you can cum, he lifts his head up.
“I need to be inside your cunt, baby. I need to feel you cum around me.” He told you, spreading his precum around his large cock and giving it a few pumps before lining it up at your dripping wet hole.
“I need you inside me too, Coryo. It's been too long.” You tell him, holding onto his shoulders to brace yourself as he slides into you.
It's a big stretch with a slight burn, since you haven't been fucked all summer, but the slight pain passes and you feel nothing, but the pleasure of being full to the hilt as Coryo bottoms out.
“Fuck, babygirl, your cunt's so tight; feels so good around my cock.” Coryo groans, resting his head against yours as he gives you a moment to adjust to his 8 inches that's buried so deep inside of you that the outline of his cock is seen in your lower stomach.
“Please, Coryo. Move, fuck me.” You beg, your voice a high pitched whine, as you tilts your hips upwards towards his in an attempt to get him moving.
Coryo lifted his head up and leaned back on his haunches, only to pull his cock nearly all the way out only to quickly slam it back inside of your neglected, hungry, drooling pussy. He repeated his actions over and over again until you're a babbling, cockdrunk mess.
And him, well, he's pussydrunk and talking dirty. Oh God, he's saying the most absolute filthy things and it's going straight to your core. Making your eyelashes flutter and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“I'm gonna fuck this cunt til you're begging mercy, til you pass out tonight from being over fucked.”
The sounds of skin slappy skin loudly and lewdly echoed throughout your bedroom.
“Fuck…I forgot how tight and perfect your pussy feels ‘round my cock.” Coryo groans, his head thrown back in pleasure as he pounds your pussy. “Your cunt's my cunt. I own this cunt, it's mine.” He told you with a possessive edge in his baritone. “Say it. Say your cunt’s mine. Mine!” He loudly orders, gritting his teeth as he feels you begin to clench around his cock.
Your head's spinning and your feeling the damn of pleasure beginning to burst as you babble out in a whine, “My cunt's yours, Coryo. All yours.”
His dogtags are jiggling against the hollow of your neck with every fast thrust your best friend makes. You're about to cum and don't even think as you grab the dogtags and yank on them, pulling Coryo flush against you. His mouth his mere inches against yours as you cry out, “I'm gonna cum, Coryo.”
“Cum right now, for me. Cum right now like my good girl, my good little slut.” Coryo demanded as he began to slam into your cunt even harder.
You don't know if it's his words or his fast movements, but suddenly your cumming and he's swallowing up your moans with eager, desperate kisses.
And when you're down riding out the wave of your orgasm, Coryo pulls his lips from his and tells you in a deep, lustful tone, “I’m gonna fuck you full of my babies. I'm gonna cum so hard in you; knock you up and baby trap you with me, darling.” A smirk crosses his face as he cum heavy balls smacked hard against your pussy. “You want that, huh? For me to knock ya up, tie your slutty ass to me forever.” His lips nibbled under your jawline as he declared, “You're gonna look so beautiful full and round of my child.”
“Yea.” You simply say. You honestly couldn't say anything else. Your brain’s been fucked to mush right now.
Coryo buries his neck into the crook of your neck as he slams hard and harder into you. His fingers are digging into your hips with a bruising; possessive force. And it only took a few more moments before his thrusts grew ragged and sloppy. One, two, three more thrusts and he was moaning your name like a prayer while shooting thick, hot ropes of cum deep inside of your cunt.
A cunt that he claimed was his.
He collapsed on top of you, panting wildly as he deeply inhaled your scent. Oh, how Coryo missed the way you smelled. It was always pleasant, like spring flowers.
And, honestly, you missed the way that he smelled. Even being thousands of miles away in 12 did nothing to dapper his scent of roses. You concluded that it must be his cologne.
Coryo felt the need to cockwarm you after being away from the warmth of your pussy for so long and you let him. He rested his head against your chest and you just scratch his scalp with your nails. You're both content.
“Y/N, baby.” Coryo said, as a way to gain your undivided attention.
“Yea, Coryo.” You reply, letting him know that you're listening.
“I was supposed to go to District 2 for an Elite Officer's training program, but instead I was sent here, to the Capitol, to have a meeting with Dr. Gaul. She said that my brilliant mind and talents would be a waste in the Peacekeepers, so she arranged for me to be honorably discharged by President Ravenstill. She also told me that Strabo Plinth's going to pay for my University tuition as a thank you for being best friend with Sejanus.” Was the lengthy explanation to his return that Coryo gave you.
An explanation that was a bit much to digest. But you digested it, nevertheless.
“That's good, Coryo. I'm happy for you.” You say, feeling both happy and sad at the same time. Oh, yes, you're happy that Coryo's getting the chance to follow his dreams, but sad because you're not sure that you can follow yours. That you'll be attending University soon with him.
“I'm meeting with Strabo tomorrow; I'll tell him to pay for your tuition too.”
“Coryo, you don't have to do that. I'll figure something out.” You told him, letting him know that you didn't need him trying to get one of the richest men in the city to pity you.
“Of course I have to do it, darling. I promised to take care of you and to pay your tuition; I intend to keep that promise.”
“You also promised to make me your First Lady.” You mumble under your breath.
Playfulling nibbling your neck, the platinum blonde told you, “I heard that, baby.” Lifting his head, he locked his icy blues eyes onto yours and swore in a firm, unmoving tone, “And you'll be my First Lady. I promise, Y/N.”
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You & Coriolanus Age 20:
Something happened during his time away in 12 that changed Coryo. He's always been a stoic, studious man, but now there was something different about him. Your best friend seemed colder now. As if he locked a piece of his soul up in a chest, just like Davey Jones has his heart locked up in a chest.
Dead Man's Chest.
Other than the night you spent when he first came home, Coryo never showed you affection anymore. Yes, he touched you and held you, etc, but there didn't seem to be much warmth in his actions. There wasn't any love in it. Or at least to you it didn't feel like there was any love and affection behind his touches.
But, he does walk you to your various classes at the University and drags you to lunch with the group of ‘it’ kids. The heirs to Panem's riches, the people that he needs to run elbows with to get ahead in life.
You know how to act around rich kids. You've been playing chameleon for so many years now around these snotty assholes that you know what to and what not to say. What silverware to use, how to daintily sip on your water glass, and how to cut your food into small pieces to take small, precise bites to make you look like a proper Capitolite young lady.
One afternoon Coryo wasn't waiting for you outside of your class, so you figured that he wasn't showing and decided to head towards the courtyard. Hey, if he's not here then you might as well just go sit in the early spring sun that's begun to melt the snow.
Coryo's the only reason you eat lunch in the mess hall. If you don't have to be around Festus Creed, Persephone Price, Livia Cardew, Clemensia Dovecote, and Hilarious Heavensbee, then you're not going to be around them. Well, you have nothing against Clemmie or Hilarious, it's the first three jackasses that you can't stand.
And the fact that Coryo's ‘beat friends’ with Festus now makes your skin crawl. Only God knows what those two are getting up to when they're hanging out. Probably getting shit faced at the club and fucking high priced hookers in excluse VIP rooms or something.
But it's not like you have a say so in the matter. You and Coryo are- well, you hook up and he keeps you hanging on to false hopes that he's going to make you his permanent girl; make the two of you public and exclusive.
You should really wash your hands of him and move on. Perhaps listen to your mother and take up one of the offers of marriage you've been approached with by some rich men. Your mother was very upset that you turned down General Prometheus Byzantine when he came by for dinner last night with a marriage brokerage proposal.
General Byzantine said that his friend, Mr. Strabo Plinth, had told him that you're a lovely and intelligent girl who's of age. That despite being raised in the Capitol, you were born in District 12 in PK Base D-12’s Hospital; that you're half-Capitolite and half-District, but would make him a lovely wife. Especially when he's needed on PK Base D-2 to inspect how the current Commander's doing their job. Plus, he also said how he wanted a young wife that would be able to keep up with his young son, who was nearly 5.
You turned him down in 2.5 seconds flat. General Byzantine swore up and down that I'd be sorry for turning him down. That Strabo would hear about your refusal; that one day he'd have you.
Your mother was so distraught that you threw away such a great opportunity all because you have some sentimental feeling for the Snow boy. Your mother hates Coryo, so you're not surprised she blames him for you turning down the general.
Honestly, maybe she's right. Maybe you won't let yourself fancy the idea of settling down with anyone because you're holding out for him. Waiting for him to keep a silly promise he made to you.
You're in an alcove, almost to the courtyard, whenever the sound of running paired with a shout of, “Y/N, wait!”, loudly echoes in the air. Stopping and turning around, you see Coryo rushing towards you. “I'm sorry I wasn't there to get you, darling. My professor went over his lecture time; I was stuck listening to him answer questions asked by the most idiotic pupils I've ever had the displeasure of sharing a class with.” The platinum blonde, who now wears his curls styled in a slick back hairdo, explained as he reached your side.
“That's okay.” You smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes. “I figured you got tied up and decided to just go sit in the courtyard.”
“I know, that's why I ran all the way here to find you.”
“What? You knew I'd be in the courtyard and not the mess hall?” You asked in disbelief.
“I know you like the back of my hand” He nonchalantly shrugs. Taking your hand in his, he suggests, “Why don't we go sit in the courtyard and while we're basking in the sun on this fine spring day you can tell me all about the dress my cousin's making you for the upcoming Spring Ball.”
“Okay.” You nod, only to hold Coryo's hand and let him lead you to the courtyard. All the while gushing about the dress.
The dress that Tigris helped you come up with is light pink with white roses embroidered all over it with a sweetheart neckline and an A-line skirt. Tigris says that she'll get you white shoes and a white clutch to pair with it.
Upon hearing you tell him the color/pattern of the dress, Coryo feels a sense of pride. He also feels an obsessive sense of possession over you as well.
Giving you a huge, Cheshire cat like grin , the platinum blonde tells you, “I can't wait to see you in it, my darling rose.” His icy eyes twinkle slightly as he adds in, “I'll be sure to wear white and provide us with white roses.”
“You don't have to give me roses, Coryo. Not every girl wears a corsage to balls and galas nowadays you know.”
“Yea, I know, but those girls aren't you. They're not mine, so I'll keep providing you with roses and you'll keep wearing them.”
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You and Coryo Age 22:
“Are you excited for graduation, darling.?” Coryo asks as your walking down the Capitol streets, heading back to the Corso after eating dinner at a nearby, but expensive, restaurant. Coryo took you out to celebrate passing your exams. To celebrate that he's the top of the class and that you're his right hand girl in the second spot.
He had told you that Snow lands on top with the winter rose standing tall in the snow. The little joke was silly, but it was a metaphor for how he was always number one and how you were always right by his side as number 2.
“Yes.” You nod, smiling wide. “I'm so excited to get that diploma in my hand and just, I dunno, get started living my life.”
“I understand how you feel, Y/N.” Coryo told you, running his thumb over your knuckles as he holds your hand. “I can't wait to take my place as the Head Gamemaker.”
“Didn't you get offered the position because Dr. Gaul got eaten by her electric eels after falling into their tank?”
“Yes, but she was already implementing all of my ideas; I was working as an Assistant Gamemaker too.” He explained, causing you to just nod and let out a hmm. “Do you want to be an Assistant Gamemaker? I could get you a position and-” Coryo began, only for you to cut him off.
You never heard what he wanted to tell you since you cut him off with your own news of, “I applied for a marketing job at Odair's Luxury Cruises; I got the job so I'll be working there.”
Coryo's eyes narrowed slightly and turned colder than ice. “I see.” He curly said, his nose turned up a bit, as his thumb stopped tracing your knuckles.
Well, if you didn't want to be by his side professionally then so be it. You can work for some cruise line that specializes in island cruises off of 4.
But he'll still have you in his bed. He's not giving up fucking you. Hell no, Coryo's going to fuck you until the day you die.
Fine, you don't need his help with a job, but you'll always need his help to cum. And he knows for a fact that he's ruined you, that you struggle to cum on your own fingers because of how good he fucks you- with his fingers, tongue, and cock.
Something in a store window caught your eye. It was a ring. It was a diamond ring in the shape of a snowflake. You didn't tell Coryo about it, fearing that he'd think you're trying to make him settle down and commit to you.
Coryo saw you eying up the diamond ring in the store window. He found the fact that your eyes locked longingly onto the diamond ring shaped like a snowflake to be endearing. It also gave his already inflated ego a boost.
The next day the platinum blonde went to the store and bought the ring. He had the intention of giving it to you on graduation night, he honestly did, but then Strabo Plinth invited him and his family out to celebrate. And he couldn't say no to the man that made him his heir.
Coriolanus asked you to join them for dinner, but you declined. Said that you were expecting a call from your brother, since he couldn't get leave for your graduation. You told him to go and have a nice time; that you'd see him later.
Ma Plinth gave you a motherly hug full of warmth and told you that she'd be by the next day for tea. You smiled and jokingly told her that she better bring her famous biscochitos. Ma said that she would and told you to make some Earl Grey.
But your goodbyes with Strabo Plinth seemed more tight and rigid than usual. The curt congratulations and the curt thank you, goodbye you two exchanges irked him. And when Coriolanus brought it up to Strabo, well his benefactor just brushed it off by telling him that you must either be tired or that your manners aren't as polished as they seem.
Coryo never knew the real reason behind the curt and cold, but polite interaction between you and Mr. Plinth.
One day, when Coriolanus Snow's running for Senate at age 24 he'll find out and he won't be happy about it either.
Oh, and Coriolanus still has that ring. After not giving it to you after graduation he placed it in his desk drawer. He told himself that he just had to wait until the perfect moment to give it to you.
But the perfect moment never came. Time marched on and before he knew it, he's running for Senate, engaged to a woman he hates, and his being left by the woman he loves cares deeply for.
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Coriolanus blinks his eyes, much like a cat does, and runs a hand over his face as soon as his last memory fades. “Fuck…” He lowly mutters out in a mix between a sigh and a groan while hitting the accept hire button option on his computer while viewing your application.
Leaning back in his chair, he runs his hands thru his hair before holding his head in shame. How could he fucking forget his promise to you. He never-
broke a promise to you, until now. How is he supposed to make you his Fist Lady when he's engaged to Livia and you're insisting that you don't love him anymore?
You're supposed to be by his side; be his First Lady. Livia Cardew, the cattybitch from hell, isn't First Lady material. She's not supposed to be in the Presidential Palace with him. Hell, she'll ruin the place and try to overrun it with her audacious ideas and style.
Coriolanus knows that he can't let her become his First Lady, not when he promised you that position. Hell, he promised to make you his First Lady ever since he was like 8 years old. And he kept promising you that ever since. 
Fuck, when he he stop promising that? Uh, as far as he knows the answer is never.
Goddamnit, no wonder you're so pissed at him about his engagement to Livia. But why didn't you just tell him that he's breaking his promise to make you his First Lady by being engaged to her? It's all the two of you ever dreamed about when growing up poor and destitute; desperately wanting to claw your way out of poverty. Why wouldn't you tell him that he's shattering your dreams of becoming his First Lady by getting into an arrangement with somebody else?
Damnit, he shouldn't have listened to Strabo when he told Coriolanus that a marriage alliance between him and Livia Cardew would provide him with endless money for his campaign; would provide him with a stake in one of the largest banks in the country. He should've listened to his gut and told old man Plinth no. Actually, he should've told Mr. Plinth to shut up and go to hell whenever he suggested that Coriolanus send you to some luxury Capitol run and operated spa lodge in a remote section of District 1 to be kept as his mistress.
Now he needs to find a way out of his engagement to fulfill his promise to you. He just has to make you his First Lady. He never breaks his promises to you and never lies to you. You mean too much to him to do so.
Then, a brilliant idea pops into the platinum blonde's cunning mind. If the Cardew family's disgraced then he'll be able to call off the engagement without looking like the bad guy. And the only way to disgrace a banking family is to frame them for bank fraud.
Specifically embezzlement.
***** TAGLIST*****
Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @dcylight-fciry @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I just. Ugh. Oh my God. The fucking PARALLELS this season of Good Omens. Y'all know I'm an absolute fool for a good parallel, so to get so many? I'm so well fed today
Crowley and Azira are like, the definition of soulmates of the kind that are made, you know? Like there is no one single other being in the whole of Creation that shares even a fraction of the same experiences. Six thousand years in the making, this ship is - even more according to this season !!! And YET, they are absolutely brand new. They've never been in a romantic relationship - not with each other, not with anyone - and as Crowley pointed out, they've essentially just gotten out of toxic relationships with Heaven and Hell. Except like, not really? Because we see Crowley really got out Heaven so heavily traumatized he never really put all that much stock into Hell. Yeah, Hell might've still been abusive, but Crowley was halfway out the door the whole time. Azira, tho... He still buys into all of it. He's technically out the door, but he hasn't done any of the deprogramming you need to do in order to move on (I feel like I'm mixing my metaphors a little by using cult-related languages, but also abusive relationships are essentially two person cults, so)
And this season sets this dynamic up so perfectly with Nina and Maggie!!!!! And we're supposed to think that Nina is Crowley because she's dark and broody and Maggie is Azira cause she's frankly precious but really it's the other way around and it's Nina who finishes the season being like "I can't be in a relationship right now because I still need to work on myself having just ended an incredibly toxic relationship" and it's just. Nina and Maggie don't end the season together because that's not what they need right now and bc of that they might still be able to be together later, but Crowley and Azira hold onto each other SO DAMN HARD that they end up losing each other SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE AZIRA CAN'T DO THAT SAME THING OF UNPACKING HIS BASE ASSUMPTIONS it's like leaving a cult cause they were mean to you once but still buying into the new agey stuff they used to love bomb you into joining the cult in the first place
And so that's the relationship part of things but also we've got like soo many parallels showing how broken the system is in the first place and obviously ineffable bureaucracy is what stands out here because of the literal lines coming out of various characters' mouths during this plotline but can we talk about how heavily brainwashed Muriel is and how clearly they're supposed to be exactly like a young Aziraphale, one who doesn't "have" Crowley yet!!! Like tell me that if you gave Muriel a fiery sword and told them to watch over the first ever pregnant couple in history they wouldn't give them that Goddamn sword. Nobody on either side is capable of questioning their position in life without exposure to Something Else, but it doesn't have to be like, the being you're going to run off to alpha centauri with. It could very much be a copy of The Crow Road
(sidenote, has anybody read this book? It seems like an incredibly deliberate choice but I've never heard of it! I think I might send in an ask to Neil Gaiman himself if I don't see any meta soon)
Anyway yeah um. I don't know how to end this. Parallels and shadow selves fuck (double entendre)
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
With you -Pedri González
Please, tell me you guys didn't forgot about this little thing over here because I didn't, this is the little "blurb" an anon asked me for and yes, I took a long time to do it but I couldn't get anything for this. Anyways, hope you enjoy it, guys!
Summary: Your love connection goes beyond everything and you two know it
"Do you really have to go?" He asked laid on the bed watching you pack clothes for four days, you were asked to go to this art exhibition that was being held in Madrid, it would benefit a lot on your scolarship, it was something serious and something big for you.
"Well, yes. I hope after graduating, work in Barcelona's art gallery"
"You don't need to work, mi vida" You roll your eyes
"I do need to" You replied softly looking at him
"You don't! I make enough for the both of us, our future kids and even their kids!" He replied as you looked at him with a smile
"Out future kids sounds good"
"Don't change the subject" You giggle
"It'll be four days, they'll pass quickly, amor. You'll see" You leaned over and kissed his pouty lips
But two days without your presence were enough for Pedri to go madly crazy, he swore your pillow had lost your lovely scent a mix of vainilla and your favorite perfume, that he couldn't get enough of and the fact his bananas laid untouched on the dinner table, meaning you hadn't tried to sneak behind them and eat a few ones.
Pedri groaned thinking of a solution. And he stopped feeling lonely when he found one.
You were currently greeting the judges that were going to qualify you, along with your profesora, Julia, if you were or not capable of directing a gallery as big as this one, it was your last semester in Uni and you were halfway done with your internships, this being one of them and you needed to give your everything at 100% to be fully accepted.
You were nervous, you had facetimed Pedri who reassured you everything would be alright and that you will smash it but you felt like vomiting at the moment you stepped a foot inside the place.
After a lot of battle and thinking, you had decided to put a navy blue dress with a not so long V cut and beige stilettos along with your hair down.
"Te ves divina" Pedri had said "Wish I could be there"
You wished that too.
After some words from the owners of the place, the judges and your profesora, the event started.
You were pretty busy explaining the technique of the paintings, the hidden emotions and the history behind the paints to everyone who got close to you and asked for your help.
"Señorita, disculpe. ¿Podría decirme el nombre de esta pintura?" (Miss, excuse me. Could you please tell me the name of this paint?) You heard his voice, the deep Canarian accent that made you smile, you turned around smiling and saw him.
Pedro was standing in front of you, with a smile on his handsome face, he was dressed in a suit, a view you don't get to see many times and that you loved it.
"What are you doing, amor?"
"Couldn't stand being far from you" You smiled
"You're whipped, young man"
"I'm in love, which is different" He corrected "I hate it when one of us has to leave and I love when we're together" You smiled "Besides, I'm injured and staring at Fer's ugly face isn't the same as staring at your pretty one" You blush giggling "Te ves hermosa por cierto" He said
"Thank you, you look pretty handsome too" You stared at each other for a few seconds, smiling you shook your head "Which paint did you said?"
"Anyone you want, I said that to grab your attention to be honest" You both chuckle as you grab his hand guiding him to your favorite paint
You told him everything you loved on the paint, the type of painting and like you were doing before, explaining every little detail of it.
"You can buy this?" You nod
"You can"
"And would you like this one in our house?" You smiled at him
"It would look great, yes. You don't need to tho" You shook your head "These are really expensive and I don't want you to-" He cut you off by kissing your lips lovingly. You smiled into the kiss letting yourself fall into his charm
"Y/N?" You heard your profesora's voice
"Miss Julia" You smiled lightly "Mhm... This is my boyfriend, Pedro González" You introduced him as she smiled "Pepi, amor, she's my profesora Julia Andrade" They nod before shaking hands lightly
"Surprise seeing you here, Y/N told me she would come alone"
"Yes, she did, but I missed her a lot and I also wanted to be here for her since it's such a big thing for her and hopefully her career"
"That's really nice" She cooded a bit "Fan of art?"
"Not that much to be honest"
"Opposites attracts"
"A lot" Pedri said making you chuckle
"Feeling proud of her? She's doing an amazing job like always" Pedro nodded
"One hundred percent, she's amazing, smart and passionated, I knew she would smash this"
"I still don't know that"
"No, he's right. The judges are blown away by you, Y/N. They're talking about wanting you in Madrid and Barcelona for the two biggest arts museum's in each. I'm extremely happy and proud of you, my dear" You laughed in disbelief
"Really?" She nods
"I would let you get away with it as a celebration gift but I think that may be up for later, you're being requested for one of the judges to talk about your experience here" And with that she left you two alone
You turned to Pedri who was already looking at you
"Éxitos preciosa" He said kissing your lips "I'll be here cheering you on, te quiero"
"Que te como la cara, te quiero" You smiled kissing him repeatedly
"Let's save that for later, go and do your thing"
"You won't leave?"
"¿Pa' dónde me iría? My place is with you. You're my everything" He kissed you once more "Venga, va. Go, smash, end with your night with a golden brooch and let's go to the hotel so we can have your celebration" You smiled nodding leaning up to kiss him once more
"You're definitely my person, amor"
"Well, I know that already" You both laughed "but you're also mine"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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onthewaytosomewhere · 1 month
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so i've not done one of these yet this month so i'll start us off at the halfway point of the month with a wed wip
Thanks so much to everyone who's still tagged even tho i've not been posting as much i luv'd seeing what you did 💚💚💚
speaking of posting tho i did post 2 fics on monday - an alex/shaan fic - in the kitchen, at kensington, with those threadbare pajama pants & my firstprince Olympics engagement fic bringing home silver - if ur interested 💚
so for this weeks words we're gonna pull from the fic that i call pip had alex first - bcuz that's pretty much exactly what it is - so have a lil pip/alex moment below the cut - it's not smut but smut adjacent and some tags
OPEN TAG FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS AS WELL (or that i may have forgot or run out of tags for - it's like 1:30 so very much likely i forget someone on here lolz)
“What can I make you? I’m pretty good at this. My sister and Nora, let me make them drinks when we all hang out.” Philip wants to say they can skip the drinks and take the cupcakes to the bed but instead says, “I’ll have whatever you’re making. I’ve never met an alcohol I didn’t like.” They sit on the couch and sip the whiskey sours Alex mixed for them. Alex tells Philip how he was assigned this conference because the Administration felt they needed a presence, and everyone else was busy. He commiserates as he is also not the one supposed to be here. It was supposed to be Henry, but he was needed at an event with Bea. Alex is a surprisingly great company, and the more they drink, the less Philip actually cares about getting his hand on his cock, even if it also makes him want more. They break out the cupcakes, and watching a tipsy Alex devour and try to fit the whole thing in his mouth gives Philip thoughts about what else he could fit into his mouth. There is frosting on his cheek, seeping out from the corner of his mouth, and Philip reaches over to wipe it off. His thumb sits next to his mouth, and Alex turns his head and sucks it into his mouth. Philip’s breath stutters on the inhale, and he holds it for a moment before pushing it out. “Alex?” “Yeah,” comes out on the breath Alex also seemed to be holding. Philip takes their drinks and sets them on the table in front of them; when he turns to Alex, his eyes are somehow both blown wide in confusion and lust-filled.
tag ur it! @adreamareads @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @catdadacd @caterpills
@cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @emmalostinwonderland
@england-would-fall @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @firstsprinces @getmehighonmagic
@henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inell @inexplicablymine
@jmagnabo92 @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@myheartalivewrites @ninzied @orchidscript @piratefalls @porcelainmortal
@priincebutt @softboynick @sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow
@suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes @taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @cactusdragon517
@theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper @thighzp @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex
@typicalopposite @stratocumulusperlucidus @basil-bird @eusuntgratie
@bigassbowlingballhead @captainjunglegym
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careful-wish · 7 months
I know that Eddie had to die bc plot reasons yada yada
But they could have done that in season 5. We had so many deaths deaths in 4 (tho Max did end up living). The stakes are higher in season 5 and having a beloved character die halfway through would have had such an emotional impact
But also Eddie and Argyle not being included in season 5 with the other older kids feel like a joke, especially Argyle.
Nancy is the only one of the older teens (now young adults) to have a real close friendship with someone (Barb). Could probably argue Eddie too bc of Gareth, Jeff, and that other guy in Hellfire but they're younger than him so Idk how long they've been friends or how close they actually are.
In s4, though it's through super unlikely circumstances, Eddie does develop friendships with Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Probably, he already has had some interaction with Robin and Jonathan in the past due to the fact all three were considered weirdos or freaks (Jonathan was The School Freak(tm)) but he had no interaction with Jonathan this season.
Jonathan after being apart from Nancy for a few months then meets Argyle and they become pretty close mates, weed aside. Jonathan finally has someone he can talk to and open up to, and you can tell Argyle genuinely does care for Jonathan and is a LITERAL ride-or-die for him.
Why, WHY did they take Eddie and Argyle away? Yeah, we get the monster-hunting trio back in s5 along with Robin and Vickie in the group, but why'd they take Argyle away? He is also wanted by the government and knows everything. We're just going back to Jonathan having no friends, Nancy really having to confront what happened to Barb, and only Steve having a best mate? Why does Steve get to keep his best friend and Jonathan doesn't?
Also, the group would have been a little bigger than the Party but the dynamics and just absolute chaos would have been amazing.
Steve realising he is absolutely outnumbered by nerds and that he is not the leader, that role goes to Nancy and her babygurl Jonathan.
Vickie being introduced in a group that has several very loud ppl (Steve, Argyle, Robin), joins them immediately and Jonathan goes insane bc the four chatter like kookaburras at three am.
Nancy insisting they need to be discreet and Argyle explaining that while yeah, having an all black van would be cool but bad guys have those too and they would blend in better with a pizza van bc "Who would question the pizza man, Wheeler?"
Eddie secretly having tons of respect for Jonathan and nearly falls over himself trying to make up for the fact he tried to push another guy at Jonathan's girlfriend. Also develops similar respect for Nancy and feels guilty after seeing how happy Nancy is with Jonathan, and also realising it was never his, Robin, Steve, or anyone else's decision what Nancy does or who she wants to be with, it's all her.
Vickie learning about everything but still not knowing the kids very well and fellow newcomer Argyle is like "Idk about the others but Little Byers and Wheelie-boy are good, and of course our amazing super-powered little friend"
Steve discreetly being a terrible wingman for Robin without accidentally outing her. She comes out to Nancy first, then Argyle on accident after they have a weed sesh ("You're good, Batman's sidekick, boobies are great"), and of course ends up with Vickie.
Mike being the one of the Party Vickie ends up bonding with the most, mainly so they can make fun of Steve together but also other reasons
Anyway, we were robbed of these seven chaos nerds being a group together.
And if Eddie were to die halfway through, the turmoil. Dies similar to s4, Dustin is there, but it not only affects Dustin and Hellfire, but the other six he'd started becoming close with.
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gumdropmodels · 3 months
I've seen a couple questions related to your YouTube, and I happen to have my own:
When you do eventually upload a new video to your channel, do you plan to continue uploading to that channel?
Will you ever remaster some of your old videos?
What kind of content do you plan to do once you finally reach your goal, and...
This one isn't out of concern, but curiosity: Do you plan on losing the weight sometime after you made your goal? Maybe start over from the beginning again?
I really admire your dedication to gaining. It's impressive how much you've grown over the past 3 years, and I can't help but praise it. You're an influence to those who struggle with body image, at least to me. You've helped me accept my body for what it is. I truly can't thank you enough. Your positivity and cheerfulness (at least on camera) always brighten my day. I wish you the best, Gummy.
Yes, I do plan to continue~
Maybe a couple. I haven't gone back and watched any of my old videos myself cause I will cringe. lol
I have no particular plans in mind. My content has always been spontaneous to my everyday! Das how da ADHD brain rolls~
FUCK. NO. I haven't put HUNDREDS of dollars and YEARS into forcing myself to eat myself sick to fight my borderline-anorexia just to lose it all and do it over again. I personally hated doing it the first time! But it's what you have to do to get fat - ya gotta eat. Once I reach my goal size, I am NOT going back nor doing that again. Once is more than enough for my lifetime.
Thank you hun~ Tho I wouldn't call it a dedication to "gaining" per-say. As my last answer stated, I do not actually enjoy eating myself sick that much. It's just what I have to do to get to my goal size. I'd say I'm dedicated to being chubby/fat! And doing what I must to get there.
I probably would have enjoyed it more if it didn't take nearly as long to gain as it does for me due to my metabolism and above-average height. If I was short with a slow one, and it only took me like a year or two to get to my goal size, I would have enjoyed it. But we're at over 4 years now and I'm only halfway done. So, I'm very much ready for this to be over with now so I can be fat and happy in peace. lol
Hope you're having a great day too, hun. Thanks for the ask~
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alicelufenia · 6 months
It really bums me how the Durge breakup dialogue getting removed seems to have divided the Minthara fandom, at least here (I remain blissfully unaware of how it is on twitter tho I imagine it can't NOT be a dumpster fire there)
Especially disappointed at all the conclusions being jumped to that it was a reaction to fan backlash bc... What? Where to even begin with that
I know we're used to a haphazard pattern of updates with Minthara, but the idea that they would add a whole dialogue scene with no announcement in the same patches where they announce tweaks to kissing animation well, that's just silly
It's not even the strangest bug that was introduced to her dialogue this patch
Those who disbelieve it could have been a bug you're free to think that but, past record plus knowing how baffling every bug looks like to a non-dev leaves me thinking that no, it's actually totally believable that snippets of dialogue from cut content could not only be in the game fully voiced and mocapped but also accidentally enabled in a patch of (from the outside) completely unrelated lines. Game dev is smoke and mirrors with code and it will never not make sense what breaks and why
No matter what your opinion on the dialogue, nothing points to it being an intentional update:
If it was intended to be a no takebacksies breakup well, it literally wasn't.
If it was meant as a lover's spat (my and many other's preferred outcome), it lacked follow up to give that teeth outside our headcanons.
If it seems odd that she praises Bhaal one second but says Bhaal rewards devotion with death the next, again it needed follow up that doesn't exist, at least not in game files (and let's be honest, most people don't even know about her desire to worship Bhaal cause it's totally missable even as a Durge, heck most don't even know she hates Lolth cause she was abandoned by Her, she didn't leave Lolth's service for the Absolute by choice).
I can't emphasize enough that it wasn't even announced in the patch notes, which is not the pattern they've shown when it comes to intentional updates of character content.
Added dialogue being recorded and acted DOES NOT mean it was recorded and acted RECENTLY. Hearing the actors talk about their recording experience makes that much clear, the vast majority of dialogue is recorded off a spreadsheet of critical to less important lines, over the course of the development of the game, and the mocap too was done as needed throughout. I guarantee you the Halsin Ultimatum was recorded and acted pre-release, along with any number of unseen lines that were cut for time, or lack of development, or course corrections in directing. I'm pretty sure Emma Gregory talked in an interview about her favorite romance in game being Karlach's even though Minthara's romance was broken in game at the time. The vast majority of the post-release updates to the game have been on the coding side of things, not actor or writer contributions.
Obligatory disclaimers: No it wasn't out of character, but as implemented in game it kinda was. Having NO reaction is also out of character imo. I'd rather they release an update to her writing when it was finished than halfway like this was. I'd Vastly prefer they fix her bugs over adding new dialogue anyway. No this doesn't mean I can't be upset for a lack of content because they removed dialogue that wasn't intended to be published in the state it was in.
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poke-bon · 2 months
Hello! I'm doing a rewatch of Supernatural! I started this halfway through season 9 and it's the first time I've done this. I've seen the first 6 seasons multiple times over the 18ish years but never caught up so I'm doing that now and having a wonderful show. I would honestly watch these two idiots do anything! Hope you enjoy the ramblings!
- deans boys home episode fucking had me crying. John Winchester I will fight you
- Kevin and Miss Tran is the most tragic story in this show to date.
- Kevin: just be nice to each to each other, yeah? Sam: yeah, promise. *Walks away*
- we're going to need snorkels, we'll be swimming in so much p-
- Not Moose.....hah
- Crowley's Winchester Intervention. This show is a comedy
- oh no, deans on the hooch again
- Shirley McLain??
- Gabriel!!! I knew they'd bring him back somehow
- wait that's not Gabriel is it
- why is he sacrificing himself again when he wants to be the king of heaven? Why is he pushing Castiel? Why is everyone pushing Cass?
- There it is....
- How fucking deep has Metatron gone??!!
- lmao Metatron burdening Cass with the knowledge of Fandom
- for a person who loves vampires, I really find the vampire eps in Supernatural so fking boring. I don't know what it is.
- look at me, bitch - I know between this and stabbing #thinman it's heralding Dean turning dark(er) but why was that kinda.....????
- Sammy sit down babe, you have no blood
- Taylor Swift reference last ep and now this ep, please let it end there
- I could go into detail but I'm not going to - is something I'm going to adapt into my life
- I love it when the boys aren't the main stars of the episode, it's so much fun
- David and Ennis buddy show when?
- I've always wanted to see more day-to-day monster life, this is cool. Real urban fantasy hours.
- I do feel like I'm watching a soap opera episode tho. What's gonna happen with the monster mob??
- oof seeya Abaddon
- I am a big fan of Crowley and I am an even bigger fan of seeing Crowley struggle with humanity
- did Dean just wake Sam up like George McFly?
- Dean claiming his fine about the blade.... Winchesters be honest with each other challenge
- Agent Spears and Aguilera LOL
- Metatron thankyou for gracing us with Castiel pop culture references
- Metatron with all due respect - you suck
- Castiel's Angels HQ
- I honestly love Castiel the Angel after he's experienced humanity too. Its so interesting.
- I didn't really get Samstiel before this season but now I do. I like the private moments between Sam and Cass, it's like they understand each other on a level they don't see elsewhere.
- jesus christ Metatron is such a slug (no hate to slugs)
- "a nerd trying to be one of the popular kids" NAILED IT
- ooof, Winchester toxic masculinity. They are doing alot of work on themselves but it still shines through every now and again
- Tessa Tessa??!!!
- Tessa!!!!
- oh no, she's in the cult
- I truly was hoping that Metatron would lose the bowling game. Suck shit loser.
- I'm very pop culture savvy now - AND I LOVE IT
- Dean Winchester does not like rules....I am concerned
- Indiana Jones trials bitch!!!!!!!
- this is a dictatorship - jesus Dean, did the spirit of you father just fly out of your mouth or did you mean to say that?
- ooof gadreel came in peace. not hot anymore, just gross. Dean get help.
- good lord, these boys will just throw themselves at anything that solves a short term problem forgetting down the track it will ALWAYS come back to haunt them
- is this Cain and Abel thing going to be prophetic of things to come I wonder
- I hate Metatron so much. Flame. Flames! Flames....down the side of my face. Breathing. Breathless. Heavy breaths.
- Sam is going to be so pissed when he wakes up
- okay, Metatron is cooking with the god doesn't care spiel...like I get it but there had to be another way bro
- Use the force Dean
- oh shit
- wake up buddy 😭😭😭😭
- Just a hunch, considering there's going to be 6 more seasons...I think he'll be right
- what did they do to my boy??!
End of season!! Hope you enjoyed. Will probably do this again.
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February 21, 2024
Yesterday we went to the city for training and I hated it! Lots of meetings and information and when we asked follow up questions we got confusing answers SO. Takeaways from that is we had all been so excited to go into the city for the flushing toilets and electricity, and by the end of the day we couldn't wait to go home (the iced coffee was worth it tho). But this morning Sam came over to my house and we practiced our Spanish for an hour before classes because we are taking this so seriously. Then I had Spanish class with Olivia, jonas, Jessie, and Meghan for 3 hours and I feel really good in this level Spanish class but after three hours my brain was mush. Then after lunch we had sector specific meetings with our conservation teams and we got a whole lot of information about what our first three months at our site are going to look like in terms of work. So takeaways are that my brain is still mush. Then AFTER classes things get really good, we walked around, I bought a duro (popsicle), then Audrey and Ahmet we're hosting a circuit workout. The host dad that Audrey and Ahmet have showed us a hike to the top of a pretty big hill to look down at the community, but by the time we got to the top it was pouring and we couldn't see much but it felt so good. It was the first time I've had goosebumps from being cold here and i loved it. Also this morning I got to do laundry the first time and that really made my day, you shoulda see the color of the water once I was done. Day in Los Mortales are definitely better than days in the city. Can't believe week 2 of training is more than halfway over 🙃🙃 gonna be scary to leave all these guys in mid April. This post is kinda a mess, pero estoy cansada.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I’ve been away from tumblr for a while, did you always have a gf?!
Re the EO of it all, the reason ppl catastrophize, include me, at every little thing, is because there is little to no movement. When C first came back I was like relax, things are moving along, then they abruptly stopped giving us anything, no EO no movement, no progress for 3 seasons now. I’m tired. Only saving grace is that I don’t really watch OC, and I’m enjoying SVU this season.
LMAO no not always, we've been together a few months 🤣
So the thing is I understand why people catastrophize, I said in my post I'd been doing it myself, for some of the reasons you mentioned. I never said that people shouldn't express disappointment or concern (I expressed my own frustration in that post several times) and I never like. Passed a judgment on anyone for responding in any kind of way. I was asked my opinion and I gave it. I think everybody knows why we and others are frustrated by this, I think there's been plenty of posts on that topic. I don't want you to think you have to defend your position, when in part I agree with it.
The thing is, if all I ever thought about was how the show isn't doing what I want then all the joy I derive from it would be gone, and I would simply stop watching. Life is too short for me to actually be hurt by a TV show. If I genuinely only felt resentment I would stop. But I haven't, bc I don't feel that way.
what I am doing, all the time, is evaluating what we have been given, what we can reasonably expect, what I can do with what we have been given, and whether at the end of the day it still makes me happy. This is work I am doing for me; other people will do things their own way and it's not up to me to tell them what to think or get upset when we're not in lockstep.
When I am asked about my perspective my answer is going to be based on those four questions above. This a network copaganda series that has never done deep dives into relationships and in fact even for the men Olivia was actually sleeping with only ever gave us brief, periodic glimpses into what was going on at home. The franchise prides itself on not doing a lot of relationship work. Whatever we might want, however compelling a story they may have on their hands with EO, they aren't ever going to center EO. Not bc they hate it (tho perhaps some of tptb do) but bc that simply isn't the kind of show this is. It's a hot dog cart, they're not selling pad thai. When all they have to offer us is a hot dog, well. What else did we expect?
Yes they have the means to do more, but to what extent? Mariska and Chris are already on set for their own shows 16 hours a day, when are they supposed to stop work on their individual shows (which the writers/producers of each show have to prioritize their own show over EO, bc EO is not a show, eo is a concept that is connective between two shows but eo doesn't get renewed, the shows do, and so the shows, individually, have to be good on their own merits) and go to a different set? Esp when they're still filming episodes just like 3-4 out from airing? That schedule is TIGHT. Plus oc has had like three showrunners this season and they aren't even halfway thru filming. They barely know what story they're telling over there and it's unclear whether what we have now is the result of current leadership or the last fingerprints of someone who's already gone. I'm not happy with it, and I've expressed my unhappiness with it, but I'm not gonna like. Just keep repeating how disappointing it is.
The echo chamber of negativity hurts me. I know that some people find comfort in hearing people voice their concerns and discussing that together, but to constantly be soaking in that environment clouds my judgment. It pulls me away from my own thoughts and perspective, it stifles my creativity, and it makes me feel bad, when if I only step outside that discourse and evaluate things for myself, I'm actually pretty happy with where we're at.
So again, when I am asked my opinion, I am not going to contribute to a cycle that hurts me. I am going to be honest about my perspective, and offer some encouragement - and, again, not tell others what to feel.
Y'all feel any kind of way you feel. Everybody has a different outlook and it's important for us to hear a range of voices. But this here is my house, and I will not contribute to distressing others as these conversations sometimes distress me. I'm not going to amplify bitterness. I will not foster it in my own heart and I will not do so to others. I genuinely believe we are in a good place, EO wise. I know it is not what we hoped for, but as we have discussed, many times, what we hoped for was not ever really in the cards. We can't be angry the hot dog cart couldn't sell us a gourmet meal. In fact, if we want a gourmet meal, we frankly should not have come to the hot dog cart at all.
Part of what makes EO so compelling is all the space the show leaves for the audience to draw their own conclusions. If the show was slightly better made or all those holes had been filled in, what would there be for fandom to do? A vibrant fandom full of creative ideas and cool fic and long meta needs a source media that is just a little bit bad, and leaves some of those doors open for interpretation. So I'm glad they're a little bad. That gives me room to work.
That was. Way too long, and not at all what you asked, but I'm still drinking my coffee lmao
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rawliverandgoronspice · 7 months
for the ask game: 5, 25, 26
Heyy thank you so much!!!
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
So I have never... not applied a tag, I think? I mean, if we're going to be completely transparent: I have once written a story that involves a lot of really icky themes and situations, but that are not in any way meant to be titilating. So I guess in these kind of contexts, I don't tag all of the sexual content the way other fics tend to do, because I don't want to attract the "wrong" kind of audience (aka people who expected a... certain type of experience and who would end up with a very depressing one instead). The tagging system in Ao3 can be really great and helpful in some cases, and kind of a headscratcher in others. RIght now I'm also facing the complicated case of: one of the biggest tags of one of my upcoming fic is a MASSIVE spoiler, but it would attract a lot more people if I did put it in from the get-go!! And I don't know what to do about it.
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
Hmmm. I have done both. I think both have advantages and inconveniences.
If you write as you go, you have the ongoing momentum. You can use the comments to fuel your motivation to continue, and you stay in the flow of things in a far more effective way. It's also better when you want to get stuff out without long-term commitment to the idea, which is a fine thing to do honestly. But, on the other hand, you lack full control over the experience, and you have to let go of the quality threshold you can reasonably aspire to reach. And if, like me, you just *do not* write linearly, you can end up with a very patchy draft where you have chapter 3 ready to go, but chapter 4 isn't. Chapter 5 to 7 is tho!! but then you have nothing, except for a couple of scenes and then the last one. And now you have to trudge through Chapter 4 to release the rest of it even though you'd much rather write something else, which could affect the quality of Chapter 4, which could have been much better if only I had waited for the "natural time" for me to come back to it. I think Descant suffered from this a couple of times, for example (but that's honestly an extremely Me problem)
On the other hand!! Writing everything at once allows you for a degree of control you just cannot have otherwise. I have done this several times, the most notable being the actual seven years I took writing Halfway Home, my Mass Effect fanfiction. When I reread it today (when I manage to push myself to do it, we'll come back to that), I just cannot deny how polished it is on a line level, and how I would have hurt the story if I had, as I originally planned to, released it one chapter at a time. Doing this allowed me to refine my craft and understand my story in a way I would have never ever accessed otherwise, and I have become a much better writer for it. But the cost of that was also quite great. I think there is such a thing as overworking your project, and I did cross over that limit while working on Halfway Home; some chapters have lost the flow and the easiness and spark of their first draft counterparts and became instead construction projects, where the goal was sturdiness rather than emotion, and I'm pretty sure you can feel that burnout in the finished product in places. Another thing is also: when you have worked on a project for that long and when that project ate such a huge part of your life, you can tell yourself that you don't care about reception, but there's a degree of that sentiment that has to become a lie. It's impossible not to feel a sense of grief once you see seven years of your life packaged and released and getting lost in the natural release flow of Ao3. Not to mention the risk (turned into a reality in my case) that the fandom will straight up die and interest will completely wane by the time you actually do put that project out.
Of course, this is a very extreme case, but I think my current stance on things is: trying to aim for a mixture of both? I feel confident enough in my writing toolbox that I know I can afford to lose some of that final quality and polish if it means not hurting myself creatively in the long run, only to gain an additional 5-10% of quality most people would not have noticed. So I'm kind of a 60% writing ahead of time / 40% writing as I go kind of person. My next project will not be fully completed when I begin to release it, but I will only do that when I'm confident its bones are sturdy enough to support its own weight to survive on its own out there, in the Big Wild Ao3.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
Oooo the big bad question. Hmm. I think my opinion is kind of weird a little less scientific than I would like, but I believe that every character has an internal emotion and/or yearning that makes them tick and gives them energy in whichever original canon context we find them in. I don't have to agree with every author about what that original energy/yearning is, but if the case made is compelling enough and this energy is carried over in other contexts, I am willing to accept most behaviors if the internal argumentation makes sense to this sort of original point from which every canon and fanon branch spread out. I think people lose me when their take become disconnected of that original appearance and begins to ride the wave of Popular Fanon, by which I mean: fanon archetypes that are not specific to the media we are talking about, but just general idea such as "brooding guy who secretely cares a lot", "very jealous love interest", "huge protective teddy bear"... I realize a lot of this has to do with allowing characters to have interiority, honestly. A lot of what I believe to be OoC trends have to do with a complete disinterest in some characters' internal lives to serve a fantasy crammed into a mold that doesn't necesserily fit, and without the work being done to make it fit or to make the necessary adjustments to make it specific to the characters involved. I think it's also why I'm not super big on general tropes or AUs in most fandoms --not because all of them are bad or even do this at all, some play with conventions and specificity very very well, or that the practice is worthless, who am I to decide that honestly (and it's not), but because the very appeal of them tends to be flattening characters in very indistinct shapes that can be easily swapped and replaced with each other, and this is not why I, personally, tend to be interested in fanfiction as a medium.
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Want an idea of the beginning dynamic? Aitey lol
(Early af group chat stuff lol, Kristy still getting used to things…Max just drags her into one and then Sharky after a while lmao)
Kristy: Look, i'm fucking terrified of him okay???
Kristy: How in the hell are you not??? Did you see what happened earlier??? With that fish??? And you're still so set on him being harmless??? THAT WAS HORRIFYING TO WATCH HONESTLY…
Max: Lmao, i never said sharky couldnt be intimidating or scary or anything, he hella fucking can if he reallt wants to
Max: thing is that last bit tho, "wants to" would be your key phrase lol. Sharkys chill as fuck 99% of the time…Also he's a giant puss and would coward the fuck out of doing any of thay shit your so scared of. He memes but hed never get over it mentally if he actually hurt somebody like that lmao
Max: he harmlesssssssss uwu, you juwt don't wanna fuckin listen again
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has been added to the group chat. Welcome!!)
Sharky: Yo
Sharky: ….Oh we're on this shavinksta again? Ok.
Kristy: MAX, WHAT THE FUCJ???????
Max: lol, needa get over it, i ain't lettin ya worm out of friendship that easy
Max: Sharky, tell krista something fuckin cool, legit, like whatever
Kristy: God fucking damnit Max!!!!!!! AND IT'S KRISTY
Sharky: Erghhhhhh, hmmmm…
Sharky:(sends a picture of packaged gel pens)I got some new glitter gel pens, can't wait to use these bad boys on some art.
Sharky:(texts picture of a blue rock)Also got this cool aquamarine rock earlier too. It's my birthstone so that's pretty neat. (March, if you were wondering)
Sharky:(sends bunny gifs and stickers)Also bunnies.🐰Bunnies are cool.🐇 You like bunnies Kristy? Pretty sure everybody does… Kristy: anxiety overwhelming, can't do this, fuck…
(Kristy - Has left the chat)
Sharky: ……..Oh, ok.
Max: Man, don't feel bad, just gotta keep trying…
Sharky: I shouldn't fucking have to keep trying to get some basic fucking respect but whatever…
Sharky: Never mind, fucking hell…Gonna draw, maybe rest. Dunno, just…I need to calm down, fucking hell…
Sharky: Fucking hate myself more and more every damn day…And I never actually fucking do anything to earn that…I haven't ever hurt anybody but everyone fucking hurts me…Sick and tired of it…
Max: Dude, fuck, cmon!!!
Sharky: Nah, i can't like…Handle this right now, i need to lay down, really upset now…Just want alone time…
Sharky: I know you want to fix it and i appreciate it Max but you can't fix everything, you can't. You just can't…And some people are always going to fucking hate me for what i am and i can't change that either…
Sharky: Ffs…So fucking done…
Max: Plz, just wait a minute!!!
Sharky: Anyway, laters, peace…
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has left the group chat)
Max: like fuckin hell i wont at least try to fix everything
Max: ……..This ain't over and i ain't deletin shit…Ima keep dragging both of you together until you get along on basic terms, this is fuckin ridiculous as fuck ------------- Yeah, so this is more a starting point lol Kristy at first is ABSOLUTELY PETRIFIED of Sharky...And for all the usual reasons... At first Sharky tries to explain and befriend her and whatnot but Kristy is so scared and distrusting of everyone (Probably because she got...yknow, kidnapped and dragged halfway across the world or something, idk lol) She doesn't trust him at all and is constantly thinking the worst of him... So thusssssssssss Sharky starts getting more bitter and pissy and angry towards her because...Well, fuck it. He's tired of being nice to somebody that's constantly throwing shit at him...Which, i do not blame him. (Sharky does have his limits as does...Everyone...) And Max is just like...The awkward middle man that's trying to fix shit because Sharky's his best friend/brother and Kristy's like his new bestie and "wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we're a team now so you two dumbasses are gonna have to get along to some capacity!!!!" And Max isn't wrong there with the last point either lol... Kristy warms up more to Sharky as she gets more comfortable being in the Campsite and being forced around Sharky and whatnot...It just takes time...And Sharky isn't going to reject somebody who wants to change their mind on him (because he's had to do that a ton of times in his life and...He always wants that circle of close people to get bigger so...) Yeah, yknow lol Also Max is bad at remembering people's names (with Kristy tho, cuz she's being urhhh so bitchy towards the Campsite people who had absolutely nothing to do with her kidnapping and everything, he starts saying the wrong names on purpose cuz it pisses her off lol, that's a beginning joke...) And also also, in case you're wondering: Sharky ate a fish alive in front of em, that's what Kristy was going off about in the beginning bit lol...
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kronehaze · 2 years
You know what's funny about the proposed Adrien ending his friendship with Chloé plot that the Bible leaked? It not only is apparent that this is just one more petty fuck you to Chloé fans (and yes I am aware of what she has done in canon, but should I acknowledge it? Astruc has already done that for me lol) but it makes Adrien and to a lesser extent Marinette look so much worse instead. Also this entirety goes against the message of how improving one's self starys with... well self. Adrien has been handheld since day one.
Honestly I'm just sad that chloe disappeared sometime before the season 3 finale, its a shame considering I actually liked her chatacter. I hope she's enjoying her Brazil vacation tho
Seriously- I know a lot of people like to say "Oh chloe shouldn't have been redeemed in the first place" as if the gripe is "Why is this villain not redeemed?" Not "Why did they abandon this redemption arc halfway and then stopm all over the character the audience had formed an attachment to?" There was an attempt to redeem chloe and make her a hero and they backed out of it and did a 180 with no good reason, that's not something you can deny.
And my favourite chatacter in totaly spies was Mandy. I would have still liked chloe if they never pushed her out of the bratty bully role.
Tho gotta love how chloe and lila, two 14 year old girls, are more evil than the super terrorist abusive father.
I can't say I agree with your assessment of the bible only making adrien and mari look worse cuz I think chloe has been a caricature trying to paint over stuff that was part of her redemption as "She was always evil guys I swear!" and not an actual character from the start of season 4.
Also while we're here and talking about the bible
Also adrien is a piece of reflective cardboard pretending to be a chatacter, if something isn't holding him he would just fall down lol
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iantimony · 2 years
tuesday again ?
i feel like im gonna have a lot of very boring short ones like this because i dont really get to. do fun things. right now because of grad school workload. so there's that. anyways here she is
listening: same locked tomb podcasts as last week, plus some TDH. (i am once again projecting blorbo of the week onto TDH albums - last time it was the untamed onto act v, now we're doing the locked tomb on act iv, my brain is a circle)
like im SORRY but that song is just john god gaius! "So, will I never know heaven or hell?/Or is eternity something worse?" is my body really part of the earth? and is there blood running through my veins? idk john you tell me!
reading: i lied and did finish rereading gideon the ninth in basically one sitting tuesday night last week, oopsie! however i did also read this songxuexiao fanfic, obsessed with the setting and the vibes of that one.
watching: none this week
playing: none this week
making: continuing to crochet my shawl! i was almost halfway done but then i frogged a bunch of rows because i noticed i skipped a stitch about six rows back. so. gotta re-make up that progress unforutnately
BONUS: what delights have I experienced?
walking around: did a LOT of walking this weekend - me + roommate + her boyfriend all went to her family's place outside of chicago for the weekend to belatedly celebrate all our birthdays! walked around geneva and batavia on saturday, i originally planned on using some birthday money on wardrobe additions but unfortunately nothing caught my eye, but i did get this very cute lamp pull from some woodworking grandpas
Tumblr media
then we did chicago on sunday, mainly linkin park zoo, which was so good... got to see some great creatures.
fellowship: pain. too much fellowship. an abundance of fellowship. spent the whole weekend with people which was fun but boy howdy do i need some alone time
deliciousness: paneer my beloved. roommate got indian food last night and bequeathed the leftovers upon me so that was lunch today. we hit the chicago oven pizza grinder on sunday and that was pretty good, roommate really hyped it up but it was ... fine ... i think i just can't get over how weird the concept of "pizza pot pie" is. the dough was really good tho. best meal of the weekend was probably sushi on friday night, the restaurant also had one of those robots and it was very cute
goofing: zoo is probably included in the goofing. certainly saw some very good goofy lil guys. meerkats are for sure goofy little guys. hearing their little toes going tippy tap on the stone was priceless.
transcendence: n/a
amelioration: n/a
coitus: im choosing to treat this one as an experience that made me go "wow this fucks" instead of literally fucking because otherwise it will be Blank Every Week.
enthrallment: still majorly hyperfocusing on the locked tomb ... brain empty no thoughts only lyctors
wildcard: n/a
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