kennak · 1 year
[B! security] 家庭向けルーター不正利用を受けた警視庁の注意喚起についてまとめてみた - piyolog
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okuman64 · 2 years
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realjamesg · 2 years
Rough Times Ahead for Tech Giant Meta
Meta is a name that most have heard or seen recently. The parent company of Meta, Facebook is even more recognizable. While the name of the social media app remains "Facebook", the name of the company is now called Meta. The news of the name change occured In October of 2021. Meta refers to the Metaverse that the company hopes to build over the next decade or so. Now you might be wondering, what is a Metaverse? The Metaverse is an idea that combines social media with virtual reality and augmented reality.
Recently Meta has released plans to cut the hiring of company engineers by 30%. This news came as a surprise to some considering the sheer size of the company and it's past hiring goals. CEO Mark Zuckerberg also had quite a lot to say to company employees. He stated, “Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here.” Mr. Zuckerberg also told employees they should prepare to do more work with fewer resources. This is most likely an attempt to cut down on spending.
These words from the Meta CEO reflect the hardships that the company has been going through. And they also show what they are expecting to encounter soon. Much of these hardships they encounter are because of the economic uncertainty in the world today. The New York Times explains another reason for the company's shift in attitude. They state, "Meta’s stock prices plunged after the company reported that Apple’s privacy features would cost it billions this year". Whatever the reason is behind these issues, Meta has showed back-to-back profit declines this year. This is the first time that has happened in over a decade for the company.
The world of the Metaverse and its use of virtual reality technology is definitely an interesting concept. Despite this, the recent performance of the company raises serious questions. Is this goal achievable? And will the future of virtual reality be as promising as its proponents believe? At the very least it shows how Meta may not be the number one virtual reality company in the future.
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Public Domain Imagery – Why There’s No Excuse for Crappy Photography in Your Work
People steal images online all the time. It’s easy, but if you’re trying to build a brand, website, marketing campaign or create art, it’s highly uncool. But, finding amazing images to use doesn’t have to be expensive. There are literally hundreds of millions of public domain and Creative Commons licensed images available online for free.
What is a public domain image? According to the Stanford Library, “The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it.” 
Copyright.gov defines public domain as a work that is: ". . .no longer under copyright protection or [one that] failed to meet the requirements for copyright protection. Works in the public domain may be used freely without the permission of the former copyright owner." You are also not required to provide attribution when using public domain images.
Creative Commons-licensed content is an alternative to public domain material that includes a vast number of resources. This article from the Harvard Law School Library outlines the difference between public domain and Creative Commons content. 
A quick Google search for public domain images brings a world of imagery to within a few clicks of your desktop. Even if you don’t have an immediate need for a particular photo, scrolling your way through the archives and libraries of public domain images is like going to a museum or at least as interesting as Pinterest or Facebook.
The Library of Congress is a great place to start your search. Here you can find historical National Park travel posters, portraits of celebrities like Billie Holiday and race car driver Bob Burman. Museums from the Smithsonian to the Cleveland Museum of Art to the Chicago Art Institute now offer public domain image libraries.
Looking for something more contemporary? Checkout Wikimedia Commons which includes some 27 million images and other types of digital content or Unsplash, a site developed and managed by creatives that features contemporary, easily searchable images.
An excellent list of public domain sites and descriptors to help you figure out which sites best fit your needs can be found at teaching.ellenmueller.com and on 99designs.
Here’s to fresh, engaging and creative use of public domain material for us all.
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meh-webdesign · 2 years
Looking at the PlayStation 4 controller
PlayStation is a gaming system and company that has been around since 1995, standing as one of the pillars of the gaming community. Hosting many games of every genre such as final fantasy, Spyro, and silent hill. Many of these games have come out with sequels and even third games. As their games evolved PlayStation came out with two more systems to keep up with better graphics and controls. However the actual physical controllers had not changed much at all. The same X, O, triangle, and square with a joystick on the other side of the controller with four triggers covering the shoulders.
This all changed on 2013 November 15th, with A brand new console the PS4, and more importantly the new dual shock controller. gone were the boxy, hollow, and generally poorly made controllers of the PS1-PS3. Now we had sleek black shiny controllers smooth and contoured to fit in hand. That got me thinking about what made this controller so different and how they designed it in such a way that it completely raised the bar for what a controller should be.
So I decided to look at the PS4 controller's design documents there to see what set these controllers apart. Not being able to get specifics because PS trying to save their top-secret designs I did some digging to try to uncover what's going on inside a PlayStation controller. The first thing I see when people compare them online is the ps4 controller first stand-out feature in the dead center of the controller is a touchpad similar to some drawing tablets this allows the player to draw, scroll, and much more in-game. Another little creature's comfort "It also has an RGB LED light in it." The light that is preset to blue out of the box, tells you when your controller is low on battery, takes damage in a game, and shows a little personality.
all of these things make the dual shock 4 controllers the best in my opinion. The redesign was much needed and well-executed. The new features were all things fans wanted to see and it is amazing to see a big company keep the customer in mind while they make a new product. So when you think about gaming on a new console or while your waiting to buy a ps5 consider buying a ps4 and feel the game-changing feel of a dual shock 4 controller
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blendermedia · 2 years
Ask What? How? Why?
Ask What? How? Why?
Why are these three words important in digital media?
The process of creating a media, of any type, is creating it for an audience. It is important to know the audience. When you know the audience, you will deliver powerful media products. That bring us to how to get to know the audience. Getting to know the specifics of your audience starts with three words.
You have a product that is ready to launch, and you need to market it to your target audience. What is the intended purpose for the product? When you know what your product is, it is easier to identify who your product targets. Target audience, as defined by Niel Patel, “is a share of consumers that a business directs is trying to reach with their advertising efforts.” He also simplifies it, “your target audience is who you target with your marketing efforts.”  
What will your target audience do with your product? That is the real question. When your target audience interacts with your product, you need to get into their mindset. Start thinking like your audience, and it is easier to expect the “what’s” of your product.  Now is the time to think about what the target audience will do with your product. If you narrow down the audience, what would a particular audience member do with your product. Ask yourself what a specific subset of your audience does. Answer that and you will be able to enhance your product to that audience.
To understand your audience, you must ask how. To ask how, you must have personas. Again, your product is ready to launch. You need to know how your audience will react to your product. One way to answer that question is using personas. I hinted at it, with the “what” question. I started talking about narrowing down your audience to specific subsets. The only way to answer the “how” question, is to have audience members in mind.
How would a single mother of two, use the product? Is that subset a relevant audience member for your product?  When you create a persona based on your target audience, you can use the persona to ask “how”. Example questions could be, how does he react to using the product? What is her attitude when using the product? Understanding the effects on the audience is an aspect of growing and improving. If the audience member has a negative experience, how can you turn it positive? If the audience member has a positive experience, how can you use it for others?
The last question, “why”, is about what motivates your audience to your product. You could ask, why is Sue motivated to use this product? Is there something about this person that draws her in versus someone else? You can ask why for any subset of your audience. One audience member’s motivation could be different from another’s.  Getting to know your audience on an individual level allows you to appeal to a larger audience. You can develop your product based on how you perceive they will react.
As you develop your product, keep the audience in mind. When you make different iterations think about the audience. Remember to think about the audience as a whole and the individual member. Creating personas is a great way to always keep and grow your target audience. For more information on creating personas visit, How to Create a Buyer Persona.
Are you starting a new project and need an audience to target? Do you already have a product and a large audience base? If you answered yes to either of those questions, how well do you know your audience or target audience? It’s never too late to get to know your audience.  Ask What? How? Why? I would also suggest creating personas as you continue to find and target your audience.
Patel, Neil. "How to Find Your Target Audience." NeilPatel (blog). accessed July 5, 2022. https://neilpatel.com/blog/target-audience/.
Newberry, Christina and LePage, Evan. "How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 9 Easy Steps." Hootsuite (blog). October 10, 2021. accessed July 5, 2022. https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-create-a-social-media-marketing-plan/#Step_2_Learn_everything_you_can_about_your_audience.
McLachlan, Stacey. "How to Create a Buyer Persona." Hootsuite (blog). November 9, 2021. accessed July 5, 2022. https://blog.hootsuite.com/buyer-persona/.
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mrtjslade · 2 years
The Top 3 Reasons Twitch is the Best Platform for Gamers
Twitch is home all to all types of gamers. Mobile, PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and many other gamers flock to Twitch to be entertained. Twitch is disgustingly popular. Viewers can use the platform to explore a variety of gamers. These gamers include gamers who play competitive ranked matches. Some gamers just hangout while attempting goofy feats and getting viewers involved. Some gamers stay up for 24 hours straight. Any game that is being played digitally is sure to be on Twitch.
User Friendly
The first reason why Twitch is the best place to be for gaming is because of it's user friendly interface. To find a game all it takes is a quick search in the search bar. Users can also sort each game by the current views which also users to see what is trending. After spending some time on Twitch, users can also start following users they enjoy. Users than come back to the platform and can easily find any user they followed. As well, after users have opted into notifications, a friendly reminder will be sent to any mobile device when their favorite streamer goes live.
Twitch is free. It is always free to watch. Users can watch games, events, contests and many other types of events all for free. Users can also interact with streamers in their chat, start up conversations with other users, and take advantage of all the features of the Twitch platform. Any user can enjoy the entertainment of Twitch. Even though there are benefits for subscribing to streamers with money a user can spend many years following a streamer while enjoying the content with no financial committment. It is a great place to support content creators but is definitely not required.
Community is the last reason why Twitch is the best platform for gamers. Users can participate, interact, chat and find a community in which they belong to. Within that community users can join other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Discord. Friendships can stem from interactions and users can support content creators in their journey on Twitch.
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sunrisetemperance · 3 years
Disney: Closing Stores and Pushing eCommerce
     Let’s face it, the retail climate has changed over the past 10 years with omni-channel ecommerce models and online exclusive businesses.  This led to restructuring and closures for many companies, especially physical locations.  Stores already on track for closure were simply accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, including The Disney Store.  
     New standards are emerging for how consumers want to interact with brands and Disney, among others, is responding.  There is a back-to-basics movement happening, combining digitalization and a post-pandemic mindset of simplifying the day to day.  This movement thrives on convenient and efficient online shopping along with the desire to have more holistic localized experiences.  People are looking to streamline necessary tasks through digital media and make every day local outings more enjoyable, post-able and authentic (like a vacation).  The focus is on appreciating who and what surrounds us and making the most of it.  
     Disney is moving away from brick-and-mortar retail,    in some regards, and offering digital experiences to     make up for it.
     Brands like The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) feel a need to optimize their digital and physical entities across the board.  The push is to trim down and integrate their branding across apps (Disney Parks Apps), ecommerce (shopDisney.com), social and digital media and in-person experiences.  
     In 2019, Disney “Shop-in-Shops” were introduced to select Target stores. Mini 750 sq ft Disney sections were implemented, stocked with merchandise previously exclusive to Disney Store and Disney Parks.  The rollout did not meet overly enthusiastic results; however, the company plans to push this model forward.
     This restructuring of the in-person guest experience is being compared to The Disney Store model.  By introducing specialized product placement where Disney merchandise is already sold, operational expenses will be reduced or eliminated altogether.  This includes leasing mall space and paying cast member (employee) wages.  In 2020 The Disney Store’s own home-base was eliminated or consolidated into operations taken over by the shopDisney ecommerce platform.
       Disney Stores/shopDisney also partnered with Instacart during the pandemic, in attempt to integrate more digital shopping options. Guests located nearby stores (that were able to open) could order their merchandise to be picked up and delivered by an Instacart shopper for a small fee.  This service was not overly utilized but offered extra convenience to a few.
       The stores that did reopen were often inundated with guests looking to shop and take advantage of sales on seasonal merchandise.  With capacity limits for retail locations, lines were a constant issue.  In attempt to relieve congestion, Disney experimented with the restaurant reservation app “OpenTable” to manage the line cue.  It worked to allow guests to receive a text notification of when to come back.  Ultimately, in-store service was more effective at keeping the line moving than the app.
    Overall, it seems that alternative shopping experiences don’t quite measure up to The Disney Store model.  The authenticity comes from the Disney cast members, who strive to create unique, magical interactions for each person.
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     The unfortunate reality is that most Disney Store North America and Europe stores may be closed by September 2021.  Rounds of store closures have been announced monthly, increasing each month, to be finished by September.  Disney is working to settle lease agreements and maintain good grounds with mall landlords. It is rumored that flagship stores, like Times Square and others, will be saved.  However, cast members at destination store Ala Moana, in Honolulu, HI were disappointed when their doors were closed July 12th, marking the end of 31 years in Hawaii.  They were among 15 other stores announced in June.
In the March 3rd (2021) Disney Parks, Experiences and Products division statement, the announcement was made of at least 60 store closures for 2021.
“Over the next year Disney will focus on providing a more seamless, personalized and franchise-focused ecommerce experience through its shopDisney platform which will be complemented by greater integration with Disney Parks apps and social media platforms. This will be coupled with an assortment of new and elevated merchandise from the Company’s full range of brands, including adult apparel collections and artist collaborations, trend-forward streetwear, premium home products and collectibles”
Stephanie Young, President of Consumer Products, Games and Publishing explained.
     The statement reads as though a few Disney Store outlet and lifestyle locations may remain by the ending round of closures in September 2021.  All mentions of Disney Stores across Disney’s platforms are kept brief.  This statement is followed by a description of the entities under DPEP division (Disney Parks, Experiences and Products) and a large disclaimer stating that future circumstances may dictate alternative decisions.  (In other words, as little explanation as possible).  
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  Caption: Many lifestyle stores were rebranded in late 2019 from Imagination Park stores – known for their blue “Pixie Path” curving through the store and walls of green murals of depicting local landmarks, complete with familiar Disney characters.  (Diamond Head pictured at Ala Moana, Honolulu, HI location, recently closed.)  
     Disney’s goal is optimization, but many have been against The Disney Store from the start.
     Jonathan Storey, Vice President of The Disney Store, North America, has always been a big proponent for the stores, one of few supporters among TWDC executives. It is difficult to find information on him or current Disney Store activities, other than the brief mentions, like the statement above.  It is likely he is as heartbroken as are the many cast members, who have served the company so well in its time.  The same can be said for thousands of loyal Disney fans, who are rousing, creating petitions and gathering signatures to plead with TWDC to stop store closures and reopen.  
     The closures fit with the common thread of 2021.  However, studies show brick-and-mortar retail is coming back from a brief decline, slightly above its projected position.  This is especially true in areas with “higher incomes and rapid job growth”, according to an article from Forbes.
     People still crave entertaining in-person experiences, combined with strong social media brand presence, especially Disney fans.  And that, likely, will never change.  To commemorate the possible end of the 34 magical years of The Disney Store, there will be high expectations for what is to come.  Hopefully The Walt Disney Company will live up to its legacy and rebrand some exciting new features in the coming years.  
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blogwithjas · 3 years
Dark Patterns & Guilt
I love shopping and the main way I shop, is online. Do you shop online? If you do then you've definitely run into those infamous pop-ups that offer you discounts. I used to be able to exit out of those guilt free, but sites have done a great job of reeling you in.
“I Love Saving Money”
A site that does a great job of getting its audience to give in is Fashion Nova. With guilt being their secret weapon. When you want to confirm the sign up, the button reads “I love saving money”. When you want to click out of the box, the button reads "I will pay full price". Having this dialog forces people reconsider opting out and guilts them into subscribing. This tactic although tricky in nature, does actually help increase user engagement. 
“Dan Zarella, a popular social media scientist concluded in one of his research that pop up increases the subscription rates by at least two times for a website when it was without a pop-up.”
I'm sure many of us can appreciate a good discount but don't always wish to sign-up. But, having to click on a button that says "I will pay full price", makes it feel like we're about to miss out on something good. Next time you're online shopping, look at the different dialog on the pop-up boxes. I'm sure at least one will win your subscription.
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wwaeckschool · 3 years
User Friendly Interfaces are Key
A user-friendly interface is key in web development today. Lead contributor, the global pandemic, has forced small companies to start selling their products online making it easier for the consumer to get their desire needs and wants, but not so easy on the merchant. It can put pressures on the company to create creative channels to their products in an efficient manner without pissing off the consumer and also making your bills on time.
By making an interface that is “user-friendly”, one needs to meet the standard of making it easy to use or understand. Therefore, merchants’ interface must be quick, effortless, well organized, and reliable. The key is for the consumer to find their desired products by a click of a button.
Well, or maybe three? There is a theory that interfaces will succeed if they follow the “three-click-rule”which is if a user cannot find what they’re looking for after three clicks, they’re more likely to get frustrated and leave the cite. For example, companies like Amazon, AirBnB, and Etsyall use user friendly interfaces while facing limited problems with customer satisfaction. Etsy, is an online marketplace where merchants may sell their products online globally. With their easy interface many small business owners were able to make ends meet during the global pandemic.
In conclusion, when creating an app it is important to take the time to put the steps in your app to make it user friendly for all demographics so that your company can thrive.
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travelin-nen · 3 years
Dark Patterns
Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things you didn’t mean to do. They are deceptive interactions like double negatives where you have to check a box to NOT receive something. Confirmshaming is the act of guilting the customer in to something. It is unethical and drawn from extensive behavioral research. A Roach Motel dark pattern is where it is easy to get in but hard to get back out.
Amazon uses confirmshaming. They say things like “no thanks I don’t want unlimited one day delivery”. They also use Roach motel. You can sign up for Amazon very easily but its very difficult and almost impossible to get out. 
The best thing you can do is start to educate yourself and learn to spot dark patterns in your online activity. The buttons to buy something are typically bright, large, and easy to find. Designers don’t want to hide that. The no thanks or opt out is typically in a color, size, or pattern that is not as noticeable. Watch out for signing up for things with free trials that ask for a credit card. They often make it difficult to cancel or bank on the idea that you will forget and before you know it, you have already starting paying for it. 
Designers often want to create a user friendly experience so you keep coming back to the website or app. They don’t want you to get frustrated and stop using it. Often you will see websites where you can sign in with google, apple, or facebook and it gets your right in. That’s easy and people want easy. Some sites with go through a lengthy process and then require you to sign up for a free trial. That free trial likely also wants your credit card number.
Like I said, educate yourself. We can all help put a stop to bad design and dark patterns when we are more aware.
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realjamesg · 2 years
How Digital Media has changed the way we communicate
With so many new devices and digitial platforms constantly coming out, sometimes it's hard to tell where our future lies when it comes to how we communicate with eachother. Whether those devices are the latest addition of iPhone or Samsung, or some new item on the horizon, one thing is certain, the way we communicate is changing and it's changing fast.
Back in the day people relied on newspapers, magazines, as well as television in order to get their information and entertainment, but that is no longer the case. Nowadays there are so many different platforms and outlets for people to consume their information and entertainment. Whether that's the newest podcast or the latest social media/news application.
All this begs the question, how will this change how we communicate going forward? Well the answer to that question is not that complicated, according to Carlow University, since 2011 mobile internet usage among the American people has grown over 504% when it comes to their media consumption on a daily basis.
Whether that is a good or bad thing is completely up to you, but one thing is certain, communication is now near instantaneous because of social media apps as well as new forms of instant messaging apps. All of which are forms of digital media. And nowadays digital media is seen as an essential part of most people's daily lives, and it's only going to become more essential.
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If There’s So Much Data Available, Why Isn’t The Online Experience Better?
According to Jacquelyn Bulao on techjury, “We created 2.5 quintillion data bytes daily in 2020. There are 18 zeros in quintillion.  Just FYI.” We now have gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes (just over 1,000 terabytes), exabytes (about 1,000 petabytes) and zettabytes (a little over 1,000 petabytes). 
In his article, How Much Data is There in the World? Bernard Marr states the ‘Global Datasphere’in 2018 contained approximately 18 zettabytes of created, captured and replicated data. Market intelligence company IDC predicts that by 2025, our global datasphere may be as large as 175 zettabytes. Let’s put that in perspective.
According to IDC’s paper ‘Data Age 2025’, it would take 1.8 billion YEARS to download 175 zettabytes with today’s average wifi connection.   
So, is there a thing a too much data?  How much is too much? 
For individuals trying to make decisions, there definitely is. A quick google search for ‘decision fatigue’ will lead you down a lovely rabbit hole of articles about what it is, how to manage it, and “The Paradox of Choice,” written by Barry Schwartz in 2004. You can watch his TED talk on the topic here. Need more proof? Try googling ‘Best Prime Day Deals,’ and then try and sort your way through the zillions of articles and affiliate links to actually find things that are relevant to you and then WHICH of those things you should actually spend money on. It’s likely you may just close the window in frustration because it’s not worth the brain damage.
Individuals clearly have limited band-width for decision making, but what about companies? 
Data has always been the holy grail. The more a company knows, the better able it is to reach its customers, design for its customers, convince its customers to buy products. But, do most companies (The giant tech firms aside) really have the ability to collect, manage and analyze so much data effectively? Do they have the budgets to analyze and then take advantage of all that data or is it leading to good old fashioned Analysis Paralysis?  
In an article for Forbes, Elik Eizenberg, co-founder of BigPanda says “Why, Yes, There Is Such A Thing As Too Much Data (And Why You Should Care)
Nikitha Lokareddy, agrees. Companies need to focus on quality over quantity to help their analysts avoid drowning in useless statics fishing for true actionable data.
What do you think?  
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How algorithms are changing the way we see the world
     This is a big topic, and one I find pretty interesting.
      Information algorithms which sort content have transformed how we communicate, and in doing so, have changed the way we see the world. Mass communication is facilitated by algorithms: on social platforms, like Facebook, it is algorithms that determine what content is heard, and by whom. It is due to this that institutions which rely on mass communication must conform the content they post to be more favorable to the content algorithms on the platforms they post on.
     For example, in the news media industry, journalistic practices have changed as the news has become increasingly distributed on social media platforms. The information algorithms on these platforms, in determining what content to prioritize, by extension determine what information about news events is prioritized. In this way, information algorithms are not just influencing what content we see; they are also influencing the structure of the content itself, and the practices of institutions—governments, media, and corporations—that rely on them.
      Algorithms’ transformation of the way society communicates has gone on to influence our personal perceptions of the world around us. It is common for an individual’s worldview to be informed by algorithms. The most prominent example of this is in the realm of the cultural-political discourse. Social media algorithms, which sort content based on its appeal to the user, have contributed to political polarization by consistently prioritizing content which validates and exaggerates one’s political beliefs. This has led to the creation of ‘echo chambers’ of homogeneous opinions and political information, which create a distorted view of reality.
     Long story short, institutions have come to rely on information algorithms to communicate, and in doing so, individuals have also come to rely on information algorithms to perceive the world.
     For anyone who happens to stumble across this post, I’m curious: do you feel that information algorithms have affected your life in any way? How do you feel about the potential that they may have done so?
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okuman64 · 5 years
みなさんは、加入電話の利用休止に期限があるのをご存知だろうか。 光電話や、au、yahooのIP電話を利用する場合、 加入電話を利用休止状態にすると思いますが、 期限がある事は、知っていたでしょうか。 http://web116.jp/shop/a_line/cancel.html 私は、ネットでこの事を知り、自分がいつから休止しているかわからないので、 116に電話してみました。親切に教えてくれました。 いつから休止で、私の場合、2015年が終了になるという事であった。 あぶなかった。 5年目はお知らせが来るみたいだが(忘れていた) 10年目は来ないみたいだ。 本日、延長したので、本日からまた10年 延長してもらった。特に光電話にした人は、その辺意識しておかないと しらない間に失効しているから要注意を。
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pomjpn · 7 years
うちは今だにこれなのだ。。。 : http://web116.jp/shop/hikari_r/rv_230ne/rv_230ne_00.html
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