kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
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I was gonna wait and hype it up a bit more but you know what, the thing is done, let's just fucking do it. Behold, chapter 1 of the thing. New updates will be posted weekly on Saturdays until complete
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riacte · 5 months
false venturing out from the hermit circle this time like o7 brave soldier she's not with anyone from hermit/traffic/empires circle... 🥺
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My friend is sleeping over, and he has lots of drug connections, and this motherfucker is getting me GHB. YA'LL It's gonna finally happen. I can drug myself :)
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ezlo-x · 1 year
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i have 19 technically 20 pgs done! I am barely halfway through working on the lineart. tbh tho I got a little tired and I realized that up next I gotta work on the more challenging pages so I am for sure taking a small break working on the comic and focus on other art stuff (especially since im going back to classes next week)
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sitelenco · 4 months
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"but what if Meta Knight manages to finally defeat Kirby during their next spar?"
today's theme i decided to go a lil over the top with my perspective on Meta Knight's backstory, explained by a dear fella from ma Pona, illustrated by another fella from ma Pona
in this explanation about Meta Knight's backstory, he's considered as the most feared man amongst the Star Warriors and the ancients.
this also connects with some headcanons of mine in the Kirby universe, in-which Planet Popstar has 4 neighbour-planets to keep contact and company.
this is all i have to explain about it, if you'd like to hear more about it or have some questions, feel free to ask o! 💛💛
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ashwii · 2 years
It just occurred to me that I’ve been sucked into the ROTTMNT fandom and I don’t know when or how it happened. Save me
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Pft, you ain't alone, we've all be sucked in XDD
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pinkfey · 7 months
health anxiety will have u convincing urself ur uterus is about to fall out
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 months
you ever just
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alligatorrat · 3 months
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
using a spreadsheet to organize my record collection….help
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roronoa-luffy · 1 year
one again thinking about how jjk couldve been really good...... alas
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mnsng · 2 years
" i miss twitter " - guy who has been here for 5 minutes
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mangomaking · 2 years
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operation catch/carry [FAILED]
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tastyflowers · 1 year
jfc my nervous system is really going through it this week
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
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(I did it in both color and in black and white)
Wonder what happened?
Inspo from the song “Brutus” so. Weeeeee
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Human Buddy taking care of shrunken bots with Brainstorm, Nautica, and Perceptor
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
It was his fault that he became this tiny. He had been fiddling around with his latest creation when he had this little accident. Good thing Buddy and Nautica were in the lab when he turned tiny.
“Brainstorm? Brainstorm!”--Buddy
“Right here!”--Brainstorm
“Oh, my stars! You’re so tiny!”--Nautica
“I know right!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm is now roughly the size of a barbie doll. He is ready to discover his world from a new perspective. Granted he didn’t know he would end up being smaller than Buddy, but that’s beside the point.
Perceptor walks in as Brainstorm is trying out his out his altmode in the lab, with a frantic Buddy running across the desk trying to catch him and Nautica trying to get him in the air.
“Brainstorm stop flying so fast!”--Nautica
“Nautica get your wrench ready. If you need to hit him, then do it!”--Buddy
“… Do I want to know what happened here?”--Perceptor
Brainstorm is lucky that Perceptor’s morals are in the right place.
At first Brainstorm tries to stay in the lab and help out but Perceptor and Nautica were quick to shut that idea down.
“You are in no position to be helping anyone Brainstorm.”--Nautica
“Well, how else are you two going to fix this? You need my help!”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm as smart as you are, in your current state you’re as useful as Buddy in a fist fight with Megatron. No offense Buddy.”--Perceptor
“None taken… but just for the recorded I could totally beat him.”--Buddy
“It’s nice to dream isn’t it.”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm I could literally punt you across the room.”--Buddy
Buddy is now given the job of looking after Brainstorm for the time being. Yeah, Buddy is now a glorified botsitter.
“Let’s head to my habsuite while the others are fixing this whole situation.”--Buddy
“Boring. How about we go to Swerve’s instead. I heard that there was going to be a dance today.”--Brainstorm
“… So, you want to go to an enclosed room of your gigantic companions in your Barbie doll sized body and ‘dance’?”--Buddy
“Well, when you say it like that…”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm also realizes that traveling across the Lost Light in his current size was tiring. First, he tried his jet mode, but after a few minutes he had gotten tired. So, he decided to try just walking. He took one step and Buddy looked like they had sprinted to the other end of the hall.
Buddy taking pity offer to carry him. Brainstorm trying to salvage some of his dignity declined the help… which took him a couple of seconds to ask quietly if the offer was still on the table.
“I can carry you to the room if you want. I know that the walks can get a bit tiring the first time around.”--Buddy
“Oh, no thank you I’m fine just walking here.”--Brainstorm
“Okay then.”--Buddy
Brainstorm sees Buddy walk miles in each step.
“…Maybe I should retract my previous statement.”--Brainstorm
“Come here.”--Buddy
“Wow! Not too fast! Wait is this how you feel every time we pick you up?!”--Brainstorm
“Welcome to my world.”—Buddy
Buddy picks him up with both hands and continues walking to their room.
Brainstorm despite the how he felt being picked up, he wants to try multiple positions of sitting/ standing on Buddy. In the name of science, of course. His two personal choices were shoulder perching and being on top of their head.
“Now I know why you like being up here! It’s fun here!”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm… your pinching my ears with your pedes.”--Buddy
“Oops! Sorry.”—Brainstorm
After a couple more minutes they finally arrive at the habsuite.
Entering the room, Brainstorm jumps off from Buddy’s and flies around the room before nose diving on their bed.
While Buddy was recovering from their near heart attack Brainstorm is now in love with their pillow.
“These are so fluffy! And that one is firmer than this one. And these ones smell much better than this one. Why do you have so many pillows anyways Buddy? OH! This one looks--”--Brainstorm
Buddy in the meantime was huddling in the corner, hand to their chest trying to calm their little heart.
Buddy soon gets a call from Perceptor. He said that the machine wouldn’t be ready to use until the next day. Buddy thanked him for letting them know and hung up.
“Guess we are having a sleepover then.”--Buddy
“Is it going to be like the ones on the holofilms Swerve and Rewind have?”--Brianstorm
“Kind of?”--Buddy
“Then let’s get this Slumber party started! But first we need some color to this room, it’s almost depressing in here. No offense.”--Brainstorm
As Buddy is getting ready for bed Brainstorm is noting all his findings in a data pad Buddy had in their room. He had taken the liberty to investigate some of the drawers in Buddy’s desk and look for any interesting things.
Brainstorm looking at Buddy’s shimmer body spray.
“What are you?”--Brainstorm
Buddy coming out of the bathroom after hearing a little scream.
“What Happened!?!?”--Buddy
Brainstorm wiping his optics covered in glittery body spray.
“I gave it a pat and it spat at—Oh my is this glitter!?”--Brainstorm
“… Its only one night… Its only one night…”--Buddy
When it was time for Buddy to go to bed Brainstorm flew over and laid down on the pillow. He gets attached to some of the fluffier pillows on Buddy’s bed. Buddy gave him a part of the blanket in case the draft came in the room. He doesn’t know what he loves more, the fluffy blanket or the pillow.
“All right Storm. Good night.”--Buddy
“Aww, it’s too early to be sleeping. This isn’t in the movies.”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm its 3 in the morning and we have watched an entire season of Bill Nye the Science guy. We are going to sleep.”—Buddy
Buddy found out the hard way that Brainstorm is a very active sleeper. How did they find out? Brainstorm had gotten some joints knotted into Buddy’s hair. After getting ready the two set off to the lab to get Brainstorm back to his normal size.
When Brainstorm returned to his normal size, he kind of mourns his little body. He did like being held by his friend and having that improv sleepover with Buddy.
He is now looking forward to sleepovers with Buddy if he can convince them to do it again.
He misses the pillows.
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She was messing around with Brainstorm’s machine. To be fair though, he asked to see if she could spot any problem. But apparently Nautica had activated the machine the same way Brainstorm had last time.
Poof! Tiny Nautica.
It takes a bit to get Brainstorms attention about her current situation. Once Brainstorm does see Nautica he comms in Buddy and Perceptor.
“Brainstorm! Brainstorm!”--Nautica
“Thank goodness I got your attention. We—”--Nautica
“You’re so tiny!”--Nautica
“Yes, Brainstorm I know that—”--Nautica
“Can you still transform into a tiny sub?”--Brainstorm
“Okay! Okay! I already commed in Percy and Buddy.”--Brainstorm
“Well at least this time we can just get the machine now and use it right now.”--Nautica
“Actually, Perceptor and I are going to need some time to fix the machine to return you to your normal height.”--Brainstorm
“Why? Didn’t we fix it last time?”--Nautica
“Yes, but that was for my height. We would need to adjust it for your height. Even the slightest miscalculations can rip you to shreds.”—Brainstorm
“Why would it do that?!”--Nautica
“I don’t know!”--Brainstorm
“You invented it!”--Nautica
“…Percy what did I walk into?”--Buddy
“My next problem.”--Percy
Perceptor looks like he is about to hit someone, and Buddy is already preparing themselves for the next round of botsitting.
Once outside Nautica tries to walk alongside Buddy but is quick to realize that she isn’t going to last the trip. When Buddy offers to give her a lift, she is ready to accept.
“Hey, I can carry you the rest of the way if you want.”--Buddy
“Yes please. I’d very much appreciate—OH MY STARS!”--Nautica
“Sorry Nautica.”--Buddy
“Don’t apologize. It’s just… I am sorry for picking you so suddenly. I am very sorry.”—Nautica
Nautica likes being cradled the most. But she is also fond of sitting on Buddy’s shoulder. She loves seeing things from Buddy’s level and gains some new respect for Buddy getting around the ship with their now longer legs.
Reaching the habsuite Nautica respectfully stands and watches everything in the room. Everything is so new, and she wants to explore every cervices of the place. But decides to calm down on the exploration part, she was a guest in their room after all.
“This is amazing!”--Nautica
“It’s not every day you get to go into a humans room and see their things in such detail!”--Nautica
“Huh. I guess it is then.”--Buddy
“Though maybe some new paint might be needed, it looks a bit depressing.”--Nautica
“…I’m sensing a trend…”--Buddy
Nautica loves Buddy’s mattress and little diffuser in their room. She loves smelling the lavender scent and seeing the little purple light it blinks every now again.
She offers to sleep on the nightstand for the night, but Buddy isn’t having that.
“I don’t want to intrude.”--Nautica
“You’re not intruding anything Nautica. Come on there’s plenty of space on the mattress.”--Buddy
“I don’t know…”--Nautica
“You said that you wanted to see things in a human room, right? What better way to immerse in the experience than sleeping in a bed in an actual sleepover.”--Buddy
“… I guess it would be a once in a lifetime experience.”--Nautica
“I have a purple pillow set near the diffuser.”--Buddy
“Move over please.”--Nautica
In the morning, Nautica is on buddy’s stomach cuddling the fabric of their side. Buddy also finds out that Nautica snores a bit, but it’s a soft snore.
When Nautica gets to her normal size again, she starts setting up a little sleepover between her and Buddy. And if Velocity can come by then she is welcomed.
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Perceptor wants to maim Brainstorm now. Well part of it was his fault. Perceptor was trying to put the machine away for good when he activated the machine.
Poof! Tiny Percy!
He s yelling for Nautica or Brainstorm to come in.
“Nautica! Brainstorm! Come here quick!”--Perceptor
“What is it Perceptor—OH Primus!”--Nautica
“Nautica what’s wrong with—HAHAHAHAHA!”--Brainstorm
“Quit laughing this is serious!”--Perceptor
“It was only a matter of time before the machine got you to Percy! Tiny Perceptor.”--Brainstorm
“When I am back to my normal size, I will shoot your knee joints.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm laughs a bit while Nautica picks him up gently and comms in Buddy. Once they are done with the call, Buddy is seriously wondering if this is going to be a regular occurrence, maybe start charging money if it keeps up.
Perceptor does not want to leave the lab. Buddy has to grab him to get out of the lab while Nautica and Brainstorm put the machine away and work on getting preceptor big again.
“Perceptor let go of the wall!”--Buddy
“I. Am. Not. Leaving.”--Perceptor
“I thought you were the one with the most brain cells Percy. Quit whining its only for a night.”--Buddy
“Brainstorm if you mess up my tools--”-- Perceptor
“Too late Percy.”--Brainstorm
He is a bit pouty getting out of the lab but like his friends before gets interested in how the world looks for Buddy. He honestly prefers to walk… but sitting on their shoulder is the next best thing. It was an unspoken thing with Buddy now to pick up the bots after a few feet from the lab.
When they arrive at the habsuite, He makes mental note on fixing some of the machinery in Buddy’s room and electrical units.
“Your lamps are flickering.”--Perceptor
“Yeah, been meaning to fix it but it’s not a priority right now.”--Buddy
“… The paint on the walls looks a bit dull—”--Perceptor
“There’s the comment on the wall color.”--Buddy
He takes some interest in the little sound device on Buddy’s nightstand. He takes an interest in some of the soothing noises.
He has already heard the slumber party stories from Brainstorm and Nautica and is ready. He waits for Buddy to get ready before asking about the sleeping arrangements.
“You’re sleeping on the bed.”--Buddy
“Guessed it from the others, left or right side?”--Perceptor
“Take your pick.”—Buddy
He is determined not to bother Buddy in their sleep and takes on a small part of the bed for himself. In the morning, he is slightly cradling Buddy arm. He tries to apologize but Buddy isn’t taking it.
“Again, my apology for last night. I shouldn’t have done that.”--Perceptor
“Percy really its fine.”--Buddy
“Are you sure?”--Perceptor
“You didn’t knot any joints in my hair so we’re good.”—Buddy
Once Preceptor gets big, he is dead set on destroying the machine.
Buddy later that night found a new lamp, a fluffy blanket and new oils for their diffusor.
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