pearl-blue-musings · 9 months
...overdue kith? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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Have you been okay???? Is everything alright???
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rough day...
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koffeenoe · 12 days
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
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Me: I don’t think I’m gonna do ship stuff
Also me: Okay but hear me out-
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yourdarlingsquid · 10 months
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WIP I built this with my friends! The struggles of shaping were hard to overcome and most of the houses not included are still in progress or need to be redone! (Eddies Post office Franks house still need more work done! So thats why they seem unfinished when they’re mostly done!)
I still have yet to add the little items gardens and such, no clue if this has been done yet but if it has? I wouldn’t know! So, whoops! 😅 it’s been so much fun with all the little designs! I have yet to post the interior because most of them have yet to be done! if you wanna perhaps help, or give suggestions, just comment them!
(Edit) Goodness golly gosh, 133 notes?! Thats alot for me! Thank you so much!.. wait a minute 273? Wow I just don’t know what to say!
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Update update! Sally’s house is (somewhat) done!
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anotherlittlemuppet · 3 months
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Just had the realization about this
I have a theory!!! We see only FRANK and EDDIE are the ones realizing everything happening in Welcome Home and then we see FRANK with one of EDDIE’S letters! In the staff only we see the same Frank drawing but Wally or Home possessing Wally write ‘Who are you?’ Underneath!! I had to stop drawing to process this but maybe Eddie and Frank are telling each other stuff they see??? We see at the end of the commercial video that FRANK notices that EDDIE is panicking about Home while sitting where the heart of Home is heard, he is realizing what Home’s motives are now alongside Frank and I CANT WAIT for the next update 🤯
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mugwot · 1 year
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my daily dose of the blorbos
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finns-tword-blog · 1 year
Ok we need a part two for Wally's heart tummy where Eddie is just destroying him with just little pokes and scratches at his tummy heart
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sorry!! i didn't feel like coloring raaghgh
this is a continuation from this post here (my first piece of content on here actually!)
- this is a SFW tickle blog, so no funny business in the notes -
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bloomynmoon · 3 months
Bro must be on something cause he’s hearing things
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I just think Eddie should have a mullet and receding hair line and mullet I dunno. Also he has undiagnosed asthma sorry I don't make the rules.
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girlbossnezuko · 6 months
Stobin Mandalorian AU part 1
(aka s3 stobin accidentally acquire a magic baby)
[part 2] [part 3]
It’s Robin that first hears the baby crying. She insists it’s coming from the vents on her right side — Steve’s left — but the concussion’s left everything kind of soupy so it takes him a few minutes to pick it out from the ever-present hum of the gate-laser and the rush of blood through his own ears. Once he notices it though, it’s hard to stop.
It’s a sad, lonely sort of crying that makes his heart ache. Robin makes a dubious sort of noise when he mentions this and insists that it’s probably just hungry — which Steve has to admit is likely, none of the Russians they’ve met so far can really be described as ‘nurturing’ — but something in his gut tells him that’s not it.
He doesn’t get the chance to say anything before the Russians come back with the doctor, and then they have a whole new set of problems to worry about.
The mysterious blue goop makes everything a million times soupier and having pliers around his fingernail is not great, but then Dustin and Erica are there and everything’s great again. Super great, even.
“Can you two hurry up?” Dustin hisses, pulling Steve upright when he starts to list to the side.
It’s a little difficult to navigate when your head is soup and your bones are blue and goopy and you’re bleeding from at least three places you weren’t bleeding from this morning, and Steve makes a valiant attempt to tell Dustin this because it’s important information he needs to know. He starts, then stops because he can barely hear himself over the siren and honestly this is just like earlier when he was trying to hear the— oh right.
“Baby,” Steve says, and Robin whips her head around in slow motion to stare at the vent.
“Did you just call me a baby?” Dustin demands, shoving them into the hallway.
“Nooo, no, no,” Steve insists. He takes two steps in the direction Dustin is going, then checks to see where the vent leads. It’s going in the other direction. He turns around. “Baby. The baby. Gotta get the baby.”
“It’s hungry,” Robin says decisively, even though Steve’s almost positive that’s not the problem.
“I don’t know why these two idiots are so focused on it but I did hear a baby,” Erica says, and Dustin groans.
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“I didn’t think I was the only one around here with working ears,” she says scathingly. “Clearly I was wrong.”
Steve and Robin are already halfway down the hall. Robin stops, cocking her head like a bird, and gasps.
“I hear it! This way!”
She books it around a corner, and she might be only going half as fast as she usually does but she’s still a lot faster than Steve. He stumbles after her, clutching at the weird tubes on the wall for support.
“Get back here!” Dustin hisses, tugging at Steve’s arm. “We have to go!”
“Steve!” Robin shouts at the top of her lungs. “I found the baby!”
Steve manages to drag both himself and Dustin around the corner and into a small room with a metal door. Clearly he needs to start making Dustin exercise because he should not be weaker than Steve is when his bones are soup. Dustin should have solid bones — he drinks a lot of milk, and it’s like, scientifically proven that milk makes your bones stronger. It’s that vitamin — or is it a mineral? Ca— Cancer? No, wrong one. Ca-something. Robin would know.
Anyway Dustin has strong bones so obviously it’s a muscle thing that’s the reason why his arms are really weak and Steve should make him play basketball about it.
Robin’s holding a baby.
“Put that down,” Dustin insists, letting go of Steve to gesture at Robin. She pouts and cuddles the baby closer.
It’s such a cute, perfect baby too. Steve stumbles closer so he can look at the perfect baby. It has soft wisps of brown hair and squishy pink cheeks, and when Robin smooths a thumb over those squishy baby cheeks it stops crying and opens its big brown eyes.
“Steve,” Robin says, staring at him with her own wide eyes, “it’s a girl baby.”
“She’s perfect,” Steve whispers, and he wants to hold her so so bad but he can’t even hold himself up right now and the only thing worse than not holding her is dropping her so he has to leave her with Robin even though it kind of makes him want to cry.
He’s always wanted a baby.
“Okay,” he turns back to Dustin, who’s looking very stressed. “Now we can go.”
“What do you mean ‘now we can go’?”
“We have the baby, let’s go!”
“We can’t just steal a baby!”
“Yes we can,” Robin says, and starts walking out the door. “See? We’re stealing her. Easy peasy.”
“Let’s go, nerd!” Erica says, shoving them all out of the room. “Cry about it later, we need to leave!”
Steve stops to grab a few baby things, though there isn’t much. A white blanket, a few cloth diapers, and a thick stack of folders — the last of which aren’t baby things, but he assumes they’ll be important anyway. The stitching on the corner of the blanket reads ‘Два’, the same as the label on her metal crib.
“Aba,” he mutters, following them to the weird red car. “Like the band?”
Well, it’s probably a beautiful name for a baby girl. In Russian.
[part 2]
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catliker49 · 6 months
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Hello! :o)
I am back again!! Our Winter Break has started, and I decided to mess around with my style! (again...) I have more time to Draw things! Yay!! I wish I spent more time on this rather than rushing to finish it, but Oh well! Here you go! A Snow Day! Yippee!!
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thinking about Eddie & hyacinths again
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Alright, so you were looking for a little creature with an abnormal color pattern in the hedges, but then the new mailman started looking for you and you have to decide if you're going to crawl out from behind a bush and let him think you're a creep or not.
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
I love Latter Pillar so much you don’t understand i adore him have have some headcanons for him
Daisey literally pulls Howdy BY THE ANTENNA and makes him give Latter a hug. They like Latter, he’s sweet. But him being dramatic sometimes gets on their nerves
Daisey and Lizzy do partake in the Latter teasing, but they usually shut it down if it gets to mean (Latter protection squad say what)
Latter and Eddie besties real, Latter reads his poetry in the post office and Eddie just listens while doing his mailman duties
Honey’s mean to him, but secretly like his poetry. He thinks it’s so bad it’s funny
He runs a poetry club, he’s made a few friends from it too :3
Lizzy loves her brother, she really does, but she cannot stand to hear his bad poetry. She send him ads for poetry lessons and he gets sad about it
Also randomly put in but I love those little bee kids (I don’t know their names :,) ) they look so cute I love them
Latter has 6 arms me thinks, idk if that’s confirmed lmao
I’m mentally I’ll and that update destroyed me so I’m focusing on Howdy’s dramatic, flamboyant brother :3
The Howdy's nephews (the cater-bee children <3) are Howdo and Youdo! I can't remember if its one "o" or two tho haha
But yes Latter is just,,, he's so,, Soo ajdhjssj <3 I love him and his silly dramatics and bad poetry
Forcing siblings to hug is hilarious! I should know as a Certified Annoying Sibling Who Likes Hugs >:3 so good Daisey lol Howdy needs to hug his brother
Lighthearted teasing is fun, and I think if Latter was genuinely friends with whomever he'd go along with it, maybe do improv poetry to tease them back dramatically pff
Yeah you think Howdy would be upset that his brother is friends with the mailman? Bc Latter and Eddie besties Is real and in your home <3 They could write each other letters when it's not the holidays and Latter send Eddie his poetry for approval bc Eddie is too nice to say it's bad <3 (cough Latter getting a crush on Eddie? whaaaatt cough)
Howdy secretly enjoying things feels on brand lol. but him enjoying it for the wrong reason (so bad it's funny) is hilarious
Sorry but my oc CJ would be apart of Latter's poetry club <3 They're friends now Speaking of the poetry club, I imagine they do slam poetry and Latter is really bad but trying his best lol
Not the Poetry Lesson ads 😭 sobbs why she gotta do him dirty like that sjdbsjdhj lmao
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specspectrum · 7 months
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i stopped playing pokemas years ago i came back just to get ryuki
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