#WHERES the fanart i swear i would rb!!
guideaus · 4 months
theres like no posts when i search hikaru no go on here, i hate tumblr's search function
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7, 8, and 11 from the thingy that you rb earlier
OG List
(I apologize in advance for the long answers, I just love answering stuff like that and I have a lot to say :] )
7. Your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
(I love them all the same, but it is slightly different for each, so I'm making a destinction)
Read: Honestly, kidnapping. I love characters getting kidnapped, and their loved ones worrying/rescuing them. This also includes more-or-less any type of 'going missing'-plot (incl. Char A just running away themselves). Just the feeling of "I have no idea where or how they are, and if they're even still alive", and then the relief when they meet again. Hmmm
Write: 'The world has been cruel and hard to you - therefore I won't be. I want to show you the beauty it has to offer, too <3' This is the best way I can describe it. Characters who've just had a rough time/life being unconditionally cared for and supported. Getting everything their heart has desired for so long. Short: Hurt/Comfort
Draw: While I have yet to draw this myself, actually (because humanoids are hard), any drawing of one character being hurt or scared, while another stands over them caringly and protectively - obviously willing to kick some ass if needed - has me go wild.
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I understand that some people find the market oversaturated by now - that's valid - but still: Redemption
I love redemption so much. I want the story to gently cup a character's face and say "You are broken, but not beyond repair. You can get better, and be happy, and be surrounded by people you love and that love you back." They don't even necessarily need trauma or have gone down a super dark path, I also enjoy: "Character is a massive jerk, and we follow them down the road of being less of a jerk". These are honestly the main reasons both the 'Good Uncle Sly' and 'Apple Cousins' AUs exist.
There are few exceptions I can think of, of villains I'm personally obsessed with, and have not made a version of, where they are redeemed. I look at Reginald Bushroot, and Camille Chameleon, and the Dark Curse - and while for some more than others - there will usually be something at the back of my mind asking: "What if you didn't have to? What if you found love? What if you got to live a quiet, gentle life? What if one day you realized you live in a reality you would never have imagined come true? In a good way? What if everyone could be okay?"
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11. If you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Fic: Family Discount
I was honestly surprised how many people liked that fic. Between 11 fics in total, this one definitely has some of my favourite comments (and it also has a surprsing amount of comments, I didn't expect that tbh). I was a little worried about posting a fanfic chapter-by-chapter, because the last time I tried that I basically (though not officially yet) stopped after one, because I can't write slice of life, it seems.
But so many people got emotionally invested in my writing, and I honestly didn't expect that? But even though I'm forced to take a semi-long break (for exam reasons), it is extremely motivating, and makes me feel that (as vague as it sounds), my stories do do something. How much joy the stuff you make can bring other people, is honestly so cool. Even if it's just a little fanart, or an ask, or a slightly-self-indulgent fanfic :)
I'm proud of having actually got this far, and also having written something me and other people love to read
I'm actually a little embarassed of this drawing, which I know sounds counter-intuitive to the prompt, but I swear, there is a reason it's here!
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This is my first, and currently only drawing of the Flim-Flam-Brothers
I had basically no idea what I was going to do with their designs, and I also only had 60min, with limited tools (because Colormari)
But the thing about this drawing, was that our prompt was basically just "New Years Resolutions". And mine was that I wanted to create more art, without getting bossed around by my inner sense of cringe. Because, while I have absolutely no problem with ranting and rambling and talking about my favourite characters all over the place; as soon as I want to put them into any form of art, my organs feel like they'll turn me inside out. It's the reason this blog has dozens of rambles about how much I love Darkwing Duck, and yet zero art of any of its characters (made by me).
But I made this - and kept it around - even though I knew the characters wouldn't look the best.
So this is the drawing I'm most proud of, because it actually exists :)
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danswaves · 6 years
pls help
i'm looking to find a piece of dan and phil fanart
it was based on the snipperclips video where phil said he had sworn a lot at this game in his spare time or smth
and then the second frame was of phil swearing like crazy and dan is looking at him v concerned lol
it was a cartoonish style (it could have been @incaseyouart but i'm not entirely sure eek), i swear i rb or liked it but i cannot find it ANYWHERE on my blog?! so any help would be grateful pls, i really wanna find it again!! 💘
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