#anyways i see there was a cdrama for it. interesting... not what im looking for tho
guideaus · 4 months
theres like no posts when i search hikaru no go on here, i hate tumblr's search function
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tavina-writes · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
thanks to @fortune-maiden for the tag! I'm chronically "oh no, people are perceiving me" but this should be interesting!
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
My hunch is that most of these will be Naruto fics because I have uhhh probably over 60 Naruto fics by now and that remains the fandom I'm most popular in by a long shot, so! We'll see what this turns up!
Most Hits: A Bolt of Silk: my beloved Uchiha Izuna/Original Female Character set in cdrama pastiche fic....I never knew why you became so popular or how you stayed that way, since I thought that like, maybe five people at best would read it, but I'm very fond of it as a fic! Probably my most perceived fic on AO3 to be honest.
Second Most Kudos: Prophet: this is a Naruto fandom style self insert reincarnation fic that looks at Self Inserts as an extended metaphor for immigration and what we leave behind when we do. The OFC is Hatake Sakumo's younger sister.
Third Most Comments: Three Lives, Three Worlds: Rebirth of the Spring: This is a surprise! But also RotS is a continuation fic of the small cdrama fandom of my heart (Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms) and it's always been (to my heart anyway) surprisingly popular.
Fourth Most Bookmarks: My Teeth in Your Heart: Oh! this one is also pretty fun! This is my Nedsei canon divergence arranged marriage fic for A Song of Ice and Fire that I wrote for AU Ex way back in 2021. I'm very fond of it!
Fifth Most Words: all this scarcity promotes: I subtracted Bloodless from this word count thing because technically Bloodless is like, 300k+ I just haven't finished editing and reposting it yet, so the actual fifth most words is scarcity clocking in at just over 60k. This is another Naruto fic, set this time in a Chinese Republican Era/20th century China mashed up with Naruto WCE setting, wherein again I go for characters nobody's heard of and nobody likes and give the mike to Senju Butsuma.
Fewest Words: Subtracting the things that aren't uh. well. fics. (I at one point made 21 word clouds and posted some podfic and art over the course of my AO3 stay) I have this drabble: Autumn's Girl which is about Cho Chang from Harry Potter.
These were not all Naruto fics which is a bit surprising but I feel like a significant enough portion of them are Naruto fics so as to not be thaaat surprising. What can I say lol, this has often been a Naruto fanblog on main in the past.
tagging: @saiditallbefore, @woobifiedvillain, @xslytherclawx-writes, @im-sublimey, @quill-q, @lazuliquetzal, @julyflamewrites, @cerusee, and anyone else who sees this who wants to play!
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neige-leblanche · 3 years
alright beloveds i think i might change my url soon; i still adore t/gcf especially many of the minor/supporting characters and dont plan to wholly stop reblogging it any time soon but if with the advent of the live action the fandom becomes anything like the m/dzs fandom did, theres probably going to be a ton less t/gcf stuff here and more of the same video game fandom reblogs that ive been doing
#txt#its been. really fun having this url ngl. i get that hes kind of a hated character but hes a personal one to me and it makes me happy see-#-ing it as my name on here#one time i commented something jokey on a post in a public tag and op replied LORD WATER MASTER??? it was great#anyway once the untamed came out,ppl started tagging their regular mdzs stuff with untamed tags,which i have blocked#so opening a post is like russian roulette just bc the op wanted some visibility#hence the decrease in reblogging about what used to be my absolute hugest interest#tmi area but luckily xl + hc arent as personal to me as lwj + wwx were; its mainly quanyin that i Dont wanna see actual people playing#ok yeah below is dumb shit read at ur own discretion/////////////#anyway yeah. i HATE the casting of lwj in the untamed. like hes way too pretty and i get that lwj is supposed to have refined beauty but hes#cool and strong as well#which is fine. idrc quite so much as the fact that x/iao zhan as wei ying was the PERFECT casting he looks just like him#i cant deny this fact; but wei ying was such an important character to me and they casted him so well that i feel like he doesnt belong-#-fully to me anymore but also to the drama team and actor#ive always been this way with books like i could never get fully into the harry potter fandom as a kid bc whenever i would look up stuff#online about the series,content of the movies would always be staring me in the face#but like yeah. theres no way they could cast qyz correctly at all. you just cant capture that esp not with modern day cdrama trends#ik a lot of my friends felt that way about xl + hc so i feel for them#and yy like. hes described so specifically but bc its a prettyboy drama theyre gonna make him hot when hes canonically not#anyway yeah im more worried for the tumblr experience nowadays bc i can block however many tags i want but some idiots are always gonna not#tag their shit#in conclusion if anyones reading this this is absolutely NOT pressure to agree with me; its all my own personal feelings#you can rb it as much as you want as long as its tagged i wont even feel disdainful; i promise its a Me Thing so please dont take this as an#-​attack if you plan on watching and liking it#but yeah i am. not gonna watch it and not gonna like what i see about it.#ive had a really good run with this url. im happy to have been a tgcf fan during the past couple years; ive made some wonderful memories and#-awesome mutuals#but yeah idk if im gonna be Tumblr User S/hi Wudu for much longer#mwah thank u guys for following me
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
Give me your romance drama recs / drama update
I’m in the mood for a romance drama but am kind of stumped on what I should watch, so PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR RECS!  It can be kdrama, jdrama, cdrama (just maybe not contemporary cdrama since those really aren’t my bag), whatever.  Or even a period English piece.  I’m watching Do You Like Brahms? and really enjoying that so I wouldn’t mind something similar.  Of course, I am also down for something more adult/steamy.  Dysfunction is fine but it needs to have a happy ending.  I guess I’m feeling kind of sappy.  The key is that I want to swoon/feel those butterflies.  
To kind of give you an idea of what I’ve watched/am watching:
Currently Watching
Do You Like Brahms? - LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Slice of life and sweet romance done right.  When Song Ah and Joon Young smile at each other, I smile along with them.  Adorable and sweet without being twee.  An undercurrent of melancholy without being morose/a kill joy.
My Beautiful Bride - I’m loving this and highly recommend it for anyone who likes thrills, action, and a HOT  male lead single-mindedly devoted to his otp, who will go to the ends of the earth to be with her.  He literally lives only to make his otp happy.  While his love for her is what drives the plot of the story, this isn’t necessarily a romance drama.  I mean, sure, I swoon and my heart flutters when I see him beat a group of gangsters to a bloody pulp with nothing but his fists and a key.  And trust me when I say my hormones rage like crazy whenever he’s onscreen.  But I’m looking for a more ordinary kind of love story to add to my roster of dramas.  My Beautiful Bride is like two straight shots of the strongest whiskey in a shady dive bar - it’s intense, exciting, and totally gets me amped up.  However, sometimes I need a break from the Johnnie Walker and slight sense of danger and want a nice, soothing, cup of warm tea instead. 
Cruel City/Heartless City - So I know I just said I needed to mellow out my current watch list but I just LOVE this drama.  It’s got a great otp but again, its main focus is not romance.  Although, it does have one of the hottest kiss scenes in recent years.  If you thought Jung Kyung Ho was nothing but a lanky, beta, weenie, this drama will totally change your mind.  Plus, this is a re-watch so I don’t have to pay attention to everything.
Flower of Evil - I fully expected to not like this drama before it started because of the terribly misleading promos.  The only reason I checked it out was because I liked Moon Chae Won and Lee Jun Ki.  And boy am I glad I did!  I love me a devoted otp who also stop to take the time to make out.  The way Ji Won saved Hyun Su by just being herself and loving him and the way Hyun Su devotes his entire life to taking care of Ji Won and being a good husband to her - *chef’s kiss*.  OH, also, Kim Ji Hoon’s glorious long hair.  
My Unfamiliar Family - I don’t usually watch family dramas, but this was a nice little surprise.  The romance was sweet.  The healing family trauma aspect was heartwarming and done very well.  Not overwrought at all.  Some of the red herrings/misleading endings threw me a loop but overall, I enjoyed how they resolved the misunderstandings and conflict.  The re-discovery of love between the parents was nice to watch.  Really easy and enjoyable watch with a great slowburn friends to lovers pairing.  I identified with the female lead a bit too much sometimes heh.  Fun fact: The actor playing the dad also played the king in The King and the Clown who was obsessed with Lee Jun Ki’s character.
When I Was the Most Beautiful / When I Was the Prettiest - This drama was so disappointing, it kind of upset me to be honest.  The first two episodes started off so promising.  My early 2000s dysfunctional jdrama with questionable teacher/student relationships loving ass thought I was finally getting a return to the good ol’ days (before anyone says anything, no, I do not condone teacher/student relationships in real life).  I mean, they had Ji Soo, the king of playing high school students with impossible one-sided crushes who you want to root for, playing a high school student with a one-sided crush on his art student-teacher.  We also had renowned hottie Ha Suk Jin playing his older brother and Im Soo Hyang playing the woman in between the two hot brothers.  It had all the makings of a wonderful throwback to the old school dramas. But instead, we got stuck with whatever the hell this drama is.  Anyway, disappointing!
The Merchant: Gaekju - I love Jang Hyuk.  I love sageuks.  I love Jang Hyuk in sageuks.  But this story just wasn’t working for me and there was not enough shirtless Jang Hyuk to keep my attention.
Kinda Watching On/Off
Me Too, Flower!  - An old drama that I randomly picked up because I wanted to watch something with Yoon Shi Yoon.  I am only watching this because of the Yoon Shi Yoon-Lee Ji Ah pairing because frankly, the rest of the drama kinda bores me.  Something I put on after work when I don’t want to be too involved/don’t need to concentrate too much.
Angry Mom - I started re-watching portions of this drama because of how pissed off I was about When I Was the Most Beautiful and the disappointment I felt when I foudn out Kim Hee Sun was playing Joo Won’s mom instead of lover in Alice (although from the looks of the posts in the tag, maybe she’s gonna be both? hahaha).  This is Ji Soo’s break out role and for good reason.  His crush on Kim Hee Sun’s undercover high school student mom is adorable and not creepy at all because (1) He doesn’t know she’s an ahjumma (a bit of suspension of disbelief is required for this drama because no matter how great KHS looks, high school student she is not); and (2) it’s completely one-sided and not reciprocated by KHS at all.  Sigh, I just want to watch KHS in a hot noona romance and Ji Soo in a good romance where (1) he gets the girl and (2) the plot is not completely asinine.
Stopped Watching but Really Need to Return to 
Ever Night S1 - Ok, I literally have less than 10 episodes left of this drama but for some reason I keep on putting it off.  I have a real problem finishing dramas I love.  Aside from the fact that I get easily distracted and hop from one drama to the next quite often, I think it’s also because I don’t want the drama to end.  I know there’s a second season, but it just doesn’t seem the same.  Anyway, I should just buck up and finish this drama already.
Novoland Eagle Flag - I took a break because the angst was just non-stop and I needed something a bit lighter. 
Six Flying Dragons - I binged like 10 episodes one day and took a break to give my poor eyes and brain a rest.  Then, in true me fashion, I got distracted by some other drama and now I can’t remember where I left off.
Mr. Sunshine - I love Lee Byung Hun as an actor and I am also a big fan of Byun Yo Han.  This is also the hottest Yoo Yeon Suk has ever looked to me.  But I kind of lost interest when it became apparent that all three male leads were going to be in love with the female lead.  I like the female lead just fine but it’s kind of annoying how everybody is in love with her.  I know this is a quality drama but honestly, I don’t think I will return to this unless I have nothing more interesting to watch. 
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
kdrama rec/review: bridal mask
Series: bridal mask / gaksital Episodes: 28 Genres: historical, action, drama, romance, tragedy, people screaming each others’ names in all capital letters 2006 anime style Spoilers in the Rec: im going to try to avoid them. im really, really going to try. but no guarantees If You Like, You’ll Like: zorro, robin hood, v for vendetta, chicago typewriter, vigilante shit, kate beaton comics on My Nemesis, mr sunshine, watching people become progressively unhinged, bad guys that become good guys, good guys that become bad guys, Parallel Narratives, cat and mouse games but they’re both cats, 2010 hair in a 1930s world, people in a room together internally thinking does he know that i know that he knows?
Rank: 9.5/10
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set during the japanese occupation of korea in the 1930s, bridal mask centers on lee kangto, an absolute shit weasel. like. good god, what an asshole. anyways.
kangto is a korean police officer who is employed by the japanese--meaning he’s essentially a rat/turncoat to his own people and supporting their colonization and abuse of power. it’s especially fucked up because kangto’s older brother was tortured so much by japanese police officers that he’s essentially lost his mind. people hate kangto. straight up hate him. 
as a lieutenant in the imperial police, kangto’s been working to catch members of the korean resistance movement, but left and right he’s been thwarted by...
THE BRIDAL MASK (gaksital in korean)
a mysterious figure who wears a mask resembling a korean bride’s traditional makeup. bridal mask is essentially zorro, fucking up shit left and right and generally making kangto lose his shit. he makes it his goal to be the one to apprehend and arrest this mysterious figure. seems straightforward, but as kangto’s search for the bridal mask continues, and the people around him are drawn into the hunt, it’s clear that shit’s not what it seems.
lee kangto/sato hiroshi/lee young
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a korean man who works for the japanese as a police officer. 0% approval rating from the koreans and maybe a 5% approval rating from the japanese. kangto’s initial goals for joining the police force were to help his family get out of poverty, but his morality’s been cha-cha sliding progressively darker the longer he works for the police force. he becomes obsessed with catching the bridal mask and everyone would like him to really quit being an asshole but he will not.
catch phrase is bingo! takes over the nightclub stage when he’s feeling swaggy. would shoot the love interest. shoots pretty much anyone wearing a mask, really, then yells about it
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oh mok dan / mild spoiler: esther / spoiler: boon yi
a patriotic korean woman associated with the independence army, mok dan commits acts of subterfuge and gathers intel against the japanese forces. her day job is a performer at a circus, where she lives and hides out from japanese officials whenever shit goes awry. when lee kangto sees her getting saved by bridal mask, he assumes she’s the bridal mask’s lover and therefore intends to use mok dan as The Bait. mild spoilers it turns out she was once childhood friends with lee kangto’s best friend, kimura shunji 
wears many amazing suits. has no problem with spitting or shooting. fears no boxes. can take a punch or 5. basically my dream girl it’s fine
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kimura shunji
a japanese man and kangto’s best friend. coming from a family of influential, imperialist asshole samurai cops, shunji is the black sheep as he works as a music teacher for korean children, and is generally against the corruption and abuse of power when he sees it. basically the only one kangto’s never a straight up asshole to, including his family. the two practice what appears to be kendo together (i know jack shit about martial arts), and shunji’s a capable fighter. my default is to assume shunji is everyone’s favorite character, because he is my favorite character :’D, but if not i think he’s definitely the most compelling in the series.
wears bowties when he wants to dress to impress. rides bicycles both happily and tragically. has a thing for a childhood friend who saved his nanny. will give you a ride home after you’ve been tortured. save this man from his family. 
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ueno rie/ra ra/ spoiler: chae hong joo
a korean woman from a rich family that was murdered by the independence army who later became a gisaeng. as a gisaeng, she crosses paths with a very important japanese man who later adopts her into his family. because the japanese police keep fucking up the apprehension of bridal mask, her adoptive father calls her to korea from japan in order to kill the vigilante
stealth fave?! will step all over you and makes grown men cry. hyper competent and hardcore. bridal mask’s best dressed (try again with the bow ties next year, shunji). men are weak
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the bridal mask GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the mysterious figure either ruining or making everyone’s day. dramatic horse escapes. dramatic rescues. generally just drama. symbolically destroys japanese flags/insignia a lot. GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mok damsari
mok dan’s father and a general in the independence army. v good at being rescued dramatically. knows how to make an exit and also bombs. dispenses life wisdom when he’s got free time in between rounds of being torture
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lee kang san
kang to’s older brother, who joined the independence army and was tortured by the japanese police to the extent that he’s now lost his mind/severely mentally ill. dude just needs a hug or 20 and to never chase after a car ever, ever again because it makes me sad.
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katsuyama jun
ueno rie’s bodyguard, which is amusing to me because she can clearly kill anyone she needs to, so it’s kind of like he’s a butler as well. stoic af, says maybe 20 lines in the entire series, but look, he’s cool
i dont like any of the japanese police officers because they’re dicks so they don’t get a feature :| 
the production value is something you gotta settle into LOL. there’s the cheesy martial arts sound effects, sometimes it skews a little narmy, but once you get used to it and once the show gets progressively darker (and how) you adjust and then don’t notice it
my main #1 beef: mok dan starts to disappear in the last fourth of the series. like she’s still there, but she’s doing bullshit like making soup and just sitting at a table with nothing to say. as a character that’s so important in the first half, it’s severely disappointing the route that her narrative takes toward the end/she does become something of a satellite character even though i still love her
there are main character deaths--more than one. some people would say the ending is bittersweet but to me i think it’s straight-up sad (which is fine with me/appropriate for the story, i just know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea)
there’s torture and for the most part it’s shown / it’s not off-camera
shit gets dark. the first handful of eps might lull one into thinking is something like zorro or robin hood, but there’s a lot of fuckery and death by the time you get to the end
Reasons to Watch
i mean, it’s fun! which is a messed up thing to say about a dark show, but there’s a lot of twists and the show’s an extended game of cat-and-mouse that’s a good time because the audience knows certain things but the main characters don’t. the drama of it all!
Now That’s What I Call Character Arcs. kang to + shunji’s respective character arcs are amazing and are referred to as the best part of the show for a reason. you’ll hate and love them both throughout the series and it’s great. shunji was my favorite
i love both the female leads a lot. they’re totally different in personality and the sides that they’re on, but they’re both compelling and they have their own troubles and goals to work through 
one of the main characters looks around the chaos happening and decides to just fucking leave all these people behind forever lmao i love it
acting is great! some people knock on mok dan’s actress but i thought she was perfectly fine for the character 
i’ll admit, i’m into characters who become progressively unhinged and the actor who plays the character who does is so so A+
there’s romance but gd does it get dark sometimes. this is a plus or a minus depending on who you are lol
Final Thoughts.
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