accio-victuuri · 2 months
all the cpn for wyb’s 27th birthday part two 🎉💕
oh hello there. we are now on part ii of this clowning session and i’m gonna just put this here because i think it speaks for itself. p1 is xz’s bday post from last year and p2 is bobo’s for this year. see the similarities? the composition of the shot, their silhouette and it’s like you can’t see anything for miles. they really have the same braincell. twin flames. i’m sure wyb must have much cooler shots of himself with all the places he’s been and what he’s done. why not him car racing? or photos from his time abroad? playing tennis? why this?
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and that emoji he used, it’s like yeah i’m cool and also joking with xz. look, my photo looks like yours from last year gege 😎
we don’t even have to try and reach that much, it’s literally in our face. it’s so szd!
now let’s look at the other much less obvious clues
the yibo-official short video. i was honestly expecting a photoset from them at 10 or 10:30 but i was wrong lol. i’m surprised they posted at 11:55, cause we are sensitive with 55. i have to say that it’s so cuteeee and i like the details that were magnified. also the probability of yibo spending his special day camping and enjoying himself is giving me so much joy! ^^
but who do we know also spent their bday last year camping? with his literal cake in a camping theme?
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i mean.. come on! why is it always them? 😂😂😂 there just too many coincidences. it has always been their thing but coming up as themes for this bday is next level.
what seems to be a snowy mountain at the back? 👀
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let’s add some more observations.
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the panther who seems to be singing and on a swing which is a nice addition! hahahahahaha! the panther is supposed to be cool but singing makes it more real. the cake with green and red and the body looks to be yellow? what a nice combination! the helmet inside the tent! that reminds us of when xz gifted wyb a helmet. and the photo of wei ruolai! it’s a common cpn that xz really likes the character of lai lai <3
EDIT: there are also 27 fallen leaves! 🍃 kinda like the 29 light bulbs in GG’s bday art before. this level of detail is something else!
lastly, i will talk about this tag. right now as of writing, it’s #3 on entertainment HS. which is really high considering we are competing with hundred flowers award and olympics tags.
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i don’t think this is the time to get technical on what age is who blah blah blah blah. it’s already there. i can see a certain group of people foaming at the mouth because of this, but if they are so angry, then maybe they can work harder in posting for the other bday tag. anyway, i see this one as a really sweet tag. it’s been years and both of them have come a long way. the same also applies to the the fandom. 💛
yibo will grow up slowly and appreciate his life, xz will always be there beside him 🌸
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astarionposting · 10 months
Disclaimer for this account and the content I post
I post mainly ASTARION CONTENT. That is what you are going to see on this blog.
I do companion swaps to see the different cute animations with Astarion, because that is who I like to make content about, not for any other reasons.
The bg3 tumblr community is becoming a community I no longer want to interact with because it seems there are always people who want to seem holier than thou about EVERYTHING in this game. This is frustrating because there are so many awesome people within this community.
Just, let’s please remember, it is a video game. These are fictional characters, not real people. I’m not replacing companions with Astarion because I dislike them. I’m not doing it with ill intent. I’m not doing it for the reasons I’m being accused of by anons.
I love all the companions and their stories.
More specifically, I only swap NPCs for gifs and photosets. I am not replacing them with Astarion for the entirety of my playthrough (even if I was, who cares? I paid for this game and will play it as I want to, just like everyone else should). I don’t even get why this is an issue.
If you have a problem with what I post for whatever reason, the block button is there for you to use freely. Don’t send things into my inbox. I won’t be commenting on or participating in any more silly drama on this website beyond this post, and I especially will not be responding directly to any anons who want to throw a very serious word around towards me without knowing at all who I am.
If I continue to receive messages like that in my inbox, I will be turning anon off.
Thank you.
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bottomlouisficfest · 17 days
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Hello, Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2024 writers!
We know that some of our participating writers are seasoned professionals and have posted fics many times before, but we also know that there are some first-time writers participating in this year’s fest. That’s why we want to ensure that everyone knows exactly how to post their fic to our collection on AO3, how to post to Tumblr and Twitter, and how the posting schedule will work.
All Writers: Please Read
Fics should be submitted to the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2024 collection by September 15, 2024 by 10AM ET. You may submit your fic now if is already ready.
You will be assigned a posting date and time by email by midnight ET on September 15, 2024.
Please include your prompt somewhere on AO3 - either in your summary, your beginning notes, or your end notes if you’d like to avoid spoiling the fic.
On Tumblr and Twitter, we recommend scheduling your photoset with the fic information and link so it will go up exactly at your assigned date and time.
Please tag us in your fic posts on Tumblr (@bottomlouisficfest) and Twitter (@BLFicFest).
Your fic must remain public on AO3 until the fest is complete.
The photoset/visual and link to your fic will be posted to both Tumblr and Twitter, either by you or by the BLFF. We will determine who is posting what through email.
Information About the Posting Schedule:
On September 15, after your fic has been submitted to the collection, you will receive an email from the BLFF assigning you a posting date and time. At that point, we will have a good idea of how many fics we will have, which means the mods of the fest will be able to determine what the posting schedule will be in terms of number of fics per day and frequency.
We will try to create a schedule that ensures variation in fic length and topic (for example, avoiding putting four A/B/O fics in a row or three long fics in a row) to help keep things interesting and manageable for readers. If you have any issue with your posting date or time, you can let us know and we can work with you to figure out a solution or move the date.
Instructions on Posting to AO3, Tumblr, and Twitter:
If you’re new to posting any of these places, please read on.
Posting to AO3:
Step 1: Sign into AO3.
Step 2: Click or hover over “Post” in the upper right corner of your screen.
Step 3: Click “New Work.”
Step 4: Fill out all the basic information for your fic.
Rating: Choose a rating for your fic. Since all fics for the Bottom Louis fic fest will have smut, we’d suggest that your fic be rated either Mature or Explicit. Mature is more appropriate for fics with less graphic smut, whereas Explicit is more appropriate for fics with more graphic smut.
Archive Warnings: If you have any serious warnings that need to be issued for your fic (such as graphic violence, major character death, or rape), please select them here. If none of those more extreme warnings apply to your fic, we’d recommend selecting No Archive Warnings Apply.
Fandoms: Please type and then select One Direction (Band). If your fic involves a crossover with another fandom, you can also add those here.
Categories: Though not required, we’d recommend selecting M/M (for a male/male pairing) and any other pairings that apply to your fic.
Relationships: Though not required, this is where you should enter the relationships that are featured in your fic. For example, you can put Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson or Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson. You may enter as many pairings as you have in your fic.
Characters: Though not required, if you would like, this is where you can enter the names of all or most of the characters that are featured in your fic.
Additional Tags: Though not required, we’d highly recommend using tags to your advantage, as many people search through AO3 tags to find new fics to read and therefore may be more likely to stumble on your fic. You can enter tags related to tropes that are featured in your fic (e.g. Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship), descriptions of the type of sexual content that may be involved (e.g. Rimming, Bottom Louis), any additional warnings, and any other details that you think might draw people to your fic. If you need more tag ideas, feel free to ask the BLFF mods off anon or scroll through other fics on AO3 for inspiration.
Step 5: Fill out the Preface information for your fic.
Work Title: This is where you will put the title of your fic.
Summary: This is where you will put the summary of your fic.
Notes: Although this is optional, you may want to add notes at the beginning and/or end of your fic. Notes at the beginning might further explain any tags or warnings, provide any context that will help people understand your fic, or tell people what prompt your fic is based on. Notes at the end of the fic might request kudos and comments, link to your Tumblr and/or Twitter accounts, link to your photosets so people can reblog or RT, inform people what prompt you wrote your fic based on, or thank people for reading. We highly recommend linking to your fic’s photosets in the end notes.
Step 6: Fill out the Associations information for your fic.
Post to Collections/Challenges: This is how you will add your fic to the collection. Our collection is Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2024. If you need further assistance adding your fic to the collection, please contact us.
This work has multiple chapters: If your fic has multiple chapters, select this box.
Set a different publication date: Although you can ignore this when you first submit your fic to the collection, on your assigned posting date (you cannot do it ahead of the date), you will want to check this box and change your publication date to that posting date. More information on this in Step 11 below or here.
Choose a Language: Be sure that English is selected.
Step 7: Fill out the Privacy information for your fic.
Only show your work to registered users: For this fest, please make sure your fic is public at least until all the fics are posted so that more people can read your fic.
Disable anonymous commenting: If you only want users with accounts to comment on this fic, select this box. Please note that this may decrease the number of comments you receive on your fic.
Enable comment moderation: If you would like to approve comments before they are posted on your fic, select this box.
Step 8: Enter your work text. If your fic will have multiple chapters, this is where you will enter the text from chapter one. We recommend copying and pasting your fic text into Rich Text (make sure Rich Text is selected at the upper right corner above the box). If you need a guide to HTML on AO3, check here. If you’ve found that copying and pasting your fic text into AO3 created extra spaces, there’s help on fixing that here.
Step 9: Post your fic (or preview it first, if that makes you more comfortable, and then post). Your fic is now officially part of the collection and will be revealed on your posting date. You will be able to edit your fic as necessary before it is made revealed, so don’t fret if you find typos or anything that you would like to add before your posting date.
Step 10: On September 15, 2024 by midnight ET, you will be notified of your posting date and time by email. If you have an issue with that posting date and time for any reason, please let us know.
Step 11: On your posting date, please change the posting date of your fic from the day you submitted it to your assigned posting date. This will ensure that your fic is moved to the most recently posted fics on AO3, which will help more people see it. For more information on changing your posting date, click here.
Step 12: On your assigned posting day and time, the BLFF mods will reveal your fic. You will then be permitted to post your photoset/visual to Tumblr and Twitter, or the BLFF will post it for you. There is more information on that process below.
Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Tumblr on Your Assigned Posting Date:
Note: If you don’t use Tumblr, the BLFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the BLFF will be posting your fic to Tumblr when we email you your assigned posting date for the fest on September 15, 2024.
Step 1: Start a photo post on Tumblr. We’d highly recommend doing this on desktop instead of on mobile because often posting photos from mobile can mess with the formatting.
Step 2: Add your photoset/visual to the post, either as one large image (if it’s in that form) or as separate photos and arrange them to your liking.
Step 3: In the text body of the post, include any relevant details about your fic.
Our suggestion would be to include:
Word Count:
A link to your fic (we suggest making the title of the fic into a link)
A mention that you wrote this fic for the @bottomlouisficfest (please tag us!)
You can also include any relevant warnings (which should also be tagged or mentioned on AO3) or the number of chapters if it’s a chaptered fic (e.g. Chapters: 8/8) if you want to.
Step 4: In the tags of the post, be sure to tag any relevant blogs that might reblog it (e.g. @bottomlouisficfest, @blouisparadise, other fic blogs) so that it’s easier to find. Please be sure to tag blogs within the first five tags of your post so they will be able to see it in their tag. The BLFF blog and BLP will be reblogging all of the fics at least twice.
Step 5: At your assigned time and posting date, you may post your photoset/visual post to Tumblr. We highly recommend scheduling your post to go up so it goes up automatically. To schedule a post on Tumblr, find the button where you would click Post, click the arrow next to it, and select Schedule. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).
Once you’ve posted your photoset or moodboard to Tumblr on your posting day, the BLFF blog and @blouisparadise will reblog it and help spread the word.
Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Twitter on Your Assigned Posting Date:
Note: If you don’t use Twitter, the BLFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the BLFF will be posting your fic to Twitter when we email you about your posting date for the fest on September 15, 2024.
Step 1: Create a tweet to promote your fic. We’d recommend including:
Your photoset/visual
A link to your fic on AO3
A mention that your wrote the fic is for @BLFicFest (please tag us!)
Step 2: Post this tweet at your assigned time on your assigned posting date. If you are not available to post it at that exact time, you can schedule it using Twitter on a computer. To schedule a tweet, go to write a tweet as normal and find the small calendar and clock icon (this icon is furthest to the right) below the tweet box. This will allow you to select a date and time for your tweet to be posted. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).
The BLFF Twitter account and the BLP Twitter account will both RT it once it is up.
And there you have it! Your fic will officially be posted and a part of the BLFF 2024! We’re so proud of you and excited to read your fic!
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gatheringfiki · 1 year
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PSA: GatheringFiKi is back!
Hello, my favourite people!
If you've been with us for some time, following the mis-adventures of this little, but mighty fandom, or perhaps even taking part in them from time to time, you'll be delighted to hear that we are now in a position to resume normal service.
If you're joining us just now and wondering what on earth is going on - welcome! We are a small community focussed around the Fili/Kili pairing (and other fictional pairings fortrayed by Dean and Aidan), which has always traditionally ran frequent events to generate new content and encourage fan interactions.
Our activity was kinda suspended a year ago when our admin, @linane-art scampered off to travel the world for a year.
I have no idea why I'm writing this in 3rd person. Ahem, anyway - I'm back. And here's what I'd like to do with GatheringFiKi:
Firstly, I'd like to figure out how many content creators we actually have at the moment, since these folks are my audience. So if you are currently actively writing / creating artwork or edits in the Fili/Kili fandom, or plan on doing so in the near future, please REPLY TO THIS POST. Please also feel free to forward it to anyone who might want to respond.
Whatever else happens, there will be a 12 Days of Christmas event happening in 2023! I have no idea how many photosets I will actually be able to make before mid-November, but I'm aiming for at least a couple. It's such a highlight of every Christmas for me, I can't wait!
There may or may not also be some little prompts posted for Halloween this year. This would be about a week before the 31st, a very informal little event.
Whatever else happens, from now on, I would like to see GF becaome an amplifier for any and all new Fili/Kili content. Updates to your existing fics, new fics, artwork, edits, photosets, and not just the things 'worthy of recs'. ANY new Fili/Kili content - please submit or send us a link and we will re-blog, so it reaches more folks.
If we still have a decent number of creators, we will go back to running events. The plan would be to run a survery before the end of 2023 for you to pick your favourite events and run 3-4 of those accross 2024.
If we don't have creators, I will focus on delivering only the 12 Days of Christmas event annually and promoting any new FiKi content as above, based on the assumption that we're all reverting to focussing on our own works and posting them unprompted.
If you have any ideas, comments, or concerns about how this community could/should be ran - please let us know!
It's lovely to be back!
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 34
What the fuuuuuuck? Whelp, I got the darkness I've been waiting for and I didn't really care for it to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for this show to get edgy, but this episode just felt jarring and the animation was kinda questionable.
Btw you've all been very courteous in the replies not spoiling anything, so thank you for that. Please continue to not spoil things haha :) I feel a little bad sharing this photoset because even the episode's title is spoilerific, but I'll make sure to tag it properly so at least the people that blacklist spoilers don't see it. (Then again, maybe I'm the only one in 2023 who still hasn't seen this show lol).
Because I made the mistake of googling Culumon's gender a few episodes back, I did get spoiled that they're not really a digimon. Still, this raises many questions. What are they? Where did they get the name Culumon? What was their original form and how did they get their current form? etc. etc. I guess them not being a digimon lines up with them being partner-less and having a weird digivolution enhancing power.
This episode felt weird because it was basically (other than a brief, relaxed bit) one loooong battle scene filled with misery and rage. It sort of felt like one of those really abrupt surprise horror things like Doki Doki Literature Club because the tone shift was so jarring. Normally I like that sort of thing, but I don't know that it was executed well here.
I think the main flaw that this episode had for me is that the focus was on Leomon dying and Juri breaking down over his death. I do not care enough about those characters for that to have an impact on me. I don't feel like there was enough time spent developing their tamer-partner relationship. Even in this very episode when Leomon is questioned as to why he became Juri's tamer he's just like "fate I guess" which is a pretty lukewarm response. Also, Leomon dying is like a meme in Digimon lore, so that was another blow against this moment.
It felt a little off to me that Kyubimon got so beaten up but Ruki just panicked on the sidelines instead of running to comfort her. I get that that was probably a self-preservation response, but it seemed a little cold.
First Juri's digivice (arc, whatever) blue screens and then Takato's shatters!? Now that's intriguing...
I was hype to get a new "bad" digivolution since that hasn't happened since SkullGreymon (unless you count abominations like Chimeramon). It was a little upsetting to see Takato flip out. I wonder if his mixed emotions about Guilmon "just being data" played into his accidental abuse. The evil digivolution is cool looking but maybe has too many colors going on
Daaaaamn, poor Shiuchon just GOT here and now she's going through all this trauma. Not fair...
That was quite the cliffhanger ending, I feel like the follow-up to the chaos will be more interesting than the chaos itself...
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vtkira · 3 months
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ okay sooo getting back to the tour merch
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posters- ive only seen one listing for this and it was $18, i would expect it to go for more if other people start selling though!
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sticker set- not as hard to find as some of the other stuff, expect to pay ~$50
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wappen set (of 2) - ~$50
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iphone 6 case- im not sure why they only did iphone 6 for this since in the epilogue tour there was more options, but i once again cannot find any listings of this (╥﹏╥)
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voice key holder- i only really see listings for this on carousell for around $30/40
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shopping bag- ive only ever seen this in one listing being sold in a set ($165)
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brooch set (of 2) - this goes for about 50!
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magnet memo pad- kinda hard to find again but id say around $30
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blanket- $70 this was exclusive to the korea dates
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towel- ahhhh i only can find listings for this in sets or on carousell; if i had to guess id say 60 or 70 but i can almost guarantee you it would be more considering how much people charge for recent eras...your best bet is finding a old army whos not involved in the community anymore and then id guess around 20 or 30 ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂)⸝♡
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zip up hoodie- only one size was sold, FINALLY I CAN GIVE ORGINAL PRICES ($30.44); nowadays $200
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t shirt- came in small and medium for $23.19 now goes for $300 PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN BUYING OLD TOUR CLOTHES THERES SO MANY FAKES
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shoulder bag - originally $18.12 now $90
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bandana 600x600 - $8.70 originally now $70-100
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camp cap- originally $21.01 now $90
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pickets - originally $4.35 now $70-100
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program book- originally $14.49 now $30-40 normally some go up to $50 but honestly theres for sure listings for 20 and under out there this was in korean and english
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photoset - originally $7.25 now $75-160 for one set
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mini photocard set- originally $3.62 now $150 for one members set depending on the member (member pricing will be the death of me), i paid $25 to buy a individual photocard from this of taehyung..(ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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puzzle- originally $16.63 (300 pieces) now $100
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phonecase- came in iphone6, iphone6 plus, and galaxy note 5 for $14.49 now $70
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cardcase- originally $13.04 I DONT KNOW WHAT THE WORTH IS NOW ive seen listings for $30 going up to $150
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hairband- originally $8.70 now $80 (i only saw one listing, i feel like this is overpricing it hard and if more listings come up theyll be lower)
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tumblr set- $13.04 came with a tumblr and a pouch for it now is $40 but hard to find
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wrist band set - $10.87 no clue current value
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shopping bag- $3.62 ive only seen listings on carousell but even then rarely (they were going for $10). i dont get why no one ever sells these??
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towel- looks very similar to the first round of the tour, $11.59 now $50 (try looking on carousell if you cant find it!)
i hate to say this but i reached the max amount of pictures AGAIN and i still have to do merch that was exclusive to the japan part of the tour so ill be doing a pt3 ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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themurderrose · 5 months
Hello Rose! I was curious about something - do you enjoy using Tumblr or Twitter more when it comes to fandom experience? Especially in kpop fandoms?
oooo interesting question! Twitter can be really toxic, so I usually just spend time on it in bursts, and mostly look at things people send me or the people I follow. There is definitely more Kpop content on it though and for that it's better. I find Tumblr much more relaxing in contrast. I do mostly follow other fandoms on Tumblr, and the posts here for other fandoms are so much more interesting, ?because? theres space to get into things more length wise, I suppose, but also people do a lot of metaanalysis and deep dives and headcannons here, which don't disappear after like a week, but still come up years afterwards just due to how the website works. I enjoy that!! KPop Tumblr, what parts I follow anyway, are more chill too. I mostly see nice photosets with datestamps here, and fully out of context quotes, much less thirsting (although I fully believe its out there somewhere, probably near the self-insert Kpop drabbles).
In terms of posting things, I think I expect less responses/interaction from Tumblr so if i get any interaction with a post I'm like oooo!!! interaction!!! Whereas I'm constantly disappointed by twitter post interactions given how many people I interact with. So that probably feeds into why I find Tumblr more relaxing.
I think having access to both of them is good though, because there isn't - so far as I'm experiencing - much cross over.
Hope that answers your question!!
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brattybottombunny · 2 years
so i have thoughts about tumblr and this community prioritizing white, thin bodies. it’s been said that bodies who are not white and thin generally have to work a lot harder to get the same kind of notes and like, im definitely not gonna argue that. i personally work so fucking hard to put out, what i think is at least is, interesting and different content. i spend so much time editing colors and lighting - don’t get it twisted, i don’t edit my body. i try to put pictures together that make sense and flow. and it is so disheartening to see them get ignored. it’s honestly so frustrating to see white, thin “aesthetic” and usually very feminine bodies get attention for such simple posts! maybe that’s my own problem bc i put a lot of work into my content…but it fucking sucks.
but you know what is the worst? not even just seeing people reblog all the other stuff on my blog while ignoring my content…it’s people who like a photoset of mine and then immediately start following me. but…they don’t do anything with that. they’ll start going through my blog, as one does when they follow someone, and reblog all kinds of posts…except my original content that they supposedly just liked. like do y’all not realize that we can see this happening? and i’ve always said i can make exceptions for people who have sfw blogs and don’t reblog any nsfw content. but if you go through my blog and reblog other people’s nsfw content…like i notice that shit. im sure other people notice it too. it’s gotten to the point that i know when i reblog content from some people, if i try to post my own stuff, it’s gonna get ignored bc i reblogged stuff from people who are “hotter” than me. i know that notes shouldn’t be the be all, end all but why else are we posting content if not for notes? i have maintained a nsfw account for like…3 years? and i can count on one hand how many of my photosets have more than 500 notes.
and, not to mention all the performative posts about appreciating fat bodies that have thousands of notes, but yet you can’t find a single fat person on nearly half of the blogs that reblog those posts. and all the same can be said about black bodies im sure, but as i am white, i don’t have the direct experience. but just know, that everyone who doesn’t fit the nice little aesthetic you’re trying to maintain on your silly little tumblr.com blog is very much aware when you don’t interact with our stuff.
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I just want to say I appreciate how you don't ever hate on characters. It's refreshing compared to a lot of people in this fandom.
Ah thank you. See the thing is for me I don't get why people spend so much of their time focusing on things they hate? To the point they have to announce it to the world constantly, and make sure you know that they hate this character, and the character they like is soooo much better, because they say so. People like that really need to stop in my opinion cause I don't get what they're accomplishing. Trying to start fights with the fans of the characters? Trying to make themselves feel better about themselves because they have superior taste in fictional people according to them? Some people spend their time trying to ruin other people's fun, and are simply being jerks imo. And I know some of it is venting out anger but some people do make hating on characters their entire personality, and it just is irritating in my opinion.
This is just for the people who needlessly hate characters and the fans of those characters on end. Because I do believe you are absolutely allowed to dislike things. Also I don't mind critical posts, if someone actually has well thought out arguments about the flaws of a character that's fine. It's just the this character is the worst, and the people who like them have bad taste posts that irk me so much. For me though I don't even really have many characters I actually do hate besides Deathstroke. I just almost never post about him. I know I made that photoset of him being beat up, but someone jokingly requested it after I said that I disliked him, and that's what I would do if I made a set for him. I just personally find as I said life is much more enjoyable when you spend time focusing on what you like. Fortunately for me I have a lot of characters I like too so plenty of things that make me happy to focus on instead.
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allyriadayne · 11 months
what are your favourite hotd ships and why?
in no order and as concise as possible:
jace x aegon - answered here. i just really love their dynamic. childhood friends, uncle and nephew, enemies? just the thought of proper straight laced (so he thinks!) jace falling head over heels with stupid stinky aegon is delicious to say the least. it's the worse match unimaginable and the only way they can be together is if their whole family is dead or they are completely different people. it's impossible. they are romeo and juliet to ME.
aegon x aemond - THE BLOWJOB BROTHERS! they hate each other, they love each other, they are having wacky looney tunes sex in front of the great sept while telling the other they should've been a girl and be married to the other. aemond would never kill aegon and aegon is too selfish to give in. the kingsguard HATES THEM.
aemond x alicent / aegon x alicent - grouping them in one section because while they have entirely different relationships the two ships respond to the brother's issues with alicent related to how both of them think the other is their mother's favorite! to me, it's like this: aemond wants to be alicent's fatherhusband while aegon wants to be her beautiful little baby boy and when they don't get it it turns really ugly. i just love how alicent is weaved too tightly in the psychosexual targtower web 💜
alicent x larys - [crowd cheers] i'll just let mr matthew needham (larys' actor) explain their bond
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after losing rhaenyra, alicent is constantly, unconsciously asking for a companion, someone to take her side in everything......and she got it! too bad larys has his own morals. oh well!
alicent x otto - the most married and divorced couple in the whole of westeros.
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(thank you to tumblr user laymedowninsheetsoflinen for the best tag in my aliotto photoset)
rhaenyra x daemon - theeee blueprint. i have trouble shipping them with other people because they are absolutely perfect for the other, it's crazy. restless chaotic blood of the dragon, depressed and divorced, happy domestics in dragonstone with their blended family, everything anyone could ever want.
alicent x tyland - if larycent is darksided master and pet, tylicent (you are paying me royalties if you ever talk about them btw) is the most saccharine lady and knight you can think of. this is my happy place when i don't want to torture (affectionate) alicent anymore. tyland is a complete fool but he's decent and kind and can spoil alicent however she wants. this started because i was joking with a friend how tyland lannister is the only man in the counsel who doesn't want to sit on alicent's lap. and was like, wait. he is the Only One. he's obsessed with her in the good way and she's blushing like a maid and wishing for another life where she would've had a proper courtship with a handsome knight instead of....anyway. life is not a song so they must make do.
crackships that are many but these i am constantly thinking about and rotating in my mind at any moment:
larys x otto (x alicent. sexual jealousy! scheming second sons!), otto x lyonel (otto's gay summer in the citadel), lyonel x rhaenyra (grrm's original dance draft mixed with bluebeard and brat taming), rhaenys x criston (thee original cuck chair couple), aegon x mysaria (i know her strap is big), aegon x alys (x aemond. who is dead), jace x alyn (fucking my bastard identity away), daemon x jace (horror movie comedy of errors)
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
It’s time for CPN. 🎟️
first, thank you to xiao laoshi for making this thursday extra special with his exposed knees and fabulous hair. and well, that face. he can do no wrong. next day is btf premiere and wyb is expected to attend BIFF ( red carpet starts at 5:30 ) so we will most likely have another meltdown.
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continue reading for more clownery ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Well let’s start with what we do best, over analyzing the photos they share and the numbers as well. XZS posted GG’s Gucci set and the most obvious observation is that he uploaded 18 ( yi bo ) photos with the 2nd and 8th ( love bo ) colored as red. you know, ZZ’s favorite and the color associated with love. no big deal.
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You can say it’s for aesthetic reasons cause 2 and 8 in red will look good in the 9 grid, but there’s one more thing with the 8th photo. 8 = bo. It’s a split photo, on the left is a photo of a place. and yes they did that before in the Milan sets but those are a couple. I’m so proud of myself for noticing that this is the same place that makes an appearance in Hidden Blade. Which also takes place in Shanghai.
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it is a landmark, yes. but he is not promoting the city of shanghai 🤦‍♀️. He is there for Gucci. why can’t he add a photo of the venue itself? interpret this however you want but it’s something that personally made me go 👀. a scene from HB + red + the number 8. i cannot not clown over it. 😂
Also the last photo shared from both studio photosets are of their backs. It’s the 18th ( yi bo ) for ZZ, so is he copying someone? Lol. We know that “yibo’s back photos” are popular among fans so i’m wondering if ZZ is bias towards it too.
Now for ZZ’s weibo post:
What we noticed is a photo, that looks like water and fire. Which reminds us of their NYE stage themes in 2019. The blue eyes reminds us of a photoshoot Yibo did and the colors. doesn’t really matter if they mean what we think it does — the point is, this fandom have so many symbolism/association over the years and it shows up over and over.
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My favorite would have to be XZ reminding us all that he is a Libra. Yes we know. and well GUCCI + Libra design also has some CPN history ( hint : weibo night 2020 ) 😌
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Over at Yibo-Official’s side, they probably noticed how loud they are with the ♥️. yesterday, so they were more lowkey today. Their douyin post was shared 20:33 ( love zhan zhan ). I admit i was kinda bummed out that WYB had to leave early for Beijing. He wouldn’t go there if he had no participation in BIFF program. Because his usual MO for events is arrive the same day and then leave as soon as his part is over. So I think this “one day” is for him to prepare for whatever it is he will do for BIFF. I could be wrong. I just want them in the same city. 🥺🥺
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Lastly, Happy 5 year anniversary to the BJYX Supertopic! I have so many good memories of that space and it’s only right that it gets to be celebrated. It’s nice that it falls on BTF release so people can get together and the eve of it is GG’s gucci event so it’s all positive vibes ✨⭐️
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catgirljaneway · 11 months
Ask game:
Janeway, Kira, Julian, Tom (if you want to)
(ask game in question)
Thank you for the ask, anon! I love these characters.
Stan Account: Amelia Earhart. She mostly posts text heavy + very intellectual posts about her impact on women in aviation, but honestly the more intellectual the posy, the hornier the undertones. Janeway has shared it with Tuvok (he beta reads her posts) but she tries to keep it secret from everyone else. Everyone is onto her. Tom found it first and showed it to Harry who showed it to B'elanna and it spiraled from there. Janeway hasn't realized this.
Convenience Store Purchase: Coffee without a cap. Also chocolate covered espresso beans. (This one was hard to figure out for her, not sure why)
Kink: Sex on the captain's chair for sure. Also smart people who argue with her turn her on. I also think she'd be into something like orgasm denial. Also being called Kathryn because she rarely gets to be called Kathryn in the Delta Quadrant cause ya know... it's lonely at the top. I also think that while she enjoys dominating, she also likes giving up her control cause she never gets that chance otherwise.
Stan Account: The prophets. Unfortunately she posts those terrible Christian mom bible verses over highly-pixelated "aesthetic" photos....
But also she runs a stan account for GIRLI (This is because I've decided Kira would like her music + her music reminds me of Kira) She starts it while she's still not out to herself, so there are so many photosets she posts of her being like "wow! I want to be her!" and Jadzia takes one look at the account and is like..... hey girl... i have some news for you....
Convenience Store Purchase: Beef jerky.
Kink: Honestly romance and setting the mode. You know that cheesy romance movie "trail of rose petals leading to bed" stuff? Yeah that would work on her methinks. Also biting.
Stan Account: Himself. He runs a stan account for himself. He claims it's not him running it, it's just "someone who appreciates his work" but no one believes him. He routinely makes burner accounts to send his "fan blog" hate for attention. I also believe he used to run a stan blog for some musician but then it got "too mainstream".
Convenience Store Purchase: Celebrity gossip magazine + those iced starbucks frappichinos
Kink: Unfortunately it's being called kitten. (also voyeurism)
Stan Account: He runs a 20th century car stand blog. He gets in the most HORRIBLE drama with other 20th century car bloggers. He gets so upset and is constantly telling Harry about it. Harry wants to delete his social media. Also he runs a Tom Petty blog. He likes to post "cool" photos of 20th century cars with Tom Petty lyrics.
Convenience Store Purchase: Dill pickle lays, hotdog, slurpee, beef jerkey, bubble gum. He has no self-control.
Kink: Dying in Harry's arms. (also daddy + degradation)
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bottomlouisficfest · 1 year
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Hello, Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023 writers!
We know that some of our participating writers are seasoned professionals and have posted fics many times before, but we also know that there are some first-time writers participating in this year’s fest. That’s why we want to ensure that everyone knows exactly how to post their fic to our collection on AO3, how to post to Tumblr and Twitter, and how the posting schedule will work.
All Writers: Please Read
Fics should be submitted to the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023 collection by September 17, 2023 by 10AM ET. You may submit your fic now if is already ready.
You will be assigned a posting date and time by email by midnight ET on September 17, 2023.
Please include your prompt somewhere on AO3 - either in your summary, your beginning notes, or your end notes if you’d like to avoid spoiling the fic.
On Tumblr and Twitter, we recommend scheduling your photoset with the fic information and link so it will go up exactly at your assigned date and time.
Please tag us in your fic posts on Tumblr (@bottomlouisficfest) and Twitter (@BLFicFest).
Your fic must remain public on AO3 until the fest is complete.
The photoset/visual and link to your fic will be posted to both Tumblr and Twitter, either by you or by the BLFF. We will determine who is posting what through email.
Information About the Posting Schedule:
On September 17, after your fic has been submitted to the collection, you will receive an email from the BLFF assigning you a posting date and time. At that point, we will have a good idea of how many fics we will have, which means the mods of the fest will be able to determine what the posting schedule will be in terms of number of fics per day and frequency.
We will try to create a schedule that ensures variation in fic length and topic (for example, avoiding putting four A/B/O fics in a row or three long fics in a row) to help keep things interesting and manageable for readers. If you have any issue with your posting date or time, you can let us know and we can work with you to figure out a solution or move the date.
Instructions on Posting to AO3, Tumblr, and Twitter:
If you’re new to posting any of these places, please read on.
Posting to AO3:
Step 1: Sign into AO3.
Step 2: Click or hover over “Post” in the upper right corner of your screen.
Step 3: Click “New Work.”
Step 4: Fill out all the basic information for your fic.
Rating: Choose a rating for your fic. Since all fics for the Bottom Louis fic fest will have smut, we’d suggest that your fic be rated either Mature or Explicit. Mature is more appropriate for fics with less graphic smut, whereas Explicit is more appropriate for fics with more graphic smut.
Archive Warnings: If you have any serious warnings that need to be issued for your fic (such as graphic violence, major character death, or rape), please select them here. If none of those more extreme warnings apply to your fic, we’d recommend selecting No Archive Warnings Apply.
Fandoms: Please type and then select One Direction (Band). If your fic involves a crossover with another fandom, you can also add those here.
Categories: Though not required, we’d recommend selecting M/M (for a male/male pairing) and any other pairings that apply to your fic.
Relationships: Though not required, this is where you should enter the relationships that are featured in your fic. For example, you can put Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson or Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson. You may enter as many pairings as you have in your fic.
Characters: Though not required, if you would like, this is where you can enter the names of all or most of the characters that are featured in your fic.
Additional Tags: Though not required, we’d highly recommend using tags to your advantage, as many people search through AO3 tags to find new fics to read and therefore may be more likely to stumble on your fic. You can enter tags related to tropes that are featured in your fic (e.g. Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship), descriptions of the type of sexual content that may be involved (e.g. Rimming, Bottom Louis), any additional warnings, and any other details that you think might draw people to your fic. If you need more tag ideas, feel free to ask the BLFF mods off anon or scroll through other fics on AO3 for inspiration.
Step 5: Fill out the Preface information for your fic.
Work Title: This is where you will put the title of your fic.
Summary: This is where you will put the summary of your fic.
Notes: Although this is optional, you may want to add notes at the beginning and/or end of your fic. Notes at the beginning might further explain any tags or warnings, provide any context that will help people understand your fic, or tell people what prompt your fic is based on. Notes at the end of the fic might request kudos and comments, link to your Tumblr and/or Twitter accounts, link to your photosets so people can reblog or RT, inform people what prompt you wrote your fic based on, or thank people for reading. We highly recommend linking to your fic’s photosets in the end notes.
Step 6: Fill out the Associations information for your fic.
Post to Collections/Challenges: This is how you will add your fic to the collection. Our collection is Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023. If you need further assistance adding your fic to the collection, please contact us.
This work has multiple chapters: If your fic has multiple chapters, select this box.
Set a different publication date: Although you can ignore this when you first submit your fic to the collection, on your assigned posting date (you cannot do it ahead of the date), you will want to check this box and change your publication date to that posting date. More information on this in Step 11 below or here.
Choose a Language: Be sure that English is selected.
Step 7: Fill out the Privacy information for your fic.
Only show your work to registered users: For this fest, please make sure your fic is public at least until all the fics are posted so that more people can read your fic.
Disable anonymous commenting: If you only want users with accounts to comment on this fic, select this box. Please note that this may decrease the number of comments you receive on your fic.
Enable comment moderation: If you would like to approve comments before they are posted on your fic, select this box.
Step 8: Enter your work text. If your fic will have multiple chapters, this is where you will enter the text from chapter one. We recommend copying and pasting your fic text into Rich Text (make sure Rich Text is selected at the upper right corner above the box). If you need a guide to HTML on AO3, check here. If you’ve found that copying and pasting your fic text into AO3 created extra spaces, there’s help on fixing that here.
Step 9: Post your fic (or preview it first, if that makes you more comfortable, and then post). Your fic is now officially part of the collection and will be revealed on your posting date. You will be able to edit your fic as necessary before it is made revealed, so don’t fret if you find typos or anything that you would like to add before your posting date.
Step 10: On September 17, 2023 by midnight ET, you will be notified of your posting date and time by email. If you have an issue with that posting date and time for any reason, please let us know.
Step 11: On your posting date, please change the posting date of your fic from the day you submitted it to your assigned posting date. This will ensure that your fic is moved to the most recently posted fics on AO3, which will help more people see it. For more information on changing your posting date, click here.
Step 12: On your assigned posting day and time, the BLFF mods will reveal your fic. You will then be permitted to post your photoset/visual to Tumblr and Twitter, or the BLFF will post it for you. There is more information on that process below.
Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Tumblr on Your Assigned Posting Date:
Note: If you don’t use Tumblr, the BLFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the BLFF will be posting your fic to Tumblr when we email you your assigned posting date for the fest on September 17, 2023.
Step 1: Start a photo post on Tumblr. We’d highly recommend doing this on desktop instead of on mobile because often posting photos from mobile can mess with the formatting.
Step 2: Add your photoset/visual to the post, either as one large image (if it’s in that form) or as separate photos and arrange them to your liking.
Step 3: In the text body of the post, include any relevant details about your fic.
Our suggestion would be to include:
Word Count:
A link to your fic (we suggest making the title of the fic into a link)
A mention that you wrote this fic for the @bottomlouisficfest (please tag us!)
You can also include any relevant warnings (which should also be tagged or mentioned on AO3) or the number of chapters if it’s a chaptered fic (e.g. Chapters: 8/8) if you want to.
Step 4: In the tags of the post, be sure to tag any relevant blogs that might reblog it (e.g. @bottomlouisficfest, @blouisparadise, @trackinghome, @1dficvillage) so that it’s easier to find. Please be sure to tag blogs within the first five tags of your post so they will be able to see it in their tag. The BLFF blog and BLP will be reblogging all of the fics at least twice.
Step 5: At your assigned time and posting date, you may post your photoset/visual post to Tumblr. We highly recommend scheduling your post to go up so it goes up automatically. To schedule a post on Tumblr, find the button where you would click Post, click the arrow next to it, and select Schedule. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).
Once you’ve posted your photoset or moodboard to Tumblr on your posting day, the BLFF blog and @blouisparadise will reblog it and help spread the word.
Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Twitter on Your Assigned Posting Date:
Note: If you don’t use Twitter, the BLFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the BLFF will be posting your fic to Twitter when we email you about your posting date for the fest on September 17, 2023.
Step 1: Create a tweet to promote your fic. We’d recommend including:
Your photoset/visual
A link to your fic on AO3
A mention that your wrote the fic is for @BLFicFest (please tag us!)
Step 2: Post this tweet at your assigned time on your assigned posting date. If you are not available to post it at that exact time, you can schedule it using Twitter on a computer. To schedule a tweet, go to write a tweet as normal and find the small calendar and clock icon (this icon is furthest to the right) below the tweet box. This will allow you to select a date and time for your tweet to be posted. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).
The BLFF Twitter account and the BLP Twitter account will both RT it once it is up.
And there you have it! Your fic will officially be posted and a part of the BLFF 2023. We’re so proud of you and excited to read your fic!
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rederiswrites · 2 years
There's a photoset of lovely Viking reproduction dresses that goes around regularly, which I don't reblog because I have doubts as to its authenticity.
That is to say, it's lovely lovely work. But we actually have very little concrete evidence about Viking clothing at all. What little we do have only allows us to guess, and sometimes it leaves nothing to guess from. For example, we have no real idea of how the hangerock, or "apron dress", was actually cut, or how long it was. We're guessing based on six inch sections of seam and fragments of mineralized fabric caught on the backs of brooches. But what I DO know is that we have pretty nearly no evidence of what we would call embroidery. And those dresses are beautifully embroidered.
The colors represented are realistic, but it should be kept in mind that they were not within the means of many people. Dark blues and reds are certainly achievable with period dyes, but require multiple color baths and special mordants. Linen takes dye very poorly, and we have scant evidence of it being dyed at all, for most people. Wool does much better, so it would be the wool outer garments that would be colored. Even then, saturated colors are a sign of status. ALL of those garments, with their rich colors and metallic trim and bands of Chinese silk, are high status garments.
On the other hand, cheerfully, colorful glass and stone beads were actually within the means of many, and most womens' graves contain at least some. And the comically large gilded tortoise brooches were produced in large numbers and a lot of women had them. Still not the lower classes or enslaved people, though.
I think it's very worth showing that the Norse people of the middle ages were very far from just living in uncultured squalor. I like the photo set. But if anybody's wondered why I never reblog it, despite my overlapping interests, that's why.
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fromkenari · 1 year
This a reminder that a long, long time ago (2010/2011) on this hellsite (neutral,) I offered my code for Followr (a mass follow/unfollow tool) to the guy who created missing e, and he had a tantrum that I had created a tool that made following a list of people on Tumblr easier.
So I hosted it myself until Tumblr revoked my API privileges and then limited the number of people you could follow and unfollow in a day AND paginated the API for follows and followers, which is why for a long, long time (who knows, maybe it's still this way) the number of blogs listed on your follow and followers pages did not equal your listed number of Follows and Followers.
I've made several Tumblr fix-it scripts since then, and Tumblr has changed itself so many times that nothing I (or several other people) created works anymore.
The important thing to remember is that people claiming to be all for making Tumblr user-friendly are sometimes just hypocrites. I used to get anon hate (because yes, actually, sometimes Tumblr would quietly change their codebase two days in a row and leave us scrambling, as much as I know that's hard for assholes on the internet to understand, it happens), and got my code jacked on this site ALL the time (by people with large followings who would claim they "bought it"/"found it" on Twitter when all they did was remove the license information from the top and then block me.) You don't distribute code through filesharing sites. You use a repository.
Tumblr blows nuts these days, and right now, I only know of XKit Rewritten that is still working, but hey, maybe, someday I'll write another script to make Tumblr more user-friendly in the actual sense and not make it a Shitter knock-off like the current dipshit in charge did.
P.S. In case you didn't know, Tumblr no longer allows Javascript to be used in themes or page code, which is the second biggest reason it was so popular in the late 00s. The first being, of course, that they allowed the hosting of porn. Y'all keep throwing around that screenshot of 2010 Tumblr like it's something. At the dawn of Tumblr, there were no post types or photoset templates. We had browser scripts to add them. You also got an email for every Reblog, Like, and, of course, new Followers. The <big> tag was the most abused thing despite most HTML tags being game on the dash. <marquee> was pretty popular, too. And no one fooled themselves by thinking the search or tag system was usable.
You don't understand how exhausting it is to think of everything this site has gone through in a little over 15 years. Comparitively very little of it for the better.
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tommykinrd · 1 year
13, 34 and 40 💕
13. Where or from whom did you learn how to gif
i learned using various tutorials on tumblr! the basic ones that show you all the gifmaking steps and programs involved are so so helpful and i can't recommend them enough to beginners
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
this buddie + out of the woods set took me about two weeks on and off i wanna say? i was trying out some new styles instead of just blending everything which is usually my go-to. in some ways this was easier than blending but also just took a long time bc of the sheer number of individual gifs involved. but i'm so so happy with how it turned out!!
40. Why do you make gifs
i started using photoshop in late 2015 because i wanted to join fandom events and gift exchanges, and i started out with simple photosets and graphics. but then i was like hmm why stop there and why not try giffing because i was obsessed with all the pretty gifs i saw on my dash and wanted to try my hand at making them too. i've had periods where i didn't gif for a long time bc of no motivation or technical issues with photoshop/downloads but now i'm at a place where i'm motivated and inspired (and the 911 fandom has so many inspiring gifmakers and creators!!) so i gif as a creative outlet and bc the ideas plague me until i make them 😅 i'm obsessed with all the pretty gifs that people make and it feels good to create something that you love seeing!
gifmaker asks!
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