1roentgen · 6 months
please excuse me
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dallasoverdueessay · 6 months
so terrified of having bad dreams that I've just been pulling an all nighters
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kaizokunoyume · 1 year
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Between the snow, your body or my heart, I wonder which one is the coldest now...
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Hi 👋🏽 I’ll be going on an indefinite break that may (or may not) be for good.
Writing fanfiction was an escape for me these past 2 years. It was a way to express my love for the tannies in how I wrote them as comfort characters, and it was a way for me to make sense of my own experiences and emotions. These fics have always been very personal, with a bit of me in every OC, my pains reflected in their stories, and words I wish someone told me growing up expressed in the dialogues. And I’ll always be so thankful that many of you related with them, found meaning in them, and found comfort in them. That will always be my favorite part 💜💜 stories are so powerful! They’ve allowed me to connect with so many people and make memories in this (mostly) lovely part of the site.
But the process of writing has also been draining, not as cathartic as it used to be, and not as fulfilling. So much as I find myself going back and forth with the numerous stories in my drafts, I can’t bring myself to continue with them. Not anytime soon, at least. Maybe one day the itch to write will be so intense, or JJK1/KTH1 drops and I’ll lose my shit (Untitled and Belong were born out of Indigo and D-day after all), or after rereading my stories, I’ll miss writing so much. The thing is, I’ve never loved BTS as much as I do right now; perhaps I’m content with screaming about that love to myself in the meantime.
I’ll be lurking around here, maybe pop in every once in a while (so plagiarists, keep off my work, pls). My stories will remain here as your comfort 😌 and I’ll do my best to put out the PLM drabbles I promised! Other than that, all the stories are complete for you to enjoy (sorry to those waiting on TLA 😔 I hate that I’m unable to continue). I also have Twitter (jmimi_mi). I’m also just a lurker but say hi if you want! 😊 we can talk bts and fics and whatnot over there (I’ll try, I promise).
Please give love to the authors who are still lovingly putting out work for the community! 🥰
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i-eat-deodorant · 6 months
really sorry i haven't published anything writing-related this month, i have like 5 wips and none of them are even remotely finished
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
By the way re: the last post have you guys seen mdzscql bootleg DVD summaries they're so fucking good
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lollitree · 1 year
Something that annoys me about Pokémon sv
The fact that you can’t custimizs clothes
I want to be able to wear a skirt
Yeah I get that, I felt pretty limited with what accessories I could use since some just didn't go well with the colour of my uniform. On the other hand I can absolutely understand why skirts/dresses aren't available because they'd be a nightmare in a game where the character is riding around on a giant lizard for most of the gameplay
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aropride · 1 year
how the fuck do u wash a weighted blanket
#text#am i gonna have to call a laundromat pathetic style and be like 'hey can ur washing machines handle my 15lb blanket'#i might make my mother call#ive never been 2 a laundromat we have a washer and dryer in the basement + when it breaks we just handwash stuff#which sucks btw. especially in winter cuz u cant even air dry stuff outside#we have like ........ i dont know how to explain this room. we ghave a room in the basement that has counters (?? for some fucking reason)#and a shitty old freezer from the 90s (unsure how it is still functional) and it has stuff piled on like every single surface and its#fucking tiny right. well my parents put up hooks n shit and strung yarn btwn them to dry stuff when our dryer broke once and like#it WORKED i GUESS. but yarn is not good at holding many items. and we didnt have clothespins so stuff would slide to the middle of it#tldr IT WAS ANNOYING and ABSOLUTELY CANNOT HANDLE A 15LB BLANKET#we have a. curtainrod functioning as a closet rod thing but not in a closet . in my twin brother's old room. that maybeee could handle it#but then the blanket would drip water everywhere and also we;d have to get it UP there. do u know how fucking HEAVY a wet weighted blanket#would be. answer is VERY#id LIKE to dry it AT the laundromat but the tag said to air dry only#so i might just ask them if i go or if my mom calls#ive been thinking abt this literally all week as u can see#my fucking duvet as well i gotta wash that too#i have so much bed related laundry to do
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widowshill · 4 months
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rvb saturday night agenda
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galaxiespace · 1 year
I’m finally kind of back! I'm so busy (and anxious) that I had to stay out of the internet in every possible way; the end-of-semester season is insane when you’re studying to enter college.
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corpsentry · 1 year
replying to ao2 comments from 2019. hope my old readers know i am not dead i just got a gf
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c2-eh · 4 months
I think he lost weight, in that football match he did recently he was looking sauberish with how tiny he was
he already looked like sauber Charles in that match. The only explanation is that he finally fully embraced his twink babygirl self and look at him now. glowing
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Remind me to never make events in my fic happen on certain dates again.
#Was Born To Lead#I almost died calculating all this stuff#Okay it wasn’t that hard but certainly unpleasant#It all started with Gabe’s birthday that takes place on the fourth of January and it’s freaking Wednesday#And Valerio had to return from Nueva Vista on Monday so I had to calculate the date for it too#and then every next chapter takes place on the next day#But then I just HAD to specify that Ángel applies to the fencing school on Monday#Why would I do that#And then Frida leaves on Saturday#But this is not the worst thing#The worst thing was to decide when to make Gabe’s scout camp start#Because if I made it on Monday it would be the 30th of January and it would suck because I want this camp to start in February#And it would also suck because I said Valerio was staying in Nueva Vista until the fourteenth of February#when Gabe already returned from the camp which is bad because the next chapter is supposed to have two parallel arcs again#so be prepared for it being extremely long#Anyway eventually I made the camp start on the first of February which is Wednesday#The 30th of January is the first day of the winter break in Gabe’s school#and the camp lasts for two weeks so the break ends on the 20th of February#It’s three whole weeks! Avaloran kids are blessed#I had no idea it would turn out like that but yeah now Avaloran schools have a three week long break in winter#What having everything planned even is#Плывём по течению детка#Anyway I’ll try not to specify the dates again because really it’s too much unnecessary work and stress#I feel like I explained everything extremely unclear here but ignore it I don’t think I quite understand it either#Conclusion: I want everything to make sense and it makes me suffer and unnecessary complicates my life#*looks at my ciphers and laughs nervously*#I really have to write the whole separate post about my ciphers because damn#they’re literally just unbreakable I don’t think ciphers are supposed to work like that
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seulgikisser · 5 months
omg my boss FINALLY offered me a morning shift meaning yes i have to get up early but then i'm done working at 2pm and have a saturday afternoon actually to myself how crazy is that
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It's over. I'm done. I shall soon perish. (School starts again tomorrow AND I have fucking midterms next week)
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mattynmarns · 6 months
going to finish studying for this final, go to work, go to sleep, wake up, do the final, and then do nothing but play Minecraft and watch hockey for three weeks straight
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