1roentgen · 9 months
please excuse me
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
i feel like i should be a lot cheerier to have gigs this weekend but i just feel so down
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kechiwrites · 2 years
what’s in a name?
simon “ghost” riley x medic!reader
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synopsis: ‘It’s not his fault.’ He reasons. ‘It’s not his fault you’re a brat.’ 
wc: 1.1k
cw:  fem!reader, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, teasing, dirty talk, light brat taming, spanking, pet names (princess, darling), no use of y/n ever.
an: yes, i know i should be posting kinktober IN NOVEMBER, but my god does this man make me wanna [redacted] his [data expunged]. enjoy!
He’s your most stubborn patient, in fact, his entire squad is a pain in your ass, but Ghost takes the cake. Always grunting and scoffing as you administer care, as if this is all a frivolity and not you saving him from gangrene or tetanus or whatever other peril has found its way into his blood that week. And that’s if he even deigns to be seen to at all.
It’s another one of those days, marshalled out of your bed at the crack of dawn because there are wounds to dress and blood to take. It makes you irritable, just short of bitchy really, and you’ll be damned if you have to work this early in the morning for a couple of jarheads who can barely string together decent conversation.
Ghost is the first person you see. Naturally. And it’s much of the same. Groans and impatient huffs while you snip gauze and sanitize abrasions. It’s rapidly turning you from irate to downright incensed.
“What’s your name anyway?” You murmur, while you fold up his shirt sleeve, baring a muscled, veiny forearm, covered in ink and dried blood, courtesy of a deep gash that’d only ceased bleeding thanks to a field tourniquet applied in the nick of time.
“No.” He mutters. As if that’s an answer. You scoff, turning in your swivel chair to grab more cotton wool from your desk. When you return he has you pinned with what little of his face you can see, dark, long lashed eyes peering out from the mask and face paint. As though he can see through you.
"You can tell me your actual name, or you can bleed out." It’s unnecessary, really. Probably even dangerous to ask, but it’s always bothered you that his medical record has those black marks where a Christian name should be. And you’re nosy. Nosy enough to pry it out of the soldier himself.
You stare at each other, neither daring to back down. Your threat is horse shit and you both know it, you're obligated to give the best care possible. He could wait you out. If he wanted to.
Apparently, he doesn’t want to.
You give him a smile in return, cartoonishly big and saccharine sweet. You begin cleaning the wound, humming happily with yourself. Satisfied.
For the next two months, it's relentless. Everytime he sees you, it's;
"And do you know your blood type, Simon?"
"It's lovely to see you again Simon."
"There are easier ways to stop bleeding, Simon."
It irks him, makes his skin feel like it's not sitting right. Makes him feel like his teeth are stopping his tongue from laying in his mouth comfortably. Makes his blood hum in his veins.
Eventually it's too much.
"Would you come off it?" He asks, voice rougher than he means it to be, but maybe that's what you need to end this little joke of yours.
You keep reading the charts on the clipboard in your hand, as if he hasn't spoken at all.
"Come off what, Simon?" You purse your lips at whatever you're reading, but he suspects you’re trying not to laugh.
"Saying my name like that." He flexes open the fingers of one hand, keeping the other balled in a fist on his thigh.
"Like what?" You finally look at him, head tilted to the side, the picture of innocence.
What a lark.
"Like you want something from me." He stands, looming above you, jostling himself into your personal space.
"It's your name." Now you are smiling, a confident, amused thing that transforms the look of your face, makes him forget the bags under your eyes and the familiar bone-tiredness of his body when it’s been pushed too far.
And these days, it’s always too far.
“We have code names for a reason, darling.”
“Darling? I was beginning to think my name was ‘Ugh’.” You drop the timbre of your voice to mimic him, though he doesn’t look very flattered by the imitation. At least, that’s what you get from the very little of his face you can see.
“It’s Ghost from now on.” He ignores you. It’s necessary, really. To block out the things you say. The things you do. The songs you hum cheerfully when you do inventory, the way your medical uniform stretches over the curve of your ass when you need something from the bottom cabinet.
“Sure, Simon. Whatever you say.”
‘It’s not his fault.’ He reasons. ‘It’s not his fault you’re a brat.’
It’s not his fault when he pushes you over to the examination bed. It’s not his fault when he fists his hands in the waistband of your scrub bottoms and yanks them down, it’s not his fault you’re wearing a thong, for christ’s sake. It’s not his fault that you giggle and sigh and beg so goddamn pretty.
It’s certainly not his fault that your cunt feels like a fucking dream.
He takes you like you deserve for all the teasing, brings the weight of his hand down on your ass when you moan something that sounds suspiciously like “About time.” Ghost gropes at your tits while he has you bent in half, in for a penny, as they say. His fingers pull and flick at your nipples, and you wish he’d put his mouth on you, fucking anywhere, and you don’t care what it does, bite, suck, kiss, what-fucking-ever. When you say as much in between the gasps he fucks out of you, he responds immediately, voice subdued under his mask.
“Maybe next time.”
Your eyes nearly roll out of your head at the idea of next time.
When you come it feels like your pussy is buzzing, stretched over the length of his dick and he tunnels into you, fucking into you deep before he grinds the head of cock into you, scrambling any thought you could’ve had.
It’s a battle for him to not come inside you, to resist covering the sweet, soft walls of your cunt in his seed, but he prides himself on what little control he has left, and pulls out, doing you a favour by letting his come shoot onto the floor rather than stain the baby blue fabric of your scrubs.
"Now, I think we can both agree to you saving that name for when you want me to spread you open, yes?" His voice is gruffer somehow, covering your overheated skin in the rasp and cadence of it.
"Fuck off." You moan miserably in response, your forehead sticking to the paper covering the examination bed below you.
"I want an affirmative, princess."
"Yes." You hiss from between your teeth, your head still spinning from your orgasm. “Yes, Ghost, I agree.”
“That’s better. Don’t worry about getting up.” He pats your exposed lower back, and when his hand withdraws you can hear him zip his fatigues back up. “I’ll see myself out.”
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endotes: hehe...i love him. my mask kink is in full effect y’all. support content creators + city girls, reblog. find part 2 here. 
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
Department of the Impossible
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Created by Dr. Stefansdottir back in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] to use her powers to contain anomalies that the Foundation could not contain by any other currently possible means. However, some of you may be wondering if that is the case then why doesn't she just contain everything? Dr. Stefansdottir's power is nearly infinite in growth, but that growth takes time so she can't currently do everything right now. As such the priority of the DI is to focus ONLY on the Impossible. Is it an anomaly that's difficult to contain and keeps killing Foundation staff and MTF units? Not our problem! An anomaly that can be contained but keeps breaking out? You're out of luck! But if it's a consciousness that slowly disintegrating all of existence, the unavoidable corruption of the sun, or even the Gods themselves, then you can count on the Department of the Impossible. Because that's all we concern ourselves with, the Impossible; nothing more, nothing less.
Previous Requests:
SCP-001: The Black Moon - APPROVED - Killed it... not that hard really.
SCP-001: When Day Breaks - APPROVED - Can't kill it for obvious reasons but put a metaphysical bubble around it. Still active but can't corrupt people's bodies and souls anymore. Looking at it, you can't even tell the difference, really. But looking at it still hurts your eyes, so you know... don't do that.
SCP-001: The Factory - REJECTED - Technically it can be destroyed so not really impossible. We’re the Department of the Impossible remember? If it's not impossible we don’t deal with it. Even Gods can be killed sometimes.
SCP-001: [the] [HUMAN!] [element?] - APPROVED - Killed RED Immediately. Bashed it into pieces then erased its existence. Probably could have just erased it but this was more satisfying. Was worried about ORANGE at first, but then SCP-ANO started eating them so... Whatever, I guess.
SCP-001: The Scarlet King - APPROVED - Can’t really kill him so we just got rid of the anomalous effect where he gets stronger and closer to our reality the more people know about him and how dangerous he is. He's still plenty strong and gets stronger through chaos but I'm sure we'll be able to kill him once he finds a way to get here... Okay I know people don't like it when I say WHEN and not IF but come on! We all know he's going to enter our reality sooner or later; I doubt there's anyone that doesn't know about the prophecy of all the Groups of Interest in the world joining together to stop the Scarlet King. Stop being such babies okay! The prophecy even stated he was going to lose! ... I think.
SCP-001: The Gate Guardian - REJECTED - Why do you wanna get rid of him? Leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything wrong. Just because I’m atheist doesn’t mean I hate the guy. He’s actually a sweetheart once you get to know him. Not that he normally talks to anyone besides other gods, but you know what I mean.
SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile - REJECTED - Read the damn Code Name. It's HARD TO DESTROY, not Impossible, HARD! Sorry, but if it's not impossible to achieve then it's not our problem.
SCP-2521: IT/STOLE/US/A-/ - APPROVED - Placed it into a box it can never get out of. So, feel free to talk about it all you want.
SCP-3632: Nibirdu - APPROVED - Turned it into a marble, sometimes we like to flick it around for fun. But yeah, it doesn't cause that Scraw thing anymore so don't worry about that.
SCP-5000: Why? - APPROVED - [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] ... So yeah... I mean it's kinda gross but honestly it could be worse. Personally, don’t see why It convinced the entire SCP Foundation from a different reality to kill everyone. But then again, our O5 decided to create Project God's Hand and Satan's Pitchfork so I guess we're not really that much better, are we?
SCP-6000: The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer's Library - APPROVED - Put it in Site-GARDEN, I like to use it as a personal library. Also, as an [data expunged by order of O5 Council] which I know sounds weird but it's actually pretty comfortable.
SCP-6500: Inevitable - APPROVED - Didn't destroy it, but instead [data expunged by order of O5 Council], if nothing else it can be used as a [data expunged by order of O5 Council]. I don't know just spit balling.
SCP-AER: Why Everyone at the Foundation Hates Tomatoes - APPROVED - Fine I'll get rid of it but I'm recording it the entire time. That shit was funny!
SCP-AFA: The Gojira Plague - APPROVED - Heh, of course I'll contain it for you guys but that means I get to do any experiment I want. Hope you guys don't mind having my sloppy seconds... okay given the context that's sounds wrong, so forget I just said that.
SCP: AFC: Ms. Frizzle and her School Bus - APROVED REJECTED - *licking a lolipop* ... Yeah you guys should give up on trying to contain her.
SCP-AGG: The Black Fruit of the Black Flower - APPROVED - Ugh fuck! Ugh... I'm okay, I'm okay, just that bitch really doesn't want us fucking with her plans. She nearly fucking killed all of us just because we stop her form planting a few flowers. Hope the boss is alright, I mean she normally is but, I've never seen her bleed like that before. Oh, but side note, we uh... We couldn't really get ALL of them, so yeah there's a possibility now and in the future, there are still plenty of traitors in the Foundation. Just keep that in mind, yall.
SCP-AGK: The Witch Nanny - REJECTED - Yeah that's not happening. First, why do you want to get rid of a witch that's actively teaching bad children to be better people? Second, I probably shouldn't say this but [data expunged by order of the O5 Council], so yeah, it kinda goes without saying but, HELL NO!
SCP-AIR: Urotsuki, Guardian within the Unknown - APPROVED - ... It's done, but mark my words. You ever ask us to do something like that again I WILL RIP YOU APART ATOM BY ATOM AND ENSURE YOUR SOUL KNOWS NOTHING BUT PAIN FOR ALL ETERNITY.
SCP-ANO: THE IRIS - REJECTED - Not killing it until the O5 gives the okay. Guess they're still mad we got rid of so many SCP-001's. Wanna prove they can still do stuff without us... Bunch of babies. Though I have to say it is cruel they got everyone thinking its unbeatable monster. Well, whatever, if push comes to shove, I can just take matters into my own hands. Heh, what can they do about that anyways?
SCP-AGO: The Distortion - APPROVED - [Data Expunged by order of the O5 Council.]
SCP-AZX: Zalgo - APPROVED - Oh! Little Baby Zalgo finally decided to join the big leagues. It kinda sucks to have to break the little baby's heart but oh well. I'll be sure to keep a sample just in case I wanna do an experiment. Oh and don't worry I'll get rid of that thing where [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] when you say his name. Eugh, actually I probably would have done that anyways.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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spearxwind · 2 years
I'll get the cheese in my brain out in a single ask to not be terribly annoying, so, sorry for multiple questions.... between Hades and Talas, who do you think fell for the other first? do you ever think on what the first time being aware of what they feel for eachother was like? or what their bonding moments were like? are there any songs that makes you think of their connection? I'm SORRY FOR TRYINA GET SAPPY DETAILS OFF YOUR MURDEROUS BEASTS xoxo
NOOO PLEASE BE ANNOYING !!!! if i dont talk abt eels and be cringe on main for five million hours a day i will pass away. you are holding out on me if you dont ask. Also murderbeasts can get some sap every once in a while. as a treate
anyway the questions:
TALAS FOR SURE he falls first and then gets big fucking mad about it bc he's got his head so far up his own ass about being a monster and not having feelings that realizing he DOES, in fact, still have feelings feels like getting ice water dunked on him (which is quite a feat since. yknow. his whole ice deal)
First time being aware for Talas is basically lying wide awake in bed head spinning w the thoughts mentioned prior and just going "DO NOT FUCK THIS UP!!!!!" In Hades' case its a little more obtuse bc he just gets really familiar without realizing it and eventually is like "well I guess we are dating" and then they have a really stupid thick as bricks moment about it where talas is like 'well i never said anything bc i didnt wanna ruin whatever we had going on' and hades is like 'you're actually so stupid. we've been dating for a month' You know the really oblivious lesbians trope. its literally like that
on bonding moments i have to be a little [data expunged] about it but a significant number of them involves beating each other up bc they cant stand each other and eventually it just works out somehow
I actually think of them a lot to this song specifically!! Its fast and chaotic and unhinged and i think it fits them very much
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orchid-harmony · 2 years
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I posted 230 times in 2022
That's 226 more posts than 2021!
43 posts created (19%)
187 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 57 of my posts in 2022
#g/t - 16 posts
#c!orchid - 12 posts
#tiny!tommy - 8 posts
#g/t mcyt - 8 posts
#asks - 7 posts
#c!beckyu - 7 posts
#g/t writing - 6 posts
#giant!wilbur - 5 posts
#c!brick - 4 posts
#tiny!techno - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#it's both ranboo and tubbo but ranboo is just mentioned in a phone call and tubbo is speaking to tommy through his phone
My Top Posts in 2022:
Adoption Comes in All Sizes
This be for you @colossal-red
I hope you enjoy it ^^
"Thank you so much mate, you're a real life saver."
"No problem Phil, I owe you for the many times you helped me."
"Still, you're a life saver."
"Do you need help bringing the tree to your house Phil."
"I would appreciate it."
"Alright, you need help with carrying the tree to the car?"
"You really asking that question?"
"Hey, just cause you're pretty strong and have a semi-buff body, doesn't mean that you can't use a little help with carrying a tree to your car."
"You know what, why don't you get my car closer so that you won't worry about me carrying the tree from here to my car?"
"Alright, be right back."
As his friend went to grab Phil's car, Phil took a look at the tree.
It wasn't too big, but it also wasn't too small, it was enough to fit inside his home.
Phil smiled, he couldn't wait to set up his new tree and decorate it.
After a bit of waiting, he saw his car.
Phil picked the tree up and carried it towards his car.
His friend got out of the car, giving Phil a glare.
"Bruh, I didn't tell you to carry the tree to your car."
"Does it seem like I care? No."
His friend sighed.
"Well, if you happen to get cramps on your old back, don't even dare call me."
"I'm not old!"
"Yeah, keep telling that to yourself if it helps you sleep at night."
Phil playfully rolled his eyes.
"Talk to you soon mate?"
"Yeah, good luck setting up the tree."
See the full post
31 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Getting to know of Each Other
1st part: The Night of the Giant Statues
Here is the second part, hope you enjoy it!!
Warning(s): Cursing, Being stabbed with a throwing knife
The god yelled, he felt agony in his heart when he saw his son in statue form.
He ran over to his son, fell to the ground and wrapped wings around him.
He had tears running down his eyes, in the corner of his eyes, he could see Techno not moving, with his eyes widened a bit.
He put his head on his son's shoulder, not paying attention that he was next.
The next thing he felt was his body changing, but he doesn't care.
At least Phil was next to Wilbur.
Phil was the first to wake up from his stony slumber.
He looked around the building, apparently the night guard said that the building they were in was called a museum.
"Strange name for a building this big."
Phil then realized something.
"The night guard forgot to tell us his name."
He sighed, not the first time someone forgot to tell Phil their name, definitely won't be the last.
"So now you're awake huh?" Phil turned to see the night guard at the entrance of their now called "room".
"How long have you been standing there? Waiting for one of us to wake up?"
"Just got here like a few minutes ago, as soon as I went inside here, your body was already turning back to how you used to look like."
Both of them stood there in silence.
"Is it alright if I can accompany you mate? I might not be much but I just don't wanna be here, feeling alone without my son and friend, you get what I'm saying?"
The night guard nodded, then started walking out of the room with Phil catching up to him.
Once they were out of the room, the guard took out his flashlight and kept walking.
"So you only have a flashlight to guide you in the darkness of the museum, and no weapon to protect yourself with?" Phil asked.
He was rather more curious than worried that the guard only had a flashlight on him.
"Yes, my boss only gives out flashlights. But my boss also allows me to bring a weapon just in case."
"Well, what did you bring for protection?"
See the full post
32 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Getting a new brother in a Giant Zoo
Again, thank u @wendy130 for letting me use the prompt, so here it is!!
Warning(s): Dehumanization (It's giants being kept in a zoo and being treated as animals), Cursing, Hitting (Just a random kid hitting little Tubbo)
"Sir, you're lucky that you and your son weren't in harm's way from that Breach, are you sure you want to continue your visit?"
If Phil was being honest, yes, he would like to continue the tour.
He felt pity for the giants that they were stuck in a cage like animals, just for entertainment.
He was the one who caused the breach, and he wasn't caught letting the giant free, but the poor soul got sent back to their cage.
He felt disgusted that people locked up giants just to show off like some animal.
But then again, he was also here for his son, Tommy.
The kid was excited to be here, and Phil won't deny the fact that he wanted Tommy to have a good life.
"Yes, I'm sure that I want to continue the visit. Afterall, don't want to make me kid upset."
"Ah, love your kid that you would do anything to keep that smile on their face."
Phil nodded.
"It's understandable, parents can be like that with their kids most of the time."
Phil was soon let go, he went to his son, who was sitting patiently on a chair.
"Ready to go, Tommy?" Tommy looked up at Phil, then excitement took over his body.
"Alright then, I think I saw another giant around these parts, do you want to go and check it out?"
Tommy nodded his head rapidly.
Then they went to the section that the giant was.
Phil took a second to look at them.
The giant had pink hair, red eyes, they seemed to have a pair of glasses on them and a book to read.
Tommy gasped, apparently, the giant seemed to hear Tommy gasp since they looked towards where Phil and Tommy were.
He saw the giant's eyes dilate at the sight of Tommy.
It seemed rather adorable, if it wasn't by the situation that the pink haired giant was in.
They seemed to put their book down and get closer to Tommy.
Phil noticed the pink haired giants eyes dilate a bit more now that they can see Tommy more close up in view.
Both of them were fascinated with each other.
Tommy began to squeal in delight at the sight of the giant being this close to him.
Phil looks to his right, seeing a stand that seemed to have information about the giant.
See the full post
55 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
A Helping Hand
This gift is for @eyes-eye-eyes for @mcyt-gt-events, I really hope you enjoy this, I did my best to try and write this out for you. I might be able to do the second prompt but loss of motivation might get in the way but prompt 2 might happen.
Prompt #1: T!SBI are out on a vacation, and get lost on their way back to the place they are staying. They attract some hostile unwanted attention. Thankfully, a g!tommy saves them before they can get hurt. Hurt/comfort :))) VORE MAYBE!!
Warning: Safe Vore, Cursing, a little bit of fearplay(I think)
Phil knew things weren't gonna go well when they got lost.
He knew better than to trust Wilbur with directions.
But he did, and now he regrets it.
Him, Wilbur, and Techno were taking a vacation, it was a little cabin in a forest.
They wanted to have a picnic in a specific area where Phil went every time he used to come here for summer vacation when he was younger.
Of course, he wasn't allowed in the picnic area anymore due to rumors of people disappearing because of giants or dangerous creatures when they got to the picnic area.
He didn't and still doesn't believe the rumors. After all, those were just rumors.
He heard Techno sigh, "Dad, why did you let Wilbur take control of the directions when he clearly doesn't know where he is going?"
"Well then fuck you too Tech-no-blade, I'm no "Human Compass" like you are." Wilbur exclaimed.
"Don't say my name like that, you know full well that I could be a better guide than you could ever be." Techno exclaimed softly.
"Guys don't be so loud, we might attract-" Phil tried to explain but was cut off.
"Then go ahead Mister "Human Compass", show us the way towards the picnic site." Wilbur exclaimed as loudly as he could, just to spite Phil.
It was silent for a few seconds, before a voice came up.
"Well well, if it isn't more humans for me to have, I'm gonna be honest, it's been a real long time since I had humans for lunch, but today is my lucky day as it seems."
They all turned around to see a giant, he had brunette hair, with a coat on. The giant was smirking down at them.
They tried to run, but hands caught them before taking even more steps.
"I don't think so, you're not going anywhere except for my stomach."
All hope seemed lost in the situation that they were in.
"Tubbo, what the fuck are you doing at my side of the forest with humans who were on my side of the forest, I thought we had an agreement." Another voice spoke.
"Oh c'mon Tommy, just a little snack wouldn't hurt anybody."
"Then how would you like it if I come over to your side and take dear old Ranboo as a snack eh? Bet that he would be a good one too."
The giant holding them tensed.
"You wouldn't dare fucking touch Ranboo."
"Then give me back the humans, and nothing bad will happen to your dear old Ranboo."
The giant or Tubbo, thought about it.
See the full post
56 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Night of the Giant Statues
Warning(s): Cursing, Mentions of hard vore, Ready to embrace death (I think you know what I mean by embracing death), Mentions of su!c!de
Sorry that I keep saying full names over and over again TwT
2nd part: Getting to know of Each Other
It was Tommy's first night as the museum's night guard.
The museum contained things of the past.
Like Greek Mythology, ways of how to win a war back then in the early days, hell, even the types of gods and pantheons.
As boring as all that shit sounds, it sounded interesting to a lot of nerds who are into stuff from the past.
And it was safe to say that Tommy was one of those nerds.
Sue him for that, but was it worth it learning about the past?
To some no.
To others yes.
Tommy couldn't care less.
So back to what he was doing, he was just patrolling around the museum, making sure everything was in place.
He went to one of his favorite sections of the whole museum.
The SBI Section.
It's a section with three gods that used to be a bit problematic back then.
But, as every story starts, there will always be an end to that story.
The people of back then gathered together, and made the three gods into stone.
One by one.
The first one to turn to stone Wilbur Soot, God of Insanity, Music, and Trickery.
They manage trick him.
How? Tommy himself doesn't know since it doesn't specify how they trick a god of trickery.
The next was Philza, God of Hardcore, Void, and Life.
He was Death's Husband, they turned him into stone while he was grieving from his already turned stone son.
The last one to turn to stone was Technoblade, God of Combat, Blood, and Destruction.
A powerful warrior beat him in a duel, both of them made a deal.
If Technoblade wins, both Philza and Wilbur Soot would be out of their stone cages of eternity and punish the people who turned them to stone.
If the warrior wins, Technoblade would accept loss and would allow the people to turn him into stone with the two other stone gods.
See the full post
69 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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euclydya · 2 years
hold on wait. things i personally want 2 have happen in s2:
I get a gun.
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melancholic · 3 years
idc abt the grp anymore but the fact that fans keep praising their company as the best company ever 🥴 you werent here during 2016 clearly bc fuck that company they abused them like every other kpop company, they just advertise themselves as a company that treats their idols well and their fanbase eats it up.
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tiefling-queer · 4 years
you know the people who you think about in your day to day life and want to talk to but feel like you were never close enough to them to justify just messaging them and you know that even if you were to talk to them it would just be a series of exchanging the exact same pleasantries ‘how’ve you been? what have you been up to?’ but at the same time it doesn’t feel like exchanging inane pleasantries would be that bad, just to know they’re still out there
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1roentgen · 2 months
0 notes
mysteriisnull · 4 years
Every question
ooc: im going to kill you.
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I Really moreso have A Relationship with Her.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? Probably Trisha
04: Are you insecure? Yes 
05: What is your relationship status? Taken but Not in a polyamorous Triad like some People named evelyn May think
06: How do you want to die? Quickly and Not at all like the first Time
07: What did you last eat? Blood Pack i got From the fridge
08: Played any sports? I Have never played A sport and Never will
09: Do you bite your nails? I Chew my hands and arms to Tatters yes
10: When was your last physical fight? About three Weeks ago
11: Do you like someone? Yes Obviously
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? My Record is 96
14: Do you miss someone? yes
15: Have any pets? Teddy bear von casanova pokey-dot!!!
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Badly in an Anxious way
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Yes More than once
18: Are you scared of spiders? Millipedes And centipedes are Far worse
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? yes
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? [This answer has been redacted]
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? Having Children would be An utterly terrible idea. I Think in like a Different timeline i Would do well with like One daughter
23: Do you have piercings? How many? Just The one helix much To krissas chagrin
26: What are you craving right now?
Lemon bars.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yes
28: Have you ever been cheated on? I Have a good two for two not Getting cheated on
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? :)
30: What’s irritating you right now? There Are a lot of gnats In this room
31: Does somebody love you? I Hope so
32: What is your favourite color? Red And blue it changes Really but both Are muted. I Tend towards red
33: Do you have trust issues? I Think its obvious Yes
34: Who/what was your last dream about? It Was a bog standard Like oh nightmare scenario Bad box with a Cool twist that i Cannot mention its Not horny though
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? I Really dont remember But, nick? wyrd? One of those Two? Im counting Like a real Cry here not Just like oh getting upset There
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? To Some people, yes
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Its Easier to repress and Just not bring it up
38: Is this year the best year of your life? I Think really against everything Yes
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16? I Think
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? In The woods yes
51: Favourite food? Food is All the same really.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? I Have to stop myself from Thinking about this
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Sent More than a few texts and then Passed out
54: Is cheating ever okay? Sometimes Yes
55: Are you mean? At Seemingly random times, yes
56: How many people have you fist fought? Less than ten
57: Do you believe in true love? Not At all!
58: Favourite weather? Rain
59: Do you like the snow? Light snow Yes heavier Snow though is just Too much
60: Do you wanna get married? I am Utterly terrified of Commitment, yes
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Its Incredibly wierd!
62: What makes you happy? I Think like in One word Accomplishment there
63: Would you change your name? I Have no real reason to
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Probably Not?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? This Could be taken a lot of Ways so like Either way i would just Talk to her?
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Several! Because i Am like a normal Person
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My Mom probably
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Either Nick or [data expunged]
69: Do you believe in soulmates? Not at All
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honestly we can all be horny on OUR blogs like real men. who just goes yeah hancock is hot and [DATA EXPUNGED] in an ask smh smh
A lot of people on a tf2 blog i follow do that with the mercs (who I follow for being active in tf2) the difference is they are UPFRONT and OPEN as SOON as you follow. It is OBVIOUS. It's also OPs MAIN, PERSONAL BLOG
Pulling it outta nowhere after running this blog since (may? I wanna say may) with so many followers would be such BS tbh. It's already odd that this isn't just textposts
Like, if y'all are gonna do that, I'm fairly certain fallout confession blogs exist. If they don't.... Well, I GUESS YA GOTTA BE HORNY ON MAIN, BOO
However, I will talk about fluff with a bit of yearning uwu
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acabbie · 5 years
quinn(caspian) / ivanya DMs
kowalesq: I should clarify, as I'm becoming less. Inebriated. Tomorrow would be Inconvenient for me to go to coffee as I will be. Destroyed. And at work.
acabbie: I NO LONGER WANNA TALK [[ooc: this is me, Nolan, fucking up and misinterpreting what Dorian meant for me to say lmao]]
kowalesq: Oh
Uh. Have a good night then
kowalesq: No I don't want to talk to you anymore. For the night at least. You've hurt my feelings
acabbie: Wait Wait wait. wait. Fuck. Sorry. Oh I'm going to die for this I think. 
kowalesq: Please. Just leave me alone.
acabbie: Ms. Kowal. Ma'am. Sorry. actually. this is Caspian???
We swapped phones!! I got a little miffed. Sorry. I cannot give her back her phone she'll literally fucking murder me for this she will.
kowalesq: What
What the fuck
Why would you do this?
Why would Quinn let you do this
If you are angry with me I expect you to treat me with at least the respect need to speak to me plainly and as yourself. Is this what you do when you're angry with someone? 
Play games?
acabbie:  It was funnier in our heads. But then you were getting mad on main and Quinn's sending messages to PEOPLE and I [Data Expunged].
Quinn has no idea! She's still got my phone. Listen I cannot give this back to her.
kowalesq: If you have any sense, which I am starting to see you Do Not
You will tell Quinn what you've done, what you've said, the relationships you've been playing games with AS HER.
And you will report to work, bright and early, tomorrow morning where we will have a very serious conversation. 
acabbie: Listen. I’m going to be honest and you can block me or fire me as much as you want afterwards. It’s not a game. She really likes you and she gets shy asking you out so I would type it for her. Then I got. Worried that you were angry. You don’t have to forgive me but she has been through actual hell these past few days and no part of this is a game to me or Quinn.
Oh. Yes of course. Bright n early. Can do.
kowalesq: You think going through hell means anything? I go through hell daily, I can tell you stories about my childhood that would peel the skin off your bones. I appreciate you being upfront with me, I appreciate you being there for Quinn when she needs you in her corner but you need to understand. I don't have anyone in my corner, I don't have anyone I can call when I get hurt like this.
Every weight that I carry I carry alone
acabbie: That's valid. Ms. Kowal. You know she will read these messages tomorrow. Or soon. Regardless. She'll read these. I'm sorry. Again. 
kowalesq: I hope she treats you kindly. 
And I won't fire you. And for that decision you should thank Arturo who's talked me off the ledge twice tonight.
acabbie: Yes Ms. Kowal. I will thank him. Very much. You are very kind for not firing me. [[ooc: this was paraphrased from a message Dorian sent because they were at work while this was going down shfjssakdslfa]]
kowalesq: Don't flatter me. I will see you tomorrow.
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euclydya · 3 years
ok I'm gomma ramble abt canon shit under the cut ok lets go
I AM TRYIN G to get our family tree together in some coherent way bc art reasons bc shut it and lemme just. ramble abt it rq
So. Mom and dad had Eden, then Isaac, then me and then Eve. This i know for sure. Eden is 19, Isaac's 15, I'm around 13, Eve's around 14ish.
Now then. We also have. Judas. And Lazarus. And Cain... And Samson... And Beth... So uhhh.
i wanna say after The Bullshit (if u know u know... vaguely at least) Laz and Judas escaped but because of [DATA EXPUNGED] dad didn't know them well at all and because he was drunk 90% of the time, well. Anyways they escaped and eventually found their way to his new house and lived very good lives from what they recall.
Cain I think was abandoned. Orphaned. whatever. Not sure and he's not sure either. What we do know is dad also took him in. We consider him a blood relative but I suppose not bsnzajkdsk whatever he's family.
Beth was 100% adopted... Off the street. That's all we know about her as that's also all she remembers. Dad adopted her.
Samson lived with Bob, dad's brother, and deadass did not know any of us existed until WELL after mom was declared fucking obliterated and ripped to shreds. He recalls living on a farm and having a really chill life. Bob never talked to dad and vice versa. Not sure why. Could easily make some guesses tho.
Uhh... Oh my fucking god this burrito has lettuce in it kill me rigjt now. Anyway umm
I can say with certainty that Jacob and Esau were not at all related to any of us and we never saw them in our canon.
Apollyon, The Keeper, Azazel, and Lilith were brought out of the basement by Eden, along with isaac. Azzy and Lilith are related—siblings, specifically—Apollyon was found in a secret room and The Keeper was found in a shop.
The Forgotten and Soul kinda just... Appeared, one day. Not sure how, nobody knows.
And the Lost?... Welllll. We think they were the end result of uh, losing a life down there.
I refuse to touch the topic of where the B-Sides came from because I have zero fucking clue except for Eden-B dragging itself out of a void (or static? Kinda like Dogma?) and Apollyon-B coming from the Abyss. thank u for listening to my rambles goodnight
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