kbsd · 4 months
bucky egan // "free" by florence + the machine
the feeling comes so fast and i cannot control it i'm on fire, but i'm trying not to show it
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agentc0rn · 2 months
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Screamin' and dreamin'
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Ya know, I dont think I ever have.
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I'm loving this man more and more as of late-
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hogans-heroes · 3 months
Like I completely understand Austin’s reasons for turning down the invitation to be in Top Gun: Maverick because he accepted a film with an director he really want to work with but CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM WITH THE COCKY JET JOCKY ATTITUDE OF THE TGM PILOTS??? I mean, I’m dying just thinking about it do you know who revolutionary that would be we haven’t seen him in a character like Hangman.
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sayorseee · 16 days
Getting on a plane in a few hours to go chase my dreams and move across the country and what not!
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alfiely-art · 5 months
Ruff ruff
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Irl pal keeps telling me I'm dog coded so. Zilch upon ye
Song is DOUBLE from Milgram
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theknifeclown · 1 year
Introducing Gloom Twilight!
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info dump under cut: SUPER LONG
He is an embodiment of the Twilight sky, he is the transition from day to night, he use to live in the sky, in the clouds but left.... due to family issues
His favorite color is purple
He has a cat named pom:
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She is cuddly, not a single violent bone in her body, he found her right before he left the sky, she was abandoned in a box, sad and hungry
gloom has a calming aura that always just kinda surrounding him, especially when he is sleeping
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If you cuddle with him when asleep, you'll have a deep sleep and calming dreams
He cant open both his eyes at the same time! He isn't entirely sure why, but one eye must be closed in order for the other to open, he can close both of them at the same time though, He usually keeps his Gold eye open because he is legally blind in the red one, he can see vague shapes but that's about it, he opens the red eye when he's about to sleep but doing things like changing into pajamas and brushing his hair as to "rest the other one"
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(another symbolism of balance because I'm artsy like that~✨)
He can play the flute!
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He doesn't like to show off, he usually pulls it out and plays mindless little lullaby tunes on it when he's alone and wants to fill the silence.
...he does have a nightmare form but...
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...let's not discuss it...
He covers his mouth when he laughs or smiles real big because he's afraid a bug will fly into his mouth
AND!! He has a very soft glow to him
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ishibishie · 3 months
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and the universe said i love you because you are love
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bnha-submas · 2 years
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I: Welcome! I am Pro Hero Nobori. That fellow over to the side is also a Pro hero, Kudari. You can also call us Ingo and Emmet.
E: We are here to answer your questions. Follow the rules. Safe driving! Don't be weird.
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influencednp · 3 months
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 11 months
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i have achieved one of the first goals i made for myself on prosekai..
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
Heyyy that completes all the Doctor Who eps I hadn't seen!
Technically I started watching the Classic Whos around 2011, and finished in 2018 (with a big break in the middle). Hell I started so long ago they uncovered more lost footage since then.
Following that I did the off-brand who's as well (downtime, wartime, the airzone solution etc) then decided to the 1996 movie at some point more recently and finally rewatched the modern era, including Torchwood, SJA and Class (the latter I had never watched and SJA only sporadically).
I'd started the modern era when it first aired, first on CBC, then on SciFi/BBCA, and dropped off during Matt Smith's era, picked it up again and caught up to Capaldi's era and dropped it again (it had uh not gotten fun for me).
Picked up the series a third time during Jodie Whittaker's era and watched all of that as well and finally caught up the two Capaldi series I hadn't done.
I WILL re-watch 13's series as well just because, but probably not right now, given the glut of new shows coming october and november (including Tennant's return).
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lian-fang-zun · 5 months
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had a bit of fun writing for this au again in my spare time
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
Edit: Somehow, my queue glitched and posted this earlier this week, so hopefully~ this works out-
Golly, another @khoc-week has come and gone, time sure flies when you're having fun-
Thank you for another AWESOME week full of such fun OCs!!! I love seeing everyone's creativity shine through their characters, it's like a small look into everyone's brains where we can admire the little worms living in there... in a good way!
Whether they're freshly hatched or well aged, these silly guys always bring me so much joy! :)
Genuinely, I wish I had the energy to interact with every single one of them, so instead I will blow them all a kiss from afar!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ They are what makes this week of the year truly special!
Beware, I will be lurking in tags ready to pounce on every OC I see after this is over I'm OBSESSED- (jk jk... unless?)
Onwards, then, to the final prompt of the year!!
Day 7 - Happily Ever After
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Now, alas I've been following the canon timeline and filling in gaps with my own fun worldbuilding, characters and lore, so by all rights their stories are not gonna reach a happy ending for a WHILE (writing? who is she?), however the hypotheticals are always a good way to cope with that!
What their endings have reached so far while we're in lore hiatus (waiting endlessly for Missing Link and KH4... jk jk I hope they take their time tbh-) is that ideally after KH3, while everyone is looking for Sora, they're world jumping and clearing out remaining hoards of darkness together as a crew, alongside Reixen for more bonding time, in a variety of new places! They solve some mysteries surrounding their own personal character arcs and learn things about themselves they never considered, it's a real eye opener. Day 2 kinda hints at that with my picks of places I want them to go to fulfill that! At this rate, they may just be a series of oneshots...
Of course, it all eventually HAS to end, so here's some loose ends and how they may tie them up!
Considering Iris ended up in the future, of course she has to cope with the reality that the worlds she knew are gone, or at least have yet to be restored (aside from Daybreak Town there's no repairing that-). Plus the existential crisis of having technically been dead AND given a new, puppet-esque body to inhabit. Lucky, she is, to even be here to begin with.
At the same time, she's helping Alto regain his memories from the same era they both managed to escape in some way. Being repeatedly reincarnated kinda screws some things up along the way, so it's a long haul process for the both of them to come to terms with.
Depending on what happens with the Scala ad Caelum plotline, they may both travel there, or to what's left of it, for closure, as well as to learn about the culture there to see what became of it after they were both long gone. Pay their respects to Alto's pal Ephemer and all that.
Her ending ideally is moving on and learning to live in a time she didn't anticipate seeing, which should be simple in theory since she's so young. She stays with Irene and Alto in Radiant Garden, and together with Alto they both take up lessons with Merlin and Yen Sid to learn more modern Keyblade skills, eventually (despite being Keyblade Master precursors) they are granted the titles of Master and help protect the universe.
She returns to her job, forever changed by her experiences, and helps her fellow castle staff move on and forgive themselves for the horrors they had to go through. It's a long haul process, but it will be worth it!
She finds herself a comfy living place in Radiant Garden to offer as a safe space for those she grew close to when they need it, where she essentially adopts Alto and Iris, since they don't really have a place to go that isn't rooming with a wizard or an on-the-road teenager. From time to time she also travels to Twilight Town to visit Reixen and her found family (maybe attending her polycule wedding at some point), but otherwise seems perfectly content staying put. Maybe the occasional visit from Iliana, as a treat. That doesn't require much aside from constant pestering, really.
While readapting to life a decade later than she's used to is a hassle in of itself, she seems to do it with grace, which is impressive considering she was presumed dead for said decade-
She also has that wonderful romance with Russell, as they deserve, and they both get to retire at some point knowing they have their chance to heal from all the suffering they experienced... and with more adopted kids than they know what to do with-
What I envision for her is kind of complicated and long, so I'll try to keep it short-
Ideally, she gets to save her world once and for all while also getting rid of Igni, which almost costs her her life (nothing is allowed to be easy with Igni, as we've learned from Day 4-). So afterwards she's in recovery surrounded by the loved ones she gained along the way. For how long? Who's to say, miss ma'am will either be MIA or in a comatose sleep (jk jk... unless?) so it depends entirely on her and the awful side effects of Igni's possession tbh-
Chronically ill? With Igni goo disease? More likely than you think!
On the bright side, she finally gets to reunite with her brother in this timeline, though later than intended, and the two eventually take off on a journey of self discovery! Or they probably camp out with their uncle for a while before they do that, either way. They make up for lost time and get to grow together as people while also tying up a whole heap of loose ends their pasts left behind. A whole heap is nothing to sneeze at in this case-
In between, she makes time to check in on various allies as well as hang out with (her nerdy now bf) Ienzo. They have a funky long distance relationship because of her travels, so she surprises him with her presence when she can.
Maybe she gets an engineering degree, who knows? Certainly not me, at least not yet.
I like to think she eventually takes on apprentices or something and is probably the most annoying mentor known to the universe, especially if one of her apprentices is conveniently a secret younger sibling (I joke but... maybe-).
Nothing will be easy, of course some stupid new plot will pop up and she'll have even more nonsense to deal with, but that's a later issue to think about.
And finally, they all get therapy ♥
They're doomed by the narrative to be absolutely demolished but can never truly die, so it's only fair they can live out somewhat happy and fulfilling lives despite every up and down I throw at them!
That's all I've got for this prompt, thank y'all for another wonderful KHOC Week and I will see y'all next year!!
Or in the tags, I'm always in the tags. :3c
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hoodedpanda333 · 2 years
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Master list
Alphabet challenge pt 13!
M for Mammon!
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lollitree · 2 years
Oh Lysandre/Yveltal is getting a grid expansion?! Heck YES all those move candies I gave him aren't a waste after all!! >:D
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