cheezitofthevalley · 4 months
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1st divider by perhapsmac on deviantart
2nd divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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lakesbian · 10 months
“Holy fuck,” Lisa said, slapping the sides of the steering wheel with her hands. I think if the van had been moving, she would have hit the brakes for emphasis. Traffic was starting to move, though, so she started up the car and put it into gear, “Twice, you bring up the Endbringers in as many minutes. You’re being morbid. What’s going on?”
i love this both as a category five Taylor Moment and a worldbuilding piece. like, this is functionally the same as randomly and persistently bringing up tornadoes or forest fires during a conversation. much like tornadoes and forest fires, endbringers are something you see on the news, go "huh, that sucks for the victims" about, and then forget about because you are going on with your day. you rationally understand they could happen to you, but you don't think they ever really will. you don't expect to come home and find your house burnt down, and you don't expect to hear sirens warning that leviathan is incoming. the fact that it's Weird for taylor to keep bringing it up, the fact that it's bizarre and morbid in the same way randomly going "ah yes....like forest fires" twice in a row during a conversation is bizarre and morbid, and the fact that taylor is talking about them like they're the same thing as capes like nilbog or heartbreaker are all such fun ways of indicating what the average earth bet citizen's relationship is to the concept of the endbringers. in two years taylor will have flung herself headfirst into these walking natural disaster scenarios over and over again, but for now, she's just some suicidal 15yo girl in brockton who can't even imagine that they're not human
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wormtimesposts · 2 years
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one of my favorite worms ive ever made!! absolutely massive guy
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🫠 CrowartblockCreature
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Once again blaming Wormtime for this. I love them both so much!!!
I forgot the G in matching-dont know how one does that- so I guess its southern now.
Im gonna stick a crossover idea under the cut….
I need a AU where Ylfa ends up in double life. At the time where most people are yellow or red, she’d be the only green. At first, she wouldn’t meet Pearl, she’d meet everyone else, and sure, they’re pleasant enough, but theres no room for her(not to mention how off putting it would be if she matched Pearl, Wolf ears, tail and paws of a wolf-granted she’d be a noticeably younger-puppy vibes! Not to mention the red cloaks and axes! I know people like to give her a scythe or the other thingy I dont know the name off-but she used a iron axe until the last ep.)
Sooner or later someone(see Ren) would mention that she looks like the resident Demon/witch, piquing Ylfa’s interest, and eventually she’d go looking(she befriends everyone and everything. Dont tell me she wouldnt.) and would easily worm her way into both Pearls and Tilly’s hearts.
(Pack bond-Red life Pearl would chew her own arms off before harming a hair on her head.)
Pearl would become more conscious about taking care of herself(no more powdered snow, sorry not sorry) because now she has to make sure that no harm befalls her new friend. So she has to be ready to protect her from the reds!!
I forget how she lost her yellow life(was it scotts fault, or when she stole from the boat boys?) but WHATEVER IT WAS would be replaced by her killing somebody because the attempted to hurt Ylfa, which I will sound really repetitive, IS NOT ALLOWED.
ALSO because Ylfa wouldnt have a soulbound, Pearl would loud her up with potions, because theres not a soulbound for those to break-!
Ylfa would use one of the splash potions on her when scott tries to blow himself up, so she would die.
And they would remain there until Mother Goose or someone managed to worm their way into the world to get Ylfa but goes back with a extra friend.
(Which would make it harder for the hermits to find Pearl, Oops :) )
I dont know weither or not Ylfa should loss a life for extra angst, or because of Protective Big Sis Pearl she gets to remain on green…
Theres a lot one could do with this XD
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what’s in the pokeball? W O R M S ! !
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worm--time--babeyyy · 4 years
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It's WORM TIME, BABEYYYYYYY . . . [Art by me/my other account] . . . #wormonastring #ohworm #wormtime #squirmles #wormcult #wormoffthestring #wormonstring #stringworm #itswormtimebabey https://www.instagram.com/p/CDr_K5ApKvT/?igshid=fjyk8go4yu9m
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lakesbian · 10 months
and the other thing is like. it's complicated. he is generally not the worst listener. he is, demonstrably, by her side when the cards are down, even if he doesn't really get her. he's on his daughter's side when he finds out she's skitter. when taylor says she doesn't like rachel, he doesn't offer any platitudes, he just nods. he doesn't dig into what she says or ask for elaboration when she vaguely mentions the bullying, and she's grateful for that. but her gratefulness leads her to feel like she, quote, "owes him" a confession about some of the bullying:
I felt like I owed him something for that. Sighing, I admitted, “Like, at school. The, uh, the people who’re giving me a hard time? They sort of ganged up on me on Monday. Just, you know, taking turns insulting me. It’s why I needed to get away and went downtown.” I felt embarrassed, saying it, because it was humiliating enough to live through without having to recap it, and because it felt so disconnected from the rest of the conversation. But if I didn’t say it right then, I don’t think I would’ve been able to.
and it feels really revealing as to their relationship that she thinks he Deserves the information about the bullying he clearly wants, but is humiliated not just by recapping it, but because it "feels disconnected from the rest of the conversation." of course baring the trauma feels more humiliating when it's the unacknowledged elephant in the room, when her father approaches conversations w/ her like she has a normal life despite the reality that she's being horrifically abused.
and after she opens up a bit, we get yet another reason why doing it sucks for her:
My dad sort of went still.  I could see him compose himself and choose his words before he asked, “Not to diminish how much it sucks to get put down like that, but they didn’t do anything else?” I raised my eyebrows in question as I chewed.  They had, kind of, but I couldn’t really say ‘They used Mom’s death to fuck with my head’ without having to explain the Emma thing. “Anything like what happened in January?” he asked. I lowered my eyes to my plate, then shook my head.  After a few moments I said, “No.  January was a one time thing.  They’ve pulled smaller ‘pranks’ since then, hassled me, but no repeat performances on that front.”  I made air quotes with my fingers as I said ‘pranks’. “Okay,” my dad said, quietly, “That’s a relief to know.”
earlier in his interlude, danny hears her come in at Three Ay Em In The Morning, is about to go check on her to make sure she's okay, and then hears her making a snack and decides "well, if she's making a snack she must be fine enough to leave alone, that's a relief." and that's exactly what he's doing here--he's hearing that something awful happened to her, he's checking that she's "fine enough to leave alone," and then when he decides that she is, he says "that's a relief" and changes the subject from the bullying altogether. saying "not to diminish how much that sucks" does not change that it diminishes how much it sucks to immediately respond to her confession with "okay, but it wasn't as bad as the worst time, right?"
I didn’t feel like sharing any more. You’d think I would feel better, after opening up, but I didn’t. I felt frustrated, angry, awkward. It was a reminder that I couldn’t have a real conversation with my dad like I used to be able to. More than anything, I felt guilty. Part of the guilt was because I’d apparently let my dad think that every time I was bullied, it was like it had been that day, nearly four months ago, when things had been at their worst.
and it's so fucking sad that she feels guilty for "letting him" assume that something That Bad could be happening regularly, when he was the one not opening opportunities for communication. he's trying to carry on like everything is normal, thus divorcing their interactions from reality & ensuring they can't have real conversations.
& i really love how he's a dysfunctional parent in a completely plausible and understandable way. he lost his wife and entered a depressive state where he wasn't able to care for taylor until his friend gave him a kick in the rear about it, and now he's just barely able to scrape by in the "acting like a semblance of a normal household" department. he has no support systems to lean on, he has no idea how to help taylor, the only thing he's capable of is desperately hoping that she's Fine Enough to leave alone. and i think he lies to himself about how fine she is, because if she wasn't fine enough, what would he even do about that? it's such an encapsulation of the failure of the nuclear family that he's one of her only real avenues for help despite not being in a place to give it. it hurts both of them, although it certainly hurts her more, because she is the child being abused and systematically neglected, with no real recourse for it. it's why i really like that it's portrayed as understandable when taylor leaves the house, and why it's so grating that a return to the nuclear family is portrayed as a sign of her healing at the end. rest in peace worm criticism nuclear family you were good while you lasted
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lakesbian · 1 year
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this was such an underrated taylor moment
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I mean the title speaks for itself but I just ordered 18 new children and I might be too excited about getting them? BUT LIKE I ALREADY LOVE THEM  EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TO WAIT A MONTH TILL THEY ARRIVE
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thanks for coming to my TED talk
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lakesbian · 4 years
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wormtime + pact time + occasional infinity train or misc reblogs. i am dangerously autistic about alec ‘regent’ vasil, and also his lawyer. read my alec essays :). i like talking about worm but i have a massive backlog of asks so you will probably get faster results from a post tag or dm. can haz art credit to @miimyn​
(LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR PEOPLE UNFAMILIAR WITH THE JOKE: i dont actually hate wildbow thats just some guy. i just think its funny when people accuse you of being, quote, “a bad faith actor who hates wildbow” for breaking down the racism or homophobia or whatever in worm)
tags i use are under the cut so i dont Forget but im really bad at tagging things. so dont look right now okay. ill fix them one day okay.
worm tags i Will use once i go back & tag everything (until then good luck dont bother searching tags): #parahumans (literally every post in it) #worm art (worm fanart. obviously) #wormnalysis (worm analysis) #wormcore (shit that makes me go “yeah this captures the essence of worm”) #worm song asks (people really like asking me to rate their worm song choices & someone wanted this tagged for ease of backreading, so! behold, tag) #wormtime (wormread liveblogs) #alec essays (only one i’ve sorted properly rn lmao) #pact time (pact liveblog. hi pactblr) all characters are tagged by full name, cape name if we don’t have a full name
infinity train content archive: #infinity train (literally every post in it) #b1 (book one content only) #b2 (book two content only) #b3 (book three content only) #b4 (book four content only) #art (fanart) #fics (fics by myself or others) #fic fanart (fanart ppl made of my fics) #videos (amvs, clips, etc) #headcanons (what it says on the tin) #lore (crew statements, crew art, behind the scenes, etc) #analysis (what it says on the tin) #icons (u kno like 4 profiles) #funnies (jokes jests japes memes etc) #dresse (jesse but in a dress because i am gnc and like making him gnc) #pilotverse (sparse tag about a convoluted au i made)
misc. content archive: #horror #halloween #angels #liminal #mermaids #aliens #road trip #cryptids #space #butch #paleo #robot dreams  #aesthetic  #catered to me  #miserable little creatures  #words  #spec bio  #existential joy
oc aes tags filled with wanton abandon: #arroyo #miles #jackie #dan
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