#WOW that got heavy
briarrolfe · 3 months
Our 78 year old Italian neighbour Josie might not remember my name, and may never get my pronouns right, but the thing is: We Are Besties and I am totally obsessed with her. She blasts disco music 24 hours a day. She chain smokes. She is so obsessed with Vegemite that she cut a holiday visiting family back home short because she was seized by Cravings. She took her first ever selfie with me. She flirts with my fiancé. Once I had to rescue her from her finding a lizard in her toaster. She drinks her first coffee of the day at like 4 am. Recently she told me “if anyone tries to take you away from me… I will kill them” with total seriousness and I fully reciprocate it. She is a constant source of chaos in our lives. I would do anything for her and I love her with all my heart
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cartoonscientist · 6 months
really close to making a Your Fave Has Digestive Illness sideblog because maybe society would call me "insane" or "literally the joker" but I think people who live with crippling, white knuckle abdominal pain day to day deserve one positivity blog that isn't weirdly mean-spirited and self consciously ironic about making shit jokes, just as a treat
bc like idk I'm kind of getting sick of the vibe online that people whose chronic illness involves vomit or bathroom stuff have to constantly make fun of themselves in order to be palatable to able-bodied people
maybe I don't think my health problems are hilarious! maybe I think it's fucked up that I know exactly what coffee ground puke looks like because I've had to identify it and seek medical treatment multiple times. maybe it impacts my self esteem sometimes that I sometimes have to wear incontinence aids as a young adult. maybe I'm sick of doctors abusing and neglecting me and not taking me seriously because they mentally connect my symptoms with obese and elderly people and their contempt for those populations spills over onto me and I want like a cute hurt/comfort fic or silly meme once in a while that isn't reminding me that everyone thinks of my pain as a joke.
but yeah it would have tags for GERD, IBS, gastroparesis, ulcers, etc. and possibly eating/feeding disorders since our communities seem to overlap a lot
(ALSO I feel like if you've had doctors put a camera into your body for like an hour you have the license to define your illness experience however you want, but that's just me)
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dairyfreenugget · 1 month
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Probably not the answer expected, but I'm kind of embarrassed/ashamed of making ocs related to canon characters or who are friends with them. I'm cringe culture is dead all the way about liking anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, but when I try to make ocs related in any way to canon characters? I get so embarrassed to share them at all. Which is funny because I don't have the same reaction when it comes to my oc x canon anymore.
And I guess like. Sometimes, I feel embarrassed to like/write/draw PV having a good relationship with their parents because I know that's very far removed from not only canon but most fandom's fanon also. Plus, a common no-nuance take on the Internet is that you shouldn't try to write abusers trying to change or an abuse victim rebuilding their relationship with their former abuser, or you're somehow romanticising and excusing abuse? And I get the frustration and worry, since very often it's portrayed as you should just forgive and forget, give them another chance, even if they haven't changed; and sometimes abusers will act like they did change to lure their victim back, so attempting to reconcile can be dangerous. But at the same time, acting like there's just one correct way to portray abuse and a victim's perspective and what they want can feel very alienating and have the same effect as telling somebody forgetting and forgiving is the only way forward. My only hope is that I can do this topic justice the way I write Flower's/Hollow's/PV's relationship with their parents, and I try to avoid depicting forgiveness and building a relationship with your former abuser as the only way to heal by writing the other siblings with different outlooks and wants when it comes to their relationship with their parents. So far, nobody has yet to give me grief for this, thankfully.
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achairwithapandaonit · 6 months
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my cat is a wonderful fanfic writer. look what she added onto my current wip
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Dustin: you're such a mom
Steve: well you guys are all babies so you need a mom
Dustin: we're the same age you were when you got involved with the Upside Down
Steve: oh god I was a baby
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vitasexualiiis · 9 months
i have literally been unpacking the fukuchi/fukuzawa situation since watching last night and while i feel sorry for fukuchi and i empathize with him and his motives, i still highkey do not LIKE him.
now that we've seen the culmination of his arc, i was right that his major M.O./character trait is to deny people choice, even IF denying people choice is to save them. using the book. using one order. fucking with literal time and space to negate the choices of OTHERS.
and then finally what he pulled with fukuzawa at the end there.
and like? that behavior is SUPER antithetical to BSD's anti-authoritarian core themes as a whole. think about dazai's speech to kyouka...that the only thing people truly have is the ability to make choices and to agonize over those choices.
even by LITERALLY DYING, he's denied fukuzawa the right to choose his role in this. even if fukuzawa can't kill him, he'll die anyway, and burden fukuzawa with a role he DOES NOT WANT, and a choice that he KNOWS will cause him immeasurable pain.
and seriously??? i don't think he would leave that choice to fukuzawa unless he knew there was a high chance fukuzawa would go through with his plan.
(hell, fukuchi's entire relationship with teruko--his closest confidant, the only OTHER person he seems to trust--is based in unwavering, unquestioning loyalty. to the point where she'll kill him JUST because he ordered her to, in spite of the fact that this is literally the last thing she wants to do.)
and like...i definitely don't think the ramifications of fukuchi's actions are over yet whatsoever. like, shit. obviously.
if anything, i think the theme of choice is going to come back around big time. fukuzawa has, uh, some big decisions to make lmao, and i'm hoping that more rational characters like dazai and mori have some bearing on those choices.
more than anything, i'm hoping that ranpo finally asserts himself with fukuzawa and pushes him toward an answer that doesn't involve self-sacrifice.
(this is going to get messy...i'll be surprised if it doesn't.)
i think the best outcome here is the story playing with the idea that humanity is collaborative. no one person should EVER have the power to control others. our actions effect each other, for better or worse. we all deserve to have a say in what happens.
that's literally baked into fukuzawa's character! he says it on screen RIGHT before this happens! so to see him struggling with this is...concerning and painful, even though i genuinely think (I HOPE???) he'll make a rational choice here. even if it's a struggle to make.
but...idk. yeah. i feel sorry for fukuchi, i really do, but i don't think he's a good guy in this story by a longshot.
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an7el · 4 months
      ✵  @prnkill liked for a starter.
there's a tremble in angel's fingertips, a restive haste in his step, his heart thudding against his ribcase like the wings of a caged bird, as he gaits uneasily around valentino's office, fretful & aflutter: a spider entalgned in his own intricate web, bound by his own actions, now suffering the consequences of his own doings. white digits comb restlessly through equally white strands of hair, the resolute ticking of the clock that hangs on valentino's wall like a countdown to angel's impending fate, a restless prelude to the looming horrors: tick. tock. tick. tock. tick. tock. each resounding beat echoes with imminent menace. abruptly, the door slams open with violent force and angel's graze pivots abruptly towards valentino, his heart hot in his throat, pink hues widening with distress. " val- valentino, " a hand lifts instantly in a justificatory manner, voice breaking with the strains of distress and despair. " i can explain, please, let me explain, okay ? " he pleads, begs, shoulders hunched as he instinctively backs away from valentino's presence, lengthening the space between the pair. " i was- drunk, i was drunk, and coked up. i had taken uh- i was on some- some shit, yeah, it was- .. i don't know what it was, okay ? i .. " the rationale for his behaviour the night before is a feeble one, fragmented, blurted out through stammers and heaps.
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solradguy · 3 months
I found the disc that has the MRI scans from when I exploded my lumbar on it today but I don't have a disc drive so I can't share the body horror
Less terrifying visualization via lobster meat:
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bluejaybytes · 4 months
SODA ‼‼‼
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crimeronan · 1 year
anyone else here got the specific mental & physical illness combo where you neglect and forget about and fail to notice basic household tasks to the point that sometimes when you finally go to do the dishes there's a Fascinating Smell in the sink so overpowering that it makes you puke.
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franeridan · 9 months
for being a manga in which 99% of the choices are taken exclusively to make the mangaka laugh one piece is sure heavy as fuck isn't it
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theeflowerofcarnage · 10 months
If you’re willing pls some details on your bg3 character? They’re so gorgina. I love her. I wanna give her a lil daisy or smth and put it behind her ear. If possible. If not we’ll work something out. Your taste in screenshots is so good and I love seeing other ppls games. Especially when we have more than one in common.
What’s her class? Her name? Any subclasses 🤔
Any reason for The Gale romance, or is it one of those unexplained there is no reason types? Either way they’re cute.
Where does her expertise lie, any backstory you’ve thought of and decided on and willing to share?
What’s her favourite pass time, what’s her usual response to difficult situations be it emotionally or in a fight? Does she believe in a high power?
Much luv, if you decide to answer or not I appreciate your posts no matter the game popping up on my time line <3 just an interested individual passing thru swat me like a fly if necessary and carry on 🤞🏼 I’m glad it seems like ur having a good time, hope ur doing well !
First of all thank you SOO much for asking ❤️❤️❤️ I didn’t think anyone would be that interested <<333 this ask made my day
n ive been thinking over it a lot since getting into act 3, ((im not a dnd expert  sooo consider the follow some silly musings I have on her backstory/abilities 🙈)) 
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Tldr is-
Dark Eyes is a Mephistopheles tiefling, she used to be a cleric but I changed her class later to an Archfey Warlock, she is an outlander and worships Kelemvor!!
She was born at sea! her parents were human & lived as merchants. They loved her despite her unexpected infernal heritage, they called her 'dark eyes' for her unusual appearance. She had a relatively happy childhood, she always felt at home in far off places. While sailing to the Sword Coast thier ship was capsized by a storm, her parents and the crew died but she survived, washed ashore near a temple dedicated to Kelemvor. From this point on, her life was marked by a quiet melancholy and deep religious fervor. Her near death experience exposed the capricious nature of fate.
she fully embraced the path of a Cleric of Kelemvor and traveled extensively over all of Faerun giving the last rites to the dying and aiding the departed, until the day she met a dying dryad in a forest, taking pity on her she guided its spirit to the realm beyond gaining the favor of the Faerie Queen Titania, ultimately sealing her fate as an Archfey Warlock.
Among the Fey she was reborn as 'Nemeth' a name given to her by her first lover a Leanan sidhe being. Under the guidance of these fey beings, she embraced life with reckless abandoned, danced among dryads in deep elder forests, and sung the songs of the rusalkas. She inspired poets and was the bane of mortal men, she learned to act in accordance to her own whims rather than being a martyr  - to me she is always very fickle and easy to displease, I've had her hex people for saying rude things to her (looking at u lord whitburn) on the surface she is seems distant but she still has a soft heart, where others fight she likes to wait things out, let others expose themselves, charm and decieve (in a way her and Raphael would get a long very well if they weren't enemies in game hehe)
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On the gale romance- well, that was a complete accident what can I say his dorkish nature is bewitching!!
they definitely play off each other well!! If it weren't for Gale she really wouldn't be trying so hard to save others. Being a warlock, she knows better than most that, to give into raw power is to become infinetly more vulnerable to the greater beings that wield it- She wants Gale to understand this!! Despite being a warlock, she still gives patronage to Kelemvor, it’s a big reason why she does not like Mystra's influence over Gale - to her Kelemvor is impartial, fair - he doesn't keep his devotees on a leash and does not interfere in mortal affairs, he is the washing away of these things, the cleansing of all desire. She wants Gale to see that his life is his own- only if he lets go! Anyways in my head she and Gale adopted the tiefling Arabella and sent her away to wizard school or whatever the equilvalent is
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totally-not-deacon · 4 months
For the ask game – 12 and 14 for Marasa! 👀
Heeeere you go!
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Oooh, in my case, it'd have to be drawing her. It has more to do with my own inconsistent style and being terrible at drawing a person the same way twice, so it really goes for most of my little guys. Her having prominent scarring pretty much all over also doesn't help - trying to remember the exact placement of all of them is a pain in the ass lmao
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
Hmm, you made me have to think on this one! I think I'd have to go with...
There's no real separating her from her past trauma without drastically changing huge parts of her personality at this point. It's affected much of how she interacts with people, her relationship with her own emotions and how she's learned to cope - however poorly - her concepts of safety and intimacy, etc... She may be personable, but allowing in true human connection is difficult for her. Showing vulnerability is terrifying for her in nearly every case.
Although related to the first - if someone were to manage to get through those walls, and earned her trust, you can be sure in the knowledge that her loyalty is damn near unbreakable. BUT, it's a two-way street. If one were to break that trust, that loyalty, well... You wouldn't just be losing a friend/partner, but there's a non-zero chance you'd be losing your life as well. In turn, having that betrayal would irreparably destroy her, likely never allowing her to even try to open up to someone again. Chances are, her vices would finally consume her, and most likely lead to an early end, whether intentional or not.
Questions About Creating Your OCs Ask Game
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regallibellbright · 1 year
WIP Sunday! In the hopes that posting something about it forces me to get back to this one sooner rather than later.
“I suppose not,” Joshua says, back to his normal smirk. “And if I said ‘oh, that’s the only reason’ and left, what would you do then? You already knew about my ‘evil plan’ when you called me here.”
“I wanted to know what you wanted,” Shiki says. “That doesn’t mean I’d take any offer you made. Some things aren’t worth selling your soul for.”
“But apparently, some might be?” Joshua fiddles with his hair again. “We don’t actually do that, you know. It’d be a waste of a perfectly good soul.” Like Shiki cares? But Joshua just laughs and continues. “I admit, you have me curious. What kind of deal would you sell your soul for?”
She should tell him to knock it off. She should run. She should forget this whole stupid plan and tell Rhyme she was dumb for even considering it. (But Yamasaki’s Partner thought he should put the jacket back on. But even if it was cheating, it might be worth it, for Neku. But a favor for the evil plan just doesn’t feel right, after this many months.)
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volixia669 · 1 year
Oh boy! Can’t wait for the internet to have difficulty understanding that you’re not a “bad” leftist for thinking it’s bad actually for military info that could help stop an invading force to be leaked, particularly when they’re leaked in sections of the internet that are pro-invading force!
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
I caught up on all of the spy x family manga and there won't be more until Feb but that also means I'll have to wait weekly for updates going forward, fuck
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