#WWE LIVE Holiday Tour
dilf-in-peril · 9 months
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daminouspurity · 9 months
WWE LIVE Holiday Tour 2023 CM Punk vs. "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio Predictions WWE 2K23
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jeysbvck · 9 months
samijey are gonna make me throw up i love them so much
[video credit: VINTAGEPME on twitter]
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youtappedout · 1 year
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solo-uso · 9 months
Listen he's trying his best ok
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bloodvampyr · 9 months
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𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘🖤⚖️⛓️
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dominicanbubble · 2 years
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Calling John Cena because I can’t see him
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romanstheory · 2 years
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Will upload pics (or attempt) later tonight or tomorrow!
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madhatterbri · 9 months
Christmas Surprise | Bayley
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Summary: Bayley surprises you at the Niners game on Christmas.
Author's Note: Girl has me in the strongest of chokeholds. 😂😭
Find my Bayley Masterlist
Christmas is supposed to be a time spent with family and loved ones. The rules are changed when it comes to dating a wrestler. Plenty of birthdays and holidays are spent over the phone expressing to them how much you miss them.
News of wrestlers getting an extended break broke on social media. You thought this meant you would finally get a whole day of Christmas with your girlfriend, Bayley. Your happiness was short lived when she was booked to appear in Maryland the next day.
You tried to be grateful that you had her on Christmas Eve. The whole day was spent soaking in her presence. Presents were opened and dinner was spent with her family. That night she left for Maryland to be ready for one of WWE's holiday tour shows.
During Christmas night you sat in a 49ers suite by yourself. Football usually cheered you up but this time was different. The last time you were here your girlfrjend was with you. Bayley was texting you asking you about the game. You answered her until she stopped responding.
"So who is winning?" A female voice asked as they sat next to you.
"The 49ers, of course," you answered and turned to look at her. "Bayley!"
Your girlfriend smiled as you wrapped your arms around her neck. You closed your eyes and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around you holding you close.
"How are you here? What about the show?"
"Card subject to change," she answered with a wink. "I've busted my ass this year. They can let me miss one show so I can be with my girl on Christmas,"
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nostalgicwrestlingrd · 8 months
WWE Holiday Tour (December 28 2023) Live From Montréal
1-Rhea Ripley vs Shayna Baszler vs Ivy Nile (Triple Threat Match)
2-Sami Zayn vs Finn Balor + Tag Team match including Kevin Owens, Dominik Mysterio.
3-Cody Rhodes VS Damien Priest (Last Man Standing Match) .
4-Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre vs Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match)
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redtwin · 9 months
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WWE Live Holiday Tour at the Garden with Eric and Lisa Ann.
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daminouspurity · 9 months
WWE LIVE Holiday Tour 2023 Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura Predictions WWE 2K23
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shanie · 1 year
It's just the Live Holiday Tour so Sami and Kevin probably won't be there but Jey is advertised!!!!
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solo-uso · 9 months
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megan-loves-surveys · 6 months
Last time you went on a rollercoaster: Last year when I went to Armageddon with my boyfriend, they had rides there and we went on the coaster.
Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? My boyfriend's, he's in May.
Would you eat a live cockroach if it made you a millionaire? Depends how much of a millionaire, lol.
Who do you think about most? My boyfriend and Jon Moxley xD
Do you have embarrassing parents? Not really, my parents are cool. Especially my Mum, all my friends love her haha.
Are you any good at writing? I like to think so.
What’s something that really matters to you? Music.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid.
Do you have high or low self esteem levels? In between.
Do you like mint or orange flavored chocolate? Orange is great, mint not so much.
How often do you get spots? Like, pimples? I get the occasional one, I'm clear probably like 90% of the time these days.
Do you prefer instrumental songs or ones with lyrics? Both! I love video game music, which is instrumental, but I love lyrics too of course.
Do you carry a bag around with you often? What does it look like? Yep, it's a green handbag, I got it like a month ago. It's so cool.
Name one of your favorite memories. So many to pick from, but I'll go with the entire trip to Orlando for Wrestlemania 33 cos the resort we stayed in was amazing (it had the nicest pool I've ever seen), we went to the WWE Performance Center (the tours to there are rare and expensive to get tickets to), I met a bunch of wrestlers (including Mox, my fave <3), we sat second row at Mania itself, we also had amazing tickets for all the other shows (including front row for Smackdown!), we did a bunch of tourist stuff and the weather was gorgeous. An all round perfect holiday.
Have you ever had braces? Do you need them? No.
Are you a subscriber to any magazines? Which? No. I used to subscribe to WWE Magazine but they stopped making it.
What is something you want but can’t afford to buy? All the Converse I want xD
Do you usually eat wheat bread or white bread, or are you gluten-free? Wheat.
Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? None if you mean 'lost' as in friends I just stopped talking to, but if you mean in general, then Zoe cos she passed away.
Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? Definitely.
What is something currently on your wishlist from Etsy? -
Is there a Target near you? We don't have it in NZ.
Which is closest to you: Target, Walmart, Kmart, or Meijer? We only have Kmart of those.
Who do you go to when you’re lonely? Or what do you do when you’re lonely? Depends.
What do you dislike about the house you live in? The complex next door is full of annoying people, the neighbours right next to us in there have 3 kids and they're loud little shits lol.
Have you ever been clubbing? Did you have fun? Yep, it's fun.
Have you ever volunteered? Yes. I've done data entry for a few charities in the past and that.
What holidays do you celebrate? Christmas & Easter.
Do you have a best friend? How long have you known them? Yep, I've known her since high school.
How often do you take selfies? It depends, sometimes loads, sometimes not that much.
What was your favorite way to spend a summer day as a kid? Playing outside, riding my bike with these girls who lived down the street from me etc.
Do you have any uncommon interests or hobbies? Depends what you consider unusual.
Have you ever drank so much that you passed out? No.
What is your favorite way to eat rice? (white, steamed, fried, brown, sweetened…) I love cheesy rice and rice with curry.
What’s your favorite horror movie? The Ring.
Have you ever had to have a tooth cut out? Yes.
What video games did you play when you were growing up? All the old school DOS games cos I'm a 90s kid - Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Secret Agent, Crystal Caves, Commander Keen etc. All the platform games!
What pet names do you use for your friends/loved ones? I call my boyfriend babe and baby xD
What’s your favourite Disney movie? None.
Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? I only drink Coke Zero Sugar, so I guess the diet ones lol.
Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yep, loads of times.
Are you a fan of garlic bread? Hell yes, gimme garlic bread.
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? No.
What is your boss’s (or school principal’s) name? His name's Oliver.
Do you like eggnog? I've never had it.
Do you know anyone with celiac disease? No.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? In a lot of ways, yes. But in other ways, we're similar.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? A murder mystery or something.
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? My eyesight just sucks, especially my left eye, it's super blurry. Last time I got my eyes tested, they said my left eye got a tiny bit better... but my right eye got worse! SMH :/
Do you have sensitive teeth? Sorta.
What are your views on our current president? -
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Paying bills.
Who did you last worry about and why? Myself tbh lol.
When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? I can't do this. Depending how well I know the person, I'll just tell them I can't eat it and take what I can eat and have that. Otherwise I'll just say I'm not hungry and eat later.
Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) Yep, a wireless one. It's a bit broken though, the middle scroll wheel doesn't click that well anymore.
What was your high school mascot? Lion.
What was your first job? Data entry.
Do you remember your first time? Yep.
Favourite home-cooked meal growing up? Bacon & egg pie.
What is something you don’t have any natural talent for? Maths and anything musical lol.
How do you feel about your body? It's pretty good, just need to lose my belly fat.
What are three things you like that are blue? My hair, water and denim.
What is one sad song that you enjoy listening to? Oh, there's loads.
Do you like butterflies? Love them.
Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Both.
If you have a significant other, what is his/her name? Will.
Have you ever had to use a wheelchair? Yep, when I broke my femur.
Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? No.
What are three things you would change about your body if you could? Flat stomach, longer thicker hair and feet 1 size bigger.
Who was the last person who gave you a hug? My boyfriend.
Have you ever questioned your gender? No.
What is your favorite thing to do in the snow? -
Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yes.
What were three of your favorite things to do at recess as a kid? Pretend to be popstars with my friends, play cards and just hang around and chat.
What is one thing you’ve gotten for free on your birthday? Starbucks xD
Have you ever been to Tennessee, USA? No.
What are some things that fascinate you? Geography, glitches, scams/scammers and true crime.
What did you last remember dreaming about? Hmm, not sure.
What did you last watch on TV? Big Bang Theory last night during dinner.
What is one of your toxic traits? I procrastinate.
Have you ever found a skeleton while outside? No.
Do you like meatball subs? Never had one.
What is your favorite smell on earth? Fresh bread.
If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? -
Did you ever collect stickers? I did and I still have them all! I had one particular book that I never used the stickers in them, I just collected them cos they were pretty ones. The rest I used on all sorts of shit lol.
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? No.
Do you love the smell of sunblock? No, it smells weird.
What was the last upsetting thing that happened to you? Some bitch at work was talking down to me and treating me like shit cos we were having computer issues (the fucking reception computer strikes again...) and I couldn't check on her case for her. She basically said I was worthless cos I was "just the reception girl" and insinuated I slept with my boss to get my job. I was getting so annoyed at her and was about to snap when one of my coworkers who is super protective of everyone in the office rescued me and told the woman to fuck off.
What was the last thing you ordered from Starbucks? I got a mocha java chip frappe from there yesterday.
Do you trust your doctor? I don't have a regular doctor, when I go to the clinic I just see whoever is available.
Do you ever question if your mother loves you? Never, I know she loves me more than anything <3
What is missing in your life? Travel. I miss it.
What is your favorite type of Lunchables? Never had them.
What is the worst medication side effect you’ve ever had? Diarrhea and a bad rash. Ew.
What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I've only eaten there once or twice.
What church do you go to? -
Do you take risks often? Depends.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? Pasta bake, I always have it for dinner then eat the rest the next day, I just warm it up in the microwave at work lol.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Chocolate.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Girls Aloud - Disco Bunny
What is one thing you have too much of? Hmm.
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Kiwifruit probably.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? I like both, but more strawberries.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? The burgers.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? I live in the same city as I was born.
If you buried a time capsule, what would you put in it? Hmm.
Describe your clothing style in three words: Wrestling, short and comfy.
What’s something you want to do more often? Travel.
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Call Me Kevin. He's hilarious, plays all sorts of games and he seems like he'd be the nicest person to know.
Do you believe in soulmates? Yes.
What band or artist do you think is overrated? I think Beyoncé is quite talented, but man her fans act like she's god.
What’s something untrue that you believed for a long time? Dunno.
Did you skateboard when you were younger? No.
Have you ever won a contest? Oh, loads. I have a knack for winning things lol. The biggest I've won is a trip to Los Angeles to attend WWE Summerslam where we got flights, a fancy hotel, tickets to the PPV and tickets to a meet and greet event. It fucking ruled. Then there was the time I won the top prize at a stand at a fair where you chose envelopes with numbers in it and my number was for a gigantic hamper xD I've also won smaller things like CDs, DVDs, posters, expensive earphones, plushies, giftcards and the like. The last thing was a 6 month subscription to a magazine website from the McDonalds Monopoly game, it was worth like 100 bucks lol.
What’s something weird you’ve eaten? Dunno.
Who is someone you would like to get to know better? Wrestlers xD
When’s that last time you saw snow? 2015 when I was in the USA, it was all piled up on the sides of the roads in Boston.
Who are the 3 people you love the most? My parents and my boyfriend.
Last person you slept in the same bed with? My boyfriend.
Have you recently been sick? No.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? I don't want to get married...
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? Sure.
Last reason you went to the ER? I got hit by a car and broke my shoulder.
What facial cleanser do you use? I use one for acne on occasion, but only if it gets bad which doesn't happen much.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now? Noooooo.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep. My Mum was a bit iffy on him at first cos she thought he was too old for me, but he's super charming and won her over quick, she loves him now xD My Dad liked him pretty much instantly.
What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? Dunno.
Does the last person whose house you were at like anyone? Me lol.
Do you tend to talk on the phone a lot? No, only at work haha. My boyfriend and friends mostly text me or message me online lol.
What turns you on the most? Oh, loads of things.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yep.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? I knew they did, one of my friends saw them and immediately told me.
Ever get caught doing something naughty with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep xD One of his friends walked in on us, we all just died laughing.
Do you use q-tips to clean your ears? No.
Have you ever swam with dolphins? No.
If you/your gf became pregnant accidentally, would you consider abortion? Without a doubt. I don't want kids and I don't want to be pregnant.
What was the last candy you ate? Haribo.
Do you like zombie movies? They're fine.
What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Blood everywhere.
Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No.
How do you feel about runny egg yolks? The best! Hard egg yolk is so disappointing.
Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? Yes, my first boyfriend cos I was 14 and wasn't allowed to date yet lol.
Who was the worst friend you ever had? Hmm.
When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? My Mum and I made plans to go to the Easter Show, then my boyfriend said he'd tag along as well lol.
Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? No.
While on the road, do you play any road games? Sure.
Have you ever picked apples before? No.
Are you scared of semi-trucks? Especially when you’re driving next to one? Dunno tbh.
Do you have a fence? No, we have a stone wall around the back and side of our house, and the front is part of a gigantic open carpark in our complex.
If you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice? I don't have pets, but I talk to every cat I see like that xD
Who was the last person to comfort you? My boyfriend.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Who knows.
What was the last thing you swallowed? Water.
Do you like cats? Cats are my favourite animal, I love them so much <3
On a scale of one to ten how much do looks matter to you? 5 or 6.
What are you listening to? Little Mix - Notice
What’s the closest pink object to you? A hairtie.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? Not at all.
Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? No, but I am happier with my boyfriend lol.
How much effort did you put into your last relationship? Last one, not that much. Current one, a lot.
Do you have impulse control? Sometimes I don't lol, I think when I'm out I wanna get fast food and I can't resist.
Would you do anything on a dare? Not anything.
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thedudear1992 · 9 months
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