71tenseventeen · 8 months
hi! i just wanted to let you know that i just finished your series 'when you least expect it' and an art piece for the first story seems to be missing. i Loved the fic and would love to see the art that fits into that end scene, and i just wanted to let you know :)
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Thank you for the heads up! This is the banner and the pic at the end of the fic is a version of this.
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maddiesflame · 1 year
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When You Least Expect It headers
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32 notes · View notes
When You Least Expect It: Part Twenty
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Jensen Ackles x Musician!Reader
Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is it! The Final Chapter. Thank you for taking this VERY long journey and being patient with me as I finished it. I really hope you have enjoyed the story, and the music, along the way.
Spotify Playlist / YouTube Playlist
Series Warnings: Language, Break-Ups, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mild Violence, Talk of Domestic Abuse
Chapter Warnings: Just Floofy
Series Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Songs in this chapter: Faithfully by Journey and Boardwalk Angel by Eddie and the Cruisers
Chapter Summary: Its the wedding day.
WC: 8K with Song Lyrics. Song lyrics in bold and italic are not written by me.
“It’s perfect!” Mama June gushed as she zipped up Y/N’s wedding dress. “It’s absolutely perfect! And you, my dear, are positively glowing!”
“Well, that’s because you made it for me,” Y/N smiled in the mirror, watching Mama’s reflection. She felt herself blush at the comment but hoped Mama didn’t notice. “I really couldn’t have imagined a more beautiful dress, June.”
“Oh honey, you’re like my own daughter. No way I could let you have a fairytale wedding in a common dress! Besides, I have a reputation in this town to uphold.”
Y/N looked down at her wedding dress, and softly smiled. She tried to remember how much things had changed since she first met Jensen. Hell, how things had changed just since they got engaged. Stepping back from the mirror, Y/N drew in a slow, shaky breath and found herself feeling a little nervous. Her anxiety had calmed enormously since she finally quit her position with Combustion Records, but that day, of all days, it seemed to be creeping back in. 
Smoothing out the front of her dress, she slowly began tracing the lines of the lace roses Mama June had painstakingly sewed over the last six months. How she was able to finish the dress, Y/N had no idea, but from the moment she told her about the engagement, Mama insisted on making it for her. Y/N turned back to the mirror, and let her eyes follow the simple, yet elegant lines of the deep cut heart-shaped bodice and wondered if Jensen would like it. It was more revealing than she would have chosen, but somehow, it WAS perfect for her. As her hands slowly moved down the dress towards her stomach, she pushed for the briefest moment. A warm glow radiated from there, and she couldn’t help but feel her smile grow. She was glowing, and for damn good reason. But that was a secret she had to keep for now, at least until after the wedding when she could give Jensen his wedding gift.
Y/N was a different woman now than she had been just a couple years before. So much had happened in the two plus years she’d known Jensen, and without a doubt it had forever altered who she was. Because of him, she was confident and proud. She learned how not to take shit from anyone, and yet, still how to love without abandon. They had their fair share of troubles, but somehow, he never left her side. Jensen never once wavered on his feelings for her, and his constant support made her feel like she could do anything.
“Oh, Y/N!”
Y/N turned to see Briana emerge from the bathroom of the luxurious hotel suite Leo had let the ladies use the night before the wedding. Her long blond curls cascaded down her strapless shoulder and perfectly complimented her pale blue bridesmaid dress; her hands over her gaping mouth and eyes wide in sheer joy. “You look BEAUTIFUL!!!”
“Thanks, Bri. So do you!”
“Oh, please. These dresses are gorgeous, but you are radiant! As you should be since it's your wedding day!”
Bri outstretched her arms and pulled Y/N into a tight squeeze. When she pulled back, Bri’s eyes were welling up with tears. 
“Don’t cry now, silly. I’m sure there will be plenty of moments today to warrant tears. You better save ’em.”
“Y/N, I made sure to put on the waterproof mascara because I know I will be bawling all day. Seeing you two take this step, it's just…. Everything!”
“I honestly can’t believe we’re here, and that in less than an hour I will be walking down the aisle and marrying the most amazing man in the world.”
“I never had a doubt,” Mama chimed in. “I knew it from the moment he showed up at our rehearsal, he would ask you to marry him. No man watches a woman like he did you, without falling head over heels in love. I’m tellin’ ya sugar, from that moment, he was hooked.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror. “Should I have gone with a veil?”
“Stop changing the subject, woman.” Mama approached her and carefully fixed Y/N’s hair to spray across the open back of the dress. “No, no veil. You don’t need to hide anything about yourself. Let him see you as you walk towards him. And Bri,” she turned from Y/N to face her new friend, “I know you’ll want to see this formidable creature as she walks down the aisle, but I’m telling you, watch Jensen. Just watch his face and you’ll see absolute magic there as he’s watching his bride. That’s how you know this match was always meant to be.”
Bri threw her head back in a loud “Ha!” She clamped her hand on Mama June’s broad shoulder and smiled towards Y/N. “Mama, I knew from the second I saw them together that it was meant to be. It’s just too bad it took these two so long to see it.”
“It may have taken us longer,” Y/N said, “but well worth the wait.”
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Jensen buttoned up his ivory linen shirt, leaving the few buttons below his neck undone. He watched himself in the mirror as he adjusted the collar, then smoothed out the material down towards the linen pants of his suit.
“What? No tie?” Jared scoffed sarcastically as he walked into the Bungalow’s small master bedroom. “Whoa…” his thoughts on Jensen’s wedding attire was interrupted as he noticed the elaborate romantic ambience of the room. “You really went all out!”
Jensen caught Jared’s impressed expression in the reflection of the mirror. “Damn right. Waited for this day long enough, gotta make sure it's a night she won’t forget.”
“I get that, but why here and not at Leo’s huge, fancy, five star hotel? Don’t get me wrong, Jay, this place has charm, but it doesn’t scream honeymoon suite.”
“I thought about that, but this place is special. Not just to Y/N, but to me, too.”
“How so?” Jared asked as he carefully lowered himself on the edge of the bed, doing his best to avoid sitting on the red rose petals elegantly splayed on the comforter in the shape of a heart.
“Hey!” Jensen admonished and quickly fixed a few stray petals. “Careful, man. This took me all morning.”
Jared laughed and raised his hands in relent. “Okay, okay. Sorry, loverboy.”
“This place is special because…” Jensen paused and thought back to the first time he had gone to her bungalow. “Because that first night I spent here with her, I knew I would fall in love with her, Whether I wanted it or not.”
“The first night? Really? That fast, huh…”
Jensen smiled softly to himself and reminisced back to that first night. Somehow, despite all her hesitancy and trust issues, Y/N was vulnerable with him that night. He fought those initial feelings for too long, most times kicking himself for it. Deep down, however, he knew that their journey played out the way it did for a purpose. Y/N was always meant to be his wife, but when they met, neither of them would have been ready for forever.
“Definitely a far cry from that first night,” Jared continued. “I remember when you first saw her at the Beachcomber. If I knew then what I know now, I would have helped you chase after her.”
“At least it all worked out in my favor,” Jensen said and turned back to the mirror. He took one last look at himself and nodded. “Yeah, this’ll do.”
He had never been a guy that was good at the big, grand gestures, but he was pretty proud of how he did with not only his suit, but the room itself. He had asked for Mama’s help and she made sure to get all Y/N’s favorite things. The right chocolates and candles, the old school boombox that now sat on the dresser, with a tape of their wedding song cued up and ready to go. Jensen went and bought all new bedding of deep blue silk sheets and a plush velour comforter that was now decorated with the red rose petals. Hanging from the ceiling were a few strands of white icicle lights that, along with the candles, would give the room a warm, romantic glow. However, the thing he was most excited for, other than Y/N becoming his wife, was the long, narrow wrapped gift box that sat in the middle of the petal-shaped heart on the bed.
Jared followed Jensen’s line of sight, and saw the gift near him on the bed. “And what’s that?” he asked, not without a bit of teasing.
“That, my friend, is our honeymoon itinerary and all the tickets. One thing I told her I really wanted to do was surprise her with a crazy fun honeymoon. I wanted to be sure it was a trip she would never forget.”
“Nice! And where in the world are you going to go, Carmen San Diego?”
Jensen laughed mockingly, and shook his head. “I didn’t want to go anywhere she’s been before. We’ve both traveled so much since we met, but never got to travel together. So, I went big. Gonna start out in Iceland, staying at this awesome little place where the room has a glass dome ceiling and an amazing view of the Northern Lights. Natural hot springs within walking distance and not another soul in sight. From there, four days in Ireland, exploring the Irish countryside on horseback. There are some great local pubs and B’nB’s to check out along the way. After that, we fly back to the U.S. to stay in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains near Estes Park. She’s always wanted to visit the Stanley Hotel, but they were completely booked. So I found this little cabin that has a hot tub outside, and a spectacular view.”
“Damn, you really did go all out! After that? Then what?”
“We come back to Austin and settle into the new place. Still can’t believe we found a house so close to you and Gen. I can’t wait for this trip, but man, its gonna be fucking great to settle in a new house and start making some great memories with y’all. The recording studio is almost finished, too. I am sure she will wanna get in there as soon as we get ba–”
Jensen’s train of thought was derailed by a knock at the front door. They passed a curious glance, and Jared stood up from the bed. 
“I’ll go see who that is. You better get your jacket and shoes, because we gotta get moving down to the beach soon.”
Nodding, Jensen grabbed his pale blue linen jacket from the back of the chair in the corner of the room while Jared went to see who had been knocking. As he adjusted the garment to sit just right, he could hear a woman’s voice cutting through the whole house. Worried something might be wrong with Y/N, he hurried from the room to see who it was. He found Jared standing in the open doorway and the woman in front of him was demanding to be let in.
“What the hell is going on?” Jensen asked just as Jared stepped aside so he could see who was making all the noise. When Jensen saw it was Y/N’s mother, he instantly felt his good mood slip away. “What the fuck are you doing here, Sheila?”
“I came to see my daughter,” she barked and tried to push past Jared to come into the house. “But this giant man won’t let me in.”
“Good, he’s doing his job then. Y/N isn’t here anyway. But I’ll be sure to never tell her you dropped by. Bye now.”
Jared took that as his cue to close the door, but Sheila stopped him by putting one of her heeled shoes in the way.
“No, I am not ready to go yet. If I cannot see my daughter, I would like a word with you then, Mr. Ackles. You’ve got some nerve, you know that? This place should be gone by now and brand new luxury condos in its place!”
“Right,” Jensen smirked. “Guess maybe you should have had all those permits in order before someone swooped in and made sure the deal fell through. But, oops. Guess you’re shit out of luck and can’t line your pockets with ill-gotten money. Because, fuck your daughter’s feelings, right?”
“It’s a damn shack! I was going to split the profits with her!”
“Man, you are a terrible liar!” Jensen laughed and shook his head. “This shack means the world to your daughter, but you couldn’t care less about that.”
“Oh, please,” Sheila snorted, “she’s always been a sentimental sap, just like her father. Never saw the practicality of any situation.”
“And that’s a problem?” Jensen asked as he took a few steps closer to the door until he was standing mere inches from his soon-to-be mother-in-law. “Y/N being a sentimental sap, like her father, is one of the things I love most about her. I’m grateful she’s nothing like you. She’s got a beautiful, big heart, and I know her father would be DAMN proud of the woman she is. All you ever did was bully her–”
“Because she was soft!” Sheila nearly screamed in his face. “That girl is who she is because I was tough on her! I was the one who gave her back bone!
“You were the one who almost got her killed! Because of you, she was a shell of a woman, easily manipulated and abused by that asshole Nathan.”
Sheila rolled her eyes. “She would be dead if it wasn’t for me pushing her.”
“She almost died by the hands of that psychopath you pushed on her! He damn near killed her, Sheila! And where the fuck were you? Huh? Too worried about demolishing her home and getting rich!”
“You had no business interfering with that! How you even pulled it off is beyond me!”
“Jesus, you are worse than Y/N could have ever tried to explain. What kind of mother are you? Mothers are supposed to love and support their children. But you? You couldn’t be bothered. You’re just a goddamn bully. But, never again. Because as long as I am Y/N’s husband, NO ONE will take advantage of her again. Anyone, including you, that ever tries to hurt MY WIFE again, will have to go through me. And trust me, sweetheart, I am NO pushover.”
“Wait, your wife? You’re married?!”
“We will be very soon. And I swear to God, Sheila, if you even think for one second of showing up and ruining it, I will make sure you lose everything else in your life that you hold dear. Consider me trashing your condo contracts as just a start. I will be sure you never have anything more than the shirt on your back if you wreck this day for her.”
Sheila stood in complete silence. She was shocked at how indignant and serious he was staring her down, and worried that if anyone could make good on threats, Jensen Ackles could. Her mouth pinched into a tight frown, and she slowly let the tension out of her crossed arms loosen, so they fell to her side. 
“Fine. I won’t bother her on her wedding day. But trust me when I tell you–”
“Nah, I don’t trust you as far as I could throw you. Now, if you don’t mind, this giant man and I need to get ready so I can go marry the love of my life. And, as awful as a person as you are, I almost feel sorry for you.”
Sheila snorted a laugh. “Why’s that?”
“Because you are going to miss out on seeing your daughter on the happiest day of her life. Me, however, I am the luckiest man alive. Because I will have the most beautiful, talented, loving, funny, creative, and sexiest woman on the planet walking towards me ready to say I do. And nothing,” Jensen inched a little closer and lowered his voice to a commanding growl, “NOTHING and NO ONE is going to take that from me.”
Jensen took a moment and delighted in the bit of fear that crossed Sheila’s face. It was only a fleeting expression, but he caught it. 
“One of these days, she’ll come crawling back. You just wait.” Sheila turned on one heel and began to navigate the sand back towards her car. 
“I’ll take that bet!” Jensen called after her. He wanted to shout so many more things at her, but Jared’s hand on his shoulder took the urge away.
“Let her go, man. That woman is a real piece of work.”
“Dude, you have no idea. I’m almost glad she showed up.”
Jared snorted a laugh. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, because that was the last part of Y/N’s past that needed to be put to rest. She’s about to be my wife and I meant what I said. No one will ever disrespect my wife, again. Especially her own mother.”
“I can’t believe that was Y/N’s mother. How the hell did she turn out so great?”
“She’s just like her dad,” Jensen sighed, and felt a moment of sadness that he would never get the chance to meet the mythical legend that was Y/N’s father. “She got all the best parts of her, from him.”
“I think you had something to do with that, too, Jay. You forget, I’ve known her a long time now as well. She’s always been a spitfire, but since the two of you got together, you’ve both grown into the best versions of yourselves.”
That made Jensen relax, and he felt his genuine smile and good mood return.
“Now,” Jared said, turning Jensen to face him and adjusting the collar of his suit jacket. “It’s time to get your shoes on and get down the beach. Don’t want to leave that woman waiting for you.”
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It was just about dusk as the limo pulled up to the ramp at the North End of the Seaside Boardwalk. Bri, Mama June, and Y/N exited the car and could see the top of the wedding arch down on the beach. Leo called in some help and had that portion of the boardwalk roped off so the ladies could get down to their starting point with no trouble. Y/N could hear the music on the breeze that was playing and could feel the butterflies starting up in her stomach. It wasn’t nerves, exactly, but the anxious excitement of finally starting their lives together as a married couple. She had no idea what the future was going to hold for them, but she couldn’t wait to find out.
“You ladies look amazing!” Leo exclaimed as they reached the top of the boardwalk. 
“Thanks, Leo. And thank you for all you did to make this happen up on the beach. I couldn’t imagine getting married anywhere else.”
“Oh sweetie, it’s my pleasure. You are my only niece and you know I would do anything I could to make this day perfect. I’m so honored you asked me to walk you down the aisle. I—I kinda thought after everything with your mom–”
“Leo, don’t. Today of all days, she is the last thing I want to talk about. Today, I just want to focus on becoming Mrs. Jensen Ackles. I want to eat some amazing food, listen to the band and dance with my husband and all our friends.”
“You?! You wanna dance?! We are gonna get to witness a rare sight!” Leo said with a bellowing laugh. “Today is a special day!”
The musicians down on the beach caught a glimpse of them, and kicked up the music for their cue to start the processional. Leo’s big jovial smile settled into a soft, sentimental one as he offered his elbow to his niece, and began to escort her towards the start of a brand new life.
Jensen stood nervously under the canopy of what cloth, donned with small red and white flowers, along with mini white lights that casted off an elegant glow. Knowing Jared and Robbie were standing up beside him helped a lot. But once the music began to swell, he knew it was time. Looking upwards towards the boardwalk, he saw Mama June, and Bri about ten steps behind her, moving towards the aisle that split the two sides of guests. The sun was slowly setting behind them, leaving streaks of pastels in the sky that made the moment feel even more magical than it already was. 
Then, he saw Y/N. She was still far away, but it didn’t stop his breath from catching in his chest; his heart nearly bursting with love. Bri and Mama reached the aisles, but even as they made their way down to the arch, Jensen’s eyes never left Y/N as she continued to approach. Before he knew it, she was standing in front of him, and looking more beautiful than he could have even imagined she would. He didn’t see any one specific part of her–the hair, the makeup, the dress, or even her delicate beaded sandals–but all of it all at once. All he could do was smile at her as the officiant asked who was presenting the bride to be married. He heard Leo speak up, and he could hear the officiant begin speaking, but he was speechless and barely processed what they were saying. 
Y/N handed off her bouquet to Bri, and Jensen reached for her hands as the ceremony began.
“When we have each other, we have everything,” the minister began, pausing to look at Y/N, then at Jensen. “I believe that when two people are in love with each other, you can see it in their eyes. The way they look at each other, it’s all there. Their eyes are full of admiration, of attraction, and twinkle with undying feelings for each other. Even if they didn’t say a word about it, there’s this invisible thread connecting them two. 
“Today, we are here to celebrate such a love between Jensen and Y/N. They knew it. Time, distance… nothing could separate them. Because they knew. It was right. It was real. Now, they have invited you all to witness their love, along with the exchange of vows and rings, to cement that love in front of their most beloved family and friends. In fact, their connection is so strong, they have written their own special vows in order to solidify their promise before God and all of you, of this amazing bond and lifelong partnership. 
“May I please have the rings…”
Jared reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an ivory handkerchief, revealing the rings that Jensen and Y/N had chosen. The minister took them carefully, and proceeded.
“Y/N, take this ring, and as you slide this symbol of your vow onto Jensen’s finger, remember the love and promises you speak.”
Y/N took the ring, as Jensen held out his left hand, she let out a nervous breath. 
“My dad used to say, ‘When you least expect it, something amazing will come along. Something even better than you imagined’. I never thought anyone would ever come along for me… to make me smile, laugh and capture my heart as fast as you have. Somewhere in between our text messages, our phone calls, our jokes, our laughter, and even our disagreements, I fell for you. You found parts of me I didn’t know existed and in you, I found a love that I never believed was real. Then all of a sudden, all the love songs were about you, and I found myself never wanting to be away from you. You made me believe in magic, and one by one made dreams come true I never even realized I longed for. 
<slides ring on finger>
You’re my best friend, my partner, and my truest love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you, to love you through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you, to lift you up when you’re down and to love you unconditionally through all our adventures in life.”
She tried to keep her wits about her, but watching his expression as she spoke, was too much. A few stray tears fell down her cheeks, and once the ring was on Jensen’s finger, he gently reached up to her face and wiped them away.
The minister held out the other ring to Jensen.
“Jensen, as you slide this ring onto Y/N’s finger, remember the love and promises you speak.”
He took the ring, and lovingly took her hand. 
“When I met you, I was in a place where I swore off relationships. I didn’t want to fall in love or need someone. I really didn’t want anything. But then, you appeared and I started wanting everything. You completely changed my perspective on life, and I saw hope in places where I thought it was lost forever. I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I’m with you, I feel so complete. I’m so utterly, seriously, passionately, deliciously in love with you. I cannot imagine my life without you in it, and I never plan on having to. 
<slides ring on finger>
“You’re my best friend, my partner, and my truest love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you, to love you through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you, to lift you up when you’re down and to love you unconditionally through all our adventures in life.”
Once the ring was placed on her finger, Jensen reached out for her other hand and held them both tightly. Their eyes never once wavered from the others.
“I’ve had the privilege to get to know these two lovebirds over the last few months, and I can honestly say, I’ve never seen a couple so happy and dedicated to each other, as Jensen and Y/N are. With this exchange of rings and vows before God, your friends and your family, it gives me the greatest pleasure to announce you, husband and wife! Jensen, you may kiss your bride!”
Jensen didn’t even wait until the last word, as he pulled Y/N into him and kissed her as if there was not another soul around them. He didn’t care who was watching, or who would think it was too much for a ‘wedding kiss’. It was the first time he would kiss Y/N, as his wife, and he wanted to make it count. Holding her felt different than before, knowing now that they were married and about to embark on a crazy adventure together. He never felt happiness and contentment as he did at that moment, and the way she kissed him back, he guessed she felt the same way. 
When they finally pulled back, he took her cheeks in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. “We did it, Trix. We finally did it!”
“Damn right, Hollywood. Now you are absolutely stuck with me,” she teased and leaned in to kiss him again. 
The guests stood from their seats and cheered in a roar of applause as they watched the happy couple link arms, and make their way back down the aisle and up towards the boardwalk to take a slew of pictures while the guests made their way down the beach to the reception set up.
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By the time they were heading back to the reception, neither Jensen nor Y/N had stopped smiling. It had been a magical ceremony between the sunsetting on one side, and the crashing of the ocean waves on the other. The heavy smell of the salt air just added that extra special touch, and both of them found it almost intoxicating. The closer they grew to the reception, the more Y/N was noticing how beautiful everything looked in the late dusky evening. 
A small stage had been set up for Louden Swain to play, along with a dance floor laid out on the sand for the guests to enjoy the music. The tables, all donned with ivory linens and pale blue flowers, with white candles were set up along the perimeter of the dance floor. Even the slow glow of the fluorescent pink and blue cornhole games off to the site of the reception added to the ambient glow of the beach reception.
“I can’t believe we did the corn hole boards,” Y/N laughed, shaking her head.
“Trust me, after a few drinks, you’re gonna love it.”
“I don’t need any drinks, Jay, I am already in love with all of this. Almost as much as I’m in love with you.”
Jensen pulled her to a stop just before they stepped into the reception area. He had to kiss her again, and couldn’t imagine the day would come where he wouldn’t want to just stop everything and kiss her. 
“Hey, c’mon you two, let’s get this party started!” Robbie’s voice boomed through the mic up on the stage. “Everyone on your feet to welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen Acklesssssss!”
Jensen and Y/N kept their hands together, and raised them in the air triumphantly as they made their way through the maze of tables and onto the dance floor just as Robbie led Louden Swain into their rendition of “Faithfully” by Journey for them to have their first dance.
Y/N once again passed off her bouquet to Bri, and Jensen swept her up in his arms, then slowly moved her along the dance floor. They were so close, there was not a millimeter of space between them, and as Robbie began singing the lyrics of their perfectly chosen wedding song, Jensen sang along with his lips pressed close to her ear.
“Highway run
Into the midnight sun
Wheels go round and round
You're on my mind
Restless hearts
Sleep alone tonight
Sendin' all my love
Along the wire
They say that the road ain't no place to start a family
Right down the line, it's been you and me
And lovin' a music man ain't always what it's supposed to be
Oh, girl, you stand by me
I'm forever yours
Y/N could feel her chest fill with so much love as his smooth, rich voice filled her ear, which only made her want to draw him somehow closer. As Robbie began the next verse on the stage, she took her turn to sing along softly, as she touched her forehead to Jensen’s and looked deep into his shining green eyes. 
“Circus life
Under the big top world
We all need the clowns
To make us smile
Through space and time
Always another show
Wonderin' where I am
Lost without you
And being apart ain't easy on this love affair
Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy of rediscovering you
Oh, babe, you stand by me
I'm forever yours
They let Robbie belt out the rest of the song, and just held each other close, shutting out the world around them. As the band finished up the song, Jensen once again held up their hands in victory as their friends and families clapped, and cheered the couple on.
“Wait right here, Trix.” Jensen's sly smile made those butterflies kick up again. He looked over to Jared and gave him a nod, as Jensen kissed the back of her hand before leaving her side and heading up onto the stage. 
Once at the mic, he got a slight bit of feedback, then drew in a deep breath. “First off, I want to thank everyone for coming tonight to share this with us. It means the world to my wife and I that you traveled from all over, to this quaint little town that is very special to us. See, I met this beautiful woman on this very beach almost three years ago. From the get go, she couldn’t stand me. She thought I was arrogant, and pushy, but somehow never told me to get lost. I guess my charm and dad jokes were too much to resist.”
Y/N felt Jared come up next to her and reach out to take her hand. Confused, but excited at what was happening, she went along with him as he led her up onto the stage. 
“See, something about this place… this beach and this boardwalk… the magic of it got into me. Hell, both of us. And no matter what was gonna happen, that night I knew, I had found my wife.” Jensen paused and watched as Y/N was brought up to the stage. He turned to Robbie, gave another little nod, and the band began to play. As the music started, Jensen kept talking.
“I never in my life imagined I would meet someone like you. I heard this song not long after we met for the first time. And every word, every beat, made me think of you. When you agreed to marry me, I knew I had to sing this to you. Because you are an angel. You captivated me that night Trix, my ‘Boardwalk Angel…’”
When he began to sing the song, Y/N felt her knees go weak and heart begin to pound. She thought she had loved him with every ounce of her being before, but now, somehow, she loved him even more.
“Little girl, tonight baby don't feel blue
They lit those party lights along the avenue
You're out there on your own,
Spending all your time alone
So come on girl, tonight I want to be with you
This world has let you down till it broke your heart
But tonight's the night for a brand new start
We'll leave this world behind
When we're walking on down the line
So come on girl, let's make our dream come true
So meet me out on the boardwalk tonight
Meet me down by the sea
We can dance 'neath the carnival lights
On the shore of Jersey
We'll fall in love on a carousel
Little boardwalk angel…”
As the band played the musical interlude, Jensen grabbed her on a whim and twirled her around. Making her laugh then leaned down and kissed her sweetly before the next verse.
“So meet me out on the boardwalk tonight
Meet me down by the sea
We can dance ‘neath the carnival lights
On the shore of Jersey
We'll fall in love on a carousel
Little boardwalk angel…”
Jensen took her again, and this time, didn’t let her go until the song was over. It was his love letter to her, the perfect song he could give to his new wife, his Boardwalk Angel. From far down the beach beyond the stage, fireworks were shot up into the air, causing all of the guests, and Y/N, to Ooo and Ahh. When she looked back at Jensen, his eyes were firmly fixed on her. 
“Jensen, this is… everything” her eyes were wide with exuberance and love, and it was her turn to be speechless. 
“YOU are my everything. Trix. Don’t ever forget that.”
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The rest of the reception went off without a hitch, though somewhere deep inside Jensen couldn’t help but worry that Sheila wouldn’t keep her word, and she would suddenly appear. Luckily, they enjoyed every second of it with no problems, no unexpected guests… no drama. For the first day of their lives of husband and wife, it couldn’t have been more perfect. 
As they finished their meal of boardwalk fare food, Jensen and Y/N were caught off guard by a collective clinking of glasses. They took the opportunity to lean in for a kiss, before they heard Jared’s voice come through the mic on the stage.
“Ok, ok, I think we all have seen more than enough of you two lip-locked. I mean, get a room, man. There’s kids here!” A ripple of laughter went through the guests, just making them clink the glasses again. Jared waited for his best friend to kiss the bride one more time before continuing his speech.
“When Jensen told me he was getting married, and asked me to be his best man, I knew I would have to give some kind of speech. After a few drafts filled with shots at him, ya know, just cause, I realized that I really did want to say something more meaningful. I, however, am not a writer or a poet. So I tried to find something that really resonated with me when I thought of my best friend and the woman he loves. Luckily, my beautiful wife and I came across a poem written by N.R. Hart called, ‘Unexpected’, and as I read it, I knew this was it.”
Jared cleared his throat and pulled a folded piece of paper from the pocket of his pants. He drew in a deep breath and looked over towards the happy couple. 
‘She’s the girl you never saw coming. The unexpected one who calms you, centers you, and still she turns out to be the surprise love of your life. She’s your best friend, lover, and soulmate all wrapped up in the prettiest package. She is unforgettable, she is like no one, which is why you are addicted to her; her mind, her soul. You can’t get her out of your system. You taste her and she runs through you like blood and fire. She never leaves you no matter what, because she too, knows how rare the connection is. You have never had anyone stick by you like that before. She is the safest place you have ever known. You are soft for her no matter how hard life gets, she is there and your feelings never change. She loves you fiercely and you feel her love deep in your bones; in your soul. She is the one who makes you feel whole in a way you never have before and that terrifies you. But what terrifies you even more… is losing her.’
“I was there when you first saw her, and I’ve been there to watch the two of you fall in love, and be petrified of it in your own ways. I’ve seen you get through some very hard times, and make some incredible memories. In all that time, what I saw most was how perfectly fitted you are for each other. Yes, Y/N was an unexpected surprise in Jensen’s life, but so was he in hers. So, let’s raise our glasses, to the most perfectly paired, yet unexpected couple I’ve ever known… Jensen and Y/N Ackles! I wish you all the beauty and magic the world has to offer, and I am excited to be there, to keep witnessing it all! Salute!”
The sun had finally set, leaving the stars to make their appearance in the night sky. The reception was still in full swing, but both Jensen and Y/N knew it was time to take their leave. They had made the rounds to all the tables, talked to every guest and thanked them for being a part of such an amazing day. While the party had been a great time, all Jensen could think about was getting his wife back to their bungalow. He was anxious to give her the honeymoon gift, then help her get out of the dress and take her to bed. They had been together intimately so many times in the past, but tonight would be different. Tonight, it would be as man and wife; something they had both wanted for a very long time. 
There was a moment where no one was really paying attention to the bride and groom, so they thought they would take the chance, and start walking down the beach towards the Bungalow. 
“Think we could make a run for it without anyone noticing?” Jensen whispered in her ear, leaving a little nip of a kiss on her earlobe.
“Oh,” she mewed and leaned into him, suddenly wanting nothing more than to be alone with her husband, “I think so… But, I need to grab something from Bri, first.”
Jensen pouted a little. “If you do that now, she’s gonna stop us.”
“No, she won’t. I already told her this morning we may sneak off towards the end of the party.”
“Good thinkin’, Trix. Ok, go do what you gotta, and hurry back. I need to have you, now.” The last word was more of a growl, which sent a bolt of luscious goosebumps down her whole body.
Biting her lower lip in anticipation of what was to come, she gave him a quick nod and went off to find Briana. Her bridesmaid and best friend was over near the cornhole boards throwing bags with Robbie. 
“Hey Bri!” Y/N said as she approached. “It’s that time.” The knowing tone and wink prompted Briana to reach between her cleavage and withdraw a small wooden box. 
“That’s where you kept it?” Y/N asked, unable to hold back a laugh. 
“Well, not like this dress has pockets! Don’t get me wrong, they were a gorgeous choice, but… pockets!”
“Fair enough,” Y/N said as she took the small wooden box. 
Looking over at Robbie, who was watching with confused curiosity, she smiled his way. “Robert… I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. Not just for tonight, but for Jensen and I. Thank you for becoming such a big part of my life, and being the big brother I never really had.” 
Y/N hadn’t planned on getting mushy with Robbie, but the emotional high of the day made it difficult to hold anything back. “When my dad died, and my actual brother became a memory, I never thought I’d have a real family again. But, you, Bri… all of you, have done more for me and loved me harder, than anyone has. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
Her words left Robbie speechless. He had been one of the few at the wedding that had been able to keep a dry eye, until now. 
“Awe, kiddo, I don’t know what to say other than, I love you to bits. You may be Jensen’s wife now, but you’ll always be so damn special to me. I will never, ever, not be here for you.” Robbie dropped the game bags and gave Y/N a tight embrace.
“Alright mister, let the girl go. Her and her man have some business to attend to,” Bri said as she tried to pry them apart. “Go, quick, before you get roped into another emotional filled mess!”
Y/N laughed and blew them both a kiss. “I really do love you both. And you both better come and visit us in Austin when we finally move into the new house.”
“Please, like you could stop me. I just hope somewhere in that mansion y’all bought there will be a studio.”
“Of course there will be… and there’s no one I want more in that producer’s chair, than you.”
With one last wave, Y/N took her small wooden box and headed down towards the ocean where Jensen stood, hands in his pockets and looking out over the waves at the reflection of the full moon on the water.
“Ok, let’s go!” Y/N said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bungalow.
Once they had the party far in the rearview, and the world was quiet around them, Y/N stopped Jensen from going any further.
“I know you wanted to surprise me with the honeymoon. Which, I cannot wait to go, wherever we’re going. But this… this is my gift to you.” Y/N held out the box with a shaky hand, only able to see his expression because of the bright summer moon.
Jensen didn’t say a word, but gently took the box and held it up so he could see the inscription on the top of the mahganony box. It was a simple “A” carved on the top of the box, which made him smile.
“Open it,” she prompted, and could feel that earlier bout of nerves starting to bubble up.
Jensen found a swing latch and moved the cover off to the side. Again, using the light of the moon, he found what was inside and pulled out a glossy, mahogany guitar pick. He let his finger tips brush along its smooth surface, but paused when he felt more engraving on the back side. He read what was inscribed there and his jaw fell open. His eyes finding hers in the moonlight above.
“Are you serious?” he asked, then swallowed thickly, looking at the pick again. 
Inscribed on the one side, it said “#1 Dad”.
“Are you? I mean, is this for future hope or…?” Jensen stuttered, unsure of what to say, or what it meant.
“Yes, for the future, but also, yes, I’m serious. I found out a week ago… I’m pregnant. And so far, everything is absolutely perfect.” 
“But, the doc said…”
“I know, but he was wrong, because… well, I am,” she laughed. 
This time it was Jensen who couldn’t hold back the emotion that was about to burst from the seams. Still holding the box and the pick, he grabbed her around her waist and lifted her up into a tight embrace. He planted a kiss on her that rivaled the one at their ceremony hours earlier.
“Trix… I just… I didn’t think this could happen!”
“Me either,” she replied, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. “I just hope this doesn’t hurt the plans you made for the honeymoon.” Her mischievous smile made him laugh. 
“No… well… a little. But that’s okay, because holy shit we’re gonna have a baby!!” He spun her around again, then gently put her down before turning towards the ocean. “We are having a BABY!”
From close by a little further down the beach, the familiar sounds of Frank Sinatra were carried on the breeze. “That’s Life”, one of her favorites, began to hit their ears and it couldn’t have been more perfect timing. 
“Married, an amazing honeymoon, a new house, a new adventure together in making music, and now, a new baby…” Jensen mused, unable to wipe the grin from his face. “Baby, you have given me so damn much, how could I ever repay you…”
“Love me, Jensen. And don’t ever stop.”
Jensen carefully put the guitar pick back in the box, closed the lid and placed it back in his pocket. Without warning, he swept her up off her feet and carried her back to the bungalow. Just as they got to the front door, he placed her back on her own feet. He went to open the door, but hesitated for a brief moment.
“I don’t think I could ever stop loving you, even if I tried.”
“You better, because I love you with every bit of me, and so does she.” Y/N rested her hand against the bottom of her belly.
“Her? You know that for sure?”
“No, just a gut instinct,” she said with a smile. “And I know I haven’t trusted my instincts in the past. But because of you, now I can. Because of you, I have hope and faith that anything is possible.”
“I really did fall in love with you that first night.”
Y/N smiled softly, and lovingly caressed the side of his face. “I know, I fell in love with you then, too. It’s why I told you that story about my Dad and Joy to the World. I knew then somewhere deep inside me that somehow, someday, we would be here.”
“It's you and me, Trix. You and me against the world,” he smiled and leaned in to kiss her.
Y/N reached out for his hand and rested it on her slightly swollen belly. “Us… it's us against the world, Hollywood.”
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WYLEI Tags: @mrsjenniferwinchester @vickyfarley @winchest09 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @aomi-nabi @luciathewinchestergirl @alexiswinchester @seppys-return-to-madness @donnaintx @deans-baby-momma @the-is13 @stoneyggirl @captaindorit0 @fanfictionjunkie1112 @focusonspn @deanwanddamons @theebeee @ultimatecin73 @londoncallingbutiwontpickup @thoughts-and-funnies @440mxs-wife
Jensen RPF Tags: @winchesterxfamilybusiness @sandlee44 @wings-of-a-raven @kazosa @teaspoin @whiskeyandapplepie @hobby27 @breereadsthings @maddiepants @adoptdontshoppets @squirrelnotsam @faughnphotography @katehuntington @his-paradox @deansenwackles @destielhoneybee @akshi8278 @austin-winchester67 @krazykelly @thoughts-and-funnies @igotmadskills @sacriceria
Everything Tags: @coffeebooksandfandom @sorenmarie87 @yallgotkik @thefaithfulwriter1 @sister-winchesters99 @thymeheals @keymology @divadinag @tinkerbelle67
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johobi · 2 years
Hey there!!!
I hope you are doing good 💜
I would love to read how your story "when you least expect it" ends💜💜
Hi there!! 💗 I’m doing well thank you, bit tired and got a lot on atm due to being in my final year of uni BUT I’m coping well!
Thank you for loving WYLEI, I have the next chapter almost ready for posting and the last one is all mapped out and planned, just need to figure out the mood for the final love scene. 😂
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thedevilsicons · 1 year
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kivouachian pride icons
in order: lesbian lucy, bi celia, aro locket, bi mystique, bi yeshua, and gay wyley
the drawn creature thingies in celias were drawn by whattheflup and used in celias animation test (i think theyre the others but also (shrugs))
links to each one:
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National Poetry Month - Day Eight Solar Eclipse - Enda Wyley
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cypressure · 1 month
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Anzu wylei noticing a pair of migrating alamosaurs passing through on a misty spring morning
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occultradio · 7 months
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💜 Wylei Lytle 💜
Probably offering tarot readings behind the skatepark ramps
My First Sim download
Young Adult 6 outfits Party Animal / Jealous / Cheerful / Outgoing You will need this hair! It's not included Real Alien so you will need Get to Work Please ignore the human form LMFAO! I never use them and it's just random Photos were taken with gshade so yours may look different Please let me know if something is broken pregnancy/orientation are default but feel free to change them also feel free to change his voice, I forgot to Tag me in pictures!!! I would Love to see him in your games 💜
Special Thanks to @ssspringroll @saruin @o0corruptedghoul0o @the-daydream-archives @aniraklova and all the other cc makers!
Download MEGA
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lovely-lauren-arts · 6 months
Can I have a list of all your characters
For Obscured Eyes? Here they are so far:
Protagonists 👤
Beatrice (main protagonist)
Isabella Leveen
Madeline Leveen
Daisy Nightshade
Penelope Wiske
Elizabeth Kurai
Audrey Diyad
Oliver Diyad
Claude O'Nell (last name changed slightly. Was formally O'Neil)
Dolly Duncan
Kev Wyley
Frederick "Freddie" Mussio
Catherine Velvet
Sophia Velvet
Chester Velvet
Cult 🌀
Mary (Mother Mary)
Seth Turvy
Facility 🧬
Elmer Nightshade (Dr Nightshade)
Scarlet Nightshade (Madame Scarlet)
Zeki Fraiser
Bite Sight (Joel and Ollie)
TV Head (Eric)
Beastie (Sunny)
(rest of the experiments have no determined names or designs yet)
Aster Nightshade
Bellis Nightshade
Cosmos Nightshade
Emilia Nightshade
Felicia Nightshade
Gerbera Nighshade
Parents 👫
Abigail and Ernest (Isabella and Madeline's parents)
Nathan and Harriet (Claude's parents)
(Rest of parents/guardians do not have names yet)
Siblings 👥
Taffy O'Nell
Toby O'Nell
Dot O'Nell
Fillip Mussio
Francine Mussio
Finley Mussio
Felicia "Fei" Mussio
Tami Kurai
Avery Kurai
Maria Kurai
Maddison Kurai
Amina Kurai
Other characters 📌
Trinity (Isabella and Madeline's nanny)
James (Penelope's friend)
Anna (Penelope's friend)
Some characters have not been listed because they are secret.
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jackbaphomet · 10 months
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Scene from the Amygdala book. The drawing that Ludwing showed to Wyley in order to make him laugh.
Wyley's reaction to that information:
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maskeddiany · 11 months
Nothing more than a double attack featuring @kursed-curtain and @/joestarred guyes, Wharf and Wyley :]
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willrandallmusic · 1 year
This is how BIG my heart is right now!
I am so PROUD to finally make this announcement.
My newest single, Ready, Set, Run just got released to SiriusXM Canada! Thank you to Joe Wood from RDR and Bob Marteneau for getting this out there! It took a wee bit but I finally accomplished my goal of a First Release! Thank you Dad Wyley Randall for teaching me and guiding me in this journey! I love you and I am forever GRATEFUL! See you in a few hours Grande Prairie!
#livingthedream #willrandall #readysetrun #blessed
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oddcoupler222 · 1 year
I was browsing the old Sansaery TWW tags and found the stories you wrote for madelyn and ellie which I think evolved into both WYLEI and ITLR, so I was kind of wondering, does this change their futures in the Sutton and Charlotte version of TWW?
technically!!! the itlr one was unintended? lol
i guess the plot (in love with best friends sibling) is the same, but the ellie personality is very different...
but wylei was def the plot of madelyn for the future!
but, yes. madelyn and ellie as sutton and charlotte's daughters are different than madelyn and ellie as sansa/margaery... idk if this makes sense. their personalities are the same as the original characters i came up with, but their life stories are different
weirdly enough, i had this idea for sutton/charlotte's madelyn's love story the other day!
very different than caroline/hannah's though
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Guys, I did it!! I finally did it!!
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I finally completed the final chapter of WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT!!
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It's been a ridiculously long journey (and story) and I can't thank you all enough for sticking with it!!
I'll be posting it tomorrow morning, and I cannot WAIT to share it with you!!
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johobi · 1 year
hi, im so glad you're back 🥺 do you mind if I ask whether or not you're going to continue wylei?
Hi anonnie, yes that is the plan! 😁 I am posting my first part of The Ocean’s Thrall first as that is what got me writing again recently, but after that yes! I’m going on holiday with @readyplayerhobi @zixxossi this week so can’t do much til after that, but I wrote more this evening and getting back into the groove. 😁 thanks for your continued interest 🫶
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sarahjoank-theatre · 1 year
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Antigone - Lulu Raczka
Dir. Sarah Joan K
Samuel Beckett Theatre, April 2022
Antigone: Keziah Keenan O’Shea Ismene: Daisy Gambles Set Design: Ellen Reidy  Lighting Design: Abby Fry  Sound Design: Daniel O’Brien Sound Operator: Samuel Ferrie  Costume Design: Clara Raventos Mulhall Stage Management: Amy Wyley; Matthew Moran  General Crew: Peter Crighton, Martha Cosgrove, Laura Pendlebury, Deirbhile Mylod
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