#Wamda Maximoff
agayturtlewriting · 2 years
comfort and chaos
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not my gif
summary: It's Natasha's birthday, so it's only right Wanda finally gets to meet Yelena seeing as they've planned to spend the day together. And I mean, they're already on the road so.
words: 1.4k // Read on AO3
tags: fluff, angst, post endgame, road trip (kinda), a little painful
Wanda never liked the smell of a new car. The mix between leather and faint gasoline always gave her a weird feeling. 
So when she takes a deep breath in, and the smell of Natasha’s lavender perfume fills her senses, a wave of comfort rushes over her entire body. The brunette’s eyes locked in on the car in front of hers. Wanda wonders how many hours it’s been since the trip started, calculating how much time there was left until she’d be meeting one of the most important people in Natasha’s life.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” Wanda’s voice is hoarse, the nerves getting the best of her. Her eyes slightly widen at the sound and she quickly reaches to her left for the pink water bottle occupying one of the cup holders on the center console, right next to Natasha’s dark gray one.
Natasha’s eyes don’t leave the road, but there’s a slight smirk on her lips, “Who?”.
“What do you mean who? Who else are we meeting? Oh my god, are your parents also going to be there?” Wanda’s mind starts racing at the thought of meeting her fiancée’s parents. Non biological as they are, they’re still important to Nat.
Natasha chuckles at the younger woman’s increasingly panicked voice, but is fast to clear any doubts. “Wands, chill. It’s just going to be Lena, I don’t think Melina and Alexei will be around, don’t worry about that,” her gaze shifts from the road to the passenger side, sending Wanda a warm smile, “plus, I’ll be right there with you”.
Wanda huffs at Natasha’s slightly teasing tone, but the sincerity in the last words warms her heart. 
The brunette knows Yelena’s story from what Nat has told her. She knows about her time in the Red Room, their rekindling before Thanos, and the fact that Yelena, just like Wamda, had been blipped, and by consequence, forced to miss five years of her life. Five years Natasha spent working day and night to bring them back, to bring everyone back.
Natasha reaches over the console and softly places her hand on top of Wanda’s leg, giving her a reassuring squeeze and a loving smile. Wanda’s eyes are still locked on the road in front of them but her shoulders relax at the feeling. The next couple of minutes are spent in a comfortable silence, the soft music coming from the radio being the only sound filling the car.
“Why am I even doing this?” Wanda softly mumbles to herself.
Natasha’s eyes once again snap from the road to look at the brunette, “Hey! We are going to Ohio for my birthday, and you’re meeting Lena because she’s cool and I know she’ll love you just as much as I do.” The redhead’s words hold nothing but love for both girls, but there’s an ever present smirk on her lips, “Okay maybe not as much, because I’d have to fight her if she did,” Wanda’s lips twitch at the playful tone and she lets out a small laugh as she rolls her eyes, “buuut, I told her a lot about you, and she knows how much you mean to me, she’ll be on her best behavior, I made sure of it”.
The thought of Natasha telling her sister about her makes Wanda feel giddy. She doesn’t think she’s ever loved anyone the way she loves Nat, and she’s sure she’d never been loved that way either before she met Natasha. For a moment she wonders what Pietro’s reaction would’ve been to her and Natasha becoming girlfriends. The older Maximoff twin had always been very protective of her, and with time so grew Natasha. She thinks they would’ve liked each other, as annoying as Pietro could be at times, he was an undeniably charming guy, and she’s sure Nat would’ve found it amusing.
The sun has already started setting and the sky is a mix of colors, the clouds seem to part just for them as the redhead’s car approaches a dirt lookout on the side of the road, and Wanda can’t seem to take her eyes off of it.
As if Natasha was able to read her mind, the car slowly gets off the road and onto the viewpoint. The view of the seemingly never ending trees beneath the orange sky grasps Wanda’s attention as her mind starts to wander.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Natasha’s soft voice has never failed to make Wanda’s insides feel fuzzy and warm, there’s so much love in everything Nat does. Wanda wonders if the rest of the world is too focused on the Black Widow persona to see this side of her.
“Just thinking”, the brunette’s voice is just as quiet, as if speaking up would burst the bubble they’ve immersed themselves in. 
Natasha smiles at the girl’s vagueness, “About?”.
“You”, sometimes Wanda’s convinced that’s all she’s able to think about.
A comfortable silence falls upon them and Wanda can’t help but think about how the sunlight always seems to hit Natasha just right. How it always accentuates the slight curve of her cheeks and the green in her eyes. Her mind circles back to her earlier thoughts and she thinks that even if she combined every nice word she knows in English and Sokovian, she wouldn’t be able to explain the love she feels for Natasha. So she looks at her instead, hoping her eyes are expressive enough to let the redhead feel everything she can’t say to her.
Natasha’s voice matches the soft look in her eyes, she knows, “I love you”.
“I love you so, so much”, Wanda’s voice betrays her as it breaks.
Natasha, once again, reaches over the console to wipe the tears away from Wanda’s cheeks, who closes her eyes at the feeling, “I’m here,” her voice barely above a whisper, “I’ve got you, I’m right here”. Her left hand lowering to hold the brunette’s warm one as she rests their foreheads together.
The way the world seems to stop spinning just for them makes Wanda wonder if this is the feeling that the movies she’s seen have tried to replicate. Her fingers curl around the wedding band on the redhead’s ring finger, she twists it and pulls.
Wanda can almost feel Nat’s soft breaths on her slightly parted lips, her eyes shut tight. 
“You, Wanda Maximoff, are the love of my-“
Wanda’s eyes snap open at the sound of her phone vibrating. She takes a moment to recompose herself before she’s reaching to her right and grabbing her phone from the remaining cup holder in the center console, next to her water bottle. She lifts it slightly, only to see Clint’s name in the caller ID. She closes her eyes and slumps down on her seat, the phone still vibrating in her hand, and she lets out a deep sigh before silencing it. The ring between her fingers feels cold, she quickly looks down at the familiar silver band and puts it back on.
Her eyes drift to the empty passenger side as she lifts her hands to grip at the steering wheel and she finally allows her tears to flow freely down her face. She lets her head fall on it, she thinks her forehead stings from the impact but the pain in her heart screams for her attention so loud she can’t hear anything else. No matter how much she tries to go back to Natasha, she can’t.
Her phone dings and she knows Clint must’ve sent her a text. The message is long, and when Natasha’s name catches her eye, she quickly deletes the notification, a reminder to meet Yelena quickly replacing it.
With a final deep breath Wanda opens the door, she’s greeted by the familiar smell of grass and a cold breeze that makes her adjust her coat. Her feet walk mindlessly through the path she’s gotten acquainted with, for a second she wonders if she’s even going in the right direction, but the sight of a cherry blossom tree confirms she is. A few feet in front of it stands a blonde with a long black coat, facing away from her.
Wanda stops walking when she sees the gravestone, the all too familiar feeling of grief surrounding her, pulling at her heart, and making her sick to her stomach. At the bottom of it sit the words “daughter, sister, avenger”, she doesn’t need to get closer to recognize them, the image haunts her every thought, and engraved at the top, right above an hourglass symbol, in black slim letters sits Natasha Romanoff’s name.
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cieric-of-chaos · 7 months
Wanda Maximoff save me....Wamda maximize save me....Wendy Maximilian save me...Manda Maximum...save me...vanda maksimov save me
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yashsamyak · 4 years
Agatha giving Wanda free hypno-therapy
Remember when "wanda pls go to therapy" tag was trending?
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rosieshipper · 5 years
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“There’s so many people here.” Rose whispered as she and her girlfriend, Wanda walked into the large ballroom. “Many people to mingle and meet with.” Wanda hummed in response, looking over at Rose. “You excited, Detka?” She as her. “Of course I am.” Rose smiled back at Wanda. “This is one of the biggest Holiday party I’ve ever been invited to.” Rose grinned. “I’m glad.” Wanda chuckled lightly before kissing her cheek
Phase II of @nougatships Yuletide event! Me and Wanda will be floating around the snack tables or the dance floor so feel free to stop by to talk or ask us questions!
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empyreanwritings · 4 years
STEEEEEEEPHANIIIEEEE!! Here's another MM request! How about a playlist (as big as you want) for when Wanda x Reader x Nat decide to spend their days off? Would there be sexy songs? Would there be soft, calm tunes or would they go all upbeat? Who do you think would be the one blasting Walking on sunshine and dancing around just to get the other two to wake up?? Gdkagdkajska I'm giving myself feelings with this one. Lmaaaoooooo. Thanks Angel! Ily ✨💜
In the mornings, they like calmer music. they're tired and don't need loud noises or to irritate each other before coffee time
1. Talk Me Down - Troye Sivan
2. Moments - Jhené Aiko
3. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
4. Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
5. Are You Bored Yet? - Wallows ft. Clairo
In the afternoon, they're more upbeat. Wanda is the one singing songs loudly and dancing, trying to get Nat and Y/n up and moving because they've been lazy all day
1. I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
2. Wait A Minute! - Willow
3. 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
4. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
5. Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
Around dinner time, they slow it back down (sort of). They enjoy certain vibes - candles lit, music playing quietly in the background while they eat
1. Head Over Heels - Digital Daggers
2. Back in Time - V V Brown
3. Roddy - Djo
4. Running Up that Hill - Placebo
5. Meet Me in the Hallway - Harry Styles
And because you asked, here's a little sneak peek at their ~sexy time~ songs!
1. Earned It - The Weeknd
2. Good for You - Selena Gomez
3. One Time - Marian Hill
4. Chains - Nick Jonas
5. Body Say - Demi Lovato
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sameens-shaw · 6 years
wanda maximoff: does literally anything close to heroic
me: *with tears in my eyes* i love you i'd die for you
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imagineyourworld · 3 years
Hiiii!! pretty please may i request prompt 1 (enemies to lovers), with huge 10 (jealousy, from wanda to r) and "i" ("i love you but that's not funny)??? from the 100 followers celebration. Also, congratulations!!!!
Thanks for your request! Unfortunately the rules stated to choose either a letter or a number prompt, otherwise I'll choose for you, which is what I'm doing now.
I hope you'll like the fic anway.
Love, Charlie
Wanda Maximoff x Genderneutral!Reader
Warnings: None
10. Jealousy
Wanda wasn't a violent person, she really wasn't, but something about the way that women put her hand on your arm and left it there for just a few second too long, stared into your eyes too much and laughed too hard at your jokes made her blood boil. And the worst part was that she had no right. The two of you weren't dating, in fact you weren't even that close. You were a former SHIELD agent who sometimes joined the Avengers for missions. That's how you met and mostly the only reason the two of you spent time together. Of course Wanda soon realized that she wanted more reasons to be near you, to hang out with you when you weren't on missions or preparing for them. She liked you, more than most other new team mates, which didn't go unnoticed by her brother. "You're the one who can read minds, not (Y/N). I highly doubt that staring at her will do you any good", Pietro quietly laughed. Wanda tried to hit her annoying twin on the arm for his unasked comment, but he ran away, only to reappear on her other side a second later. "(Y/N) doesn't seem all that interested in the conversation anyway, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you interrupted and stole them away to dance", the speedster suggested, looking from you to the dancefloor. Wanda shrugged. She didn't much like to be at this stupid Stark Industries Gala, dancing wouldn't help. And worse, she might embarrass herself in front of you. "I'm fine where I am", she told her brother, who began to grin at her words. "You know, dear sister", he said while laying an arm around Wanda's shoulder. "Somehow I don't believe you. But if you're telling the truth and you really are fine I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I asked (Y/N) to dance." Wanda didn't need to use her powers to know that Pietro was only trying to get on her nerves, or to make her talk to you. Neither was good, but the latter was even worse. Talking to you meant trying to find an excuse as to why she had interrupted your conversation and that was something she really didn't want to do. "Go ahead, ask them." Wanda wasn't worried about her brother dancing with you, spending time with you, she knew the two of you were friendly, nothing more. The reporter, however, was a different story. She was beautiful and Wanda could hear her clear laugh across the room. It took all the willpower she had not to enter the other woman's mind to know her intentions with you, or to make her leave you alone all together and vacate her spot at the bar for Wanda to take. All of the sudden Wanda realized that your eyes were on her, no longer on the woman next to you, and the very next moment a thought entered her brain, so loud and clear that you must have found a way to send it to her. Why are you staring like that? What was she supposed to answer? That she didn't like you talking to the reporter and laughing at her jokes? That she wanted to be the one to make you smile and to gently touch your hand to see if it really was as soft as it looked? That she was jealous? She decided against any of those options and instead, for once in her life, followed her brother's advice, much to Pietro's surprise. Within a few seconds Wanda was in front of you, putting herself between you and the reporter and forcing you to focus all your attention on her. "(Y/N), would you like to get a bit of fresh air? With me?" Just a moment later Wanda couldn't believe that the words had actually left her mouth. For once the shyness that took over whenever you were near her had disappeared and a bit of her usual confidence had returned. You leaned to the side a bit to look at the reporter and for the fraction of a second Wanda felt her heart split in two. You were going to decline her offer and stay with the other woman instead, she just knew it. Or at least she thought she knew it, because just a heartbeat later you opened your mouth to say the most wonderful words Wanda had ever heard. "I'm sorry, I really do need some fresh air. Maybe we'll catch up another time." Wanda didn't leave you enough time to overthink your decision, instead she took your
elbow and all but dragged you out of the ginormous ballroom Stark had rented for the evening, right past a grinning Pietro onto the balcony. You weren't alone there either, but it was less crowded than inside and at least there were no other women trying to flirt with you. Though now that she had you alone and the jealousy induced adrenaline had vanished Wanda was at a loss for words. She usually wasn't shy, but every time she felt your gorgeous eyes on her all thoughts seemed to leave her brain. "So, any reason you dragged me away from my cousin?" It took Wanda a moment to hear your words, and another to fully register them. You couldn't be talking about the woman from the bar, could you? There was no way she was your cousin, she had clearly been flirting with you. "That reporter was your cousin?", Wanda finally asked, sounding more suspicious than she liked. You just nodded, a sly grin now playing on your lips. The same lips Wanda had been dreaming about for weeks, the ones who had just smiled at the other woman. Your cousin. "She's naturally flirty, that's just who she is. But she's family, nothing more. In fact, there's someone else I like." Wanda's relief was short lived. Of course there was someone. Someone with a normal life probably, who didn't risk her life any other day and didn't have freakish abilities that would scare any sensible person away. "You might know her", you continued, the grin only growing and a hint of mischief appearing in your eyes. "She goes by the name of Wanda Maximoff." To say Wanda was stunned would be an understatement. She must have misheard. There was no way- "And she's standing right in front of me", you continued, silencing her thoughts and doubts. Wanda was now sure she must be dreaming, especially when you reached out to take her hand in yours, which really was as soft as it looked and as Wanda had always imagined. "And if she lets me", you whispered in Wanda's left ear before pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "I'd like to take her out to dinner tomorrow", you continued into her other ear, pressing a kiss to her other cheek afterwards. Wamda wasn't sure what to say, but for once she felt as if words weren't necessary anyway, they wouldn't convey her emotions the way she wanted to. Instead she pulled you closer by the hand you were still holding in your own. She placed her other hand on your waist before leaning closer to connect your lips in the kiss she had been waiting for. It was sweet and soft and spoke of many more to come, both that same evening and during your date the next day. And with your lips on hers and both your arms now around her neck, pulling her even closer, Wanda forgot all about beautiful reporters and flirty cousins, you were the only thought on her mind.
I hope you like the fic even though I didn't incorporate all your prompts. And in case anyone was wondering, of course I know Pietro is dead, but I felt like Wanda needed her brother to hype her up in this scenario.
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shitpostsandanime · 2 years
I did not walk into Multiverse of Madness for Wamda Maximoff slander in the year of our lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Two god fucking dammit let that woman be happy.
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aprilled · 10 years
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Wanda Maximoff Haven't drawn anything in ages so here's the fancy (?) Scarlet Witch.
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