#Wanda maximoff xfem!reader
upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Cheer you on
Summary: Even the cheerleader needs someone to cheer them on.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: Wanda is kind of mean, i don’t know how cheer or football works
Word count: 4213
a/n: how do you write enemies to lovers trope without instantly making them friends?? This was supposed to be a series, but that obviously didn’t work out
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
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“Maximoff, stay behind after class, please.” Ms Harkness, the chemistry teacher, stops Wanda as she steps inside the classroom. “I have something important to ask you.”
“Yes, Ms Harkness.” Wanda gives her a quick smile, walking over to her desk and takes out her textbook. It wasn’t uncommon for teachers to have a chat with her after class, she is one of the top students after all and pretty much adored amongst all the teachers. Although, she can’t help but feel nervous whenever they do so.
The class goes by quickly, they all do. Wanda has always liked school. She likes to learn nee things and considers herself to be quite good at it. She wouldn’t say she wasn’t like everyone else. Sure, she has never been the most popular kid in school, but she is happy with the friends she has. Being Pietro’s sister, who is on the football team, gives her a lot of opportunities to go to parties. And sometimes Wanda does go, but it’s not her main form of having fun.
“Maximoff!” Ms Harkness’ voice snaps her out if her thoughts. “Were you listening?”
“I am so sorry, Miss, just got lost in my mind. Could you repeat what you said?”
“Would you mind tutoring a student in chemistry? She’s a little behind and failed the last course, so, I suggested getting a tutor and she agreed.”
“Of course! I’d love to help out.” Wanda assures, it’ll look great on her college applications. “Can I ask who am I tutoring?”
“Y/N L/N.” Wanda’s smile drops at the mention of the girl’s name. “You know her, correct? You two have had some classes together.”
“Ah, hm.” Wanda clears her throat. “I know her.”
“Great! That’s settled then, can you start today?”
“Good, I’ll let her know and you two can meet up at the library after school. Thank you, Wanda.” Ms Harkness nods in gratitude and goodbye before going back to her stack of papers to work on.
Wanda blows air out of her mouth, silently cursing to herself for accepting the task before knowing who needed tutoring. She didn’t per se, hate her, she’d rather call it heavily disliking her.
Y/N is a rather popular cheerleader, pretty much everyone around school knows her. And Wanda isn’t a fan of popular people, except her brother. They didn’t necessarily do anything bad to her, but she doesn’t like fake people and she is 100% sure all the popular students are fake. Y/N being the fakest of them all.
Every time Wanda walks past her in the hallways, she is smiling and laughing while greeting practically everyone. No one can be that…good.
Wanda groans, she only has two more classes before the tutoring starts. She tries to remind herself that it’s for her own good as she goes to her next class.
The library is silent, more silent than normal, it doesn’t have a big use on after school hours, which makes it one of Wanda’s favorite places to spend her time.
She taps her pen against the table as she waits for Y/N to arrive. She already has her chemistry books and notebooks ready, wanting to get this over as soon as possible.
Finally she hears a pair of boots enter the room. Sighing, Wanda sits up straighter just before Y/N walks over to the table. “Hi, Wanda!” She smiles brightly and sits opposite of her. “Sorry for being late, cheer practice ran a little long.”
“It’s okay.” Wanda mumbles. “Do you have your books?”
“Yeah.” Y/N takes out a few books, setting them to the table. “Thank you so much for agreeing to help me, I can’t afford to fail another class.”
“Maybe you should focus on them then.” Wanda comments, mostly to herself, not really intending for Y/N to hear, but she does.
“What?” Y/N giggles quietly, sounding quite uncomfortable. “I do focus, I’m just very busy.”
“Mhm.” Wanda opens her book. “Lets start from page ten. Which parts do you have problems with?”
“Uhm, I’m pretty aware of chapters from 11 to 16, others are mostly a blur.” Y/N
“Six chapters from a 25 chapter book?” Wanda cringes. “Can I ask you why did you take an advanced chemistry class if you weren’t going to put some effort to it?”
Y/N frowns, staring at Wanda. “If you don’t want to tutor me, you can say so.” She mumbles. Wanda sighs, rolling her eyes. “I only need a little help and if you aren’t willing to help me, I can find someone else.”
Wanda scoffs quite loudly. “I am very willing. I just don’t appreciate people who take partying and nonsense hobbies more seriously than studying. Advanced classes are hard to get into, if you weren’t going to actually do it, someone more deserving would’ve gotten the spot.” She throws her arms into the air as she ends her rant.
“Right.” Y/N whispers, closing her book. “I stayed behind because of personal emergencies. I was very unwell and couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings. Ms Harkness was understanding enough to give me an opportunity to retake the test and ask someone to tutor me.” She shoves the books to her bag. “But I suppose some people don’t have the same empathy skills as her.”
Wanda stares at Y/N wide eyed. “I-“
“I’ll tell Ms Harkness we had some schedule problems because of my nonsense hobbies and continuous partying, so you don’t have to continue tutoring me.” Y/N stands up. “Bye then, I guess.”
“Wait!” Wanda stands up, but Y/N takes her bag and walks out of the library, leaving very conflicted Wanda behind.
Wanda uses the fork on her hand to repeatedly stab the very dry looking food on the plate, leaning her head on her palm. After using all of her morning and afternoon breaks to look for Y/N with no luck, she decided to give up and head to the canteen to eat with Natasha.
“Wanda.” The redhead pushes her shoulder so she’d pay attention to her. “Where’s your mind at?”
“Y/N.” She mumbles quietly.
Natasha sighs. “Listen, yes, you were unfairly mean to her, but I doubt she’s mad at you. You just have to apologize.”
“I would if I could find her.” Wanda slams her fork to the tray. “And I’m not upset because I got her mad, I’m upset because she looked so hurt when she left.” She turns to face Natasha. “And I don’t want to be the reason why she didn’t come to school.”
“I know. If you want to, I can ask Yelena for her number so you could text her.”
“No! Absolutely not, I don’t want to be a creep.”
“You wouldn’t be a creep, it’s normal to ask for someone’s number.” Natasha shoves food inside her mouth. “Besides, she’s my sister.”
“I want to apologize face to face.” Wanda comments. “Anyways,” she changes the subject, “talking about your sister, she has been glaring at me the whole day.”
“She’s just very protective of her friends, no need to worry.”
“I feel like she’ll murder me when I’m the least prepared.”
Natasha snorts at the comment. Truth to be told, she wouldn’t be surprised if her sister decided to kill someone for disrespecting her loved ones. Yelena and Y/N have been best friends since diapers as they were born close to each other. Just like Wanda and Natasha, who were born a year before the two.
Wanda gasps. “There she is!” She whisper yells, nudging Natasha harshly. She points towards Y/N walking towards a full table of people in her cheer suit.
“Well, go on then.”
“She’s leaving.”
“I think she has cheer practice.” Natasha watches Y/N and Yelena walk outside together. “You should talk to her before it starts.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going.” Wanda stands up, jogging to the hallway after the two friends. “Y/N! Wait up.” Y/N and Yelena stop, turning around to see Wanda right behind them. “Can I talk to you? Alone?” She glances at Yelena.
“Uhh, sure.” Y/N smiles to Yelena who looks rather annoyed. “I’ll see you outside, don’t start practice without me.” Yelena nods as Y/N and Wanda walk inside an empty classroom. “What’s up?”
“I just really wanted to apologize, for yesterday. It wasn’t nice of me to assume why you failed the class or what you do on your free time.”
“It really wasn’t.” Y/N comments. “But it’s okay, I forgive you.”
“Great!” Wanda smiles widely. “So, we’ll continue the tutoring?”
“Ah, no. I already got Tony to help me.”
“Tony Stark?” Wanda frowns. Sure, Stark is smart, but nowhere near Wanda’s level. “Isn’t he like a really big douche.”
“Okay then.” Mumbling, Y/N purses her lips together. “Bye, Wanda.”
“No! Wait-“ Y/N ignores her calls after her and walks outside to her cheer practice. Wanda groans, dragging herself back to the table where Natasha is waiting for her. “Is Y/N friends with Tony Stark?”
“I think they’re like family friends.”
“Fuck.” Wanda slams her forehead to the table. “I just called him a douche in front of her.”
Natasha laughs. “You really just want her to hate you, huh?”
“Obviously not!” She doesn’t know why Y/N’s disappointed face is making her feel so bad, but she doesn’t like it at all. The feeling is gnawing her insides. “Do you think she’ll forgive me a second time?”
Natasha shrugs her shoulders, shoving food to her mouth. “I’m sure she isn’t that offended.”
“She looked like it.”
“Why do you care, Wanda?” Natasha furrows her brows together. She has never been one to worry about how others see her, so this kind of excessive overthinking was very unusual for her.
“I don’t want her to think badly of me.”
“But you can think badly about her.”
Wanda raises her head. “No! I don’t- it’s not like that.” Natasha stares at her with a questioning look. “I don’t think badly about her.”
“Within a day, you’ve entirely turned around what you think of her?” Wanda nods slowly, making Natasha sigh. “Did you ever even dislike her? It always seemed like you like liked her, but didn’t think she’d like you back.”
“What?” Wanda laughs. “No.” Natasha mumbles a quiet okay and goes back to her lunch, but Wanda continues staring at her, not getting the thought out of her head. She didn’t like Y/N. Sure, she doesn’t dislike her anymore, but she’d never like someone like her.
“What happened with Wanda Maximoff?” Yelena asks as Y/N is stretching and getting ready for cheer.
“She apologized and then she called Tony a douche.”
“Isn’t he?”
“I mean, yeah.” Y/N changes her position. “But it just made it look like she wasn’t really apologetic, you know.”
“Yea.” Yelena sits on the benches. She doesn’t cheer, but she’s always watching Y/N. She likes supporting her best friend, and they’re dorm mates, so they always walk back to their dorm together. “She’s weird.”
Humming, Y/N jogs small circles. “I don’t know. I think she just doesn’t like people. Or me, specifically.”
“The offer to beat her up still stands.”
“No, Lena.” Y/N giggles. “You aren’t beating anyone up, though I appreciate the offer.” Yelena mumbles something incoherent, she was really hoping to beat someone up. “You don’t have to wait for me every time, you know?”
“I know, but I want to. I like watching you cheer.”
Y/N grins at her. “You’re going soft.”
“Only for you.”
With a laugh, Y/N goes to the field as the captain arrives and calls them around her. They have been practicing a cheer routine for the football game for a while now, but it still needs time to be perfect.
Y/N, a flyer, gets ready to be lifted off the ground. Her hands are waiting steadily on two people’s shoulders. When the time comes, she jumps onto their hands and gets lifted to the air. There she does her tricks along with the other flyers of her group. At the final flip, one of the bases looses their footing, causing Y/N to come crashing to the ground.
The music stops and the group gathers around her. Yelena runs to her through the other cheerleaders, kneeling down next to her. “You okay? Where does it hurt?”
Y/N coughs, gathering the oxygen back to her lungs. She groans. “I’m fine.” Mumbling, she takes Yelena’s hand and gets up. Her leg is unable to take any weight and she’s leaning to Yelena heavily.
“I’m gonna take you to the nurse’s office.” Slowly but surely they make their way towards the office. Yelena is keeping her arm around Y/N’s waist, holding most of her weight so she wouldn’t have to use the hurt leg. “I’m gonna beat up the base.”
Y/N lets out an airy laugh. “It was an accident. These kind of things happen in cheer.”
“They shouldn’t happen to you.” Yelena mumbles as she knocks on the door. The two hobble in when the nurse comes to open the door.
Yelena helps Y/N to sit down. “What happened?” The nurse sits down to a chair of her own.
“Cheer accident.” Y/N moves her leg slightly, cringing at the pain shooting up her body. “My leg hurts a bit.”
“She can’t put any weight on it, and her back hurts.” Yelena comments. She’s standing right next to Y/N.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N lets the nurse examine her leg and back. Yelena has been overbearingly protective ever since they became friends, but Y/N is okay with that. That’s how she shows her love, by caring and protecting.
“It’s not broken, so that’s good.” The nurse writes something on the computer. “But you definitely can’t cheer for a while.”
“What? For how long?”
“Lets start with three to six weeks and see where we go from there.”
Y/N sighs, not happy with the news. The football game isn’t too far away, so she really needs to be practicing the routine for it. “I really can’t wait that long. Isn’t there any way we could speed the healing?”
“Not really.” The nurse sighs, taking out an ice pack and a pair of crutches. “Hold this to your leg. You two can go home.”
With a frown on her face, Y/N takes the ice pack and crutches, leaving the office with Yelena’s help.
The next day, to Y/N’s luck, Yelena became sick. Which meant walking, or limping would be more describing, through the school halls alone. Even though she has a lot of friends, she mostly spends her days with Yelena, that’s her best friend since diapers after all.
With a quiet grunt, she opens the cafeteria door, holding both of her crutches in one hand. After getting through them, she starts moving towards the line, trying to come up with a way how she’s going to carry her tray.
While waiting in line, she feels someone tap her shoulder. She turns around and sees Wanda. “What happened?” Wanda nods towards the crutches.
“Cheer accident.”
“Do you need help? Where’s Yelena? You could sit with me and Natasha if you want.”
Y/N’s eyes widen from the word vomit that just came out of Wanda’s mouth. It was almost too quick to understand. “Yelena is sick, so yes, I might need a bit of help.”
“Great,” Wanda steps next to Y/N in line. “I’ll help. I already got my food.” Y/N nods with a tight lipped smile. “I’m really sorry, again. For yesterday, saying Tony is a douche, I’m sure he actually isn’t.”
“Oh, he is.” Y/N comments and leaves it at that.
Wanda hums, staying quiet. Their turn comes quickly. Wanda picks up a tray, plate, glass and cutleries for Y/N, moving the tray as they do. She puts the food Y/N wants on the plate and fills the glass with water. After that, they start walking towards the table Natasha is sitting at. It’s quite slow, as Wanda follows Y/N’s speed.
“Hi.” Natasha grins at the two. “Did you get enough of cheering yet?”
“Of course not.” Y/N sits down carefully, setting the crutches to lay against an empty chair. “It’s still my biggest love.”
“Seems like a toxic relationship you two got going in.”
Y/N laughs. She’s fairly close with Natasha too, as she is Yelena’s sister and she has spent a great amount of time at their house. “I’m sure you already know Yelena is sick.”
“Oh, yeah.” Natasha scoffs with a shake of her head. “I have gotten so many whiny texts about it.”
Wanda tries to laugh along the two, feeling bit like an outsider at the moment. She wants to be closer to Y/N, though she isn’t sure where this sudden want came from. Or she just doesn’t want to accept it yet.
“Are you allowed to cheer at the football game?” She asks, wanting to be a part of the conversation.
“Uhm, I hope so. It depends on how fast I’ll heal.”
“Well, I really hope you get to cheer.” Wanda smiles widely.
Natasha smirks at the interaction. It’s so obvious to her, but she doesn’t want to pressure Wanda about anything she’s not ready to accept yet.
The conversation steers back to Natasha and Y/N talking about their shared things, while Wanda decides to spend the rest of lunch staring at Y/N.
After four weeks, Y/N can finally stop using the crutches and get back into practicing their cheer routine, which she needs to learn very quickly, as the big game is in a week. It’s Y/N’s school versus their biggest rival school. The schools have fought each other since the beginning of time, and they still haven’t quiet figured out which school is the best one. And neither one is happy with a tie, so they have to put their best game face on. And the pressure isn’t only on the football players, it’s also on the cheerleaders.
During those weeks, especially the time Yelena was sick, Y/N and Wanda grew closer. Wanda decided to throw out all of her previous impressions of Y/N and just get to know her, just like Natasha asked her to do many times before. She realized Y/N isn’t actually anything like she thought, which opened the feelings she had hidden a long time ago.
“Have you done this every night after you got your crutches taken off?” Wanda asks as she sits on the bleachers, watching Y/N practice the cheer routine on her own.
“Yes.” Y/N pants slightly. She has gone through the routine four times now. “I have to do it perfectly on the game night.”
Wanda rubs her hands together, starting to feel chilly. “I’m sure you’ll be great.”
“You don’t have to wait, you know? Even Yelena refuses to stay here so late.” She does a few tricks on the ground that she’s supposed to do in the air.
“I want to stay.”
A small smile grows on Y/N’s lips, but she hides it by continuing the routine. For a while, the music, coming from Y/N’s phone, for the routine is the only noise. No other student is out this late on school grounds, they’re either partying or in their dorms.
“Are you sure you aren’t getting too cold? You shouldn’t risk getting sick before the game.”
“I’m alright, Wanda.” Y/N takes a break, drinking some water. “I’m moving constantly.”
“Yeah, but when you move, you start to sweat and when you’re sweaty, you get cold easier.”
Giggling, Y/N drops the water bottle back to the ground, starting the music over again. “I know how it works, Wanda.” She goes back to her spot and starts the routine all over before Wanda can answer. “I’ll stop after this one.”
The routine is two minutes and 30 seconds long, but it feels shorter from both of their points of view. Y/N loves performing and Wanda likes to watch her perform.
Doing the final step, Wanda starts clapping at her. “Amazing!” She smiles, making Y/N laugh.
Y/N stops the music and picks up her things before walking over to Wanda. “Thanks for staying, you didn’t have to.” She starts shivering as the cold wind picks up.
“I told you, you would get cold.” Wanda mumbles, taking off of her jacket and putting it over Y/N’s shoulders, ignoring her protests. “I have a hoodie on, you have a small cheer uniform.” At the word small, Wanda’s eyes drop down to go over the whole outfit. Her cheeks flush the minute she realizes, but she lets out a breath of relief when she notices Y/N isn’t looking her way.
“Yeah, yeah.” They start walking towards the dorm buildings. Their dorms aren’t in the same building, but they’re close by, so it’s easy to walk there together.
“Hey, I’m glad you gave me a chance by the way.” Wanda huffs a breath of air out of her nose. “And I’m glad we’re friends now.”
“So am I.” Y/N bumps her side against Wanda’s, giving her a cheery smile.
The closer they get to their building, the more nervous Wanda gets. She waits until the moment they have to split up to speak up. “Would you, maybe, go out with me?”
“Like, on a date?” Y/N and Wanda stop walking.
Y/N gives her a small smile. “Ask me again after the game, yeah?” When Wanda nods, Y/N starts taking off the jacket, but Wanda stops her.
“Keep it until then.”
“Okay.” Y/N giggles, kisses Wanda’s cheek and starts walking towards her dorm building.
Y/N cheers the football team on with the other cheerleaders. They’re standing on the side, jumping up and down while waving their pom poms around. Half time is starting any second now, so her nerves are through the roof. She has performed in front of people many times before, but she has never been injured right before a show.
She glances at the clock. Three.. Two.. One. The loud buzzer sounds the half time is now. The group cheers loudly, getting the viewers spirits high, before running to the middle of the field. They go straight into formation, waiting for the music.
The music starts and they go straight into the routine. Y/N has a wide smile on her face as she get to occasionally glance the bleachers more clearly. If possible, her smiles widens even more when she hear and sees Wanda, Yelena and Natasha cheering her on.
She goes to her place, grabs the bases’ shoulders and gets into the air smoothly. Everything goes through perfectly and no one gets injured.
After the routine stops, Y/N runs back to the sidelines with a victorious smile on her face. She waves at her friends before turning back to supporting the football team on their second half of the game.
As the last seconds ti k away on the clock, everyone is on the edge of their seat. The score is tied, but there’s still time to score. One of the players on Y/N’s school is kicking the ball forward while running full speed ahead and trying to dodge the opponents.
Seeing there’s only under ten seconds left on the clock, the player kicks the ball with all their might and it goals just before the buzzer goes off. Everyone jumps up and shouts in happiness. Another win for their school.
Y/N runs towards Wanda, Yelena and Natasha, who already got away from the bleachers. None of them were really that interested in football, they mostly came to support Y/N. They cheer when they see her coming their way.
“Great job! You did so well!” Yelena yells as Y/N smashes herself into her.
“Thank you!” Her voice comes out muffled because of Yelena’s puffy jacket. “Thank you for coming, you guys.” She grins, hugging Natasha next.
“We wouldn’t have missed it.”
She laughs and turns to Wanda, hugging her just a bit longer than the other two. “Wait for me to get my things? Then we can leave.” Y/N runs off to get her bag and Wanda’s jacket, which she decides to put on. It is autumn after all.
The four of them start walking away from the celebration, they’ll have one of their own in a diner. Although, they will join the other students at a house party later in the evening.
Wanda grabs Y/N’s hand into her own as they’re walking towards the diner. She leans in closer. “Go out with me?” She whispers so the sister duo wouldn’t hear.
“Like a date?” Y/N asks with a grin.
“Okay, I’ll go out with you.”
Wanda’s cheeks turn red and her smile grows from the answer. “Thank you.” Y/N giggles at her shyness, leaning against Wanda’s side, she tunes into whatever conversation Yelena and Natasha are having, while Wanda continues smiling.
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swaqcenix · 2 years
༻Lingering Shadows | Wanda Maximoff ༺
Dating Wanda prior IW | Prompt ≿━━━━━༺❀༻━━━━━━≾
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Warnings: slight angst, mainly tooth rotting fluff, comfort, implications to smut but nothing explicit
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
Summary: Just a little prompt of headcanons if you ran away with Wanda instead and how you two coped after the events of the Accords.
AN: I swear I'll slow down with the posting soon! :)
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At first you weren't too content on fighting Wanda. Everyone knew you two had something the pair of you danced around. She was on Steve's side but being Tony's sister you couldn't say no. He was blood.
She stared you down and you saw cracks of the real Wanda, underneath all the turmoil and anguish she showed herself to you. Still you fought and you'll never forget the look of guilt and remorse as she hurt you unintentionally.
Having past relationships in your origins you'd settled on agreements in hiding within the walls and comforts of Scotland Somewhere remote against the sea and against the drifting time of peace.
You comforted each other when the nightmares came and kissed each other's skin. It was the first time you whispered 'I love you' aloud into the open and the trickling tear's down her face spoke all you needed to know.
You comforted each other when the nightmares came and kissed each other's skin. It was the first time you whispered 'I love you' aloud into the open and the trickling tear's down her face spoke all you needed to know.
If the nightmares got too intense she'd slip off into the dead of night making sure to stay hidden and out of sight colliding her world into one of the sea, watching the waters lap at the shore.
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Seeing her standing there you only remained back letting your presence known but allowing her to be one with your thoughts. It was when she turned back to you and whispered that she loved you too, you knew you'd be okay.
It was when she almost got recognised the fear of loosing her hit you like a tidal wave. She watched you worry in fear so came back later with your favourite bakes from the nearby bakery along with her hair now a deep wispy red, cascading down her body.
Her accent was only meant for your ears and it was dissipated for anyone else. It was you who could only see Wanda Maximoff, you who could only feel her.
Your first fight hit like a ton of bricks. She found passports hidden in the depth of the drawers and didn't let you explain only screamed and shouted. It was the screams that hit your core.
It was only when you'd been found by disgusting people she realised you'd meant no damage, no judgment only wanted precautions but it was too late and the damage had been done.
When you were found in a nearby home damaged and bruised she came instantly and almost sobbed at the sight of her broken lover and looked at her hands.
When left in silence it was you who kissed those hands and allowed her to know they weren't a weapon. They were apart of her just as Wanda's own heart and soul was.
It was in her arms in the silence of the night within Scotland you knew you'd be okay that you'd be safe.
In the sheets wrapped up in your bed she spoke to you fondly of her memories of Pietro and her life within Sokovia. It was when you spoke of children of your own, the thought causing you to hold each other tighter.
The nights of anguish and pain melted into nothing but warmth and lingering touches as she spoke to you in her native tongue leading to you staying awake feeling her entirely until the early hours of the morning.
Her raspy and hoarse voice with heavy scents of Sokovian accent lingered within the room allowing you to remember your shared night of love.
Talking in Sokovian was your favourite thing to do words being shared where nobody in the island could understand, could cease to comprehend as you and Wanda danced with words shared only for your ears.
It was when you heard a noise in the night and she insisted on staying in bed your mind nibbled with regret and fear as you sensed the world was off.
The oncoming storm of violence hit you hard and fast but Wanda was fast to your aid. It was seeing Steve and Natasha for the firs time in so long you heart ached. It was then you knew you still had duties and you longed to be with her in silence and peace you had a job to do.
It was lying in her arms on the way back the compound as she whispered the final words drifting you off to sleep that you knew you'd be okay. 'I simply feel and see you. I see and trust you. It is always you.'
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Agents of SHIELD Masterlist
Fics are under the 'read more' do not repost any of my fics anywhere, reblogs are allowed but do not claim my writing as your own.
We'll Be Back In A Moment
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Christmas Party Reveal - Daisy Johnson x Coulson!Reader
Bobbi Morse
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The Strategist Part 2  - Lady Sif x Fem!Reader, Agents of SHIELD x Fem!Reader
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lesbiarmy · 6 months
I know
ok i know for a while now I was supposed to write fanfiction and I've only written one thing so i am here promising you guys that i will write because i am giving myself a deadline so vote and we'll get there
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𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝘾𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚
Wanda Maximoff
-> Oneshot
-> Possible Series
-> xFem! Demon Reader
-> Fluff
-> Angst if you squint
-> Oneshot
-> xFem! Avenger Reader
-> Fluff
Natasha Romanoff
The 5 Times Natasha Held Her Tears Back, And The One Time She Couldn't
-> Oneshot
-> xFem! Assassin Reader
-> You will need some cheering up if you were to read this.
Sweet? Fluffy? Me? -> Oneshot -> xFem! Reader -> Angst and Fluff
The Missing Link 1 2
-> Series
-> xFem! Technophile Reader
-> Fluff and Angst
-> On-Going 
Maria Hill
Coming Soon...
Agatha Harkness
Coming Soon...
Pepper Potts
Coming Soon...
Yelena Belova
Coming Soon...
Kate Bishop
Coming Soon...
Darcy Lewis
Coming Soon...
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
hi can you do a wanda! x reader who has adhd and constantly forgets to take their meds and to eat so wanda reminds them all the time i love ur fics by the way!
Real life reminder
Summary: Get yourself someone who works better than an alarm clock.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: my knowledge of adhd is limited, cursing
Word count: 535
a/n: people with bad memory rise up
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
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Running down the stairs of their house, Y/N picks up her work bag from the ground near the door and puts on her shoes quickly. She turns to the door, ready to leave, as she’s about to be late, but she stops in her tracks when she notices a paper taped to the door, right on her eye level.
Remember meds and breakfast!!
Love you, Wanda
“Shit.” She jogs to the kitchen, quickly downs one of the pills she has to take and grabs a sandwich that’s already packed from the fridge before going out the door.
This isn’t an unusual occurrence in the Maximoff-Y/L/N household. Most of the morning Wanda is still home in the mornings, so she makes Y/N breakfast and waits for her in the kitchen with it and her medication ready to go. But, the few times Wanda is going to work earlier than Y/N, she makes her something to eat the evening before. She knows if she doesn’t do this, Y/N wouldn’t most likely eat any breakfast, besides, she likes taking care of her girlfriend.
However, this isn’t only a morning problem.
The door opens, shifting Y/N’s focus to the hallway rather than the television in front of her. There’s already a smile on her face.
“Hi!” Wanda walks into the living room, sitting right next to Y/N to give her a kiss.
“Hey, you.” Y/N giggles, pulling her into another kiss. “How were the others?”
“Fine,” Wanda glances at the table, there’s a book and some papers on it, “have you eaten dinner yet? Or taken your meds?” She knows the answer the second she turns to look at Y/N. Her face is scrunched up. “Go take your meds.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Standing up and going to the kitchen, Y/N grabs a pill and swallows it with water.
Wanda follows her there, taking two plates from the cabinet. She takes a pot from the kitchen. “You know I made this food so you’d eat it after work. I get off so many hours after you.” She starts putting food to the plates. “And I know you aren’t remembering to eat at work.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Pouting, Y/N tilts her head while she looks at Wanda, who shakes her head with a laugh. “I forgot.”
“I texted you.”
“My phone is in my bag.”
Rolling her eyes, Wanda sets the now empty pot in the sink, leaving it there for washing. “I meed to sew reminders into your clothes.” She mumbles.
“I know,” Y/N leans against the kitchen counter, “thank you for putting up with me.”
“I take care of you, because I love you. Just like you take care of me, because you love me. I’m not just putting up with you.” Wanda’s hands go up to Y/N’s cheeks, caressing them softly with her thumbs. “You just forget things sometimes.”
“I just forget things sometimes.” She whispers back.
Smiling, Wanda takes her plate and gives Y/N her own. “Let’s eat and watch a movie now. I’ll put up some alarms on your phone later.”
Y/N hums, her attention already on the movie options.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
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In the Night 🔥 | Wanda Maximoff xfem!Reader; Carol Danvers x Natasha Romanoff; Wanda Maximoff x Carol Danvers x Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader | @domromanoff​
Remember Your Place 🔥 | Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader | @nermalina
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