#War Of The Gods
surfingkaliyuga · 7 months
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“Roman Testudo” Paweł Kurowski 2019 Illustration for the board game Lumeria: War of the Gods.
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travelingcryptologist · 9 months
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Mark Bright’s cover art for Battlestar Galactica 'War of the Gods.'
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geekynerfherder · 1 year
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'Darkness at Time’s Edge' by Frank Frazetta.
Used as a TV Guide advertisement for the 'Battlestar Galactica' episode 'War Of The Gods' in 1979.
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coolcomicbookcovers · 3 months
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Cthulhu vs. Godzilla by Bob Eggleton, 2015
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dctrlover1969 · 9 months
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chernobog13 · 4 months
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Cover for War of the Gods (1991) by the late, great George Perez.
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fancyfade · 9 months
For those who read lots of late 80s/ early 2ks comics...
Descriptions of plotlines by me, someone who has encountered all of these plotlines in the wild while reading 90s comics but not read any except final night fully:
Legends: the one where Godfrey was slandering the Justice League and Superman got sent to Apokalips, brainwashed to be Darkseid's minion, and then forgot about it.
Millennium: The one with all the manhunter conspiracies that I think was about the Guardians having sex?
Invasion!: The one about the alien invasions. Okay one of the ones about alien invasions. There was an alien alliance, they had a gene bomb that made meta humans.
Armageddon 2001: the one where Waverider pops up in everyone's solo title to view their futures and find out who monarch is. Monarch is the evil ruler of his future who killed all the superheroes.
War of the Gods: the one where Circe was gathering a bunch of artifacts and there was some characters associated with mythology showing up. and punching each other.
Eclipso: the Darkness Within: The one where Eclipso possesses people and Beth Chapel and Yolanda Montez die because nothing is more dangerous than being a C lister in a crossover plotline.
Bloodlines: the one where weird shape shifting vampire aliens drink humans ... spinal fluid? which kills many people but gives some people powers and creates some 90s heroes no one remembers anymore.
Underworld Unleashed: the one where Neron gives a bunch of supervillains powers for shits and giggles. Black Manta is actually-factually manta-ified and Blockbuster is turned into a future impulse and then nightwing villain.
Final Night: the one where the sun goes out due to sun-eaters. Hal Jordan restarts the sun by flying into it.
Genesis: the one where a "godwave" is bouncing around, having created gods on its first pass and creating metahumans or demigods on its second pass and altering with some people's powers and making some people feel depressed
DC One Million: The one where we saw some hypothetical future of what the universe would look like in the one millionth publication of DC, in the year 8000 something. I honestly can't remember what the plot was for this.
Our Worlds At War: Imperiex, some powerful space guy, is a threat to the earth. lex is president during this era and probably yapped at the heroes u are reading about.
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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the Greek gods’ champion, Wonder Woman vs the Roman gods’ champion, Captain Marvel War of the Gods #1 
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
War of the Gods:
This was an event that it helped to know, going in, was beset with problems due to editorial issues. It made a lot of things more explicable.
I enjoyed Circe, her plotting, and the story really bathing in the symbolism of Diana as a daughter formed of clay. I also liked how Perez pulled material from his entire run to lead into this story.
That said, yeah it’s a hot mess of an event and difficult to read in a coherent fashion. There are crowds of characters who turn up literally due to the fact they also took part in COIE, and Perez wanted a really grand scale for the event.
I would not recommend this as anyone’s first DC event. However if you’re used to reading DC events this is just a sloppy one.
Fascinatingly, some of the most necessary tie ins for the whole plot were in Doctor Fate. Guess which title has not been uploaded to DCUI yet?? (Guess what DCUI decided to hide from me apparently, great job as always)
Comments on various tie-ins:
Doctor Fate certainly had things going on at the time of this event but showed up anyway carrying a lot of the meat of the comic.
Flash and Batman were both perfectly acceptable and actually on topic for the event, something not necessarily guaranteed in other titles!
Captain Atom: I have no intention of reading more here but one issue managed to simultaneously juggle tie in status of War of the Gods, Armageddon 2001, and still advance its own plot. That took some doing.
Sorry Ostrander but Hawkworld seems incredibly boring.
Starman seemed ok? I was mostly amused by Phantom Lady being in it. Trust JSA characters to be all over any book led by a JSA member.
Hawk & Dove somehow managed to fit a tie in into its final issue before Armageddon 2001 destroyed everything. I can see why people like the title.
Justice League Europe is another JL team that certainly exists, like most during this era who aren’t the core JLI lineup.
Animal Man may actually be close to convincing me to give it a try.
The Demon - I really should get back to reading more Etrigan so I understand why the rhyming had swapped people in this issue.
The New Titans: Wally deserved to grump at everyone in this title, also stop including Terry Long in scenes if all he’s going to do is be a sexy lamp crying about ‘where is Donna’ challenge.
LEGION was something I mostly skimmed as my patience with Lobo tends to be pretty low, especially in early 90s comics.
Suicide Squad was completely gratuitous but hey at least they got to hang out with Buddy Baker for a bit???
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Leonid: Prophecy
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Designer’s Reflection: Prophecy
Obtained: VIP 24 - VIP 26, Reflection at VIP 27
Rarity: UR
Attribute: Purple/Sexy
Awakened Suit: Revelation
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - Judgment
Chapter 2 - Apocalypse
Chapter 3 - Stars
Chapter 4 - The Fall
Chapter 5 - Revelation
Story - summarized
~Content Warning: major spoilers for the game’s plot~
After defeating and trapping the Goddess of Desire in the abyss, Leonid soars out of the Ocean of Memories... and into his next trial. He comes face to face with the many, many gods of faiths throughout space and time. As each civilization or religion rises, so too does the corresponding god or pantheon.
None of them are happy that Leonid bested a god. They see him as a threat to their very existence: if a mortal defeated one god, who is to say it won’t happen again? They try to destroy him - fortunately, while the gods are all-powerful, they’re not all-knowing, so Leonid is able to escape.
He comes across an old friend of his, the God of Styling and Their five envoys. They offer him a respite, but Leonid doesn’t want to stay long. He still desires knowledge and the greater pursuit of truth. He says goodbye to Them and Their envoys before leaving.
But not long after he left, the older gods waged war against the newer gods. The old gods want to destroy Miraland and other similar continents to prevent other humans from coming there and besting them. The new gods wish to protect the humans from destruction and terror. Finally, the God of Styling decides to give up Their life - Their very existence, even - to end the war. No god is unscathed, but Miraland is safe for now.
The fallen gods all come back as civilizations rise again, and they fade when their peoples die out.
Except for the God of Styling. They took Themself out of the cycle of rebirth.
Leonid tried in vain to bring Them back, traveling through time, planting the power of styling, tracking history through designs. Nothing brought Them back.
Finally, Leonid heard a voice from the future. It was Nikki, saying she would never give up. Her will to keep going triggered a flash of light. The light of the God of Styling.
Leonid named her his successor, gave her the snowflake necklace, and set up star trails to guide Nikki and help you, the God of Styling, come back to life.
-After defeating the Goddess of Desire, she “looks” past Nikki and says to the player, “It’s you.” She recognizes you as the deity that died during the war.
-The overarching story arc for Volume 2 is finding the Five Envoys. They are the ones surrounding the God of Styling when Leonid approaches them, and as “you” explore Vol. 2 with Nikki, each of them says you feel familiar.
-In Vol. 2, Chapter 1, Leonid’s voice tells you, the player, to “open the door and return to your world.” He’s hinting that you are the missing god.
-While trying to bring back the God of Styling, Leonid noted that Nikki kept failing but never gave up. Nikki’s Reflection for Star Sea explains that she kept going back in time to try to save Miraland, and her desire to keep trying is the spark that resonated with you, the God of Styling, and woke you up.
-Nikki got the snowflake necklace from Leonid in the game Nikki Up2U.
Fun Facts
-All the clothing pieces in the suit are super versatile. They can blend into any suit (as you saw during the “mistake” photos in October).
-This Reflection is a fitting end to Leonid’s trilogy. He remains mysterious as ever, but it explains more why he chose Nikki as his successor, why it seemed he wanted Miraland to head towards destruction, and what his ultimate goal is.
-Leonid mentions a Tree of Life. Several religions feature such a tree in their mythology.
-The God of Styling says that there will always be a cycle of death and rebirth. Rebirth/reincarnation is another concept that several religions have.
-In the trailer for Nikki’s suit Star Sea, a celestial figure whispers to her, “You can do it.” It’s possible this is you, the God of Styling, coming back to join her.
-The God of Styling is gender neutral in the Reflection. Sometimes, Leonid uses he/him or she/her pronouns, but the god is always neutral. So, I made all the pronouns They/Them for clarity’s sake here.
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tomoleary · 2 months
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Chris Sprouse and George Pérez - War of The Gods 3 pinup Ares vs Mars (1991) Source, source
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splooosh · 1 year
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“The Dark Multiverse
Alejandro Sanchez - David Marquez
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redemptivexheroics · 5 months
War Of The Gods [Closed Starter]
@inkdreamt [Continued]
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Zeus walked over to Diana, stood by her side, and touched her shoulder. "No, Diana, that was all you. The Master Bolt is a powerful weapon; even someone as strong as me can still be surprised. But since it's my primary weapon and I've always gone into battle with I'm used to it, but it can still knock me back, and you, being my daughter by blood, inherited that strength even if not all of it has fully awakened, though you will get there" Zeus said as he smiled. "Don't be hard on yourself; with proper training and guidance, you will be a force to be reckoned with but for the right cause, protecting the innocent and punishing those that would do them harm."
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aboutzatanna · 2 years
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War of the Gods #1 in which Zatanna mentions Guy Gardner hating her cooking. Anyone know of any interactions between Zatanna and Guy Gardner? I know Zee was there at the opening of his casino but I think that was much later in the timeline.  
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jt1674 · 1 year
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