mobile gear weapon arsenal personal mix match time
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grand/grander heroer & grand/grander veroer & grand/grander ceroer & grand/grander zeroer will show you to how you can mix & match mobile weapons to mix & match their mobile main weapons & their mobile personal weapons to master all the mobile weapon.
mobile greatsword + mobile greatsword = mobile both greatsword.
mobile bonesword + mobile bonesword = mobile both bonesword.
mobile rod staff + mobile greatsword = mobile cudgel greatspear.
mobile rod staff + mobile bonesword = mobile cudgel bonespear.
mobile saber sword + mobile greatsword = mobile greatsaber greatsword.
mobile saber sword + mobile bonesword = bonesaber bonesword.
mobile saber sword + mobile mare hammer yoyo ball = mobile mare hammer yoyo ballsaber ballsword.
mobile saber sword + mobile war folding fan = mobile warsaber warsword folding fansaber fansword.
mobile dirk knife dagger + mobile greatsword = mobile drik knife dagger greatsword.
mobile dirk knife dagger + mobile bonesword = mobile dirk knife dagger bonesword.
mobile dirk knife dagger + mobile mare hammer yoyo ball = mobile dirk knife dagger mare hammer yoyo ball.
mobile dirk knife dagger + mobile war folding fan = mobile dirk knife dagger folding fan.
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kaldorei-shadows · 2 years
Character Profile: Alessandre Shademoon
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Character name/Nickname: Triumvir Alessandre Shademoon/Alessandre (said like "Alesonder")
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Age: He was in his 20s during the War of the Shifting Sands, so... many thousands of years?
Appearance: Mature, youngish. Al is naturally very attractive and he has enjoyed playing this down of late by having unkempt hair and a beard. He not only hopes it draws less attention to his looks, he also hopes to stand out less, considering he's a spymaster.
Scars on his face from a rough mission around the time of the War of the Thorns are still healing. These may take decades to fade. He has mostly stylish henna-type markings where his deep blue hair is shaved to offset that. But he's vain and wouldn't commit to a permanent tattoo on his face. It will fade eventually.
Personality: Al is incredibly vain and has a huge ego. Al's clothing is very finely crafted dark leather vests and silk shirts. People are usually either instantly annoyed by his posh appearance or they find it clever. He's less likely to flare up, he keeps a cool head when insulted, for instance. Being a highly skilled assassin it's hard to pressure him into making a move before he's ready.
Fun Facts: Al has a split personality. A hopefully well-kept secret is that he is also a druid, though with a tainted mana pool. He is able to operate completely in stealth between his nightsaber and rogue abilities.
Al is a master forger.
He's also ICly married to my alt Opal, a spooky Morticia-type NE priestess who mixes his poisons.
Al also runs the Kaldorei Rogue Network with two other crafty rogues. (Currently displaced in Goldshire, to their disappointment.)
Mount: Al's mount is an ancient Cenarion warsaber called Starshatter. This big, silver cat can and will rip limbs off if Al says so.
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saber-life · 3 years
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StarKiller (Warsabers & Anakin’s Graflex (UW) lightsabers
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jerryb2 · 2 years
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“I’m no Jedi. I’m just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions.”
- Kyle Katarn, Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Sure, whatever you say, Kyle. 😘
It’s been a hot minute since I last posted - mostly general life stuff getting in the way - but also because I’ve been busy busting my ass, building sabers. 💪 More specifically, here we have the Katarn V3 by Warsabers. I’ve showcased this saber before, in conjunction with the LDM Katarn V2, only this time featuring the beautiful full-metal chassis designed by Maksim Tsvetkov aka Mentalion, the renowned Russian saber builder. 
Real talk here: This saber was a nightmare to build. The metal body of the chassis alone presented a whole host of unique challenges. The main body is 3D printed aluminum, so not only did I have to finish it out, but I had to do so while keeping in mind the tolerances of the hilt itself. If I took off too much material, it wouldn’t fit snug and would rattle around in the saber, causing false clashes & connectivity issues. On that note, all the electrical components had to be properly isolated, or else run the risk of shorting out or damaging the sound board and battery. And on top of that, the customer was very particular in terms of what he wanted out of the finished product. 🥴
All this amounted to one of the most stressful builds I’ve ever done - and also, one of my favorites. I have to admit, this thing is just *chef’s kiss*. To have it finally come alive with that remarkable snap-hiss, after weeks of work, was unbelievably rewarding. 
Getting back into the swing of things with this saber only seemed appropriate, what with the rumblings of select Legends characters being brought back into Canon, namely Kyle, Corran Horn and *sigh* Roganda Ismaren. *internal screaming*
I’m a bit Leia-warm on Obi-Wan Kenobi so far, but here’s hoping. 🍻
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sabersourcing · 3 years
Neopixel to In-Hilt LED Conversion Module Developed | New Saber Technology
Neopixel to In-Hilt LED Conversion Module Developed | New Saber Technology
The Neo-TriCree LED module, designed by ShtokCustomWorx in collaboration with WarSabers, easily and seamlessly converts a neopixel lightsaber into an RGB in-hilt LED saber. The device enables you to use the hollow tube blades designed for in-hilt LED sabers with your neopixel saber. The Neo-TriCree LED module is available from the following sellers:SaberBay (Etsy) United States affiliate linkKR…
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sherivol · 4 years
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Сегодня мы сочетаем прошлое и будущее . Советское заброшенное здание и световой меч . У тех людей, кто живёт в России и СНГ, наверняка были такие же кресла, как на кадре . Лично я видел такое у своей бабушки лет 20 назад . Использовались они абсолютно везде, в том числе и в этом детском лагере . Я в этом месте бывал и раньше, поэтому когда приехал сюда, вспомнил, что кто-то поставил посреди большого пространства это кресло . Сами понимаете, что в таком месте, да ещё и в темноте это смотрится достаточно крипово . Не хватает только манекен туда посадить, чтобы все, кто входит сразу пугались . Теперь же, тут отдыхает световой меч . И в комнате стало ярче . Я даже увидел, что на стене моё имя написано, хотя раньше не видел . А как вам такое сочетание ? Today we combine the past and the future . Soviet abandoned building and lightsaber . Those people who live in Russia and the CIS probably had the same chairs as in the frame . Personally, I saw this with my grandmother about 20 years ago . They were used absolutely everywhere, including in this children's camp . I've been to this place before, so when I came here, I remembered that someone had put this chair in the middle of a large space . You understand that in such a place, and even in the dark, it looks quite creep . It is not enough just to put a mannequin there, so that everyone who enters is immediately frightened . Now, here rests the lightsaber . And the room grew brighter . I even saw my name written on the wall, even though I hadn't seen it before . And how do you like this combination ?
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regalgorgon · 5 years
I’m just here to create things. You can enjoy the ride with me if you want, but please don’t try and bring me down.
I’m doing my almost best; I’m hanging with friends.
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falaandu · 6 years
Vicious Black Warsaber
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noxith-sky · 5 years
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Got my pvp war saber!! My friends ran arenas with me until we got it.
Its so dark and purple <3 
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lupafemina · 4 years
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Finally drew my main character from World of Warcraft as part of an ongoing series portraying all my worgen characters in the game. This time it's Fenjir Wildmane the worgen feral druid, communing through her daggers to connect to the spirit of Ashamane, the panther wild goddess. Her faithful companions are by her side, Kali the heavenly onyx cloud serpent, and Skadi the vicious warsaber. A nightelven enchanted forest grows wild and rampant at her back. As a druid she is most comfortable in nature, and dedicates herself to preserving the balance, by fang and claw. My main charactert in World of Warcraft means so much to me, so I tried my best to depict her faithfully in her nighthold regalia (with some editions).
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Over on Instagram, I was tagged by one of my friends to share ten facts about Lunarsong's story character! I thought why not share it here too, because I have no art to post anyway and I'm bored ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. She has three animal companions: Her warsaber named Moonshadow, her spirit owl named Starfall, and her hippogryph named Shalla'tor.
2. She used to be part of the Highborne ten thousand years ago, and didn't view her life back then as favorable. She isn't one for ceremony.
3. She's a tailor, and makes most of her own dresses and armor.
4. She was arranged to be married to Tehlmar when she was still part of the Highborne. Even after her banishment, they continued to stay in contact and made regular visits to one another, which resulted in a romantic relationship between them.
5. Her favorite food is steamed chicken dumplings, aka Tehlmar's specialty!
6. At first, she planned to become a Priestess of Elune before she discovered her druidic powers.
7. She prefers using the power of the moon and stars, and hardly ever uses the sun.
8. She has a childhood injury that restricts her wrist movements in one hand, making her an easy foe in melee combat. To make up for this, she started training with a bow and a throwing moonglaive.
9. The glaive tattoos on her face were given to her by Cenarius after the War of the Ancients conclusion for her bravery, conviction, and strong sense of justice.
10. Her hair turned silver because of arcane magic usage, not old age.
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fenril · 5 years
Daylight’s End.
As the sun rose high above the sky Faeril peered about the forests of Darkshore. She had struck out with one other Sentinel, lurking in the shadows cast by the sun above. The pair of Nightwarriors...those blessed by the Goddess observed. For a Horde supply caravan trudged through the sacred home of their kin. To aid the war effort, this could not pass into Horde controlled camps and woods. It would simply have to fall now. 
“When do we strike...Shan’do?” The younger woman asked, both of them atop their own warsabers. Massive longbows strung to their backs with the quivers to match. Faeril’s bow, Darkin, was a blessed bow. A bow of the New Moon, blackened with the rage of the Goddess as her children had been slain with no mercy, no regard. “We strike when the Kodo’s stop for water. They will be on guard no matter what, but they will stop at the river ahead. It may take them time at the pace these two go.” Both women chuckled, for the shade provided them near invisibility, the powers of the moon kept them safe.
For now.
“Shan’do. They say...you are one of the more vicious of the unit, why? What...brought you to this if I may...ask?” The sentinel hesitated. Faeril grinned. 
“I have gotten where I have from skill, to be able to decide, to fight as strong as an Ancient guardian of protection, yet to have the cunning and agility of the sabers. My faith, my strength, and my wisdom make me appear far more vicious to the Horde then any of you will ever know me to be, Sister. The Horde made a grave mistake years ago, when I lost my family to their rage. I am simply repaying the favor they have done unto myself and my kin.” Faeril bowed her head. 
“I see...” The Sentinel frowned. “The others say you have a song you often hum before each battle. What is it? What are the lyrics to what seems to give you strength in battle?” 
Faeril peered at her sister in arms, a tad surprised in truth, for why would she desire to know? The woman seemed to guess based on the puzzled look Faeril presented. “I am nervous, Shan’do. We are but two going against a caravan. This is my first...mission of this nature.”
“I have faith in the Goddess and you child, we will both be fine. However...you wish to know what keeps my mind occupied in battle...” Faeril had to keep her tone down, her voice low. For they needn’t blow their cover to sing, right?
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She began...a slow, soft tune. Power into the reverberations of her voice. 
“Ask not the sun why she sets Why she shrouds her light away Or why she hides her glowing gaze When night turns crimson gold to grey For silent falls the guilty sun As day to dark does turn One simple truth she dare not speak:
Her light can only blind and burn”
It would be halfway through her song the Horde caravan neared its stopping destination, the two women staring at them as they kodos positioned to rest, to drink. To recoup after such a long trudge from further south.
Faeril offered a slow grin, motioning with her hands to be ready for battle. Both women drew their bows, their sabers snarled. They were ready as she continued the haunting melody. 
“No mercy for the guilty Bring down their lying sun Blood so silver black by night Upon their faces pale white Cruel moon, bring the end The dawn will never rise again“
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By the end of the tune the kodos had begun to calm, to rest. The sabers broke cover, both women howling a warcry into the sun as they fired. Caravan drivers fell over dead on the spot. The warriors guarding the caravan had to scramble from their seated positions, for they too had begun to rest. To calm. The Kaldorei offered no calm in these woods. For it was much like the Third War all over again in Faeril’s eyes. Every orc deserved to die that stood in her woods. More so now then ever before. 
The two women expertly rode around the caravan, using the shade and rivers to their advantage. The dark offered cover and stealth the Horde had no equal to in an attack like this. With time...all fell. They kept the kodos alive however, free supplies would be taken and escorted back north. Along with the weapons of the slain. 
In the end? Both came out unharmed, the natural prowess and skill of the Commander and Sentinel alike left them victorious. For no Kaldorei of their age...their prowess was ever something to doubt. Very few were needed to face a basic group of orcs. The orcs should fear the women of the night. Always.
Faeril would continue pushing this fear, for no time of day was safe. Especially once the Goddess lurked high above her and her warriors. 
(Song reference is Daylight’s End by Riot Games. It is absolutely Faeril’s theme and has been for sometime. I finally just wrote something in regards to it. Hope you guys enjoy <3 )
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saber-life · 4 years
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Warsabers ‘Kyle Katarn’ Lightsaber
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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So, here’s something a little bit different:
Up front, let me just say that for all of its problems, I really love the Star Wars fan community. There are exceptionally few groups of people in the world, who would see a prop design in a very old, somewhat obscure video game(s), and think so highly of it, that they would dedicate the time and money necessary to manifest that object in the real world. Twice. 
For those who don’t know, the sabers pictured here are both used by Kyle Katarn (among others) in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight video game series. The green saber (although in the cut scene where we first see it being used it has a yellow blade, hence why I opted to attach yellow LED’s on the sound board but I digress) originally belonged to the Jedi Master Qu Rahn, a friend of Kyle’s father, Morgan Katarn. The blue saber was Kyle’s own, constructed by him, for use as a member of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum, and was the saber that he would carry until the end of his life.
I can go on and on about the lore surrounding these sabers, but the main takeaway is that these exist, in the real world. That, even after so many years in this community, has to be just the coolest thing imaginable. 
Never change, you wonderfully weird group of nerds. ❤
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sabersourcing · 6 years
What is a razor blade plug? (Lightsaber Terminology)
What is a razor blade plug? (Lightsaber Terminology)
A razor blade plug is a style of lightsaber blade plug that incorporates a rotary shaver head into the design. The seller Darkside Engineering is probably the most well-known razor blade plug seller. Darkside Engineering sells his razor blade plugs, which are all 1 inch in diameter, in The Rebel Armory (TRA) forums. Another TRA seller named ARKMsells 7/8 inch diameter razor blade plugs. ARKM is…
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cakeboostcom-blog · 5 years
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Buy Vicious Black Warsaber (Alliance), get Vicious Black Warsaber mount (requires 100 wins above 1400 rating), quaranteed weekly contest cap gear + chance to get 380+ iLvl item for each win; Selfplay/Piloted format. 
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