#this is the greatest kriffing pleasure
jerryb2 · 3 years
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So, here’s something a little bit different:
Up front, let me just say that for all of its problems, I really love the Star Wars fan community. There are exceptionally few groups of people in the world, who would see a prop design in a very old, somewhat obscure video game(s), and think so highly of it, that they would dedicate the time and money necessary to manifest that object in the real world. Twice. 
For those who don’t know, the sabers pictured here are both used by Kyle Katarn (among others) in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight video game series. The green saber (although in the cut scene where we first see it being used it has a yellow blade, hence why I opted to attach yellow LED’s on the sound board but I digress) originally belonged to the Jedi Master Qu Rahn, a friend of Kyle’s father, Morgan Katarn. The blue saber was Kyle’s own, constructed by him, for use as a member of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum, and was the saber that he would carry until the end of his life.
I can go on and on about the lore surrounding these sabers, but the main takeaway is that these exist, in the real world. That, even after so many years in this community, has to be just the coolest thing imaginable. 
Never change, you wonderfully weird group of nerds. ❤
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ashxllbey · 2 years
Starman - Poe Dameron x fem!reader - Chapter 19: Shoot To Thrill
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GIF by found here, but not hers
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Word count: ±12.3k Warnings: canon-typical violence, fluff, swearing.
When the four of them hid behind other tables, taking cover as some guards recovered, the floor was littered not only with shards of glass but bodies as well. Skylen and Kit shot blindly from behind their hiding place as Y/N and Poe, huddled together behind the table on the other side of the stairs, assessed the situation. "Can you see how many of them there are? Or where is Gideon? " He perked up slightly, eyes scanning the area with the help of the built-in technology. Poe regained cover quickly after and shook his head. "No. I don't like it," Poe grumbled, voice buzzing around the edges from the modulator. "We're still away from the door, we need to go up that couple of stairs, but we'll be exposed. " "Got a better idea? " She could feel his annoyed gaze even through the green eyes of the trooper's mask. "Well then, that settles it. Cover me. " She gestured at Kit and Skylen, pointing to the door with two fingers with her blaster's hand. Kit gave her a sharp nod and grabbed his gun tighter.  Y/N all but leaped out of her hiding place with a deep breath, drawing enemy fire from the guards stationed upstairs. Fortunately for her, they were probably still suffering side effects from the Luma grenade because their shots were a bit off, and she managed to rush through the remaining distance between her and the stairs. Adrenaline pumped in her veins as she started climbing up, and- A blaster shot hit her square in the back. The brunt of the hit was deflected by her chest plate, but the deflagration still knocked the air out of her lungs as she stumbled forward, pain flashing through her back, catching herself against a pillar. Y/N turned around, switching her sword from one hand to the other, raising her blaster to shoot down the attacker… …And she found Gideon staring at her from across the club, his two guns raised and his skin glistening under the flickering lights of the broken neons. "Come on! " She screamed at her friends. The guards in front of the door were all dead, but reinforcements were coming from the backdoor. Soon enough, they would be under heavy fire. They needed to get out of here.  Poe And Skylen climbed the stairs backward, shooting at the room to buy some time. The air was thick with the smell of burned metal, glass dust, blood, and it burned Y/N's throat. The remains of the Luma grenade created a thin cloud of white particles that floated around, lighting up when blasters were shot. All of this registered as Y/N held a staring contest with Gideon. Time slowed down. The Devaronian looked at her, at the troopers, then at Kit, who was following close, clearly hesitating. They had a deal… He raised his gun again, and Y/N fired hers without thinking before he could make up his mind. Her shot hit Gideon in the chest, and it made him fall backward as he fired his blaster- The laser hit the ceiling, breaking off the cable holding the neons. Y/N only had a second to realize a gigantic and metallic piece of the roof full of tiny chunks of glass was headed for the floor, and she was standing right in its path- Something hit her like a Bantha at full speed, and she was thrown to the side, hitting the ground so hard it knocked the air out of her lungs. The luminaire crashed in a deafening clangor, the neons shattering in a high-pitched clatter as glass flew across the room from the strength of the impact. The room was spinning. Everything was so quiet, suddenly, but at the same time, the ringing in her ears was so loud. Y/N blinked, trying to make sense of what she was seeing… Until she realized she was staring at a deathtrooper's faceless mask. Poe.
Her brain finally connected again, and she realized he had pushed her out of the way, effectively saving her from the peril she had been in. And now, he was lying atop her, with both arms propped on her sides. "How come we always end up like this, somehow? "Y/N asked, and Poe chuckled. "You tell me, Thunderbird. You're the one getting in trouble all the time. " He rolled to the side and helped her up as Skylen and Kit joined them, firing behind them. "You okay? That was way too close, "her fellow pilot asked. Y/N nodded. "I'm fine. But let's get out of here. " With one last look at the ravaged room and the hunched silhouette of Gideon, still reeling from her shot, Y/N finally reached the door, yanking it open… …Only to find Klana and Pipa engaged in a vicious fight against the speeders' owners she had noticed upon her arrival. The sudden escape grabbed everyone's attention, long enough to let the two women knock out their opponents. The two bikers fell to the ground like ragdolls as Klana and Pipa stood there, surprise on their faces. "Looks like you don't need rescue after all, "the bounty hunter commented. "Well, we're all gonna have a problem if we stick around long enough, " Kit interrupted, closing the doors behind him and pushing one of the speeders in front of it to hold the troops off. "What the hell happened? They went after us all of a sudden. " "After you, you mean, "Poe interrupted. Kit rolled his eyes. "Details. " "Wait, Pipa, you're hurt, "Y/N remarked as the other woman moved, blood staining her shirt. She grimaced, pulling on the lapels of her jacket. "They caught us outside the club. I had to throw Kit to the rancors to shake them off, but they still managed to get me. " Ah, shit. That wasn't good. But a loud bang interrupted the reunion, and the speeder Kit had used to bar the door rattled under the impact. In front of them, the streets slithered, and they could hide, run, or escape, but they were on foot, and they didn't have the advantage of knowing the grounds. They could split up, but Kit was the only one with any knowledge of the planet. Besides, they would never run fast enough to reach the transport they had used without knowing how to get there… Y/N's wheels were turning in her head, assessing the situation. And then- of course. "We're stealing those speeders. If we're gonna get lost in this damn place, might as well go as fast as we can. Pipa, you can ride it? " She gave a stern nod as an answer. "Good. Kit, you're with her. You're the best shot I know. You take them out. Skylen, Klana, you take the other one. Skylen, you get on the back. You have heavy armor on; it'll protect you both from blasters. Poe, you're with me. I'm driving. You're a better shot than I am. Move it! I can't kill all of them. " Not a single soul complained, and they did as they were told without batting an eye. Y/N revved the engine as Poe settled behind her, patting her back to tell her he was ready. With a deep breath and a flick of her wrist to pull her scarf up, Y/N made the bike roar forward, launching at high speed in the dead of night.
The streets were zooming past them, faint lights and neons streaking her peripheral vision as her pounding heart provided the soundtrack of their escape. The rare passerby still outside jumped out of their way as the speeders took sharp turns at an impossible speed. "Y/N. They're right behind us. We need to split up. " Kit's voice in her commlink told her everything she already knew. They wouldn't stop until they had caught him. And perhaps all of them, too, even though she could pretty much argue with them to be freed. But she wasn't about to stick around and find out of they would be lenient with her. Instead, Y/N turned right, launching the speeder into a narrow alley, hoping to shake them off her tail. And it seemed to work because nobody came after them. Y/N smiled underneath her mask. Perhaps they had a chance at winning this game, after all. Except when she emerged from the alley, a precise shot hit the side of her speeder, making her jerk to the side and hitting a barrel of something. Its content spilled on the pave way as Y/N fought with the bike to steady it, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder. Shit! They had taken a shortcut. Poe whipped out his riffle, doing his best to shoot them down as Y/N tried not to crash the both of them into whatever was on the sidewalk. The alleyways were getting narrower and narrower, knitting an intricate pattern in between the tall buildings. They needed to get out of there and fast. Something suddenly lit up the sky, orange and yellow flashing bright as one of the speeders exploded behind them. Poe must have hit his target. Finally catching a break from their pursuers, Y/N turned on her commlink. "Is everyone okay? " "Bastards won't leave us alone, "answered Skylen's voice. "We're trying to- ah, come ON!" The line went dead as Y/N took a turn right, recognizing a sign they had passed earlier. They weren't far from the shuttle.  "Are they still after us? "She asked Poe, and he shook his head no. "Not right now. We're getting there. We need to ditch the bike and walk the rest of the way. Can't lead them to the shuttle. " Y/N nodded and slowed down a bit, jamming the speeder in an alley. Once she was sure they weren't hot on their tails, she stopped and parked the bike. They both hopped off, and Y/N raised her hand to her ear again. "Pipa, Kit. Do you copy? " Silence. She had a bad feeling about it.  But they had to push forward, and she knew it. Blasters at the ready and boots hitting the pavement in rhythm under the neon lights, the both of them made their way further into the alley. The city was quiet around them, yet, Y/N could see the faint distant sounds of people shouting in the night and speeders zooming in the streets. Perhaps it was her imagination- she was pretty rattled, after all. But one look at Poe, and she just knew he was on high alert too.  "We've reached the shuttle. We're starting it up. Where are you? " Klana's voice asked in their ears. "On our way, " Poe mumbled. Y/N could see the light at the end of the tunnel - quite literally. The alley came to an end, leading to the parking spot they had let their shuttle at. So close.  They ran through the last few meters, emerging out in the open. It was dark, but Y/N recognized Skylen's mask with its two green-lit eyes and let out a sigh. Klana waved at them. "Hurry up! " "Where are the others? " Poe asked as they finally reached the shuttle. The pilot shook her head. "We were right by Kit and Pipa's side, and they took a turn in the opposite direction. Two speeders took off after them. I don't know where they-" Noise from behind them alerted the four pilots, and they all turned around, only to find Pipa stumbling out of an alley, clutching her sides. Y/N ran to her without thinking, offering her arm as support. "Easy there. Are you okay? What happened? " The bounty hunter winced, leaning fully against Y/N as she helped her to the ship. The blood was now coming through her jacket as well, and she was sweating bullets. Kriff, Pipa needed medical attention. Still, she made a point to look up at her and answer through gritted teeth: "They were closing on us. We were in an alley, and many textile bags were spilling from a trash can. Kit threw me in and took the speeder. The dudes flew past me, but he's alone out here now. " What the heck? That was pretty stupid! Y/N groaned under her breath as she sat Pipa down inside the shuttle, letting Klana take over.  "Kit, come on in. Do you copy? " Nothing. "Kit, I swear to the fucking stars, if you don't come in right now, I'm gonna kick your ass. " "I'm a little busy at the moment, woman, " his voice crackled in the earpiece, full of annoyance and barely distinguishable over the shots she could hear behind him. "Where are you? I'm coming right now. " "Don't you dare, you idiot. I'm trying to shake them off so you can get out of here. Don't wait for me-" The line went dead at the exact moment an explosion rose up from inside the city, fire and an angry bright light erupting from an alley to her right. Y/N's blood froze. No! It couldn't be… Her heart was hammering in her chest as she tried the commlink again, but the line stayed dead. Skylen's hand landed on her shoulder. "Y/N, we need to leave now. Pipa needs blood. " "I'm not leaving Kit alone out there, " she countered, shaking his hand off. "Go on without me. "
Skylen started calling out for her, but he was cut short by a blaster shot hitting the ground right by his feet. Y/N's cape whipped around as she turned toward the direction of the explosion. Two speeders were headed their way on the main street, swaying left and right as shots flew in all directions. They were knocking over carts and poles, the bikes pushed at full speed. And they weren't showing any sign of slowing down. Skylen raised his hand to his helmet, turning on the tactical gear. "Hell, it's your pilot friend. He's got two guards hot on his tail, and his bike is fuming. They're gonna get themselves killed. " Not on her watch. As the two speeders grew larger, coming closer, Y/N ran back to the shuttle. Klana had stripped Pipa of her jacket and shirt and was bent over her, trying to stop the blood loss. But as worrying as her situation was, it wasn't what Y/N was interested in. And Poe had already figured out what she wanted from him because he had already grabbed his rifle. "Can you get him? " She asked. He groaned. "Not with that stupid helmet on. Can't see a damn thing. " Y/N released the helmet with precise movements, yanking it off him and throwing him inside the shuttle. She was met by his messy hair and two worried eyes. Poe didn't miss a beat, kneeling on the dusty pavement, gun cocked against his shoulder and his eye behind the visor. Seconds ticked by the speeders were meters away from the parking lot. Shots were flying around like angry birds, and one of them hit the inside of the ship, getting a yelp out of Klana as it hit the wall right by her head, nicking Y/N's jacket she had taken off and hung to work on Pipa. Time froze. Poe took the shot. Y/N watched helplessly as the laser zoomed at an impossible speed, sailing harmlessly past Kit and hitting the enemy speeder square in the motor. It went up in flames on the spot, shrapnels flying and ending their run in the wall of a nearby building. Kit's bike came to a halt, and Y/N turned to Poe. "Freaking good shot, General. " "How do you think I got the job? " She smiled despite herself. "Thanks, man, " Kit's voice interrupted. "That was a close one. " Furious, Y/N turned her face to him. His shirt was ruined and burned in several spots; he held his left arm and limped from his right leg. But that asshole had the nerves to have a smile on his face.  "Yeah, well, how about we fangirl about my shooting skills in the shuttle? " Poe answered. They piled up inside the small ship, and Skylen started the engines, leaving the city behind them. Everyone was quiet for a while, with only the whimpers on Pipa's part breaking the tense silence. Y/N was staring at her jacket. Somehow, it seemed like the shot had only damaged the lining inside and scratched the leather. Good. "She's stable, for now. But she'll need to be transfused once we get to your place, Kit, " Klana said, wiping blood off her hands on her pants. "Do you have a medical kit? " "I have an entire medical station next to the armory. Fully stocked up on bacta, too. It'll do. " He seemed pretty unbothered by his close encounter with death and the scare he had given all of them. Y/N could see Poe clenching his teeth every time he spoke up. So she did the only thing she could think of. "Kit?" "Hm?" "Do you have any head injury? " He thought about it for a second and shrugged. "Not that I'm aware of, no. Don't worry-" She walked up to him and slapped him so hard his head jerked fully to the side.
"You fucking IDIOT. Are you out of your KRIFFING MIND? " Kit winced, moving his jaw around and massaging his cheek with a wince. "Now, don't be like that, Y/N. I managed to shake them off my tail, didn't I?" "No. Poe shot them for you. " "Details. It worked. " "Rule number one, " she fumed, holding up her index finger, "if there's six of us leaving, there's six of us coming back. Did you forget that? " "Figured it didn't apply anymore. " "I've seen too many people die while I was wearing this thing, Kit. If you think it doesn't matter to me, you're an idiot. " He stood there, mouth agape, trying to come up with something to say. When he didn't, Y/N just rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna see if Skylen needs help with something. I'd appreciate it if everyone could avoid getting shot until we're back. " Letting out a long sigh, Y/N opened the door to the pilot's cabin and closed it behind her. Skylen didn't say anything as she sat by his side- or rather, slumped on the tiny copilot chair. "I know I'm overreacting, " she said, taking advantage of the engine's noise to quietly speak up. "But I hate when they do that. " "I get it, " Skylen answered, shrugging. "When you're leading a team, you want all of them to come back home in one piece. Seeing them acting recklessly like that for no damn reason? It sucks." Y/N nodded. On the other side of the door, she could hear Kit mumbling something to Poe. She had rarely seen him so sheepish. "But now, you understand why Poe was so pissed at you last time you almost got yourself blown up on that mission, huh? " She sent him a death stare, but Skylen didn't budge. He just stared back at her with his resting bitch face on, and Y/N ended up backing down. "I get your point. Have I ever told you I hate how smart you are? " Skylen honked. "I've heard that one before. Hey, I'm just pulling your leg, though. It's been a long day for everyone. We're all a little on edge. By the way, don't tell him I told you, but Poe was dead worried about you when you went on that ring. " He was? "Did he say anything? " She quietly asked, leaning forward. Through the slits they had to use as windows, Y/N could see the outlines of the town Kit lived in. Soon enough, they would be home and would be able to rest. "About the armor, I mean. " "Are you worried he's suddenly gonna hate you because of that old thing? You idiot. He was worried for your safety." Cute. But unnecessary. …Or perhaps not so much, considering how badly Y/N's ribs hurt. Now that the adrenaline was winding down, Y/N realized how badly beat up she was. She would need to ask Klana for some bacta.  She didn't answer, though, mainly because she had been worried about that and was embarrassed enough as it was. Fortunately, the stars had granted her excellent timing, and the shuttle halted as Skylen parked outside of the building.
The group disembarked, Kit picking up Pipa as he rushed her inside, Klana hot on his heels. The three of them disappeared inside the guest's room and started setting up the medical tools they'd need. Kit was remarkably well-behaved, letting Klana boss him around for supplies. As for the others, they sat down in the living room. Y/N helped the two pilots out of their armors, and Poe let out a heavy sigh. "Maker, I hate this thing. It's so tight. No wonder stormtroopers can't shoot. " "I recall Finn would find that offensive, " Y/N noted as she put away the pieces of armors on the table.  Poe snorted, popping his back as he leaned backward. There was a Bantha in the room. What she had come to learn from her mission was still to be divulged. But right now, they needed a break. "Alright, I'll take a shower. You two have fun, " Skylen said, slapping his thighs for good measure as he stood up. He waddled toward the bathroom on tired legs and shut the door behind him, leaving Y/N and Poe alone on the couch. "Alright. Let me help you out of your chest plate. It's pretty clear you're injured, " Poe said after a second. Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise.  "I don't-" "I'll get some bacta while you put your weapons away. " Okay, so it was a case of "I won't take no for an answer," then. Y/N sighed and unhooked her most heavy weapons, laying them down on the coffee table. Poe was quick to return with a small batch of antiseptics, bacta spray, and compresses. He put everything down next to her sword and started his inspection of her body armor. "Where are the straps? " "Under the cape, under my arms, and one's on the back. " He hummed in understanding and made quick work of the fastenings, gently taking the heavy armor off her. Y/N sighed in delight as the weight was lifted from her chest. That thing might have been efficient at keeping her alive; it was also really tight. Poe then proceeded to help her out of the leather shirt she had underneath until she was in her undershirt. A frown formed on his face, and he cursed lowly. "They painted you black and blue, for Kriff's sake. Where does it hurt? " He was pissed. Probably not at her, but she could still feel his wrath. "Everywhere, "Y/N winced as he gently touched her ribs. "They got me good. Hurts like a mudscruffer. " "Certainly looks like it. Hold still. " He rummaged through the medkit and produced a portable x-ray, turning it on and scanning her chest. "Doesn't look broken to me. Might be cracked. At best, it's bruised. May I? " he asked, putting the device away and trading it for some bacta wipes. She nodded and braced herself for the inevitable stinging. Poe gently applied the compress to her ribs, focused on his task. His brows were furrowed, creating a small line on his tan skin. One that marked quickly, showing that he worried often. She certainly didn't like that. Especially since she often was the subject of his worry. For someone with no medical background, Poe was surprisingly efficient. He bandaged her ribs, then checked her wrist, giving her a jab of e-bacta to ease the pain. By the time he focused on the bruise on her cheek, Y/N felt all fuzzy and warm as the drug spread in her system. She was tired, too, but couldn't head to sleep yet. They had to debrief. As Poe ripped open another bacta wipe, she mustered the courage to speak up. "How did I do? " "On the mission? " He asked. "Great. All things considered, it went well. Everyone's alive, and we got what we came for. You even managed to get him to drop the bounty. That's a win in my book. " Poe put the compress against her cheek, and Y/N cursed under her breath. She hadn't realized how sensitive her face was. "Dammit, they bitch-slapped me pretty bad. " Poe burst out laughing, and the line disappeared for a second. "Yeah. Yeah, they kinda did. I'm surprised you walked it off. " "I'm stronger than I look. " The line returned. Was it something she had said? "Yeah, well. I just wish you didn't have to get beaten up like that, " Poe sighed, pressing the compress gently. "Getting my ass handed to me wasn't part of the plan, General. " He rolled his eyes at that, but the line didn't budge. "That's not what I meant. I get it. I just don't like seeing my pilots hurt. " Y/N tried not to smile at that, considering her cheek was still the subject of Poe's attention, so she gave him a smirk instead. "Pot calling the kettle black, much? " Poe tried -but miserably failed- to hide the smile creeping up his face. "Okay, okay. You're right. I'm a hypocrite. " He put the bacta wipes down and admired his work, giving an appreciative pout. "Good as new."
Perfect timing, as Klana and Kit came back to the room, soon followed by Skylen, who was still trying to dry his hair. Klana made a stop in the kitchen, washing off the blood from her hands down the sink. Y/N put her cape over herself, not feeling like putting back the leather shirt on. She dreaded what was coming next but also knew she couldn't put it off any longer. Poe had to know; they all had to. "Where are your two other friends? " She asked Kit. He shrugged. "They ran off as soon as they caught wind of us being compromised. Torro has a place of his own a few streets down. They're safe. Now, I believe it's time for a debrief. " Poe stood up, putting the medical tools away, and leaned back against the wall. All eyes were on her. Y/N caught his gaze and looked down. She knew the spark she was so used to seeing would be snuffed out once she dropped the bomb on him. She just knew. Oh, how badly she wished she could share the burden of it all alone.  But he had a right to know. "You might need to sit down for that one, Poe, " she whispered, but it came out so loud to her ears. Poe frowned but did as he was told, sitting down on the corner of the table. "Okay, so Gideon couldn't give me a name, " Y/N spoke up, eyes fixed on her blade next to her. "He doesn't have one; the guy who put out the bounty remained anonymous. " "So we have nothing, " Kit interrupted. Y/N shook her head no. "Not exactly. Gideon gave me… Enough. The guy, I mean… I don't have his exact whereabouts. But I know where he works. " Silence. Y/N risked a glance over her shoulder. Poe's jaw was clenched, and his hands were gripping the edge of the table tightly enough to show veins. "Say it, " he ordered. The tone in his voice told him everything she needed to know. He knew. He already knew. "He works for the Senate, " she blurted out, immediately clamping her mouth shut afterward as if it could hold in part of the pain it had unloaded on them all. Skylen cursed loudly, barely refraining from punching something. Klana slumped on the spot. Kit looked around, assessing the situation with a sorry look on his face. He probably wanted to help, but nothing he could say would ease their pain. And Poe… He was burning a hole through Y/N's forehead, but he wasn't really looking at her. He was looking into the past, and Y/N could see the images of the war playing in his eyes.  But above all, Poe was silent.  Nobody spoke up for the longest time. And then… "Kit. Is the bounty still off? " Poe's voice cut the silence like a white-hot knife. Kit opened a drawer and retrieved a puck from it, pressing it. Poe's face popped up on the hologram, dark and crossed by a "void" sign. "Sure looks like it. " The General jumped off the table and grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger he had left it on, his scarf, and his blaster. "I need some air. " The door slammed behind him before anyone could object. Silence filled the room again, and Kit ran a hand over his face. Klana was still staring at the ground when Skylen grabbed his blaster from the same spot as Poe. "Is there a roof I can access?" "Yeah," Kit said. "Down the hall to the right. Black door." "Then I'll take the first shift. I'll wake you up if anyone gets close. " And he was out in a flash. "I'll go check on Pipa, " Klana piped up after a few seconds. And then there were two. Y/N's eyes were on the door through which Poe had disappeared moments ago. She felt terrible, but she knew it was nothing compared to what her friends must have been feeling like.  But she couldn't stay there. She jumped to her feet. "I'm going after him, " she resolutely informed Kit, out of courtesy more than anything else. The pilot sighed. "No. Stay here. He needs some time alone. " Her head whipped in his direction, eyes squinted in disbelief. "What- leave him alone? You don't even know him, Kit! How can you even know what he would need?!" Kit sighed deeply. "I don't, " he conceded patiently. "But I know what war does to a soldier. Better than anyone. He needs some time to himself. He'll come around. He's safe out here; it's night; Gideon isn't looking for him anymore. Also, you're half-naked right now. " Agh, Y/N had always hated it when he was rational. She slouched on his couch, defeated. The room, though dimly lit, felt dark and suffocating. Everything was too much. She ran a hand through her hair, feeling the rough texture of her braids underneath her fingertips, coarse with dirt and the Luma particles. The place felt empty, with only the two of them left when it had been so crowded only moments ago. Not that she minded- not anymore. Y/N was too tired to be uncomfortable, anyway. And she was too worried as well. For Poe, mainly. But also for the Resistance and the Galaxy as a whole. What did it mean? "You know, " Kit spoke up after a moment, "I really can't fucking stand him. He is way too much of a good guy; it pisses me off. But hell, I would not want to be in his shoes. He carries so much on his shoulders. So much hope and responsibility. And here I thought being the First Lieutenant of the craziest pilot in the Order was hard." Y/N snorted lowly but didn't answer for a moment. Though Kit was trying to lighten the mood, he was also spot on, as usual. One of his many talents. "There's only so much one man can carry on his shoulders before he breaks, " she finally said. "Poe is strong, but he is not invincible. I'm worried about him. He has lost so much already. He doesn't deserve all of this. I wish I could carry that burden for him. Kriff, I wish I could help him somehow. " Kit laid a reassuring hand on her shoulders, but it did nothing to calm her nerves.  "I don't think you realize how much you're helping already, Y/N. What you did tonight catapulted the Resistance way ahead of its enemies. You're helping. Besides, there are things you just can't shield him from. " He was correct, of course. But it didn't mean it was easier to hear. Y/N stared at the door Poe had disappeared through, all scratched and dented by careless uses. When would he be back? What could she say to him when he returned? "You need to get some sleep, sweetheart. Take a shower, rest. He'll join you when he comes back. You can take my bed. No, scratch that; that's an order. You've deserved it. Your lady friend will watch over Pipa tonight; I'll sleep on the couch. And your bearded friend has the spare bed in the armory if he wants. " So that left her to sleep next to Poe.  …Okay. Y/N gave Kit a short nod. There was no use arguing with him anyway. She was too tired, and he was too clever. Besides, she would be of no use to Poe if she was so exhausted she was falling asleep standing up. "Wake me up if you need anything. " He wouldn't.
Her eyes fell on the discarded weapons and armor next to her. Kit followed her gaze. "I'll clean it up for you. Don't ya worry your pretty head about it. " "You don't have to." "Y/N, I still know you. Making this thing squeaky clean is the only way you have of putting the mission behind you. "  …He was right, as often. She smiled. "Hey, Kit? I'm glad you're not dead. " He snorted. "You and me both. I'm glad you're okay, too. " They shared a smile, and Y/N disappeared into his room after grabbing her nightclothes from her forgotten bag in the corner.   Y/N wasn't sure what time it was. There was a clock on Kit's nightstand, shining a dim red light in the room's darkness, but she didn't care much about the digits it showed. She was enticed by the soft, regular humming sound the ceiling fan made, blades catching the soft light of the moon as they crossed its path. It was all she had been looking at for the past… Whatever time she had been lying there. She was on her back, with the covers stopping at her waist, arms behind the pillow. Though she was exhausted, Y/N couldn't sleep. Firstly, because she was thinking about the events of the day. And secondly, because Poe still hadn't come back from his walk. It made her angsty, but she understood why he wanted to take a walk. Y/N tried not to move too much. The bed, of course, smelled like Kit. Funnily enough, she had noticed, he still used the same cologne and shower gel. She had been forced to use the latter as she cleaned herself up, and it… didn't help. She much rather enjoyed the citrus-scented products she had at home. How ironic it was, really, that so much time had passed, but she still found herself in the exact same spot she had been in all those years ago, thinking about her mission, laying in Kit's bed. Except for this time, she was sharing it with another pilot, which was… Well. A whole mess of its own she needed to unpack. It wasn't the first time Y/N had found herself sharing a bed with Poe. But the first two times had been, technically, accidents. And she had been passed out for most of the time anyway. This was different. She was mortified, especially after what had happened the day prior.  She truly hoped he wouldn't try and talk about it again.  Letting out a sigh, Y/N rubbed her eyes. She missed Kuat. She missed Beebee. Was the droid well taken care of? She certainly hoped so. She would have the head of anyone who dared to even bump him. A sound made her jump slightly, and she focused, trying to hear something in the silence. Footsteps. Fabric ruffling. Hushed voices. Kit? Yes, it was Kit, whispering so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Poe must have come back. Y/N let out a sigh of relief; though she knew he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, it didn't mean she wasn't worried for his safety. She was always apprehensive. Was that what he felt like whenever one of his pilots would fly into danger? Being a leader must be exhausting.  The door opened, quiet, but not quietly enough. Poe made his way through the room surprisingly skillfully, heading for the bathroom. He was out in no time, and the few rays of moonlight sneaking through the curtains allowed Y/N to see his silhouette. Taking advantage of the comfort of the apartment, he had changed into a shirt and a pair of shorts. Lovely. Y/N imagined he looked good dressed down. The mattress sunk under his weight as he sneakily settled next to her. Though the bed was reasonably large, Y/N could still feel his body heat next to her. The sound of the fan suddenly felt too loud- or perhaps it wasn't loud enough, really, as all Y/N could hear was her own heart. Poe moved slightly. It smelled like citrus for a brief second. Silence stretched between them, interrupted by the sound of shallow yet irregular breathing. Poe wasn't falling asleep; Y/N was sure of it. Even in the pitch darkness of the room, she could feel the weight of his gaze. "Did I wake you up? " He asked after a moment, voice quiet. Y/N found herself reminded that Kit was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't be awakened by hushed whispers. Good. "No. I wasn't sleeping, " Y/N simply answered as quietly as Poe. "I was thinking. And waiting for you. " He sighed deeply, and it felt almost like a scream in the oppressing silence of the room—the fan filled in the blanks. "Are you okay? " Y/N heard herself asking. Silence stretched for a long time, and she expected he wouldn't answer, but then: "No."
She rolled over to her side, staring at him in the darkness.  "No, I'm not okay, but I will be. This whole thing… It's just the same bullshit, all over again. It feels like we keep going backward. Senators betraying us. " "We don't know that, " Y/N pointed out. "Perhaps Gideon lied. And even if he didn't, it might not be a Senator. It might be an aide or a spouse. " Poe thought about it for a moment. "You're right, " he ended up saying. "I'm getting ahead of myself. " "I'm sorry, " Y/N said. "I wish I could have given you other news. Anything. I can't imagine how it must feel. " She felt him roll around, too. Now, she was sure he was facing her because she could feel the soft kiss of his breath on her skin. "Don't apologize; nothing is your fault. I should be the one apologizing, "Poe added with another sigh. Y/N frowned in the dark. "Why? " Silence, again. But for a shorter period. Poe sighed deeply. "What you did tonight. What you had to do. I'm sorry. " Y/N's tired brain tried to make sense of his words but to no avail. She couldn't understand what he was implying. She genuinely couldn't. What was he even sorry for? He had even saved her ass earlier! Poe must have confused her silence for sadness or anger because he quickly spoke up again. "You shouldn't have had to face your trauma head front like you did just for a mission. And it wasn't right to expect you to. I hope you're feeling okay. I'm sorry. " Ah, so that was what it was about. Y/N hummed. "So, you think I felt forced to put on the armor again? You think I went through the plan because you obliged me to. " "Well, not exactly, but-" "Poe. When I left the Order, I left everything behind. But you know what the only thing I kept is? The only thing I took with me? It was a promise I made myself. That I would never, ever let a man force me to do anything I didn't want, ever again. I was the one who brought up the plan. I offered to pose as Captain Thunderbird. You didn't make me do anything: I chose it. Not because I felt like I had to, but because I wanted to. " He fell silent, but Y/N could hear the cogs in his head turning and spinning at full speed. Poe wasn't convinced. "I wanted to help. And I knew how to do it. It's okay, and it was my choice. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure I could handle it. Besides, it was the right thing to do. You're my friend, Poe. Not only was it the mission, but it was also the only way I could help you. " Poe sighed. She could feel him rubbing his face and then running his hand through his messy locks like he always did. The air was thick with unspoken words as he tried to gather his thoughts, mulling over his following statement carefully. Frankly, his concern was touching. And Y/N could feel his worry, could almost see it in the fine lines of his face that appeared whenever he frowned.  "Thank you, " he ended up answering, voice barely above a whisper. Y/N knew -she could feel- just how difficult it was for him to back down on that one. He had been so thoughtful, ever so careful not to overstep, always so respectful of her boundaries. But he needed to let her set new ones as she grew. They stayed silent for a moment after that, but neither of them was asleep. Y/N could still feel his eyes on her. "Can I ask you how you're feeling? " He finally asked after a long moment. The fan was merely background noise, now. It filled the silence as Y/N thought of an answer. "Strange. Things are so different than they used to be, but at the same time, it feels the same. The uniform. The fights. The blood everywhere. Me coming home to Kit, sleeping in his bed. It… Doesn't help. But I know it was for a good cause this time. So I'm not dissociating too much. " He hummed in answer. "Yeah. I can imagine it must be bizarre. Especially seeing Kit after all this time." Y/N chuckled. Yes. Their reunion had been pretty eventful and not quite what she would have pictured. What did she imagine anyway? She didn't really know. Perhaps running into each other at a random cantina, years after the war.  Well, okay, that part had happened, but she hadn't envisaged it would end up in a fight. Perhaps a drink, some awkward glances... maybe even some introductions to their respective significant other. But if Kit's apartment was any indication of his current love life, he had been single for quite some time. Perhaps even as long as her. Interesting. "I'm glad we got to meet again. We had some stuff to work through." "I get what you mean," Poe commented. "When I met Zorii again, I feel like it gave us closure." Y/N snorted unwillingly. "Kriff, how did that one go?" He pondered on it for a second. "As bad as you'd expect. She tried to kill me too... but willingly." They started laughing, trying to keep quiet but failing miserably. Y/N was silently chuckling, biting on her hand to stiffen the sounds. The stress of the day was washing off. "Maker, look at us, being almost murdered by our exes. I feel like we could start a club or something." "I'd join it."
Y/N sighed in delight, feeling relaxed. The bed was comfortable, and Poe's presence wasn't as rattling as she had expected. He was always so... calming. The speed with which she let her guard down around him was worrying.  Or perhaps it would have been a couple months earlier, but now? It felt natural. It still didn't erase the remnants of the mission, but it certainly helped.  "I can hear you thinking," Poe said, breaking the silence. "Credit for your thoughts?" Y/N gave him a small laugh in answer. "We're gonna be up late if you want me to share my thoughts. I never really slept after missions like this. I spent the night thinking about them until I passed out from exhaustion or had to wake up again." "I'm... sorry to hear that. Did you ever catch some sleep? Even once?" Y/N hummed. "Oh, yes. Sometimes, Kit would find a way to sneak in before I came back, and he'd spend the night. The first thing he'd do was to help me wash the blood off my hands. Even if there weren't any. Then, we'd just talk. About random stuff. Anything to try and not think about the day. " Poe stayed silent for a moment, and then, Y/N felt him sitting up. "What are you doing? " She whispered as his weight shifted again and his feet hit the floor with a soft thud. She was met with silence on his part as he walked around the bed. She followed his presence in the dark, trying to make sense of whatever must have been going through his head. After a few seconds, dim lighting emerged from the bathroom, not bright enough to blind her but still enough to let Y/N see what Poe was doing. Standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over a loose t-shirt. "Come here, " he asked softly, and Y/N's feet soon found the floor as well, as if she had been stripped of any will of her own. With a frown but a glimmer of amusement in her eyes, she joined him near the door. He looked down at her with a solemn look on his face, and Y/N grinned at him. "Now what, General? " Poe rolled his eyes and made his way across the bathroom, turning on the sink. He then rummaged through Kit's stuff until he found what looked like a bar of soap. Y/N immediately understood and took a step back, shaking her head as embarrassment colored her cheeks. "Oh, no, that's not-" "Get your ass in here, Thunderbird, I swear to the Stars. " There was no animosity in his voice, and Y/N couldn't help but let out a giggle as she followed his orders. This was… Strange. And a little bit funny. She knew what Poe was about to do, and it was certainly unexpected. He opened the faucet, and water sputtered in the sink. Poe then grabbed the soap bar and nodded toward the water. Y/N put her hands underneath it with an unconvinced sigh, wetting them both, and Poe gently rubbed the pink (seriously, PINK?) bar on the back of her hand. It started to sud almost instantly, leaving a smell of strawberry in its path.  "I'm honestly questioning his taste in soaps, " Poe grumbled as he dutifully rubbed the pink block over each finger, crevice, bump. He was dead focused on his task, frowning as he made sure not to miss a spot. There was nothing to clean, no speck of blood; her hands were spotless, but still. Y/N watched him as he went through his task like it was the most essential thing in the Galaxy. They stood in silence in the dark bathroom for a couple of minutes until Poe was satisfied with his work. He rinsed the soap off, leaving Y/N to wiggle her fingers. "All cleaned up, Keebler. " Y/N gave him a cheeky smile. "Do you supervise the handwashing of all your pilots, General? " "Do you dress up in black leather from head to toe for all of your superiors, Thunderbird? " Silence. "Shit, okay, yeah, you kinda did. " Y/N let out a laugh she immediately tried to stiffen by biting the inside of her cheek as Poe shushed her. "Quiet! You're gonna wake everyone up. " "It's your fault, you idiot! " "It is not. " They were still giggling when they went back to bed, heads hitting the pillow softly. Y/N's hands felt all tingly from the soap bar and tender from the rubbing. But it felt good. The pillow was chilly, too, and the room felt much less oppressive than it had earlier. "You feeling better? " He asked. Y/N nodded, even though he couldn't see her. He could still feel it; she just knew it. "Yeah. Thanks. You didn't have to do that. " "Come on, Y/N, we've been over that. But if you really want to show your eternal gratitude, you can always publicly recognize I'm the best pilot of the Galaxy. " She whacked the side of his arm and must have hit her target because Poe hissed. "How did you even- rude. " "You'll have to make do with my eternal and quiet gratitude. " "Alright, you rancor. Get some sleep now before I tickle it out of you. " Y/N stiffened a laugh but made herself comfortable on her side of the bed, wiggling until she had found a position she was satisfied with.  "Thanks, Poe, " she heard herself muttering as she started drifting off.  She never heard his answer, but she did feel the duvet being pulled up to cover her shoulders as she fell asleep.
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The following morning came quicker than it should have. All five of them —Pipa was still on bedrest— met in the kitchen for breakfast. None of them said a thing about the news from the night before. They didn't need to anyway; the silence was ominous enough. Poe still hadn't told Finn and had instructed everyone to stay quiet on the matter. He deserved a few more hours of ignorant bliss, he had said. Y/N couldn't agree more. Instead, Kit had told them about Gideon. It turned out he had survived and had put a bounty on his head, much to his delight. "Look at me, I'm like you, now, " he had joked, earning a slap on the knee from an aggravated Y/N. Torro had swung by earlier, dropping off a bunch of tech Y/N understood nothing about. But apparently, it would help them leave the planet unnoticed and land on Tatooine without running into trouble. They had packed their stuff, putting everything away neatly. Kit had done a stellar job cleaning her armor, and Y/N had folded it back into its crate. And off they went, in the early hours of dawn, charging their stuff into Kit's ship as Klana and Calvin disposed of the shuttle to cover their tracks. From what Y/N had gathered, it now had a wonderful life in a dump somewhere. After checking on Pipa and saying their goodbyes, the four rebels plus Kit and Calvin piled up in his ship, leaving the sad-looking Andooweel behind them until it was but a mere speck of dust behind the windows. No ship followed them; whatever Torro had given them must have been working. "I managed to get away this time, but I feel like I won't be so lucky next time, " Kit sighed, coming out of his cockpit. "I'll need to ditch this ship and buy a new one. " "With a proper landing gear, this time, " Y/N chimed in, and he grumbled under his breath.  Soon enough, after an uncomfortable flight, the sand and suns of Tatooine came into view. Kit landed in the spaceport a few spots away from Poe's borrowed ship. It was quiet, surprisingly enough. Only one droid and a mechanic were to be seen. Perfect. Dressed in his fake bounty hunter attire, Skylen went to pay their debts as Poe and Klana transferred their stuff back on the Resistance's ship. Y/N, who had been ushered to the side because of her injuries, sat on her armor crate. Even if it was still morning, the planet was heating up fast, and Y/N was already working up a bead of sweat on her forehead. She was looking forward to going back to Kuat. Kit joined her after a few moments, sitting next to her. He gently tapped on the box. "What do you want to do with that? " "I've been thinking about it, " Y/N admitted. "It needs to go back to where it came from, under the Eopie's food tank in the village. That way, if I ever need it again, I know where to find it. If I don't… it'll remain buried with my old life. " He hummed in approval. "I'll put it back for you. " She turned to him. "Are you sure? Do you even know where to go? " "Speeders have a beacon in. I know where you went to. I can do it no problem if you trust me with it. " Y/N nodded gratefully, looking back at the ship she was about to board. It was almost time for goodbyes again. Skylen had already started the engines, and he and Poe ran last-minute check-ups on the old ship. Y/N was nervous. It felt… Weird, leaving Kit behind again. Especially since they were on good terms this time around. As her friends ran around the ship, getting busy, the young woman stood up, and Kit followed close. She didn't know what to say or do. Poe appeared on the loading ramp, saw the two of them, and held his open palm up high. Five minutes. He disappeared back inside with a long look at Kit. "So, I guess this is it, then. You're off to save the world again, " Kit commented. He had his hands buried in his pockets, trying to look careless, but Y/N knew him better than that. "You know… " She started, biting her lip. "We're always looking for pilots. I know both Generals. Could pull some strings if you wanted me to. " Kit gave her a genuine laugh. "Are you trying to recruit me into the Resistance, Captain? How devious of you. " She joined him in his laughter for a moment before they both got serious again. "I appreciate the offer, Y/N. But I… can't. You got out when you could. I didn't. There are some things I've done… They might have forgiven you because you've given so much for the cause, but I haven't. I… I can't forgive myself. Can't expect them to do it either. I'll always be the enemy. " Y/N frowned and put her hand on his arm, squeezing it softly. The look in his eyes… She knew it well. "That's not true, Kit. You're not the enemy to me. You're not to any of us. " He let out a bitter laugh. "Somehow, I have a feeling your General might disagree. He ain't my biggest fan. " Y/N rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "You know, usually, I would argue that he probably was in a bad mood because Poe gets along with pretty much everyone…." "But? " "But I know for a fact he cannot kriffing stand you. " They burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the droid on the other side of the parking spot. "I know. Besides, I need to stay here. I've got a Devaronian to take care of. Perhaps I'll look into a pilot job once I've destroyed his cartel. Who knows. Our paths might cross again. " Y/N nodded. Before she could think twice about it, she took out a credit chip from her pant pocket and handed it to him. "It's from Poe. The money we had for the mission. He told me to give it to you. There's nowhere near two million, but it has about a hundred grants. Enough to buy you a new ship. Maybe an X4 Gunship if you're lucky and can find one. It's his… our parting gift." Kit took the golden card from her hand and gave her a nod. "I appreciate it. Tell Poe thanks for me, okay?" "Y/N! We need to go!" Klana called out from behind them. Okay. This was it. Kit was as sheepish as she was, standing right in front of her with an awkward look on his face. He, too, felt it. And… Y/N didn't really know what took over her. Maybe it was the guilt from their last encounter; who knew. She took a small step forward, stood on her toes, and put both of her hands on his cheeks, drawing his face in for a kiss. His hands landed on her back, and he pulled her into him. The kiss was sweet, gentle, and a tad bittersweet. It reminded her of an old life she had loved so much. This was goodbye. And it… didn't feel like when she had kissed Poe. After a few seconds, Kit pulled away, a smile on his lips but a curious look in his eyes. "Not that I'm complaining, but why? " "I owed you a proper goodbye. Besides, it's good luck. " He laughed as she took a step back, rubbing his neck. His cheeks were redder than he would have ever admitted. "Hey, take care of yourself, alright? " Y/N added. "What will you do if I don't, huh? " "I might have to come and kick your ass. " "Looking forward to that, Captain. I'll see you around. Go save the Galaxy, you hero. " With one last laugh and an awkward wave, Y/N boarded her ship, looking at Kit until the landing ramp was closed. She could still feel his lips on hers. With a sigh, she turned around, only to find Klana standing behind her with a massive grin on her face. "You minx. What was that for? " Y/N thought about it for a second, then broke into a content smile. "Closure. "
Yeah, over him, my ass. Poe rolled his eyes for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. He regretted giving him that money now. What an asshole.  Flipping the switches on the console, he made sure the old ship was stable enough before speeding up out of the atmosphere, leaving the wretched planet that was Tatooine behind them. The burn left behind by the news of a mole in the Senate hadn't gone away, and now, seeing this added fuel to the fire. Yeah, sure, she could do what she wanted and all that, but she could do WAY better than this idiot. At least he wasn't coming with them. The day was already off to a bad start, and it wouldn't go better once they landed on Kuat. The meeting with Finn and Rey was not going to be fun. As Poe carefully maneuvered around the space rocks, he reviewed the list of Senators he remembered the name of in his head. Who could be working against them? Perhaps it was just an aid. Who could they trust? Probably the Generals of the Galactic Republic, at least. They had fought fearlessly in the war with them. All of their support during the war could be added to the list. They had no reason to publicly support them against the First Order and turn against them once the Galaxy was free. It still left a lot of names on the 'potentially guilty' list. He hated it. Detective work wasn't his thing, so he would have to enlist Rose. Heh. At least that would make Finn happy. There was a knock on the door, and Poe turned around on his chair, turning on the piloting aid. They were far enough anyway. The chair creaked ominously, its hinges old and rusty. He couldn't wait to go back to his X-Wing. "Yeah, " he said to whoever was on the other side, though Poe had a feeling he knew who it was. And sure enough, Y/N's head popped up in the opening. And it looked like she had gotten her jacket back. Klana must have fixed it. She also had a light sunburn across her nose, and it gave her face a red hue.  Or perhaps it was the blush from kissing that idiot- "Hey, General, " she greeted him. "Everything is secured down there. Klana called the base to let them know we'll be back today. She used one of the extra transponders Calvin left on the ship, so the Senate doesn't know anything. Or whoever is spying on us. " Poe nodded. "Good. We should be there in a couple of hours. "  Y/N nodded and eventually rubbed the back of her neck as the silence stretched on. "I was also coming to check up on you. Did you need anything? "  "I'm good. Once we hit light speed, I'll just go to work. "  She visibly cringed. Poe's tone might have been a tad colder than necessary, but he was annoyed. And Y/N had picked up on it. "Okay, well, I'll just… Leave you alone, then. "  She sighed deeply and let the door go. Poe caught the look of confusion on her face before she disappeared back into the ship. He groaned. "Wait-"  The door slammed shut before he could get another word out, and Poe groaned again- louder this time. He turned his chair around, the squeaky sound following him as he threw the ship into light speed. It rattled the cabin, and everything stopped moving, except for the stars sailing harmlessly past his windows. A tentative knock broke the peaceful silence a few seconds later. This time, Poe took a second to breathe before he invited the person inside. And it was Klana who opened the door with a frown on her face. "Did you just… shoo Y/N away? " She asked in disbelief. Poe rolled his eyes. "No. I told her I have work to do, and she left. Do you need anything? "  Klana let out an exaggerated groan, tilting her head to the side with an unamused pout. "You can relax. Kit's not coming to Kuat. So drop the attitude, General. She doesn't deserve it. "  "That's not why I- never mind. Can I help you with anything? "  She rolled her eyes but didn't push the subject. Instead, she produced a piece of paper from her back pocket. "When I went to clean the shuttle this morning before we dumped it, I found this. It's an old Republic squad picture. I didn't look too much at it in case it was personal, but it was dropped on the ship somehow. Figure you'd want it back. "  Poe stared at her with utter confusion. "I don't understand. How did it end up on that shuttle? I wasn't wearing my regular clothes. Besides, I don't walk around with a squad pic. "  Klana shrugged. "Dunno. But you're the only one of us who served. So it probably came from somewhere, I mean… I didn't just appear out of thin air. "  Poe ran a tired hand in his hair and extended the other one toward Klana, who handed him the picture. It was slightly crumpled, and a corner was missing, torn off by the passing time, but the colors were still bright. Perhaps it had been there before they had arrived on planet? Yeah, it must have been the logical explanation. Torro or Calvin could have served before their time in the First Order. Still, Poe looked at it, studying the happy faces in the image. They were young, all of them. Probably fresh out of the recruitment center, or maybe a year older than that. None of the faces rang a bell. The call sign on their uniforms wasn't one he was familiar with - it undoubtedly came from another star cruiser than the one he had been stationed on. He was about to put the picture away when something caught his eyes; on the right corner of the image, one of the soldiers. Young, certainly way more youthful than she was now.  Wearing a necklace, he knew by heart. "Klana."  "Huh?"  "Did you have a good look at them?"  "I told you I didn't. Figured it was private."  Poe's eyes were glued to that necklace and the smiling face above it. He could see it just fine now—that smile. He liked that smile. "Take a look. On the right. "  Klana gave him a confused look but leaned forward, angling her head so she could see better. She froze half a second later. Her fingers tentatively glazed the paper as if she were trying to test its realness. Eyes wide open, she looked up at her superior. "No way. It can't be… But that necklace…."  Poe gave her a stern nod. "It's her. "     Y/N rolled her eyes for the fifth time. Seriously, what was wrong with Poe? Was he still angry about the Senate thing? Of course, she understood- the anger wouldn't go away like that. But still! There was no need to snap at her! She was doing her best to help him out. If he didn't need her, fine! He could tell her that politely. Ugh. Maybe Y/N should cut him some slack. Poe clearly had a lot on his mind. With another sigh, she leaned backward, feeling the slit in her jacket under her fingers. It was big, but the leather hadn't been damaged, and that was the essential part. Still, the lining needed stitching. Y/N tried to smooth it out, only to find something stuck inside. She tugged at it and ended up with a piece of paper between her fingers. With an unimpressed pout, she threw it away in a nearby bin, right as the door to the cargo area opened with a tired whoosh and both Klana and Poe marched out. Oh. The look on their faces was NOT a happy one. "Please tell me we don't have another coup on our hands, " Skylen said from his crate. "I haven't even eaten yet, and I'm not in the mood. " Klana groaned. "Shut up. It's serious. " As the two bickered lowly, Poe's eyes landed on Y/N, and he didn't look away. There was a hint of confusion in his eyes, maybe a tad of annoyance. But mainly, concern. "What's wrong? " Y/N asked. The General shared a look with Klana, who took a step forward. "When I was cleaning the shuttle earlier, I found this. I thought it belonged to Poe because I saw the Republic sigil and thought no better of it. But it was right under the spot your jacket was hung on when it got nicked. And… Just see for yourself. " Okay. Now, she wasn't just worried; she was kriffing lost. She grabbed the paper from her friend's hands, noticing they were shaking. Y/N sent a confused look at Poe, but he didn't move a muscle. Instead, he just stared, waiting for her to look at the picture. "I mean, what do you want me to do with a Republic squad picture day… I don't remember ever flying against one. " "Look on the right, " Poe said. Y/N obliged, eyes glazing over unfamiliar faces before they settled on the silhouette on the right of the picture. …Wait. Wait. That was her necklace. But then, it meant… She looked upward, and her eyes met… hers. From years ago. "That's… Hold on. " Y/N stared at it for a moment longer; her eyes weren't deceiving her. Her hair was shorter but the same color. It was her eyes, her smile—a delighted one. And it was a Starbird on her uniform. "Me. I… I know that's me. I don't remember that picture being taken, but I know it's me. " Shockingly enough, that piece of information alone wasn't what rattled her. It explained… a lot. But… "But it doesn't make sense. If I was a registered pilot for the Republic. If there are records of my service. When they ran my name in the database when I joined the Order… They should have found out. They should have known. There's no way Ren didn't know." She frowned, staring at her reflection from the past. A past she had no recollection of. It felt like a memory shown on a holopad. Not hers. "So why didn't he kill me? "
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starsinmylatte · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Thrawn x afab reader
Rating: Explicit (Very 18+)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: established relationship, edging, praise k!nk, very slight dom/sub undertones, interspecies relationship
Summary: Reader has had a VERY long day, and Thrawn is away from the Chimaera. Or is he?
Author's note: Hi! I'm finally starting to post fics to Tumblr again. I've been away for a bit, but I am very excited to write more. All my stuff is also on AO3 here! Any comments or reblogs are always greatly appreciated (seriously y'all leave the sweetest comments and it makes my day). Have fun reading my first ever attempt at smut and lmk if you'd like to be added to my tags <3
Today had been hell.
Thrawn had departed the Chimaera days ago to handle some business on Coruscant, and, as usual, Konstantine was using his absence as an excuse to be a massive pain in the ass. The Grand Admiral relied on you to help keep order just as much as he relied on Eli Vanto, but he was currently as busy as you were. So, the ever-glamorous job of making sure the Seventh Fleet remained in orbit mainly fell to you.
It was the fifth day Thrawn had been gone, and you were already fantasizing about throwing Konstantine out of the airlock. It would undoubtedly save the remnants of your sanity. He usually wasn’t blatantly insubordinate, but today he seemed to make an exception.
“I simply don’t understand why the Grand Admiral is insisting on holding this formation,” he exclaimed. “We should be chasing the rebels back to their base by now!”
Another headache was definitely coming on. I swear on every star in this kriffing galaxy…..
Your reply was icy and tinged with frustration, “Konstantine, if you wish to question the Grand Admiral’s tactics, you are more than welcome to discuss it with him when he comes back. Until then, we will be following the orders he left us with.”
He momentarily met your piercing stare before realizing any further arguments would be futile.
“Fine. I do believe I’m needed elsewhere,” Konstantine huffed as he departed the bridge.
For the first time in hours, the bridge was blessedly silent. You sank into a chair, rubbing your temples. Kriff, I definitely feel that headache now….
A sudden hand on your shoulder made you jump. You were so distracted that Eli might as well have materialized out of thin air.
“Hard day?” The corners of his mouth twitched as he attempted to stifle his amusement. “I heard you gave Konstantine a well-deserved earful.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Next time, it’s your turn. This is my fourth headache in the past five days.”
“Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? You’ve been working harder than anyone else on the Chimaera for days.” He lowered his voice before adding, “He should be back soon.”
A wave of relief washed over you at the news. You and Thrawn had gone to great lengths to keep your relationship secret from the crew, but Eli was too good of a friend to be kept in the dark. Besides, he would’ve noticed eventually that his two best friends were slightly more than friends.
Eli must’ve noticed the change in your expression, “Oh, you definitely need a break.”
He shoved a datapad in your hands and started pulling you to your feet, ignoring the numerous protests you gave him. “Here, take this to Thrawn’s office, leave it on his desk, and then you’re taking the rest of the day off. No arguments.”
Thrawn’s office was its usual freezing temperature. Even though your uniform had layers of thick material, the chill was easily seeping through them. Shivering, you placed the datapad on the large desk in the back of the room.
You turned to leave, but a pang shot through your heart as you looked around the empty room. It was normal for you to barely see Thrawn on the days he was especially busy, but it was always different when you knew he wasn’t on the Chimaera at all. Stars, you missed him when he was gone. Just knowing he was nearby on days you couldn’t see him was so comforting. “Soon” wasn’t a good enough time frame for when he’d return.
A sudden thought crossed your mind; nothing was stopping you from spending the night in Thrawn’s quarters. It wasn’t exactly an unusual occurrence for you to sleep here, and it would be comforting. Besides, with your headache, you didn’t exactly feel like walking all the way back across the ship to your room, and his private quarters were conveniently connected to his office.
You began stripping off your uniform as you walked into the room and made your way over to the bed. It was still freezing, but every layer you removed took the worries of the day with it. Soon, everything except your bra and panties sat neatly folded on the bedside table. In this moment, you weren’t an Imperial officer; you were a woman climbing into her lover’s bed for comfort after a long day.
As soon as you slid between the soft, black sheets, you instantly received the comfort you were craving. They smelled exactly like Thrawn, crisp and clean, but with a unique depth cut by the citrusy scent of his favorite tea. You could almost imagine that he was actually there beside you. A contented smile crossed your lips as you drifted off to sleep.
You suddenly woke to a light caress on your cheek. In your groggy state, you didn’t fully realize what that touch meant until you leaned into it. You would have probably fallen back asleep were it not for the low, pleased murmur that followed your actions.
“Apologies, ch’eo bat in’a, I did not mean to wake you, but I was not expecting to find you here.”
Your eyes flew open in shock as you sat up and gasped, “Thrawn!”
The low light in the room illuminated the regal form sitting beside you on the edge of the bed. Thrawn’s usually unreadable expression was one of slight amusement mixed with another, softer expression. You couldn’t help but notice his beautiful azure-hued skin and luminous ruby eyes were only complemented by the dimmed light; you couldn’t help but think he was meant to be seen like this. He must’ve been tired from the constant travel, but nothing in his posture or expression gave it away.
You didn’t wait for him to speak again before reaching over to embrace him. Thrawn immediately wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly. Pressing your face into his chest, you quietly murmured, “I missed you.”
He said nothing, so you assumed he didn’t hear. You both sat contentedly for a few minutes and savored the intimacy before he moved one hand to stroke lazily down your back and the other to run through your hair. As you leaned further into his touch, he grabbed your chin and turned your head so he could press his lips to your ear.
“You are quite endearing when you’re half-asleep. It’s beautiful,” he whispered.
The praise combined with the sensation of his warm breath in your ear finally did you in; a flame began to spark to life in your core. You had missed him, and every single part of you was screaming for you to let him know just how much.
Before you could even move, Thrawn trailed his lips down to kiss your neck, and the flame in your core blossomed. You let out a quiet, breathy moan, and he immediately stopped.
Bringing his lips back to trace the shell of your ear, he rasped, “Oh? It seems you did miss me. How fortunate that I was able to return to you already in my bed.” He paused to lightly trace the outline of your bra before continuing. “And in something so pretty too. A shame that it will soon be discarded.”
You whimpered at his words as his lips renewed their brutal assault on your neck and upper chest. For what seemed like an eternity, Thrawn was content to lavish affection on the spots that provoked the greatest responses from you as his hands held you in place.
“Thrawn, please…. Touch me….” you begged, hoping desperately for him to comply.
He merely let out a dark chuckle as he chided, “Patience, ch’eo ch’itiseb, for every protest that leaves your pretty mouth, I will be sure to make you wait even longer.”
You bit back a moan at his sinful words; his eyes seemed to glow even brighter, and his smile turned feral. The look he gave you in return was simply predatory.
He continued to suck hickies into the sensitive skin at the base of your neck and around your collarbones. His tongue licked a long, torturous line up the column of your neck to kiss the area under your jaw. With every kiss, caress, and touch, the flame in your core spread throughout your entire body. He bit down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, and you melted even further into his arms.
“It seems you were able to learn an adequate lesson in patience, so now we may continue. Turn around for me,” he ordered.
You turned to face the wall as he returned to his previous position at the edge of the bed. He trailed his hands up your waist and around to cup your breasts. Thrawn may have decided that you could have more of his touch, but he still refused to dip his hand under the lacy fabric of your bra. Instead, he teasingly rubbed over the material to brush against your nipples. Your head fell back to rest on his shoulder as you pushed your chest out into his hands, still desperate for more.
“How very, very eager for my touch….” His tone was still infuriatingly collected for how quickly he’d reduced you into a moaning mess, but a slight accent began to mar his words. “Ch’itses’o euhn ei.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Thrawn unfastened and discarded your bra. Finally, he wrapped his hands entirely around your breasts. The sharp contrast between the warmth of his body and the room’s icy air only intensified the pleasure as he began to roll your nipples between his fingers.
You couldn’t help but moan his name again, loudly. Thrawn’s breath hitched before he let out a low, breathy moan, “Bun vn’inen’i. Let me hear you.”
His voice had always been profoundly attractive, but hearing him murmur filthy sentiments into your ear in his native tongue made you absolutely melt. You let out another gasp and rubbed your thighs together, seeking any friction you could find, keenly aware of the desire beginning to pool between them. In your desperate search for friction, you accidentally rubbed your ass back against him and felt his growing erection.
The contact made Thrawn hiss. In one fluid motion, he flipped you around, pushed your back flat against the mattress, and leaned over you.
It was moments like this when you remembered you were in the bed of one of the most powerful men in the galaxy. Thrawn’s ruby eyes glowed with lust as he gazed down at you. His feral smile returned as he studied his prize. “Allow me to show you just how much I missed you.”
He trailed kisses from your breasts down to your inner thighs, nipping at them slightly, then stopping to look up at you as he reached your panties. “These must go,” he murmured against your thigh. Thrawn took the band in his teeth and began to tug the panties off, using his hands to remove them fully.
Finally, you laid before him completely bare, and once again, he paused to appreciate your body. “Simply beautiful,” he cooed.
Thrawn returned to kiss your inner thighs before he spread your legs further. He moved to kneel on the floor at the side of the bed and pulled your hips to the edge. You knew exactly what was coming next. “Oh….”
You barely had time to moan before he swiped an experimental finger through your core. Under any other circumstances, you’d be embarrassed that you were already so wet, but Thrawn lit a fire in you that no one else could. Now it was his turn to let out a low groan at his discovery.
He didn’t waste any more time before moving one of his long fingers to lightly trace around your entrance. The torment of his delicate touch made you rock your hips upwards, desperately begging for more contact. Without warning, he pushed two fingers deep inside you, making your walls clench hard around them. You moaned and begged for more as he began to pump them in and out of your drenched core, causing your legs to shudder in pleasure.
“Look at you, I’ve only just started using my fingers, and you’re already shaking,” Thrawn groaned.
He brought you right up to the peak of pleasure before suddenly withdrawing. You sobbed in protest as he brought his fingers up to your mouth. “Clean them off,” he commanded. Hoping that he’d finish you off if you complied, you obediently took his fingers into your mouth and sucked all your juices off of them.
Thrawn was very pleased. He moved back down between your thighs and sucked another hickey on the delicate skin before returning his attention to your core. He slowly circled your sensitive clit with a finger before licking his way up to suck on it. Once again, he continued his attention until you were at the very edge before withdrawing. Being edged once was hard, but the second time left you an absolute mess.
When Thrawn looked down on you, covered in his marks, eyes glazed over in lust and absolutely begging for completion, he lost the remnants of his control. He leaned back up to murmur, “Ch’eo ch’itiseb, how would you like me?”
“Stars, Thrawn, I don’t care. I just want you inside me now,” you moaned back at him as you reached up to help tug off his remaining clothing. After a few moments, he was also completely bare and leaning over you on the bed again.
With how desperate you felt, any time at all was too long, but your pleas and cries finally turned into more gasps and moans of pleasure as he finally lined his thick cock up with your entrance. The feeling of being so gloriously stretched and filled as he pushed in made your walls clench around him. Thrawn moaned at the sensation and began fucking you at a leisurely pace.
He leaned in to capture your lips in a burning, passionate kiss as his thrusts grew faster and your hips rose to meet them. His hands roamed your body, finding their way to pinch and tug at your nipples. You moaned into his mouth as you grew closer and closer to the high you’d been chasing all night.
Pausing between kisses, Thrawn suddenly grabbed your chin and stared into your eyes with his burning red ones before returning to kiss you hungrily. The unspoken message was clear: you were his. This new intensity, combined with his thrusts that came faster and faster, finally sent you over the edge into a shattering climax. Thrawn’s thrusts grew more and more erratic until he finished soon after you, coating your walls with his seed as he came.
As you both lay there in the afterglow, Thrawn mused, “I may have to find an excuse to be gone more often.”
Tags: @pretty-with-andorian-shingles @mittheresabosen @handbaskethell
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vaderssidechick · 5 years
FIC Snippet: Dark Angel: Dathomir, Chapter II (From the Chronicles of House Vader Series)
SUMMARY: Lylla and and the elite Imperial Stormtroopers of SCAR Squadron are on Dathomir to capture six Nightsisters for Lylla’s personal guard. Riding across the plains of Dathomir on her Rancor and their Dewbacks, Lylla and Sergeant Kreel have a conversation-- and come to an understanding. 
Series can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/762363 
“I read some things,” said Kreel, “about the Jedi, their view of the Force, both the Light and the Dark. ‘Defend all life, no matter what’. Even if that ‘life’ is murdering your family in front of you." Lylla noted how Kreel’s fist tightened around his reins. "Pretty words, and utter bantha shavit. That's not how the universe works.” He tapped that fist on his armored thigh with every word. “Order. Strength. And the will to do what needs to be done. That's what keeps the peace, that's what brings security. Lord Vader understands that. If he uses the Dark Side of the Force to make it happen for this shit galaxy, it doesn’t bother me one bit."
Lylla settled back in her saddle, eyeing him intently. "Tell me your opinion of Lord Vader, Sergeant.” She cracked a smile when Kreel peered at her through his lenses. “I assure you, this conversation is confidential. The tac-net is muted. You are safe."
He stared at her for a few more seconds, measuring her intent, before he conceded, "He is the greatest warrior I've ever known, Baroness. I don't just mean as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces. I mean on the ground, in the mess, fighting beside us. Your platoon deploys with Lord Vader, you know you're coming home alive that day. He fights like an AT-AT and fears nothing.”
"How does he treat his men?” she asked, genuinely curious. “The troops I mean.”
Kreel hesitated for a moment before he huffed a chuckle. "He positively dotes on us, ma'am. I mean, in his own way.”
She chuckled back. "I understand. Perfectly."
“He’s got no respect for those family-connected Prefsbelt boys in the officers’ corps, who call a battle from cushioned seats and bellies full of real food. Well, Piett maybe, but he’s a Rimworlder who’s seen some action, like me.” He cocked his helmet toward her. “Like you.” Lylla smirked. Kreel continued. “Lord Vader is demanding, but he expects excellence and inspires us to achieve it." He blew a sigh. “When the Garscon system went public in their support for Lord Vader as the Emperor’s legal heir, he granted every troop in the 501st a reenlistment bonus of five years pay. Tax free, right into the every troops’ account. And doubled our pensions and death benefits to the families. That’s almost a million credits per troop.” He snorted. “Pissed the officers’ corps off to no end, which made it even sweeter. Hell, we had nothing to do with the Garsconi Allegiance, but he did it anyway.”
“Really?” Vader had taken the tithe she’d manipulated from the King and Queen of Garscon and awarded it to the 501st?  She huffed an incredulous breath. “And he says he’s not a politician.”
“I needn’t tell you that his actions weren’t out of benevolence, do I? He was ensuring the 501st’s loyalty.”
Kreel shrugged. “It worked. Every troop in Vader’s Fist signed back up. We make it out of the corps alive, we’re set for life. We don’t, families don’t sell their kids to feed their other kids. A good life for us, and a good death too. Not like the fucking Republic did to their clones.” 
“Do you think he’ll make a good Emperor, Sergeant Kreel?” Kreel slowly turned to meet Lylla’s cold stare. “Be truthful. Do not tell me what you think I want to hear.”
“As far as I’m concerned, ma'am, he already is,” Kreel answered, lowly yet firmly. “Lord Vader isn’t just a man. He’s a symbol, the embodiment of the Empire itself. And...with a woman like you at his side, I have no doubt that he will raise the Empire to even greater glory and prosperity.” He held her cowl-shrouded white stare before he jerked his attention forward. “I just hope I’m around to see that day.”
But Lylla never broke hers on him. She allowed a few moments to pass before it was time to finally get this out in the open. “And what do you plan on doing with that bonus when you leave, Sergeant? Settle down? Make little Kreels?”
Kreel huffed. “Don’t plan on leaving the Forces on my feet, Baroness. No better death than dying in the name of the Empire. But by the Force-damned chance that I might…” He shook his head. “No. That ain’t me.”
“You sure about that? A powerful…” She took a long, deliberate breath, “virile man like you leading a life of celibacy? Sounds downright Jedi.” A beat. “What a waste.”
She’d done something with her voice, woven it into a silken purr that seeped into his ear and curled around his neck like a loth kitt. Kreel slowly turned her way, right into the trap of her white eyes. Even under the shadow of her cowl, he saw her pupils blown wide under her black lashes, and the subtlest curve in her moist lips caused his breath to hitch. He couldn’t count how many nubile pleasure-slave bodies he had seen in his lifetime, all of which would cause any groin to twitch. But they paled in comparison to the sultry look this creature was giving him now. 
Lylla tilted her head. “May I ask you a question, Sergeant?”
“Of course, Baroness,” he said through a throat that had gone suddenly dry. 
“Why don’t you ever take your helmet off?” She gave a lilting shrug. “I’ve seen all of SCAR’s faces, but never yours. Why is that?”
“I take it off to eat and sleep. And then only sometimes,” he answered quickly.
“I didn’t ask when you take it off. I asked why you don’t.”
That sniper-scope glare of hers told him she wasn’t about to let up. Kreel sighed. “Very well, Baroness. You know I’m from Chagar IX.”
“Of course.”
“You know Chagar IX was a Republic penal colony for the Zapaach Sector before the Empire came?”
She dipped her head in acknowledgement. “I do.”
“Then you know that prisoners interbred. A hundred different species for a hundred generations.” He straightened in his saddle. “I’m not entirely human, ma’am.”
Lylla arched a brow. “I see. You don’t want to call attention.”
“That doesn’t matter to me. My helmet is my face, my armor is my skin. I’m an Imperial stormtrooper, that’s it. Don’t need to be anyone or anything else.” He blew a breath. “Haven’t seen my own face in years.”
“Not even to shave?”
“I don’t grow hair, so don’t need to.” 
Kreel turned at her coquettish laugh to see her hand slide under her cowl, fetching a lock of her scarlet hair. When she pulled it out, it went past her shoulder. “Consider yourself lucky, Sergeant.” She laughed again, a giggle and a growl all rolled into one.
A bead of sweat dripped under his helmet. He knew flirting when he saw it, and this woman was a master. She’s testing you, idiot,  he growled in his head. Don’t kriff this up.
She pinched a tiny frown as she examined the lock. “Hmm. Doesn’t usually grow this fast.”
“Must be this planet,” he grunted, shifting again in his saddle, looking off at the rusted cliffs to his right. “Like you said, it’s affecting us.” He paused, and cracked his neck with a jerk. “It’s affecting me.”.  
"You are referring to your sexual desire for me, which has only intensified since we landed," Lylla stated bluntly. Kreel snapped his head back to her and went completely stiff. Her smirk widened into a grin. “You’re not exactly subtle about it, Sergeant.” 
Kreel felt like a Gundark just kicked him in the chest. “Baroness...” A rush of breath came from his vocoder as he looked away. His heart pounded in his ears.
But then, Lylla chuckled. “It’s the planet, like you said. I’m not offended.” She tossed a wave. “Besides, I know I’ve intrigued you these last weeks.” She locked eyes with him again. “I was a pleasure slave, Sergeant. I can read men like a star chart. I’m fully aware of how beautiful I am. You think I don’t still use it?” But the grin faded as her eyes grew dark. “It’s what kept me alive for so long.”
“Saw a lot of pleasure slaves, both on Chagar IX and Nar Shaddaa,” Kreel blurted quietly. “They were beautiful too. Never met one who made it past the age of twenty-five.” Lylla slit her eyes into an icy glare. He shook his head. “What I mean is… You’re different. They weren’t smart like you. They never learned how to play the game to survive. They never got good at what they were. That’s how you come out alive. That’s why you survived the skin trade, and I survived the fighting pits.”
Lylla defrosted her glare on the Sergeant. “We have much in common, don’t we? We both got good. For you it was killing, for me it was kriffing.” 
“We were both child soldiers, Baroness. Just in different kriffed-up  divisions.” 
She stared at him for a moment. “I’ve never heard it put quite like that before.”
Silence hung between them before Kreel stiffened to attention in his saddle and looked forward. “I beg your forgiveness for… these urges.” He took a deep breath. “When you inform Lord Vader, I will gladly accept my punishment.” But when he looked her way, the Baroness wore an expression of amused chagrin.
“I told you Sergeant,” she said, “this conversation is completely confidential. I won’t tell Lord Vader a thing.” Her voice darkened after a pause. “Unless, of course, you give me reason to.” 
She needn’t say more. The scowl that seethed from under her cowl told him everything. He’d seen that look before, in the eyes of the slave-warriors he’d been forced to fight in the pits.  
Touch me, and I will utterly destroy you.
Drawing his huge shoulders back, Kreel reached into his pouch. “Baroness, you are my commander and, in time, my Empress. I will never betray you nor Lord Vader in that way or any other. I swear this to you.” He pulled out his lightsaber, turned the grip around and held it out to her. “If I even look at you wrong from here on out,” he said, his voice low and severe, “You can run this through my chest.” 
Lylla drew back in her saddle, mouth dropped open. A truth effervesced in her mind, one that until this moment was still just a plan in motion, a reality that hadn’t fully manifested yet. But here it was, now and very real, astride a beast and offering her his life. 
A warrior swearing fealty to his queen. 
Lylla found her breath again and collected some composure. Now it was her avoiding Kreel’s gaze. “Well then, I’m glad we have an understanding.” She cleared her throat, irritated at its abrupt dehydration. She grasped her canteen once again and brought it to her lips. “You may put that away now. I don’t even know how to turn it on.” And took several long, tight swigs.
Kreel drew his lightsaber back, puzzled by the Baroness’s sudden fluster. “As you wish, ma’am.” 
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legobiwan · 6 years
A week or two ago, this post was going around. The TCW plot generator CRACK ideas were WONDERFUL and RIDICULOUS and WEIRD and for some reason I felt compelled to challenge myself to write one. 
I am almost as sorry for subjecting you guys to this as I am for subjecting myself to writing it. But a challenge is a challenge, even if it is stupidly self-imposed. 
So without further adooodoo----
“Jar Jar Binks is a baker and Eeth Koth is a scientist. They are facing an intimate encounter with a tentacle-limbed life form on Chandrila. Optional plot: They are falling in or out of love.“
It was a pity, really.
Eeth Koth, stone-faced scientist of Iridonia, a planet known for raising disciplined minds capable of tolerating the greatest physical suffering…
…had been reduced to this.
Oh, sure it had begun as a mere dalliance. A hidden peck outside the ‘fresher. A taste in the alley outside his lab.
Perhaps even a stolen bite in a back closet after lunch.
It hadn’t been enough, though, the casual exchange flowering into something beyond the Iridonian’s steely control.
“But yousa liked my buns before!” came the plaintive cry of the culprit, his dealer in dopamine, his co-conspirator in comfort.
Once a week had soon become once a day, and then even more, two, even three times in an afternoon. It was an obsession, an addiction, and his scientist brain chastised him for the irrationality of it all, even as he dreamed of the next time, of the future, long and hazy in its optimism.
The ballads of Alderaan were now as clear as solutions, the poetry of the Snivvians replete with meaning.
Eeth Koth had fallen in love.
With Jar Jar Binks…
…’s baking.
The Gungan himself was beyond intolerable, tripping over his own feet (and accidentally letting loose a few extra pastries which Eeth carefully pocketed), wandering into what should have been high-security areas (where he was always happy to sell his wares), and announcing his presence in the research facility’s cantina with an unmistakable bleat (oh, but how would Eeth have known he even existed, if not for those commanding, albeit warbling tones?)
Still, it was time to put an end to this. Especially as the Gungan had started to interpret Eeth’s passion for his baking as…passion for something else.
Baked goods had started to appear outside of Eeth’s lab. A tray of cream horns. A pile of breadsticks. A quick perusal of Gungan culture on the holonet proved his worst suspicions.
Binks was pursuing Koth in the Gungan tradition.
Which apparently involved a lot of chasing. Something to do with their ancestors’ flight to the sea millions of years ago.
The  day a crate of dough balls - one million of them , to be precise - had appeared in his lab, Eeeth knew something had to be done.
And so he did what every proud member of the Iridonian race would do.
He requested a transfer to investigate the biological attack on Hanna City on Chandrilla.
For a few short weeks, everything was back to normal. Eeth took readings, scraped residue from the remains of buildings, and willed himself to forget the whole baked goods debacle on Coruscant. Near the end of his third week on assignment, he traveled to the shoreline, to the edge of the Silver Sea.
Which was not looking so silver anymore.
The normally iridescent body of water had turned pale and dull, undulating in wide, grotesque waves. Curiosity won out over self-preservation, and Eeth inched forward, poking a gloved finger into the mass.
He was not prepared for it to reach up with long, sinewy limbs and…
His cheek was wet, a trail of slime running from his eye to the base of his neck.
The sea, whatever strange being it had transformed into - had caressed his cheek.
It was incredible.
And dangerous, he reminded himself sternly.
But like all scientists, Eeth housed the embers of childlike wonder at something new inside of him, and this was an extraordinary display of evolution. To encounter a creature that evidenced this level of sentience warranted much further investigation and he should get a team and -
A starchy limb encircled his leg, worming its way up his inner thigh and past his belt buckle and suddenly Eeth was not feeling so enthusiastic about scientific research, batting away the offending arm. But just as he did, another on his left tried again, and a third trying to…
“Damn this thing and its lascivious advances!” he yells, and that’s when he hears it. All the fight goes out of him and Eeth just groans and takes one hand to his forehead, only to wrench it back to his waist as the sentient pastry makes another pass at him.
“Yoo-hoo! Mista Koooth!” a voice sings, its source wading towards him through the sticky, glutinous mass.
“Jar Jar! What are you doing here! This a restricted area, there’s been a biological attack and - “
“Mista Koooooth! I knooooow!”
Eeth stilled.
“What? Jar Jar you didn’t - “
He wouldn’t.  Right? Eeth’s heart trilled. There was infatuation, and then there was biological warfare via baked goods for unrequited lust and not even the displaced Gungan would go so far -
“Mista Koth!” Jar Jar waved a finger as another tentacle rose from the mass of dough wrapped itself around Eeth’s waist.
“Jar Jar - get back you damned thing!” The tentacles were multiplying, encircling the scientist in a warm embrace. Eeth pulled and pushed, but there was no give and he was stuck with a salacious biscuit while Jar Jar stood beaming at him and so help him if he got free -
“A Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit!”
“Mista Koth, yousa don’t knows the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit? It was on the holo shows.”
Oh no. He did know what they were, they had showed up in several research journals. The amazing self-perpetuating breakfast food that devoured its chef. A feat of biology. And now it was here on Chandrila, and Eeth Koth, respected scientist, master of his craft - he was going to be eaten by a sentient, tentacled, horny kriffing pastry.
Something warm grabbed at his chest. Eeth yelped, heat racing to his cheeks.
“Jar Jar! Tell me you have the sauce.”
The only thing capable of halting the growth of the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit was blue sauce, which, was the only condiment served with the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit.
It was also probably the only mandatory condiment in the entire galaxy.
The Gungan fished through his pockets, loose change, a few spoons, and even a jar of insects falling into the swelling mass. Eeth shut his eyes, imagining what his colleagues might say at his funeral, or worse, what awful headlines the holonet reporters would come up with.
Dead by Dough.
Pulverized by a Pastry.
Lascivious Lattice Leaves Lab Scientist Leavened.
“Here we are!”
With a sweeping motion, the Gungan spilled the sauce on surface, blue creeping into the pores of the dough. The mass came to a halt, emitting a loud hiss as the entire thing deflated, sinking into the water without further incident.
Eeth stood and brushed himself off - powder and crumbs fell from the folds of his clothing and he can feel the granules of dough in his shoes, down his shirt, and his pants. It is like sand - rough, coarse and getting everywhere.
He coughed to cover his embarrassment.
“What yousa think of that, Mista Koth?”
Eeth fixed the Gungan with a glare.
“Jar Jar. No more pastries.”
“Not evens a bun?”
“Not even a bun.”
“But yousa liked my buns before!”
Eeth sighed and trudged towards the shore, leaving a bewildered Jar Jar in his wake.
Back at the compound, Eeth locked the door to his quarters. The smell of dough and yeast had followed him for weeks, and not even the strongest cologne could rid the offending odor from his senses. After the incident, he quickly wrapped up his investigation on Chandrila, returning to Coruscant with a tersely-worded report and a number of strong words for his more inquisitive colleagues.
He glanced behind his shoulder, making certain that he was alone. Eeth entered a code on a nearby panel, and a door clicked open. He reached into the secret closet, napkin around his hand.
A satisfying crunch echoed in the chamber and the scientist moaned in pleasure.
One of the advantages of being a senior researcher was the ability to sneak field samples back from investigation sites.
Even if they were tentacled Gungan desserts.  
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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Here we have a handful of shots that in all honesty, I just didn’t know what else to do with, so:
From left to right; Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, Shaak Ti/Adi Gallia & Kit Fisto, as well as a couple of comparison shots of the Shaak Ti & my own personal Obi Arena Saber, from Episode II. 
Side note: I’m still working on the Kit Fisto, but rest assured that I will post more when it’s finally ready. It’s an absolute work of art, and the chassis is really something special, so be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks. 
Shifting gears a bit, I’d like to share a couple of things that I’ve recently experienced, as a result of my work as a sabersmith. 
Right after I first started building sabers, my best friend and I decided to both go in on a Graflex for one of our old high school teachers. He was (and continues to be) a huge inspiration to both of us, so it only seemed appropriate to build him a lightsaber. Early last year, he approached me with it in need of some cosmetic repairs. As luck would have it, I happened to have a spare Proffieboard lying around, so I did a full reinstall as a kind of house warming present.
Cut to me surprising him with it and he was like a kid on Christmas morning. To bring someone such joy in any way is a real treat. To top the whole thing off, over the holidays he told me that he was really grateful for the saber because back when he first saw the OT, he initially got really depressed afterwards because he never thought he would own a lightsaber. 
He thanked me for making that dream a reality. *cries*
On a less personal level, the Mace Windu saber has likely found its way to the new owner. Specifically, a teacher at an underprivileged school, where it will be on display for the next month as a teaching tool for a group of kids, while they build their very own first lightsabers. 
In short, a group of kids will be using one of my sabers as inspiration for their own. How crazy is that? I’ve said it before about certain other things, but this really is the greatest kriffing pleasure. 
All this is to say that it made me realize that even though my job is essentially that of an up-jumped toy maker, it really does bring joy and positivity to the world, no matter how small. I’ve had a series of bad mental health days here recently, so I thought I would share just in case anyone else out there needs some positivity - future me, included. 
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jerryb2 · 4 years
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This is the greatest kriffing pleasure.
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vaderssidechick · 5 years
FIC SNIPPET: Dark Angel: Dathomir, Chapter II
It’s goin’ slow folks, but thought I’d drop a snip from the next chapter of Dark Angel: Dathomir. 
Characters: Sergeant Kreel, Baroness Lylla Sa’thraxxx (OFC)
Series can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/762363
Kreel glanced her way, and nodded. “Affirmative.” He looked out on the barren red waste before them as he weighed a question. “Baroness,” he began quietly, “when you say this planet is a conduit for the Force… you mean the Dark Side, don’t you?”
She turned, surprise gaping her lips. "You know about the split in the Force, the Light and the Dark?"
Kreel nodded. "Grakka the Hutt collected Jedi artifacts--”
“Like the one you carry in that pouch on your belt,” Lylla interjected. She met Kreel’s stare. “I saw you palm it in the hangar when I startled you. What is it?”
“It’s a lightsaber, ma’am,” Kreel answered, touching the pouch once more.
She drew back in her saddle. “And you know how to use it?”
“Lord Vader showed me a few moves, yes.”
“Did he?” She cocked an eyebrow. The Might of the Empire deemed this Force-blind stormtrooper worthy enough to train with a lightsaber? Interesting. She gestured lightly. “Continue.”
“I read some things, about the Jedi, their interpretation of the Force, both the Light and the Dark. ‘Love all life, no matter what’. Even if that ‘life’ is murdering your family in front of you." Lylla noted the way his fist tightened around the reins. "Pretty words, and utter shavit. That's not how the universe works.” He tapped that fist on his armored thigh with every word. “Order. Strength. And the will to do what needs to be done. That's what keeps the peace, that's what brings security. Lord Vader understands that. If he uses the Dark Side of the Force to make it happen for this shit galaxy, I doesn’t bother me one bit."
Lylla settled back in her saddle, eyeing him intently. "Tell me your opinion of Lord Vader, Sergeant.” She cracked a smile when Kreel peered at her through his lenses. “I assure you, this conversation is confidential. The tac-net is muted. You are safe."
He stared at her a few more seconds, measuring her intent, before he conceded, "He is the greatest warrior I've ever known, Baroness. I don't just mean as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces. I mean on the ground, in the mess, fighting beside us. Your platoon deploys with Lord Vader, you know you're coming home alive that day. He fights like an AT-AT and fears nothing.”
"How does he treat his men?” she asked, genuinely curious. “The troops I mean.”
Kreel hesitated for a moment before he huffed a chuckle. "He positively dotes on us, ma'am. I mean, in his own way.”
She chuckled. "I understand. Perfectly."
“He’s got no respect for those pinky-lifting Prefsbelt boys in the officers’ corps, who call a battle from cushioned seats and bellies full of real food. Well, Piett maybe, but he’s a Rimworlder who’s seen some action, like me.” He cocked his helmet toward her. “Like you.” Lylla smirked. Kreel continued. “Lord Vader is demanding, but he expects excellence and inspires us to achieve it." He blew a sigh. “When the Garscon system went public in their support for Lord Vader as the Emperor’s legal heir, he granted every troop in the 501st a reenlistment bonus of five years pay. Tax free, right into the every troops’ account. And doubled our pensions and death benefits to the families. That’s almost a million credits per troop.” He snorted. “Pissed the officers’ corps off to no end, which made it even sweeter. Hell, we had nothing to do with the Garsconi Allegiance, but he did it anyway.”
“Really?” Vader had taken the tithe she’d manipulated from the King and Queen of Garscon and awarded it to the 501st?  She huffed an incredulous breath. “And he says he’s not a politician.”
“I needn’t tell you that his actions weren’t out of benevolence, do I? He was ensuring the 501st’s loyalty.”
Kreel shrugged. “It worked. Every troop in Vader’s Fist signed back up. We make it out of the corps alive, we’re set for life. We don’t, families don’t sell their kids to feed their other kids. A good life for us, and a good death too. Not like the fucking Republic did to their clones.”
“Do you think he’ll make a good Emperor, Sergeant Kreel?” Kreel slowly turned to meet Lylla’s cold stare. “Be truthful. Do not tell me what you think I want to hear.”
“As far as I’m concerned ma’am, he already is,” Kreel answered, lowly yet firmly. “Lord Vader isn’t just a man. He’s the symbol of the Empire and everything it stands for. And...with a woman like you at his side, I have no doubt that he will raise the Empire to even greater glory and prosperity.” He held her cowl-shrouded white stare before he jerked his attention forward. “I just hope I’m around to see that day come.”
But Lylla never broke hers on him. She allowed a few moments to pass before it was time to finally get this out in the open. “And what do you plan on doing with that bonus when you leave, Sergeant? Settle down? Make little Kreels?”
Kreel huffed. “Don’t plan on leaving the Corps on my feet, Baroness. No better death than dying in the name of the Empire. But by the Force-damned chance that I might…” He shook his head. “No. That ain’t me.”
“You sure about that? A powerful…” She took a long breath, “virile man like you leading a life of celibacy? Sounds downright Jedi.” A beat. “What a waste.”
She’d done something with her voice, woven it into a silken purr that seeped into his ear and curled around his neck like a loth kitt. Kreel slowly turned her way, right into the trap of her white eyes. Even under the shadow of her cowl, he saw her pupils blow wide under her black lashes, and the subtlest curve in her moist lips caused his breath to hitch. He couldn’t count how many nubile pleasure-slave bodies he had seen in his lifetime, all of which would cause any groin to twitch. But they paled in comparison to the sultry look this creature was giving him now.
Lylla canted her head. “May I ask you a question, Sergeant?”
“Of course, Baroness,” he said through a throat that had gone suddenly dry.
“Why don’t you ever take your helmet off?” She gave a lilting shrug. “I’ve seen all of SCAR’s faces, but never yours. Why is that?”
“I take it off to eat and sleep. And then only sometimes,” he answered quickly.
“I didn’t ask when you take it off. I asked why you don’t.”
That sniper-scope glare of hers told him she wasn’t about to let up. Kreel sighed. “Very well, Baroness. You know I’m from Chagar IX.”
“Of course.”
“And you know Chagar IX was a Republic penal colony for the Zapaach Sector before the Empire came?”
She dipped her head in acknowledgement. “I do.”
“Then you know that… prisoners interbred. A hundred different races for a hundred generations.” He straightened in his saddle. “I’m not entirely human, ma’am.”
Lylla arched a brow. “I see. You don’t want to call attention.”
“That doesn’t matter to me. My helmet is my face, my armor is my skin. I’m an Imperial stormtrooper, that’s it. Don’t need to be anyone or anything else.” He blew a breath. “Haven’t seen my own face in years.”
“Not even to shave?”
“I don’t grow hair, so don’t need to.”
Lylla barked a laugh. Kreel turned to see her slide her hand under her cowl to fetch a lock of her scarlet hair. When she pulled it out, it had grown past her shoulder. “Consider yourself lucky, Sergeant.” She laughed again, a giggle and a growl all rolled into one.
A bead of sweat dripped under his helmet. He’d never been good with intimacy-- it got you and them killed. But he knew flirting when he saw it. She’s testing you, he growled in his head. Don’t kriff this up.
She pinched a tiny frown as she examined the lock. “Hmm. Doesn’t usually grow this fast.”
“Must be this planet,” he grunted, shifting again in his saddle, looking off at the rusted cliffs to his right. “Like you said, it’s affecting us.” He cracked his neck with a jerk. “It’s affecting me.”.  
"You are referring to your sexual attraction to me, which has only intensified since we landed," Lylla stated bluntly. Kreel snapped his head back to her and went completely stiff. Her smirk widened into a grin. “You’re not exactly subtle about it, Sergeant.”
Kreel felt like a Gundark just kicked him in the chest. “Baroness...” A rush of breath came from his vocoder as he looked away. His heart pounded in his ears.
“It’s the planet, like you said. I’m not offended.” But then, Lylla laughed again. And tossed a wave of her hand. “Besides, I am fully aware of how beautiful I am.” The grin faded as her eyes grew dark. “It’s what kept me alive for so long.”
“No. You’re different,” Kreel blurted quietly. “Saw a lot of pleasure slaves, both on Chagar IX and Nar Shaddaa. They were beautiful too. Never met one who made it past the age of twenty-five.” Lylla slit her eyes into an icy glare. He shook his head. “What I mean is… they weren’t smart like you. They never learned how to play the game to survive. They never got good at what they were. That’s how you come out alive. That’s why you survived the skin trade, and I survived the fighting pits.”
Lylla softened her hard stare on the Sergeant. “We have much in common, don’t we? We both got good. For you it was killing, for me it was kriffing.”
Lylla just laughed again, quietly and genuinely. But Kreel stiffened to attention in his saddle, facing stoically forward. “Baroness, you are my commander and will someday be my Empress. I beg your forgiveness.” He took a deep breath. “When you inform Lord Vader, I will accept my punishment.”
Lylla scoffed, striking a look of mild incredulity. “I told you Sergeant, this conversation is completely confidential. I won’t tell Lord Vader a thing.” But then all traces of girlish seduction hardened into a dangerous glare under her cowl. “Unless, of course, you give me reason to.”
She needn’t say more. That look told him everything. I am the Dragon. I am beyond anything you could ever dream to have. I am untouchable.
Drawing his huge shoulders back, Kreel reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out his lightsaber. He turned the butt toward Lylla. “If I even look at you wrong from here on out,” he said, his voice low and severe, “You run this through my chest.” He held it out to her. “I will never betray you that way, Baroness Sa’thraxxx. I swear this to you.”
Lylla drew back in her saddle, eyes wide, lips dropped open. A truth webbed across her mind, one that until this moment was merely a dream for victory, an abstract prize that could still be years away. But here it was, now and very real, astride a beast and offering her his saber.
A warrior swearing fealty to a queen.
Moments passed before Lylla found her breath again and collected herself into a very practiced composure. “Well then, I’m glad we have an understanding.” She cleared her throat, irritated at its sudden dehydration. She grasped her canteen once again and brought it to her lips. Now it was her avoiding his gaze. “You may put that away now. I don’t even know how to turn it on.”
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