#Weasley x Reader
eunoiaflow3r · 1 year
mine - ron weasley x reader
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requests open
warning(s): language, smut
word count: 1.9k
request(ed): fic where you saw ron and Hermione getting too close so you got mad and he was angry at you and gave you a punishment + Can you do anthor ron fic where the reader got jelly because she saw hermione and ron get close so she ignores him and he gets angry and puts her in her palce
summary: Y/N gets jealous and Ron has his way of reassuring her…characters 17+
You weren’t even the one to notice it at first. Luna was at your side while you two studied on the lawn. There was a quiz in herbology and you desperately needed her help.
“They seem quite close.” Luna comments. You follow her eyes across the way to see Ron leaning against a pillar and Hermione in front of him holding her books and laughing at a joke he undoubtedly told. He smiled brightly and you watched as she leant out her arm to touch his.
Your heart kind of dropped but then you reminded yourself that they were friends. Just friends, and you didn’t need to worry.
At dinner you sat next to him and he pressed a kiss to your cheek and had his hand on your thigh as you two ate. You talked about your day and everything was pretty normal and you forgot what happened earlier - it became irrelevant, until the next day.
You didn’t see Ron at breakfast…or Hermione. Harry told you that they were in the hall studying for his test and normally it wouldn’t bother you except for the visuals you had of them yesterday. You trusted the both of them, sure, but it didn’t stop an insecurity from growing. You aren’t the type to compare yourself to another girl, but you can admit that his recent actions are hitting some kind of nerve.
“Hello Y/N!”
“Hi Y/N!”
Fred and George came over so that you were sat in the middle of them. You were on the couch in the Gryffindor common room writing a letter to your parents.
“Hey George, Fred. What are you guys up to?”
“Bored.” Fred answers.
“Are you doing anything interesting ?” George asks.
“Just writing.” You say.
You talk to them for a while until you all looked towards the portrait as it opened. You heard giggling and waited to see who would come out - Ron and Hermione. They both carried snacks and shared a bag of crisps.
“Hmmm.” Fred hummed.
“Hmmm indeed. They look cozy.” George whispered.
They both got up at the same time and rubbed Ron’s head as they left - probably to cause trouble somewhere. Hermione waved to you before going into her room, and Ron sat in the seat next to you, offering his crisps. You decline and feel yourself become stiff.
“Missed you today.” he says, going in to kiss your neck.
You move slightly so he doesn’t get the chance. “Where were you?”
He looks confused for a second at your movement but doesn’t comment. “With Hermione…and Harry. I’m sorry I’ve been distracted today.”
You hum. “Okay. I’m going to bed.”
“Already? It’s not even late yet.”
“I’m tired Ronald. Goodnight.”
You never called him by his full name but you must admit you were irritated. Yes he’s allowed to spend time with his friends, he doesn’t have to be around you 24/7…but them being so close just made you feel weird.
The next morning you woke up late…barely slept - tossing and turning thinking about Ron and Hermione. It made you sick to your stomach how seeing the two of them made you feel. And how could you even say anything? You would seem like a bad girlfriend if you brought it up. So you wouldn’t.
When you arrived at breakfast you saw Hermione next to Ron and Harry across from Ron. Hermione was stealing food off of Ron’s plate and he would pinch her every time she tried causing her to giggle. You couldn’t watch. It just seemed so flirty to you and you couldn’t stand it.
You decided to sit next to Blaise, as you haven’t caught up with him in a while. Yes he was friends with Draco and Pansy, sworn enemies to your friends but Blaise didn’t care about any of that. You two have been close since childhood. You told him what was troubling you (quiet enough so that Draco and Pansy couldn’t hear) and he told you that your feelings were valid. That Ron seemed good enough but his actions can definitely seem off putting.
Across the hall Ron watched as you sat next to Blaise and began to talk. He was aware of yours and his relationship but he didn’t understand why you’d rather sit next to Blaise than him. He was also confused as to why you were late to breakfast and short with him last night. It wasn’t until he saw Blaise whisper something into your ear that made you giggle that made him angry.
“Why is Y/N sitting over there?” Ron asked no one in particular.
Harry turned and saw and so did Hermione.
“That’s strange,” she commented. “I haven’t seen her much at all these past few days actually do you think she’s been with him?”
Ron didn’t like that comment. He wasn’t jealous, no, but it did irk him a bit. He’s been with Hermione and Harry…does that mean she’s been with Blaise?
When he saw you in the hall a few hours later he tried coming up and talking to you but you just gave him a quick look and walked away. That pissed him off. Now he realized what you were doing was intentional. He just couldn’t figure out why.
It happened again during your last class which you conveniently had together - you avoided him. Made sure that you always seemed to be busy in conversation with someone else so that he would look like the asshole if he interrupted. You were being coy and he knew it.
You had managed to ignore Ron all day. That was Blaise’a advice. Yes, it was petty, but you were mad. Give him a taste of his own medicine. It hurt because you missed him, and you thought about how this might push Ron towards Hermione more but if Ron didn’t notice your absence then you shouldn’t be together.
You sat in the common room, playing a game with Luna when Ron made his way over.
He leans down so that his lips are next to your ear.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You roll your eyes.
“And so what if I have? Didn’t think you’d notice anyway.”
He clenched his jaw and didn’t say anything for a moment. You got nervous but continued your game.
“C’mon, let’s go.”
“I’m playing this -“
And that’s all it took. You followed him into his room and watched as he cast a spell to lock the door. You took a seat on his bed and watched as he took his robes off and began loosening his tie.
“So what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” You say.
“Don’t say that. I know it’s something, don’t lie to me.”
You cross your arms and stare at the floor.
“If you can hang out with your…friend…Then I should be able to hang out with mine, right?”
Ron took a moment to thing as he leaned against his dresser so that he was sitting on it. Then it clicked for him. Hermione. Blaise.
He grinned, but you could tell he wasn’t happy.
“So, you see Hermione and I together, and instead of communicating your feelings, you decide to make me jealous and angry by hanging out and flirting with Blaise?”
“I wasn’t trying to - wasn’t trying to make you jealous. I went to him for advice.”
He shakes his head. “What I’m hearing is you don’t trust me. Don’t trust me enough be loyal and respect your, our, boundaries.
I don’t want anyone but you, and I thought we were on the same page. I love you. Don’t want anyone but you, wouldn’t even dare look at anyone else the way I look at you. You should feel comfortable enough to talk to me when you’re feeling some kind of way.”
You were silent. He was right. You should have just talked to him. He would have understood.
“I’m sorry.” You say.
He nods towards his bed. “Undress please.” he comes closer as you do. “Obviously I have to show you to trust me.”
You have to admit, you were excited, but nervous.
He moves you up so that your head was on his pillows and he was in between your legs. He leans down so that his lips were right above yours and waits until you make the first move. You lift your chin up and he kisses you, hard, and passionately. His hand makes his way up to your neck and squeezes gently which makes you moan into his mouth. When he takes his hand away you whine until he pulls away and pulls your arms so that they’re above your head.
He removes his tie and ties your wrists to the headboard.
“Ron, please…”
He knew you loved to touch. Loved your fingers in his hair or on his back, around his neck. He was taking that privilege away and kissing down your neck. He took a moment to take one of your nipples into his mouth while he massaged the other. When he was done, he switched sides until finally he was ready to leave more wet kisses down your body.
When he got to just below your belly button he took his thumb to rub at your clit. You moaned and tried to pull your arms away from the headboard. You wanted to touch, so bad.
“Ron, oh God.” You whined.
He kept rubbing as he back up so that he was on his stomach, arms positioned under your legs, hands on your breasts, and face near your heat.
He leans down and licks a stripe up until he gets to your clit - there he sucks until your moans turn into pleads.
You try to close your legs or move but he holds them apart as he continues the pressure against your clit. He brings his middle and ring finger to your mouth and tells you to suck while he starts to flick his tongue against you. Once he’s satisfied he brings his fingers down to gently press against your entrance.
Ron puts one finger in and you moan.
“Ron! Please, please, please, more.”
“You think you deserve more baby?” He moans into you. “Think your pussy deserves to cum tonight?”
Your whine is nearly a cry. You’re just wishing and hoping he adds another finger.
“Tell me who I belong to Y/N. Let me hear you say it.”
“Mmmm. You belong to me Ron please, more.”
“I belong to you hmmm? Say it louder, I wanna believe it.”
“Fuck, Ron, You’re mine Ron please, please, please.”
He adds another finger, and continues a steady rhythm while pressing kisses to the insides of your thighs.
“And you belong to me baby. You’re all mine, and you’re gonna gonna cum on my fingers, okay? Want you to cum for me, can you do that?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes please Ron I wanna cum for you.”
He brings his tongue back to your pussy and begins licking your clit fast while pushing his fingers in and out of you curving them slightly as to hit your g-spot.
“I’m close Ron, fuck! I’m close, I’m close, I’m close.”
Ron practically grins against your pussy and goes faster.
“You’re close? Cum for me baby. Cum for Daddy, wanna taste you on my tongue.”
He continues and you fight against the restraint as you moan loudly and cum. Your fingernails were dug into your palms and there were nearly tears in your eyes. You felt so good. He made you feel so good.
He got up so that he could untie you.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was anyone’s but yours. No one can ever compare to you. You’re forever mine, and I’m eternally yours.”
The End😭 Goodnight y’all. I suck at endings.
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How do you guys do the different fonts, symbols and colors?
I understand people will message me or leave notes saying, "Gurl, how do you not know?"
I am genuinely curious, though. My aesthetic is definitely moons, stars, and varying shades of green and yellow. I would love to implement that more in my stories and posts.
The Tumblr gurus, please assist me in figuring this out. I will be forever thankful!
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ginevrapng · 1 year
pairing: george weasley x reader, ron weasley x reader
word count: 3.0k words
contents: swearing, a couple suggestive comments, reader wears a bikini at one point, chubby-coded reader, drinking, percy (he deserves a warning), reader not specified what hogwarts house they were in, no use of y/n, british idioms, phrases and slang words
a/n: this was originally a one-shot about george but as i kept writing i decided i wanted it to be a short series that also included ron and the possibility that the reader may up with him. this isn't a love triangle fic! there is no triangle!
summary: you're an honorary member of the weasley family and have been for years, you're one of ron's best friends and are very close. everyone thinks and teases you both that you're dating or have feelings for each other. this muddles up things as george feels guilty about his own feelings.
<< part two | masterlist (check out my poll for this chapter)
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you became an honorary member of the weasley family when you were in your third year at hogwarts, after meeting ron and afterwards meeting his family. now you probably spend more time with the weasley's than you do your own family. when you attended hogwarts you spent the summer holidays with them. it's been years and you've formed a bond with all of them, you care about them and they care about you. little did you know george cares about you in a different way than the others do.
ginny and fred often tease you and ron asking about when your wedding will be, while you flip them off and ron tells them to "bloody fuck off." whenever you see bill he asks if ron has finally had the balls to ask you out and sometimes you even worry that molly may be planning the wedding, no matter how many times you both insist there is nothing going on between you two the weasley clan make it their goal to not listen.
"i don't know why you all bang on about us. i fancied hermione for years. we're not dating, she's not my girlfriend!" ron shouts while throwing something at fred as he easily doges it.
looking up from reading the new muggle book hermione let you borrow you say with a fake teasing scowl, "who's 'she', the cat's mother?" ron glares at you in warning to tell you to shut up causing you to laugh.
george plops himself next to you on the sofa and looks at the book you're reading. "why're you readin' in the middle of the day? you normally read at night." he asks while looking over to you, blocking your vision of the page with his head.
pushing his head away with one hand he grins. "because hermione's lending it to me. that means i only have like a week to finish it before she wants it back."
"hey!" hermione shoots you a look, causing you and george to chuckle.
the person who believes you and ron the least is george, he knows you're not a liar, you would never lie but he worries that ron wants to keep you secret and not treasure you the way you deserve to be treated. he worries that your feelings towards his younger brother are unrequited and he'll end up breaking your heart. he would never voice these feelings out loud but you're always on his mind. he does feel guilty because he knows that you likely are dating ron but that doesn't stop his heart skipping a beat every time you smile at him or his stomach fluttering with butterflies anytime you brush up against each other.
he tries his hardest not to stare at you but it's hard, especially when you decide to sit opposite him at the dinner table, it's torture. he steals glances at you when he thinks no one is looking, your cute chubby cheeks pressed against the palm of your hand while your elbow is resting on the table and you're looking entirely unimpressed with what percy said. sticking your tongue out at fred from across the table whenever he teases you for liking 'really weird food' and how you don't like 'normal' food. sneakily threatening ron when you think molly isn't looking, pretending to stab him in the eye with your fork.
the whole time he thought that no one notices how he feels about you, he should know better by now with fred around. you've seen how george looks at you too, when you want to admire him secretly but you find that he's already looking at you, causing you to quickly look away but you figure george would never look at you in any other way than his brothers annoying friend or like a younger annoying adopted sister, no matter how much you wished he'd see you as more.
sometimes you think you have a chance with him but those cases are rare and they're gone as quickly as they come.
one summer you all went down to the seaside, wanting to spend some time at the beach, while you all complained about how hot it was in the car and annoyed because not all of you could apparate yet, so you had to be boiled alive in the car. when you finally got to the beach you all changed as soon as possible, wanting to get cooler and strip off the extra layers you were all wearing.
normally you would have had some insecurity about wearing a bikini but in those recent years you'd became more comfortable in your body and you knew that none of the weasley's would judge you. and after you, ginny and hermione went shopping the week before to buy swimming costumes you were more than content with your recent purchase and happy to wear it. your costume was fairly simple, it was really cute. your stretch marks and soft stomach visible while wearing the bikini, you thought you looked rather pretty though.
you glanced up after getting changed to see harry gawking at ginny, you went up next to him and flicked his nose. "eyes up front solider." harry blushed and turned away from you both making you giggle.
you feel eyes on you and think it's likely one of the girls but looked to see george as he was marvelling you and for a second you swear he was looking up and down your body, focusing on your plush thighs. your body bursts out your chest but you worry that he isn't looking at you with fondness and instead the opposite, thinking you don't look good, that is until you saw his eyes and his dilated pupils and mouth slightly agape. if you were braver you would of said something similar to what you said to harry but alas you're not so you settle on. "georgie, are you okay?"
he snaps out of whatever he was thinking about and grins at you. "'course i am, shortcake." you have a craving for shortcake once and eat only shortcake for a 5 days and you are forever condemned to the nickname forever. at least it's better than ronniekins or weatherby you suppose. george walked up to you and for a second you thought he might just pull you closer to him and hug you, instead, it felt like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on you as he ruffles you hair and goes to get a drink from the cooler. hopes crushed.
"you look nice," ron tells you picking up a couple drinks, going to hand one to you.
"gee, thanks ronald. i might just fall in love." you roll your eyes playfully. he presses the ice cold drink against your arm causing you to yelp. he runs off before you can do the same while you swear at him.
george watches the interaction and his heart hurts, he wants to joke like that with you, he wants you to tell him you love him. he looks away and tries to clear his head. he doesn't want you to think he isn't okay.
another time while you both were still attending hogwarts george asked you if you were going to hogsmeade that weekend and you declined saying you had to study. " 'shame, i'll miss you." you spent the whole week thinking about that. he will miss you, not we will. the day everyone goes to hogsmeade you can't concentrate in the library, you try to but you can't, you had a huge essay due the following day and you'd barely begun it. instead you're rethinking what george said over and over again. you decided to pack up your things early after only an hour of studying and head to hogsmeade to meet everyone.
you were unsure of where everyone would be so you search around to see if you can spot anyone. you spotted george in the three broomsticks opposite a girl you've never seen before. you were about to walk in to talk to them until you saw them holding hands as george places a kiss on her knuckle. you froze, i guess he didn't miss me that much. you turn back around and walk straight back into the castle hoping no one sees you, luckily they didn't and they're none the wiser as you pretend you've been studying all day and george never mentioned the girl. fake smile plastered on your face as you hear them talk about their day. hopes crushed.
this pattern has been going on for years now where you think maybe he might look at you the way you look at him, every time he proves you wrong. when you get too in your head you think about how attractive he is compared to you, how you could get lost in his deep chestnut eyes and his chiselled jaw. how you want to run your hand through his pretty red flaming hair and kiss the freckles on his broad shoulders that he has from playing years of quidditch. god you want to kiss him so bad.
now though you're getting ready for the night, there was a vote and the majority dictated a muggle club, so you're all getting ready and tonight you're going all out.
"you look beautiful." you hear ron say as you walk down the stairs with harry nodding in agreement getting an amused smirk from you. ron smiles at you and you get reminded about how sweet he truly is and about how much he's grown in the last few years, especially when you think back at the disaster of the yule ball when he was still hung up on hermione and treating padma patil like shit. maybe in another life you and ron would of been together.
"aw, thanks ronald. be careful though, i might think you do actually want to date me," you tease.
"piss off." he mumbles and you swear you see a light blush causing you to chuckle. you hook your arm around his and wait for the stragglers (i.e hermione who is still doing her hair.)
when you walked down those stairs george forgot how to breath. you looked absolutely stunning with your dress accentuating your curves, clinging to your body in all the right ways and your hair framing your face. george couldn't look away you. wide hips he wanted to grab and hold on to and thick thighs that he wanted to feel wrapped around him. your pretty eyes gazing at ron, pissing him off. george's mood switched up quickly after that, body tense and jaw clenched as he sees you chuckle at whatever ron stupidly said. his eyes hardened stare when he watches you hold onto his arm.
the whole night he doesn't take his eyes off you as you dance and drink and sing along to the muggle songs you recognise. everyone notices, you notice, ginny notices, hermione notices, even oblivious ron and harry notice it. george gets teased most of the night about it, especially by fred, who whenever comes over to get another drink after dancing with a group of girls calls him "loverboy" and an "idiot, jealous, fool."
he knows that you must know that he's watching you no matter how many drinks you've had you must be able to tell, and you do but you assume it's something like last time and you don't want him to do something like ruffle up your hair again, especially when you've spent so long doing it. you don't want to ask him and realise that he's judging your outfit or that he doesn't think you're pretty enough to stand and dance with the rest of you. you don't want to know what he's thinking this time. your hopes on his feelings towards you were crushed long ago after multiple events so you do you best to ignore him, knowing that eventually some gorgeous girl will get his attention, little do you know that you already have that.
so you dance the night away, ron spinning you in his arms while he complains that if you keep drinking at this rate he'll have to carry you home.
ron moves your hair to the side over on one shoulder so you can hear him better as he talks into your ear and pressing your soft frame against his. "s' you gonna tell me why george is looking at you like." he spins you around again.
"honestly, ' no idea. tryin' not to think about it. just want to dance with you."
"i can definitely do that." he grins as you carry on dancing and swaying together.
george didn't think he get more angry, that was until he saw ron brush your hair away from you and whisper in your ear. he thinks you're both incredibly too close together, he knows he has no right to be angry. he thinks there is something going on between you two but that doesn't mean it doesn't boil his blood to see you two all over each other.
"gonna go get us more drinks 'kay? you want the same?" ron gently takes his hands of your waist and asks you.
"yes please ronnie." you reply, slightly stumbling without ron behind you to balance you.
ron watching this, smirks. "i'll be right back. don't fall over 'right. after this one you'll be drinking water." you stick your tongue out in response causing ron's smirk to widen.
george watches ron make his way to the bar and he considers going up to talk to you, to compliment you, to spend time with you while everyone else is busy, you've barely spoken together all day. the decision is made for him and stopped as harry comes up to talk to him and he sees ginny and hermione make their way over towards you.
when he looks over to see you again you're dancing with the girls and singing to a song he's never heard of before, he wonders if ron's heard it, if you've showed it to him before. if you like it so much you're singing it at the top of your lungs, you must really like it, probably enough to show ron. george isn't listening to a word harry is saying but he can't stop the grin that appears on his face, watching you jump and dance and sing. 'if you wanna be my lover. you gotta get with my friends.' his grin disappear as he see's ron behind you with two drinks in hand finishing of the lyric with you, "make it last forever. friendship never ends." you wrap your arms around his neck after spotting him, slightly spilling both of the drinks and take your one.
the night ends a couple of hours later, you slightly sobered up, tipsy instead of drunk, with ron sticking to his guns and only letting you have water. near the end of the night you end up leaving the dance floor exhausted from the dancing and pulling ron with you knowing that the only reason he was still on the dance floor was because he didn't want to leave you on your own while you were drunk in case anything happened to you. leaning on his shoulder and softly singing the songs you know you cuddle up to him. he pulls you both back on the booth so you're comfier and wraps his arm around your waist.
you both sit in comfortable silence as you watch everyone, at the same time spotting harry trying to hopelessly flirt with a girl that looks like a carbon copy of ginny causing you to laugh. "i had no idea ginny had a twin." you joked making ron burst out laughing. you pull on his shirt to get his attention, "love you ron." kissing your forehead he tells you he loves you too.
weirdly enough harry ended up the drunkest out of all of you, normally the drunkest title gets handed to you or ginny. tonight the title was handed to harry with george and ron staying the most sober.
trying to stumble into the burrow as quietly as possible was a harder feat than you thought, fred chuckling at your attempt to try not to trip over anything. "fuck off." you tell him, louder than you probably should have but lacking volume control due to the alcohol.
you make your way up the stairs with the help from ron and begin to walk into ron's room. "what'cha doing? you stay in ginny's room remember." he stops you from moving any further.
"but i want cuddles ronnie!" you whine in your drunken state. harry hearing this laughs uncontrollably at the scene of you trying to slip out of ron's hold to get into his room.
"shut up harry." ron hisses trying to deal with his two of his drunk best friends. "bed. now. we'll cuddle tomorrow."
"promise." you hold out your pinky finger for him to take.
he takes your finger, "promise. get some sleep."
"mm, 'kay. night harry!" you quietly call behind ron say in a sing song voice before ron shushes you. "night ronald." both harry and ron wishes you goodnight and you turn to tiptoe into ginny's room.
that's when you see george still on the stairs, watching you. for the first time tonight you've looked at him and he realises that absolutely anything could happen yet if you'd look at him like you are now then everything would be okay. george clears his throat and goes to say goodnight. to say how beautiful you looked tonight. how he missed speaking to you all night. "night george. sleep well." you walk past him and kiss his cheek, he audibly gasped but you were too tired and tipsy to notice. you go into ginny's room and leave george standing on the stairs, taking in how soft your lips felt against him and how he could still smell the drink you always get. george holds his hand against where you kissed him and beams before entering his room.
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leviathanspain · 2 years
will i see you again?
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bill weasley x reader
synopsis: a one night stand in egypt has him reeling about what could’ve been. bill returns home to see his possibilities right in front of him
a/n: i wanted more bill x reader and there barely is any so i had to take matters into my own hands
part two
you stared at the bump that was protruding from under your dress. summer was all year round in egypt, but as you got bigger, your dresses got tighter and shorter, and you knew that it was time to return home and face the undying music.
a consequence of a night you knew you would never forget. he was lucky, you thought, he would never have to know your world, carry your burdens.
only thing you regretted was he would be missing out on a child’s life. his child’s life. but there was also the possibility that he would’ve never given a damn to begin with.
your lips connected and all you could taste was the bitterness of his rum that he had chugged before letting you drag him away from the tantalizing bar maids. his hand mushed into your hair, and kissed you roughly. he was all teeth, and you felt your lip in between his. it made you feel the thrill of it all as his hands roamed your body. it was dark, people were dancing around you and you could hardly feel anything but him until you realized what this was going to lead to. you were anything but someone to fuck on the dance floor like this.
you grabbed the man and pulled him close as you ducked the arms of dancers and dashed towards the bathroom. you threw the door open, seeing a woman washing her hands. it was ill lit, a neon pink decal above the mirror was your only light as you kicked the girl out with a mere gaze.
you pulled the man back onto you before slamming the door shut with the weight of his body. he moaned as you kissed him, a hand reaching for the lock, you turned it and let yourself roam his body.
he was attractive, a redhead, which was new for you but you’d try anytbing once. he had a scar on his face that made you question everything but he was a great kisser, and that was all it seemed to matter in the moment.
he didn’t bother asking your name, and nor did you, all you knew him by was- “sir!” you screamed as he fucked you against the door. you were gripping his shoulder as he was holding you. you threw your head back and the thumping got louder. he was frantically fucking you, and you felt yourself tense up as you came, moaning loudly as you shook. you felt cum trail down your leg and realized he too had came.
“fuck.” you muttered as he set you down.
the house was the same. old, creaky, dusty, hateful and wretched. but it was home. and as you set your bags down, really taking it all back in, the familiar house elf from your childhood came to greet you.
“mistress y/n.” kreacher gazed at you with squinted eyes, taking in your pregnant self, “how was your trip.” it was more of a statement rather than a question so you ignored him as he stalked away with your bags.
your father was supposed to be here, but as you gazed at the clock, you realized that you had arrived earlier than you had expected. so you grabbed your remaining bag and hauled it up the steps, following kreacher to your old room, you passed the portrait of your grandmother and the silence was suddenly filled with a shriek of disdain.
“don’t tell me you got yourself impregnated unwed! a disgrace this great house has been brought, such a disgrace, like your father!” walburga shouted, and you sneered, “i missed you too, grandmother.”
as you looked at your room, everything left in its place as the night you had left it, you realized with a sinking feeling that you weren’t a teenager anymore.
you let a hand trace down your belly, you were a mother now.
as you toured your old belongings, you came across the pictures that you had pinned poorly to your budoir, pictures of you with harry and your father, a makeshift family, you had always said. another with your old friends, cedric before he passed and cho.
a knock at the door brought you out of your thoughts and you pulled your feelings back and turned to see your father at the doorway.
you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes, “sorry, it’s the hormones.” you excused and embraced sirius. sirius chuckled warmly, “don’t worry about it, kid. im just glad your home.”
you pulled back and sirius looked down at your belly, “you too.” he talked to the baby and you laughed.
sirius grabbed your arm and pulled you into the hallway, “molly has been preparing a dinner for your return at her home.” he looked at you, “i understand if you don’t want to attend, but harry will be there.”
and now you were apparating to the burrow, a long heavy coat over you as you had failed to realize too late that no one knew of your surprise.
as you opened the door to the weasley home, nothing but the warm scent of cinnamon and honey filled your nose as you walked in. shouts and banter could be heard from somewhere in the house and all eyes were on you suddenly.
molly was practically jumping up and down as she ran to hug you. as she hugged you, you realized that your belly was bumping against her, but molly didn’t seem to notice in her joy. you had always been like a second daughter to her, coming around so often after harry had set your father free.
“i’m so happy you’re back, my darling girl!” molly kissed your forehead and she laughed joyfully. she greeted sirius with a smile, “i just know your father is so happy that you’re home, he wouldn’t stop talking about it when you wrote that you would!” you turned to your father who was now a slight shade of pink.
before you could say anything else, harry, hermione and ron all ran up to you. harry was the first to hug you, and unlike molly, he was the first to notice you were different. harry frowned as he pulled back and you exhaled. you tugged the coat off reluctantly and your bump was now in full view.
the three looked down at you with shock and you smiled sheepishly, “surprise?”
hermione didn’t care as she hugged you, screaming joyfully that she was going to be aunt.
harry and sirius exchanged a series of looks and all ron could do was stare.
“blimey, y/n, but you certainly put some weight on abroad.” he hid his shock and hermione pulled away from you with a roll of her eyes, “she’s not fat, she’s pregnant, ronald!”
you chuckled, “it’s alright. trust me i thought i was getting fat too.”
molly was busying herself in preparing the dinner so she was the last to notice your bump. yet still the loudest in her congratulations.
it seemed that everyone, your father, harry, hermione and the rest of the weasley family all made the pointed question not to ask about the father.
wouldn’t be the first time someone from the noble house of black would be a single parent. sirius was with you, and that earned you some interesting nicknames growing up.
but you and your father liked to joke that you were like zeus and athena. a mere thought turned into a child, you didn’t need a mother if you had your father.
but after he was put away, you found the much needed influence of a girl in tonks, who had done the great deed of taking you in, even if she was barely an adult herself.
and after your father had returned during your fourth year, you spent time with him until you realized that the world of war had no place for you, and you had saved yourself the rest of the despair after cedric died.
“why didn’t anyone wake me for dinner?” a voice could be heard calling down the steps. you turned to molly who smiled, “bill is home from egypt. i was assuming he was tired after traveling all day, so i let him sleep.” she mentioned and you nodded.
out of all the weasley siblings, you had only met ron, the twins, ginny and the insufferable percy. the two eldest weasley brothers had been a total mystery to you, something out of legend as you hadn’t even seen pictures.
“hurry down now, bill.” molly called out, and as he finally rounded the corner towards the table, you realized with a wave of nausea who it was.
and seemingly, he did too.
bill hadn’t bothered to properly greet his family when he came home. it would all be in due time, he excused, and made his way to his bedroom where he would continue to wallow in the sorrow.
it had been just a few months since that night but it was like she had been a siren, a woman untouchable that he only desired more of. she consumed his thoughts, his dreams, even his nightmares.
bill had to leave egypt to escape her, or at least the thought of her. but back home, it seemed to intensify even more.
all he could remember were her piercing eyes, a sight he would never forget.
as he heard clamor downstairs bill sat up and stretched. he saw fred exiting the room and he stopped him, “what’s going on?”
fred shrugged, “mum said sirius and his daughter were coming over for dinner.” bill waved a hand as his brother left and threw himself into the pillows with a yawn.
he tried to make himself comfortable but the smell of the food had snaked its way up to his room, and now all he could feel was the pain of his empty stomach.
so with a sigh, bill pulled himself together and set down to greet his family and the guests.
you gulped as the silence seemed to drag on.
“bill?” you asked and he nodded. the same man from the nightclub was standing in front of you. in a pair of sweats, ruffled hair and a cheap hoodie, he was standing there.
same facial scar, same hanging earring. the father of your child was bill weasley.
bill was astounded. hearing his name from your lips had him flown back into a muddle of daydreams. he had imagined this moment before. meeting tou again, and professing his love to you.
but the shock of seeing you with his own two eyes for the second time was enough to send him back into a slumber.
you had stood up and he had noticed it. a bulging piece of evidence from under your dress, bills mind went to all the possibilities.
what if the baby is mine? was she pregnant during and i had missed it? have i gone so crazy that i’m imagining her face on other bodies?
“between the looks of you two, i’m assuming you two know each other?” fred let out a whistle and you and bill looked at each other before answering at the same time.
“no.” you echoed.
fred and george both cringed and suddenly things became awkward. molly caught their hint and clapped a hand, “dinner will resume in twenty minutes. let’s all have tea in the living room!”
your father looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged slightly as he was dragged off.
bill went outside, and a cigarette appeared in his hand. he was nervous, seeing you was too much. seeing you pregnant was coma worthy, and how he was still standing was an achievement.
you followed him and stood away slightly as you realized he was smoking.
silence once again, and you cleared your throat as you moved a hand down your belly, “it’s yours.”
“what?” bill was too busy trying to focus on his cigarette and missed your comment.
you repeated, “the baby. it’s yours.”
bill looked at your belly and back at you, “i know it’s a shock. trust me, this wasn’t in my plans. but we didn’t even know each others names and i-“
bill was too busy gazing at your belly than to listen to your rant, “may i?” he held out a hand, and you stopped mid sentence to grab his hand. a reluctant step forward, you set his hand on your belly, “it’s too early to feel anything but-“
bill gasped, there it was. a small kick just on his hand. you had felt it too, and your shock was mutal.
bill tossed his cigarette and smiled as both hands grabbed your belly, “wow.” he whispered.
you looked at bill, “bill,”
bill looked at you, “y/n.”
you raised an eyebrow and bill laughed, “how could i forget the name of sirius black’s rebellious daughter who ran off into the night?”
“you knew it was me?”
bill shook his head, “i never saw a picture, i just knew of you.”
you scoffed, “i guess i could say the same thing.”
bill pulled back his hands and was now crossing them, “i understand why you kept this to yourself. a million chances and it wouldn’t be this lucky.”
you nodded, “if you don’t want to be involved that’s fine. wouldn’t be the first time i do something alone.” you looked down at your belly and held it before looking at the sun setting just overhead.
bill held out a hand, “i want to be. i want to be a father. and i want to be with you.” he was pink, a shade of embarrassment as he realized what he had said.
bill nodded, “it might sound incredibly odd but- i just haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. i left egypt, quit my job because you were haunting me. knowing this, knowing how perfect this turned out to be makes me realize one thing.”
you raised an eyebrow, “what is it?”
bill smiled, “that you were true to your word.”
as zippers were heard being zipped, you fixed your hair. the panting of the man was heard quietly as he looked at you once more, “will i see you again?” words slurred just so slightly that you laughed.
“i hope that for your sake, you do.” you left him right after that, leaving the man to fade into the darkness just as the blasting music met your ears.
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well, i suppose we’ll just have to share them
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pair: Fred Weasley x reader
requested by anonymous
Hear me out… Fred is definitely the type to want his partner to get along with George’s partner. Like no question. So it’d be absolutely hilarious if this backfires on the twins cause now their respective partners hang out with each other more than their respective bf.
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Fred Weasley had a grand idea. An idea so genius, so foolproof, that he was convinced it would cement his position as the greatest boyfriend in history. He was determined to make sure you got along with George's girlfriend, Katie. After all, if the two of you became fast friends, it would be perfect. You could all double-date, plan pranks together, and even plot against the twins when necessary.
So, naturally, Fred wasted no time setting up a “casual” meeting at the Burrow. “Just a little get-together,” he had said. George was in on it too, giving him that signature Weasley grin as he nodded along. They had visions of you two chatting away, maybe even plotting to prank Ron or Percy.
And, to Fred’s credit, you and Katie did hit it off.
But maybe you hit it off a little too well.
It started off innocently enough, with the four of you gathered in the cozy kitchen, Mrs. Weasley bustling around as she prepared tea and biscuits. The twins tried to steer the conversation, but soon, you and Katie discovered a shared love for Quidditch. The next thing Fred knew, you and Katie were deep in conversation about the upcoming Holyhead Harpies match, completely oblivious to the boys.
Fred shared a glance with George, a look that said, "This is going well."
A couple of days later, Fred suggested a date night. “How about dinner at The Three Broomsticks? Just us,” he said, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You looked up from the letter you were reading. “Oh, Katie and I actually made plans to go shopping in Diagon Alley. She found this little shop with the most amazing Quidditch gear.”
Fred blinked, caught off guard. “Oh… right, okay. We can do it another time.”
You smiled, oblivious to his disappointment, and returned to your letter.
It didn’t stop there. Before Fred knew it, you and Katie were practically inseparable. The two of you had lunch dates, shopped together, and even had sleepovers at the Burrow, gossiping late into the night. The twins would stand awkwardly at the door, trying to join in, but you and Katie were lost in your own world.
Fred’s “perfect plan” was starting to backfire spectacularly. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted you to be friends with Katie, not replace him with her!
One evening, Fred decided to confront you about it. “Love,” he began, plopping down beside you on the couch, “don’t you think we’ve been spending a little too much time apart?”
You looked at him, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re always with Katie these days,” Fred said, trying to sound casual. “Not that I mind, but I thought maybe you’d want to spend more time with your boyfriend?”
You laughed, ruffling his hair. “Oh, Freddie, don’t be silly. Of course, I want to spend time with you. But Katie’s great! And besides, you and George always have your twin time. It’s nice to have some girl time, you know?”
Fred huffed but didn’t argue. You had a point. But he couldn’t help feeling a little left out.
The final straw came a week later. Fred had spent all day planning a surprise picnic in the garden, complete with all your favorite foods. He was ready to have a lovely, romantic evening with you. But when he found you, you were already making plans with Katie—something about a weekend trip to Hogsmeade.
Fred was about to protest when George sidled up to him, clearly overhearing your conversation. “Blimey, Fred, I think we’ve created monsters.”
Fred groaned. “This isn’t what I wanted, George. Now they’re together more than they’re with us.”
George chuckled, clapping his twin on the back. “We wanted them to be friends. We just didn’t expect them to be best friends.”
They both watched as you and Katie laughed, completely engrossed in whatever it was you were planning. The twins exchanged a resigned look.
“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to share them,” Fred said, half-jokingly.
George shrugged. “Could be worse. At least we know they’ll never team up against us… right?”
Fred wasn’t so sure about that.
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captainlunaxmen · 8 months
Bill Weasley x Fem!reader
This was a request, not for me, but I got permission to write it so... here it is.
The request: Hi! Can I request some Bill Weasley
x reader with prompts:
'If there was ever anybody meant for me, it's
"The closest thing to love at first sight l've
ever experienced happened when I first laid
eyes on you.
Where reader is best friends with
the twins so they invite her to
spend the summer at the Burrow.
Bill is also there and when they met
he's instantly attracted to her, they
spend time together and he starts
to fall for her but he doesn't think
reader would like him because of
the scars, but obviously with fluffy
ending, please? Thanks!
I changed it just a little to fit. Hope the anon who asked this will read it and will like it.❤️❤️
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I always loved it when the twins invited me over, whether it was for Christmas or summer.
It always feels like home.
When I was not at Hogwarts, I lived in an orphanage, so experiencing the Wealseys, experiencing a family, definitely felt good.
Maybe this is why they invite me so often, and I'm grateful for that. I usually spend time with Arthur, explaining the muggle world to him, or with the twins and their siblings playing Quidditch, or helping Molly cooking. Which is exactly what I'm doing now.
"Yes, exactly dear. Then you fold it towards you carefully." She instructs me as I knead the dough for the pie.
"Are you done stealing our friend, mom?" One of the twins asks as they both enter the kitchen, and I notice Molly playfully rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, mom, she is our friend." George agrees with his brother.
"She didn't steal me!" I defend, "I asked if I could help her."
"You don't need to do that." Fred tells me.
"Yeah, she already loves you." George adds, "probably more than she loves us."
"Oh shut up, you two." Molly laughs, waving them off.
"See? She is not denying it!" George feigns offence.
"I'm just spending time with my favourite assistant." Molly explains.
I smile at her as I finally finish my own pie.
"You're done." Fred notices, "C'mon, let's go."
"Why?" I ask, wiping my hands on a towel.
"You're our partner."
"And we have business to discuss."
I roll my eyes and look at Molly with an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry, dear. Humour them." She laughs again with that sweet motherly smile that always warms my heart.
"I'll come back later." I tell her.
I have no idea how I, mostly quiet and reserved, got friends with the loudest people at Hogwarts. But it happened, and now I basically help them run their shop in Diagon Alley.
Now, more than ever, I want to help them keep the shop open in this hard and dark time, that... after Dumbledore's death, will probably get worse.
I follow the twins to their room.
I take my seat next to Fred on his bed, and George sits on his.
"So... what was so urgent?" I ask.
"Oh nothing," Fred smiles proudly.
"I hate you." I say.
"You love us." George chimes in, "but we wanted to discuss the new products."
"Alright, alright. " I chuckle.
So we start to discuss what kind of things to start selling, at what price, how to organise the shelf and stands.
A good hour and a half, or a bit more, passes because Molly calls everyone down for dinner.
Finally, I'd say, I'm starving... especially for Molly's cooking.
"About time!" Fred exclaims.
"I'm starving!" George voices loudly, too.
"Same." I groan, following them down.
As we get down, I see the other Weasleys gathering around the table.
There's a new face, though, someone I've never seen before.
"Oh, look who finally decided to join us!" Fred says in his usual teasing tone.
"He's the missing one." George tells me, "you can finally say you've met the whole family."
"Bill!" George calls the tall man.
"Hi, George." The guy named Bill turns to George with a playfully annoyed face, and I notice an earring with a fang dangling from his ear.
"Meet our friend." Fred chimes in, "she's met everyone except you... and we've been friends for years and years and years and years -"
"I get it, Freddie, thanks." Bill laughs.
"Come, Y/n." George calls.
As soon as his brown eyes meet mine, he freezes, I see him opening and closing his mouth without letting out a sound.
I'm quite confused.
"Hi." I gently wave at him, "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you."
I extend my hand towards him, and he watches it for a moment before taking it and shaking it.
"Likewise, I'm William... but, of course, you can call me Bill." He says, a little flustered.
"I like the earring." I tell him to maybe make him feel more at ease.
"Oh," he laughs, "Thank you. See, mom? It's appreciated."
"I give up." I hear Molly saying.
I stop for a second, noticing just now the scars on his face, and I wonder how he got them.
He notices me looking at them and quickly turns his head.
"Well, it was really nice to meet you, Y/n. I hope to see you around." He says before taking a seat at the table.
"Yeah, me too." I say quietly, sitting next to George.
I hope I didn't offend him...
I sit outside, enjoying the early breeze, and I read a book. These moments are my favourite. After all these years, the Wealsey silently adopted me basically, which means I do have a family. But the first times I was invited, I would just sit here in the quiet of the mornings and pretend I belong here.
"I thought I was the only early riser." A chuckle snaps me out of my thoughts, Bill closes the door and wraps a small blanket around himself against the early cold.
"You thought wrong." I smile at him and move a little aside to let him sit.
"Aren't you cold?" He asks, sitting down.
"I'm fine, thank you." I say, I see him giving me a sceptical look and putting half of the blanket around me too.
"Sure." He says, and I laugh.
We stay in a comfortable silence for a while before he speaks up.
"Egypt?" He asks.
"Uh?" I turn to him, and he motion to my book, "Oh. Yeah, I always find it so fascinating, for some reason."
"It really is." He agrees, "I got the chance to explore it because of my job, and I have to say it deserves the appeal."
"Really? What kind of job?" I ask, genuinely curious. The twins never talk a lot about their siblings.
"Curse-breaker." He says with a shy smile.
"Oh wow..." I sigh, "that's really cool."
"Is it?" He laughs.
"Yes!" I reply, surprised he doesn't agree, "you don't like it?"
"No, no, it's not that." He says, "most thinks it's pretentious."
"Nah, don't listen to them. They must be idiots." I tell him.
"Fred and George mostly." He adds.
"Doesn't make my statement false." I kid, and he laughs.
"I can see why they like you so much." He chuckles.
"I wasn't like this when I first met them..." I start, "so I really don't understand why they wanted to be my friends in the first place."
"Like what? Funny?" He asks, "or cute?" He adds so quietly I could barely hear it.
"Uhm... I... I don't know..." I stutter out.
"Sorry... sorry, I didn't mean to... it just came out... I'm sorry." He shakes his head, "Uhm... but tell me... uh, how did you meet the two idiots?"
"Well..." I clear my throat, smiling shyly at him, "they kind of bumped into me... while running from Filch."
"Yeah... I can definitely see that." He laughs again, I'm glad he doesn't feel so awkward anymore.
"Then... I kind of helped them hide." I say.
"Well, now I'm surprised." He teases sweetly, making me feel warm inside... it's a new sensation and... weird, but in a good way.
"Yep." I chuckle, "later that week they found me in the library and just... wanted to thank me, so they just stuck around, and now we're here."
"Thankfully." He says, and I look up at him, "Uhm..." he quickly averts his eyes, "I mean, everyone seems to love you so much... and I'm sure mom's happy she gained another daughter."
"Well," I let out a small laugh, "I gained a mother so... it's a win-win situation."
He looks back at me, a confused smile on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"I live... well, lived in an orphanage... so no parents." I tell him with a shrug.
"Oh..." he softly sighs.
"Oh, please, no. I'm sorry... don't feel bad." I softly laugh to let him know it's not a big deal, "yeah, it was harder when I was younger, but now... now I'm fine. Really. Your family welcomed me with open arms. Wide open arms, actually."
I see him smiling, thankfully. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable... again.
"I'm glad they managed to make you feel at home, then." He says, "among the caos, I mean."
"Oh, trust me, the caos is part of the charm." I gently nudges his shoulder.
"Yeah, I have to agree." He nods, "when I spend so much time away, I do miss this caothic environment."
"I bet."
I look up at him, finding him already looking to me. His eyes are even more beautiful up close. As we start to naturally lean in towards each other, Molly's voice breaks the silence.
"Stop testing your products in my kitchen!" She yells to Fred and George... for sure.
Bill and I move away from each other. I clear my throat with an awkward chuckle and stand up.
"I should... I should probably help the twins with their things... so they won't burn the whole house down." I say.
"Yeah... of course." He avoids my eyes as he nods.
"I'll see you." I gently say and he nods once again so I just get back inside.
Later in the day more members of the Order arrive, with the intention of discussing the plan of moving Harry from his muggle house to the Wealsey's.
"That's the plan." Lupin says, once Moody stopped explaining the plan of having people drinking polyjuice potion to turn into Harry and confuse any deatheater in case there would be an attack.
"Sounds like fun." George comments.
"We're not asking you to participate, so if any of you isn't sure about it, can back down." Lupin explains with a heavy heart, "only whoever volunteers will drink the potion. And only if you're of age."
Everyone looks at each other, I catch eyes with the twins, I nod at them and they stand up.
"We're in." They say in unison.
"Me too." I stand, too.
"Of course we are too." Hermione says gesturing towards herself and Ron who nods.
I unconsciously search Bill's eyes across the room. He meets my gaze and I notice something in his look, he's worried. Of course he is... three of his brothers just volunteer for a very risky mission, but the way he looks at me with those brown eyes...
I mouth 'it's gonna be okay' and he nods, subtly, but his worried look remains.
"Mundungus too." Moody says, interrupting our silent conversation, and Fletcher just nods defeated.
"Let's pair up." Lupin claps his hands. "Each 'Potter' will be assigned to a protector."
"How would we do that?" I ask, curiosity taking the best of me.
"Using same old pieces of papers with names on." He smiles shrugging, "Everyone, write your name down."
"I want to be the one to bring Harry here. The real one." Hagrid chimes in, "it fair."
Lupin nods, he then takes two bowls, gently offered by Mrs Weasley.
"Here the Harrys," he brings up the bowl in his left hand, "and here the protectors." He lifts the one in the right one.
We all do as he instructed.
He then sits down and starts taking out names.
Each one is assigned and only four people are left.
"Hermione, you'll be assigned to... Kingslay." Remus announces.
I see Kingslay sending Hermione a reassuring nod and she gives one back.
"So that leaves Y/n and... oh, Bill." Lupin says.
"Okay, everyone knows their places, right? We're leaving in an hour." Moody announces, sternly.
Everyone scatter around to get ready, so I take the opportunity to just step outside and take a big breath.
I'm not sure how I got tangled in this whole magic war, but I'm glad I did... even though it's scary.
"Are you okay?" I hear Bill's voice getting closer.
"Yeah, of course." I nod.
"You don't have to do it, you know?" He tells me.
"I know." I smile at him, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared, so scared I'm surprised I can still move."
He softly laughs.
"You're really brave." He then tells me.
"I'm no braver then the others," I reply, shrugging.
"You don't give yourself enough credit, I think." He nudges my shoulder.
"Thank you." I say softly, "I'm glad I got paired up with you."
"Me too. I promise to bring you home safe and sound."
"I promise too."
His soft smile makes me almost melt, if it wasn't for the cold breeze, it makes me feel safe, feels like home.
"Did the Twins warn you about the wedding?" He then asks.
"Charlie's? Yes, they did." I nod, "I think... is there something I should know?"
"No, well... if you can, try to avoid aunt Muriel." He whispers, as if he's afraid she might be here to hear it.
"I'll just stick to your side, then, you're my protector after all." I kid and I see his face getting a bit red.
"Well.. uh... of course." He stutters, "I'd rather fight deatheaters than deal with her anyway."
I genuinely laugh, unconsciously I lean my head on his shoulder and I feel him tense.
"Sorry." I say and straighten up.
I just look up at him and he does the same.
"No worries," he swallows.
He seems nervous, but not uncomfortable.
I don't know why I feel this pull towards him everytime we talk, but it's a nice feeling. I just hope I'm not making him uneasy or anything.
I catch his eyes looking down at my lips and mine falls to his.
Suddenly, he moves back, bringing a hand up to cover his scars, I can't help but look at him confused.
"Sorry," he lets out a nervous chuckle and stands, "I..."
He doesn't say anything more and just gets back inside, leaving me dumbfounded.
The clouds don't help spotting the bunch of deatheaters chasing us, I try to keep as many eyes out as I can, so I can help Bill who also has to guide the thestral.
Suddenly, I spot three hooded figures flying towards us.
"There are three coming!" I warn Bill.
I cast spells like never before, trying to stop them from coming any closer.
Some deatheater manages to hit me, luckily it's nothing major, but I let out a scream nonetheless.
"Are you okay?" Bill asks, blindly reaching behind him to check on me.
"Yes, don't worry."
I look around, and I can vaguely see Madeye and Mundungus far from us.
I stare at them, ready to interfere in case they need it, when I see a dark figure appearing...
"Shit!" I exclaim.
"He's here." I say.
"Fuck! Hold onto me." He says before turning the thestral around abruptly, but something catches my eyes.
"Wait!" I tell him.
"What's wrong?" He asks, breathless.
"Madeye he-" I start, but get interrupted by one more deatheater flying to us.
I got to cast one last spell to take down the last enemy I can see, before Bill starts to bring us down... ready to reach the portkey.
"What did you say?" Bill asks again, reaching behind again to be sure I'm still here.
"Madeye, I saw him falling from his broom." I tell him, tears already forming in my eyes.
"What? How?"
"I think, Mundungus tried to get away as soon as he saw him appearing... Madeye tried to keep him from going anywhere, but... you-know-who killed him." I say, trying to keep my breath as steady as I can, "I say a green light..."
"Ssh, sshh, it's okay." He tries to calm me down as we arrive to the portkey.
"I'm sorry.." I mutter.
"About what?" He asks, sadly turning to face me, "it wasn't your fault, you know?"
"What if I warned you earlier? What if I..." I lower my eyes to my hands.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he says, and I do, "it was no one's fault. We couldn't know."
He gently takes one of my hands and caress it gently.
"He wouldn't want you to cry for him, right?" He says, smiling in hope to make me smile too.
"He would probably scold me for it." I let out a weak laugh.
"Exactly." He kisses the back of my hand and then rides towards the portkey, that teleports us in front of the Burrow.
We see almost everyone else already here.
I can see Remus and Tonks close to each other, Harry, Ron and Hermione too. I spot Kingslay, I think I can see Hagrid inside, but there's something wrong.
I can't see Mr Weasley or Fred, maybe they're just not here yet... but Remus is here, so... where's George?
I get down from the magical horse and run into the house, as I do I lock eyes with Remus' guilty expression and I just run faster.
I rush into the house and spot Molly caressing George's hair, as I get close I notice the blood on him.
"George..?" I weakly call and Molly turns to me, she sends a sad smile towards me and I kneel in front of the sofa to take a better look at George.
"George." I call again.
"He's alive, dear... just a dark spell..." she reassures me.
"How?" I shakily ask, more to George than Molly.
I hear fast footsteps rushing in too and Fred is just beside me. This makes me feel so much better.
They're both still alive.
"How are feeling, Georgie?" Fred asks his twin.
George slowly open and closes his mouth before speaking.
"Saintlike..." he says, and I let out a relieved laugh, "I'm holey, I'm holey, Fred. You get it?"
"With the whole wide world of ear-related humour, you go for 'I'm holey'. Pathetic." Fred teases back, I notice he says this finally letting his shoulder relax.
"Well, Y/n still finds me the most handsome of the pair, I reckon." He subtly winks in my direction.
"I'm letting this one slide because you're hurt. And clearly brain damaged, if you make that joke of all you could choose from." I chuckle moving my hand out to caress his.
I notice now that everyone has gotten inside, i spot Bill's tense, yet relieved expression.
"Madeye is dead." He says and everybody looks at him.
"You-know-who killed him." I say. "Mundungus disappeared and he was caught off guard... I think."
I sense George's and Fred's hands on mine, for comfort and solidarity.
A wedding sounds absurd considering the times we're living, yet it seems exactly what we need.
A knock on the door catches my attention.
"Are you decent?" Fred's teasing voice calls from the other side.
"Sure." I laugh and he comes in.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
"Yap." I say, turning to look at him, "oh, look at you, never seen you so cleaned up."
"I take offence in that." He feigns hurt, "take it back."
"Oh, you know you're always so stylish." I stick my tongue out to him.
"That's what I thought." He winks, "I'm the most handsome of the pair."
"Sure." I laugh and sit on the bed to put on my shoes. "Is everything ready downstairs?"
"Yap, all guests are here. The party is ready to begin." He declares.
"Nice." I nod.
"Are you okay?" He asks, I can hear a hint of worry in his voice.
"C'mon," he says sitting next to me, "tell Freddie what's bothering you."
"It's nothing, Fred, really." I try to divert the subject.
"You don't fool me, young lady." He slightly glare at me.
I sigh.
"Plotting without me?" I look up to see George standing by the door, the bandages on his head as a reminder of the night before...
"We could never." I say.
"Our Y/n here has something on her mind." Fred is quick to say.
"I don't..." I say... not very convincing.
"Uh uh. Tell us." George sit on the other side of me.
"Do you think... uh... did I do something wrong to Bill?" I ask, quietly.
I can sense them sharing a look.
"Whatever do you mean, love?" George asks.
"It's just... sometimes it's like he wants to be anywhere else but near me... and maybe I did something to him... but I don't know what." I explain.
"Do you have a crush on our brother, L/n?" Fred asks teasingly.
"What? No, no... I just ... ugh!" I say laying back down on the bad covering my face with my arms. I hear them softly laughing.
"I'm sure you did nothing wrong." George says, "Bill's just... Bill."
"Yeah, whatever it is, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Stop worrying your pretty little head." Fred nudges me.
I nod, understanding, not entirely convinced, but I appreciate their effort.
"And..." George's teasing tone makes me glare at him, already knowing what he wants to say, "if you have a crush on him, we could help you..."
"I'm sure we really should be going, you know, plus I'll see if Molly need any help." I say standing up and quickly make my way downstairs.
As I rush down the stairs I bump into someone.
"Oh, I'm so so sorry." I say.
"No worries." Bill says and I instantly look up at him, feeling a little embarrassed since I've been talking about him with the twins a few minutes ago.
"Uh... sorry" I repeat, looking away.
"It's no problem. Really." He smiles at me.
"I... I was looking for... for you mother..." I stutter out, "to see if she needed any help."
"Oh she was just outside, still congratulating Charlie and... crying too." He lets out a soft chuckle and I do too.
"Then I'll go congratulate him too, didn't get the chance yet." I smile at him and start walking out, looking for Charlie and Mrs Weasley and I find them right outside the big tent.
"Hey," I say as I near them, "congratulations, Charlie."
"Aahh, Y/n! Thank you!" He says cheerfully, once I'm close enough he brings me in for a big hug, which I reciprocate.
"I'm so happy for you." I tell him, "she seems like a sweet person... or... better a patient one." I tease.
"Alright, that's it." He says letting me go, "you're spending too much time with the twins. I'm adopting you."
"That's my duty," Molly chimes in, linking arms with me.
"Exactly, Charlie, stop stealing your mother's job." I jokingly glare at him, he smiles at me and then his eyes move to something behind me. I turn around seeing Bill walking to us.
"Congratulations, mate." Bill hugs Charlie and pat his back.
"Aah thank you! I'm so happy." Charlie has the biggest smile on his face right now, and it fills me with joy.
"You deserve it. I've never seen you so in love." Bill says.
"Well, I just hope you will experience it too, mate." Charlie sighs, "it's really the best feeling."
I smile at his words, he really loves his family... everyone in this family loves each other so much, it makes me feel at peace.
"Yeah... I can tell." I hear Bill say, I notice Charlie looking at me with a weird look.
"I'm sure you do," he then adds.
"Oh! Charles!" A voice calls from behind us, an old lady is walking towards us.
Molly is gone immediately, and Bill gently takes my arm to lead me away.
"That's... aunt Muriel." He whispers to me.
"Oh..." I chuckle, "thanks."
"No problem, I am your protector." He tells me and we enter the tent.
"Oh wow.." I say, "it looks really good."
"Yeah, I think despite the situation, Charlie got a great wedding anyway. Which makes me very happy." He tells me, and I notice just now he's sort of caressing my arm with his fingers.
"Yeah... I... I think he deserves it. You know, this is how I always wanted my wedding to look like, if I'm being honest." I say, "that... if I ever got married, that is."
"What do you mean 'if'?"
"Well, to get married you would need to find someone you love and someone who loves you" I explain with a shrug and a heavy heart.
"I'm sure.... I'm sure, you will have no problem in that." He tells me.
"I'm not so sure." I say, shrugging.
We reach a table and we both sit down, and I go back at looking around.
"It really is beautiful." I breath, "you all did a great job."
I turn to look at Bill, once again, already finding him looking at me.
"I think anyone would be lucky to marry you." He softly says, and it takes me a little off guard that my cheeks suddenly feel warm and I look away from him.
The music suddenly starts and we both turn to look at Charlie and his wife dancing for the first time as husband and wife. It's such a happy moment I don't want to miss one bit of it.
Soon enough more people join the happy couple and I too start to slightly move my feet to the rhythm. A hand is suddenly on top of mine, gaining my attention.
"Do you...do you want to d-dance?" Bill asks, stuttering a bit.
"Yes." I simply say.
We stand and walk towards the other people dancing, he carefully put his hands on my waist and I shyly put mine on his shoulders and we start moving with the music.
"This is my favourite parts of weddings." I casually say, to break the awkward silence.
"The dancing?"
"Yeah, everyone looks so happy, and it's the most peaceful part of it." I explain, "you know, everything coming before the 'yes' is like tense and uncertain. 'What if they change their mind?' Or 'what if something happens?', it's all about 'what ifs'. But the dancing... is when everything is settled and everyone is happy and can let out a sigh of relief. Does it make sense?" I chuckle.
"Makes complete sense. I kind of agree with you." He smiles, "I'll tell you a secret... Charlie was so nervous since he asked her."
"What? Really?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah!" He laughs, "he was so afraid she would change her mind any moment. There was one day I was visiting him, he told me he was actually waiting an owl to deliver him a letter saying she wouldn't marry him anymore. That's how tense he was."
"Oh, poor thing." I laugh, looking to Charlie dancing with his mother now, how happy he looks now.
"Yeah, took me several hours to convince him that was not the case." He tells me.
We laugh together for a moment before our eyes lock for the millionth time.
"Can..." I start, "can I ask you something?"
"Of course." He nods.
"Have I... have I made you uncomfortable in some ways?" I ask.
"What? No... of course not." He answers quickly.
"Are you sure?" I check, "I mean, you can tell me. Really it's no problem."
"I'm sure. You didn't do anything to make me feel uncomfortable." He replies, "I promise."
"Okay..." I nod, with small smile. "If I did something, though, I'm sorry."
"I promise, you have nothing to be sorry for." He reassuringly smiles at me, I smile back.
We stay in silence, looking at each other and, again, I feel the same pull towards I felt before, but this time, before anything could remotely happen, Kingslay's patronus appears.
It says the minister is dead and that the deatheaters are coming here...
The caos emerges as soon as the enemy arrives.
I look up at Bill.
"Stay close to me." He tells me and I nod.
We start fighting along the others, most guests disappear, most remains and fight.
I cast as many protection spells as I can while Bill and the other defends.
I can see Harry, Ron and Hermione disappear. Thankfully. But my attention is caught by another red-haired fighting far from me.
I rush to Ginny without even thinking and stand beside her, Lupin joins us soon.
A caos of "stupeficium" "expelliarmus" and "protego" surrounds us.
I spot someone aiming at a distracted Ginny, instinctively I step in between them, I try to yell, but too late.
I feel myself falling to the ground.
It's dark, I can hardly open my eyes, but I hear voices around me.
"She's gonna be fine." I hear someone says.
"Are you sure?" A pair of voices, this time, asks.
"Yes, I am."
I weakly open my eyes and move to sit up.
"Hey, hey, careful there." I recognise Bill's voice.
"What... what happened?" I ask, finally being able to look around. Noticing Fred and George too, I notice this is not a room I recognise.
"What happened?!" George asks shocked, "what happened she asks!"
"Unbelievable!" Fred agrees.
"So..?" I urge.
"You took a stunner for Ginny. A dark one." Bill explains.
"What were you thinking?!" Fred asks.
"I just saw him aiming at your sister and went on autopilot, I think." I say.
"What if it was a killing curse?" George basically yells.
"Could you not shout please?" I ask weakly.
They both sigh heavily and look at each other.
"You're okay." Bill chimes in from his place by the door, "that's important." He says this last bit more to the twins than to me.
"You scared the hell out of us." George says.
"Yeah, we thought we lost you." Fred nods.
"I'm sorry..." I mutter.
"No, we're sorry for yelling." Fred sighs, "we're thankful you're okay... and thank you for protecting Ginny."
I open my arms, asking them for a hug and they do, careful not to hurt me too much they wrap their arms around me.
"Where are we?" I ask, once they pulled away.
"Shell cottage." They both answer.
"In Cornwall." George keeps going, "it's by the sea."
"Oh... Nice."
"Yeah, we'll be using it as a refuge for a while." Freds explain.
"Especially until you feel better." Bill adds.
"We know you like the sea, so maybe it would help your recovery." George says, hopeful.
"I hope so." I smile at them.
"Let's leave her, boys, she need her rest not you two pestering her." Bill teases his brothers.
"We're not!" They both say, standing up and heading to the door.
"A little." I joke.
"You better rest well, young lady." Fred scolds me before following his brother out.
"I'll bring up some tea. Now rest." With this Bill exits and closes the door.
I lay back down, take a deep breath and close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
The sweet smell of the tea gently wakes me up.
I slowly open my eyes, noticing some rays of sun peaking through the windows.
I sit up, determined to stand up and walk downstairs. I put some clothes on and weakly walk out the room, holding onto the wall just in case.
I make my way downstairs, happy to hear voices coming from what I can imagine is the kitchen.
"Why don't you just tell her, mate?" Fred, I think, says.
"What do you mean why?" Bill asks back.
"What do you mean, what do we mean why?" George replies, "do you like her?"
"Of course, he does!" Fred intervenes.
"Then why don't you freaking tell her?" George repeats the question.
Now, I can't help but eavesdrop. Curiosity taking the best of me.
"Have you seen me recently?" Bill snaps.
"Bill..." George starts, but he's interrupted.
"No, George." Bill's serious tone, makes my heart ache, "how could she like me back when I look like this? Uh?"
"Bill, do you think she cares?" Fred's tone got more gentle.
"We know her, mate." George tries to reassure him.
"No." Bill firmly states, "she deserves better. You should know it, she deserves someone who doesn't look like a freak, and most definitely she doesn't deserve a werewolf in her life. What if I hurt her? What if..." he chokes. I can't see him, but I can tell he's crying.
"You love her, don't you?" Fred asks... or rather, states.
"Of course, he does." George confirms, "look how scared he is!"
"Of course, I'm scared!" Bill snaps again, "The closest thing to love at first sight l've ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on her... and it pains me how much I want to be with her, but knowing she doesn't deserve to end up with someone like me..."
That's enough, I walk up to them and their head turn up to look at me, Bill's eyes widening at my sight.
"I think that's up to me to decide." I tell him, looking him dead in the eyes.
"I..." He's at loss words.
"We'll leave you to it." The twins says and walk out.
I sit down, so I can face Bill, I slightly wince as I do.
"Careful..." he whispers, "you... you should be resting."
"You'll soon realise I don't usually do what I'm supposed to do." I smile at him.
We stay silent, none of us knowing what to say.
"Sorry." He then says.
"What for?" I ask.
"I..." he lets out a nervous chuckle, "I don't even know..."
"Was that true?" I finally ask.
"I'm afraid so..." he sighs.
"Then, I'm afraid you're stuck with me." I say, feeling bold enough to take his hand.
"I..." he look at our hands, "you mean...?"
"But... you don't have to... I know you deserve something better than this." He tries to make me... reason I think, I softly laugh at this.
"Better than a hot, long-haired, curse-breaker with the kindest smile eyes I've ever seen? I'm not so sure about it." I grin at him, "what you felt the first time we met... I'm pretty sure I felt it too."
"Of course, I think if there was ever anybody meant for me, it's you."
He looks at me with the biggest smile, lets out a relieved laugh and comes closer to kiss me.
I'm a little taken aback, but I quickly kiss him back, my hand moves up to his cheek softly caressing his scars while his is in my hair gently playing with it.
Once we pull away we hear cheering from the other room, and we laugh watching Fred and George coming into view clapping their hands.
"Good job!"
"Go away you two!" Bill scolds them.
"Hey!" They call, "no naughtinesses while we're here, alright!"
They go away and leave us officially alone.
I look at Bill and he does the same.
"I love you." He whispers, coming closer once again.
"I love you too" I say before kissing him again.
And again.
And again.
And... again.
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catsgut · 1 year
Hii there! I would like to request maybe some cnc with Fred Weasley?
warnings : rough sex, cnc, dubcon kinda
i imagine you ask him to try it at first, and of course he is game (he’ll try just abt anything)
but part of me also feels like he heard the idea somewhere, probably from a dirty muggle magazine, and brought the idea up to you.
either way, the both of you set up a little scenario where he ‘breaks’ into your house looking for valuables, but finds you and decides you’re a much better prize.
“you feel so good,” he moaned in your ear, both hands pressing down on the backs of your shoulders keeping your face in the pillows beneath you. “nasty little bitch,” fred slapped your ass hard. “pweash shtop!” your muffled cries didn’t seem to reach him, his loud grunts filling the room. you bit your bottom lip hard to try to forget about painful pounding he was doing on your cervix. it felt so real…
you hit your hand on his thigh a few times just to give him a small warning, but he didn’t really change up anything besides how hard he was holding you down. the same brutal pace was shoving you forcefully into the bed, air being knocked from your lungs. you started to get nervous when he reached around and grabbed your neck tightly. “taking me so deep,” he moaned in your hair.
you couldn’t get anything vocal out as he slapped his hips against the fat of your ass. his loud, short moans told you that he was getting close and all you could do was gasp for air and wait. “m’gunna cum, baby!gunna do it.” and with that you felt him slam into you one more time before cumming. fred pulled out of you almost all the way before pushing back in. he did that a couple times before pulling his dick out completely, watching his cum drip out of your, now very abused, pussy.
“oh wow,” he breathed out with heavy words, flopping on the bed next to you. you let out a ‘mhm’ and just laid there next to him. “almost felt kinda real,” he winked at you, and you weren’t sure if it was just a bad joke at the wrong time, but you couldn’t help but agree, the nervousness creeping back up your body. yeah, it was too real.
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shelbgrey · 9 months
helloo!!! me and my friend absolutely adore your fics, and her birthdays coming up... so i was wondering if i could request a draco malfoy (her favourite character) x reader fic for her? :))
you can do whatever you want with the storyline, i just think it would be a cool idea!!
The truth doesn't always hurt(Draco Malfoy)
Paring: Draco malfoy X Weasley!Reader
Summary: as Draco and Ron's twin sister serve detention Cleaning for Professor Snap a bottle of Truth potion shatteres around them.
A/n: I hate the beginning of this, but I hope you enjoy the story.
Prompt: 1.9) “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you”
💚MasterList 💚Potter MasterList
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Draco was sitting next to y/n Weasley In Snape's potion class. To their displeasure they were assigned as partners for a project. Draco put an ingredient in the pot for the potion, making smoke puff up.
“Watch it!” I said, backing up from the table before smoke could get in my face.
“quiet Weasley, it's not like you understand what's going on anyhow” Draco said, obviously trying to get a reaction out of me.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring him and put the next ingredient in it. This time it bubbled up and splashed around.
It was like Draco was waiting for an argument, and since I ignored him he was annoyed and wasn't gonna let up. “That's going to spill. Stop that”
“I know what I'm doing!” I snapped.
“Doesn't look like you do.” Draco smirked and got up, grabbing my wand out of my hand.
I shoved him back a little and pulled my wand out of his reach. “I wouldn't” I knew how to fight just because I was a Weasley and had a bunch of older brothers.
Draco smirked, finding this amusing and deciding to have a little fun. “I bet you'll run telling your mummy next” he poked in a hypocritical voice.
“No... But maybe I'll tell George, from what I hear he whooped your ass at the last quidditch game… And I'm not talking about Gryffindor winning the game”
That got Draco a little mad. He was pretty sure he'd never lost to some Weasley, but he did play against one of them in the last match, and he did lose.
“Shut up, just shut up” Draco said with rage.
I clicked my tongue and shook my head. “What? Did I hit a nerve? Don't dish it out if you can't take it malfoy”
Draco lunged forward, grabbing me by the collar of my robe, his breathing became fast with anger. “Watch who you are speaking to!”
I pushed him back, making him tumble backwards into the table. The pot with our potion spilled all over the floor.
This caught the Professor's attention, and Snape approached the duo with a frown. “Malfoy! Weasley! Detention and clean up that mess immediately!” Snape growled. I clenched my jew and pushed Draco away making his grip on my robe go slack.
Snape grabbed us both by the collars and pushed them toward the closet with the cleaning supplies.
“You both will have detention this evening. Do not ever cause another fight like this again, or you'll be in real trouble” Snape's tone was cold as he spoke.
“You guys will stay here and organize and dust all the potions and ingredients” Snape ordered as he gathered the assignments to grade.
“For how long?” Malfoy sighed. Before Snape could open the door to leave he whipped around. “till I say so”
He left without a word and Malfoy threw his robe on one of the desks aggressively and rolled up the sleeves of his sweater.
“I can't believe I'm stuck here” he growled as he grabbed a vial and wiped some dust off the label and tossed it to the side. It would have shattered if it didn't land on his wrinkled up robe. I cringed expecting the sharp sound of glass shattering but it didn't happen.
“could you at least be careful?” I said, crossing my arms. He gave me a dirty look and tossed me a rag. “get to work I don't want to be stuck here all night”
“oh because that would be a bloody tragedy” I said sarcastically as I grabbed a potion book and dusted it off and put it to the side.
Malfoy started to mumble under his breath. “wait till-”
“Wait till my father hears about this... I know” I said, cutting him off as polished a bottle of poly juice. He gave me a sighed eye.
He tossed some more things around making me cringe. The thought of breaking something and Snape coming in scared the crap out of me.
“please be careful.. If we break something Snape will have are asses”
He scoffed “I'm not gonna break-”
A bottle shattered into a million bits and black smoke steamed up from it. “bloody-”
“hell” Malfoy said, finishing my statement. We looked at each in silence then we both looked down at the label.
“truth smoke?” Malfoy coughed as the smoke filled the room. We coughed and ran to the door as it got hazy and hard to breathe.
I covered my mouth and coughed as Malfoy reached for the door. “It's bloody locked!” Malfoy said through his teeth as he aggressively jiggled the door knob.
“he locked us in!” I shouted kicking the door. “bloody psycho path!”
I slid down the door as I tried not to hack up a lung. Malfoy backed up and leaned against the desk across from me with his hand over his mouth and nose. The smoke slowly started to let up and we were finally able to breathe.
“I wonder how well the stuff works?” Malfoy said, kinda nervous. I raised an eyebrow at him. “what? Got a guilty conscience?”
He scoffed. “pff... No” he looked down and crossed his arms. His blond hair casted over his forehead and hid the expression in his eyes. I tilted my head to the side trying to read him. He sighed and pulled the chair that was pushed into the desk he was leaning on.
“Are you okay?” I asked as he sat down facing me with his hands folded together. “you only asking me that because I can't lie?” he asked, looking up slightly. I shook my head no.
“no” I whispered. “I really want to know” he finally looked at me and his Gray eyes stared into mine with guilt.
“I'm not alright,” he said simply. I shrugged and simply said. “me either”
I took a deep look and looked up at him with a concerned expression. “Can I ask you something?” he nodded. “might as well”
“why do you hate me so much?” I asked softly.
Draco sat up from his slouched position and looked like he was taken back by the question “I don't hate you... I never did” he said honestly. He sighed. Yeah the smoke works a little too well.
Draco hesitated for a moment. “Do you hate me?”
Before I could answer he started to ramble like he couldn't control it. “I know I'm not exactly the easiest person to be around and I'm a total ass to your friends and brothers bu-" he started rambling and I cut him off. The truth is smoke works better than he anticipated.
“Draco” he looked up surprised I called him that. In fact I think that's the first time I ever called him by his first name. I gave him a smile as I continued.
He smiled slightly. He looked almost relieved.
Draco chuckled to himself and looked away as he nervously rubbed his palms together. “I better get out of here before I say something I might regret”
I raised an eyebrow at him and shrugged. “probably nothing haven't already heard from you”
Draco barely smiled as his eyes dropped to the ground. “no…Nothing like that”
Draco took a deep breath then our eyes locked, I never realized how beautiful his eyes were. “Do you remember the very first time we met?”
I nodded, waiting to know where he was going with this. “before our 1st year… we ran into each other at the bookstore”
Draco nodded, physically telling me I was correct. “we knew nothing about our backgrounds… in that moment I wasn't a Malfoy and you weren't a Weasley… I May have only been 11 but I can tell you, you were the most beautifulest girl I had ever seen”
My eyes widened at his statement. I would have never expected his confession… But then again our track record was nothing but ugly. I didn't want to trust whatever ‘truth’ potion was cast on us.
“Draco…” I sighed looking at him with soft eyes.
“my father told me to stay away from you… I didn't want to, but I was so scared of him. Bloody hell I think I still am” Draco chuckled dryly. “I thought I could train myself to hate you by being rude and awful towards you… I also knew if I was nasty to your family you would want nothing to do with me”
I looked down as his words sunk in, I knew what I felt for him and that was love. You can't help who you fall in love with and I could tell you I hated myself for the first three years I went to Hogwarts, but there was just something about him and now he's confessing the secret that could not only change us, but our families too.
“Please say something,” he whispered.
Tears pricked my eyes as every single emotion hit me at once. “I Hate you… But I also love you. Sometimes I just want to punch you in your pretty face… I know you are not really a bad person, I have seen it since 1st year… I Choose to see the best in you”
Draco's eyes never left mine as he stood up from the chair then slid down the wall, sitting down next to me. “What does that mean for us?” I asked softly.
Draco turned towards me, placing his hand on my cheek gently. He leaned in slowly, giving me an out if I wanted it. I didn't plan on stopping him, I got impatient and met him in the middle. His lips were softer than I expected and he handed me as if i was made of glass. The kiss wasn't rough or rushed, just gentl and loving like we've been waiting for it for years.
He kissed me on the cheek and smiled softly “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you” Draco whispered and rested his forehead against mine.
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enweasley · 6 months
Restricted Section ; Finn Weasley x Sallow!Reader
AN: HII! So I haven't seen this being done much (or even at all but I barely looked) where people would write fanfics of their own characters in Hogwarts Legacy, so I decided to do so! Quick introduction to the character:
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This is Finn Weasley; He's in Gryffindor and has a very loyal but mischievous personality. He's also pansexual! He LOVES herbology but he loves solving mysteries and exploring secrets even more - even if it's super dangerous. However, he will go to any extent to keep others out of danger (ironically). Finn can be really harsh to people if someone hurts him or the people he cares about. He's not perfect, though, he has some flaws. He does have a short temper and can say pretty horrible things without meaning to. He can also be quite reckless and finds it hard to accept other people's love and care, leading him to forget to keep himself from getting hurt.
That's all for now, but I'll probably add more to his story as time goes by!
(Please excuse any grammar mistakes, I'm trilingual and grammar from 3 languages can mix me up a lot C:)
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Summary: The new student needs your help sneaking into the restricted section for something 'very important'. However, he doesn't expect you to cover for him when you get caught.
Warnings: Swearing, small panic attack, gets a little heated at the end. Kinda cheesy but we love that :)
Reader's gender is never specified!
"Excuse me! Y/n Sallow, right?" Interrupted from your game of wizard's chess alone, you turn around to be met with a pretty tall red-head. You couldn't help but think about how gorgeous he is, but you swallow your excitement.
"Yeah, that's me. You're the new kid aren't you?" You disenchant your chess game and give him your full attention. "I watched your duel with Sebastian in the Clock Tower, you're really good!"
Finn seems to flush at your compliment. During his short time starting in 5th year here in Hogwarts he's gotten plenty compliments on how he's been able to learn and execute spells so quickly, but for some reason your compliment had a special affect on him.
He chuckles lightly. "Thank you, I'm just trying to catch up quickly." He couldn't seem to keep his eyes from wandering over your features. "It's Finn, by the way. Finn Weasley."
"Oh, another Weasley! Well it's lovely to meet you! Did you need anything?" You ask politely.
Finn almost forgot why he was talking to you in the first place, but managed to remember before already humiliating himself in front of you. "Right, yes. This may sound quite forward, but Sebastian told me you're really good at sneaking around. Is there a chance you can help me sneak into the restricted section of the library tonight? I can't say why, but it's very important."
You were a bit surprised at his request, but kind of prideful that you were the first person he was led to for it. You smiled widely. "Of course! I'm surprised my brother didn't take you himself. Meet me at the grand staircase at 9. Don't be late!"
"Wait- Don't you wanna know more about why I need to sneak in?" He asked perplexed.
"Nope. I'll take any opportunity for sneaking around. Either way, you don't seem the type to burn down the castle or anything. Plus, you said you can't say why you need to sneak in."
He mentally facepalmed himself. How could he forget he just said that? Maybe he just wanted to talk to you longer. "I'll see you at 9!" You smile at him and walk away.
You take a long breath after turning away from him. Holy shit he's cute.
You're both crouched at the railing of the stairs looking down onto the central hall at exactly 9pm, analysing the prefects walking around and guarding the doors of the library.
"Okay," you whisper. "First of all, we need to go invisible. Have you learnt the disillusionment spell?"
Finn looks at you like a lost puppy, his head slightly titled. You almost had to tell him how cute he looked, but held back.
You pull your wand out and whisp it over your head and body. The wand leaves a blue trail of light before all there was left was your aura.
You continue whispering to the lost boy in front of you. "This is the disillusionment spell. It doesn't turn you completely invisible but it's better than being completely exposed."
You point to his hand holding his wand. "May I?" He nods hesitantly.
You slowly hold his fist clenching onto his wand and do the same movement you did on yourself over him. Finn could barely focus, the feeling of your soft hand on his summoning an army of butterflies in his stomach. You couldn't help but feel the same tingle in your stomach too.
Clearing your throat, you speak. "That's the movement for the spell. Just think of it and do the movement."
He did as you said, and suddenly you were both just two ghosts staring at each other's remains.
Finn chuckles enthusiastically. "This is awesome!" He whisper yells.
You laugh at his excitement, wishing you could see his freckled face through the spell.
"Okay, let's go. Stick close to me." You begin to sneak down the stairs, through the hall, and quickly side past the prefect turned away from the library door. You can feel Finn following closely behind.
After you both get into a safer corner of the library away from Madam Agnes's sights, you remove the spell off you.
"Here's the plan," you start. "You go get the key from Madam Agnes's desk draw over there, I'll distract her."
Finn nods. As you start to turn away, Finn grabs your arm gently and looks at you with his adorable puppy eyes.
"What if you get caught?" He sounds worried. You can't tell why he'd be worried about you, though.
You give him a cheeky smile. "Me? Get caught? You should worry about yourself, Weasley." He chuckles, shooing away the blush creeping into his cheeks after hearing you call him by his surname. "C'mon, let's go."
As you throw a book across the room, Finn conceals himself and scurries to grab the key. You quickly do the same and meet him at the entrance of the restricted section.
Exposing yourselves from the spell, you watch him unlock the gate before you walk in.
"YES!" Finn cheers, surprising you both with a tight hug. There's a pause before he realises what he's doing and slowly pulls away, taking his warmth away with him. "Sorry... Got excited."
You laugh sweetly at him. "I don't mind." He continues walking down the stairs of the forbidden room, but not before shooting you a relieved smirk.
"Lumos." You cast, making the eery room brighter and less intimidating.
As you squeeze between abandoned bookshelves and over piles of junk, you reach a collapsed set of armour. "Repai-" Finn begins to cast before a loud screech interrupts him.
Almost out of thin air, Peeves flies through the wall in front of you. He almost knocks you down, but Finn's quick reflexes catch you before you hit the ground. You find yourself wrapped in his arms, yours tightly around his neck.
"Shit, are you okay?" Finn asks you breathlessly, his worried eyes glaring into yours.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine-" But once again you were interrupted by the same squeaky, loud voice of the poltergeist.
"I'M TELLING, I'M TELLING," Peeves squeals mockingly before flying straight upwards towards the main floor of the library.
Your heart squeezes into itself. You've never been caught before, why now? Your uncle is going to kill you if he finds out you were sneaking around the castle, and in the restricted section of all places.
You didn't realise your breath was quickening until you felt arms lowering you onto the floor and rough but warm hands palming each side of your neck.
"Hey, hey. You're alright, sweetheart. Take a breath." You hear Finn's soft voice whisper in your ear. A little voice was in your head screaming How do you expect me to breathe when you're making my heart beat even faster??
You breathe deeply before letting out a small chuckle. "I'm okay. I'm fine. Just go get whatever you need to get. I need to deal with Peeves before he gets us both in trouble."
Finn looks at you as if asking you if you're sure. You just nod and sprint after Peeves, the last thing you hear is a distant "Repairo" before making it back to the library.
"PEEVES YOU STUPID POLTERGEIST." You try catching him, forgetting he's a literal ghost as your arms flail right through him.
"Y/n Sallow." You jump at the voice of Madam Agnes behind you. You slowly turn around while Peeves chuckles menacingly at your head hung low in shame. "And to think I'd get a break from the Sallow siblings, you come running along. Wait until your uncle hears about this."
"No. No no no-" You get interrupted by her. "That's enough. You're a bright student, you should know better than to go sneaking around the restricted section especially after curfew."
"But Madam Agnes-"
"And Peeves here tells me you were with someone else." Peeves twirls and rolls around mid-air, celebrating your punishment. "Please tell me you were forced to come here by someone's hand instead of it being your own choice."
There's a pause. You could never snitch on Finn like that. You only just met him but you know better than to put his record at risk on his first week of school here. This was your own choice anyway, you weren't forced. Finn helped you down there, so you're gonna help him.
"No. I came here all alone." You said in a low but stern voice.
Madam Agnes sighs at your lie, but she knew how stubborn you and your brother were, so she let it slide.
"Detention after classes tomorrow. You're going to sort the books to their respective places until they're all done. It doesn't matter if it takes you all night." Your shoulders slump. "Peeves, escort her to her common room, please."
With a sigh from you and an evil chuckle from the poltergeist, you begin your walk to your common room. At least Finn's in the clear now.
Little did you know, Finn saw the whole thing from behind one of the shelves. He couldn't help but let a grateful smile reach his lips.
The next day, Finn runs to the library to find you after his classes. It's already dark out by the time he finishes his extra tasks and from talking to Professor Fig. He doesn't know why he's in such a hurry, but he won't let his confidence escape him just yet.
Once he's in, he find the library to be completely empty, not even Madam Agnes in sight. He hears distant curses and shuffling coming from the second floor and he can only assume the source being your complaining.
As he follows the sounds of frustrated mumbles, he finally finds you at the end of the second floor in a dark corner holding a bunch of books to shelf up. He smiles at the sight of you awkwardly balancing everything in your one hand and walks over to you, taking a pile of books from you.
"Need help there?" He looks at you with a teasing smirk.
You look at him with a grumpy face. "Oh haha, Weasley. I can handle this on my own, thank you very much." You snatch back the books he took from you, instant regret flooding your features as you immediately struggle to balance them.
Finn immediately takes them back from you and effortlessly holds them over his head, extending his arm upwards far from your reach.
"Hey- Hand those back, Weasley." You try hopping to reach the books he so graciously stole from you.
He chuckles at your efforts while you claw up his chest and shoulders, trying to tug down his arm. After a harsh tug, Finn loses balance of the books he's holding and he tries catching them but ends up stumbling forwards.
The books fall to the side as Finn catches himself on the bookshelf, trapping you between it and himself.
You lock eyes with him, your hands clutched tightly onto the thin material of his shirt over his chest. You're both breathing heavily, chests almost touching with every breath.
You can feel Finn hesitate as his hands slowly reach to cup the back of your neck, his thumb over your cheek. No matter how much you willed yourself to, your simply could not take your eyes off him.
"Thank you." He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow.
"For what?"
"For covering for me." His stare snapping between your eyes and lips. "I heard you in the library after we got caught."
"You mean after I caught got?" You tease.
Finn smirks at your remark, his hold on your neck squeezing for a second. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." The nickname melts into your ears and into the rushed beats of your heart.
"Hey, Finn?" The use of his first name makes the blood rush to his cheeks, his breath hitches.
"You dropped my books."
"Shut up." Finn lets out in a desperate breath before pulling you into him, his lips roughly but passionately meeting yours.
His other hand shifts from the side of your head to tangle into your hair, tugging it lightly. You let out a little whimper, but that's all it took for Finn to deepen the kiss even more, his tongue slightly grazing yours. Breaths were escaping through your noses, desperate for air but never desperate enough to separate from each other.
Your fingers weave through his long, soft ginger locks. Your other hand clutches desperately onto the collar of his shirt.
You both finally pull away from each other, your hands gliding down to rest on his chest.
"Fuck." Finn leans his forehead on yours, leaning in for another quick peck. His hazel eyes are glazed over, looking into yours like they hold the world. He slowly brushes a strand of your hair behind your hair, memorising your face as you memorise his.
"I was hoping you'd do that." You chuckle breathlessly. Finn laughs with you, his eyes holding nothing but love as they stare into yours. "Oh yeah?" You nod, your nose lightly touching his.
"Now help me with these books, Weasley. You're still responsible for my detention." You playfully push him away and start picking up the books he previously dropped.
"And I'd do it again as long as it ends like this every time." He smiles at you cheekily.
"Do it again and I'm telling Sebastian you used a love potion on me."
And with that he got to work helping you sort the books out.
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emiliehenry · 2 years
Weasley kept kissing the back of your neck as you were trying to study. At some point it started to get really distracting.
- “What is it, Garreth?” you finally turned around.
- “I want attention…” the boy pressed his forehead against yours.
- “We are in the middle of the library!” you whispered to him.
- “Please?”
You sighed before grabbing his jaw and lending a peck on his lips.
- “Happy now?” you asked.
- “Not quite.”
Weasley slipped his hand through your hair to the back of your head, bringing you close. His embrace was way more needy. He caressed your bottom lips with his tongue, taking out a small whine out of your mouth as you tried to remain calm. This made him smirk a little in your mouth, kissing you even deeper.
When he finally let you go your ears were bright red.
- “G-Garreth!” you tried.
- “Yes?”
- “Ugh, nothing…”
You attempted to focus back on your work but the boy seemed interested in biting your ears now.
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their-love · 1 year
Nightmare on the train
First chapter in a long story I'm working on over the summer (along with the requests)
For this chapter it's genderneutral!reader x Fred Weasley
Characters: Fred, George, Harry, Ron
Summary: Reader has a nightmare, freaks out, panic attack / anxiety attack, comfort from the Weasley's
Warning: use of "love" towards reader, nightmare, (short) mention of abuse, panic attack
Words: 1302
See end for A/N
“Get back here you useless little…” a man yelled at the top of his lungs. He had his arm raised above his head, ready to strike the second the young girl was within reach.
“Yes, father,” the young child said in a whisper. They stood tall and kept their face neutral even though they knew what awaited them. Without warning he struck their cheek, making them fall to the ground with sheer force.
“You useless little half-breed!” he yelled, standing above their small figure.
”All you had to do was follow my directions and this could had been avoided,” the man whispered in a creepy tone. Slowly he undid his belt, watching as his child's eyes widened in fear.
With one quick movement, they awoke and sat up. Their body shook with the intensity of their ragged breathing. The blood pounded in their ears. Their heart thudded too harshly in their chest, feet and hands tingled. They needed to get out of the compartment. They had to breathe.
“Are you alright?” a voice asked. Not having realised they weren't alone, they crawled into the corner of the room. Their breathing momentarily stopped.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” the young boy said raising his hands up, palms out in surrender. The young child, with dark coloured eyes, took a long, slow breath. They eyed the door and then the boy. Without a word, without taking another breath, they went for the door. As it slammed shut behind them, they rounded the corner out of sight. 
Left in the compartment were three concerned looking Gryffindors. Two young boys with red hair, obviously twins, shared a look. The last girl, with gorgeous black hair, stared at the door with a longing expression.
“Think it’s best to give them some space. If they're not back in ten, I’ll go check on them,” one of the twins said in a sombre tone, letting his head lean back against the wall. The others murmured in agreement before sitting back as well.
As the small bathroom door slammed shut behind them, they fell to the ground, still shaking as if soaking wet in the winter weather. Heart wrenching sobs escaped their body as they held their cramping stomach. They might as well had been drowning in the ocean with the feeling of being under water, rather than laying on the cold floor of the train towards another year at school. As their hands began to spasm and the walls seemed to close in on them, they hastily pushed themselves out of the bathroom and into the hallway.
The loud sound of the door slamming open and then shut caught the attention of students in the nearby compartments. One young boy with jet black hair stuck his head out and looked around. As his eyes caught the sight of the child sitting on the floor, clutching their abdomen, and wheezing he immediately walked towards them.
“Are you alright?” he asked, internally kicking himself for asking that when they were quite obviously not. The child only reacted by scrambling further away from him, their eyes blinded with unshed tears.
“Harry? What’s going… Y/N?” a young red head said as he walked out of the same compartment as the black haired boy. A liquorice wand fell out of his mouth as he realised what was going on.
“FRED! GEORGE!” he yelled in panic. Within seconds more curious heads looked out of the various compartments on the train. Two familiar red heads ran down the hallway at the mention of their names. Both stopped dead in their tracks at the horrid sound of shallow, frantic breaths.
“Right. Everyone back into your compartments. NOW!” George said in a tone of authority despite being a third-year student.
“You too, Ron,” he added spinning around to look at his younger brother. Most other students followed his orders and retreated, giving them some privacy. Ron took hold of Harry’s shirt and dragged him into the compartment without a word.
Fred had in the meantime kneeled next to his friend. In a gently tone he informed them of him putting his hand on their shoulder. At first, they recoiled, but soon after relaxed a bit, using his gentle touch as an anchor.
“Y/N, love. Listen to my voice, alright. You are on the train towards Hogwarts. You are not there, trust me,” Fred said as he watched them take in short rapid breaths while fidgeting with the jewellery around their neck.
“You are surrounded by me, your Fred - and George. You’ll be ‘right. Just take a deep breaths, please,” he said, trying his best to sound like his mother last time something similar had happened when they had visited the Burrows. 
Shortly after he took hold of their hand and placed it on his chest after explaining his actions. “Follow my breathing, love,” he whispered.
They let their hair fall out of the braid with shaky fingers. It shadowed over their face, hiding the pained expression and tears as they tried their best to follow his steady rhythm of breathing. In and out, in and out.
After a while, Fred felt their body shift all its weight onto him. He slumped against the wall and pulled them in for a hug. Y/N melted into his side and let the last few tears fall before closing their eyes.
“They're asleep,” Fred informed his brother, who was standing a few feet away, trying his best to be supportive without smothering any of them. George simply nodded, turned around and left. Fred let out a long shaky breath. His specialty was fun and pranks, not pain and sorrow. Befriending the young (YOUR HOUSE) in their second year had turned his world upside down. Not only did he have to deal with the bashing there came with a YOU HOUSE/Gryffindor friendship, but he also had to deal with the broken side of the young (BADGER/RAVEN/SNAKE/LION). All the good moments outweighed the bad, no doubt. The broken moments still left him hollow and sad on their behalf. 
A few minutes after the twin had left, he returned with a blanket and a water bottle. Without a word he draped the fuzzy red blanket around their young friend and left the bottle next to his brother. The twins shared a comforting look before George left them alone again. Fred rubbed his hands up and down the length of their arm in a soothing motion, feeling how even in their sleep they relaxed more.
They woke to someone nudging an elbow into their side. Annoyed, they groaned into the sweater of the boy holding them. The body shook as a gently laugh filled their ears. Slowly, looking up, they stared into the eyes of no other than their best friend. He smiled warmly down at them.
“We need to get our robes on, or Minnie will have our heads,” he said in his usual happy tone. Mumbling bad words, Y/N got up from the floor, stretched their aching body and extended a hand to their friend. Fred happily took the offered hand and once standing pulled them into a hug.
“Let’s have a good year, love,” he whispered into their hair as they rested their arms around his waist. To them, he had the perfect height. A head taller than them made him the perfect hugger as their head would fall to his chest. That way they could feel the steady beating of a healthy heart. Something that had always made them calmer.
“As long as the pranks don’t suffer, I wouldn’t mind a quit year,” they mumbled into his chest, causing him to laugh again.
“The pranks will never go away, my little one. George and I will make sure of it,” he said as he dragged them towards their compartment again.
A/N: This is actually chapter one of an old story I'm planning on continuing at some point this year (hopefully this summer). It's just been adapted to being genderneutral reader instead of a female as its originally intended.
SO, if I accidentally missed anything that makes it gendered, PLEASE, let me know and I'll immediately try to right the wrong!
Or any other mistakes. I LOVE to learn and won't get offended if explained nicely and in a useful way. Hate won't be tolerated here!
Let me know what you think?
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sunstaar · 2 years
Soft Kisses
George Weasley x gn!Reader
Word Count:
Warning: suggestive content
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Gentle lingering touches and soft caresses defined the delicate way George Weasley loved you. His lips never pressed against yours with much force, but rather in a tender fashion with passion behind every movement, the boy you dearly loved acting as though every kiss he shared with you was the last. Never did he dare to proud along your lips in a demanding manner, his indulgence pushed to the side as your hands moved along the freckled skin of his arms, the hairs standing up as they moved. Underneath your touch, his muscles felt almost mushy, and every thought in his brain squashed the moment your body made contact with his.
Your forehead was pressed against his, both of you taking a breath, and your chests rising in sync. The breath falling from your lips caressed his, sparking his yearning before he surged forward to capture them in another kiss just as gentle as the one before. Almost simultaneously, your hands moved to entangle in the soft strands of his ginger hair, your pointer fingers moving to play around with the hint of curls sitting atop his head. Careful not to leave any marks, your nails moved along his scalp, George sighing as his lips detached from yours for a short moment.
“I love you.” He mouthed against your lips, his eyes opening to admire how yours lit up at the words.
A giggle escaped you as you breathed in. “I love you too.”
Without giving him the chance to reply, you moved forward to capture his lips in yet another kiss, determined not to let him go anytime soon. Just as fervently he responded, pulling your body impossibly close, two puzzle pieces meant for one another meeting. It didn’t matter that you could barely get a breath in, because as long as you could stay this close to him, indulging in the delicate way he loved you, you didn’t need anything else.
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ginevrapng · 1 year
pairing: george weasley x slytherin!reader
word count: 5.2k words
content: no war au, non canon quidditch match, fluff, some angst, insecurities
a/n: this was super fun to write and my first long harry potter fic, hopefully you all enjoy it! hopefully george isn't too ooc in this. i might make a part two of this with smut but i'm not sure yet.
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"did i ever tell you how beautiful you are?" spitting out your drink in shock you turn to look at your best friend and see him looking at you, swaying drunkenly. george has definitely had too much to drink tonight. before he can say anything else that you know he'll regret in the morning you cover his mouth with your hand. "honestly george, i leave you alone for an hour to talk to adrian and you get wasted and start sprouting nonsense. normally you're the one stopping me from doing stupid stuff, georgie," you giggle, vowing to make sure you don't get any drunker so you can get you both home safe.
you first met fred and george in potions in your 4th year and it was a rocky start, they didn't like slytherins and you didn't have the time and energy to waste on trying to get people to like you. however that all changed when in one class fred nearly messed up his wit-sharpening potion by putting gurdyroot in instead of ginger root, immediately you grabbed his wrist before he could put it in, straight away scolding yourself for doing such an idiot thing and dropping his hand. normally you wouldn't've minded if someone messed up their work, plus potions was your best class so it'd be less competition but sitting in front of george weasley and then right next to fred it was inevitable you took a liking to their antics, even if you never told them so or even spoke to them.
at the time fred was extremely suspicious, some girl who he'd never spoke to before stopping him from putting in an ingredient. before he could even question it you stated, "it's meant to be ginger root, you've got it wrong." you turned away from him and carried on with what you were previously doing, not wanting to see his reaction, you warned him and he'd do with that what he will. you expected him to not respond but you didn't expect utter silence from his workside. "you can believe me or not, i don't care. don't just do nothing though, snape's going to think you're up to something and it'll distract me when he comes over."
you started to get pissed off at weasley's lack of movement before you heard him not so quietly whisper to george, "oi, what's meant to be in this thing? gurdyroot?" you didn't hear what george said, you're not sure if it was because he was actually quieter or if you were slightly stunned and pleased with the fact he took some notice on what you said and didn't throw away what you said you said completely. in the corner of your eye you saw fred turn back around and almost sounded reluctant as he replied, "shit. urrr thanks.. i guess."
after that day you both took more interest in each other, only talking when having something that needed to be said but that was definitely an upgrade in your relationship. george took notice of this change but others didn't. by the end of your fourth year you talked in potions together all the time, with george joining in by leaning over to talk to you both, cheekily winking at you whenever he caught you looking at him, promptly leading to an eye roll from you and occasionally walking over to you under the guise of needing to get something where you were, leading to many detentions and you vowing to never speak to him again if he distracted you in crucial parts in class. everybody just thought george wanted to talk to fred but they were wrong.
you also listened to their prank ideas, giving impute when you can but mostly just fascinated by everything they were saying. you'd stealthily give them presents for christmas and their birthday and they'd always tease you about it but you'd always be able to tell they liked what you gave them. they also decided to bother you while you studied in the library. to this day you think about shock people must have had when fred and george said they were going to the library for the first time, madam pince probably thought she was going mad when she saw them.
it just turned into a secret, your friendship, you're not really sure how, you just knew that fred and george didn't want people to know about you. you wish you could have said the same but you had no interest in what others thought of you. you were very prideful of your house but you didn't care about your reputation, at those times you wish the twins felt the same. you would like to say it didn't bother you to keep quiet about how you're friends with them but it did, not all the time but sometimes it did get to you. you'd finally found amazing friends and they actually liked you for you and have interest in what you had to say, they were probably the closest friends you had and had ever had. you knew that you kept to yourself and you liked that fred and george somehow managed to get you to open up so being made to never speak to them in front of other people hurt sometimes. you sometimes wondered if you mattered that much in their lives.
that was answered to you after a quidditch match, slytherin against gryffindor. slytherin won by a landslide and for some reason the other team were off their game this time, whatever the reason it was a win to slytherin. you wished you could have cheered on fred and george, they are great beaters but you knew you couldn't have cheered for them, that's okay though because adrian was on the slytherin team and you two have always been close since first year. you were decked out in all green, cheering him on and the rest of the team, house spirit and all, scarf and socks matching, watching them play.
on your way back into the castle you see a small commotion and notice the green robes so you went over there to see an argument between some of the two teams. malfoy spewing rubbish like all ways. more and more people were starting to come over and you knew soon one of the professors would get there, you were not going to lose house points today, especially when you've just won the game and gained house points in return. "the only reason you're still on the slytherin team malfoy is because your father's paying flint's parents to keep you on the team." you heard potter say as you walked up towards them.
you reached your hand out to touch malfoy's shoulder pulling him back. "let's go malfoy, it's not worth it, we just won."
you froze as you heard potter talk to you, he'd never even looked at you before, now he's got it in for you. "who are you, anyway? just some other blood-purist? bet you're so proud of your house cheating." if you were more confident in that moment you would of spoken up, would've told him to shut it, that he knows nothing about you. but you realised everyone is looking at you, slytherins, gryffindors even hufflepuffs and ravenclaws and the twins are behind harry and oh god you felt sick. you tried your hardest to not look the twins in the eye or even in their direction at all. you thought that they're probably disgusted that they ever talked to you. you're nothing like what potter thought you were and everyone who knew you knew that but fred and george never did ask you questions about your beliefs, maybe afterwards they had doubts when potter said that.
you kept your head down and walked away, pushing against people, clearly trying not to cry. you just wanted to get out of there. you found out how much you mean to the twins when george see's your figure leaving, going back to the castle. without much thought about the situation he goes to correct harry, because there was no way in merlin he was going to let someone think that about you. fred beat him to it though, "she really is nothing like that harry." george pushes against everyone as he followed you, catching up with you quickly.
"don't worry about it, harry just doesn't know you."
you couldn't help it, it just came. you were overwhelmed with emotions and frustration you stop momentarily, spun to face him and shout, "that's the whole problem. he doesn't know me! leave me alone weasley, i never want to speak to you again." you walked off quickly, deciding you're done. it's over and you just want to sleep for the rest of the day.
george wasn't too fond of this idea and he catches up with you again. honestly he was slightly taken aback by your outburst, one second he saw you desperately try to stop malfoy from saying anything else due to not wanting to get into trouble and the next second harry made you run off while trying not to cry. he wished that you never saw the fight between them all, he hoped you didn't think ill of him. "please don't go, let's just go wait for fred somewhere, he's probably still fighting with malfoy."
"didn't you hear me weasley, i'm done. i'm not going to be your stupid secret. i don't want to be your bloody friend only when it suits you."
george never meant for you to think that you're a secret and he knew fred felt the same. "i'll fix this." you didn't answer but all you could think was 'no, not this time.'
you did however successfully help deescalate the argument. gryffindor's confusement with how the twins stood up for you left malfoy to throw a couple of snide comments without any reply from them, leading enough time for pansy to notice mcgonagall on her way over and warn all her house that they should leave, including a very worked up malfoy.
"what the bloody hell was that all about?" ron questions fred, everyone else turning to face him thinking exactly the same thing.
"well obviously malfoy was being a git like always."
"you know bloody well that's not what i mean."
"is she who you go see when you 'go to the library'?" ginny asks. "i mean seriously, it's not like i believe you both have suddenly started studying multiple times a week."
fred knew ginny's caught him out but he doesn't know what to say. how would they all react to finding out about you and what if you don't even want anyone in slytherin to figure out your friends with two gryffindors.
"we're friends." fred hears as he turns round to see george had come back. he didn't want for you to feel like a secret anymore. he wonders where you are and questions him. "she said she's going... actually i don't know where."
"is she okay?"
george pauses for a second, "we'll figure something out."
ginny was the only one who didn't have something to say about what they'd all just found out. she had a suspicion something was up, she just didn't know what, she really did not think that it would be something to do with a slytherin though. but everyone else definitely was not taking the news too well. not just a slytherin but someone opening being friendly with malfoy, at least in their eyes that's what it looked like.
every time you saw the twins after that you walked away, doing everything in your power to stay away from them. that did not work for long, as two days after the incident you had charms first period with george. mentally preparing yourself to see him and ignore him no matter what he said or how funny he is, you get out of bed, get ready and leave the common room.
as you left you get the fright of your life. "oh merlin, george! what are you doing lurking about?" your heart racing out due to the jump and still trying to be angry and scold him even though you missed him and fred incredibly so. you see him smirk as he tries not to laugh and you want so bad to wipe that smirk of his stupid face.
"i've come to carry your bag, you always complain that you have to carry to many books on tuesday so i've come to save you, i'm your knight in shining armour! we've got charms." before you can even retort and tell him to go away he's taken your bag and is walking off.
"hey give me my bag back!" he doesn't try to keep in his laugh this time as he then assures you that you'll have it in charms. "i need that bag now weasley, if you remember before class there's normally a little thing called breakfast."
"i did actually forget about that. let's go have some breakfast then." he carried on walking and didn't give you your bag back. you're walking in the halls together and you don't know how to react. not only are you angry at him but now you're confused because what the hell does he think he's doing and why did he suddenly care about you enough to be seen with you.
"stop thinking so much. you know me and fred really care about you and we'll make it up to you. we never wanted you to feel the way you have been feeling. godric i'll even drop a bag of dungbombs in mcgonagall's classroom because i know how much you secretly don't like her. even if you pretend you do, i see your face scrunch up in annoyance all the time when she talks."
you unsuccessfully tried to hide your smile, as you mumble about how you want your bag back and how you wasn't even thinking about that. george relaxes more as he see's you smile, there was always that insecurity that you'd never talk to him again after the quidditch match although fred was so sure you would and told him so and he's so fred was right glad.
right now though at this party fred's on his own this time with getting home. you're pretty sure he was talking to seamus finnigan and neville longbottom last time you saw him anyway so it's unlikely you'll see him again tonight if he's with all gryffindor alumni.
you've found it best to stay away from that lot anyway, as you've only properly met the twins family and harry, and you know they're probably very welcoming people now that they know who you are and the twins want you to properly meet them but you had a hard enough time meeting hermione granger for the first time, you don't want the hassle of going through that all again and even after all these years you know that she still doesn't like you, no matter how close you both are to the weasley family. you remember bursting out crying the first time they invited you to spend the holidays with them at the burrow when they found out you'd be staying at hogwarts that year for christmas.
now george has come to find you he hasn't left your side, not even by an inch, so close together you can feel each others body heat, squished on a small sofa together with your thighs touching. he tries to hold out to you and you're unsure about what he wants to do but lean into his touch anyway. "don't get your drink on my dress or i'll kill you weasley."
he grins and pulls you closer, you're now tucked under his chin, being able to feel his heartbeat. you're already hot from the summer heat and the dancing, but you welcome being so close to him, quickly getting used to the position.
'fred's normally the one who's touchier.' you didn't realise you said that out loud until george pulls you tighter to him, humming back to you.
you both sit together for a minute or two, listening to the party-goers and the music in the background. you could sit there all day with george, doing nothing in particular, just being next to him. just like at hogwarts when it was only you and him, fred's off somewhere else and you'd both sit under one of the oak trees in the shade away from everyone else and play with his hair absentmindedly, reading to him as he closes his eyes and listens. but as you go to sip your drink you hear george say, "i don't like how you and fred always touch each other." you stop moving and draw your hand back down without drinking. he really must have no filter when he's had too much to drink.
"what on earth are you talking about george? you make it sound like we're bloody all over each other. you know we don't have any kind of feelings for each other. plus does it really matter to you?"
you look to him and see his eyebrows furrowed and lips in a tight line. "you are all over each other though." he looks you in the eye while whispering. "and pucey, what's his deal, you know he was a shit quidditch player right?"
you get up to leave, george may be pissed drunk but right now he's pissing you off. you decide you'll cool off and come find him later on to take you both home. that is unless you see him making out in the corner with alicia spinnet. last time he got in a mood like this with you it was at a party in your last year at hogwarts. for some reason george just had so much to drink and started questioning why you spent the night dancing with fred and even started talking about how you went to the yule ball with flint. aware that you were both drunk you didn't want to argue you left to find fred. later when you came to find george after missing him and wanting to forget about the outburst, you saw him snogging alicia spinnet, his hands on her waist and her hands in his hair. just seeing it made you feel sick and overcome with feelings you don't want to confront as you left the party without saying bye to anyone, nearly forgetting the password for the common room as you stumble inside, wanting to forget about the entire night.
this won't be like last time though as before you can successfully make your escape george holds onto your wrist and drags you back down onto the sofa, nearly landing on his lap. with his other hand he tilts your head towards him, so you're face to face and eye level. too flustered and surprised, you don't move. you're so close to each other that you can can smell the firewhisky he's been drinking and the sandalwood shampoo he uses and his cinnamon scented body wash and cologne. you're so close you can count his freckles and you're trying desperately not too think about this. george is your best friend, george weasley is not someone who should distract you from your surroundings because all you can focus on is him.
"the only person who you should be all over is me. not pucey, not fred, not that twat flint that took you to the yule ball, not that bloody ravenclaw who kept eyeing you up in our 5th year, it's me, not them." your eyes widen as george talks softly to you. you're gazing into each others eyes and you don't think you've ever seen george look so nervous in his life. you think his eyes are beautiful, you've always thought that. like he told you he thinks yours are tonight, like how he told you how beautiful in general you are tonight. but right now it's different, he's being vulnerable and trusting you by letting you look, by letting you softly study his features in more detail than you've ever been able to in the past, it's an open invitation into his heart and soul, trying to convey to you how much you mean to him. his chocolate brown eyes are glazed over and you're unsure if it's due to him drinking or if it's because he's telling you how he feels and he's getting emotional. you see crinkles under his eyes from his countless hours of laughing and smiling and pulling pranks. how he's slowing blinking as if his eyelids feel heavy. you wonder what he can see in your eyes and during this moment you can't even begin to recall what your own eye colour is. the warmth of his eyes making you forget your own, you believe they're probably glassy due to what george confessed.
you licked your lips, suddenly finding them incredibly dry, "why?"
george slightly moves his head back further away from you, "why, what?" george didn't know what you would say but he didn't expect it to be a one word question that he's too drunk to wrap his head around to understand. he genuinely did not know where this night was going to go at the beginning but one thing lead to another and in george's eyes you started getting to touchy with someone and then all these words kept tumbling out that he thought he'd never say out loud.
"why you?" you turn your head away slightly, twidling with your fingers.
"thought it was pretty obvious after all i said love." your stomach flips at the name, "i'm mad about you." he looks at you with bated breath, waiting for your response.
"tell me you mean it." george hears your voice shake and as he leans closer to you to try and get you to look at him again he see's tears running down your face, uncontrollably. he's taken aback by seeing you cry and hates that he's the one who caused it, he's unsure of what he should do after but right now he can't help but to draw you into his arms, holding you against his side, placing a kiss on your head and stroking your back. he hears you sniffle and strokes your cheek, wiping away all the tears. "please.. please georgie. tell me you mean it."
"i-i mean it. i've never meant anything more in my life-," george starts to say but you cut him off.
"are you sure? your friends don't like me and what if alicia spinnet comes up to you and kisses you again or asks you out on a date." you whisper, still holding on tight to him. you're insecurities flowing through you.
"well firstly, i have no idea what my mates have to do with how i feel about or why it matters. and secondly..." he trails off as he then realises exactly what you said. george lifts a hand to your face and gently places under your chin tenderly, lifting your face up and facing him. "wait, are you jealous of alicia spinnet?" he studies your face, red eyes still watery and seeing you heat up and pout. he knew he got his answer and became more confident and self-assured. grinning from ear to ear, he says, "i didn't even know you saw that love. we only kissed once." you furrow your eyebrow causing george to chuckle and gently smooth out the wrinkles with his fingertips before kissing your forehead. "you seem bitter, love?" he teases.
you knows he's riling you up for a reaction but that doesn't stop the reaction. now he knows you might share feelings for him nothing will stop him from pressing your buttons in hopes that you'll get fired up and shout at him because he finds that you're so cute whenever that happens and you might even shout out your feelings and tell him how you feel. he might be able to get you to tell him how you feel about him or if it's only you being possessive of your friend after you've had a few drinks but he really hopes that isn't the case.
"weasley if you keep teasing i'm going to be mad at you," you huff. george hasn't stopped grinning though and you want so desperately to wipe that grin off his face, to have the upperhand but you've lost all capability of telling him you feel the same, you have since your fourth year and even now you worry that you aren't good enough, but you remember to before how he was looking at you and what he said about you and how pleased he looks right now and all of that worry goes away for awhile.
you lunge closer to him and close the already small gap between you two and kiss him, momentarily stunning george by your bold attention before he's smirking and kisses you harder, moving his hands so one is tracing patterns on your waist and the other delicately holding your jaw and cheek.
after kissing for so long it feels like your lips might just fall off, you reluctantly break apart, not realises how much you currently needed air until you could get some. "so you like me too, ay?"
you refuse to answer out of being shy and kiss him again, mainly to get him to stop speaking but there is one thing about george and that's after all these years he knows you like the back of his hand, so he doesn't kiss you back to watch you get frustrated, and boy did it frustrate you. you scowl as you look at him, "why'd you do that?"
george tucks some of your hair behind your ear, causing you to shiver at the action and george to smirk at your reaction. he whispers in your ear, "tell me you like me too, love." you want so desperately to hold onto him but he's moving away from you before you even get the chance to. he's looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to crack.
you soon crack, just as george knew you would. "bloody hell, george i am in love with you, alright! so kiss me now!"
"you..you what?" if you were more sober you would have instantly regretted saying that, however as soon as the words came out of your mouth you forgot what you confessed to entirely.
you grab hold of his shirt and pull him closer towards you again. "please, georgie, 'need you." that snaps him out of his thinking as he starts kissing you again, this time less soft as before. he's almost hungry now as he's holding onto you tight, and has started moving down your neck, placing kisses in his wake. you softly moan at the sensation before you're rudely interrupted by whistling.
"oi, get a room you two. it's bad enough to have seen you make heart eyes at each other for the last six years." you've never wanted a strangle fred more and it looks like george is sharing a similar sentiment, as he glares at him across the room.
"lets get out of here sweetheart before i punch him in the face." you giggle and stand up.
"that's awfully violent of you george, i'm meant to be the one that gives threats." you've started to sober up a bit now but lean against him anyway, wanting an excuse to be close.
" 'fraid i've always seen through that. you're not very scary love, i mean you scream every time you see a spider. if i trapped you and dear little ronnikins in a room with a spider, just imagine the chaos." he chuckles as he looks at you fondly and holds your hand while pulling you tighter to him, he sees through your guise of needing help to stand and keep steady but that doesn't stop him from holding on to you, any reason or excuse to hold you and touch you he's going to take it, especially now you're both sobering up.
george steers you through all of the people as you're making your way to the door. "wait georgie, do you need to say bye to everyone?" you stop in your tracks and pull in your hand back a bit.
"nah, doesn't matter." you softly smile and hold tighter onto his hand. you hum and follow him out the door.
as soon as you're out the door you're hit with the winter cold. " 'm cold," you grumbled as george was already taking his jacket off.
"here, love," he replied as he drapes his jacket over your shoulders, giving you extra warmth. "if i knew it was going to be this cold i'd have brought a scarf." he wraps you up in his arms, slinging his arm around you and sharing body heat, making in difficult to move quickly but appreciating the warmth.
"don't know why we couldn't apparate out of there, bloody annoying if you ask me." you complain.
he laughs as you make a fuss. "there were muggles there."
"what the bloody hell were muggles doing there?"
"careful, love, you're starting to sound like malfoy," he responds playfully, causing you to lightly hit his shoulder and pout.
"you know what i mean. how does he know muggles?"
"dunno honestly, but on the brightside i get to walk home with a pretty girl." you pinch his arm softly to silently tell him to quit it, getting a laugh out of him.
"there's no 'brightside', it's night. plus i'm just pretty?" you feel the need to tease him like he's been teasing you as george always wins in this kind of thing, never failing to make you shy and flustered.
"oh no, not just pretty. the most beautiful person in the world." he tells you without missing a beat. in response you kiss george's cheek, pleased and feeling fuzzy at what he said and you both walk together in comfortable silence.
"so you're in love with me," he remarked. you can hear his grin. the cogs turn in your brain as you remember what you told him.
you keep your head forward even though you want to turn away, and silently thank how you're still slightly tipsy, giving you the courage you need to not deny your deeper feelings. "shut up weasley."
george spins you to face him, your skirt flowing with the movement, the skirt that you definitely should not have worn tonight no matter how long it is. pressing your foreheads together he whispers, "i love you too. now lets get home before i freeze my bloody bullocks off."
you burst out laugh and bury your face in his neck, this time making him shiver at the touching contact. you don't think you've ever felt happier than right now, as the man you love loves you too.
you carry on your walk and swing your hands intertwined with his. "does that make me your girlfriend georgie?"
"merlin! it better be, six years is a long enough wait."
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
Scotty doesn’t know
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Fred Weasley x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: kissing, cursing,lowkey smut 😱, not going to say minors DNI bc ik yall going to read it anyway, blasphemy only once, Scotty is an ASS in this, he is also in Ravenclaw 💙, cheating, modern au so regular high school, fiona = Y/N, cursing, very suggestive lyrics, fighting, and i think that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍 ^ <——— this means start the song 💋 harry potter masterlist
Summary: Y/N cheating on her boyfriend Scotty with the schools prankster
posted: April 21,2023
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Scotty and Y/N look like the perfect couple. They literally won ‘best couple’ in the yearbook. Everyone thought that they were perfect for each other .
But no one knew what actually went on behind closed doors.
Scotty is toxic as fuck.
Always asked where are you going.
“Where the hell are you going at 8:00?”
Made you change if he wasn’t comfortable with what you were wearing.
“Isn’t guys going to be there? You’re not going anywhere dressed like that.”
Always interrogated your friends.
“So what are you guys doing tonight?”
All your friends tell you that he’s an insecure fuck but you never listen.
You tried to break up with him several times but he always played the ‘I’ll be better’ card and you fell for it.
Every single time.
You fell out of love a long time ago.
So you just found a side. And that ‘side’ was
Fred fucking Weasley. ^
Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me
Do it in my van every Sunday
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know
Oh, Scotty doesn't know
Scotty was walking around school looking for you.
“Have you seen Y/N?”
“Have you seen Y/N?”
He finally found you and ran up to you. “Hey Y/N!” You turn around and before you can respond Scotty’s lips are already on you. He pulled away and it took everything in your power to not wipe your lips. “Hey babe!” You can not believe how fake you sounded. “Hey! So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out Sunday?” You pretended to have fake sadness. “Scotty you know I have church every Sunday.”
“Oh yeah! My bad baby, I forgot.” You just shook your head. “It’s fine. We can hang out Saturday if you want.” He nodded and kissed you again and walked off.
Little does he know.
“Oh fuck. Right there darling. Keep going just like that.” He threw his head back into the seat. You smiled knowing that you were the reason he has this reaction. You grab his balls firmly and he moans even louder.
Thank god you guys are in an empty parking lot.
You can feel him about to cum. You go even faster if that’s possible, he finally burst in your mouth. You swallowed and went up to kiss him and he tasted himself. He moaned into your mouth. He finally pulled away and put his jeans back on.
“So how long until ‘church’ is over darling?” He asked putting air quotes on church. You gave a small laugh. “One more hour.” You say biting your lip. He gave his signature smirk. “Well let’s go pray.” He took your hand to the back of the car.
You probably traumatized the little kids who were walking by to see a shaking car.
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)
“Scotty doesn’t know!” Fred’s twin exclaimed. “Why would he know dumbass?” George just shrugged. He sneaked a glance at you from across the cafeteria. You winked and went to the bathroom. Fred and George saw this. “Well that’s my cue. Bye Georgie.”
“You’re disgusting!”
Fiona says she's out shopping
But she's under me
And I'm not stopping
“Sorry I’m going shopping later. I need clothes for this trip I’m taking sorry baby.” Scotty asked you if you wanted hang out later and you obviously can’t since you promised a certain ginger that you can hang out tonight.
“You’ve been really busy lately.” Scotty said with a questioning tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing it’s just that if you don’t wanna hang out just say that don’t make bullshit excuses.” You don’t even want to talk about this right now.
“I’m not doing this with you right now. I gotta go bye Scotty.”
“Bye Y/N”
Your nails scratched his back, him moaning even louder.
Very convinced that he has a pain kink.
“Oh my god Fred!”
“You feel so good darling.” He throws his head back and you arch your back.
“I’m so close, go faster Freddie.” You whisper as he puts his head in your shoulder.
And he went faster.
You feel the knot in you burst and you can feel his warmth inside you. He slips out with a soft hiss.
You turn on your side. He’s so beautiful, all sweaty and tired. His hair slightly covering his forehead.
“You’re so pretty Freddie.” He smiled and turns on his side. His hand goes to your face, taking your hair out of your face.
“Thank you but you’re much more pretty darling.”
You smile and silence fills the air.
“Break up with him”
Oh shit.
'Cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Don't tell Scotty
You’re in class and you can see Fred in the corner writing something and sending it your way.
“Y/N here. It’s from Fred.”
Scotty heard that.
“Why is Fred Weasley sending you notes?” He whispered yelled from next you. You just shrug.
You’re so getting him for this.
You raise your hand.
“Yes Ms. L/N?”
“Can I go to the bathroom?” Professor Snape nods and you rush to the bathroom.
You read the note.
‘Meet at the courtyard at 10:30.
-Freddie ;)’
You smile and go back to class.
“Hey Freddie.” He turns around and a smile coats his face. His dimples showing.
“Hey darling, about the thing I said, I meant it. I can treat you way better than he can. Just leave him please.
You feel really bad about what you’re going to say.
“I can’t Fred. I just can’t. Let’s just continue what we’re doing okay?”
It’s not that you don’t believe Fred it’s just that you don’t how Scotty is going to react if he finds out you’ve been fucking someone behind his back for a whole year.
You can tell he is heartbroken that you wanna continue this but he does nod sadly because he wants you to be happy.
I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
You grab the headboard to stop you from falling face first into the bed. You don’t know who got Fred so angry but you want angry more often.
Then your phone started to ring.
“Oh my god! It’s Scotty! Fred stop.”
He kept going.
“Answer the phone darling just be quiet.”
Fiona's got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing
“Hey Baby!” You bite your lip trying not to moan. “Hey Scotty! Not to be mean but why are you calling?!”
“Why do you sound like that?” Fred stifled a laugh thinking this shit was funny. You look back and he’s biting back a laugh.
“Scotty I’m kinda busy right now.”
“Ok baby call me when you’re done I. love you.”
“Uh huh yea bye.”
Scotty obviously thought your behavior was weird and he was definitely confronting you about it tomorrow.
You don’t care, you’re getting your back blown by someone who can actually make you cum.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
You’re in the courtyard with Angelina. You obviously knew Fred’s and Angie’s history but he always assured you that you were the only one.
As you were talking you see in the corner of your eye Scotty is speed walking towards you two.
“Hey Scotty. What’s wrong?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You grab his hand and walked to an empty classroom. You didn’t even have time to close the door.
“Are you fucking Fred Weasley Y/N?!” Your eyes widened.
“Excuse me?!”
'Cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
“What got you to that bullshit conclusion?!” Even if it is true you’re still shocked that he would accuse you of this.
“The notes? And don’t think I don’t see you two eye fucking each other every chance you get!”
Even though he treats you like shit. You’re surprised that he is so effected by this.
“Just tell me now Y/N. How long?”
You stay silent. You roll your eyes.
“We never did anything Scotty!”
“Is that what you were doing when I called you the other day? You were getting fucked! It was a three way call! Wow Y/N I thought you were better than this!”
“I can’t believe you’re accusing me of such bullshit! I would never do that to you. We’ve been dating for almost three years and you think I would throw all that shit away!”
He just stayed there. Then walked out pushing your shoulder in the process.
You had a feeling shit was going to hit the fan.
We'll put on a show
Everyone will go
“Weasley!” Scotty yelled.
Fred was walking with George when he heard his name. He turned around to see a pissed off Scotty aka your boyfriend.
Oh shit.
“Yes Scotty?”
“Are you fucking my girl?”
He put a pretend confused look on his face.
“And why would I do that?” He had a condescending tone. With a smile on his face.
“I don’t care for your tone Weasley and I know your bitch ass fucked her!” He pushed him so hard Fred almost fell down.
You walked to where the yelling was coming from and see a small crowd around Scotty and Fred.
Everyone can see in Fred’s face that he wanted to beat his ass but he saw you so he didn’t.
Just walked away.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
“Why didn’t you punch him Freddie?” You were in his dorm. You were laying on his chest and he was drawing shapes on your back. You love the moments when it’s no sex just love and admiration for each other.
“I just saw your face and I didn’t want you to see me differently. You never saw me angry let alone fight anyone and I didn’t want to change your view of me.” You smile at his mini confession that he cares about what you think of him.
“Ok just know nothing will change how I feel about you Freddie.”
“Me too darling.”
The parkin' lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top
“Oh god, keep going like that darling.” You throw your head back and arch your back. He starts to suck on your nipple, switching every now and then.
This made you stutter your hips.
“Fuck Freddie!” You came all over him. He went two seconds after.
“God! it’s so cool when you’re on top.” You just laugh.
His front lawn in the snow
Life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
You had no idea how you were swayed into fucking on Scotty’s front lawn during Christmas break.
“Fred if he walks out we’re dead.” He shushed you and kept going.
“He deserves this anyway Y/N.”
I did her on his birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Scotty
Happy birthday to you
Everyone in the courtyard turned to your singing. Which isn’t that bad. Tolerable.
“Happy Birthday Scotty!” You yelled with several presents in your hands.
You might hate the guy but everyone deserves presents on their birthday.
“Thank you baby.” He gave you a peck.
Fred saw this bullshit and walked out the courtyard.
“Fred we can’t do this on his birthday! That’s like having sex at a funeral!” You whispered yelled as he tried to unbutton your blouse. You two were in a storage closet together. Nothing but a little light on.
“Come on please?” He has that one look that always made you fold on his face.
“Ok.” He smiled and went to his knees.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
“So are y’all ever planning on telling him?” Fred turned to George. “Only if she wants too.”
“I don’t know how y’all do it. Especially you, I mean you had a major crush on her ever since they got together.”
“Ok Georgie you don’t have to say all that.”
Little did they know you were right behind the door.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty will know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty's gotta know
“I mean he already had speculations about you two. But I don’t think he would like that you confirmed his speculations Freddie.” Fred asked George if it’s a good idea to tell Scotty without your permission.
Which is bad but he really wanted this sneaking around shit to be over.
I'm gonna tell Scotty
Gonna tell him myself
“Ima tell him. I don’t care I’m tired of this shit.”
“Wait Fred that’s not a good ide-!”
Fred was already out the door.
“Hey Scotty!”
He turned around and had a ‘the fuck are doing here?’ look.
“I just wanted to-.” He stopped himself, thinking of how you would react and he didn’t want you upset.
“What Weasley?”
“Nothing just you shouldn’t accuse people of shit if you don’t have any evidence.”
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
“You didn’t tell him?! What happened to ‘i don’t care I’m tired of this shit’ .
He rolls his eyes. “I don’t sound like that. I just thought about the consequences and didn’t do it.”
“I can not believe that Fred Weasley is whipped. Pussy whipped at that!”
“Shut up George!”
Scotty has to
Scotty has to
Scotty has to go
“Hey darling. What’s up?”
You knocked on his door and started crying.
“Hey! Hey! What’s wrong?!”
“I wanna be with you Freddie.”
He felt the whole world stop. You want him not Scotty. This is the happiest day of his life.
“I didn’t do it yet but Scotty has to go.”
He loves you.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)
Today is the day you are going to break up with Scotty for good this time.
You all around the school for him and finally see him talking with his friends.
“Hey Scotty! Can we talk?”
He nodded skeptically and you took his hand to an empty classroom.
“We need to break up.”
“What the fuck?!”
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)
“I need to put me first you know? And you can’t do any bullshit excuses or the gifts. Nothing! I mean nothing will get me back to you ok? So bye and we can’t be friends after this.” You just left him speechless.
You feel so fucking free.
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty’s gotta go!
“Freddie I did it! I broke up with him! I can be with you now!” You were jumping up and down in his room. He just has the most ecstatic smile on his face. He grabbed you and smashed his lips on yours.
What a fucked up love story.
That is so bad! So bad
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An: hope y’all enjoy this 😍😍 this was a long one and I love it sooo until I post again my lovers 🤍 (hint: pope and Maybank reader)
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lotofnothings · 1 year
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I was trying to find a fic I read some time ago, but I just can't find it!
It was a fic with one of the Weasley twins, where he and reader dated during their time in Hogwarts and them suddenly break up (if I'm not mistaken, he breaks up with reader). But reader was pregnant! And didn't tell him! Some years later, reader finds him, and he sees the toddler that it's just like him! Well, the end is a little blurry for me to remember, but it's basically this!
I would really, really appreciate if you could send me if you know which one it is ❤️
(and sorry for any misspelling, English is not my first language 🍷🗿)
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
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yay or nay? what do we think?
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