#Wei Zhongle
innerpalaces · 4 months
CHAPTER 176: The Beloved Daughter of the Guo Family
As one entered the the Duke of Qi's Mansion, the first thing they'll see is a building with a plaque that read 'Baolin Hall' hanging above it. This is the gathering hall of Dukes of Qi in past dynasties. It is used to entertain the most distinguished guests and is usually not opened. To enter the inner house, Li Wei Yang had to pass in front of Baolin Hall. Through the overlapping rocks, she saw that the hall looked like a treasure pavilion, with precious blue vases, red and white coral, agate, and other precious items. There are some courtyards scattered around Baolin Hall, which are used for ordinary guests or the staff. Passing through this courtyard, they came to a large gate, upon which was written the words 'Yuxiu Gate'.
Mother Song smiled and said: "Yuxiu gate is the boundary betweeen the inner and outer courtyard. Every night, this gate will be locked and will only be opened the next morning."
Li Wei Yang nodded. The Li family had a lot of rules in the past, but in the Duke of Qi's Mansion, the inner and outer courtyards became more distinct. The purpose of Mother Song's special reminder was to tell her that once she entered the inner courtyard, she would not be able to approach this gate easily.
After passing Yuxiu, they went through countless courtyards. Along the way, they saw many maids, but they all held their breath and did not even dare to raise their heads. They passed through a garden and saw that the yard was full of peonies and crysanthemums. Li Wei Yang stood on a curved bridge, looking down at the small river and the red brocade of colored stones interweaving with each other, and listening to the calls of the orioles not far away, appearing slightly lost in thought. However, at this moment, she heard hurried footsteps, and before she could react, she was already in someone's embrace. Li Weiyang was shocked, and subconsciously tried to struggle free, but the gentle and beautiful female voice anxiously said: "Jia'er! Mother has finally brought you back!"
The person in front of her was Madam Guo, who looked extremely surprised. She hugged Li Wei Yang tightly and looked completely out of control. The maids next to her were shocked when they saw the madam calling this young lady Jia'er. Mother Song quickly smiled and said: "Madam, isn't the young miss back now? Please let go first, okay?"
"Yes! Yes!" Madam Guo quickly wiped away her tears and was extremely happy. She pulled Li Wei Yang and said, "Come on, Jia'er, Mom will take you to see your room!" As she spoke, she pulled Li Wei Yang along. Finally, they came to a courtyard called Zhongling. There were three or four little maids sweeping in front of the door. When they saw the madam suddenly coming, they immediately lowered their heads and saluted. Madam Guo took Li Wei Yang in and she saw a lush peony garden growing in the yard, with an extremely precious black peony standing gracefully in the center. A wisteria tree stood in the middle of the yard. It is in bloom at the moment, exuding bursts of floral fragrance. Even from a distance, you can smell the refreshing aroma. The east wall of the courtyard was covered with ivy, which hung down across the brick in layers.nWhen a gust of wind blows, the branches and leaves sway with the breeze, making it look like a green wave. The whole courtyard is full of life.
"Miss, Madam arranged this for you personally. She has been cleaning it every day for many years. Madam always said that you will come back one day." Mother Song looked at Madam Guo carefully and said to Li Wei Yang.
Li Wei Yang smiled and said nothing. Madam Guo couldn't wait to pull her into the house. Once inside, Li Wei Yang discovered that all the furnishings in the room were brand new, including a dressing table inlaid with tortoiseshell, a diamond-shaped bronze mirror set in a brocade frame, and a jewelry box with red lacquer carved plum blossoms. The three rooms are separated by peony silk embroidery screens that are as tall as one person. Bright sunlight shines down from the diamond-shaped flower windows. The plain silk on the rosewood marble bookcase shines. There were all kinds of famous people's books and scrolls stacked on the side, and there were also dozens of precious ink pens, various colored pens, and calligraphy brushes. On the rack at the side, there was an ancient zither, and in a blue and white porcelain bottle, there was an extremely elegant white peony flower.
There was a hint of uneasiness in Madam Guo's crystal eyes: "Mom doesn't know what you like, so she prepared a little bit of everything."
Li Wei Yang looked at her, feeling slightly sad in her heart. She knew that all this was supposed to be prepared for Xiaoman, but she had no chance to see it. She would never have the change to experience the feelings of a beloved daughter of Madam Guo: "I I understand, thank you...Mom." Seeing her smile, Madam Guo became as happy as a child receiving a reward, and said: "Jia'er, come and see!"
"The jewelry in this box has been prepared by mother for you over the years. Mother has always thought that when you come back, you will look good wearing it!"
"This is Liu Mingyuan's calligraphy. His calligraphy is the most suitable for women to copy!"
"Mother has this house cleaned every day. Isn't it very clean?!"
No matter what he said, Li Wei Yang just nodded and smiled. But Madam Guo was very nervous. She always held her sleeves with her hands and she refused to let go. Mother Song felt sad when she saw Madam like this. She secretly turned her face away and wiped her tears before saying, "Madam, the young lady is back, you should rest assured. Should you take medicine first?"
Madam Guo frowned and said: "Jia'er is back, what medicine should I take? My illness has been cured! Don't bother us here!"
When Li Wei Yang heard these words, she was filled with shock and compassion.
Before the Duke of Qi, Guo Su, came in, he heard what his wife said, and his heart suddenly broke. His wife misses her daughter so much and looks forward to her return day and night. However, their Jia'er will never come back. He turned to look at Li Wei Yang. This young girl was beautiful, gentle, generous, and had such a noble temperament. She was really similar to his wife when she was young. If Jia'er hadn't died, it would have been like this... ...When he thought this way, he only felt more pain in his heart, but he also felt a kind of comfort. After thinking about it, he walked in and said: "Xianglan, your daughter is back. You should relax and stop worrying about gains and losses. It's time for Jia'er to leave!"
"Go?! Go where? Jia'er isn't going anywhere!" Madam Guo's expression suddenly changed.
"No! Listen carefully! My mother has been waiting from the morning till now for Jia'er to meet her! You should also be considerate of mother's feelings!" Guo Su couldn't bear it and persuaded her.
The mother of Duke Guo of Qi is the eldest princess Chen Liu, the late emperor's sixth sister and the current emperor's aunt. Throughout the history of Yuexi, she was a figure who left her mark, but this was not because of her noble status, but because of her strong personality and unique style of doing things. The late emperor's arrogant and domineering Concubine Liu wanted the late emperor to marry Princess Chen Liu to her younger brother Liu Su, and the late emperor agreed. However, the princess looked down on Liu Su and refused the marriage. She also publicly reprimanded Concubine Liu for being arrogant, domineering and cruel. Zhongliang made Concubine Liu angry half t o death. This had also caused her to be in conflict with Princess Chen Liu and even obstruct her marriage after she ascended to the throne of empress. But despite this, Princess Chen Liu never gave in and often made Concubine Liu angry. If it had been anyone else, she would have disposed of her long ago, but Princess Chen Liu was deeply respected by the clan, and later married Guo Xiang, leaving Concubine Liu unable to do anything to her.
Speaking of the marriage between Princess Chen Liu and Guo Xiang, it is actually very legendary. The late Duke Guo Xiang of Qi actually once married a wife surnamed Ren. However, when Guo Xiang went out to fight, news of his death on the battlefield was misreported from the front line. The political struggle at that time was very complicated, and the Guo family lost its backbone. There was a sudden crisis, and this surname Ren was worried about the persecution of the Liu family, so she severed ties with the Guo family, left her three biological children, and returned to her maiden family's home, Ren Mansion. Unexpectedly, Guo Xiang returned safely. Not only that, he was also named the Duke of Qi. Princess Chen Liu even agreed to marry him. Suddenly, the Guo family was revitalized and became the most influencial. When Madam Ren heard the news, she rushed back and reprimanded Guo Xiang for discarding his wife and marrying again. Guo Xiang was angry, but he and she were married after all and he couldn't bear to drive her away.
Madam Ren took advantage of the situation and wrote a poem: "Originally, life was like a reed mat, but now it is made of silk. When I found a way a success, I recalled that lingering time." She implored Princess Chen Liu to let her stay in Guo Mansion and work things through with her husband. Princess Chen Liu was even more stunned, and answered with a poem: "Needles are thread piercing objects, and one must watch them at all times. If you have to sew a new piece of silk, how can it be the same as the old one." The meaning was: the needle must pierce the thread. When sewing new cloth, one must change to a new thread. How could one always use the old thread? She rejected her request mercilessly, making Madam Ren furious. However, the three children begged their father to keep their mother. In addition, Madam Ren was also from a famous family, and she left her husband and children because she was confused. She regretted it afterwards, so Guo Xiang built a temple at home and let Madam Ren live there, she was officially a nun.
Princess Chen Liu and Guo Xiang later gave birth to their son Guo Su, who is the current Duke of Qi, their second daughter, Guo Qiao, who is now Gracious Consort Guo, and their youngest son Guo Ying, who was named Marquis of Nanming. The three children left by that woman from the Ren Family, Guo Ping, Guo Qin, and Guo Teng, were also raised by Princess Chen Liu, and they each got married.
Li Wei Yang was surprised when she heard about the Guo family's environment for the first time. She didn't expect that the Guo family would be so complicated.
"Look at me, I'm so happy that I'm confused!" Madam Guo smiled brightly. "Right, we should pay our respects to mother first!" After saying that, she took Li Wei Yang's hand, as if she was afraid that she would run away, "Come, I will take you there! Don't panic, mother is a very kind person."
Walking through the garden, they came to Siqian Hall where Princess Chen Liu lived. Li Wei Yang was a little surprised when she saw Princess Chen Liu. Although this princess is very old, she still has a round face, a pair of bright eyes, a head full of silver hair, and a strong spirit. She must have been a stunning beauty when she was young. Because of those rumors in the past, Li Wei Yang thought that Princess Chen Liu must be a very majestic old lady. Unexpectedly, when she saw Li Wei Yang, she shed tears and shouted: "Jia'er, come here!"
Li Wei Yang glanced at Madam Guo, who nodded to her, and Li Wei Yang walked over. Princess Chen Liu's old hands held her tightly, seemingly very excited, and she nodded her head: "It's good that you've come home! It's good that you've come home!" Apart from this, it seemed like she couldn't say anything else.
Li Wei Yang suddenly understood that the Duke of Qi had not told the old lady all the truth. She regarded her as her biological granddaughter. Li Wei Yang looked back at Guo Su in surprise, but he gently nodded to her, confirming her guess.
The Duke of Qi has decided to keep Li Wei Yang's identity a secret, and from now on he will treat her as the real Guo Jia.
Princess Chen Liu hurriedly said to a maid next to her: "Coral, bring some golden fragrance herb, ginger plum, pine seed mushroom, poria cake ... Bring them all!" Before the maid could do anything, two young women in exquisite clothes standing nearby had already taken action. The one with a long face smiled gently and started to serve the ginger plum. The other one with an oval face had already placed the poria cake in Princess Chen Liu's hands.
Li Wei Yang was surprised when she saw Princess Chen Liu stuffing a plate of pastries into her arms, smiling gently: "Jia'er, eat!" Li Wei Yang is now nineteen years old, even the real Guo Jia is already eighteen years old, but the eldest princess Chen Liu treats her completely like a child, which makes her extremely surprised.
Princess Chen Liu chuckled and said, "Jia'er, your father finally found you after so many years. Even if I pass away now, I still have the face to meet your grandfather!"
"Mother! What are you talking about!" The Duke of Qi smiled unnaturally. "You will live a long life!"
"Silly boy, I have lived for such a long time, I have seen all the dangers, and enjoyed all the wealth. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?" Princess Chen Liu smiled, her teeth were already sparse, and there were tears in her eyes, "Jia'er, don't pay attention to your father being so serious. You don't know how much effort he has put into finding you. He has never believed in Buddhism, but he is willing to go to the Shanmen Buddhist Temple for you. I don't know how many temples and bridges he donate to have built every year, and your mother almost cried her eyes blind..."
Madam Guo said hurriedly: "Mother, the child has just come back, please don't scare her!"
From beginning to end, Li Wei Yang couldn't even say a word. This family was so enthusiastic that she didn't know what to say.
"Okay! Okay! I won't talk anymore!" Princess Chen Liu turned back, looked closely at Li Wei Yang, and said with a smile: "This child is so good-looking, beautiful and well-behaved -" In fact, Whether it is Madam Guo or Princess Chen Liu, they were both top-notch beauties when they were young. Compared with them, Li Wei Yang is still inferior, but in the eyes of her family, no matter how they look at it, they feel that their children are the best.
Madam Guo was obviously very happy, and her eyebrows were raised: "This is natural. Jia'er has beautiful features since she was born. She is a blessed child."
"Mom, you are saying this again. I saw my sister when she was just born. She was wrinkled and looked like a little monkey!" Suddenly, a male voice cut in, and then the curtain moved and a young man walked in. This young man is dressed in a moon-white solid gauze gown, with a pair of brand-new boots on his feet. His handsome face is equipped with eyes like black gemstones, and his free and elegant posture is just like a jade tree in the wind.
Madam Guo saw the person coming and said: "You just like to make mischief! You were only a little older at that time, what can you remember! Jia'er, look, this is your third brother, who likes to joke the most. Just ignore him. When you were a child, you looked the most beautiful!"
Duke Guo of Qi and Madam Guo had a deep love for each other. They stayed together for many years and the Duke never took concubines. They gave birth to five sons in total: the eldest son Guo Rong was appointed as the General of Zhenguo, and the second son Guo Yan was appointed as auxillery general. Both of them had official position and were away from Dadu all year round. The third son, Guo Cheng, is currently Tanhua. (t/n: 'Tanhua' is the person who came third overall in the palace examination stage of the imperial examination system, below 'Zhuangyuan' and 'Bangyan'. ) The fourth son, Guo Dun, directed general military affairs. The fifth son, Guo Dao, is a very famous romantic talent. After giving birth to five sons, she only got a daughter: Guo Jia. How could she not love her like a treasure?
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selfsabotagerecords · 3 years
Self Sabotage Records is an imprint of Super Secret Records, releasing a wide variety of musical genres on vinyl, CD, as cassettes.
Some of the artists we’ve been fortunate to work with include:
Acid Mother’s Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO
Mike Molnar
Little Mazarn
More Eaze
Marriage + Cancer
Young Mothers
Daniel Francis-Doyle & The Dreams
Ingibrigt Håker Flaten
Wei Zhongle
Victor Lovelorne
Dead Tenants
Horne + Holt
Ralph White (various collaborations with artists including Thor Harris & Steve Marsh)
Randall Holt
Smoky Emery
Breakdancing Ronald Reagan
Baby Blood
Friendship Cemetery
To purchase physical releases from the above-noted artists, as well as others, shop at our only online store at:
Releases are also (mostly) available on all major streaming platforms.
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rachelminetti · 3 years
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what i’m listening to this week april 12-18, 2021
nothing has really come of this week so far (it’s thursday, so that could change, i guess), i’ve spent a lot of time inside, managing my questions, organizing what i keep my tabs on, trying to forge a new self out of all of this pent up longing that i have to acknowledge will probably never find release. i’ve been melting into a dissonant form of nostalgia, agitating whatever version of events i grew content following into 2021. it really hasn’t been all bad, though. i’m making good use of it i think, it’s propelling me towards something hopeful, some contentment i’m on the brink of finding. which is not to say that i haven’t been content lately, i couldn’t be more secure in myself than i am right now. i mean surely i could, but i’m pretty solidly rachel minetti right now. i’ve been plotting trends in my style, my music, what i live for, what lives for me. i’m seeing how they’ve woven into the selves i’ve managed and upheld over time, how they’ve morphed into what i want them to be.
and i’ve been on a tumblr kick lately, i’ve been diving into my tumblr archives, watching myself grow in reverse. i’m currently taking a break from scrolling through tens of tabs of articles and old blogs and posts about music tumblrs and shifting communities. which is what brought me back to this. as always, thinking about how i organize my music library, what i’m listening to, what i’ve listened to, and what i’m going to listen to next. i’ve been gradually using spotify more than apple music, most of my new stuff and all of my playlists are stored there. lately i’ve been thinking about narrowing my monthly playlists into weekly playlists instead, there’s just so much change in one month and by the 15th i’m already tired of what i added on the 4th. not sure how the logistics of this would work or how much overlap between weeks there would be but i might as well do a test run, i’ll try to document it here.
so this is what i’ve been listening to this week. a lot of noise, a little bit of groove, a taste of nostalgia. i’m moving past trying to stick myself into a time that no longer really belongs to me, trying to feel things i’ll never really be able to feel again, at least as genuinely as they once were. moving on, getting over.
souffle au coeur - l’imperatrice
tako tsubo // 2021
the days have been nothing but bliss since this record came out at the end of last month. the sky has been smooth, the sun soft, the hours sweet and swift. there is a delightful, groovy break halfway through, a stop the car and take your sunglasses off kind of break. then a press on the gas, a sharp curve, a warm return.
experiments in living - jerry paper
carousel // 2015
funky elevator, glitchy escalator, deflated tire music. on acid. less palatable than toon time raw!, slightly dizzy, incredibly buzzed. i want to lie down in the grass, walk on stilts, knock over a bookcase.
cities - public practice
gentle grip // 2020
post-punk? listened to this album in its entirety for the first time while shelving non-fiction on a saturday morning, i wanted to run, touch the carpet, stub my toe on a table.
shelf the trophy - nina ryser
paths of color // 2020
super into this album. kind of fuzzy, jagged around the edges, dipped in dissonance. reminds me of my drone folk “phase” (obviously has not ended yet).
paralyzed - wei zhongle
the operators // 2018
cannot get enough of this. faintly reminiscent of fools gold, similar results. there are coins bouncing around my brain, a hair tie wrapped too tight around my wrist. something about a pogo-stick, cracked concrete, smudged glasses.
anything at all - bachelor (jay som, palehound)
anything at all (single) // 2021
exactly what i need to listen to right now, every day, every car ride. love the harmonies on the piano in the chorus. perfect april song, caught in a thunderstorm on the way home from work. really looking forward to the rest of this album.
charm city - jenny toomey
antidote // 2001
really loving these growling guitar chords lately, blatant vocals, dried out horns and reverberated drum kicks. forever in line with my dream of 2001, a thursday evening, remnants of a humid day, an afternoon caught in traffic.
don’t do it - courtney barnett (feat. vagabon)
epic ten // 2021
aaaaaaaand here’s where the nostalgia really kicks in. i got myself all hyped up last friday for the sharon van etten documentary only for it to actually happen this friday. anyway, i can’t wait. i’ve been listening to courtney barnett all week, wrapped up in the april’s bite, the folds of my old journal, a gas tank half empty. the thrill of a new tattoo, the reticience of old words, old questions, old songs on old roads at old signs on old corners. will be listening to this on repeat, it’s a perfect performance of this song.
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gizzasong · 4 years
Wei Zhongle - Snapchat
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pebblle · 7 years
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1albumaday · 4 years
Deerhunter - Why hasn’t everything already disappeared Quelle Chris - Guns James Blake - Assume Form Panda Bear - Buoys Self Esteem - Compliments please PUP - Morbid Stuff Pixvae - Cali Fat White Family - Serfs up! The comet is coming - Trust in the lifeforce of the deep mystery Malihini - Hopefully, again Great Dad - Great Dad Public Body - EP Public Body Chris Cohen - Chris Cohen Miley Cyrus - She is coming Karen O - Lux Prima The Mauskovic Dance Band - The Mauskovic Dance Band Potsu - Ivy League Bill Callahan - Shepherd in a sheepskin vest Why?- AOKOHIO Metronomy - Metronomy Forever Cashmere Cat - Princess Catgirl Drake - Care Package Kanye West - JESUS IS KING Clark - Kiri Variations Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Elephant Shamir - Be the yee, here comes the haw Skinny Pelembe - Dreaming is dead now Cate Le Bone - Reward Vagabon - Vagabon SAULT - 7 SAULT - 5 Toro y Moi - Outer Space Tyler, the creator - IGOR FKA Twigs - MAGDALENE Pleasure System - Terraform Charlotte Adigéry - Zandoli 2018 SOPHIE - Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides Hen Ogledd - Mogic BC Camplight - Deportation Blues Shamir - Resolution Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want IDLES - Joy As An Act Of Resistance Wei Zhongle - The Operators Elza Soares - Deus É Mulher JID - DiCaprio 2 Christian Fitness - Nuance - The Musical Devi McCallion & Katie Dey - Some New Form Of Life Palm - Rock Island Pusha T - DAYTONA Lithics - Mating Surfaces Paul Williams - Surf Music serpentwithfeet - soil quest?onmarc - ? : ID Noname - Room 25 Jean Grae & Quelle Chris - Everything's Fine The Beths - Future me hates me Teleman - Family of Aliens U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited LUMP - LUMP BUSDRIVER - Electricity Is On Our Side Heather Leigh - Throne Guerrilla Toss - Twisted Crystal Vessel - Queen of Golden Dogs Amen Dunes - Freedom Baxter Dury, Etienne de Crécy, Delilah Holliday - B.E.D Insecure Men - Insecure Men Soccer Mommy - Clean Kamaal Williams - The Return SUPERTEEN - Over Everything LICE - It All Worked out Great, Vol 1 & 2 Material Girls - Leather Ask Carol - Ask Carol The Mauskovic Dance Band - Down in the basement Potsu - Just Friends A L E X - Hollow Moon Kamasi Washington - Heaven and Heart CD1 + CD2 Gruff Rhys - Babelsberg Gwenno - Le Kov Aisha Devi - DNA Feelings Channel Tres - Black Moses Holly Herndon - Proto Rezzett- Rezzett The Ophelias - Almost Pan Amsterdam, thatmanmonkz - The Pocket Watch Oh papa - Papa Les Loners - Be Happy Against all logic -  2012 - 2017 2017 Curtis Harding - Face your fear Protomartyr - Relatives In Descent JFDR - Brazil Soccer Mommy - Collection Alessandro cortini - avanti Miley Cyrus - Younger now Beach House - B-Sides and Rarities Silvia Kastel - Air Lows Why? - Moh Lhean Mildlife - Phase 2016 Kevin Abstract - American Boyfriend: A suburban love story Ela & PomPom - My New Music Elizabeta Lāce - Songs About D Elizabete Balčus - Conarium The comet is coming - Channel the Spirits Duchess Says - Sciences Nouvelles Nina Ryser - I Hope All Of Your Dreams Come True SUPERTEEN - Isn’t A Person Bestial Mouths- Heartless The Sooper Swag Project - Badd Timing Rozi Plain - Friend of a friend Khompa - The Shape Of Drums To Come Subrosa - For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages Comfort food - Waffle Frolic LICE - Nulmilk: The Basement Demo Skinny girl diet - Heavy Flow The Octopus Project - Memory Mirror Porridge Radio - Rise, Pasta and other fillers Big thief  - Masterpiece Injury Reserve - Floss DRAM - Big Baby DRAM Miike Snow - iii Will wood and the tapeworms - Self-ish Opposite sex - Hamlet David Bowie - Blackstar Orkesta mendoza - !Vamos a Guarachar! No genre  - Don’t call it a Christmas album The avalanches - Wildflower Sleigh Bells - Jessical Rabbit TEEN - Love Yes Beyonce - Lemonade Olga Bell - Tempo Clipping - Splendor & Misery Show me the body - Body War Elza Soares - A mulher do fim do mundo Esperanza Spalding - Emily’s D+Evolution Nico Muhly & Teitur - Confessions Claire Cronin - Came Down a Storm Horse Jumper Of Love - Horse Jumper Of Love NAILS - You Will Never Be One Of Us The Cult Of Dom Keller - Goodbye To The Light The Ophelias - Creature Native Magnolian - Famous Men Ukandanz- Awo The I.L.Y’s - Scum With Boundaries Drugdealer - The End Of Comedy Greys - Outer Heaven Saul Williams - MartyrLoserKing CC Mose - Beat Me Sturgill Simpson - A Sailor’s Guide To Earth Montaigne - Glorious Heights So Laid Back Country China - Sin Cristales Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone Mitski - Puberty 2Moor Mother - Fetish Bones Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus Susumu Yokota - Laputan Mr Oizo - All Wet Skeletons -Am I Home? Lee Fields & The Expressions - Special Night Flock of Dimes - If You See Me, Say Yes Lee Hazlewood - 13 Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love! Modern Baseball - Holy Ghosts Oddisse - Alwasta Ryley Walker - Golden Sings That Have Been SungHalf Japanese - Perfect AJ Cornell & Tim Darcy - Too significant to ignore Jaimeo Brown Transcendence - Work Songs Kamaiyah - A Good Night In The Ghetto 2015 BC Camplight - How To Die In The North Kefaya - Radio International Other Lives - Rituals Viegli - Loks paliek vala SUPERTEEN - Stay Creepy Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz EL VY - Return to the Moon Dakha brakha - wnrx The I.L.Y’s - I’ve always been good at true love 2014 Keaton Henson - Romantic Works The dø - Shake Shook Shoken 2013 DARKSIDE - Golden Arrow SUPERTEEN - Exponential Superteen Why? - Golden Tickets 2012 Allah-Las - Allah-las Why? - Mumps, etc Why? - Sod in the Seed 2011 Viegli - Viegli 2010 The Books - The Way Out Johnny Flynn - Been Listening 2009 Peter Doherty - Last of English Roses Bill Callahan - Sometimes I wish we were an eagle Why? - Eskimo Snow 2008 Why? - Alopecia Johnny Flynn - A Larum 2007 BC Camplight - Blink of a Nihilist Subtle - Yell and Ice Akron/Family - Love is simple John Maus - Love is Real 2006 The Forest & The Sea - Leafcutter John Subtle - For Hero: For Fool The Books - Music for a french elevator and other oddities Why? - Rubber Traits 2005 BC Camplight  - Hide, Run Away The Books - Lost and Safe Akron/Family - Akron/Family Why? - Elephant Eyelash Why? - Sanddollars 2004 The Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat 2003 Matmos - wide open spaces Hymie’s Basement - Hymie’s Basement The Books - The Lemon of Pink Why? - Oaklandazulasylum Why? - The Early Whitney Parsley Sound - Parsley Sound 2002 Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It in People The Books - Thought for food 2001 The Avalanches - Since I left you 1998 The Sugarcubes - Life’s too good 1997 The Sea And Cake- The Fawn Stereolab - Dots and Loops 1996 Squarepusher - Feed Me Weird Things 1984 Art of Noise - Who’s afraid of the art of noise? 1981 This Heat - Deceit 1977 Fleetwood Mac - Rumors 1973 Perigeo - abbiamo tutti un blues da piangere 1971 Jethro Tull - Aqualung
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sinceileftyoublog · 6 years
Live Picks: 11/12
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Dirty Projectors; Photo by Jason Frank Rothenberg
On the one hand, you’ve got beatific harmonies and arrangements--on the other, pummeling intensity.
Dirty Projectors, Sleeping Village
When we previewed Dirty Projectors’ show at Thalia Hall in May, we were curious whether the then upcoming Lamp Lit Prose would continue Dave Longstreth’s string of disappointments because all we had heard was overcooked single “Break-Thru”. While Lamp Lit Prose is, as expected, nowhere near as breathtaking as Bitte Orca or even Swing Lo Magellan, it exceeds expectations because Longstreth returns to the vibrant positiveness of Orca minus the navel-gazing melancholy of last year’s disappointing self-titled LP. Opener “Right Now” juxtaposes Longstreth’s trademark melismas and guitar plucking with Syd’s assured coo, with stabbing horn blares and broken synths to match. Don’t get me wrong: This is still music for people who like too many toppings on their pizza. But even if it doesn’t suit your taste, Lamp Lit Prose’s many elements at least seem cohesive.
It’s also worth mentioning that Dirty Projectors’ best song was a collaboration, and Lamp Lit Prose succeeds, too, because it’s full of ‘em, whether the sharp Haim-featuring “That’s A Lifestyle” or Amber Mark-featuring hand-clap dance banger “I Feel Energy”. Empress Of provides classic Projectors harmonies on “Zombie Conqueror”, and Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold as well as Rostam circle around Longstreth on the mellow “You’re The One”. The jazzy, Dear Nora-featuring “(I Wanna) Feel It All” caps off the promising set of songs for the new-look Dirty Projectors.
Local experimental band Wei Zhongle open.
Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, & Lucy Dacus, Thalia Hall
While Baker and Bridgers technically co-headline this show and Dacus opens, three of today’s most talented songwriters will also undoubtedly play songs by their boygenius project. The self-titled 6 song EP showcases some of each person’s talents individually, but the shining moments are when they collectively harmonize, like on “Bite The Hand” and “Ketchum, ID”. Meanwhile, “Souvenir” gives each singer her own verse about fixating on darkness, a theme that connects them all though their voices and singing and playing styles differ. Still, be glad that tonight’s show will feature solo sets from each, because the boygenius songs do, for me, lack Bridgers’ sense of humor and Dacus’s guitar chops and arrangements, minus the excellent, penultimate “Salt In The Wound”. For the most part, the builds are straightforward and eclipsed by emotion--something Baker exudes--but lack the climax of songs like Dacus’ “Night Shift” or even Baker’s “Turn Out The Lights”.
Every Time I Die & Turnstile, Metro
We previewed Every Time I Die’s set at Durty Nellie’s in March:
“Buffalo hardcore band Every Time I Die rocked Riot Fest 2015, and since that performance, they’ve released another great album, 2016′s Low Teens. Though they don’t have any new material since then, the combination of songs from their past two records, which includes their best, 2014′s From Parts Unknown, makes their set worth it alone, not to mention other career highlights.”
We previewed Turnstile’s show at Bottom Lounge in April:
“Earlier this year, Baltimore hardcore punk band Turnstile released their very good, genre-hopping second album Time & Space. It will be worth seeing to what extent they try to replicate live the studio flourishes present on the album. Nonetheless, they should play a fair amount of older material.”
Hardcore bands Angel Du$t & Vein open.
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diamonddeposits · 7 years
A surrealistic clarinet heavy groove from experimental art-rockers Wei Zhongle. On Its Way is the first single pulled from this Chicago based outfit’s upcoming LP titled The Operators that will be released next February (order here!).  Enjoy above.
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therifle · 8 years
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We have got two upcoming shows: 
Monday, Feb 20th at Pomoro:
We will be supporting Chicago based Wei Zhongle with our local pals Daycones 8pm 933 N Main $5 donation for Wei Zhongle,  All ages!
Friday, Feb 25th at Sky Bar: 
We will be supporting Tucson locals Un:ted States��at their release party for their debut LP "The Earth and The Sea and The Stars," with local friends The Desert Beats. 
9PM, FREE! NO COVER! $0, 21+ 
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intellectualprops · 8 years
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The first of a new live music series in Kansas City dubbed Voltaire Presents, ongoing presentations in outbound, experimental, progressive and just plain worthy musical performance. If you have the means, please come support this proof of life.
Facebook event page
Wei Zhongle  -  https://weizhongle.bandcamp.com/
CS Luxem  -  https://csluxem.bandcamp.com/
Voltaire, 1617 Genessee St, KCMO
Friday, Feb 17, 10pm
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bostonhasslefest · 6 years
Hassle Fest 10
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Hassle Fest 10 Boston's Underground Music & Art Festival November 9th & 10th ALL AGES @ Brighton Music Hall (10th ONLY), Lilypad, Studio 550, Green Street Studios, Hardcore Stadium & more TBA Boston/Cambridge, MA featuring: THE GORIES (MI), AARON DILLOWAY (OH), LILY AND HORN HORSE (NY), PROSTITUTES (OH), CIENFEUGOS, E-SAGGILA (ON,CA) L.O.T.IO.N. (NY), ISABELLA (MA), LINA TULLGREN (NY/ME), DRAHLA (UK), WAX CHATTELS (NZ), BRANDIE BLAZE (MA), FUNERAL ADVANTAGE (MA), SEDIMENT CLUB (NYC/MA), IN HEAT (RI), UPPER WILDS (NY), MINIBEAST (RI/MA), THIGHS (MA), WEI ZHONGLE (IL), dog (NY/MA), SHAWN O'SULLIVAN (NY), THE ELECTRICIAN (MA), ANDY CALIFORNIA (MA), TWIG HARPER (MD), MARK JOHNSON (PA) + oh so many more Limited amount of fest passes (& pass details) on sale on 9/1 via Brown Paper Tickets. Single entry admission will also be available @ the door for all shows on both days of the fest. www.bostonhasslefest.com HF10 teaser poster by Emma Leavitt & Zoard Tyeklar
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blue-daydream · 7 years
Artist - song - album
new release (last 3 months) *
Totorro - Tonton Alain Michel - Home Alone Cosmo Pyke - Chronic Sunshine - Just Cosmo Innerwave - Eclipse - single Purity Ring - Lofticries - Shrines
Homeshake - Give It to Me - Midnight Snack Masego - Tadow - single Ariel Pink - Another Weekend - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson
Chicano Batman - Area C - Freedom is Free High Sunn - How Was It? - Teardrop Party Chon - Sleepy Tea - Homey Dave B - Dead End - Punch Drunk
Foxygen - On Blue Mountain - We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace and Magic Hot Flash Heat Wave - Hesitation - Neapolitan Tall Juan - Far Rockaway - Olden Goldies Wavves / Cloud Nothings - Come Down - No Life For Me Cloud Nothings - Enter Entirely - Life Without Sound
Bleached - Sleepwalking - Welcome the Worms La Luz - Sure As Spring - It’s Alive The High Curbs - Mine - Marcelo Cleveland Bass Drum Of Death - Nerve Jamming - Glo City Wei Zhongle - Nothing New - Nice Mask Over An Ugly Face
The Lovely Bad Things - Old Ghost - New Ghost/Old Waves Popstrangers - Tonight - Fortuna Prawn - Why You Always Leave a Note - single Prawn - North Lynx - Run*
Title Fight - Chlorine - Hyperview Turnover - Super Natural -Good Nature*
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uncannedmusic · 8 years
||| 21 of 2016 ||| Our Favorite Albums of Last Year
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"Well never mind, we are ugly but we have the music," goes one of Leonard Cohen’s lovers in “Chelsea Hotel #2.” That may be about as hopeful as we can muster in a 2016 retrospect. Maybe we got our hopes up and forgot for a minute that doom is still eventual, inevitable. Great progressions, great setbacks, the same remote smudge on the universe. But we have the music.
It was another reassuring, optimistic year in recorded sound. The continued hybridization of musical traditions is an interior method with adventuresome, exterior motives and we’ve bound bravely into a new era of music-making. In that regard, it really isn’t such a bad time to be alive. Here's the proof: a list of 2016 standouts that receive the highest recommendation from your dear friends at Uncanned Music.
21) Mary Lattimore - At The Dam (Ghostly International, March 04 2016)
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The harp has long been known as the most “heavenly” instrument. But as played by Mary Lattimore--in long, looping, droning, aimlessly explorative passages--it seems more suited to a sort of purgatory than the commonly-accepted concept of heaven. Please don’t mistake--this is no charge of a lack of beauty. At The Dam is suspended in a state of all-encompassing bliss that is true paradise for the non-progressive spiritualist, a static instrumental meditation in fully-present grace. It simply never feels like it exists at any sort of end or is even working its way towards any sort of end. It lacks the finality and intentionality required for passage into “heaven.” It is simply a collection of singular, infinite dazes that start and stop within themselves constantly and at indeterminate points, totally devoid of time concept, relinquishing its blessed listeners from the tyranny of destiny. -SM
20) Wei Zhongle - Nice Mask Over An Ugly Face (Pretty Purgatory, August 15 2016)
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“Hungry freaks, daddy!” Outlandish Chicago four-piece’s latest mini-album is a substantial swerve to the left incorporating a deranged funk stent in their avant-folk primitivisms. The result is early Liars dipped in Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil or maybe a mescaline-rationed Brandon Boyd trapped in Bollywood Park. The finest outcome, though, is that Wei Zhongle’s wry outsider sensibility invites this kind of indulgent miasma of reactions. Nice Mask Over An Ugly Face is a 19-minute-clocking deviant wail of euphoria. -JD
19) Battle Trance - Blade of Love (NNA Tapes, August 26 2016)
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Blade of Love is a striking force that evokes the power of nature--primal, elemental, raw, traversing extremes of delicate beauty and chaotic dissonance. Through seamless and inventive use of extended techniques, a quartet of tenor saxophonists (!!) perform lone takes that cut straight to the heart. How this album succeeds at touching on a very human and emotional level is a testament to the strength of composer Travis Laplante’s vision. -DA
18) Savoy Motel - Savoy Motel (What’s Yr Rupture?, October 21 2016)
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Savoy Motel’s debut release has the choogle of T Rex’s Electric Warrior but slimmed down, teeth bare and extremely high. Fronted by Cheap Time’s Jeffrey Novak, this young supergroup of new-Nashville scene veterans refreshingly lacks the clearly inflated ego of most current Nashville bands. Taut funky rhythm guitar from Mimi Galbierz (Heavy Cream) is topped by pleasurably decadent wet-noodle fuzz leads by Dillon Watson (D. Watusi) and, while chunky drumming from Jessica McFarland (Meemaw/Heavy Cream) keeps it all moving, her vocal contributions threaten to upstage the whole show. Novak’s songwriting is as strong as ever and he coos with the sleazy charisma of a cult leader. It turns out, however, that the charming boogie of his newly recruited band is what makes Savoy Motel his most interesting project to date. -DA
17) Anderson .Paak - Malibu (OBE, January 22 2016)
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Here is another hard-working veteran getting their due. However from the perspective of an uninitiated mainstream music listener, it seemed like Anderson .Paak was everywhere, out of nowhere, in 2016. The premiere voice on both of NxWorries’s fantastic Stones Throw 2016 releases, as well as a featured guest on The Blank Face LP by Schoolboy Q and the (probably-should-have-made-this-list) new album from A Tribe Called Quest, .Paak gets his propers from us for his sophomore effort as a lead artist, Malibu. A highly-enjoyable listen, Malibu showcases .Paak’s talents as a singer, songwriter, producer AND drummer across a catchy collage contextually themed (in the spirit of his 2014 debut, Venice Beach) around the beauties and tragedies of his Southern Californian lifestyle. -SM
16) Huerco S. - For Those of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have) (Proibito, April 26 2016)
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Recent Brooklyn-by-way-of-Kansas City transplant Brian Leeds is the experimental electronic producer known as Huerco S. A few years of vacillating between ambient strictures and a sturdy leftfield techno preoccupation led to April’s For Those of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have), one of 2016’s finest experimental pursuits. A monument to headphone meditation therapy, on For Those of You…, Huerco S. discovers the personality of compounded textures and their vibrant and natural ability to express rhythm independently of traditional percussion. For Those of You… is a sonic immensity elegantly fashioned from the frailest but most voluminous strands. -JD
15) The Avalanches - Wildflower (Astralwerks, July 08 2016)
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All of the mixed reactions over The Avalanches’ return after a 16-year gap between records caused Wildflower to get a bit lost in the shuffle last year. Though there seems to be a faint pulse of Big Beat resurgence in the air, Wildflower barely seemed to raise an eyebrow. Perhaps we didn’t have enough time to digest the extensive 21 tracks or we couldn’t humor the romping joviality amid the looming sociopolitical fears. Context aside, Wildflower wields some of the best electronic pop tracks of the year. The symphonic collages are buoyant, sunny, beach blanket sensations strung together by chutes and ladders of soul samples. The hope is that our outlook will improve enough at some point for us all to appreciate them. Or, as The Avalanches might suggest, it may require a move to Australia. -JD
14) Jackie Lynn - Jackie Lynn (Thrill Jockey, June 10 2016)
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Haley Fohr/Circuit Des Yeux’s outlaw alter-ego Jackie Lynn is confident and smooth; a futuristic cowgirl crooner who’s almost nostalgic yet clearly malcontent and on the move. Playful synthetic beats and softly twanging guitar creating a welcoming world crowned by Fohr’s distinctive voice and rich storytelling. With the expert assistance of the Bitchin’ Bajas bizarro Wrecking Crew, this album is Circuit Des Yeux’s most finely produced work. Jackie Lynn is steely cool but something dark is off here. She has the aura of David Bowie’s character in The Man Who Fell To Earth. Before you can unravel the secrets of her story, she is gone. Hopefully, though, we will hear from her again. -DA
13) Moor Mother - Fetish Bones (Don Giovanni, September 30 2016)
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Camae Ayewa, aka Moor Mother Goddess, aka Moor Mother on her 2016 breakout Fetish Bones, beats around no bushes with her poetry. She decries police brutality, systemic racism and the centuries-deep plight of black people over dense bouts of percussive noise. At times, the sonic qualities recall art-punk and Bauhaus-inspired noise-rap outfits like Dalek and Death Grips, at other times the harshest industrial pulses of My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult and Pigface. A hard-working organizer and leading voice in Philadelphia’s underground/DIY scene for some time, Ayewa’s partnership with Don Giovanni Records combined with the cultural climate of 2016 generated a massive audience for her far-from-easy-to-digest music, earning Fetish Bones highlights in major publications like Rolling Stone and Pitchfork. No argument here; certainly one of the most important documents of the year. -SM
12) Solange - A Seat at the Table (Columbia, September 30 2016)
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If 2016 was the year the icon died, it was also the birth of a new class of artistic leadership. A Seat at the Table is Solange’s graduation from pop chanteuse to soul royalty. With the humble empowerment of the opening lines, “fall in your ways so you can wake up and rise,” Solange identifies the timeliness of spiritual and emotional guidance. Her melancholy on “Cranes in the Sky” is material and her romantic navigations on “Borderline (An Ode to Self Care)” are erudite and virtuous. Solange’s register, moreover, is one of calm contemplation. It, in combination with A Seat at the Table’s delicate pulse of piano-led modern R&B is a gracious statement of purpose and a firm plea for empathy. -JD
11) Africans With Mainframes - K.M.T. (Soul Jazz, May 06 2016)
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Longtime Chicago orbiters Noleian Reusse and Jamal Moss (aka Hieroglyphic Being) blast into the Soul Jazz universe with a relentless acid house hardware assault. As driving and exploding as it is mesmerizing and entrancing. K.M.T. is a cybernetic machine gun suite that shoots both bullets of love and bullets of fire. -SM
10) Badbadnotgood - IV (Innovative Leisure, July 08 2016)
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On IV, these jazz-school outcasts turned breakbeat superstars have reigned in their act to achieve a more refined cohesion of groove and style, a tasty mellow piece of modern mood-jazz. This record sounds dope--like a 21st century remodel of Morricone’s finest 70’s lounge themes. The juicy production would make David Axelrod smile. After their illustrious collab w/ Ghostface Killah (2015’s SOUR SOUL), BBNG sound like they have less to prove. More comfortable in their own skin and playing host to memorable guest features including Kaytranada & Future Islands’ Samuel T. Herring, IV is their best album yet. -DA
9) Jamire Williams - ///// EFFECTUAL (Leaving Records, December 02 2016)
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Heard from the front as the lead artist of ERIMAJ, and from the side as a drummer for the likes of Christian Scott, Robert Glasper, Jeff Parker, and many more, Jamire Williams’s distinctively colorful, minimal and textural percussion has always projected a more finely artistic vibe than the average modern jazz drummer. His elegant rhythmic expressions are distinctively present in all the aforementioned, often swaying over swinging, sounding like a bastard child of Thelonious Monk on traps. For his first eponymous release, Jamire worked with producer Carlos Niño to channel the spirit of Jack DeJohnette’s solo percussion recordings of the 1970s. ///// EFFECTUAL is a collection of purely focused portraits, along the lines of DeJohnette’s Pictures, but utilizes an updated palette (beatboxes, hard-compression, hovering synths) to paint more contemporarily communicable abstract sound canvases. -SM
8) Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree (Bad Seeds Ltd, September 09 2016)
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Dismissal is a common response to late career offerings from prolific artists. Expectations of softer treads on well-worn territory are safe, simple ways to disengage as a listener. In the case of Nick Cave’s #16 studio album with the Bad Seeds, however, dismissal is a certain mistake. Skeleton Tree is exemplary of Cave’s brittle and transcendent songcraft. Cave as balladeer hasn’t struck so emotionally rife and raw as he does on “Rings of Saturn” and “I Need You” in over a decade (see: Abattoir Blues / Lyre of Orpheus). He has, once again, improved brilliantly on the form. Madman balladry may be well-worn but the difference is that Cave’s treads press deeper with contour and detail and illuminate the lively oeuvre of one of our dearest masters. -JD
7) Rob Mazurek & Jeff Parker - Some Jellyfish Live Forever (Rogue Art, February 19 2016)
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The first duo recording from these longtime collaborators is a masterwork of strange and sublime beauty. Curious melodies are set to explore and delight a minimally textured Eno-esque palette of guitar, cornet and electronics with effortless command of tone and space. The alien movement of jellyfish is an apt image here; the rhythmic pulse seems infinitely repetitive yet changes occur subtly and/or suddenly over time. Placid and hypnotic, tension looms in tacit danger and dissonance. A fitting soundtrack for eternity in a submerged world. -DA
6) Jay Daniel - Broken Knowz (Technicolour, November 25 2016)
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House music’s relentless mechanized beat is a polarizing force which often alienates instrumentalists and perhaps drummers in particular. Jay Daniel’s November debut is a history in reverse--the electronic producer retreats to the drum kit for rejuvenation and thusly lights the way forward. The acoustical warmth of Daniel’s loops and his rigid minimization of layers casts the spotlight onto the elements of the beat and makes Broken Knowz one of the most generous gateways into dance music to date. -JD
5) Carlos Niño & Friends - Flutes, Echoes, It’s All Happening! (Leaving Records, April 22 2016)
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The majestic mellow of Venice Beach scene sage Carlos Niño has been steadily seeping into the experimental electronic, jazz and future soul sounds of Los Angeles, and the vision of its omni-present aura is nowhere more materialized than on Flutes, Echoes, It’s All Happening! Niño’s opus takes a more spiritually guided approach to blissed out orchestration in the veins of Martin Denny and Yanni, or Enya and Esquivel. But it’s most like the way Alice Coltrane & Pharaoh Sanders would interpret those purveyors of New Age and Exotica. -SM
4) Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered. (Aftermath, March 04 2016)
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We chose not to include To Pimp A Butterfly in our 2015 list. What was immediately clear as the album of a generation did not need mention on our humble year-end recap. The addendum and expansion that is untitled unmastered. was dropped so quickly on its heels and with so little fanfare it was almost shocking--needless proof of the deep talent Kendrick & Co. have to offer. This record is just badass and so fun to listen to. Its unfiltered quality feels authentic and immediate. We are living in a trying time that calls for action and, in guiding form, Kendrick wastes no time overthinking it. He just delivers. -DA
3) Elza Soares - A Mulher Do Fim Do Mundo (Mais Um, June 10 2016)
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Bygone Brazilian pop icon Elza Soares embodies A Mulher Do Fim Do Mundo (“The Woman At The End Of The World”)--extraterrestrially fashioned and coming in ablaze at seventy-something-years-old, a raging backdraft of feminine fire. She cuts no slack, unapologetically rallying and railing against oppressive patriarchal norms and the slew of imminent social issues accompanying 2016’s troubling influx of Brazilian neo-fascism. Elza’s pertinent messages are delivered passionately over brooding avant-garde dirty samba grooves, a perfect pairing. For tonal and textural fans of Toms Ze and Waits.      -SM
2) Mica Levi & Oliver Coates - Remain Calm (Slip, November 25 2016)
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Though the 13 Neo-classical passages of Remain Calm may have been suited as a film score like Mica Levi’s other recent work (namely Jackie and Under the Skin), there’s a deliberate singularity to the article as a whole. Composing looped electronics and vocal samples next to Oliver Coates’ bellowing cello drones is placidly hair-raising. On Remain Calm, Levi and Coates finesse tonally grim noirs with lush acoustics signalling a prevailing existentialism within a cold and malevolent landscape. The linguistics of track titles (“Bless Our Toes,” “Dolphins Climb Onto the Shore for the First Time”) and the clipped vocal utterances reveal a resoluteness of human spirit while the network of influences reveal a lucidity of musical history and social consciousness. Remain Calm is remarkable, transcendent and unveils two collaborators working at the peak of their creative powers. -JD
1) Horse Lords - Interventions (Northern Spy, April 29 2016)
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This Baltimore quartet have been revising the ‘rock band’ format since 2012, escaping the genre’s binds and mashing up a selection of 20th/21st century avant-gardeisms with faraway folk styles in their just-intonated Sahara Desert cruising machine.
Interventions is a blazing technicolor display of the ideas they’ve laid out in black & white before, a building and stripping of polyrhythmic layers tightly woven into their unique brand of groove. Mesmerizing left field jammers are broken up by could-be snippets of the members’ minimalist solo works; explorative ‘interventions’ that critically punctuate the album. Horse Lords distill challenging and diverse elements down into music that is incredibly palpable. All of that to say, the record is still fun. There is a head-nodding booty-shaking catchiness throughout. A refreshing reboot of rock music, Interventions is a hypnotically immersive listen. -DA
Uncanned Music’s BEST OF 2015 (new albums)
Uncanned Music’s BEST OF 2014 (new albums, reissues, compilations)
Uncanned Music's BEST OF 2013 (new albums)
Uncanned Music's BEST OF 2013 (reissues/compilations)
Uncanned Music's BEST OF 2012 (new albums)
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tinymixtapes · 6 years
NNA Tapes celebrates 100th release and 10 years with a gargantuan 6-cassette, 66-track compilation
The good thing about anniversaries that originate from a specific year, as opposed to a specific day, is that it’s entirely within bounds to celebrate that anniversary at any point (or multiple times) over the course of a year. That’s part of the rationale for my excessive pizza-eating (honoring 18, 19… 20 years since my first slice!), and it’s also why the Vermont-based NNA Tapes label can get away with not only having a festival celebrating 10 years of experimental music sponsorship, but ALSO releasing a massive compilation that pays homage to the artists that have played a huge role in NNA’s development. Those artists include the likes of Guerrilla Toss, Tredici Bacci, Greg Fox, Olivia Block, Jefre Cantu Ledesma, Felicia Atkinson, Lea Bertucci, and Keith Fullerton Whitman — just to name a few (check out the complete list here). Right now you’re probably thinking: “But there’s no way that all of them can offer a song or two on a single compilation, is there? For that, you’d definitely need multiple discs and a pillow to lie down on after you’ve necessarily given your auditory system an endurance test!” Well, please see NNA’s new release entitled ‘Centennial’, out August 17, for why you best get on deciphering your sleep number sooner rather than later. The massive compilation is set to feature 66 “exclusive” tracks spread across 6 cassettes (the preferred format of the label). The cassettes will come in a 10” x 10” hand-made brushed aluminum box “adorned with an embossed NNA logo” (see above) and will also contain a poster insert designed by Robert Beatty (see below). We’re talking about almost six hours of music here from more than 50 artists. This ain’t your mother’s label compilation! (No offense to all the record label-owning mothers out there.) Instead of trying to wrap your head around this, just head over to NNA or Bandcamp to pre-order your copy now, and sample a few of the tracks below: 'Centennial' by Various Artists ‘Centennial’ tracklisting: 01. Sun Circle - “One Hundred Lifetimes” 02. Pregnant Moon “The Gardens at Giverny” 03. Duane Pitre “Loops For String Orchestra” 04. Pink Desert “Walk Through” 05. Jefre Cantu Ledesma “Friends In Montreal” 06. Toby Aronson “March 6th, 2010” 07. Caboladies “Virginia” 04:45 08. Harmonizer “Taipei Airport (Demo)” 09. Jeff Astin & Raymond Reitano “Beaver Builds” 10. Time Life “Harry’s Theme” 11. Nonhorse “Principles of Non-Organization” 12. Driphouse “Creative Time 2” 13. Pulse Emitter “Lacy Gothic Approximation” 14. Ryan Garbes “There’s No There, There” 15. Hobo Cubes “Parallels” 16. Headboggle “’77 Sob Story (Serge Modular in HiFi)” 17. WANDA GROUP “I LIVE IN TWO FORMS. AN EGG AND A TINY PIECE OF SHIT.” 18. Hubble “So Much Dust (Take 1)” 19. Ken Seeno “The Turtle Opening The Door” 20. Aguirre “Since Before” 21. Dog Lady Island “No Pin” 22. Mike Shiflet “Worcester, VT” 23. Drainolith “Difficult Days” 02:19 24. Innercity “A Genesis In Ending” 25. Quicksails “Blinding Star” 05:29 26. Hex Breaker Quintet “We Join Our Previously Scheduled Eternity Already In Progress” 27. Co La “4PM (Fripp Edit)” 28. Rale “That’s The Crack That Runs Through Everything.” 29. Lieven Martens Moana “Samoa - For Solo Tuba” 30. Keith Fullerton Whitman “En la Parc de la Ciutadella” 31. Ryan Power “The Shadow Cast” 32. Le Révélateur “Scape Addicts” 33. PHORK “Love Re-Circulation” 34. Decimus “Tehom” 35. Belarisk “& Abscission” 36. Howard Stelzer “The Best Way to Control People is to Encourage Them to Be Mischievous” 37. Transcendence Orchestra (feat. Anthony Child & Daniel Bean) “Untitled” 38. Blanche Blanche Blanche “Just Kidding” 39. PHORK “Whistleblower” 40. Ryan Power “Sometimes I Wonder” 41. Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier “Heat Light” 42. Jason Lescalleet “Where There’s a Wall There’s a Way (VW mix)” 43. Ahnnu “Weed Girl” 44. Astral Social Club “Antwerp Party Tape” 45. Migrations In Rust “The Gumming Sun / 16 Angles / Gloam in the Lattice Tunnel” 46. Banny Grove “Be Better” 47. Guerilla Toss “Eraser Stargazer (Live In Brooklyn 2016)” 48. PHORK “One Lap” 49. Tredici Bacci “Scaramouche” 50. Battle Trance “Blade of Love (Live at Roulette - Excerpt)” 51. Sediment Club “7:47” 52. Kid Millions & Sarah Bernstein “Drifter” 53. Wei Zhongle “Inside Your Insides” 54. Olivia Block “Four Sorts of Factitious Shining” 55. Patrick Higgins “Open Fifths” 56. Booker Stardrum “In My Intermediate Brain” 57. Jake Meginsky “Music for Sinewaves and Percussion (Excerpt)” 58. AJ Cornell “Barchan” 59. Nerftoss “Low Beamer” 60. Fox/Soper Duo “4.1.17” 61. die Reihe “‘Attuned Vibrations’, or First Application of the Approximate Harmonic Derivatives of the Schumann Resonance to Open the Musical Mathematical Matrix of Creation Connecting the Soul to the Wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence” 62. Max Eilbacher “Slip Systems Test with Unused Script” 63. Tredici Bacci “Ambulette” 64. GRID “VVVVVVV” 65. Lea Bertucci “Quadraphonic Cello Remix” 66. Wren Kitz “Into The House” http://j.mp/2NQu2nY
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chalicesofvision · 8 years
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Full format for Wei Zhongle’s 2017 west coast tour.
11 x 17
Sam Klickner - 2017
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thequakergoesdeaf · 6 years
The Quaker Goes Deaf - 18/04/13 - Playlist
• Death And Vanilla • Wei Zhongle • Sunwatchers • Son Lux • Chris Olley • Dark Blue • Fuzzystar • Moaning • Gum • Sunflower Bean • Guided By Voices • Half Forward Line • Monster Magnet • Zom • Legend Of The Seagullmen • Earthless • The Men • The Liminanas • Ty Segall • Dead Meadow • Painted Doll • Dungen + Woods • The Messthetics • Orchestra Of Constant Distress • The Skull Defekts • Carlton Melton • Spids Nøgenhat • The Paperhead • Doll By Doll • The Bevis Frond •
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