fruitkingfrog · 10 months
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[ID: Fanart of two different versions of Doctor Fate, Khalid Nassour and Jared Stevens. They're posed to match the Sonic Adventure 2 "Good Hedgehog, Evil Sinister Malcontent Hedgehog" advertisement. Khalid is smiling with one arm behind him and one in front, knees bent. Jared is frowning, in a similar pose with his finger pointed. Behind Khalid is a white background and below is a blue box that says "Good Fate.", behind Jared is a black background and under a box that says "Evil, sinister, malcontent Fate." End ID]
sonic adventure 2/DC comics redraw! khalid and jared are my fave doctor fates. u cant really see from the pose here but jared's shirt says "Faker" also
original advertisement here
commission info & ko-fi links available on my pinned post♥!
♥ reblogs appreciated! do not repost/edit/etc
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weirdcreepydrawings · 7 months
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Karma having a relax moment for my mind and soul
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ufonaut · 1 year
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well folks here’s another edition of TODAY’S LONDON COMIC MART ACQUISITIONS! i’m very proud & very excited about these -- my comic collection has now grown enough (642 indv issues and counting) that i have to get pretty picky about new finds unless i wanna run out of storage space in my already amazingly tiny room but as this mart showed me, that only makes the really good finds all that better. if a while back i would’ve picked up just about any familiar comic (and i do still read just about any comic), lately i’ve been focusing pretty exclusively on alan scott appearances (rare by default) and the weirdoverse (a real thing! my favourite thing! look it up!). so without further ado here’s today’s finds:
legends of the dc universe #20, which completes the abin sur arc for me
green lantern 1960 #111-112, alan’s team-up with hal & ollie that followed his backups in the prev issues
wanted 1972 #4, reprinting a 1944 alan story with art by paul reinman
solomon grundy #1, which has some fantastic alan
green lantern: brightest day, blackest night, which i’ve never loved but begrudgingly accepted at 50p
the trenchcoat brigade #2, which i’ve been looking for for ages
secret origins 1986 #22, featuring paul kirk! manhunter!
silverblade 1987 #1, with perfectly intact promo poster still inside
twilight 1990 #1, which means i’m now just one issue away from completing the series
night force 1996 #3, an all time favourite series that i’ve already got about half of
challengers of the unknown 1997 #7-10 & #14, with covers and some art by the great late john paul leon and which also brings me just a couple issues away from a complete run
aaaand that’s sixteen comics for £7! what do we think?
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weirdoverse · 5 months
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optimuzyt2021 · 2 years
Yes, it’s a parody of Block Buster, because I miss video rental stores being a common sight. However, it IS possible, since Avery is part of the Weirdoverse, just like Alison. Any of my characters could interact with any of yours.
Ah ok.
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movedthechangingman · 4 years
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this is probably going in a sketch comp later but im trying to do a sketch a day or sthng.... i care them
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transguygardner · 4 years
if i could change it so one dc comics character appeared earlier than they did i would make jared’s fate book published around the same time as booster and ted’s solo volumes so that jared has a ground floor before he would get put into jli as the magic/dr fate character
this would involve the most changes with how arnold’s character is handled in volume one because i dont think computers were quite there yet in the 80s so he’d be getting his info from weird newspapers and mailing lists. he would then show up in a jared plot every so often to give out info or maybe jared got him some specs on the jli computer because he still trusts his info coming from arnold more than coming from batman
jared probably wouldve ended up leaving the group during breakdowns or during superman’s death. and then he gets put into the weirdoverse lineup but now he has more cameos in other books
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apeshitblxck · 4 years
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I.G: @apeshit_blxck
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bobbycampbell · 9 years
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4th Wall Problems
Gave 6yo a kid friendly synopsis of #buddhafart and he says “Didn’t they already do that in Animal Man?” well… only sorta!
BUDDHAFART - Book One: Pull My Finger
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weirdcreepydrawings · 9 months
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weirdcreepydrawings · 5 months
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Dude is Karma´s and Jade dad, this man is a bitch
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weirdcreepydrawings · 7 months
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Jade in the past, this is Karma´s sister in the past
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weirdoverse · 9 months
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ufonaut · 11 months
what decade do you find best for comics? i’ve been really digging a lot of 80s titles but a lot of the 90s stuff hasn’t gripped me as much
Anonymous asked: (to clarify i still like some 90s comics there’s just a lot that i find hard to enjoy because of the characteristics of comics of that era. maybe a stereotypical look at it but ive found a lot of pages just harder to look at if that makes sense? very cluttered where older comics tend to not be so.)
oof i completely forgot to get back to you when you actually sent this 'cause i've been having a crazy couple a days but this is a great question! i personally do actually find the nineties to be the best decade for comics -- i think there was a genuine sense of change in the air and a willingness to take risks that hadn't been there in over fifty years, mainstream companies like dc were publishing explicitly gay stories for the first time and every other protagonist was counterculture in some way that set them against the backdrop of traditional superheroics, it was the rare moment in time where there was very little difference between the indies and the big two (or at least one of the big two), and the books that resonate the most with me have all definitely come from the nineties.
i do think you may have a little bit of a stereotypical view of the era, which i don't hold against you, but i'd sincerely recommend checking out vertigo miniseries like enigma 1993, millennium fever 1995 and breathtaker 1990 or autobiographical graphic novels by gay activists like howard cruse's stuck rubber baby 1995 and david wojnarowicz's seven miles a second 1996. the fact that the nineties saw dc publishing explicitly gay books about the AIDS crisis, and a miniseries starring the first explicitly gay superhero (and featuring the first gay sex scene in comic book history) is still completely unbelievable to me. all that and we're not even counting mainline books like the weirdoverse initiative or all that had come post-zero hour, which i briefly spoke about here.
that being said, i also enjoy a lot of late seventies to late eighties titles -- with the comics code authority continuously challenged by increasingly more mature stories, the subsequent slightly less strict rules led to some strange and wonderful things like night force 1982, phantom stranger 1987, doctor fate 1987 and green arrow 1988 among many others.
i'm also a huge lover and enjoyer of golden age comics, probably my all time fav era after the nineties (both of which have that sense of innovation and experimentation that's so sincerely exciting to me) but i'll go for most anything if it's a creative team or a genre i enjoy!
whew, that's one long-winded answer but thanks for the ask! :)
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optimuzyt2021 · 2 years
Dang, Iris has got some backstory, alright! I’ll probably draw him once I get the chance. Feels weird-yet-cool to have someone else make a character who I now see as part of my character’s universe (aka, “the Weirdoverse”). Nice job!
Also can your character Alison be in my story please?
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ufonaut · 3 years
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House ads for the Weirdoverse in Night Force (1996) #5
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