#Well the main Vackers.
keeplr hating on keefe so much is so funny to me.
Like from the way they write and their sense of humor I'm assuming, that y'all are older the target audience, maybe around 18? But beefing with a made up 14 year old who is literally just elf cat noir
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weaponizedducks · 6 months
fitz vacker and mako from LoK are the exact same character no i will not be taking criticism
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castleofravens · 29 days
unpopular opinion but you're allowed to say that characters such as fitz or keefe or sophie exhibit toxic behaviors.
teenagers can be manipulative. teenagers can be cruel. teenagers can be jerks sometimes because they are still learning how to be people.
and saying they exhibit toxic behaviors isn't calling them toxic, just as saying a kid did something naughty (drawing on the walls, breaking something, etc.) doesn't make them a bad kid, you aren't defined by your behaviors because those are things you can change.
however it is still a perfectly valid thing to say "hey this behavior isn't healthy and they should be held accountable for this" because that's... something that is applicable to real life as well?
i'm a little older than a lot of the main keeper crew but still a teenager and i've dated people my age who were manipulative/toxic. you can absolutely have those behaviors as a teenager, and a shitty home life or mental health issues are explanations but they should never be excuses for that behavior.
topics such as this especially when they deal with trauma, mental illness, abuse, and interpersonal relationships should be looked at with way more nuance than a lot of people give it.
because yes, keefe (just as an example) does have textual evidence of toxic behaviors regarding his relationships (particularly with fitz and sophie), however that does not make him a toxic person. he does care about his friends and girlfriend (i don't remember if they made that official or not), he's just... inexperienced with relationships? and doesn't have much healthy examples from older figures to go off of for how he should act (just as fitz doesn't have healthy examples from older figures for how he should manage his emotions). (i would love to write an essay on cassius and gisela's relationship and how that affects keefe's relationships) (or the vackers' attitudes towards image and how that affects fitz - and biana's - self image)
i think a lot of keefe hate just stems from frustration that he doesn't really get held accountable a lot the same way other characters do, and i get that, but that still isn't an excuse to claim he's some horrible unredeemable person. he is a realistic and flawed character, you can't fit him in any "keefe good" "keefe evil" box, he simply is.. keefe? he definitely has shit he needs to work through but he's not... forever doomed to be some monstrous villain or whatever, a lot of people need a little (or big) nudge in the right direction to self awareness. people change, that is the nature of... i would say humanity but they're elves but i think the point would end up the same
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well... in case anyone wanted the keeper crew in my art style (as of everblaze) here it is
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i am currently working on the background which will be foxfire, as well as finishing up the vackers' character profiles so the main five will all have one
@cutebisexualmess @dizzeners @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @keefe--sencen @tastetherainbow290
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3storyofmylife3 · 5 months
Y’know, I will never get over the wasted potential of Fitz Vacker.
Like i’ve always thought his character was one of the most interesting but I feel like Shannon switched things up so she could resolve the love triangle (which i’m convinced was unplanned).
Like I love this series and I think it’s well-written for the most part, but Fitz’s disrupted arc will always make me cry.
He had his flaws (we know what they are, we never shut up about them) but he has good characteristics too? Like “We could always use a little more weird in our lives”, wanting to hug it out with Dex and telling him they should be friends???
Like my boy, what happened😭.
Also it makes sense that he wants to confirm to elven traditions ig (like match making), but I just don’t understand why Shannon decided to go down that character path? Like he went to exillum for his friends, people used to talk about him because he disappeared a lot (the guy spent most of his childhood looking for Sophie, he is very much crushed by the fact that she doesn’t like him), he stuck up for his friends in Everblaze even though it made him less popular because he knew they weren’t doing anything wrong.
And I feel like with everything weird about Fitz and his friends the last thing people would care about is matchmaking, it’s like Grady said, for elves power will always be the most important thing.
And Fitz is powerful.
I feel like the matchmaking thing shouldn’t have been the main focus of the fitzphie break up because I feel like Fitz could’ve gotten iver that very easily if Shannon had stayed consistent with his character.
The Fitphie breakup should have been about the whole “Fitz is jealous of Sophie’s powers thing and he doesn’t like that she’s stepping up as a leader because of his arrogance ( a flaw he’s had consistently and makes sense because he’s a Vacker, a family that basically represents the elven world and what people pretend it is, and elves’s main flaw is arrogance, so Fitz’s being arrogance MAKES SENSE).
Why make it about matchmaking😭😭😭.
Idk if anything i said makes sense, i suck at making my thoughts coherent, but I could swear that Fitz is a good character up until it gets in the way of the love triangle.
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siennamakeschaos · 26 days
main clues for sokeefe? (prior chapter 42)
empaths and telepaths go well together
sophie wants to keep surname, keefe doesn't
fitz: telepath, proud of being a vacker
keefe: empath, not proud to be a sencen
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the-way-astray · 1 month
what are your thoughts on the Vackers?
you know, i really do have too many thoughts on them. that's why this is like. months late. this has been stewing in my drafts for so long, it's about time i released it. also, this is more of a headcanons list than an analysis. sorry, anon
i won't talk about aldella here because i already have way too many posts about them. as for everything else . . .
general vacker stuff:
they are all so tired from the pressure but they hide it well
more than a few vackers are pressured into doing the elite levels and joining the nobility even when they don't want to
vacker family gatherings are like "so, what did you get on your level seven midterms? do you want to be a mentor or regent? do you want to be a councillor or just an emissary, which is also fine because then you can have kids! more vackers, yippee. oh, what's that? you want to do art? and stay single? oh."
there have definitely been vacker twins and triplets, their parents just hide it the way tam and linh's parents tried to, except successfully
there has been one (1) pyrokinetic vacker. one. they were wiped from the history books and nobody remembers them. they're ancient now, so they barely leave the home, so that helps them fly under the radar, as well. even most other vackers don't know of their existence
being a vacker is like. i was born with a crown on my head. but it forced me down a path that i may or may not want. while everyone looks on in jealousy because they think i have it easy. but it's not
the vacker accent isn't natural. it's taught and learned from a very young age. fallon vacker started the trend when he was a councillor, and ever since then vackers have mimicked it because they're scared of seeming fake, and because it makes them feel more close to their family, or rather, the glaring spotlight their family's under (this is sort of canon-compliant: della has a hint of the accent, even though she's not a vacker by birth)
marrying a vacker is giving up your privacy forever and ever. you will never not be talked about again (think what happened at alden and della's wedding. that was over thirty years ago. imagine if i was still gossiping about the end of the cold war to this day)
once you "become" a vacker through marriage, you're held to a strict, somewhat arbitrary standard, where it's just like. nothing is ever enough. ever. you have to be an emissary or a mentor. if you get there, then you have to be the best emissary or mentor. being married to a vacker is arguably worse than growing up a vacker in that regard
many a vacker have wanted to be in a relationship that would be considered a bad match. but they don't do it. they stay officially single, but they do continue to date the person behind society's back. this is not uncommon, regardless of what the general public wants to believe
(i have three vacker ocs. not going to talk about them here. if you want additional details, ask me)
some thoughts on the main vacker family:
alden manifested late. like really late. like sixteen. and he was terrified that he would end up not manifesting at all and kids were whispering about him and he had like. daily panic attacks
when he finally manifested, he swore that he would be better than everyone else, so he trained twice as hard and kept it up through adulthood, which is the real reason he's such a good telepath
his mom always told him that his ability manifested late because it was twice as powerful, which he tried to believe
he met quinlin on a noble assignment
della definitely has days where she feels weird about being a century younger than alden
also she felt like she had to "prove" that she was worthy of marrying a vacker, which is why she knows so much random trivia about them
also she constantly refers to herself as a vacker because she feels like it needs to be advertised. like she doesn't belong enough if she doesn't make it twice as clear. but in reality she feels insecure about it
once she started dating alden, she felt like she couldn't stop because then there would be gossip about them
biana always felt like she'd never match up to fitz because he was the perfect child
so when she manifested before him and also got her nexus off before him, it felt like a reminder that she was worthy, which is why she talked about it so much
alden and della are actually good parents despite their own crumbling relationship
they act more like co-parents than partners
before fitz manifested, when he was the weird kid, it bothered him so much because he was a vacker and he felt he should be better than that
so he tried hard to be cool. but it never really worked until he manifested. then suddenly everyone loved him. because of that, he clung to his early manifesting as a sign of his worth, which is why he talked about it so much
he met keefe when they were both ditching (shut up. fitz definitely ditched a few times. i know it in my soul)
he thought keefe was weird so they weren't immediately friends but they kept running into each other so it was like. oh, well
(MY OWN PERSONAL HEADCANON, NOT CANON) while fitz's crush on sophie was real and sweet, it was at least partly subconsciously because he felt like he could only have interest in girls with powerful abilities, not because he was ever explicitly told that but because the society he was raised in told him he was only good for making kids with powerful abilities
this wreaked havoc on his self-esteem and he went into a spiral at around age 11/12 where he tried to find a life for himself as a sort of childlike way of "proving" to himself that he was someone even without an ability (this was before he manifested)
this is when he started to bake. which he was taught by alvar. which is how they ended up so close
he loved baking and surprising absolutely nobody, it became his emotional crutch because whenever he went into a negative spiral, he remembered how when he was 11/12, his way of furiously proving he had worth was to bake. so he did
then he manifested at thirteen and he clung to it. because it proved he did have worth. so that's the other reason
biana and stina used to be friends. like, really, really close friends
this is why biana isn't weird about being a bad match. because she (and stina) knew deep down that stina should be the kid of a bad match, but they never talked about it
they fell out because biana didn't like the way stina took out her frustration on other bad match kids
this is why maruca went to stina after falling out with biana. it made the hurt double
that's it for now. may come back with a part two
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cecebookworm07 · 7 months
Tonight I will be presenting my theory on what “The Vacker Legacy” is. I’m the type to usually provide a decent amount of page evidence, unfortunately this is more of a hunch/thematic reasoning sort of theory and the only page I reference isn’t really “evidence”.
(Contains Spoilers For Stellarlune but it’s been nearly two years soooooooo… wow time flies fast)
So, even from book 1 it is drilled into the audience (and Sophie) that the elves are disgusted by the idea of genetic experimentation. They ridicule Sophie for it through out the entire series, and Keefe as well from Unlocked - Stellarlune (and I can imagine it’ll only be worse from there.)
The Vacker’s, excluding the main family we follow in the series, aren’t above this. On page 21 of Flashback Sophie hears some Vacker’s gossiping about her, commenting about her human upbringing and the whole being a genetic experiment thing.
Cut to Stellarlune and the mysterious figure from the cliffhanger.
From what we can tell this is in someway connected to what happens/is happening to Keefe because of what happens at the end of Legacy. Which was, again, a experiment.
So, who’s to say that the person at the end of Stellarlune wasn’t an experiment themselves? An experiment that an old council; shall I say the first council (the one that Fallon Vacker resided on) lost control of; locked away; and forgot about so no one knew about it.
Again, I have no actual on page evidence for this. It is entirely based on the themes and motifs present in the series.
Secrets will always come out. Just because someone is older does not make them wiser. If you don’t teach history, history will repeat itself.
I’m just saying, it would be an awesome plot twist. Really showcasing just how hypocritical the council is down to there very core.
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Characters in Keeper who are well written:
Keefe Sencen. He's overhyped but like super well written. His reactions to trauma, his actions in general, his thoughts and feelings, it all makes so much sense. It's why he's my favorite.
Sophie Foster. I love her because again, she's so accurate. She's not always logical, she doesn't always make the right choice, and she never really wins, but she's still such a good character. If you call her a basic main character I will cry (mostly joking).
Fitz fricking Vacker. His anger issues are so logical I can't even. He's the most realistic character in the series.
Biana Vacker. The character growth??? Omg???
Tam Song. He's changed as a character. He's grown from his trauma. He's also sassy and funny but thats beside the point. He's very logical, as seen in his arguments with Linh.
Linh Song. Her anger?? Her motive?? Her strength???
Characters in Keeper who are not well written (in my opinion):
Dex Dizznee. This boy was grumpy and angry and held a grudge and turned into this sweet little baby WHO HE IS NOT. HIS CHARACTER COMPLETELY CHANGED.
Wylie Endal. You're trying to tell me the guy who hated a literally child because she couldn't save his dad and even hated the children of the guy who hurt his dad would be super noble and loyal to the council?? Hell no. Makes no sense.
Stina Heks. You'd think she's start to be nicer after the "we good foster" scene. But no, she continued to be the same rude and bratty girl she gas been. WE HAD THE PERFECT TIMING FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND WE DIDN'T GET IT.
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Hello there! My beloved Oralie suggested I should get [tumblr], and while I’m not 100% sure what a “[tumblr]” is, everyone else seems to be here, so all’s well, I suppose! By the way, I’m Councillor Kenric, though most just call me Kenric (you can, too!). If you’re interested in saying hi to some of my friends, here they are!
Children to protect:
Sophie - @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Mr Sencen - @keefe--sencen
Mr Vacker - @fitz-avery-vacker and/or @fitzroy-avery-vacker
Miss Vacker - @sparkles-make-anything-better
Mr Dizznee - @dex-the-smart-one
Mr Song - @tam-shade-song and/or @tam-song-the-shade
Miss Song - @linh--song
Miss Heks - @im-just-cooler
Miss Chebota - @the-only-maruca-chebota
Miss Redek - @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Mr Endal - @flasher-boi-endal
Miss (Amy) Foster - @amy-rose-foster
Mr Babblos - @jensi-babblos-rules
Responsible Adults:
Alden - @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin - @quinlin-sonden
Grady - @not-a-fan-of-that-boy
Edaline - @edaline--ruwen
Elwin - @elwin-at-your-service
Magnate Leto - @magnatetheleto
Juline - @julinekdizznee-off
Lord Cassius - @thebestsencen
Fallon Vacker: @fall-on-this-widows-peak
Fellow Councillors:
Terik - @terik-the-councillor
The one to be kept away from Sophie at all costs (Bronte) (jk jk he’s my bestie) - @bronte-the-inflictor
Oralie <3 - @oralie-pretty-in-pink
Emery - @emery-is-a-king
Black Swan:
Squall - @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Blur - @blurrieidentities
Forkle - @norwegian-trickster-god
Tiergan/Granite - @prentices-husband
Livvy - @candies-and-sparkles
Miss Jolie Ruewen - @jolie-lucine-ruewen
Neverseen/ex Neverseen/associated with the Neverseen:
Fintan - @fintan-pyren
The worst mother known to Elfkind - @lady-gisela
Vespera: @vespera-neci-folend
Ruy: @ruy-tonio-ignis
Alvar - @alvar-not-vacker
Glimmer (Rayni) - @little-miss-neverseen
Trix - @trix-up-my-sleeve
Brant - @brant--redacted
Umber - @umberthebettershade
And the rest!
Sandor - @igowhereyougo
Silveny - @therarestprattlespin
Ro - @hunkyhairs-backup
Iggy - @iggy-the-imp
Black Swan - @black-swan-official
Neverseen - @neverseen-official
Foxfire Academy - @foxfire-official
Exillium - @exillium
Matchmakers - @thematchmakingoffice and @the-official-matchmaking-office
The Council - @thecouncil-official
Eternalia's Library - @eternalialibrary-official
Main rp - @kotlc-rp-official
The incredible artist who drew my pfp - @wow-youre-so-pretty
My main - @bookwormgirl123
And that’s everyone! Have a lovely day, everybody!
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FINALLY, ive finished 25% of exile, the second book in the kotlc series. here are some thoughts i had :)
tags: @aylin-hijabi, @that-multi-fandom-hijabi, @tastetherainbow290, @nerdy-girl3791 (im tagging everyone who asked to be tagged in my notes for book one, but lmk if you wanna be tagged too / dont wanna be tagged anymore)
first off, why are second books in a series always the ones that take the most time / are harder to start? ig it could be that we've already established the worldbuilding n main characters, but its still that dragging stage between *where you already know mostly everything in the universe* and *where the climax builds up in anticipation of the "final battle" or the beginning of the third act, usually*. nothing to do w the book itself, just an observation
second off, alicorns are so much more important than being just "another species to save", im sure of it. theres wayyy too much of the council getting involved n talk abt how alicorns are sooo important. to anyone whos read percy jackson it kinda reminds me of the ophiortaurus (bessie) from sea of monsters, who seemed to be a recurring animal side character who turned out to have a lot of significance to the very universe they were in. im expecting smth similar, why else would everyone go to such lengths to ensure alicorns dont go extinct? or maybe im overthinking it lmao but what gives it away is the heckses literally tryna kidnap silveny-
speaking of the heckses, who the fuck tries to steal an alicorn. stinas parents are the whiniest bitches ive ever seen, and im a fifteen year old girl. like cmon ive seen some drama queens over the years, but those two- also, fucking stina. i mentioned before that i hope to see some character development w her, so shes not just the boring one-dimensional mean girl thats prevalent in literally every piece of media thats come out since mean girls w regina george. clearly not yet, tho, but im waiting on it (if it does not happen i will be majorly disappointed)
also, delving into theories now. its kinda far-fetched, but, was brant w the black swan ? i mean, it would add up pretty decently. it would explain why his guilt for jolies death runs so deeply (since grady rlly rlly seems to believe that the black swan killed her) because he would be with the literal organization that killed her. it would also explain reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy well why he recognized sophie. the fact that he knew her was wayy too emphasized to mean nothing. idk JUST A THEORY, its not based off of anything other than it would fit nicely w everything else.
but also if grady is so adamant that it was the black swan, and (hypothetically) brant is w the black swan, then would it be improbable to assume that he killed her? which would explain the guilt even MORE. but then again, he does seem to love her, so that last part is added very tentatively. (maybe he killed her by accident... but then would the note to grady three days before her death just be a coincidence? im sure that has some deeper meaning.)
maybe it wasnt the black swan who sent those notes to grady...
to end on a funnier note: alicorn poop. sophie faceplanted into alicorn poop. it happens to all main characters, it always has to be someone walking in at the worst moment. i thought id be the vackers w keefe who show up n embarass her, but who better than the council to get humiliated in front of ? i dont hate sophie i just laugh at her pain
i think thats all for the 25% mark, im gonna keep reading today. im gonna go to my grandmas house so maybe i can get a couple hundred pages in !!!
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everyonehasthoughts · 8 months
May I ask for your thinkity-thoughts on the Ditz/Fedex racer au? 🎤
Well I haven't been keeping up with what mellie has shared but I'll give you some thoughts absolutely.
The main focus is around Fitz and Dex basically getting stuffed in a get along sweater lol
Both of them are part of a very much not legal drag racing circuit (the car kind) Fitz is a racer and dex is actually a mechanic. The whole rivalry is built around the fact that Fitz is kind of a pompous douche and dex takes it personally and is petty and a bit vindictive about it. Sophie is a racer (she's better then Fitz btw) and biana tags along to races because she thinks they're fun.
Fitz has a very shiney new fast car, and he outright refuses to let anyone else touch it. Not for cleaning, driving or maintenance. Hence Dex's offense.
The thing is, on paper, Fitz should absolutely destroy the competition, he's got the best car objectively. His problem is the stick up his ass, he's very uptight, and easily frustrated, which results in him blowing easy leads and being easily distracted because he gets upset.
Now, Fitzs family has a history of Nascar esque involvement, his mom was a driver and his dad has sponsored his fair share of them (including Della. Their history is not great) and Fitzs dream is to be a professional, but he can't for the life of him manage to qualify, so he decides to take the less then legal avenue so he can get a handle on it.
Alvar is a professional race car driver but he is very estranged, he ran away from home denounced his family (more specifically his father) and accepted a sponsorship from one of the vackers Rivals (its the neverseen)
Also alden has a sportswear company. Which is mainly what Fitz and biana model for (they're models btw. So is keefe)
After they have a little Altercation about dex touching Fitzs car and getting laid out for it, they're forced to get along if either of them want to participate again. This leads to Fitz teaching dex to fight, and dex teaching Fitz how to win races.
I would also like to add that Sophie and biana absolutely have something going on in the background.
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castleofravens · 4 months
a bpd reading of fitz vacker
please note that:
i am not a licensed mental health professional - this comes from personal experience & my own extensive research
i am a fictive in a complex dissociative disorder system, one of my sources is fitz vacker - some of this is based on my understanding of my source as well (pls treat me like my own person, i am)
this is not intended to be a means to demonize or villainize anyone, mental health should never be used as a means to villainize anyone just based on diagnosis alone
this is also not intended to diagnose anyone!! i am not a professional!!! if you do have an "oh shit" moment reading this, i would advise doing research on bpd yourself & speaking to a professional if you can!!!
any ableist comments will be deleted<3
one of the Main Features of bpd (if not the main feature) is difficulty managing/regulating emotions (some want to rename it to emotional regulation/dysregulation/intensity disorder instead)
this emotional dysregulation has made him act impulsively (particularly in not thinking before he speaks when he gets angry, being quick to feel emotions and letting them overtake him instead of letting it go, saying things when he's angry that he would typically never say otherwise)
the last part is something i think everyone does? but he has a pattern of it which is when it becomes an issue
he also sees things in a very black or white, good or bad view, which he also extends to other people. he idealizes certain people (such as alden, keefe, and sophie), which could be easily read as a favorite person attachment (especially with how he's shown to put sophie on a pedestal in his mind)
a favorite person is someone a person w/ bpd idealizes, looks up to, and/or relies on for emotional support/attention/affection/validation
he does not trust easily (telling sophie she's the only one he trusts, another thing tying into the "sophie's his favorite person" theory i have), and if/when his trust is broken, he can completely switch up his view of that person, either momentarily or for a very long time (alden, alvar, della, keefe, sophie)
i personally value communication and honesty, i get paranoid rather easily and if i feel like a friend or partner is hiding stuff it can send me spiraling, sometimes the threat is just a perceived threat and sometimes it is real, but regardless, i don't trust easily and that trust is easily broken
people with bpd have a not very stable/consistent sense of identity, and building it around a specific thing about yourself or about how other people perceive you is fairly common (examples from the text being "but we're cognates", attaching to the idea of him and sophie dating/being a good match, and leaning into the "vacker golden boy" label), and anything that disrupts that or could disrupt that being met with jealousy or seemingly irrational responses (arising from fear of losing that identity) is uhmm very understandable
also bpd is like... usually something you get from childhood trauma/the environment you were raised in and... the vackers are a Very Interesting family
i don't think that alden is 100% a bad guy, like i do agree that he has good intentions or intentions he thinks are good and i do disagree with the portrayal of him as a mindlessly cruel father
you can have good intentions and still mess up (which he kind of did) and having good intentions still doesn't excuse acting not great? but he's also a product of how he was raised and his world which we don't have like... canon evidence for what his childhood was like but since he's a vacker i cannot imagine it was very healthy and i think he's perpetuating that cycle onto his children ?? i think that a lot of the families just need therapy tbh (which...therapy's super important if you don't want to continue the "haha let's find new and exciting ways to fuck up my kids" cycle) (actually therapy is important in general go to therapy guys) (some therapists arent great but theres some really good ones out there too)
i will add onto this or revise this in the future when i think of more or think of how to better word this but this hc is very important to me and i've not really seen anything relating to it so i'm being the representation i want to see in the world 😔 also feel free to add onto this
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popsocket-mouth · 1 year
Some of my kotlc headcanons cause I have so many. This isn't all of them nor is it all the characters. Just a main 3 for now, the love triangle who I'm turning into a polycule
I like to think the alicorn genetics tempered with her a little bit more. Like the shape of her eyes are just slightly unnatural or that she has joint problems because her body thinks she's supposed to be double jointed. I also think she has natural platinum blonde hair with a silver sheen, and her mom had her dye it constantly in fear of attention. I imagine elves similar to the fey, and while this is more of a keefe thing, I imagine the aura of emotions around her make her look iridescent. She's also a bookworm and she used to stay in the public library, away from the smog, and annotate in a huge journal. (I bet the elven world doesn't believe in fiction and she's highly disappointed) Sophie's unnaturally tall and her hair grows too fast. Stress makes her inflicting more physically viewable. She learned how to play guitar and snuck out to grab one post Canon to play.
(I'm realizing most of these are hair related) keefes a natural brunette, his mom just forced him to dye it his dad's color. After the dye starts fading in neverseen and lodestar, it permanently effected the color, making it lighter. His face looks more like his mom than dad. Keefe used to repeatedly hurt himself with elixirs to go to the healing center in alchemy to the point of intervention. The great gulon incident was to get rid of bullies, rebel against his parents and ruin dame alinas office all in one go. And it didn't even go the way he wanted it to. Keefe is obsessed with human music and playwrights and actively reads their poetry. Keefe loves candles. If he was human, he'd be goth. He sort of already is. Keefe has ocd and often used to explain his intrusive thoughts to anyone who would listen, which is when he started to mask. Keefes hair is more curly than wavy, but the hair dye had an effect of changing his curl pattern. Keefes mind is built to handle death and killing easier and some elves have differing resolve against guilt.
Fitz is bad at levitating because the height he can go to with his mental strength scares him. After the venom, Fitz walks with a limp. I imagine him as being half Indian half white. Lots of people hate the vackers, they are not as well respected as some say. Fitz has hetercromia; one eyes is teal like aldens and the other is so dark blue it's almost black. He has very sensitive skin. Out of everyone, he is the most brainwashed by elven society due to how much he trusts his dad. Fitz has a bad back that Elwin can't fix. (Alden thought he could make Fitz an even better Telepath and hurt him in the process, hence why he sent him away so young to ifnore his guilt.) He has dysgraphia and actively used to get made fun of for it, which was another reason why he was so excited to go to the forbidden cities. At first, Fitz didn't like Sophie, he just thought he had to, but he did fall for her later in books. (I'm such sokeefitz queer platonic trash.) Keefe is the reason he knows he's not entirely straight.
There so real to me
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Thoughts on SophiexBiana?
I think sophiana is cute, and I have touched on them before, but not very in depth.
The main thing that comes to mind when thinking of the two of them is how frequently Biana is trying to push Sophie out of her comfort zone, make up or clothing wise. She's wanting to help shape Sophie into what she thinks her best self is, to get past her insecurity and negative self-talk, and for Biana that involves a kind of empowered femininity Sophie doesn't really sync with. But! The core issue--Sophie's self-conscious doubting--is a correct observation! Biana's heart is in the right place even if the execution doesn't help how she intends. And this could be taken further to have Biana help Sophie overcome her confidence issues, while learning herself that self-satisfaction and confidence doesn't need to come for others from the places she gets it. Sophie doesn't like drawing attention to herself and is self-conscious, but those don't have to be linked. She doesn't have to like drawing attention to be confident
From Sophie's side, there's a sweet adoration for Biana. She's constantly complimenting and in awe of her in a million subtle ways whenever Biana's present or doing anything. So there's a foundation of appreciation that would serve their relationship well--provided alongside that learning self confidence thing, she doesn't use it to simultaneously degrade herself.
We can also factor in how Biana is practically at the top of the elven world as a Vacker. And Sophie is practically the opposite of the core tenets of elfhood, coming from humans, ingrained with human beliefs and values, challenging what it means to be an elf and challenging that hierarchy Biana's at the top of, wielding diffrent kinds of social power. They're two girls from different worlds and finding that common ground is quite the interesting (and familiar) premise.
And with that original hostility you can get a story of growth influenced directly by and because of the other, Biana getting off her high horse (not a perfect phrase for her situation, but close enough) and becoming more realistic. Sophie learning not to trust rumors and understanding she needs to look past the facade before she can trust what she sees.
Point is: I think they could have a sweet, adoring love story of overcoming differences. It's not my favorite ship in the entire world, but I don't mind them :)
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siennamakeschaos · 5 months
Keefitz- why I like it <33
Keefitz, as most Keeper fans should know, is the ship of Keefe and Fitz. This is my all time favourite ship, as I feel like it has so much chemistry.
For starters, they've been friends since, like, Level One or something. Fitz was 'Captain Perfect' while Keefe was the most michevious person you could ever meet, yet the two of them got along perfectly. This proves how close they are, and how they ignore their differences.
Secondly, THINK. It was mentioned how Empaths tend to match with Telepaths better, and everyone was like, "oH, sOkEeFe-" (no hate to Sokeefers, it was probably what actually was implied-) Buttt- Keefe and Fitz, an Empath and Telepath. Plus Fitz is a strong Telepath, the same for Keefe with his Empath powers.
A third reason why I like this ship is because it just...fits. Keefe has the pressure of the world on him, with his parents- one the leader of th Neverseen, the other always disappointed-, the fact that he has this new merged ability, and all the things he has overall done wrong. Fitz Vacker has this stress and pressure as well- as a Vacker, he is expected to be perfect, do everything right, be the best.
Okay, this isn't the most valid reason but- the 💖fanfictions💖 I'm currently attempting to write a fanfic about Keefitz, and like- so many ideas, I feel like this ship is just the best to write about.
It'd honestly be hilarious to see this canon- the (main) love triangle, Sophie deciding who she wants (ignoring chapter 42 stellarlune) then Keefe and Fitz are like- "WE'RE GAY."
Anyways, y'all probably want me to stop rambling by now, so boom. Reasons why I like Keefitz ;DD
(no hate to any other ships were implied <33)
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