ffruug · 8 months
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I’m back on my mission to spread my WereKnight propaganda again. They need to kiss on screen and then maybe the world will finally flourish
+ a bonus
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lalah-cupcake · 1 year
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shh, they’re bonding
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Just found out there's a three-inch height difference between Oscar Isaac and Gael Garcia Bernal!
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redd956 · 4 months
Concept me and my partner can't stop thinking about
So it's like a werewolf but instead of turning into a monstrous wolf-man the infected person transform into a really big night who is feral on doing knight things
Now you can equate whether that means sword fighting people, dragon slaying, or having battle on French land
But I cannot stop thinking about it
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sillypinkboy · 8 months
Wereknight ship I loveeee youuuuu
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5-7-9 · 22 days
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Izzy’s right, they need new codenames that aren’t Robin themed now 🤔
(I think them all standing in front of an “A” is a metaphorical and literal sign of what their new name could be. I have no clue tho, tots lost on me. “A-new” ? “A Child Endangerment” ???).
“Darkestdawn,” “Sidekicker,” and “BlackDomino” were pretty good and don’t need a change. “DaxAtax” is probably a play on words for Dax-attacks? I think that’s fine. “Dre-B-Robbin” is pretty pun funny for “Dre-be-robbing” but has Robin in it. “Kat-R-ina” is still Robin themed so needs a revamp. “Robina” is very… needs to go yeah. “Shug-R” is a play on words for sugar, but the R rules hers out. R-iko is just Riko but the emphasis on R is a no.
Not sure if everyone’s totally cool with their codenames just having their names actually in their codenames, but if Penny can do it (Drake was stupid tho) then i guess they can too.
Duke has “Lark” now (because of his helmet).
Sparrow took the easy name >:/ but whatever. It’s kinda ironic because it’s a songbird that can’t really hear very well tho.
BlueBird is so simple omfg.
I’m thinking Shug could be “Hummingbird” since it’s the closest easy to remember birdie with a sugar theme, or “Sweetie” or “Honey” or “Nectar” Or just straight up rewrite it to be “Sugar” again. Dax might go for a Batman themed name, and Riko too but it’s a Batgirl themed name.
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Is is bad if I think Dax’s mohawk reminds me of a rooster so i want him to be called “Rooster” ? 💀 Whatever “Bat Guano Rama” is, that’s a real wacky codename to have. “Hey Batshit, you on 9th street?” 😂 OMG BATSHIT YES!!! “BatShit” as Dax’s new codename i’m a fucking genius. That or “BatGuano”
I checked for a bird and found a Pheasant, which looks cool and has Robin colours but it sounds like peasant which is insulting…. The “-iko” sounded japanese but idk if it is, but there are words that have -iko in it. I’m honestly unsure but it could be a anime reference idk. It has to be cool. Pheasant sounds like “Feather” which could be cool? Or Kiji which is the japanese word of pheasant. Idk, bit of a thinker this one
As much as I want to stick to a bird theme, others got a non bird related codename so i think i’m good. Dre is perfect as a wolf.
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I think he should be “LoneWolf” because it’d be ironic when he has friends but is still called a loner. That or “Werewolf” but he’d be a furry the confusion over actual werewolves would happen. Also his suit doesn’t have wolf features, can be changed tho with a simple redesign 🤔 OH “WereKnight” OOOOOO
Kat-R-ina could be shorten to “Trina” or “KitKat.” We don’t get to see or hear about her, but I’m headcanoning her as one of Shug’s friends, along with Darkestdawn who actually seems to know Shug personally enough to know what she looks like.
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Just gonna assume one of those guys is “Darkestdawn,” and the other is Katrina. Shug and them 🌟
I think “Iz” should be fine but idk. Last time she just did Robin with an “-a” suffix for girl, it’s kinda… simplistic… hahah…. We could try “Z” or “Zee” or “Zeey” or “Zzy” but idk…
Btw i really like how “Iz” kinda looks like an R hahah, clever. I just realized right now 😲
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veiliisms · 6 years
@wereknights from a starter i can’t be assed to link
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“i... i beg your pardon? were you talking to me?”
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orianna-ozpin · 6 years
@wereknights | cont. 
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    ❀~ Orianna eased into his hug, wrapping her small arms around him . “ Yes! I’m alright, how about you Daddy Trevor~?” ~❀
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reipinto · 4 years
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So, @respawn-anchor in a big brained move was like “Hmm werewolf Wels” and hooo boy do i dig it, anyway have a WereKnight 
edit notes: fixed the sword and added lighting!
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ffruug · 8 months
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I don’t draw nearly enough of Jack n Steven so here’s more of these absolute goobers🙏🙏 I think they’d very much appreciate the way eachother ramble
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edenoi · 4 years
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Is he a wereknight????
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
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a forehead kiss by a sad man for a sad man
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redd956 · 3 months
Wereknight could turn into knights "when they are needed", so I think that the transformation should not be cyclical but rather based on some kind of stimuli. Ideas: - war horn/drum - sound of clashing metal (PTSD metaphor) - during the day, when the country of the wereknight is at war ( forced conscription curse) - sound of a call for help
:0 Such amazing ideas oml!
Imagine like a wereknight hiding from the destruction, not wanting to turn, but at the cries of help they just cannot control themselves.
I love the visuals of an abnormally large knight shambling out of a shed, dragging a greatsword behind them. There is literally so much that could be done with these additions. Might write something about this fr
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goldwyrtsdotror · 4 years
So there was a game coming out soon that was. 2D, like death's gambit. I think there wereknights. Was super violent and bloody and had some dark soundinf name. It was not the new devolver digital thing where you play as... an evil... red... thing. Help. What is it called
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theazuredomain · 6 years
COBALT VALERIAN is a 26 year old WEREWOLF from VETIS. i hear that they are a KNIGHT known for being PASSIONATE and RECKLESS. in another world, they’d look like BOB MORLEY. ( whale )
˗ˏˋ❀ — wereknight ! yeet !
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loreseeks · 6 years
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"i try to find joy in the life all around me, each and every day. it’s all we’ve really got at the end of it all, right?” 
@wereknights | starter call
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