#Wesley Doods
chernobog13 · 2 years
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I’m sorry, Sandman, but there’s no place in the Justice Society of America for scelerophobes!
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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@highladyofdusk and I have been playing dragon age 2 together and I've been making comics to record our exploits (see: stupid comments). im basically like a worse varric
(support me on kofi! // comms)
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artverso · 6 months
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Riley Rossmo - Wesley Doods: Sandman
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manonfontaine · 2 years
Hoofdstuk 6
Ik heb eindelijk het laatste hoofdstuk uit en hoe kan ik jullie vertellen dat het gewoon ongelooflijk was. Ik zal jullie er alles over vertellen!
Eerst leren we dat Magda, de vrouw van de postbode Walter, eigenlijk de persoon is die de krant vertelde over de voedselvergiftiging. Als ze later hoort wat Herman met de arme inspecteur heeft gedaan, denkt ze dat het allemaal haar schuld is, want als ze geen contact had opgenomen met de krant was dit allemaal niet gebeurd. Maar ze beseft al snel dat de familie Bracke niet normaal was. Tussen Herman die een onschuldige man doodt en Wesley die beschuldigd wordt van het overrijden van een man zonder enige reden, wordt het duidelijk waarom Magda dit gezin niet normaal vindt.
Later zullen journalisten in Blaashoek aankomen om meer te weten te komen over de moord die plaatsvond. Een journalist stelt zelfs vragen aan Saskia die langsliep, maar die wist er blijkbaar niets van, wat begrijpelijk is omdat ze nooit haar appartement verlaat. Dan, terwijl ze haar weg vervolgt, ziet ze een advertentie voor een secretaressebaan bij Jan Lietaer, de dierenarts van wie haar hond houdt. Na het vertrek van zijn vrouw, die ook zijn secretaresse was, besluit hij een advertentie te plaatsen en voor Saskia is dit eindelijk de kans om te werken en haar leven in handen te nemen.
Dan begint het drama. Eerst ontdekken we dat Hermans vrouw, Claire dood is. Het is niet duidelijk hoe ze stierf, maar blijkbaar vond Wesley haar in de trap met kots over zich heen. Het ergste is dat Wesley haar had kunnen redden, maar nee, hij ging de keuken in, bewoog niet en belde pas een paar minuten later de politie en verliet toen zijn huis en kwam nooit meer terug.
Het volgende drama is dat Ivan, de onsympathieke apotheker, niet alleen het voedeslagentschap heeft gebeld om de slagerij van Herman te controleren en daarom is de inspecteur later overleden, maar ook de hond van Saskia heeft vergiftigd met paracethamol die hij in zijn eten had geplaatst omdat hij het zat was dat Zeppos te veel blafte. Gelukkig merkte Catherine snel dat Zeppos niet in orde was want hij bloedde en zag meteen dat hij vergiftigd was en wist dat Ivan het gedaan had. Het ergste is dat Saskia dit nooit te weten zal komen (ik leg het later uit).
In de tussentijd ging onze Wesley naar Magda's huis omdat hij erachter kwam dat het door haar kwam dat de krant dat artikel over zijn vader had gemaakt en als zij dat niet had gedaan zou hij zijn beide ouders niet hebben verloren. Zijn beste idee was om eieren en tomaten op haar huis te gooien. En weten jullie wat hij heeft geprobeerd te doen? Haar verkrachten! (Maar hij is echt gek!)
En toen gebeurden er teveel dingen tegelijk. Catherine ging eerst naar het huis van Ivan om hem te vertellen dat ze wist dat het door hem kwam dat Zeppo vergiftigd was. Natuurlijk zal hij niets toegeven. Vervolgens probeerde hij Catherine op de weg te duwen en hoopte dat ze door een auto zou worden aangereden, maar dit mislukte omdat een bestuurder stopte vlak voordat hij haar omver reed. Dan was de chauffeur in kwestie de grootvader van Saskia die uit het ziekenhuis is ontsnapt en een pistool in zijn hand had omdat hij haar wilde vermoorden behalve dat Saskia niet thuis was en dus Bienvenue doodde en wilde ook Catherine vermoorden behalve dat de politie aankwam om hem tegen te houden. Ondertussen kwam Jans moeder hem bezoeken en vertelde hem dat hij een geboren mislukking is en dat het normaal is dat Catherine hem verlaten heeft. Jan raakt in paniek en besluit te oefenen met het schieten op de windmolens, maar hij raakt iemand. Die persoon is eigenlijk Saskia, die blij thuiskwam omdat ze een baan had gevonden, maar aan haar vreugde zal spoedig een einde komen en haar laatste woorden zijn mijn hond, mijn hond.
De enige die overblijft is Water, die absoluut geen idee heeft wat er gebeurd is en op zijn fiets naar huis rijdt met de gedachte dat hij een speciale zomer heeft gehad, maar dat het een goed idee zou zijn als hij en zijn vrouw naar het buitenland zouden gaan.
Weten jullie nog dat ik zei dat Blaashoek bekend moet staan om zijn ecologie? Ik denk dat Blaashoek binnenkort een stad wordt die bekend staat om zijn moorddadigheid…
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comicverse · 4 years
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finniwinter · 4 years
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-Meme voice- I'm like, dropping hints that I ship them. (I doubt there's a ship name for these two yet so I'm gonna call it WesLaw until we know what Puppycat's real name is)
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kippdipp · 5 years
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finished daredevil 😤
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overmelted · 5 years
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Archers 1/3
First Ron cause he is prettier king and all
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Any thoughts on Sandman Mystery Theatre and Wesley Doods?
I'll probably write more in-depth about Wesley in particular once I'm more acquainted with his history, because I've discovered recently there is much, much more to the JSA's characters than I had initially presumed, and some pretty massive bits of Wes's own history that I can't overlook in a more in-depth post. But regarding Sandman Mystery Theatre, I gotta talk about my history with it specifically.
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I picked up the first volume of Sandman Mystery Theatre by complete accident when I was very young. At the time I was specifically looking for Sandman comics because I wanted to do a school project on Neil Gaiman's Sandman, which I knew very little about, and so I picked up at a store Endless Nights and a comic called Sandman Mystery Theatre that, as you can see in the cropped image above, had his name on the cover, so I figured it had to be in the same series (which it kinda is but not really).
While there's older stuff that's tied up in my appreciation of them, this was my first encounter with Pulp Heroes, even when I didn't know what they were, before I discovered The Shadow for real. Ground Zero, as we call it. And it all starts specifically with this page:
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The comic had already started off completely unlike anything I'd picked up before from Marvel and DC. It was an urban story with no superheroes or cartoons in sight, instead there were all these regular, wrinkled middle-aged people with warts and sweaters and pudgy noses at the center of it, people that you don't find in superhero stories where the imperfections of humanity are ever shaved off. It was more akin to what I had only experienced through film, but in a comic, and at the time, that was new to me.
And when it was time for the story's big reveal of it's hero, the big wide shot reserved for a Superman power stance or Batman hunched in the rain, it was with this scene: A weird little creep in a trenchcoat and fedora, with a gas mask barely concealing his startled eyes, shocked by the intrusion of the light that ever so blesses The Superhero Moment, squatting in a dirty bathroom with a hand stretched out menacingly towards the horrified woman, stretching towards you, stretching past the panel borders that should lock this ugly little thing in it's place.
I still think of this image as one of the main signifiers as to what I think sets superheroes and pulp heroes apart. Because at the time, this was a revelation. This costume was a revelation in general.
I was never going to find Spider-Man or Wolverine like this, even their dirtier and less dignified moments were still mired in some form of glory. Even in Spider-Man's lowest points he's still expect to rise above them dramatically or at least suffer them dramatically, when Wolverine prowls in the sewers he does so gleaming with power and ferocity and ripped shirts and immortality. And of course, I was never going to look like, or be like, Spider-Man or Wolverine no matter how hard I worked at it.
But this guy? This is a shitty little bug man caught with it's pants down somewhere it was not supposed to be, as terrified of being caught as we would be to find it prowling around. Painfully humanized, despite it's best efforts. He's dressed in a drab suit with a dorky tie, a disheveled coat, and a gas mask and hat. But the thing about “coolness” is that often the best way to make something genuinely cool is to try to make it uncool to begin with. There's nothing super about this guy, but there's something effortlessly cool about him nonetheless, something that doesn't require a bodybuilder's physique or a model's face, something unlike a superhero but just as cool visually if not more so. Anyone could look like this guy.
I could look like this guy.
And not just visually, the other thing that hooked me into Mystery Theatre was it's characterization. Much like the art, it was different than what I was used to from other comics I read. It dealt with it's drama differently, it's deaths had weight and so did the character's reactions to them. It had gangsters and torturers and serial killers and pedophiles and crooked police officers and none of them were going to get chopped to bits by Wolverine or tied up in streetlights by Batman anytime soon. It didn't have supervillains, it had a mother and son as masked murderers and torturers hiding in plain sight even while mutilating their own families. It had grueling torture scenes and it's female protagonist forcing herself to stare at the mutilated corpse of her best friend just so she can spare her family the pain of doing so. 
Diane Belmont is great and, again, I had never seen a comic book with this kind of story with a female protagonist so strongly at the forefront of it, and with all these other characters getting their side stories in. It was not about the guy in a costume being the center of everything awesome to happen, because there was hardly anything of the sort happening. "Understated" is the key word here for what made Sandman Mystery Theatre special to me at the time.
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Wesley Dodds himself is a schlubby, quiet guy in glasses with a pudgy nose and a round face who makes origami and writes poems, who only really has his gun and mask and wits to tackle problems he is not even particularly well-equipped to handle, but goes out there and does anyway. He moves around quietly but still has to escape desperate situations by the skin of his teeth. He doesn't interrogate people in costume by dangling them off rooftops, he threatens to poison their dog if they don't tell him what he needs to know. He sets up little traps with cans and wire to let him know if a cop is approaching his investigation, and he doesn't take down the Tarantula at the end without assistance nor does he linger around to receive any credit for it.
He is not at all an action hero, nothing about this guy even really indicates he's cut out for this life, but he's determined and compelled and tormented by nightmares that don't allow him to refuse the call, so he makes it happen, and throught that, he makes enough of a difference to shift the scales of life and death to those that cannot rely on others to protect them. Those that can't rely on police or family or superheroes to save them. That's when the eerie little nobody in a fedora and gas mask comes in, inadequate as he may be, still desperately trying to do the right thing.
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While I did read some of his Golden Age adventures for context's sake, I don't know much of anything about Wesley's other adventures outside of Mystery Theatre or his costumed superhero phase or history with the JSA and DCU and whatnot, and frankly that stuff is so far removed from my enjoyment of Mystery Theatre that it might as well just be a different character (although I will be checking out out of curiosity).
So yes, Mystery Theatre is great, I sing the praises of Matt Wagner often enough and I definitely should look into the rest of Guy Davis's work, but the main thing about it to me is that it was my first contact with pulp in any of it's forms. Sandman was my first Pulp Hero. If nothing else I'll always appreciate the character for that.
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newcountryradio · 3 years
New country #1099(658) van 15 november  2021  (wk 46) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
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Album van de week *Elvie Shane *Backslider * wheel house records
 1. Chris Stapleton----Starting Over--*Mercury
2. Luke Bryan----       Move  --          *Capitol Nashville
3. Luke Combs ----    Doin’ This        *river house /columbia
4. Blake Shelton  ----   We Can Reach The stars  -- *warner
5. Kameron Marlowe ----  Giving You Up     --   *RCA  
6. Morgan Evans----  Love Is Real    --          *warner   
7. Thomas Rhett----   Slow Down Summer --       *curb
8. Zac Brown Band----- Same Boat  --  *home grown/warner    
9. Jason Aldean/Carrie Underwood --If I Didn’t Love You-*capitol  
10.Walker Hayes----  Fancy Like  --        *monument #1
11. Elvie Shane-----  I Will Run   --   *wheel house records
12. Elvie Shane ---- Love, Cold Beer, Cheap Smoke  *wheel house records
13. Kaitlin Butts ---- Marfa Lights    --    * Kaitlin Butts  
14. Brent Cobb  ----  We Shall Rise  -- *ol’ buddy records
15. Joshua Ray Walker  ---- Dallas Lights  --  *state fair records
16.   Mac Leaphart  ----  That Train    --   *mac leaphart  *favoriet    
17.  Randy Travis  ----  Forever and Ever, Amen         *warner          
18.  Randy Travis   ----   I Won’t Need You Anymore   *warner       
19.   Tate Stevens ----  Ordinary Angels  --    *RPM Entertainment*sofi
20.   Pokey LaFarge   ----   Drink On Me     -- *new west
21.   North Mississippi Allstar  --  Set Sail part 1   -- *new west/ pias  
22.  Elvie Shane  ----   County Roads   --    *wheel house records
23.  Elvie Shane  ----   My Kinda Trouble  --  *wheel house records
24.  Sturgill Simpson ---   Ol’ Dood pt 1    --     *High Top Mountain rec.
25.  Margo Cilker  -----   Tehachapi        --         *loose
26.   The Northern Belle  ---- Two Rhythms    --  *new west /pias
27.   Warren Zeiders  ---   Boys For Life  --   *warren zeiders 717 tapes ep
28.  Morgan Wallen  ---  Somebody’s Problem   -- *big loud republic  
29.   Deana Carter   ----   Strawberry Wine 2021  --    *capitol nashville
 30.  Lee Brice    ----   I Drive Your Truck    --  *curb*trucksong  
31.  Chris Stapleton   ---  Nobody To Blame     --   *mercury
32. Charles Wesley Godwin ---Needle Fall Down -- * Charles Wesley Godwin-juweeltje
33.  Hayes Carll ft Brandy Clark -- In The Mean Time ---    *dualtone music group
34.   Paul Carrack  ---    Behind Closed Doors      --      *carrack
35.  Buck Owens   ----    Bridge Over Troubled water --    *sundazed music
36.  Mark Chesnutt     --- Bubba, Shot The Jukebox   --    *nada dinera 
37.  Brad Paisley w/Alison Krauss----Whiskey Lullaby  *arista(3 in 1)#1 streamed
38.  Eric Church ---    Springsteen         *emi (3 in 1)
39. Elvie Shane    ---- My Boy       --   *wheel house records  Cd vd w
40. Elvie Shane   ----   Heartbreaks & Headaches-- *wheel house records-Cd vd  
41.   J.W. Roy & The One Night Band—Amsterdam, Sunday night  *V2 records
42.  NinaLynn     ----    Spirit Guide --       *Stricly country records*dutch  corner
43.   Waylon    ----      Human        ---                      *Universal
44.  Willie Nelson    ----  Bridge Over Troubled water --    *Columbia
45.  Joshua Ray Walker  ---  See You next Time     --   *state fair records
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Adres  Bauke van der vliet Samensteller/ presentator New Country Barten 30 8447 BS Heerenveen   ([email protected])
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jayfreeman · 4 years
Opdracht 1
Bij de eerste opdracht moeten we de dader de slachtoffer maken .In de roman van Bram Dehouck(Een zomer zonder slaap) zijn er verschillende daders en slachtoffers.Ik kies voor Hermann Bracke ,hij is een slager die in blaashoek bekend is voor zijn pathe.
Hermann was duidelijk in paniek ,hij wist niet wat te verwachten en hoe te reageren .Had mevrouw de gryse echt gelijk? Was hij schuldig van de verschrikkelijke symptomen van de dorpelingen ? Hermann had spijt van zijn gehoorzaamheid naar zijn vrouw.
Plotseling ringt iemand aan de bel ,Hermann maakt zich zorgen want Wesley nooit zo aan de bel ringt .Wanneer meneer Bracke de deur open doet ziet hij een kale man voor zijn huis.
-(Hermann)       Hallo meneer kan ik uw helpen ??
(-Meneer )         Hallo ,ik ben de inspecteur die uw zaak zal moeten onderzoeken
-(Hermann)     Kom maar binnen 
Voordat Hermann zijn rug omdraait voelt hij een scherp object in zijn lichaam .Hermann valt op de grond en ziet niet niks meer .Hermann is dood .
0 notes
chernobog13 · 3 years
Wesley Dodds, DC Comics’ original Sandman, is also one of their oldest masked avenger characters debuting, in New York World’s Fair Comics #1, cover dated April 1939.  This is his actual first appearance, not Adventure Comics #40, cover dated July 1939.  Other than the two magazines appearing on newsstands within weeks of each other, the confusion stems from the widely-held belief amongst comic book historians that the story in Adventure Comics #40 was written and drawn first.
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As comic books back then were cover dated four-to-six months in advance (to give them more time on the newsstands), the Sandman actually appeared before Batman, who debuted in Detective Comics #27, cover dated May 1939 (some sources put the actual release date of the book at March 30, 1939).
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The Sandman was originally, much like the Crimson Avenger, DC’s very first masked avenger character (who debuted shortly in 1938 shortly after Superman),  a comic book version of the Green Hornet, a very popular radio hero at the time (and the grand nephew of the Lone Ranger!).
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Like the Green Hornet, both the Sandman and the Crimson Avenger wore suits, fedoras, and masks, and utilized a gas gun that rendered their enemies unconscious (but they wore capes, whereas the Hornet wore a trench coat).  The Crimson Avenger went one step further imitating the Green Hornet: he, too, had an Asian valet, Wing, who was his crime-fighting assistant; the Hornet’s valet/sidekick was Kato.
The Sandman, instead, was assisted by his girlfriend, Dian Belmont,  who was not only an equal partner, but aware of her beloved’s dual-identity.
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The Sandman and the Crimson Avenger would follow similar career paths in the comics.  Both characters ended up ditching their outfits for more common superhero garb (sans cape).  Sandman also gained a costumed sidekick, Sandy the Golden Boy, who was Dian’s nephew.
In addition, while still wearing his original get-up, Sandman was a founding member of the Justice Society of America.  The Crimson Avenger, in the meantime, became one of the Seven Soldiers of Victory (with Wing tagging along, also in costume, as the unofficial 8th Soldier).
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When Neil Gaiman launched The Sandman series through DC’s Vertigo imprint, his version of the character was Morpheus, aka the embodiment of dreams.  However, Gaiman skillfully incorporated all the previous characters who had gone by the name Sandman into the stories.
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Gaiman established that the prophetic dreams that Wesley Dood had been having all his life had actually been him being in contact with Morpheus whilst the latter was imprisoned.  Dodds used those dreams to aid his crime-fighting efforts.
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After The Sandman proved to be such a hit, DC/Vertigo then gave Wesley Dodds his own comic (his very first!) with Sandman Mystery Theatre.
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Written by Matt Wagner (of Grendel and Mage fame) and Steven T. Seagle,  with most of the book’s 70-issue run illustrated by Guy Davis, Sandman Mystery Theatre was a gritty, realistic (well, as realistic as these things can get) crime noir.  It was set in the very early days of Wesley Dodds’ career as the Sandman, with Dian Belmont again at his side (and very often having a bigger role in the stories than Dodds), and featuring several outstanding supporting characters.
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Each story in the series was told over four issues, perfect for adaptation by HBO Max (hint hint hint).  The series dealt with some very real world 1930s social issues, besides the usual gangsters and dealing with criminal masterminds, as was very much intended for more mature readers.
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Original comic book Sandman on the left (although he wore a cape instead of a trench coat); the more “realistic” version of him from Sandman Mystery Theatre on the right.
The series was set in the late 1930s, before superheroes had started to appear. The Sandman did encounter other “mystery men” like the Crimson Avenger, and some of his future JSA compatriots before they adopted their heroic identities, like Jay Garrick (Flash), Rex Tyler (Hourman), and Ted Knight (Starman)  There are also mentions of, or references to, Ted Grant (Wildcat), Jim Corrigan (the Spectre), and Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite).
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Given his long history at DC, it was very nice for the Sandman to be included in the second series of figures from DC Direct (the first series were characters from Mad magazine). 
Like all the DC Direct figures released that year (1999), the Sandman also had variant version, based on his appearance in Sandman Mystery Theatre.  Both figures featured removable hats and masks, the variant figure came with a pair of round eyeglasses like Wesley Dodds wore in the comic book.
These are the very first Sandman figures ever.  DC Direct would eventually release other versions, including an adult Sandy the Golden Boy as Sand, a member of the modern (pre-Flashpoint) JSA.
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ginnyoceane · 4 years
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[ Mercatini di Natale] #Ravenfirerpg #minirole
Per quanto si potesse pensare che uno come Ben non fosse attratto dalle festività, era esattamente il contrario, nonostante la sua vita fosse dedita a qualcosa che solo lui vedeva come un dovere e una liberazione, parlando di controllo dei sovrannaturali, amava le luci ed i colori del Natale.
A questo proposito, si era recato per le vie dei Mercatini per acquistare delle decorazioni da sistemare nella piccola casa che la nonna aveva deciso di lasciare al nipote. Il ricordo della donna era forse uno dei più teneri che custodiva in quella mente sempre pronta ad osservare. Si era fermato davanti a una vetrina e mentre tornava sui suoi passi aveva urtato una ragazza.
- Ti sei fatta male? Scusa, ero distratto.-
Ginny R. Océane Lagarce
Passeggiare tra le vie di Ravenfire era una delle cose che Ginny più apprezzava durante quella parte dell'anno, soprattutto la neve sembrava divenire l'attrazione principale per i più piccoli. E nonostante non fosse più una bambina, doveva ammettere che quell'evento atmosferico sembrava influire perfino su di lei. Avrebbe dovuto terminare il giro per gli ultimi regali di Natale, eppure Ginny s'era fermata, come in trance, ad osservare quel mercatino con quei carillon che suonavano e suonavano. La musica che ne proveniva sembrava mischiarsi al cadere della neve, ma fu quando le giunse un colpo alla schiena che fece un salto e si voltò di scatto.
« Stai att... » Avrebbe voluto dire "stai attento" eppure la veggente si bloccò, e una sensazione di gelo si abbatté su di lei. Aveva sentito la stessa sensazione quando era giunta alla festa di Halloween, ma era impossibile, e col senno di poi dovette ammettere che sua madre aveva ragione, doveva allenarsi decisamente di più. « Ero distratta io... Nulla di grave. Sono rimasta ad osservare quello stand e la musica di quei carillon, sembrano ipnotizzare. »
Ben Scott
Non era il tipo di persona che amava il contatto, anzi probabilmente era peggio di un Dood, inorridiva quando percepiva un contatto non richiesto e anche quel caso non fu da meno. Eppure, anche se non accennò a sostenere la ragazza, le sorrise, era affabile , almeno finché non si trovava da solo con qualche sovrannaturale che avesse abusato dei suoi poteri, allora era capace di uccidere e torturare anche solo per piacere personale. - Ci credo, con questa confusione non si può dire che sia colpa mia o tua, ma posso offrirti una cioccolata calda?- A dire il vero, l'avrebbe anche lui desiderata , senza panna ma molto densa . Indicò il luogo appena citato e con la mano guantata passò le dita tra i ricci mentre aspettava la sua risposta .
Ginny R. Océane Lagarce
In qualità di veggente avrebbe potuto prevedere il colpo, ma era ancora fin troppo inesperta, nonostante il suo terzo livello, per poter compiere quel tipo di azioni, inoltre Ginny non era nemmeno il tipo di persona che sfruttava per suo tornaconto i suoi poteri. Tantissimi erano i suoi difetti, ma tutto ciò che riguardava il suo essere soprannaturale, era tanto importante per lei da sapere quando la situazione richiedeva serietà. La sensazione di gelo che aveva avvertito poco prima non sapeva che cosa si riferisse, se la presenza dello sconosciuto o semplicemente quella temperatura così rigida che era tipica nel mese invernale. Eppure era lì, a ricordarle che tutto poteva cambiare. Apparve un debole sorriso sulle labbra della bionda, nascondendo un certo imbarazzo per l'accaduto, ma non poté non ampliarlo non appena sentì quelle due parole magiche, cioccolata calda. « Credo che tu abbia appena fatto una proposta alla quale è impossibile dire di no... Soprattutto con questo freddo! » Commentò con una leggera scrollata di spalle. Voltò lo sguardo in direzione del luogo che aveva appena indicato il ragazzo e si ritrovò inconsciamente ad annuire. « E cioccolata calda sia, ti ringrazio molto. Scusami non mi sono nemmeno presentata, mi chiamo Ginny... E ti prego non dire nulla sul mio nome, a quanto pare i miei genitori avevano una passione per Harry Potter. »
Ben Scott
Ovviamente se Ben aveva adottato la filosofia di mescolarsi e fingersi amico di tutti, anche dei sovrannaturali per poter scoprire la loro natura, naturalmente doveva passare del tempo con chiunque capitasse . Non si era fatto scappare l'occasione, quella ragazza sembrava molto disponibile e con la temperatura tanto bassa, il desiderio di bere qualcosa di caldo aveva avuto la meglio. - Molto piace Ginny non Wesley, io mi chiamo Ben.- On stringeva mai la mano, ma si esibí in un' elegante riverenza. - Allora andiamo e dimmi come preferisci la cioccolata calda? Io fondente.. - Iniziò a camminare, certo che la giovane lo avrebbe seguito e da quel che sembrava, non doveva essere una Dood, il che era una gran fortuna per lui che odiava ogni razza e ogni individuo ma aveva qualche segreta eccezione.
Ginny R. Océane Lagarce
A mano a mano che il tempo passava, quella sensazione di gelo sembrava scemare sempre di più eppure la veggente si chiese ancora una volta se non fosse dovuta semplicemente alla temperatura così rigida. Ricordava come s'era sentita durante la festa, poco prima che rischiasse la vita, eppure ora c'era qualcosa di diverso. Probabilmente era tutto frutto della sua mente. Con un sorriso in volto, la Lagarce osservò quella riverenza che tuttavia non le parve strana. Vi erano infinità di motivi per cui una persona non tendesse la mano e lei era la prima a non farlo il più delle volte. « Rigorosamente al latte... E so che potrebbe essere troppo dolce, ma il fondente mmh... No, proprio non ci siamo. » Commentò facendo finta di rabbrividire al sol pensiero. Fin da piccola Ginny s'era sempre concessa i dolci migliori in assoluto, ma tutto ciò che era a base di cioccolata era la sua debolezza. Ella s'incamminò accanto a Ben stringendosi nel cappotto prima di portare entrambe le mani davanti alla bocca così da soffiarci e provare a scaldarle. « Ti prego, dimmi che almeno cedi al gusto della panna... »
Ben Scott
Ben sapeva che potesse risultare strano non porgere la mano, ma lui non lo faceva per nascondere la propria natura, dato che era umano, lo faceva perché non sopportava il contatto con le altre persone, erano poche quelle a cui concedeva tale gesto. - Niente panna. Più scura è la cioccolata e più mi piace.- Era insito in lui amatevi gusti forti, basti pensare che era quasi dipendete da alcuni odori, Trani quali la polvere da sparo. Era felice di essere partito prima della notte di Halloween ed essere tornato solo dopo, almeno nessuno attribuiva a lui l'unica colpa che non aveva. - Allora, dimmi, che lavoro fai?- Chiese dopo essere entrato nel locale ed essersi seduto al tavolo in angolo. - Io lavoro con i computer.-
Ginny R. Océane Lagarce
Quante persone aveva conosciuto che non avevano teso la mano in fase di presentazione? E quante di queste s'erano scoperte poi essere essere sovrannaturali? Di certo meno delle persone che avevano i loro motivi per farlo e lei era la prima. Era decisamente più strano che non volesse la panna ed in quel momento, si voltò mostrandosi colpita ed esterrefatta. Cominciò a scuotere il capo continuando a mantenere lo stesso sorriso di poco prima mentre giungevano a destinazione. « Uhm... Qualcosa da nascondere? » Domandò con ilarità prima di ampliare lo stesso sorriso che fino a poco fa era solamente accennato. « E' come la storia del caffè, si dice che chi lo prende amaro abbia qualcosa da nascondere ma non credo che sia così. Hai presente i soliti detti popolari a cui una volta si credeva? Ecco... Ma la cioccolata senza panna è come non concedersi il bis. » Scrollò le spalle sorridendo mentre ricordava quanti fossero i detti, le superstizioni e tutte quelle leggende che alcuni si sentivano in dovere di seguire. Solo quando i due ragazzi giunsero all'interno del locale, Gnny si concesse di portare le mani davanti alle labbra e soffiare per fare in modo che si scaldassero. Subito il calore cominciò a far rilassare la veggente, la quale si voltò poi in direzione di Ben per rispondere. « Vediamo... Sono una studentessa di giornalismo, ma sto facendo anche un tirocinio al Raven's News e se ti chiedi dove mi hai già visto è perché spesso lavoro come modella. Tu, computer, eh? »
Ben Scott
Ben si era perso alla prima parte del discorso sul caffè e la panna, ma permettendosi di lasciare da parte ogni altro discorso, lasciò che la ragazza fosse a proprio agio. Non sapeva se fosse un sovrannaturale, non ne aveva la certezza, ma da lei sarebbe magari arrivato a seguire la tracce di qualcuno, magari di più incosciente e potente. - Ma si non hai tutti i torti.- Prese posto al tavolo più distaccato dagli altri , sedendosi strofinò le mani per scaldarle e ai adagiò sulla sedia. - Ecco.. ecco.. la mia migliore amica lavora al giornale, ti avrò vista quando a volte sono passati da lei.- Annuì e da quel momento, entrata in gioco Andrea, sapeva che non avrebbe mai attaccato la giovane, se non costretto, era troppo vicina alla migliore amica . - Allora ordiniamo?- Avrebbero passato del tempo insieme, il tempo di bere qualcosa di caldo e tornare poi verso la via di casa .
Ginny R. Océane Lagarce
Probabilmente stava perfino parlando troppo la veggente in quel momento, eppure dopo una qualche remora iniziale, s'era sentita a suo agio in compagnia di Ben. Credeva ancora che fosse fuori dagli schemi, non una persona che avrebbe potuto conoscere un giorno qualunque, eppure, proprio per questo motivo, ne era affascinata. Prese posto assieme a Ben, l'uno di fronte all'altra, e quando sentì il riferimento ad una possibile sua amica al giornale, la Lagarce si illuminò. « Siamo un gruppo ristretto, è un po' come una seconda famiglia. » Commentò con un sorriso sulle labbra prima di dare uno sguardo alla cameriera che nel frattempo aveva fatto capolino accanto a loro. Erano pronti a trascorrere un po' di tempo insieme, tra una chiacchera e l'altra, bevendo ciò che li aveva fatti conoscere.
❪ 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒍𝒆. ❫
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newcountryradio · 3 years
New country #1098(657) van 8 november  2021  (wk 45) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
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Album van de week *Sturgill Simpson*The Ballad Of Dood & Juanita *High TopMountain rec.
1. Chris Stapleton--  Millionaire -- *Mercury
2. Kenny Chesney w/pink--Setting The world On Fire -- *blue chair /columbia
3. Lee Brice --   Soul       --                     *curb
4. Elvie Shane  --  Love, Cold Beer, Cheap Smoke --  *wheelhouse  
5.  Justin Moore                      With A Woman You Love       *valory   
6.  Morgan Wade      ----Wilder Days                     *arista  
7.  Chase Rice  --  If I Were Rock & Roll  --*Dack Janiels | Broken Bow
8. Zac Brown Band    --   Same Boat     --   *home grown/warner   #3
9. Walker Hayes  ----      Fancy Like      -    *monument #2
10.  Jason Aldean/Carrie Underwood --If I Didn’t Love You *capitol nashville #1
11.  Sturgill Simpson  -- prologue/’Ol dood -- *High Top Mountain rec.
12. Sturgill Simpson   -Shamrock --   *High Top Mountain rec.
13.     The Whitmore Sisters               Hurting For A Letdown
14.   SUSTO  ---   All Around The World                    *new west /pias
15.   Hank Williams jr     -- There’s A Tear In My Beer  --*warner bros
 16.   Mac Leaphart     --  That Train      --     *mac leaphart  *favoriet    
17.  Garth Brooks    --    Unanswered Prayers              *capitol    
18.  Garth Brooks     --  Friends In Low Places             *capitol        
19.   Larry Fleed     --     Where I Find God         *sofi
20.  Margot Merah     --      Standing Still                   *self release
21.   Los Lobos     ---    Native Sons               *new west  
22.  Ben Reel  -- Could’ve Been (live) -- *B. Reel Records/sonic rendez vous    
23. Sturgill Simpson      -- Played Out --     *High Top Mountain rec.
24. Sturgill Simpson     --   Sam       --        *High Top Mountain rec.
25.  Zac Brown Band    -- The Comeback  --*home grown/warner music
26.  Pistol Annies  --     If We Make It Through December *rca nashville  
27.   Lady A w/C.Pearce/T. Rhett/D.Rucker—Friends Don’t Let Friends--*bmlg  
28.  Morgan Wallen  --  Wasted On You          -- *big loud republic  
29.   Mark Willls     ---       When You Think On Me --  *mercury
 30.  Jo Dee Messina  -  Heads Carolina Tails California-- *blackriver*trucksong  
31.  Chris Stapleton     --      Broken Halos --         *mercury  
32.   Willie Nelson & family   -- Family Bible  --- *Legacy Recordings-juweeltje
33.   Vince Gill   ----    Look At Us                 *mca
34.   Charles Wesley Godwin   --  Coal Country  -- 
35.  Hayes Carll  -- Help Me Remember -- *dualtone music group* (3 in 1)
36.  Kathy Mattea         --    Where You ‘ve been               (3 in 1)  
37.  Brett Eldredge      --   Raymond      --           *Atlantic (3 in 1)  
38. Sturgill Simpson    ---   Juanita       ---      *High Top Mountain rec.
39. Sturgill Simpson      --    Go In Peace        --         *High Top Mountain rec.
40.Hilde Vos --I Don’t Like This World Anymore  -- *neo
41.Esther van Kommer    -- Solid Rock     --  *neo *dutch  corner
42.Jack Bottleneck and band       Ain’t Waiting      ---  *self
43.Sara Evans        ------   Born To Fly            --      *rca  
44. Little Big Town    ---     Wine Beer Whiskey       --*capitol
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Adres  Bauke van der vliet Samensteller/ presentator New Country Barten 30 8447 BS Heerenveen   ([email protected])            
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