#What hurts the most
sad-girl-autism · 23 days
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monkeydluffy19920 · 10 months
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“But I know if I could do it over, I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart, That I left unspoken”
Rascal Flatts - What hurts the most
Again reposting my old Youtube projects just for fun :D 
Still don’t personally think Oda would kill any of the main characters out of the blue, it just crashed on the idea of this series like written previously. So this is just a “What if something went  horribly wrong and Nami never got the chance to tell Sanji how she really felt?” kinda project and Sanji being present in their memories. 
I must say Robin’s farewell cherry blossoms is one of my favorite small scene in Water 7 arc. It is just so heartbreaking how close they were to meet but yet so far away and that was one of the main inspirations for this amv. 
All in all, unfortunately not a happy ending this time, just sailing with the boats of feels with Nami🫠
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punkrock-bottom · 1 year
Where did you hide those years with me?
Or did you kill me off completely?
When we were brothers
When we had it all figured out
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soulinkpoetry · 2 years
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If you ignore me for too long, if you decide to put me in that place of indifference, don’t expect me to come back. Patience runs out at some point.
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m-t--d-i-a-b-l-o · 9 months
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lesbianrustcohle · 1 year
trust me just listen to the end of this clip
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mamatayto · 6 months
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Ya know; I'll admit that it sucks and hurts to not have my childhood best friend in my life anymore. Another broken piece of losing and leaving everything behind to start a new life, to start over with my husband and kids.
Sucks that she believes lies and rumors from others that I'd steal from her like that. The most comfortable person to talk to about any and everything just gone and moving on enjoying her own life. Having nothing she would ever want to share or say to me again other than bitterness and anger of her own.
Ya know what hurts most about not having her in my life anymore? All the things we said we would share together as children that are now gone. What hurts the most other than NOT being able to share my failures, tragedies, and victories with her; is the emptiness left inside knowing the amount of years we would just talk talk talk talk and fantasize about being aunites and being there for when we have children finally... and their very first aunt to love is just gone.
When she thought she had proof of my stealing from her, she told me she was done and blocked me everywhere. I told her I don't have time for that kind of drama right then, and that if she blocked me and chose to reject me she wouldn't be allowed to take it back this time. I even let her know albeit angrily that I had been asked out, and was going to leave state to start my life over and have babies finally. I just KNEW he was the one who would get me pregnant and father my babies. And she didn't even care due to her own sense of betrayal and anger. Now my 2 beautiful babies are here and she is not. I often day dream about her driving up on weekends just to hang out with the kids. Chatting and chilling like we used to.. except with the kids. She would really love them both....
What hurts the most is what she is missing out on now.
But.. she is moving on and making her own happiness in the world which is fantastic.
Ya know ... it was really hard the day my son was born. March 24th. All I really wanted to do was video call her to show him to her and talk about how odd and wonderful it was that my second child was born in the same month as she is.
Or to talk to her about every struggle of parenting and living with my in-laws.
It hurts and is sad she gave that all up. But as long as she's happy it was worth it.
I love you always no matter what Jammie... I'm no longer watching you and following your posts. You know how to reach out to me. I won't reach out since I'm not the one who blocked and walked away. But I am sorry for the way things happened.
That being said...
My new life couldn't be better too. I'm with a loving and nurturing man who doesn't hit me and slam me against fridges when he is drunk or had a bad day. He actually pays attention to my moods, and actively WANTS me around. Took him awhile to get there, but also defends me against his parents. Finally starting to be on the same page with me on parenting. Living with two toxic in-laws hasn't been easy, and being molested by my father inlaw has made living here very difficult mentally and emotionally. We are moving into our very own and first rental house mid May, which I cannot wait for in layers of reasons. It hasn't been perfect or easy, and nothing in life is... but overall I couldn't be happier and remain focused on being a stay at home mom for now. I won't be a working mom for awhile yet.
Still trying to learn to drive. Having a he'll of a time just passing the multiple choice test yet, especially when there are differences from state to state. When living in Oregon I was 2 questions away from passing. Now though? Now I'm lucky to score 42%! But as soon as I'm driving I get to do all sorts of things including take up an Instacart Driver job.
Just being a mom of 2 so young, and house wife keeps me crazy busy.
But I do love my life now. And my family.
I don't know why trying out poly was so important to me I'm my past. Maybe because I wanted to be loved the way I needed without having to leave what I already had. Idk. But it wasn't for me or right. I'm relieved and blessed to be with a man happy to only have 1 woman in his life. In fact when I found a couple potential women to play with he got mad and asked me if he isn't enough for me. I was confused because what man doesn't want 2 women st the same time for fun? But it's MY man who don't care about that shit. Lucky me honestly~♡
Even though you won't talk to me Jammie, I'm glad we are both moving forward and mostly happy now. That makes all the pain and distance worth it.
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hanniballecterrp · 2 years
Open Sad Hannigram Thread-What Hurts The Most
This is set to the song I’m currently listening to on YouTube, “What Hurts The Most” by Rascal Flatts. Hannibal and Will recently broke up after a massive fight, now he’s crying, as he regrets making Will leave him, deep down, he had hoped he’d marry Will and that they’d truly be Murder Husbands...Now he sadly walks around his empty house, letting tears out now and then, showing he’s not afraid to cry...
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“Will, I miss you so much, what hurts the most was being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away. And never knowing what could’ve been and not seeing that loving you is what I was trying to do...Please come back, I’ll be nicer to you this time, I promise that....I now live with regret.”
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donclairenf · 1 year
When you thought you’ve finally moved on.
Then one day you saw him and all the feelings about you two suddenly came back inside of you.
You decided to ignore his presence. Holding it in. Keeping your composure. But inside you’re dying. Then you walk away with all your emotions in tact.
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 years
I'm not afraid to cry Every once in a while even though goin on with you gone still upsets me There are days Every now and again I pretend I'm OK but that's not what gets me
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monkeydluffy19920 · 1 year
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Just reposting an amv made back in the days when I changed my video editor from Windows Movie Maker to Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0.  Shortly about the setting: it’s a “what if”-kind of story placed on Skypiea. 
In this amv Sanji didn’t make it unfortunately leaving his mates especially Nami heart broken and mourning. Nami keeps processing her feelings towards him and noticing that she liked Sanji more than she was first willing to admit and now it’s too late for it but she has the chance to leave a farewell message to a tone dial.  
My first project made with Adobe Premiere elements 7.0 so it was all new back then. But tried to make Sanji “appear” as a memory a couple of times, for example in that cherry blossom-scene from the Water7 and later with the snow that falls during the viking funeral for him (and Going Merry) reminding a similar scene where he sit outside on the deck when winter falls off (which was from a movie but perfect for this project).   
As a shipper, it’s sad to make any tragic endings even as a silly projects but fortunately, most likely Oda wouldn’t make Nami (or other Straw Hat member) go trough another tragic lost (since one of the main themes of this series is reaching out for dreams and it would kind of crash the ideology if Sanji died since he is one of the main characters). 
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edgy-artkid · 2 years
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soulinkpoetry · 1 year
The scars that are not visible to the eye are far greater than those of the flesh.
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wickedrainbows · 2 years
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
Mark Wills - What hurts the most
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